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请翻译下面的: pete:can l please buy your straw?



写成plz。 please; 释义:(用于客气地请求或吩咐)请,请问,使满意,使愉快; 语法:please的基本意思是“请”,指要求某人做某事时的一种礼貌的请求,也可用来加强请求或愿望的语气,表示“对不起,请”。 扩展资料   please的近义词:delight   delight   释义:高兴,愉快,快乐。   语法:delight的基本意思是“使快乐”,强调感情的"外在反应不仅有明显的迹象生动地表现出来,而且能让人热切地感觉到。   例句:   Haig took obvious delight in proving his critics wrong.   黑格显然以证明他的批评者是错误的为乐。

电视机出现这个怎么解决software updating please wait


Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience my leaving may cause。请问这句话里?


kill me please翻译

您好!kill me please.请杀了我吧。

kill me now please英翻译汉语



你好!Please raise your hand before you speak. 说话之前请举手。

No keypair has been created. Please make sure that you are using Internet Ex

没有密钥已创建。请确保您使用的是Internet Explorer 3.0 + ,而且是必需的。 DLL是正确的服务器上安装机器。看到您的管理员咨询详细信息。

电脑开机出现please wait

我们使用电脑一段时间之后,就会发现电脑的开机时间慢慢变长了。其实这也是一种很正常的现象。很多因素都会造成电脑开机时间变长。只要我们稍微注意一下下面几个方面。基本上,我们电脑的开机时间不至于很慢,但是也不可能恢复到刚开始使用那时候那么快的速度。但是,回到正常的速度就可以了。方法/步骤1/5 分步阅读电脑系统垃圾过多,或者存在无用的注册表等都会导致电脑开机速度变慢。所以我们最好不定期地对电脑系统垃圾和一些注册信息进行清理。2/5由于电脑安装过多的软件,并且这些软件设置了随开机启动。这就很容易造成开机时间不断延长。我们可以关闭这些开机启动项。3/5如果电脑受到木马病毒入侵,系统遭到破坏和修改,也会导致程序运行缓慢。我们可以使用腾讯电脑管家进行检测和查杀病毒。4/5电脑使用时间长了之后,电脑内部机箱存在灰尘。这时候我们可以到维修店,请专业维修人员打开机箱进行灰尘清理。5/5如果是电脑硬件配置落后导致的开机慢。我们可以更新电脑的硬件,例如换一个较新的硬盘,换一个较大的内存条等等。

please trust me什么意思


if you want to watch more please go upstairs 什么意思?


unfold3d 模型切线后展开,出现错误:Mesh has not got any opening ,please add some cutting lines on i

重点切橘色的地方 触角 竖着切开

Unfold3D Demo 软件 打开 obj 模型时 出现文字 file not found ,please check file name


you are currently queued for processing,please check back later,是什么意思


please give him my regards. regards为什么加s

因为regard作为名词是“致意,问候”的意思,就像Best wishes一样,这是一种习惯和文化

vue Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run: npx browserslist@latest --update-db

我遇到这个问题 是因为 import moment from "" 引入模块时没有写路径 (他莫名其妙没了 可恶(〃>皿<)

think pleased true myth



一、光当由空气进入水中,光线行进方向会产生偏折,这种现象称为折射。 二、折射发生的原因:光在不同物质中的传播速率不同所致。 三、光在不同介质的传播速率: 光在几种不同介质中的传播速率 介质 传播速率(公里/秒 ) 空气 3000000 水 225000 玻璃 200000 四、光的折射: 1.折射图如下: 图片参考 2.光线在二介质的交界面,同时有折射与反射的现象。 3.折射角:折射线与法线的夹角。 4.光从速率快的空气进入速率慢的水中后,光的行进方向会偏向法线  ,折射角(r)小于入射角(i);如下图左 5.光从速率慢的水进入速率快的空气中后,光的行进方向会偏离法线  ,折射角(r)大于入射角(i);如下图右 图片参考 6.若光是垂直入射水面,则不会发生折射现象。 五、折射实例: 1.水中的筷子看似被断了。 图片参考 2.人看水中的鱼感觉较近或较浅。 3.透过装水的玻璃杯看东西感到变大或变小。 4.游泳中的人的头与身体看似分开。 六、透镜的种类: 1.凸透镜:透镜的中间部分较边缘部分为厚,经太阳光照射后,光线会聚集于一点,如下图。 图片参考 平行光经凸透镜折射后,光线会聚集于集点上。 2.凹透镜:透镜的中间部分较边缘部分为薄,经凹透镜折射后的太阳光不会聚集于一点,如下图。 图片参考 平行光经凹透镜折射后,会发散开来,但是若将发散的光线向反方向延伸, 仍会相交于一点。 3.焦点:凸透镜可使入射的平行光线,会聚于一点,此点称为凸透镜的焦点。 4.虚焦点:将发散的光线向反方向延伸,仍会相交于一点,这点称为虚焦点。   虚焦点不是由实际光线聚集而成。 5.焦距:从焦点(或虚焦点)到透镜中心的直线距离,称为焦距。 参考: 我想讲- -就算光射落入水都有折射现象嫁 不过系90度咁解 唔系冇 冇系错concept- - 折射原理 我们在讲光的传播时,提过光在不同介质中的传播速率会有不同,而光的折射现象就是由于光在不同介 质中的传播速率不同所造成,下表就是光在不同介质中的传播速率 介质 光速(公里 /秒) 空气 300000 水 225000 玻璃 200000         1.光当由空气进入水中,光线行进方向会产生偏折,这种现象称为折射。 2.折射发生的原因:光在不同物质中的传播速率不同所致。 3.光线在二介质的交界面,同时有折射与反射的现象 4.折射角:折射线与法线的夹角   光从速率快的空气进入速率慢的水 中后,光的行进方向会偏向法线 折射角(r)小于入射角(i);如图左 光从速率慢的水进入速率快的空 气中后,光的行进方向会偏离法线 折射角(r)大于入射角(i);如图右 若光是垂直入射水面,则不会发生折射现象。 home.pchome/star/ml13/refraction/principle

在线等英文翻译!!明天我高中口语考试!!HELP ME PLEASE~~!! 3Q!!!

1) I am now studying art. This is my hobby. As a art student, my ambition is to become an artist (/a painter).2) My mom always encourage me to run after my aspiration. Therefore, now I am here to faced everyone.Yes, I am facing, although I am really nervous. 3)In fact, I have no confident with my broken English. Please forgive my nervousness.4)I beg your pardon? / Sorry, can you please repeat it?5)Well,I think this is too hard to me to understand.Can you please make the sentence easier?6)I am afraid that this is too hard for me to understand。My apologies.嗯,我没完全依照你的句子。但大意是一样的。下面给你翻译。1)我目前在学习画画,这是我的兴趣。作为一个艺术生,我的志愿是成为一名画家。2)我妈妈总是鼓励我去追求我想要的。所以,我现在就在这里面对各位。虽然非常紧张,但,是的,我在面对各位。3)其实,我对我蹩脚的英语很没有自信。请原谅我紧张的表现。4)对不起,能再重复一遍吗?5)这已近超出了我的理解范围。是我的错,抱歉。希望可以帮助你。口语考试请加油!神祝福你。

“如果爱,请深爱”翻译成if love , please love deeply.是正确的吗?如果我想

If you love it, please love it deeply.if 是条件状语从句的连词,后面跟从句,即有主语和谓语。不过在有上下文语境的情况下也可以像你那样说if love , please love deeply.这时候就是省略了主语和谓语。

paula is pleased

1. C考査动词时态。句意:葆拉很开心,她找到了丢失的手表。“找到手表”对现在有 影响(宝拉开心) ,所以,此处使用现在完成 时。故选 C.







Translate to English. Please!!! urgent!!

Three child"s father and mother have divorced they are left to their mother to look after but there are o days in each week which they can dine with their daddy. The children"s daddy hoped can strive for more opportunity together with them then he perform his talent he dressed like and went to his ex-wife"s house to ask her to hire him as a nanny. His tacit understanding with his child lets his ex-wife admire him greatly she thought that this nanny is a t to her from God therefore she does not guard herself against the nanny told the nanny what she feels.Who knows in the mistakes arising out of chance circumstances situation her ex-wife has revealed this “the fraud” she is angry and expels the ex-hu *** and and scolds him. 参考: MS word and I (i edited it a bit cos" there are some errors) 三个孩子的爸妈离婚了,他们归妈妈照顾,不过每周有两天可以和爸爸进餐。孩子的爸爸希望能争取更多的相处机会,便发挥他的表演长才,男扮女装到前妻家应征保母。他的善解人意以及和孩子间的默契,让他的前妻大为激赏,以为这位保母是上帝派给她的礼物,因此对他毫无防备的诉说心事。谁知在阴错阳差的情况下,她的前妻揭穿了这个「骗局」,她生气的赶 走前夫并竭尽所能的数落他。 The parents of three children of divorce they return mother care but there are o days a week and Dad can eat. The child"s father hopes to win more with the opportunity to play his performances will be before long men and women"s play home to his ex-wife candidates nanny. His善解人意and tacit understanding beeen the children and to his ex-wife greatly excited that the nanny is God"s t to send to her so his unsuspecting telling secrets. Little did they know in阴错阳差circumstances her ex-wife expose this "hoax" the drive away her angry ex-hu *** and and diligence of castigates him. 参考: Self

this is toms watch give 中间加什么his watch please?

是This is tom"s watch .Give back his watch please!

Give me a plates,please怎么改正?

a plate 一个盤子不加 s some plates 几个盤子,要加s 可以改正为以下,一个盘子,Give me a plate, please. 或几个盘子,Give me some plates, please.

can i to please yuo speak dad (连词成句,知道的帮帮忙)

Can i speak to your dad, please?电话里找人的语句

为什么注册kik账户出现这个英文:please prove that you are a huma


“请刷卡”应该英译成Please swipe your card吗


whisky please

选c whisky指一杯威士忌酒时是可数的 eg.I ordered two whiskeys (我叫了两杯威士忌酒.) 在点单的时候说two coffees 是没有错的 省略掉cup of,coffee 被当做可数名词用. 但是这个有环境限制:只用于餐馆,咖啡店等等. .

按适当形式填空 1.Could you please__some drinks to me?(bring)

cleanmovingto washworryParksecondrightendtwenty

Gpu Tweak 为什么提示Fail to load dlls please install VGA drivers????

尊敬的华硕用户您好,关于Gpu Tweaker安装现在出现以上错误,请先告知使用华硕显卡的型号;一般来讲,可以试着在控制面板,xp的话是添加或删除程序里面(windows7控制面板——程序——卸载程序),把VGA的驱动以及显卡的公用程序包括GPU Tweak卸载,再重新按照先安装显卡,再安装GPU Tweak的方式来安装。当然VGA的驱动、Gpu Tweak可以换一个版本呢来安装。 以上请参考,谢谢!

请你在旁边等一下,英语:Please waiting for at aside?

请你在旁边等一下,建议翻译成: Please wait a moment aside.


请点菜.Anyone wants to order? please?

please send my christams greetings to your mom.greeting为什么加s


Please verify your birth date to continue.啥意思


please enter your birthdate是什么意思


请把它们拿走的英语 Please_____them_____


英语please mind gap怎么翻译?

英语please mind gap怎么翻译?请介意的差距

Please enter a valid date of birth中文意思是什么 急


Please enter a valid date of birth中文意思是什么 急


Please enter a valid date什么意思?

请输入一个有效的出生日期 或 请输入一个有效的起始数据

使命召唤8,无法进去,出现一个对话框: Could not load localizatian.txt.please make sure call of duty



PLEASE CHECK TKT ELEMENT:请检查核对机票上信息其中 tkt 是 ticket 的缩写,意思是“票务”这是一般机场广播中提示的,在上飞机前,提示检查你的飞机信息是否正确,以免耽误乘机。

Pretty Please 歌词

歌曲名:Pretty Please歌手:Toni Braxton专辑:SnowflakesJoJo - Pretty PleaseNow, what we"re gonna do right now is,Is show ya, how we like to do itIsn"t that right, brother Chad Hugo? Brother Kenna? Beanz?You ready for this? Check it out.Beautiful, there you goWhisperin" all of those sweet nothin"s, babyNothin"s, babyAnd if you heard em" onceYa heard em" allThere ain"t nothing to itN0, it"s nothin", babyYou must be crazyDo yourself a favorQuick, while you"re aheadMaybe you should work on your game before you sayYou can"t think that I was born just yesterdayI"ll give you a tip...Ya might just get away with itYa might just get away with itYa might just get away with itYa might just get away with itIf ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"Sexual, there you goGet it, noExtra touch, you feel it, babyFeel it, feel it, feel it, feel it, babyKeep your hands and e1, off my merchandiseYou break it, you bought it, babyYou break it, you bought it, babyDo yourself a favorQuick, while you"re aheadMaybe you should work on your game before you sayYou can"t think that I was born just yesterdayI"ll give you a tip...Ya might just get away with itYa might just get away with itYa might just get away with itYa might just get away with itIf ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"Johnny got "Cash" and I don"t careJimmy cracked corn and I don"t careDon"t care, don"t care, don"t, don"t careDon"t care, don"t care, don"t, don"t careBilly got a whip, but I ain"t ridin"Rock-a-round it, cause with it, that"s time andDon"t care, don"t care, don"t, don"t careI don"t give a, I don"t give a, I don"t give a...Fudgesicle (No!) Sicle. Fudgesicle.Fudgesicle (No!) Sicle.Ya might just get away with itYa might just get away with itYa might just get away with itIf ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"

三思而后行吧!英语翻译填空 Please ______ before ______!

think twice before leap

为什么一句话英文是问句? Will passenger for this flight please

这是礼貌用语,大致相当于Would you please...就是请你怎么怎么样的意思

transaction being process,please wait。

Transcation is proceeding.是 Transcation 在做 proceeding . Transcation is being processed.= 是正在处理

有这么个句子,:Please confirm,而confirm 是及物动词,所以句子后面一定要加宾语(比如it)。



1.Where is she riding?悦习英语3D情景课堂

What is the difference between vowel and consonant sounds? Please explain and tell me?

A vowel is a type of sound for which there is no closure of the throat or mouth at any point where vocalization occurs. A consonant is a sound in spoken language that is characterized by a constriction or closure at one or more points along the vocal tract. by the way :你是不是要考口语需要用啊!我这段时间也在找这题的答案呢!因为我要参加口语老师(cook)的考试呢!呵呵...

成都地铁自动电梯安全提示 英语please be careful and...后门是什么呢?

and mind your step请小心,注意脚下

please! 帮忙翻译一下,高分高分感谢!

Xiyuan Hotel Xiyuan Hotel is a four-star international standard foreign hotel with large-scale.Located on Beijing Sanlihe Road, Xiyuan Hoter is near the border with the Negotiations Building、the Beijing Library and the capital Stadium, which has a beautiful environment and transport facilities. A total of 1,300 sets of hotel rooms which are comfortable、quiet and equipped with a full range of modern facilities. A total of 12 bars in the hotel restaurant run Cantonese Chinese meal、 Lu、 Sichuan、, Huaiyang and Muslim flavor dishes; Western-style food"s principal types are French and English-style main dish. The hotel has a fax、 telex、 International calls 、 other modern communication facilities and integrated services and recreational facilities as well.We provide perfect services for each guest. Xiyuan Hotel welcome you!


中文:饺子原名“娇耳”,相传是我国医圣张仲景首先发明的。 他的“祛寒娇耳汤”的故事在民间流传至今。 相传张仲景任长沙太守时,常为百姓除疾医病。有一年当地瘟疫盛行,他在衙门口垒起大锅,舍药救人,深得长沙人民的爱戴。张仲景从长沙告老还乡后,正好赶上冬至这一天,走到家乡白河岸边,见很多穷苦百姓忍饥受寒,耳朵都冻烂了。原来当时伤寒流行,病死的人很多。他心里非常难受,决心救治他们。张仲景回到家,求医的人特别多,他忙的不可开交,但他心里总挂记着那些冻烂耳朵的穷百姓。他仿照在长沙的办法,叫弟子在南阳东关的一块空地上搭起医棚,架起大锅,在冬至那天开张,向穷人舍药治伤。 张仲景的药名叫“祛寒娇耳汤”,是总结汉代300多年临床实践而成的,其做法是用羊肉、辣椒和一些祛寒药材在锅里煮熬,煮好后再把这些东西捞出来切碎,用面皮包成耳朵状的“娇耳”,下锅煮熟后 分给乞药的病人。每人两只娇耳、一碗汤。人们吃下祛寒汤后浑身发热,血液通畅,两耳变暖。老百姓从冬至吃到除夕,抵御了伤寒,治好了冻耳。 张仲景舍药一直持续到大年三十。大年初一,人们庆祝新年,也庆祝烂耳康复,就仿娇耳的样子做过年的食物,并在初一早上吃。人们称这种食物为“饺耳”、“饺子”或“扁食”,在冬至和年初一吃,以纪念张仲景开棚舍药和治愈病人的日子。 张仲景距今已近1800年,但他折“祛寒娇耳汤”的故事一直在民间广为流传。每逢冬至和大年初一,人们吃着饺子,心里仍记挂着张仲景的恩情。今天,我们用不着用娇耳朵来治冻烂的耳朵了,但饺子却已成了人们最常见、最爱吃的食品。English:Dumplings originally called "Jiao ear", according to legend is the first of Medicine St. Zhongjing invention. His "Quhan Jiao ear soup" story in the folklore ever since. According to legend, any of Changsha Prefecture Zhongjing, often medical treatment for the disease than people. One year the local prevalence of the plague, he built up a big pot in the Yamen mouth, rounded drugs save lives, won the affection of the people of Changsha. Zhongjing after return home from Changsha to grow old, just to catch up with the winter solstice day, went to White River shore home, see a lot of poor people endure hunger and cold and rotten ears froze. The original was typhoid epidemic, many people died. His heart is very sad, determined to rescue them. Zhongjing home, a particularly large number of people seeking treatment, his hands full, but he was always hanging ears, remember those poor people, bad cold. He modeled the way in Changsha, Dongguan Nanyang called his disciples in a clearing erected Medical shed, put up a big pot, opening day at the winter solstice, wounded on drugs to the poor house. Zhongjing medicine called "Quhan Jiao ear soup", is a summary of the Han Dynasty from 300 years of clinical practice, and its practice is to use lamb, pepper and some herbs in the pot boil dispelling cold, cooked and then put these things fishing out, chopped into ear-shaped bag with a side of "Jiao ear", the pot boiled begging drugs given to patients. Jiao two per ear, a bowl of soup. People eating Quhan getting hot soup, blood smooth, ears warming. Winter Solstice Eve to eat from the people, against the typhoid fever, cured cold ears. Zhongjing care medicine until New Year"s Eve. New Year"s Day, people celebrate the New Year, but also celebrate the rehabilitation of bad ear to ear imitation of the way Johnson did in the food, and started this morning to eat. People call this kind of food as "dumplings", "A dumpling" or "Bian Shi" in the winter solstice and New Year"s Day to eat, to commemorate the opening, Mr CHEUNG barn drugs and heal the sick day. Zhongjing dating back nearly 1800, but he broke off "Quhan Jiao ear soup" story has been widely circulated in the folk. During the winter solstice and New Year"s Day, people eat dumplings, my heart is still Zhongjing kindness of heart and mind. Today, we do not need to treat with tender ears, cold ear rot, but the dumplings already become one of the most common and favorite food.请lz参考

有一首歌歌词里面有surrender,surrender,baby please surrender是叫什么歌

you can trust in me歌手:tang nguoi toi yeu 专辑:i love youtang nguoi toi yeu - you can trust in mei knowit is hard to fall lovewhen you feel bluedeep inside your hearti"m sureyou got so much more to givebelieve in mei can let it shine againsurrenderbaby please surrenderi will be so tenderif you trust in mepretenderi won"t be pretenderbaby please surrenderif you trust in meyou knowthese are not only words (not only words)i know it"s truelook into my eyesi"m sureif you wanna feel the samebelieve in mei will let it shine againsurrenderbaby please surrenderi will be so tenderif you trust in mepretenderi won"t be pretenderbaby please surrenderif you trust in mesurrenderbaby please surrenderi will be so tenderif you trust in mepretenderi won"t be pretenderbaby please surrenderif you trust in mehang on in there baby歌手:gary barlow 专辑:open roadhang on in there babywritten by johnny w that we"ve caressed,a kiss so warm and tender,i can"t wait "til we"ve reachedthat sweet moment of surrender.we"ll hear the thunder road,feel the lightening strike,at a point we both decided to meet,the same time tonight.hang on in there baby,hang on in there darling,(doll)i"m gonna give you more,than you ever dreamed possible.don"t be afraid baby,oh no, oh sweet virgin of the world,we can"t help but make it,cause there"s true love between us, let us touch the cloud,that everyone dreams of,oh we"re almost there darling,we"re truly making love.hang on in there baby,hang on in there darling,(doll)please don"t let me down.please don"t destroy this new joy we"ve found.what"s that now baby, what"s that you say,something eatin" at you and it"s about to get away.don"t fight it baby, open up the door,cos that"s the key to freedom, that we"ve both been working for.let it go baby, let it go honey,oh right there, right don"t you move it anywhere,go baby let it go honey,oh right there, baby don"t you move it, don"t you dare.hang on in there baby,hang on in there darling (doll).i"m gonna give you more,more than you ever dreamed possible.close window我也不知道是哪个诶....

万能词典错误:installation corrupted. please reinstall


Need For Speed files are corrupted; please re-install

corrupt意为:腐蚀的,不可靠的。大意应该是 极品飞车文件已损坏,或这是防火墙的警告。希望对你有帮助!

File corrupted! Please run a virus-check, then renintall the application 是什么意思



line up英 [lain u028cp] 美 [lau026an u028cp]排成一行; 排队等候; 组织; 邀集please英 [pli:z] 美 [pliz]int.请

TCK(pin 9)low, but should be high,please check the hardware


求一首韩文歌,歌词里是Tell me tell me please don`t tell 后面一句是韩文

这首歌 名字叫 wiing wiing 最近很火的一个韩国乐队唱的

yes,please,and pass me the knife and fork please.


Two tickets for Beijing.please 为什么是for不是to














please sit near the table怎么读

please sit near the table请坐在桌子旁生词table 英[u02c8teu026abl]美[u02c8tebu0259l]n. 桌子; 表,目录; 手术台,工作台,游戏台; 平地层;vt. 制表; 搁置; 嵌合; 搁置;adj. 桌子的;[例句]She was sitting at the kitchen table eating a currant bun.她正坐在餐桌旁,吃着葡萄干圆面包。

1._I speak to your sister ,please. 2._is Sarah speaking. 3.I want to go the _Center.

1.Could 2.This 3.Shopping 4.on 5.later 6.What 7.Which season do you like best ?8.What do you like doing ?9.What"s that weather like today ?/How"s the weather today ? 10.December 11.first 12.Kangroos 13.brakfast 14.snowman 15.picking 16.seasons 17.card 18.Which season do you like best ?1.Speaking 2.Where are you ?3.What are you doing ?4.What are the students doing ?You"re welcome .


Please pass me the rice. 可以按照每个单词的音标读。

sarah,sam,come here,please.用中文怎么读

some come here please

请教一个国际结算的英文缩写 Please debit our a/c.其中的“a/c”是什么意思?


Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) 歌词

歌曲名:Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)歌手:Michael Bublé专辑:Christmas (Deluxe Special Edition)"Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)"Michael Buble(Christmas)The snow"s coming down(Christmas)I"m watching it fall(Christmas)Lots of people around(Christmas)Baby please come home(Christmas)The church bells in town(Christmas)All ringing in song(Christmas)Full of happy sounds(Christmas)Baby please come homeThey"re singing "Deck The Halls"But it"s not like Christmas at allI remember when you were hereAnd all the fun we had last year(Christmas)Pretty lights on the tree(Christmas)I"m watching them shine(Christmas)You should be here with me(Christmas)Baby please come homeThey"re singing "Deck The Halls"Not like Christmas at allI remember when you were hereAnd all the fun we had last year(Christmas)Oh if there was a way(Christmas)I"d hold back these tears(Christmas)Oh but it"s Christmas day(Please)Please(Please)Please(Please)Please(Please)Please(Please)Please(Please)PleaseOh comin" homeOh babeYou know I need youOh comin" home(Love, love, love, love)I gotta have you(Love, love, love, love)You know I need you(Love, love, love, love)Oh love, oh love(Christmas)Woohoo...(Love, love, love, love)I gotta have you(Love, love, love, love)I said nanananana...It"s Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas... yeahYeah... Lalalalala...


您好,您可以根据下面音标进行精确拼读:英文原文:drinksome tea,please英式音标:[dru026au014bk] [su028cm; s(u0259)m] [tiu02d0] , [pliu02d0z] 美式音标:[dru026au014bk] [su028cm] [ti] , [pliz]

zeal一直please wait for


could you take our picture,please?,怎么读

英文原文:could you take our picture,please?,英式音标:[ku0259d; ku028ad] [juu02d0] [teu026ak] [au028au0259] [u02c8pu026aktu0283u0259] [pliu02d0z] [u0283u0254u02d0; u0283u028au0259] . [smau026al] 美式音标[ku028ad] [ju] [tek] [u02c8au028au025c] [u02c8pu026aktu0283u0259] [pliz] [u0283u028ar] . [smau026al]

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