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2023-07-21 17:56:10
TAG: 英语


  I was thinking the other day about the man I hope my son will one day be. I was imagining him with the qualities I hope he acquires.

  And then I wondered if I was adequately teaching him the traits I envisioned him having. A sense of urgency to be sure the lessons are taught while I"m still here to teach them swept over me.

  This is the result …

  31 Principles of Life

  1. Life doesn"t dictate your attitude. But your attitude dictates how you"ll experience life.Changing your attitude will always be the shortest and most permanent route to changing your life.

  2. Love and forgive. The degree to which you are able to truly love as an expression of your character, not merely as a feeling, the more you will be willing to forgive. The more you are able to forgive, the more you will be free to love. They go hand-in-hand.

  3. You won"t want to go through life tied to your own history, to the mistakes you"ve made, the former people you"ve associated with, the problems of the past. So don"t hold others to theirs.

  4. Learn to laugh at your own mistakes, mishaps, imperfections and ego. Everyone else is anyway. And you will eventually. So why not do it preemptively in real time?

  5. Invest regularly in your own human capital, in the development of your ability and talents, in your knowledge and education. Learn every day. Don"t rely exclusively on formal modes of education. Learn on your own. Get excited about it. Read. Study. Challenge yourself. Develop. Improve. There will be no investment that pays greater dividends. Remember, opportunity is a byproduct of ability and ability is the residue of knowledge put to action. So skimping on knowledge circumscribes opportunity.

  6. Control your thoughts. They are pregnant with the rest of your life.

  7. Be loyal to your friends. Be deeply loyal to your family. Be fiercely loyal to truth.

  8. You are an amazing creation of a God who knows and loves you. You can therefore rise to any height you"re willing to climb. You have the potential inside right now, as you are, for something so much more than most people settle for. So don"t settle. The greatest views in life are from on top the highest mountains. The highest mountains are those that are climbed the least often by the fewest people. Climb the highest mountains. Even if you don"t reach the summit, the view from halfway up is better than from the bottom of the mountain you never started climbing.

  9. Be sure people always e before things. Never let your family be the sacrificial lamb you place at the altar of other pursuits.

  10. Happiness is the natural consequence of living your life consistent with the universal principles upon which a happy life is predicated. While there certainly is subjectivity inhappiness, there are objective conditions that must be present in the happy life at its highest form. Discover those universal principles of happiness, work at consistently living by them, and enjoy reaping some pretty amazing results.

  11. Always be true to yourself so you never feel the need to be false to anyone else.

  12. The mind is sacred ground, so treat it that way. Take only worthy things into it. Reject that which corrodes and corrupts and demeans and dirties. Treat your mind like a sponge that never releases its liquid, whose very fibers are stained with the color of its thoughts. The mind will absorb whatever you feed it; It will retain the filth as much as the noble. So fill it with those ideas, thoughts and images you would want to have reflected in the mirror of your life. Because over time, it will be.

  13. Cultivate wisdom, lead with passion, learn with humility, act with courage.

  14. Seek to love more than be loved and you will be loved much more than if you seek it directly.

  15. If you put God first, everything else will fit into the right place at the right time and in the right amount.

  16. The greatest battles you will ever wage will be on the battleground of your own soul. We are dual-natured. We have noble impulses and ignoble ones. Feed the noble and starve the ignoble. That"s a battle you must win. Your happiness and self-respect rely on it.

  17. Make the things that matter most in life the things that matter most in your life. Limit the time you spend spinning your wheels in the sand of the unimportant and trivial. And never let the important derail your pursuit of the most important.

  18. Passion es as much from how you approach the work in front of you as in the particular type of work that happens to be there. Cultivate passion for what you do. It transforms it into something you love doing.

  19. Remember to regularly check the oil in your car, the batteries in your flashlight and the integrity in your character.

  20. The easiest way to love what you do is to do what you love. The second easiest way isn"t too bad either. It"s to get really good at doing it. petence tends to breed passion. And passion makes work something less like work and more like fulfilling a life-mission. Not a bad way to go about making a living.

  21. Never do in private what you wouldn"t want the public to find out about. And these days, they"re likely to find out anyway. Someone will likely Facebook it by the end of the day!

  22. Live life like it was the only one you were going to get and like it mattered how you lived it.

  23. Character is a much more accurate voice exclaiming who you are than popularity, personality or status. So let your moral character speak so loudly no one can hear the gossip spoken about you by lesser minds.

  24. Do what matters most first. Then, if you run out of energy, time or means, you will at least have acplished the things that matter most – which is more than most people will be able to say.

  25. Procrastination is the best way to make bad things worse and good things bad.

  26. Beware the thistles of Pride and Selfishness. But never confuse them with the blossoms of Confidence and Self-respect. Root out the former and water the latter.

  27. In relationships, two halves never make a whole. They only make two broken halves desperately clinging to each other in the vain hope that by virtue of the union, they bee plete. Don"t look for an inplete half to fix. Bottomless pits of need never make very reliable friends or spouses or parents. Look for a spouse who will make a great parent to your future kids. Date with that in mind. You will never marry someone you don"t date, so don"t date someone you would never marry.

  28. You have a moral duty to discover the principles of happiness and work at applying them throughout your life. You will be a better spouse, a better parent, and closer friend a more neighborly neighbor, a kinder employer, and better employee and citizen for doing so.

  29. If you can"t sing, sing anyway. If you can"t dance, dance anyway. Life is too short to be concerned with what other people think of your song and say about your dance.

  30. Let patience be your first response, kindness be your first reply, courage be your default setting, faith be your first inclination, curiosity be your first question, perseverance be your longest answer, gratitude be your spontaneous condition and love be your first, final and only method.

  31. And finally, my dear son, know that my heart will always be filled with you. I will be a part of the fabric of your life because my thoughts will have been taught, my example will have been seen and my love will have been felt your whole life. And while my words and example and love will have been flawed, they will have indicated a way of living, of thinking and believing, even if imperfectly, that I hope illuminates a path that entices you to the greatest adventure you will ever have.


求you are my girl—金朝汉的韩文歌词

uae40uc870ud55c-You Are My GirlCuzz you are my girlYou are the one that I envisioned in my dreamsAnd when your aroundI cant express the way I feel insideCuzz you are the oneI didnt know that you would mean so much to meGirl your in my heartIm so thankful you were here for meYou are my girlWhen you walked into my life girlJust one look and you took my heart I didnt know that I could have these feelings for youThere so much that I feel inside meI cant believe how you make me feelNothing in this world could change my feelings for youCuzz you are my girlYou are the one that I envisioned in my dreamsAnd when your aroundI cant express the way I feel insideCuzz you are the oneI didnt know that you would mean so much to meGirl your in my heartIm so thankful you were here for meYou are my girlTheres so much that I feel inside meI cant believe how you make me feelNothing in this world could change my feelings for youCuzz you are my girlYou are the one that I envisioned in my dreamsAnd when your aroundI cant express the way I feel insideCuzz you are the oneI didnt know that you would mean so much to meGirl your in my heartIm so thankful you were here for meYou are my girllala lalala~
2023-07-21 15:55:071


问题一:爱因斯坦的全名用英语怎么说 ici *** and the ice of 问题二:爱因斯坦的相对论用英文怎么说? theory of relativity 问题三:爱因斯坦成就英文加翻译 Einstein showed that absolute time had to be replaced by a new absolute: the speed of light. Einstein went against the grain and totally di *** issed the Old Physics. He envisioned a world where space and time are relative and the speed of light is absolute (at the time, it was believed that space and time were absolute and the speed of light was relative). He asserted the equivalence of mass and energy, which would lead to the famous formula E=mc2 Einstein challenged the wave theory of light, suggesting that light could also be regarded as a collection of particles. This helped to open the door to a whole new world--that of quantum physics. For ideas in this paper, he won the Nobel Prize in 1921. His paper concerning the Brownian motion of particles. With profound insight, Einstein blended ideas from kinetic theory and classical hydrodynamics to derive an equation for the mean free path of such particles as a function of the time. Einstein showed how to calculate Avogadro"s number and the size of molecules. In 1910, Einstein answered a basic question: "Why is the sky blue?" His paper on the phenomenon called critical opalescence solved the problem by examining the cumulative effect of the scattering of light by individual molecules in the atmosphere. Einstein later published a paper in 1915 called General Relativity. General Relativity took over when Special Relativity started to fail. Controversy started to rise when Einstein released his s......>> 问题四:爱因斯坦的《相对论》英语怎么说? theory of relativity 问题五:爱因斯坦是不是有一句名言以成功是u2022u2022u2022u2022u2022u2022开头的。用英语怎么说? 成功=艰苦的劳动+正确的方法+少说空话 Success is hard work , correct methods and less nonsence.
2023-07-21 15:55:141


亚历山大·蒲柏的英文:Alexander Pope(1688年5月22日 - 1744年5月30日) 是18世纪英国最伟大的诗人;杰出的启蒙主义者。参考例句:In the eighteeth century it was Alexander Pope who wrote the finest poetry in England.18世纪,亚历山大·蒲柏写出了英格兰最好的诗歌。alexander是什么意思:n. 亚历山大Alexander was surnamed 亚历山大被加给“大帝”的封号。My name is Alexander, Al for short. 我叫亚历山大, 简称亚尔。 Alexander envisioned a cosmopolitan culture in his new empire.亚历山大打算让他的新帝国具有世界性的文化。schemes to subvert the liberties of a great community(Alexander Hamilton)一个意欲摧毁大共同体的自由的阴谋(亚历山大·汉密尔顿)A little learning is a dangerous thing. ——Alexander Pope学问浅薄,如履薄冰。——薄柏pope是什么意思:n. 罗马教皇;自以为(或被认为)一贯正确的人The Pope blessed the crowd. 教皇向人群祝福。The Pope received a group of Polish pilgrims.教皇接见了一批来自波兰的朝圣者。The see of the pope is namely the bishop of Rome. 罗马教皇,即罗马的主教的教座。The office,jurisdiction,or tenure of a pope;the papacy.罗马教皇职位(天主教)教皇的职位、权力或任期;罗马教皇统治A little learning is a dangerous thing. ——Alexander Pope学问浅薄,如履薄冰。——薄柏
2023-07-21 15:55:211

china through my eyes作文大学英语 关于中国经济

As best I can recall, my first visit to Beijing, in the hot summer of 1990, was an almost overwhelming experience. I visited a wide range of places over a three week stay, including some truly amazing historical sites like the Great Wall, the Old Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven, the Forbidden City, etc., as well as a Chinese University, markets, an old courtyard house, restaurants, parks, book stores, and hutongs. Amongst it all, what struck me most was the friendliness people showed me, and their genuine desire to converse, in English or in Chinese, about a range of topics 钬?from political issues, to AIDS, to what Australia was like, and so on.There were a host of almost topsy-turvy differences between my own country and China. Aside from obvious differences, such as the food, and the weather, one could not help but be overwhelmed by the vast difference in population not just in terms of people, but there were so many bikes and many less cars (very few of which I could recognize)! I was also amazed to see donkey carts in the capital of such a major up and coming nation 钬?something I had certainly not envisioned! While life at that time seemed tough for many people, there was a tremendous sense that something extraordinary was taking place and that China had a great future ahead of it.It was during this exciting three-week period of exploring a very foreign culture that I met, completely by chance at a party at my younger brother钬檚 University, a young Chinese woman student who would change my life. We spent many hours together exchanging ideas and information on where we lived, on what films and books we had read, and so on, until fin
2023-07-21 15:55:281


2023-07-21 15:55:395

有一首韩语歌,男声,歌词中有my dream,是星空卫视给《搞笑一家人》2配的片尾曲,挺抒情的。

<You are my girl> 金朝翰歌词:Cuzz you are my girl You are the one that I envisioned in my dreams And when you"re around I can"t express the way I feel inside Cuzz you are the one I didn"t know that you would mean so much to me Girl you"re in my heart I"m so thankful you were here for me You are my girl When you walked into my life girl Just one look and you took my heart I didn"t know that I could have these feelings for you There"s so much that I feel inside me I can"t believe how you make me feel Nothing in this world could change my feelings for you Cuzz you are my girl You are the one that I envisioned in my dreams And when you"re around I can"t express the way I feel inside Cuzz you are the one I didn"t know that you would mean so much to me Girl you"re in my heart I"m so thankful you were here for me You are my girl There"s so much that I feel inside me I can"t believe how you make me feel Nothing in this world could change my feelings for you Cuzz you are my girl You are the one that I envisioned in my dreams And when you"re around I can"t express the way I feel inside Cuzz you are the one I didn"t know that you would mean so much to me Girl you"re in my heart I"m so thankful you were here for me You are my girl
2023-07-21 15:55:551


2023-07-21 15:56:053

求道枝骏佑 高桥恭平《My Girl》歌词

Ah you know what"s upGive it up give it up yeahI let you know she"s my babyGive it up give it up yeahI let you know she"s my babyなんて言おうとも何も変わらないさShe"s my girl she"s my girlShe"s my babe she"s my babe渡しはしないよ my loveYou know彼女と仆との间をCan"t you see邪魔は出来ないSo just stop just stop and go just go仆たちは离れない谁よりも近くで ah守ると决めたんだ yes离さない no渡さない いつまでもShe is my babyあの眩しい笑颜をただ见ているなんて出来ないから今引き寄せようListen up she is myもう谁にも渡しはしないForever and everShe"s my girlどんな时も変わりはしないForever and everずっと she"s my girl渡しはしない my babe谁にも譲れはしないぜ仆の ladyYeah そばにいたいこんな weekend重ね合う feelingそれが reasonそうなんて言おうがきっと一绪谁も邪魔は出来ないこの distanceどれだけ足掻いたって変わりはしない仆だけを见て仆だけを见てもう谁にも渡しはしないForever and everShe"s my girlどんな时も変わりはしないForever and everずっと she"s my girl
2023-07-21 15:56:2713

getting closer Juline歌词

Juline-Getting Closer
2023-07-21 15:56:512

韩剧穿透屋顶的high kick的片尾曲

2023-07-21 15:56:595


2023-07-21 15:57:221


2023-07-21 15:57:355


它将提供的权力,信息时代的到手中的每一个人,任何时间,任何地点。 我们生活在一个时代的声音,数据和视频只是位, 1和0将被推下最广泛的管道或靠近最包容的切片的频谱。钻头是不可知论者。他们不关心他们如何获得他们正在前往-只有他们抵达在正确的秩序和在适当时刻。无处不在的比特已经授权种杂交说,大部分人都设想为消费类电子产品,这些过去20年来-多功能装置,如现代电脑,网络电视,电缆调制解调器,以及智能手机。 不过,这只是一个开始。数字化技术结合起来,用先进的软件,规模较小和更强大的微处理器,与指数的增长,光纤和无线带宽,你会得到一些更为有用的-无缝的,通用的连接。这将衔接就其头部。这意味着,虽然计算机,通信和消费电子技术将走到一起,新一代的智能设备大多不会。 通用的连接将聚首一堂,所有的信息和服务,你需要和在阿克他们提供给您,无论你身在何处,做什么,或什么样的装置,您所使用的。称之为“虚拟”的衔接-一切您想要的是在一个地方,但那个地方是哪里,你要它,不只是在家里或者在办公室。 结果是,将有扩散的智能,连接的设备,从手掌大小和Tablet PC的Web功能的手机和autopcs 。您的档案,日程,通讯录,和一切你需要将自动复制到每个这些设备的,因为一切可以想到的会链接。 虚拟衔接会采取的权力,在您的桌面上,并使它可在何处您想要的。但有助于避免信息超载,它将为此明智的。如果您观看了比赛,在球场上一周六下午,该网络将知道,球员个人或一个在线表单令热狗是什么您需要在您的手掌大小的电脑-不是你的报税表或明天的旅行行程。
2023-07-21 15:58:031


一、企业愿景企业愿景又可以叫企业宗旨),这两词的内涵和外延都是一致的,只是“宗旨”一 词是我们习惯、用了很多年的常用词或旧词,“愿景”只是最近几年时兴的“新”词。 企业愿景(或企业宗旨)是指企业长期的发展方向、目标、目的、自我设定的社会责任和义务,明确界定公司的在未来社会范围里是什么样子,其“样子”的描述主要是从企业对社会(也包括具体的经济领域)的影响力、贡献力、在市场或 行业中的排位(如世界500强)、与企业关联群体(客户、股东、员工、环境)之间的经济关系来表述。企业愿景主要考虑的是对企业有投入和产出等经济利益关 系的群体产生激励、导向、投入作用,让直接对企业有资金投资的群体(股东)、有员工智慧和生命投入的群体、有环境资源投入的机构等产生长期的期望和现实的 行动,让这些群体、主体通过企业使命的履行和实现感受到实现社会价值的同时,自己的利益的发展得到保证和实现。 二、企业使命所谓企业使命是指企业在社会经济发展中所应担当的角色和责任。是指企业的根本性质和存在的理由,说明企业的经营领域、经营思想,为企业目标的确立与战略的制定提供依据。企业使命是在界定了企业愿景概念的基础上,这时就要把企业使命具体地定义到回答企业在全社会里经济领域经营活动的这个范围或层次,也就是说,企业使命只具体表述企业在社会中的经济身份或角色,在社会领域里,该企业是分工做什么的,在哪些经济领域里为社会做贡献。企业使命主要考虑的是对目标领域、特定客户或 社会人在某确定方面的供需关系的经济行为及行为效果。 三、企业使命与企业愿景的联系从企业愿景(或企业宗旨)和企业使命等理论概念的关系来讲,企业使命是企业愿景的一个方面,换句话说企业愿景(或企业宗旨)包括企业使命,企业使命是企业 愿景中具体说明企业经济活动和行为的理念,如果要分开来表述企业愿景和企业使命,企业愿景里就应不再表达企业经济行为的领域和目标,以免重复或矛盾。 四、企业价值观:企业价值观,是指企业在追求经营成功过程中所推崇的基本信念和奉行的目标。从哲学上说,价值观是关于对象对主体有用性的一种观念。而企业价值观是企业全体或多数员工一致赞同的关于企业意义的终极判断。企业价值观简而言之,企业的价值观就是企业决策者对企业性质、目标、经营方式的取向所做出的选择,是为员工所接受的共同观念。(1)价值观是企业所有员工共同持有的,而不是一两个人所有的。(2)企业价值观是支配员工精神的主要的价值观。(3)企业价值观是长期积淀的产物,而不是突然产生的。(4)企业价值观是有意识培育的结果,而不是自发产生的。价值观作用的最集中的体现便是当企业或者企业个人在企业运营过程中面临矛盾,处于两难选择时应当如何做的时候。这样做可以,那样做也可以,但必须有个决定,支持这个决定的便是价值观。提倡什么?反对什么?弘扬什(本文来自精品培训邓正红专栏)么?抑制什么?基本商业伦理和企业精神是什么?企业信仰必须遵循产业社会的一般道德准则,并且,有效地处理与人类社会以及个人价值准则之间的一系列重要关系;由此来约束与激励全体员工的决策行为,尊重相关者地位或满足相关者利益。概念性的东西很容易找到,要想真正掌握企业文化的这些知识点,还需要在了解学习各种资料的表述上,看一些知名、优秀企业的企业文化案例去比照分析和你了解的概念的具体体现。
2023-07-21 15:58:142


Elon Reeve Musk (/u02c8iu02d0lu0252n u02c8mu028csk/; born June 28, 1971) is a South African-born Canadian-American business magnate, engineer, and investor.He is the founder, CEO and CTO of SpaceX; co-founder, CEO and product architect of Tesla Motors; chairman of SolarCity, co-chairman of OpenAI; co-founder of Zip2; and co-founder of PayPal.[ As of April 2016, he has an estimated net worth of US$12.3 billion, making him the 68th wealthiest person in the US.Musk has stated that the goals of SolarCity, Tesla Motors, and SpaceX revolve around his vision to change the world and humanity.His goals include reducing global warming through sustainable energy production and consumption, and reducing the "risk of human extinction" by "making life multiplanetary" by setting up a human colony on Mars.He has envisioned a high-speed transportation system known as the Hyperloop, and has proposed a VTOL supersonic jetaircraft with electric fan propulsion, known as the Musk electric jet.
2023-07-21 15:59:031


问题一:企业愿景的基本要素 企业愿景包括两部分:核心信仰(Core Ideology)、未来前景(Envisioned Future)。核心信仰包括核心价值观(Core Value)和核心使命(Core Purpose)。 它用以规定企 业的基本价值观和存在的原因,是企业长期不变的信条,如同把组织聚合起来的黏合剂,核心 信仰必须被组织成员共享,它的形成是企业自我认识的一个过 程。核心价值观是一个企业最 基本和持久的信仰,是组织内成员的共识未来前景是企业未来10-30年欲实现的宏大愿景目标及对它的鲜活描述。 问题二:企业价值观的驱动管理 随着后工业时代或者所谓知识经济时代的来临,环境的迅速变化,许多优秀的企业逐步从科学管理进入文化管理时代,如何调动全体员工的积极性,通过学习和创新来适应环境,成为战略管理的首要任务。在这种情况下,在90年代出现的愿景(vision)驱动式管理,开始成为一种新的战略管理模式,并迅速得到推广。具有影响和代表性的是哈默尔和普拉哈拉德提出的所谓战略意图(strategyintent),彼得u30fb圣吉提出的共同愿景(sharedvision)和柯林斯与波拉斯提出的愿景型企业(visionarypany)。这些学者在从IBM、intel、惠普、索尼等长期获得成功的公司的成功原因的总结中发现,保持核心价值观和核心使命的不变,同时又使目标、战略和行动适应变化的环境,是企业不断自我更新,取得长期优秀业绩的原因,而构建与贯彻优秀的企业愿景是企业取得成功的关键。具体而言:企业的愿景包括两个部分,一个是企业的核心信仰(coreideology)与未来景象(envisionedfuture)。前者包括企业的核心价值观和核心使命,用于规定企业的基本价值观念和存在原因,是企业长期不变的因素。后者是企业未来10年到30年里努力实现的宏大远景目标和对它的鲜活描述。它们是企业去创造,并需要重大变革和进步才能获得的东西。核心信仰规定了企业的耐久性,是企业最基本持久的信念,具有内在性,独立于环境变化、竞争要求和管理时尚之外。核心信仰必须被企业的成员共享,是每一个员工所看重的价值,它在企业的形成过程是一个组织的自我实现过程,未来景象的作用是用来激励变革与进步。它明确而有力,是人们努力的焦点,是团队精神的催化剂,通过对宏大远景目标的富有 *** 而坚定的描述,来激发员工的热情和动力。愿景驱动的管理模式不仅要建立一个优秀的愿景,还需要创造各种有效的机制来保障核心信仰的保持和激发未来景象的变革。这些机制包括更有效的企业文化氛围,适合企业特点的员工甄选与培训,企业内部成长的领导人选择机制以及永不满足的自我完善、自我超越机制等。愿景驱动是文化管理思想在战略管理思想中的一个集中体现,它第一次把价值观管理,企业文化的塑造和企业战略管理有效地统一起来,使软管理和硬管理统一起来,使企业制度同企业的核心信念统一起来,使个人的自我实现和组织的自我实现统一起来,把企业持续的成功和企业价值观的长期稳定统一起来。可以预言,愿景式驱动管理必将成为本世纪企业战略管理发展的新趋势。 问题三:从李嘉诚办公室的一副对联说起 应该说的是这幅对联: 发上等愿,结中等缘,享下等福。 择高处立,寻平处住,向宽处行。 此联表叙了李嘉成的人生哲理,有着宏大的理想和美好愿景,结缘之时不高攀君子之交淡如水,享受人生时向低水平看齐。 站得高看得远,尽可能放低身价和别人打成一片,受挫折和委屈时要向宽处去想思想不要狭碍。 问题四:计算思维是什么,计算思维不是什么 您的问题简单化,我们不关心这些所谓的思想,从简单到复杂,才是硬道理。 问题五:从“乃至虚空世界尽,众生及业烦恼尽……”偈颂你对佛法大乘法理有何认识? 后面两句是:“如是一切无尽时,我愿究竟恒无尽”。是说菩萨的宏大愿景――众生的数量及烦恼业力如同天空一样没有尽头,因此度尽一切众生也没有尽然的时候,所以我的愿力也是如此究竟而没有尽头。菩萨发愿度尽一切众生才成佛,但众生是无尽的,度不完的,所以我的愿力也是无尽的,没有完结之时的。可既然如此,发愿“众生度尽方证菩提”的地藏王菩萨为什么早就成佛了呢?这不是言诠思维有限概念可以解答的问题,蕴含的是大乘佛法的大智慧,也因此才叫“大乘”。 问题六:在线等思政题:国家近期政策与认识,贴近生活的,这个是道口答题,要简写。谢谢 “一带一路”是促进共同发展、实现共同繁荣的合作共赢之路,是增进理解信任、加强全方位交流的和平友谊之路。中国 *** 倡议,秉持和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢的理念,全方位推进务实合作,打造政治互信、经济融合、文化包容的利益共同体、命运共同体和责任共同体。 “一带一路”贯穿亚欧非大陆,一头是活跃的东亚经济圈,一头是发达的欧洲经济圈,中间广大腹地国家经济发展潜力巨大。丝绸之路经济带重点畅通中国经中亚、俄罗斯至欧洲(波罗的海);中国经中亚、西亚至波斯湾、地中海;中国至东南亚、南亚、印度洋。21世纪海上丝绸之路重点方向是从中国沿海港口过南海到印度洋,延伸至欧洲;从中国沿海港口过南海到南太平洋。 根据“一带一路”走向,陆上依托国际大通道,以沿线中心城市为支撑,以重点经贸产业园区为合作平台,共同打造新亚欧大陆桥、中蒙俄、中国-中亚-西亚、中国-中南半岛等国际经济合作走廊;海上以重点港口为节点,共同建设通畅安全高效的运输大通道。中巴、孟中印缅两个经济走廊与推进“一带一路”建设关联紧密,要进一步推动合作,取得更大进展。 “一带一路”建设是沿线各国开放合作的宏大经济愿景,需各国携手努力,朝着互利互惠、共同安全的目标相向而行。努力实现区域基础设施更加完善,安全高效的陆海空通道网络基本形成,互联互通达到新水平;投资贸易便利化水平进一步提升,高标准自由贸易区网络基本形成,经济联系更加紧密,政治互信更加深入;人文交流更加广泛深入,不同文明互鉴共荣,各国人民相知相交、和平友好。 问题七:何为一带一路?具体地解释一下。 一带一路(英文:One Belt and One Road,缩写:OBAOR或OBOR,汉语全拼:yidaiyilu),是指“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”,“一带一路”不是一个实体和机制,而是合作发展的理念和倡议,是充分依靠中国与有关国家既有的双多边机制,借助既有的、行之有效的区域合作平台,旨在借用古代“丝绸之路”的历史符号,高举和平发展的旗帜,积极主动地发展与沿线国家的经济合作伙伴关系,共同打造政治互信、经济融合、文化包容的利益共同体、命运共同体和责任共同体。2014年博鳌亚洲论坛年会开幕大会上,中国全面阐述了亚洲合作政策,并特别强调要推进“一带一路”的建设。“一带一路”规划,被认为是“中国版马歇尔计划”的战略载体。 问题八:理想的大学是什么样的? 如果五年前让我来描述一所理想的大学,我一定充满着美妙的幻想、宏大的愿景和情感主义泛滥的 *** ;然而现今在一所很小的高校里工作近三年时间后,我对于一所理想大学的想象就要平淡得多,down to the earth,未必是件坏事。不是说我在大学里看到什么黑暗的现实(应该说我所在的学校因为天高皇帝远,环境其实还是很宽松的),而是在任何一个被冠以大学称号的机构内,都无法逃离体制赋予它的使命、组织结构、层级关系和利益关系。大学是个官僚机构,这一点首先要看清楚。官僚机构和一般的企业公司有着本质的区别,官僚机构的主要使命是对领导负责,企业公司的主要使命是对利润负责。当然这并不代表大学的官僚机构中没有利益关系,而是这种利益关系主要是通过层级关系的升迁来实现的,一个人的工作业绩如果不能体现在层级的升迁上,那么利益就无法实现;而企业公司虽然也有所谓办公室政治,但是对于利润的追求要远远大于人际关系的角逐,一个人的工作业绩基本上可以和他的收入报酬成正比。照理说,大学的工作人员,其业绩应该是围绕着教学来衡量的,但是因为官僚机构的特点是从上到下的,一个教师即便是学生爱戴的好老师,但是因为学生的评价在这样的体系中微不足道,如果这个老师的真正业绩没有被他的上级领导明识,那么他注定在这样的官僚体系内是个失败者,这样的例子不胜枚举。如果大学的最高领导就是那么几个人的话,底下成千上百的教师,如果要这些英明的领导们一个个都像伯乐那样不放过一匹千里马,那么也是高估或是强求这些早就日理万机的领导们了。而对于大学老师来说,与其加倍辛劳地为成百上千的学生服务(付出的劳动一定是巨大的),还不如专攻某个相关领导(付出的劳动会相应少很多),当然服务领导和服务学生有大不同,基本属于不同的技术工种,有些人或许服务学生是合格的,但是服务领导就显得力不从心,反之亦然。官僚机构导致的结果必然是所谓教育行政化,行政掌握着分配资源的权力,是大学背后利益分配的无形的手,作为高校教师,你要评职称、申请课题、评优评奖,当然背后都是很大的利益驱动,任何一个大学的教师都要参与这样的活动,作为一所大学,要迎评、评示范、申请硕士点博士点,国外的大学一样如此。只是在我国,因为教育行政化的趋向,外行领导内行的局面便无法避免,就是说这背后的手其实就是一个在这个体制内的官员的手,他个人的能力或偏好直接影响评这评那的最终结果,而我们可爱的官员们,恕我直言,如果派他们去拼最佳 *** 小姐、或是最佳拍马屁大师或许是合格的,但是要他们去评价价学术或科研成果,真是难为了他们,要知道术业有专攻,一个官僚体系内升迁至领导位置的人,通常注定了 *** 决定脑袋的特点,然后还得要这些人对着一个个高深的学术问题进行鉴别,那么杯具不可避免。所以我们看到一方面大学的行政化趋势在愈演愈烈,一方面所有的考评有进入了一个计量化过度的局面,原因很明显,领导们既然看不懂所谓的学术或科研成果,数字总是看得懂的,这样事情就解决了,一篇核心期刊算几分,一篇SCI收录论文算几分,一个国家级奖项算几分,最后只要小学生的加减能力就能胜任这项工作,并且也颇符合所谓的科学发展观,这不就两全其美、四角俱全了吗?至于这些分值背后的实质是什么,有何重要?于是我国的论文发表量直追美国,只是质量可谓泥沙俱下,这成千上万的论文 问题九:齐鲁晚报的报徽含义 意象一 太阳■ 报徽以红黄相间的太阳作为图案的整体意象,象征齐鲁晚报每天清晨伴随着初升的太阳,把最新的资讯带入千家万户。■ 太阳养育了世间万物,对于齐鲁晚报,读者就是太阳。卷起的报纸镶嵌其中,表达出齐鲁晚报与读者血脉相连、密不可分的关系。■ 太阳送给温暖,阳光带给快乐祥和,象征着晚报每天带给读者阳光般的心情。意象二 地球■ 整个图形又像不停旋转的地球,象征着晚报服务读者正如地球的转动,日日夜夜,永不停息。■ 新闻资讯越来越多,地球变得越来越小。地球的形象寓意齐鲁晚报的新闻视角囊括全球。意象三 镜头 ■ 白色的卷起的报纸,镶嵌在金黄的太阳中,巧妙地构成了一个正在聚焦的镜头,象征着齐鲁晚报的新闻雷达24小时打开。■ 镜头总是最忠实地记录事物的原貌,象征着齐鲁晚报永远不忘“真实性”这一新闻的生命。意象四 凤凰■ 传说中,凤凰是人世间幸福的使者,寓意齐鲁晚报每天把幸福和快乐送给千家万户。■ 飞舞的凤凰则寓意齐鲁晚报作为山东省最大的平面媒体,领舞报媒,暗合晚报“办主流大报,树百年品牌”的宏大愿景。意象五 报纸■ 抽象的图形似舞动的飘带,还像卷起的报纸,寓意齐鲁晚报事业蒸蒸日上。 问题十:什么是"一带一路"?其核心是什么 丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的简称. 高举和平发展的旗帜,主动地发展与沿线国家的经济合作伙伴关系,共同打造政治互信、经济融合、文化包容的利益共同体、命运共同体和责任共同体.
2023-07-21 15:59:151


2023-07-21 16:00:253

求 young rising sons-Turin的歌词!!

Turnin" - Young Rising Sons转-年轻的儿子If you been如果你Just staring at the sunrise只是凝视着日出Above this hollow town在这个空洞的城镇之上Been chasing empty memories一直追逐着空虚的回忆The kind that"s keeping you down那种让你失望Can"t seem to find your stride似乎找不到你的脚步Just trying to live your life只是想活你的生活Been feeling suffocated被窒息的感觉Searching for vindication寻找辩护This sense of indecision这种犹豫不决的感觉Ain"t what we had in mind是不是我们在心中The dream that I envisioned我想象的梦想I am still hoping to find我还是希望能找到You ain"t done nothing wrong你没做错什么But we ain"t done nothing right但我们没有做任何事情的权利I know that"s somethings missing我知道有些失踪But the world will keep on但世界将继续Turning turning转You gotta keep that fire你要保持那火焰Burning burning燃烧I know you think you"re in a hurry我知道你认为你很匆忙There"s no need to worry没有必要担心"Cause I can feel it因为我能感觉到Turning turning转Our luck is turning around我们的运气正在转Chasing these empty verses追逐这些空洞的诗句Some roads have crooked signs一些道路有弯曲的迹象We"re losing all this daylight我们失去了所有的阳光But soon the moon"s gonna rise但很快月亮就要升起These final puzzle pieces这些最后的拼图块We tried but they"re too tight我们试过,但他们太紧张But if we ease the pressure但如果我们缓解压力I bet they"ll fit just right我敢打赌他们一定会很适合的Sometimes it takes some patience有时它需要一些耐心Sometimes it works first try有时它是第一次尝试But I know that this is worth it但我知道这是值得的"Cause this dreams too strong to die因为这个梦想太强大了I ain"t done nothing wrong我没有做错什么But we ain"t done nothing right但我们没有做任何事情的权利One day we"ll find what"s missing总有一天我们会发现失踪的But the world will keep on但世界将继续Turning turning转You gotta keep that fire你要保持那火焰Burning burning燃烧I know you think you"re in a hurry我知道你认为你很匆忙There"s no need to worry没有必要担心"Cause I can feel it因为我能感觉到Turning turning转Our luck is turning around我们的运气正在转Our luck is turning around我们的运气正在转Our luck is turning around我们的运气正在转I been in I been out我一直在外面I been low beaten down我被击倒了I been lost now I"m found我失去了现在我发现This fires burning up这火焰燃烧起来Still staring at the sunrise还凝视着日出Missing that hollow town那个空洞的小镇Feeling those empty memories感觉那些空洞的回忆But nothing"s holding me down但没有什么事让我失望I hope you find your stride我希望你能找到你的步伐Just go and live your life只是去生活你的生活I"m feeling vindicated我感觉是正确的The world will keep on世界将继续Turning turning转You better keep that fire你最好保持那火Burning burning燃烧I know you think you"re in a hurry我知道你认为你很匆忙There"s no need to worry没有必要担心"Cause I can feel it因为我能感觉到Turning turning转Our luck is turning around我们的运气正在转Turning turning转Our luck is turning around我们的运气正在转Turning turning转Our luck is turning around我们的运气正在转Turning turning转I been in I been out我一直在外面I been low beaten down我被击倒了I been lost now I"m found我失去了现在我发现Our luck is turning around我们的运气正在转
2023-07-21 16:00:451

a special invention英语作文带翻译的信

The Einstein Refrigerator Einstein is only credited with inventing a single item:the Einstein Refrigerator.Einstein and Leo Szilard developed the idea for the fridge and patented it in 1930.The model lacks moving parts and,unlike modern-day fridges,needs only a heat source to function,eliminating the need for electricity.Modern fridges contain freon,which is more environmentally damaging than carbon dioxide,and use a great deal of electricity,but they are selling in huge numbers worldwide,as demand is increasing in developing countries.As environmental activism grows,though,Einstein"s only invention has found a new audience.Researchers in both Britain and the United States are revisiting the idea of an eco-friendly refrigerator. The Special Theory of Relativity Before Einstein burst onto the scene,scientists understood,to a degree,that certain concepts such as motion were relative to the observer.Einstein changed the game by suggesting that concepts like space,time and distance may also be relative.He claimed that acts that appear to one observer to happen simultaneously might not appear that way to a different observer in another state.Einstein"s special theory of relativity also posited that the speed of light,regardless of the state or position of the observer,is always the same. Sponsored Links Atomic Force Microscopes AFM solutions for all applications.Click for further information. The General Theory of Relativity Einstein"s general theory of relativity turned the classic view of the physical world on its head.Among other things,the theory states that gravitational fields affect all things,even light.This claim has been confirmed.At its core,the theory looked on space-time,classically viewed as a two-dimensional plane,as a curved surface.The world that Einstein envisioned was totally new and led to a number of new concepts,including Big Bang models (theories for the creation of the universe) and black holes. Other Contributions Einstein also proposed the concept of the photoelectric effect,which said light was transmitted in particles,rather than waves.Although his theory was widely panned at the time,future experimentation proved it correct,and in 1922,Einstein received the Nobel Prize in physics,largely for this accomplishment.In addition to his well-known theories of relativity,Einstein made countless other scientific contributions,including the first theoretical treatment of Brownian motion,the seemingly random movement of particles suspended in a fluid.
2023-07-21 16:00:521


1819年挤压铸件的概念是 介绍最初duced通过英国的专利[1]和由 俄国人, Chernov [2]进一步构想在报告。 然而,不是直到1931年第一个挤压 铸件实验在德国[ 3]科学地被执行了在AlSi合金。 在30年代后期期间, 黄铜和古铜圆筒挤压铸件的详细的 调查在俄国被创始了。 跟随 在各种各样的亚铁和非铁质金属和合金 [4-8的] ing广泛的工作,技术建立 的工艺参数dictat- ing,并且在 60年代中期以前, 150棵大批植物是运转中在 俄国导致200个不同类型紧压熔铸了 组分。 同时, Uram等。
2023-07-21 16:01:002

Juline getting closer歌词

1 - [Sample ad-lib]:Let"s make it funkyReal funky for you[Tatyana Ali] Ooh, ooh, ohRepeat 1[Tatyana Ali]When it comes down to me and youThere"s no limit to what we"re doingMet no one like you, it"s been a whileWhen I say it"s been a whileThis you best believe my childI talk to you like you were my best friendAnd I love that you"re talking tooCause I damn near gave my heart to youThose things that make us frown, makes us smile(Na, na, na, na)So lay your head and restBe happy cause you got the bestEveryday we get closer it"s trueRepeat 1 in background2 - [Tatyana Ali]I can feel us getting closerAnd boy you know I want youI can feel us getting closerDon"t know what I"ll do without you, yeahI love it when you"re here with meMy days with you are so sweetYou clear up all the things that"s on my mind(That"s on your mind)You know all the right things to doSo now I give to you my booYour smile seems to take control of meGod knows what I would do for youAnd what I feel no lie it"s trueI see the future babyIt"s me and youRepeat 1 in backgroundRepeat 2 (2x)[Kel Spencer]:This whole friendship thing is coolBut let"s take it past thatGive a Kel Spencer rap cat that"s a class actWe"ve been friends for a while but your style and your smileMakes me want to take it that extra mileWe can hold hands in the rain or chill in the shadeLet me know something cause I know you feeling the sameIt"d be real cool, friendship we kept it upNow it"s time to step it up, change in plans, come onDo it nice and Smooth, we both envisioned it rightNow instead of kissing the sky start kissing this guyHey yo it"s real for you what I feel for youAnd I"m gonna make it real ill for you, platinum voiceGoldie complexion draws my feelings in your directionI know you"re away at school, me tooAbsence makes the heart grow fonder, so it"s coolRepeat 1 in backgroundRepeat 2 till end
2023-07-21 16:01:072

谁帮我翻译一下《butterfly kisses》

2023-07-21 16:01:386


愿景是我们战略制定和实施的生命航标我们的愿景是:成为中国具有影响力和创造力的专业服务机构 使命是我们生存的灵魂我们的使命是:创造员工成长空间,协助客户提升价值 价值观我们持续发展的基石,是我们所倡导文化的本质和精髓正直远见 我们恪守职业道德, 力求长远发展专注品质 我们追求专业品牌, 注重服务质量团队协作 我们倡导团队精神, 凝聚集体智慧
2023-07-21 16:01:551

contingency table是什么意思

2023-07-21 16:02:185


i believe i can fly? or just once?
2023-07-21 16:02:343

Give a brief analysis of the character-portrayal in Charles Dickensu2019 novels.

His novels were heralded early in his career for their ability to capture the everyday man on paper and thus create a memorable character to whom readers could relate, and envision as a real person. Beginning with Pickwick Papers in 1836, Dickens wrote numerous novels, each uniquely filled with believable personalities and vivid physical descriptions. Dickens"s friend and biographer, John Forster, said that Dickens made "characters real existences, not by describing them but by letting them describe themselves."[42]Dickensian characters—especially their typically whimsical names—are among the most memorable in English literature. The likes of Ebenezer Scrooge, Tiny Tim, Jacob Marley, Bob Cratchit, Oliver Twist, The Artful Dodger, Fagin, Bill Sikes, Pip, Miss Havisham, Charles Darnay, David Copperfield, Mr. Micawber, Abel Magwitch, Daniel Quilp, Samuel Pickwick, Wackford Squeers, Uriah Heep and many others are so well known and can be believed to be living a life outside the novels that their stories have been continued by other authors.[citation needed]The author worked closely with his illustrators supplying them with an overall summary of the work at the outset and thus ensuring that his vision of his characters and settings were exactly how he envisioned them to be.[43] He would brief the illustrator on plans for each month"s instalment so that work on the two illustrations could begin before he wrote them. Marcus Stone, illustrator of Our Mutual Friend, recalled that the author was always "ready to describe down to the minutest details the personal characteristics, and ... life-history of the creations of his fancy."[30] This close working relationship with his illustrators is important to readers of Dickens today. The illustrations give us a glimpse of the characters as Dickens described them to the illustrator and approved when the drawing was finished. Film makers still use the illustrations as a basis for characterization, costume, and set design in the dramatization of Dickens"s works.
2023-07-21 16:02:541


1】一旦你的投资目标确立以后,你就可以决定你的钱投向何处。这里的指导原则是:分散你的投资风险。如果你把所有资金投入佩里威格斯国际公司,你就把自己当成了命运的人质。 Once you have decided on your investment aims, you can then decide where to put your money. The golden rule here is spread your risk -- if you put all of your money into Periwigs International, you"re setting yourself up as a hostage to fortune. 写作法则提炼:中文表达:“一旦你的投资目标确立以后,你就可以决定你的钱投向何处。”英文表达“一旦你确定ed了你的投资目标s,你就可以 then决定哪里to 投放你的钱”完全转换“once you have decided on your investment aims, you can then decide where to put your money” 2】我们周围不乏情报贩子,向人们提供迅速发财致富的机遇。但是,如果你是一个认真的私人投资者,就把拉斯韦加斯的心态留给那些有钱可供挥霍的人。认真的投资者需要一份正规的投资组合表 -- 一种计划很周密的投资选择,包括你的投资结构和明确的目标。但是, 一个股票市场的新手又如何能做到这一点呢? There is no shortage of tipsters around offering "get-rich-quick" opportunities. But if you are a serious private investor, leave the Las Vegas mentality to those with money to fritter. The serious investor needs a proper "portfolio" -- a well-planned selection of investments, with a definite structure and a clear aim. But exactly how does a newcomer to the stock market go about achieving that? 写作法则提炼:中文表达:“认真的投资者需要一根正规的投资组合表—一种计划很周密的投资选择,包括你的投资结构和明确的目标。”英文表达“the 认真的投资者需要一份正规的‘投资组合表"—一份很周密的计划选择of投资,with一个确定的结构和清楚的目标”3】图省钱是露营的一个主要动机,因为除了开始时购置或是租借一套露营装备外,总费用算起来要比住旅馆开支少得多。但是,和一般的看法相反,这决非是仅有的,甚至不是最主要的动机。如果一位游客漫不经心地驾车驶入欧洲无数常年营地之一,花20镑租用一个空位,那么他可能会碰见一辆本特利汽车,更可能会望见一辆福特.康索尔或一辆雷诺或一辆梅塞迪斯并排停放着,不过双人自行车则不容易看到。 Economy is one powerful motive for camping, since after the initial outlay upon equipment, or through hiring it, the total expense can be far less than the cost of hotels. But, contrary to a popular assumption, it is far from being the only one, or even the greatest. The man who manoeuvres carelessly into his twenty pounds" worth of space at one of Europe"s myriad permanent sites may find himself bumping a Bentley. More likely, Ford Escort will be hub to hub with Renault or Mercedes, but rarely with bicycles made for two. 写作法则提炼:中文表达:“图省钱是露营的一个主要动机,因为除了开始时购置或是租借一套露营装备外,总费用算起来要比住旅馆开支少得多。”英文表达“图省钱是一个主要动机for露营,since after (除了)开始时购置的费用在设备上,or通过租借它(露营设备),总的费用能远少于成本of旅馆”完全转换“Economy is one powerful motive for camping, since after the initial outlay upon equipment, or through hiring it, the total expense can be far less than the cost of hotels.” 4】在大多数地中海露营地里,德国人占优势似乎是个普遍现象,确实如此,但并没有特别的优待。禁止露天晒衣服、禁止用水龙头冲洗汽车的布告和邀请露营朋友参加舞会、乘船观光的招贴不仅印志法语、意大利语、西班牙语,而且也印成英语、德语、荷兰语。用饭的时候,德国泡菜味和大蒜味争相散发,法国人的早点咖啡和英国人的咸肉煎蛋竞相比美。 Camping sites, by contrast, are highly cosmopolitan. Granted, a preponderance of Germans is a characteristic that seems common to most Mediterranean sites; but as yet there is no overwhelmingly specialized patronage. Notices forbidding the open-air drying of clothes, or the use of water points for car washing, or those inviting "our camping friends" to a dance or a boat trip are printed not only in French or Italian or Spanish, but also in English, German and Dutch. At meal times the odour of sauerkraut vies with that of garlic. The Frenchman"s breakfast coffee competes with the Englishman"s bacon and eggs. 写作法则提炼:中文表达“在大多数地中海露营地,德国人占优势似乎是个普遍的现象,确实如此,但并没有特别的优势”英文表达“露营地点,相比之下,是极普遍的,确实如此,一个数量上的优势of德国人s 有一个典型的优势that似乎是普遍的to大多数地中海地方”完全转换“Camping sites, by contrast, are highly cosmopolitan. Granted, a preponderance of Germans is a characteristic that seems common to most Mediterranean sites” 5】现代露营装备一年比一年讲究,这对那些厌世嫉俗者来说是一件有趣的自相矛盾的事情。而对于发誓用露营来摆脱烦恼的人来说,却带来了更光明的前景。学社会学的大学生来露营是另一种形式的摆脱现实,他们的目的很可能是根据观察到的露营现象去写论文。现代露营旅游的人往往讨厌在“斯普兰迪德”和“贝拉维斯塔”这样的大酒店,这并不是因为他们付不起钱,也不是为了躲避物质享受,而是因为他们害怕酒店。 That the equipment of modern camping becomes yearly more sophisticated is an entertaining paradox for the cynic, a brighter promise for the hopeful traveler who has sworn to get away from it all. It also provides-and some student sociologist might care to base his thesis upon the phenomenon -- an escape of another kind. The modern traveller is often a man who dislikes the Splendide and the Bellavista, not because he cannot afford, or shuns their material comforts. but because he is afford of them. 写作法则提炼:中文表达“现代露营装备一年比一年讲究,这对那些厌世嫉俗者来说是一件有趣的自相矛盾的事情。”英文表达“that 装备of现代的露营变的一年比一年讲究,是一件有趣且自相矛盾的事情for愤世嫉俗者”完全转换“that the equipent of modern camping becomes yearly more sophisticated is an entertaining paradox for the cynic” 6】一位天才的美国心理学家曾经说过:“烦恼是感情的发作,此时脑子纠缠住了某种东西又不肯松手。”在这种情况下,你又和头脑争吵让它松手是无济于事的。这种意志越是强烈,这种尝试越是徒劳。你只能缓和而巧纱地让另一种东西进入痉挛僵持的头脑中。如果选得合适,而且的确受到别的领域的情趣的启迪,那么渐渐地,往往也是很顺利地,原先不适当的紧张就会松弛下来,恢复和修整的过程就会开始。 a gifted American psychologist has said, "Worry is a spasm of the emotion; the mind catches hold of something and will not let it go." It is useless to argue with the mind in this condition. The stronger the will, the more futile the task. One can only gently insinuate something else into its convulsive grasp. And if this something else is rightly chosen, if it really attended by the illumination of another field of interest, gradually, and often quite swiftly, the old undue grip relaxes and the process of recuperation and repair begins. 写作法则提炼:中文表达“一位天才的美国心理学家曾经说过:“烦恼是感情的发作,此时脑子纠缠住了某种东西又不肯松手。”英文表达“一个天才的美国心理学家曾经说过,‘烦恼是一个发作of感情,思想纠缠s (catch hold of )一些事情and不肯让它走”完全转换“a gifted American psychologist said, '烦恼是一个感情的发作,(此时)脑子纠缠s(catch hold of )住了某种东西又不肯松手” 7】一个人要想真正感到幸福和平安,至少应有两三种爱好,而且都比较实际。到了晚年才开始说:“我会对这些人或那个人发生兴趣”,已没有用了。这种愿望只能加剧精神紧张。一个人可能会获得与其日常工作无关的某些课题的渊博知识,而没有从中得到什么实益或宽慰。 To be really happy and really safe, one ought to have at least two or three hobbies, and they must all be real. It is no use starting late in life to say: "I will take an interest in this or that." Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort. A man may acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work, and yet get hardly any benefit or relief. 写作法则提炼:中文表达“一个人要想真正感到幸福和平安,至少应有两三种爱好,而且都比较实际。”英文表达“得到真正的幸福and真正的平安,一个人应该有至少两种或三种爱好s,and 它们(爱好)必须都很实际”完全转换“一个人要想感到真正的幸福和平安,至少应有两三种爱好,而且都比较实际” 8】在人类早期,人类与其他生物的竞争一定是必不可少的。但这个发展阶段已经结束。确实,我们今天缺乏对付原始环境的实践和经验。我断定,如果没有现代化的武器,要我和一只熊去争洞穴,我会出洋相的;我也相信,出洋相者并非我一人。能与竞争的生物最后只有蚊子,然而即使蚊子,也由于我们注意清理污水和喷洒化学药品就被制服了。 In man"s early days. competition with other creatures must have been critical. But this phase of our development is now finished. Indeed, we lack practice and experience nowadays in dealing with primitive conditions. I am sure that, without modern weapons, I would make a very poor show of disputing the ownership of a cave with a bear, and in this I do not think that I stand alone. The last creature to compete with man was the mosquito. But even the mosquito has been subdued by attention to drainage and by chemical sprays. 写作法则提炼:“在人类的('s)早期,(人类)竞争with 其他生物s一定是必不可少的。”英文表达“in man's early days .(人类)与其他生物竞争一定是必不可少的” 9】但是,人与人的竞争并不像生物生物学中想像的那样是一个简单过程。它已不是为争得物质环境所决定的东西所决定。摩洛哥和加利福尼亚是地球上纬度极其相似的两个地方,都在各自大陆的西海岸,气候相似,自然资源也可能相似。但是,这两个地方目前的发展程度完全不一样。这倒不是因为人民不同,而是由于居民头脑中的思想不同。 这是我要强调的论点。我们环境中最重要的因素就是我们的思想状况。 But the competition of man against man is not the simple process envisioned in biology. It is not a simple competition for a fixed amount of food determined by the physical environment, because the environment that determines our evolution is no longer essentially physical. Our environment is chiefly conditoned by the things we believe. Morocco and California are bits of the Earth in very similar latitudes, both on the west coasts of continents with similar climates, and probably with rather similar natural resources. Yet their present development is wholly different, not so much because of different people wish to emphasize. The most important factor in our environment is the state of our own minds. 写作法则提炼:中文表达“但是,人与人的竞争并不像生物生物学中想像的那样是一个简单过程。”英文表达“但是,竞争of 人对人不简单的过程想象中的在生物学中”完全转换“but the competition of man against man is not the simple process envisioned in biology.” 10】从世界范围来看,传统风俗是由许多细节性的习惯行为组成,它比任何一个养成的行为都更加引人注目,不管个人行为多么异常。这只是问题的一个次要的侧面。最重要的是,风俗在实践中和信仰上所起的举足轻重的作用,以及它所表现出来的极其丰富多采的形式。 Traditional custom, taken the world over, is a mass of detailed behaviour more astonishing than what any one person can ever evolve in individual actions, no matter how aberrant. Yet that is a rather trivial aspect of the matter. The fact of first-rate importance is the predominant role that custom plays in experience and in belief, and the very great varieties it may manifest. 写作法则提炼:中文表达“从世界范围来看,传统风俗是由许多细节性的习惯行为组成,它比任何一个养成的行为都更加引人注目,不管个人行为多么异常。”英文表达“传统的习惯,从世界范围来看,是有许多(be a mass of )细节的行为习惯组成,更加注目比what任何一个人能养成的个人行为s,不管多么异常”完全转换“traditional custom,taken the word over ,is a mass of detailed behaviour more astonishing than what any one person can ever evolve in individual actions,no matter how aberrant”
2023-07-21 16:03:011


1. 英语作文范例 Dear Sir or Madamn,I am a freshman this year.I am writing to make a plainment.The food in our school is not pleasant to eat.The type of the dish is dull and lacks variety.I always have hardly any appetite for eating in the canteen once saw the same dish.What is more, the staffs in the canteen wree not so friendly.They are temperamental.So I can not have a good mood when eating in the canteen.Last but not least,the sanitation in the canteen is very bad. The dining tables are full of Left-overs just a few minutes after the dining time.It affacts our appetite and heath.However,there are some good points.The facilities in the canteen is good for our hearth.I hope the department concerned would take meatures as soon as possible to improve the dining enviroment in the canteen. Sincerely Yours,Li Hua。 2. 用举例法写英语作文 To witness immoral behavior in public, one need only visit the Beijing subway. I still remember the first time I took the Beijing subway. It was an early morning. I was in a hurry to go to school. When I was trying to get a ticket, I found a lot of people waiting in front of me, but nobody was in the line. Immoral behaviors in public exert a series of problems. One of the most serious ones is that it may exert a negative impact on our sense of social responsibility. We will keep ignoring other people"s rights and feelings, and in turn, we too will be disrespected some day. The improvement of this phenomenon is certainly not easy. With an eye on practical implementation and cost effectiveness, I propose that society make it clear in every way that people who fail to respect the mon good will be seriously punished. Stricter policies for this should be made to correct this phenomenon as soon as possible. 望采纳 3. 写一篇关于学习英语的英语作文,结合自己的实例,120字 Nowadays 如今, some students don"t like learning English because learning English is hardwork. I think it"s necessary for us to learn English in our daily life. We should have effective ways有效的方式 of learning English and spend more time on it. Here is my some advice. First ,we should read English books as much as possible and talk with your friends. Don"t be afraid of making mistakes when you talk with others . Because everybody could make mistakes. What is more, we should write as much as possible.Spend more time doing practise.We should also try to listen to English more. We may listen to English music, tapes etc.(等。 ) Last ,but not least 最后但也是最重要的.It"s important for us to listen to teacher and take notes carefully in class. We should do our homework carefully. We also should believe ourselves.I believe if we work hard, we are sure to learn it well. I think it is important for everyone to learn English well. 我认为学习英语对于每个人而言都很重要 Firstly, if you can speak English, you can do business with foreigners and earn more money. 首先,如果你能说英语,你能与外国人做生意,挣很多钱 Secondly, you can make more if you can speak English. That will bring you more . 其次,如果你能说英语你能交到很多朋友。 那会带给你更多的乐趣 Thirdly, you can get high scores in your English exams if you learn English well, which will please your parents and English teacher. 第三,如果你能学好英语,你能在英语测验中取得高分,能使你的父母和老师觉得欣慰 Fourth, if you learn English well, you can go to study abroad. Then you"ll be able to gain more knowledge and learn about Western cultures and customs, and absorb the best of both Western and Chinese education, which will be of benefit to you in the future. 第四,如果你能学好英语,你能去国外学习。然后你能获得更多的知识,学习关于西方的文化传统,更好的吸收中西 Finally, if you learn English well, you can get a better job and a higher salary. That means you can enjoy a better quality of life. 最后,如果学好了英语,你能获得一份很好的职业,获得高薪。 那就意味着你能享受高质量的生活 From the above points, you can see the importance of learning English. Therefore, work hard at learning English.。 4. 写一篇英语作文 ,举例说明健康比钱重要,比任何东西都重要 So far as the topic Health and Wealth is concerned, different people have different opinions about it. Some think that wealth means everything. To them , wealth or having a lot of money can help them to do what they want to do. With a lot of money , they can buy the beautiful house, expensive car, beautiful clothes , and so on. They even have the idea that they can buy happiness which they like. (参考中文)说起健康和财富,不同的人会有不同的观点。 有些人士认为财富就是一切。对于这些人来说,拥有财富或拥有一大笔财产可以帮助他们实现自己的梦想。 有了一大笔钱,就可以购买豪华的别墅,昂贵的名车和漂亮的衣服,等等。所有你能想到的东西。 他们甚至还认为,只要有了钱,就可以购买精神上的幸福。On the other hand, some other people don"t agree with those people mentioned above. They believe that Healthy is more important than wealth. First, you can enjoy a happier life with healthy body than those wealthy people with poor health. Second, a healthy body is the foundation for a successful career. Third, a healthy body is also necessary for accumulating wealth. 而有些人则站在另外一边,不认同上述的观点。 他们相信健康远比财富重要。首先,一个拥有健康体魄的人相对于那些光是有钱却体质羸弱的人士,可以享受到更为幸福的人生;其次,强健的身体是事业成功的后盾;最后,健康体魄能更是你持续积累财富的资本。 In a word, keeping health first if you want bee wealthy. It is well-known that a person can make a large fortune if he has the right opportunities during his life. But if the person suffers from a terrible illness, then no matter how much money he may earn, he will still lead a miserable life. Therefore, health is much more important than wealth. 总之,要想富,先强身。众所周知,有了合适的契机,一个人才能在他的生命中创造巨大的财富。 但如果他身体不行,那无论他赚了多少钱,他都将拥有一个痛苦的人生。因此,健康远比财富重要。 5. 知足 英语作文 能举自己事例最好 洛基英语的小作文: When the weather was cold, I could feel happy by wearing warm clothes. When the weather was rainy, I could have an umbrella to go back home. When the weather was cool, I could visit the places with beautiful senary. In fact, there are many moments in our daily life when we could feel happy as long as we could satisfy with our present situations. If we could consider what we already have, we are able to enjoy our lives and avoid some negative feelings like anxiety, disappointment which prevent us from doing the things in a good mood. It is true that we could find out the moments when we felt happy and satisfied with our lives on the condition that we didn"t pare ourselves with others. 6. 用英语写一篇关于电视积极和消极影响的文章,举例说明.写不出英文也 Numerous educators have envisioned television"s possiblities as an instructional tool and have sought acknowledgement throughout the industrialized world. Educational television in the developing world has also included training which directly affects the quality of life of its audiences. For example, in areas where televised broadcasts are very low, audiences may gather at munity centers to view programs on hygiene, literacy, child care and farming practises. In this respect, educational television equips the group with matter-of-fact information to improve living standards. Such broadcasts best exemplify the global aims of educational television. However, television broadcasting evolved as a profit-making entity. Within this system, efforts to employ the medium for educational purposes have always struggled to stay alive, nearly besieged by the overflow of entertainment programs intended to attract audiences to mercials that have educated viewers in another way-to bee active consumers. Television does not have to be violent or offensive to have a repercussion. Excessive television viewing of any kind has obvious psychological and physiological effects on spectators. We refer to this as the "couch potato" syndrome. Several studies have recorded that even benign television content lessons our creativity and imagination, decreases physical activity, and increases obesity. In the case of young viewers, lowered grades, decreased ability to handle stress and conflict, and higher levels of aggressive behavior with peers have also been clearly documented. The most studied issue that points to the irreparable harm of television has been the impact of media violence on children. Over a thousand academic studies have been pleted, with remarkably consistent results: media violence makes our kids more hostile, less tolerant, and more frightened of the world around them. Watching violence desensitizes children to genuine acts of violence. Despite its apparent possibilities and the early visions of pioneer broadcasters, educational television has never reached its fullest capacity as an instructional medium and the negative effects of TV viewing continue to oueigh the benefits.如果有不小心打错拼错的地方,请谅解.。 7. 帮忙给我找个500字的举例式的英文作文 As an ining new freshman all of the college hustle and bustle can encircle a student quickly. All of a sudden Mom is not there to feed you, give you money and especially to do your laundry. Then before you know it you get behind in schoolwork, bills, have no food to eat and have piles of dirty clothes lying around. Each and every one of these are mon college realizations. The first few weeks were not bad, after high school graduation, you receive masses of new cool stuff to decorate your dorm room. When you finally get adapted to college life, you realize that tomorrow you have 3 tests, 1 paper and a lab due. This is when it all hits that college is a whole different world than high school. The next thing, after the outrageous explosion of homework, you obtain your first credit card ever, this means that it is tome to go shopping. Now that your closet is full of new clothes, you get your 500-dollar bill in next weeks mail; suddenly you rapidly fall into debt. Increasingly everything is starting to build up stress and a large burden is placed on your shoulders. At this moment it seems like a good idea to go back to your dorm and grab something to eat, but when you walk in you see that everything is bone dry. You are so stressed out it seems like if one thing isn"t wrong then it is another, you feel like your about to explode. Soon after, you notice that your new 500-dollar wardrobe has transformed into a heaping pile of dirty grungy clothes in the middle of your floor. This requires that you have to scrounge up some loose change to do some laundry for the first time ever. It takes a couple of trial loads that turn white shirts into pink ones and regular blue jeans into jeans that shrunk 2 sizes and now are able to fit your little brother, before you figure out how to successfully do your own laundry.
2023-07-21 16:03:111


  在我们平凡的日常里,感谢信在我们的生活中并不鲜见,我们通常在对别人表示感谢时会用到感谢信。那么你知道感谢信如何写吗?以下是我收集整理的英文商务感谢信7篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 英文商务感谢信 篇1   Dear XXX,   I am writing this letter to thank you for your warm hospitality accorded to me and my business trip during my recent visit to your beautiful country.   I would also like to thank you for your interesting discussion with me which I have found very informative and useful.   I"m looking forward to our long-term cooperative relation between our company and Europe"s science parks. It will promote the communication and cooperation in fields such as industry, talents, projects, capital; and to help the mutual investmen   t and market development between both sides. I sincerely hope we could have more exchanges which would be able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral economic and trade relations.   I am looking forward to your early visit to China. So that I will be able to pay back some of the hospitality   With kind personal regards,   Faithfully yours,   (Mr.Gao Signed) 英文商务感谢信 篇2 dear mr. yu/ president,   (p1) with great honor, i would like to extend to you my most heartfelt thanks for your hospitality at your reception party on (exact and clear information about the occasion).   (p2) (why do you thank him for what) it was a greattime as….., and what impressed me most during the party is your excellent organization and team work, which ….. i feel ….   (p3) (congratulations) i would like, with equal honor,to express/give our most sincere congratulations to your company. (why they deserve the congratulations) from the party, in which you have shown greatability in organization and team work and client services, every one of us have envisioned a great future of your company. we are convinced that you will become a significant player in the market and will be great help/partner for us.   (p4) (request for action/good wish for future relationship) so we hope/are curious/are eager to …. /we are looking forward with strong eagerness to the day when ….and we achieve mutual prosperity.please feel free to contact us for any need, don"t hesitate to tell us when there is any service we can offer.   yours faithful   ly,   (signature)   jackie lee   marketing manager   shanghai wordtronics translation & consulting co.,ltd. 英文商务感谢信 篇3 Dear( Name),   I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position of (job title) with (Company Name).   I really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the job. The entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and the work itself seems as rewarding as it is challenging. From our discussion,I gained a strong sense of (Company Name)s commitment to their clients and their employees. I also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future within the firm.   I feel strongly that I possess the qualities required as a (job title). I believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a future with you. I eagerly anticipate our next meeting. Thank you for considering me for this opportunity.   (Signature) 英文商务感谢信 篇4 dear susan,   i am writing this letter to express our sincere appreciation for your continued is thanks to regular customers like you that our company is enjoying one of its best years in recent history,despite the economic slowdown   in order to show our thanks to you in a more concrete way,please allow us to extend to you an offer for a special vip card.this card will entitle you to a 10 percent discount on all future purchases during the next year.simply stop by our office and pick up your is our little way of showing gratitude to a loyal customer like you.   once again,thank you for your unwavering has been our pleasure to serve you in the past,and we look forward to meeting all of your needs in the future.   sincerely,   tony smith   general manager 英文商务感谢信 篇5   Sample Interview Thank You Letter   Your Name   Your Address   Your City, State, Zip Code   Your Phone Number   Your Email   Date   Name   Title   Organization   Address   City, State, Zip Code   Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:   It was very enjoyable to speak with you about the assistant account executive position at the Smith Agency. The job, as you presented it, seems to be a very good match for my skills and interests. The creative approach   to account management that you described confirmed my desire to work with you.   In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position strong writing skills, assertiveness and the ability to   encourage others to work cooperatively with the department. My artistic background will help me to work   with artists on staff and provide me with an understanding of the visual aspects of our work.   I understand your need for administrative support. My detail orientation and organizational skills will help to   free you to deal with larger issues. I neglected to mention during my interview that I had worked for two summers as a temporary office worker. This experience helped me to develop my secretarial and clerical skills.   I appreciate the time you took to interview me. I am very interested in working for you and look forward to   hearing from you about this position.   Sincerely,   Your Signature   Your Typed Name 英文商务感谢信 篇6 Dear ms. grasso:   thank you for interviewing me at credit technologies. i was impressed with the company and the type of banking services the corporation provides.   your comments gave me a good understanding of the business and your expectations for the attorney you are seeking. i am confident that my background and experience in banking law and my ability to analyze statutes and regulations in detail could be useful to credit technologies.   if you were to offer me this position, i believe that i could provide services that would meet the high standards of your corporation.   i look forward to talking again with you soon.   very truly yours,   richard t. hamilton 亲爱的格拉索女士:   谢谢你用信用技术面试我。这家公司和该公司提供的银行服务给我留下了很深的印象。   你的评论使我对你所寻求的律师业务和你的期望有了很好的了解。我相信,我在银行法方面的"背景和经验,以及我详细分析法规和规章的能力,对信贷技术是有用的。   如果你能给我这个职位,我相信我能提供符合贵公司高标准的服务。   我期待不久能再次与您交谈。   你真诚的朋友   李察-汉密尔顿 英文商务感谢信 篇7   Thank-you letter template   Your Name   Your Address   Your City, State, Zip Code   Your Phone Number   Your Email   Date   Name   Title   Organization   Address   City, State, Zip Code   Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:   Use the first paragraph to thank the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you. Mention your interest in the job and how enthusiastic you are about it.   The second paragraph of your thank you letter should include the reasons why you are an excellent candidate for the job. List specific skills that relate to the job you interviewed for. The more detailed you are, the more the interviewer will know about your qualifications.   The third paragraph (optional) can be used to mention anything that you didn"t bring up at the interview that you"d like the employer to know.   This gives you another chance to make a good impression, especially if you remembered something you should have said after the interview.   In your closing paragraph, reiterate your appreciation for being considered for the the job and let the interviewer know you are looking forward to hearing from him or her soon.   Sincerely,   Your Signature   Your Typed Name
2023-07-21 16:03:181

求一篇英语口语对话,关于未来世界想象的,带译文,明天可上用 谢谢

Split-second lunches, color-keyed disposable dishes— all part of the instant society of tomorrow.   快捷午餐,各色便利碗碟,这些全都是未来快节奏的社会的内容。   The early vision of disposability was it was somehow melted into atmosphere. They didn"t really think about the garbage component with all this disposability.   最早人们只期待便利无处不在,他们却没有想过怎么处理废弃的相关用品。   Disposability goes along with the idea of everything being very clean and neat and ordered.   便利在总体含义上要求一切东西干净,整洁,有条有理。   The scientific house is most scientific in the kitchen where this unique stove is able to cook a meal in mid-air. Magnetic coils underneath the stove-top can keep the pan hot enough to cook a mouth –watering meal while the top of the stave is remains cold and safe to touch. When the stove is turns off, the pan drops and a presto electromagnetic bacon eggs !   科学住宅的科学性体现在厨房。独特的炉子能浮在半空中做饭。炉底的磁圈能使菜锅变热。做出令人垂涎欲滴的美味佳肴。而炉顶是凉的,可以安全碰触。当炉子熄灭,锅子就会落下,一道快捷的电磁熏肉鸡蛋旧做成了。   I remember as a kid getting these wonderful books, Popular Science or Popular Mechanics, that were full of fanciful and wonderful ideas, and one of these images shows a housewife with a garden hose in her living room and she is hosing down her couch. Plastic for furniture ,why not? Metal for clothing. Sure. If we can do it, let"s try it.   我还记得在孩童时候看过的《通俗科学》或者《通俗力学》,这些奇妙的书里面充满了富有想象力的奇妙想法。其中一张画的是一个女主人正在他的客厅里用软管冲洗她的长沙发。塑料家具-怎么不行?金属衣服-当然好了。如果我们可以做出来,尽管试一下吧。   A perfect example of how you just had to ignore human nature to see that part of the future. You know how many times has AT&T tried to introduce picture phones just to have people go, “No, I don"t want them to see me !”   脱离人类的天性去畅想未来,有一个绝佳的例子。你们可知道美国电信公司试验了多少次才实现了可视通话,结果人们却都说:“不,我不想别人看到我!”   “The place where electronic abounded a marriage of sight and through of sound. A wonderful coupling of vision and speech, and a ride to the future and a past within reach.”   “这是电子产品的奇迹,是影像与声音的神奇结合。可视通话双重功用,链接过去与未来。”   The role of electronics was wildly underestimated. But that was because they were looking at the future from a standpoint where computers were huge things that took whole rooms full and spinning wheels of magnetic tape.   电子的作用被极大的低估了。但那是因为过去人们展望未来的时候,计算机还是转着磁带的庞然大物。   It"s partly because we always envisioned the future in terms of what we have now only a lot better, so that people in the year 1900 didn"t think of computers, they thought of pneumatic tubes that went real, real, real, real fast. They thought by now you"d be spending your vacations certainly in Mars or Jupiter or some place, maybe a little bit cooler.   还有一部分原因是我们总是根据现有的一切来设想使他们变得跟美好。因此在1900年,没人去想计算机,他们想的只有汽艇,飞得非常,非常快得汽艇。他们还以为现在人类肯定可以到火星土星或者其他更凉爽的地方度假呢。   I really would like to take that vacation in space now and I"m not sure it"s going to ready in time.   我确实很想到太空度假,但是我不确定这样的想法能否按时实现。  And the fact that we can fly into space or communicate instantly with one another over vast distances, even the fact that we have been able to extend our lives by decades, none of that has really changed who we are. It"s in fact the one prediction you can confidently make about the future, but it a hundred or another 1000 years from now. The standards by which we measure a person"s goodness or evil will be the same as they are today, no matter what our kichens look like or how we travel the highway of the universe, the essential ingredients of a moral man or woman won"t be changed.   尽管我们已经做到了非如太空和进行远距离的即使交流。即使我们也了延长了人类几十年的寿命,这些并没有改变人类真正的本质。但是关于未来,不管是100年后,还是1000年后,你尽可以大胆的预测:我们评价一个人的善恶标准不会变,不管我们的厨房变成什么样,我们怎样的高速畅游太空,一个品德高尚的人所具备的本质不会变。
2023-07-21 16:03:291


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2023-07-21 16:05:175

《The Originof Species》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Origin of Species》(Charles Darwin)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: huym书名:The Origin of Species作者:Charles Darwin豆瓣评分:9.3出版社:Bantam Classics出版年份:1999-6-1页数:512内容简介:The publication of Darwin"s The Origin of Species in 1859 marked a dramatic turning point in scientific thought.The volume had taken Darwin more than twenty years to publish, in part because he envisioned the storm of controversy it was certain to unleash. Indeed, selling out its first edition on its first day, The Origin of Species revolutionized science, philosophy, and theology.Darwin"s reasoned, documented arguments carefully advance his theory of natural selection and assertion that species were not created all at once by a divine hand but started with a few simple forms that mutated and adapted over time. Whether commenting on his own ill health, discussing his experiments to test instinct in bees, or relating a conversation about a South American burrowing rodent, Darwin"s monumental achievement is surprisingly personal and delightfully readable. Its ideas remain extremely profound even today, making itthe most influential book in the natural sciences ever written-a work not just important to its time, but to the history of humankind.作者简介:达尔文(Charles Robert Darwin,1809-1882)英国博物学家,进化论的奠基人。1809年2月12日,出生于英国医生家庭。1825年至1828年在爱丁大学学医,后进入剑桥大学学习神学。1831年从剑桥大学毕业后,以博物学家的身份乘海军勘探船“贝格尔号(Beagle)”作历时5年(1831-1836)的环球旅行,观察和搜集了动物、植物和地质等方面的大量材料,经过归纳整理和综合分析,形成了生物进行的概念。1859年出版《物种起源(On the Origin of Species)》一书,全面提出以自然选择(Theoty of Natural Selection)为基础的进化学说。该书出版震动当时的学术界,成为生物学史上的一个转折点。自然选择的进化学说对各种唯心的神造论、目的论和物种不变论提出根本性的挑战。使当时生物学各领域已经形成的概念和观念发生根本性的改变。随后达尔文又发表了《动物和植物在家养下的变异(The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication ,1868)》、《人类由来及性的选择(The Descent of Man ,1871)》和《人类和动物的表情(The Expression of the Emotions in Animals and Man,1872)》等书,对人工选择作了系统的叙述,并提出性选择及人类起源的理论,进一步充实了进化学说的内容。
2023-07-21 16:06:031


英国威尔士由靠近欧洲大陆西北部海岸的不列颠群岛的大部分岛所组成,她隔北海、多佛尔海峡和英吉利海峡同欧洲大陆相望,是一个岛国。她的总面积为244100平方公里。由不同部落融合的四个民族,即英格兰人、威尔士人、苏格兰人、爱尔兰人组成,其中英格兰人占总人口的80%。英国居民多信基督教新教,北爱尔兰地区部分居民信天主教。依英国历史性和地理性划分为英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士、北爱尔兰四个行政区。1974年地方行政制度改革后,英格兰划分为39个普通郡及7个大都会区;威尔士划分为8个普通郡;苏格兰地区仍沿用旧制,有12个郡, 北爱尔兰划分为26个自治郡。英国冬温夏凉,属海洋性温带气候。我国北京与英国格林威治标准时间相差8小时, 即英国格林威治标准时间为零时,而我国北京是早晨8时。
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The Places We Go In life, most of us want things to go to the places we have envisioned ourselves going. We have plans and visions, some of them divinely inspired, that we want to see through to completion. We want to be happy, successful, and healthy, all of which are perfectly natural and perfectly human. So when life takes us to places we didn"t consciously want to go, we often feel as if something has gone wrong
2023-07-21 16:06:401

研究生,研究生申请要求statement of interest 怎么写

  1. From University of New Orleans Ph.d Program Handbook  The statement of interest that accompanies the application to the College is a very important part of the application. It should reflect applicants" best thinking about an area of specialization. It also is used to help decide whether there is a constructive fit between applicants" interests and the doctoral program faculty members" ability to help them develop a command of knowledge and skills in a specific area or areas of interest. In their statements of interest, applicants should outline a proposed area of specialization, including an appropriate theoretical foundation, suitable scholarly research skills, and even illustrative topics for dissertation research. They should suggest course topics, remembering that many of the courses may be outside of the College of Urban and Public Affairs. Since we are aware that applicants" knowledge of the UNO campus and CUPA is often limited, admitted students will be able to change and refine the proposed program after arrival to reflect personal growth and understanding of the area of interest. Nevertheless, applicants should devote careful attention to the statement of interest.    2. From University of Washington, Urban Design and Planning  The applicant"s statement of purpose often proves to be the most important document in the application process. While other documents help establish general qualifications and background, the statement of purpose is a personal expression that distinguishes an applicant from other applicants and relates her or his specific interests to those of program faculty.  The objectives of the statement of purpose are twofold. First, it builds on the content of more generalized documents, such as transcripts and resumes, by providing further details regarding the applicant"s background and academic qualifications. Second, it delivers a clear description of the applicant"s objectives, including his research interests and intended course of study. This information is critical to the application process and a focused, well-written document is essential to the decision to admit. For this reason, the statement of purpose should reflect your best thinking regarding your decision to pursue doctoral studies at the University of Washington.  In particular, the statement should be structured around the following five pieces of information. First, begin with a brief overview of your academic and professional background, including a description of any previous research experience. Second, describe your motivation for pursuing doctoral studies and your current research interests. Remember that this is your opportunity to explain what you would like to learn through advanced study and what you plan to achieve by doing so. Third, identify at least three members of the faculty whom you would like to work with. Fourth, briefly outline your intended course of study including your primary research interests. You may also want to list several courses that you would like to take during your first year in the program. Finally, conclude with a short description of your envisioned future and the role that you would like to play in the planning field.  As you write, please keep in mind that it is important to be as specific as possible. The admissions committee seeks to understand your objectives and to ensure that your interests are compatible with those of the program faculty. And while it is understood that your knowledge of the University of Washington may be limited, you are encouraged to seek information via the Internet and through faculty that you have an interest in working with. The more informed and focused your statement of purpose, the better your chances of admission.    3. From The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill  Our Ph.D. is a research-oriented degree. The program is intended to prepare a person for a career of  scholarly activity and research rather than professional practice. Although some graduates conduct  research outside of academic institutions, most are teaching and doing research in university settings or  in related institutions. Consequently, our Ph.D. program emphasizes a mastery of the literature and  theory in a specialized area of scholarship (called an area of concentration in the Ph.D. program) as well  as mastery of research skills necessary to make original and important contributions to that field.  For those reasons, your statement of interest is a very important part of your application. It should  reflect your best thinking about your research interests. We will use it to help us decide whether there is  a constructive fit between your interests and those of our faculty and their ability to guide your scholarly  development. The statement should outline a proposed area of concentration, including an appropriate  theoretical foundation, suitable scholarly research skills, and even illustrative topics for dissertation  research. It should suggest course topics you think are appropriate, remembering that approximately  half of your courses will be outside this department. We are aware that your knowledge of us, and this  campus, is limited. You will be able to change and refine your proposed program after you arrive to  reflect your own growth and our better understanding of your interests. Please devote careful attention  to your statement of interest.
2023-07-21 16:07:022


  企业愿景体现了企业家的立场和信仰,是企业最高管理者头脑中的一种概念,是这些最高管理者对企业未来的设想。那么你对企业愿景了解多少呢?以下是由我整理关于什么是企业愿景的内容,希望大家喜欢!   企业愿景的哲学框架   企业哲学   经盛管理咨询的中国企业文化理论以企业哲学为根本核心,其包含愿景、使命、核心价值观以及哲学之道四大命题。我们认为,愿景就是解决企业是什么,要成为什么的基本问题。   中外差别   在美国的战略理论界,都非常明确地将愿景与使命区分为目标陈述与任务陈述,但也有的将两者统称为目标陈述,有的将两者统称为使命陈述。中国的企业以及管理学界在此方面的陈述可谓是五花八门,有的将愿景当作使命,有的将使命当作愿景,有的用经营宗旨的叫法,有的叫做经营目标,甚至很多企业直接用价值观或者经营理念来概括。这充分说明中国引进西方管理理论的混乱局面,同时也反映中国企业居多尚处于企业发展的初级阶段,缺乏对于企业存在理由、意义或者价值等企业哲学高度上的思考。   这里我们要指出,无论中外,均缺乏一个真正明确地从哲学意义上解决这个问题的说法。圣吉的学习型组织中的共同愿景已经有了初步的探索,但过于感性及模糊化;马克·利普顿的愿景领导理论虽然清晰地将愿景与使命进行区别,但其却认为有效愿景应当包括存在的理由、战略、价值观三大核心原则,把愿景与价值观、战略统括在一起。   管理角度   让我们暂时抛开功利的经济学而以管理学的视角来看待企业,我们将发现人的存在哲学与企业的存在哲学是如此之统一协同。人生哲学无非围绕人存在的价值、存在的目标以及如何活着更有意义;企业同样如此,高瞻远瞩的企业无不需要时常审视自身存在是为了什么、存在的价值是什么以及如何存在。愿景就是告诉人们“企业是什么”,告诉人们企业将做成什么样子,是对企业未来发展的一种期望和描述。只有清晰地描述企业的愿景,员工、社会、投资者和合作伙伴才能对企业有更为清晰的认识。一个美好的愿景能够激发人们发自内心的感召力量,激发人们强大的凝聚力和向心力。   企业愿景的基本要素   企业愿景包括两部分:核心信仰***Core Ideology***、未来前景***Envisioned Future***。   核心信仰包括核心价值观***Core Value***和核心使命***Core Purpose***。 它用以规定企 业的基本价值观和存在的原因,是企业长期不变的信条,如同把组织聚合起来的黏合剂,核心 信仰必须被组织成员共享,它的形成是企业自我认识的一个过 程。核心价值观是一个企业最 基本和持久的信仰,是组织内成员的共识   未来前景是企业未来10-30年欲实现的巨集大愿景目标及对它的鲜活描述。   企业愿景的内容   一般来讲,企业的愿景通常包含四个方面的内容:   使整个人类社会受惠受益。例如,有些企业的愿景就表达出企业的存在就是要为社会创造某种价值;   实现企业的繁荣昌盛。例如,美国航空公司提出要做“全球的领导者”,这就是谋求企业的繁荣昌盛;   员工能够敬业乐业;   使客户心满意足。客户满意是最基础的愿景,因为客户是企业成功最重要的因素,如果客户对企业的愿景不能认同,那么愿景也就失去了意义。   由于企业不仅是企业领导者的企业,也是员工、合作伙伴和社会的企业,随着企业走向发展和壮大,企业必须经历企业迈向社会化的过程。   企业愿景的设定   企业愿景是企业未来的目标、存在的意义,也是企业之根本所在。它回答的是企业为什么要存在,对社会有何贡献,它未来的发展是个什么样子等根本性的问题。   企业愿景的设定包括以下两个方面:   第一,企业目的的确认。企业目的就是企业存在的理由,即企业为什么要存在。一般来说,有什么样的企业目的,就有什么样的企业理念。正确的企业目的会产生良好的理念识别,并引导企业的成功;错误的企业目的会产生不良的理念识别,并最终导致企业的失败。   第二,明确企业使命。企业使命和企业宗旨是同义语,是企业经营理念指导下,企业为其生产经营活动的方向、性质、责任所下的定义,它是企业经营哲学的具体化,集中反映了企业的任务和目标,表达了企业的社会态度和行为准则。   现代企业的最高使命是其应该具有的社会责任感。要求企业不仅考虑到自身的利益,而且能够承担起自己的社会责任。   企业的社会责任包括:   第一,企业的社会使命,亦即企业成员对社会做出贡献及协调各种利益集团之间关系的使命;   第二,企业的社会服务,亦即企业应当为社会提供的满足各种需要的服务;   第三,企业的社会产品,亦即企业提供的各种产品,既要为企业自身带来利益,也要对社会具有价值;   第四,企业的社会利益,亦即企业必须把维护和实现社会整体利益作为评价其经营活动成果的有效依据和指标;   第五,企业的行为定位,亦即企业在使用各种自然资源和社会资源时,应当优先考虑由于这种使用而可能给社会带来的影响和后果。   概括起来说,企业的社会责任,是企业对各种不同的社会利益集团和群体所承担的道义上的责任。 企业愿景的内容
2023-07-21 16:07:381


淑女 淑女气质和风范的涵义绝对不等同于中国传统意义的礼教名词,它是新的历史条件下,女人在仪表、谈吐、举止、思维上和行为习惯上一种独具中国特色的女性魅力,真正表现出女人纯洁、温柔、真挚的人格魅力的方面。 释义 词目 :淑女 拼音 :shú nǚ 详细解释 1. 贤良美好的女子。《诗·周南·关雎》:“窈窕淑女,君子好逑。”毛传:“淑,善;逑,匹也。言后妃有关雎之德,是幽闲贞专之善女,宜为君子之好匹。”《汉书·杜钦传》:“将军辅政,宜因始初之隆,建九女之制,详择有行义之家,求淑女之质,毋必有色声音技能,为万世大法。” 颜师古 注:“惟求淑质,无论美色及音声伎能,如此,则可为万代法也。”唐 皇甫枚 《三水小牍·步飞烟》:“若能如执盈,如临深,则皆为端士淑女矣。”明 无名氏 《赠书记·家门始末》:“年少书生,工容淑女,双双奇事堪夸。”清 李渔 《慎鸾交·却媒》:“如今有个内相人家,养着两位淑女,都有倾城之色。” 2. 泛指女人。多含嘲讽义。 鲁迅 《南腔北调集·“论语一年”》:“他们的看客,不消说,是绅士淑女们居多。绅士淑女们是顶爱面子的人种。” 巴金 《<沉落集>序》:“他那遗言如今堂皇地刻在纪念碑的石座上面,甚至那些到金圆国家去观光的绅士和淑女们也可以看见。” [编辑本段]一、淑女的定义 中国传统礼教思想束缚下的淑女是不值得提倡的,因为它抹煞了女人应有的魅力和价值。我们今天所提倡做的淑女是在传统美德基础上又不失现代社会价值的淑女,是新文明、新文化、新时代背景下的新新女性。提倡做淑女,总比提倡做“野蛮女友”、“作女”好。这并不意味着复古倒退,不合时宜,束缚个性,而是使女人更具有个性、魅力和品位,恢复女性的本来面目。 淑女首先在气质上要体现优雅。 淑女也是明清时期嫔妃等级中宫人的一个等级 淑女的谈吐要真正做到优雅动人,在拥有永恒的微笑和磁性声音的同时,必须铭记与人谈话十忌和交谈中的避讳。 [编辑本段]二、淑女说话禁忌 交谈中的避讳: 世间没有十全十美的人。凡人皆有长处,也难免有短处。人总是有自尊心的,往往不愿别人触及自己的某些缺点、隐私、不愉快事等。因此,在人际关系中,讲话人须讲求避讳。对谈话对象涉及到一些敏感的、特殊的事情时,应多为对方着想。 1.打断他人的谈话或抢接别人的话头。 2.忽略了使用概括的方法,使对方一时难以领会你的意图。 3.注意力分散,使别人再次重复谈过的话题。 4.连续发问,让人觉得你过分热心和要求太高,以致难以应付。 可爱淑女 5.对待他人的提问漫不经心,使人感到你忽略和轻视对方。 6.随便解释某种现象,轻率地下断言,借以表现自己是内行。 7.避实就虚,含而不露,让人迷惑不解。 8.不适当地强调某些与主题风马牛不相及的细枝末节,使人厌倦,感到窘迫。 9.当别人对某话题兴趣不减之时,你却感到不耐烦,立即将话题转移到自己感兴趣的方面去。 眼镜淑女 10.将正确的观点、中肯的劝告佯称为是错误的和不适当的,使对方怀疑你话中有戏弄之意。 11.生理上的缺陷。说话时都要避开人的生理缺陷,不得已采取间接表达方式。如对跛脚人应客气说:“你腿不方便,请先坐下。” 12.家庭不幸。像亲属死亡、夫妻离异等。如果不是当事人主动提及,不宜唐突说起。 13.人事的短处。在为人处事方面的短处、不体面的经历和现状,这些都是不希望他人触及的敏感点。 14.入乡随俗。“入境而问禁,入国而问俗,入门而问讳。”这对于社交成败至关重要。 身为淑女不要觉得你天生就招人喜欢,跟别人说话,注意避讳,其实是理解人、尊重人、讲文明、有修养的表现。如果能尽量避免不愉快产生,人人皆大欢喜。 事实证明,淑女优雅动人的谈吐,会有助于社交,有助于体现淑女的个性美,会为她的美丽平添几分姿色 三、其他素养 淑女如果没有了大气,魅力就变成了俗气,贤淑通达就无从说起了。大气的淑女可以略施粉黛,也可以素面朝天;可以华衣美食,也可以箪食瓢浆;可以安居广厦,也可以寄居茅舍;可以颐指千军,也可以举案齐眉。 在生活中,天然大气息会在一些女人身上显示超凡脱俗的优雅气质,浑然与天地一体,流露无限生机。 大 气者在于识大体。识大体就是不以一己之好恶评论世事,而是以包容之心善待众生。有此美德之女人于乖巧伶俐之外,又平添一种雍容典雅、从容不迫的风韵,爽如清风,皎 似明月。 大气表现在穿衣戴帽,也见诸于举手投足,更流露于眉宇和谈吐之间。 淑女如果能在享受每一鲜活瞬间的同时,锻造自己那经霜不凋、生死不渝的大气品性,那么,天地间不只是多了一道亮丽的美景,而是又多了一位人伦楷模。这样的楷模越多,世风日上的可能性就越大,淑女的品位也就越高尚纯粹,令人赞叹不已。 大气首先要学会宽容,允许他人不同生活理念的存在。大千世界,无奇不有。世间万象,本来就没有对与错的绝对概念。也许身边的朋友通过嫁人从而衣食无忧,而你偏偏坚信女人要自立自强,不能成为男人的附属物。这本该是人生观念的差别所在,你不会因此而鄙视她、唾弃她吧? 智慧的淑女不会这样,她们每做一件事、每说一句话首先要考虑这样做是否伤害别人,怎样才不失淑女通达的本色。每个人有自己的追求方式,也许殊途同归,最终大家共同达到一个目的。 淑女不是格格不入、自命清高,而是能够包容他人,懂得尊重别人的选择,也能认可不同人的生活方式。 大气还要表现为热情。美国文学家爱默生曾写道:“人要是没有热情是干不成大事业的。”大诗人S?乌尔曼也说过:“年年岁岁只在你的额上留下皱纹,但你在生活中如果缺少热情,你的心灵就将布满皱纹了。” 淑女有了热情,就会把陌生人变成朋友,就能真诚地宽容别人,就能充分利用余暇来完成自己的兴趣爱好, 就能有心情锤炼本该贤淑的一面。 淑女的热情,会让你变得心胸宽广,抛弃怨恨;会让你变得轻松愉快,甚至忘记病痛,当然还将清除心灵上的杂草。 现代淑女的性格应是内柔外刚、刚柔相济,在柔情似水的外表下,跳动着一颗坚强的心。她们不再是传统淑女的软弱,也不是令人望而却步的女强人。 现代淑女深深懂得,刻意追求的强悍,与女人真正的内心世界反差太大,是毫无韧性的坚硬。 因此,现代淑女用最温柔的方式换取最优厚的待遇。而且,她们从不抛弃生活与爱情,而是理性地去爱,充分享受爱情的甜蜜;她们真诚地去生活,享受生活中的一切美好。 作为时髦词汇的淑女是指"假小子"或"女强人"的反面。中国的淑女与西方的lady虽然各自继承了迥然不同的传统,但是,两者之间本来就有一种精神上的相通之处,在这个日益国际化的当代社会中,它们竟殊途同归,代替它们的两个词汇也互为对译。 中国淑女面对的是君子,西洋lady而对的是绅士,在绅士的观念中,永远"lady first。lady作为主流社会的弱者形象受到特殊的关爱与呵护。在紧身胸衣与裙撑盛行的时代,教养良好的淑女都懂得如何在适当的时候昏晕过去,让身边的绅士英雄有用武之地。淑女在女性范畴中是校使者,在男性范畴中则须扮演弱者。这其中的分寸便是作淑女的要领了。 现代淑女不必工于女红,不必笑不露齿,但她们仍然应该是娴静温柔优雅的,是举上形体中矩中规的。淑女在本质上是一种规范。百余年的妇女解放运动使女性逐渐地远离淑女精神。20世纪60年代的青年反传统运动以及由此衍生的"超短风貌",给淑女偶像以重重一击;80年代穿着宽宽垫肩的西装套裙的白领女性,以其强悍而具有同样的破坏性。直至90年代潮流改向,人们怀念昔日的女性,时装界重新树起的女性主义其实应该叫作淑女主义。 人在社会中可以扮演多种角色,当代社会给了女性前所未有的选择。当代淑女更注重的是外表,是形象,假如女强人穿上淑女装就成了淑女。世纪末淑女形象可以用简约主义的或新浪漫主义风格的时装来妆扮。女性们扮成淑女时软语娇笑莲步轻移,小口啜饮料,但这并不妨碍她们换上牛仔短裤去跳迪斯科,或穿西装去打天下赚世界。 五、怎样做淑女 何谓淑女?《诗经》中的那句话,已经概括干净:“窈窕淑女,君子好逑”。“窈窕”者,美好也,是婀娜柔美的那种;“淑”是心地善良,性格温柔;还有她必须可以让男人们产生强烈的“与之相伴,长相厮守”的愿望(也就是‘君子好逑"),如此看来“淑女”应该是美好而善良的女子。 “美好”可以因时代而异,所谓“情人眼里出西施”。楚王好细腰,而唐明 皇则喜欢杨贵妃的丰腴,但是“善良”却是每个时代共同的要求。清朝的徐震曾作《美人谱》。将古代的美人之美,一一作了分析和分解。美人的外形必须是额头饱满宽阔,嘴唇似杏小巧而饱满,要有“犀齿”和“酥胸”,要有“杨柳腰”和“步步莲”,还要有“芙蓉脸”和“远山眉”,然后是不胖不瘦长短适宜。除了外形,美人还应有风韵。“倚栏待月”、“嫣然巧笑” 、“怀抱琵琶半遮面,临去秋波一转而含情脉脉”都是美人应有的风韵。再者还应有特长,所谓的弹琴、围棋、吟诗、作画、刺绣等等,还要会剪茶、焚香、护兰、剪裁、扑蝶等没完没了,假如在古代要选美的话还真是麻烦。 美丽高雅、知书达礼、善良恭谦的女子是男人心中一个永远无法释怀的情结,怎样做才配得上“淑女”?相信不同的人有不同的答案。 有人说淑女是淡泊名利的,她自己不为名利所累,也不会拿名利作标尺去度量男人,她会给男人们另一方净土,没有硝烟战火与威压。 有人说是青春、本色、自然、率直、美好的女孩子,应是“清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰”的自然美,不要太多的人工装饰,不要太多的故弄玄虚。 有人说淑女孩子有见地的,但决不会因为喝了几瓶墨水而动辄提出学究的架势,她善于倾听,只在紧要处“点拨”一下身边的男人。 有人说淑女给人的印象是清新、亲切和轻松,像山野的绿树和花草,像江上的清风和明月,无论是古典美还是现代美,无论是淡妆浓抹还是素面朝天。 有人说淑女的第一要素是要温柔,天下风情万种,以水的姿色最为动人;自然界伟力众多,同样以滴不可穿的水为最难抵挡,女人一温柔起来,男人便像夏日里身心融入清凉的大海,温柔对于女子是所有美丽的源泉。 有人说淑女看似娇柔,内心却坚毅勇敢,当生活中风雨兼程时,不会花容失色失却主张,世界并非甜美的果园,淑女们也不是温室里的花草。 有人说淑女要容貌端庄、谈吐文雅、进退有度、不温不火,读些诗书,不可精通;通些文墨,不用娴熟。 有人说淑女并非艳光四射,傲气逼人,她们是骄而不娇,在平常生活中保持心灵高贵的女人,她们并非养尊处优、不谙世事,而是愉快地面对生活,让所有人都因此感染着健康和快乐的天使。 有人说淑女是心灵深处写满了善良贤淑的女人,她的爱是给予而并非侵夺,她关爱家人,不分厚薄,不让先生们在亲情与爱情之间左右为难。 有人说淑女是不因年华逝去而消失的,她宛如深深的烙印刻在男人们的心中,“腹有诗书气自华”有一种年轻、向上的心,在生活中从不放弃那一份从容、优雅与闲适,热爱生活,生活因此而明媚。 这个世界也有人说真正淑女难得,女人们在塑造,男人们在苦苦寻觅。“何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时”是何等美丽,那是因为距离产生了相思,而现代社会却消解了男女之间的距离,过去是相见时难别亦难,现在是想见就见,不见不散,爱情成了麻辣烫,传统正被商业的潮水一点点带走少了君子,便也少了淑女。 有人说如今的淑女也只能在三个流向上去寻找:女大学生、知识女性和白领丽人(也许这话有点相对绝对了)。然而如今,由于经济条件的改善,化妆品、时装、美容等的广泛利用,如今的美女也越来越多了,所谓“十步之内,必有芳草”。可与资本的丰厚共存的却是头脑的贪乏,这是当今美女的一大通病,即是在高学历的知识女性中,也普通存在精神的萎缩、道德的伦丧和物欲的横流,不少白领丽人也多是两副面孔,公众面前高雅华贵,私人生活却纸醉金迷,有的甚至堕落为大款们的情妇。 记得不知在九几年《唐山文学》搞了个活动,评出了”中国十大美女” :隽永风情型的巩利、青春智慧型的杨澜、甜美宁静型的宋祖英、天国仙女型的杨丽萍、娇俏女儿型的杨莹、高贵温馨型的毛阿敏、亮丽高洁型的周洁、妩媚俏丽型的胡慧中、恬淡温柔型的陈红、靓丽纯净型的许睛,这应当是当今中国美女中的精华了(当然现在屏幕上还出现了好多靓丽的美女)。可这仅仅是外型,在《辞海》里淑女的解释是美好贤德的女子,现代的淑女还要独立、良好的心里状态、大方自然的交际能力和较好的谈吐、修养、气质、服饰。 虽然说淑女是女人中闪闪夺目的星星,身世学识固然会使人风度翩然,然而最最重要的莫过于灵魂的高洁,其实依我看,淑女最本质的特征就是:真、善、美,不用刻意去雕刻,刻意的时候也就不是淑女了。
2023-07-21 16:07:264

求I believe I can fly 的吉他谱,只要六线图谱

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2023-07-21 16:07:2714

sunny days前用什么介词

用on...认识介词 in,on,at (一)介词in,on和at表示时间 年、季、月、周要用in,日期、节气用on行; 某时某刻用at,at the age of表年龄; 圣诞、夜晚、钟点前,用上at才自然; 早、午、晚上常用in,固定短语记心间。 (1)at主要表示: ①在某个具体时间,如:在……时刻,在……点钟,at seven o"clock,at 9:30等 ②固定短语:at night,at noon,at that time,at the age of,at the weekend,at Christmas等 (2)on用来表示“在……天”,如:on Sunday,on the following day,on October 1,1949等 (3)in用来表示: ①在某年、某季、某月、某周,如:in 2003,in summer,in September,in the 10th week等 ②在一段时间之后(之内),如:in a few days,in a minute,in two weeks等 ③用在“早晨/上午、下午、晚上”名词前,如: in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening 如果表示某一天的上午、下午和晚上,要用介词on。如:on Sunday morning,on Saturday evening 可巧记为:某天上下午和晚上,不能用in要用on。 (二)介词in,on和at表示地点 on“在……之上”接触面,“靠近、接壤”左右边; in“在里面”和“中间”,也可表示在“大地点”; at表示在“小地点”,“入口、车站、影剧院”; home前有限定“冠”,须用in把at换; “夜间、车辆”若有限(定词),“回家途中”on在前。 (1)on表示“在……之上”(与物体表面相接触)。如: His pen is on his desk. 表示“靠近;相互接壤”,以及在左、右边都用on。如: Korea lies on the northeast of China. Tom sits on my right. (2)in表示“在……里面”(物体内部)、“在……中间”。如: My pen is in my pencil-box. in还可以表示“在大地点”。如: They live in Shanghai while we live in Beijing. (3)at表示在较小的地点,在“入口、车站”和“影剧院”等名词前也用at。如: at the entrance to the library,at the bus stop,at the theatre,at the cinema (4)home前一般用at,但若有物主代词或定冠词等定语修饰时,必须用in。如: at home,in my home,in his simple home(在他简朴的家中) (5)“夜间”(night)、“车辆”(bus,bike,train等)名词前若有限定词修饰,以及“在……途中”用介词on。如: He was at home on the night of May 1. Jim often goes to school on his bike.
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2023-07-21 16:07:301

请问mina 她有多高,有谁知道吗,她身材简直是一及棒哦,还有三围是多少呢

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2023-07-21 16:07:201

hp 2560p win7 HP ProtectTools Security Manager 6.08 无指纹注册项

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2023-07-21 16:07:115

电脑开机出现:American Megatrends AMIBIOS(C)2006 American Megatrends,Inc. 08.00.15.具体如图示:

屏幕显示从下往下第9行:pri master hard disk:S.M.A.R.T.........第一主启动盘(硬盘):S.M.A.R.T S.M.A.R.T(自监测、分析、报告技术),状态:损坏,备份并更换 按F2继续,按F1进入配置。从启动屏幕提示来看,你的硬盘出故障了。你可以按F1进入BIOS设置,关闭S.M.A.R.T.后试试(如果有此选项的话),如果能进入系统,赶紧备份硬盘数据,更换硬盘。不行的话,只能换硬盘了。
2023-07-21 16:07:071


philosophy 英[fəˈlɒsəfi] 美[fəˈlɑ:səfi] n. 哲学; 哲理; 哲学体系,哲学思想; 生活信条; [例句]He studied philosophy and psychology at Cambridge.他在剑桥大学学习哲学和心理学。[其他] 复数:philosophies
2023-07-21 16:07:073