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What is PRODUCT INTEGRITY DEPARTMENT? Please tell me more about it.

2023-07-13 20:24:31

Product Integrity division (BPI) is to prevent, exclude, effectively manage and where possible eradicate risks to the economy, animal and plant industries, environment and human health posed by pests, dieases and chemical-residues and to ensure the continued access to domestic and international markets for Territory primary produce.

BPI Divison has a total of 55 staff located in Darwin, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs. The division is made up of the following four business areas: Animal Health Services, Plant Health Services, Chemical Services and Biosecurity Capability

Animal Health Services

The role of Animal Health Services is to protect and facilitate market access for Northern Territory livestock and livestock products to domestic and international markets. This includes disease surveillance and control, livestock identification, meat industries, livestock welfare, veterinary laboratory services and legislative compliance.

Animal Health Services has 18 staff located in Darwin, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs. There are also 17 staff at the Berrimah Veterinary Laboratory in Darwin.

Plant Health Services

The role of Plant Health Services is to maintain and improve market access capability for Northern Territory plant products. This includes the facilitation of domestic and international market access for plants and plant products, surveillance for and effective responses to any incursions of plant pests and diseases, and plant health policy and legislative compliance.

Chemical Services

The role of Chemical Services is to regulate the use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals in the Northern Territory. This includes licencing of Businesses and Operators to spray agricultural chemicals, authorising the use of Schedule 7 (S7) agricultural chemicals and Restricted Chemical Products (RCP), pesticide use monitoring, working with industry, national bodies and individuals to ensure responsible use of pesitcides in the Northern Territory, and compliance with legislation.

Biosecurity Capability

The role of Biosecurity Capability is to effectively support and underpin key areas of the BPI Division. In particular administration, finances, surveillance processes, and the co-ordination of biosecurity emergency preparedness and response activities.





incursion of southern savages南蛮入侵。
2023-07-13 18:43:342


不是战地1942也不是战地2,是战地:越南 英文名称:Battlefield: Vietnam 中文名称:战地:越南(有地区称之为“越南战场”) 游戏类型:第一人称射击游戏 所属系列:Battlefield(战地,又称战地风云) 制作公司:Digital Illusions (后被EA收购,成为EA DICE) 发行公司:EA Games(美国艺电) 使用引擎:Refractor 2(战地1942的改进版)[1] 发布平台:PC 游戏评级:Teen(ESRB) / 16+(PEGI) 上市时间:2004.03.14(美版) / 2004.03.19(欧版) 最新版本:1.21 战地:越南是战地系列的第二款作品。这款游戏的背景设定在越南战争,再现了很多越战的经典战役。模式 本作仍支持多达 64 位玩家同时参与一场战斗。游戏模式仍然沿袭战地1942的“征服”模式。 装备 玩家在本作中可以操控超过 35 种曾在越战中出现过的载具,如M-16步枪、 UH-1直升机、M551坦克、幻影F-4喷气式战斗机、CH-47运输直升机以及苏制T-54坦克、MIG-21战斗机和Mi-8多用途直升机。除此之外,还有电单车和多种水上交通工具。 玩家若是能和队友一起利用好手中的装备,就能打出不少极其生动的战术:率领一个空军直升机编队攻击敌人,或者利用幻影战斗机向敌人堡垒投掷汽油弹,在密林深处伏击敌人,在敌人后方空投坦克或者利用快艇抢渡急流等等。 士兵 玩家可选择二大对抗的武力:美军和北越士兵。兵种有突击兵,火力支援兵,工程兵,侦察兵四个兵种,每个兵种有两套不同配备的武器装备可供选择。颇为有趣的是,玩家还可以选择自己扮演的士兵的人物外貌以及服装式样。 地图 本作的特点就是丛林战,游戏中的很多地图都设定在遍布沼泽的茂密丛林。这需要玩家小心四处的丛林陷阱,不要被善于伪装的敌人蒙蔽。玩家也可以选择与队友一道埋伏在大树后面等待敌人接近。这样的战役比起宽阔的欧洲战场以及平坦的沙漠战地,难度可说是有增加而无不及。 地型除了有越南的茂密丛林外,还有不少特色建筑,例如:庙宇、简陋民房、桥梁、军事基地等。 地图列表 * 顺化1968 (Hue 1968) * 收复顺化 (Reclaiming Hue) * 火标行动 (Operation Flaming Dart) * 大南山谷 (Ia Drang Valley) * 阿尔班尼登陆区 (Landing Zone Albany) * 迅击作战行动 (Operation Hasting) * 友好作战行动 (Operation Irving) * 广治1968 (Quang Tri 1968) * 广治1972 (Quang Tri 1972) * 老村沦陷(Fall of Lang Vei) * 战领作战行动 (Operation Game Warden) * 胡志明小道 (Ho Chi Minh Trail) * 高棉黄昏 (Cambodian Incursion) * 溪山攻防 (Sige of Khe Sanh) * 康天保卫战 (Defense of Con Thien) (1.1版新加) * 雪松瀑布行动 (Operation Cedar Falls) (1.2版新加) * 西贡沦陷 (Fall of Saigon) (1.2版新加) * 西贡1968 (1.2版新加) 画面 实际游戏截图本作在建模的精度上相对前作有提高,画面更加细腻。不过本作和前作使用的是相同的游戏引擎,且没有什么技术革新,因此画面区别不很明显。 配乐 本作的游戏音乐从原本战地1942简单几首配乐,增加为将近20首的60年代流行乐曲,将使玩家能更容易溶入当年参与越战军官将士的心境。 曲目列表 1. Creedence Clearwater Revival - "Fortunate Son" 2. Edwin Starr - "War" 3. Martha Reeves and the Vandellas - "Nowhere to Run" 4. The Troggs - "Wild Thing" 5. Rare Earth - "Get Ready" 6. Canned Heat - "On the Road Again" 7. The Guess Who - "Shakin" All Over" 8. Count Five - "Psychotic Reaction" 9. Deep Purple - "Hush" 10. The Kinks - "All Day And All Of The Night" 11. The Kinks - "You Really Got Me" 12. The Box Tops - "The Letter" 13. Jefferson Airplane - "Somebody to Love" 14. Bobby Fuller Four - "I Fought the Law" 15. Budapest Symphony Orchestra - "The Ride of the Valkyries" 16. The Trashmen - "Surfin" Bird" 17. Jefferson Airplane - "White Rabbit" 扩展性 和战地1942一样,本作也支持玩家或第三方组织自由定制的模组。不过本作在技术上和战地1942没有本质区别,所以大多数模组开发团队仍然选择在战地1942上发布模组,本作拥有的模组并不多。 更新 目前最新版本为1.21,需要先更新到1.2版本才可以安装1.21补丁。 2005年4月2日,DICE官方释出一个新游戏内容,是战地:越南的二次世界大战模组,安装前须先将游戏版本更新至v1.10版或以上,新游戏内容安装档容量为298MB大小。 评论 据metacritic.com的统计,战地:越南共得到了48个媒体给出的平均84分的成绩。媒体普遍反映游戏本身并不错,丛林战很有意思,配乐较好地渲染了战场气氛;但相对前作,游戏性并没有太大的创新与突破,画面效果没有显著的提升。 最低配置 系 统:Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP(也可以用兼容模式在Vista系统下运行) 处理器:奔腾III 933 MHz 内 存:256MB 显 卡:具有64M显存的NVIDIA GeForce 3 或 ATI Radeon 8500 声 卡:支持DirectX 9.0 硬 盘:2.0GB 光 驱:CD-ROM 键鼠等外设
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玩家在游戏中可以操控超过 35 种曾在越战中出现过的载具,如M-16步枪、 UH-1直升机、M551坦克、鬼怪F-4喷气式战斗机、CH-47运输直升机以及苏制T-54坦克、MIG-21战斗机和Mi-8多用途直升机。除此之外,还有电单车和多种水上交通工具。玩家若是能和队友一起利用好手中的装备,就能打出不少极其生动的战术:率领一个空军直升机编队攻击敌人,或者利用F-4战斗机向敌人堡垒投掷汽油弹,在密林深处伏击敌人,在敌人后方空投坦克或者利用快艇抢渡急流等等。每支部队的装备情况如下:美方:MACV军事顾问团(sog):突击兵:AR-15步枪&手雷、XM148紧凑型突击枪&医疗包。工程兵:M14步枪&迫击炮、M14步枪&C4炸弹。反装甲兵:M60机枪&M79榴弹发射枪、M60机枪&L.A.W.反坦克火箭筒。侦察兵:M40狙击步枪&烟幕弹&望远镜、M16狙击型&烟幕弹&望远镜。海军陆战队直属师团:突击兵:M16步枪&手雷、莫尔斯伯格500式霰弹枪&手雷。工程兵:M14步枪&迫击炮、M14步枪&C4炸弹。反装甲兵:M60机枪&M79榴弹发射枪、M60机枪&L.A.W.反坦克火箭筒。侦察兵:M24狙击步枪&烟幕弹&望远镜、M16狙击型&烟幕弹&望远镜。南越维和志愿军(越南语音):突击兵:AR-15步枪&手雷、M16步枪&手雷。工程兵:M14步枪&迫击炮、M14步枪&C4炸弹。反装甲兵:M60机枪&M79榴弹发射枪、M60机枪&L.A.W.反坦克火箭筒。侦察兵:M21狙击步枪&烟幕弹&望远镜、M16狙击型&烟幕弹&望远镜。越方:不明越共武装力量:突击兵:AK-47步枪&手雷、RPD突击机枪&手雷。工程兵:MAT42冲锋枪&迫击炮、MAT42步枪&C4炸弹。反装甲兵:56式国产半自动步枪、RPG-2火箭筒、SA-7肩扛式导弹&遥控炸弹。侦察兵:SVD狙击步枪&铁蒺藜、56式国产半自动步枪&定时炸弹&定向地雷。苏建越共正规部队:突击兵:AKM改进型步枪&手雷、国产53式冲锋枪&手雷。工程兵:MAT42冲锋枪&迫击炮、MAT42步枪&C4炸弹。反装甲兵:56式国产半自动步枪、RPG-7Z火箭筒、SA-7肩扛式导弹&遥控炸弹。侦察兵:M91/30狙击步枪&铁蒺藜、56式国产半自动步枪&定时炸弹&定向地雷。 玩家可选择二大对抗的武力:美军和北越士兵。兵种有突击兵,反装甲兵,工程兵,侦察兵四个兵种,每个兵种有两套不同配备的武器装备可供选择。颇为有趣的是,玩家还可以选择自己扮演的士兵的人物外貌以及服装式样。1.0版本中两阵营共有5支部队参战。美国:MACV军事顾问团(星条旗)、海军陆战队(星条旗)、南越维和志愿军(红黄纹旗)。北越:不明越共武装力量(红底黄星旗)、苏建越共正规部队(红蓝底黄星旗)。 《战地:越南》的特点就是丛林战,游戏中的很多地图都设定在遍布沼泽的茂密丛林。这需要玩家小心四处的丛林陷阱,不要被善于伪装的敌人蒙蔽。玩家也可以选择与队友一道埋伏在大树后面等待敌人接近。这样的战役比起宽阔的欧洲战场以及平坦的沙漠战地,难度可说是有增加而无不及。地型除了有越南的茂密丛林外,还有不少特色建筑,例如:庙宇、简陋民房、桥梁、军事基地等。地图列表* 顺化1968(Hue 1968)* 收复顺化(Reclaiming Hue)* 火镖行动(Operation Flaming Dart)* 德浪河谷(Ia Drang Valley)* 阿尔班尼登陆区(Landing Zone Albany)* 迅击作战行动(Operation Hasting)* 友好作战行动(Operation Irving)* 广治1968(Quang Tri 1968)* 广治1972(Quang Tri 1972)* 老村沦陷(Fall of Lang Vei)* 占领作战行动(Operation Game Warden)* 胡志明小道(Ho Chi Minh Trail)* 柬埔寨的黄昏(Cambodian Incursion)* 溪山攻防(Sige of Khe Sanh)* 康天保卫战(Defense of Con Thien)(1.1版新加)* 雪松瀑布行动(Operation Cedar Falls)(1.2版新加)* 西贡沦陷(Fall of Saigon)(1.2版新加)* 西贡1968(Saigon 1968)(1.2版新加) 游戏音乐从《战地1942》的几首简单配乐,增加为将近20首的60年代流行乐曲,将使玩家能更容易溶入当年参与越战军官将士的心境。曲目列表1、Creedence Clearwater Revival - “Fortunate Son”2、 Edwin Starr - “War”3、Martha Reeves and the Vandellas - “Nowhere to Run”4、The Troggs - “Wild Thing”5、 Rare Earth - “Get Ready”6、Canned Heat - “On the Road Again”7、The Guess Who - “Shakin" All Over”8、Count Five - “Psychotic Reaction”9、 Deep Purple - “Hush”10、 The Kinks - “All Day And All Of The Night”11、The Kinks - “You Really Got Me”12、The Box Tops - “The Letter”13、 Jefferson Airplane - “Somebody to Love14、Bobby Fuller Four - “I Fought the Law”15、 Budapest Symphony Orchestra - “The Ride of the Valkyries”16、The Trashmen - “Surfin" Bird”17、Jefferson Airplane - “White Rabbit”
2023-07-13 18:43:591


2023-07-13 18:44:271


much-publicized多宣传publicizedv.宣传(某事物)(尤指用广告)( publicize的过去式和过去分词 ); 例句:1.The incursion caused a furor in pakistan, where the government publicized and condemned the strike. 那次突袭在巴基斯坦引起轩然大波,巴基斯坦政府进行了公开并予以谴责。
2023-07-13 18:45:272

求 魔兽冰龙 辛德拉苟莎 英文台词!! 可以在加分!!

You are silly enough to come here ! The cold wind throughout north crack will Pierce your soul!
2023-07-13 18:45:356


2023-07-13 18:45:524

Supplementary reading material:Volcanic Systems

Previous models formally defined a volcanic system to include: ( 1) the melting anomaly at the magma source; ( 2) the conduits through which magma rises to the surface; ( 3) the magma chambers ( if any is formed) ; ( 4 ) the zones of geothermal influence; and ( 5 ) the volcanic edifice. Using this definition of a volcanic system,Walker grouped basaltic volcanoes into five distinctive system-types based on variations on the time-averaged magma supply rate and on the frequency of incoming magma batches. In his classification scheme,lava shield volcanoes and flood basalt fields form at the highest time-averaged output rate ( ~ 1 km3of lava produced each year) . The distinction between these two systems resides in the frequency of incoming magma batches,being much higher on lava shields ( ~ 1 episode / year) than on flood basalt fields ( ~ 1 episode every 10000 years) . Central volcanoes and stratovolcanoes form at intermediate time- averaged output rates ( ~ 10- 3km3of magma produced each year) ,but are distinguished from each other in terms of the frequency of magma batches ( 1 episode every 1000 years and 1 episode every 100—500 years,respectively) . The fifth type of volcanic system in this scheme includes monogenetic volcanic fields,in which both the frequency of magma batches and the time-averaged magma supply rate are low ( ~ 10- 6km3of magma produced each year and 1 episode every few thousand years,respectively) . Although the classification proposed by Walker accounts for the most obvious differences in the morphology of basaltic volcanoes in the Earth,it does not explain the characteristics of the magma source or the processes responsible for the variation of the two main parameters considered ( magma supply rate and frequency of incoming magma batches) . Additionally,this model does not attempt to link the processes responsible for volcanic activity with a tectonic setting,or any other tectonic variable.An independent formulation of the concept of a volcanic system was made by Gudmundsson. His model is based on his long-term observations of Icelandic volcanic activity. According to Gudmundsson"s model,the surface expression of a volcanic system in divergent plate boundaries consists of tension fractures,normal faults and volcanic fissures,regardless of the volcano-type formed ( fissure swarm,central volcano or caldera; Fig. 1) . The relative independence between the morphology of the edifice and the general surface expression of the system is explained on this model as the result of the implied progressive evolution of the system. Accordingly,the birth of a volcanic system is marked by the formation of a dome-shaped magma reservoir at the crust-upper mantle boundary. During early activity,the system lacks a shallow crustal magma chamber,so that all intrusions ( dykes) and extrusions ( eruptive episodes) are fed from the deep reservoir, thus developing a regional dyke swarm. The rapid emplacement of many dykes may,in principle, shift the relative importance of horizontal and vertical stresses with time. If the horizontal compressive stresses become higher than the vertical stress as the result of either tectonic or volcanic events,the emplacement of magma to form a sill will be favored and a crustal magma chamber might be formed eventually by the system. Upon formation of the shallow magma chamber,the conditions would be set for the system to evolve into a central volcano,and further evolution of the system would lead to the development of a caldera.Fig. 1 Scheme showing the main components of volcanic systems in rift zones and the three morphologic types of volcanoes at the surface according to Gudmundsson ( 1995) .In analogy with Walker"s model,in Gudmundsson"s version of a volcanic system both the deepseated magma reservoir and most of the plumbing of the system are common features of all the identified morphologically distinct volcano-types. Unlike Walker"s model, Gudmundsson incorporates some variables of tectonic origin although the explicit relation between a volcanic system and plate tectonics still remains limited to rift scenarios. The combined effect of the relative timing of magma incursions into the upper crust and the influence of the regional stress- field,however,can be used to further explore the relationship existing between plate tectonics and volcanism at a global scale as shown in this paper.Another aspect of particular importance is the recent shift concerning the concept of magma chambers. Various lines of seismic and petrologic evidence have led some authors to replace the view of isolated pools of magma beneath volcanoes and ocean ridges with a concept that portrays magma chambers as vertically distended mush columns. This change in how we envisage the physical aspect of a magma chamber also imposes some constraints to the processes that are significant in a volcanic context. Consequently,the characteristics of the deep reservoir envisaged by Gudmundsson have to be modified to incorporate recent advancements in the understanding of magmatic systems. The consequences of incorporating key aspects of the magmatic system into the context of a volcanic system as envisaged by Walker and Gudmundsson are far reaching,as will be shown in the remainder.Although each of the two available versions of a volcanic system were inspired by volcanoes with specific characteristics ( of basaltic composition in Walker"s case and restricted to rift scenarios in Gudmundsson"s case) ,both models offer a very convenient framework that can be used as a starting point of a more general version in which the volcanic system is inserted more clearly within the plate tectonics paradigm. In Section 3,we combine key aspects of both models to develop an updated version of a volcanic system that is independent of chemical composition and that evidences the effects of the tectonically controlled variables.Selected from: Global aspects of volcanism: the perspectives of “plate tectonics ” and “volcanic systems”,Earth-Science Reviews,66 ( 2004) : 163—182.By: Edgardo Canon-Tapiaa,Department of Geology,CICESE,P. O. Box 434843,San Diego,CA 92143,USA. andGeorge P. L. Walkerb b Geology Department,University of Bristol,Bristol BS8 1JR,UKNew words and expressionsPart A地球科学专业英语Part B地球科学专业英语地球科学专业英语
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访问控制列表使用目的:   1、限制网络流量、提高网络性能。例如队列技术,不仅限制了网络流量,而且减少了拥塞   2、提供对通信流量的控制手段。例如可以用其控制通过某台路由器的某个网络的流量   3、提供了网络访问的一种基本安全手段。例如在公司中,允许财务部的员工计算机可以访问财务服务器而拒绝其他部门访问财务服务器   4、在路由器接口上,决定某些流量允许或拒绝被转发。例如,可以允许FTP的通信流量,而拒绝TELNET的通信流量。   工作原理:   ACL中规定了两种操作,所有的应用都是围绕这两种操作来完成的:允许、拒绝   注意:ACL是CISCO IOS中的一段程序,对于管理员输入的指令,有其自己的执行顺序,它执行指令的顺序是从上至下,一行行的执行,寻找匹配,一旦匹配则停止继续查找,如果到末尾还未找到匹配项,则执行一段隐含代码——丢弃DENY.所以在写ACL时,一定要注意先后顺序。   例如:要拒绝来自172.16.1.0/24的流量,把ACL写成如下形式   允许172.16.0.0/18   拒绝172.16.1.0/24   允许192.168.1.1/24   拒绝172.16.3.0/24   那么结果将于预期背道而驰,把表一和表二调换过来之后,再看一下有没有问题:   拒绝172.16.1.0/24   允许172.16.0.0/18   允许192.168.1.1/24   拒绝172.16.3.0/24   发现172.16.3.0/24和刚才的情况一样,这个表项并未起到作用,因为执行到表二就发现匹配,于是路由器将会允许,和我们的需求完全相反,那么还需要把表项四的位置移到前面   最后变成这样:   拒绝172.16.1.0/24   拒绝172.16.3.0/24   允许172.16.0.0/18   允许192.168.1.1/24   可以发现,在ACL的配置中的一个规律:越精确的表项越靠前,而越笼统的表项越靠后放置  ACL是一组判断语句的集合,它主要用于对如下数据进行控制:   1、入站数据;   2、出站数据;   3、被路由器中继的数据   工作过程   1、无论在路由器上有无ACL,接到数据包的处理方法都是一样的:当数据进入某个入站口时,路由器首先对其进行检查,看其是否可路由,如果不可路由那么就丢弃,反之通过查路由选择表发现该路由的详细信息——包括AD,METRIC……及对应的出接口;   2、这时,我们假定该数据是可路由的,并且已经顺利完成了第一步,找出了要将其送出站的接口,此时路由器检查该出站口有没有被编入ACL,如果没有ACL 的话,则直接从该口送出。如果该接口编入了ACL,那么就比较麻烦。第一种情况——路由器将按照从上到下的顺序依次把该数据和ACL进行匹配,从上往下,逐条执行,当发现其中某条ACL匹配,则根据该ACL指定的操作对数据进行相应处理(允许或拒绝),并停止继续查询匹配;当查到ACL的最末尾,依然未找到匹配,则调用ACL最末尾的一条隐含语句deny any来将该数据包丢弃。   对于ACL,从工作原理上来看,可以分成两种类型:   1、入站ACL   2、出站ACL   上面的工作过程的解释是针对出站ACL的。它是在数据包进入路由器,并进行了路由选择找到了出接口后进行的匹配操作;而入站ACL是指当数据刚进入路由器接口时进行的匹配操作,减少了查表过程   并不能说入站表省略了路由过程就认为它较之出站表更好,依照实际情况而定:   如图所示,采用基本的ACL——针对源的访问控制   要求如下:   1、拒绝1.1.1.2访问3.1.1.2但允许访问5.1.1.2   2、拒绝3.1.1.2访问1.1.1.2但允许访问5.1.1.2   采用基本的ACL来对其进行控制 R1(config)#access-list 1 deny R1(config)#access-list 1 permit any R1(config)#int e0 R1(config-if)#access-group 1 in R2(config)#access-list 1 deny R2(config)#access-list 1 permit any R2(config)#int e0 R2(config-if)#access-group 1 in  从命令上来看,配置似乎可以满足条件。  假定从1.1.1.2有数据包要发往3.1.1.2,进入路由器接口E0后,这里采用的是入站表,则不需查找路由表,直接匹配ACL,发现有语句 access-list 1 deny拒绝该数据包,丢弃;假定从3.1.1.2有数据包要发往1.1.1.2,同上。   当1.1.1.2要和5.1.1.2通信,数据包同样会被拒绝掉   当3.1.1.2要和5.1.1.2通信,数据包也会被拒绝掉   该ACL只能针对源进行控制,所以无论目的是何处,只要满足源的匹配,则执行操作。   如何解决此问题?   1、把源放到离目标最近的地方,使用出站控制;   2、使ACL可以针对目的地址进行控制。   第一项很好理解,因为标准的ACL只能针对源进行控制,如果把它放在离源最近的地方,那么就会造成不必要的数据包丢失的情况,一般将标准ACL放在离目标最近的位置!   第二种办法,要针对目标地址进行控制。因为标准ACL只针对源,所以,这里不能采用标准ACL,而要采用扩展ACL.但是它也有它的劣势,对数据的查找项目多,虽然控制很精确,但是速度却相对慢些。   简单比较以下标准和扩展ACL   标准ACL仅仅只针对源进行控制   扩展ACL可以针对某种协议、源、目标、端口号来进行控制   从命令行就可看出   标准:   Router(config)#access-list list-number   扩展:   Router(config)#access-list list-number protocol source {source-mask destination destination-mask} [operator operand] [established] [log]   Protocol—用来指定协议类型,如IP、TCP、UDP、ICMP以及IGRP等   Source and destination—源和目的,分别用来标示源地址及目的地址   Source-mask and destination-mask—源和目的的通配符掩码   Operator operand—It,gt,eq,neq(分别是小于、大于、等于、不等于)和一个端口号   Established—如果数据包使用一个已建连接(例如,具有ACK位组),就允许TCP信息通过   为了避免过多的查表,所以扩展ACL一般放置在离源最近的地方 看完上面的内容后,那么大家可以看以下几道关于CISCO访问控制列表的例题:   1、What are two reasons that a network administrator would use access lists? (Choose two.)   A:to control vty access into a router   B:to control broadcast traffic through a router   C:to filter traffic as it passes through a router   D:to filter traffic that originates from the router   E:to replace passwords as a line of defense against security incursions   Answers: A, C   注:该题主要考察CISCO考生对ACL作用的理解:网络管理员在网络中使用ACL的两个理由?   A选项指出了CISCO 访问列表的一个用法:通过VTY线路来访问路由器的访问控制;   ACL不能对穿越路由器的广播流量作出有效控制。   选项C也指明了ACL的另一个作用,那就是过滤穿越路由器的流量。这里要注意了,是“穿越”路由器的流量才能被ACL来作用,但是路由器本身产生的流量,比如路由更新报文等,ACL是不会对它起任何作用的:因为ACL不能过滤由路由器本身产生的流量,那么D也是错误的;   2、For security reasons, the network administrator needs to prevent pings into the corporate networks from hosts outside the internetwork. Which protocol should be blocked with access control lists?   A: IP   B: ICMP   C: TCP   D: UDP   Answers: B   安全起见,网络管理员想要阻止来自Internet上的外部主机PING企业内部网络,哪种协议必须在访问列表中被阻塞掉?PING使用的是ICMP协议,在ACL中,我们可以自己来定义需要被允许或者拒绝某些协议的流量。该题选B   3、Refer to the exhibit. The access list has been configured on the S0/0 interface of router RTB in the outbound direction. Which two packets, if routed to the interface, will be denied? (Choose two.)   access-list 101 deny tcp any eq telnet   access-list 101 permit ip any any  访问控制列表   A:source ip address:; destination port: 21   B:source ip address:, destination port: 21   C:source ip address:, destination port: 21   D:source ip address:, destination port: 23   E:source ip address:; destination port: 23   Correct Answers: B, E   如图,在RTB上配置了访问列表,控制从S0/0口出去向外部的由192.168.15.32/29网段发起的telnet流量,其它流量允许通过。telnet使用23号端口,由此可以排除掉ABC三个选项。该题选择D,E.
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Forayer: One who makes or joins in a foray, which is a sudden attack or incursion into enemy territory, esp. to obtain something.
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多宣传 的意思
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第一章收起第一章第二章第三章塔防游戏开启墨境之门的条件要求:1. TD 1 : Accomplished 2 Flawless waves (no monster in your base)完美防御两波攻击2. TD 2 : Kill 300 monster with traps用陷阱杀300_怪物3. TD 3 : Build at least 20 traps建造20个陷阱4. TD 4 : Build all 6 salvage recycler?建造六个增加零件的仪器5. TD 5 : Build rocket? Upgrade fully xxx traps?建造所有陷阱6. TD 6 : Build many trap in top map?在最上方地图建造陷阱隐藏点第一章: Drainage Tunnels (use elevator before prison) 排水道(在进地下监狱前的电梯上去)1. You"ve found Da Vinci"s lost blueprints of the ornnithopter找到达文西的蓝图2. You"ve found Wilhelm Tell"s crossbow (in a box)找到威廉泰尔的弓箭Holding Facility 监狱3. You"ve found the hidden prison section (give money to prisoner)给囚犯钱开启地下监狱4. You"ve found the Mask of the Cannibal (you might not be able to find him at later chapter if you leave him in prison, not tested yet)找到汉尼拔的面具(在某个牢门后面,释放他他会说要去和朋友聚餐)5. You"ve found Dr. Jekyll"s tincture (release HULK)释放浩克(简单来说,打开所有牢门就可以完成)Thunderhead Mountain 雪山6. You"ve found the Mushroom Expert Certificate (in a body)点门牌之后点尸体拿蘑菰专家证书7. You"ve found the woodcarver"s treasure (it"s in a pole before scarecrow)点稻草人之前的木桩8. You"ve found the scarecrow"s treasure (well... a scarecrow)点稻草人9. You"ve found Don Qijote"s lance (stuck in a windmill)拿到唐吉轲德的长矛10. You"ve found a goldfish (weird stone by the bridge)拿到金鱼11. You"ve called forth the giants with the giant gong (besides a portal, be brave before use the gong)敲锣招唤女巨人12. You"ve helped Woody avoid people accusing him of being a ghoul or You"ve revealed that Woody is a ghoul (he might be alive later if you help him, havent tested yet)发现伍迪是食人鬼13. You"ve found the Dungeonkeeper"s armour (in an altar beside ice wall, a bit hidden though)发现地牢守护者胸甲14. You"ve looted the body of the dead young hunter (after opening ice wall then locate his body, maybe need to open box for completion?)发现年轻恶魔猎人的战利品15. You"ve saved the bomb expert (agree to katarina suggestion)拯救炸弹专家Cold Cavern 寒冰洞穴16. You"ve found the Afterlife ring (in the very first location, search the place throughly. It"s a skeleton)找到来世之戒17. You"ve evicted the domovoy from the minecart (in a hanging minecart)发现矿车上的隐藏物品18. You"ve looted the body of the grey wizard (in a broken bridge)发现灰袍巫师尸体(掉出两样传说装备)19. You"ve found a Rare Ore (besides small skeleton near NPC)发现大师符文Giantwoods20. You"ve found all three Moonstones (2 in bodies and 1 after finishing ”gate of perun” quest)找到三颗月石21. You"ve found the runestone from the old well (help free merchant and find some clue, it"s besides stew pot)找到古井符石22. You"ve found the Dungeonkeeper"s amulet (while in “free merchant” quest, search the altar in this area)找到地牢守护者套装的项_23. You"ve found the Spiritwalkers" relic (lower right map, search beside skinned bear)找到传说道具灵魂行者奖励品24. You"ve found the Masterfully Botched Armour (dunno, just kill enemies in small path above frozen stream portal and those 2 stonehead will talk)听传送点旁的两个石头讲完话会吐一件传说装备25. You"ve proven the existence of the yeti (play the drum a few times, it"s where you give the spiritwalker his relic or keep it for trophy)证明了雪人存在(一直敲鼓)26. You defeated the Black Knight (in a bridge after strange domovoy)点击断桥上的黑骑士27. You"ve won The Rock from the stone heads (successfully answer stonehead question, hint it"s all about stone)答对所有石头的谜题Tower Defense28. You"ve found the secret area in the Subterranean Incursion (TD 1)29. You"ve found the secret area in the Invasion of the Rat-Things (TD 2)找到两个塔防游戏的墨境之门
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英文表塔防游戏开启墨境之门的条件要求:1. TD 1 : Accomplished 2 Flawless waves (no monster in your base)2. TD 2 : Kill 300 monster with traps3. TD 3 : Build at least 20 traps4. TD 4 : Build all 6 salvage recycler?5. TD 5 : Build rocket? Upgrade fully xxx traps?6. TD 6 : Build many trap in top map?隐藏点:第一章:Drainage Tunnels (use elevator before prison)1. You"ve found Da Vinci"s lost blueprints of the ornnithopter2. You"ve found Wilhelm Tell"s crossbow (in a box)Holding Facility3. You"ve found the hidden prison section (give money to prisoner)4. You"ve found the Mask of the Cannibal (you might not be able to find him at later chapter if you leave him in prison, not tested yet)5. You"ve found Dr. Jekyll"s tincture (release HULK)Thunderhead Mountain6. You"ve found the Mushroom Expert Certificate (in a body)7. You"ve found the woodcarver"s treasure (it"s in a pole before scarecrow)8. You"ve found the scarecrow"s treasure (well... a scarecrow)9. You"ve found Don Qijote"s lance (stuck in a windmill)10. You"ve found a goldfish (weird stone by the bridge)11. You"ve called forth the giants with the giant gong (besides a portal, be brave before use the gong)12. You"ve helped Woody avoid people accusing him of being a ghoul or You"ve revealed that Woody is a ghoul (he might be alive later if you help him, havent tested yet)13. You"ve found the Dungeonkeeper"s armour (in an altar beside ice wall, a bit hidden though)14. You"ve looted the body of the dead young hunter (after opening ice wall then locate his body, maybe need to open box for completion?)15. You"ve saved the bomb expert (agree to katarina suggestion)Cold Cavern16. You"ve found the Afterlife ring (in the very first location, search the place throughly. It"s a skeleton)17. You"ve evicted the domovoy from the minecart (in a hanging minecart)18. You"ve looted the body of the grey wizard (in a broken bridge)19. You"ve found a Rare Ore (besides small skeleton near NPC)Giantwoods20. You"ve found all three Moonstones (2 in bodies and 1 after finishing ”gate of perun” quest)21. You"ve found the runestone from the old well (help free merchant and find some clue, it"s besides stew pot)22. You"ve found the Dungeonkeeper"s amulet (while in “free merchant” quest, search the altar in this area)23. You"ve found the Spiritwalkers" relic (lower right map, search beside skinned bear)24. You"ve found the Masterfully Botched Armour (dunno, just kill enemies in small path above frozen stream portal and those 2 stonehead will talk)25. You"ve proven the existence of the yeti (play the drum a few times, it"s where you give the spiritwalker his relic or keep it for trophy)26. You defeated the Black Knight (in a bridge after strange domovoy)27. You"ve won The Rock from the stone heads (successfully answer stonehead question, hint it"s all about stone)Tower Defense28. You"ve found the secret area in the Subterranean Incursion (TD 1)29. You"ve found the secret area in the Invasion of the Rat-Things (TD 2)第二章:Secret Lair1. You"ve had Koschei"s Tear made. (talk to dr dampf to assemble moonstone from SC-Ch1-20)Crystal Workshop2. You"ve summoned the chimera by turning the statues. (i believe it"s here, just don"t know how to get it yet)3. You"ve found the Emerald Lantern. (find a lone green lamp, on 2nd large area with many monster)4. You"ve found the chest full of essences. (search at top most map)Viaduct Junction5. You destroyed the Alpha Prototype. (besides plogiston factory portal/broken bridge, answer maybe yes)6. You"ve stolen the treasure of the Thieves" Guild. (at topmost map youll find a dead end, go there and hear some chatter)Foundry7. You thawed the Goldfish and made a wish. (Well someone did anyway...). (at topleft map, there"s some giant pot. Click it)8. You"ve found the strangely scientific looking Resistance sign. (hello half life player, still waiting for HL3?. Click stacked box)9. You"ve found the T95 Chip. (in a dead body before quality control room i think, it"s gone while i write this)10. You"ve found the Photon Blade Essence. (Find packaging room, there are 3 door it"s the one in center. Talk to little droid)11. You"ve found a secret area in the Foundry. (i believe its in Assembly hall, leftmost door.)Floating Platform12. You are one of the few who survived a mass squirrel attack. (in the center of the map there is alot of squirrel, kill them!)Tower Defense13. You"ve found the secret area in the Invasion of the Inhuman Regiment. (TD 3)14. You"ve found the secret area in the Maze of Blades. (TD 4)15. You"ve found the secret area in the Caverns of Steel. (TD 5)第三章:Merchant District1. You"ve found the home of the famous detective. (on the leftmost map, go ask the beggar)2. You killed Jack the Inkripper. (go around big crater, youll find him)3. You killed woody. (You evil person...). (ive killed woddy before..., need confirmation)4. You killed Dr. Lecter. (maybe i need to open his prison in ch 1 first?)5. You"ve taken the gloves from the sacrificial altar. (go to open door before confront harker, it"s in the center of this place)6. You"ve seen the Helsing signal. (find it at top most map after getting the glove above, go around a few stairs)Wormwood Chasm7. You"ve taken the bizarre skull from the sacrificial altar. (to the right of downed soldier)8. You"ve read all the headstones. (to the right after altar, there is a church. The headstones are there)9. You survived the mass harpy attack. (go up after church, youll find alot of scarecrow there)10. You"ve used the key to open the Mystic Orb. (buy the key from giant in Giantwood, click headless statue in center of the map)11. You"ve taken all items from all sacrificial altars. (if you get all item from altar before)12. You"ve followed the instructions on the Ring of Guidance. (help...)13. You"ve become the true owner of the Chimera. (help again ...)Tower Defense14. You"ve found the secret area in the Halls of Remembrance. (TD 6)
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Japan - IntroductionJapan - IntroductionJapan is in the unusual position of being a major world economic and political power, with an aggressive military tradition, resisting the development of strong armed forces. A military proscription is included as Article 9 of the 1947 constitution stating, "The Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as a means of settling international disputes." That article, along with the rest of the "eace Constitution," retains strong government and citizen support and is interpreted as permitting the Self-Defense Forces (SDF), but prohibiting those forces from possessing nuclear weapons or other offensive arms or being deployed outside of Japan. The SDF are under control of the civilian Defense Agency, subordinate to the prime minister. Although highly trained and fully qualified to perform the limited missions assigned to them, the SDF are small, understaffed, and underequipped for more extensive military operations. Its activities are confined to disaster relief and limited UN peacekeeping efforts. Japan"s national defense policy has been based on maintaining the 1960 Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security with the United States, under which Japan assumed unilateral responsibility for its own internal security and the United States agreed to join in Japan"s defense in the event that Japan or its territories were attacked. Although the size and capability of the SDF have always limited their role, until 1976 defense planning focused on developing forces adequate to deal with the conventional capabilities of potential regional adversaries. Beginning in 1976, government policy held that the SDF would be developed only to repel a small-scale, limited invasion and that the nation would depend on the United States to come to its aid in the event of a more serious incursion. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 and the buildup of military forces in the Soviet Far East, including a group of islands to the north of Hokkaido, which were occupied by the Soviet Union but claimed by Japan, led Japan to develop a program to modernize and improve the SDF in the 1980s, especially in air defense and antisubmarine warfare. In the early 1990s, the government was reevaluating its security policy based on reduced East-West tensions. The Japanese government valued its close relations with the United States, and it remained dependent on the United States nuclear umbrella. Thus, it worked to facilitate military contacts and to support the United States diplomatically whenever possible. Both the government and the public, however, supported only limited increases in self-defense capability. National security, it is believed, is fostered by international diplomacy and economic aid as much as by military might. There are few critical issues for Japan"s internal security. Conditions of public order compare favorably with those elsewhere in the world. The crime rate is remarkably low, kept that way by well-organized and efficient police forces assisted by general citizen cooperation and support. The Japanese government reviewed the National Defense Program Outline, formulated in 1995, at the end of 2004. Suggestions that Japan was increasing military capabilities had unnerved China and other Asian countries invaded by Japan during World War II. Japan"s relationship with China is undermined by frequent visits by high-profile officials to the Yasukuni Shrine. In 04 October 2004, the Council on Security and Defense Capabilities, a private advisory group to the prime minister, made recommendations to Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on Japanu2019s future defense capabilities. This report was the basis for new defence guidelines, drawn up by the end of 2004. It was only the third such review since Japan"s defeat in World War Two. The panel said that Japan should study acquiring pre-emptive strike capability. "Regarding the question of whether it is appropriate ... to possess offensive capabilities against enemy missile bases as a last resort, a decision should be made after thoroughly examining the credibility of deterrence provided by the United States." The council recommended thoroughly examining the credibility of US deterrence, the effectiveness of BMD systems, the cost-effectiveness of these systems, and the impact this will have on countries in the region. If this was adopted as government policy, it would have been a major change in Japanu2019s post-war defence policy. The report declared Japan could no longer expect to depend solely on US forces for protection. But the report recommended that Japanese forces designed for defense against a full-scale invasion be significantly reduced. The advisory panel also urged the government to discuss expanding an overseas policing role for the Self Defense Forces. And it recommends relaxing the ban on weapons exports to the United States and other countries, as well as on acquiring advanced spy satellites. The panel, however, came out against Japan having nuclear weapons, saying it must not pose a threat to neighboring countries. In November 2004 November Defense Agency officials established three scenarios of possible attacks by China on Japan as the agency prepared to revamp the national defense strategy. Under the first scenario, China may attack parts of Japan to prevent aid from US forces in Japan in the case of a clash between China and Taiwan . In the second scenario, China might take military action to seize the Senkaku Islands between Taiwan and Japan [which China calls the Diaoyu Islands]. China claims that there is overwhelming evidence to indicate the Diaoyu Islands have been part of Chinese territory since ancient times. Under the third scenario, China might move to secure its interests in the East China Sea. China"s oil and gas explorations in the East China Sea are being carried out in what China regards as indisputable coastal waters, the source of wrangling between the two countries over energy and territory in the East China Sea. Tokyo and Beijing dispute the development of gas fields near their maritime boundary.The “National Defense Program Guidelines, FY 2005” were adopted by the Security Council and the Cabinet on 10 December 2004. Japan"s cabinet eased a 1976 ban on exporting arms and approved joint development of a missile defense system with the United States. Although limited in scope, the actions are part of a steady move away from the country"s self-defense-only military policy. Despite the changes, the Defense Agency failed to avoid a reduction in military personnel. The powerful Finance Ministry, which has final say over government budgets, insisted on cuts of five-thousand ground troops from the total force of 160-thousand. Spending was also cut by about three-and-a-quarter percent, to 233-billion dollars over five years.The approval of the new defense guidelines came a day after the government extended the controversial deployment of non-combat troops to Iraq for another year. The dispatch of the 550 troops marked the first time Japan has sent its forces to a country at war in more than 50 years.
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officially Russian Federation , Russian Rossiya or Rossiyskaya Federatsiya country that stretches over a vast expanse of eastern Europe and northern Asia. Once the preeminent republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.), Russia has been an independent country since the dissolution of the union in December 1991. Under the Soviet system it was called the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (R.S.F.S.R.).With an area of 6,592,800 square miles (17,075,400 square kilometres), Russia is the world"s largest country, covering almost twice the territory of either the United States or China. It ranks sixth in the world in population, following China, India, the United States, Indonesia, and Brazil. The great majority of the people are Russians, but there also are some 70 smaller national groups living within its borders. Most of the population is concentrated in a great triangle in the western, or European, part of the country, although over the past three centuries—and particularly during the early and mid-20th century—there was a steady flow of people eastward to the Asiatic section commonly referred to as Siberia.On its northern and eastern sides Russia is bounded by the Arctic and Pacific oceans, and it has small frontages in the northwest on the Baltic Sea at St. Petersburg and at the detached Russian oblast (province) of Kaliningrad. On the south it borders North Korea, China, Mongolia, and the former Soviet republics of Kazakstan, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. On the southwest and west it borders the former Soviet republics of Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, and Estonia, as well as Finland and Norway; in addition, Kaliningrad (formerly a part of what was once East Prussia annexed in 1945) abuts Poland and Lithuania.Extending nearly halfway around the Northern Hemisphere and covering much of eastern and northeastern Europe as well as the whole of northern Asia, Russia has a maximum east-west extent, along the Arctic Circle, of some 4,800 miles (7,700 kilometres) and a north-south width of 1,250 to 1,850 miles. There is an enormous variety of landforms and landscapes, which occur mainly in a series of broad latitudinal belts. Arctic deserts lie in the extreme north, giving way southward to the tundra and then to the forest zones, which cover about half of the country and give it much of its character. South of the forest zone lie the wooded steppe and steppe, beyond which are small sections of semidesert along the northern shore of the Caspian Sea. Much of the federation lies in latitudes where the winter cold is intense and where evaporation can barely keep pace with the accumulation of moisture, engendering abundant rivers, lakes, and swamps.The capital of Russia is Moscow, which was also the capital of the R.S.F.S.R. and of the Soviet Union. The republic itself had been established immediately after the Russian Revolution of October (November, New Style) 1917 and became a union republic on December 30 (December 17, Old Style), 1922. Following the termination of the U.S.S.R. in 1991, Russia joined with other former Soviet republics in forming the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).Historically, the territory of European Russia was the core of the expanding Russian state and suffered onslaughts ranging from that of the Mongol hordes in the 13th century to the Nazi invasion of World War II. This historical heritage, together with the country"s vast area and natural wealth, which permitted the development of a large-scale industrial economy, gave Russia a unique place of leadership among the former Soviet republics. Its brooding landscapes and the complexities of the prerevolutionary society inspired the prose and music of such giants of world culture as Anton Chekhov, Aleksandr Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy, and Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky, while the October Revolution (of 1917) and the changes it brought were reflected in the works of such noted figures as the novelists Maksim Gorky, Mikhail Sholokhov, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, and the composers Dimitry Shostakovich and Sergey Prokofiev.For the geography and history of Russia"s two largest cities, see the articles Moscow and Saint Petersburg. For the history of the Soviet Union as a whole, from the Revolution to 1991, see Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. For the geography and history of the other former Soviet republics, see Moldova, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Ukraine.From the beginnings to c. 1700Prehistory and the rise of the RusIndo-European, Ural-Altaic, and diverse other peoples have occupied what is now the territory of Russia since the 2nd millennium BC, but little is known about their ethnic identity, institutions, and activities. In ancient times, Greek and Iranian settlements appeared in the southernmost portions of what is now Ukraine. Trading empires of that era seem to have known and exploited the northern forests—particularly the vast, triangular-shaped region west of the Urals between the Kama and Volga rivers—but these contacts seem to have had little lasting impact. Between the 4th and 9th centuries AD, the Huns, Avars, Goths, and Magyars passed briefly over the same terrain, but these transitory occupations also had little influence upon the East Slavs, who during this time were spreading south and east from an area between the Elbe River and the Pripet Marshes. In the 9th century, as a result of penetration into the area from the north and south by northern European and Middle Eastern merchant adventurers, their society was exposed to new economic, cultural, and political forces.The scanty written records tell little of the processes that ensued, but archaeological evidence—notably, the Middle Eastern coins found in eastern Europe—indicates that the development of the East Slavs passed through several stages.From about 770 to about 830, commercial explorers began an intensive penetration of the Volga region. From early bases in the estuaries of the rivers of the eastern Baltic region, Germanic commercial-military bands, probably in search of new routes to the east, began to penetrate territory populated by Finnic and Slavic tribes, where they found amber, furs, honey, wax, and timber products. The indigenous population offered little resistance to their incursions, and there was no significant local authority to negotiate the balance among trade, tribute, and plunder. From the south, trading organizations based in northern Iran and North Africa, seeking the same products, and particularly slaves, became active in the lower Volga, the Don, and, to a lesser extent, the Dnieper region. The history of the Khazar state is intimately connected with these activities.About 830 commerce appears to have declined in the Don and Dnieper regions. There was increased activity in the north Volga, where Scandinavian traders who had previously operated from bases on Lakes Ladoga and Onega established a new centre, near present-day Ryazan. Here, in this period, the first nominal ruler of Rus (called, like the Khazar emperor, khagan) is mentioned by Islāmic and Western sources. This Volga Rus khagan state may be considered the first direct political antecedent of the Kievan state.Within a few decades these Rus, together with other Scandinavian groups operating farther west, extended their raiding activities down the main river routes toward Baghdad and Constantinople, reaching the latter in 860. The Scandinavians involved in these exploits are known as Varangians; they were adventurers of diverse origins, often led by princes of warring dynastic clans. One of these princes, Rurik of Jutland, is considered the progenitor of the dynasty that ruled in various portions of East Slavic territory until 1598. Evidences of the Varangian expansion are particularly clear in the coin hoards of 900–930. The number of Middle Eastern coins reaching northern regions, especially Scandinavia, indicates a flourishing trade. Written records tell of Rus raids upon Constantinople and the northern Caucasus in the early 10th century.In the period from about 930 to 1000, the region came under complete control by Varangians from Novgorod. This period saw the development of the trade route from the Baltic to the Black Sea, which established the basis of the economic life of the Kievan principality and determined its political and cultural development.The degree to which the Varangians may be considered the founders of the Kievan state has been hotly debated since the 18th century. The debate has from the beginning borne nationalistic overtones. Recent works by Russians have generally minimized or ignored the role of the Varangians, while non-Russians have occasionally exaggerated it. Whatever the case, the lifeblood of the sprawling Kievan organism was the commerce organized by the princes. To be sure, these early princes were not “Swedes” or “Norwegians” or “Danes”; they thought in categories not of nation but of clan. But they certainly were not East Slavs. There is little reason to doubt the predominant role of the Varangian Rus in the creation of the state to which they gave their name.
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  幻世录1  一、弃卒  这一关敌人始终会保持2位魔法师和3个小兵,减少后也会由城里出来进行补充。到第六回合,敌人会出现一个小兵报告情况而改变胜利条件,我认为此时应选打倒全部敌人作为过关条件,因为这样可多赚点经验,以便以后作战。  消灭一个敌人比击伤他所得的经验要多,这种机会应多留给主角雷欧纳德。  二、恶梦的曲终  这一关要注意以下几点:  1.当敌人普通兵的数量少于2人时,就会出现援军,这些援军的等级实力都不弱。  2.对方的两个骑士也会用“气刃斩”,所以要在他们的“气力”值未满之前干掉他们。  3.开始别太靠近皇帝,不然,他来参战就会增加难度。  4.我方的两个重装甲兵一定要注意保护,这是和皇帝作战时的好帮手。  三、决意  这一关好像不能从敌人身上得到物品补给,所以难度较大。缇娜一出来就应全力向左边跑,从屋顶下去后再向右走,到达脱离点。这一关的敌人被消灭后,会从地图左方源源不断地补充,所以最好不要多和敌人纠缠。等到达脱离点附近后,可以和敌人战斗以赚取经验值,因为这时一旦情况不对,就可进入脱离点过关。  四、双头的死神  这一关要注意保护琥,当敌人被消灭一部分后就会过关,要多得经验值的话,最好是去找等级高的凶牙鬼来杀,过关后可点击地图上的欧姆村,在村里多买些回复药带上。  宝物:玻璃戒指、回复药、解毒草(X=656,Y=560)  五、遭遇(戈尔山道)  雷欧纳德一开始就可以走到左边栅栏门口挡着,由琥站在后面射击和给雷欧纳德补血。当盗贼只剩一人时,缇娜就会和帝国兵一起出现,这时由缇娜来帮大家加血,这几个小兵很容易对付。栅栏边会捡到宝物。  宝物:阔刀剑和回复药(x=496,y=464)  妖精之泉×2、御之源(x=176,y=464)  六、巢窟(盗贼洞窟)  这一关的敌人比较强,可以用雷欧纳德打头阵,琥在一边打游击战,而缇娜站在后面加血。在桥那里可以占据桥中间诱敌攻击,当缇娜和汉克斯交手后,汉克斯认出她是拉尔斯帝国的公主。原来汉克斯是前拉尔斯帝国的“影牙”队的队长,他表示可以跟随公主。  这一关打完后,记住回欧姆村,可以得到2000元的报酬。然后在自由都市米兰多里买些物品和装备,这里要买些解毒草与妖精之泉备用,然后可在酒馆里打听一下消息。  宝物:黄金首饰(x=624,y=368)  七、猛狞(呼啸平原)  这关的敌人全是野兽,一开始时可全力制服左上方的野兽。动作尽可能快一些,以免被野兽围攻,注意蜂会使你中毒。在第九回合前打倒全部敌人过关,不然会有第二批敌人,要是你愿意得经验值也可留下来。  宝物:土之源(x=304,y=572)  八、宣战(席达镇)  在席达镇的酒馆里与沃斯菲塔兵谈话后就会进入战斗。  在这关中,可以一出来就快速解决右边的重装兵队长,尽快过关,也可以和敌人慢慢打,以多得经验。在过关地图的左边有三个村民的地方有一处“天险”,可以让琥在里面放箭和加血,其他三人守住外围站成一个“┛”形,将士兵全消灭后再干掉重装兵队长过关。  这里要注意的是,如果在第五回合前,打倒重装兵队长能过关;如在五回合后打倒他,则地图下方会出现第二次援兵。如果你这时不愿打,向下方的脱离点逃走也行。  宝物:魔之源和黄金首饰(x=400,y=336)  烈炎戒指和力之源(x=816,y=688)  九、寂寥(宁静之森)  这一关的野兽众多,并且几回合后地图下面会出现沃斯菲塔的士兵,所以一出来后就应向地图右中方向走。  这样做有两个好处:  一是可以让士兵和左边来的野兽互相打斗,坐收渔人之利;  二是可以接应从右边出现的雪拉,以免她到时孤立无援。  打此关前最好每个人都装备银制发饰,这样可避免反复中毒。  宝物:银制发饰和解毒药(x=597,y=600)  十、哀怨(废墟-帕尼西雅城)  这关的恶魔移动力较快,且魔法很厉害,所以要尽快解决。  此关的敌人补充方式有两种,  一种是将僵尸打完时,会再出现僵尸;  另一种是将恶魔消灭后,恶魔也会再增援一次。  这关完成后,以后还可以来练攻。  宝物:水晶剑和琥珀水晶(x=816,y=240)  十一、狙兵(菲纳斯河畔)  这关的敌人很多,开始只有重装兵和一般兵,八回合后敌人的援军还会到达。援军里的技师很可怕,一定不要让她用魔法(赤焰鸟,攻击范围5格),一口气打倒她,不然可有好看的了。还有对方剑士的“气刃斩”,你可能一下也接不了,所以不要让剑士的气力满一格。  宝物:三叉戟(x=496,y=304)  风之源和水之源(x=1392,y=144)  过关后,回席达镇酒馆打听消息,地图上到达薛维斯港的路就会出现。不过先不忙走,这时镇里的护甲店会出售隐黑忍衣,很不错哟。  十二、失落(曼多力亚-废都)  此关如果回答雷欧纳德的第一句话,就会回到大地图,回答第二句,就会发生战斗。  此关的敌人不难对付,只要小心魔法师和兽剑士就行。在这关有一个好东西,即能使所得金钱×2的“黄金的圣杯”。  宝物:黄金的圣杯(x=1296,y=560)  通过此关后,到港口和船长交谈,他会要求你去命运神殿,如果先去命运神殿,那么下一个战场艾瓦台地就会变成寻找通行证(商人克里夫死亡)。如果不去,下个战场就是在艾瓦台地救克里夫,通关后得到他的通行证,以后归还通行证时克里夫还会给你一些增加抵抗力及能力的药。我这里建议大家别去命运神殿,因为现在去,什么也不会发生,没有多大意义。不过如果你一定走这条路线,我这里就给出“寻”这关通行证的座标:(x=1008,y=464)(x=1008,y=432)(x=1040,y=432)(x=1072,y=432)(x=1104,y=432),通行证就在这五个座标中的一个里(随机)。  十三、援救(艾瓦台地)  克里夫出来后会向右跑,上去接应他,干掉车子附近的妖怪后不要先急于到左边去。因为第六回合后还会出现野兽,这时右下方也会出现,克里夫又会往左上方跑,此时除了保护好克里夫外,也要派队员去接应从左上方出现的嚎,以免他被围攻。如果不能去接应,也应做到将敌人吸引过来。这关有好宝物,一定要捡到。  宝物:逆十字(x=624,y=144)  火红水晶和灵之源(x=432,y=560)  十四、突围(那可那鲁边境)  这一关打正门还可以多得经验值,敌人都擅长远攻,所以最好是贴身作肉搏战。打倒所有敌人多得些经验吧。  十五、真理(利鲁玛山地)  一开始雷特就向左下方的平台方向飞行,边飞边攻击追击的四名敌人,当打倒两名敌人后,我方人员就会从左下角的平台出现。同时敌人的大批援军也会到达。  这一关敌人非常多,所以你的队员要小心对付。不能太靠近平台边缘。可将他们往里吸引进行攻击。雷特本人可进行游击战,吸引敌人过来。如果在二十回合前消灭所有敌人就可过关,否则会出现第二批敌人。  宝物:凝气之环(x=1488,y=208)  幸运缎带(x=48,y=80)  秘药和妖精之泉(x=592,y=720)  十六、怒涛(巴瀚纳海峡)  这一关先回到薛维斯港,去克利夫的家归还通行证,可得到力、御、魔、速、土、火、水、风之源各三个。在港口换上新装备后去找船长,先别答应他去萨克尔岛。出港口后,然后再去找他,有两个选择,你可以先去命运的神殿转职,然后再去萨克尔岛。  在海上,开始会有很多甲壳蜂,这些蜂在第八回合时就会撤退,所以要抓紧时间多杀几个,多得些经验。甲壳蜂撤退后,会出现海辉魔(章鱼),这时你的任务就会变成保护大船不被破坏。  在对付章鱼时要善用会远距离攻击的人,用火系魔法攻击章鱼效果比较好。除了章鱼外,第十六回合还会出现两栖海贼,这些海贼能多杀就多杀,因为它们是打不完的,不过这时要注意章鱼至少要杀死四个以上,船才会安全。  在二十三回合时,两栖族的军人出现,就可以过关了。  宝物:冥晦之轮(x=1360,y=1552)  十七、异种(深渊之沼)  龙之息这个地方现在还不用去,所以只好先到深渊之沼。  在此关中,没有装备银制发饰的人最好不要进入沼泽,否则会中毒。在这一关中会出现两批敌人。在敌人出现后,千万不要将其全部消灭,一定要留下一个敌人。在二十七回合时,咕噜就会出现,由于他的等级太低了,所以一定要保护好他。  完成这关后,最好你的队员都能达到转职的标准,这样到命运神殿转职后再进行下面的游戏会更好。  十八、魔骑士(回音之谷)  这一关会出现两批翼人部队,然后克罗蒂所带领的魔骑士也会出现。他们出现的位置就在桥的左边,你可以选择打倒他们或直接进入脱离点过关。如果选择打倒他们,开始就不要到桥的左边去;如果要直接过关,则可以把部队都派到左边,到时雷欧纳德直接过关就行了。  在这一关过后,玛哈亚镇的酒馆中有一个神秘男子,他会出售价值五千元的随机物品,第一回你可以重试几次自己的运气,有很不错的东西哟。以后你还可以在其它城镇的酒馆里碰到他(不过以后碰到的机率很低),但是以后再碰见他,他卖的东西就会更好,但价格也会更高。同时在酒馆里有个年轻女子会要求你送信和戒指给她以前的男友,这个任务会涉及以后的结局。  宝物:刚岩之盔(x=144,y=48)  十九、狂砂(哈莫特沙漠)  这一关敌人多而不强,可以得到不少的经验。当敌人全灭或第八回合时(若回音之谷脱离则为第十回合),下方敌人会出现援军。接着过几回合,魔骑士又会出现,不过魔骑士和沃斯菲塔兵会相互攻击。  宝物(前提为回音之谷打倒克罗蒂):女神之冠(x=592,y=912)  (回音之谷脱离)女神之冠(x=112,y=656)  二十、信念(约瑟河)  这一关没什么特别的,注意法师的魔法和兽剑士的特殊技就行了。  宝物:翠绿水晶和水之源(x=912,y=304)  极光护轮(x=144,y=624)  二十一、离散(绝望之谷)  这一关共有三个魔将出现,而且每一个都是无法打倒的。克罗蒂先出场,当她被打倒或生命力减少一半时,傲会从左边出现,当傲出现五回合后,席德尔也会从左边出现。席德尔出现后,胜利条件会变为:琥、缇娜、雪拉、汉克斯从东南脱逃,雷欧纳德等人往南方脱逃。  知道以上条件后,你应该知道该怎么玩了吧?不要把你的人太靠左边,所有的人在地图中间抗敌就行了,以便脱逃。这一关可用魔法将三个魔将麻痹,然后用汉克斯的“金之手”去偷取魔将身上的物品。三个魔将身上都有不错的物品,千万不要放过他们哟!对了,给汉克斯多准备一些神威之酒以恢复气力。  宝物:火之源和风之源(x=752,y=176)  大地之衣(x=336,y=48)  二十二、奔逃(漆黑之森)  魔将傲是无法打败的,所以出来后雷欧纳德向上逃到脱离点过关即可。当魔骑士少于三人时就会出现敌人的援军,你可以把嚎、雷特和咕噜留下来阻敌。  宝物:邪眼假面(x=176,y=560)  湛蓝水晶(x=592,y=496)  二十三、解明(黄昏之丘一阴)  此关同上一关差不多,缇娜逃到下方的脱离点就行了。这关可用汉克斯的特技“金之手”去偷取魔将身上的装备。  宝物:黑水晶(x=240,y=304)  二十四、阻碍(拉格纳沼地)  这一关如果在十回合内解决所有的敌人就会过关。否则魔骑士团就会出现,但他们会和沃斯菲塔兵互相攻击。  二十五、虚实(沙罗尼亚近郊)  这关野兽打完后,再消灭沃斯菲塔兵就可以过关了。  宝物:丈八蛇矛(x=576,y=704)  琥珀水晶(x=640,y=160)  过了这关就会到达沙罗尼亚,这里我方的两支队伍会相遇。经过雷欧纳德与缇娜的交谈后,在古都――玛哈亚镇酒馆里会出现一名翼人,找他对话后,会出现通往尼布鲁瀑布的路。在尼布鲁瀑布打倒一条红龙后,会得到龙牙。不过这条龙实力很强,以后去打也不迟。  二十六、变节(萨鲁司海岸)  此关开始后应将队伍移动到岩石下方进行作战。第八回合后魔将克罗蒂也会赶来参战。第十二回合她和雷欧纳德谈话后会加入我方,所以要注意先派人去保护她。  傲身上可能会有不错的宝物,派汉克斯去偷吧。  宝物:火红水晶(x=304,y=560)  奥义之证(x=112,y=1072)  二十七、未知(古代神殿遗址)  这一关有一道难题,大家一定要注意。就是柱子上的守护者的打法,你在进入此关时,一定要注意柱子上守护者发出白光的顺序,然后按顺序用魔法或特殊技攻击石柱才能解除守护者的防卫状态。但要注意,守护者发出白光的顺序是随机的,每次都可能不一样哟,所以一定要记清楚,不然就只能提取进度重看一次。  解除机关之后,就会出现一只巨兽――谜之生命体,这个巨兽能连续行动两次,并会一些魔法。如果最后由咕噜去打倒巨兽,那咕噜就会和他合体变为一只能飞行、可行动两次、攻击技术很强大的魔物。不过,咕噜合体后将可能影响到结局。  另外,谜之生命体身上还有宝物冥晦之轮(可让使用者移动后使用魔法),记得用汉克斯去偷哟。  宝物:黄金的圣杯(x=272,y=144)  二十八、崩陷(黄昏之丘――阳)  这关在大约第五回合时会发生地震,并产生白烟,此地应注意白烟出现的范围。因为第七回合时,出现白烟处的岩石会崩陷,如果你的队员在上面的话,就会阵亡。  当敌人被全灭或第十三回合时,敌人的援军会从下面出现。  宝物:隐密之轮(x=112,y=272)  三十、决胜(圣灵之森)  这关把魔将傲打倒就能过关。注意傲身上有宝物,派汉克斯偷吧。  三十一、恶魔之翼  这一关打倒席德尔后就能过关。不过开始时不用急着去打他,先把他的部下全部消灭后再去打。开始的敌人少于5人时,敌人会出现增援。  注意席德尔身上有不错的宝物,用汉克斯的特殊技“金之手”去偷龋当击倒席德尔后,杀不杀掉他你可以选择,注意选择的结果会影响到结局。  过了这关后,过这一关后就到达斐达克,先去旅馆住宿,在旅馆住宿之后,再去酒馆找一名妖精谈话,之后地图上就会出现前往戈黎塔尼港的路。接下来笔者的行程就是回到玛哈亚镇找酒馆中的翼人谈话。谈话后通往尼布鲁瀑布的路会出现,先去瀑布拿龙牙,再去亚雷比斯找精灵族长老。  三十二、猎杀(尼布鲁瀑布)  这关共有两批敌人出现,不过都不可怕。最可怕的是在第十六回合或翼族士兵全部消灭后,瀑布中就会出现一条红龙,这条龙的等级高得惊人。当龙的生命力很低时,它还会用生命之水回复生命,所以也是我方人马练功升级的好机会。不过一定要小心龙发出的“龙啸天驱”,这一招有可能一次就杀掉较弱的队员。杀死龙之后,可得一把宝剑“龙牙”。  过这一关后就去戈黎塔尼港,乘船去妖精国。  宝物:魔晶石(x=912,y=240)  追风之羽(x=1168,y=976)  三十三、破浪(日没湾)  我方队员现在已经很强大,过这关是绝对没有问题的。  宝物:海龙之弓(x=80,y=496)  三十四、遗产(众神的宫殿遗址)  这关是个宝物关,不过有时间限制,所以大家一定要抓紧时间拿宝物。  一开始,地图上所有火圈都无法进入,只有打死守护者之后,相对应的火圈才会打开,所以要倾全力尽快解决守护者。在所有的火圈中,地图上方最大的一个火圈中的宝箱里有开启命运神殿中枢的圣水晶和雷欧纳德的转职道具剑之魂(用来进行第二次转职)。  此关中,如果咕噜是合体过的,那就无法进入火圈,派它去拿火圈外的宝物。对了,大火圈的开启方法是打倒游戏开始时,地图最上方两个守护者之中靠下面的一个。  宝物:白光之翼(x=880,y=752)  过此关后,再回亚雷比斯找长老,得知了圣剑西鲁达的消息,此时地图上会出现新地点――大地的裂缝。不过现在先不用去那儿,应先去薛维斯港的酒馆找一名兽人,然后再去命运神殿找老神官谈话,就能到命运神殿中枢将雷欧纳德转为最高职业终焉剑侠。不过要记住,雷欧纳德的四项属性得全为黄色,而且有转职道具剑之魂才能进行转职。转职后雷欧纳德能用武器连续攻击敌人两次,如果你再把白光之翼(行动两次)给他装备上,那他的攻击力将强大得惊人。  如果你曾在玛哈亚镇接受一年轻女子的委托,经过席达镇时,记住把东西交给吉姆。  转职回来后去自治都市――沙罗尼亚,在酒馆和一名商人谈话,得到幽暗坟场的消息,然后地图上会出现幽暗坟场的消息,那里有克罗蒂和汉克斯最强的宝剑及缇娜的转职道具――福音之书。  注意,一定要先去薛维斯港酒馆找兽人问过话,然后到沙罗尼亚才能找到商人。  三十五、深邃之暗(幽暗坟场)  这关要看清脱离点,我方人员全部到坟墓入口处就可以过关。  宝物:星尘之冠(x=272,y=656)  三十六、禁忌之魂(幽暗坟场)  此关拿到插在地上的血祭及忌魂两把剑后就能过关。不过拿剑之前记得要先取福音之书,福音之书就在中间圆圈里的宝箱里。  过了此关,再回命运神殿将缇娜转职成公主,这时缇娜就能移动后使用魔法了。当缇娜和雷欧纳德这时都转过两道职后,到两栖族部落去找人类学者,他会带我们去龙之息,在那里可以找到雷欧纳德最强的剑――辉煌之器。  三十七、辉煌(龙之息)  看见开始时剑下面所出现的绿格了吗?只要雷欧纳德站在那儿就能取到剑。不过在这关的六条红龙那里你可以捞到不少经验,所以先不要急于取剑,和龙先打一阵。此关的时间限制为三十回合。  宝物:舞空之靴(x=48,y=816)  过此关之后就应到大地的裂缝去了。  三十八、绝壁(大地的裂缝)  此关中的剑要派雷特或合体后的咕噜才能拿到,要先拿剑,不然敌人被消灭后就过关了。  这一关还有两条红龙可练功,后面就是血战了,记得最好把缇娜的“极”、雷特的“翔天刃风击”、克罗蒂的“弑神渺杀断”、汉的“残影乱斩”这些特殊技练出来。  三十九、残光(亚修顿大桥)  妖精王正在做垂死的挣扎,在这关布置了大量的兵力,在第八回合敌人会出现援兵,同时我方的援兵(拉尔斯帝国残兵)也会从左下方出现。  宝物:旭日之盔(x=1104,y=1008)  四十、突进(克莱恩城)  此关敌人相当多,第九回合前消灭全部敌人就能过关,不然敌人会从左下角增援、第十回合我方的增援也会出现。  四十一、自觉与宿命(克莱恩城)  这关塔克斯又出现了,打倒他就能过关。  结局:  End3-1 接触(克莱恩城)  如果你是完全照我的攻略所指的路线打下来,那最后就是游戏的第三结局,这一关的妖精王是无法打倒的,先不要理他,只要等到第十回合就行了。  End3-2 终焉(克莱恩城)  第十回合,不见了的咕噜又出现了,这时它已经变成了新魔神,并把妖精王杀了。变成了魔神的咕噜非常强大,一定要尽力在最短的时间内解决它。  幻世录2  首先讲一下游戏的系统,因为这个是幻世录的前传,所以有些地方也比较落后,一个是物品已经没有了以前的仓库了,每个人身上只能根据职业和等级来决定能带的物品数,如果一个人拿的东西太多的话,那只好丢掉了,而特殊技特只能打一个人,而且要在自己武器的攻击范围才可以用,以前的用特殊技一招打一批人已经没有了。不过也有改进的地方,战斗时可以自己选择是用防御还是闪躲,如果有气力还可以用防御反击和闪躲反击,而气力也可以留到下关继续使用,所以过关之前留些气力的话,下关会容易好多。战场上有许多发光的亮点,那里表示有物品在那里可以拿,战斗有空之余可以去拿拿看,说不定有好东西在呢。另外,战场上也有许多隐藏宝物,隐藏宝物是没有亮点的,要走到那格才会发现,本人在战斗之余,也找到了部分的隐藏物品,特意跟大家分享。还有连杀系统和物品掉落系统。连杀就是比如布莱特在这个回合中杀了一个人,而在下次轮到布莱特行动并且又成功杀死敌人,这样就成为连杀。(如果你的人物有装备行动两次的物品的话,其中有一次行动杀不死敌人,连杀依然计算,但如果行动中的两次都能杀死敌人的话,连杀就会增加,连杀的经验比平常打死敌人的经验是有加成的效果的。物品掉落系统就是,如果你在用来杀掉此敌人的回合数越多的话,那么敌人身上物品掉落的机会就越大,用移动可以查看敌人身上物品掉落的几率。不同难度选择好象是没有什么区别,只不过是帮忙的NPC(就是大众化名字)生命少一点,还有敌人的智商高一点而已。本人所写的是正常难度攻略,噩梦的难度可能会比较大。通关以后还会给你一个存档的机会,用这个存档可以进入下一个轮回,轮回以后人物的物品和等级不变,而且在战场上还会比原来多加了新的物品。本游戏还有奥汀的一贯作风,“神秘男子”登场,不过这次他只是卖东西,不但物品比普通的要贵,而且没有轮回过的话,不会买到什么好的物品。  非人NONHUMAN  本关重点:没有什么好说的,本关是热身,熟悉一下系统,干掉蛮蛮以后会有敌人杰拉特援军,再次干掉蛮蛮就行了,杰拉特比较厉害,不要尝试去打。本关尽量不要升级,因为下关敌人的等级是根据本关伊芙蕾儿的等级为根据的,如果这关升过等级的话,下关会非常难打。翼人身上的物品可以交给伊芙蕾儿,以后伊芙蕾儿加入的时候就可以得到了。  炽炎FIRE  本关重点:是要守在下方只能过3个人的要道里,让两名士兵和重甲兵在那里堵住敌人,布莱特从左面过去包抄,形成合围,赛格向左边走,去拿回复药,这关我方的NPC不受控制,可能要用一下SAVE/LOAD大法,尽量在每次行动都另外存个记录,以防NPC乱出招,如果真的不够打的话就放弃左面的回复药,反正每个人的能带的道具是有限的,拿了不一定够位置放,对付敌人的话请优先打凶牙鬼,同样的敌人也要有限打HP低的敌人和有气力的敌人,左上和右下还会每格4、5回合出一次援军。最后,记得要在开始先把点数加上,不然打两下就挂了,建议把加体质为优先,毕竟血多了也耐打一点嘛。在数回合以后会要你选择是否烧森林,不烧森林的话敌人还会继续出援军,如果要拿物品的话就不要烧森林了。可以在拿物品的同时练一下等级,不够打的时候打倒疾就可以过关。  物品:最左方有回复秘药和回复药(回复秘药要绕上去拿),能不能拿就要看你本事了,右下方有神威树之页(气力加10%)。右面也有3个物品,最右方的是回复秘药,其他的就是回复药了。  战斗胜利以后,由于蜉蝣龙虫佣兵团的加入,我方队员增加了伊丽娜,蛮蛮,和罗翔。在大地图中进入与补给官说话的话可以得到2000的补给经费  俘虏THE PRISONER  本关重点:开始也记得要加点数,小心弛就行了。  物品:左方从下到上依次是、回复药、破魔咒、天使之露,右面从下到上回复药、天使之露、解毒草,本关干掉敌人有可能会拿到轻装铠。  隐藏物品:在右边从下面数上来第3根柱子上面的那个熄灭的火台个烈炎戒指。  偷袭INCURSION  本关重点:城门左、右方都是回复药,不够药用的时候就去拿吧本关只要赛格走到逃离点就行了,不过要小心格罗丽雅会跟着你的,如果用赛格去物品的话很容易会被卡住,要走很久才能出来,城门会在每个回合都出2名妖精女剑士,这里用来练级最好,最好是用连杀,经验会多很多,数回合以后会有克里欧斯援军(不过实在是太菜了,被我一招就干掉),在这里打死妖精女剑士有可能会拿到轻装铠  空中军团A FLYING CORPS  本关重点:本关接着上一关,虽然生命和魔法会补满,但无法购买道具。打败路特会得到上锁的日记(是以后赛格和罗翔加入的重要物品)。在数回合后会在上方出先4个翼人和索妮亚已经救回格罗丽雅,再过3回合左右在下方还会有克里欧斯加3名女剑士,1名白魔法师援军,在这里翼人占尽空中优势,我方只有靠罗翔和3个两栖弓兵,两栖弓兵身上都有带回命药,同时打败一个翼人也会得到一个回命药,所以尽量节省回复药的和回复魔法的使用,魔法是绝对不够的,实在不行的话就立刻干掉伊芙蕾儿。如果你实力够强的话,伊芙蕾儿可以在拿回复药那里用一个人堵住,就可以避免伊芙蕾儿走过来攻击我方的弓箭兵和魔法师。  物品:河的两边分别有一个神威之果,伊芙蕾儿下面上方是回复药,下面也是神威之果,3个神威之果都只有罗翔才能拿到。  胜利以后,布莱特决定炸掉桥梁,防止敌人在背后追赶。同时托尔斯王要见布莱特,急忙赶回以后,国王升布莱特为百夫长,并交给布莱特一个任务,协助首相寻找秘宝。在途中遇到伊芙蕾儿被亡灵包围,可以选择帮和不帮,选择帮的话这关就要保护好伊芙蕾儿的安全,选择不帮的话,这关就可以杀掉伊芙蕾儿。  遭遇ENCOUNTER  本关重点:只要小心保护伊芙蕾儿的安全就行了。  物品:左上有神威树之页,下面有迅疾之素,右下有防御之素,右上是回复药。  埋伏AMBUSH  本关没有物品拿,一开始尽快想办法向左下方前进,因为数回合以后有援军。下面有两栖弓兵,上面是甲壳蜂和兽人军团,先干掉下面的敌人可以确保不受敌人的包围,之后因为甲壳蜂机动力高,会先到达我方面前,最后才是兽人。先走到下面,能起到分散敌人兵力的作用。  假意BARMECIDE  本关重点:干掉亡灵以后会有选择,选择接受提议,伊芙蕾儿就会成为敌对,选择拒绝就只有布莱特、伊丽娜和伊芙蕾儿3人,还要对付杰拉特和拜狱,如果不是在前面把等级练得很高的话还是接受吧  到达圣殿,对话好象怎样选择都一样。醒来布莱特发现自己在牢里,并且旁边关着的是弛,在卫兵口中得知,自己犯了叛国罪。不知何时有一位少女跑进牢里,自称是要救弛出狱,并且顺便放走了布莱特,一场逃狱战就开始了。  逃狱ESCAPE  本关重点:艾蜜首先要上去把弛放出来,(在这里可以用艾蜜把在牢里得到的神威之果给弛用,然后用弛攻击力高的特点,一斧一个,在3回合内把敌人干掉,结束战斗,但是这样的话就得不到牢里的物品了)然后才是布莱特,之后让他
2023-07-13 18:48:571


请楼主来 战地越南吧
2023-07-13 18:49:174


战地越南 1942不是的
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注:以下发售日期均以日版为主。PlayStation / 街机皇牌空战1(Ace Combat/Air Combat)1995年6月30日发售系列的第一部作品,最早为街机版,后来发行PS版。在北美和欧洲发售时游戏名为Air Combat,但是日本原版的名字“Ace Combat”一直沿用到以后的作品。皇牌空战2(Ace Combat 2)1997年5月30日发售纠正了前作中的所有画质缺陷,同时介绍了一个在后续作品中的大陆“USEA”。皇牌空战3电子空间(Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere)1999年5月27日发售该作虚构了一个未来世界并设计了些未来的战机,一些保守玩家对此表示难以接受。游戏被设定成一个和皇牌空战2一样的世界。日版的游戏很有故事性,52个任务、多样的结局和动画式的人物。然而,在北美和欧洲的版本中,日版的故事大部分被删除、任务被减少到36个而且只有一条主线。这直接导致了游戏在日本受到了普遍的欢迎而在其他地区却遇到诸多批评。PlayStation 2皇牌空战4破碎的天空(Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies)2001年10月23日发售欧版游戏名为:Distant Thunder或者AC4(简称),PS2平台上的第一作。该作是皇牌空战的一个巨大的进步,当然归功于强大的平台和更精密的即时演算。游戏因为它的游戏性、深刻的故事以及精湛的画面受到欢迎。皇牌空战5不被歌颂的战争(Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War)2004年10月21日发售欧版游戏名为:Squadron Leader或者AC5(简称),副标题也可译作“未颂的战争”。该作对于一些画面的细节有了更大的进步,例如:后燃气火焰、导弹凝结尾、爆炸效果和树的贴图效果。游戏有29关任务模式和超过10关的街机模式(任务模式的剧情是皇牌空战4故事的续作。虽然是4的续作,但是游戏需要的任务时间远少于4中的任务。)。皇牌空战5中加入的另一个要素是僚机系统,玩家可以向自己的队员下达命令。玩家不仅要为自己购买战斗机,还要为僚机购买。同时,日本航空自卫队参与了皇牌空战5的协助开发,也是他们首次协助皇牌空战的制作,并且从此以后的多部家用机大作他们都参与制作。皇牌空战ZERO贝尔卡战争(Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War)2006年3月23日发售名称也可译作“皇牌空战0”、“皇牌空战零”,副标题也可译作“贝尔肯战争”。剧情描述的是《皇牌空战5》中所说的的15年前“一场笼罩世界的战争”,为《皇牌空战5》完善了世界观,游戏最大的特点是敌方的王牌机师数远远多于其他作品,还有那些机师对于玩家的看法。另一个加入的要素是王牌机师的风格(佣兵、战士和骑士),这些风格由玩家在游戏中对于中立目标的摧毁率而改变,游戏中敌方的机师和无线电也会根据风格而改变。Xbox 360皇牌空战6解放的战火(Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation)2007年11月1日发售系列的高水平家用机作品,除了添加不少新的控制元素,诸如高G回旋,偏差射击,导弹近爆引信等。 也以“动态战役系统”为特色,系统能对战斗进行动态运算而非按照特定的时间线运行,使得战争可以随机改变,更逼真。借助Xbox360强大的机能,该作除了机体、场景细节度与真实度有了质的飞跃,战役的壮观性更是前作所不可比拟的。新加入的僚机系统、攻击/支援邀请系统与强大的盟军战略AI使得关卡完成战术的制定与协同作战在高难度下至关重要。友军和敌军的冲突在战场上无所不在。通过Xbox Live可以实现16人的线上对战,玩家可以选择不同的任务模式,包括经典的1VS1狗斗、团队战、和协作战斗。新加入下载难度Ace of Aces,战役技巧性与高超的敌军AI令人耳目一新。游戏的另一个新系统是战场上出现的ESM,当战机进入雷达上的蓝色区域时,机体的性能(包括导弹的搜索时间和命中率)将会有所提升。PlayStation Portable皇牌空战X诡影苍穹(Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception)2006年10月26日发售索尼PSP平台上第一作。时间被设定在2020年,玩家是Aurelia联邦共和国Gryphus中队的飞行员——只身一人抵抗了Leasath侵略部队并且保卫了自己的国家。游戏中有30个任务(包括分支选择),继承了前作的优秀系统与剧情连贯性,机体(特别是原创机、验证机)数量相当庞大,敌王牌也层出不穷。还能通过PSP的连接实现4人对战。美中不足的是,由于PSP机能的瓶颈,虽然游戏中有僚机的出现,但是他们不受玩家控制,而且AI智能不高。皇牌空战X2联合突袭(Ace Combat X2: Joint Assault)2010年8月26日发售PSP平台上的第二个作品。该作脱离了原有的皇牌空战世界观,而改用现实世界作为游戏背景,东京、伦敦、旧金山等真实的城市,还有埃及金字塔、中途岛等都将出现在该作中。该作同样可以进行联机对战,并且由4人对战改为了8人对战,还增加了4人联机完成任务这个新元素,使得游戏更加耐玩。剧情讲述的是20XX年,经过了全球性经济危机侵袭的世界,一支叫做Valahia的神秘组织发动了对世界几个经济大国的进攻,玩家扮演Matinez安全部队的一名飞行员与之对抗的故事。Game Boy Advance皇牌空战Advance(Ace Combat Advance)2005年2月22日发售该系列在任天堂GBA掌机上的第一作。由NAMCO 授权,并由擅长掌机游戏开发的 HumanSoft 进行研发。游戏以2D纵版射击方式进行。故事背景为沿用AC3的平行世界观向分支方向扩展。由于项目接手的团队不同和平台硬件限制,导致了设定,游戏方式和已往系列作有着巨大的差异。故事中,玩家扮演一名王牌飞行员服役于 United Air Defense (联合空防部,简称U.A.D.),并和General Resources Ltd(AC3中的通用资源集团)展开斗争。iPhone / iPod Touch皇牌空战Xi空中奇袭(Ace Combat Xi: Skies of Incursion)2009年12月3日发售该作是美国苹果公司iPhone触屏手机/IPOD TOUCH上的作品,皇牌空战游戏系列中首次使用手机平台。玩家扮演前作皇牌空战X中Aurelia联邦共和国的另一支空军中队Falco中队的飞行员,以Falco中队的角度来重温皇牌空战X的故事。PlayStation 3 / Xbox 360皇牌空战:突击地平线(Ace Combat: Assault Horizon)2011年10月13日发售。皇牌空战游戏系列的首个跨平台作品,简称ACAH,继皇牌空战6后再一次登陆高清家用机平台,使用PS3和Xbox360跨平台。游戏的背景与皇牌空战X2相同,依然采用现实世界。剧情描述在2015年,非洲全境爆发以“夺回非洲”为口号的恐怖行动,联合国和非洲各国军队与之对战的故事。皇牌空战:无限(Ace Combat Infinity)2014年5月20日发售。该作中包含很多大受欢迎的元素如超级武器和虚幻的视觉效果,游戏将提供全新的剧情,保留了一些前作皇牌空战:突击地平线的特效,取消了突击地平线中的DFM,回归传统皇牌空战的操作方式,HUD的画面基本上与皇牌空战6的相同。故事背景继续设定在现实世界中,但历史以过去作品的虚拟世界(Strangereal)为基础虚构了一个因小行星坠落地球带来战争,玩家驾驶战斗机作战的故事。皇牌空战4中的“巨石阵”炮阵和皇牌空战6中的空中舰队将出现在该作品中。Nintendo 3DS皇牌空战3D穿越音爆(Ace Combat 3D: Cross Rumble)2012年1月12日发售。该作是继皇牌空战Advance之后,皇牌空战的第二部任天堂掌机作品,是3DS的首批游戏之一。该作的游戏背景回到皇牌空战的原创世界观,故事为皇牌空战2的重制并加强了剧情,玩家仍然扮演皇牌空战2中的Scarface1,以3DS的新平台来重温皇牌空战2的故事。symbian S60皇牌空战 北方之翼(Ace Combat: Northern Wings)本作是皇牌空战在塞班平台上的一部作品,以皇牌空战原创世界观为背景,故事讲述的是Anea大陆西北的诺登纳威克王国(Kingdom of Nordennavic)皇家空军(NRAF)的Grandel中队保卫祖国,为和平而战的故事。 虽然手机系统操作十分传统,但本作依然融入许多特色,比如根据任务 战机会进入空对空跟空对地两种模式进行作战、独树一帜的空中加油玩法等。截至2008年1月30日由NAMCO官方发布的数据,整个皇牌空战游戏系列已经在全球累计销量1073.2万套。
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The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications made of stone,brick,tamped earth,wood,and other materials,generally built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China in part to protect the Chinese Empire or its prototypical states against intrusions by various nomadic groups or military incursions by various warlike peoples or forces.Several walls were being built as early as the 7th century BC; these,later joined together and made bigger and stronger,are now collectively referred to as the Great Wall. Especially famous is the wall built between 220–206 BC by the first Emperor of China,Qin Shi Huang.Little of that wall remains.Since then,the Great Wall has on and off been rebuilt,maintained,and enhanced; the majority of the existing wall was reconstructed during the Ming Dynasty. Other purposes of the Great Wall have included border controls,allowing the imposition of duties on goods transported along the Silk Road,regulation or encouragement of trade and the control of immigration and emigration.Furthermore,the defensive characteristics of the Great Wall were enhanced by the construction of watch towers,troop barracks,garrison stations,signaling capabilities through the means of *** oke or fire,and the fact that the path of the Great Wall also served as a transportation corridor. The Great Wall stretches from Shanhaiguan in the east,to Lop Lake in the west,along an arc that roughly delineates the southern edge of Inner Mongolia.A prehensive archaeological survey,using advanced technologies,has concluded that the Ming walls measure 8,850 km (5,500 mi).This is made up of 6,259 km (3,889 mi) sections of actual wall,359 km (223 mi) of trenches and 2,232 km (1,387 mi) of natural defensive barriers such as hills and rivers.Another archaeological survey found that the entire wall with all of its branches measure out to be 21,196 km (13,171 mi). 长城,是不同时期古代中国为抵御不同时期塞北游牧部落联盟侵袭,修筑规模浩大的军事工程的统称.长城东西绵延上万华里,因此又称作万里长城.现存的长城遗迹主要为始建于14世纪的明长城,西起嘉峪关,东至虎山长城,长城遗址跨越北京、天津、青海、山东、内蒙等15个省市自治区,总计有43721处长城遗产.长城同时也是自人类文明以来最巨大的单一建筑物,以及修缮时间持续最久的建筑物. 2009年4月,中国国家测绘局及国家文物局报告最新的完整考古研究显示,明长城全长8851.8公里,其中人工墙体的长度为6259.6公里,壕堑长度为359.7公里,天然险的长度为2232.5公里,墙体平均高6至7米,宽4至5米. 2012年6月5日,国家文物局宣布,历经近5年的调查和认定,中国历代长城总长度为21196.18公里.这是中国首次科学、系统地测量历代长城的总长度.该长度比位列第二位的伊朗戈尔干长城(195公里)长约108倍.
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据悉,剧集的执行制作人Robert Tapert表示,《斯巴达克斯》完结后,有可能推出衍生剧,主角将会是凯撒大帝Gaius Julius Ceasar。故事将有可能聚焦罗马帝国早期的凯撒,在他成为传奇大帝之前。至于 是否继续有“Starz Entertainment”电视台发行,只能说可能性很大。另外,据悉Starz电视台已经决定在《斯巴达克斯》完结后,筹拍两部全新电视剧:一部属于吸血鬼题材,另一部则属于科幻战争题材。科幻战争题材电视剧名叫《入侵》(Incursion)主要剧情:一队士兵与外星球敌对种族间的战争,每一季的战斗都将转换到一个新的、充满异域情调的星球上,而且每次都是人类深入敌对方的领土。主要看点:逼真的战斗场景,黑暗复杂的人物性格、对宇宙的阴谋以及男性和女性在战争中所面临的压力,都将在这部电视剧中淋漓尽致的体现出来。史诗般的科幻动作惊悚片,值得期待。另外一部是吸血鬼题材的电视剧《弗拉德·德古拉》(Vlad Dracula)主要剧情:改编自历史上一个经典的传说故事——特兰西瓦尼亚伯爵德库拉率兵出城与土耳其人作战,他的新婚妻子则留在城堡中,土耳其人为动摇军心向城堡内谎称伯爵已死,信以为真的妻子自杀殉情,战胜归来的伯爵闻讯痛不欲生,此时城中教会又称,由于伯爵夫人是自杀而死,因此不能得到教会的祝福,悲愤不已的伯爵自此发誓要与教会为敌,于是他成为永生的吸血鬼之王。Starz 电视台 正在或将要或曾经 播出的电视剧还有《卡梅洛特》又名:圣城风云(Camelot)2011年2月25日首播《火炬木小组》、《魔力之城》《达芬奇的魔鬼》(Da Vinci"s Demons) 2013年4月12日首播以上电视剧题材各异,各具特色,剧情简介请自行到“时光网”搜索。以上信息均来源于 “时光网”。欢迎交流观剧心得。
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皇牌空战是由前日本游戏公司NAMCO南梦宫(现与日本BANDAI万代合并)推出的一部空战射击类游戏。  虽然游戏中使用的是虚构的世界和国家,但是许多细节和现实中的战争非常相似,就像海湾战争,冷战和二战。一些战斗机的现实特征也在游戏中表现出来,也包括一些虚构的飞机,尤其是空中堡垒。皇牌空战(皇牌空战1(Ace Combat、Air Combat))1995年6月30日发售   系列的第一部作品,在北美和欧洲发售时游戏名为Air Combat,但是日本原版的名字“Ace Combat”一直沿用到以后的作品。  皇牌空战2(Ace Combat 2)1997年5月30日发售  纠正了前作中的所有画质缺陷,同时介绍了一个在后续作品中的大陆“USEA”。  皇牌空战3 电子空间(Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere)1999年5月27日发售  本作虚构了一个未来世界并设计了些未来的战机,导致了一些人难以接受。游戏被设定进一个和皇牌空战2一样的世界。日版的游戏很有故事性,52个任务、多样的结局和动画式的人物。然而,在北美和欧洲的版本中,日版的故事大部分被删除、任务被减少到36个而且只有一条主线。这直接导致了游戏在日本受到了普遍的欢迎而在其他地区却遇到诸多批评。皇牌空战4  皇牌空战04 破碎的天空(Ace Combat04: Shattered Skies)2001年10月23日发售   欧版游戏名为:Distant Thunder或者AC04(简称),PS2平台上的第一作。本作是皇牌空战系列一个巨大的进步,当然归功于强大的平台和更精密的即时演算。游戏因为它的游戏性、深刻的故事以及精湛的画面受到欢迎。  皇牌空战5  皇牌空战5 不被歌颂的战争(Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War)2004年10月21日发售  欧版游戏名为:Squadron Leader或者AC5(简称),对于一些画面的细节有了更大的进步,例如:后燃气火焰、导弹凝结尾、爆炸效果和树的贴图效果。游戏有29关任务模式和超过10关的街机模式(皇牌空战04的续作)。虽然是04的续作,但是游戏需要的任务时间远少于04中的任务。皇牌空战5中加入的另一个要素是僚机系统,玩家可以向自己的队员下达命令。玩家不仅要为自己购买战斗机,还要为僚机购买。  皇牌空战Zero  皇牌空战零 贝尔卡战争(Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War)2006年3月23日发售  剧情描述的是《皇牌空战5》中所说的的15年前“一场笼罩世界的战争”,为《皇牌空战5》完善了世界观,游戏最大的特点是敌方的王牌机师数远远多于其他作品,还有那些机师对于玩家的看法。另一个加入的要素是王牌机师的风格(佣兵、战士和骑士),这些风格由玩家在游戏中对于中立目标的摧毁率而改变,游戏中敌方的机师和无线电也会根据风格而改变。皇牌空战6 解放的战火(Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation)2007年11月1日发售   系列的最新作,除了添加不少新的控制元素,诸如高G回旋,偏差射击,导弹近爆引信等。 也以“动态战役系统”为特色,系统能对战斗进行动态运算而非按照特定的时间线运行,使得战争可以随机改变,更逼真。借助XBOX360强大的机能,本作除了机体、场景细节度与真实度有了质的飞跃,战役的壮观性更是前作所不可比拟的。新加入的僚机系统、攻击支援邀请系统与强大的盟军战略AI使得关卡完成战术的制定与协同作战在高难度下至关重要。友军和敌军的冲突在战场上无所不在。通过Xbox Live可以实现16人的线上对战,玩家可以选择不同的任务模式,包括经典的1VS1狗斗、团队战、和协作战斗。新加入下载难度ACE of ACEs,战役技巧性与高超的敌军AI令人耳目一新。游戏的另一个新系统是战场上出现的ESM,当战机进入雷达上的蓝色区域时,机体的性能(包括导弹的搜索时间和命中率)将会有所提升。皇牌空战X  皇牌空战X 诡影苍穹(Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception)2006年10月26日发售  索尼PSP平台上第一作。时间被设定在2020年,玩家是Aurelia联邦共和国Gryphus中队的飞行员——只身一人抵抗了Leasath侵略部队并且保卫了自己的国家。游戏中有30个任务(包括选择支),继承了前作的优秀系统与剧情连贯性,机体(特别是原创机、验证机)数量相当庞大,敌王牌也层出不穷。还能通过PSP的连接实现4人对战。美中不足的是,由于PSP机能的瓶颈,虽然游戏中有僚机的出现,但是他们不受玩家控制,而且AI不高。皇牌空战Advance(Ace Combat Advance)2005年2月22日发售  该系列在任天堂GBA掌机上的第一作。由NAMCO 授权,并由擅长掌机游戏开发的 HumanSoft 进行研发。   游戏以2D纵版射击方式进行。故事背景为沿用AC3的平行世界观向分支方向扩展。  由于项目接手的团队不同和平台硬件限制,导致了设定,游戏方式和已往系列作有着巨大的差异。  故事中,玩家扮演一名王牌飞行员服役于 United Air Defense (联合空防部,简称U.A.D.),并和General Resources Ltd(AC3中的通用资源集团)展开斗争。皇牌空战Xi 空中奇袭(Ace Combat Xi: Skies of Incursion)2009年12月3日发售 1000万销量纪念壁纸   本作是美国苹果公司iPhone触屏手机上的作品,皇牌空战系列中首次使用手机平台。玩家扮演前作皇牌空战X中Aurelia联邦共和国的另一支空军中队Falco中队的飞行员,以Falco中队的角度来重温皇牌空战X的故事。  截至2008年1月30日由NAMCO官方发布的数据,整个皇牌空战系列已经在全球累计销量1073.2万套
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不是战地1942也不是战地2,是战地:越南 英文名称:Battlefield: Vietnam 中文名称:战地:越南(有地区称之为“越南战场”) 游戏类型:第一人称射击游戏 所属系列:Battlefield(战地,又称战地风云) 制作公司:Digital Illusions (后被EA收购,成为EA DICE) 发行公司:EA Games(美国艺电) 使用引擎:Refractor 2(战地1942的改进版)[1] 发布平台:PC 游戏评级:Teen(ESRB) / 16+(PEGI) 上市时间:2004.03.14(美版) / 2004.03.19(欧版) 最新版本:1.21 战地:越南是战地系列的第二款作品。这款游戏的背景设定在越南战争,再现了很多越战的经典战役。模式 本作仍支持多达 64 位玩家同时参与一场战斗。游戏模式仍然沿袭战地1942的“征服”模式。 装备 玩家在本作中可以操控超过 35 种曾在越战中出现过的载具,如M-16步枪、 UH-1直升机、M551坦克、幻影F-4喷气式战斗机、CH-47运输直升机以及苏制T-54坦克、MIG-21战斗机和Mi-8多用途直升机。除此之外,还有电单车和多种水上交通工具。 玩家若是能和队友一起利用好手中的装备,就能打出不少极其生动的战术:率领一个空军直升机编队攻击敌人,或者利用幻影战斗机向敌人堡垒投掷汽油弹,在密林深处伏击敌人,在敌人后方空投坦克或者利用快艇抢渡急流等等。 士兵 玩家可选择二大对抗的武力:美军和北越士兵。兵种有突击兵,火力支援兵,工程兵,侦察兵四个兵种,每个兵种有两套不同配备的武器装备可供选择。颇为有趣的是,玩家还可以选择自己扮演的士兵的人物外貌以及服装式样。 地图 本作的特点就是丛林战,游戏中的很多地图都设定在遍布沼泽的茂密丛林。这需要玩家小心四处的丛林陷阱,不要被善于伪装的敌人蒙蔽。玩家也可以选择与队友一道埋伏在大树后面等待敌人接近。这样的战役比起宽阔的欧洲战场以及平坦的沙漠战地,难度可说是有增加而无不及。 地型除了有越南的茂密丛林外,还有不少特色建筑,例如:庙宇、简陋民房、桥梁、军事基地等。 地图列表 * 顺化1968 (Hue 1968) * 收复顺化 (Reclaiming Hue) * 火标行动 (Operation Flaming Dart) * 大南山谷 (Ia Drang Valley) * 阿尔班尼登陆区 (Landing Zone Albany) * 迅击作战行动 (Operation Hasting) * 友好作战行动 (Operation Irving) * 广治1968 (Quang Tri 1968) * 广治1972 (Quang Tri 1972) * 老村沦陷(Fall of Lang Vei) * 战领作战行动 (Operation Game Warden) * 胡志明小道 (Ho Chi Minh Trail) * 高棉黄昏 (Cambodian Incursion) * 溪山攻防 (Sige of Khe Sanh) * 康天保卫战 (Defense of Con Thien) (1.1版新加) * 雪松瀑布行动 (Operation Cedar Falls) (1.2版新加) * 西贡沦陷 (Fall of Saigon) (1.2版新加) * 西贡1968 (1.2版新加) 画面 实际游戏截图本作在建模的精度上相对前作有提高,画面更加细腻。不过本作和前作使用的是相同的游戏引擎,且没有什么技术革新,因此画面区别不很明显。 配乐 本作的游戏音乐从原本战地1942简单几首配乐,增加为将近20首的60年代流行乐曲,将使玩家能更容易溶入当年参与越战军官将士的心境。 曲目列表 1. Creedence Clearwater Revival - "Fortunate Son" 2. Edwin Starr - "War" 3. Martha Reeves and the Vandellas - "Nowhere to Run" 4. The Troggs - "Wild Thing" 5. Rare Earth - "Get Ready" 6. Canned Heat - "On the Road Again" 7. The Guess Who - "Shakin" All Over" 8. Count Five - "Psychotic Reaction" 9. Deep Purple - "Hush" 10. The Kinks - "All Day And All Of The Night" 11. The Kinks - "You Really Got Me" 12. The Box Tops - "The Letter" 13. Jefferson Airplane - "Somebody to Love" 14. Bobby Fuller Four - "I Fought the Law" 15. Budapest Symphony Orchestra - "The Ride of the Valkyries" 16. The Trashmen - "Surfin" Bird" 17. Jefferson Airplane - "White Rabbit" 扩展性 和战地1942一样,本作也支持玩家或第三方组织自由定制的模组。不过本作在技术上和战地1942没有本质区别,所以大多数模组开发团队仍然选择在战地1942上发布模组,本作拥有的模组并不多。 更新 目前最新版本为1.21,需要先更新到1.2版本才可以安装1.21补丁。 2005年4月2日,DICE官方释出一个新游戏内容,是战地:越南的二次世界大战模组,安装前须先将游戏版本更新至v1.10版或以上,新游戏内容安装档容量为298MB大小。 评论 据metacritic.com的统计,战地:越南共得到了48个媒体给出的平均84分的成绩。媒体普遍反映游戏本身并不错,丛林战很有意思,配乐较好地渲染了战场气氛;但相对前作,游戏性并没有太大的创新与突破,画面效果没有显著的提升。 最低配置 系 统:Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP(也可以用兼容模式在Vista系统下运行) 处理器:奔腾III 933 MHz 内 存:256MB 显 卡:具有64M显存的NVIDIA GeForce 3 或 ATI Radeon 8500 声 卡:支持DirectX 9.0 硬 盘:2.0GB 光 驱:CD-ROM 键鼠等外设
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玩家在游戏中可以操控超过 35 种曾在越战中出现过的载具,如M-16步枪、 UH-1直升机、M551坦克、鬼怪F-4喷气式战斗机、CH-47运输直升机以及苏制T-54坦克、MIG-21战斗机和Mi-8多用途直升机。除此之外,还有电单车和多种水上交通工具。玩家若是能和队友一起利用好手中的装备,就能打出不少极其生动的战术:率领一个空军直升机编队攻击敌人,或者利用F-4战斗机向敌人堡垒投掷汽油弹,在密林深处伏击敌人,在敌人后方空投坦克或者利用快艇抢渡急流等等。每支部队的装备情况如下:美海军陆战队:突击兵:AR-15步枪&手雷、XM148紧凑型突击枪&医疗包。工程兵:M14步枪&迫击炮、M14步枪&C4炸弹。反装甲兵:M60机枪&M79榴弹发射枪、M60机枪&L.A.W.反坦克火箭筒。侦察兵:M40狙击步枪&烟幕弹&望远镜、M16狙击型&烟幕弹&望远镜。第82空降师:突击兵:M16步枪&手雷、莫尔斯伯格500式散弹枪&手雷。工程兵:M14步枪&迫击炮、M14步枪&C4炸弹。反装甲兵:M60机枪&M79榴弹发射枪、M60机枪&L.A.W.反坦克火箭筒。侦察兵:M24狙击步枪&烟幕弹&望远镜、M16狙击型&烟幕弹&望远镜。南越维和志愿军(越南语音):突击兵:AR-15步枪&手雷、M16步枪&手雷。工程兵:M14步枪&迫击炮、M14步枪&C4炸弹。 反装甲兵:M60机枪&M79榴弹发射枪、M60机枪&L.A.W.反坦克火箭筒。侦察兵:M21狙击步枪&烟幕弹&望远镜、M16狙击型&烟幕弹&望远镜。越南人民军:突击兵:AK-47步枪手雷、RPD突击机枪&手雷。工程兵:MAT42冲锋枪&迫击炮、MAT42步枪&C4炸弹。反装甲兵:56式国产半自动步枪、RPG-7Z火箭筒、SA-7火箭筒&遥控炸弹。侦察兵:SVD狙击步枪&刺脚星(叫铁什么什么的,不知道怎么打……)、56式国产半自动步枪&定时炸弹&定向地雷。越南北方野战大队:突击兵:AKM改进型步枪&手雷、国产53式冲锋枪&手雷。工程兵:MAT42冲锋枪&迫击炮、MAT42步枪&C4炸弹。 反装甲兵:56式国产半自动步枪、RPG-7Z火箭筒、SA-7火箭筒&遥控炸弹。侦察兵:M91/30狙击步枪&刺脚星、56式国产半自动步枪&定时炸弹&定向地雷。 玩家可选择二大对抗的武力:美军和北越士兵。兵种有突击兵,反装甲兵,工程兵,侦察兵四个兵种,每个兵种有两套不同配备的武器装备可供选择。颇为有趣的是,玩家还可以选择自己扮演的士兵的人物外貌以及服装式样。1.0版本中两阵营共有5支部队参战。美国:美海军陆战队(星条旗)、美第82空降师(星条旗)、南越维和志愿军(红黄纹旗)。北越:越南人民军(红底黄星旗)、越南北方野战大队(红蓝底黄星旗)。 《战地:越南》的特点就是丛林战,游戏中的很多地图都设定在遍布沼泽的茂密丛林。这需要玩家小心四处的丛林陷阱,不要被善于伪装的敌人蒙蔽。玩家也可以选择与队友一道埋伏在大树后面等待敌人接近。这样的战役比起宽阔的欧洲战场以及平坦的沙漠战地,难度可说是有增加而无不及。地型除了有越南的茂密丛林外,还有不少特色建筑,例如:庙宇、简陋民房、桥梁、军事基地等。地图列表* 顺化1968(Hue 1968)* 收复顺化(Reclaiming Hue)* 火飙行动(Operation Flaming Dart)* 大南山谷(Ia Drang Valley)* 阿尔班尼登陆区(Landing Zone Albany)* 迅击作战行动(Operation Hasting)* 友好作战行动(Operation Irving)* 广治1968(Quang Tri 1968)* 广治1972(Quang Tri 1972)* 老村沦陷(Fall of Lang Vei)* 战领作战行动(Operation Game Warden)* 胡志明小道(Ho Chi Minh Trail)* 柬埔寨的黄昏(Cambodian Incursion)* 溪山攻防(Sige of Khe Sanh)* 康天保卫战(Defense of Con Thien)(1.1版新加)* 雪松瀑布行动(Operation Cedar Falls)(1.2版新加)* 西贡沦陷(Fall of Saigon)(1.2版新加)* 西贡1968(1.2版新加) 游戏音乐从《战地1942》的几首简单配乐,增加为将近20首的60年代流行乐曲,将使玩家能更容易溶入当年参与越战军官将士的心境。
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Brief Description In c. 220 B.C., under Qin Shi Huang, sections of earlier fortifications were joined together to form a united defence system against invasions from the north. Construction continued up to the Ming dynasty (1368–1644), when the Great Wall became the world"s largest military structure. Its historic and strategic importance is matched only by its architectural significance.Long DescriptionKnown to the Chinese as the "Long Wall of Ten Thousand Li", the formidable defensive structures built to ward off invasion of the Celestial Empire by barbarians is called the Great Wall or the Wall of China by Europeans. The principle of these extraordinary fortifications goes back to the Chunqiu period (722-481 BC) and to the Warring States period (453-221 BC).The construction of certain walls can be explained by feudal conflicts, such as that built by the Wei in 408 BC to defend their kingdom against the Qin. Its vestiges, conserved in the centre of China, antedate by many years the walls built by the Kingdoms of Qin, Zhao and Yan against the northern barbarians around 300 BC. Beginning in 220 BC, Qin Shi Huang, the founder of the Empire of the Ten Thousand Generations, undertook to restore and link up the separate sections of the Great Wall which had been built in the 3rd century BC, or perhaps even earlier, and which stretched from the region of the Ordos to Manchuria.Towards the west, he had extended the fortifications, the first cohesive defence system of which significant vestiges still remain in the valley of the Huanghe all the way to Lanzhou shortly before the accession of the Han dynasty (206 BC). During their reign the Great Wall was extended even further, and under the emperor Wudi (140-87 BC) it spanned approximately 6,000 km between Dunhuang in the west and the Bohai Sea in the east. The danger of incursion along the northern Chinese border by the federated Mongols, Turks and Tunguz of the Empire of the Xiongnu, the first empire of the steppes, made a defence policy more necessary than ever. After the downfall of the Han dynasty (AD 220), the Great Wall entered its medieval phase. Construction and maintenance works were halted; China at that time enjoyed such great military power that the need for a defence policy was no longer felt.It was the Ming Emperors (1368-1644) who, after the long period of conflict that ended with the expulsion of the Mongols, revived the tradition begun by Qin Shi Huang. During the Ming dynasty, 5,650 km of wall were built. To defend the northern frontier, the Wall was divided into nine Zhen, military districts rather than garrisons. At strategic points, fortresses were built to defend the towns, passes, or fords. The passageways running along the top of the wall made it possible to move troops rapidly and for imperial couriers to travel. Two symbolic monuments still proudly stand at either end of the wall - the First Door under Heaven at Shanhaiguan, located at the wall"s eastern end, and the Last Door under Heaven at Jiayuguan, which, as part of the fortress entirely restored after 1949, marks its north-western end.This complex and diachronic cultural property is an outstanding and unique example of a military architectural ensemble which served a single strategic purpose for 2,000 years, but whose construction history illustrates successive advances in defence techniques and adaptation to changing political contexts. The purpose of The Great Wall was to protect China from outside aggression, but also to preserve its culture from the customs of foreign barbarians. Because its construction implied suffering, it is one of the essential references in Chinese literature.The Great Wall of the Ming is, not only because of the ambitious character of the undertaking but also the perfection of its construction, a masterpiece. The wall constitutes, on the vast scale of a continent, a perfect example of architecture integrated into the landscape. During the Chunqiu period, the Chinese imposed their models of construction and organization of space in building the defence works along the northern frontier. The spread of Sinicism was accentuated by the population transfers necessitated by the Great Wall.That the great walls bear exceptional testimony to the civilizations of ancient China is illustrated as much by the tamped-earth sections of fortifications dating from the Western Han that are conserved in Gansu Province as by the admirable and universally acclaimed masonry of the Ming period.
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个人推荐你下载金山游侠很多地方可以下比如华军、天空等还有多特(比较好的游戏资源网站,一些老的经典的游戏一般都有)金山游侠中有攻略,本身也可以修改攻略中有超级修改攻略,可惜用F5-F8修改自己敌人血量、自己等级等还可以看见坐标,以方便寻找隐藏宝物注:隐藏宝物好的尽量得到,比如那个 行动两次 的宝物,隐藏宝物中就有一个,很牛比的隐藏宝物地址,我就不写了,楼主baidu一下立刻就能找到金山游侠建议楼主一定要下载,反正是免费的又不占用空间还有变速齿轮的效果
2023-07-13 18:52:092


《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁》1.2版更新改动比较大,这里带来了“philiPSeaa”总结分享的《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁》1.2版全新物品掉落机制介绍,方便玩家们了解。在1.2中物品掉落系统将得到全面的重制和升级,将更慷慨地给予玩家奖励。开放世界的高价目标HVT和高危目标HRT【每日HVT】- 一件182物品或者一件214套装- 有可能获得一件191套装【每周HVT】- 一件182物品或者一件214套装- 有可能获得一件214套装【每周HRT】- 一件204物品或者一件214套装- 有可能获得一件240套装主线任务奖励【困难难度BOSS掉落】- 一件163物品【困难难度任务奖励】- 一件163物品【挑战难度BOSS掉落】- 2件182物品- 1件182物品或者一件214套装- 有可能获得一件191套装【挑战难度任务奖励】- 一件182物品突袭任务(Incursion)【困难难度BOSS掉落】- 一件204武器- 一件214套装- 182/204物品或者214/240套装【困难难度每周奖励】- 一件204武器- 一件214套装【挑战难度BOSS掉落】- 一件204武器- 一件240套装- 一件204物品或者240套装【挑战难度每周奖励】- 一件204武器- 一件240套装暗区BOSS【200装等以下区间】- 30级带名字NPC(DZ01和02): 一件163物品或者191套装- 31级带名字NPC(DZ03和04): 一件163/182物品或者191/214套装- 32级带名字NPC(DZ05和06):一件163/182/204物品或者191/214/240套装【201装等以上区间】- 32级带名字NPC(DZ01和02): 一件182/204物品或者214/240套装- 33级带名字NPC(DZ03和04): 一件182/204物品或者214/240套装- 34级带名字NPC(DZ05和06):一件204物品或者240套装暗区空投箱【200装等以下区间】DZ01-02: 一件163/182物品;有几率获得191套装DZ03-04: 一件163/182物品;有几率获得191/214套装DZ05-06: 一件182/204物品;有几率获得214套装【201装等以上区间】DZ01-02: 一件182/204物品;有几率获得214/240套装DZ03-04: 一件182/204物品;有几率获得214/240套装DZ05-06: 一件204物品;有几率获得240套装
2023-07-13 18:52:221


The guitar is a musical instrument of the chordophone family, being a stringed instrument played by plucking, either with fingers or a pick. The guitar consists of a body with a rigid neck to which the strings, generally six in number but sometimes more, are attached. Guitars are traditionally constructed of various woods and strung with animal gut or, more recently, with either nylon or steel strings. Some modern guitars are made of polycarbonate materials. Guitars are made and repaired by luthiers. There are two primary families of guitars: acoustic and electric.Acoustic guitars (and similar instruments) with hollow bodies, have been in use for over a thousand years. There are three main types of modern acoustic guitar: the classical guitar (nylon-string guitar), the steel-string acoustic guitar, and the archtop guitar. The tone of an acoustic guitar is produced by the vibration of the strings, which is amplified by the body of the guitar, which acts as a resonating chamber. The classical guitar is often played as a solo instrument using a comprehensive fingerpicking technique. Electric guitars, introduced in the 1930s, rely on an amplifier that can electronically manipulate tone. Early amplified guitars employed a hollow body, but a solid body was found more suitable. Electric guitars have had a continuing profound influence on popular culture. Guitars are recognized as a primary instrument in genres such as blues, bluegrass, country, flamenco, jazz, jota, mariachi, reggae, rock, soul, and many forms of pop.Before the development of the electric guitar and the use of synthetic materials, a guitar was defined as being an instrument having "a long, fretted neck, flat wooden soundboard, ribs, and a flat back, most often with incurved sides".[1] The term is used to refer to a number of related instruments that were developed and used across Europe beginning in the 12th century and, later, in the Americas.[2] These instruments are descended from ones that existed in ancient central Asia and India. For this reason guitars are distantly related to modern instruments from these regions, including the tanbur, the setar, and the sitar. The oldest known iconographic representation of an instrument displaying the essential features of a guitar is a 3,300 year old stone carving of a Hittite bard.[3]The modern word "guitar" and its predecessors applied to a wide variety of cordophones since ancient times and as such is a cause of confusion. The English word "guitar", the German "gitarre", and the French "guitare", were adopted from the Spanish word guitarra,[4] which comes from the Andalusian Arabic qitara (u0642u064au062bu0627u0631u0629),[5] itself derived from the Latin of the Roman empire, cithara, which in turn came from the earlier Greek word kithara (κιθu03acρα),[6] a descendant of Old Persian sihtar ( u0633u06cc u062au0627u0631) (Tar means string in Persian).[7]The guitar is descended from the Roman cithara brought by the Romans to Hispania around 40 AD, and further adapted and developed with the arrival of the four-string oud, brought by the Moors after their conquest of Iberia in the 8th century.[8] Elsewhere in Europe, the indigenous six-string Scandinavian lut (lute), had gained in popularity in areas of Viking incursions across the continent. Often depicted in carvings c. 800 AD, the Norse hero Gunther (also known as Gunnar), played a lute with his toes as he lay dying in a snake-pit, in the legend of Siegfried.[9] By 1200 AD, the four-string "guitar" had evolved into two types: the guitarra moresca (Moorish guitar), which had a rounded back, wide fingerboard, and several soundholes—and the guitarra latina (Latin guitar), which resembled the modern guitar with one soundhole and a narrower neck.[10] In the 14th and 15th centuries the qualifiers "moresca" and "latina" were dropped and these four course instruments were simply called guitars.[11]The Spanish vihuela or (in Italian) "viola da mano", a guitar-like instrument of the 15th and 16th centuries, is often considered a major influence in the development of the modern guitar. It had six courses (usually), lute-like tuning in fourths and a guitar-like body, although early representations reveal an instrument with a sharply-cut waist. It was also larger than the contemporary four course guitars. By the late 15th century some vihuelas began to be played with a bow, leading to the development of the viol. By the sixteenth century the vihuela"s construction had more in common with the modern guitar, with its curved one-piece ribs, than with the viols, and more like a larger version of the contemporary four-course guitars. The vihuela enjoyed only a short period of popularity in Spain and Italy during an era dominated elsewhere in Europe by the lute; the last surviving published music for the instrument appeared in 1576. Meanwhile the five-course baroque guitar, which was documented in Spain from the middle of the 16th century, enjoyed popularity, especially in Spain, Italy and France from the late 16th century to the mid 18th century.[12][13] Confusingly, in Portugal, the word vihuela referred to the guitar, whereas guitarra meant the "Portuguese guitar", a variety of cittern.
2023-07-13 18:52:312


在战场中,按下Ctrl+Insert会出现输入字符串的窗口 输入 dmmode 启动密技模式, 再输入以下密技 ALLMAG =所有魔法 MUSICALL =可点播所有歌曲 SETHARDLEVEL # =设定难度等级(# = 1 ~ 10) GETGOLD # =获得金钱(# = 数目) SKIP # =画面 #倍显示,效果是暂时性的,会因为一些原因失效 GETITEM n1 n2 =目前角色获得代号n1到n2的物品 (物品数目最大依照该角色物品字段而定,而且原来该角色身上物品会消失) SETWALKER n =设定走路角色(n = 1 ~ 19,不在队伍的角色由布莱特替代) 角色代码 1 布莱特 2 赛格 3 艾蜜 4 伊丽娜 5 克里欧司 6 格罗丽雅 7 伊芙蕾儿 8 蛮蛮 9 索妮雅 10 罗翔 11 路特 12 爪哇 13 驰 14 獒 15 疾 16 瓦查多 17 咕噜1 18 咕噜2 19 咕噜3 物品代码 武器 1 长铁剑 2 利刃剑 3 水晶剑 4 飞斩剑 5 圣纹剑 6 炎魔剑 7 空雷之剑 8 封神剑 9 龙牙 10 妖刀 龙光 11 圣剑 希鲁达 12 终神秘器 13 手杖 14 水晶杖 15 圣杖 16 炎灵之杖 17 邪骇灵杖 18 闪雷杖 19 月牙法杖 20 地灵之杖 21 魔杖 霜雪 22 世界树枝 23 支配者之杖 24 魔神器 幻空 25 热斗拳套 26 猫爪 27 斗气拳套 28 白金爪 29 夺魂冰钩 30 流星闪爪 31 火神刃爪 32 神器 苍穹 33 盗贼小刀 34 冰晶小刀 35 龙牙匕首 36 秘刀 细雪 37 震雷匕首 38 空斩短刃 39 魔刀 哭杀 40 刺枪 41 闪刺枪 42 鱼叉 43 瞬风之枪 44 三叉戟 45 斩龙矛 46 虚空之枪 47 妖枪 暗影 48 龙枪 空斩杀 49 死枪 奥汀 50 神枪 永恒 51 长弓 52 水晶弓 53 狙击弓 54 鬼灵之弓 55 破云之弓 56 天劫 57 星夜之弓 58 魔弓 龙杀破 59 巨弓 世界 60 钢斧 61 战斧 62 狂战士之斧 63 炽雷之斧 64 鬼炎斧 65 霸邪天煌 你好 66 七星龙 头部 80 头巾 81 皮帽 82 铁制头盔 83 重装头盔 84 狂战士头盔 85 裂岩之盔 86 魔炎战盔 87 极光护轮 88 鬼面 89 名盔 星之光 90 龙盔 闪 91 魔盔 虚无 92 头带 93 魔法头带 94 司祭头环 95 魔金头环 96 龙鳞冠 97 冰晶之冠 98 北风头环 99 龙牙冠 100 圣灵发冠 101 神冠 灵通 身体 120 皮衣 121 轻装铠 122 锁子甲 123 战士铠甲 124 软鳞甲 125 冥雷战甲 126 刚岩护甲 127 魔铠 血杀 128 武神铠 129 龙铠 牙刃 130 霸气之铠 131 圣王铠甲 132 神之衣 133 布袍 134 丝袍 135 魔道之袍 136 神圣之袍 137 龙鳞长袍 138 霜雪柔袍 139 烈炎长袍 140 魔龙血衣 141 夕雾之袍 142 法王圣衣 143 圣袍 光明 144 怨灵邪衣 145 圣衣 苍羽 146 奥汀T恤 脚部 160 皮靴 161 铁靴 162 战士之靴 163 狂战士鞋 164 光明战靴 165 龙鳞战鞋 166 疾风之鞋 167 英雄之靴 168 神之足 169 术者之鞋 170 魔道之鞋 171 影杀之靴 172 圣踏之鞋 173 龙血之靴 174 神魂之鞋 175 奥汀拖鞋 饰品 190 针刺手环 191 护身手环 192 速度手环 193 玻璃手环 194 水波戒指 195 烈炎戒指 196 风舞戒指 197 地残戒指 198 时间之戒 199 黄金项链 200 银制手环 201 彩虹项链 202 漆黑之镜 203 月牙之戒 204 黑色墨镜 205 神偷戒指 206 侦测眼镜 207 隐形眼镜 208 极暗之心 209 逆十字架 210 痛恨之心 211 龙鳞腰带 212 至福之像 213 圣魔之像 214 凝气手环 215 魔操玉 216 速风之羽 217 极光之翼 218 幸运缎带 219 黄金圣杯 220 七彩圣石 221 地岩魔环 222 冰雪魔环 223 北风魔环 224 烈炎魔环 225 替身项链 226 冥晦之轮 227 冰炎锁炼 228 风岩锁炼 229 炎冰锁炼 230 岩风锁炼 231 赤蓝结晶 232 青褐结晶 233 赤褐结晶 234 青蓝结晶 235 赤青结晶 236 蓝褐结晶 237 奥义之证 238 魔精玉 239 幻化之心 道具 250 回复药 251 回复秘药 252 回复灵药 253 生命之力 254 天使之露 255 天使之泉 256 天使之心 257 世界树之露 258 世界树之叶 259 解毒草 260 破魔咒 261 精灵石 262 振奋剂 263 圣洁之香 264 神威树之叶 265 神威之果 266 神威之酒 267 力之源 268 御之源 269 魔之源 270 速之源 271 土之源 272 火之源 273 风之源 274 水之源 275 圣之源 276 会心之素 277 铁壁之素 278 精灵之素 279 灵壁之素 280 疾迅之素 281 回命之药 282 回命之力 283 回命之源 特殊道具 310 地界神器碎片 311 巨人的魔书 312 圣少女的徽章 313 地界神器 314 水界神器 315 天界神器 316 S的银币 317 B的金币 318 刻字的硬币堆 319 F?钱币小袋 320 上锁的日记本 321 神秘的钥匙 322 托尔斯护符 323 法鲁西翁护符 324 弗雷斯特护符 325 异国的护符 326 翼人的护符 327 两栖的护符 328 天人的护符 329 巨人的护符 330 龙族的护符 331 水界勇者之证 幻世录2秘籍全集 01 长铁剑 攻+15 02 利刃 攻+24 敏-2 03 水晶剑 攻+35 魔击+5 地属性攻击 04 飞斩剑 攻+49 敏+7 回避+5% 风属性攻击 抗风30% 麻痹无效 气力2倍 05 圣纹剑 攻+67 防+5 敏-3 魔击+7 圣属性攻击 麻痹效果 封魔无效 06 炎魔剑 攻+90 魔击+9 火属性攻击 抗水-30% 火+30% 07 空雷之剑 攻+92 敏+2 回避+7% 风属性攻击 抗风130% 衰弱效果 衰弱无效 08 封神之剑 攻+130 魔击+4 封魔效果 使用MP减半 金钱2倍 09 龙牙 攻+46 魔击+3 抗地-50% 风+150% 火+40% 攻击2次 0A 妖刀 龙光 攻+183 防-15 敏+10 魔击+4 痛恨一击+5% 中毒效果 中毒无效 0B 圣剑 希鲁达 攻+220 防+20 回避+10% 四防+40% 气力2倍 每回合回复HP50% 无法杀死敌人 0C 终神秘器 攻+310 访+35 敏+35 魔击+35 乱数状态异常 消除辅助魔法 辅助无效 每回合回复HP15% 0D 手杖 攻+10 0E 水晶杖 攻+15 地属性攻击 0F 圣杖 攻+21 魔击+8 圣属性攻击 四防+10% 封魔无效 气力2倍 10 炎灵之杖 攻+29 敏+2 魔击+12 火属性攻击 抗水-40% 火+30% 金钱2倍 11 邪骇灵杖 攻+40 魔击+15 中毒效果 中毒无效 行动2次 12 闪雷杖 攻+12 防-4 魔击+30 风属性攻击 抗地-40% 风+120% 13 月牙法杖 攻+78 敏+4 封魔效果 经验2倍 14 地灵之杖 攻+89 防+2 魔击+14 地属性攻击 抗地100% 衰弱无效 衰弱效果 15 魔杖 霜雪 攻+98 魔击+18 痛恨一击+10% 水属性攻击 抗水60% 火50% 麻痹效果 16 世界树枝 攻+25 防+14 敏+10 魔击+20 回避+20% 圣属性攻击 四防+50% 辅助全无效 HP伤害减半 每回合回复HP5% 移动后可使用魔法 17 支配者之杖 攻+124 防+16 敏+12 魔击+27 抗风-100% 地+80% 水+90 火-70% 封魔无效 金钱2倍 气力2倍 每回合回复MP8% 移动后可使用魔法 18 魔神器 幻空 攻+140 防+10 敏+15 魔击+30 回避+2% 抗地-100% 水-100% 风+200% 火+200% 封魔衰弱无效 使用MP减半 每回合回复MP5% HP10% 移动后可使用魔法 19 热斗拳套 攻+17 1A 猫爪 攻+14 防+2 风属性攻击 抗风+15% 中毒无效 攻击两次 1B 斗气拳套 攻+40 敏+4 魔击+1 痛恨一击+5% 衰弱效果 气力2倍 1C 白金爪 攻+56 防-2 魔击+5 回避+10% 地属性攻击 抗地30% 风-10% 衰弱无效 1D 夺魂冰钩 攻+89 水属性攻击 抗水+70% 麻痹效果 麻痹无效 使用MP减半 1E 流星闪爪 攻+140 敏+8 抗水+150% 火-150% 封魔无效 中毒无效 HP伤害减半 1F 火神刃爪 攻+230 敏+14 防-10 魔击+5 火属性攻击 抗水-130% 火+100% 移动后使用魔法 20 神器 苍穹 攻+280 防+25 敏+30 魔击+15 抗地-70% 水+120% 风-50% 或+150% 21 盗贼小刀 攻+12 22 冰晶小刀 攻+27 痛恨一击+5% 偷窥+4% 水属性攻击 抗水+120% 气力2倍 23 龙牙匕首 攻+42 敏+5 回避+20% 四防+30% 麻痹效果 麻痹无效 使用MP减半 24 秘刀 细雪 攻+60 偷窥+8% 水属性攻击 抗水+40% 衰弱效果 封魔无效 无法杀死敌人 25 震雷匕首 攻+95 防+3 敏+2 魔击+8 痛恨一击+10% 风属性攻击 抗风+100% 封魔效果 26 空斩短刀 攻+130 防+7 敏+12 偷窥+15% 地属性攻击 抗风+150% 中毒无效 27 魔刀 哭杀 攻+180 防+12 敏+20 魔击+14 偷窥+20% 抗地+30% 水+50% 风+80% 火-200% 任2种状态异常 消除辅助魔法 移动后可使用魔法 28 刺枪 攻+18 29 闪刺枪 攻+24 回避+15% 2A 鱼叉 攻+26 痛恨一击+2% 水属性攻击 抗水+120% 行动2次 2B 瞬风之枪 攻+49 敏+5 回避+6% 风属性攻击 抗风+30% 麻痹效果 封魔无效 气力2倍 2C 三叉戟 攻+70 2D 斩龙矛 攻+37 防+4 魔击+2 痛恨一击+7% 圣属性攻击 四防+40% 麻痹无效 攻击2次 2E 虚空之枪 攻+90 敏+8 风属性攻击 抗风+100% 衰弱效果 中毒无效 每回合恢复HP10% 2F 妖枪 暗影 攻+134 防-8 魔击+12 中毒无效 无法杀死敌人 30 龙枪 空斩杀 攻+179 防+2 敏+10 回避+10% 抗地-50% 风+150% 封魔效果 经验2倍 31 死枪 奥汀 攻+234 防-5 敏+15 魔击+2 痛恨一击+5% 圣属性攻击 抗地-100% 风+70% 水+70% 火+200% 衰弱无效 使用MP减半 移动后可使用魔法 32 神枪 永恒 攻+280 防+15 敏+20 魔击+20 移动后可使用魔法 33 长弓 攻+16 34 水晶弓 攻+21 地属性攻击 抗地+30% 35 狙击弓 攻+30 敏+4 痛恨一击+3% 风属性攻击 抗风+30% 气力2倍 36 鬼灵之弓 攻+45 魔击+4 回避+7% 中毒无效 封魔无效 使用MP减半 37 破云之弓 攻+68 防+2 敏+6 风属性攻击 抗风+100% 每回合回复MP3% 38 天劫 攻+36 防-2 魔击-4 抗火+30% 麻痹效果 麻痹无效 攻击2次 39 星夜之弓 攻+146 敏+10 水属性攻击 抗地+100% 水+40% 风-100% 封魔效果 金钱2倍 移动后可使用魔法 3A 魔弓 龙杀破 攻+205 防-4 魔击+8 痛恨一击+8% 地属性攻击 抗地-70% 风+100% 中毒无效 无法杀死敌人 3B 巨弓 世界 攻+260 防+20 敏+15 魔击+10 抗地+60% 水-50% 风-80% 火+100% 每回合回复HP15% 3C 钢斧 攻+25 3D 战斧 攻+39 抗火-30% 麻痹效果 3E 狂战士之斧 攻+40 防-15 敏-10 魔击-10 痛恨一击+40% 回避+3% 地属性攻击 抗地+100% 水-100% 衰弱效果 麻痹无效 衰弱无效 攻击2次 气力2倍 无法杀死敌人 3F 炙雷之斧 攻+99 防+10 风属性攻击 抗地-40% 风+90% 封魔无效 金钱2倍 40 鬼炎斧 攻+154 防+2 敏+4 回避+10% 火属性攻击 抗水-30% 火+80% 中毒效果 中毒无效 41 霸邪天皇 攻+232 防+5 敏+10 魔击+15 痛恨一击+2% 抗地+100% 水-50% 风-50% 火+150% 所有状态异常 每回合回复HP10% 42 七星龙 攻+338 防+20 敏+10 魔力+10 抗地+100% 水-100% 风+200% 火-200% 衰弱效果 移动后可使用魔法 46 自身 47 龙罚 攻+200 48 神怒 攻+500 49 战魔刀 攻+100 4A 血镰刀 攻+20 4B 狂狱 攻+160 4C 恕海 攻+200 4D 虚空 攻+300 50 头巾 防+3 51 皮帽 防+4 抗地+5% 52 铁制头盔 防+8 偷窥+8% 抗地+15% 53 重装头盔 防+17 敏-5 回避-2% 抗地20% 风-5% 衰弱无效 HP伤害减半 54 狂战士头盔 防+9 魔击+3 HP+20 痛恨一击+30% 命中-2% 回避-1% 四防-30% 55 裂岩之盔 防+13 偷窥+8% 抗地+30% 风-12% 火-10% 经验2倍 56 魔炎战盔 防+16 魔击+2 痛恨一击+2% 回避+2% 抗火+45% 水-30% 麻痹无效 增加攻击距离 攻击2次 57 极光护轮 防+22 魔击+2 MP+5 命中+2% 抗水-16% 风+50% 火+32% 使用MP减半 每回合回复HP3% 58 鬼面 防+44 敏-10 魔击-5 偷窥+14% 回避+3% 衰弱效果 移动距离+1 59 名盔 星之光 防+28 魔击+3 HP+30 痛恨一击+5% 偷窥+20% 命中+3% 抗地+25% 水-32% 火+60% 行动2次 每回合回复MP1% 5A 龙盔 闪 防+33 敏+2 命中+5% 回避+5% 抗地-50% 风+100% 火+45% 麻痹无效 金钱2倍 每回和恢复HP5% 5B 魔盔 虚无 防+40 敏+3 HP+40 回避+6% 抗地+50% 水-100% 火+120% 麻痹中毒衰弱无效 攻击2次 移动后可使用魔法 5C 头带 防+2 5D 魔法头带 防+3 魔击+1 命中+2% 回避+2% 抗风+20% 5E 司祭头环 防+6 敏+1 魔击+3 抗水+24% 封魔无效 气力2倍 5F 魔金头环 防+9 魔击+4 MP+30 痛恨一击+4% 命中-10% 抗地+36% 衰弱无效 经验2倍 60 龙鳞冠 防+11 敏+1 魔击+2 HP+20 回避+3% 抗地-45% 水+32% 风+91% 中毒无效 HP伤害减半 61 冰晶之冠 防+14 抗水+45% 风+32% 金钱2倍 移动距离+1 62 北风头环 防+19 敏+2 魔力+6 回避+5% 抗水+40% 风+53% 增加攻击距离 行动2次 每回和恢复HP2% 63 龙牙冠 防+24 魔击+9 MP+60 痛恨一击+10% 命中+4% 抗火-14% 麻痹无效 使用MP减半 64 圣灵发冠 防+29 敏+3 魔击+12 HP+40 抗地+100% 水-40% 火-20% 风+50% 封魔无效 攻击2次每回和恢复HP10% MP5% 移动后可使用魔法 78 皮衣 防+4 79 轻装铠 防+8 敏+1 偷窥+1% 回避+1% 抗地+7% 7A 锁子甲 防+12 敏-1 7B 骑士铠甲 防+16 痛恨一击+1% 偷窥+2% 回避+2% 抗地+30% 风-22% 经验2倍 7C 软鳞甲 防+21 偷窥+4% 抗地-30% 风+72% 中毒无效 气力2倍 7D 冥雷战甲 攻+3 防+27 回避+4% 抗风+25% 火+25% 使用MP减半 7E 刚岩护甲 防+34 敏-5 痛恨一击+2% 命中-2% 回避-2% 抗风-33% 地+80% 麻痹无效 HP伤害减半 7F 魔铠 血杀 攻+4 防+43 魔击+3 偷窥+6% 回避+3% 衰弱无效 无法杀死敌人 80 武神铠 攻+6 防+53 敏+3 痛恨一击+4% 麻痹中毒无效 行动2次 81 龙铠 牙刃 防+64 魔击+5 回避+5% 抗地-45% 风+90% 火+60% 攻击2次 金钱2倍 82 霸气之铠 防+76 痛恨一击+6% 偷窥+10% 命中+2% 增加攻击距离 气力2倍 每回合回复HP5% 83 圣王铠甲 攻+7 防+88 敏+6 魔击+2 回避+7% 四防75% 麻痹封魔无效 攻击2次 每回合回复MP3% 84 神之衣 防+100 敏+10 HP+240 偷窥+20% 命中+4% 回避+8% 四防+80% 中毒无效 每回和恢复HP15% 移动距离+1 85 布袍 防+4 86 丝袍 防+7 抗风+5% 87 魔道之袍 防+11 魔击+1 MP+30 抗地-15% 水+15% 封-15% 火+15% 88 神圣之袍 防+16 敏+1 回避+1% 四防+30% 封魔无效 金钱2倍 89 龙鳞长袍 防+22 MP+60 抗地-55% 风+71% 火+24% 中毒无效 气力2倍 8A 霜雪柔袍 防+29 敏+2 魔击+4 命中+1% 回避+3% 抗水+80% 风+35% 火-60% 衰弱无效 经验2倍 每回合回复HP3% 8B 烈炎长袍 攻+2 防+38 +魔击+3 痛恨一击+1% 命中+2% 抗水-75% 火+100% HP伤害减半 移动后使用魔发 8C 魔龙血衣 攻+4 防+41 敏+4 魔击+7 痛恨议击+2% 抗火+50% 行动2次 每回合回复MP5% 8D 夕雾之袍 防+52 MP+120 命中+1 回避+4% 抗水+60% 火+13% 衰弱效果 无法杀死敌人 8E 法王圣衣 防+64 魔击+6 四防+64% 麻痹封魔中毒衰弱无效 无法杀死敌人 8F 圣袍 光明 防+75 敏+7 魔击+10 回避+5% 四防+70% 中毒无效 攻击2次 每回合回复MP7% 90 怨灵邪衣 攻-8 防+59 魔击+22 痛恨一级+4% 命中-4% 回避-2% 四防-50% 使用MP减半 金钱两倍 移动后可使用魔法 移动距离+1 91 圣衣 苍羽 攻+7 防+99 敏+9 魔击+14 MP+200 回避+6% 四防+90% 封魔无效 每回合回复HP10% MP8% 92 奥汀T恤 攻-999 防+999 敏-999 魔击+999 HP+9999 偷窥+999% 抗地+300% 水-300% 风+300% 火+300% 麻痹中毒封魔衰弱无效 使用MP减半 行动2次 攻击2次 经验金钱气力2倍 移动又可使用魔法 A1 皮靴 敏+2 A2 铁靴 敏+2 命中+2% 回避-1% 抗地+12% 风-8% A3 战士之靴 敏+10 魔击+1 偷窥+2% 回避+3% 麻痹无效 增加攻击距离 A4 狂战士鞋 攻+7 防-1 敏-2 魔击-4 痛恨一击+25% 命中+2% 抗水+16% 火+24% 麻痹衰弱无效 HP伤害减半 A5 光明战靴 敏+21 偷窥+4% 回避+2% 抗火+30% 使用MP减半 A6 龙鳞战靴 防+3 敏+37 魔击+2 MP+10 痛恨一击+2% 偷窥+6% 命中+3% 抗地-30% 风+60% 火+45% 封魔无效 攻击2次 A7 英雄之靴 攻+2 防+5 敏+69 HP+50 痛恨一击+3% 命中+2% A8 神之足 防+10 敏+80 魔击+5 HP+70 偷窥+20% 抗地+75% 风+90% 移动距离+2 A9 术者之鞋 敏+1 魔击+2 MP+2 抗水+15% AA 魔道之鞋 防+2 敏+3 魔击+4 命中+1% 回避+1% 抗风+22% 衰弱无效 攻击2次 AB 影杀之靴 敏+11 魔击+3 MP+10 痛恨一击+2% 命中+3% 回避-2% 抗水+30% 麻痹无效 增加攻击距离 行动2次 移动距离+1 AC 圣踏之鞋 防+4 敏+22 魔击+5 HP+20 回避+3% 四防+45% 使用MP减半 金钱2倍 AD 龙血之靴 敏+41 魔击+7 MP+30 痛恨一击+4% 命中+2 抗地-100% 风+30% 火+64% 中毒无效 HP伤害减半 每回合回复HP5% MP10% 移动后可使用魔法 AE 神魂之鞋 防+7 敏+65 魔击+10 命中+4% 回避+5% 抗地-60% 水-30% 风+70 火+50% 封魔无效 衰弱无效 AF 奥汀拖鞋 攻+999 防-999 敏+999 魔击-999 MP+999 偷窥-999% 抗地+300% 水-300% 风+300% 火+300% 麻痹中毒封魔衰弱无效 使用MP减半 行动2次 攻击2次 经验金钱气力2倍 移动又可使用魔法 BE 针刺手环 攻+15 BF 护身手环 防+15 C0 速度手环 敏+15 C1 玻璃手环 魔击+15 C2 水波戒指 抗水+30% C3 烈炎戒指 抗火+30% C4 风舞戒指 抗风+30% C5 地残戒指 抗地+30% C6 时间戒指 画面2倍显示 C7 黄金项链 魔击-5 C8 银制手环 中毒无效 C9 彩虹项链 麻痹无效 CA 漆黑之镜 封魔无效 CB 月牙之戒 衰弱无效 CC 黑色墨镜 痛恨一击+30% 命中-25% CD 神偷戒指 偷窥+54% CE 侦测眼镜 命中+38% CF 隐形眼镜 回避+42% D0 极暗之心 攻击2次 D1 逆十字 使用MP减半 D2 痛恨之心 痛恨一击+35% D4 致福之像 每回合回复HP15% D5 圣魔之像 每回合回复MP15% D6 凝气手环 气力2倍 D7 魔操玉 魔击+60 D8 速风之羽 移动距离+1 D9 极光之翼 行动2次 DA 幸运缎带 经验2倍 DB 黄金圣杯 金钱2倍 DC 七彩圣石 状态永远良好 DD 地岩魔环 抗地+300% DE 冰雪魔环 抗水+300% DF 北风魔环 抗风+300% E0 烈炎魔环 抗火+300% E1 替身项链 HP伤害减半 E2 冥晦之轮 移动后可使用魔法 E3 冰炎锁链 抗水+300% 火-300% E4 风岩锁链 抗风+300% 地-300% E5 炎冰锁链 抗火+300% 水-300% E6 岩风锁链 抗地+300% 风-300% E7 赤蓝结晶 抗水+50% 火+50% E8 青褐结晶 抗风+50% 地+50% E9 赤褐结晶 抗地+50% 火+50% EA 青蓝结晶 抗风+50% 水+50% EB 褐青结晶 抗火+50% 风+50% EC 蓝褐结晶 抗水+50% 地+50% ED 奥义之证 增加攻击距离 EE 魔精玉 四防+300% EF 幻化之心 ????(作用不详) FA 回复药 HP+40 FB 回复秘药 HP+30% FC 灵药 HP+60% FD 生命之力 HP+100% FE 天使之露 MP+30 FF 天使之泉 MP+30% 0001 天使之心 MP+60% 0101 世界树之露 MP+100% 0201 世界树之叶 HP MP+100% 异常状态全部恢复 0301 解毒草 中毒恢复 0401 破魔咒 封魔恢复 0501 精灵石 麻痹恢复 0601 振奋剂 衰弱恢复 0701 圣洁之香 异常状态全部恢复 0801 神威树之叶 气力+10% 0901 神威之果 气力+33% 0A01 神威之酒 气力+99% 0B01 力之源 攻+1~5 0C01 御之源 防+1~5 0D01 魔之源 魔击+1~5 0E01 速之源 敏+1~5 0F01 土之源 抗土+1% 1001 火之源 抗火+1% 1101 风之源 抗风+1% 1201 水之源 抗水+1% 1301 圣之源 四防+1% 1401 会心之素 攻+20% 1501 铁壁之素 防+20% 1601 精灵之素 魔击+20% 1701 灵璧之素 魔防+20% 1801 疾迅之素 敏+20% 1902 回命之药 复活 HP+20% 1A01 回命之力 复活 HP+50% 1B01 回命之源 复活 HP+100% 重要物品: 3601 地界神器碎片 3701 巨人的魔书 3801 圣少女的徽章 3901 地界神器 3A01 水界神器 3B01 天界神器 3C01 S的银币 3D01 B的金币 3E01 刻字的硬币堆 3F01 F.钱币小袋 4001 上锁的日记本 4101 神秘的钥匙 4201 托尔斯护符 4301 法鲁希翁护符 4401 弗雷斯特护符 4501 异国的护符 4601 翼人的护符 4701 两栖的护符 4801 天人的护符 4901 巨人的护符 4A01 龙族的护符 4B01 水界勇者之证 最强武器 剑:终神秘器 杖:魔神器 幻空 小刀:魔刀 哭杀 枪:妖枪 幻影 弓:巨弓 世界 斧:七星龙
2023-07-13 18:52:563

跑道入侵人员 如何处理及规定,比如人员入侵跑道以后 罚款多少 拘留几天 等相关规定!

跑道入侵(runway incursion)是指发生在机 1977年加纳利空难中的跑道入侵事件场的对飞机跑道安全产生不利影响的事件。对跑道入侵的定义目前是由国际民用航空组织(ICAO)于2006年4月27日规定的:在机场中发生的任何涉及错误的出现在用于飞机起飞和降落的保护区表面的飞机,车辆以及行人的事件。目前,民航机场的塔台使用机场地面检测设备(ASDE-X)以及机场活动区域安全系统(AMASS)来监测跑道入侵。它们均是高度自动化的计算机系统,能对即将出现的跑道入侵事件进行分析判断,并给空中交通管制员们发出警告,以便他们及时采取必要的措施来避免跑道入侵事件的发生。关于如何处罚,可参考《民用机场管理条例》、《空中交通管理条例》等。具体怎么处罚要看情况。
2023-07-13 18:53:411

幻世录2 1.02版补丁!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2023-07-13 18:53:482


跑道入侵(runway incursion)是指发生在机场的对飞机跑道安全产生不利影响的事件。对跑道入侵的定义目前是由国际民用航空组织(ICAO)于2006年4月27日规定的:在机场中发生的任何涉及错误的出现在用于飞机起飞和降落的保护区表面的飞机,车辆以及行人的事件。
2023-07-13 18:53:551


2023-07-13 18:54:071


The American Civil War, also known as the War Between the States, or simply the Civil War in the United States (see naming), was a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865, after seven Southern slave states declared their secession and formed the Confederate States of America(the "Confederacy" or the "South"). The states that remained in the Union were known as the "Union" or the "North". The war had its origin in the fractious issue of slavery, especially the extension of slavery into the western territories.[N 1] Foreign powers did not intervene. After four years of bloody combat that left over 600,000 soldiers dead and destroyed much of the South"s infrastructure, the Confederacy collapsed, slavery was abolished, and the difficultReconstruction process of restoring national unity and guaranteeing rights to the freed slaves began.In the 1860 presidential election, Republicans, led by Abraham Lincoln, opposed the expansion of slavery into United States" territories. Lincoln won, but before his inauguration on March 4, 1861, seven slave states with cotton-based economies formed the Confederacy. The first six to secede had the highest proportions of slaves in their populations, a total of 48.8% for the six.[5] Outgoing Democratic President James Buchanan and the incoming Republicans rejected secession as illegal. Lincoln"s inaugural address declared his administration would not initiate civil war. Eight remaining slave states continued to reject calls for secession. Confederate forces seized numerous federal forts within territory claimed by the Confederacy. Apeace conference failed to find a compromise, and both sides prepared for war. The Confederates assumed that European countries were so dependent on "King Cotton" that they would intervene; none did and none recognized the new Confederate States of America.Hostilities began on April 12, 1861, when Confederate forces fired upon Fort Sumter, a key fort held by Union troops in South Carolina. Lincoln called for each state to provide troops to retake the fort; consequently, four more slave states joined the Confederacy, bringing their total to eleven. The Union soon controlled the border states and established a naval blockadethat crippled the southern economy. The Eastern Theater was inconclusive in 1861u201362. The autumn 1862 Confederate campaign into Maryland (a Union state) ended with Confederate retreat at the Battle of Antietam, dissuading British intervention.[6] Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which made ending slavery a war goal.[7] To the west, by summer 1862 the Union destroyed the Confederate river navy, then much of their western armies, and the Union siege of Vicksburg split the Confederacy in two at the Mississippi River. In 1863, Robert E. Lee"sConfederate incursion north ended at the Battle of Gettysburg. Western successes led to Ulysses S. Grant"s command of all Union armies in 1864. In the Western Theater, William T. Shermandrove east to capture Atlanta and marched to the sea, destroying Confederate infrastructure along the way. The Union marshaled the resources and manpower to attack the Confederacy from all directions, and could afford to fight battles of attrition through the Overland Campaigntowards Richmond, the Confederate capital. The defending Confederate army failed, leading to Lee"s surrender to Grant at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865. All Confederate generals surrendered by that summer.The American Civil War was one of the earliest true industrial wars. Railroads, the telegraph, steamships, and mass-produced weapons were employed extensively. The mobilization of civilian factories, mines, shipyards, banks, transportation and food supplies all foreshadowed World War I. It remains the deadliest war in American history, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 750,000 soldiers and an undetermined number of civilian casualties.[N 2] Historian John Huddleston estimates the death toll at ten percent of all Northern males 20u201345 years old, and 30 percent of all Southern white males aged 18u201340.[9]
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2023-07-13 18:54:242


s4 19吧。潘妮给了盗号那人裆部一脚。。
2023-07-13 18:54:313