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cheri cheri lady 帮我翻译成中文下!

2023-07-21 17:56:21

Cheri Cheri Lady (雪莉女士)

Oh, I cannot explain - everytime it、s the same 喔!我无法解释,每次都一样

Oh, I feel that it、s real - take my heart 喔!我的感受如此真实!请接纳我的心

I、ve been lonely too long - oh, I can、t be so strong

我已忍受太久的孤寂,喔!我变得如此软弱!Take the chance for romance - take my heart


I need you so - there、s no time - I、ll ever go


Cheri, cheri lady - going through a motion


Love is where you find it - listen to your heart


Cheri, cheri lady - living in devotion


It、s always like the first time - let me take a part

每次都像第一回那 新鲜!让我也参与其中吧!

Cheri, cheri lady - like there、s no tomorrow


Take my heart, don、t lose it - listen to your heart


Cheri, cheri lady - to know you is to love you


If you call me, baby - I、ll be always yours


I get up, I get down - all my world turns around


Who is right ? Who is wrong ? - I don、t know


I、ve got pain in my heart - got a love in my soul


Easy come - but I think, easy go


I need you so - although times - I move so slow



求歌词:第一夫人 歌词

hey,you know what you are my first lady 我爱你 透过生活进入生命 爱你 不是说说而已 我爱你 每个明天都会更感人 我的第一夫人 再也不要飘到人海里 一个人流离 再也不要怕噩梦来袭 一个人惊醒 清干净 旧伤心 美满将要造访并定居 我爱你 透过生活进入生命 爱你 不是说说而已 我爱你 每个明天都会更感人 我的第一夫人 再也不用一个人旅行 浪漫的空虚 再也不用一个人委屈 心酸的独立 就放心 被疼惜 信任酿的幸福最浓郁 我爱你 透过生活进入生命 爱你 不是说说而已 我爱你 每个明天都会更感人 我的第一夫人 我爱你 透过生活进入生命 爱你 不是说说而已 我爱你 每个明天都会更感人 我的第一夫人 我的第一夫人 我的第一夫人
2023-07-21 16:01:382


2023-07-21 16:01:4712


2023-07-21 16:02:098


大家好,我是汤粉嘀哒。喜欢追剧就是我,我就喜欢追电视剧,还有电影和综艺。 不知道最近大家是否沉浸在 剧荒 的状态呢?特别是港剧迷们,深有体会。 话说,我我追完张卫健主演的 《大帅哥》 之后,就沉浸在赵丽颖、冯绍峰的 《知否知否应是绿肥红瘦》 中,整日活在王大娘子的欢乐源泉里无法自拔。 但是《知否》结局后,我又觉得莫名剧荒。 作为一枚喜欢追港剧的我,忘不了TVB接档《守护神之保险调查》,之后接档《皓镧传》,这些我已经在某网络视频平台都追的剧。 于是我又整日沉浸在《荷里活有个大老千》、《爱回家之开心速递》这两部剧里,不断重复徘徊。 直到本周,才迎来新的曙光。 TVB悬疑推理新剧来了,第一集就爆出凶手是谁?这部剧恐怕没那么简单。 是的,又有新剧开播,各位看官们有福了。 它就是《福尔摩师奶》,原名《危城First Lady》。 我表示,终于等到你。 改名的原因据说是为了让剧集增强戏剧感,但我却觉得,感觉改了名字会更接地气? 目前豆瓣暂无评分,也许是因为刚开播的原因。但 演员可以说都是实力派,有陈松伶、陈炜以及黄智贤。 爱追港剧的剧迷们对于陈松伶一定不陌生,《金玉满堂》的岳心如,《金装四大才子》的朱聘婷,想必是不少观众心目中的女神。 距离上一次拍TVB剧,应该是2017年播出的《全职没女》。 男主角黄智贤,演过不少反派,后来渐渐开始演男一号,演技也是在线。 除此之外,还有我们熟知的太平公主陈炜。 不过在这部剧中,陈炜却饰演一个不畏强权、明辨是非的师奶鲍妹娣,感觉这些角色相差很大,但是陈炜却也能完美演绎。 这个角色刚登场时,那种接地气,那种狠劲且“大姐大”的性格,成功让我我忘掉了太平公主。 那么《福尔摩师奶》到底讲了一个什么故事呢? 故事以二、三十年代为背景,讲述了一位爵士夫人祖迪费查破案的剧情。 该剧有参考年代的连环凶杀案“开膛手杰克”为蓝本改编,再加上悬疑、破案这些元素,足以满足观众的好奇心。 剧集第一集,就讲述了女主角祖迪,分析了开膛手案件。同时,将亮点放在玻璃眼镜碎片上。 因丈夫菲腊费查获得爵士,祖迪自己也成为了爵士夫人,更是在宴会上揭开莫名消失的爵士勋章谜团。 心思缜密以及喜爱调查真相,证明了 祖迪是一个聪明,而且追求完美的福尔摩斯迷。 风光的两人来到油麻地体察低下阶层的生活,体验完毕后,菲腊表示再也不会来这个地方。 结果因为某些事情曝光,菲腊带着妻子祖迪再度来到油麻地,想要在这里留宿一晚,之后乘船离开。 哎呀,原来 TVB也有“真香”系列。 只是没想到菲腊去找车子,大晚上丢下祖迪一人在街头,然后一去不复返。 祖迪因高跟鞋被卡住,无奈只能坐在路边。好心的大妈见状,将鞋子送给祖迪穿。 翌日,竟然有人被杀害,而死者,正是昨晚给祖迪赠送鞋子的大妈。 而祖迪也因此成为凶手的最大嫌疑。 只因为祖迪穿上大妈的鞋子,这个杀人案件,与祖迪脱不了干系。 但是,从观众视角来看,我们都能够发现,凶手看起来就是祖迪的丈夫菲腊费查,因为开膛手行凶的种种迹象,都跟菲腊有关。 难道编剧要第一集就告诉我们,开膛手案件就是女主的丈夫吗? 当然,这个故事自然是没有那么简单。要是第一集就爆出凶手是谁,这还用看了? 我觉得,这是编剧在套路我们。 祖迪也因为有嫌疑被关入羁留室,遭到警局里的人刁难。在案件重组现场,祖迪分析得头头是道,却被舆论打败。 她还在案发现场,发现了眼镜碎片,那正是开膛手作案手法。祖迪呼吁所有人,开膛手再度重现,一定还会有受害者出现。 没有人相信她所说的话,只因为她是头号嫌疑犯。 人们总是愿意相信眼前看到的事实,祖迪虽是爵士夫人,却穿上了死者的鞋子,还曾在死者死之前,与死者见面。 哪里有人会三更半夜脱下自己的鞋子,送给素未谋面的人穿呢? 最大嫌疑自然是她,群众更是认定,她就是杀人凶手。 曾经是高高在上的祖迪,被群众扔青菜、咸鱼,甚至被泼洗脚水。 关键时刻,男主角关一夫跑出来拯救女主。想尽各种方法,帮助女主洗脱罪名,找到有力人证,却没想到人证居然死亡。 这样的剧情发展就让我迫不及待,想要看到下一集的内容发展了,于是我看了下集预告。 油麻地再度出现凶案,果然印证了祖迪所说的一切。同时这也证明了祖迪的清白。 警局迫于群众压力,无奈释放祖迪。但祖迪她没有想到的是,自己的丈夫竟然被通缉。 原因是因为私通海盗。 这就完全可以解释,为何菲腊要急忙带祖迪来到油麻地乘船逃跑的原因了。 之后祖迪在关一夫的安排下,与死者大妈的女儿丁晓尧住在一起。故事远还没有结束,相反,才刚刚开始。 但 之后的剧情发展,会交代祖迪与丈夫结婚二十周年,定然认为丈夫不会是连环杀手,甚至想要为他洗清嫌疑。 《福尔摩师奶》这部剧才刚开始播出,我就迫不及待等每日更新了。原因很简单,推理、破案。剧情紧凑,能勾起剧迷好奇心。 与《福尔摩师奶》相关类型的电视剧,还有《刑事侦缉档案》、《法证先锋》系列,这些剧集均获得不错的口碑与收视。 不过《福尔摩师奶》才刚刚开播,对于剧情评价还不能够那么快下定断,但前两集总体来说还是不错的,剧情有看点,而且也足够紧凑。 但更多观众想要看到的,应该是 陈松伶如何饰演一位上流 社会 人物祖迪,如何变成接地气的“福尔摩师奶”。 不知道对于这部TVB新剧,大家又是如何评价的呢?赶快到评论下方来和我们一起聊聊吧。
2023-07-21 16:02:261


Shit.Chamillionaire:Come let me tell you, man,Relax, relax. (J. Holiday: From Texas to DC, baby.)J. Holiday:It"s goin" down.Come here now, J. Holiday.That"s the reason I come home, baby.Chamillionaire:Relax, relax,(J. Holiday: Let"s go, whoo!)How could you be lonely,They don"t really know me,Comfortable as ever like my hustle got us cozy,Bottles lookin" rosy,Bags meant to go G,Poppin" tags while we Photoshoppin" like Adobee,Cool as Obama,All the drama was the old me,These walls could talk,They would say how they don"t know me,Always on the road,No home could ever hold me,Success is like a drug,And I feel like I"m "bout to OD,Nah, you don"t run around,Actin" like you own me,Wait til I get home,Then you gonna put it on me,Look at how we ballin", bitch,One or two of colby,Look at how they callin",Voice matters what they owe me,But they just some rookies and you know that you were OG,After o"clock you know exactly where I"m gon" be,You know how the road be,groupies hoppin" on the sack,But guess who"s back to give you the business.J. Holiday:When I"m in the streets, on ma" grind,You got me, and we gon" shine,Plus I know you gon" go down home, and let me get mine,One more reason to come home,Off the streets,Girl when I come home,Off ma grind,Relax, relax, relax.Chamillionaire:I got to be in the twelve,Got the Beamer as well,Grindin" like it ain"t illegal,And I ain"t seein" a jail,On the chase for the paper,I"m on the tip of the tail,I"m the Clyde to your Bonnie,And we ain"t leavin" a share,My fat ex-girlfriend, was tryin" to see me get mailed,The UPS in the downs, and you still seem to appear.You ain"t breakin" a sweat, put your feet in the air,And while I ride presidential, I"ll let you be my Michelle,In this life all these of troubles, I know it"s easy to fail,But when it"s us against the world, me and you like "oh yeah",It"ll take a lot of hustlin", it"s easy to tell,That I am always on the hustle, never seein" a chair,See in my stare, I ain"t easy to scare,Put a king with a queen, and they can see we a pair,Soon as I get a full house, it"ll be easy to share,All of the royalties and riches, just for keepin" it player.J. Holiday:When I"m in the streets, on ma" grind,You got me, and we gon" shine,Plus I know you gon" go down home, and let me get mine,One more reason to come home,Off the streets,Girl when I come home,Off ma grind,Relax, relax, relax.Chamillionaire:We livin" the life, and this is payback,For the days that you used to say that,Maibach, wasn"t something that your sights was aimed at,Made that, money stacked up enough to pay that,May stacks, but you told me that I should saved that,Ain"t that somethin", we grind to get stacks,As soon as we get stacks, it"s harder ta (J. Holiday: relax, relax),So let your seat back, and let"s repeat track,Relaxin" in the sun up, "n we chill "til we see the black c"mon,In the streets "n I"m hustlin" daily (J. Holiday: daily),You don"t need to be stressin" that, baby (J. Holiday: baby),I get home "n I know you"ll be waitin", yeah (J. Holiday: yeah yeah),You ain"t mad at the money I"m chasin",And you know that ma lifestyle"s crazy,But you always gon" be ma first lady, yeah (J. Holiday: Woo!).J. Holiday:When I"m in the streets, on ma" grind,You got me, and we gon" shine,Plus I know you gon" go down home, and let me get mine,One more reason to come home,Off the streets,Girl when I come home,Off ma grind,Relax, relax, relax.Chamillionaire:Come let me tell you, man,In the streets "n I"m hustlin" daily,But you always gon" be ma first lady, yeah(J. Holiday: Yoa got a Texas in the building.).Oh yeah,(J. Holiday: Chamillionaire, what"s up, baby?)Take it away, Jay.J. Holiday:Yeah,Just relax,No, no no no no,Go!Read more: Chamillionaire - Relax Lyrics | MetroLyrics
2023-07-21 16:02:451


2023-07-21 16:02:533

before she ever gets the chance to commit to a cause ,charity or foundation as First Lady.是什么意

在她得到一个作为第一夫人致力于事业,慈善和基金会的机会之前··· 还有后文吧。
2023-07-21 16:03:012


Celford 属于三线品牌。
2023-07-21 16:03:102


  Ronald Reagan to Nancy Reagan   罗纳德·里根写给妻子南希   President Ronald Reagan wrote several love notes to his wife and eventual First Lady, starting when the couple first met. Nancy piled some of his letters in her book I Love You, Ronnie. He gave her this note on Valentine"s Day in 1977:   自相识以来,美国总统罗纳德·里根给她的妻子、后来的第一夫人写过多封情书。南希后来将其中的一部分收入了她的《我爱你·罗尼》一书。1977年的情人节,里根将这封情书交给了南希:   “Dear St. Valentine,   “亲爱的圣瓦伦丁:   I"m writing to you about a beautiful young lady who has been in this household for 25 years now—e March 4.   我写的这封信同一位美丽的女士有关。到今年3月4日,她就在这个家庭生活了足足25年了。   I have a request to make of you but before doing so feel you should know more about her. For one thing she has 2 hearts—her own and mine. I"m not plaining. I gave her mine willingingly, and like it right where it is. Her name is Nancy but for some time now I"ve called her Mommie and don"t believe I could change.   我想请求您做一件事,但是在此之前,我希望您能对她有更多的了解。首先,她有两颗心:一颗是她自己的心,一颗是我的心。我对此毫无怨言,因为我心甘情愿地将自己的心交予了她,也希望这颗心一直在那。她的名字叫南希,不过一段时间以来我一直叫她“妈妈”,已经无法改口了。   My request of you is—could you on this day whisper in her ear that someone loves her very much and more and more each day? Also tell her, this “Someone” would run down like a dollar clock without her so she must always stay where she is.”   我对您的请求是:在今天这个特别的日子里,能否悄悄地靠在她耳边对她说,有一个人深爱着她,他的爱与日俱增?同时也请告诉她,如果没有她,这个人会像电子表一样停止运转,所以请她一直留在这个地方。”
2023-07-21 16:03:321

lady first怎么读

lady first 意思是女士优先,非常绅士的礼貌用语, 常常用于让别人先行音标是 ["leidi] [fest]中文谐音是 雷第 发斯特
2023-07-21 16:03:401


  曹禺,中国杰出的现代话剧剧作家,中国新文化运动的开拓者之一,下面是我给大家整理的曹禺英文简介,供大家参阅!   曹禺简介   Cao Yu (September 24, 1910 - December 13, 1996), China"s outstanding modern drama writer, formerly known as Wanjia Bao, the word small stone, a small name added. Han nationality, native of Hubei Qianjiang, was born in Tianjin, a decline of the feudal bureaucratic family. His father had served as the secretary of the President Li Yuanhong, after the idle at home, depression is not unsuccessful. Cao Yu childhood mother, in the depressed atmosphere grew up, personality and depressed introverted. In 1922, admitted to Nankai Middle School, and participated in the Nankai New Theater.   Cao Yu pen name of the source is because the name "million" (traditional characters), traditional million words for the grass next to a word Yu. So he will be removed from top to bottom for the "grass yu", and because "grass" is not like a surname, so take the homophone word "Cao", the combination of the two were Cao Yu.   Cao Yu is the most famous dramatist in the history of Chinese modern drama. Cao Yu childhood with the stepmother was removed from the various theater listening to the song, so from the careful will sow the seeds of the play. Its representative works are "thunderstorm", "sunrise", "wilderness", "Beijing".   December 13, 1996, due to long-term disease, Cao Yu died in Beijing Hospital, at the age of 86 years.   Cao Yu as one of the pioneers of China"s new cultural movement, and Lu Xun, Guo Moruo, Mao Dun, Ba Jin, Lao She par. He is the executive director and vice chairman of the Chinese Dramatists Association, the director of the Chinese Writers Association, the chairman of the Beijing Federation of literary and art circles, the vice president of the Central Academy of Drama, the honorary president of the China Academy of Drama, ; Beijing People"s Art Theater Dean and other duties. He created every role, gave people left an unforgettable impression. In 1934 Cao Yu"s drama debut "thunderstorm" came out in the history of modern Chinese drama has a very significant significance, it is recognized as a symbol of modern Chinese drama mature, Mr. Cao Yu is also known as "Oriental Shakespeare".   曹禺人物生平   Personal experience   In 1910, Cao Yu was born in Tianjin Xiaobailou, three days after the mother Xue died from puerperal fever. Xue"s twin sister Xue Yongnan married Cao Yu"s father to assume the responsibility of raising Cao Yu.   1913, 3 years old with the stepmother watching the play, to watch Peking Opera, Hebei Bangzi, Shanxi Bangzi, Tangshan Lazi, civilized drama and other traditional Chinese drama, these operas for his future creation laid a certain foundation.   In 1922, the autumn was admitted to Nankai Middle School for the second grade class students. During the school to actively participate in various drama activities, and joined the Nankai new troupe.   In 1929, his father died of stroke. In September the same year by the Nankai University transferred to Tsinghua University Department of Western Literature sophomore, Tsinghua devote themselves to study the drama, extensive reading from the ancient Greek tragedy to Shakespeare drama and Chekhov, Ibsen, O"Neill"s play, which he later Creativity has a huge impact.   1933, between summer and autumn as "thunderstorm", autumn into the Tsinghua Research Institute. Began with Zhengxiu love, fall apply to Baoding Mingde secondary school English teacher.   In March 1935, the famous film actor Ruan Lingyu committed suicide. Cao Yu is extremely indignant, so the creation of "sunrise".   June 1936, and Lu Xun, Ba Jin and other 77 people signed the "Declaration of Chinese literary and art workers." Autumn of the same year as "wilderness".   In May 1937, "Sunrise" won the "Ta Kung Pao" "Arts Award"   In 1938, between summer and autumn and the Song of the co-adaptation of the "national mobilization", renamed "black eighty two", the same year in October staged.   In 1940, the first half of the "transformation", "is thinking", the second half of the "Beijing".   In 1942, the beginning of the resignation of the national drama duties, from Jiang to Chongqing. Faction in Fudan University, teaching English and foreign drama. Creative adaptation of the four play drama "home" and single play "gold".   In January 1943, the translation of Shakespearean drama "soft European and beautiful leaves".   In 1946, by the United States Department of State invited to Lao Lao to the United States to give lectures.   In 1947, February arrived in Shanghai by the United States. Autumn, the screenplay "sunny days" finished draft, since the director, by the Wenhua company. At the end of the year by the Communist Party of China underground organization arranged secret from Shanghai to Hong Kong.   In 1949, under the arrangement of the Communist Party of China under the arrangement of the organization into a businessman, arrived in Hong Kong by boat arrived in Yantai Liberated Area. In April, he joined the China Peace delegation headed by Guo Moruo and held the World Peace Conference at the Prague National Assembly in the Czech Republic. In the same year, the All-China Federation of Literary and Artists was established and elected as a standing committee. Subsequently, the All-China Literary Workers Association, the All-China Drama Workers Association, the National Film Workers Association have been set up, were elected as standing members, editorial and publishing department heads and members.   In 1951, the Beijing People"s Art Theater was proclaimed and served as dean.   In 1954, published "bright days".   In 1960, the creation and completion of the historical drama "hardship" to complete, later renamed "gallbladder chapter."   In 1978, the five historical drama "Wang Zhaojun" published.   December 13, 1996, due to long-term disease, died in Beijing Hospital.   married family   Cao Yu has a total of three wives, respectively, Zheng Xiu, Deng translation students that Fang Rui, Li Yuru.   Zheng Xiu is the first lady of Cao Yu, Cao Yu is also the longest time to love a woman.   She is Cao Yu Tsinghua University students. In early spring 1933, in the school"s campus drama activities, Cao Yu to friends Sun Haoran came forward, especially invited to show the British playwright Gowers Hua Sui"s drama "crime", as the heroine, and began a warm pursuit of Zheng Xiu The Cao Yu was the beauty of Zhao and moved, several times the pursuit of unsuccessful, and finally in a serious illness in Cao Yu two people began to fall in love. After three years of love long-distance running, November 26, 1936, Cao Yu and Zheng Xiu in Nanjing open positions Lane de Ruo students held a grand engagement ceremony. Cao Yu wearing Western-style tuxedo, Zhengxiu wearing cheongsam. Jin to Pakistan to come from the field to participate. Ba Jin sent a doll, Zheng Xiu very happy: "I hold a gold doll, Jiabao to Ba Jin"s appreciation," thunderstorm "is not published, but also a poor student." Ma Yanxiang, Zhang Tianyi also attended the ceremony. In the spring of 1937, Cao Yu and Zheng Xi held a simple wedding in the National Theater of Changsha, principals Yu Shangyuan main marriage, guests have Wu Zuguang and other drama school teachers and students, Cao Yu and Zheng show formal married.   Cao Yu and Zheng Xiu shortly after marriage, and Fang Rui has up to ten years of extramarital affairs. This romance from the beginning in a semi-open state, Cao Yu several times to divorce to Zheng Xiu, this time Zheng Xiu has two women, determined to leave, but the relationship between the two couples in name only, they have been separated to 1951. Zheng Xi in a very lonely and painful divorce. Zheng Xiu Cao Yu classmate friend Zhang Junxiang said: "In the past I love Cao Yu, married him, and now I still love him.I agree to divorce, because I hope he is happy." Zheng Xi died in October 1989, never remarried.   In 1951 Cao Yu and Fang Rui formal marriage, until the Cultural Revolution period. Cao Yu did not be criticized, was decentralized to the farm labor reform. Fang Rui by the frightened body collapse, by a large number of sleeping pills to sleep. One day in 1974, Fang Rui in his own bed to leave the world, dying all over the bed are scattered with a lot of sleeping pills.   Fang Rui died, Zheng Xiu and Cao Yu"s children who are interested in two composite. And Cao Yu in 1979 and Li Yuru married, thus starting his third paragraph of marriage. Li Yu Ru accompanied Cao Yu finished the final process ------ until 1996, Cao Yu died.   曹禺相关故事   Take a bath   During the war of resistance against Japan, Cao Yu in Sichuan Jiangan national drama dedicated teaching. A summer, there is a family of Cao Yu prepared a bath and hot water, to him to take a bath, Cao Yu at this time is reading, put it down, pushing and pushing, and finally in the family repeatedly urging him, he was holding a towel in one hand Holding the book into the room. An hour passed, no people came out, the room came from time to time sparse water sound, and an hour passed, the situation remains the same. Cao Yu"s family Dunsheng doubts, pushing a look, the original Cao Yu sitting in the tub, holding a book in one hand, the other hand holding a towel in the intentional or unintentional water.   Change the lines   In the spring of 1954, the Beijing people rehearsed the "thunderstorm", which was the first time after the founding of new China. As the playwright and the president of the Cao Yu, actually made a relatively large lines of the deletion.   The second act, Fan Yi had such a large monologue - "very hot, very crowded, and here really can not live .I hope I become a volcano today, a strong spirits once, what I have Burned clean, then I will fall again in the glacier, frozen into a dead, life only hot to burn once, even enough. I used to finish, hope is probably dead. Well! I am ready Come on, hate me, come on, call me down, call me jealous, come on, I"m waiting for you.   This monologue has a total of 156 words, the results were deleted into - "hot, very crowded, and this life really no way to go."   After this deletion of the monologue only 20 words. About, really can be called "excellence".   Excellent actor   Cao Yu in Tianjin Nankai secondary school during the study to participate in drama activities, served as Ibsen "doll house" and other drama protagonist. According to Cao Yu"s daughter Wan Zhao and Wan Dai recalled: "Dad in the Norwegian realist playwright Ibsen"s famous drama" Nora "(" Doll"s House ") plays the actress Nora. Ready to run away from home, my father played this play, a man said on the stage, singing, and dancing, her in front of her husband panic, complex mood, played great; father also played according to the French classical drama Writer Morrie mourning drama "stingy people" adapted "financial mad" protagonist, found in Han Bo Kang lost money in the scene, he was crying, but also trouble, the last "jumping kick" fainted on the stage , The Han Bo Kang this miser performance was vivid, into the wood one-third, by the then highly praised the newspaper.   Dying regret   Cao Yu last day, before and after living in the Beijing hospital for 8 years, during which his soul, has never left the literary creation, nature is mainly drama creation. The teacher has been a few books at hand, including loose sheets, small notebooks, students with the horizontal grid of this ... ... inside the content is very rich and complicated, there is his thinking, a diary, there are characters dialogue, More of what he wanted to write the outline of the script and so on.
2023-07-21 16:03:501


据英国《每日电讯报》报道,法国前第一夫人贝尔纳黛特u2022希拉克当天透露,尼古拉斯u2022萨科齐有意在2017年参选总统。与此同时,萨科齐在沉寂将近两年后首次在社交媒体上传了自己的照片,似乎确有东山再起之意。  80岁高龄的贝尔纳黛特u2022希拉克是前总统雅克u2022希拉克的夫人,长期以来一直是萨科齐的支持者。她起初不想正面回答有关萨科齐是否将在2017年参选总统的问题,仅表示“但愿如此”,并称他是唯一有声望竞选该职位的右翼政治家。在被追问萨科齐是否明确告诉她自己有参选意图时,她说,“嗯,我不能告诉你。如果我说了,他会怪我的。”但在记者的一再追问下,她只好承认了。  22日当天,萨科齐在社交媒体Instagram上传了一张照片。照片里,他在位于巴黎第八区的办公室附近的咖啡馆里喝咖啡。图片配上了文字说明:祝店主新年快乐,谢谢你的咖啡。这是萨科齐21个月以来首次上传照片,反响强烈。支持者留言说:“回来吧,尼古拉斯,我们需要你。”  评论家指出,照片发布时,正值萨科齐党内竞争对手联手阻止他参加党内总统候选人初选之际。法国《观点》杂志上个月报道称,萨科齐告诉朋友们:“问题不在于我是否想回来,而是我不能不回来。我别无选择,这就是命运。”  萨科齐日前对现任总统奥朗德偷情一事发表了评论,嘲笑他被拍到戴着头盔去会情人。此举或许也是在为2017年大选铺路。萨科齐有意参选2017总统  Bernadette Chirac let slip on Wednesday that there was no question Nicolas Sarkozy intended to make a political comeback, as the former president reactivated a social media account to post a photograph of himself to supporters.  France"s 80-year-old former first lady, was initially evasive when asked whether she thought the man who succeeded her husband, Jacques Chirac, as French president intended to have another crack at the job in 2017. “I hope so,” she told Europe 1 radio, adding that he was the only Right-winger with the stature for the post.  When pressed on whether he had made his intention clear to her, she said: “Well, I"m forbidden from saying so. I"m telling you, he"s going to tick me off.”  Did that mean the response was “oui”, the reporter insisted. “Well of course,” she finally exclaimed.  Mrs Chirac has become a prominent supporter of Mr Sarkozy after a long stretch of frosty relations following his supposed insubordination towards her husband while in office. Since his defeat in the 2012 elections, Mr Sarkozy has made sure he is not forgotten by sending a series of “postcards” to the French — from appearances at his wife Carla"s concerts to this week calling a mayor in the Vaar region to offer support after floods.  In the Instagram photograph on Wednesday, his first uploaded on the online picture-sharing website in 21 months, Mr Sarkozy can be seen laughing as he sips a coffee in a café near his offices in the 8th arrondissement. “Happy New Year to the shopkeepers of the district and thank you for the coffee,” reads the accompanying message.  The post has received a flood of messages of support, such as: “Come back Nicolas, we need you.” Commentators noted that the photograph appeared amid reports that Mr Sarkozy"s party rivals are joining forces to block him from circumventing party primaries.  Last month, Le Point reported that Mr Sarkozy had told friends: “The question is not to know if I want or don"t want to return. I cannot not return. I don"t have a choice. It"s destiny. Destiny.”
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看你想要表达什么了?last lady 渊源: 最早的 "First Lady" 的称谓是由 "first lady of honor", "first lady of the Admiralty" 演化而来,用来这些称呼指那些有影响力的杰出女性。1834 年更出现了 "first lady in (of) the land"的称呼。 爱德华-布尔沃-里顿在1851年引用了这一说法, "She was so beautiful and so good, and not proud she! Though she looked like the first lady in the land." "First Lady"第一次被用来指总统夫人是1849年, 托卡里-泰勒总统称赞多利-麦迪逊夫人时说道, "She will never be forgotten because she was truly our First Lady for a half-century." (希拉里-克林顿在她的1999年多利-麦迪逊夫人纪念银币发行仪式上的讲话中引用了这句话。) 19世纪下半期,人们则很少用 "First Lady" 来指总统夫人,直到20世纪, "First Lady"才开始流行。 1911年, 埃尔西-费格森主演的名为 "Dolly Madison" (又名"The First Lady of the Land")的戏剧在纽约上演。1941年普林德维尔出版"First Lady"一书。 《牛津英语词典》引用了《芝加哥论坛》的 "Mrs. Thomas E. Dewey discloses today what kind of first lady she will be." 在过去的二十几年中,由 "First Lady" 又派生了一系列的与总统有关的人或物的特殊称呼。最早是在1978年, 卡特总统夫人的爱犬被冠以 "first dog"("第一爱犬")的称呼。 那么,我们将来是不是该称呼某为女总统的丈夫为 "First Gentleman"("第一先生")呢
2023-07-21 16:04:201


问题一:第一用英语怎么说 No 1 ( the) first 问题二:第一用英文怎么说 名词 Number one 形容词 First Primary ForemostOpening 问题三:第一用英语怎么写的 表示位置,或顺序 first NO.1 n亥mber one 在陈述观点的先后时,first或firstly都可以 问题四:英语第一怎么写 NO.1 first o盯e ... 说不清的~看你是想说什麽的第一~~ 问题五:“我是第一”英语怎么说? i am the number one 或者i am the champion我是冠军 问题六:第1-第100用英语怎么说 第1 first 第2 second 第3 third 第4 fourth 第5 fifth 第6 sixth 第7 seventh 第8 eighth 第9 ninth 第10 tenth 第11 eleventh 第12 twelfth 第13 thirteenth 第14 fourteenth 第15 fifteenth 第16 sixteenth 第17 seventeenth 第18 eighteenth 第19 nineteenth 第20 twentieth 第21 twenty-first 第22 twenty-second 第23 twenty-third 第24 twenty-fourth 第25 twenty-fifth 第26 twenty-sixth 第27 twenty-seventh 第28 twenty-eighth 第29 twenty-ninth 第30 thirtieth 第31 thirty-first 第32 thirty-second 第33 thirty-third 第34 thirty-fourth 第35 thirty-fifth 第36 thirty-sixth 第37 thirty-seventh 第38 thirty-eighth 第39 thirty-ninth 第40 fortieth 第41 forty-first 第42 forty-second 第43 forty-third 第44 forty-fourth 第45 forty-fifth 第46 forty-sixth 第47 forty-seventh 第48 forty-eighth 第49 forty-ninth 第50 fiftieth 第51 fifty-first 第52 fifty-second 第53 fifty-third 第54 fifty-fourth 第55 fifty-fifth 第56 fifty-sixth 第57 fifty-seventh 第58 fifty-eighth 第59 fifty-ninth 第60 sixtieth 第61 sixty-first 第62 sixty-second 第63 sixty-third 第54 sixty-fourth 第65 sixty-fifth 第66 sixty-sixth 第67 sixty-seventh 第68 sixty-eighth 第69 sixty-ninth 第70 seventieth 第71 seventy-first 第72 seventy-second 第73 seventy-third 第74 seventy-fourth 第75 seventy-fifth 第76 seventy-sixth 第77 seventy-seventh 第78 seventy-eighth 第79 seventy-ninth 第80 eightieth 第81 eighty-first 第82 eighty-second 第83 eighty-third 第84 eighty-fourth 第85 eighty-fifth 第86 eighty-sixth 第87 eighty-seventh 第88 eighty-eighth 第89 eighty-ninth 第90 ninetieth 第91 ninety-first 第92 ninety-second 第93 ninety-third 第94 ninety-four......>> 问题七:“第一名”用英语怎么说? No. 1. (No. 前面不能加the) 问题八:第一种用英语怎么说 the first type (kind) is ... Second, ... Third, ... 英语演讲或写作通常不用 type, kind, (种, 类,。。。) 仅说 First, Second, Third, and last but not least, ... 即可。 问题九:第一用英语怎么说 No 1 ( the) first 问题十:第一用英语怎么说 第一 first; primary; foremost; first and foremost: 第一号种子选手 No. 1 seeded player; 天下第一 the best in the world; 该领域学者中名列第一的人 the first among the scholars in this field; 一个两门功课都获得第一的优等生 a very fine student who took a double first; 获得第一名 win first place; get a first; win a championship; 他在班上名列第一。 He stands first in his class.◇第一夫人 the First Lady (国家元首夫人); 第一副本 first authentic copy; duplicate; 第一家庭 the First Family (国家元首一家); 第一宇宙速度 first co *** ic velocity (物体具有每秒7.9公里的速度时, 就和地心引力平衡, 又叫环绕速度); 第一主犯 principal in the first degree
2023-07-21 16:04:281


1.英语儿童谜语大全及答案   1、英语谜语题目:what fruit is never found singly? key:pear   什么水果永远都不会是单数?   【答案】:pear(梨) 谜语解析:pear和pair(一双)读音相同   2、英语谜语题目:With which hand do you write? key:neither,i use a pen!   你用哪只手写字呢?   【答案】都不用,我用笔   3、英语谜语题目:what man cannot live in a house?   什么人不能住在房子里?   谜语【答案】snowman(雪人)   4、英语谜语题目:What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers?   什么东西永远不问问题但是却能得到很多?   【答案】dictionary (字典)   5、英语谜语题目: What question can you never answer "Yes" to?   什么问题你永远也不能回答"是"   【答案】Are you dead?(你死了吗?)Are you asleep?(你睡着了吗)   6、英语谜语题目:You have it.You read it.There"re some pictures in it?   你拥有它,你可以阅读它,它有些图片在里面,它是什么?   【答案】book(书) 2.英语儿童谜语大全及答案   1.What will you break once you say it?(什么东西一说出来就打破?)   2.Will liars be honest after they die?(骗子死了之后会诚实吗?)   3.What always goes up and never goes down?(什么东西只升不降?)   4.Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun?(男孩为什么让他的狗坐在阳光下?)   5.Why can a bride hide nothing?(为什么新娘子什么也藏不住?)   6.Why is the library the highest building?(为什么图书馆是的建筑物?)   7.What is the smallest bridge in the world?(世界上最小的桥梁是什么?)   8.What is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole?(北极与南极的区别是什么?)   9.What makes naughty boys long to work in a clock factory?(淘气的男孩为什么想去钟表厂工作?)   10.What bird lifts heavy things?(什么鸟能举起重物?)   答案:   1.Silence.(沉默)   2.No,they won"t.They lie still after they die.他们依旧撒谎.Lie still 躺着不动,依旧撒谎)   3.Your age.(你的年龄)   4.He wants to have a hot dog.(他想要一条热狗)   5.Because someone will give her away.(因为有人会揭发她.Give away 揭发,在婚礼上把新娘交给新郎)   6.It has the most stories.(它的楼层最多.Story 故事,楼层)   7.The bridge of a nose.(鼻梁)   8.A whole world.(整个世界.a world of difference 天壤之别)   9.They want to make faces.(make face 做鬼脸,做钟表面) 3.英语儿童谜语大全及答案   1.What will you break once you say it? (什么东西一说出来就打破?)   答案: Silence. (沉默)   2.Will liars be honest after they die? (骗子死了之后会诚实吗?)   答案:No, they won"t. They lie still after they die。(不会,他们依旧撒谎。Lie still 躺着不动,依旧撒谎。)   3.What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?)   答案:Your age. (你的年龄)   4.Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? (男孩为什么让他的狗坐在阳光下?)   答案:He wants to have a hot dog. (他想要一条热狗。)   5.Why can a bride hide nothing?(为什么新娘子什么也藏不住?)   答案:Because someone will give her away. (因为有人会揭发她。Give away揭发,在婚礼上把新娘交给新郎) 4.英语儿童谜语大全及答案   What animal wears big black glasses on its face?  什么动物脸上戴个大墨镜? (Panda 熊猫)   a cat,eyes like a cat,a tail like a cat ,but isn"t a cat?  眼睛尾巴像只猫,但又不是猫?  (Tiger 老虎)   I look like a horse ,but my body is covered by black and white stripes. (斑马/zebra)   I can run very quickly. I have antlers(鹿角)on my head. (鹿/deer)   I look like a dog. But people and animals are all afraid of me, because I like eating them. (狼/wlof)   I am not a fish but look like a large fish and live in the sea.I am a warm-blood mammal.(热血哺乳运动) (海豚/dolphin)   I am an animal kept by farmers to produce milk. (奶牛/cow)   I am known for my cleverness and cunning.(狡猾) (狐狸/fox)   I have a very long neck and legs.I can eat the leaves on top of the tree. (长颈鹿/giraffe)   It" lives in (forest) It likes eat (insect) It"s (small) It has (short) legs It can flyIt"s (white) It"s very (cute) 5.英语儿童谜语大全及答案   1.Will it rain for several days continuously?   会不会连续几天阴雨连绵?   2.Who can raise things without lifting them?   什么人不用举就能把东西抬起来?   3.What did the king cloud say to the rest of the clouds?   云中对芸芸众生说什么?   4.Who is married to the First Lady?   第一夫人嫁给了谁?   Keys:   1.Never, because there"re nights in between.   永远不会,因为白昼之间有黑夜隔开。   2.Farmers.   农民。   3.“I"m the one who should rain here.”   “我要在这里降雨。”   4.Adam.   是亚当。   Notes: n.一天;一个白昼   continuously/k+n>tinju+sli/ adv.连续不断地   2.raise 举起,抬起;饲养,种植   3. rain v.下雨,音似reign/rein/v.统治   4.the First Lady 第一夫人,总统夫人   the first lady 第一位女士,指夏娃
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由于AC-130计划的成功,美国空军在“铺路鬼怪”(Pave Spectre)计划中将11架C-130E改装为空中炮艇,而成为AC-130E“鬼怪”式(Spectre)。新的规格包括更重的装甲、包括APQ-150信标追踪雷达在内的更优异航电功能、与更大的载弹量。自1973年起,10架在战火中幸存的AC-130装上了升级版的艾利森(Allison)T56-A-15发动机,成为AC-130H。AC-130在越战期间的最后一次改良,是在“铺路神盾”(Pave Aegis)计划中,换上了火力惊人的105mm榴弹炮与雷射瞄准定标器。在越战结束之后,所有幸存的AC-130A与-130H型机全都返回美国本土,由驻扎于佛罗里达州艾格林空军基地(Eglin AFB)的第1特殊任务大队(1st Special Operation Wing)操作。原本机上所装的前射与后射机炮陆续被撤除,并在1978年时加装空中加油口。在1990年代前期的“特殊任务火力加强”(Special Operations Force Improvement, SOFI)计划中,这些AC-130H改装了最现代化的各种感应器、火控电脑、电子反制装置(ECM)与导航、通讯设备。在越战之后AC-130曾陆续参与过包括1983年10月时美军出兵格瑞纳达的紧急狂暴行动(Operation Urgent Fury),1989年出兵巴拿马的正义之师行动(Operation Just Cause),与1991年的沙漠风暴行动(Operation Desert Storm)。有5架AC-130H曾参与过沙漠风暴行动,负责在夜间任务中攻击地面目标,但不幸折损了其中一架。之后,又有另一架AC-130H在1994年美军出兵索马里时折损。除此之外,AC-130H也曾在波斯尼亚的北约维和任务中,进行过夜间巡逻任务。机龄老旧的5架AC-130A在1995年9月10日时全部除役,军方还正式替它们举办了一场纪念仪式。在5架退役的飞机中,机尾编号53-3129、昵称为“第一夫人”(The First Lady)的AC-130A其实是以1953年时第一架从洛克希德位于佐治亚州的厂房滑出的C-130原型机改装而来。在除役后第一夫人号被安置在艾格林空军基地武器博物馆中,作为永久展览用途。但较新颖的AC-130H则在改过编号的第16特殊任务中队中继续服役,驻扎于佛罗里达州赫伯机场(Hurlburt Field)。自从升级为AC-130E并取消了前向与后向的机炮之后,AC-130的武装就全都集中在机身左舷侧。因此,当AC-130在进行攻击时,是以逆时针方向围绕着欲攻击的目标绕圈旋转,以便施予定点目标集中且来自四面八方的密集炮火,瞬间将地面武力瓦解。在越战期间,AC-130机群共击毁超过10,000辆的敌军车辆。 正在AC-130U上进行测试,未来极有可能取代机上20mm与40mm两种火炮的Mk44型30mm“巨蝮二式”(Bushmaster II)机炮相较于越战时代开始发展的几型AC-130前期版本,AC-130U“幽灵”式(Spooky)空中炮艇是在1980年代中期才开始发展。为了活化特殊任务部队的作战能力,1987年7月洛克威尔获得合约开始新机种的建造,以13架新出厂的C-130H为基础进行武装化,而第一架AC-130U是在1990年12月20日首度试飞,并自1991年9月起在加州的爱德华空军基地(Edwards AFB)进行密集测试。同样是使用四具艾利森T56-A-15涡轮螺旋桨发动机,AC-130U的武装包含了一具侧向的40mmL/60博福斯炮(Bofors cannon)与M102型105mm榴弹炮。但原本在AC-130H上的两具M61机炮被单一的一具25mmGAU-12机炮所取代,拥有3,000发弹药。这具新的机炮装置在一具有学习功能的炮座上,拥有高达每分钟1800发的自动填弹能力,射程超过12,000呎(3657米)。除了强大的火力外,新版的空中炮艇也在电战能力上拥有大幅的提升。主要的设备包括休斯AN/APQ-180主要火控雷达(是F-15E战机上的APG-70之衍生版本),德州仪器AAQ-117前视红外仪(FLIR),波尔航太(Ball Aerospace)附有雷射定标仪与测距功能的全主动微光夜视摄影机(All-Active Low-Light-Level TV,装置在机首下方突起的炮座上,拥有360度的环景视野)与洛克威尔ALQ-172电子干扰器及其他反制干扰物(热焰弹等)的发射装置。以4架IBM IP-102任务电脑串连起来的主控单元让AC-130拥有同时攻击两个目标的能力,而组合了惯性导航系统与美国国防部的导航之星(NAVSTAR)全球卫星定位系统,提供AC-130U全天候的任务飞行能力。由于设有加压舱,AC-130U能巡航于较高的空域以降低巡航时的油耗,进而提升最大航程。由于机上装置有大量的武器与设备,AC-130是美国空军所拥有有攻击武力的机种中操作人员数最多的一架。其中AC-130U需要13名人员,包括5名军官(驾驶与副驾驶、导航员、火控官与电战官)与8名士兵(飞航工程师、微光夜视系统操作员、红外线侦察设备操作员、4名炮手与1名填弹手)。至于AC-130H则因为多了一具机炮,因此成员数也比AC-130U还多,为14人。
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2023-07-21 16:06:052


  Hello, everybody! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. All right, everybody go ahead and have a seat. How is everybody doing today? (Applause.) How about Tim Spicer? (Applause.) I am here with students at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia. And we"ve got students tuning in from all across America, from kindergarten through 12th grade. And I am just so glad that all could join us today. And I want to thank Wakefield for being such an outstanding host. Give yourselves a big round of applause. (Applause.)  I know that for many of you, today is the first day of school. And for those of you in kindergarten, or starting middle or high school, it"s your first day in a new school, so it"s understandable if you"re a little nervous. I imagine there are some seniors out there who are feeling pretty good right now -- (applause) -- with just one more year to go. And no matter what grade you"re in, some of you are probably wishing it were still summer and you could"ve stayed in bed just a little bit longer this morning.  I know that feeling. When I was young, my family lived overseas. I lived in Indonesia for a few years. And my mother, she didn"t have the money to send me where all the American kids went to school, but she thought it was important for me to keep up with an American education. So she decided to teach me extra lessons herself, Monday through Friday. But because she had to go to work, the only time she could do it was at 4:30 in the morning.  Now, as you might imagine, I wasn"t too happy about getting up that early. And a lot of times, I"d fall asleep right there at the kitchen table. But whenever I"d complain, my mother would just give me one of those looks and she"d say, "This is no picnic for me either, buster." (Laughter.)  So I know that some of you are still adjusting to being back at school. But I"m here today because I have something important to discuss with you. I"m here because I want to talk with you about your education and what"s expected of all of you in this new school year.  Now, I"ve given a lot of speeches about education. And I"ve talked about responsibility a lot.  I"ve talked about teachers" responsibility for inspiring students and pushing you to learn.  I"ve talked about your parents" responsibility for making sure you stay on track, and you get your homework done, and don"t spend every waking hour in front of the TV or with the Xbox.  I"ve talked a lot about your government"s responsibility for setting high standards, and supporting teachers and principals, and turning around schools that aren"t working, where students aren"t getting the opportunities that they deserve.  But at the end of the day, we can have the most dedicated teachers, the most supportive parents, the best schools in the world -- and none of it will make a difference, none of it will matter unless all of you fulfill your responsibilities, unless you show up to those schools, unless you pay attention to those teachers, unless you listen to your parents and grandparents and other adults and put in the hard work it takes to succeed. That"s what I want to focus on today: the responsibility each of you has for your education.  I want to start with the responsibility you have to yourself. Every single one of you has something that you"re good at. Every single one of you has something to offer. And you have a responsibility to yourself to discover what that is. That"s the opportunity an education can provide.  Maybe you could be a great writer -- maybe even good enough to write a book or articles in a newspaper -- but you might not know it until you write that English paper -- that English class paper that"s assigned to you. Maybe you could be an innovator or an inventor -- maybe even good enough to come up with the next iPhone or the new medicine or vaccine -- but you might not know it until you do your project for your science class. Maybe you could be a mayor or a senator or a Supreme Court justice -- but you might not know that until you join student government or the debate team.  And no matter what you want to do with your life, I guarantee that you"ll need an education to do it. You want to be a doctor, or a teacher, or a police officer? You want to be a nurse or an architect, a lawyer or a member of our military? You"re going to need a good education for every single one of those careers. You cannot drop out of school and just drop into a good job. You"ve got to train for it and work for it and learn for it.  And this isn"t just important for your own life and your own future. What you make of your education will decide nothing less than the future of this country. The future of America depends on you. What you"re learning in school today will determine whether we as a nation can meet our greatest challenges in the future.  You"ll need the knowledge and problem-solving skills you learn in science and math to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS, and to develop new energy technologies and protect our environment. You"ll need the insights and critical-thinking skills you gain in history and social studies to fight poverty and homelessness, crime and discrimination, and make our nation more fair and more free. You"ll need the creativity and ingenuity you develop in all your classes to build new companies that will create new jobs and boost our economy.  We need every single one of you to develop your talents and your skills and your intellect so you can help us old folks solve our most difficult problems. If you don"t do that -- if you quit on school -- you"re not just quitting on yourself, you"re quitting on your country.  Now, I know it"s not always easy to do well in school. I know a lot of you have challenges in your lives right now that can make it hard to focus on your schoolwork.  I get it. I know what it"s like. My father left my family when I was two years old, and I was raised by a single mom who had to work and who struggled at times to pay the bills and wasn"t always able to give us the things that other kids had. There were times when I missed having a father in my life. There were times when I was lonely and I felt like I didn"t fit in.  So I wasn"t always as focused as I should have been on school, and I did some things I"m not proud of, and I got in more trouble than I should have. And my life could have easily taken a turn for the worse.  But I was -- I was lucky. I got a lot of second chances, and I had the opportunity to go to college and law school and follow my dreams. My wife, our First Lady Michelle Obama, she has a similar story. Neither of her parents had gone to college, and they didn"t have a lot of money. But they worked hard, and she worked hard, so that she could go to the best schools in this country.  Some of you might not have those advantages. Maybe you don"t have adults in your life who give you the support that you need. Maybe someone in your family has lost their job and there"s not enough money to go around. Maybe you live in a neighborhood where you don"t feel safe, or have friends who are pressuring you to do things you know aren"t right.  But at the end of the day, the circumstances of your life -- what you look like, where you come from, how much money you have, what you"ve got going on at home -- none of that is an excuse for neglecting your homework or having a bad attitude in school. That"s no excuse for talking back to your teacher, or cutting class, or dropping out of school. There is no excuse for not trying.  Where you are right now doesn"t have to determine where you"ll end up. No one"s written your destiny for you, because here in America, you write your own destiny. You make your own future.  That"s what young people like you are doing every day, all across America.  Young people like Jazmin Perez, from Roma, Texas. Jazmin didn"t speak English when she first started school. Neither of her parents had gone to college. But she worked hard, earned good grades, and got a scholarship to Brown University -- is now in graduate school, studying public health, on her way to becoming Dr. Jazmin Perez.  I"m thinking about Andoni Schultz, from Los Altos, California, who"s fought brain cancer since he was three. He"s had to endure all sorts of treatments and surgeries, one of which affected his memory, so it took him much longer -- hundreds of extra hours -- to do his schoolwork. But he never fell behind. He"s headed to college this fall.  And then there"s Shantell Steve, from my hometown of Chicago, Illinois. Even when bouncing from foster home to foster home in the toughest neighborhoods in the city, she managed to get a job at a local health care center, start a program to keep young people out of gangs, and she"s on track to graduate high school with honors and go on to college.  And Jazmin, Andoni, and Shantell aren"t any different from any of you. They face challenges in their lives just like you do. In some cases they"ve got it a lot worse off than many of you. But they refused to give up. They chose to take responsibility for their lives, for their education, and set goals for themselves. And I expect all of you to do the same.  Thank you very much, everybody. God bless you. God bless America. Thank you. (Applause.)
2023-07-21 16:06:131

谁有first daughter的英文观后感

First Daughter is a second helping of a twice-filmed (this year!) fairy tale about the romantic rigors confronting an American president"s daughter. You"ve seen it all before-better and recently-as Chasing Liberty. Liberty was the Secret Service code name for Mandy Moore"s character in that film. Katie Holmes operates in this one as Lucky Charm. There are other plot differences-well, one, anyway. Whereas Moore had the happy advantage of scenic globe-hopping, Holmes focuses on her freshman year in a California college. Both fall for the first attractive young man who hovers over them a few seconds, never suspecting that he"s a Secret Service agent in Papa"s employ hired to protect her. The horror! The horror! If you take this practical necessity as betrayal and can imagine being hurt by it, then you are probably too young to vote-or too pampered to be bothered. Marc Blucas (View From the Top) is the collegiately camouflaged Galahad in question and, with his quiet-strength intensity, steals the picture from his time-hogging leading lady (as did, incidentally, Matthew Goode from Moore before him-both sterling examples of acting with economy). They create out of cardboard characters to care about. First Daughter marks the screenwriting debut of actor Jerry O"Connell, who started writing it in 1999 with the idea of playing the Secret Service Samaritan himself, but, once the ball got rolling, he opted to stay on board to executive-produce. Jessica Bendinger and Kate Kondell, who penned Bring It On and Legally Blonde 2, did the script follow-through. Another actor, Forest Whitaker, took up the directorial reins-as he"s prone to do these days (Waiting to Exhale, Hope Floats). The most notable thing about his direction-and this becomes an annoyance-is that he begins a scene with actors reacting to the words of the preceding scene. It"s editing-made-easy, but it irritates. The most unusual aspect of First Daughter is that it elects to put Beetlejuice in the White House-Michael Keaton, who, truth to tell, is too short for that gesture. (Almost all the women tower over him.) Where Keaton truly falls short is, simply, in connecting with the character. Anyone who has seen him in, say, Clean and Sober knows he has talent to spare. Here, he seems to be walking through the part as if protesting the shallowness of the scripting. "That whole China thing was real good," he is told by one particular constituent, who plummets what little political depth that there is in the film. Actually, the line is uttered by a cloyingly politically correct character-Holmes" African-American roommate and sidekick. R&B singer Amerie, as lacking in acting skills as she is a last name, plays the part with a crowd-displeasing chip on her shoulder. As the first lady, the excellent Margaret Colin exudes her preconditioned charm and poise (she played Jackie O on Broadway in 1998 and won a Theatre World Award for it). What a pity she is in a perfunctory little picture that doesn"t go far beyond sitcom superficiality.记得采纳啊
2023-07-21 16:06:341


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淑女 淑女气质和风范的涵义绝对不等同于中国传统意义的礼教名词,它是新的历史条件下,女人在仪表、谈吐、举止、思维上和行为习惯上一种独具中国特色的女性魅力,真正表现出女人纯洁、温柔、真挚的人格魅力的方面。 释义 词目 :淑女 拼音 :shú nǚ 详细解释 1. 贤良美好的女子。《诗·周南·关雎》:“窈窕淑女,君子好逑。”毛传:“淑,善;逑,匹也。言后妃有关雎之德,是幽闲贞专之善女,宜为君子之好匹。”《汉书·杜钦传》:“将军辅政,宜因始初之隆,建九女之制,详择有行义之家,求淑女之质,毋必有色声音技能,为万世大法。” 颜师古 注:“惟求淑质,无论美色及音声伎能,如此,则可为万代法也。”唐 皇甫枚 《三水小牍·步飞烟》:“若能如执盈,如临深,则皆为端士淑女矣。”明 无名氏 《赠书记·家门始末》:“年少书生,工容淑女,双双奇事堪夸。”清 李渔 《慎鸾交·却媒》:“如今有个内相人家,养着两位淑女,都有倾城之色。” 2. 泛指女人。多含嘲讽义。 鲁迅 《南腔北调集·“论语一年”》:“他们的看客,不消说,是绅士淑女们居多。绅士淑女们是顶爱面子的人种。” 巴金 《<沉落集>序》:“他那遗言如今堂皇地刻在纪念碑的石座上面,甚至那些到金圆国家去观光的绅士和淑女们也可以看见。” [编辑本段]一、淑女的定义 中国传统礼教思想束缚下的淑女是不值得提倡的,因为它抹煞了女人应有的魅力和价值。我们今天所提倡做的淑女是在传统美德基础上又不失现代社会价值的淑女,是新文明、新文化、新时代背景下的新新女性。提倡做淑女,总比提倡做“野蛮女友”、“作女”好。这并不意味着复古倒退,不合时宜,束缚个性,而是使女人更具有个性、魅力和品位,恢复女性的本来面目。 淑女首先在气质上要体现优雅。 淑女也是明清时期嫔妃等级中宫人的一个等级 淑女的谈吐要真正做到优雅动人,在拥有永恒的微笑和磁性声音的同时,必须铭记与人谈话十忌和交谈中的避讳。 [编辑本段]二、淑女说话禁忌 交谈中的避讳: 世间没有十全十美的人。凡人皆有长处,也难免有短处。人总是有自尊心的,往往不愿别人触及自己的某些缺点、隐私、不愉快事等。因此,在人际关系中,讲话人须讲求避讳。对谈话对象涉及到一些敏感的、特殊的事情时,应多为对方着想。 1.打断他人的谈话或抢接别人的话头。 2.忽略了使用概括的方法,使对方一时难以领会你的意图。 3.注意力分散,使别人再次重复谈过的话题。 4.连续发问,让人觉得你过分热心和要求太高,以致难以应付。 可爱淑女 5.对待他人的提问漫不经心,使人感到你忽略和轻视对方。 6.随便解释某种现象,轻率地下断言,借以表现自己是内行。 7.避实就虚,含而不露,让人迷惑不解。 8.不适当地强调某些与主题风马牛不相及的细枝末节,使人厌倦,感到窘迫。 9.当别人对某话题兴趣不减之时,你却感到不耐烦,立即将话题转移到自己感兴趣的方面去。 眼镜淑女 10.将正确的观点、中肯的劝告佯称为是错误的和不适当的,使对方怀疑你话中有戏弄之意。 11.生理上的缺陷。说话时都要避开人的生理缺陷,不得已采取间接表达方式。如对跛脚人应客气说:“你腿不方便,请先坐下。” 12.家庭不幸。像亲属死亡、夫妻离异等。如果不是当事人主动提及,不宜唐突说起。 13.人事的短处。在为人处事方面的短处、不体面的经历和现状,这些都是不希望他人触及的敏感点。 14.入乡随俗。“入境而问禁,入国而问俗,入门而问讳。”这对于社交成败至关重要。 身为淑女不要觉得你天生就招人喜欢,跟别人说话,注意避讳,其实是理解人、尊重人、讲文明、有修养的表现。如果能尽量避免不愉快产生,人人皆大欢喜。 事实证明,淑女优雅动人的谈吐,会有助于社交,有助于体现淑女的个性美,会为她的美丽平添几分姿色 三、其他素养 淑女如果没有了大气,魅力就变成了俗气,贤淑通达就无从说起了。大气的淑女可以略施粉黛,也可以素面朝天;可以华衣美食,也可以箪食瓢浆;可以安居广厦,也可以寄居茅舍;可以颐指千军,也可以举案齐眉。 在生活中,天然大气息会在一些女人身上显示超凡脱俗的优雅气质,浑然与天地一体,流露无限生机。 大 气者在于识大体。识大体就是不以一己之好恶评论世事,而是以包容之心善待众生。有此美德之女人于乖巧伶俐之外,又平添一种雍容典雅、从容不迫的风韵,爽如清风,皎 似明月。 大气表现在穿衣戴帽,也见诸于举手投足,更流露于眉宇和谈吐之间。 淑女如果能在享受每一鲜活瞬间的同时,锻造自己那经霜不凋、生死不渝的大气品性,那么,天地间不只是多了一道亮丽的美景,而是又多了一位人伦楷模。这样的楷模越多,世风日上的可能性就越大,淑女的品位也就越高尚纯粹,令人赞叹不已。 大气首先要学会宽容,允许他人不同生活理念的存在。大千世界,无奇不有。世间万象,本来就没有对与错的绝对概念。也许身边的朋友通过嫁人从而衣食无忧,而你偏偏坚信女人要自立自强,不能成为男人的附属物。这本该是人生观念的差别所在,你不会因此而鄙视她、唾弃她吧? 智慧的淑女不会这样,她们每做一件事、每说一句话首先要考虑这样做是否伤害别人,怎样才不失淑女通达的本色。每个人有自己的追求方式,也许殊途同归,最终大家共同达到一个目的。 淑女不是格格不入、自命清高,而是能够包容他人,懂得尊重别人的选择,也能认可不同人的生活方式。 大气还要表现为热情。美国文学家爱默生曾写道:“人要是没有热情是干不成大事业的。”大诗人S?乌尔曼也说过:“年年岁岁只在你的额上留下皱纹,但你在生活中如果缺少热情,你的心灵就将布满皱纹了。” 淑女有了热情,就会把陌生人变成朋友,就能真诚地宽容别人,就能充分利用余暇来完成自己的兴趣爱好, 就能有心情锤炼本该贤淑的一面。 淑女的热情,会让你变得心胸宽广,抛弃怨恨;会让你变得轻松愉快,甚至忘记病痛,当然还将清除心灵上的杂草。 现代淑女的性格应是内柔外刚、刚柔相济,在柔情似水的外表下,跳动着一颗坚强的心。她们不再是传统淑女的软弱,也不是令人望而却步的女强人。 现代淑女深深懂得,刻意追求的强悍,与女人真正的内心世界反差太大,是毫无韧性的坚硬。 因此,现代淑女用最温柔的方式换取最优厚的待遇。而且,她们从不抛弃生活与爱情,而是理性地去爱,充分享受爱情的甜蜜;她们真诚地去生活,享受生活中的一切美好。 作为时髦词汇的淑女是指"假小子"或"女强人"的反面。中国的淑女与西方的lady虽然各自继承了迥然不同的传统,但是,两者之间本来就有一种精神上的相通之处,在这个日益国际化的当代社会中,它们竟殊途同归,代替它们的两个词汇也互为对译。 中国淑女面对的是君子,西洋lady而对的是绅士,在绅士的观念中,永远"lady first。lady作为主流社会的弱者形象受到特殊的关爱与呵护。在紧身胸衣与裙撑盛行的时代,教养良好的淑女都懂得如何在适当的时候昏晕过去,让身边的绅士英雄有用武之地。淑女在女性范畴中是校使者,在男性范畴中则须扮演弱者。这其中的分寸便是作淑女的要领了。 现代淑女不必工于女红,不必笑不露齿,但她们仍然应该是娴静温柔优雅的,是举上形体中矩中规的。淑女在本质上是一种规范。百余年的妇女解放运动使女性逐渐地远离淑女精神。20世纪60年代的青年反传统运动以及由此衍生的"超短风貌",给淑女偶像以重重一击;80年代穿着宽宽垫肩的西装套裙的白领女性,以其强悍而具有同样的破坏性。直至90年代潮流改向,人们怀念昔日的女性,时装界重新树起的女性主义其实应该叫作淑女主义。 人在社会中可以扮演多种角色,当代社会给了女性前所未有的选择。当代淑女更注重的是外表,是形象,假如女强人穿上淑女装就成了淑女。世纪末淑女形象可以用简约主义的或新浪漫主义风格的时装来妆扮。女性们扮成淑女时软语娇笑莲步轻移,小口啜饮料,但这并不妨碍她们换上牛仔短裤去跳迪斯科,或穿西装去打天下赚世界。 五、怎样做淑女 何谓淑女?《诗经》中的那句话,已经概括干净:“窈窕淑女,君子好逑”。“窈窕”者,美好也,是婀娜柔美的那种;“淑”是心地善良,性格温柔;还有她必须可以让男人们产生强烈的“与之相伴,长相厮守”的愿望(也就是‘君子好逑"),如此看来“淑女”应该是美好而善良的女子。 “美好”可以因时代而异,所谓“情人眼里出西施”。楚王好细腰,而唐明 皇则喜欢杨贵妃的丰腴,但是“善良”却是每个时代共同的要求。清朝的徐震曾作《美人谱》。将古代的美人之美,一一作了分析和分解。美人的外形必须是额头饱满宽阔,嘴唇似杏小巧而饱满,要有“犀齿”和“酥胸”,要有“杨柳腰”和“步步莲”,还要有“芙蓉脸”和“远山眉”,然后是不胖不瘦长短适宜。除了外形,美人还应有风韵。“倚栏待月”、“嫣然巧笑” 、“怀抱琵琶半遮面,临去秋波一转而含情脉脉”都是美人应有的风韵。再者还应有特长,所谓的弹琴、围棋、吟诗、作画、刺绣等等,还要会剪茶、焚香、护兰、剪裁、扑蝶等没完没了,假如在古代要选美的话还真是麻烦。 美丽高雅、知书达礼、善良恭谦的女子是男人心中一个永远无法释怀的情结,怎样做才配得上“淑女”?相信不同的人有不同的答案。 有人说淑女是淡泊名利的,她自己不为名利所累,也不会拿名利作标尺去度量男人,她会给男人们另一方净土,没有硝烟战火与威压。 有人说是青春、本色、自然、率直、美好的女孩子,应是“清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰”的自然美,不要太多的人工装饰,不要太多的故弄玄虚。 有人说淑女孩子有见地的,但决不会因为喝了几瓶墨水而动辄提出学究的架势,她善于倾听,只在紧要处“点拨”一下身边的男人。 有人说淑女给人的印象是清新、亲切和轻松,像山野的绿树和花草,像江上的清风和明月,无论是古典美还是现代美,无论是淡妆浓抹还是素面朝天。 有人说淑女的第一要素是要温柔,天下风情万种,以水的姿色最为动人;自然界伟力众多,同样以滴不可穿的水为最难抵挡,女人一温柔起来,男人便像夏日里身心融入清凉的大海,温柔对于女子是所有美丽的源泉。 有人说淑女看似娇柔,内心却坚毅勇敢,当生活中风雨兼程时,不会花容失色失却主张,世界并非甜美的果园,淑女们也不是温室里的花草。 有人说淑女要容貌端庄、谈吐文雅、进退有度、不温不火,读些诗书,不可精通;通些文墨,不用娴熟。 有人说淑女并非艳光四射,傲气逼人,她们是骄而不娇,在平常生活中保持心灵高贵的女人,她们并非养尊处优、不谙世事,而是愉快地面对生活,让所有人都因此感染着健康和快乐的天使。 有人说淑女是心灵深处写满了善良贤淑的女人,她的爱是给予而并非侵夺,她关爱家人,不分厚薄,不让先生们在亲情与爱情之间左右为难。 有人说淑女是不因年华逝去而消失的,她宛如深深的烙印刻在男人们的心中,“腹有诗书气自华”有一种年轻、向上的心,在生活中从不放弃那一份从容、优雅与闲适,热爱生活,生活因此而明媚。 这个世界也有人说真正淑女难得,女人们在塑造,男人们在苦苦寻觅。“何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时”是何等美丽,那是因为距离产生了相思,而现代社会却消解了男女之间的距离,过去是相见时难别亦难,现在是想见就见,不见不散,爱情成了麻辣烫,传统正被商业的潮水一点点带走少了君子,便也少了淑女。 有人说如今的淑女也只能在三个流向上去寻找:女大学生、知识女性和白领丽人(也许这话有点相对绝对了)。然而如今,由于经济条件的改善,化妆品、时装、美容等的广泛利用,如今的美女也越来越多了,所谓“十步之内,必有芳草”。可与资本的丰厚共存的却是头脑的贪乏,这是当今美女的一大通病,即是在高学历的知识女性中,也普通存在精神的萎缩、道德的伦丧和物欲的横流,不少白领丽人也多是两副面孔,公众面前高雅华贵,私人生活却纸醉金迷,有的甚至堕落为大款们的情妇。 记得不知在九几年《唐山文学》搞了个活动,评出了”中国十大美女” :隽永风情型的巩利、青春智慧型的杨澜、甜美宁静型的宋祖英、天国仙女型的杨丽萍、娇俏女儿型的杨莹、高贵温馨型的毛阿敏、亮丽高洁型的周洁、妩媚俏丽型的胡慧中、恬淡温柔型的陈红、靓丽纯净型的许睛,这应当是当今中国美女中的精华了(当然现在屏幕上还出现了好多靓丽的美女)。可这仅仅是外型,在《辞海》里淑女的解释是美好贤德的女子,现代的淑女还要独立、良好的心里状态、大方自然的交际能力和较好的谈吐、修养、气质、服饰。 虽然说淑女是女人中闪闪夺目的星星,身世学识固然会使人风度翩然,然而最最重要的莫过于灵魂的高洁,其实依我看,淑女最本质的特征就是:真、善、美,不用刻意去雕刻,刻意的时候也就不是淑女了。
2023-07-21 16:07:264

That was the first time the old lady ——her suffering to others。

2023-07-21 16:07:374

it’s sunny day

It"s sunny day.(改写句子,使之保持愿意) The sun 【shines brightly 】today. 或:It"s sunny day.(改写句子,使之保持愿意) The sun 【is shining 】today. 百度教育团队【鹰击长空团】为您解答 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!
2023-07-21 16:07:461


  2022年新疆注册岩土工程师考试时间将于11月5日、6日举行。    考试科目: 新疆注册岩土工程师资格考试分为基础考试和专业考试。基础考试包括基础上和基础下两部分内容;专业考试包括专业知识和专业案例两个科目,专业知识分为专业知识上和专业知识下两部分内容,专业案例分为专业案例上和专业案例下两部分内容。    报名办法: 新疆注册岩土工程师资格考试报名证明事项推行告知制,报考人员可自主选择是否采用告知制方式办理。选择采用告知制方式办理报考事项的,报考人员须以电子方式签署《专业技术人员职业资格考试报名证明事项告知书》,考试组织机构不再索要有关证明,依据为其办理报名相关事项。未选择告知制方式或者不适用告知制方式办理报考事项的,报考人员应按报名地考试组织机构有关规定办理相关事项,提交相关证明材料。   考试报名实行网上报名、网上交费。报考人员可在规定时间内在中国人事考试网进行相关操作。报名前,须完成注册、上传照片等操作。报名时,须认真阅读并知晓《报考须知》等有关内容,在规定时间内提交报名信息并完成交费。报名具体安排详见省(区、市)有关通知。
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人的话就是指韩国明星了,要是经常在时尚新闻什么的看到米娜的话那可能就是指那本杂志了《米娜时尚国际中文版》  2004年9月22日,代表休闲混搭风的《米娜时尚国际中文版》创刊了!这将是跳出传统、崇尚混搭的休闲时尚在上海在内地引导潮流的开始!   《米娜时尚国际中文版》杂志系由日本著名出版业者主妇之友出版社独家授权在中国大陆地区发行的全新形态女性休闲时尚杂志,也是一本“专注于自己的流行”的时尚杂志。她致力于推荐从日本原宿街头兴起的“混搭”休闲服饰风格,这股潮流风格,不仅影响了近几年的日本、也给台湾和香港的年轻人诠释了一种全新的时尚概念。今天,她的面世,也将为中国的时尚青年带来一股清新之风。米娜就像这样一个女孩:年轻不造作,柔美不浓艳;时尚但很个性;时髦却不盲从;注重细节;充满梦想,热爱都市生活,是因为可爱而美丽的人气女性。“米娜时尚”的出现为混搭风提供了很好的诠释平台,在充斥着针对都市白领女性上班着装指导的女性杂志市场上,米娜时尚国际中文版的出现对于中国都市女性来说,不只是在欧美时尚杂志之外多了一种选择而已,而是更能贴近亚洲女性对Fashion的实际需求。传统的时髦的形象仅仅取决于如何“穿”,但是“混搭”的概念将让流行变得更为个性与自信,她的诀窍就是由简单的单品作为时髦的元素,用最简单的几项成就出时髦的风格。多层次的穿搭展现年轻化的流行感,细肩带上衣加背心、牛仔裤套短裙等只要是穿”与“搭”的完美配合,就能塑造出个性、时尚、活力的迷人造型!也是白领女性在通勤装职业装外的绝佳选择!   她注重与读者之间的零距离感,全面吸收和融合了日本、港台地区和国内女性的时尚文化精髓,内容兼具时髦性、指导性和实用性。她主要分为三大版块:FASHION 是服饰潮流的时髦课堂,在这里演绎的是春夏秋冬的浪漫色彩与流行元素以及东京人气时装编辑精心打造的亚洲流行趋势。在BEAUTY版块里,米娜每期会特别推荐明星保养品,切实传授美颜、瘦身、美发等众多扮靓技巧,立志成为读者的私人美容顾问,让你时刻呈现mina girl独有的自然美态。《mina》的LIFE STYLE里尽数明星与品牌、料理和风格店家、人物、话题、音乐戏剧以及人气星座,米娜每期都会搜寻东京、台湾和国内风格独特的主题餐厅、温馨可爱的概念店、简约时尚的家具设计和音乐电影信息,是读者贴心的娱乐风向标。杂志除了展示新型的流行风外,每期还搜集最多、最快、最好的流行资讯,以品牌为主打,无论欧美精品、日本人气品牌、台湾香港个性品牌,都以品牌切入深入报导,并有人气模特亲身示范,mina准确传达品牌的设计节奏、着装风格、情调意境等多种元素,演绎不同季节的流行趋势与元素,mina总是让读者走在时尚最前沿,让读者找到自信与个性,提升品位与美感!   随着生活的多元化,时尚的概念也在发生着变化,很多追求品位的人士,或从事时尚类工作的或艺术家、设计师们,他们都是mina的忠实爱戴者,正慢慢地在向自由自在的混搭风靠拢,穿着时并不特别看重当季的流行款式中某一单品,而是能用衣橱里过季的不同单品透过色彩与混搭穿出下一季的流行趋势,不经意的时髦,就像他们的生活观念一样,自由得很!而且这样的时髦只属于他们自己!并从DIY与搭配技巧中锻炼出好品位!   mina想要向读者传达的信息,就是学会搭配,做自己的stylist,越来越享受着多层次搭配带来的乐趣。这样一本国际化的时尚杂志无疑为广大中国都市女性和时尚一族在传统的女性时尚杂志之外提供了一种全新形态的新选择。在台湾,《mina》已经获得在同类杂志中销售量、广告量双料第一的绝佳成绩。扎根上海、聚焦北京、广州的《mina》国际中文版所倡导的柔美、质感和充满活力的时尚必将成为国内都市时尚女性的潮流指标。
2023-07-21 16:07:521


1.新疆的公务员考试常识判断怎么备考 楼主!你好!我空间!/%CB%AE%BE%B2%D4%C6%CA%E6/ 所有报考者均参加行政职业能力测验和申论两科考试。行政职业能力测验包括言语理解与表达、常识判断(侧重法律知识运用)、数量关系、判断推理和资料分析。全部为客观性试题。 申论主要通过报考者对给定材料的分析、概括、提炼、加工,测查报考者阅读理解能力、综合分析能力、提出问题解决问题能力和文字表达能力。 公务员考试考核的内容极为繁杂,涉及到数量关系、言语理解、判断推理、常识和资料分析五大部分。无论哪个专业的考生,都很难同时擅长这五大部分的题目。因此,考生应该积极的从多方面的渠道深入了解公务员考试的内容和形式,通过网络、讲座、看书、听取已考过公务员考生的经验等多方面、多渠道掌握公务员考试的总体情况。因为就考行政职业能力测验和申论,当然也就买这两本书了!由人民日报出版社出版,李永新主编的书不错,可以拿来当做复习资料! 最后祝你好运了 来源:/link?url=R7pOrWFA4CbETJtH2I2EgRpDruLgN0k3fXb0MbFYkebctA3zJtFiP2dFyN8d_1CTCtEat9PYaRIRgWiQG8QRqq 2.新疆公务员怎么考啊 与其它地方主要不同点:笔试试卷由自治区人事厅用维、汉两种文字统一命制。 对使用 *** 尔文字答题的考生需加试《汉语基础知识》,持有国家、自治区颁发的 HSK汉语水平考试中C级(六级)以上证书者可免试,《汉语基础知识》合格分数线定为60分,不计入笔试总成绩,不合格者不能进入面试。对使用非本民族文字答题的维、汉、哈、蒙、柯、锡伯6个民族的考生在笔试总成绩的基础上加10分,服务期满考核合格志愿服务西部的毕业生在笔试总成绩的基础上加5分。 符合上述情况的,只能加分一次,不能累计加分。 2005 年是8月11日笔试的,现在才进入公示,由于05年的工作尚未结束,06年的考试时间就没有确定.以下资料可参考:2005年自治区各级行政机关面向社会公开考试录用国家公务员简章 招考职位表。 3.在新疆当老师的如何 各有千秋啊! 1、教师职业的特性除了义务教育外,许多家长抱着学的多,懂的多,将来出路多的态度,给自己的孩子上起了小课,以一个小学音乐老师为例,如果教钢琴,一个小时一个学生可以收50块钱,如果这个老师是其他课程的老师,比如数学、英语、物理化学,那么可以在自己家里面开个小班,带上十个学生上课,一小时20块*10,很有钱图的!而且新疆的家长真的很愿意为自己的孩子付出!当然如果在一个重点中学即使不用带课,一个月挣个2~3千是很轻松的事情,而且待遇特好,什么都不用花钱 2、公务员嘛,靠运气了,要是在一个职能部门吧,你尽可以等着天天发钱,因为工资是很低,但是今天给你补贴点电话费,明天给你补贴点过节费。 幸福啊! 不过,新疆的城市和农村差距还是很大的,如果你不幸被分配到祖国的南部新疆,你也许可以体会到没有手机、没有电脑。甚至没有自来水的生活。 ..祝你好运。 4.新疆公务员考试主要考什么内容 一、新疆公务员考试备考信息篇 很多初次接触公务员考试的考生空有一腔 *** 却对公考知之甚少,孰不知公考的关键便在于准确而成功的报考。首先你必须清楚国家公务员考试的时间,以2018年的国考为例,招考信息一般在10月上旬公布,中下旬开始接受报名,笔试时间则在11月底。至于招考信息,考生们可以多关注人事考试网的公考咨讯板块。当招考信息公布后,考生便可以根据规定流程进行报考了。 二、新疆公务员考试职位选择篇 职位选择和笔试一样重要,许多考生笔试分数很理想,但最终却没能进入面试或在面试中失败,主要原因是不小心跳入了“万人坑”。 在职位报考时,需活用Excel表格的筛选功能,结合自己专业、学历、自身兴趣、往年招录比数据、职位表等多个因素进行筛选。尽量排除竞争者,选择那些对专业、年龄、工作年限或应往届、性别、民族、户籍、从业资格证等限制多的岗位进行报考,限制的条件越多,符合条件的考生就会越少,相对而言会减少竞争,增加自己晋级的砝码。 三、明确公务员考试的范围和题型 公务员考试不管是多省联考(比如今年新疆公务员考试)还是国考,目前主要考的都包括两门--行测(行政职业能力测验)和申论。行测包括言语理解与表达、数量关系、判断推理、资料分析和常识判断。申论则类似于阅读理解,读完文章后根据题目作答即可。 四、三轮复习法之熟悉教材 公务员的考试复习可分为三个时间段进行或者称之为三轮复习法。第一轮是熟悉教材,掌握考点。考生可以从网站或者书店购买行测和申论两本书,买回来之后用一个月的时间仔细研读,做到举一反三,将基本的知识和解题方法吃透。 五、三轮复习法之做题和视频相结合 第二轮复习是做题和听讲义相结合。考生昨晚第一轮的复习后,对公务员考试的范围和基本知识点都有了大致的了解,这时可以买一套真题,开始练习,并要将练习过程中产生的问题做一个记录,一星期一总结,然后针对问题,看公务员考试讲课的视频,可以在百度上搜也可以订购,或者直接找班报班。 六、三轮复习法之归纳总结 第三轮复习安排的时间一般是半个月左右。这一阶段主要是回顾、归纳和总结,并且针对常识判断和时事政治要进行头脑风暴式的学习了。针对申论这一时期每天都要练习写上两篇大论文,写完之后交给专业的老师查看批阅,然后根据老师的意见自己进行相应的改动。这时一定要虚心学习哦。 七、其他复习技巧 行测高分秘籍:题海战术+易错总结+敢于取舍 行测的题量大,时间短,因此要想快速准确的完成行测,高强度的真题训练是必不可少的。通常来说,每道题的答题时间要控制在一分钟以内。为了保证答题的既快又准,平常练习中还要多进行易错题型的总结,比如可以用一个专门的本子来记录这些易错题,多分析和总结错题,以改进自己的做题思路。此外,行测几乎是不可能完成所有题目的,因此做题时还要学会大胆取舍,适当有时间和精力放在擅长模块上,以此来弥补被放弃题目的得分。总之行测答题要能够从整体大局上来衡量得分。 申论高分秘籍:练字+素材积累+写作技巧 多练字:申论大段的文字答题直接冲击着阅卷老师的视觉观感,因此,字迹和卷面的工整与否在很大程度上会影响阅卷老师的评分。因此,平常练习时除了要多动笔写字外,还要时刻提醒自己保持字迹的工整,这往往能成为考卷的隐形加分点。 素材积累:所谓巧妇难为无米之炊,素材积累对于申论考试意义非凡。作为公考小白,在平常就要有意识的多关注新华网,人民网,报纸社论等有关时政热点,对于 *** 工作报告,中央文件政策也要多记一些关键要点。素材需要有较长时间的积累过程,因此在复习之余还要学会利用零散时间,比如晚饭时间多看看新闻联播,焦点访谈等,都是不错的选择。 写作技巧:大作文作为申论的重头戏,要想得高分也需掌握一定的技巧。比如在写作形式上,选择议论文就比较好写,因为议论文观点明确,理论性较强,显得更有思想深度,一般也更符合要求。而在写作内容上,要注意开头和结尾的出彩,比如多引用名人名言,领导讲话等。也可以多背一些优秀范文的开头和结尾,遇上合适的题材也可以修改后直接用。 报纸及期刊:《人民日报—社论》(必备)、《半月谈》、《理论热点面对面》、《求是》、《南方周末》。(理由:之所以把南方周末加进去,主要是考虑积累素材,这份报纸的信息量比较大的——尤其是反面观点,作为论据出现,将会非常新颖。) 电视栏目:经济半小时、焦点访谈、CCTV7-军事农业、今日一线。 5.新疆公务员发展空间如何 你这真是无心插柳啊,霍尔果斯大有前途。 2010年5月国家批准喀什和霍尔果斯建立经济特区,伊犁审批100平方公里,现在批准83平方公里,十二五规划中明确说明道2020年把霍尔果斯建设成国际知名的西部明珠。力争在“十二五”期间实现四个全国之最,即:全国最大的公路口岸,年过货量500万吨;全国最大最先进的铁路口岸,年过货量3000万吨;全国最大的管道运输进口大动脉,年过天然气600亿立方;全国最大的出入境旅客通道,年出入境客商700万人次。 使霍尔果斯口岸成为我国面向中西亚乃至欧洲的国际交通大枢纽;另外中哈霍尔果斯国际边境合作中心开发基础建设已经完成,计划今年四月一日连通,7月1日封关运作。具体情况可以在百度看到。 我只是给你个大体,你可以去霍尔果斯看看发展。另外关于公务员待遇的问题,十二月份刚涨了工资,一个月差不多三千块左右,霍尔果斯消费不比一线城市低,在单位吃饭还是很省的。 主要是看霍尔果斯未来发展,霍尔果斯建市是迟早的事,想挣大钱就别做公务员,呵呵。 补充问题的回答:批准的是国家级特殊经济技术开发区,铁路货运已经开通,客运跌路12年开通,自然环境优美,塞外江南,果子沟,赛里木湖和薰衣草基地都在霍尔果斯附近,霍尔果斯本身很小。 霍尔果斯多民族聚居区,包括外国游客和中亚做生意的外国人, *** 占绝大多数。消费比较高,在外面吃家常饭一般一个人得30块以上。 吃汉民餐馆的20块可以了。 我 QQ 812446849。
2023-07-21 16:07:561


陈独秀活得轰轰烈烈,却死得简简单单,1942年5月27日谢世于四川江津县鹤山坪(现属重庆)。死后连一口薄棺,一块葬身之地也没有。新派作家潘赞化(张玉良的丈夫)看到陈独秀的这副惨境,说:“仲甫毕竟有过辉煌的时刻。青年时期向孔教宣战,向偶像宣战,有一种凌厉之气,不失为一个先驱者,一生坚贞,身后穷愁,毕竟是一个操守者。因此,我们应该用最好的木头为他做口棺材。” 江津开明绅士邓蟾秋、邓燮康叔侄捐了棺木和墓地;“五四运动”中的领袖、全国学生联合会主席、国民政府教育部政务次长段锡朋、早期革命家包惠僧等凑了三百元钱,作为陈独秀安排后事费用。陈独秀临死时,百感交集地对妻子说:“我死后,你可从速改嫁,安度后半生,有一事要切记,为夫立身人世间,虽非高风亮节,却也不失做人操守。教育部寄来之款不可动用,切不可拿我的名声去卖钱。”陈独秀的高尚精神令人潸然泪下。如果他的经济稍微宽裕一点点,也许还要多活几年,不会在穷愁病苦中那么快就去世。他完全可以争取到多活几年的优越的条件,但他始终操守着“廉洁”二字,不改变自己做人的准则。他可以去当国民党的部长,可以去当国民党的参议员,可以去大学当教授,可以到外国去著书立说,可以去延安找共产党,做点事,这一切他都拒绝了,他就为了维护一个看不见,摸不着的中国人的“气节”。
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先驱者是什么意思? 在前面开路引导,也指引导的人 永远 先驱者是什么意思 最初发现或帮助发展某种新事物的人,为别人作出可仿效的榜样或为别人铺平可接踵而行的道路者。 Harbinger是什么意思? 是先驱者的意思么? n. 预言者,预兆vt. 预告;充做…的前驱 第三人称单数:harbingers过去分词:harbingered复数:harbingers现在进行时:harbingering过去式:harbingered 革命先驱者是什么意思 投入革命早的人。 先驱是什么意思 先驱 拼音:xiān qū 释义:本义指马车中前面的一匹奔跑的马,引申指在思想上和行为上走在前端的人。 出自《楚辞·离骚》 《楚辞·离骚》:“前望舒使先驱兮,后飞廉使奔属。” 先驱是什么意思 释义:本义指马车中前面的一匹奔跑的马,引申指在思想上和行为上走在前端的人。 希望对你有所帮助 还望采纳~~~ 先驱者前途认定了切莫回头一回头灵魂里潜藏的怯弱让你停留什么意思 先驱者·前途认定了,切莫回头。一回头,灵魂里潜藏的怯弱让你停留。 我觉得是说,一旦确立了目标,那么要持之以恒地达成它。无论前方有多少困难险阻,不要想着退后,或者有任何的退缩。否则,你只能滞留在你的原地,不进步,也许会退步。 嗯,我想每个人看这句话的感觉不一样吧,结合上下文理解。被自己认定的含义才是最佳的诠释~其他的,仅供参考。 来自UC浏览器
2023-07-21 16:07:571

周杰伦晴天歌词 翻译成英文

Jay Chou - sunnyWords: Jay ChouQu: Jay ChouStory of little yellow flowerFloating from the year of birthSwing in childhoodWith the memory till nowrui sou sou xi dou xi lasou la xi xi xi xi la xi la souBlowing the prelude and looking at the skyI think of petals trying to fallThe day when I cut class for youThe day when flowers fallThe one in the classroomI can"t seeRainy days goneI"d like to have another showerI didn"t expect to lose the courage. I still have itI really want to ask againWill you wait or leaveI tried to hold your hand on a windy dayBut it"s raining so hard that I can"t see youHow long will it take for me to be by your sideMaybe I"ll be better when it"s sunnyOnce upon a time there was a man who loved you for a long timeBut the wind is gradually blowing the distance awayIt"s hard to love another dayBut at the end of the story, you seem to say goodbyeThe day when I cut class for youThe day when flowers fallThe one in the classroomI can"t seeRa
2023-07-21 16:07:579

I can promise you as you as you are trying ,I am

我可以向你保证在你尝试我ami可以向你保证你是尝试i am staying ._有道翻译翻译结果:我住。staying_有道词典staying英 [steu026au014b]美 [steu026au014b]n. 刚性结合;撑法;加劲;[机] 拉线v. 停留(stay的ing形式)更多释义>>[网络短语]Staying 留校,借住,加劲
2023-07-21 16:07:591


美奈 美菜 美波 美苗 弥奈 水奈 美那 未那 未菜 未奈 美七 美名 三奈 実奈 己奈 実那
2023-07-21 16:08:011


2023-07-21 16:08:034


2023-07-21 16:08:066

cmos setup utility-copyright(c)1985-2005 Ameircan Megatrends怎么超频

2023-07-21 16:08:061

HP MINI 2140 安装XP问题?

您好,感谢您选择惠普产品。1、请您开机按F10进入BIOS,打开System Configuration选项,找到Device Configurations,将SATA Native Mode设置为disable,然后点击File里面的 Save Changes And Exit,就可以保存后退出了,然后再安装XP系统。2、机器出厂前并没有对您的PE系统和移动盘中的文件进行过测试,是无法预知它的准确性和稳定性的。机器没有外置光驱,您也可以考虑使用带有引导功能的U盘或尝试寻找USB光驱引导系统光盘来安装系统。您插入带有引导功能的U盘或找到的USB光驱后,开机后反复按“F9”键进入启动项设置,选择从相应设备启动就可以继续安装系统了3、温馨提示:关于如何安装xp系统及分区,您可以参考下面的官方文档:希望以上回复能够对您有所帮助。
2023-07-21 16:08:101


一 新疆教师资格证申请在哪里查 中国教师资格网,还有新疆人事考试网。 二 在新疆怎么考教师资格证 1、考试报名。 新疆的教师资格考试报名地点在新疆自学在线考试网报名。 2、考普通话证(语文老师要二级甲等以上;其他科目要二级乙等以上) 成绩无限期保留、全国通用。一年可以考两次,上半年是约3月报名,约5月考试。下半年是约9月报名,约12月考试。 3、考心理学以及教育学,对于教育学、教育心理学学习的全面辅导,通常是在下半年10月份举办,考试通常在2月底和3月初,不同的省份地区考试时间有变化,单科成绩有效期也不同,一般是两年,两学考试合格证明有效期一般为三年。 4、打印准考证 打印准考证,系统会根据考生报名信息生成准考证。根据提示下载pdf准考证文件。下载后,仔细核对个人信息,并直接打印成准考证。 5、参加笔试。 考试内容: (2)新疆教师从业资格证书查询扩展阅读: 教师资格证书分类 教师资格证分(自上而下兼容): (一)幼儿园教师资格证; (二)小学教师资格证; (三)初级中学教师和初级职业学校文化课、专业课教师资格证(以下统称初级中学教师资格证); (四)高级中学教师资格证; (五)中等专业学校、技工学校、职业高级中学文化课、专业课教师资格证(以下统称中等职业学校教师资格证); (六)中等专业学校、技工学校、职业高级中学实习指导教师资格证(以下统称中等职业学校实习指导教师资格证); (七)高等学校教师资格证。 (八)成人/大学教育的教师资格证,按照成人教育的层次,依照上款规定确定类别。 三 新疆教师资格证十月份成绩可以查询吗现在,从哪里能查到 历年教师资格证笔试与面试成绩,都是在当地教育局“自考办”进行查询。一些地区的教育局已经开通了网上查询,登录当地教育局官网,看一下有没有成绩查询按钮。(查询是指查看考试结果。如果对成绩有疑问要求查卷,教育局是不接受这个申请的) 四 到新疆教书需要什么证书 教书需要教师资格证 教师资格制度是国家实行的教师职业许可制度回。 不具备教师法规定答的教师资格学历的公民,申请获得教师资格,应当通过国家举办的或者认可的教师资格考试。 申请参加高等学校教师资格考试的,应当学有专长,并有两名相关专业的教授或者副教授推荐。具备思想品德条件、学历条件和教育教学能力。 非师范院校毕业或者教师资格考试合格的公民申请认定幼儿园、小学或者其他教师资格的,应当进行面试和试讲,考察其教育教学能力;根据实际情况和需要,教育行政部门或者受委托的高等学校可以要求申请人补修教育学、心理学等课程。 报考认证条件 除了符合思想品德条件和规定的学历(见下附表)外,还应具备一定的教育教学能力。 1)具备承担教育教学工作所必须的基本素质和能力。非师范教育类专业毕业的人员需参加教育学、心理学补修、测试和教育教学能力测评,成绩合格。 2)普通话水平应当达到国家语言文字工作委员会颁布的《普通话水平测试等级标准》二级乙等以上标准,并取得相应等次《普通话水平测试等级证书》。 3)具有良好的身体素质和心理素质,无传染性疾病,无精神病史,适应教育教学工作的需要,经教师资格认定机构组织在县级以上医院体检合格。 五 在新疆考了教师资格证,教资编号在国网也能查,能在北京教书吗 首先要看北京的教师招聘的报名条件,如果符合报考条件的话即可报名北京的教师招聘考试。 六 新疆考的教师资格证在内地可以用么 可以的,教师资格证书在全国范围内适用。教师资格证书由国务院教育行政部门统一印制。 2018年9月,教育部宣布教师资格证书由国务院教育行政部门统一印制,社会各类培训机构颁发的培训证书、证明不能作为教师资格证书使用。 《教师资格证书》和《教师资格认定申请表》由教师资格认定机构按国家规定统一编号,加盖相应的 *** 教育行政部门公章、钢印后生效。 (6)新疆教师从业资格证书查询扩展阅读: 目前教师资格考试分为国考和省考两种形式,已经有28个省份实行了国考,只有内蒙古、新疆、新疆兵团和 *** 四个省份没有实行国考,仍沿用自治区和兵团原有的考试模式。 2015年1月1日起教师资格考试将不再区分师范生和非师范生,一律参加全国统考。 省考:教师资格考试主要考教育学和心理学课程。凡已有或准备取得大专以上学历的考生都可以报名参加考试。具体考试内容详见当地教育行政部门或者受委托的高等学校的有关规定。 内蒙古、新疆、新疆兵团和 *** 四省份的非师范教育类专业毕业人员(简称“非师范生”)和非全日制师范教育类专业毕业人员需按本省份的要求参加相应的教师资格考试并合格。 七 新疆考的教师资格证在内地可以用么 可以的,教师资格证没有区域之分。 教师资格证书由教育部统一负责印制,在全国相应的学校通用。使用假教师资格证者,一经查出,五年内不得申报。 《教师资格条例》第五条取得教师资格的公民,可以在本级及其以下等级的各类学校和其他教育机构担任教师;但是,取得中等职业学校实习指导教师资格的公民只能在中等专业学校、技工学校、职业高级中学或者初级职业学校担任实习指导教师。 高级中学教师资格与中等职业学校教师资格相互通用。 (7)新疆教师从业资格证书查询扩展阅读: 目前教师资格考试分为国考和省考两种形式,已经有28个省份实行了国考,只有内蒙古、新疆、新疆兵团和 *** 四个省份没有实行国考,仍沿用自治区和兵团原有的考试模式。 国考:教师资格考试笔试主要考综合素质、教育知识与能力、学科知识与能力。 符合以下基本条件的人员,可以报名参加教师资格考试: 1、具有中华人民共和国国籍; 2、遵守宪法和法律,热爱教育事业,具有良好的思想品德; 3、符合申请认定教师资格的体检标准; 4、符合《教师法》规定的学历要求。 申请人应在户籍或人事关系所在地报名参加教师资格考试。普通高等学校在校生可在就读学校所在地报名参加教师资格考试。 幼儿园教师资格考试笔试科目为《综合素质》 《保教知识与能力》2 科; 小学教师资格考试笔试科目为《综 合素质》《教育教学知识与能力》2 科; 初级中学、普通高 级中学教师和中等职业学校文化课教师资格考试笔试科目 为《综合素质》《教育知识与能力》《学科知识与教学能力》 3 科; 中等职业学校专业课教师和实习指导教师资格考试笔 试科目为《综合素质》《教育知识与能力》《专业知识与教 学能力》3 科。
2023-07-21 16:07:391

英语作文 A sunny day怎么写?

A Sunny Day Today is a sunny day, the sun is exposed he"s read head,and he"s smiley face.Some people are take there quilt drying; some children are play in the playground ,No body want stay at home ,all the people leave there house bath the Sunshine .
2023-07-21 16:07:391


  企业愿景体现了企业家的立场和信仰,是企业最高管理者头脑中的一种概念,是这些最高管理者对企业未来的设想。那么你对企业愿景了解多少呢?以下是由我整理关于什么是企业愿景的内容,希望大家喜欢!   企业愿景的哲学框架   企业哲学   经盛管理咨询的中国企业文化理论以企业哲学为根本核心,其包含愿景、使命、核心价值观以及哲学之道四大命题。我们认为,愿景就是解决企业是什么,要成为什么的基本问题。   中外差别   在美国的战略理论界,都非常明确地将愿景与使命区分为目标陈述与任务陈述,但也有的将两者统称为目标陈述,有的将两者统称为使命陈述。中国的企业以及管理学界在此方面的陈述可谓是五花八门,有的将愿景当作使命,有的将使命当作愿景,有的用经营宗旨的叫法,有的叫做经营目标,甚至很多企业直接用价值观或者经营理念来概括。这充分说明中国引进西方管理理论的混乱局面,同时也反映中国企业居多尚处于企业发展的初级阶段,缺乏对于企业存在理由、意义或者价值等企业哲学高度上的思考。   这里我们要指出,无论中外,均缺乏一个真正明确地从哲学意义上解决这个问题的说法。圣吉的学习型组织中的共同愿景已经有了初步的探索,但过于感性及模糊化;马克·利普顿的愿景领导理论虽然清晰地将愿景与使命进行区别,但其却认为有效愿景应当包括存在的理由、战略、价值观三大核心原则,把愿景与价值观、战略统括在一起。   管理角度   让我们暂时抛开功利的经济学而以管理学的视角来看待企业,我们将发现人的存在哲学与企业的存在哲学是如此之统一协同。人生哲学无非围绕人存在的价值、存在的目标以及如何活着更有意义;企业同样如此,高瞻远瞩的企业无不需要时常审视自身存在是为了什么、存在的价值是什么以及如何存在。愿景就是告诉人们“企业是什么”,告诉人们企业将做成什么样子,是对企业未来发展的一种期望和描述。只有清晰地描述企业的愿景,员工、社会、投资者和合作伙伴才能对企业有更为清晰的认识。一个美好的愿景能够激发人们发自内心的感召力量,激发人们强大的凝聚力和向心力。   企业愿景的基本要素   企业愿景包括两部分:核心信仰***Core Ideology***、未来前景***Envisioned Future***。   核心信仰包括核心价值观***Core Value***和核心使命***Core Purpose***。 它用以规定企 业的基本价值观和存在的原因,是企业长期不变的信条,如同把组织聚合起来的黏合剂,核心 信仰必须被组织成员共享,它的形成是企业自我认识的一个过 程。核心价值观是一个企业最 基本和持久的信仰,是组织内成员的共识   未来前景是企业未来10-30年欲实现的巨集大愿景目标及对它的鲜活描述。   企业愿景的内容   一般来讲,企业的愿景通常包含四个方面的内容:   使整个人类社会受惠受益。例如,有些企业的愿景就表达出企业的存在就是要为社会创造某种价值;   实现企业的繁荣昌盛。例如,美国航空公司提出要做“全球的领导者”,这就是谋求企业的繁荣昌盛;   员工能够敬业乐业;   使客户心满意足。客户满意是最基础的愿景,因为客户是企业成功最重要的因素,如果客户对企业的愿景不能认同,那么愿景也就失去了意义。   由于企业不仅是企业领导者的企业,也是员工、合作伙伴和社会的企业,随着企业走向发展和壮大,企业必须经历企业迈向社会化的过程。   企业愿景的设定   企业愿景是企业未来的目标、存在的意义,也是企业之根本所在。它回答的是企业为什么要存在,对社会有何贡献,它未来的发展是个什么样子等根本性的问题。   企业愿景的设定包括以下两个方面:   第一,企业目的的确认。企业目的就是企业存在的理由,即企业为什么要存在。一般来说,有什么样的企业目的,就有什么样的企业理念。正确的企业目的会产生良好的理念识别,并引导企业的成功;错误的企业目的会产生不良的理念识别,并最终导致企业的失败。   第二,明确企业使命。企业使命和企业宗旨是同义语,是企业经营理念指导下,企业为其生产经营活动的方向、性质、责任所下的定义,它是企业经营哲学的具体化,集中反映了企业的任务和目标,表达了企业的社会态度和行为准则。   现代企业的最高使命是其应该具有的社会责任感。要求企业不仅考虑到自身的利益,而且能够承担起自己的社会责任。   企业的社会责任包括:   第一,企业的社会使命,亦即企业成员对社会做出贡献及协调各种利益集团之间关系的使命;   第二,企业的社会服务,亦即企业应当为社会提供的满足各种需要的服务;   第三,企业的社会产品,亦即企业提供的各种产品,既要为企业自身带来利益,也要对社会具有价值;   第四,企业的社会利益,亦即企业必须把维护和实现社会整体利益作为评价其经营活动成果的有效依据和指标;   第五,企业的行为定位,亦即企业在使用各种自然资源和社会资源时,应当优先考虑由于这种使用而可能给社会带来的影响和后果。   概括起来说,企业的社会责任,是企业对各种不同的社会利益集团和群体所承担的道义上的责任。 企业愿景的内容
2023-07-21 16:07:381


她说“我的目标是成为韩国的Jennifer Lopez”,终于开始了实现她的梦想的第一步。主打曲目《电话情缘》是将女子组合Kiss的歌曲进行重新制作的歌曲,是相当劲爆火辣的电子舞曲。
2023-07-21 16:07:361

求一个与WIN7系统兼容的hp laserjet 1012打印机兼容的驱动程序,万分感激,谢谢!

2023-07-21 16:07:3511

关于bios设置问题(AMI BIOS)

2023-07-21 16:07:355


2023-07-21 16:07:301

sunny days前用什么介词

用on...认识介词 in,on,at (一)介词in,on和at表示时间 年、季、月、周要用in,日期、节气用on行; 某时某刻用at,at the age of表年龄; 圣诞、夜晚、钟点前,用上at才自然; 早、午、晚上常用in,固定短语记心间。 (1)at主要表示: ①在某个具体时间,如:在……时刻,在……点钟,at seven o"clock,at 9:30等 ②固定短语:at night,at noon,at that time,at the age of,at the weekend,at Christmas等 (2)on用来表示“在……天”,如:on Sunday,on the following day,on October 1,1949等 (3)in用来表示: ①在某年、某季、某月、某周,如:in 2003,in summer,in September,in the 10th week等 ②在一段时间之后(之内),如:in a few days,in a minute,in two weeks等 ③用在“早晨/上午、下午、晚上”名词前,如: in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening 如果表示某一天的上午、下午和晚上,要用介词on。如:on Sunday morning,on Saturday evening 可巧记为:某天上下午和晚上,不能用in要用on。 (二)介词in,on和at表示地点 on“在……之上”接触面,“靠近、接壤”左右边; in“在里面”和“中间”,也可表示在“大地点”; at表示在“小地点”,“入口、车站、影剧院”; home前有限定“冠”,须用in把at换; “夜间、车辆”若有限(定词),“回家途中”on在前。 (1)on表示“在……之上”(与物体表面相接触)。如: His pen is on his desk. 表示“靠近;相互接壤”,以及在左、右边都用on。如: Korea lies on the northeast of China. Tom sits on my right. (2)in表示“在……里面”(物体内部)、“在……中间”。如: My pen is in my pencil-box. in还可以表示“在大地点”。如: They live in Shanghai while we live in Beijing. (3)at表示在较小的地点,在“入口、车站”和“影剧院”等名词前也用at。如: at the entrance to the library,at the bus stop,at the theatre,at the cinema (4)home前一般用at,但若有物主代词或定冠词等定语修饰时,必须用in。如: at home,in my home,in his simple home(在他简朴的家中) (5)“夜间”(night)、“车辆”(bus,bike,train等)名词前若有限定词修饰,以及“在……途中”用介词on。如: He was at home on the night of May 1. Jim often goes to school on his bike.
2023-07-21 16:07:291


2023-07-21 16:07:2714


2023-07-21 16:07:2614

求I believe I can fly 的吉他谱,只要六线图谱

2023-07-21 16:07:262


  开始思考孩子将来成为什么样的人。在想象著孩子拥有那些所希望的品质。接下来,我给大家准备了,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。   I was thinking the other day about the man I hope my son will one day be. I was imagining him with the qualities I hope he acquires.   And then I wondered if I was adequately teaching him the traits I envisioned him having. A sense of urgency to be sure the lessons are taught while I"m still here to teach them swept over me.   This is the result …   31 Principles of Life   1. Life doesn"t dictate your attitude. But your attitude dictates how you"ll experience life.Changing your attitude will always be the shortest and most permanent route to changing your life.   2. Love and forgive. The degree to which you are able to truly love as an expression of your character, not merely as a feeling, the more you will be willing to forgive. The more you are able to forgive, the more you will be free to love. They go hand-in-hand.   3. You won"t want to go through life tied to your own history, to the mistakes you"ve made, the former people you"ve associated with, the problems of the past. So don"t hold others to theirs.   4. Learn to laugh at your own mistakes, mishaps, imperfections and ego. Everyone else is anyway. And you will eventually. So why not do it preemptively in real time?   5. Invest regularly in your own human capital, in the development of your ability and talents, in your knowledge and education. Learn every day. Don"t rely exclusively on formal modes of education. Learn on your own. Get excited about it. Read. Study. Challenge yourself. Develop. Improve. There will be no investment that pays greater dividends. Remember, opportunity is a byproduct of ability and ability is the residue of knowledge put to action. So skimping on knowledge circumscribes opportunity.   6. Control your thoughts. They are pregnant with the rest of your life.   7. Be loyal to your friends. Be deeply loyal to your family. Be fiercely loyal to truth.   8. You are an amazing creation of a God who knows and loves you. You can therefore rise to any height you"re willing to climb. You have the potential inside right now, as you are, for something so much more than most people settle for. So don"t settle. The greatest views in life are from on top the highest mountains. The highest mountains are those that are climbed the least often by the fewest people. Climb the highest mountains. Even if you don"t reach the summit, the view from halfway up is better than from the bottom of the mountain you never started climbing.   9. Be sure people always e before things. Never let your family be the sacrificial lamb you place at the altar of other pursuits.   10. Happiness is the natural consequence of living your life consistent with the universal principles upon which a happy life is predicated. While there certainly is subjectivity inhappiness, there are objective conditions that must be present in the happy life at its highest form. Discover those universal principles of happiness, work at consistently living by them, and enjoy reaping some pretty amazing results.   11. Always be true to yourself so you never feel the need to be false to anyone else.   12. The mind is sacred ground, so treat it that way. Take only worthy things into it. Reject that which corrodes and corrupts and demeans and dirties. Treat your mind like a sponge that never releases its liquid, whose very fibers are stained with the color of its thoughts. The mind will absorb whatever you feed it; It will retain the filth as much as the noble. So fill it with those ideas, thoughts and images you would want to have reflected in the mirror of your life. Because over time, it will be.   13. Cultivate wisdom, lead with passion, learn with humility, act with courage.   14. Seek to love more than be loved and you will be loved much more than if you seek it directly.   15. If you put God first, everything else will fit into the right place at the right time and in the right amount.   16. The greatest battles you will ever wage will be on the battleground of your own soul. We are dual-natured. We have noble impulses and ignoble ones. Feed the noble and starve the ignoble. That"s a battle you must win. Your happiness and self-respect rely on it.   17. Make the things that matter most in life the things that matter most in your life. Limit the time you spend spinning your wheels in the sand of the unimportant and trivial. And never let the important derail your pursuit of the most important.   18. Passion es as much from how you approach the work in front of you as in the particular type of work that happens to be there. Cultivate passion for what you do. It transforms it into something you love doing.   19. Remember to regularly check the oil in your car, the batteries in your flashlight and the integrity in your character.   20. The easiest way to love what you do is to do what you love. The second easiest way isn"t too bad either. It"s to get really good at doing it. petence tends to breed passion. And passion makes work something less like work and more like fulfilling a life-mission. Not a bad way to go about making a living.   21. Never do in private what you wouldn"t want the public to find out about. And these days, they"re likely to find out anyway. Someone will likely Facebook it by the end of the day!   22. Live life like it was the only one you were going to get and like it mattered how you lived it.   23. Character is a much more accurate voice exclaiming who you are than popularity, personality or status. So let your moral character speak so loudly no one can hear the gossip spoken about you by lesser minds.   24. Do what matters most first. Then, if you run out of energy, time or means, you will at least have acplished the things that matter most – which is more than most people will be able to say.   25. Procrastination is the best way to make bad things worse and good things bad.   26. Beware the thistles of Pride and Selfishness. But never confuse them with the blossoms of Confidence and Self-respect. Root out the former and water the latter.   27. In relationships, two halves never make a whole. They only make two broken halves desperately clinging to each other in the vain hope that by virtue of the union, they bee plete. Don"t look for an inplete half to fix. Bottomless pits of need never make very reliable friends or spouses or parents. Look for a spouse who will make a great parent to your future kids. Date with that in mind. You will never marry someone you don"t date, so don"t date someone you would never marry.   28. You have a moral duty to discover the principles of happiness and work at applying them throughout your life. You will be a better spouse, a better parent, and closer friend a more neighborly neighbor, a kinder employer, and better employee and citizen for doing so.   29. If you can"t sing, sing anyway. If you can"t dance, dance anyway. Life is too short to be concerned with what other people think of your song and say about your dance.   30. Let patience be your first response, kindness be your first reply, courage be your default setting, faith be your first inclination, curiosity be your first question, perseverance be your longest answer, gratitude be your spontaneous condition and love be your first, final and only method.   31. And finally, my dear son, know that my heart will always be filled with you. I will be a part of the fabric of your life because my thoughts will have been taught, my example will have been seen and my love will have been felt your whole life. And while my words and example and love will have been flawed, they will have indicated a way of living, of thinking and believing, even if imperfectly, that I hope illuminates a path that entices you to the greatest adventure you will ever have.
2023-07-21 16:07:251

请问mina 她有多高,有谁知道吗,她身材简直是一及棒哦,还有三围是多少呢

2023-07-21 16:07:203