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Give Me The Night 歌词

2023-07-14 22:39:18
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歌曲名:Give Me The Night
歌手:Rene Froger

Give Me The Night
Bodies Without Organs
Album: 《Fabricator》
I could"ve stayed home
A promise I made
But we gotta face the change of plans
There"s no other night
There"s no better trade
I"m back on my feet I gotta dance
"Cause we gonna reclaim the street (Uh-huh)
And get to the heat of the beat, so
Give me the night
Get me satisfaction
Give me the night
Dancing in the dark
Give me the night
You"re my prized attraction
Give me the night
The best is yet to come
We traveled so far
I"m ready to float
Tonight is the night we take a break
The pressure is high
I"m ready to blow
It feels like the ground"s about to quake
"Cause we gonna reclaim the street (Uh-huh)
And get to the heat of the beat, so
Give me the night
Get me satisfaction
Give me the night
Dancing in the dark
Give me the night
You"re my prized attraction
Give me the night
The best is yet to come
Give me the night
Get me satisfaction
Give me the night
Dancing in the dark
Give me the night
You"re my prized attraction
Give me the night
The best is yet to come
The best is yet to come
The best is yet, the best is yet, the best is yet to come
Give me the night
Get me satisfaction
Give me the night
Dancing in the dark
Give me the night
You"re my prized attraction
Give me the night
The best is yet to come
Give me the night
The best is yet to come



prized比较级 最高级是什么

2023-07-14 20:34:391

英语The plant has been prized怎么翻译?

2023-07-14 20:35:015


win the first prize
2023-07-14 20:35:454


prize:to consider something to be very important and special n.奖品v.珍视;青睐 可替换value, appreciate, hold dear 例句:I know that you prize our friendship.仿写:I know that he prizes their wonderful memory. 例句:It seems that people prize attitude over expertise.仿写:It seems that people prize process than result. prize A over B 表示“更重视 A,而不是 B”例句:Overseas returnees are no longer highly prized by employers.It seems that people prize interesting souls over pretty faces. 翻译:It seems that most of the Chinese parents highly prize The International Mathematical Olympiad. 造句:Humor is highly prized by young people in a dating.
2023-07-14 20:36:201

here is your prize是什么意思

here is your prize这是你的奖励**************************************************************如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************************
2023-07-14 20:36:283


Ya Danying——————————————————您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑;如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳;如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的图像点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。——————————————————————————————————祝您生活愉快!
2023-07-14 20:36:463


prise .
2023-07-14 20:36:552

He was ___ a medal for bravery. A. rewarded B. awarded C. praised D. prized

2023-07-14 20:37:034


rember doing sthSmoking is a hobbit(that/which) difficult to break.
2023-07-14 20:37:135


The students of the top ten will be rewarded in this game.
2023-07-14 20:37:304


是英语吗 win为获奖 可以接奖品 reward 是授予
2023-07-14 20:37:394


2023-07-14 20:38:0714

that skin so prized by southern women中不应该是be so prized by吗

So prized和so be prized语法上都是没有问题的
2023-07-14 20:38:342


英语中,“锦鲤”可以翻译为"koi",具体解释如下:形式:单数:koi复数:koi(与单数形式相同)词组翻译:koi fish:锦鲤鱼koi pond:锦鲤池塘koi carp:锦鲤鲤鱼koi breeding:锦鲤繁殖koi show:锦鲤展览含义解释:koi是一种原产于日本的观赏鱼,以其美丽的色彩和斑纹而受到人们的喜爱。在日本文化中,koi象征着充满希望、勇气和毅力的品质。语法详解:koi作为一个普通名词,可以作为主语、宾语或其他成分出现在句子中。它的复数形式与单数形式相同。具体用法:当主语:Koi fish are often found in decorative ponds.当宾语:The park has a large pond full of koi.当形容词:Her favorite fish is the koi carp.当主语补语:The pond was filled with brightly-colored koi.作为复合形容词:He specializes in breeding koi fish.用法举例句子:I have a koi pond in my backyard that I love to relax by.The koi in the pond looked like they were dancing in the water.She has a collection of koi carp from all over the world.He spends hours each day feeding and caring for his koi fish.At the koi show, he won first prize for his prized fish.
2023-07-14 20:38:491


1 伟人都是有一些神圣的灵感的。2 只有每一天的价值才值得珍视。3 自由只是走向进步的机会罢了。
2023-07-14 20:39:222


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2023-07-14 20:41:528


  珍贵,是指价值高;意义大;宝贵。例句:知识是珍贵宝石的结晶,文化是宝石放出来的光泽。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。   珍贵的英语说法1:   precious    珍贵的英语说法2:   valuable   珍贵的相关短语:   珍贵的 precious ; rare ; valuable   珍贵档案 Precious Archives   滴滴珍贵 Every Drop Counts   珍贵树种 preoiousspecies ; precious species ; valuable species ; rare species   珍贵地 infrequently ad ; preciously   珍贵酒店 Prestige Inn Hotel   珍贵宝石 grecious gemstone ;   珍贵回忆 Precious Memories    珍贵的英语例句:   1. In the last 30 years many cherished values have bitten the dust.   在过去的30年中,许多珍贵的价值观已经消失殆尽。   2. They are a priceless record of a brief period in British history.   它们是对英国历史上一个短暂时期的极为珍贵的记录。   3. It is forting to have a storehouse of treasured memories.   拥有一座藏满了珍贵记忆的宝库真是令人欣慰。   4. Water is being an increasingly precious resource.   水正成为日益珍贵的资源。   5. The church has several valuable works of art.   教堂有几件珍贵的艺术品。   6. I lost some of my most prized possessions in the fire.   大火吞噬了我的一些最珍贵的物品。   7. Luckily our precious records were saved from the fire.   幸运地,我们这些珍贵的记录从火灾中抢救了出来.   8. We plan to visit the venerable ruins of the abbey.   我们计划去访问该修道院的珍贵的历史遗址.   9. Many of our cultural treasures have been plundered by imperialists.   我国许多珍贵文物被帝国主义掠走了.   10. Works of art and priceless historical records were ruthlessly destroyed.   艺术品和珍贵史料全被无情地毁掉了.   11. The most valuable find of all was the ship"s log book.   在所发现的东西中,最珍贵的就是那艘船的日志.   12. He showed all his precious pictures to his friends.   他把自己所有的珍贵图画都拿出来给朋友们看.   13. This painting is the jewel of my collection.   这是我藏画中最珍贵的一幅.   14. His beautiful paintings were beyond price.   他收藏的那些优美的油画是极其珍贵的.   15. The boy"s bicycle was his most prized possession.   自行车是小男孩最珍贵的财产.
2023-07-14 20:42:071


11 博学之、审问之、慎思之、明辨之、笃行之。——《礼记·中庸》   Learn extensively, inquire carefully, think deeply, differentiate clearly, and practice faithfully.   (选自丁往道 Glimpse of Chinese Culture)   12 丈夫有泪不轻弹,只因未到伤心处。——李开先:《宝剑记》   A man does not easily shed tears until his heart is broken.   (选自 Selected Works of Mao Tsetung, vol. 5)   13 立身之道,与文章异:立身先需谨重,文章且需放荡。——萧纲:《梁简文帝集·诫当阳公大心书》   The way to establish oneself is different from the way to write. While the latter needs free thinking, the former requires prudence.   (陈启达 译)   14 立身之道,与文章异:立身先需谨重,文章且需放荡。——萧纲:《梁简文帝集·诫当阳公大心书》   The way to establish oneself is different from the way to write. While the latter needs free thinking, the former requires prudence.   (陈启达 译)   15 君子必贵其言。贵其言则尊其身,尊其身则重其道。——徐干:《中论·贵言》   The gentleman must value his words. If he values his words, then he brings honor to his person; if he brings honor to his person, then his way will be prized.
2023-07-14 20:42:151

请问trophy award prize reward 这四个单词的异同点。谢谢!

trophyn.纪念品,战利品;奖品,奖杯(牌),用于一些竞赛或赛跑的名称后;胜利纪念柱;战利品雕饰award, reward, prize 三者的含义基本相同,但在不同语境中表达的含义有所差别。 award 指正式地或官方地颁发,授予,给予;也可以指法庭裁决给予。它指一种官方的奖励行为,往往鼓励在工作中达到成就或所提出的要求而进行一种奖励。强调荣誉而不在乎奖品的大小或奖金的多少。 award的“奖品”是因优点奖励或授予的东西,如: The school principal awarded a prize in history to the best student. 学校校长将历史奖授予最出色的学生。 award 还可指XX奖 比如“金球奖”就是“Golden Globe Award”,不能说“Golden Globe Prize” reward“报答,报偿,奖赏”,多指对某人的工作或服务等的报答。如: The fireman received a reward for saving the child"s life. 因救了小孩的命,消防员提到一笔奖金。 prize “奖赏,奖金,奖品”,多指在各类竞赛、竞争或抽彩中所赢得的奖。这种奖赏有的凭能力获得,有的凭运气获得。如: Hundreds of prizes can be won in our newspaper competition. 参加我们报纸的竞赛可以赢得数以百计的奖品。 如:the Nobel prize 诺贝尔奖。 award (give after careful consideration, esp. officially)经仔细考虑后正式的“给予,授予(奖品等)”;作名词时表示“奖品,奖金”。 A medal was awarded to him for his good conduct. 他因品行优良被授予奖章。 He was awarded first prize. 他获得了一等奖。 They awarded scholarship to the best students. 他们把奖学金授予最好的学生。 reward(give as a return for sth. done)因做某事给予“回报,酬劳,奖赏”;作名词表示“报酬,奖励,报答”。 They rewarded her for her help. 他们答谢他的帮助。 Anyone who finds it will be rewarded. 凡找到它的人都将获得酬谢。 He was given $800 as a reward for his bravery. 他因表现勇敢而得到800美元的赏金。 注意:在结构上,award后可接双宾语;award sb. sth(通常为奖金或奖状)。reward后只接一个宾语,通常以人或人的行为为宾语,句型是reward sb. with sth.。 They awarded her the Nobel Prize. 他们授予他诺贝尔奖。 He rewarded her with money for her heroic deeds. 他为她的英雄行为而给她奖金。 Her efforts were rewarded with success in career. 她的努力使她获得了事业的成功。 prize 作名词“奖品,奖金”Offered or given as a prize:作为奖品提供或给予的: 作动词“珍视,珍藏;估价,评价” We prize honor above money. 我们珍视荣誉甚于金钱。 The boy"s robot toy was his most prized possession. 那男孩的玩具机器人是他最珍惜的东西。 作形容词“得奖的,作为奖品的” a prize novel得奖小说a prize cup.奖杯 短语: be awarded a prize for 因……而获奖 win /carry off a prize获奖
2023-07-14 20:42:341


2023-07-14 20:42:445


2023-07-14 20:43:049


真正的朋友是很难找到。通常,你会发现可能存在的人,你以为你可以信任,但他们可能有让你失望。 一个tuue朋友是有人将你有没有问题,通过了次,他们会坚持在你的身边,他们依然存在,甚至当你在你的脸上下降,以帮助挑你up.they不会放弃你的时候事情变得强硬,他们会接受你,而试图改变you.a朋友是谁,你会走进你的生活带来新的extiting东西,使其丰富的。 信任也是important.a真正feiend将保持youe最糟糕的秘密,毫无疑问你会keepp theirs.they将诚实的人,你可以依赖on.just谈谈你知道谁可以信任的人有,你没有担心什么,你可能say.thus你不应该害怕信任feiend,你的朋友不应该害怕信任最深secrest.we可以享受这种自由只与朋友,因为与其他人我们的行动和行为总是计算和duarded。 友谊是拖车行道。找到一个真正的朋友,让他们,你必须在真正的作为well.be一样有你的朋友在他们的时代的需要,并与他们分享的美好时光,为他们提供他们给你同样的事情。友谊会土崩瓦解快,如果只有一个人给,努力英寸 si.thomas阿奎那国家“是这个地球上没有比友谊更珍贵”,你会发现,没有什么比在你的身边有一个真正的朋友分享生活更有价值。
2023-07-14 20:44:024


a word which carries weight
2023-07-14 20:44:126

下面这句话中“a proud statement”做什么语法成分呢?主语补足语吗?

是状语,起补充说明作用。a proud statement指冒号后的句子,这个陈述。
2023-07-14 20:44:272

英语翻译,在度假时他们的新车被撬了,用have sth done 时态, 光说不做是没用的,需要的

During the vacation, they had their car stolen.It is useless to just say something instead of taking actions.
2023-07-14 20:44:462


1. 这里的deep不是直接修饰grow 的,相当于growing in places that are as deep as ...2. 这个to ignore和前面的to insist是并列的,并列的结构都是同样的形式3。这可能翻译成汉语译为举例。实际上就是说出了前面的many difficult choices 中所包括的一个。用for example到觉得不合适。4。这里的 not just..... also 就是not only ....but also 的一个变形。不仅。。。而且还。。。5。如果用by+一个时间点,表示到那个时间已经完成某个事情,或者一件事情一直持续到那个时间,就用完成时态,否则就不用了。
2023-07-14 20:45:152

诺贝尔自然科学奖的英文是Nobel Natural Science Award吗?

2023-07-14 20:45:222


2023-07-14 20:45:334


of primordial matter roughly 5 billion years ago
2023-07-14 20:46:053

谁帮翻译下Justin Bieber的Favorite girl,thank you。(原文和译文都要有,就是原文一句译文接着,然后再原文

ah ah ah ah   ah ah ah ah   ah ah ah oh   ah ah ah ah   I always knew you were the best   我早就知道你是最棒的the coolest girl I know   我认识的最酷的女孩   so prettier than all the rest   比其他所有女孩儿都漂亮   the star of my show   我的明星   so many times I wished   无数次地希望   you"d be the one for me   你会是我的唯一   but never knew you"d get like   从没想到你会是这样   this girl what you do to me   女孩,你怎么对我   you"re who I"m thinkin of   你是我想念的人   and girl you ain"t my runner up   女孩你不是第二   and no matter what you"re always number one   不管怎样你永远是第一   my prize possession   我的珍藏   one and only   唯一   adore ya girl i want ya   我崇拜的女孩 我想你   the one I can"t live without   没有她我无法活下去   that"s you that"s you   她就是你,就是你   you"re my special little lady   你是我特别的小女孩   the one that makes me crazy   在所有认识的女孩中   of all the girls I"ve ever known   让我疯狂的那一个   it"s you, it"s you   是你,是你   my favorite, my favorite   我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的   my favorite, my favorite girl   我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的女孩   my favorite girl   我最喜欢的女孩   you"re used to going out your way   你总是要那样做   to impress these mr.wrongs   讨好那些男孩子   but you can be yourself with me   只要跟我在一起 你会做回你自己   I"ll take you as you are   我要原原本本的你   I know they said believe in love   我知道他们说 相信爱   it"s a dream that can"t be real   但那是一个不真实的梦   so girl let"s write a fairytale   女孩让我们一描绘童话   and show "um how we feel   说出我们的感觉   you"re who I"m thinking of   你是我想念的人   and girl you ain"t my runner up   女孩你不是第二   and no matter what you"re always number one   不管怎样你永远是第一   my prize possession   我的珍藏   one and only   唯一   adore ya girl i want ya   我崇拜的女孩 我想你   the one I cant live without   没有她我无法活下去   that"s you that"s you   她就是你,就是你   you"re my special little lady   你是我最特别的女孩   the one that makes me crazy   在所有认识的女孩中   of all the girls I"ve ever known   让我疯狂的那一个   it"s you, it"s you   是你,是你   my favorite, my favorite   我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的   my favorite, my favorite girl   我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的女孩   my favorite girl   我最喜欢的女孩   (baby it"s you)   宝贝 那是你   my favorite, my favorite我   最喜欢的,我最喜欢的   my favorite, my favorite girl   我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的女孩   my favorite girl   我最喜欢的女孩   you take my breath away   你说的每句话   with everything you say   让我无法呼吸   i just wanna be with you   我只想跟你在一起   my baby my baby oh   宝贝 哦 我的宝贝   my miss don"t play no games   我的女孩儿 不要敷衍我   treat you no other way   我没有别的办法对你   than you deserve   只有这样   couse you"re the girl of my dreams   因为你是我梦想中的女孩   my prize possession   我的珍藏   one and only   唯一   adore ya girl i want ya   我崇拜的女孩 我想你   the one I cant live without   没有她我无法活下去   that"s you that"s you   她就是你,就是你   you"re my special little lady   你是我特别的小女孩   the one that makes me crazy   在所有认识的女孩中   of all the girls I"ve ever known   让我疯狂的那一个   it"s you, it"s you   是你,是你   my prize possession   我的珍藏   one and only   唯一   adore ya girl i want you   我崇拜的女孩 我想你   the one I cant live without   没有她我无法活下去   that"s you that"s you   她就是你,就是你   you"re my special little lady   你是我特别的小女孩   the one that makes me crazy   在所有认识的女孩中   of all the girls I"ve ever known   让我疯狂的那一个   it"s you, it"s you   是你,是你   my favorite, my favorite   我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的   my favorite, my favorite girl我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的女孩   my favorite girl   我最喜欢的女孩   my favorite, my favorite   我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的   my favorite, my favorite girl   我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的女孩   my favorite girl   我最喜欢的女孩
2023-07-14 20:46:133


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2023-07-14 20:46:484


2023-07-14 20:47:044

麦琪的礼物 (The Gift of the Magi) 中心思想(theme)

The husband sells his gold watch in order to buy expensive combs for his wife′s luxurious locks. While the wife sells her hair to the wigmaker in order to buy a chain suitable for her husband′s handsome timepiece. When all is revealed on Christmas Eve, the sweet irony of their dual generosity leaves them, whether they know it or not, as the wisest of gift givers: "But in a last word to the wise of these days let it be said that of all who give gifts these two were the wisest. O all who give and receive gifts, such as they are wisest. Everywhere they are wisest. They are the magi."
2023-07-14 20:47:202


1. 名词作主语  直到河里的鱼死了,村民们才意识到污染的危害。The villagers didn"t realize how serious the pollution was until the fish in the river died.   S+V+O. 主系表结构 :S+V   倒装:Not until the fish in the river died did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.   注意:倒装在主句,从句不倒装 did 和not 提前,只剩动词原形   强调:It was not until the fish died in the river that the villagers realized how serious the pollution was.   如果强调的是主语或宾语且指人用who,其他一律用that。是that,而非其他/主句的顺序((倒装不强调,强调就不倒装)) 2.代词作主语  人称代词(主格),名词性代词,指示代词,不定代词,such(----样的人、物),it(时间,天气,距离等)   at midnight /in the(泛指)middle of the night   It is 9 o"clock when I went home.   It was ten when I got home.一般句   It was at ten that I got home.强调句   I got home at ten.原形 3.数词作主语  Ten out of 100 Americans are over /above /more than 65. 4.动名词作主语  一般 / 完成时   v-ing: 主动/doing/having done   not doing:被动/being done/having done   注意:doing 无时间限定/与谓语同时出现/在谓语动词后发生having done发生在谓语之前   He still remembers being prized.   当逻辑主语为无生命的东西时   a.作主语时,通常表示一般性的无时间性的东西。而不定式表示某一种具体的动作。   Smoking is hobbit difficult to break.   b.主语和表语一致   Seeing is believing.   c.逻辑主语必须是所有格形式   Smoking kills.   d. it 作形式主语:It is no use/good…  The old man"s taking pity on the snake leads to his death.那个老头怜悯那条蛇,导致他的死亡。 5.不定式作主语  To + 动词原形   Not to do 解释:具有动词的性质,作宾语,状语/具有名词的性质,作主语/具有形容词性质,作定语/具有副词的性质,作状语。除谓语不可作之外,其他都可。   一般式:to do   进行时:to be doing   完成时:to have done   完成进行时:to have been doing   to do:表示动作发生在谓语之后,I want to go home.与谓语动词几乎同时发生   to be doing :表示与谓语动词同时发生   to have done:发生在谓语动词之前 Someone was considered to have done something.   to have been doing :动作从过去开始一直持续到谓语动词这个动作的发生   不定式表示一种确定的动作   To do morning exercises this morning is not good for your healthy.   注释:作主语在句首/it作主语构成(常用 v-ing,不常用只有 use,good)   It is +adj. +of sb.(人的属性)/for sb.(物的属性)to do   It is necessary to finish the design before National day. Tomorrow is National day.   it is +n.+for/of sb. to do   It is not good manners for Arabs to stand close talking to their friends.   It is a great honor for us to be invited to the party.   在感叹句中必须用it作形式主语:What a joy/ pleasure (it is) to read the book.   在问句中必须用形式主语:Is it possible to go to the moon by spaceship? 6.名词化的形容词或过去分词  the poor / the disabled /the sick 7.名词化的介词短语  From my home to school is three kilometers.   副词----不定式或动名词   What an excitement to find a shark when you"re swimming in the sea. 8.句子作主语(从句一律为陈述句)  1)that引导的从句,无意义,不担当句子成分,不省略   A. It +v+ that从句   It +系动词+表语+that 从句   It is strange that he didn"t come here yesterday.   当形容词为important necessary strange /that should +动词原形   It is strange that he should (表示吃惊)pass the exam.   2. It is +n +that 从句   What a pity it is that you didn"t come to this party.   当名词为a pity/a shame /a surprise +should +v原形(表示竟然)   What a pity that she should be fail in exam.   3. It is +过去分词+that 从句   It is report that a car accident happened there.   从句s +be v-ed + inf.   He is said to be studying in the USA.   有人建议suggest/order/request + 从句 should +动词原形   4. It +动词原形seem/appear /turn out/+that   It seems that it will rain.   5. It strikes sb. that 从句 ,某人突然想   It occurs to sb. that-----   B.为强调从句意义,that从句常放在句首   That he will come here is of great help.   That you failed the exam will   --What made his father so angry?   --That he failed the exam. 或He fails the exam.   c.在问句中必须有形式主语   It is true that Bush will visit China again?   2) Whether /if是否不担当句子成分,也不省略   A.句首只用whether   Whether he will come to the meeting is unknown yet.   B.句末形式主语都可用 It ----whether/if   It is of no/little important whether/if it will rain today.   c.在有些句型中,从句不在前 It doesn"t matter whether ----   It doesn"t matter whether it is new/it will rain tomorrow.   3) 连接代词 who /whom/whose/what/which/担当从句成分,有意义,不省略   A. what +sb. + clause   What we will do next is not decided.   B. what+修饰词 意为什么样的……   What color you like is none of my business.   C. what ……人,……事,……物   What he said at the meeting surprised everyone present.   注意:what前是否有先行词/与that 之间的区别   That he said it at the meeting surprised everyone present.   What 与which 的区别   Which/what you want---若给定范围用which,没有用what。   What ---be that---强调句的一种(强调后者)   What I need most is that someone helps me.   There be +what clause   There was we call People"s Republic of China in Chinese history.   What +比较级 what more /what worse   what引导从句作状语修饰全句的内容。在句首或句中,很少在句尾   Which +n (single)   Whose +n(只用此)   Whose father is a doctor is no sense.   It从句作形式主语(what……人或物时,不用it)   4)连接副词 when/whose/how/why 担当句子成分,有意义,不省略   How the accident happened puzzled everyone.句尾用形式主语it   5) 引导主语从句   whoever/whosever/whatever/whichever/Anywhere/anything that /everyone that/whoever=anyone whom/anything that (泛指)/anything what (特指)   Whoever 指人从意义判断   Who 指事   Since the introduction of reform, China has made earth shaking changes.自从改革以来,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。
2023-07-14 20:47:271


2023-07-14 20:47:493

跪求 《飘》的英文原版小说!!

2023-07-14 20:48:004

求解——( )and happy,Tom stood up and accepted the prize. A.Surprise. B. Being suprized

选B 作状语。
2023-07-14 20:48:229

If I Were You 歌词

  外文名称:If I Were You  歌曲原唱:celine dion  填 词:S. Peiken and A. Roman  歌曲语言:英语  She can feel you  Drifting far away  But she can"t see through  What you do not say  Take a step back  Don"t lose your ground  Remember how you felt before  And if you care about her  Show her that you"re sure  If I were you  My prized possessions  Would be the ones I"d hold so close  "Cause when you lose your love  You lose what means the most  If I were you  I"d hold affection  Higher than any star in sight  Take this to heart  And you"ll never part  These are the things that I would do  If I were you  Simple pleasures  The hardest to be found  Can"t be measured  "Til they"re not around  Maybe she"ll go  Maybe she"ll stay  But she"d rather go than fade away  Sometimes the sweetest sorrow  Is the saddest fate  (Chorus)  Take a step back  Don"t lose your ground  Remember how you felt before  And if you care about her  Show her that you"re sure  If I were you  I"d hold affection  Higher than any star in sight  Take this to heart  And you"ll never part  These are the things that I would do  If I were you  Take this to heart  You"ll never part  These are the things that I would do  If I were you
2023-07-14 20:48:462


2023-07-14 20:45:081


mono形容词 a. 1.(广播,录音器材)单音的(非立体声的)mono-前缀 pref. 1.表示"一"2.表示"单","单一"mono.缩写词 abbr. 1.=mononucleosis2.=monopoly3.=monotype
2023-07-14 20:45:111


佛山市顺德风行头盔有限公司的产品 。 该公司又是 江门市鹏程头盔有限公司(mhr)的子公司。鹏程生产LS2头盔广东省佛山市顺德区龙江镇西庆工业区建路七号
2023-07-14 20:45:111

DOS下安装:要使用 Smartdrv.exe 工具,请确保 Smartdrv.exe 文件位于启动盘。

2023-07-14 20:45:172


2023-07-14 20:45:181


2023-07-14 20:45:045


bathroom或showerroom翻译:浴室;洗手间。 例句:she"s in the bathroom/showerroom
2023-07-14 20:45:032


2023-07-14 20:45:021

wps push button是什么?

WPS(Wi-Fi Protected Setup,Wi-Fi 保护设置)是由Wi-Fi 联盟组织实施的认证项目,主要致力于简化无线网络的安全加密设置。在传统方式下,用户新建一个无线网络时,必须在接入点手动设置网络名(SSID)和安全密钥,然后在客户端验证密钥以阻止“不速之客”的闯入。Wi-Fi Protected Setup 能帮助用户自动设置网络名(SSID)、配置最高级别的WPA2安全密钥,具备这一功能的无线产品往往在机身上设计有一个功能键,称为WPS 按钮,用户只需轻轻按下该按钮或输入PIN 码,再经过两三步简单操作即可完成无线加密设置,同时在客户端和路由器之间建立起一个安全的连接。
2023-07-14 20:45:012

急求一首英文歌,开头是哼唱的 dodo dodo(嘟嘟 嘟嘟)

2023-07-14 20:44:5711