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2023-07-25 12:59:28

Mark Twain (pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens,1835-1910),was an American writer,journalist and humorist,who won a worldwide audience for his stories of the youthful adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.

Clemens was born on November 30,1835 in Florida,Missouri,of a Virginian family.He was brought up in Hannibal,Missouri.After his father"s death in 1847,he was apprenticed to a printer and wrote for his brother"s newspaper.He later worked as a licensed Mississippi river-boat pilot.The Civil War put an end to the steamboat traffic and Clemens moved to Virginia City,where he edited the Territorial Enterprise.On February 3,1863,"Mark Twain" was born when Clemens signed a humorous travel account with that pseudonym.

In 1864 Twain left for California,and worked in San Francisco as a reporter.He visited Hawaii as a correspondent for The Sacramento Union,publishing letters on his trip and giving lectures.He set out on a world tour,traveling in France and Italy.His experiences were recorded in 1869 in The Innocents Abroad,which gained him wide popularity,and poked fun at both American and European prejudices and manners.

The success as a writer gave Twain enough financial security to marry Olivia Langdon in 1870.They moved next year to Hartford.Twain continued to lecture in the United States and England.Between 1876 and 1884 he published several masterpieces,Tom Sawyer (1881) and The Prince And The Pauper (1881).Life On The Mississippi appeared in 1883 andHuckleberry Finn in 1884.

In the 1890s Twain lost most of his earnings in financial speculations and in the failure of his own publishing firm.To recover from the bankruptcy,he started a world lecture tour,during which one of his daughters died.Twain toured New Zealand,Australia,India,and South Africa.He wrote such books as The Tragedy Of Pudd"head Wilson (1884),Personal Recollections Of Joan Of Arc (1885),A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur"s Court (1889) and the travel book Following The Equator (1897).During his long writing career,Twain also produced a considerable number of essays.

The death of his wife and his second daughter darkened the author"s later years,which is seen in his posthumously published autobiography (1924).Twain died on April 21,1910.


masterpieces 怎么读

masterpieces 英["mɑ:stu0259pi:su026az] 美["mɑ:stu0259pi:su026az] n. 佳作; 杰作,名作( masterpiece的名词复数 ); [例句]His collection was studded with Flemish masterpieces.他的收藏里有许多佛兰芒人的杰作。[其他] 原型: masterpiece
2023-07-24 21:36:471


2023-07-24 21:37:051

Unit7 Art Lesson1 Masterpieces 语篇研读

Unit 7 ArtLesson 1 Masterpieces 语篇研读[主题语境/主题意义] 本课是第7单元的阅读课,语篇介绍三幅世界名画:《星空》《呐喊》《灯之王国》,属于“人与社会”主题语境中的“文学、艺术与体育”范畴里的“绘画建筑等领域的代表性作品和人物”主题内容。其主题意义在于让学生学会从鉴赏绘画艺术,从不同的角度包括创作背景创作灵感等;培养跨文化意识,领悟世界文化的多样性和丰富性,汲取优秀文化。[主要内容/what] 本课文本主要介绍三幅世界文化的作者、画作表达内容,以及作者画作灵感来源、画家本人对画作的感受、评价和世人对画作的评价。 The Starry Night 成于1889年6月,荷兰画家梵高。画作表达的是窗外所见的景色---有云,星星和月亮的夜空。画作当时并不受欢迎。梵高甚至认为这是一幅失败的作品。这幅画作色彩运用很不平常。世人认为可能是精神疾病影响了他的视觉。 The Scream 成于1893,挪威画家蒙克。画中有一个一个表情恐惧的瘦弱身影——嘴巴大张正发出强烈的尖叫声。专家认为这个作品和引起他痛苦的心理健康问题有关系。 The Empire of Light成于1953~1954,比利时画家马可利特。同一场景画了27次。画中是一座美丽的房子,房子里充满了灯光,外面却被黑暗包围。画作来源于作家自己的思想和想法。他认为艺术就是给观众带来震撼。观众对画作感受不一。 三幅画有一个共同之处:
2023-07-24 21:37:121

staight masterpirces是什么意思

你又没有写错啊,straight masterprices ,一个直接的专业性的价格,你如果没写错当我白说
2023-07-24 21:37:313


2023-07-24 21:37:413

Among the well-know works on display___masterpieces f...

2023-07-24 21:38:052

Among the well-know works on display___masterpieces from the Uffizi Gallery of Florence and Italy.

2023-07-24 21:38:121


2023-07-24 21:38:212


作者介绍:马克吐温,(Mark Twain l835~1910) 美国作家.本名塞谬尔·朗赫恩·克莱门斯.马克·吐温是其笔名.出生于密西西比河畔小城汉尼拔的 一个乡村贫穷律师家庭,从小出外拜师学徒.当过排字工人,密西西比河水手、南军士兵,还经营过木材 业、矿业和出版业,但有效的工作是当记者和写作幽默文学.马克·吐温是美国批判现实主义文学的奠基人,世界著名的短篇小说大师.他经历了美国从“自由”资 本主义到帝国主义的发展过程,其思想和创作也表现为从轻快调笑到辛辣讽刺再到悲观厌世的发展阶段.他 的早期创作,如短篇小说《竟选州长》(1870)、《哥尔斯密的朋友再度出洋》(1870)等,以幽默、诙谐 的笔法嘲笑美国“民主选举”的荒谬和“民主天堂”的本质.中期作品,如长篇小说《镀金时代》(1874, 与华纳合写)、代表作长篇小说《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》(1886)及《傻瓜威尔逊》(1893)等,则以深 沉、辛辣的笔调讽刺和揭露像瘟疫般盛行于美国的投机、拜金狂热,及暗无天日的社会现实与惨无人道的种 族歧视.《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》通过白人小孩哈克跟逃亡黑奴吉姆结伴在密西西比河流浪的故事,不仅 批判封建家庭结仇械斗的野蛮,揭露私刑的毫无理性,而且讽刺宗教的虚伪愚昧,谴责蓄奴制的罪恶,并歌 颂黑奴的优秀品质,宣传不分种族地位人人都享有自由权利的进步主张.作品文字清新有力,审视角度自然 而独特,被视为美国文学史上具划时代意义的现实主义著作.19世纪末,随着美国进入帝国主义发展阶段,马克·吐温一些游记、杂文、政论,如《赤道环行记》(1897)、中篇小说《败坏了哈德莱堡的人》 (1900)、《神秘来客》(1916)等的批判揭露意义也逐渐减弱,而绝望神秘情绪则有所伸长.马克·吐温被誉为“美国文学中的林肯”.他的主要作品已大多有中文译本. Mark Twain (pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens,1835-1910),was an American writer,journalist and humorist,who won a worldwide audience for his stories of the youthful adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Clemens was born on November 30,1835 in Florida,Missouri,of a Virginian family.He was brought up in Hannibal,Missouri.After his father"s death in 1847,he was apprenticed to a printer and wrote for his brother"s newspaper.He later worked as a licensed Mississippi river-boat pilot.The Civil War put an end to the steamboat traffic and Clemens moved to Virginia City,where he edited the Territorial Enterprise.On February 3,1863,"Mark Twain" was born when Clemens signed a humorous travel account with that pseudonym. In 1864 Twain left for California,and worked in San Francisco as a reporter.He visited Hawaii as a correspondent for The Sacramento Union,publishing letters on his trip and giving lectures.He set out on a world tour,traveling in France and Italy.His experiences were recorded in 1869 in The Innocents Abroad,which gained him wide popularity,and poked fun at both American and European prejudices and manners. The success as a writer gave Twain enough financial security to marry Olivia Langdon in 1870.They moved next year to Hartford.Twain continued to lecture in the United States and England.Between 1876 and 1884 he published several masterpieces,Tom Sawyer (1881) and The Prince And The Pauper (1881).Life On The Mississippi appeared in 1883 andHuckleberry Finn in 1884. In the 1890s Twain lost most of his earnings in financial speculations and in the failure of his own publishing firm.To recover from the bankruptcy,he started a world lecture tour,during which one of his daughters died.Twain toured New Zealand,Australia,India,and South Africa.He wrote such books as The Tragedy Of Pudd"head Wilson (1884),Personal Recollections Of Joan Of Arc (1885),A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur"s Court (1889) and the travel book Following The Equator (1897).During his long writing career,Twain also produced a considerable number of essays. The death of his wife and his second daughter darkened the author"s later years,which is seen in his posthumously published autobiography (1924).Twain died on April 21,1910.
2023-07-24 21:38:291


Mark Twain (pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, 1835-1910), was an American writer, journalist and humorist, who won a worldwide audience for his stories of the youthful adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Clemens was born on November 30, 1835 in Florida, Missouri, of a Virginian family. He was brought up in Hannibal, Missouri. After his father"s death in 1847, he was apprenticed to a printer and wrote for his brother"s newspaper. He later worked as a licensed Mississippi river-boat pilot. The Civil War put an end to the steamboat traffic and Clemens moved to Virginia City, where he edited the Territorial Enterprise. On February 3, 1863, "Mark Twain" was born when Clemens signed a humorous travel account with that pseudonym. In 1864 Twain left for California, and worked in San Francisco as a reporter. He visited Hawaii as a correspondent for The Sacramento Union, publishing letters on his trip and giving lectures. He set out on a world tour, traveling in France and Italy. His experiences were recorded in 1869 in The Innocents Abroad, which gained him wide popularity, and poked fun at both American and European prejudices and manners. The success as a writer gave Twain enough financial security to marry Olivia Langdon in 1870. They moved next year to Hartford. Twain continued to lecture in the United States and England. Between 1876 and 1884 he published several masterpieces, Tom Sawyer (1881) and The Prince And The Pauper (1881). Life On The Mississippi appeared in 1883 andHuckleberry Finn in 1884. In the 1890s Twain lost most of his earnings in financial speculations and in the failure of his own publishing firm. To recover from the bankruptcy, he started a world lecture tour, during which one of his daughters died. Twain toured New Zealand, Australia, India, and South Africa. He wrote such books as The Tragedy Of Pudd"head Wilson (1884), Personal Recollections Of Joan Of Arc (1885), A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur"s Court (1889) and the travel book Following The Equator (1897). During his long writing career, Twain also produced a considerable number of essays. The death of his wife and his second daughter darkened the author"s later years, which is seen in his posthumously published autobiography (1924). Twain died on April 21, 1910. com/twain/
2023-07-24 21:38:361

每个人都是上帝的杰作 我们要做的只是还原他而已 怎么翻译?急 坐等!

2023-07-24 21:39:083


简明释义extraordinary as if done by the spirits;extremely skillful;divine” workmanship;the secret workings of nature; 例句真是大自然的鬼斧神工。It"s uncanny workmanship of nature.我们的生命,端坐于概率垒就的金字塔的顶端。面对大自然的鬼斧神工,我们还有权利和资格说我不重要吗?Our lives sit at the peak of probability pyramid. In face of extraordinary workmanship of nature, could we still have the rightto say, I"m not important?线路评价:大自然的鬼斧神工,壮丽的生命乐章。Line rating: nature superlative craftsmanship, magnificent life movement.自然界鬼斧神工:绝美雪花---放大n倍让你看。Nature is extremely skillful: the extremely beautiful snowflake---enlarges n giving way to you very.在这样的鬼斧神工面前,人类是该自卑的。In this extraordinary as if done by the spirits before, human is the sense of inferiority.这些石头看上去像是有人精心雕琢出来的,其实,都是大自然鬼斧神工的杰作。These stones look like it was carefully crafted by the fact, are uncanny workmanship of nature"s masterpieces.你长得国泰民安,你长得用心良苦,你长得鬼斧神工,你长得劳苦功高,你长得缺心少肺。You look to be tranquil and peaceful, you look, you look uncanny workmanship, you laokugonggao much longer, you lackthe heart grow less lung.这些大自然的杰作,堪称鬼斧神工,奇妙无穷,让人佩服得五体投地,令游人流连忘返,更引起无限遐思。These masterpieces of nature, can be uncanny workmanship, endless wonderful people admire a five-way vote, so thatvisitors away, but caused xiasi unlimited.
2023-07-24 21:39:161


India is the cradleland of Buddhism where has a big influence to world. Around 629 AD, there was a very famous monk in Tang dynasty who was called Xuanzang overcomed numerous difficulties and went through lots of mountains and rivers to India to fetch the classic doctrine, and made the unforgetable constribution for the cultural exchange between China and India. there is one of four masterpieces called Xiyouji is wretten accord with his travel. He record what he saw and heared, including the custom and habits about ancient India, which became the prevous resources for understanding India .(这是莪个人的意见)
2023-07-24 21:39:384


I like reading well-known masterpieces
2023-07-24 21:39:474


  你好, 864115256  下文开头从荷马生平讲起,然后是对荷马作品的简介,希望能帮得上你忙。  HOMER, the greatest name in the history of epic poetry, and who stands as high in that department as Shakspeare does in the drama, has come down to us in modern times, as unfortunately little better than a name, and presents but scanty materials for a biography. The details of the old Greek lives of Homer, are manifestly fictitous. The central facet in which all these legendary traditions agree, is that the poet was an Asiatic Greek, and though other places are named, the greatest amount of legendary evidence clearly points to Smyrna as the city of his birth. The age of Homer is much more doubtful, but it is certain that he lived considerably before the year 776 B.C., the commencement of Greek chronology by Olympiads. Herodotus places the age of Homer 400 years before his own time, that is about 850 B.C., and that date has been received as on the whole the most probable. Tradition represents Homer as blind, and as reciting his poems as he travelled from place to place.  The principal poems which are accredited to Homer, are the Iliad and the Odyssey, and these stand as the greatest epics of any age. The Trojan war is the great central event which they celebrate. The materials out of which they are constructed, if not strictly historical in every detail of decoration, grow out of the real life of the people, and rest at least upon an honest historical substratum. In this view the Iliad is as valuable for the earliest history of the Hellenic race, as Herodotus or Thucydides are for the later periods. But it is not for the Greeks alone that Homer possesses an important historical value: he is for all ages an important record of the earliest stages of human society, second only to the books of Moses.
2023-07-24 21:40:271


2023-07-24 21:41:001


2023-07-24 21:41:091


2023-07-24 21:41:181


Uptown Funk - Mark Ronson,Bruno MarsThis hitThat ice coldMichelle PfeifferThat white goldThis one, for them hood girlsThem good girlsStraight masterpiecesStyling, while inLiving it up in the cityGot Chucks on with Saint LaurentGotta kiss myself I"m so prettyI"m too hot hot damnCalled a police and a firemanI"m too hot hot damnMake a dragon wanna retire manI"m too hot hot damnSay my name you know who I amI"m too hot hot damnAnd my band "bout that moneyBreak it downGirls hit your hallelujah whooGirls hit your hallelujah whooGirls hit your hallelujah whooCause uptown funk gonu2019 give it to youCause uptown funk gonu2019 give it to youCause uptown funk gonu2019 give it to youSaturday night and we in the spotDon"t believe me just watch come onDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchHey, hey, hey, oh!StopWait a minuteFill my cup put some liquor in itTake a sip, sign the checkJulio! Get the stretch!Ride to Harlem, Hollywood,Jackson, MississippiIf we show up, we gone show outSmoother than a fresh jar of SkippyI"m too hot hot damnCalled a police and a firemanI"m too hot hot damnMake a dragon wanna retire manI"m too hot hot damn hot damnBitch, say my name you know who I amI"m too hot hot damnAnd my band "bout that moneyBreak it downGirls hit your hallelujah whooGirls hit your hallelujah whooGirls hit your hallelujah whooCause uptown funk gonu2019 give it to youCause uptown funk gonu2019 give it to youCause uptown funk gonu2019 give it to youSaturday night and we in the spotDon"t believe me just watch come onDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchHey, hey, hey, oh!Before we leaveI"mma tell y" all a lil" somethingUptown funk you up, uptown funk you upUptown funk you up, uptown funk you upI said uptown funk you up, uptown funk you upUptown funk you up, uptown funk you upCome on, danceJump on itIf you sexy then flaunt itIf you freaky then own itDon"t brag about it, come show meCome on, danceJump on itIf you sexy then flaunt itWell it"s saturday nightAnd we in the spotDon"t believe me just watch come onDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchHey, hey, hey, oh!Uptown funk you up,Uptown funk you up say whaaUptown funk you up,Uptown funk you up, come onUptown funk you up,Uptown funk you up, say whaaUptown funk you up,Uptown funk you up, come onUptown funk you up,Uptown funk you up say whaaUptown funk you up,Uptown funk you up come onUptown funk you up,Uptown funk you up say whaaUptown funk you up
2023-07-24 21:43:401

求美国作家的英文简介,1000words,急用 比如:马克吐温,海明威,都行

Mark Twain (pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, 1835-1910), was an American writer, journalist and humorist, who won a worldwide audience for his stories of the youthful adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Clemens was born on November 30, 1835 in Florida, Missouri, of a Virginian family. He was brought up in Hannibal, Missouri. After his father"s death in 1847, he was apprenticed to a printer and wrote for his brother"s newspaper. He later worked as a licensed Mississippi river-boat pilot. The Civil War put an end to the steamboat traffic and Clemens moved to Virginia City, where he edited the Territorial Enterprise. On February 3, 1863, "Mark Twain" was born when Clemens signed a humorous travel account with that pseudonym. In 1864 Twain left for California, and worked in San Francisco as a reporter. He visited Hawaii as a correspondent for The Sacramento Union, publishing letters on his trip and giving lectures. He set out on a world tour, traveling in France and Italy. His experiences were recorded in 1869 in The Innocents Abroad, which gained him wide popularity, and poked fun at both American and European prejudices and manners. The success as a writer gave Twain enough financial security to marry Olivia Langdon in 1870. They moved next year to Hartford. Twain continued to lecture in the United States and England. Between 1876 and 1884 he published several masterpieces, Tom Sawyer (1881) and The Prince And The Pauper (1881). Life On The Mississippi appeared in 1883 andHuckleberry Finn in 1884. In the 1890s Twain lost most of his earnings in financial speculations and in the failure of his own publishing firm. To recover from the bankruptcy, he started a world lecture tour, during which one of his daughters died. Twain toured New Zealand, Australia, India, and South Africa. He wrote such books as The Tragedy Of Pudd"head Wilson (1884), Personal Recollections Of Joan Of Arc (1885), A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur"s Court (1889) and the travel book Following The Equator (1897). During his long writing career, Twain also produced a considerable number of essays. The death of his wife and his second daughter darkened the author"s later years, which is seen in his posthumously published autobiography (1924). Twain died on April 21, 1910. (以上是关于马克吐温的)
2023-07-24 21:43:481


innocence--Avril Lavigne
2023-07-24 21:43:582


马克·吐温(Mark Twain),美国作家、演说家,真实姓名是萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门(Samuel Langhorne Clemens)。“马克·吐温”是他的笔名,原是密西西比河水手使用的表示在航道上所测水的深度的术语。代表作品有小说《百万英镑》、《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》、《汤姆·索亚历险记》等
2023-07-24 21:44:185


A tall old man
2023-07-24 21:44:343


1 c 因为四本书既有关于写科幻小说的又有是科幻小说的,但都是与“科幻小说”有关的 2 D Orson Scott Card是Masterpieces这整本书的作者 而题目是其中的一则故事---“Bears Discover Fire ”,它的作者是Terry Bisson,因为“Bears Discover Fire by Terry Bisson, ” 3 A “Only 2 left in stock-order soon by”因为只剩下两本了 而且价格便宜 又是小说 比前面两本写小说用书要畅销 4 A C 是说“Writing Science Fiction & Fantasy”而不是”World Building”因为“This how-to book is divided into four parts: “Story-telling;”还有 “ but Anderson"s technical essay on preparing a scientifically valid world couldn"t be better” D 都是围绕“Astronaut Claire Logan”这个主人公来讲的一个故事,我们不能看出它不止一个故事 “Masterpieces”是适合新手的 因为“However, it is a great book for new science fiction readers.” 所以答案选B 不知道这样回答对你用没有
2023-07-24 21:45:071


Mt.Taishan is located in the middle of Shandong Province, with a total area of 426 sq km. As the highest peak in Shandong with an elevation of 1,545 meters, Mt. Taishan is called "Chief of the Five Sacred Mountains" and "First Mountain Under Heaven." With its abundant cultural treasures, Mt.Taishan is honored as a sacred mountain and the symbol of Chinese national spirit. From ancient times to the Qing Dynasty, emperors came to this reverend peak to hold grand ceremonies to worship the Gods of Heaven and earth. On the mountain there are 22 ancient construction complex, over 100 other buildings, more than 1,800 above carved stones, nearly 20,000 ancient trees and numerous poems and masterpieces written by scholars throughout different dynasties, all of which make Mt. Taishan the epitome of oriental culture.Formed about 28 hundred million years ago, Mt.Taishan is famous for its imposing natural landscape. Besides its majesty, the Sunrise, Sunset Glow, Golden Belt of the Yellow River, the Sea of the Clouds are its four wonders. With a bird"s eye view, the mountain is divided by five valleys into six areas, which is features respectively by seclusion, spaciousness, beauty, mystery, elegance, and wonderful spectacles. Around the main peak, Jade Emperor, there are smaller 112 peaks, 98 ridges, 102 streams, 72 springs and 36 peculiar stones.Experts of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO said, "Mt.Taishan uniquely unites nature and culture together, and this means China has contributed a special heritage to the world."In 1987, Mt.Taishan was listed as both a world natural and cultural heritage by UNESCO. It was the first place named as double heritage to the world.Mt.Taishan has also been designated as one of the Top 40 Tourist Attractions in China, a Model of Civilized Scenic Spots in China, a National 5A Scenic Spot, and the First among the Ten Famous Mountains in China. And in the September of the year 2006, Mt.Taishan has become the World Geopark.望采纳,谢谢
2023-07-24 21:45:181


  Jingdezhen"s porcelain has been famous not only in China but in time it became known internationally for being "as thin as paper, as white as jade, as bright as a mirror, and as sound as a bell". The late Guo Moruo, a senior official who was also a famous historian and scholar of PRC wrote a poem that says (in translation): "China is well known in the world for its porcelain, and Jingdezhen is the most well-known centre, with the highest quality porcelain in China".  Most Jingdezhen porcelain is valued by collectors of antique porcelain throughout the world. According to media reports, a blue and white porcelain jar produced in Jingdezhen during the Yuan Dynasty was auctioned for the equivalent of RMB 230,000,000 yuan in London, UK on July 12, 2005. This was the highest price achieved by a piece of porcelain in the history of all porcelain auctions of the world. The reason for the high price is experts believe that the blue and white Yuan Dynasty porcelain has a dominant position in the history of Chinese ceramics. It represents the pinnacle of the development of Chinese blue and white porcelain.希望能够帮到您,望采纳~!
2023-07-24 21:45:413


2023-07-24 21:45:572


les miserables悲惨世界Sad WorldWorld of Sorrow
2023-07-24 21:46:052


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of people"s indulgence in instant messages and then explain why we should read more classics. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
2023-07-24 21:46:222


收单是 实施城市地方、、、、、、cvc 、 //v、xv/v、 、 、v、 v/菜vx /、v小蔡、vx才、、vv/x/x/vcxvsdffgvsdg个飞 的广泛的规定凡g非官方噶
2023-07-24 21:46:312

求英语作文,关于四大名著翻拍的,这是题目Reshooting of the Four Masterpieces of Literature

In China, almost everyone knows what you are talking about when the phrase "the four masterpieces of literature" is mentioned. These four ancient classical novels are deeply rooted in the hearts of Chinese people. At the end of last century, these works were filmed as TV series and welcomed by audiences. And four classic recently revamped rife,and four crews have been set up respectively for the re-production of the four classic novels. Since audiences are familiar with the characters in the novels, the question of which actors will play on screen becomes a matter of public concern. Many actors too are excited about playing historical figures. There was support and objections.,it can make the Classics be Universal,and also make masterpieces of the longer spread.And the negative side,there are too many loopholes,and Language is too avant-garde and there are also some ancient references dynasties errors. Finally the four classical works will be shot into TV plays again and again. So this time, it is just these four camera crews" way of interpreting the novels. Even if they fail, I think it is ok, for at least they teach a lesson to those who will film the novels next.
2023-07-24 21:46:391

enclosed with the letter is a cd of masterpieces

2023-07-24 21:47:066


   2015年6月英语六级翻译题:汉朝   汉朝是中国历史上最重要的朝代之一。汉朝统治期间有很多显著的成就,它最先向其他文化敞开了大门,对外贸易兴旺。汉朝开拓的丝绸之路通向中西亚乃至罗马,各类艺术流派繁荣,涌现了很多文学,历史,哲学巨著。公元100年中国第一部字典编纂完成,9000个字,提供释义并列举不同写法。其间,科技方面进步也取得了很大进步。发明了纸张,日晷以及测量地震的仪器,汉朝历经400年,但统治者的腐败最终导致了它的灭亡。    参考译文一:   Han Dynasty enjoys a high level of significance in Chinese history during which lots of achievements and accomplishments have been made. It is a pioneer in terms of embracing other cultures and prosperity in foreign trade. The Silk Road which was opened at that time, led the way to the Middle and Western Asia and even to Rome, where a great number of literature, historical and philosophical masterpieces were springing up and all kinds of schools of art were flourishing as well. In 100 B.C., the compilation of Chinau2019s first dictionary was finished with explanation and ways of writing of 9000 characters contained. Meanwhile, with the invention of paper, water clock, sundials and the instruments used to measure earthquakes, the great progress has been made in scientific development. The Han Dynasty lasted for 400 years. However it finally ended up due to the corruption of the rulers.    参考译文二:   Han Dynasty is one of the most important dynasties in the history of China, during whose regime there were a great many remarkable achievements. Han Dynasty was the first to open its gate to other civilizations, therefore its foreign trade was prosperous. The Silk Road exploited in Han Dynasty extended to Central and West Asia and as far as Rome. With the flourishing of diverse art schools, numerous great works in literature, history as well as philosophy emerged. In 100 B.C., the first dictionary in China was accomplished editing. It included 9,000 characters, whose explanations were given and whose different ways of writing were illustrated. Meanwhile, there are obvious advances in science and technology, with paper, water clocks, sundials and instruments measuring earthquakes invented. Han Dynasty lasted for 400 years, and went to doom because of corruption of the ruling class.    解析:   1. 汉朝是中国历史上最重要的朝代之一。汉朝统治期间有很多显著的成就。   主干:汉朝是朝代之一。有很多成就。   定状语:汉朝是(最重要的)朝代之一在中国历史上。有很多(显著的)成就在汉朝统治期间。   译文:Han Dynasty is one of the most important dynasties in the history of China, There were a great many significant achievements during its regime.   简单句复合:两个句子中都有“汉朝”,第二句可转换为定语从句   译文复合:Han Dynasty is one of the most important dynasties in the history of China, during whose regime there were a great many significant achievements.   2. 它最先向其他文化敞口大门,对外贸易兴旺。   主干:它最先,贸易兴旺。   定状语:它最先敞开大门向其他文化,(对外)贸易兴旺   译文:Han Dynasty was the first to open its gate to other civilizations, its foreign trade was prosperous.   简单句复合:前后两句可以理解为因果关系,使用therefore   复合翻译:Han Dynasty was the first to open its gate to other civilizations, therefore its foreign trade was prosperous.   3. 汉朝开拓的丝绸之路通向了中西亚乃至罗马。   主干:丝绸之路通向了中西亚乃至罗马。   定状语:丝绸之路(汉朝开拓的)通向了中西亚乃至罗马。   译文:The Silk Road exploited in Han Dynasty extended to Central and West Asia and as far as Rome.   4. 各类艺术学派繁荣,涌现了很多文学,历史,哲学巨著。   主干:巨著涌现了。   定状语:在(各类艺术学派)繁荣的背景下,(很多文学,历史,哲学)巨著涌现了。   译文:With the flourishing of diverse art schools, numerous great works in literature, history as well as philosophy emerged.   5. 公元100年中国第一部字典编撰完成,共9000个字,提供释义并列举不同的写法。   主干:字典被编撰完成,字典共9000个字,字典提供释义并列举写法(加被加主语)   定状语:公元100年,(中国第一部)字典被编撰完成,字典共9000个字,字典提供释义并列举(不同的)写法。   译文:In 100 B.C., the first dictionary in China was accomplished editing. The dictionary included 9,000 characters, the dictionary provided the explanations of those characters, the dictionary illustrated the different ways of writing of those characters.   简单句复合:“字典”和“字”多次出现,可改成定语从句   复合译文:In 100 B.C., the first dictionary in China was accomplished editing. It included 9,000 characters, whose explanations were given and whose different ways of writing were illustrated.   6. 期间,科技方面也取得了很大进步,发明了纸张,水钟,日晷(sundials)以及测量地震的仪器。   主干:有巨大进步。纸张,水总,日晷以及仪器被发明。(无主语,翻成there be结构或者被动)   定状语:期间,有巨大进步在科技方面。纸张,水总,日晷以及仪器(测量地震)被发明。   译文:Meanwhile, there are obvious advances in science and technology, paper, water clocks, sundials and instruments measuring earthquakes were invented.   简单句复合:后一句可改成非谓形式表伴随   复合译文:Meanwhile, there are obvious advances in science and technology, with paper, water clocks, sundials and instruments measuring earthquakes invented.   7. 汉朝历经400年,但统治者的腐败最终导致了它的灭亡。   主干:汉朝历经400年,腐败导致了灭亡。   定状语:汉朝历经400年。但(统治者的)腐败导致了(它的)灭亡。   简单句复合:前后不是转折而是承接关系,舍弃“但”   译文:Han Dynasty lasted for 400 years, and went to doom because of corruption of the ruling class.    重点词汇总结:   汉朝 The han dynasty   统治 reign   显著的 remarkable   对外贸易 foreign trade   兴旺 prosperity   开拓 exploit   丝绸之路 the Silk Road   罗马 Rome   艺术流派 schools of art   巨著 monumental work   编撰 compile   释义 paraphrase   水钟 water clock   腐朽 decadent   灭亡 doom
2023-07-24 21:47:311


贝多芬was a German composer. He is generally regarded as one of the greatest composers in the history of music, and was a crucial figure in the transitional period between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western classical music. His music and his reputation inspired — and in many cases intimidated — ensuing generations of composers, musicians, and audiences.[2] While primarily known today as a composer, Beethoven was also a celebrated pianist. Born in Bonn, Germany, he moved to Vienna, Austria, in his early twenties and settled there, studying with Joseph Haydn and quickly gaining a reputation as a virtuoso pianist. Despite gradual hearing loss beginning in his twenties, Beethoven continued to produce notable masterpieces throughout his life, even when he was totally deaf. Beethoven was also one of the first composers to work freelance — arranging subscription concerts, selling his compositions to publishers, and gaining financial support from a number of wealthy patrons — rather than seek out permanent employment by the church or by an aristocratic court.路德维希·凡·贝多芬(德语:Ludwig van Beethoven,1770年12月17日受洗于德国波恩,1827年3月26日在奥地利维也纳去世),是一位集古典主义大成,开浪漫主义先河的欧洲古典音乐作曲家,也是一位演奏家和指挥家。他一共创作了9首编号交响曲、35首钢琴奏鸣曲(其中后32首带有编号)、10部小提琴奏鸣曲、16首弦乐四重奏、1部歌剧、2部弥撒、1部清唱剧与3部康塔塔,另外还有大量室内乐、歌曲与舞曲。这些作品对音乐发展有著深远影响。在中国,贝多芬被尊称为乐圣。
2023-07-24 21:47:401

vincent van gogh是什么意思

2023-07-24 21:48:002

贝多芬名作全集 60CD 曲目

This review is from: Beethoven: Complete Masterpieces (Germany) (60 CD Limited Edition Box Set) (Audio CD)CD 1-5: Die 9 Sinfonien - Tonhalle Orchester Zürich/David ZinmanCD 6-7: Ouvertüren - Tonhalle Orchester Zürich/David ZinmanCD 8: Die Gesch?pfe des Prometheus op.43 (Ballettmusik) - Litauische Kammerphilharmonie/Karl Anton RickenbacherCD 9: Orchester-,Klavier-, Fl?ten und ViolinwerkeCD 10-12: 5 Klavierkonzerte - Yefim Bronfman/Tonhalle Orchester Zürich/David ZinmanCD 13: Violinkonzert op.61 + Die 2 Violinromanzen op.40+50 - Christian Tetzlaff/Tonhalleorchester Zürich/David Zinman CD 14: Tripelkonzert op.56; Septett op.20 - Yefim Bronfman/Tonhalle Orchester Zürich/David ZinmanCD 15-18: Die 10 Violinsonaten - Pinchas Zukerman/George NeikrugCD 19-20: Die 5 Cellosonaten + Variationen - Anner Bylsma/Jos van ImmerseelCD 21-25: Die 12 Klaviertrios - Seraphin TrioCD 26: Die Streichtrios op.3 und op.8 - L"ArchibudelliCD 27: Die Streichtrios op.9,1-3 - Kandinsky String TrioCD 28: Klavierquartett op.16 (Streicherfassung); Klavierquintett op.16 (Bl?serfassung) - Emanuel Ax/Isaac Stern/ Jaime Lardo/YoYo Ma/Ensemble Wien-BerlinCD 29: Kammermusik für Streicher und Holzbl?ser - L"ArchibudelliCD 30: Oktett op.103 / Klarinettensextett op.71 / M?rsche für B?ser, u.a. - MozzafiatoCD 31-39: Die 16 Streichquartette - Alexander String QuartetCD 40-50: Die 32 Klaviersonaten - Yukio Yokoyama, Charles Rosen, Vladimir Horowitz, Justus Frantz, Gerhard Oppitz, Robert CasadesusCD 51: Die Bagatellen für Klavier Solo - Yukio YokoyamaCD 52: Die Variationen für Klavier Solo - Yukio YokoyamaCD 53: Diabelli-Variationen + 4 Klavierstücke WoO - Olli MustonenCD 54: Lieder von den Britischen Inseln - Elaine Woods/Carolyn Watkinson/Richard Salter/Helmut DeutschCD 55: Christus am ?rge op.85 - Philadelphia Orchestra/Eugene OrmandyCD 56: Messe op.86 - Tokyo Oratorio Society/Ensemble of Tokyo/Wolfdieter MaurerCD 57: Missa Solemnis op.123 - Tonhalle Orchester Zürich/David ZinmanCD 58: Chorwerke - Regine Crespin/New York Philharmonic Orchestra/Thomas Schippers,Ambrosian Opera Chorus/London Symphony Orchestra/Tilson Thomas Martina Arroyo/Justine Diaz/Camerata SingersCD 59-60: Fidelio op.72 - Gewandhausorchester Leipzig/Kurt Masur
2023-07-24 21:48:081


The Butterfly Lovers is a Chinese legend of a tragic love story of a pair of lovers, Liang Shanbo (梁山伯) and Zhu Yingtai (祝英台), whose names form the title of the story. The title is often abbreviated to Liang Zhu (梁祝) and often regarded as the Chinese equivalent of Romeo and Juliet. Six cities in the People"s Republic of China have collaborated in 2004 on a formal application for the Proclamation of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity on the legend at UNESCO, submitted in 2006 through the Chinese Ministry of Culture.The legend of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai is set in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Zhu Yingtai is a beautiful and intelligent young woman, the ninth child and only daughter of the wealthy Zhu family of Shangyu, Zhejiang. Although traditions of that era discourage females from going to school, Zhu manages to convince her father to allow her to attend classes in disguise as a young man. During her journey to Hangzhou, she meets Liang Shanbo, a scholar from Kuaiji (present-day Shaoxing). They chat and feel a strong affinity for each other at their first meeting. Hence, they gather some soil as incense and take an oath of fraternity in the pavilion of a thatched bridge.They study together for the next three years in school and Zhu gradually falls in love with Liang. Although Liang equals Zhu in their studies, he is still a bookworm and fails to notice the feminine characteristics exhibited by his classmate.One day, Zhu receives a letter from her father, asking her to return home as soon as possible. Zhu has no choice but to pack her belongings immediately and bid Liang farewell. However, in her heart, she has already confessed her love for Liang and is determined to be with him for all eternity. Before her departure, she reveals her true identity to the headmaster"s wife and requests her to hand over a jade pendant to Liang as a betrothal gift.Liang accompanies his "sworn brother" for 18 miles to see her off. During the journey, Zhu hints to Liang that she is actually a woman. For example, she compares them to a pair of mandarin ducks (symbolic of lovers in Chinese culture) but Liang does not catch her hints and does not have even the slightest suspicion that his companion is a woman in disguise. Zhu finally comes up with an idea and tells Liang that she will act as a matchmaker for him and her "sister". Before they part, Zhu reminds Liang to visit her residence later so he can propose to marry her "sister." Liang and Zhu reluctantly part ways at the Changting pavilion.Months later, when Liang visits Zhu, he discovers that she is actually a woman. They are devoted to and passionate about each other and they make a vow of "till death do us part". The joy of their reunion is short-lived as Zhu"s parents have already arranged for her to marry a man from a rich family called Ma Wencai. Liang is heartbroken when he hears the news and his health gradually deteriorates until he becomes critically ill. He dies in office later as a county magistrate.On the day of Ma and Zhu"s marriage, mysterious whirlwinds prevent the wedding procession from escorting the bride beyond Liang"s grave, which lies along the journey. Zhu leaves the procession to pay her respects to Liang. She descends in bitter despair and begs for the grave to open up. Suddenly, the grave opens with a clap of thunder. Without further hesitation, Zhu throws herself into the grave to join Liang. Their spirits turn into a pair of beautiful butterflies and emerge from the grave. They fly together as a pair and are never to be separated again.
2023-07-24 21:48:163

Mother Nature是什么意思

Mother Nature自然母亲
2023-07-24 21:48:533


2023-07-24 21:49:002


One reason for my admiration for Cao Xueqin"s "Dream of the Red Chamber" is that the novel provides a profound and insightful reflection on the complexities of human nature and social relationships. Through the vivid portrayal of characters and their interactions, the novel captures the joys, sorrows, passions, and dilemmas of life in a vivid and realistic way. Additionally, the novel"s masterful use of language and poetic imagery creates a captivating and unforgettable reading experience. Overall, "Dream of the Red Chamber" is a timeless masterpiece that continues to resonate with readers around the world.
2023-07-24 21:49:231


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2023-07-24 21:41:331


常用的自我清除牙菌斑的口腔保健用品和方法有以下几种: 刷牙。刷牙是清除菌斑、预防和控制牙周疾病最有效、最易被人们接受和掌握的方法。刷牙一定要认真刷、每天早晚各一次,刷牙时尤其要刷牙龈与牙齿交界处及两牙之间容易附着菌斑的部位。认真有效的刷牙,如果再配合使用含氟牙膏,效果会更好,因为氟素可以抑制菌斑。患有牙周疾病的人宜选用刷毛软的牙刷,更好的是软毛刷头的电动牙刷,像seago的就经过临床验证可以清楚95%以上的牙菌斑。牙线。牙线能有效地清除牙齿邻面的牙菌斑,预防牙周疾病和邻面龋。牙签在牙龈萎缩,牙与牙之间出现间隙(牙缝)的情况下,要借助牙签来清除牙齿邻接面的牙菌斑。牙间刷。牙间刷由刷毛和持柄两部分构成,在设计和规格方面有多种多样,可根据牙间隙的大小进行选用。 口腔冲洗器。口腔冲洗器是利用高压水柱以清除牙面和牙间隙的食物残渣和松散的牙菌斑,以起到清洁牙齿的辅助作用。 漱口和漱口液。漱口液能减少牙菌斑的形成,减少龋病和牙周疾病的发生。
2023-07-24 21:41:255


桌上一杯微凉的咖啡和没吃的面点 一屋子无声无息的空间 穿上外衣却想起没有洗去的污点 记得那是一支桔子味的冰点 茫茫的人海和往常一样装满了思念 是否当初他们也 一样缠绵 已经泛红的夕阳有这 往常一样的鲜艳 可如今 却有少 几件关于爱的时间 SAY HI YE 但她离他而去 SAY HI YE 他依然看着她 SAY HI YE 他自己问自己 穿越人海 在她耳边轻轻说爱别走远 一阵阵秋风吹着脸 天有些凉了 她的围巾还围在 脖子下面 已经有些旧了 却 不舍的丢掉 那是为何 从前的她 把他的手 疼爱的放在它的里面 SAY HI YE 但她离他而去 SAY HI YE 他依然看着她 SAY HI YE 他自己问自己 穿越人海 在她耳边轻轻说爱别走远 SAY HI YE 但她离他而去 SAY HI YE 我依然爱着你 SAY HI YE 她自己骗自己 穿越人海 在她耳边轻轻说爱别走远 夜 夜的那么美丽 有人欢笑 有人却在哭泣 尘封的记忆 残留着邂逅的美丽 辗转反侧的我失眠在夜里 你 你带走的呼吸 吻不到你 那感觉多委屈 分岔的爱情 让眼泪隔出银河的距离 轻轻关上门 让眼泪不逃避 何必要在一起 让我爱上你 至少自己过的不必太压抑 何必要在一起 逃出生命里 才让这个夜显得那么空虚 何必要在一起 让我爱上你 感觉你的呼吸是那么清晰 何必要在一起 让我没勇气 让我独自在这寒冷的夜里 何必要在一起 夜 夜的那么美丽 有人欢笑 有人却在哭泣 尘封的记忆 残留着邂逅的美丽 辗转反侧的我失眠在夜里 你 你带走的呼吸 吻不到你 那感觉多委屈 分岔的爱情 让眼泪隔出银河的距离 轻轻关上门 让眼泪不逃避 何必要在一起 让我爱上你 至少自己过的不必太压抑 何必要在一起 逃出生命里 才让这个夜显得那么空虚 何必要在一起 让我爱上你 感觉你的呼吸是那么清晰 何必要在一起 让我没勇气 让我独自在这寒冷的夜里 何必要在一起仰望星空张杰这一天 我开始仰望星空 发现心并不远 梦并不远 只要你踮起脚尖我相信有一双手 把我轻轻牵到你的跟前我相信有一根线 将梦想与现实相连我相信有一种缘 会把所有的偶然都实现我相信就是这一天命运 开始改变这一天 我开始仰望星空 发现心并不远 梦并不远 只要你踮起脚尖我从此不再彷徨 也不再腼腆张开双臂 和你一起 飞得更高 看得更远我相信有一种缘 会把所有的偶然都实现我相信就是这一天命运 开始改变这一天 我开始仰望星空 发现心并不远 梦并不远 只要你踮起脚尖我从此不再彷徨 也不再腼腆张开双臂 和你一起 飞得更高 看得更远开始仰望星空 感觉爱的时间空间寻找生命中最灿烂的亮点这一天 我开始仰望星空 发现心并不远 梦并不远 只要你踮起脚尖我从此不再彷徨 也不再腼腆张开双臂 和你一起 飞得更高 看得更远这一天 我开始仰望星空 发现心并不远 梦并不远 只要你踮起脚尖我从此不再彷徨 也不再腼腆张开双臂 和你一起 飞得更高 看得更远
2023-07-24 21:41:224


富滇银行属于城市商业银行(昆明),成立于2007年12月30日,城市商业银行一般只服务于当地的客户或者中小企业,经营范围较小。富滇银行是云南省第一家省级地方性股份制商业银行,目前设有9家分行,主营业务有:存、取、贷、代理金融、投资理财等等。扩展资料:商业银行(Commercial Bank),英文缩写为CB,是银行的一种类型,职责是通过存款、贷款、汇兑、储蓄等业务,承担信用中介的金融机构。主要的业务范围是吸收公众存款、发放贷款以及办理票据贴现等。一般的商业银行没有货币的发行权,商业银行的传统业务主要集中在经营存款和贷款业务。自2014年8月1日起有条件免收个人客户账户管理费、年费和养老金异地取款手续费,并降低部分收费标准。个人跨行柜台转账汇款手续费最高50元封顶,对公跨行柜台转账汇款手续费200元封顶。相关职能商业银行的职能是由它的性质所决定的,概念是区分于央行和投资银行的,它是储蓄机构而不是投资机构,主要有五个基本职能:调节经济调节经济是指商业银行通过其信用中介活动,调剂社会各部门的资金短缺,同时在央行货币政策和其他国家宏观政策的指引下,实现经济结构,消费比例投资,产业结构等方面的调整。此外,商业银行通过其在国际市场上的融资活动还可以调节本国的国际收支状况。商业银行因其广泛的职能,使得它对整个社会经济活动的影响十分显著,在整个金融体系乃至国民经济中位居特殊而重要的地位。随着市场经济的发展和全球经济的一体化发展,2012年的商业银行已经凸现了职能多元化的发展趋势。信用创造商业银行在信用中介职能和支付中介职能的基础上,产生了信用创造职能。商业银行是能够吸收各种存款的银行,和用其所吸收的各种存款发放贷款,在支票流通和转账结算的基础上,贷款又派生为存款,在这种存款不提取现金或不完全提现的基础上,就增加了商业银行的资金来源,最后在整个银行体系,形成数倍于原始存款的派生存款。商业长期以来,商业银行是各种金融机构中唯一能吸收活期存款,开设支票存款帐户的机构,在此基础上产生了转帐和支票流通。商业银行以通过自己的信贷活动创造和收缩活期存款,如果没有足够的贷款需求,存款贷不出去,就谈不上创造,因为有贷款才派生存款;相反,如果归还贷款,就会相应地收缩派生存款。收缩程度与派生程度相一致。因此,对商业银行来说,吸收存款在其经营中占有十分重要的地位。信用中介商业银行相关图书信用中介是商业银行最基本、最能反映其经营活动特征的职能。这一职能的实质,是通过银行的负债业务,把社会上的各种闲散货币集中到银行里来,再通过资产业务,把它投向经济各部门。商业银行是作为货币资本的贷出者与借入者的中介人或代表,来实现资本的融通、并从吸收资金的成本与发放贷款利息收入、投资收益的差额中,获取利益收入,形成银行利润。商业银行成为买卖"资本商品"的"大商人"。商业银行通过信用中介的职能实现资本盈余和短缺之间的融通,并不改变货币资本的所有权,改变的只是货币资本的使用权。支付中介商业银行除了作为信用中介,融通货币资本以外,还执行着货币经营业的职能。通过存款在帐户上的转移,代理客户支付,在存款的基础上,为客户兑付现款等,成为工商企业、团体和个人的货币保管者、出纳者和支付代理人。以商业银行为中心,形成经济过程中无始无终的支付链条和债权债务关系。金融服务随着经济的发展,工商企业的业务经营环境日益复杂化,银行间的业务竞争也日益剧烈化,银行由于联系面广,信息比较灵通,特别是电子计算机在银行业务中的广泛应用,使其具备了为客户提供信息服务的条件,咨询服务,对企业"决策支援"等服务应运而生,工商企业生产和流通专业化的发展,又要求把许多原来的属于企业自身的货币业务转交给银行代为办理,如发放工资,代理支付其他费用等。个人消费也由原来的单纯钱物交易,发展为转帐结算。现代化的社会生活,从多方面给商业银行提出了金融服务的要求。在强烈的业务竞争权力下,各商业银行也不断开拓服务领域,通过金融服务业务的发展,进一步促进资产负债业务的扩大,并把资产负债业务与金融服务结合起来,开拓新的业务领域。在现代经济生活中,金融服务己成为商业银行的重要职能。
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drew,读音:英[druu02d0],美[druu02d0]。释义:v.牵引;描绘;起草。原形:draw。短语:draw lessons from从…吸取教训。draw up草拟,起草;停住;使靠近。draw on利用;吸收;戴上;临近。draw out取出;拟订;拉长;导致。draw in引诱;进站;接近黄昏;紧缩开支。draw the conclusion得出结论;推断。draw attention引起注意。drew的例句1、A car drew up alongside.一辆汽车开上来并排而行。2、He drew back the curtain.他拉开窗帘。3、The car drew up alongside.汽车停在了旁边。4、Father drew the boy aside.父亲把儿子拉到旁边。5、She drew in some fresh air.她吸了一点新鲜空气。6、In this match he drew away.这次比赛他领先了。7、Everyone drew back in alarm.大家都惊慌地往后退。
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上海大众全部车型有途锐PHEV,途锐,蔚揽,威然,途安L,途昂X,途昂,途观L,途观L PHEV,途观X,途岳EV,途岳,ID.4,途铠,辉昂,帕萨特PHEV,帕萨特,零度,大众ID。进口的,id6,途观L,探岳gte,探岳X,途观x。纯电动的途岳ev,id4,迈腾gte,怕沙特phev,宝来纯电动,朗逸纯电动这些大众车型。上海大众的品牌历史上海大众汽车有限公司,简称上汽大众,是一家中德合资的汽车制造企业,成立于1985年2月16日,总部位于上海安亭。该公司生产与销售大众和斯柯达两个品牌的产品,上海大众旗下汽车品牌有大众桑塔纳、大众POLO、大众桑塔纳志俊、大众途安新一代、大众朗逸。以下为详细介绍:上海大众汽车有限公司是大众为了降低运营成本而成立的中德合资企业,中德双方投资比例为上海汽车集团股份有限公司50%,德国大众汽车集团40%、大众汽车(中国)投资有限公司10%。
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