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分析这句英文的结构,"as adopted是什么用法?

2023-05-19 17:53:45

Xinhua News Agency" as adopted and adapted content from Tiktok.


Xinhua News Agency as adopted and adapted content from tiktok (新华社采用和改编了Tiktok的内容)。as 是关系代词,代替了前面的。 Xinhua News Agency在定语从句里做主语。




Xinhua News Agency" as adopted and adapted content from tiktok

新华社通过采纳并改编自tik tok的内容




你好,关于“As adopted”的用法如下:

as adapted 实际上是一个定语从句,as 后面省略了一个主语。

as 是关系代词,代替了前面的。


as adapted 实际上是一个定语从句,as 后面省略了一个主语。



adopted的意思是收养的。adopted读音:美 /əˈdɑːptɪd/,英 /əˈdɒptɪd/,adj.收养的,领养的;所选择居住的,移居的;v.收养;采用,采纳;迁居,选择定居于;把……选为公职候选人;正式批准,接受;选(教材)作为课程范本;承担(道路)维修保养责任。例句1、The child did not know that he was adopted until he grew up.这个孩子长大后才知道自己是被领养的。2、Those adopted children used to live in the same orphanage.那些被收养的孩子曾经都住在同一家孤儿院。3、This adopted old man misses his motherland very much.这位移居老人非常想念自己的祖国。4、They"ve got two adopted children and one of their own.他们有两个领养的孩子和一个亲生的。5、She was adopted by her uncle after her parents passed away.她父母去世后,她被叔叔收养了。
2023-01-04 08:58:191


adopt作及物动词时意为“采取,接受,收养,正式通过”。作不及物动词时意为“采取,过继”。第三人称单数:adopts。现在分词:adopting。过去式:adopted。过去分词:adopted。记忆技巧:ad加强+ opt选择→一再通过选择→采纳。双语例句:The only way to come out on top is to adopt a different approach. 脱颖而出的唯一途径就是采用一种不同的方法。They should adopt a more imaginative approach and investigate alternative uses for their property. 他们应该采用一种更有想象力的方式来为他们的财产找到另外的用途。
2023-01-04 08:58:271


adopt的用法说明   【释义】   英 [əˈdɒpt] 美 [əˈdɑ:pt]   vt.   收养; 采用,采取,采纳; 正式接受,接受; 批准   第三人称单数: adopts 现在分词: adopting 过去式: adopted 过去分词: adopted 形近词: reopt   1. 收养,领养:   He"s not our natural son; we adopted him when he was three. 他不是我们的亲儿子——他3岁时我们领养的。   2. 采取,采用:   They adopted our methods. 他们采用了我们的办法。   3. 选定,选举:   She has been adopted as Labour candidate for York. 她被提名为约克郡的工党候选人。   4. 正式通过:   The agenda was adopted after some discussion. 经过讨论,议事日程获得通过。   【例句】   1、Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops.   议会采纳了要求全部撤军的"决议。   2、I tried to adopt a curled-up position to avoid damaging my limbs.   我努力保持蜷曲的姿势以免四肢受伤。   3、Podulski had joined the U.S. Navy as an aviator, adopting a new country and a new profession.   波度尔斯基加入美国海军当上了飞行员,不仅改了国籍还换了行当。   【用法说明】   1. adopt表示“收养”时,指法律意义上的正式收养,若指一般的认养,则用foster。   2. 汉语中的“养子(女)”说成英语是adopted son (daughter),但是“养父母”却是adoptive parents (father, mother)。但若用foster(养育的,收养的)则没有此区别,如可说a foster child(养子),a foster father(养父)。 ;
2023-01-04 08:58:431


adopt 意思:v.收养;领养;采用(某方法);采取(某态度);正式通过,表决采纳(建议、政策等)adopt 发音:英 [əˈdɒpt]   美 [əˈdɑːpt]  adopt 具体释义以及例句:1、VERB 采取;采纳;采用Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops...议会采纳了要求全部撤军的决议。2、VERB 收养;领养My parents decided to adopt the girl. 我父母决定收养了这个女孩。3、VERB 采用,保持(姿势)I tried to adopt a curled-up position to avoid damaging my limbs.我努力保持蜷曲的姿势以免四肢受伤。4、VERB 移居(某国);选择(某国)定居Podulski had joined the U.S. Navy as an aviator, adopting a new country and a new profession.波度尔斯基加入美国海军当上了飞行员,不仅改了国籍还换了行当。5、VERB 采用(语气、口音等)He has adopted the accent of a Second World War newscaster...他承袭了二战时期播音员的口音。短语搭配:to adopt通过 ; 采纳 ; 采用Adopt good文采好accept adopt采纳adopt methods采用方法adopt dogmatically教条地搬用Adopt One成年人 ; 领养一只吧扩展资料:一、第三人称单数: adopts;现在分词: adopting;过去式: adopted;过去分词: adopted二、近义词辨析:accept adoptaccept 是同意,接受,表示全盘接受adopt 是采纳,可以是部分采纳,有选择的接受.例句:I accept your opinion. 我同意你的意见I adopted some of your suggestions. 我采纳了你的一些建议.三、opt词根辨析:opt词根= to choose 选择1、adopt v. 采纳;收养ad 加强 + opt 选择 → 一再通过选择 → 采纳2、adoptable adj. 可采纳的adopt 采纳;收养 + able 可…的,能…的;具有…性质的 → 可采纳的3、adoptive adj. 采用的adopt 采纳;收养 + ive …的 → 采用的4、option n. 选择opt 选择 + ion 表动作 → 选择5、optional adj. 可选择的option 选择 + al …的 → 可选择的
2023-01-04 08:58:481


adopt:[ ə"dɔpt ] v.采用,收养,接受例句与用法:1.As they had no children of their own,they adopted an orphan.他们没有亲生儿女,就收养了一个孤儿.2.She has been adopted as Labour candidate for York.她被提名为约克郡的工党候选人.3.He is their adopted son.他是他们的养子.4.Having no children of their own they decided to adopt an orphan.他们因没有亲生儿女,所以决定领养一个孤儿.5.Paul"s mother had him adopted because she couldn"t look after him herself.保罗的母亲因为自己无力抚养他,便将他送给别人收养了.6.Congress has adopted the new measures.国会通过了新的议案.7.Most countries adopt metric system.大多数国家采用米制.8.We should adopt the consumers" suggestion.我们应该接受用户的建议
2023-01-04 08:59:052


[法] adopted daughter
2023-01-04 08:59:133

为什么这里划线的句子里adopted=are adopted?

这里是一个过去分词做定语的形式,表示被动的关系。也就是你所理解的rules are adopted by the FCC,这句话就是一个被动语态。本来用定语从句的话,就是 repeal rules that are reported by the FCC.这个定语从句的that就是指代先行词rules的。一开始所说的过去分词做定语可以理解为省略了定语从句的that are,直接用过去分词reported表示这种被动的语态。在成分上,定语是非谓语,你这一整句话的谓语动词应该是voted这个动词的过去式。希望我的回答对你有所帮助。
2023-01-04 08:59:241

being adopted 翻译一下,谢谢

2023-01-04 08:59:296


2023-01-04 08:59:553

adopted country是什么意思

adopted country:采纳国;采用国。主要指某种新技术、新产品、新标准、交通规则、制度等被采用的国家。
2023-01-04 09:00:061

It is reported that_adopted children want to

每日口语练习,每天进步一点点!If you want happiness.
2023-01-04 09:00:153


养父母或领养子女:如果你和你的人都对相关档案通过了,你必须提交一份关于通过法令,显示通过发生在孩子16岁左右开始. 如果你通过你的兄弟姐妹已经通过一个孩子,你必须提交一份关于通过法令,显示通过前淹水的兄弟姐妹,子女 " 中国18岁生日. 在这两种情况下,你还必须提出证据,是每个孩子的抚养权,与父母住谁通过他或她至少两年之前或之后通过. 保管只能由法律赋予法院或政府认可的实体时,通常通过给予定案. 不过,如果是法律赋予的监护法院或政府机构的认可通过之前,当时可算完成了对两年的法律监管要求. 又,我需要父母 " 结婚证书(邮址--尽快).感谢您信息任何需要请告诉我.
2023-01-04 09:00:293

adopt advice

2023-01-04 09:00:401


Adopted的意思是 被领养的。
2023-01-04 09:00:453


B. is,hasC. unlessC. connectionC. riseB. wereD. as well asB. adaptedB. had the film startedD. a two months"C. the  二C. Oh,not so bad,John.D. Oh,that"s all right.B. Er…What can I do for you?B. Let me lend you some.D. It"s a pleasure.
2023-01-04 09:00:561

what does the underlined word “adopted” mean i

2023-01-04 09:01:022

sat 语法

2023-01-04 09:01:104


adopt 意思:v.收养;领养;采用(某方法);采取(某态度);正式通过,表决采纳(建议、政策等)adopt 发音:英 [əˈdɒpt]   美 [əˈdɑːpt]  adopt 具体释义以及例句:1、VERB 采取;采纳;采用Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops...议会采纳了要求全部撤军的决议。2、VERB 收养;领养My parents decided to adopt the girl. 我父母决定收养了这个女孩。3、VERB 采用,保持(姿势)I tried to adopt a curled-up position to avoid damaging my limbs.我努力保持蜷曲的姿势以免四肢受伤。4、VERB 移居(某国);选择(某国)定居Podulski had joined the U.S. Navy as an aviator, adopting a new country and a new profession.波度尔斯基加入美国海军当上了飞行员,不仅改了国籍还换了行当。5、VERB 采用(语气、口音等)He has adopted the accent of a Second World War newscaster...他承袭了二战时期播音员的口音。短语搭配:to adopt通过 ; 采纳 ; 采用Adopt good文采好accept adopt采纳adopt methods采用方法adopt dogmatically教条地搬用Adopt One成年人 ; 领养一只吧扩展资料:一、第三人称单数: adopts;现在分词: adopting;过去式: adopted;过去分词: adopted二、近义词辨析:accept adoptaccept 是同意,接受,表示全盘接受adopt 是采纳,可以是部分采纳,有选择的接受.例句:I accept your opinion. 我同意你的意见I adopted some of your suggestions. 我采纳了你的一些建议.三、opt词根辨析:opt词根= to choose 选择1、adopt v. 采纳;收养ad 加强 + opt 选择 → 一再通过选择 → 采纳2、adoptable adj. 可采纳的adopt 采纳;收养 + able 可…的,能…的;具有…性质的 → 可采纳的3、adoptive adj. 采用的adopt 采纳;收养 + ive …的 → 采用的4、option n. 选择opt 选择 + ion 表动作 → 选择5、optional adj. 可选择的option 选择 + al …的 → 可选择的
2023-01-04 09:01:301


2023-01-04 09:01:423

adopt 的用法和例句?

The committee ultimately adopted his suggestions.委员会最终采纳了他的建议。《21世纪大英汉词典》We shall adopt your proposal.我们将采纳你的建议。en.bab.laThe "Strong Programs" adopt the strategy of relativism to resolve the problem of rationality of science.强纲领对科学合理性问题的解决主要采用了相对主义的策略。
2023-01-04 09:01:543

领养那只白色的狗狗翻译 英文

领养那只白色的狗狗翻译成中文是:Adopt the white dog 相关单词学习:adopt 英[əˈdɒpt] 美[əˈdɑ:pt] vt. 收养; 采用,采取,采纳; 正式接受,接受; 批准; [例句]Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops议会采纳了要求全部撤军的决议。[其他] 第三人称单数:adopts 现在分词:adopting 过去式:adopted过去分词:adopted
2023-01-04 09:02:101

英语 be adopted to 是什么意思

2023-01-04 09:02:163

请问英文Adopted Homeworld的中文是什么意思?

2023-01-04 09:02:321

家庭成员关系 英文翻译

2023-01-04 09:02:382


2023-01-04 09:02:473


adopt英 [əˈdɒpt]   美 [əˈdɑ:pt]  vt.收养;采用,采取,采纳;正式接受,接受;批准第三人称单数: adopts 现在分词: adopting 过去式: adopted 过去分词: adopted
2023-01-04 09:02:581


Hello Alex, I"m writing to tell you a hero, Hong Zhanhui. He was born in a poor family and is 24 years old now. As a kid, his mother left their family because of the hard living. He takes care of his little brother, adopted sister, and sick father. What"s more, he helps his sister go to college, thoght life is hard. He studies hard, too. And he is taking a part-time job. But, he does not want others to help. How do you think of him? Anyway, I can"t do that. Best wishes, Zhanglin
2023-01-04 09:03:512

adopted children是什么意思

2023-01-04 09:04:032

waiting to be adopted算谓语吗?

waiting to be adopted英文翻译如下等待通过重点词汇释义waiting等候; 等待; 当侍者;例句At this point in time we just have to wait.到这种时刻,我们只好等待了。
2023-01-04 09:04:1115

adopted brothers

你未婚夫和朋友的所有兄弟姐妹(包括 亲兄弟姐妹 同父异母的兄弟姐妹 异父母的兄弟姐妹 被收养的兄弟姐妹)
2023-01-04 09:05:101


adoptive的意思是采用的;有收养关系的。adoptive 网络解释1. 收养关系的:adoptionist 信仰者 | adoptive 收养关系的 | adorable 可爱的2. 采用的:adoptive 收养关系的 | adoptive 采用的 | adoptorcarryoutmeasures,policies,courseofactiontotake 采取3. 收养的、领养的:Corporation 公司 | Adoptive 收养的、领养的 | Federal budget 联邦预算adoptive 词典解释1. 收养的;有收养关系的Someone"s adoptive family is the family that adopted them. e.g. He was brought up by adoptive parents in London.他由养父母在伦敦抚养长大。e.g. ...her adoptive mother.她的养母2.所选择居住的;移居的Some-one"s adoptive country or city is the one that they choose for their home, although they were not born there.e.g. They threatened to expel him from his adoptive country...他们威胁将他驱逐出他的移居国。e.g. Galway in Ireland is my adoptive home.爱尔兰的戈尔韦是我的第二故乡。
2023-01-04 09:05:151

adopted themselves to什么意思

你好,是不是应该改为:adaptedoneselfto:使自己适应 ,调节adaptoneselfto是一个固定搭配。
2023-01-04 09:05:381


resort;英[rɪˈzɔːt];美[rɪˈzɔːrt]    n、旅游胜地; 度假胜地; 诉诸; 求助; 采取; 应急措施; 可首先(或最后)采取的手段;    v、求助,诉诸; 常去; 采取某手段或方法;    [例句]His punishing work schedule had made him resort to drugs异常紧张的工作安排使他开始吸毒。[其他];第三人称单数:resorts 复数:resorts 现在分词:resorting过去式:resorted 过去分词:resorted    向左转|向右转扩展资料:近义词:adopt;英[əˈdɒpt];美[əˈdɑːpt]    v、收养; 领养; 采用(某方法); 采取(某态度); 正式通过,表决采纳(建议、政策等);    [例句]Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops议会采纳了要求全部撤军的决议。[其他];第三人称单数:adopts 现在分词:adopting 过去式:adopted过去分词:adopted
2023-01-04 09:05:443


Hong Zhanhui is 24 year-old university students, he is born in a poor family. in his childhood, his mother, because in the family left his family poorly, daddy who therefore he can not but want to look after him the younger brother, he to adopt the younger sister who and falls ill (adopted sister) he to lead his sister to go to college, he studies very diligently, and after being on vacation from school, works. the life is the persistent and hard-working, but he rejects other person"s help (the refuse rejection) Hong Zhanhui, for his family has done that many, we must study to him.
2023-01-04 09:06:094

高一英语求解 17题为什么不能选A?,为什么是to imitate ?being adopted

17. #1be+adj.(形容词)+to + 动词原形-->所以是is hard to imitateIt"s hard "to" solve this problem. = This is a hard problem ("to" solve). = This problem is hard ("to" solve). He"s a hard guy "to" figure out. = He"s a guy who"s hard "to" figure out. = It"s hard "to" figure that guy out. 特例---be busy (in)+v-ing#2 being+PP. & PP. 相同点是都是 被动(passive); 不同点是 各自指代的时间不一样。being+PP., 即v-ing的时间有两个:1) regular actions/never changed 规律性的、永远不改变的情况或者动作"Being attacked" regularly by storms, people on the island have effective methods to protect themselves.2) 动词和非谓语同时发生Smiling at us, he moves into the room.[动词moves into和非谓语smiling同时发生]#3PP.的时间只有一个:表示过去或者sth. doneFinished on time, the homework will/would be handed in tomorrow.[作业按时做完后, ......]#4 17题选adopted表示adopt的动作已完成(done)#5is considered to 前面用的是is, 现在的时间。如果要用C, 必须用 was considered to have invented比如:The bank is reported to be robbed by a group of locals.The baks was reported to have been robbed by a group of locals.
2023-01-04 09:06:276

As they had no children of their own, they_______ a child. A.adapted B.received C.adopted

C 句意:因为他们没有自己的孩子,他们就收养了一个。A适应B收到,C采纳,收养,D 提供,所以选C。
2023-01-04 09:07:001

Adopted girl是什么意思

2023-01-04 09:07:053

adopted a positive outlook on life 怎么读

new leash on life 生活的新的皮带 on life 网络论生活; 论生命; [例句]I adopted a positive outlook on life. 我开始抱持积极向上的人生观。
2023-01-04 09:07:161


2023-01-04 09:07:226


一、翻译:1、“干儿子”乾儿子 adopted son老娘干儿子 Super Cute Laughing Baby老娘乾儿子--楠楠 Super Cute Laughing Baby 2、释义:在某些地方,就是姑爷的意思,即女儿的丈夫,在岳父岳母面前就被称作干儿子。3、例句:· 但耆英坚持要求认璞鼎查之子为干儿子,并将其带回北京。· But Qiying did insist that he himself should adopt the governor"s son and take him back to Beijing.· 劳埃德是在大学当干儿子,他自己用铁链在壁橱内底部设有游泳池。· WHEN Lloyd Godson was at university he had himself chained inside a cupboard at the bottom of a swimming pool. 二、“干女儿”:1、妈妈干她女儿的男朋友 Mommy fucks her daughters boyfriend我的干女儿 My daughter and her我干女儿的网页 My god daughter"s blog 2、释义:我儿子是,我孙子是,我孙女是,我干儿子是,我干女儿(Dry daughter)是,我干孙子是,我干孙女是,追赶时间的人,生活会宠爱他。放弃时间的人,生活会冷落他。3、例句:· 这位姑娘是他的干女儿,还是个寡妇呢。· That young woman is his adopted daughter and a widow.· 几个星期前,干女儿陪我到新加坡看灯笼。· Sometime ago, my god-daughter brought me to Singapore River to look at lantern.
2023-01-04 09:07:442

角钢塔型被采用于上述项目当中,翻译的话是be adopted in 还是be adopted for 还是其他介词?

A后面三个都是TO DO STH.zdhk只有APPROACH后面可以跟TO加名词
2023-01-04 09:07:522

希斯莱丝小丑you are adopted怎么翻译

2023-01-04 09:08:042

She was forced to have her newly born baby adopt.改错

have sth. doneadopt 改成adoptedbaby是被收养
2023-01-04 09:08:123

it is reported most adopted

C. the most:可作为代词,指代大多数的人或物.不用再接名词. most of 在表示大多数的人或物时要在后面加上the. most 表示多数的,后接名词复数. the most of:……中的多数,后面接名词的要也接上the.
2023-01-04 09:08:231

收养的孩子 英语怎么说?速度~~~~~!!!!!

I don"t know!!!
2023-01-04 09:08:289

foster adopt表达收养之意时有何区别?

2023-01-04 09:08:582


2023-01-04 09:09:062

英语解题 Some of the suggestions have been adopted _________ others turned down as they are quite im

2023-01-04 09:09:154


2023-01-04 09:03:051


2023-01-04 09:03:031