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2023-07-19 16:00:12
是的,前面的日文就是英文“please rape me”的音译。是同一部里番动画。



Nirvana的《Rape me》 歌词

歌曲名:Rape me歌手:Nirvana专辑:Live Miami Kts Source Great Show(Bootleg)Rape meRape me my friend,Rape me,Rape me again.I"m not the only oneHelp me,Do it, and do it again.Waste me,Rape me, my friend.My favorite inside source,I"ll kiss your open sores,Appreciate your concernYou"ll always, stink, and born.Rape me
2023-07-19 02:45:231

Rape me什么意思

rape是强奸的意思- -这话意思是强奸我
2023-07-19 02:45:321

Nirvana 的 Rape Me 到底表达了怎样一种情操

《Rape Me》诉说了强暴犯被送进监牢,在狱中自我摧残的故事。它也许是全部音乐历史上最能将自暴自弃的心思做到彻底表达的一首歌,一个被打击得体无完肤的人在什么都不在乎之后,才能够发出如此绝望的哀鸣,它比死更为残酷。它是科特·柯本已经灰暗不堪的心境的一次大暴露,它也是一次受伤动物的求助的悲嘶,然而在当时,又有谁听懂了这一切呢?
2023-07-19 02:45:391

涅磐在rape me 这首歌里唱了什么,表达了什么

Nirvana/Rape MeRape meRape me my friend,Rape me,Rape me again.I"m not the only oneHelp me,Do it, and do it again.Waste me,Rape me, my friend.My favorite inside source,I"ll kiss your open sores,Appreciate your concernYou"ll always, stink, and born.Rape me
2023-07-19 02:45:471


编辑本段rape 意思为:n. 油菜,强奸 v. 强奸,奸污,奸淫 英语口语中骂人的话,例如:I rape you。意思和Fuck you一样。可以表达为人的心情不好,如歌曲:rape me  歌手:NIRVANA  nirvana rape me  rape me  rape me my friend,  rape me,  rape me again.  i"m not the only one  help me,  do it, and do it again.  waste me,  rape me, my friend.  my favorite inside source,  i"ll kiss your open sores,  appreciate your concern  you"ll always, stink, and born.  《Rape Me》收录于NIRVANA1993年发行的专辑《In Utero》。这是摇滚史上最佳朋克专集之一,乐队配合的天衣无缝,把Kurt Cobain 内心的狂燥、愤怒、压抑、扭曲、病态、激烈的矛盾冲突完全显示了出来,同时也反映了Kurt温柔、感性的一面。使Grunge风暴达到了极点,接近燃烧。Steve Albini试图录制一张原汁原味的朋克专辑。他运用了比以前更为丰富的音乐素材,并且在其核心蕴涵着袒露Cobain最深层的恐惧和脆弱的心,象《Rape Me》这样个人化的歌曲的直面痛苦的展现,在现在作一回顾,也许可以看作是一种警告,它在当初被与这个烦恼的歌手最亲密的人们所忽视。但是作为艺术,这正是它的朋克所在。
2023-07-19 02:45:561

Please Rape Me!的游戏介绍

2023-07-19 02:46:101

please rape me!有第三话吗?

有 3——4都出了这里有种子!!!bt.orzx.co这个网站直接看
2023-07-19 02:46:231

我要please rape me全集的网盘

2023-07-19 02:46:323


please -○○○-米!
2023-07-19 02:46:444

please rape me 有没有第二集,

2023-07-19 02:47:022

Please Rape Me! 02

2023-07-19 02:47:101


涅磐(Nirvana)主唱科特科本(Kurt·Cobain) 科特科本(Kurt·Cobain) 一、童年 Kurt1967年2月20日出生于美国西部华盛顿州的阿伯丁市。阿伯丁是一个不算繁华的小城,距西雅图不到百里。但阿伯丁地区的自杀率却名列全美前茅。这便是Kurt成长之处。 Kurt的家庭在当地还算小康:父亲Donald Cobain和母亲Wendy Cobain加上Kurt和他妹妹,四口之家,又有着姑舅叔姨等一大箩亲戚,所以Kurt曾经回忆自己"是个及其幸福的小孩"。 1975年Kurt刚满8岁时,他父母由于感情裂隙而离异。他们忙于争吵及财产,留下幼小的Kurt在一旁似懂非懂的看着。 这是Kurt一生中第一个重大事件,从此原本活泼、爱表演的Kurt变了,他内向,将一切只藏在心底。以后在NirVaNa中呆过的乐手大多来自离异的家庭。 啊......然后,Kurt开始喜欢和街上邋遢的穷孩子们一起玩,因为"他们很酷"。而在此之前,其母Wendy一直反对Kurt"自降身价"的和下层交往。 Kurt开始违抗父母,游荡不归,旷课......在其他人眼中,他成了问题儿童。 小学时,Kurt立志要当一个明星,像John Lennon一样。他开始练习打鼓,甚至参加了小学的乐队,但总是学不会识谱。 在父母离异后,他学会了用音乐作为逃避和武器。 1981年2月20日,Kurt14岁生日。他得到一把二手电吉他作为生日礼物。从此Kurt放下架子鼓*起了吉他。 嗯......当时Kurt所在的小城无法找到真正的朋克乐磁带,而他脑海中的朋克无非即是将电吉他音量调到最大的三个大三和弦加上声嘶力竭的叫喊。 也许Kurt在当时还说不上朋克,但他自小便已是个畸零之士,他同父母给他安排的前程格格不入,他同那个郁闷的小城格格不入。他沉迷于音乐,画画,歌唱。他的灵气和敏感使他的思想挣脱了束缚,他的灵魂终于找到了一个避难所,那儿比他支离破碎的家庭温暖。他期待着有朝一日离开这一切,全身投入那迷茫尽头的归宿。 二、小城 高中。开始吸食大麻。 1985年夏,即将高中毕业的Kurt辍学。他的母亲和教师们无法理解。高中Kurt的美术老师对他绘画中的"愤怒感"印象极为深刻,所以在他的帮助下Kurt已得到了好几所大学的奖学金,升学不成问题。 Kurt的母亲Wendy问他打算干什么。Kurt说他将以音乐为生。Wendy对此冷笑不已,她要求Kurt必须找份谋生的职业,否则她不准备养一个"音乐家"。Kurt却依然成天在家里死克吉他。终于有一天他回到家门,发现自己所有的东西被放在一个箱子里,摆在饭厅的地板上。 Kurt住到了父亲家。在继母和父亲劝说下他参加了海军征兵考试。他被录取,但在签字之前他收拾东西,从父亲家扬长而去。 他终于无家可归,游荡在窒息的阿伯丁街巷,困倦时他蜷缩在阿伯丁北桥的桥洞中睡去。在这里他就着余阳看完了Arthur Rimbaud(兰波)、William Burroughs (?)、S.E.Hinton(?)的著作, 风雨寒夜中他躺在土坑里期望着日出时的温暖。饥饿了他从威西卡河暗绿的河水中钓些小鱼充饥:多年以后北桥桥墩上当年Kurt留下的涂鸦和文字,将被谱成一首叫做something in the way 的娓娓动听的歌。 那些日子,Kurt第一次结识了真正的摇滚乐队,the Melvins,虽然他们还仅限于翻唱成名者的歌曲。最重要的,他开始进入朋克的世界,接触到对他影响极大的原始韵律。然后,他跟在the Melvins成员屁股后面转东转西,学习他们的排练,自己偷偷的写一点歌,无所事事,涂鸦,闲荡,露宿街头,音乐。 1985年底,Kurt和Dale Crover 、Greg Hokanson一起开始排练自己的作品。他将自己第一自乐队命名为Fecal Matter。后来这支乐队录制了一盘小样,Kurt的第一盘正式小样。那时Kurt还未成型,噪音+重金属节奏其实并不是Kurt自闭的内心。 三、破茧 Fecak Matter 很快就难以后继了。这非常自然。但Kurt在这段日子里已经成长,更重要的,他结识了死党Chris Novaselic,以后涅磐的低音司掌者。 Chris有时常将自己的名字拼为Krist,就像Kurt喜欢用Kurdt,Cobain也即是Kobain一样。 Krist,1965年5月16日出生于加州的康普敦,其父母是从克罗地亚来的移民。其全家于1979年迁至阿伯丁。同Kurt一样,Krist安静,沉闷,只喜欢听摇滚乐。1983年其父母离异,他无所事事的从高中毕了业,就呆在家里苦练吉他。在the Melvins排练使他遇到了Kurt,两人同病相怜的成了死党。 之后他们开始一起排练。由于在所认识的人之中只有一个叫Aron Burckhard的人自己有一套鼓,所以三个人凑成了伙。 但是......三个人音乐理念不同,Krist喜欢60年代嘻皮和迷幻摇滚,Kurt则是地地道道的朋克死硬分子。Aron的爱好是主流重金属,他对朋克毫无兴趣。 尽管如此,他们依然夜以继日的*练,并等待着什么时候能有一场演出。 奥林匹亚,据阿伯丁50公里的城市,华盛顿州的州府,当地的文化中心。地下音乐正在那里悄然生长。 Kurt曾经在这里第一次对这台下唱出自己的诗——但是他太紧张,台下几乎没人注意到台上那个黄毛小子的叫喊。有一些例外,Dylan Calson 和Slim Moon注意到Kurt那未充分表露、但掩饰不住的敏感气质,在Kurt唱完后走过来对他说,这非常有味道。从此之后他们成为终生的朋友。这两个人是奥林匹亚地下音乐圈的人物, Kurt称他们为加尔文主义者:他们的旗帜人物Beat Happening乐队的Calvin Johnson宣扬一种"自然,和谐,童真"的人生观。 Kurt喜欢他们,因为他们在灵魂深处是相通的。从此Kurt频繁的往复于阿伯丁和奥林匹亚之间。 之后有了第一场演出。在小城雷蒙得,为一个金属乐队作暖场。但这只是Kurt向中产雅皮发泄不满的玩闹。真正的唱出自己的歌还是回到了奥林匹亚:在Kurt曾经上过台的Gescco礼堂,听众只有十个人。当演出开始,台上台下情绪高涨,兴奋异常。Kurt从中看到了自己音乐的力量。 四、单曲 关于Kurt的第一支乐队,有过许多不同的名称:最初的Skid Row;然后是Throat Oyster、Pen Cap Chew、WindowPane、Ted Ed Fred...... 最后是涅磐。 Nirvana,梵语音译,佛教的终极旨趣。其实西方摇滚乐圈中佛教用语非常时髦,Kurt和Krist不可避免的受到影响。但这又的确是一个卓然出众的名字,Kurt的一生,冥冥中似乎归宿于此。 渐渐的乐队开始有了拥蹙,人们喜欢这个沉默的金发小伙,有人来看他们排练。Kurt有了第一个女友Tracy Maramder,她住在奥林匹亚。Kurt在阿伯丁被房东赶出门时Tracy让他搬过去,于是Kurt第一次有了一个窝。Kurt坚持要用乐队偶尔参加演出的钱分担一部分房租,Tracy则认为与其如此不如他去找一份工作。Kurt一听这话就要赌气出门,Tracy到后来也就没了脾气 但Kurt终于去打工了;他每天开着破车和另两个同事去送货,但他不久就厌烦了,那两个人高马大的同事对他十分不满,而他则说"我没法和那两个俗人相处"。 这段时间他的胃被弄坏了。这将是今后折磨他甚至诱导他致死的难以忍受的痛苦。他只能用麻醉剂来麻痹自己,甚至毒品。 1988年1月23日,Nirvana录制了第一盘小样。地点是全城最便宜的"关联"录音室,录音师Jack Endinno,这个人是西雅图地下音乐教父之一。Nirvana对这盘小样极为自豪,Kurt说:"这的确是好音乐"。Endinno也喜欢这盘小样,并将其中一份样带送给了Jonathan Poneman,后者在几个月前刚刚和布鲁斯·帕维特创立了"地下流行"公司,急需一些新乐队来扩充队伍。Poneman听到这张小样后,立即被Kurt的声音打动了。他将涅磐的样带带到了音乐广播网公司,满怀热情的向那里的朋友推荐涅磐:"这支乐队想找个鼓手,谁想发家致富就赶紧上啊。"但那里的圈内人士认为涅磐太过突兀同是市场并不会好。帕维特则认为涅磐太过‘摇滚",不够‘地下"。 Kurt将样带四处投递,寄到所有他所知的独立唱片公司。他寄出了大约20盘样带,收到了一大堆回信,和各式各样的小礼物,包括洋娃娃、糖果和装着假蚂蚁的旧避孕套之类,就是没有他渴望的试音通知或邀请。 最终还是Poneman给Kurt打了电话。Poneman眼中的Kurt是个非常腼腆、非常恭谦的青年。但Krist喝醉了酒,在一边胡搅蛮缠。Poneman竭尽全力让自己冷静,不理会Krist,并说服涅磐在不久的将来先出一支单曲。 接下来对Nirvana而言最重要的事是找一个合适的鼓手。对Aron而言,他参加排练只是为了玩玩,犯不上如此辛苦。他依然留在阿伯丁,并指望有朝一日当上经理。渐渐的Kurt同他失去了联系。 接下来的鼓手是Dave Foster。Kurt觉得他水平一般,但还是接受了他。但不久由于触犯了市长的儿子而被判刑一年。Kurt不得已又请回了Aron,但他的老毛病又犯了,不参加排练。于是之后的接替者是Chad Channing,他也来自父母分居家庭,同Kurt一样从高中退学。 1988年6月11日,Nirvana录制了第一首发行单曲Love Buzz。B面则是Big Cheese。尽管kurt对自己的第一张单曲是翻唱作品十分不满,但录音棚的诱惑终于压倒了一切。 1988年11月,Love Buzz/Big Cheese上市。 地下流行公司采取了一种新的促销方式发行:他们只印制了一千张单曲唱片,以手写编号,限量预定。果然此举使这张单曲取得成功。1988年底,Kurt同Tracy到西雅图去玩,听到电台正在播放Love Buzz,他们兴奋异常,他从未想到会达到这一步:这已是超出了他最大野心之外的功成名就。 五、巡演 1988年12月24日,涅磐开始了首张专辑的录制工作,到翌年一月,录制工作完成。Endinno向他们出示的是共606.17$的录音费。NirVaNa的所有人都无法承受这笔"巨款",结果是由Chad的朋友Jason Everman代付的账。 到1989年2月,乐队开始在美国西海岸作小型巡演。正好Kurt此时对边弹吉他边唱歌还要记住歌词十分不习惯,于是NirVaNa暂时有了第二吉他手即Jason Everman,他的吉他不错,又有一头长发,也来自父母离异家庭,甚至他也在阿伯丁住过。 在巡演过程中,他们从一个公益广告牌上得到灵感,将首张专辑名称定为《Bleach》(漂白)。 1989年6月Bleach正式发行。刚开始并不被看好,但不知出动了那根社会神经开始一天一天畅销起来。在短短的几个月之内居然卖了35000张以上,创下地下流行公司的新纪录。 从Bleach开始,一种新的音乐渐渐的浮出地面,站稳了脚跟。 随后是第一次全国巡演。这是一次包括26场演出的"饥渴的朋克摇滚之旅"(Krist语),首场演出1989年6月22日在旧金山举行。由于没有钱请经纪人,他们自己安排整个过程。对一个刚起步的小乐队而言,巡演是艰辛甚至残酷的。但是,这般伙计依然能够苦中作乐:"我们是穷困潦倒,可是天哪,我们头一次看到了全美国。" 更重要的是他们正渐渐有了听众。大学的电台里开始播放About a girl、Blew、School等,巡演时听众会跑到后台来,对他们说:"哥们,你们可真酷啊"。 另一个收获即是他们也养成了在台上狂砸一气的习惯。所以车子开得越远他们手中的家当就越来越少。 这种狂砸乱扔的行为并没有给乐队带来太多的麻烦,真正的问题是Kurt、Krist和Jason之间的裂隙越来越剧烈了。Jason的台风十分主流化,他喜摆出一种摇滚明星的派头,搔首弄姿,猛甩长发。 Kurt对他的忸怩作态难以容忍。"他想让我们更摇滚点儿,我们却想更朋克。"Krist一针见血的说明了问题。而Jason毫不隐瞒自己喜欢金属摇滚,他认为Kurt"和任何一个鼓手、贝司手合作他的歌,都不会有太大的不同"。 正是由于在音乐理念上的巨大差异,使Jason最终离开了涅磐。以后他在几个金属乐队中担任过吉他手。 在继续的巡演中Kurt的胃开始每况愈下。当终于坚持到结束,却又开始了欧洲巡演。他们在42天里作了36场演出,在欧洲收到了出乎预料的欢迎,演出场场爆满。 Smells Like A Teen Spirit Load up on guns and, Bring your friends, It"s fun to lose, And to pretend She"s over bored, And self assured,Oh no, I know, A dirty word hello, how low? (x bunch of times) With the lights out it"s less dangerous Here we are now, Entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, Entertain us A mulatto, An albino, A mosquito, My Libido, Yeah I"m worse at what I do best,And for this gift I feel blessed Our little group has always been, And always will until the end hello, how low? (x bunch of times) With the lights out it"s less dangerous Here we are now, Entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, Entertain us A mulatto, An albino, A mosquito, My Libido, Yeah And I forget , Just why I taste,Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile I found it hard, It was hard to find, Oh well, whatever, nevermind hello, how low? (x bunch of times) With the lights out it"s less dangerous Here we are now, Entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, Entertain us A mulatto, An albino, A mosquito, My Libido A denial, A denial, A denial, A denial, A denial, A denial, A denial, A denial,A denial [MP=480,68,true][/MP] Nirvana - Smells Like A Teen Spirit下载 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 《where did you sleep last night》 my girl,my girl,don"t lie to me. 我的女孩,不要对我撒谎! tell me where did u sleep last night. 告诉我昨晚你在何处安眠。 in the pines!in the pines! 在松树林中! where the sun don"t ever shine. 在那里太阳永远无法照亮。 i would shiver the whole night through. 我在那颤栗了整整一夜。 my girl,my girl,where will u go? 我的女孩,你要去哪里? i"m going where the cold wind blows. 我将去的地方寒风凛冽! in the pines!in the pines! 在松树林中! where the sun don"t ever shine. 在那里太阳永远无法照亮。 i would shiver the whole night through. 我在那颤栗了整整一夜。 her husband,was a hard working man. 她的丈夫是一个苦工。 just about a mile from here. 在离这里大约一里的地方。 his head was found in a driving wheel. 他的头颅被发现在飞驰的轮下。 but his body never was found. 但他的躯体至今仍未被找见! my girl,my girl,don"t lie to me. 我的女孩,不要对我撒谎! tell me where did u sleep last night. 告诉我昨晚你在何处安眠。 in the pines!in the pines! 在松树林中! where the sun don"t ever shine. 在那里太阳永远无法照亮。 i would shiver the whole night through. 我在那颤栗了整整一夜。 my girl,my girl,where will u go? 我的女孩,你要去哪里? i"m going where the cold wind blows. 我将去的地方寒风凛冽! in the pines!in the pines! 在松树林中! where the sun don"t ever shine. 在那里太阳永远无法照亮。 i would shiver the whole night through. 我在那颤栗了整整一夜。 my girl,my girl,where will u go? 我的女孩,你要去哪里? tell me where did u sleep last night. 告诉我昨晚你在哪里过夜? in the pines!in the pines! 在松树林中! where the sun don"t ever shine. 在那里太阳永远无法照亮。 i would shiver the whole night through. 我在那颤栗了整整一夜。 my girl,my girl,where will u go? 我的女孩,你要去哪里? i"m going where the cold wind blows. 我将去的地方寒风凛冽! in the pines!in the pines! 在松树林中! where the sun don"t ever shine. 在那里太阳永远无法照亮。 i would shiver the whole night through. 我在那颤栗了整整一夜。 专辑名称:When The Lights Out 版本:3cd合辑 发行时间:2004年11月22日 专辑曲目CD1: 01 - Heartbreaker 02 - Anorexorcist 03 - White Lace and Strange 04 - Help Me I"m Hungry 05 - Mrs. Butterworth 06 - If You Must 07 - Pen Cap Chew 08 - Downer 09 - Floyd the Barber 10 - Raunchola/Moby Dick 11 - Beans 12 - Don"t Want It All 13 - Clean Up Before She Comes 14 - Polly 15 - About a Girl 16 - Blandest 17 - Dive 18 - They Hung Him on a Cross 19 - Grey Goose 20 - Ain"t It a Shame 21 - Token Eastern Song 22 - Even in His Youth 23 - Polly CD2: 01 - Opinion 02 - Lithium 03 - Been a Son 04 - Sliver 05 - Where Did You Sleep Last Night 06 - Pay To Play 07 - Here She Comes Now 08 - Drain You 09 - Aneurysm 10 - Smells Like Teen Spirit 11 - Breed 12 - Verse Chorus Verse 13 - Old Age 14 - Endless, Nameless 15 - Dumb 16 - D-7 17 - Oh the Guilt 18 - Curmudgeon 19 - Return of the Rat 20 - Smells Like Teen Spirit CD3: 01 - Rape Me (Acoustic version) 02 - Rape Me (Electric version) 03 - Scentless Apprentice 04 - Heart Shaped Box 05 - I Hate Myself and I Want To Die 06 - Milk It 07 - Moist Vagina 08 - Gallons of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through the Strip 09 - The Other Improv 10 - Serve the Servants 11 - Very Ape 12 - Pennyroyal Tea 13 - Marigold 14 - Sappy 15 - Jesus Doesn"t Want Me for a Sunbeam 16 - Do Re Mi 17 - You Know You"re Right 18 - All Apologies
2023-07-19 02:47:171


是gimme danger 吗 ewan在天鹅绒金矿里唱的那个 我之后在网上有听过一个高潮有女声合唱的 不过找不到了
2023-07-19 02:47:283


百度百科搜下就好啦,里面介绍很详细的 不好意思,没看清你还要英文的…
2023-07-19 02:47:543

please rape me 03出了么

2023-07-19 02:48:071

please rape me全集下载 去下吧 !!!骚年
2023-07-19 02:48:142


寻资源请加一宫资源大群88486627= =不过这本咱好像都么见到= =
2023-07-19 02:48:392

La Cross 唱的Save Me的歌词

歌词如下。What"s wrong with live? I don"t know C"mon! Caught in the mess, got nobody tu trust Just haters in your back, ready tu bust All alone on your own and I can feel your pain Because heaven on earth it"s really hard to obtain And now you"re running around searching for the right What"s wrong or right, is it worth to fight? I don"t know, believe me it"s truth If I get the chance I will save you! Chorus: Save me, from the rain and hold me Ease that pain, don"t rape me And leave me into life (I wll save you) Don"t ever take me, the must in me And make me feel love again so free All the things I"ve got to hide (Don"t leave me) On and on, and nothing really changed, it"s strange Live slipping out of your hands, is this the best way Just to get it right, shadows passing by in the middle of the night Just tell me why it"s gotta be like that The gamble of the live keeps your neck in check And now you"re crying out for help And believe me it"s truth If I get the chance I will save you! Chorus: Save me, from the rain and hold me Ease that pain, don"t rape me And leave me into life (I wll save you) Don"t ever take me, the must in me And make me feel love again so free All the things I"ve got to hide (Don"t leave me) What"s wrong with live? Just haters in the back Searching for the life What"s wrong or right? I don"t know… Like a swan in a cage, what does it take to stop And open it up to make you fly away to make your beauty shine thru the deserts of faith But I guess it"s to late You"re already made yourself up, ready to die God knows you cry and I can"t lie, It makes me going mad And believe me it"s truth If I get the chance I will save you! Chorus: Save me, from the rain and hold me Ease that pain, don"t rape me And leave me into life (I will save you) Don"t ever take me, the must in me And make me feel love again so free All the things I"ve got to hide (Don"t leave me)
2023-07-19 02:48:481

求please rape me全集,中文字幕

2023-07-19 02:48:561


2023-07-19 02:49:041


yellow--coldplayEverything"s not lost--coldplayswallowed in the sea--coldplayStop crying your heart out--oasislet there be love--oasisBlack roses red-- Alana GraceTogether--Avril LavigneFogotten--Avril LavigneInnocence--Avril LavigneWhen You"re gone--Avril Lavigne
2023-07-19 02:49:136


你好!难忘的一次经历 An unforgettable experience
2023-07-19 02:49:2911


  颜色的英语作文 篇1   What is your favourite colour? Different people have different answers. Red and yellow are the colours of coire. If you like yellow, or red, it means you are full of energy and have happy feeling about life. If you like gray or blue, you are a quiet person and sometimes you feel unhappy. If you love green, you are strong-minded and you wish to do everything well and want other people to see you are successful.   Colours can also change our feelings. A yellow room makes us fell happier and more comfortable than a dark green one. A red dress brings warmth adds joyful atmosphere to the festival.When factory workers wear orange they work better and harder.   注释:   1) favourite colour最喜欢的颜色   2) the colour of courage(表示)勇气的颜色   3) full of energy精力充沛   4) strong-minded(有)坚强的意志   5) add joyful atmosphere to the festival给节日增添喜气   颜色的英语作文 篇2   If seasons have colors, what are the four seasons like?   If seasons have colors, spring is green. When spring comes, willow trees begin to bud. It is really a green world, and it is also the color of hope.   What about summer? When I look at flowers of almost all kinds in blossom, I understand that the color of summer is red.   Compared with summer, autumn is another kind of color. The rice in the fields and fruits on the branches are the signals of autumn. It is the color filled with ripeness. Gold is the symbol of harvest.   Winter is the world of snow. The whole land is covered with snow. White is the color of winter.   Seasons have colors and the changing of the four seasons makes the land colorful and energetic.   【参考译文】   如果季节有颜色,那四个季节是什么样的呢?   如果季节有颜色,春天是绿色的。春天来了,柳树开始发芽。这真是一个绿色的世界,也是希望的颜色。   夏天怎么样?当我看到几乎所有盛开的花朵时,我明白夏天的颜色是红色。   与夏天相比,秋天是另一种颜色。田里的稻谷和树枝上的果实是秋天的信号。这是一种充满成熟的颜色。黄金是收获的象征。   冬天是雪的世界。整个大地被雪覆盖着。白色是冬天的颜色。   四季都有颜色,四个季节的变化使大地色彩丰富,充满活力。   颜色的英语作文 篇3   Autumn comes , it gets cooler and cooler. The sky is blue and the clouds are white. You would say autumn is blue and white.   Look ! Birds are flying from the north to the south. The leaves are yellow. Some are hanging on the trees, some are on the ground ,some are dancing in the wind. Someone would say autumn is yellow.   There are so many fruits in autumn in Xinxing . Pears ,peaches. Mangos, oranges and so on. Theyre fresh and healthy.   Oh! I see. Autumn is a harvest season. Autumn is colourful. What a beautiful season !   Located in the middle of China ,Wuhan is a good place for tourists.It is a pleasant city with beautiful lakes,many parks and modern malls which are worth visiting.They all are waiting for you.Hubei province is called “A province with thousands of lakes”. The East Lake in Wuhan, much bigger than the West Lake in Hangzhou is as beautiful as the West Lake. The best way to experience the East Lake is to take a boat tour. It must be memorable.   Walking along the Chang jiang River is perfect. While walking on the bridge, you can get a view of three parts of Wuhan .It is really a feast for the eyes.Hankou is Wuhans commercial heart.There are many modern skysckyscrapers there. Its a shoppers paradise. The famous business street is called Jianghan Road.Yon can enjoy the local special food and explore the lively nightlife.   Despite its size and modern look, Wuhan has still kept its old traditions and culture. Yellow Grane Tower has a long history.Many poets wrote pretty poems for it. Some temples,such as Guiyuan Temple, represent archaic religion.If you are interested in history, Hubei Museum is a good choice.You can learn about the art ,history and culture of city.   There is no such thing as a bad time to go to Wuhan.Each season has its characteristic. Whenever you come, there are plenty of activities to choose from.Wuhan is a friendly destination that welcomes tourists of all ages. A trip to Wuhan will give you a glimpse of the happy lifestyle of the people of Wuhan—who are known for their big hearts and friendliness.You are sure to have a good time in Wuhan.   颜色的英语作文 篇4   春天的颜色是绿色的,看,小草发芽了,草坪里全是翠绿的小芽芽,就像铺上了一层绿色的地毯。   The color of spring is green. Look, the grass has sprouted. The lawn is full of green buds, just like a green carpet.   春天是红色的,花儿盛开了,很多花都是红色的,美丽极了!   Spring is red, flowers are in full bloom, many flowers are red, beautiful!   春天是黄色的,看那漫山遍野的油菜花,田野里的向日葵,公园里的迎春花,就像一座座金山。   Spring is yellow. Look at the rape flowers all over the mountains, the sunflowers in the fields, and the jasmine flowers in the park. They are like golden mountains.   春天是蓝色的,看那天空,就像蔚蓝的大海,一眼望不到边。   Spring is blue, look at the sky, like the blue sea, can not see the edge at a glance.   春天是五颜六色的,有很多很多颜色,就像那美丽的彩虹!   Spring is colorful, there are many colors, just like the beautiful rainbow!   颜色的英语作文 篇5   There are many colours in my room. My door is white, my bed is pink, my desk is brown, and my chair is brown too. I have a blackboard and many chalks.   The blackboard is black, the colours of chalks are blue, green, yellow and red. My room is colourful, I like my room very much.   颜色的英语作文 篇6   我最喜欢的颜色是绿色,它象征着希望和梦想。   My favorite color is green, which symbolizes hope and dream.   有时候,我想,如果天上在播撒树叶,大树先生会伸出手去欢迎吗?到底是谁把大树,小草,大山,绿水染成了绿色?当然是春姑娘。   Sometimes, I think, if the sky is sowing leaves, will Mr. Dashu extend his hand to welcome? Who in the world dyed the big trees, grass, mountains and green water green? Spring girl, of course.   绿色是活力,绿色是梦想,绿色是生命力。如果没有绿色,就没有新鲜空气,没有绿色,就没有小草、大树、大山、绿水,青苔。   Green is vitality, green is dream, green is vitality. If there is no green, there will be no fresh air, no green, no grass, no trees, no mountains, no green water, no moss.   绿色是大自然的希望与梦想,当我看见一颗颗怀揣梦想的种子从泥土中钻出。一阵风吹过,小绿芽摆动身姿,仿佛跳起了美丽的舞蹈。生命是多么的神奇呀!   Green is the hope and dream of nature. When I see the seeds with dreams come out of the soil. A gust of wind, small green bud swing posture, as if dancing a beautiful dance. How amazing life is!   绿色是生活中不可少的颜色,我们要保护绿色。   Green is an indispensable color in life. We should protect green.   颜色的英语作文 篇7   When it rains with sunshine, I will be very excited, because I know I can see the rainbow soon. The colorful rainbow always attracts me, and the color red is so beautiful, which is my favorite color. When I am in red clothes, it makes me look with vitality. As I am young, red can presents me. My mother always likes red color, and she says I look good in red.   每次下太阳雨的`时候都我会很兴奋,因为我知道很快我就可以看到彩虹了。我总是被五彩缤纷的彩虹吸引,红色很漂亮,它是我最喜欢的颜色。我穿红色衣服的时候会显得我很有活力。而且我年轻,红色可以代表我。我妈妈也喜欢红色,她说我穿红色很好看。   颜色的英语作文 篇8   The world is filled with colors, the colors make the world much more beautiful.   As for me, I like white very much. In winter, when it snows, the ground is all white. Then I think of the fairy tale of Snowwhite. White means pure, just like our heart.   I also like red. Maybe someone says that red means dangerous or in dangerous. But inChina, it means happiness. When something happy happens, red can be usually always.   What"s your favorite color, can you share it with me?   颜色的英语作文 篇9   Once upn a tie, the s hadn"t clurful clurs, it The raib   Ada u need t guess riddle first. If u guess right, u can tae an clur u want. But if u guess wrng, u ust up fr the highest untain. ” “ O. ”Ada replied.   The riddle is: In the rning, it uses 4 legs t wal; in the nn, it uses 2 legs t wal; in the evening, it uses 3 legs t wal. ( guess an anial )   “ Oh, that"s eas, it"s us huan. ” Ada answered. “ Gee! u"re ver clever! Tae the clur u want. ”   But Ada was a naught b. He t a lt f blue, and tae a little ther clurs, then brught the t the gd. The gd put the clurs int the s. That"s wh the s isn"t alwas blue.   颜色的英语作文 篇10   There"re many different kinds of colour in the world, such as white, blue, orange, red, and so on. But my favourite colour is green.   I think green is the most beautiful colour. Do you know why? Because green is the colour of life. Do you think so?   As you know, most alive plants are green, like grass and trees.   Green is good for our eyes, too.   When your eyes are very tired, you will watch the green trees or green grass, they can help you to relax your eyes. And I think green is the nature colour, I love nature things.   Can you tell me what your favourite colour is?   颜色的英语作文 篇11   The world is filled with colors, the colors make the world much more beautiful.   As for me, I like white very much. In winter, when it snows, the ground is all white. Then I think of the fairy tale of Snowwhite. White means pure, just like our heart.   I also like red. Maybe someone says that red means dangerous or in dangerous. But in China, it means happiness. When something happy happens, red can be used everywhere。   What"s your favorite color, can you share it with me?   世界是多彩的。颜色使得世界更加美丽。对我来说,我很喜欢白色。冬天下雪时,大地白茫茫一片,这使我想起了白雪公主的故事。白色寓意着纯洁,就像我们的心灵一样。   我也喜欢红色。好像有人说过红色代表危险。但在中国,红色代表着快乐。当有喜事时,红色到处可见。   那你最喜欢的颜色上是什么呢,能和我一起分享吗?   颜色的英语作文 篇12   Therere many different kinds of colour in the world, such as white, blue, orange, red, and so on. But my favourite colour is green. I think green is the most beautiful colour. Do you know why? Because green is the colour of life. Do you think so? As you know, most alive plants are green, like grass and trees.   Green is good for our eyes, too. When your eyes are very tired, you will watch the green trees or green grass, they can help you to relax your eyes. And I think green is the nature colour, I love nature things. Ohm, to tell you the truth, I dont know why I am like green, only like it. Maybe its the colour of the life or…… Can you tell me what your favourite colour is?   颜色的英语作文 篇13   Therere many different kinds of colour in the world, such as white, blue, orange, red, and so on. but my favourite colour is green. i think green is the most beautiful colour. do you know why? because green is the colour of life. do you think so?   As you know, most alive plants are green, like grass and trees. green is good for our eyes, too. when your eyes are very tired, you will watch the green trees or green grass, they can help you to rela your eyes. and i think green is the nature colour, i love nature things. ohm, to tell you the truth, i dont know why i am like green, only like it. maybe its the colour of the life or…… can you tell me what your favourite colour is?   颜色的英语作文 篇14   Amongall the beautiful colors in the world, I like purple most. I don"t know why. WhenI see the purple color, my eyes are attracted immediately.   I think it"s aromantic color. Lavender and the purple rose are my favorite flowers. They bothare purple. As a result, I have many purple things, such as purple clothes,shoes, cups and so on. My room is light purple. I am so happy to be in such apurple world.   颜色的英语作文 篇15   夏姑娘还没走远,秋姑娘就迫不及待拎着一盒五颜六色的颜料走了过来,给万物染上了多彩的颜色。   Summer girl is not far away, autumn girl cant wait to carry a box of colorful paint to come over and dye all things with colorful colors.   秋天把黄色给了银杏树,银树那黄黄的叶子多像一枚枚邮票,飘啊飘啊,向人们和小动物传递秋天到来的信息。秋天还把红色给了苹果树,苹果火红火红的,还散发着一股好闻的香气,它们你挤我碰,争着要人们去摘呢!   Autumn gave yellow to ginkgo tree. The yellow leaves of silver tree are like a stamp. They float and float to convey the message of autumn to people and small animals. Autumn also gave red to the apple tree. The apples were red and fiery, and they also sent out a good smell. You pushed me to touch them, competing for people to pick them!   秋天还把紫色给了葡萄,紫紫的葡萄就像夜晚中的繁星一样闪闪发光,在欣赏秋天美丽的景色。   Autumn also gave the purple to the grape, the purple grape is like the stars in the night shining, enjoying the beautiful autumn scenery.   秋天的景色真美啊!   What a beautiful autumn scenery!
2023-07-19 02:50:231


2023-07-19 02:50:3215


里番动画《Please Rape Me! プリーズ-○○○-ミー!》
2023-07-19 02:51:023


CLEAVAGE主人公藤堂优斗是就读于某个学院的普通学生。作为对恋爱和女性身体都有着普通兴趣的身心健康的男孩子,困扰着他的是,有两个大胸脯的女性。  一个是义理的姐姐:一有点鸡毛蒜皮的小事,就缠着优斗吵个没完的瑛里华。优斗当初对她的这种态度不知所措,但随着时间流逝,发觉到了那份感情,渐渐承认了从敬而远之到向恋爱靠近这个事实。  另一个是音乐老师:严厉,却凭借美貌和傲人的胸部,魅惑着学院男子心的魔性女性。  她偶然得知了优斗和瑛里华姐弟之间不该有的关系,便用这个为把柄以肉体关系胁迫他
2023-07-19 02:51:293


在我资料里 自己看吧(凑 字 数:百度知道最近的活动就是优质回答获得红包,所以你的回答必须是百度认为优质的,什么是优质,百度知道官方是说200字以上有内容就可以算。)
2023-07-19 02:51:373

If I had to live my life without you near me 的歌名

2023-07-19 02:51:453

民那! 一宫思帆大人的土银本子!! 拜托了 鞠躬

亲爱的!= =最近看801ME也中毒了...真是美好
2023-07-19 02:51:536

Rape Me (Home Demo) 歌词

歌曲名:Rape Me (Home Demo)歌手:Nirvana专辑:Sliver - The Best Of The BoxRape meRape me my friend,Rape me,Rape me again.I"m not the only oneHelp me,Do it, and do it again.Waste me,Rape me, my friend.My favorite inside source,I"ll kiss your open sores,Appreciate your concernYou"ll always, stink, and born.Rape me
2023-07-19 02:52:181


2023-07-19 02:52:252

Please Rape Me!的基本资料

游戏名称:Please Rape Me! 日文名称:プリーズu30fbレ○プu30fbミー!开发商:CLOCKUP发售日期:2011-10-28声优:御苑生メイサトウユキ春日アン东かりん渋谷ひめ铃音华月原画:むなしむじょう剧作:Team-N.G.XTAG:ADV过激痴汉喜剧
2023-07-19 02:52:331

求 please rape me 游戏的攻略

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2023-07-19 02:52:461

求 please rape me

在 网址里搜索就有了
2023-07-19 02:52:531


2023-07-19 02:53:013

please rape me全集 去下吧 !!!骚年这样可以么?
2023-07-19 02:53:081

please rape me 全集 去下吧 !!!骚年
2023-07-19 02:53:151

求 please rape me 01和02。 邮箱为

2023-07-19 02:53:331

兄弟有没有please rape me的全集

画风很漂亮 关键部位下码不是很多 是个优秀搞笑的h anime 楼主识货啊!不过这是新番,要全集还要等一段时间。
2023-07-19 02:53:471

Please Rape Me! ~千鸟悠真编~这个动漫和其他篇!!

2023-07-19 02:53:552

求《please rape me》百度云分享百度云 魏浩吧

B. share.“share (something) with (somebody)”是固定搭配,意思是“与(某人)分享(某物)”。例如:share the apple with your brother 与弟弟分吃一只苹果share the house with my friend 与朋友同住一屋share the feelings with your love 与爱人分享感受-Oh , I thought up a good idea 我想到一个好主意。- Could you please share it with me ? 愿意说给我听一下吗?
2023-07-19 02:54:031


1、向日葵睁大自己的眼睛,欣赏着美丽的世界。 Sunflowers open their eyes and enjoy the beautiful world. 2、春天到了,杏花开了,像小孩子的脸一样。 Spring comes, apricot blossom, like a child"s face. 3、杜鹃花在天亮的时候,被太阳公公吵醒了。 Rhododendron was awakened by the sun at dawn. 4、池塘里的荷花和荷叶在相互依偎在一起。 The lotus and lotus leaves in the pond are nestling together. 5、蔷薇花打着羞涩的朵儿静悄悄的开放了! The rose blossoms open quietly with shy flowers! 6、晚霞像一块红绸子,映红了天空的脸。 Sunset like a piece of red silk, reflecting the face of the sky. 7、蔷薇花迎风摇曳,微笑着绽放在枝头。 Rose swaying in the wind, smiling and blooming in the branches. 8、短短桃花临水岸,轻轻柳絮点人依。 Short peach blossom near the water bank, light willow catkins point people by. 9、槐花在枝头挨挨挤挤的坐着真美啊! Sophora japonica is sitting in the branches, so beautiful! 10、一朵雏菊在微风中羞涩地绽开笑脸。 A daisy smiles shyly in the breeze. 11、山上的牡丹花绽放出了美丽的笑容。 The peonies on the mountain are blooming with a beautiful smile. 12、艳丽的山茶争先恐后地露出了笑脸。 Gorgeous Camellia vied to show a smile. 13、向日葵和初升的太阳打了个招呼。 The sunflower said hello to the rising sun. 14、茶花缓缓地露出了可爱的笑脸。 Camellia slowly showed a lovely smile. 15、花儿们绽开了灿烂的笑脸。 The flowers are in full bloom. 16、牵牛花张开了它那可爱的笑容,行人见了都觉得它开的美丽。 Morning glory opened its lovely smile, passers-by feel that it opened beautiful. 17、草叶上的露珠像镶在翡翠上的宝石,泛着五颜六色的光华。 The dew on the grass leaves is like a gem set on the jadeite, which is full of colorful brilliance. 18、金黄色的桂花开了,远远就能闻到香味,等着我们去参观。 Golden osmanthus open, can smell the fragrance from afar, waiting for us to visit. 19、荷花在荷塘中奋力的挣扎着自己的手臂,他要站得更高。 Lotus is struggling with his arm in the lotus pond. He wants to stand higher. 20、彩虹七色分明,灿烂夺目,仿佛一座节目的彩色拱门。 The seven colors of the rainbow are clear and brilliant, just like the colorful arch of a program. 21、樱花像一位笑颜初开的少女,向我发出了亲切的问候。 Cherry blossom, like a young girl with a smiling face, sent out a kind greeting to me. 22、冬天的太阳,活像一个活泼的小姑娘,可爱又温柔。 Winter sun, like a lively little girl, lovely and gentle. 23、晚霞像一幕幕精彩的电影,上演着变化多端的情节。 The sunset glow is like a wonderful film after another, presenting a changeable plot. 24、海棠果摇动着它那圆圆的小脸,冲着你点头微笑。 Crabapple fruit shakes its round face and nods and smiles at you. 25、秋天菜园里的菜真是多极了,让我看的眼花缭乱! The vegetables in the autumn garden are so many that I can"t see them! 26、春天来了,荷花蠢蠢欲动,积攒着自己的能量。 Spring is coming, lotus is ready to move, accumulating its own energy. 27、漂亮的牡丹花开了,那是为了答谢阳光的恩情。 The beautiful peony blossoms, that is to thank the sunshine"s kindness. 28、微风吹过,海棠花绽放了沉睡一个冬季的笑脸。 Breeze blowing, Begonia flowers bloom a sleeping smile in winter. 29、海棠树穿着一件缀满花朵的衣裳,分外妖娆。 Begonia tree wearing a dress full of flowers, particularly enchanting. 30、春雨绵绵,像花针,如细丝,密密的斜织着。 Spring rain, like a needle, such as silk, dense oblique weaving. 31、油菜花脱下了金黄的外衣,露出密密的嫩荚。 Rape flowers take off their golden coat, revealing dense tender pods. 32、鲜花在晨风中摇曳,摆弄着自己妖娆的姿态。 Flowers swaying in the morning wind, playing with their enchanting posture. 33、夜空中的小星星眨着眼睛,似乎对你微笑。 The little stars in the night sky blink and seem to smile at you. 34、多么美丽的白玉兰啊,张开了美丽的笑脸。 What a beautiful magnolia, opened a beautiful smile. 35、秋天到了,秋天到了,我家的菜园丰收了。 It"s autumn. It"s autumn. My garden has a good harvest. 36、美丽的菊花绽开了笑脸,喜迎每一位来宾! The beautiful chrysanthemum blooms a smiling face to welcome every guest! 37、我家的小院里梅花你争我赶的吐出红苞来。 The plum blossom in my small courtyard you fight for me to spit out the red bud. 38、荷塘里的荷花羞答答的开出了美丽的花朵。 The lotus in the lotus pond is shy and blooming beautiful flowers. 39、花儿张开了眼,从花苞里慢慢探出了身子。 The flower opened its eyes and slowly leaned out of its bud. 40、夜来香在晚上八点展现出自己恬静的面庞。 At eight o"clock in the evening, the evening primrose shows her quiet face. 41、牡丹花微微地张开了它那已经麻木的手臂。 Peony slightly opened its numb arm. 42、牵牛花吹起了小喇叭,露出了灿烂的笑容。 Morning glory blew a small horn, showing a brilliant smile. 43、月季花露出那明艳动人。美若天仙的笑脸。 The rose shows the bright and moving. Beautiful smile. 44、每朵石榴花开了以后,都站在枝头看太阳。 After each pomegranate blossom, they all stand on the branches to watch the sun. 45、槐花用自己娇嫩的身躯点缀在枝头,真美啊! Sophora japonica with their delicate body embellishment in the branches, really beautiful ah! 46、融成一色的黄花,像黄金的海洋似的燃烧着。 The yellow flowers in one color are burning like an ocean of gold. 47、晴朗湛蓝的高空万里无云,像碧玉一样澄澈。 The sky is clear and clear like Jasper. 48、天空出现了一道彩虹,宛如一座彩桥在天上。 A rainbow appeared in the sky, like a colorful bridge in the sky. 49、炎炎夏日下,朵朵荷花抖开了她们粉嫩的花裙。 In the hot summer, the lotus blossoms shake open their pink flower skirt. 50、秋风吹过,一片片落叶像一只只蝴蝶翩翩起舞。 Autumn wind blowing, a leaf like a butterfly dancing. 51、草丛中的野花在微风的吹拂下,笑着朝我点头。 The wild flowers in the grass under the breeze, smile and nod to me. 52、港湾里闪耀的灯光,像五颜六色的焰火溅落人间。 The lights in the harbor are like colorful fireworks splashing down on the world. 53、每当晚上八点时,夜来香便伸出了脑袋,开花了。 At eight o"clock in the evening, the evening primrose sticks out its head and blooms. 54、樱花留恋地看了看枝头,告别小伙伴们,随风慢慢地落下。 The cherry blossom looked at the branches with nostalgia, said goodbye to the friends, and slowly fell down with the wind. 55、秋天是一种廓然空阔的心绪,秋天是一种淡然惬意的闲适。 Autumn is a kind of broad and spacious mood, autumn is a kind of relaxed and comfortable leisure. 56、落日沉去,我心依旧跟着西下的辉煌,定格在相拥的瞬间。 Setting sun goes down, my heart is still following the glory of the west, frozen in the moment of embracing. 57、天空的晚霞犹如彩虹般美丽耀眼,给人以焕然一新的感觉。 The sunset glow in the sky is as beautiful as a rainbow, giving people a new feeling. 58、秋天到了,天空一碧如洗,好像用清水洗过的蓝宝石一样。 Autumn is coming, the sky is as blue as a blue stone washed with water. 59、春天是万物复苏、百花盛开的季节,也是杜鹃花开的时候。 Spring is the time when all things are revived and all kinds of flowers are in full bloom. 60、牵牛花穿着淡紫色的睡衣睁开了朦胧的睡眼,慢慢绽放了。 Morning glory in Lavender pajamas opened hazy eyes, slowly blooming.
2023-07-19 02:54:171

nirvana的rape me电吉他谱,我邮箱

2023-07-19 02:54:421

please rape me 03出了么

2023-07-19 02:54:511

求出处 有磁力的更好 写下名字 谢谢

2023-07-19 02:55:021

求please rape me全集

一共两集 我这里有种子
2023-07-19 02:55:091

男声 you make me go baby 或者是you let it go maybe

不知是否这首?You Got MeOhh baby baby you make me go crazyA game I ain"t playin I must be your ladyYo I call her shorty like my dude"s in the south doLollipop In the jaw poeple In the mouth doLatina make It rain like katrinaGot the guavalina we could hit the pecinaBaby you see I creep for week"sEven step on the streets now I sleep on the beachCause you movin on up showin all love that cush on the table you could roll It all up your friends all hate when ever I come outCause I got you locked down keep you right In the houseCooking that pollo quisado get my stomach like wowJust thinking about It I miss you right nowI be actin like a fool when you call my numberIt must be a spell that you put me underButterflies In my stomach like I"m twelve or somethinAnd my girls are lookin at me like I"m really bugginI swear that is crazy how you make me feelGot me figiting and movin I just can"t stay stillLike ow,ow pull up In the truck like ow,owGot to aim It so high like ow,owBaby baby you make me go crazyA game I ain"t playin I must be your ladyLike ow,ow baby baby I"m not to shabbyBut If you really wit it come ride In my caddyYou be comming down the block with the boomin systemWaitin all week no I ain"t going to miss himWant to take you to a spot were is really jumpinEnough with the talking baby show me somethingWit the frontin yeah you got me openAnd you keep laughin like you think I"m jokingLike ow, ow pull up in the truck like ow,owGot to aim so highLike ow, ow baby baby you make me go crazyA game I ain"t playin I must be your ladyLike ow,ow baby baby I"m not to shabbyBut If you really wit it come ride in my caddyLike baby baby dame baby you got meMy last name nore but my first name papiI let her call first call back never sweat thouCause her ex man you to smoke on oreganoI"m the reallest dude that she"d probably ever seenShe never got high off sour dez greenWe both were In our twenty"s so with similaritiesShe still get jealouse off my my space pageChicks they want chase me, chicks they want date meGet me tied up In a hotel and rape meBut I"m the type to brush It off cause I got a buttersoftHer name start with m to her friend like my friend toOw, ow baby baby you make me go crazyA game I ain"t playin I must be your ladyLike ow,ow baby baby I"m not to shabbyBut If you really wit It come ride In my caddyLike baby got me thinkin bout you dailyCause you know you so hot yeah you could reach that spotCome over won"t you save meBaby got me thinkin bout you dailyCause you know you so hot yeah you could reach that spotCome over won"t you save meOw, ow baby baby you make me go crazyA game I ain"t playin I must be your ladyLike ow,ow baby baby I"m not to shabbyBut If you really wit It come ride In my caddy like
2023-07-19 02:55:291

Ryan Adams的《Save Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Save Me歌手:Ryan Adams专辑:Ashes & FireTitle:Save MeArtist:LaCrossT_time:03"52"What"s wrong with liveI don"t knowC"mon!Caught in the mess, got nobody tu trustJust haters in your back, ready tu bustAll alone on your own and I can feel your painBecause heaven on earth it"s really hard to obtainAnd now you"re running around searching for the rightWhat"s wrong or right, is it worth to fightI don"t know, believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I wll save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide (Don"t leave me)On and on, and nothing really changed, it"s strangeLive slipping out of your hands, is this the best wayJust to get it rightshadows passing by in the middle of the nightJust tell me why it"s gotta be like thatThe gamble of the live keeps your neck in checkAnd now you"re crying out for helpAnd believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I wll save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide(Don"t leave me)What"s wrong with liveJust haters in the backSearching for the lifeWhat"s wrong or rightI don"t know…Like a swan in a cage, what does it take to stopAnd open it up to make you fly awayto make your beauty shine thru the deserts of faithBut I guess it"s to lateYou"re already made yourself up, ready to dieGod knows you cry and I can"t lieIt makes me going madAnd believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I will save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hideSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I will save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide
2023-07-19 02:55:371

Marc Broussard的《Save Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Save Me歌手:Marc Broussard专辑:CarencroTitle:Save MeArtist:LaCrossT_time:03"52"What"s wrong with liveI don"t knowC"mon!Caught in the mess, got nobody tu trustJust haters in your back, ready tu bustAll alone on your own and I can feel your painBecause heaven on earth it"s really hard to obtainAnd now you"re running around searching for the rightWhat"s wrong or right, is it worth to fightI don"t know, believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I wll save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide (Don"t leave me)On and on, and nothing really changed, it"s strangeLive slipping out of your hands, is this the best wayJust to get it rightshadows passing by in the middle of the nightJust tell me why it"s gotta be like thatThe gamble of the live keeps your neck in checkAnd now you"re crying out for helpAnd believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I wll save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide(Don"t leave me)What"s wrong with liveJust haters in the backSearching for the lifeWhat"s wrong or rightI don"t know…Like a swan in a cage, what does it take to stopAnd open it up to make you fly awayto make your beauty shine thru the deserts of faithBut I guess it"s to lateYou"re already made yourself up, ready to dieGod knows you cry and I can"t lieIt makes me going madAnd believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I will save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hideSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I will save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide
2023-07-19 02:56:381

eminem_obie_50cent 唱的love me的歌词?

词: [Verse 1] [Obie Trice] You don"t see me in the hood It"s cause I"m doing this man Niggas, I"m still grinding, (yeah...) I"m still hearing those sirens, I"m still getting chased by those lights, Only the light"s mine and my mic"s on And my time is none because I"m writing more, And I ain"t here to meet a soul in this buisness, I"m here to eat, speak, until these hoes feel this, (for sure...) and I can"t let y"all derail me man, I got young Kobe, homie, you gotta let go of Obie cause Obie be back, (ain"t goin" nowhere man...) We got them craps going on and that yak going on, soon as a nigga touch down back from tourin", It"s whateva, put that on the chedda man, but in the meantime, it"s Jimmy Iovine time, chase cheese, rhyme till my voice give out, this is it my nigga, this what we boast about, Now I"m here so shut your motherfuckin mouth And show me love bitch.. [CHORUS] [Obie Trice] I just wanna love you for the rest of my life, (I dont love you bitch) I wanna hold you in the morning, (Ha) hold you through the night (Hahaha) I just wanna love you for the rest of my life, (We wanna love alcohol, we wanna love guns,) I wanna hold you in the morning, (we wanna love money) hold you through the night.. (Ha) (we don"t wanna love bitches though) [Verse 2] [Eminem] There"s a certain mystique when I speak, that you notice that"s sorta unique, cause you know it"s me, my poetry"s deep, and I"m still matic the way I flow to this beat, you can"t sit still, it"s like tryin to smoke crack and go to sleep, I"m strapped, just knowing any minute I could snap, I"m the equivalent of what would happen if Bush rapped, I bully these rappers so bad lyrically, it ain"t even funny, I ain"t even hungry, it ain"t even money, you can"t pay me enough for you to play me, it"s cockamanie, you just ain"t Zane enough to rock with Shady, my noodle is cock-a-doodle, my clocks cuckoo, I got screws loose, yeahhh, the whole kit an" kaboodle, I"m just brutal. It"s no rumour, I"m numero-uno, assume it, there"s no humour in it no more, you know I"m rollin with a swollen bowling ball in my bag, you need a fag to come and tear a new hole in my ass you better love me bitch [CHORUS] I just wanna love you for the rest of my life, I wanna hold you in the morning, hold you through the night [Obie Trice] (and all the bitches say) I just wanna love you for the rest of my life, I wanna hold you in the morning, hold you through the night [Verse 3] [50 Cent] My buzz is crazy in the hood, they holla my name, if it ain"t about the flow, it"s about the stones and the chain, if I was you, I"d love me too, I roll like a bus, 9-11 pulse same color as cranberry sauce, I ain"t gonna front, I thought R-Kelly was tha shit, then we find out he fucking round with bow wow bitch, niggas eatin" popcorn, right, rewinding the tape, now shorty momma in the precinct hollerin" rape, I"m convinced man something really wrong with these hoes, I thought Lil" Kim was hot then she start fucking with her nose, (God Damn) used to listen to Lauren Hill and tap my feet, then the bitch put out a CD that didn"t have no beats, (uh-huh) that boy D"Angelo he determined not to fail, that nigga went butt-ass for his record to sell, my back shot to help Ashanti hit them high notes, and Big Ben taught Charlie B"more to deepthroat [CHORUS] I just wanna love you for the rest of my life, I wanna hold you in the morning, (I luv" the burners, the monies, the bunnies) hold you through the night (I just wanna hold you) I just wanna love you for the rest of my life, I wanna hold you in the morning, (I just wanna love you) hold you through the night. (Yeahh!)
2023-07-19 02:57:101