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one 前面加a 还是an

2023-07-13 13:00:25
TAG: one an

简单来说one和a,an都是修饰名词,但是前面既不能加a 也不能加an





a one开头的是辅音音素,冠词用a。 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)





one 前面无论a 还是an都不加

















A-ONE 是什么意思?

2023-07-13 12:53:381


one可以做主语 a不行 a是冠词 没别的词性 只能加在人和物前 one 可以做 代词数词 和形容词
2023-07-13 12:53:463

羽毛球拍有A ONE这个品牌吗

2023-07-13 12:53:551

英语中 a 和 one 的区别 是什么

a和one的区别1. 尽管a和one这两个在意义上有些相似,但他们几乎不能互换使用。2. 在连续记数时,习惯上用one,不用a3. 在名词前使用one 往往表示数量上的对比。4.用在某些固定的词组中。如: in a hurry, in a word one by one, one day另:不定式冠词a与one的用法1.作“一(个)”讲,不定冠词a所表达的“数量”这一概念,远不如one这个数词来得明确和恰当(例如:I want to live a hundred years.—M.Swan.我想要活100岁。(是一种“姑妄言之”的说法,所以要用a,不用one) The journey took exactly one hundred days.—M.Swan.这次旅行整整历时100天。(这里说的是一个事实,所以要用one,不用a,并可加饰exactly这样一个副词) 比较:Give me an apple,will you?给我一只苹果,好吗?(是与some或any相对而言) Give me one apple,will you?给我一只苹果,好吗?(是与two、three…相对而言) We saw a panda in the Zoo this morning.今天早晨我们在动物园里看见一头熊猫。(是回答“What did you see in the Zoo this morning?”的提问,所以强调的是panda) We saw one panda in the Zoo this morning.今天早晨我们在动物园里看见一头熊猫。(是回答“How many pandasdid you see in the Zoo this morning?”的提问,所以强调的是one) It has rained for more than a week.雨已下了一星期多了(也许是八、九天)。 It has rained for more than one week.雨已下了不止一星期了。(也许是两星期) 2.作“同一”或“同样”讲,a所表达的“一体”这一概念,也不如one来得明快和响亮。
2023-07-13 12:54:033

英语中a 和one有什么区别?

2023-07-13 12:54:101


2023-07-13 12:54:311

a one的区别

a 是冠词,用在名词前,用来说明名词,表示泛指one用作代词,指同类事物,不是同一个A:I have a pen.我有一支笔,B:I have one ,too.我也有一支我有的笔和你的笔都是笔,但不是同一支笔
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2023-07-13 12:54:481


首先a和an,当单词是以元音字母开头时,就用an,其他的没什么特别 另外,a和one的区别主要是 1.在连续记数时,习惯上用one,不用a 2.在名词前使用one 往往表示数量上的对比. 3.用在某些固定的词组中. 如:in a hurry,in a word one by one,one day 4、作“一(个)”讲,不定冠词a所表达的“数量”这一概念,远不如one这个数词来得明确和恰当 5、作“同一”或“同样”讲,a所表达的“一体”这一概念,也不如one来得明快和响亮.
2023-07-13 12:54:551


一、a和one的区别1、a和one不能互换使用。2、在连续记数时,习惯上用one。3、在名词前使用one。4、固定的词组如:in a hurry,in a wordone by one,one day二、a与one的用法1、当成“一(个)”来说,a所表“数量”这一概念,没有one恰当。例如:I want to live a hundred years.—M.Swan.我想要活100岁。(是一种“假”的说法,所以用a,不用one)The journey took exactly one hundred days.—M.Swan.这次旅行整整历时100天。(这是一个事实,所以要用one,不用a)2、作“同一”或“同样”讲,a所表达的“一体”这一概念,也不如one来得明快和响亮。例如:In the old society,two of a trade could never agree.在旧社会同行是怨家。扩展资料:a的用法:通常来说,a 是用在以辅音开首的词前面,an 是用在以元音开首的词前面;可数名词前面用 a(或 an),不可数名词前面不可用a(或 an),如可以说 a healthy boy,却不可以说 a health;在特定情况下,a(或 an)可以用在复数形式前面:习语中有a few (books),a great many (books)等表示方法。在表示时间或款项的短语前面,如 a further five minutes。在若干在形式上是复数而在意思上是单数的单词前面,如 a barracks,a links。在美国口语中,如 a good ways,a long ways;a(或 an)有时有“一个而不是那所要的一个”的意思。a 也有“任何一个”的意思。I got a letter indeed,but it was from a friend. 事实上,我收到了一封信,但只是一个朋友的来信。I wanted to read a book,I did not care whether it was a history,a novel,or a biography.a 与 few 搭配使用时,few 是“很少”,有“几乎没有”的意思。a few 是“若干”,有“颇有几个”的意思。注意,only a few 却等于 few,也是“很少”的意思。
2023-07-13 12:55:031

one和a 的区别是什么从词性和用法上说明

一、a和one的区别1、a和one不能互换使用。2、在连续记数时,习惯上用one。3、在名词前使用one。4、固定的词组如:in a hurry,in a wordone by one,one day二、a与one的用法1、当成“一(个)”来说,a所表“数量”这一概念,没有one恰当。例如:I want to live a hundred years.—M.Swan.我想要活100岁。(是一种“假”的说法,所以用a,不用one)The journey took exactly one hundred days.—M.Swan.这次旅行整整历时100天。(这是一个事实,所以要用one,不用a)2、作“同一”或“同样”讲,a所表达的“一体”这一概念,也不如one来得明快和响亮。例如:In the old society,two of a trade could never agree.在旧社会同行是怨家。扩展资料:a的用法:通常来说,a 是用在以辅音开首的词前面,an 是用在以元音开首的词前面;可数名词前面用 a(或 an),不可数名词前面不可用a(或 an),如可以说 a healthy boy,却不可以说 a health;在特定情况下,a(或 an)可以用在复数形式前面:习语中有a few (books),a great many (books)等表示方法。在表示时间或款项的短语前面,如 a further five minutes。在若干在形式上是复数而在意思上是单数的单词前面,如 a barracks,a links。在美国口语中,如 a good ways,a long ways;a(或 an)有时有“一个而不是那所要的一个”的意思。a 也有“任何一个”的意思。I got a letter indeed,but it was from a friend. 事实上,我收到了一封信,但只是一个朋友的来信。I wanted to read a book,I did not care whether it was a history,a novel,or a biography.a 与 few 搭配使用时,few 是“很少”,有“几乎没有”的意思。a few 是“若干”,有“颇有几个”的意思。注意,only a few 却等于 few,也是“很少”的意思。
2023-07-13 12:55:161

A-one的音响是什么牌子? 是那个国家的?

日本 第一音响
2023-07-13 12:56:063

与英文有关:a/an,one,the 该如何区分?

2023-07-13 12:56:172


1。前面n.已经有了,one就不用+the3。that用来衔接从句,有“,”自然不能选4。对5。这个。。才浅,还真没绕过来,如果你知道了,把原因也教我一下哦~6。因为这里有some、others,也就是说已经三者以上,出于一致性,那么one就不能对应两者的the other要对应三者的another7。固定搭配be+adj. think over仔细考虑(是一个词组)所以选择不填8。前后要一致 否定句none用any,而all和no不能一起9。因为这里是prefer也就是说没有实现,因此不能特指10。还是前后一致的问题,题干一直是you那么后面也就是不把某事告诉你自己11。这是一个固定搭配啦,any...+else 例如:anyone else其他的任何一人我辛苦打了这么多,希望对布丁同学有帮助啰,嘿嘿
2023-07-13 12:56:251


a一般用于不太强调数量的场合,因为a的发音比较轻快,不是句子的重点。one用于强调1这个数量的场合,因为读的稍重,所以听的人会无意识的抓住1这个数字。但是美国人在实际生活中描述数量1的时候,并不特意区分这个,比如有一次我问店员这个东西多少钱,对方回答说"A dollar",并且把重音放在A上发成了[ei]。 回到lz的问题上来,用a还是one要看上下文,体会一下区别He"s a teacher 他是一个教师He"s a good teacher 他是一个好教师He"s one teacher 别扭。他是“一个”老师,而不是“两个”He"s one good teacher 别扭。他是“一个”好老师,不是“两个”There is a good teacher in this room. 重点在这个房间里面有好教师这个事实。There is one good teacher in this room. 重点在这个房间里面有“一个”好教师。
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用a。虽然one是元音字母o开头,但是是辅音音标w,所以用a,不过a加one这个单词语法是不通的,如果是one开头的单词则是可以的,如onefold,意思是单一的。 定冠词a和an的用法 a和an用在可数名词单数前,我们要注意的是,a用在辅音开头的名词q前;an用在元音开头的名词前面。大家要注意分清楚,元音辅音,不等于元音字母辅音字母。比如说:a European,一个欧洲人,在这里,元音字母E开头,但是E不发音。 a和an用在可数名词的单数形式前,它是用来指第一次提到的一个名词,我们在会话的时候,第一次提到,比如说:I need an English grammar book. 我需要一本英语语法书。 他们可以用在单数名词前,当然还是可数名词,表示一类人或者物,这比较特殊,泛指,比如说:A bike is very useful in the countryside.在乡下自行车很有用。 很特殊的一种用法,用的数字前面,如:a hundred 一百,a thousand 一千,a million 一百万,a half 一半。 a和an 也可以用在价格,速度,比比率,频率之类。我们经常说,twice a week,每周两次,一周a week。 a和an可以用在一些固定的短语里,主要是与数量有关的,如:a number of 一些,a couple of 一些,a piece of,一片等。
2023-07-13 12:56:391


one只表示“一”的概念,a/an除了表示一以外,还有其他的用法。1)用于泛指人或事物She wanted to rent an apartment near the campus. .她想在学校附近租一套房子。Before she left for London, Sally sent me a picture of herself. 萨莉动身去伦敦前送给我一张她的照片。A grammar book is necessary to a language learner. 对语言学习者来说,语法书是很必要的。A teacher likes putting a watch on his / her desk while lecturing .老师讲课时总爱将手表放在讲台上。(2) 用于某些词组中。这种用法是约定束成的,我们只有遵从,没有别的选择。例如:have a rest(休息) have a look(瞧瞧) have a good time(过得开心)take a shower(淋浴) take a break(休息) take a bath(洗澡)have a cold(患感冒) get a fever(发烧) develop into a habit (养成习惯)make a living(谋生) make a guess at(猜测) make a difference between(区分)in a moment(过一会儿) in a sense(在某种意义上) in a way(在某种程度上)once in a while(间或) have an advantage over(优于)have an edge(略胜过)as a result(因此)as a rule(通常)as a whole(总体上说)(3)在名称或唯一地名前禁用:例:Mr.Green lives in Bridge Stree.
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2023-07-13 12:57:0910


earth有泥土的释义,不可数stone2.石材[U]stone的词义.看你的选择题.石材应该是不可数名词吧.2.石材[U]的[U]不就是 uncountable的意思嘛.对吧.关于hundred, thousand与million的用法与搭配▲与“一”搭配时的用法“一百(千、百万)”可以说成a hundred (thousand, million)或one hundred (thousand, million),两者原则上没什么差别。如:Up till now I"ve only learned a [one] thousand English words. 到现在我只学了一千英语词汇。只是在准确地表达数字概念时,可能 one 更常用。如:The journey took exactly one hundred days. 这次旅行正好用了100天。 ▲读数时用 a 还是 one在读数时,若是在一个数的开头,用a或one都行;若不是在数的开头,则只能用one,如“1165”的正确读法是 a [one] thousand, one hundred and sixty-five,不能是a [one] thousand, a hundred and sixty-five。▲与具体数字连用应注意与具体数字连用时,不带复数词尾-s。但若表示泛指数,则要带复数词尾-s,且通常要有of短语。如:There are hundreds (of people) who need new housing. 有许许多多人需要新的住房。 ▲与a few, several, many等连用与 a few, several, many 等数目不很具体的词连用时,用不用复数形式均可。但是注意:用单数形式,其后的介词 of 可以省略;用复数形式,其后的介词 of 不能省略,如将“几百大学生”说成英语可以是 several hundred (of) college students 或 several hundreds of college students。▲与代词连用用于代词前时,必须要带介词 of,不管它是否用了复数。如:three hundred of them 他们当中的300人 several hundred(s) of them 他们当中的几百人。类似some hundred persons 与 some hundreds of persons这类表达,其含义并不相同:前者指“大约一百人”(=about one hundred persons),后者指“几百人”。
2023-07-13 12:57:351


mind 英音:[maind] 美音:[mau026and] 名词 n. 1.头脑,智力[C][U]He has a brilliant mind. 他智力超群。 2.记忆力[U]It completely slipped my mind. 对此,我一点也记不起来了。 3.注意力[U]4.意向[C][U]He has a good mind to quit that job. 他很想辞去那份工作。 5.主意;意见,想法[C]Two days later he changed his mind. 两天后他改变主意了。 6.有才智的人[C]7.理性,理智[C][U]8.精神,心[U]I have your safety in mind. 我记挂着你的安全。 及物动词 vt. 1.注意,留意,记住要[+(that)][+wh-]Mind the wet paint. 当心油漆未干。 2.(用于否定句和疑问句中)介意,反对[W][+v-ing][+if-][+wh-][O8][O4]Do you mind if I put my bag here? 我把袋子放在这儿你不介意吧? Would you mind switching the television to channel 8? 请把电视转到八频道好吗? She wouldn"t mind taking care of our children. 她不会介意照料我们的孩子的。 3.照料,看管Your son can mind your shop for you. 你儿子可以替你照管商店。 4.专心于,从事不及物动词 vi. 1.注意,留心[(+out)]2.介意[W]If you don"t mind I"ll open the window. 如果你不介意,我就开窗。 3.关心,照料
2023-07-13 12:57:452


However , there must be a one - to - one mapping beeen inputs and outputs 但是,在输入和输出之间必须存在 一对一映射 。 The project uses transforms to create a one - to - one mapping beeen inputs and outputs in the 任务中的输入和输出之间的 一对一映射 。 However , there is not necessarily a one - to - one mapping beeen a web server control and an html element 元素呈现在页面中。但是,不一定要建立web服务器控件与html元素间的 一对一映射 。 Types , however , is that they do not represent relationships ; they are simply a one - to - one mapping with a database table 类型的不足之处是它们没有代表关系;它们只是与数据库表的 一对一映射 。 Web server controls offer all of the features described above for html server controls except one - to - one mapping to elements and these additional features 除了提供html服务器控件的上述所有功能(不包括与元素的 一对一映射 )外, web服务器控件还提供以下附加功能: The above example has simple , one - to - one mappings beeen data elements in the o vocabularies , and annotations that you can readily pare in a casual reading 在上面的例子中,两个词汇表的数据元素之间存在简单的 一对一映射 ,即使不经意地阅读这些注释,也很容易对它们作出比较。 Although this process may create more security roles than are necessary for your environment , this one - to - one mapping of method groups to apppcation security roles lets users execute the same methods they could execute before migration 尽管这个过程也许会创建比您的环境所必须的更多的安全性角色,这个从方法组到应用程序安全性角色的 一对一映射 使得用户可以执行那些与他们迁移前所能执行的方法相同的方法。
2023-07-13 12:57:511


mindn.1. 头脑,智力[C][U]He has a brilliant mind.他智力超群。2. 记忆力[U]It completely slipped my mind.对此,我一点也记不起来了。3. 注意力[U]4. 意向[C][U]He has a good mind to quit that job.他很想辞去那份工作。5. 主意;意见,想法[C]Two days later he changed his mind.两天后他改变主意了。6. 有才智的人[C]7. 理性,理智[C][U]8. 精神,心[U]I have your safety in mind.我记挂着你的安全。vt.1. 注意,留意,记住要[+(that)][+wh-]Mind the wet paint.当心油漆未干。2. (用于否定句和疑问句中)介意,反对[W][+v-ing][+if-][+wh-][O8][O4]Do you mind if I put my bag here?我把袋子放在这儿你不介意吧?Would you mind switching the television to channel 8?请把电视转到八频道好吗?She wouldn"t mind taking care of our children.她不会介意照料我们的孩子的。3. 照料,看管Your son can mind your shop for you.你儿子可以替你照管商店。4. 专心于,从事vi.1. 注意,留心[(+out)]2. 介意[W]If you don"t mind I"ll open the window.如果你不介意,我就开窗。3. 关心,照料 opinion意思是“意见;看法”。指对某一事物的看法、意见,这种看法通常指依自己看来是正确的或可能的,因此含有十分肯定的意味。例如:You should ask the opinion of the doctor.你应当征求医生的意见。
2023-07-13 12:58:024


a与one的区别用法:a用法:通常来说,a是用在以辅音开首的词前面,可数名词前面用a不可数名词前面不可用a;one用法:表示“一个”,意为one;指某人或某物,意为一个确定的事物。代表一类人或物。用在可数名词的单数形式前表示泛指表明一类人或事物区别于它类。 扩展资料 a侧重点:a是范围概念,是模糊的不确定范围,因此也常被叫做不定冠词。one侧重点:one是数字概念,是明确的数字。
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2023-07-13 12:58:552

one和a 的区别是什么从词性和用法上说明

nd his blood ran cold at the thought—unless he was br
2023-07-13 12:59:033


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2023-07-13 12:59:466


one 是数字概念,是明确的数字. a 是范围概念.是模糊的不确定范围.因此也常被叫做不定冠词. I have one girl friend.明白告诉你数量,我有一个女朋友. I have a girl friend.只是告诉你个情况,我有了女朋友了. give me an apple.想吃个苹果的状态.告知的是想法,类别等情况. give me one apple.只要给我一个苹果就可以了.有一个就够了.
2023-07-13 13:00:021


one和ones都用于泛指,ones是one的复数形式,二者都用来避免重复。有时二者前有冠词和形容词。不定冠词a和an表示数量“一”,a/an…one仍表示泛指。One用来代替前面提到的可数名词单数或a/an + adj +可数名词单数,ones用来代替前面提到的可数名词复数。二者前有定冠词the时,均表示泛指,且the one,the ones后面常有定语修饰,他们和前面提到的名词是同类异物的关系。 1.I lost my pen yesterday. I will buy one.(one 代a pen) 2.Your question is a difficult one.(one代question) 3.I do not like green apples. I like red ones.(one 代apples) 4.The film is not so good as the one I saw yesterday.(one 代film,后有从句I saw yesterday修饰) 5.The knife and fork that one closest to your plate one a little bit bigger than the ones beside them.(ones代 pairs of knifes and forks,后有介词短语beside them修饰) whichpron.1. (用作疑问代词)哪一个,哪一些Which is my seat?哪个座位是我的?2. (用做关系代词)那一个,那一些He also had a gun with which to defend himself.他还有一把自卫用的枪。He invited us to dinner, which was very kind of him.他邀请我们吃晚饭,他这么做真是太客气了。She was very fond of speaking French, which indeed she spoke well.她很喜欢讲法语,而且确实讲得不错。He lives in the house which is opposite ours.他住在我们对面的那栋房子里。a.1. (用作疑问形容词)哪一个,哪一些Which university did you go to, Oxford or Cambridge?你上过哪所大学?牛津还是剑桥?2. (用作关系形容词)这个,这些The doctor told him to give up smoking, which advice he took.医生叮嘱他戒烟,他接受了这一忠告。 thatpron.1. 那;那个,那人,那事,那东西That"s my English teacher over there.那边是我的英文老师。2. (已被提到的)那个,那人,那事,那东西Who told her that?那是谁告诉她那件事的?3. 前者4. (用作关系代词的先行词)那,那个What is that which you have just stuffed into the plastic cup?你刚才塞在塑料杯里的是什么东西?5. (代替句中名词,避免重复)The output of steel this year has increased by 20% compared with that in 1992.今年钢产量比一九九二年增长了百分之二十。6. (用作关系代词,引导关系从句)a.1. 那,那个That book isn"t mine.那本书不是我的。ad.1. 【口】那样,那么Is the problem that easy?问题有那么简单吗?conj.1. (引导名词从句)He expressed the hope that we would keep in touch with his firm.他表示希望我们与他的公司保持联系。My idea is that we should act on his suggestion.我的意见是我们应当按照他的建议去办。That she is still alive is a relief.她还活着,这是令人感到宽慰的。2. (引导状语从句,表示原因或理由)因为,由于We are glad that we have accomplished another arduous task.我们都感到高兴因为又完成了一项艰巨的任务。3. (引导状语从句,表示目的或结果)为了,以至于He is working hard that he can catch up with the class.他努力用功,以便赶上班上同学。4. (引导表示愿望,感叹的从句,主句常省略)That I could stay at home today!今天要是我能呆在家里多好呀!
2023-07-13 13:00:091

one 与a 的区别 比如at one point 为什么用one 在某一地方

固定搭配不要纠结 平时把这类搭配记住就行了
2023-07-13 13:00:182

I once watched _______ one-act play, which was played by _______ 11-year-old boy. A.a, a B..

C 本题考查冠词。句中a one-act play泛指一场独幕剧;a 11-year-old boy泛指一个11岁的男孩。句意:我曾经看过一场独幕剧,是有一个11岁的男孩表演的。
2023-07-13 13:00:251

a the one的区别

2023-07-13 13:01:031


unit universty Europe
2023-07-13 13:01:115

英语中用a the one的区别对待

a不特指,the 一般特指,one一般用作代词(the blue one)或者一个
2023-07-13 13:01:451

1/137 英语怎么读?

就是one-one hundred and thirty seventh相关知识:英语分数的表示法: 一、用“基数词+序数词”表示 分数在英语中通常是借助于基数词和序数词来共同表达的。其中基数词表示分子,序数词表示分母。 如: 1.The centimeter is one-tenth of the decimeter or one-hundredth of the meter.厘米是分米的十分之一,或者说是米的百分之一。 2.However,the number of boys will bea third or less than the girls in the class.但是,班里男生的人数将比女生少三分之一或更少。 从以上例子可以看出:分子除用one外,也可用a;如果分子大于1,分母要用复数形式。但是,1/2不能说a(one)second,而要说a(one)half。例如: 3.The sum of one half,one third and one fourth of a certain number is 13.某数的1/2,1/3和1/4的和是13。 1/4和3/4可以说a(one)fourth和three fourths,但常用a quarter和three quarters表示。应该注意的是,分数修饰名词时,若该名词是不可数名词只能用单数;若是可数名词,用单数或复数均可。但是,若它们在句子中作主语,则谓语动词是用单数还是复数取决于名词,即与分数所修饰的名词保持一致。例如: 4.Only one-fifth of air consists of oxygen.氧气只占空气的1/5。 5.About two thirds of the students attendthe meeting.大约2/3的学生都参加了会议。
2023-07-13 13:01:531


判断用a还是an不能简单的只看元音字母。如果是特指某个字母,在26个英文字母中,a, e, i, o, f, h, l, m, n, r, s, x等12个字母的读音是以元音开头的,其余字母则是以辅音开头的,可参见下面的第三条。a用于辅音前;an用于元音前。一般说来,元音字母发元音,辅音字母发辅音,但需请注意以下3点:1. 拼写以辅音字母开头读音却以元音开头的单词hour, honest, honor等单词的拼写虽然以辅音字母h开头,但其读音却以元音开头,因此,前面要用等单词的拼写虽然以辅音字母an。可熟记下面这句话:An hour ago, an honest man accepted an honorable task. (一小时前,一位诚实的人接受了一项光荣的任务。) 2. 拼写以元音字母开头读音却以辅音开头的单词useful, university, usual, European, united, one-eyed, one-way等单词的拼写虽然以元音字母开头,但其读音却以元音开头,因此,前面要用a等单词的拼写虽然以元音字母开头,但其读音却以元。可熟记下面这句话:In a university, a European and a one-eyed man walk along a one-way road with a usual tool. This is a usual thing. (在一所大学里,有一个欧洲人和一个独眼龙拿着有用的工具沿着一条单行道行走,这是件平常的事。)如:Five years ago her brother was ________ university student of ________ physics. (上海卷))A. a; the B. an; the C. an; / D. a; / 【分析】答案选D。因为university是以辅音[j]开头的要用a,排除B和C;physics是学科名词,前面不用冠词。3. 英文字母前用a还是用an的问题在26个英文字母中,a, e, i, o, f, h, l, m, n, r, s, x等12个字母的读音是以元音开头的,其余字母则是以辅音开头的。如:Please pay attention to your spelling. You have dropped ________ ”m” here. (全国卷)A. an B. the C. / D. a【分析】答案选A。因为字母答案选m的发音是以元音[e]开头的,所以用an;这里的an的意义与one相当,表示“一个”。
2023-07-13 13:02:151


a用于辅音前;an用于元音前。一般说来,元音字母发元音,辅音字母发辅音,但需请注意以下三点: 一. 拼写以辅音字母开头读音却以元音开头的单词hour, honest, honor等单词的拼写虽然以辅音字母h开头,但其读音却以元音开头,因此,前面要用等单词的拼写虽然以辅音字母an。可熟记下面这句话:An hour ago, an honest man accepted an honorable task. (一小时前,一位诚实的人接受了一项光荣的任务。) 二. 拼写以元音字母开头读音却以辅音开头的单词useful, university, usual, European, united, one-eyed, one-way等单词的拼写虽然以元音字母开头,但其读音却以辅音开头,因此,前面要用a等单词的拼写虽然以元音字母开头,但其读音却以辅音开头。可熟记下面这句话:In a university, a European and a one-eyed man walk along a one-way road with a usual tool. This is a usual thing. (在一所大学里,有一个欧洲人和一个独眼龙拿着有用的工具沿着一条单行道行走,这是件平常的事。) 三. 英文字母前用a还是用an的问题在二陆个英文字母中,a, e, i, o, f, h, l, m, n, r, s, x等一二个字母的读音是以元音开头的,其余字母则是以辅音开头的。如: Please pay attention to your spelling. You have dropped ________ ”m” here. (全国卷) A. an B. the C. / D. a 【分析】答案选A。因为字母答案选m的发音是以元音[e]开头的,所以用an;这里的an的意义与one相当,表示“一个”
2023-07-13 13:02:231


分数、小数和百分比的读法;分数中分子用基数词表示、分母用序数词表示.先读分子,后读分母.当分子大于1时,分母要加“s”.例如   1/2读作:a/one half(口语中更倾向于用“a”代替“one”)   1/3读作:a/one third   1/8读作:an/one eighth   1/4读作:a/one quarter(fourth)   2/3读作:two thirds   1又5/9读作one and five ninths   比较复杂的分数常常用over这个词表示.如:   317/509读作:three hundred and seventeen over five hundred and nine   3/4hour,7/lOmile则说three quarters of an hour(三刻钟),seven tenths of a mile(十分之七英里).
2023-07-13 13:02:301


2023-07-13 12:55:301


rain i am coming7年的爱 金贤政 Hey Oh 悲剧演唱组 As Long As You Love Me 后街男孩 god is a girl(上帝是个女孩) my love 西城男孩 the magic key 群星 The Star vitas Because Of You 凯丽·克莱森 Just One Last Dance 莎拉蔻娜 she groovecoverage God is a girl Groove Coverage舞动精灵乐团命运(浪漫满屋) Rain 两个人 蔡妍 蹦吧啦 群星 let"s talk about a man (DJ迪厅劲爆) 舞曲 火花 高耀太(Koyote) My humps 黑眼豆豆Black Eyed Peas She - Groove Coverage Groove Coverage舞动精灵乐团 因为是女子 kiss 莞美d.纯一度 回答采纳率:30.6% 2008-11-17 20:28 最爽的ROCK DJ JUST ONE DAY BK LOVE 冷面秋风[你 回答采纳率:17.5% 2008-11-17 20:30 S.O.S.FOR LOVE爱情求救号 罗百吉 2 Candy Toy 慢嗨 Rav 3 芭娜娜02年震撼DJ 4 =_=!不知道 5 ximGala Faraway 6 Ba Yonga Wamba Banar 7 辛巴达舞曲 8 2月12号 9 far away 10 La la love on my mind 11 Do way all night 女人叫春? 12 Doo Be Di Boy 微笑组合 13 Soundofmydream 14 LET S TALK ABOUT A MAN 15 La Bomba 大爆炸 16 get the party started AU1.5背景音乐 17 sex bomb tom jones AU1.5背景音乐 18 I Say Yeah Vanni G Radi 19 One For Da Money Overground 20 When I"m Gone simple plan 21 tonight Hero 22 Holly Dolly Song 23 down 强度试机碟 DJ舞曲 24 DJleep on loving 25 11月6号 31 animabera 32 The Dragon King(Oh-Le-Le 2004) 33 I Say Yeah Vanni G Radio Edit 摇头电9 34 Gimme More 摇头电 4 35 Hey Oh 36 耶耶耶 37 网络dj嘟啊嘟啊 38 HAPPY SONG Finalizer Remix 劲歌狂舞 摇头电4 39 摇头大联盟 40 摇头 舞曲 41 TIME TO ROCK 舞曲大帝国 42 Walking In The Sun加快Remix劲 43 Lonely 44 I Saw You Walking
2023-07-13 12:55:321


喜欢欧美音乐的朋友你好,这是我的欧美原版CD像册地址: 我的CD图片都在这里了!如果想找盘就来看看吧! 还有乐队现场DVD、电影原声等。 如果有您感兴趣就QQ联系我吧!QQ:391108862
2023-07-13 12:55:336

Successful language learning is active learning.是什么意思?

2023-07-13 12:55:365


2023-07-13 12:55:371


  Albums 专辑  1999.01.12 专辑「Baby One More Time 爱的初告白」  2000.05.16 专辑「Oops!...I Did It Again 爱的再告白」  2001.11.06 专辑「Britney 布兰妮」  2003.11.18 专辑「IN THE ZONE 流行禁区」  2004.11.09 精选「Greatest Hit:My Prerogative 妮裳神话」  2005.11.22 混音专辑「B in Mix 妮裳超混音」  2007.10.30 专辑「BLACKOUT 晕眩风暴」  2008.11.03 专辑「Circus 马戏团」  Single CD 单曲  1999.单曲「...Baby One More Time 爱的初告白」  1999.单曲「Sometimes 美少女的祈祷」  1999.单曲「(You Drive Me)Crazy -the stop Remix!你让我疯狂」  2000.单曲「Born To Make You happy 你快乐我快乐」  2000.单曲「From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart 伤心」  2000.单曲「Oops!...I Did It Again 爱的再告白」  2000.单曲「LUCKY 幸运女孩」  2000.单曲「STRONGER 坚强」  2001.单曲「Don"t Let Me Be The Last To Know 别让我最后知道」  2002.单曲「I"m a Slave 4U 爱的奴隶」  2002.单曲「overprotected 过分保护」  2002.单曲「I"m Not A Girl,Not Yet A Woman 女人未满」  2002.单曲「overprotected - Dark chind Remix 过分保护」  2002.单曲「I Love Rock"n"Roll 我爱摇滚」  2002.单曲「Anticipating 万受瞩目」  2002.单曲「Boys(Co-ed Remix) 小伙子们」  2003.单曲「Me against The Music 呛音乐」  2004.单曲「TOXIC 中你的毒」  2004.单曲「Everytime 每一次」  2004.单曲「OUTRAGEOUS 肆无忌惮」  2004.单曲「My Prerogative 我的特权」  2004.单曲「Chris Cox Megamix 妮裳超混音」  2005.单曲「Do Somethin" 马上行动」  2005.单曲「Someday( I Will Understand) 爱的真谛」  2005.单曲「And Then We Kiss 后续的吻」  2007.单曲「Gimme More 再危险也要」  2008.单曲「Piece Of Me 你在挑战我」  2008.单曲「BREAK THE ICE 打破沉默」  2008.单曲「Womanizer」  「...Baby One More Time」  发行日期:1999.01.12.  音乐语种:英语.  001....Baby One More Time  002.(You Drive Me) Crazy  003.Sometimes  004.Soda Pop  005.Born To Make You Happy  006.From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart  007.I Will Be There  008.I Will Still Love You - feat. Don Philip -  009.Deep In My Heart  010.Thinkin" About You  011.E-Mail My Heart  012.The Beat Goes On  Single CD「...Baby One More Time」  001....Baby One More Time  002....Baby One More Time -sharp platinum vocal remix-  003....Baby One More Time -davidson ospina club mix-  Single CD「Sometimes」  001.Sometimes -radio edit-  002.I"m So Curious  003.Sometimes -soul solution mid tempo mix-  Single CD「(You Drive Me) Crazy -the stop remix-」  001.(You Drive Me) Crazy -the stop remix!-  002.(You Drive Me) Crazy -instrumental-  003.I"ll Never Stop Loving You  Single CD「Born To Make You Happy」  001.Born To Make You Happy -radio edit-  002.Born To Make You Happy -bonus remix-  003.(You Drive Me) Crazy -jazzy hip hop mix-  004....Baby One More Time -answering machine message-  Single CD「From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart」  001.From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart -radio edit-  002.(You Drive Me) Crazy -jazzy jim"s hip-hop mix-  「Oops!...I Did It Again」  发行日期:2000.05.16.  音乐语种:英语.  001.Oops!...I Did It Again  002.Stronger  003.Don"t Go Knockin" On My Door  004.(I Can"t Get No) Satisfaction  005.Don"t Let Me Be The Last To Know  006.What U See (Is What U Get)  007.Lucky  008.One Kiss From You  009.Where Are You Now  010.Can"t Make You Love Me  011.When Your Eyes Say It  012.Dear Diary  Single CD 「Oops!...I Did It Again」  001.Oops!... I Did It Again -album version-  002.Oops!... I Did It Again -instrumental-  003.From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart -millennium funk mix-  004.Deep In My Heart  Single CD「Lucky」  001.Lucky -album version-  002.HEART  003.Lucky -jack d. elliot radio mix-  Single CD「STRONGER」  001.STRONGER -album version-  002.STRONGER -instrumental-  003.Walk On By  004.STRONGER -miguel migs vocal edit-  Single CD「Don"t Let Me Be The Last To Know」  001.Don"t Let Me Be The Last To Know -album version-  002.Don"t Let Me Be The Last To Know -hex hector radio mix-  003.Don"t Let Me Be The Last To Know -hex hector club mix-  004.STRONGER -macquayle mix show edit-  005.STRONGER -la rosa"s tranceformation-  「Britney」  发行日期:2001.11.06.  音乐语种:英语.  001.I"m A Slave 4U  002.overprotected  003.Lonely  004.I"m Not A Girl,Not Yet A Woman  005.Boys  006.Anticipating  007.I Love Rock"n"Roll  008.Cinderella  009.Let Me Be  010.Bombastic Love  011.That"s Where You Take Me  012.What It"s Like To Be Me  Single CD「I"m A Slave 4U」  001.I"m A Slave 4 U -album version-  002.I"m A Slave 4 U -instrumental-  003.Intimidated  Single CD「overprotected」  001.overprotected -album version-  002.overprotected -JS 16 remix-  003.overprotected -JS 16 Dub-  004.Exclusive Chat With Britney  005.Crossroads U.S. Movie Trailer  Single CD「I"m Not A Girl,Not Yet A Woman」  001.I"m Not A Girl,Not Yet A Woman -album version-  002.I"m Not A Girl,Not Yet A Woman -spanish fly radio edit-  003.I"m Not A Girl,Not Yet A Woman -chocolate puma dub-  004.I Run Away  005.overprotected -video clip-  006.Crossroads U.S. Movie Trailer  Single CD「I Love Rock"n"Roll」  001.I Love Rock"n"Roll -album version-  002.I Love Rock"n"Roll -karaoke version-  003.overprotected -riprock & alex g remix-  004.I"m Not A Girl,Not Yet A Woman -metro mix-  Single CD「Boys CO-ED REMIX FEAT PHARREL WILLIAMS 」  001.Boys -co-ed remix feat p. williams-  002.Boys -co-ed remix intrumental-  003.Boys -album version-  004.Boys -album version instrumental-  「IN THE ZONE」  发行日期:2003.11.18.  音乐语种:英语.  001.Me Against The Music feat. Madonna  002.(I Got That) Boom Boom  003.Showdown  004.Breath On Me  005.Early Morning  006.Toxic  007.Outrageous  008.Touch Of My Hand  009.The Hookup  010.Shadow  011.Brave New Girl  012.Everytime  013.Me Against The Music -rishi rich"s desi kulcha remix-  Single CD「Me Against The Music feat. Madonna」  001.Me Against The Music -video mix-  002.Me Against The Music -rishi rich"s desi kulcha remix-  003.Me Against The Music -peter rauhofer mix-  004.Me Against The Music -the mad Brit show-  Single CD「TOXIC」  001.TOXIC -album version-  002.TOXIC -album instrumental-  003.TOXIC -bloodshy & avant"s intocicated remix-  004.TOXIC -armand van van helden remix-  Single CD「Everytime」  001.Everytime -album version-  002.Everytime -hi-bias radio remix-  003.Everytime -above & beyond radio mix-  004.Everytime -the scumfrog vocal-  Single CD「OUTRAGEOUS」  001.OUTRAGEOUS -Murk Space Miami Mix-  002.OUTRAGEOUS -R. Kelly Remix-  003.OUTRAGEOUS -Junkie XL"s Dancehall Mix-  004.OUTRAGEOUS -Josh Harris Mixshow-  005.OUTRAGEOUS -Junkie XL"s Tribal Mix-  「Greatest Hits:My Prerogative」  发行日期:2004.11.09.  音乐语种:英语.  001.My Prerogative  002.TOXIC  003.I"m A Slave 4U  004.Oops! ... I Did It Again  005.Me Against the Music feat. Madonna  006.STRONGER  007.Everytime  008....Baby One More Time  009.(You Drive Me) Crazy -the stop remix-  010.Boys - co-ed remix -  011.Sometimes  012.Overprotected - the darkchild remix -  013.Lucky  014.OUTRAGEOUS  015.I"m Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman  016.I"ve Just Begun (Having My Fun)  017.Do Somethin"  Single CD「My Prerogative」  001.My Prerogative -album version-  002.My Prerogative -instrumental-  003.My Prerogative -x-press 2 vocal mix-  004.My Prerogative -armand van helden remix-  005.My Prerogative -x-press 2 dub-  Single CD「Do Somethin"」  001.Do Somethin"  002.Do Somethin" -DJ Monk"s Radio Edit-  003.Do Somethin" -Thick Vocal Mix-  004.Do Somethin" -Valentin Remix-  「B In The Mix - The Remixes」  发行日期:2005.11.22.  音乐语种:英语.  001.Toxic -Peter Rauhofer Reconstruction Mix-  002.Me Against The Music -Justice Extended Mix-  003.Touch Of My Hand -Bill Hamel Club Mix-  004.Breathe On Me -Jaques LuCont"s Thin White Duke Mix-  005.I"m A Slave 4 U -Dave Aude Slave Driver Mix-  006.And Then We Kiss -Junkie XL Remix-  007.Everytime -Valentin Remix-  008.Early Mornin" -Jason Nevins Remix-  009.Someday (I Will Understand) -Hi Bias Signature Radio Remix-  010...Baby One More Time -Davidson Ospina 2005 Mix-  011.Don"t Let Me Be The Last To Know -Hex Hector Club Mix-  Single CD「And Then We Kiss」  001.And Then We Kiss -Junkie XL Mix-  002.Me Against The Music -Justice Extended Mix Feat Madonna-  003.Touch My Hand -Bill Hamel Remix-  004.Toxic -Peter Rauhofer Reconstruction Mix-  005.Breathe On Me -Thin White Duke Mix-  Single CD「Someday(I Will Understand)」  001.Someday ( I Will Understand )  002.Someday ( I Will Understand ) -Hi-Bias Signature Radio Remix-  「BLACKOUT 晕眩风暴」  发行日期:2007.10.30.  音乐语种:英语.  001.Gimme More 再危险我也要  002.Piece Of Me 破碎的我  003.Radar 爱情雷达  004.Break The Ice 打破僵局  005.Heaven On Earth 人间天堂  006.Get Naked (I Got a Plan) 赤裸(我有一个主意)  007.Freakshow 怪物秀  008.Toy Soldier 玩具士兵  009.Hot As Ice 如冰似火  010.Ooh Ooh Baby 喔喔宝贝  011.Perfect Lover 完美情人  012.Why Should I Be Sad 忧伤止步  Single CD「Gimme More」  001.Gimme More -Album Version-  002.Gimme More -Kaskade Club Mix-  003.Gimme More -Junkie XL Extended Mix-  004.Gimme More -Seiji Dub-  005.Gimme More -Stonebridge Club Mix-  006.Gimme More -Multimedia Track-  Single CD「Piece Of Me」  001.Piece Of Me -Album Version-  002.Piece Of Me -Boez O Loe Remix-  003.Piece Of Me -Bimbo Jones Remix-  004.Piece Of Me -Vito Benito Remix-  005.Piece Of Me -Kimme More Remix-  Single CD「BREAK THE ICE」  001.BREAK THE ICE  002.BREAK THE ICE -Kaskade Remix-  003.BREAK THE ICE -Tracy Young Mix-  004.BREAK THE ICE -Tonal Remix-  Single CD「Radar」(地区发行)  001.Radar  002.Radar -instrumental-  「CIRCUS 马戏团」(曲目未证实真实,参考中..)  发行日期:2008.12.02.  音乐语种:英语.  001.Intro  002.Womanizer  003.Circus  004.Kiss Kiss  005.My Everything  006.Amnesia  007.Mannequin  008.My Baby  009.Scandalous  010.Beat Your Heart Out  011.Spotlight  012.Love  013.Kill The Lights  014.Scarred  015.Womanizer -Bill Hamel Remix-  Single CD「Womanizer」  001.Womanizer -main version-  002.Womanizer -instrumental-  下面的是一个网友的赛我主页网.他的布兰妮信息都在[唱片],[布兰妮]里面有.比较好.也经常更新些新东西.可以看看.
2023-07-13 12:55:411

Bad Request (Invalid Host)

 400 bad request是什么意思?怎么解决?!    大家在上网时有时会遇到400 bad request以及502 bad gateway等等情况。下面小编就给大家来详细介绍一下400 bad request是什么意思以及怎么解决吧!  400 bad request是什么意思?  400 bad request :错误请求 — 请求中有语法问题,或不能满足请求。    400 bad request怎么解决  1、 清除cookies以及internet临时文件:现在的浏览器一般都带有修复功能,所以可以打开浏览器进行一键修复。或者用qq电脑管家以及360安全卫士来尝试进行修复。      2、网站本身问题:如果是浏览的网页不能打开,网站的服务器出现问题。那么无论我们这边怎么尝试都没有办法,所以最好的办法就是等待网站恢复正常。    3、修改dns:如果是dns错误的话,那么只有重新设置了。点击这里可以了解dns是什么意思以及dns怎么设置。    以上几种就是400 bad request的相关介绍以及解决方法了,希望你能顺利的解决问题,并浏览自己想要看的网页。
2023-07-13 12:55:291


2023-07-13 12:55:285


问题一:情景交际法用英语怎么说 我大学毕业论文写的就是《情景教学法在中学英语教学中的应用》,当时,情景交际法,导师给我定的题目用的是Situational Teaching Approach 常用的八大教学方法: 自然教学法( The Natural Approach ) 直接法(The Direct Method) 整体语言教学法(Whole Language Approach) 语言经验教学法(Language Experience Approach) 听说法(The Audio-Lingual Method) 视听法(Audio Video Method) 全身反应法(total physical response) 交际法(municative Approach) 问题二:情景交际法 英语怎么说 situational munication 情景的;交流交际 问题三:交际法的特征是什么用英语回答 municative language teaching has 9 main features. (1) to develop munication functions for the purpose, clearly put forward the second language teaching aim is to cultivate the creative use of language, municative petence, correctness requires not only language, but also the body of. (2) the function of ideas as the key link. According to the actual needs of learners, selection of authentic language materials, rather than through the language of textbook after processing . (3) munication in teaching process, the purpose of munication is not only the learning is a learning method, in the teaching create close to real munication scenarios and use the form of group activities, through a large number of verbal munication culture ability to use the language munication and bine the municative classroom municative activities and extracurricular life. (4) the basic unit of discourse as the teaching. It holds that language is not in the isolated word or sentence, but in the coherent discourse. (5) the bination of single skill training and prehensive skills training, which is based on prehensive training, and finally achieves the goal of prehensive use of language in munication. (6) the error of learners in the learning process, the language has certain tolerance, does not affect the munication error can not correct is not correct, initiative and enthusia *** to encourage learners to play a munica......>> 问题四:交际教学法的定义用英文表述 municative Approach (CA) is regarded as a new method in language learning, which is applied in many aspects of language acquisition. Interpreting is also a very dynamic activity concerning about language input and output. 问题五:英语交际法教学 国际私塾教育集团多年经验总结,与他人交流沟通,是学习语言的目的。在课堂上做到真实的交流是为学生走出课堂以后能学以致用打下坚实的基础。教学形式安排以某个生活中的真实场景出现:如问路,就餐,家访等等。学生通过英语交谈,解决这些场景中出现问题。由此掌握已学英语的功能。 问题六:情景交际法用英语怎么说 我大学毕业论文写的就是《情景教学法在中学英语教学中的应用》,当时,情景交际法,导师给我定的题目用的是Situational Teaching Approach 常用的八大教学方法: 自然教学法( The Natural Approach ) 直接法(The Direct Method) 整体语言教学法(Whole Language Approach) 语言经验教学法(Language Experience Approach) 听说法(The Audio-Lingual Method) 视听法(Audio Video Method) 全身反应法(total physical response) 交际法(municative Approach) 问题七:情景交际法 英语怎么说 situational munication 情景的;交流交际 问题八:交际法的特征是什么用英语回答 municative language teaching has 9 main features. (1) to develop munication functions for the purpose, clearly put forward the second language teaching aim is to cultivate the creative use of language, municative petence, correctness requires not only language, but also the body of. (2) the function of ideas as the key link. According to the actual needs of learners, selection of authentic language materials, rather than through the language of textbook after processing . (3) munication in teaching process, the purpose of munication is not only the learning is a learning method, in the teaching create close to real munication scenarios and use the form of group activities, through a large number of verbal munication culture ability to use the language munication and bine the municative classroom municative activities and extracurricular life. (4) the basic unit of discourse as the teaching. It holds that language is not in the isolated word or sentence, but in the coherent discourse. (5) the bination of single skill training and prehensive skills training, which is based on prehensive training, and finally achieves the goal of prehensive use of language in munication. (6) the error of learners in the learning process, the language has certain tolerance, does not affect the munication error can not correct is not correct, initiative and enthusia *** to encourage learners to play a munica......>> 问题九:直接法,听说法,自觉实践法,交际法用英语怎么说 直接法,听说法,自觉实践法,交际法 英文翻译_ Direct method, listening statement, conscious practice method, municative approach 问题十:怎么用英文翻译弱势交际法和强势交际法 弱势交际法 Weak municative approach 强势交际法 Strong municative approach
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高潮伴奏是 gimme gimme gimme 的前奏一首舞曲歌

Gimme More
2023-07-13 12:55:254


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