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2023-07-22 05:06:35

《洛杉矶时报》(LA Times)4日刊发的评论称,《初来乍到》是一部温和讽刺作品。从最初出现电视剧的几十年全是白人演员,到包括《神烦警探》(Brooklyn Nine-Nine)和《实习医生格蕾》(Grey"s Anatomy)在内的美剧中包含多族裔元素,美国电视剧当然有所进步。然而《初来乍到》展现了其它美剧没有展现的内容,这些内容并没有把族裔元素排除在外,而是结合了少数族裔文化。这部美剧则是以一种迷茫和困惑的角度看待这种文化。



评论员詹姆斯波涅沃兹克(James Poniewozik)称,2015年2月4日首秀的《初来乍到》非常有趣,但不是那种庸俗趣味。不过这部剧也有表现上的负担,因为此前几乎没有亚裔家庭的美剧。上一步关于亚裔主题的美剧还是20年前的《全美女孩》(All-American Girl)。《初来乍到》不可避免将被审视,评价这部剧是否含有刻板印象和一般性观点。

全国公共广播电台(National Public Radio)报道称,当《初来乍到》制作人决定拍摄这部讲述台湾移民在美成长的故事时,他们可能已经知道会出现涉及文化和族裔的一些不太让人舒服的问题。

不过,他们肯定没有想到在几周前的新闻发布会上遭遇的第一个比较尴尬的问题关于筷子。“我喜欢亚洲文化。我只想问问筷子的问题,我喜欢这方面的问题。我能在剧中看见筷子吗?或者是更美国化的剧集?”一名记者说。对这个问题,《初来乍到》原著作者黄颐铭(Eddie Huang)幽默地表示,剧中会更多涉及到筷子。


《今日美国》(U.S. Today)4日则刊发了题为《“初来乍到”需要获得信誉》("Fresh Off the Boat" needs to earn its cred)的文章。文章称,一开始有一些非常搞笑的情节,小主角的爸妈提供了很多有趣细节。然而,本剧集也显露出一些信号,预示情节可能会变糟,比如剧中的黄颐铭还没有表现出自身特点。


fresh off the boat中的off是介词吗?

fresh off加起来是phrasal verb
2023-07-22 03:29:353

fresh off the boat是什么意思

2023-07-22 03:29:444

如何评价美剧《初来乍到》(Fresh Off The Boat)?

  The phrase fresh off the boat (FOB) is the term used to describe immigrants that have arrived from a foreign nation and have not yet assimilated into the host nation"s culture, language, and behaviour,[1] but still continue with their ethnic ideas and practices. Within some ethnic Asian circles in the United States, the phrase is considered politically incorrect and derogatory. It can also be used to describe the stereotypical behavior of new immigrants as, for example, their poor driving skills,[2] that they are educated yet working low-skilled or unskilled jobs, and their use of broken English. The term originates in the early days of immigration, when people mostly migrated to other countries by ship. "Fresh off the Boeing" (in reference to the Boeing 747 jet) is sometimes used in the United States as a variation, especially amongst south and south-east Asian immigrants[citation needed].  In the sociology of ethnicity, this term can be seen as an indicator of a nature of diasporic communities, or communities that have left their country of origin and migrated, usually permanently, to another country. The term has also been adapted by immigrants themselves or others in their community who see the differentiation as a source of pride, where they have retained their culture and have not lost it to assimilation. In fact, instead of taking this harm-intended phrase as an insult, many immigrants and more specifically, East and South Asians (especially their American-born children) may use this term to describe their cultural background habits and fashion sense, for example "fobby clothing", "fobby glasses", "fobby accent", and others[citation needed].  In some instances, an "ethnic community" may find it difficult to assimilate with their new culture. Although some try to assimilate, they may fail due to the very swift transition to the host continent.[3] In the United Kingdom "fresh off the boat" (mostly in regard to Indians, Pakistanis, and Bangladeshis) are referred to as freshies or simply FOBs and in the United States they are referred to as F.O.B. or in some cases, "Boater." This is usually a pejorative term.
2023-07-22 03:29:511


《初来乍到》Fresh Off the Boat,是一部于美国时间2015年2月4日在美国广播公司首播的情景喜剧,由兰德尔·朴、吴恬敏、杨升德、韦智林、陈琦烨等主演。该剧改编自华裔美国厨师黄颐铭(Eddie Huang)的回忆录《初来乍到:回忆录》(Fresh Off the Boat: A Memoir),主要描述上世纪九十年代一个来自台湾的家庭从美国华盛顿哥伦比亚特区唐人街到美国佛罗里达州奥兰多定居的故事。本剧主要描述上世纪九十年代,第一季背景设在1995年至1997年间,一个台湾家庭从美国华盛顿哥伦比亚特区唐人街搬到佛罗里达州奥兰多定居的故事。艾迪·黄/黄颐铭(杨升德饰)的父母都是台湾移民,他与兄弟们是出生在美国的第二代ABC。艾迪从小就热爱美国的一切,尤其是嘻哈乐。在此之前,这个移民家庭一直在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的唐人街生活,父亲路易斯·黄(兰德尔·朴饰)看中了奥兰多的前景,决定举家搬迁到奥兰多定居。中国人在美国创业已属不易,更重要的是在没有唐人街的奥兰多,他们必须面对纯粹的美国文化,“初来乍到”的他们必须直面美国文化对他们的冲击。黄家很快发现他们作为一个家庭,与身边大多数人截然不同——他们居住在城郊的大型白人社区里。奥兰多是个白人城市,与很多亚裔一样,父母把黄颐铭送进私立学校,全校只有他一个华人孩子,试图融入当地的学校生活的他碰到了很多华人孩子经历过的难为情的事情,同时也被排斥在美国白种家庭文化外。艾迪的弟弟们——艾默利·黄/黄颐瑀(韦智林饰)和艾文·黄(陈琦烨饰),进入与他不同的小学,相互作伴,很快就融入了环境;他的父亲尚能很好地融入当地社会;母亲洁西卡·黄(吴恬敏饰)却开始对华盛顿与奥兰多的文化差异产生冲突,时常为白人文化感到困惑。他的父亲经营着一家全美国式的牛排餐厅连锁企业。黄家认为,雇佣一位有南方口音的白人服务员是为了避免他们餐厅倒闭的唯一办法,因为他们认为白人面孔会令顾客“安心”。他们觉得这没什么可愤怒的,因为或许他们已经习惯了美国的这些种族潜台词。无论如何,这个家庭决定紧密团结在一起,一起憧憬着”美国梦“。与此同时,他们还要竭力保持自己的民族文化特性,确保家庭的完整。: )
2023-07-22 03:30:251


吴恬敏。经查询相关资料显示电视剧《Fresh Off the Boat》里黄金恩的老婆是亚裔女演员吴恬敏饰演的,并因此出名,在剧里是一个正派,心地善良。《Fresh Off the Boat》由琳·谢尔顿,麦克思·温克勒等人执导,兰德尔·朴,吴恬敏,杨升德等主演的情景喜剧,是根据华裔美国厨师黄颐铭的回忆录《初来乍到》改编,主要描述上世纪九十年代一个台湾家庭来到奥兰多定居的故事。
2023-07-22 03:30:321

如何评价美剧《初来乍到》(Fresh Off The Boat)?

初来乍到是一部温和的讽刺作品。从最初的几十年里出现的都是白人演员,包括“警察有点累”(布鲁克林9 - 9)和《实习医生格蕾》,这部剧的美包含了更多的民族元素,美剧,当然还有进步。但是《新生活》展示了其他美国电视节目所没有展示的,这并不排除种族因素,而是少数民族的结合。节目以一种混乱而混乱的方式来看待这种文化。从剧本的角度来看,剧本并没有失去那个特别的“厚脸皮”的元素。无论是现实生活还是现实生活,这部关于黄先生童年的喜剧是一部有趣而巧妙的戏剧,反映了美国不同元素的复杂性。这部剧也对其表现有影响,因为亚洲家庭很少有美国电视节目。在20年前的亚裔美剧《美国女孩》中,最后一步将不可避免地被重新审视,以评估这部剧是否包含刻板印象和一般观点。当制片人决定拍摄《新》时,讲述的是在美国的台湾移民的故事,他们可能已经知道将会涉及到文化和种族问题,不会让人们感到舒服。对于那些想在电视上挑战亚洲传统观念的人来说,这是一个开始。事实上,我恐怕这节目里的期待太多了。毕竟,这部剧仍在进行测试,并努力跨越更多的界限。但是,如果“新鲜出炉”真的能打破亚洲人的刻板印象,让观众觉得好笑,那么它可能是网络上最好的喜剧之一。起初,有一些非常有趣的情节,小主人公的父母提供了许多有趣的细节。然而,这部剧也显示了一些情节可能会变得更糟的迹象,比如黄先生还没有展现出自己的性格。
2023-07-22 03:30:391


34年后,《洛克人》将在Netflix以真人版电影出现。以下是6位适合主演《洛克人》的新星。 Netflix 正在制作《洛克人》电影,这里列出了非常适合担任主角的演员名单。流媒体巨头Capcom的经典视频 游戏 系列将被改编成真人版,而互联网上也充斥着关于谁将扮演这个著名的机器人英雄的猜测。最有可能的是,Netflix寄希望于《洛克人》推出一个新的电视和电影系列,如果他们想让它成为热门,找到合适的演员将是至关重要的。 《洛克人》于1987年首次出现在任天堂 娱乐 系统上,是一个致力于在20XX年保护世界免受邪恶影响的控制性机器人。对于一部电影来说,这听起来可能很简单,但大量忠实的粉丝和越来越挑剔的文化使得 Netflix 势在必行。而且,正如之前的尝试所表明的那样,电子 游戏 的改编很难做到完美。 Netflix最终可能不会选择大明星出演《洛克人》。当开始制作一个系列影片时,让一个不太知名的人来扮演主角会有帮助,这样可以让内容更新鲜,即使它是基于老旧的知识产权。Netflix很擅长发掘新人,所以当这些演员中的一个最终得到这个角色时,不要感到惊讶。这里有六位冉冉升起的新星,他们可以帮助 Netflix 将《洛克人》带入生活。 1.诺亚·朱佩 (Noah Jupe) 凭借一系列广受好评的电影和电视表演,诺亚·朱佩 (Noah Jupe) 从很小的时候就已成为一名严肃的演员。这位英国青少年明星散发着沉思的魅力,这让他出演了从《寂静之地》到《甜心男孩》再到HBO的《毁灭》等多个项目。他在屏幕上捕捉到的内心骚动可以用来 探索 《洛克人》的心理体验。 Netflix的改编可能会深入《洛克人》存在的痛苦。作为一个机器人,洛克人可能很难感受到真正的人性,而且没有真正的父母,他可能会感到迷茫,并对他的创造者——机器人专家Dr. Light感到愤怒。对于Netflix来说,这可能是一座长远的桥,但如果他们决定走这条路,朱佩在扮演复杂的父子关系方面有丰富的经验。 2.罗翰·昌德(Rohan Chand) 另一个不错的选择是Netflix的电影《毛克利:丛林传奇》(Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle)中的明星罗翰·昌德(Rohan Chand)。昌德在拍摄动作场景或与电脑生成的角色一起表演方面并不陌生。在《洛克人》的科幻世界中,整个环境都是数字化构建的。如果有一个年轻演员能够在这些环境中工作,那么《洛克人》就会让人觉得更加真实。 更重要的是,昌德拥有出色的喜剧才能。他是杰森·贝特曼导演处女作《脏话》中最有趣的部分。《洛克人》电影对于观众来说应该像《洛克人》 游戏 系列对于几代玩家一样有趣。罗翰·昌德可以为我们带来欢乐和冒险。 3.伊恩·陈(Ian Chen) 与罗翰·昌德一样,青少年演员伊恩·陈(Ian Chen)在大制作、CG特效的系列电影中有着重要的经验。虽然他最出名的是电视喜剧《初来乍到》,但陈在DC的《沙赞》寄养家庭的场景是电影中最有趣和最可爱的部分。 《洛克人》系列 游戏 中似乎有无数角色。除了电视剧和电影,陈知道如何在一群演员中带来出色表现。随着陈成为洛克人,Netflix 可以依靠《洛克人》取得巨大成就。 4.坦纳·布坎南 (Tanner Buchanan) 最年长的坦纳·布坎南 (Tanner Buchanan) 凭借真实的战斗训练经验脱颖而出。布坎南在Netflix的《眼镜蛇之战》(Cobra Kai)中扮演罗比·基恩(Robby Keene),他花了大量时间练习武术,具备了拍摄一些武打动作场景的能力。我们很容易把他想象成洛克人,在使用精心设计的手臂大炮对战场景中的战斗。 他也是一个天生的演员,经常出现在银幕上。布坎南在《指定幸存者》和Netflix的《他就是一切》中的角色让他大受欢迎。如果 Netflix 想加入战斗,但需要一个有魅力的演员来匹配,那么他们就不需要再观望了。 5.亚历克斯·贝洛(Alex Bello) 我们很难想象在电影中洛克人需要唱歌,但如果他需要唱歌,那么亚历克斯·贝洛(Alex Bello)就是最合适的人选。贝罗来自百老汇,当他加入约翰·穆兰尼(John Mulaney)和午餐小伙伴(Sack Lunch Bunch)的演员阵容时,他得到了他的大突破。在一个场景中,他一边唱歌一边跳着《雨中歌唱 》, 讲述了他看到一个女人在街上哭泣的故事。 亚历克斯·贝洛的表演带着超出他年龄的冷幽默感。他可以给这个角色注入同样的智慧和讽刺。Netflix可以将洛克人重新想象成一个看起来很年轻的英雄,但他的大脑是地球上最强大的超级计算机。 6.福雷斯特·惠勒(Forrest Wheeler) 来自《初来乍到》(Fresh Off the Boat)的另一位演员 ,17 岁的福雷斯特·惠勒(Forrest Wheeler)以睁大眼睛的谦逊态度对待他的角色。他的角色倾向于安静和敏感,但渴望冒险。《洛克人》也应该如此。由于洛克人永远是年轻的样子,惠勒可以利用这方面饰演洛克人坚定不移的 探索 和发现(同时仍然从威利博士手中拯救世界)。惠勒是一个新鲜的面孔。Netflix 应该很幸运能让他登上即将上映的《洛克人》电影。 《洛克人》为 Netflix 提供了一个机会,可以打造新的电影明星,并为新一代重新定义深受喜爱的 游戏 电影系列。选对演员有很大的帮助。谁有幸成为《洛克人》的面孔,就要对几十年的粉丝承担一份责任。这并不意味着演员必须取悦所有人。没有两个人会从《洛克人》中获得相同的东西,也没有演员会觉得自己有义务为每个人提供他们想要的东西。归根结底,Netflix 即将上映的《洛克人》电影及其明星只需要做其他电影和演员都必须做的事情:讲述好一个好故事。
2023-07-22 03:31:281


有关介绍端午节的英语演讲稿(通用7篇)   演讲稿是在一定的场合,面对一定的听众,演讲人围绕着主题讲话的文稿。在发展不断提速的社会中,演讲稿使用的情况越来越多,相信很多朋友都对写演讲稿感到非常苦恼吧,下面是我为大家整理的有关介绍端午节的英语演讲稿(通用7篇),希望对大家有所帮助。   介绍端午节的.英语演讲稿1   Of my presentation today is entitled Dragon Boat Festival in May had five. Fifth lunar month, known as Dragon Boat Festival, client is the beginning, early means. Fifth Five-side can be called. Dragon Boat Festival will be called in some places in May Festival, Ai Festival, summer festivals. Chinas Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival for Chinese people. Began in the Spring and Autumn Period, more than 2,000 years of history has been. Dragon Boat Festival and the origin of many legends, there are: to commemorate Qu Yuan, said that the Memorial and Memorial said Caoe; According to Mr. Wen Yiduo the test of Dragon Boat Festival and Dragon Boat Festival the history of education cited research, the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, China South Wuyue ancient totem national festival held in the festival, earlier than the Yuan. But thousands of years, Qu Yuans patriotism and his touching poem, it has been widely popular. In the field of folk culture, the Chinese people in the Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat races and eating rice dumplings, are linked with the commemoration of Qu Yuan.   Today, I gave the students tell us about Qu Yuan said: Qu Yuan, is the minister of the Spring and Autumn Period . Ju-yin, he advocated empowerment, strongly linked Qi met with strong opposition from the aristocracy, Qu Yuan was greedy removal, were exiled. In exile, wrote a care for the Li Sao, Heaven, Nine Songs and other immortal poems, far-reaching (and thus, Dragon Boat Festival, also known as a poet). 278 BC, the Qin Chu Kyoto break. Quyuan see their country invaded, , but still can not bear to give up their own motherland, in the May 5, in the pen to write the way for after the death of Miluo River bouldering vote to their own lives wrote a magnificent piece of patriotism. Legend of Qu Yuans death, Chu abnormal grief people have rushed to pay tribute to Qu Yuan Miluo River. Fisherman from the vessel are designated in the river to salvage his round. A fisherman out of rice ready for Qu Yuan, eggs and other food, thump, thump, and thrown into the River, the said fish is to eat a lobster crab, it would not have bent a doctors physical. See below follow the example of people one after another. An old doctor was brought into a scene hsiunghuang wine-ri, said that the water dragon drunk beast collapsed, the doctor would not hurt the enemy. Later, for the dragon balls in order to avoid the food, people come up with neem leaves board, color outside the winding wire, developed into a .   Which is essential for the activities of the day evolved as follows: eating dumplings, dragon-boat race, hanging calamus, Artemsia argyi, smoked herb, Angelica dahurica, hsiunghuang wine to drink. It is said that eating rice dumplings and dragon-boat race is in memory of Qu Yuan, so after the liberation of the Dragon Boat Festival had to be called the Poets Day to commemorate Qu Yuan. As for hanging calamus, Artemsia argyi, smoked herb, Angelica dahurica, hsiunghuang wine to drink, it is said to be evil in order to pressure.   Dragon Boat Festival in addition to known people eat rice dumplings, the rich have around. Monopterus eat egg noodles tea fan Nanchang in Jiangxi Province, the Dragon Boat Festival tea eggs and salt to eat eggs. Eggs are eggs, duck, goose. Eggshell painted red net bags with colorful, and hung on the neck of a child means a child wishes , safe and sound. Eat rice cake to eat fried dumplings and so on. I like to eat rice dumplings, and the North and the South throughout the different customs, dumplings of various sizes, there are salty sweet, have reached a large, three catties giant dumpling pocket, and there are small and small, passport-size longer than the sweet dumpling. . I have eaten Leshan we produced the best son to eat meat, the rice holding in meat, fat and not greasy, eating up a pepper and the fresh bamboo leaves, articulate Liuxiang, long taste. The most valuable is cheap, there are 82 of each weight, only two of five cents.   介绍端午节的英语演讲稿2   Thanks a lot for your last letter, in which you asked me about the Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional Chinese festival. Here is something about it.   Over a thousand years ago, there was a famous poem called Qu Yuan in China. He cared about the common people as well as the whole country, so he did a lot for them. However, he was not satisfied with the political situation at that time. What"s worse, he was unable to change it. At last, he felt so hopeless that he decided to take his own life. Finally, he jumped into the Miluo River and drowned. In memory of him, people created the Dragon Boat Festival.   The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, so it is also called the Double Fifth Festival. It usually comes in June. In China, it has been a public holiday, so we have 3 days off. On that day, we usually eat zongzi, a kind of traditional Chinese food, which is made of glutinous rice (stuffed with different things). It tastes really delicious. We also drink xionghua wine. It"s said that it can keep us from evil spirits. To celebrate this festival, what"s more, we have many activities. The most popular one is dragon boat races. People usually take active part in them and enjoy themselves a lot during the races.   I"m really glad that you"re interested in our Dragon Boat Festival. If you want to know more about it, I"d like to send you some photos that I took during the festival last year. I hope they will be helpful.   I"m looking forward to hearing from you.   介绍端午节的英语演讲稿3   The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated (falls)on the fifth day of the fifthmonth of Chinese lunar calendar.   As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it has been enjoying greatpopularity in honor of the Chinese great poet Qu Yuan living in the WarringStates Period. He committed suicide by drowning himself in Miluo River forpolitical reasons. The local people decided to throw a particular food called“Zongzi” into the river to prevent fish eating his body.   Today, people eat Zongzi, have dragon boat races and wear colorful threadsaround wrists to bring good luck. And now it has become one of the nationalholidays in China.   介绍端午节的英语演讲稿4   Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, but I dont know the origin of theDragon Boat Festival. Mother told me that, during the warring states period, chuqu yuan, a minister, SIMS speak ill of qu yuan to the emperor, the emperor nolonger trust of qu yuan and his exiled to the distance, he jumped river beingthe very sad. In order to commemorate him, the common people threw food into theriver and formed the Dragon Boat Festival.   Dragon Boat Festival we eat zongzi, tie the colorful rope, dragon boat,what a busy and remarkable!   Do you like Dragon Boat Festival? Dont forget to study qu yuanspatriotism when eating zongzi!   介绍端午节的英语演讲稿5   the dragon boat festival, also called double fifth festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar. it is one of the most important chinese festivals, the other two being the autumn moon festival and chinese new year.   the origin of this summer festival centers around a scholarly government official named chu yuan. he was a good and respected man, but because of the misdeeds of jealous rivals he eventually fell into disfavor in the emperors court.   unable to regain the respect of the emperor, in his sorrow chu yuan threw himself into the mi low river. because of their admiration for chu yuan, the local people living adjacent to the mi lo river rushed into their boats to search for him while throwing rice into the waters to appease the river dragons.   although they were unable to find chu yuan, their efforts are still commemorated today during the dragon boat festival.   dragon boat race traditions at the center of this festival are the dragon boat races. competing teams drive their colorful dragon boats forward to the rhythm of beating drums. these exciting races were inspired by the villagers valiant attempts to rescue chu yuan from the mi lo river. this tradition hasremained unbroken for centuries.   tzung tzu a very popular dish during the dragon boat festival is tzung tzu. this tasty dish consists of rice dumplings with meat, peanut, egg yolk, or other fillings wrapped in bamboo leaves. the tradition of tzung tzu is meant to remind us of the village fishermen scattering rice across the water of the mi low river in order to appease the river dragons so that they would not devour chu yuan.   ay taso the time of year of the dragon boat festival, the fifth lunar moon, has more significance than just the story of chu yuan. many chinese consider this time of year an especially dangerous time when extra efforts must be made to protect their family from illness. families will hang various herbs, called ay tsao, on their door for protection. the drinking of realgar wine is thought to remove poisons from the body. hsiang bao are also worn. these sachets contain various fragrant medicinal herbs thought to protect the wearer from illness.   介绍端午节的英语演讲稿6   The exact origins of Duan Wu are unclear, but one traditional   view holds that the festival memorializes the Chinese poet Qu Yuan (c. 340 BC-278 BC) of the Warring States Period. He committed suicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the   corruption of the Chu government. The local people, knowing him to be a good man, decided to throw food into the river to feed the fish so they would not eat Qus body. They also sat on long, narrow paddle boats called dragon boats, and tried to scare the fish away by the thundering sound of drums aboard the boat and the fierce looking carved dragon head on the boats prow.   In the early years of the Chinese Republic, Duan Wu was also celebrated asToday, people eat bamboo-wrapped steamed glutinous rice dumplings called zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fish) and race dragon boats in memory of Qus dramatic death.   介绍端午节的英语演讲稿7   The Dragon Boat Festival ,also called the Duanwu Festival ,is celebrated onthe fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese le alwayseat rice dumplings and watch dragon boat races to celebrate it.   The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races,especially in thesouthern places where there are many rivers and lakes. Its very popular.   The rice dumpling is made of glutinous rice,meat and so on. You can eatdifferent kinds of rice are very Dragon BoatFestival is for Qu Yuan. He is an honest minister who is said to have committedsuicide by drowning himself in a river.   Overall, the Dragon Boat Festival is very interesting! ;
2023-07-22 03:31:511


【 #小学英语# 导语】当前中国的教育体制任然是应试教育,英语亦是,对于学习语言来说,为了对付考试而做题,虽然不很合理,但是确实有一定的帮助和重要性,所以仍然需要接受实际情况,成功的人才亦比比皆是。以下是 整理的《小学六年级英语期末试题(三篇)》,希望帮助到您。 小学六年级英语期末试题篇一 笔试部分 一、按要求完成题目。(1*10)    1.saw(原形)_______    2.thin(比较级)______    3.tall(反义词)_______过去式)______    5.头痛(汉译英)_______   6.因而发笑(汉译英)______    7.have(过去式)________    8.I(名词性物主代词)_______    9.the math test(英译汉)_________    10.go hiking(英译汉)__________    二、选出不同类的一项。(2*5)    ( )1.A.went   C.cinema   D.zoo    ( ) 2.A.forest   B.ate    C.village   D.lake   ( ) 3.A.fresh    B.tired    C.bad   D.weekend    ( )    B.listen    C.cooked    D.go    ( ) 5.A.hear    B.water   C.hurt   D.stay    三、单项选择。(2*10)    ( ) 1.I ____ shorter than him.    C.was    D.are    ( ) 2.--____do you do on Sundays? ---I often play football.    A.what    B.Where    C.What   D.How    ( ) 3.He ___ kites yesterday.    B.flew    C.flies   D.flying    ( ) 4.How ____ you ___there?;went   B.did;went    C.did;go   D.does;went    ( ) 5.---Did you ___ a good time ? --Yes,I ___.    A.have;did    B.has;do    C.had;had   D.have;have    ( ) 6.Mary is ____ than her sister.    A.tall    B.tallest   C.taller    D./    ( ) 7.They ____ go to the cinema last Wednesday.    A.don"t    B.didn"t    C.doesn"t   D.aren"t    ( ) 8.Lee is a _____ angry.    A.small    B.little   C.many    D.much    ( ) 9.The ball ___ into John"s face.    A.flies   C.flying    ( ) 10.You ____ so excited today.    C.look    四、按要求完成句子。(2*5) there cinema home a near my(.)    ____________________________________________    2.did what your holiday you on do(?)    ____________________________________________    3.Julia is taller and stronger than mike.(用I代替Julia)    ________________________________________________________    4.We went to Guangzhou by plane last month.(对划线部分提问)    ————————————————————————————    5.Did you visit the small Village?(作否定回答)    ——————————————————————————    五、阅读理解。(2*5)判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。    I"m Joe .I have a new pen pal .Daniel.We are in the same primary School.But we aren"t in the same class.He is taller than me .But I am heavier and older than him.We were very busy last weekend.On Saturday morning,we did homework and played chess together.We played football and surfed the internet on Saturday afternoon.We went shopping on Sunday.We like china very much.We will go to China next month.    ( ) 1.We are in the same class.    ( ) 2.I am heavier and older than Daniel.    ( ) 3.We did homework on Saturday afternoon.    ( ) 4.We like China very much.    ( ) 5.We went hiking on Sunday.    六、阅读理解。(2*5)选择。    I"m Emily.I"m having a great holiday in Dalian.It is a great city.The sun shines and it isn"t cold here .Albert likes swimming in The sea .We often play volleyball on the beach.After that,John likes to Sit in a chair and fall asleep .The children ride their bikes in the park. I like going for a walk in the park .We are having a happy time here.    ( ) 1.What"s the weather like in Dalian?    A.It"s sunny.    B.It"s cold.   C.It"s rainy.    ( ) 2.What does Albert like doing in the sea?    A.sleeping    B.Going for a walk    C、swimming    ( ) 3.What do we often do on the beach? football volleyball basketball    ( ) 4.Where does John like to sit ?    A.on the sofa    B.on the boat the chair    ( ) 5.Who ride the bike in the park?    A.The children    B.Emily    C.Albert 小学六年级英语期末试题篇二 一、 补全下列单词并翻译(15) 1.s_ _son ____    2.w_nt_r _____    3.b_d_ ______    4.m_ _th____    5.h_l_day_____    6.t_m_rr_w_____    7.br_ _g_____    8.g_v_ ___    9 .th_ _ _____    10.l_ttl_ _____    11._g_in ____    12._ _m____    13.l_g ______    14.h_ _d ______    15.n_s_ _____    二、找出下列单词中不同类的将选项序号填在左边的括号里。(10)    1 ( ) A. always    B. never    C.breakfast   D.sometimes    2.( ) A.sitting    B.sing    C.playing   D.writing   3.( ) A.ear    B.eye    C.body   D.leg   4.( ) A.give   D.bring   5.( )   B. child   C.women    D.buses   6 ( ) A. hot    B. cold    C.rain    D.warm    7.( ) A.Monday    B.month    C.Tuesday   D.Friday    8.( ) A.potatoes    B.tomatoes   C.vegetable    D.carrot   9.( ) A.spring   B. season    C.autumn    D.summer   10.( ) A.tree   B.light    C.card   三、写出所给词的正确形式 (30)过去式)____    2.Let"s ( 全写)_____   3. man( 复数)______    4. have (现在分词)____   5. wash(单三)____   6. dishes(单数)______    7.put(现分) _____   8. open (反义词)____   9.give(过去式)_____    10. first(原形)____   11. tomato(复数)____   12. people(复数)_____过去式)______   14.bring(过去式)______   15.done(原形)_____    四、翻译下列短语(10)    寄卡片_______    圣诞树___________    帮妈妈_______    在冬天___________   多少 ____________    穿上_________    take off __________    fly a kite_________   winter colthes______    make a snowball_____   christmas tings_______   get ready for_____    五、慧眼识金(将选项序号填在左边括号里)(15)    1.( )These ______ christmas lights.    A. am   B. is    C. Are    2.( )____is it ? It is 7:00 .    A. what time    B. what colour   C. Where   D.when    3.( )This ____ a gift .    A. am   B. is    C. Are    4.( )Let"s _____up a christmas tree. .    A. putting    B. to put    C. Put   D.puts    5.( )Yesterday my dad _____a christmas tree .    A. bought    B. to buy    C. Buys   D.brought    6.( )The star always_____ on top!    A. go    B. going    C. goes    7.( )look! She is __ on the couch .    A. siting    B. sits    C. sitting sit    8.( )LiMing and I ___ in China.    A. live    B. lives live    9. ( ) ______ students in your class? -----Thirty eight.    A . How   B. How old   C. How many   D.How much    10.( )I like ______ TV .    A. watch    B. Watching   C. to watch    11.( )_____spring,I put on my sweater.    A. In   B. On   C. At    D.For    12. ( )--Nice to meet you! --_____________.    A. Nice to meet you too.    B. Fine, thanks    C. I am twelve D.I"m fine.    13.( )___a holiday, people don"t work.    A. In    B. On    C. At    D.For    14.Tomorrow we _____gifts for my friends.    A.bring bring    C.are going to bring    D. Brings    15.( )_____santa bring gifts ?    A.Dis    B.Do    C.Does    D. Done    六.根据问句选择正确的答句(10)    1.( )How is the weather ,today ?   A. It is ten degrees .    2.( )What is the temperature ?    B. I am from china .    3.( )Where are you from ?    C. They are playing cards    4.( )What are they doing ?    D. It is cold and snowy.    5.( )When is the christmas ?    E.Dec 25.    七、句型转换(10)    1. These are women .(单数句)___________________.,what,favourite,your,season?.(连词成句)    _________________________?    3.Do you usually do your homework ?( 肯定回答).    _______________ ?    4.Christmas is on December 25.( 画线部分提问)    _____________________________.    5.There are ten books on the desk.( 画线部分提问)    ______________________________。 小学六年级英语期末试题篇三 笔试部分:   一、按要求写单词(10分)    1.make(动名词)______单三形式)________    3.电视台记者(英语)________比较级)________    5.son(同音词)_________    6. make kites___________    7.have(单三形式)__________    8. get off(对应词)__________    9.twelve(序数词)___________    10.they(宾格)___________    二、选择括号内正确的选项。(10分)    1. They (A; has / B: have) lunch in the kitchen.    2. She (A: watch / B: watches) TV in the evening.    3. We (A: ride / B: rides) a bike to our school.    4. Ton and Alice (A: likes / B: like) listening to music.    5. His mother (A: wear / B: wears) a black coat.    三、根据句意,选择合适的单词写在“____”上。(10分)    What 、Where、 Who、 Which 、How    1._________ is your English teacher ?    2._________ season do you like best ?    3._________ did you do last weeked?    4._________ are you going this summer holiday ?    5._________ did you get there ?    四、选择题(10分)    ( ) 1. Do you like ______?    A. swim    B. swimming   C. swiming   D. swim, too    ( ) 2. We usually stay ____ home ____ Saturday afternoon.    A. at; in    B. at; on   C. in; at    D. on; on    ( ) 3. My uncle is _____ accountant. He works in _____ air-conditioner company.    A. a; a    B. an; a    C. an; an    D. a; an    ( ) 4. --- She cleans streets. Who"s she? --- Oh, she is a _______.    A. salesperson   B. driver    C. TV reporter   D. cleaner    ( ) 5. _____ are you going to Beijing?    A. When    B. Where    C. What   D. Who   ( ) 6. I want to find a good book. I"m going to the _______. A. cinema    B. library    C. museum   D. supermarket    ( ) 7. ______, where is the bus stop?    A. Sorry    B. Excuse me    C. Hello    D. Good morning    ( ) 8. Alice ______ to school by bus every day.    A. is going to   B. go   C. goes    D. to go    ( ) 9. On Sundays, I often ______.    A. play the football    B. play piano    C. play the violin    D. play the basketball    ( ) 10. He likes ______ magazines.    A. watching    B. looking   C. looking at    D. reading    五、阅读理解。(10分)    Hello! I"m Liu Ying. I"m going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I"m going to the Renmin Park with my sister Liu Hong by bike. In the afternoon, we are going to visit my grandparents. In the evening I"m going to visit my aunt with my mother. On Sunday morning, I"m going to the bookstore with my good friend Tom. I"m going to buy some story-books. After lunch, I"m going to play sports with Amy. In the evening, I"m going to watch TV and clean my room. How happy I am! ( ) 1. Liu Ying is going to __________ on Saturday.   A. the bookstore    B. the zoo    C. the park    ( ) 2. How is Liu Ying going to the Renmin Park?    A. On foot.    B. By bike.    C. By bus.    ( ) 3. -----What is Liu Ying going to do in the bookstore? -----She is going to ___________.    A. buy a new CD   B. buy a pen    C. buy story–books    ( ) 4. Liu Ying is going to the bookstore with __________.    A. Tom   B. Amy   C. her sister    ( ) 5. Liu Ying is going to clean her room on ___________.    A. Saturday morning    B. Saturday evening   C. Sunday evening    六、英语小练笔:周末你打算干什么?写出自己的周末计划。(10分)    要求:    1. 条理清晰,意思明确、连贯,句子通顺,标点正确,书写工整、规范;    2. 体现提示的信息,适当发挥想象。    I"m Mike. I"m going to have a busy weekend.
2023-07-22 03:32:031


【 #英语资源# 导语】八月十五是一年一度的中秋节。我国的中秋节有优美的神话传说:嫦娥奔月、吴刚折桂、玉兔捣药… 为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。 1.过中秋节的英语作文   On the evening of the Mid Autumn Festival, Dad, mom, Grandpa and grandma... All came. Dad put the table on the balcony, then put the moon cakes, and finally put the fruits, knives and forks. I thought about it and asked, "Dad, do you want to see the moon?" Dad replied, "yes, we all want to watch the moon."   After a while, the moon came out. Everyone sat in their seats and began to look at the moon. Everyone took out a moon cake and began to eat it. Sometimes people say, "I wish you a happy mid autumn festival." Sometimes when I tell a story about the Mid Autumn Festival, my grandfather tells me a story called "Chang"e running to the moon". I eat delicious moon cakes while listening to the story. The appearance of moon cakes is small and exquisite. They are very cute, gorgeous and chic. They also send out fragrance. It"s really fragrant! What delicious moon cakes! What a beautiful moon! What a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!   Next year"s Mid Autumn Festival, I will eat delicious moon cakes and see the beautiful moon. 2.过中秋节的英语作文   Tuesday is the Mid Autumn Festival. Our family came to Zuohai park. There are a sea of people, birds and flowers.   I was walking on a winding path with my father, mother and brother. Let"s buy ice cream first. We ate as we walked, and then we came to the ferris wheel. We went to take the ferris wheel. The ferris wheel is like a big apple tree with colorful apples. We are like birds flying to the apple tree.   The ferris wheel rises slowly. When I look down from above, I see pirate ships, carousels, helicopters, torrents, and a lot of fun.   After getting off the ferris wheel, we went to buy boat tickets, and my mother and I went to buy ham sausage. Sitting on a ship, the ship is like a white swan. I"ve been stepping on it very hard. The boat goes very fast. As soon as I stopped, it stopped. My brother kept turning the steering wheel. Our boat almost touched someone else"s boat. We all laughed. I"m very happy today. 3.过中秋节的英语作文   I spent the Mid Autumn Festival with many people today, including father, mother, grandmother, Grandpa, Grandpa and grandma. I ate moon cakes and delicious fried chicken legs. I look forward to every Mid Autumn Festival.   When eating moon cakes, I told you a story: the moon in the sky saw the little girl in beautiful clothes from a distance. Envious, he looked at his fat body and thought of losing weight, so he began to run around the earth, circle after circle, and finally he became a thin and curved moon, which was very beautiful. But on the Mid Autumn Festival, he saw delicious moon cakes, so he couldn"t help eating them. As a result, he accidentally turned into a fat, round moon. I also love moon cakes. I also want to become a fat big moon. 4.过中秋节的英语作文   Today is the annual Mid Autumn Festival. I had a happy and unforgettable time. I really want to celebrate the festival every day! In order to celebrate the festival, our family had a big meal at noon and had a meaningful festival. 5.过中秋节的英语作文   Today is the Mid Autumn Festival, a day for family reunion. Our family of six had a reunion dinner at noon. The meal was: fresh and tender goose soup, refreshing cold dishes, fragrant brine, and delicious cakes. Our family had a good time. After dinner, my parents took me back to the old yard where I used to live and played with my childhood good friends: jingshenhao, Li Zerui, Gao Yimeng and LeLe. We played water gun war in the yard. We freely divided into two groups. Li Zerui and I were divided into one group. We cooperated well, but because we were small and outnumbered, they won in the end. Although we lost, we still had a good time.   Although I didn"t see the full moon today, I had a good time today. 6.过中秋节的英语作文   The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. It is called reunion day, which is a day for family reunion.   On this day of the Mid Autumn Festival, my mother went to the market early in the morning to buy back fruits, Lingjiao, Bansu and meat dishes for barbecue. Of course, the protagonist of the Mid Autumn Festival is indispensable; Moon Cake. The home is full of a joyful atmosphere!   At the dawn of the lantern, we finished the reunion dinner early. My mother and I hung colorful lanterns in the yard and on the balcony.   The light moonlight spread all over the earth. My father and mother set up a table in the yard with all kinds of fruits, moon cakes and drinks. We also had a barbecue, and the whole family sat around the table enjoying the moon. The moon slowly came out of the clouds and gradually showed a beautiful smiling face. The moon is getting bigger and brighter.   The Mid Autumn Festival is so happy! 7.过中秋节的英语作文   Do you know what day it is today? It is a traditional festival in China - the Mid Autumn Festival.   I"m so happy to have a big meal today. I"m looking forward to Aunt moon"s appearance. I wait and wait, wait and wait, but I still don"t see Aunt moon"s shadow. I thought to myself: Aunt moon is as shy as Mimosa!   We put out all kinds of fruits, which aunt moon likes to eat, such as; Moon cake, pomegranate, orange, apple   Start to light the incense ball. A total of 365 incense sticks are inserted on the incense ball, implying the prosperity of 365 days of the year. The incense ball lights up like a big fireball. Wisps of smoke rose into the sky and filled the whole balcony.   Unexpectedly, there was a gentle wind and rain suddenly. The rain was getting bigger and bigger, and the incense ball was getting smaller and smaller. No wonder the moon didn"t come out.   I wish you a happy new year; Happy Mid Autumn Festival, happy family, eat well, sleep well and have a good body! 8.过中秋节的英语作文   Moon cakes are the symbol of the Mid Autumn Festival. They are the interpretation of the Mid Autumn Festival. Every family has to eat moon cakes during the Mid Autumn Festival. Of course, our family is no exception!   The annual Mid Autumn Festival is approaching again. My parents tell us the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival: in order to commemorate the kind-hearted Chang"e, people put round moon cakes on August 15 of the lunar calendar and look forward to the reunion of their relatives. After listening to it, I think I should care about my parents in the future. 9.过中秋节的英语作文   Friends, the Mid Autumn Festival is coming. What will you do?   I will buy a lot of "Moon" and three cocktails to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival. Do you still want to know some poems about the Mid Autumn Festival? Let me introduce one by one: on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon is bright. The ancients regarded the full moon as a symbol of reunion. Therefore, it is also called "reunion day" on August 15. Since ancient times, people often use "full moon" and "lack of moon" to describe "joys and sorrows". Wandering children living in other places place place their deep feelings on the moon. Li Bai"s Poems "raise your head to look at the bright moon and bow your head to think of your hometown", Du Fu"s "the dew is white from tonight, the moon is the hometown of Ming", and Wang Anshi"s poems of Song Dynasty "the spring breeze is green on the South Bank of the river, and when the bright moon shines on me" are all unique through the ages. 10.过中秋节的英语作文   Today is only two days away from the Mid Autumn Festival. I feel very happy, because as long as the Mid Autumn Festival comes, I can eat the moon cakes I like, but my mother said not to buy moon cakes this year. I feel extremely disappointed.   So I thought of making money to buy moon cakes, but how can I make money as a child? It gives me a headache. Then I thought, I work for my mother. When my mother was washing clothes, I went to help her wash them. After washing, I told my mother. Mom gave me five yuan and I"ll wash your clothes. You should pay me. My mother had no choice but to give me five yuan. Since then, I have tried every means to make money. Pour the wine for Dad; Help brother   On the day of the Mid Autumn Festival, I only made enough money to buy two moon cakes, but I was satisfied. Because I bought it with my own money. But what surprised me was that my mother bought a box of moon cakes, but she didn"t let me know. She said this is to let me learn that if I want to get something, I have to rely on my own efforts. At this moment, I understood my mother"s good intentions.   So I ate moon cakes happily with my mother, father and brother. I had a very happy mid autumn festival, because this Mid Autumn Festival made me understand that if I want to get something, I have to rely on my own efforts. Thank you, mom.
2023-07-22 03:32:131

有什么又短又好记的英语单词,如cool fish,mad什么的

1. 将单词的固定用法诵读是有用的。比如:Stop sb from doing sth.这样对助于完形填空,作文都有帮助。2. 造句练习,每一个词组都造一个句子,但是不能造了就算,都拿给老师检查。看会不会犯错。这样能检验是否真的是否记住了,会用了。3. 循环记忆呗 ,我个人经验,每天固定记多少,早上中午晚上各记一次,第二天复习。在没有完全掌握前,不建议再记新的单词。到周末和月末做一次复习。4. 背经典课文,所有的单词短语都是课文里来的,课文背好了,自然也记住了。5. 适当掌握了一些词根词缀记忆法,辅助记忆。
2023-07-22 03:32:343


1-5 B A A B B6-10 B D D B A 11-15 A B B C C 16-20 A B C A D
2023-07-22 03:32:433


I have forgot some of them and I can"t descripe them completely.My advice is asking dean for that.
2023-07-22 03:32:553


1. 关于家庭最出名的英文诗句 关于家庭最出名的英文诗句 1.关于家庭的英文诗或者短文 Three Shadows Dante Grabriel Rossetti I looked and saw your eyes In the shadow of your hair As a traveller sees the stream In the shadow of the wood; And I said:"my faint heart sight Ah me! to linger there, To drink deep and to dream In that sweet solitude." I looked and saw your heart In the shadow of your eyes, As a seeker sees the gold In the shadow of the stream; And I said,"Ah me! what art Should win the immortal prize, Whose want must make life cold And Heaven a hollow dream?" I looked and saw your love In the shadow of your heart, As a diver sees the pearl In the shadow of the sea; And I murmured , not above My breath, but all apart, - "Ah! you can love, true girl, And is your love for me?" 2.求关于家庭的一些句子的英语 对于亚当而言,天堂是他的家;然而对于亚当的后裔而言,家是他们的天堂。(伏尔泰) For Adam,the heaven is his home.but for the person who is Adam"s descendant,the home is their heaven.(Voltaire) 任何一只害鸟不会弄脏自己的窝巢。 any bad bird doesn"t dirty the nest of itself 无论是国王还是农夫,家庭和睦是最幸福的。(歌德) the family harmony is the most happiest thing,no matter he is King or farmer.(Goethe) 幸福的家庭都是相似的;不幸的家庭各有各自的不幸。(托尔斯泰) the happy family are all similar,unfortunate family have misfortunes of each"s.(tolstoy) 幸福家庭是培育孩子成人的温床,家庭生活的乐趣是抵抗坏风气毒害的最好良剂。(卢梭 ) the happy family is the warm bed which brings up the children,the fun of family life is the best medicine that resists bad common practice poisons.(Rousseau) 我宁愿用一小杯真善美来组织一个美满的家庭,不愿用几大船家具组织一个索然无味的家庭。(海涅 ) I prefer to organise a fine family with a small cup honesty,kindness,beauty,instead of organising a boring family with several big boat furniture.(Heine) 全是自己翻译的~ 3.关于家庭人物的英语句子 关于家庭的英语名言感谢 The family you came from isn"t as important as the family you are going to have. (D.Herbert Lawrence, British writer) 你将拥有的家庭比你出身的那个家庭重要。 (英国作家劳伦斯.D.H.) The fundamental defect of fathers is that they want their children to be a credit to them. (Bretrand Rrssell, British philosopher) 父亲们最根本的缺点在于想要自己的孩子为自己争光。(英国哲学家 罗素.B.) The house of every one is to him as his castle and fortress. (E.Coke, British jutist) 每个人的家对他自己都像是城堡和要塞。 (英国法学家 科克.E.) The sooner you treat your son as a man, the sooner he will be one. (William John Locke, British novelist) 越早把你的儿子当成男人,他就越早成为男人。(英国小说家 洛克.W.J.) There is a skeleton in every house. (William Makepeace Thackeray, Bdritish novelist) 家家都有一本难念的经。 (英国小说家 萨克雷.W.M.) A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning un-necessary. (D.C,Fisher, American female novelist) 母亲不是赖以依靠的人,而是使依靠成为不必要的人。(美国女小说家 菲席尔.D.C.) All happy families are like one another; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. (Leo Tolstoy ,Russian writer) 所有幸福的家庭都十分相似;而每个不幸的家庭各有各自的不幸。 (俄国文学家 托尔斯泰.L.) All I am , or can be, I owe to my angel mother. (Abraham lincoln, American president) 我之所有,我之所能,都归功于我天使般的母亲。(美国总统林肯) As a modern parent, I know that it"s not how much you give children those counts, it"s the love and attention you shower on them.A caring attitude can not only save you a small fortune, but also even make you feel good about being tight-fisted and offering more care than presents. (O,Hare Noel, American writer) 作为一个现代的父母,我很清楚重要的不是你给了孩子们多少物质的东西,而是你倾注在他们身上的关心和爱。 关心的态度不仅能帮你省下一笔可观的钱,而且甚至能使你感到一份欣慰,因为你花钱不多并且给予了胜过礼物的关怀。(美国作家 诺埃尔.O.) Be it ever so humble , there is no place like home. (John Howard Payne, Averican drmatist and actor) 金窝,银窝,不如自家的草窝。 (美国剧作家、演员佩恩. J. H.) Every soil where he is well, is to a valiand man his natural country. (Masinger Phililp, British dramatist) 勇敢的人随遇而安,所到之处都是故乡。(英国剧作家 菲利普.M.) Go where he will, the wise man is at home His harth the earth, his hall the azure dome. (R.W.Emerson, American thinker) 明智者四海为家--地球是他的壁炉,蓝天是他的客厅。 (美国思想家 爱默生.R.W.) Happy are the families where the government of parents is the reign of affection, and obedience of the children the submission to love. (Francis Bacon, British philosopher) 幸福的家庭,父母靠慈爱当家,孩子也是出于对父母的爱而顺从大人。(英国哲学家 培根.F.) He is the happiest ,be he King or peasant , who finds peace in his home. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German dramstist and poet) 无论是国王还是农夫,家庭和睦是最幸福的。 (德国剧作家、诗人歌德. J.W.) Home is the girl"s prison and the woman"s workhouse. (Grorge Bernard Shaw, British dramstist) 家是姑娘的监狱,女人的教养院。(英国剧作家 肖伯纳.G.) Home is the place where ,when you have to go there , it has to take you in. (Frost Robert, American poet) 无论何时何地家永远是向游子敞开大门的地方。 (美国诗人 罗伯特.F.) How sharper than a serpent"s tooth is to have a thankless child. (William Shakespeare, British dramatist) 逆子无情甚于蛇蝎。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚W.) Husbands and wives in the process of divorce (and those in the throes of another argument )easily fall into the trap of denigraging the other, publicly if possible, and as often as possible. (Howards Mel, American writer) 正在闹离婚的(包括那些处于吵闹不停的痛楚中的)夫妻们很容易陷在对方的泥沼中不能自拔, 这种诋毁是尽可能公开的,尽量频繁地进行。 (美国作家 梅尔.H.) I don"nt know who my grandfather was. I" m much more concerned to know what his grandson will be. (Abraham Lincoln, American president) 我不知道我爷爷是什么样的人,我更关心的是,他的孙子会成为什么样的人。(美国总统 林肯.A.) If you want your children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shouldres. (Joh Brnyan Btitish ssayist) 你若希望你的孩子总是脚踏实地, 就要让他们负些责任。 (英国散文家 班扬,J.) It was the policy of the good old gentlemen to make his chileren feel that home was the happiest place in the world; and I value this delicious home---feeling as one of the choicest gifts a parent can bestow. (Irvng Washington, 。 4.关于家庭的英文名言 A father"s love can be compared to a mountain.Although we do not look at it everyday,when you fall down,it"s just behind you.父爱像一座高山。虽然我们不必每天仰望,可是跌倒时,山就在背后。 From your parents you learn love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other. 你从父母那里学到爱,学到笑,学到怎样走路。 A mother"s voice is the most beautiful sound in the world. 世界上有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤。 Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts. 家是我们所爱的地方,双脚可以离开,心却不能。 5.有关家庭的英文句子,短一点的 There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. We all love each other very much. My father is a driver. My mother is a teacher. I am a student. Everyday we enjoy watching TV together. Sometimes we go to the park and go boating. It is very funny. How interesting my family is. 这个简单不?呵呵,自己去套下。 6.关于家庭的英语句子带翻译五句话五年级 我家每个人都爱春节 Everybody in my family loves the Spring Festival 我爱吃苹果,我妈妈爱吃香蕉,我爸爸爱吃梨子 I like apples, my mother likes bananas, my father likes pears 我们一家昨年去了海南 Our family went to Hainan last year 我爱春天和夏天,妈妈爱秋天,爸爸则喜欢冬天 I love the spring and summer, mother love autumn, dad is like winter 7.求关于家庭的一些句子的英语 对于亚当而言,天堂是他的家;然而对于亚当的后裔而言,家是他们的天堂。 (伏尔泰)For Adam,the heaven is his home.but for the person who is Adam"s descendant,the home is their heaven.(Voltaire)任何一只害鸟不会弄脏自己的窝巢。any bad bird doesn"t dirty the nest of itself无论是国王还是农夫,家庭和睦是最幸福的。 (歌德)the family harmony is the most happiest thing,no matter he is King or farmer.(Goethe)幸福的家庭都是相似的;不幸的家庭各有各自的不幸。(托尔斯泰)the happy family are all similar,unfortunate family have misfortunes of each"s.(tolstoy)幸福家庭是培育孩子成人的温床,家庭生活的乐趣是抵抗坏风气毒害的最好良剂。 (卢梭 )the happy family is the warm bed which brings up the children,the fun of family life is the best medicine that resists bad common practice poisons.(Rousseau)我宁愿用一小杯真善美来组织一个美满的家庭,不愿用几大船家具组织一个索然无味的家庭。(海涅 )I prefer to organise a fine family with a small cup honesty,kindness,beauty,instead of organising a boring family with several big boat furniture.(Heine)全是自己翻译的~。 8.求一篇关于家的英语短诗 I remember,I remember, The house where I was born, The little window where the sun came peeping in at morn; He never came a wink too soon, Nor brought too long a day, But now ,I often wish the night had borne my breath away. I remember,I remember The roses red and white, The violets, and the lily-cups, Those flowers made of light! The lilacs where the robin built, And where my brother set The laburnum on his birthday,— The tree is living yet! I remember,I remember Where I was used to swing, And thought the air must rush as fresh To swallows on the wing; My spirit flew in feathers then, That is so heavy now, And summer pools could hardly cool The fever on my brow! I remember,I remember, The fir trees dark and high; I used to think their slender tops Were close against the sky: It was a childish ignorance, But now "tis little joy To know I"m farther off from heaven Than when I was a boy.
2023-07-22 03:33:041


英语里面句子成分:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、补语、状语、表语 这是讲解 我查到的最简洁完整的解析了。 英语里面有3大非谓语动词:动词不定式,动词ing(动名词和现在分词)和过去分词。
2023-07-22 03:33:244

求类似于amazing gace,my heart will go on的古典音乐

NBA常用歌曲 It"s My Life --Bon Jovi I still believe--Mariah Carey We Will Rock You--Queen Fighter --Christina Aguilera The Game Of Love --Santa I believe I can fly-- R.Kelly Hero---天后出品 Song Of Yao Ming My happy ending--Avril Lavigne Yeah--UsherWhy can"t I--Liz PhairSo Young--The Corrs A Thousand Miles--Vanessa CarltonCan"t Stop-- Red Hot Chili Peppers Elevation--U2 Dilemma--Nelly&Kelly Rowland Outkast--Hey ya Breathless--The Corrs Right Here ---Swv Get Ready For This-- Unlimited 打包下载《NBA Live 2004》完整原声大碟 打包下载《NBA Live 2005》完整原声大碟 打包下载《NBA Live 2006》完整原声大碟 二,一些创作素材与篮球有关的音乐 Section 1: Basketball Music Lyrics and Rap CLICK HERE Beastie Boys: Tough Guy Curtis Blow: Basketball B Real, Coolio, Busta Rhymes, LL Cool J, Method Man: Hit" em High (The Monstar"s Anthem) Cheech and Chong f / Tyrone Shoelaces: Basketball Jones Coolio: All The Way Live Now Dlr Band: Slam Dunk Jimmy Fallon: (I Can"t Play) Basketball 5ive: Slam Dunk Da Funk The Flys: The Gods of Basketball Forty-Two: Funky White Guy G. Love and Special Sauce: Shooting Hoops Imajin: I Don"t Wanna Play Basketball Jin: NBA Kriminal: Basketball Lil" Bow Wow f / Fabolous, Fundisha and Jermaine Duprie: Basketball Lil" Bow Wow: Take Ya Home Lincoln: Basketball Master P: Basketball Shaquille O"Neal f / Trigga: Fly Like An Eagle Shaquille O"Neal f / Def Jef: I Know I Got, Skillz Presidents of the United States: Magic Johnson Dream Red Hot Chilli Peppers: Magic Johnson R.O.C.: NBA 2k2 Sesame Street: Five 69 Boyz: Hoop In Yo Face Skee-Lo: I Wish Snoop Dogg: Hoop Dreams (He Got Game) Section 2: Music Lyrics and Rap Related to basketball CLICK HERE Davis Alana: Turtle Alkaholiks: Hip Hop Drunkies Andy: Memories Apollo 440: Raw Power Arrogant Worms: Me Like Hockey Artificial Joy Club: Sick and Beautiful Bacon Brothers: Guess Again B.G.: Rollin" Raw Barenaked Ladies: Ed"s Uncle Elwyn Beanie Siegel f / Jay-Z: Raw and Uncut Bif Naked: My Bike Big Punisher f / Tommy Sunshine: Mamma Blade: Come On Blaque: Can"t Trust Myself The Boyz: I Want You Back Kobe Bryant f / Tyra Banks : K.O.B.E. Busta Rhymes: The Heist Cam"Ron: Rockin" And Rollin" Aaron Carter: Never Too Young, Never Too Old Cheech and Chong: Earache My Eye Paula Cole: Bethlehem Corey f / Lil Romeo: Hush Little Lady Corky and the Juice Pigs: Basketball Ass Corky and the Juicy Pigs: Pandas Billy Ray Cyrus: Busy Man D-12 f / Dina Rea: Pimp Like Me Bern Dan: No Missing Link Dave Holister: Can"t Stay Dead Mikmen: Now Everybody"s Me Dead Prez: Score Deftones: Wicked Dog Eat Dog: Sore Loser Drag On f / P Killer Trackz: Click Click Clack Dynamite Hack: Today Is A Good Day Dynamite Hack: Boyz N The Hood E-40 f / Suga T: Lace Me Up The Fugees: Living Like There Ain"t Tomorrow Fun Loving Criminals: Bear Hug House of Pain: Punch Drunk House of Pain: Work Is Bond House of Pain: X-Files I Mother Earth: Basketball Janis Ian: Seventeen Michael Jackson: Superfly Sister Michael Jackson f / Shaquille O"Neal: 2Bad Jagged Edge: Head of Household Jay-Z: Anything Jay-Z: H to the Izzo Jay-Z f / Sean Paul: What They Gonna Do Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince: Summertime Elton John: Mona Lisa and Mad Hatters Part II John Q. Public: Preacher"s Kid Tobey Keith: Honky Tonk U King"s X: Complain Krs-One: Represent the Real Hip Hop Korn: Ear Ache My Eye Kottenmouth Kings: Frontline Lil" Flip: I Shoulda Listened Lil Romeo: My Baby Lil Romeo: 2 Way LL Cool Jay: Around The Way Girl Lyte Funkie Ones: Summer Girls Mario: Put Me On Marvelous 3: #27 Ian Mathews: Shake It Master P f / Afficial: Roll How We Roll John Mellencamp: Rooty Toot Toot Method Man and Redman: Y.O.U. Mr T Experience: I Just Wanna Do It With You Nas: Project Window Nelly: Country Grammar Nelly: Greed, Hate, Envy Nelly: Say Now New Power Generation (NPG): Cherry Cherry Nuts Can Surf: Cysco Shaquille O"Neal: Fiend -98 Shaquille O"Neal: 48 @ The Buzzer Shaquille O"Neal: Pool Jam Shaquille O"Neal: You Can"t Stop The Reign Shaquille O" Neal f / Peter Gunz: It Was All A Dream Shaquille O" Neal f / Phife Dawg: Where Ya At Outkast: D.E.E.P. Petey Pablo: Raise Up Pharoahe Monche: Queens Piglets: Johnny Reggae Poetic Ammo: Approximate Detonation Prefab Sprout: I Never Play Basketball Now Prince: Style Princess Superstar: CEO Project Wize: Erica Public Enemy: I Stand Accused Redman f / Lady Luck: Come And Get It Romanovsky and Phillips: Outfield Blues Roots f / Dice Raw: Ain"t Saying Nothin New Roots f / Dice Raw and Beanie Siegel: Adrenaline! Adam Sandler: Moyda Adam Sandler: Red Hooded Sweatshirt Adam Sandler: 7 Foot Man Saw Doctors: All The Way From Tuam 702: Steelo Sesame Street: Four Sesame Street: Oscar"s "B" Sandwich Sesame Street: Tall Short Texan Shaggy: Why Me Lord Small Fred: Annie Will Smith: "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" Theme Song Will Smith: Gettin" Jiggy Wit It Will Smith and Jazzy Jeff: Boom! Shake the Room Snoop Doggy Dog: Tear "Em Off, Me And My Doggz Fredro Starr: What If Ray Stevens: The Streak Sticky Fingaz: What If I was White Sugarhill Band: Rappers Delight SWV f / Snoop Doggy Dog: Gettin" Funky Taryn and Arianne: Dream Ali Tatyana: Dreamin" Third Eye Blond: An Ode To Maybe 311: Jackolantern"s Weather Throwing Muses: Backroad Too $hort: Cusswords Too $hort f / Ant Banks MC Breed: Givin Up The Funk Toucher: Y.M.C.A. 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2023-07-22 03:33:312


英文论文太长了,难度也过大,只能给你份摘要Doctrine of consideration, as one of the core theories and principles in Anglo-American law of contract, is generalized after the establishment of the classical contract theories. Two classical theoretical models of consideration arise for the purpose of clarifying its meaning: the Benefit-Detriment Theory in Britain and later the Bargain Theory in United States。The development of the doctrine of consideration and especially the creation, evolvement, connection, meaning and constitution ()
2023-07-22 03:33:391


2023-07-22 03:33:483


初来乍到第三季23集因为剧情违规,没有过审,所以被删了。初来乍到第三季(Fresh Off the Boat Season 3),是由纳卡那驰·韩和黄颐铭编剧,纳卡那驰·韩执导,兰道尔·朴和吴恬敏领衔主演的美国喜剧。2016年10月11日首播。剧情简介:《初来乍到》剧照这部单镜头情景喜剧根据华裔美国厨师黄颐铭(Eddie Huang)的回忆录《初来乍到》改编,主要描述上世纪九十年代一个台湾家庭来到奥兰多定居的故事。黄颐铭的父母都是台湾移民,他从小就热爱美国的一切,尤其是嘻哈乐。他的父亲尚能很好地融入当地社会,但母亲却时常为白人文化感到困惑。
2023-07-22 03:33:552


2023-07-22 03:34:295

fresh off the girl是什么意思?

fresh off the girl新鲜的女孩
2023-07-22 03:34:463

Jennifer Lopez fresh out the oven歌词

fresh out the ovenBreak it off here, break, break it off there, Break it off here, break, break it off there, Break it off here, break, break it off there, Break it off here, break, break it off there, Okay ladies, you got your drink in your left hand, Put your right hand on your hip, Now bounce your knees back, alternate back and fourth, And if you"re doing it right, your hips will be doing the same thing, let"s go, [Pitbull] Cubano, boricua, ay que rica, dale chica, Cubano, boricua, ay que rica! [Lola] Now don"t tell me that you love me to get with this, You say you stay forever but it don"t make sense, Maybe you"re a balla, I hope you don"t miss, Cause if not you ain"t gonna get none of this, I only wanna hear swish, I"m a big girl I know what it is, Bentley steering wheel is in that fist, Pick me up at 8, yeah don"t you wish, Love, Fresh Out the Oven, straight sugar lovin", to the beat I love it, hey, You wanna break it off here, break, break it off there, You wanna break it off here, break, break it off there, You wanna break it off here, break, break it off there, They wanna break it off here, break, break it off there, Be real, you can say who you are, Everybody say they a doctor at the bar, You gotta look close to find a real superstar, You international, shit I open up the job, [ From: ]I"m right so far, help yourself and take a look in the mirror, Open up your mouth and stick your tongue out far, Just a little more, okay say ah! Love, Fresh Out the Oven, straight sugar lovin", to the beat I love it, hey, You wanna break it off here, break, break it off there, You wanna break it off here, break, break it off there, You wanna break it off here, break, break it off there, They wanna break it off here, break, break it off there, L O V E, let"s not mess around, we both know what we need, Now here is what I want, understand me when I say, Make it last, okay? You say you want the cookie, you gonna have to wait for the cookie, No touchy touchy, only looky looky, [Pitbull] Mama you S E X Y, lips, eyes, hips, thighs, That"s right, that"s right, that"s right, Kiss the game goodbye, yeah just kiss it, muah, 305, that"s right, that"s right, Na I ain"t Jada, I"m the past, I"m the present, I"m the now, I"m the later, [Lola] Love, Fresh Out the Oven, straight sugar lovin", to the beat I love it, hey, You wanna break it off here, break, break it off there, You wanna break it off here, break, break it off there, You wanna break it off here, break, break it off there, They wanna break it off here, break, break it off there, good hitUno, dos, tres, cuatro Good hit, I got that good hit I got that good hit, I got that good hit La la la la La la la la La la la la La la la la Can I please have your attention?! I"m so dope from head to toe Armed and big, I drop it low On the ground, I put it down Round and round yeah here we go Push up on me, I"m on the floor Talk up on it, make me yours Give you my love, give me love back Baby I"m here, where you at Got that New York swagger, Miami bass Got my California Loub"s on, all up in your face Yeah I"m mid-west pimp tight, Texas fire Don"t you want me to have your babies Don"t you wish I was your Boo got that good hit (La la la la) Don"t you wish I was your boo I got that good hit (La la la la) Don"t you wish I was your boo I got that good hit 不用谢
2023-07-22 03:34:531


就不告诉你(* ̄m ̄)
2023-07-22 03:35:162

Ch-Check It Out 歌词

歌曲名:Ch-Check It Out歌手:Beastie Boys专辑:To The 5 BoroughsAll you trekkies and tv addictsDon"t mean to dissDon"t mean to bring staticAll you klingons in da fuckin" houseGrab your backstreet friend and get loudBlowin" doors off hingesI"ll grab you with the pinchersAnd no i didn"t retireI"ll snatch you upWith the needle nose pliersLike mutual of omahaGot the ill boatYou"ve never seen beforeGliding in the gladesAnd like lorne greeneYou know i get paidLike caprese and with the basilNot goofy like darren or hazelI"m a mother fucking nick at night withClassics rerunning that you know all rightNow remain calm no alarmCause my farm ain"t fatSo what"s up with thatI"ve got friends and family that i respectWhen i think i"m too goodThey put me in checkSo believe when i say i"m no better than youExcept when i rapSo i guess it ain"t trueLike that y"all and you just don"t stopGuaranteed to make your body rockCheck-ch-check-check-check-ch-check it outWhat-wha-what-what-what"s it all aboutWork-wa-work-work-work-wa-work it outLet"s turn this motherfuckin" party outSaid, "doc what"s the conditionI"m a man that"s on a mission"Said, "son, you"d better listenStuck in your assIs an electrician"Like a scientistMmmm when i"m applying thisMethod of controlling my mindLike einstein and the rappin" duke combinedHey baby bubba now what the dealI didn"t know you go for that mass appealSome call it salugiSome hot potatoI stole your mic and you won"t see it laterCause i work magic like a magicianI add up like a mathematicianI"m a bank cashierEngineerI wear cotton but i don"t wear sheerShazam and abracadabraIn the whip i"m gonna cruise past yaYo money, don"t chump yourselfPut that shit back on the shelfLight rays blazin"You"re out of phaseAnd my crews amazin"We"re working on the record yoSo stay patientCheck-ch-check-check-check-ch-check it outWhat-wha-what-what-what"s it all aboutWork-wa-work-work-work-wa-work it outLet"s turn this motherfuckin" party outNow, i go by the name of the king adrockI don"t wear a cup nor a jockI bring the shit that"s beyond bizarreLike miss piggyWho moiI am the one with the clientele.You say, "adrock, you rock so well"I"ve got class like pink champaleMca grab the mic before the mic goes staleDon"t test meThey can"t arrest meI"ll fake right cross-over and shoot leftyYou look upset, yo calm downYou look like cable guy dunked off of your crownI flow like smoke out a chimneyYou never been meYou wanna rap but what you"re making ain"t hip hop bGet your clothes right out the dryerPut armor all up on your tireSport that fresh attireTonight we goin" out set the town on fireSet the town ablazeGonna stun and amazeReady to throw a crazeMake your granny shake her headAnd say, "those were the days"Check-ch-check-check-check-ch-check it outWhat-wha-what-what-what"s it all aboutWork-wa-work-work-work-wa-work it outLet"s turn this motherfuckin" party out
2023-07-22 03:35:231

We can get fresh water from rain, from rivers, or from ________ the ground. A.across B.unde.

B 介词的用法。句意:我们能够从雨水、河流或地下得到清新的水。介词across“穿过”;under“在….的下面”;over“在….的上面”;off“离开”,只有B符合题意。
2023-07-22 03:35:371

帮忙找一篇开头是Many years age,when I was fresh out of school and working in Denver的阅读理解原文

Many years ago, when I was fresh out of school and working in Denver, I was driving to my parents" home in Missouri for Christmas. I stopped at a gas station(加油站)about 50 miles from Oklahoma City, where I was planning to stop and visit a friend. While I was standing in line at the cash register(收款台), I said hello to an older couple who were also paying for gas. I took off, but had gone only a few miles when black smoke poured from the back of my car. I stopped and wondered what I should do. A car pulled up behind me. It was the couple I had spoken to at the gas station. They said they would take me to my friend"s We chatted on the way into the city, and when I got out of the car, the husband gave me his business card. I wrote him and his wife a thank-you note for helping me. Soon afterward, I received a Christmas present from them. Their note that came with it said that helping me had made their holidays meaningful. Years later, I drove to a meeting in a nearby town in the morning. In late afternoon I returned to my car and found that I"d left the lights on all day, and the battery(电池)was dead. Then I noticed that the Friendly Ford dealership - a shop selling cars - was right next door. I walked over and found two salesmen in the showroom. "Just how friendly is Friendly Ford?" I asked and explained my trouble. They quickly drove a pickup truck to my car and started it. They would accept no payment, so when I got home, I wrote them a note to say thanks. I received a letter back from one of the salesmen. No one had ever taken the time to write him and say thank you, and it meant a lot, he said. "Thank you" - two powerful words. They"re easy to say and mean so much.60. The author planned to stop at Oklahoma City_________.A. to visit a friendB. to see his parentsC. to pay at the cash registerD. to have more gas for his car61. The words “took off” underlined in Paragraph 2 mean “______”.A. turned off B. moved off C. put up D. set up62. What happened when the author found smoke coming out of his car?A. He had it pulled back to the gas station.B. The couple sent him a business card.C. The couple offered to help him.D. He called his friend for help.63. The battery of the author"s car was dead because_______.A. something went wrong with the lightsB. the meeting lasted a whole dayC. he forgot to turn off the lightsD. he drove too long a distance64. By telling his own experiences, the author tries to show______.A. how to write a thank-you letter B. how to deal with car problemsC. the kind-heartedness of older people D. theimportance of expressing thanks 答案是ACCD
2023-07-22 03:35:462

The further falling of the stock market as reported today has _______ a fresh wave of selling.

答案B 词义辨析。A发出;B引起;C推迟;D下车;结合句意可知B正确。句意;像今天这样的进一步股票下跌已经引起了抛售的浪潮。 查看原帖>>
2023-07-22 03:35:531

A woman fell ___ the boat ___ the water.A. off; into B. at; belowC. down; un

2023-07-22 03:36:001

A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below.

2023-07-22 03:36:071

off和out of 还有from的区别是什么唉。

off(表示位置)在…的外面, 在…的沿海 The boat anchored off the fort.那艘船停在堡垒外面。out超越(某范围) A few of the tiles were clearly out of alignment.有几片瓦明显出格了。from(表示分离)与…分离[隔开]; 减去; 扣除 The wind blew his hat from his head.风将他的帽子从头上吹走了。
2023-07-22 03:36:161

Fresh Out The Oven 歌词

歌曲名:Fresh Out The Oven歌手:Jennifer Lopez专辑:Love?Jennifer Lopez Ft. Pitbull - Fresh Out The Oven (Prod. The Neptunes)Break it off here break break it off there.Okay you got your drink in your left hand put your right hand on your hipNow bounce your knees back alternate back and fourthAnd if you"re doing it right your hips will be doing the same thing lets go(Pitbull:)Cubano boriqua a que rica dale chicaCubano boriqua a que rica dale chica(Jennifer Lopez:)Now don"t tell me that you love me to get with thisYou say you stay forever but it don"t make senseMaybe you"re a balla hope you don"t missCause if not you ain"t gonna get none of thisI only wanna hear swish i"m a big girl I know what it isBend the steering wheel I know if this isPick me up at 8 yeah don"t you wishFresh out the oven straight sugar loving to the beat I love it heyYou wanna Break it off here break break it off there. x4Be real you can say who u areEverybody say they a doctor at the barYou gotta look close to find a real superstarYou international I open up the jarI"m ranked so far. Help yourself and take a look in the mirrorOpen up ur mouth and stick your tongue out farJust a little more okay say ahhhFresh out the oven straight sugar loving to the beat I love it heyYou wanna Break it off here break break it off there. x4L-O-V-E Lets not mess around we both know what we needNow here is what I want understand me when I sayMake it last you say you want the cookie you gonna have to waitFor the cookie cookie no touchy touchy only looky looky(Pitbull:)Mama you S-E-X-Y wide lips ass hips thighs That"s right x3Kiss the game goodbye yea. This is 305 That"s right That"s rightNaw I ain"t Jada im the best im the present im the now im the later(Jennifer Lopez:)NoooooFresh out the oven straight sugar loving to the beat I love it heyYou wanna Break it off here break break it off there. x4(Pitbull:)Cubano boriqua a que rica dale chicaCubano boriqua a que rica dale chica
2023-07-22 03:36:341

Get off the boat at Tower Bridge.是什么意思

2023-07-22 03:36:433


论文致谢范文(精选10篇)   论文致谢词一般是用于实践报告、毕业论文的结尾处,主要作用是表对导师或者某些辅导的感谢之词。下面为大家带来了论文致谢,欢迎大家参考阅读!   论文致谢 篇1   此时此刻,回顾两年半来充实、忙碌而又快乐的学习时光,感慨颇多。这一段难忘的学习历程对于我的成长和磨砺是深刻而丰富的。这种成长和磨砺,来自老师的不倦教海,来自学友的激情争论,来自家人的鼎力支持,同样来自自己静心求学的那份充实与快乐。在毕业论文完成之际,我要衷心感谢所有给予我帮助和关心的人。   首先要感谢我的导师孟庆恩老师。孟老师在繁忙的教学、科研工作之余,对我的硕士论文选题、框架结构、资料收集、行文表述、乃至格式修改都倾注了大量的心血。从孟老师身上,我深切领略到传业授道解惑这一教师职责的深刻含义。没有他的精心指导和辛勤付出就没有这篇论文的产生。   在两年半的硕士研究生学习生活中,您对学生专业的点拨和生活无微不至的关怀,学生都将铭刻于心。您严谨的治学态度、勤奋的工作作风、务实的工作方法以及开明的处事风格都是学生今后奋斗的目标。在此谨向孟老师表示最诚挚的敬意和感谢!并祝愿导师身体健康,工作顺利,生活幸福!其次,我要感谢在江南大学马克思主义学院两年半的读研生涯中所有授课以及给予我帮助的老师们。   感谢张云霞老师、伍进老师、吕庆广老师、杨文利老师、谢振荣老师、李尚敏老师、朱同丹老师等。感谢你们传道授业解惑的无私哺育,感谢你们给予我学习生活上的支持和帮助。我要借此机会向所有在我求学过程中给予我鼓励、关怀、提携、帮助而不能在此一一提及的众多同学、朋友和亲人致以深深的谢意。我把深深的祝福和诚挚的谢意送给所有关爱我和支持我的人。在论文撰写过程中,学习和引用了学界大量的研究成果,在此谨向这些成果的作者表示衷心的感谢。   论文致谢 篇2   感谢母校,我本顽愚,能够有幸跻身于此圣洁的殿堂,感谢浙江师范大学给我机会!浙江师范大学的良好科研氛围,能让我亲身体会。教育的浩瀚知识,讲学的维实,科研的维新都让我终身难忘。   感谢恩师,我的论文是在浙江师范大学传媒学院(筹)副院长(主持工作)熊才平教授的精心指导下完成。从论文的选题、开题、文章结构的构筑,到最后的定稿,都得到熊老师的细心指导与提携。导师严谨治学的作风和诲人不倦的态度将是我一生学习的楷模。在此谨向我最敬重的熊老师致以最诚挚的谢意!同时也向在我学习期间给予学业上指导和帮助的浙师大诸多集学品和人品与一身的张剑平教授、夏洪文教授、沈亚强教授、蔡铁权教授、刘晓明教授、孙祯祥教授、冯妙玲教授、陈明昆副教授等老师致意最衷心的感谢!   感谢同窗,这里向同门师兄妹对我的支持与帮助致以由衷的歉意。特别是谢希俐与蒋燕同学,在我做论文过程中给予我无私的帮助。感谢携手共走的同窗好友,使得我的求学之路变得充实而又充满欢愉。感谢二00四级的中职硕士班所有同学,是他们的敬业精神和勤奋好学的高尚品质,感化和鞭策我完成了学业。虽然相聚匆匆,但友谊天长地久。   感谢单位的领导与同事们,是他们给予我这学习的机会,是他们给予我更多的工作与学习上的支持与帮助。感谢在做课题论文期间密切协助我做课题调查与研究的乐清同行。   最后还要感谢我的妻子林珍女士与家人,是她们支持与鼓励我昂首学习的信心!也不因家庭琐事而牵绊,才让我顺利完成学业。   回首往事,历历在目。老师谆谆教导,同志的真诚关心,同学的热情帮助,家人的支持,都使我不能忘怀,他们将永远激励着我不断拼搏,勇往直前。   论文致谢 篇3   本研究及学位论文是在我的导师张爱民教授的亲切关怀和悉心指导下完成的。他严肃的科学态度,严谨的治学精神,精益求精的工作作风,深深地感染和激励着我。从课题的选择到项目的最终完成,张老师都始终给予我细心的指导和不懈的支持。张老师不仅在学业上给我以精心指导,同时还在思想、工作上给我很多宝贵的建议,在此谨向张老师致以诚挚的谢意和崇高的敬意。   在此,我还要感谢我们一起学习交流的20XX届各位同门,正是由于你们的帮助和支持,我才能在论文迷茫和疑惑的时候得到解答,并且始终有着精神上的鼓舞。   在论文即将完成之际,我要再次感谢我的尊敬的导师以及其他教导过我的老师们、我亲爱的同学们,有了你们,我的论文才能更加顺利的完成,我在学校两年的学习生涯才更加完整,我学到的东西除了得之于书本,更少不了你们的言传身教以及日常交流。   再次感谢你们!   论文致谢 篇4   时间飞逝,大学的学习生活很快就要过去,在这四年的学习生活中,收获了很多,而这些成绩的取得是和一直关心帮助我的人分不开的。   本论文是在导师金振坤老师的悉心指导和亲切关怀下完成的。在几个月的论文设计中,金振坤老师在各方面都给予我关怀和照顾。   同时还要感谢和我一起渡过四年大学生活得同学们,正是在平时的学习生活中大家互相帮助,共同努力,共同进步,才一换来了今天可贵的劳动成果和坚实的同学情谊,在此向我的各位同学一并表示我由衷的感谢。   最后感谢我的家人,长久以来他们对我默默的关怀和支持给予了我巨大的动力,在使我顺利完成学业的同时,更使我清晰地看到了将来事业的发展方向,这片亲情和爱护我将终身不忘。再次感谢所有关心、支持、帮助过我的亲人、师长、同学和朋友!   论文致谢 篇5   一晃即逝,从当初跨入上海理工大学工程热物理学科的艰辛,到逐渐融入这个学科,再到现在的成熟与自信,一幕幕的场景如今却历历在目,令人感慨万千。   感谢导师余教授长期以来给予的如母爱般无微不至的关怀与教诲。攻读硕士学位期间,余老师不仅从课程计划、学术讨论、论文选题、课题研究、论文修改及撰写等方面给予精心的指导和鼓励,使我受益匪浅,而且在生活上给予无微不至的关怀,使我圆满完成了论文工作。余老师渊博的知识、活跃的学术思想、严谨的治学态度、求实的工作作风、平易近人的待人方式,使我在人生道路中,做人和做事上都有了很大的进步。在论文完成之际,谨向余老师致以最衷心的感谢和最诚挚的.敬意!   感谢在我三年学习中,每一位代课老师,正是他们孜孜不倦的教诲,让我如今能有丰富的知识,并开始人生的下一段旅程。感谢在我的师兄师姐,师弟师妹,在和他们一起学习的日子里不但交流知识,而且还一起分享了生活中的许多快乐,祝他们今后的道路一帆风顺,事业有成!   感谢我的室友们,在学习和生活中对我的照顾、帮助和包容,感谢他们在我最困难的时候给予最大的支持和鼓励!感谢我所有的朋友,陪我一起度过紧张而快乐的研究生生活!   感谢我的爸妈和姐弟对我求学路上一直以来的理解、支持和帮助,他们的扶持和鼓励是我前进的动力,使我能够全身心的投入到学习和研究中去!   最后向参加论文审阅、论文答辩的专家和教授以及关心、支持、鼓励和帮助过我的所有亲人、老师、朋友和同学表示由衷的感谢!   论文致谢 篇6   本研究及学位论文是在我的导师王燕婷老师的亲切关怀和悉心指导下完成的。她严肃的科学态度,严谨的治学精神,精益求精的工作作风,深深地感染和激励着我。王老师不仅在学业上给我以精心指导,同时还在思想、生活上给我以无微不至的关怀,在此谨向王老师致以诚挚的谢意和崇高的敬意。授人以鱼不如授人以渔,我学会了接受全新的思想观念,学会了独立思考。我还要感谢在一起愉快的度过毕业论文小组的同学们,正是由于你们的帮助和支持,我才能克服一个一个的困难和疑惑,直至本文的顺利完成。   在论文完成之际,我的心情无法平静,从开始进入课题到论文的顺利完成,有许多老师、同学和朋友给了我很大的帮助,在论文的完成过程中有幸得到王建国、孙舒仪两位教授的悉心指导,在此表示非常感激。在测试表征过程中,华中科技大学材料学院陈杰老师,高国锋老师,朱书博老师,华中科技大学化工学院陈睿超老师,王毛朵老师,陈志军老师,朱志武教授,毛小伟教授,华中科技大学物电学院孙晓俪老师,莫成武同学在技术上给予了我很大的支持和帮助,在此,我对以上各位老师及同学表示衷心的感谢!   论文致谢 篇7   值此论文完成之际,首先向我的导师致以最真诚的谢意!在论文的选题立意、资料查询、开题、理论分析、研究以及最后的审稿、定稿等方面的每个环节,张导师还有其他老师,给予我细致入微的指导和帮助,对此我谨致以最诚挚的谢意!   向我的家人、朋友及同事致以深深的谢意,在学习的时间里,家人、朋友及同事的关怀和支持是我努力学习的动力,也使我顺利地完成毕业论文。我将在以后的学习和工作中,不断努力,积极向上,奋发进取,不辜负中原工学院和各位老师的希望和培养。   论文致谢 篇8   经过长达一年的调查、实践、资料搜集和数据分析,本文终于完成其稿。通过对相关领域的研究和论文的撰写,我深深感到自己知识的贫乏和学术能力的欠缺。本论文的完成是我的研究生学术研究的总结,也是今后学习、工作的新起点。我将会以此为基础,进一步提高自己的学术水平和能力。   首先,我要向我的导师xxxxx副教授致以深深的敬意和谢意!无论是论文的选题、论文的写作还是论文的最终定稿,xxxxx老师都从百忙之中抽出宝贵的时间悉心给予指导。在论文的指导过程中,xxxxx老师表现出来的渊博的学术知识和严谨的治学作风都将使我受益终生,也是我今后工作和学习努力的方向!   在学习和研究过程中我还得到了xxxxx大学管理学院各位专家学者的精心指导和帮助,在此对各位老师的教诲表示真诚谢意。   同时,衷心感谢所有帮助和关心过我的同学和朋友们,三年同窗,共沐一片阳光。不管岁月流逝多久多远,依然会记得曾经共有的情谊,这是我受益终生的宝贵财富。   最后,对各位专家学者在百忙之中抽出时间来评阅本文表示诚挚的感谢!   论文致谢 篇9   经过一个月的查资料、整理材料、做实验,今天终于可以顺利的完成论文了,自己想想求学期间的点滴历历涌上心头,时光匆匆飞逝,三年多的努力与付出,随着论文的完成,终于让我在大学的生活,得以划下了完美的句点。论文得以完成,要感谢的人实在太多了,首先要感谢我的指导老师周秋民,因为论文是在周老师的悉心指导下完成的。本论文从选题到完成,每一步都是在周老师的指导下完成的,倾注了周老师大量的心血。周老师指引我的论文的写作的方向和架构,并对本论文初稿进行逐字批阅,指正出其中误谬之处,使我有了思考的方向,他循循善诱的教导和不拘一格的思路给予我无尽的启迪,他一丝不苟的作风,将一直是我学习中的榜样。   周老师要指导很多同学的论文,加上本来就有的教学任务,工作量之大可想而知,但在一次次的回稿中,精确到每一个字的批改给了我深刻的印象,使我在论文之外明白了做学问所应有的态度。更让人感动的是在论文写作过程中,周老师在因病情况下还是一如既往的辅导我们的论文写作,他的精神激励了我们,使我们克服了在论文写作过程中的困难。在此,谨向周老师表示崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢!谢谢周老师在我撰写论文的过程中给与我的极大地帮助。论文的顺利完成,离不开其它各位老师、同学和朋友的关心和帮助。   在此谢谢辅导我实验的莫关怀老师及刘师凤等同学,在整个的论文写作中,各位老师、同学和朋友积极的帮助我查资料和提供有利于论文写作的建议和意见,论文得以不断的完善,最终帮助我完整的写完了整个论文。另外,要感谢在大学期间所有传授我知识的老师,是你们的悉心教导使我有了良好的专业课知识,这也是论文得以完成的基础。 感谢所有给我帮助的老师和同学,谢谢你们!   论文致谢 篇10   为期四个多月的毕业设计终于结束了,在本次毕业设计中,我真心的感谢指导老师xxxxx老师,感谢他能给我这次宝贵的锻炼机会,在资料上的大力提供,在设计思想上的指导,在编程方法上的帮助;更要感谢他在我遇到技术困难挫折,心情沮丧时的鼓励。我相信他的教导一定会在今后我的工作学习中鞭策我不断前进。在进行整个毕业设计以及书写毕业论文的过程中,孙老师都给予了   全面细致的指导,帮助作者纠正和解决了许多的问题。在此衷心的感谢我们的指导老师——xx老师!也同样的感谢我的朋友们以及关心和帮助过我的朋友们,正式因为他们的帮助才使得我能够顺利的完成毕业设计!   此外,还要衷心的感谢xxxxxx的所有老师给我提供了这么一个实践的机会!感谢母校给了我这个良好的学习环境!   设计结束了,我也将跨入新的未知的生活,然而学无止境,我一定会在今后的学习生活中不断的努力,不断的前进,不辜负老师和父母对我的期望。   在此我向我的指导老师,和我的同学们致以真挚的谢意,谢谢你们的大力支持和帮助。谢谢你们! ;
2023-07-22 03:31:231

求the Beatles 《Goodbye》歌词

歌名是Hello,Goodbye吧you say yes, i say say stop and i say go go go, oh say goodbye and i say hellohello helloi don"t know why you say goodbye, isay hellohello helloi don"t know why you say goodbye, i say hello.i say high, you say say why and i say i don"t know, oh say goodbye and i say hellohello goodbye hello goodbye hello hellohello goodbye i don"t know why you say goodbye, i say hellohello goodbye hello goodbye hello hellohello goodbye i don"t know why you say goodbyehello goodbye i say goodbye.why why why why why why do you say goodbye goodbye, oh no?you say goodbye and i say hellohello helloi don"t know why you say goodbye, i say hellohello helloi don"t know why you say goodbye, i say say yes i say yes i say no but i may mean say stop i can stay and i say go go go till it"s time to go oh, oh say goodbye and i say hellohello helloi don"t know why you say goodbye, i say hellohello helloi don"t know why you say goodbye, i say hellohello helloi don"t know why you say goodbye, i say hello hello.hela heba helloa cha cha.................
2023-07-22 03:31:252


2023-07-22 03:31:291


2023-07-22 03:31:301


金翅大鹏与孔雀大明王是亲姐弟。凤凰有两子,一为孔雀,一为大鹏。 如来道:自那混沌分时,天开于子,地辟于丑,人生于寅,天地再交合,万物尽皆生。万物有走兽飞禽。走兽以麒麟为之长,飞禽以凤凰为之长。那凤凰又得交合之气,育生孔雀、大鹏。孔雀出世之时,最恶,能吃人,四十五里路,把人一口吸之。神话起源:金翅大鹏雕起源于印度佛教。大孔雀明王起源于密宗佛教。密教本尊之一。汉译有摩诃摩瑜利罗阇、佛母大孔雀明王等名,简称孔雀明王。一般明王多现愤怒像,令普通人有难以亲近之感。而此一明王则形象优雅、慈蔼可亲,而且以甚具诗意的孔雀为坐骑。据《孔雀明王经》所载,在久远以前,雪山有一金色大孔雀王,平素持诵该咒甚勤,因此恒得安稳。有一次,由于贪爱逸乐,与众多孔雀女到远地山中嬉游,而未诵该咒,因此为猎人捕捉。他在被缚之时,恢复正念,持诵该咒,终于解脱系缚,得到自由。
2023-07-22 03:31:311


2023-07-22 03:31:345


百度这里有:Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Where"s my samurai 我的samurai在那里(注:samurai是日本古时的武士阶层) I"ve been searching for a man 我一直在找一个人 All across Japan 穿过整个日本 Just to find,to find my samurai 只为找到,找到我的samurai Someone who is strong 那个人很强壮 But still a little shy 还有点害羞 Yes I need, I need my samurai 是的我需要,我需要我的samurai Ay,Ay,Ay, Ay,Ay,Ay I"m your little butterfly 我是你的小蝴蝶 Green, black and blue 又绿又黑又蓝 make the colors in the sky 使天空五颜六色 Ay,Ay,Ay Ay,Ay,Ay I"m your little butterfly 我是你的小蝴蝶 Green, black and blue 又绿又黑又蓝 make the colors in the sky 使天空五颜六色 I"ve been searching to the woods 我一直在森林中寻找 And high upon the hills 并且爬上高山 Just to find,to find my samurai 只为找到,找到我的samurai Someone who won"t regret 那个人不会遗憾 to keep me in his net 把我困在他的网中 Yes I need, I need my samurai 是的我需要,我需要我的samurai Ay,Ay,Ay, Ay,Ay,Ay I"m your little butterfly 我是你的小蝴蝶 Green, black and blue 又绿又黑又蓝 make the colors in the sky 使天空五颜六色 Ay,Ay,Ay Ay,Ay,Ay I"m your little butterfly 我是你的小蝴蝶 Green, black and blue 又绿又黑又蓝 make the colors in the sky 使天空五颜六色 Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Where"s my samurai 我的samurai在那里
2023-07-22 03:31:361


选z3吧,x20是660处理器 z3是710处理器,z3拍照应该要比x20差点,看你主要是拍照,还是日常使用
2023-07-22 03:31:393


2023-07-22 03:31:392


2023-07-22 03:31:204

英语 television中文谐音怎么读

2023-07-22 03:31:176


goodbye音标:[,gud"bai] guy音标:["gai] 根据音标读起来就容易些.
2023-07-22 03:31:161


蝴蝶的英语读法:butterfly汉英大词典:butterfly中中释义:蝴蝶 [hú dié][butterfly]。也作胡蝶。旧时以为蝶的总称,今动物学以为蝶的一种。构成鳞翅目锤角亚目的某些身体细长在白天活动的昆虫,经常具有鲜明的颜色,有特殊型的双翅。短语搭配:Madama Butterfly:蝴蝶夫人 ; 胡蝶太太 ; 蝴蝶夫人专辑 ; 胡蝶夫人。Butterfly Theorem:蝴蝶定理。Butterfly Cluster:蝴蝶星团 ; 蝶形原子簇。Butterfly Knoll:蝴蝶穹丘。Joe Butterfly:乔伊蝴蝶 ; 乔伊胡蝶。LOST BUTTERFLY:迷途的蝴蝶 ; 迷失的蝴蝶 ; 失落的蝴。蝶 ; 又名。Butterfly cake:蝴蝶蛋糕 ; 胡蝶蛋糕 ; 纸杯蛋糕。Club Butterfly:蝴蝶俱乐部 ; 交换温柔 ; 胡蝶俱乐部。Butterfly Knot:蝴蝶结 ; 中间结 ; 户外情侣档蝴蝶结 ; 蝴碟结。
2023-07-22 03:31:111


2023-07-22 03:31:104


为了确保您所购买的Vivo X90是正品而非串货,可以注意以下几点:1.确保购买渠道的正规性:建议您在官方授权的销售渠道、品牌官方网站、正规的自营商城等渠道购买,避免在小作坊、二手市场、个人店铺等来源不明的渠道购买。2.认真检查裸机及配件的外观:正品的Vivo X90机身和配件质量都比较高,表面涂层均匀,没有明显的掉漆或瑕疵。3.抽查序列号和IMEI号:序列号和IMEI号应该是唯一的,并且可以在Vivo官网上进行验证。检查产品箱包上的标签是否道不明确,售后服务是否完善等。4.购买时注意价格:如果所购买的Vivo X90价格显然低于市场价,很可能就是假货或者串货。最好还是选择正规渠道购买,确保产品安全和品质有保障。总之,确保购买渠道的合法性、产品完整包装、外观及原始封装都应该完好无损。购买时要注意多方权威媒体的报导,多重验证产品信息,防止购买不良商品。
2023-07-22 03:31:072


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2023-07-22 03:31:072


  下面是范文,看看然后填空吧。  从论文选题到搜集资料,从写稿到反复修改,期间经历了喜悦、聒噪、痛苦和彷徨,在写作论文的过程中心情是如此复杂。如今,伴随着这篇毕业论文的最终成稿,复杂的心情烟消云散,自己甚至还有一点成就感。那种感觉就宛如在一场盛大的颁奖晚会上,我在晚会现场看着其他人一个接着一个上台领奖,自己却始终未能被念到名字,经过了很长很长的时间后,终于有位嘉宾高喊我的大名,这时我忘记了先前漫长的无聊的等待时间,欣喜万分地走向舞台,然后迫不及待地开始抒发自己的心情,发表自己的感想。这篇毕业论文的就是我的舞台,以下的言语便是有点成就感后在舞台上发表的发自肺腑的诚挚谢意与感想:  我要感谢,非常感谢我的导师许静老师。她为人随和热情,治学严谨细心。在闲聊中她总是能像知心朋友一样鼓励你,在论文的写作和措辞等方面她也总会以“专业标准”严格要求你,从选题、定题开始,一直到最后论文的反复修改、润色,许老师始终认真负责地给予我深刻而细致地指导,帮助我开拓研究思路,精心点拨、热忱鼓励。正是许老师的无私帮助与热忱鼓励,我的毕业论文才能够得以顺利完成,谢谢许老师。  我要感谢,非常感谢邱铮学长。正在撰写硕士研究生毕业论文的他,在百忙之中抽出时间帮助我搜集文献资料,帮助我理清论文写作思路,对我的论文提出了诸多宝贵的意见和建议。对学长的帮助表示真挚的感谢。  我要感谢,非常感谢xx学弟们。他们为我提供了写作论文的重要工具——电脑。甚至为了让我方便进出他们的寝室专门为我配备了一把钥匙,而且四台电脑的密码也都一一告知于我,任我选用,让很非常感动。对学弟们的支持和帮助表示万分感谢。
2023-07-22 03:31:041


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2023-07-22 03:31:022