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擦 [cā]动词(摩擦) rub:strike a match;擦根火柴rubbing one"s hands together;摩拳擦掌just a scratch on the hand手上擦破一点皮(用布、 手巾等摩擦使干净; 揩拭; 抹) wipe; scrub; clean:mop [scrub] the floor;擦地板wipe the sweat away;擦汗dry one"s face;擦脸polish [shine] shoes;擦皮鞋clean a gun;擦枪wipe the table;擦桌子scrub oneself with a towel; towel oneself用毛巾擦身



hexagon , dark green , diamond , pond , messy , a skyscraper 中文是什么


急急急!藤上的葡萄是 the grapes in the vine 还是 the grapes on the vine


the grapes withered on the vine 这里的on the vine算定语吗?或者作什么成分?

在这个句子中,"on the vine"是一个介词短语,用来描述"grapes",表示葡萄在藤上。"on the vine"表达了葡萄的位置或状态,它作为定语修饰名词"grapes"。这个短语提供了额外的信息,告诉我们葡萄在生长的过程中仍然留在葡萄藤上。

the grapes withered on the vine 这里的on the vine算定语吗?或者作什么成分?

在这句话中,on the vine是一个介词短语,用来描述葡萄的位置。介词短语可以用作定语或者状语,这里它是作为定语修饰名词vine,进一步描述葡萄的位置。因此,整个短语on the vine可以理解为在藤上。


grape 葡萄wine 葡萄酒vine 葡萄树


打错字了是trapped, 原形是traptrapn.圈套;陷阱;困境;双轮轻便马车;U(或S)型管道;防臭瓣v.设圈套;陷入(困境)例句:用作名词 (n.)The police set a trap to catch the thief.警察设下了捉拿窃贼的圈套。The only thing the wolf could do was climbing up to the ground from the trap.那只狼惟一能做的就是从陷阱里爬到地面上来。用作动词 (v.)By clever questioning they trapped him into making a confession.他们用巧妙的提问诱使他招认了。Some miners were trapped underground after the collapse.塌方后,有些矿工被困在地下。

grape valley什么意思


人的价值男二号Nam Rapeepat Akekapunkul的资料



你好,很高兴为你解答:There are some pests on the grapes葡萄上有些害虫词汇There are有; 可数名词的复数形式; 许多重要事情要谈pests害虫; 害兽; 害鸟; 讨厌的人; pest的复数grapes葡萄; grape的复数

下载Raped by an Angel 5 制服诱惑2之地下法庭种子的网址有发必采纳


I was raped是啥意思

你被强 暴了

tifa raped by two men怎么玩

tifa raped by two men 蒂法被两个男人重点词汇释义raped强奸; 以暴力夺取,强夺( rape的过去式和过去分词 )men男人; 人类; 人( man的名词复数 ); 男子汉

would be raped 点解?

你所引用的说话,是李国章的一翻说话: Education chief Arthur Li Kwok-cheung had warned the Hong Kong Institute of Education it would be "raped" if it refused to merge with the Chinese University of Hong K ong the institute"s presiden Paul Morris testified Thursday at a Commission of Inquiry probing alleged ernment meddling in the institute"s affairs and academic freedom. 你首先要看到,英文报章特特将rape这个字用quotation mark括住,即表示这个字要作特别注解。 在这段文章里的rape并不是指 *** ,虽然大多数人都只知rape作 *** 之意。若你翻查yahoo也好,牛津字典也好,你好看到rape有两个解释,第一个是我们所知的 *** ,而第二个是”肆意损坏某事物”、”洗刧”、”以暴力夺取并携走”,英文意思就更加清楚"seize and carry off by force" "act of violently interfering with sth",例: It was one of the saddest days in world history when Nanjing was raped.(南京被洗劫的这一天是世界历史上最悲惨的一天。) 所以,我们看到李国章是用了rape的第二个意思。但我也想说一句,语文是随着时代而改变,到了我们这代,rape的第二个意思已被多人淡忘,只知是” *** ”之意,正如gay原是快乐之意,但现今已成了男同性变的代名词,因此,我们也要尽量避免用rape之第二意,以免有人以为是不雅。 或许李局长是英文好,或许rape这个用词也反映出他的一些心理,就不得而知。但在做了人好几十年的我,就越来越觉得,好学问的人,不一定是好修养的人,你同意吗?

did you see lots of grapes in to the Turpan怎么回答?

高兴帮助你。请采纳,谢谢!!Did you see lots of grapes in Turpan ? 你在吐鲁番有看到很多葡萄吗?肯定回答: Yes, I did. 是的。否定回答: No, I didn"t. 没有。Turpan 吐鲁番see 看到,看见lots of 很多,许多grape 葡萄,复数加s





drapery 和shade 的区别

drapery 和shade 的区别两个单词词义完全不同.drapery n. 布料及服装业或所经售的货物; 打褶悬挂的布等;adj. 悬有(褶形)布帘的;shaden. 遮阳,遮棚; 挡风物; 玻璃罩; (画的) 阴暗部分;vt. 遮蔽; 险胜; 加灯罩; 画阴影于…之上;vi. 逐渐变化;


rape n.(榨汁后制醋用的)葡萄渣(过滤葡萄渣等用的)过滤器rape wine 渣汁葡萄酒, 二汁葡萄酒 rape 1 n.强奸罪(常与of连用)破坏,粗暴的干涉行为the rape of our forests 我们的森林遭到破坏rape 2 n.芸苔;油菜词性变化vt.raped, raping强奸 rape n.掠夺, 强奸, 葡萄渣, 油菜vt.掠夺, 强奸

make rape legal是什么


老师说 rap这个单词a是元音p是辅音所以a要读发音。但是rape单词a是元音p是辅音e是不发音










The Man On The Flying Trapeze 歌词

歌曲名:The Man On The Flying Trapeze歌手:Les Paul专辑:The New Sound/The New Sound Vol.2Ladies and Gentlemen, may I direct your attention to the center ringHe floats through the air with the greatest of easeThe daring young man on the flying trapezeHis actions are gracefulAll girls he does pleaseAnd my love he has stolen awayOh He floats through the air with the greatest of easeThe daring young man on the flying trapezeHis actions are gracefulAll girls he does pleaseAnd my love he has stolen awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8140687

The Man On The Flying Trapeze 歌词

歌曲名:The Man On The Flying Trapeze歌手:Disneyland Children"S Sing-Along Chorus&Larry Groce专辑:Children"S Favorites, Vol. 1Ladies and Gentlemen, may I direct your attention to the center ringHe floats through the air with the greatest of easeThe daring young man on the flying trapezeHis actions are gracefulAll girls he does pleaseAnd my love he has stolen awayOh He floats through the air with the greatest of easeThe daring young man on the flying trapezeHis actions are gracefulAll girls he does pleaseAnd my love he has stolen awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8564216

trapeze dress 是指什么样式的裙装?


Dia Frampton的《Trapeze》 歌词

歌曲名:Trapeze歌手:Dia Frampton专辑:RedDia Frampton - TrapezeQQ : 349777127I"ll never tell you what I sawOr how it made me breathe.I"ll never repeat what I heardHow long it took me to leave.I"ll never tell you what I sawOr how it made my smile freezeCause this world is a whirlwind, but I"m holding that trapezeAnd I"ll never tell you what I sawI"ll never tell you who I lovedOr how they made me freeI"ll never tell you how I sleptBack when I was 15I thought that I could just forgetThe bricks that have built meBut this world is a whirlwind and I"m holding that trapezeAnd I"ll never tell you who I lovedBut if I could tell you one thingI would tell you I"m not leavingIf I could show you one thingAll my mistakes have shaped meInto who I amAnd who I am just wants to make you homeI"ll never tell you why I driveInto the night and back againI hardly speak of my hometownMy little hands in the cementI"ll never tell you what I saw, close the door, swallow the keyBut this world is a whirlwind and I"m holding that trapezeYa this world keeps on turning, love is carried in a slingYa this world is a whirlwind and I"m holding that trapeze.So I"ll never tell you what I sawDia Frampton - TrapezeQQ : 349777127http://music.baidu.com/song/17461944

celine trapeze秋千包真假怎么看?celine秋千包真假对比

celine秋千包是很多时尚博主推荐的必备款包包,这个包包设计的很有趣,外形让人印象非常深刻,而且包包容量在Celine包包里面也算大的了,很值得入手。下面我给大家讲讲celine trapeze秋千包真假怎么看?celine秋千包真假对比怎么看? Celine秋千包真假 No.1 拉链 秋千包的功能性非常的强大,包包内配有拉链,不至于打开包包后里面被看光光,也增加了它的安全性。而我们要注意的是金属拉链头的底托,正品中间有一条切割线,而假货没有。正品拉链打磨平整,假货粗糙,使用时阻力强。No.2 缝线 内衬:正品内衬皮质缝合线均匀,镂空圆形处切割精细且位置均衡在中间,假货切割毛糙,上下对应不齐。提手:正品皮质线段缝合长短间隔均匀,且线体置地粗,牢固。 假货则缝制长短不一且线细、易断。No.3 五金 金属弹簧挂环:正品挂环中间处划线平整,打磨无躁点,假货金属电镀工艺差,中间划线不粗糙。金属方扣:正品金属打磨光滑呈镜面,字体工整,假货金属质感差,水波感强,字体粗细不一。No.4 皮质 内衬标:正品内衬标皮质较薄,四边角呈直角,无毛糙感,假货皮质偏厚,字形不工整,侧边呈毛糙状。Celine品牌介绍 Celine(赛琳)由女设计师Celine Vipiana于1945年在巴黎开设第一间店铺,以贩卖童鞋为主,之后皮件、服装系列陆续上市。多年来,CELINE持续为女性诠释优雅、创造时尚,同时不断地透过新设计的推出表达时尚界对文化与运动的关心,CELINE代表了一种新的生活方式。Celine已发展成为完整的精品王国,所生产的服装、皮包、女鞋、皮手套等产品,无论从配件到设计、生产还是选材,都相当丰富精致,强调各个产品之间的和谐搭配性,让华丽与自在共存,优雅但绝不会感到束缚。充满当代风格的CELINE是最能展现职业女性风采的法国奢侈品牌。CELINE品牌风格浓烈、洒脱独立,让女性时刻挥洒自如、彰显温柔魅力。精致的品牌形象出自女性之手,专为女性打造,采用舒适材料精工细作,精湛高质的技艺成就堪称完美的CELINE巴黎经典时装。包包怎么保养 1.由于牛皮、羊皮,猪皮的主要成分是蛋白质,所以都容易受潮、起霉、生虫。为此,在使用真皮包包时,要避免接触油污、酸性和碱性等物质。真皮包包应定期送到专业皮革保养店中进行彻底清洗、消毒。在运用专业设备和工艺的的清洗过程中,加入去霉、杀菌的专用药剂,将各种病菌、霉菌彻底清除,从根本上避免了发霉现象的产生。全面清洗后再妥善保存,这对保持其原貌,延长穿着寿命有重要的作用。 2.真皮包最好经常使用,并常用细绒布揩擦。如果遇到雨淋受潮或发生霉变,可用软干布擦去水渍或霉点。但千万不要用水和汽油涂擦,因为水能使真皮变硬,汽油能使真皮的油分挥发而干裂。手袋未经任何防水处理程序,沾湿手袋,请即用软布抹干,以防留有污渍或水印而使表面出现皱摺。如果在雨天使用,应特别注意。 3.当真皮包包起皱时,可用熨斗熨烫,温度可掌握在60—70之间。烫时要用薄棉布作衬烫布,同时要不停地移动熨斗。 4.真皮包包失去光泽,可用皮革上光剂上光,切莫用皮鞋油去揩擦,实际上给皮革上光并不难,只要用布蘸点上光剂在皮衣上轻轻涂擦一两遍即可,一般只要每隔两三年上次光,就足以使皮革保持柔软和光泽,并可延长使用寿命。 5.真皮包包在收藏前要晾一下,不能曝晒,挂在阴谅干燥处通通风即可。为使真皮包包在较长的时间内保持色泽美观,在收藏前可在皮面上涂一层牛奶或甘油,这样就能长期存放而不变色。切忌曝晒、火烤、水洗、锐物撞击和接触化学溶剂。



celine trapeze秋千包尺寸多大?celine秋千包尺寸有几种?

celine trapeze秋千包是一款非常百搭的包包,这款包包设计的很有型,经典的撞色也搭配的特别完美,每一款配色都非常好看。下面我给大家讲讲celine trapeze秋千包尺寸多大?celine秋千包尺寸有几种? celine秋千包尺寸 Celine Trapeze系列灵感来源于Celine经典手袋,它融合了Classic优雅的方形锁扣设计、Luggage休闲的大容量两翼与Cabas的随意态度。外形精致而且功能强大,其单手柄和肩带的两用设计,迎合都会女性不同生活场景的需求,之后更是在在材质、颜色以及尺寸上不断有更新换代,小牛皮与麂皮、蟒蛇纹皮、羊毛、棉布的拼接让许多女性忍不住剁手。秋千包的设计大气简洁,手柄是当下最流行的单手柄设计。正面有一个金属扣,背面有一个带拉链的口袋,尺寸之大足以塞下iphone6Plus,对于有防盗需求的妹子来讲更是十分实用。在Celine统领包包江湖的大背景下,显得非常实用,相对Celine其他包款,价格相对实惠,并且比其他的Celine包款轻,装的东西比较多。 小号尺寸:宽27**高22*厚15CM 中号尺寸:长30*高24*底宽17CM 大号尺寸:长33*高25.4*宽19CMceline秋千包怎么样 Celine秋千包,喜欢celine这牌子很久了,以前想买它家笑脸包nano,后来觉得太小不能装性价比也不高,当时试那款mini nano吧,具体啥包型忘了,反正是小小的笑脸包,在国金买一万七,就果断拒绝……后来去香港看到这款秋千包就心动了。 celine秋千包trapeze,购于香港celine门店,是爸爸送的结婚礼物,这款是后来新出的mini号,之前在专柜试背过小号,我身高161也偏瘦,所以小号感觉要把人淹没了,mini很合适。也纠结过拼色,可是又独爱这款红,背着确实很大气。Celine小号拼色秋千包trapeze。应该是今年春天新色,外套基本都是黑色驼色觉得很好搭啊,桃粉太少女不过给人眼前一亮的感觉。1600胖子购于Selfridge,买的时候选色很纠结我觉得sales心里一定在嫌我哈哈哈,anyway,结果满意就好。 CELINE这只秋千包心水已经很久了,喜欢买包包的女生给大家推荐一个叫包先生,这只包包就是被包先生给安利的,超喜欢这个颜色拼接,红色,深蓝色,黑色。是店里的新款,本来想在香港买,但是之前看有妹子说入手19000港币,觉得好不如这边划算,当时看到就果断买了。就怕被抢走了,感觉自己太机智了。 celine这个秋千包简直是心头爱,本来想买拼色系,无奈没有中意的,就买了这个百搭的裸粉色。新罗的vip可以打折,还用了10,0000韩币的代金劵,我由于身高170背小号实在是显得小气,就买了中号,合rmb14100+,价格超级美好。celine品牌介绍 CELINE自1945年创立以来,一直是优秀品质和精致时尚的代名词。它所生CELINE产的服装、皮包、女鞋、皮手套等产品,无论从配件到设计、生产还是选材,都相当丰富精致,强调与服装之间的和谐搭配性。Celine(赛琳)由女设计师Celine Vipiana于1945年在巴黎开设第一间店铺,以贩卖童鞋为主,之后皮件、服装系列陆续上市。多年来,CELINE持续为女性诠释优雅、创造时尚,同时不断地透过新设计的推出表达时尚界对文化与运动的关心,CELINE代表了一种新的生活方式。Celine已发展成为完整的精品王国,所生产的服装、皮包、女鞋、皮手套等产品,无论从配件到设计、生产还是选材,都相当丰富精致,强调各个产品之间的和谐搭配性,让华丽与自在共存,优雅但绝不会感到束缚。充满当代风格的CELINE是最能展现职业女性风采的法国奢侈品牌。CELINE品牌风格浓烈、洒脱独立,让女性时刻挥洒自如、彰显温柔魅力。精致的品牌形象出自女性之手,专为女性打造,采用舒适材料精工细作,精湛高质的技艺成就堪称完美的CELINE巴黎经典时装。


trapeze的读法如下:trapeze的英式发音为[tru0259u02c8piu02d0z];美式发音为[tru0259u02c8piu02d0z]。trapeze的中文释义:当trapeze作为名词时,意思解释为秋千;吊架;空中飞人;飞人;地面飞人。trapeze的单词变形:1、trapezes为trapeze的复数形式。trapeze的同近义词:1、Swing秋千;吊架。2、lifting frame秋千;吊架。trapeze的短语搭配:1、trapeze artist荡秋千演员;空中飞人;吊秋千表演者。2、Trapeze Networks卓纪思网络;卓纪思;卓思网络;卓纪思网络公司。3、Flying Trapeze空中飞人;吊架;高空秋千。4、Trapeze Dress秋千裙。5、Trapeze Table秋千架;秋千床;卡迪拉克组合架。6、trapeze beam悬吊梁。双语例句:1、Install a trapeze swing onto their swing set.在他们的秋千组合上,安装吊架。2、Swiftly,neatly,with the grace of the young man on the flying trapeze,he was gone from his body.带着飞荡的高架秋千上那个年轻人的优雅姿态,他灵巧而敏捷地从躯体里走出来。3、A beautiful trapeze artist agrees to marry the leader of the circus performers who is also a dwarf.一位漂亮的荡秋千演员同意与马戏团演员的领导结婚,他也是一位侏儒。4、A long drumroll introduced the trapeze artists.长长的击鼓声欢迎高空秋千艺术家们到场。5、You can learn circus skills,including the trapeze,tramp lining and magic.你可以学习马戏技巧,包括空中飞人,蹦床表演和魔术。6、They performed on the trapeze.他们在高秋千上表演。7、Look at the flying trapeze acts.看空中飞人,真吓人。8、My younger daughter is a trapeze artist.我小女儿是一名吊杠演员。9、A long drum roll introduced the trapeze artists.长长的一阵紧锣密鼓声中迎来了高空秋千表演者。10、When you grab the new trapeze,personal growth is over.当你抓到新吊杠的那一瞬,成长也就结束了。

bag和grape 中a 的音标


Moby Grape的《Big》 歌词

歌曲名:Big歌手:Moby Grape专辑:The Place And The TimeSneaky Sound System - Big {Lyrics By - Roy}I won"t forget the time,when you told me,we could be something,The memory is mine.We talked so many times,You were always... my medicine.You mean everything to me.And every time i fall you"d take my hand,You would volunteer to understand... me.This is the moment we"ve been waiting for.This could be big for me and you.This could be more than we both care to know.This could be big for me and you,We could do anything.Of all the things you said,but theres one thing, we can"t escape.Like a bird who"s wings, are no more.You said every time i fall you"d take my hand,And you would volunteer to understand... me.This is the moment we"ve been waiting for.This could be big for me and you.This could be more than we both care to know.This could be big for me and you,We could do anything.We could do anything.We could do anything.Always by your side, up until it ends.Always by your side, up until it ends.Always by your side, up until it ends.Always by your side, up until it ends.This is the moment we"ve been waiting for.This could be big for me and you.We could do anything.This could be more than we both care to know.This could be big for me and you,We could do anything.http://music.baidu.com/song/12309028

哪位大神能告诉我Canola 和 Rapeseed分别是什么意思

rapeseed是菜籽的统称。 canola是其栽培种的一种。 rapeseed oil在19世纪时是一种蒸汽机的润滑剂。由于油中含有高含量的芥子酸(US Food and Drug Administration 命令禁止人类食用)而菜粕中又含有大量的硫代葡萄糖苷(会降低动物生长速度),因此,人类对其需求极低。然而,20世纪70年代早期,育种家成功育种低芥子酸低硫代葡萄糖苷菜籽(俗称双低菜籽)。在1978年,WCOCA(Western Canadian Oilseed Crushers Association)给这些品种起了一个新名字:canola。后来甚至出现二者零含量的菜籽。由于其出色的适口性,1985年1月1日,FDA认定双低菜籽品种“一般认为安全”。随着canola逐步发展壮大,其原始亲本rapeseed种植就越来越少了。PS:摘自别人的答案,希望对你有帮助



种葡萄的英文(grow grapes) 要加ing吗(growing grapes)?



grapes读作:英[ɡreu026aps]。1、详细释义:(1)【植】葡萄。(2)深紫色;葡萄紫。2、短语:(1)juicy grapes:多汁的葡萄。(2)sour grapes:酸葡萄。(3)wilted grapes:萎蔫(经晒制变软而尚未干透)的葡萄。(4)sour grapes mechanism:酸葡萄作用。(5)Carswell"s grapes:【医】卡斯韦耳氏葡萄状结核浸润(细支气管葡萄状结核浸润)。(6)grapes treated for control of insects:防治葡萄害虫。grapes例句:1、After some time,Nasreddin began to take grapes out of the other men"s baskets and to put them in his.过了一会儿,纳斯瑞丁就开始从别人筐里拿葡萄往自己筐里放。2、In the 1950s,it turned out,most parts of the world had been a little bit too cold for growing the types of grapes planted there.事实证明,在20世纪50年代,世界大部分地区已有点过冷,越来越多的葡萄种植有类型。3、At which his mother merely pursed her lips under the lace veil that hung down from her grey velvet bonnet trimmed with frosted grapes.听了这话,他母亲只是隔着从饰有霜冻葡萄的灰丝绒帽上垂下的网状面纱撇了撇嘴。4、Distilled from fermented juices of ripe grapes and other fruits,when a sweetening is added it,then is usually refereed to as a liqueur.由成熟的葡萄和其他水果的果汁发酵蒸馏而成,加入甜化剂之后,就成为饭后酒。5、Grapes are relatively easy to carry around assuming the day is not too hot.天气不大热的时候,葡萄相对来说更易于携带。

这两个英语单词谐音怎么读 scrape scratch

试试:scrape 死鬼谱scratch 死磕热爱吃


Trapcode插件系列是一套由Red Giant开发的插件集合,包括Trapcode Particular、Trapcode Form、Trapcode Mir、Trapcode Tao、Trapcode Shine、Trapcode Lux、Trapcode 3D Stroke、Trapcode Echospace等。其中,不属于Trapcode插件系列的是Red Giant的另一款插件套装,名为「Magic Bullet Suite」,该插件套装包括多个色彩校正和电影后期处理的插件,如Colorista、Denoiser、Mojo等。


02 想当年,第一次看这个惊爆摩天楼的时候,真是震惊了,碉堡了,亮瞎了。。。。于是默默记住了女主角的名字:ANNA NICOLE SMITH,在几年后,我家通了互联网,第一件事就是搜索她的名字,知道了她是playboy女郎,于是我的硬盘中的兔女郎图片现在已经达到了120G,视频不算 02 []


摩天大楼(skyscraper)又称为超高层大楼,非常高的多层建筑物。起初为一、二十层的建筑,但是现在通常指超过四十层或五十层的高楼大厦。随著高层建筑在各地不同的发展,人们所认知的摩天大楼定义高度也略为不同。在中国大陆,建筑规范规定100米以上高度的属于超高层建筑;日本、法国、规定义超过60米就属于超高层建筑;在美国,则普遍认为152米(500英呎)以上的建筑为摩天大楼。 11世纪中央高塔建成时,只有4层,这在当时已是罕见的高大建筑了。塔的墙壁用石块砌筑,每层须能承载其上各层的重量。为了使塔身能巍然矗立,最底层的墙不得不厚达5.2米。利用承重墙的建筑物至多高5层左右。因为最底层的墙无论多厚也不能支撑更高的结构。只有利用框架支承上层重量,外加较轻的墙壁抵挡风霜雨雪,才可能建筑高楼。中世纪的木骨架房屋便是朝这方向迈出的第一步。到了19世纪,钢铁产量大增而且性能可靠,才有了根本解决办法。 第一座整体铁框架承重建筑物,是于1860年在英国希奈斯建成的4层船库。它高16米,有铸铁柱和跨度9米的熟铁梁,用螺栓紧紧固定。但摩天大楼的产生地是美国。 首座有承重框架的摩天大楼是1884——1885年在芝加哥兴建的10层高的保险公司大厦,设计人是詹尼。下面6层连在一起的铁柱是熟铁梁框架,上面4层是钢框架。从此,钢框架摩天大楼在美国陆续兴建。只要安装好框架,整座摩天大楼的全部幕墙便可以各层同时分别建筑,因此施工进度很快。纽约市55层的哥德式建筑伍尔沃斯大厦,3年竣工,高达230米,1913年落成时是当时世界最高的建筑物。 美国的摩天大楼是在:纽约市的帝国大厦比伍尔沃斯大厦晚落成几个月,工期只用了15个月,共有102层,高375米,是20世纪建筑科技突飞猛进的标志。芝加哥的西尔斯大厦,有110层,高473米,1973年落成。现在每有12000人在里面工作,各层总建筑面积41.4公顷,为底部占地面积的100倍。

The skyscraper cities in the future will be many times higher.为什么是用higher?此句是什么意思?

对这句里的skyscraper cities不是太明白为什么这么用,需要看上下文。整句话写完整了是:The skyscraper cities in the future will be many times higher than they are now.higher表示比较级的“更高”,than they are now这部分在表述时省略了,因为前文有"in the future"的表述,隐含的意思就是与现在对比,所以可以省略。


skyscraperSkies are crying, 天空在哭泣着I am watching我在呆呆地看着Catching teardrops in my hands双手托着我的泪水Only silence, as it"s ending, 只有就像一切都要结束的死寂like we never had a chance我似乎再也没有机会Do you have to make me feel like there"s nothing left of me?让我觉得一无所有对你有什么好处吗You can take everything I have你可以夺走我拥有的一切You can break everything I am你可以将我摧毁Like I"m made of glass就像摔碎玻璃一般简单Like I"m made of paper就像撕碎白纸一般容易Go on and try to tear me down就算你试着将我完全击倒I will be rising from the ground。Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper我的意志还是会像一座大楼一样拔地而起,坚定无比As the smoke clears当四周的烟雾消散I awaken and untangle you from me我终于苏醒并不在束缚住你,挣开了你Would it make you feel better to watch me while I bleed当我受伤时,看着我,真的能让你更开心吗All my windows still are broken but I"m standing on my feet我的心灵依旧是破碎的,但是我正慢慢地振作起来You can take everything I have你可以夺走我所拥有的一切You can break everything I am你可以将我摧毁Like I"m made of glass就像摔碎玻璃一般简单Like I"m made of paper就像撕碎白纸一般容易Go on and try to tear me down试着继续将我击倒吧I will be rising from the ground。Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper我的意志任然会像大楼一般拔地而起,坚定无比Go run run run 一直这样逃避下去吧I"m gonna stay right here但我会一直守在这里Watch you disappear 看着你慢慢消逝Yeah耶~~Go run run run 你还在逃避.躲避着yeah 耶~~it"s a long way down这虽然会是一条漫长的路But I"m closer to the clouds up here但我会越来越接近我心中完美的梦想You can take everything I have你可以将我的一切带走You can break everything I am你可以将我完全击败Like I"m made of glass就像摔碎玻璃一般简单Like I"m made of paper就像撕碎白纸一般容易Ohh~噢~Go on and try to tear me down继续试着将我击败呀I will be rising from the groundLike a skyscraper,我的意志却任会像大楼一般崛起like a skyscraper Like a skyscraper,看着吧,我会像像摩天大楼一般坚定 like a skyscraperLike a skyscraper我将变得无比坚强,像摩天大楼一般坚强


Demi Lovato--SkyscraperVerse 1:Skies are cryingI am watchingCatching teardrops in my handsOnly silence, as it"s endingLike we never had a chanceDo you have to make me feel like there"s nothing left of me?Chorus:You can take everything I haveYou can break everything I amLike I"m made of glassLike I"m of paperGo on and try to tear me downI"ll be rising from the groundLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperVerse 2:As the smoke clearsI awaken and untangle you from meWould it make feel betterTo watch me while I bleedAll my windows, still are brokenBut I"m standing on my feetChorus:You can take everything I haveYou can break everything I amLike I"m made of glassLike I"m of paperGo on and try to tear me downI"ll be rising from the groundLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperBridge:Go run, run, runI"m gonna stay right hereWatch you disappearGo run run runYeah its a long way downBut I"m closer to clouds up hereChorus:You can take everything I haveYou can break everything I amLike I"m made of glassLike I"m of paperGo on and try to tear me downI"ll be rising from the groundLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraper

Skyscraper 歌词

歌曲名:Skyscraper 歌手:Demi Lovato专辑:UnbrokenSkyscraperDemi LovatoSkies are cryingI am watchingCatching teardrops in my handsOnly silence, as it"s endingLike we never had a chanceDo you have to make me feel like there"s nothing left of me?You can take everything I haveYou can break everything I amLike I"m made of glassLike I"m made of paperGo on and try to tear me downI"ll be rising from the groundLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperAs the smoke clearsI awaken and untangle you from meWould it make you feel betterTo watch me while I bleedAll my windows, still are brokenBut I"m standing on my feetYou can take everything I haveYou can break everything I amLike I"m made of glassLike I"m made of paperGo on and try to tear me downI"ll be rising from the groundLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperGo run, run, runI"m gonna stay right hereWatch you disappearGo run run runYeah its a long way downBut I"m closer to clouds up hereYou can take everything I haveYou can break everything I amLike I"m made of glassLike I"m made of paperGo on and try to tear me downI"ll be rising from the groundLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18114199

追加20分:the rapeze swinger 翻译歌词

请,记得我幸运的笑的蔷薇随着我的下巴伤痕时我们计算了每一黑车通过你的房子下面的山一直到有人抓住我们在厨房里有了地图,山脉,阿储钱罐愿景也取消提但是请,记得我深情我听到有人你还漂亮然后他们接着说该珍珠门有一些雄辩涂鸦如同"我们将再次开会"和"炮的人"和"告诉我的妈妈不要担心"与天使的灰色握手总是做这样匆忙和请,记得我在万圣节利用所有的邻居傻瓜我们的脸涂成白色到了半夜,我们忘了彼此当早晨来我感到羞愧现在看来,只有这样愚蠢那个赛季留给世界然后返回现在你照亮城市因此请,记得我误在高楼呼叫窗口然后通过我们的但是,过高要查看在欢乐时光空路给共鸣就像盖茨周围的神圣王国有了这样的一句失物招领"和"不要小看"和"有人保存诱惑"和请,记得我如在梦中我们曾经为地毯烧婴儿其中倒下的树木和熟睡除了狮子,而女士这就要求你你喜欢的甚至可能为你的行为给的礼物稍纵即逝的机会看到空中飞人秋千一样高的救星但是请,记得我我的痛苦以及如何失去了我所有我想要这些狗爱雨追逐火车以上情况,有运行的彩色鸟在绕圈子的福祉并在有魔法在墙背后的圣彼得因此,亮丽的煤渣灰和喷漆"到底谁可以看到永远?"和请,记得我Seldomly在后面的赛车嘉年华我的手之间的膝盖你从我转并说"的行为是美妙的空中飞人但绝不是最后"即通过小丑看到我刚刚与愤怒当它充满了马戏团的狗停车场有一个危险因素因此请,记得我最后,我的所有上山扣我亲爱的但是,如果我做天国之门尽我所能,使绘图的G - D和路西法一个男孩和女孩对一个罪人天使基辛猴子和一名男子军乐队各地害怕飞人浪荡公子娜娜娜娜娜娜娜娜娜...别忘给我分!!!!

Skyscrapers 歌词

歌曲名:Skyscrapers歌手:Deodato专辑:Deodato 2¤〓Skyscraper〓¤Skies are cryingI am watchingCatching teardrops in my handsOnly silence, as it"s endingLike we never had a chanceDo you have to make me feel like there"s nothing left of me?You can take everything I haveYou can break everything I amLike I"m made of glassLike I"m made of paperGo on and try to tear me downI"ll be rising from the groundLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperAs the smoke clearsI awaken and untangle you from meWould it make you feel betterTo watch me while I bleedAll my windows, still are brokenBut I"m standing on my feetYou can take everything I haveYou can break everything I amLike I"m made of glassLike I"m made of paperGo on and try to tear me downI"ll be rising from the groundLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperGo run, run, runI"m gonna stay right hereWatch you disappearGo run run runYeah its a long way downBut I"m closer to clouds up hereYou can take everything I haveYou can break everything I amLike I"m made of glassLike I"m made of paperGo on and try to tear me downI"ll be rising from the groundLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperLike a skyscraperhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10213765


skyscraper 英["skau026askreu026apu0259(r)] 美[u02c8skau026au02ccskrepu025a] n. 摩天大楼,超高层大楼;特别高的东西 名词复数:skyscrapers [例句]Could a penny dropped off a skyscraper actually kill you?摩天大楼上掉下的一枚硬币能杀死人吗?


pomelo 还要看国外什么地方

祖·玛珑Grapefruit Cologne葡萄柚香水怎么样

是一款专为男士和女士(中性)设计的香水,推出时间不详。这款香水的香调为果香族。调香师是Jo Malone。 前调为:葡萄柚、橘子 中调为:迷迭香、薄荷、柿子椒、茉莉花 基调为:香根草、广藿香、橡苔这个其实也蛮好闻的,但是没有太多的前中后调,稍微有点单薄的感觉,如果买大瓶可能不太愿意买。总体不错

pink grapefruit是什么意思

pink grapefruit粉红葡萄柚双语对照例句:1.Pink Grapefruit Punch "Punch" up your party with this tasty beverage!





pink grapefruit是什么意思

pink grapefruit粉红柚子例句:1.Pink Grapefruit Punch "Punch" up your party with this tasty beverage!2.I used bergamot oranges but pink grapefruit juice is fine, too.


具体操作如下?1.苹果apple 挑选的方法:要注意轻敲苹果时,声音要清脆,颜色要漂亮、红润。 可以瘦小腹,帮助小腹保持平坦。我每天早上到中午之间,如果嘴馋想吃点心,一定就啃苹果,啃完了一颗其实就觉得吃饱了。?2.小番茄tomato 挑选的方法:要选有点硬度的,大小适中。 这是我无意间发现的甜点圣品,多吃可以瘦脸。里面含有的番茄红素可以抗癌,而且40岁以上的男性多吃番茄还可以预防前列腺癌。?3.芭乐guava 挑选的方法:颜色漂亮,声音要清脆,拿在手上要有分量的感觉。 芭乐可以取代正餐,热量低、养分足,中午吃一颗芭乐外加一点清淡的食物,就是饱足的一餐,但是热量不超过50大卡。这样可以减少卡路里的摄取,又有足够的...?4.奇异果kiwifruit 挑选的方法:用手轻压要软硬适中,过熟的奇异果的皮,看起来会有点像是变薄或看得到果肉的样子。


轻轻松松剥柚子的方式 1、将红心柚表皮清洗以后,用刀在桔子皮的管理中心划一圈,深层大概为1公分上下; 2、在这里一圈的两边正中间位置划上十字,深层也是大概1公分; 3、从十字的定位点刚开始往外剥柚子皮,就可以很省劲地剥掉了; 4、将桔子皮剥掉,除掉红心柚瓤的乳白色一部分,再把包囊着红心柚肉的薄衣除掉,就可以吃完。 选择红心柚的方式 1、选择红心柚,最先看外观,以外皮光洁细腻,有光泽度,薄皮,外形上窄下宽,底平的为最好。 2、如果是要马上服用的红心柚,最好是挑外果皮呈浅黄色的,皮的红心柚早已消水,肉质地越来越绵软,味儿越来越更甜。 3、假如想放一段时间再吃,则最好是挑选外果皮呈翠绿色或浅绿色的,置放到外果皮变成淡黄色再吃。


here is some grapefruit for you

I Heard It Through The Grapevine (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:I Heard It Through The Grapevine (Album Version)歌手:Ella Fitzgerald专辑:Things Ain"T What They Used To BeCraig David - I Heard It Through The GrapevineOoh, I bet you"re wondering how I knewAbout you"re plans to make me blueWith some other guy that you knew before.Between the two of us guysYou know I love you more.It took me by surprise I must say,When I found out yesterday.Don"t you know that...I heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be mine.Oh I heard it through the grapevine,Oh and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.I heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be mine.babyI know that a man ain"t supposed to cry,But these tears I can"t hold inside.Losin" you would end my life you see,Cause you mean that much to me.You could have told me yourselfThat you love someone else.Instead...I heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be mine.Oh I heard it through the grapevine,Oh and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.I heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be mine. baby x2People say believe half of what you see,Son, and none of what you hear.I can"t help bein" confusedIf it"s true please tell me dear?Do you plan to let me goFor the other guy you loved before?Don"t you know...I heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be mine.Oh I heard it through the grapevine,Oh and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.I heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be mine.babyI heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be mine.baby x2http://music.baidu.com/song/8176979

I Heard It Through The Grapevine 歌词

歌曲名:I Heard It Through The Grapevine歌手:The King专辑:GravelandsOo, bet you"re wond"ring how I knew"bout your plans to make me blueWith some other guy that you knew before?Between the two of us guys,you know I love you more.It took me by surprise,I must say, when I found out yesterday. oo,I heard it through the grapevine,not much longer would you be mine.Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.You know that a man ain"t supposed to cry,but these tears I can"t hold inside.Losin" you would end my life you see,"cause you mean that much to me.You could have told me yourselfthat you found someone else.Instead,I heard it through the grapevine,not much longer would you be mine.Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.People say you hear from what you see,na na not from what you hear.I can"t help bein" confused;if it"s true, won"t you tell me dear?Do you plan to let me gofor the other guy that you knew before? oo,I heard it through the grapevine,not much longer would you be mine.Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.Oo,I heard it through the grapevine,not much longer would you be mine.Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,and I"m just about to lose my mind.Oo,I heard it through the grapevine,not much longer would you be mine.Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.http://music.baidu.com/song/2777364

克雷格大卫的I Heard It Through The Grapevine歌词

[ti:i heard it through the grapevine][ar:craig david][al:signed sealed delivered]craig david - i heard it through the grapevineooh, i bet you"re wondering how i knewabout you"re plans to make me bluewith some other guy that you knew before.between the two of us guysyou know i love you more.it took me by surprise i must say,when i found out yesterday.don"t you know that...i heard it through the grapevinenot much longer would you be mine.oh i heard it through the grapevine,oh and i"m just about to lose my mind.honey, honey yeah.i heard it through the grapevinenot much longer would you be mine.babyi know that a man ain"t supposed to cry,but these tears i can"t hold inside.losin" you would end my life you see,cause you mean that much to me.you could have told me yourselfthat you love someone else.instead...i heard it through the grapevinenot much longer would you be mine.oh i heard it through the grapevine,oh and i"m just about to lose my mind.honey, honey yeah.i heard it through the grapevinenot much longer would you be mine. baby x2people say believe half of what you see,son, and none of what you hear.i can"t help bein" confusedif it"s true please tell me dear?do you plan to let me gofor the other guy you loved before?don"t you know...i heard it through the grapevinenot much longer would you be mine.oh i heard it through the grapevine,oh and i"m just about to lose my mind.honey, honey yeah.i heard it through the grapevinenot much longer would you be mine.babyi heard it through the grapevinenot much longer would you be mine.baby x2


歌曲名:ONI歌手:GRAPEVINE专辑:MISOGI EPGRAPEVINE - ONI作词:田中和将作曲:亀井亨さあ目を醒まして さあ闻かせてくれ影を缠ったあわれな取り替え子风を宿して 雨に跃って闇を喰らって腹を満たしていたこのざまに二言は无い贵様らに异存は无いただ这いつくばって息を杀して次を狙ってんだ谁にもわからない何も闻こえないさ谁にもわからない鬼の子だったってよ羽を手にして呵々と笑って我に返って因果応报とはこのざまに二言は无い贵様らに异存は无いどうせ梦を见たって梦を散らして荼毘に付すまではそう见る前に跳んだら二度と戻れない仇になるつもりなんだすべて失ってもさあ目を醒まして さあ行かせてくれ这いつくばって息を杀して次を狙ってんだそう见る前に跳んだら二度と戻れない仇になるつもりだった鸟になりたくても谁にもわからない何も闻こえないさ谁にもわからない鬼の子だったってよhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18985580


美国得克萨斯州达拉斯GRAPEVINE小镇 格雷普韦恩景点 Grapevine


grapevines n. 传闻( grapevine的名词复数 );小道消息;通过小道消息;根据传闻 [例句]Pruning grapevines must be done very carefully.修剪葡萄藤必须小心翼翼的完成。如果对您有帮助,满意别忘了采纳一下哦~


grapevine不是城市,是日本的一个乐队。Grapevine最初是以西原诚、西川弘刚为中心在大阪成立的。随着发展,乐队的重心也放在了东京。1997年以mini album<覚醒>正式major的这支乐队,到目前为止总共发行了15张专辑和23张单曲以及7张dvd. 2002年底正式退出乐队的西原诚,最后参与的创作是03年9月乐队发行的第14张单曲会いにいく。之后他在The Laters、Drop等地下乐队活动;另外乐队主唱田中和将、鼓手亀井亨与原My Little Lover的藤井谦二、原JOHN BRIEF的金戸覚组合成立了FTK&K。

葡萄藤用英语怎么说?是grape vine 还是vine?


请问Grape,Grapefruit,raisin和Chinese Honey Pomelo都有什


求吐鲁番葡萄沟Turpan Grape Valley英文介绍

Turpan is famous for its hot summer.In August, the temperature is basically above 42℃every day. The ground temperature of flame mountain can reach 80 to 90℃,so it is called "boiled egg in sand nest".But on both sides of the grape ditch stream, grape racks are everywhere, and grape vines are stacked one after another, green and lush. It is surrounded by dense poplar forest, dotted with flowers, plants and fruit trees, and farmhouses and cottages are arranged on the gentle slope.Grape Valley is the "Peach Blossom Land" of Huozhou. There are desirable places everywhere in the ditch.翻译吐鲁番的夏天可是出了名的热,8月基本上每天的气温都在42℃以上,火焰山的地面温度可以达到80至90℃,故有"沙窝里煮鸡蛋"之称。但在葡萄沟溪流两侧,葡萄架遍布,葡萄藤蔓层层叠叠,绿意葱葱。四周是茂密的白杨林,花草果树点缀其间,农家村舍错落有致地排列在缓坡上。葡萄沟,是火洲的“桃花源”。沟里四处都有令人向往的地方。

歌词:i will rape their women

Channie ,其实 我是个柚子鬼李旭Jaaa、Dear Molly、DesertRose 等人赞同是在神庙卓戈对丹妮莉丝说的那段话。多斯拉克语wiki/英语/汉语Ma rizhaan anni, vezh fin asaja rhaesheseres, maan anha valloshak azh akka(And to my son, the stallion who will mount the world, I will also pledge a gift至於我的儿子,骑著世界的骏马,我也要赠予他一份礼物)Maan anha vazhak jin ador shiqethi finaan neva ave maisi mae(I will give him the iron chair that his mothers father sat upon. 我会将他母亲之父坐过的铁椅子赠予他)Anha vazhak maan Rhaeshis Andahli. Anha, zhey Drogo, atak jin. (I will give The Lands of the Andals. I, Drogo, will do this.我将会把安达尔人之地赠予他。我, 卓戈, 在此起誓实践此事。)Anha vidrik khalasares anni jim, finaan nakhoe rhaesheser, majin adothrak hrazef ido yomme Havazzhifi Kazga ven et vo khal avvos. (I will take my khalasar west to where the world ends and ride wooden horses across the black salt sea as no khal has done before. 我将引领我的卡拉萨西行, 前往世界的尽头, 骑著木马横渡黑色咸水, 立下古往今来没有卡奥做过的事)Anha vaddrivak mahrazhis fini ondee khogar shiqethi ma vohharak okrenegwin mori. (I will kill the men in iron suits and tear down their stone houses. 我将杀掉铁衣服的人, 拆掉他们的石屋)Drogo: Anha aqorisok chiories mori, vazzafrok yal mori, ma afichak vojjor samva Vaesaan Dothrak. (I will rape their women, take their children as slaves and bring their broken gods back to Vaes Dothrak. 我将强暴他们的女人, 取他们的子女为奴, 带著他们无用的神像回到维斯.多斯拉克)Drogo: Ki jini anha astak asqoy, anha, Drogo ki Bharbosi. (This i vow Drogo son of Bharbo. 我, 巴勃之子卓戈, 在此立誓)Drogo: Ki jini anha astak asqoy hatif Maisi Krazaaji kash shieraki vitihiri asavvasoon. Asavvasoon! Asavvasoon! (I swear before the mother of mountains as the stars look down in witness. As the stars look down in witness.我在圣母山前起誓, 以天上众星作为见证! 以天上众星作为见证! 以天上众星作为见证!)

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B. share.“share (something) with (somebody)”是固定搭配,意思是“与(某人)分享(某物)”。例如:share the apple with your brother 与弟弟分吃一只苹果share the house with my friend 与朋友同住一屋share the feelings with your love 与爱人分享感受-Oh , I thought up a good idea 我想到一个好主意。- Could you please share it with me ? 愿意说给我听一下吗?

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