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2023-07-13 08:12:18
TAG: 英文 西安

Banpo Village -- 5,000 B.C.

Six to seven thousand years ago, a stable village was built by a late Neolithic people. Banpo had about sixty buildings and housed over 200 people from two clans. It was a matriarchal society based on farming. The houses were thatch over wood beams while the floors were sunk 2 to 3 feet into the ground. Heat was provided by a central fire for the family. They stored food in underground caves, dug deep enough to protect it from wildlife and insects. The month before this trip I was in Chicago and stopped by the Field Museum. They have a model of a native American hut from a plains tribe. The similarity is striking. Food storage, architecture and the organization of the village all brought on déjà vu.

The Banpo worked together. They dug a trench around the entire complex both for protection and for drainage. There was a large meeting hall in the center of the village and central storage. Most of the tools (axes, hoes, knives) were of stone, but some implements were of bone (needles for sewing). The stone tools looked remarkably sharp, but it was still fortunate to be in an area where the soil was loose and easily tilled.

Art, in the form of geometric designs and human and animal figures is found on many of their pots. The village had their own pottery which produced specialized pots for drinking, storage, cooking, and burial. Although adults were buried in the cemetery outside the village, children and infants were buried alongside the huts in special clay urns. I would like to know why.

Over the next 3,000 years the descendants of these people would found new villages, begin to build cities, use jade, bronze, and copper and increase their skills in agriculture. The first dynasty or unified government is called the Xia and lasted from 2200 to 1700 B.C. give or take a few years. After that, change came more rapidly (or appears to from our perspective).

Terra-cotta Soldiers -- Qin Dynasty --221-206 B.C.

Xi"an is peppered with the enormous tombs of emperors, dukes, generals and other wealthy people who would commence building as soon as they achieved power. Confucius (511-479 B.C.) emphasized that the son owed the father filial piety. This principle applied to the filial duty required of the people to the dukes and the dukes toward the king. This respect carried past the grave; the son showed his respect by giving the father a lavish burial and memorials. Confucius also said that a man should not plan or build his own funeral. It violated the laws of propriety. That seems logical. It would prevent the proper expression of filial duty.

But if you are an Emperor. . . In 221 B.C. Ying Zheng (259-210 B.C.), King of Qin, became the First Emperor of Qin, (Qin Shihuangdi), when he managed to consolidate the neighboring states under his rule. He had begun work on his tomb shortly after becoming king of Qin at the age of 13. The work took 39 years. Everything about it is big and grandiose: it covers 56.25 square kilometers; there are terra-cotta models of 8,000 warriors; it took 700,000 workers to complete it; thousands of workers were buried within the tomb; the tomb has pearls embedded in the ceiling to represent the stars; rivers and lakes were modeled using liquid mercury -- the list goes on, even seeing it, you don"t get the scope.

The First Emperor does not seem to have been someone who enjoys a good argument. Confucianism also stresses the responsibility of the father (emperor) to the son (the people) and teaches that if you tax people too heavily and do not administer by the principle of propriety, your reign will not last and there will be rebellion. Excess was to be avoided. The core of Confucian philosophy is to advise good government. In 222 and 223 B.C. respectively, the First Emperor ordered the burning of books of history and philosophy and the death of 460 Confucian scholars who had the temerity to continue teaching the principles drawn from the past. He may have had them buried alive or just killed.

Live burial was an old practice among the Qin. When Duke Mu of Qin died in 621 B.C., 177 slaves, citizens, and followers were buried with him. Duke Jing of Qin had at least 186 people buried with him when he died in 537 B.C. The practice is called "xun" and makes "following to the grave" have new meaning. The people who were buried with the ruler were supposed to continue to protect and serve. Everything that was comfortable and necessary in this life was provided in the next. The First Emperor is supposed to have had the artisans who designed and built his tomb killed so they could not reveal its secrets. The tomb itself has not been opened yet.

On the bright side, the First Emperor did not have 8,000 warriors buried with him; the clay models are an advance. The tradition of "xun" may help to explain the great care taken to make each model unique -- each of the 8,000 soldiers has their own facial features, hair-style, and when dressed in the same uniform, the folds and fit are unique. The First Emperor also managed to build over 6,000 miles of road to rival those of the Roman Empire, over a thousand miles of canals for flood control, transportation and irrigation, and consolidated three sections of what would be the Great Wall into a wall of 5,000 li. Just the work on the wall took 10 years and 300,000 soldiers and uncounted numbers of civilians. (Visit the Great Wall page)

Qin Shihuangdi centralized the bureaucracy and government to control rival states within the empire. His innovations (travelling inspectors, bureaucrats reporting in a hierarchy, and the unification of the country through roads and canals) laid the foundation for future dynasties. Only by bypassing local control and providing services through the central power could you not only conquer neighboring states, but successfully govern and unite them. Centralization was particularly important in the Yellow and Yangtze regions. Flooding periodically wiped out years of work and required coordinated planning to build canals across territories to control it. The Qin dynasty was quickly overthrown following the death of the First Emperor. Succeeding dynasties expanded the organization developed in the Qin, but returned, in part, to the Confucian principle of governing for the welfare of the people.

The Silk Road

The first Han (206 B.C.-220 A.D.) emperors built upon the foundations of the Qin and expanded their territory enormously. Unlike the Qin, they allowed the cultures of the new territories to remain intact and encouraged trade and commerce among the various parts of the empire.

The Han emperor, Wudi, needed allies to guard against threat from a strong neighbor. He had heard of a very strong and rich state to the west. There must have been some amount of travel over long distances at this time for news to have reached Xi"an of countries as far as India. There had been no official contact, so in 119 B.C. Wudi sent Zhang Qian to form an alliance. Just outside his own territory, Zhang Qian and his men were captured by a Hun tribe and held ten years before he could escape and continue his journey. That he continued is one of the amazing parts of the story. The power of the emperor was absolute, you finished your task. The fact that a second envoy does not seem to have been sent after Zhang Qian didn"t return in a few years is a second curiosity.

Zhang Qian"s travels took him toward India. He found the country he sought, but the ruling king thought it was a little impractical to form a defensive alliance at such a distance. When Zhang Qian returned and told Emperor Wudi of what he had seen in these western states, he was sent back with a large delegation and items to trade. Silk was an immediate hit. Over time, silk exports reached as far as Rome where it was a valued commodity. Silk feels wonderful to us now, imagine what it must have felt like to a people who had only worn loomed cottons and wools. Silk takes natural dyes readily, giving strong saturated color. Both cotton and wool mute the most vibrant dyes. So, instead of a defense alliance, they developed one of the first multi-national trade agreements.

The effects on art, architecture, farming, and industry were immediate. There were direct imports of new products from the west including alfalfa, pomegranates, grape vines, and fine horses, but the real benefits to both cultures is less tangible. It fires the imagination to find that thoughts can be different from one"s own.

Walking through the exhibits in the Shaanxi (Shanxi) Provincial Museum is like walking through the history of the Silk Road. You begin with items from the Xia (2200-1700 B.C.) and move through history into the Ming and Qing dynasties. The collection from the Han through the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties shows the changes of art and craftsmanship. It isn"t just that the skills have developed and changed, many of the early pieces are detailed and executed to perfection, it is the viewpoint that has changed. The later works have a stronger reality base, a knowledge of the world. We left the museum with regret, so little time. I have provided links to some Chinese Art pages in case you are interested.

Big and Little Goose Pagodas -- Buddhism in China

The Silk Road brought all sorts of strange and wonderful ideas to China in addition to the material trade. Politics, family relationships, philosophy, and religion would all be influenced by exposure to new concepts. In 652, Xuan Zang returned from India where he had spent 18 years studying Buddhism. When he returned he brought manuscripts of Buddhist texts to translate into Chinese. He must have had an excellent advance agent, because the emperor sent a huge escort to meet his party and the entire city celebrated his return. The crown prince Li Zhi had built the surrounding temple in 648 and dedicated it to his mother. The Big Goose pagoda was added for the manuscripts brought back by the travelers. When Xuan Zang moved into the temple there was another feast and celebration. Xuan Zang was the equivalent of an astronaut returning to a ticker tape parade. His journey was at least as dangerous and certainly took longer.

The quest of Xuan Zang is the basis for a folk tale called The Journey to the West. The tale has many variations: it is performed in opera, has several series of children"s books based on it, and there is a feature-length cartoon with the appeal of early Disney. The Monkey King is a rebellious sort who is sent to live inside a mountain until he mends his ways. When Xuan Zang plans his trip, he needs an escort. Buddha is asked if he will allow the Monkey King to take on the task. The Monkey King has his work cut out for him. Shifu (Master = Xuan Zang) trusts everyone, including evil spirits disguised as good spirits. The Monkey King would prefer that this good man were a little more cynical and certainly less innocent. The Monkey King meets terrible forces of evil of every shape and size and defeats them all. The story ends when the group eventually manages to get to the west. Today the story is of the Monkey King"s bravery and ability to resist evil. The original story emphasized the need to rebel and not believe everything you hear.

The Little Goose Pagoda on the grounds of the Jianfu Temple is called that because it is smaller, although it has more stories. It was completed in 709 A.D. when Buddhism was firmly established in China. The influence of Buddhism was so strong that Daoism, based on the teaching of Lao Zi, gradually adopted many of their rituals to maintain popularity among the people. We were told that the Little Goose Pagoda had lost several stories during an earthquake in the 1500"s. It is difficult to tell, it looks complete. It is more delicate looking than the Big Goose with finer detailing in the brickwork. It, like the Big Goose pagoda, housed Buddhist manuscripts and is a part of a temple complex and monastery.


The Ming Walls

Skipping over a few centuries and many name changes, Xi"an during the Ming dynasty was refurbished and returned to prominence as a center of politics and trade. The Ming emperors rebuilt the walls, incorporating one corner left over from the Yuan dynasty in their design. While the architecture of the Ming is steadfastly angular, the curved rampart of Hun design adds grace to the design. The walls are flat and straight, tempting for a 15 K jog.

The Bell and Drum Towers were also built during the Ming dynasty. The were used to keep time for the town and sound alarms. When we visited the Bell Tower, we were just in time for a concert. It was good planning on the part of our guide. Tuned bells date back to the 6th century B.C. They can be made of stone, brass, or bronze. The shapes used change over the centuries, those shown here date from the Song dynasty. [These are not the bells used to sound alarms -- they were huge.]


兵马俑:The Terra Cotta Warriors

The Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses are the most significant archeological excavations of the 20th century. Work is ongoing at this site, which is around 1.5 kilometers east of Emperor Qin Shi Huang"s Mausoleum, Lintong County, Shaanxi province. It is a sight not to be missed by any visitor to China.

The museum covers an area of 16,300 square meters, divided into three sections: No. 1 Pit, No. 2 Pit, and No. 3 Pit respectively. They were tagged in the order of their discoveries. No. 1 Pit is the largest, first opened to the public on China"s National Day, 1979. There are columns of soldiers at the front, followed by war chariots at the back.

No. 2 Pit, found in 1976, is 20 meters northeast of No. 1 Pit. It contained over a thousand warriors and 90 chariots of wood. It was unveiled to the public in 1994.Archeologists came upon No. 3 Pit also in 1976, 25 meters northwest of No. 1 Pit. It looked like to be the command center of the armed forces. It went on display in 1989, with 68 warriors, a war chariot and four horses.

Altogether over 7,000 pottery soldiers, horses, chariots, and even weapons have been unearthed from these pits. Most of them have been restored to their former grandeur.

The Terracotta Warriors and Horses is a sensational archeological find of all times. It has put Xian on the map for tourists. It was listed by UNESCO in 1987 as one of the world cultural heritages.

华清池Huaqing pool

Huaqing Pool is located at the foot of Lishan Mountain, about 35 kilometers east of Xian city. It can be conveniently visited on returning from the Terracotta Army site. On arriving at the Huaqing Pool, one is struck by the distinctive features of traditional palaces of the Tang Dynasty. The palace is called Huaqing Pool because it has many pools and hot springs. Willow branches droop gracefully down to the water of the pools. Pavilions, bridges and pools together constitute a most elegant palace. It was a rainy day when I went there and the whole palace was enveloped in mist: it made the scenery even more beautiful.

It is famous for high-ranked imperial concubine Yang in Tang Dynasty.Yang Guifei was bathing in this place and was loved by the emperor ,so he built a lot of beautiful and magnificant palace there!


Historical sites in Xi"an:

Ruins of Lantian: national key cultural relics protection units. Is located in Xi"an City, 50 kilometers southeast of Lantian County, Chen Wo Village and the public Wang ling.


it is a litter should write on some chinese about place of interest




求动画 死亡游行(Death Parade) 第11集 滑冰时的钢琴插曲 BGM

曲名 moonlit night作曲 林友树完整钢琴曲将收入与【死亡游戏】ost并与BD同步出售,请耐心等待吧应该在大结局后释出
2023-07-13 01:08:081

谁有Death Parade(死亡游行)的百度云资源吗?求分享!重金悬赏!

2023-07-13 01:08:152


你百度2015 一月四月和七月新番就有了,除了七月的半年番都完结了
2023-07-13 01:08:222


  A C T T W O  SCENE 9  BEYOND THE LAKE  (The dummy of CHRlSTlNE sits crumpled on a large throne. The PHANTOM drags CHRISTINE roughly out of the boat. She frees herself and backs away as he stares blackly out front. Braving her terror, she addresses him fiercely).  CHRISTINE  Have you gorged yourself at last, in your lust for blood?  (no reply)  Am I now to be prey to your lust for flesh?  PHANTOM (coldly)  That fate, which condemns me to wallow in blood has also denied me  the joys of the flesh . . .this face -the infection which poisons our love . . .  (He lakes the bridal veil front the dummy, and moves slowIy towards her)  This face, which earned a mother"s fear and loathing . . . A mask, my first unfeeling scrap of clothing . . .  (He places the veil on her head)  Pity comes  too late -  turn around  and face your fate:  an eternity of this  before your eyes!  (They are almost touching. She looks calmly and coldly into his face)  CHRISTINE  This haunted face  holds no horror  for me now . . .  It"s in your soul  that the true  distortion lies . . .  (The PHANTOM suddenly senses RAOUL"S presence. Behind the portcullis, RAOUL climbs out of the water)  PHANTOM  Wait! I think, my dear,  we have a guest!  (To RAOUL)  Sir, this is indeed  an unparalleled delight!  I had rather hoped  that you would come.  And now my wish comes true -  you have truly made my night!  RAOUL (pleading, grasping the bars of the gate)  Free her!  Do what you like  only free her!  Have you no pity?  PHANTOM (to CHRISTINE, dryly)  Your lover makes  a passionate plea!  CHRISTINE  Please, Raoul, it"s useless . . .  RAOUL  I love her!  Does that mean nothing?  I love her!  Show some compassion . . .  PHANTOM (snarls furiously at RAOUL)  The world showed no  compassion to me!  RAOUL  Christine . . .  Christine . . .  (to PHANTOM)  Let me see her . . .  PHANTOM (drily)  Be my guest, sir . .  (He gestures, and the fence rises. RAOUL enters)  Monsieur, I  bid you welcome!  Did you think that  I would harm her?  Why should I make  her pay  for the sins which  are yours?  (So saying, he takes the Punjab lasso and, before RAOUL has a chance to move, catches him by the neck. The end of the rope, of which the PHANTOM has let go, remains magically suspended in mid-air)  (taunting)  Order your fine horses now!  Raise up your hand to the level of your eyes!  Nothing can save you now -  except perhaps Christine . . .  (He turns to her)  Start a new life with me -  Buy his freedom with your love!  Refuse me, and you send your lover to his  death!  This is the choice -  This is the point of no return!  CHRISTINE (to the PHANTOM)  The tears I might have shed  for your dark fate  grow cold, and turn to tears  of hate . . .  RAOUL (despairing)  Christine, forgive  me please forgive me . . .  I did it all  for you, and all for  nothing . . .  CHRISTINE (looking at the PHANTOM but to herself)  Farewell  my fallen idol  and false friend . . .  One by one  I"ve watched  illusions shattered . . .  PHANTOM  Past all hope  of cries for help:  no point in fighting -  RAOUL  Either way  you choose,  he has to win . . .  PHANTOM  For either way  you choose,  you cannot win!  So, do you end  your days with me,  or do you send  him to his grave?  RAOUL (to PHANTOM)  Why make her lie  to you, to save  me?  CHRISTINE  Angel of Music . . .  PHANTOM  Past the point  of no return -  RAOUL  For pity"s sake,  Christine, say no!  CHRISTINE. . . why this torment?  PHANTOM. . . the final threshold . . .  RAOUL  Don"t throw your life  away for my sake . . .  CHRISTINE  When will you see  reason . . .?  PHANTOM  His life is now the prize  which you must earn!  RAOUL  I fought so hard  to free you . . .  CHRISTINE  Angel of Music . . .  PHANTOM  You"ve passed the point  of no return . . .  CHRISTINE. . . you deceived me -  I gave my mind  blindly . . .  PHANTOM (to CHRISTINE)  You try my patience -  make your choice!  (She reflects for a moment, then with resolution moves slowly towards the PHANTOM)  CHRISTINE  (quietly at first, then with growing emotion)  Pitiful creature  of darkness . . .  What kind of life  have you known . . .?  God give me courage  to show you  you are not  alone . . .  (Now calmly facing him, she kisses him long and full on the lips. The embrace lasts a long time. RAOUL watches in horror and wonder.  The PHANTOM lakes a lighted candle and holds it above RAOUL"s head. A tense moment. But the suspended rope suddenly falls harmlessly - the PHANTOM has burned the thread by which the noose was held. Resigned, he addresses RAOUL, as we hear the offstage voices of the approaching MOB)  MOB (SOME)  Track down this  murderer -  he must be found!  Hunt out this  animal,  who runs to ground!  Too long he"s  preyed on us -  but now we know:  the Phantom of the Opera  is there  deep down below . .  MOB (OTHERS)  Who is this monster,  this murdering beast?  Revenge for Piangi!  Revenge for Buquet!  This creature  must never go free . . .  PHANTOM  Take her - forget me - forget all of this . . .  Leave me alone - forget all you"ve seen . . .  Go now - don"t let them find you!  Take the boat - leave me here - go now,  don"t wait . . .  Just take her and go - before it"s too late . . .  Go . . .  Go now - go now and leave me!  (RAOUL and CHRISTINE move off towards the boat. The PHANTOM looks mockingly at his mask. The musical box starts up magically, and he listens to it)  Masquerade . . .  Paper faces on parade . . .  Masquerade . . .  Hide your face  so the world will  never find you . . .  (CHRISTINE re-enters and walks slowly towards him. She takes off her ring and gives it to the PHANTOM)  PHANTOM  Christine, I love you...  (She hurries off The PHANTOM puts the ring on his finger. In the distance, to RAOUL, as the boat pulls away in the shadow)  CHRISTINE  Say you"ll share with  me, one  love, one lifetime . . .  say the word  and I will follow you . .  RAOUL  Share each day with me . . .  CHRISTINE. . . each night . . .  BOTH. . . each morning . . .  PHANTOM (looking after her)  You alone  can make my song take flight -  it"s over now, the music of the night . . .  (The PHANTOM walks slowly towards the throne. He takes his place on it, sitting on his cloak.  The MOB including MEG, appears above, climbing down the portcullis. As the MOB enters the lair, the PHANTOM wraps his cloak around himself and disappears.  MEG crosses to the throne and picks up his mask in her small hand)  (THE End)
2023-07-13 01:08:322


Passage 1Personalities of some Chinese Birth SignsThe Rat (SHU) People born under the year of the Rat are generous and easygoing to those that they love and care for. They generally have happy and lively personalities and are very outgoing, although they lose their temper sometimes. On the whole they are successful in what they choose to do, full of imagination and have very good memories. The Rat is a lover of money and a hater of waste and idleness.The Rabbit (TU) People born under the year of the Rabbit don"t often get into trouble and seldom make enemies. They are considerate, kind and thoughtful towards others. The Rabbit is the symbol of a long life. They are said to draw their life energy from the moon. They like an easy and good time and give good advice, although they shy away from promises.The Dog (GOU) People born under the year of the Dog seem to be liked very well as it is one of the most popular animals. Dog people are truthful and clever, with a strong sense of fairness. They never avoid their duties. They always do their fair share of things and will always “listen to reason”. They are helpful, open-minded, never envious, and have great insight into human nature. They are also brave and practical. However, if you try to look into their affairs, they can become secretive and also give a cold shoulder to those who they don"t really like.Choose the best answer for each question.( ) 1. People born under the year of the Rat _______. A. love money better than anything else B. are hard-working C. are good at choosing things D. think much but do little ( ) 2. People born under the year of the Rabbit _______. A. don"t like to tell others what they think B. enjoy living a busy life C. often get on well with others D. don"t believe others" promises( ) 3. People born under the year of the Dog _______. A. like to do something secretly B. are unhappy when others have done something better C. often make excuses for their mistakes D. are good at seeing straight through others( ) 4. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Rat people can keep few things in mind.B. Rabbit people prefer the moon to the sun.C. Dog people like to look into others" affairs.D. Dog people are willing to help others.( ) 5. What kind of people will not show their dissatisfaction to others? A. Rat people.B. Rabbit people. C. Dog people.D. All the above.Passage 2Red is used in many American expressions. It can be used to show happiness, as in the expression “a red-letter day”. This is a day when something special happens. The expression is probably based on church customs. For almost 600 years, church calendars have been marked with red to show special holy days. Today"s calendars are still marked that way with the dates of holidays and special days printed in red. The expression “a red-letter day” is often heard in everyday life. “A red-letter day” is a day that people are especially happy. It may be a day that you have long waited for, a wedding day, for example. Or it may be a day with a happy surprise. You might tell a friend that yesterday was a red-letter day, because you won some money in the lottery. “Rolling out the red carpet” is another commonly heard expression. It describes an especially warm welcome of any kind. A city may “roll out the red carpet” for its baseball team, when the team arrives home after winning a championship. A group of supporters go to the airport to greet the team. The red-carpet welcome includes a lot of cheering by thousands of fans, a parade, music and speeches of praise by local politicians.Red is also used in some expressions that are not happy. “Red-handed” is one. To be caught “red-handed” is to be found in an act of wrong doing. The evidence is clear. You are guilty. Today we use the expression to be caught “red-handed” in situations that are not serious. For example, a mother might say she caught her son red-handed, taking cookies out of the cookie jar.Choose the best answer for each question.( ) 1. The expression “a red-letter day” perhaps first came from _______. A. English customs B. church calendars C. weekdays D. a dictionary( ) 2. You can say it"s a red-letter day if _______ on that day. A. you find a good job B. you borrow some money C. you are free D. you write a letter to your friend( ) 3. We usually roll out the red carpet when _______. A. a friend of ours drops by our house B. someone is going to leave C. we give someone a warm welcome D. we move into a new house( ) 4. You are caught “red-handed” when your teacher _______ in class.A. sees you putting up your handB. finds you talkingC. asks you some questionsD. says you are clever( ) 5. Which is the best title of this passage?A. Red Is a Useful ColorB. How to Use RedC. Red in Some ExpressionsD. What"s a Red-letter DayE. Answer the questions  Nowadays there is less and less contact(联络) between the old and the young. There are mainly four reasons for this, including the breakdown of the big family, working parents with little time to take care of their child, families that have moved away, and smaller flats with no room for grandparents. But the results are the same - increasing numbers of children without grandparents and old people who have no contact with children, more old people who are lonely and feel useless, and more and more families with young children who need more love and care. It"s a big problem in many countries.  Now intergenerational (代际交流) programmes, designed to bring the old and the young together, are growing popular all over the world. There are successful examples of such programmes. There are schemes(方案) which involve older people visiting families who are having problems, maybe looking after the children for a while to give the tired mother a break. Or “adopt a grandparent” schemes in which children write letters or visit a lonely old person in their area. One successful scheme in London pairs(使结对) young volunteer with old people who are losing their sight. The young people help with practical things such as reading newspapers, reading bank statements and helping with shopping, and the older people can pass on their knowledge and experience to their young visitors. For example, a retired judge may be paired with a teenager who wants to study law.  If older people can understand and accept the youth of today, and so do the youth, there will be less conflict(矛盾) in the world.99. Is there more and more contact between the old and the young?  ___________________________________________.100. How many reasons are mentioned(提到) for this situation?  ___________________________________________.101. Many old people feel lonely and useless, don"t they?  ___________________________________________.102. What is designed to bring the old and the young together?  ___________________________________________.103. Where does the successful scheme pair young volunteers with old people who are losing their  sight?  ___________________________________________.104. If you take part in the “adopt a grandparent” scheme, will you pass on your  experience or visit a lonely old person?  I will_______________________________________________.105. Why are intergenerational programmes growing popular all over the world?  ________________________________________________.
2023-07-13 01:08:552


Why we dye, or color, and decorate eggs is not certain. In ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and Persia eggs were dyed for spring festivals. In medieval Europe, beautifully decorated eggs were given as gifts.Egg RollingIn England, Germany and some other countries, children rolled eggs down hills on Easter morning, a game which has been connected to the rolling away of the rock from Jesus Christ"s tomb when he was resurrected. British settlers brought this custom to the New World.In the United States in the early nineteenth century, Dolly Madison, the wife of the fourth American President, organized an egg roll in Washington, D.C. She had been told that Egyptian children used to roll eggs against the pyramids so she invited the children of Washington to roll hard-boiled eggs down the hilly lawn of the new Capitol building! The custom continued, except for the years during the Civil War. In 1880, the First Lady invited children to the White House for the Egg Roll because officials had complained that they were ruining the Capitol lawn. It has been held there ever since then, only canceled during times of war. The event has grown, and today Easter Monday is the only day of the year when tourists are allowed to wander over the White House lawn. The wife of the President sponsors it for the children of the entire country. The egg rolling event is open to children twelve years old and under. Adults are allowed only when accompanied by children!
2023-07-13 01:09:063


2023-07-13 01:10:202

求动画 死亡游行(Death Parade) 第11集 滑冰时的钢琴插曲 BGM

Moonlit Night及时采纳哦
2023-07-13 01:10:491


2023-07-13 01:10:572

Skyclad的《jeopardy》 歌词

歌曲名:jeopardy歌手:Skyclad专辑:the silent whales of lunar seaAs the daylight starts to fade -Twisting shadows all around.Dead soldiers on parade -The ghosts of Porton Down.Hidden from the public eye, "A cause for regret"Wrote the Brigadier-General with the chemistry set."Can"t be more specific - the matter"s confidential,Links with other incidents are just coincidental."In jeopardy - welcome to the lion"s den,We skate on thin ice - dice with death.While young boys drown in seas of poison -SkycladWe are the plagiarists of breath.We go left right left right left -They"re left in the right again.We go right left right left right -We"ve no rights left anymore.Military science picking the locksOf a 20th Century Pandora"s box.A father tells a son,"The army makes a man of you."Now all vital signs are gone -Another joins the countless few.Mentioned in dispatches - they tell the same old story,They listened to him screaming -They sat and watched him writhe,Taking turns observing as his body burns alive.Rifles firing at the sky -As the "Last Post" starts to play.Young soldiers often die -And the truth gets filed away.Thomas Atkins (Private 20967),Now reports for duty -He"s been posted up to heaven.Enlisted by conscription - a participant unwilling.Who didn"t plan to give his life for taking the "King"s Shilling".In jeopardy - welcome to the lion"s den,We skate on thin ice - dice with death,While young boys drown in seas of poison -We are the plagiarists of breath.
2023-07-13 01:11:041


<The Bridges of Madison County >talks about a romatic love story.Photographer Robert Kincaid wanders into the life of housewife Francesca Johnson, for four days in the 1960s.The path of Francesca Johnson"s future seems destined when an unexpected fork in the road causes her to question everything she had come to expect from life. While her husband and children are away at the Iowa state fair in the Summer of 1965, Robert Kincaid happens upon the Johnson farm and asks Francesca for directions to Rosamunde Bridge. He explains that he is on assignment from National Geographic magazine to photograph the bridges of Madison County. She agrees to show him to the bridges and thus begins the bittersweet and all-too-brief romance of her life. Through the pain of separation from her secret love and the stark isolation she feels as the details of her life consume her, she writes down the story of this four-day love affair in a 3-volume diary. The diary is found by her children among her possessions and alongside Robert Kincaid"s possessions after Francesca is dead. The message they take from the diaries is one of hope that they will do what is necessary to find happiness in their lives -- whatever is necessary. After learning that Robert Kincaid"s cremated remains were scattered off Rosamunde Bridge and that their mother requested a similar disposition for her own ashes, the children must decide whether to honor their mother"s final wishes or bury her alongside their father as the family had planned. Adapted from the novel by Robert Waller, this is the story of love that happens just once in a lifetime -- if you"re lucky
2023-07-13 01:11:461


国庆节是庆祝一个国家的成立。中国成立于1949年10月1日。国庆节的时候,人们可以享受接近一周的假期。在中国,这个季节是秋季,人们可以欣赏到秋季的美景。天气凉爽,适合出游。在这一天,天安门广场上会举行阅兵仪式,电视上也会有转播。人们都非常激动地观看这一节目, 品尝美味的食物,珍惜这美好的生活。Natinoal Day is a festival to celebrate the founding of a nation. The People"s Republic of China was set up on October 1st, 1949. At this time, people can enjoy a week-long holiday. It is also autumn in China, so people can feast their eyes on the beautiful sceneries in autumn. It is cool so it is very suitable for travelling. On this day, there will be a parade on Tian"an Men Square. This event will be broadcast on TV. People all watch the program very excitedly. They taste various tasty food and cherish the beautiful life.
2023-07-13 01:11:542

Sailor & Widow 歌词

歌曲名:Sailor & Widow歌手:Keren Ann专辑:Not Going AnywhereSailor & WidowHe was a sailorA sailor at sea and a sailor of loveAnd he thought he could save herSave her from innocence up and above"cause he never knew freedom and under the duvetHe stayed for a lifetime without any governmentHelp or assistanceShe was a widowShe never left home before seven a.m.And she looked by the windowShe managed to cry but she never felt blameFor the death of her husband who died in a flame by the house of the riverAlthough he remainedIn a reasonable distanceAll the children played around the neighborhoodAll the children played around the neighborhoodThe children she liked to invent for the life they were living was openly bentAll they had was each otherHe brought her flowersA flesh in the pan as she didn"t replyAnd he waited for hoursUntil she accepted to offer a smileAnd a terrible whiskey she had for a whileThat she"d sip every morning for breakfast and sighSince the month of DecemberThey used to tangoJump and parade until midnight or moreShe convinced him to FargoDrink lemonade with some awkward liquorThe she kissed him goodbye and attended the shoreWhere she lit a big fire like never beforeBy the house of the riverAll the children played around the neighborhoodAll the children played around the neighborhoodAll the children played around the neighborhoodAll the children played around the neighborhoodThe children she liked to invent for the life they were living was openly bentAll they had was each otherShe was a widow, againShe never left home before seven a.m.And she looked by the windowShe managed to cry but she never felt blameFor the death of her husband who died in a flame by the house of the riverAlthough he remainedIn a reasonable distanceAll the children played around the neighborhoodAll the children played around the neighborhoodAll the children played around the neighborhoodAll the children played around the neighborhoodAll the children played around the neighborhoodThe children she liked to invent for the life they were living was openly bentAll she had was herself
2023-07-13 01:12:021


Victor Hugo (l802~1885) is the leader of the French Romantic school sports. France is one of literary history"s greatest writers. His life spanned almost the entire 19th century, his literary career 60 years ago, enduring creativity. He parade of romantic novels, painting powerful, permanent charm readers. Hugo was born in 1802 in southern France owed Shangsong City. Grandfather was a carpenter, the father of the republic army officer, Wang Spain, Napoleon"s brother Joseph had been granted to the rank ranged Bonaparte, who was a confidant of King senior officials. Hugo bright and intelligent, 9-year-old began to write poetry. 15-year-old wrote the "joy of learning" by the French Academy Award degree; by the age of 20 published books of poetry, "Songs and Carols," King Louis the 18th bestow his annuity. In 1827, Victor Hugo published scripts "Cromwell" and the preamble. Although the script fails to perform, but was considered a friend of French romanticism preamble to the Declaration, a landmark document into literary history. French romanticism it had a strong role in promoting the development of literature. 1830, Hugo scripts "that Kennedy Europe," the French Academy in Grand Theater, a huge, Romantic established a dominant position in French literary circles. "Europe that Kennedy" is about a 16th century Spanish aristocratic descent who resisted European Nepalese King that the story Hugo praise the bandit chivalrous and noble, and demonstrated strong anti-feudal tendencies. In July 1830, France had "July Revolution", the revival of the feudal monarchy was doubled. Hugo warmly praised the revolution and the glorification of revolutionaries and poems mourning those who died in the street fighting heroes. 1831 Victor Hugo"s "Notre Dame de Paris" is the most romantic novels. Fantastic fiction plot twists and turns, the tension lively and unpredictable, dramatic and colorful. The story takes place in the Middle Ages. "Fool"s day" day of the Roma artists in the square dance. Ingush from the gypsy girl married to attract the pedestrian, she is also very beautiful dancers look beautiful and impressive. Then, the Notre Dame de Paris Gerardi 克罗德• Frola immediately with the fans of the beautiful Esmeralda, his inner fire burning passion, fell madly in love with her. So he ordered the church bell, looked like Quasimodo neighborhood furious rush to put Ingush. France captain King arrows than rescue the Ingush law to seize the Quasimodo. He revolution whipping people to the square, good non-Gypsy girl Qianqiu, Kasimo to buy bottled water instead. Although ugly appearance revolution, pure and noble felt that he was very grateful Ingush, had fallen in love with her. Ingush naive to the law than Selections of Falling Love at First Sight, the two appointments, Frola follow quietly behind, out of jealousy. France he had stabbed a knife and then fled. Aimeisilada because of the murder and sentenced to death. Quasimodo put Ingush rush out nder the gallows, possession of Notre Dame in Paris, Frola opportunity threat Gypsy girl to satisfy his desires for her, was rejected after she handed over "s army, an innocent girl was hanged. Quasimodo angrily described Frola shift the church died from a fall, he hugged the body with Ingush have died. Hugo novel performance of the strong hatred of the feudal government and the church, but also reflected his deep sympathy for the people of the lower classes.
2023-07-13 01:12:091

机器人瓦力 主题曲 很感人的那首歌 叫什么名字

歌曲:Down to Earth歌手:Peter Gabriel填词:Various Artists谱曲:Various Artists歌词Did you think that your feet had been bound你是否感觉双脚受限By what gravity brings to the ground被这重力带回地面Did you feel you were tricked你是否感觉受骗By the future you picked Well,come on down被你选择的未来,好吧,下来吧All those rules don"t apply所有这些规则都不会适用When you"re high in the sky当你高高的在空中So,come on down Come on down所以,下来吧,下来吧We"re coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落There"s no better place to go没有更好的地方可去We"ve got snow up on the mountains我们有白雪皑皑的山峰We"ve got rivers down below我们有顺势而下的溪河We"re coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落We hear the birds sing in the trees我们能听见林中的鸟啼And the land will be looked after而且这土地也能被照料We send the seeds out in the breeze我们会在微风中播撒种子Did you think you"d escaped from routine你还在认为你偏离了计划By changing the script and the scene因为改写了那剧本和场景Despite all you made of it快放弃你曾经为那做的一切吧You"re always afraid Of the change你总是在害怕,这改变You"ve got a lot on your chest因为你已经得到了很多Well,you can come as my guest好吧,你可以来当我的客人So come on down Come on down所以下来吧,下来吧We"re coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落There"s no better place to go没有更好的地方可去We"ve got snow up on the mountains我们有白雪皑皑的山峰We"ve got rivers down below我们有顺势而下的溪河We"re coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落We hear the birds sing in the trees我们能听见林中的鸟啼And the land will be looked after而且这土地也能被照料We send the seeds out in the breeze我们会在微风中播撒种子Like the fish in the ocean像那海中的鱼儿We felt at home in the sea像那海中的鱼儿We learned to live off the good land我们学会了依赖这美丽的土地Learned to climb up a tree学会了爬上树干Then we got up on two legs But we wanted to fly学会了爬上树干,但是我们又想飞走When we messed up our homeland当我们把家园搞得乱七八糟We set sail for the sky我们制作出航向天空的帆We"re coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落There"s no better place to go没有更好的地方可去We"ve got snow up on the mountains我们有白雪皑皑的山峰We"ve got rivers down below我们有顺势而下的溪河We"re coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落We hear the birds sing in the trees我们能听见林中的鸟啼And the land will be looked after而且这土地也能被照料We send the seeds out in the breeze我们会在微风中播撒种子We"re coming down Coming down to Earth我们正在降落,向地面降落Like babies at birth Coming down to Earth像是初生的婴儿,向地面降落We"re gonna find new priorities我们准备重新定义最紧要的事These are extraordinary qualities这些才是不一般的东西We"re coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落There"s no better place to go没有更好的地方可去We"ve got snow up on the mountains我们有白雪皑皑的山峰We"ve got rivers down below我们有顺势而下的溪河We"re coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落We hear the birds sing in the trees我们能听见林中的鸟啼And the land will be looked after而且这土地也能被照料We send the seeds out in the breeze我们会在微风中播撒种子We"re coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落There"s no better place to go没有更好的地方可去We"ve got snow up on the mountains我们有白雪皑皑的山峰We"ve got rivers down below我们有顺势而下的溪河We"re coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落We hear the birds sing in the trees我们能听见林中的鸟啼And the land will be looked after而且这土地也能被照料We send the seeds out in the breeze我们会在微风中播撒种子We"re gonna find new priorities我们准备重新定义最紧要的事These are extraordinary qualities这些才是不一般的东西扩展资料《Down to Earth》该歌曲收录在专辑《Down to Earth》中,由Walt Disney Records公司发行于2008-06-10,该张专辑包含了1首歌曲。该歌曲其他版本1、塔玛拉演唱的《Down to Earth》,该歌曲收录在专辑《Cosmology》中,由FIL公司发行于2011-12-21,该张专辑包含了14首歌曲。2、Murray Gold演唱的《Down to Earth》,该歌曲收录在专辑《Doctor Who: Series 5》中,由Silva Screen Records公司发行于2010-11-09,该张专辑包含了63首歌曲。
2023-07-13 01:09:551


主语是复数形式,often后面动词用原型。主语是第三人称,often后用动词三单。often是频率副词,和sometimes、always、never、frequently等一样表示习惯性。后接动词原形用于一般现在时。后接动词过去式用于一般过去时。 扩展资料   1、often通常和一般现在时态连用,所以不会用-ing形式.置于用现单三形式还是原形,这取决用主语,如果主语是单数第三人称,那就用现单三形式,其他情况下用原形   2、often后用动词一般使用一般现在时态。often前的主语是复数形式,后面的动词使用原型;often前的主语是单三形式,后面的动词变成相应的单三形式。   当often前面的主语是I或者We 时,后面的动词为动词原形。   举例:They often go to work(动词原形) by bus.他们经常乘公交去上班。   He often goes(动词单三形式) to school by bike.他常骑自行车上学。   We often go(动词原形) there.我们常去那里。   3、often后用动词一般使用一般现在时态,后面的`动词根据主语的形式而发生变化。当主语是单三时,后面是动词的单三形式。   当often前面的主语是I 时,后面的动词为动词原形。如果often前面的主语是单三形式时,后面的动词也同样是单三形式。如果often前面的主语是复数形式,那么后面的动词就是动词原形。
2023-07-13 01:10:001


2023-07-13 01:10:031


  墨尔本是澳大利亚维多利亚州的首府、澳大利亚联邦第二大城市,澳洲 文化 、工业中心,是南半球最负胜名的文化名城。那么你知道墨尔本用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来墨尔本的英语说法,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!   墨尔本的英语说法:   Melbourne   英 [u02c8melbu0259n]   美 [u02c8mu025blbu0259n]   墨尔本相关英语表达:   墨尔本大学 The University of Melbourne   墨尔本杯 Melbourne Cup   墨尔本市 Melbourne City   墨尔本中心 Melbourne Central   墨尔本港 Port of Melbourne   墨尔本的英语例句:   1. We"d be watching every plane coming in from Melbourne.   我们会密切注意从墨尔本飞来的每架飞机。   2. His trip to Melbourne had yielded a lot of information.   他的墨尔本之行让他大开眼界。   3. Other important Australian cities include Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelide.   澳大利亚的其他重要城市还有墨尔本 、 布里斯班和阿德莱德.   4. Citizens of other cities may scoff at Melbourne"s brown river.   其他城市的居民或许会嘲笑墨尔本的褐色泥浆河.   5. So, while Melbourne was not a convict settlement, it wasn"t squeaky - clean either.   由此可见, 早先的墨尔本虽不是流放犯的聚居地, 但也不是十分清白的.   6. Such preeminence wasn"t always the way.   墨尔本以往的历史并非如此显赫.   7. Despite such highlights Melbourne has long been considered the more conservative of Australia"s cities.   尽管墨尔本有这样一些引人注目的精彩场面,它长期以来却被认为是澳大利亚比较保守的城市.   8. Even Lola Montez came to Melbourne in 1855 to dance her suggestive"spider Dance " .   1855年,连洛拉-蒙特斯也来墨尔本表演挑动色情的舞蹈《蜘蛛舞 》.   9. Melbourne can claim to just about have it all, either at home or on the doorstep.   墨尔本有资格声称,它几乎拥有这一切, 无论在本市境内,或在邻近地区.   10. Could you take me to Melbourne and bring me back?   你能带我去墨尔本在接我回来 吗 ?   11. Is this the right platform for the train to Melbourne?   这个是去墨尔本的站台 吗 ?   12. Does the train to Melbourne shop at this station?   去墨尔本的火车在这站停 吗 ?   13. How long does it take to get to Melbourne?   去墨尔本多长时间?   14. Is there a bus that goes to Melbourne central station?   有去墨尔本中心火车站的巴士 吗 ?   15. Do I have to change trains to go to Melbourne?   去墨尔本我需要换车 吗 ?
2023-07-13 01:10:031


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2023-07-13 01:10:051


2023-07-13 01:10:081

celeron m520是什么CPU?

2023-07-13 01:10:116

come down to earth与bring down to earth 是什麽意思?

come down to earth是个固定的用法,表示"回到现实,实际一点" bring down to earth应该不是个固定的词组,但是我觉得意思跟上面是一样的,只不过用的对象不同,例如: You"re always dreaming of being a film star.I think you"d better come down to earth.你总是梦想着成为电影明星.我觉得你最好现实一点. He"s always dreaming of being a film star.I think you"d better bring him down to earth.他总是梦想着成为电影明星.我觉得你最好把他拖回现实.
2023-07-13 01:10:111


一、BOBsports体育天博体育是天博体育集团旗下体育运营商,体育节目、体育内容的提供商。BOBsports体育体育频道引自2006年1月1日起实行24小时全天候播出。二、中央电视台体育频道1、中央电视台体育频道(频道呼号:CCTV-5,简称:央视体育频道或央视五套)是以播出体育赛事和体育报道为主的专业电视频道,于1994年12月试播,1995年1月1日正式开播。2、1995年11月30日,中央电视台体育频道开始向全国播出。2008年,中央电视台体育频道改名为中央电视台奥运频道。2012年5月17日,中央电视台体育频道搬入央视总部大楼;同年9月28日,该频道进行高清和标清同步播出。3、2019年10月8日,中央电视台体育频道发表声明称,暂停NBA季前赛(中国赛)转播安排。2020年10月9日,央视宣布复播NBA。三、广东广播电视台体育频道1、广东广播电视台体育频道(频道呼号:GDTV-3,简称:广东体育频道)是华南地区最大的体育专业频道,广东广播电视台在体育节目的制作传播方面一直处于全国领先的地位,拥有强大的制作群体和20多年制作体育节目的丰富经验。广东体育频道采用普通话和广东话两种语言,每天24小时通过有线电视网络在广东全省进行传播。2、广东全省900万有线电视用户中有700多万用户可以收看到广东体育频道的精彩节目(21个市可以收看),广东体育频道拥有大部分国内外体育赛事广东地区独家版权。广东卫视是新台标,广东体育频道是旧台标。四、腾讯视频腾讯视频上线于2011年4月,是在线视频平台,拥有流行内容和专业的媒体运营能力,是聚合热播影视、综艺娱乐、体育赛事、新闻资讯等为一体的综合视频内容平台,并通过PC端、移动端及客厅产品等多种形态为用户提供高清流畅的视频娱乐体验。2020年11月4日,腾讯视频(体验版)登陆国行Nintendo Switch平台。五、CCTV5在线直播网CCTV5在线直播网是一个专门提供足球直播、NBA直播、CBA直播、CCTV5在线直播网等体育赛事直播的网站,欢迎喜欢海内外球迷的加入,让我们一起打造属于自己的直播网站。
2023-07-13 01:10:122


2023-07-13 01:10:132

parrot ;pirate ;introduce ; ingenuity 这英语用谐音怎么读?

盘若特 派瑞特 in斯戳丢斯 in这儿纽替
2023-07-13 01:10:142


2023-07-13 01:10:171

down to earth歌词justin bieber

Artist: Justin BieberSong: Down To EarthI never thought it"d be easy Cause we both so distant now And the walls are closing in on us And we"re wondering how No one has a solid answer But just walking in the dark And you can see the look on my face it just tears me apart So we fight (so we fight) through the hurt (through the hurt) And we cry and cry and cry and cry And we live (and we love) and we learn (and we love) And we try and try and try and try So it"s up to you and it"s up to me That we meet in the middle on our way back down to earth Down to earth, down to earth On our way back down to earth Back down to earth, back down to earth, back down to earth, back down to earth, Back down to earth, back down to earth, back down to earth, back down to earthAnd mommy you were always somewhere Daddy i live out of town So tell how could i ever be normal somehow You tell me this is for the best So tell me why am i in tears? (woah) so far away, and now i just need you here So we fight (we fight) through the hurt (through the hurt) And we cry and cry and cry and cry And we live (we live) and we love (we love) And we try and try and try and try So it"s up to you and it"s up to me That we meet in the middle on our way back down to earth Down to earth, down to earth On our way back down to earth Back down to earth, back down to earth, back down to earth, back down to earth, Back down to earth, back down to earth, back down to earth, back down to earthWe fell so far away from the way we used to be Now we"re standing and where do we go When there"s no road to get to your heart Let"s start over again So it"s up to you and it"s up to me That we meet in the middle on our way back down to earth Down to earth, down to earth On our way back down to earth Back down to earth, back down to earth, back down to earth, back down to earth, Back down to earth, back down to earth, back down to earth, back down to earth, I never thought it would be easy Cause we both so distant now And the walls are closing in on us And we"re wondering how
2023-07-13 01:10:181


2023-07-13 01:10:211


2023-07-13 01:10:234

Down to Earth 歌词

Did you think that your feet had been bound你是否觉得你的脚被束缚了By what gravity brings to the ground?被地心引力拉到了地面上?Did you feel you were tricked你是否觉得你被欺骗了By the future you picked?被你选择的未来?Well, come on down来吧下来吧All those rules don"t apply所有这些规则并不适用When you"re high in the sky当你在高高的天空So, come on down所以,来吧下来吧Come on down下来吧We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上There"s no better place to go没有更好的去处了We"ve got snow up on the mountains我们有山上的积雪We"ve got rivers down below我们有脚下的河流We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上We hear the birds sing in the trees我们听到鸟儿在树林里唱歌And the land will be looked after土地会被照顾的好好的We send the seeds out in the breeze我们把种子们送到微风中Did you think you"d escaped from routine你是否认为你已经从普通生活中逃走By changing the script and the scene?在改变你的精神和视野之后?Despite all you made of it尽管你制造了这一切You"re always afraid你总是会害怕Of the change改变You"ve got a lot on your chest你已经在你的胸膛里装了太多了Well, you can come as my guest你可以过来当我的客人So come on down所以下来吧Come on down下来吧We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上There"s no better place to go没有更好的去处了We"ve got snow up on the mountains我们有山上的积雪We"ve got rivers down below我们有脚下的河流We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上We hear the birds sing in the trees我们听到鸟儿在树林里唱歌And the land will be looked after土地会被照顾的好好的We send the seeds out in the breeze我们把种子们送到微风中Like the fish in the ocean就像海中的鱼We felt at home in the sea我们在海中有家的感觉We learned to live off the good land我们学会在好的土地上生活Learned to climb up a tree学会爬上一棵树Then we got up on two legs然后我们用两条腿走路But we wanted to fly但我们想飞When we messed up our homeland当我们搞砸了我们的母亲土地We set sail for the sky我们向天空起航We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上There"s no better place to go没有更好的去处了We"ve got snow up on the mountains我们有山上的积雪We"ve got rivers down below我们有脚下的河流We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上We hear the birds sing in the trees我们听到鸟儿在树林里唱歌And the land will be looked after土地会被照顾的好好的We send the seeds out in the breeze我们把种子们送到微风中We"re coming down我们下来吧Coming down to Earth下来到地球上Like babies at birth就像婴儿的新生Coming down to Earth下来到地球上Redefine your priorities重新定义你的重要的事These are extraordinary qualities这些是非凡的品质We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上There"s no better place to go没有更好的去处了We"ve got snow up on the mountains我们有山上的积雪We"ve got rivers down below我们有脚下的河流We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上We hear the birds sing in the trees我们听到鸟儿在树林里唱歌And the land will be looked after土地会被照顾的好好的We send the seeds out in the breeze我们把种子们送到微风中We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上There"s no better place to go没有更好的去处了We"ve got snow up on the mountains我们有山上的积雪We"ve got rivers down below我们有脚下的河流We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上We hear the birds sing in the trees我们听到鸟儿在树林里唱歌And the land will be looked after土地会被照顾的好好的We send the seeds out in the breeze我们把种子们送到微风中Redefine your priorities重新定义你的重要的事These are extraordinary qualities这些是非凡的品质Did you find on earth你在地球上找到了吗Darlin亲爱的Darlin亲爱的
2023-07-13 01:10:251


发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2022-11-24 动态浏览次数:46各人文社科相关单位: 根据全国哲学社会科学工作办公室《2022年国家社科基金中华学术外译项目申报公告》和上海市哲学社会科学规划办公室《关于做好本市2022年国家社科基金中华学术外译项目申报工作的通知》要求,现就做好本校2022年国家社科基金中华学术外译项目申报工作的有关事项通知如下:一、申报通知材料2022年国家社科基金中华学术外译项目具体申报要求见全国哲学社会科学工作办公室网站(发布的申报公告,申请书、选题目录和国外出版机构指导目录等材料可在申报公告的附件链接下载。本通知可在人文社会科学处网站(或微信公众号“华理文科”查看。二、申报受理单位人文社会科学处负责受理本校科研人员的项目申报,统一报送上海市哲学社会科学规划办公室。上海市哲学社会科学规划办公室不受理个人申报。三、申报注意事项(一)申报程序1.申请学术著作类项目,申请人应先与出版责任单位取得联系。出版责任单位按本公告规定的要求,依据相关学术委员会或内部评审机制,公平、公正甄选联合申报的申请人,重点考察和评估申请人的资质和各项能力,择优联合申报。对于非主译的项目申请人,出版责任单位要重点考察其项目研究能力、中外学术交往和协调能力、项目组织能力等。确定申请人后,双方就外译事务的各项分工协商达成一致,并自行签订《中华学术外译项目分工合同》。2.项目实行网络填报信息。网络填报系统于2023年1月5日起开放,申报双方可登陆国家社科基金科研创新服务管理平台(,以实名信息提交注册申请,审核通过后按规定要求填写申报信息。逾期系统自动关闭,不再受理申报。有关申报系统及技术问题可咨询400-800-1636,电子信箱。3.在系统内按照要求填报信息后,导出申请书。(二)截止时间和材料要求1. 校内截止时间为2023年1月11日。2. 申报者须报送以下材料: (1)《国家社科基金中华学术外译项目申请书》一式7份(含至少1份原件),A4纸双面打印、左侧装订;电子版需WORD版和带章扫描的PDF
2023-07-13 01:10:251


Melbourne ["melbu0259n] n. 墨尔本(澳大利亚一座城市)墨尔本Melbourne墨尔本是澳大利亚第二大城市,是有「花园之州」美誉的维多利亚州(Victoria)的首府,也是澳大利亚的工业重镇。墨尔本以浓厚的文化气息、绿化、时装、美食、娱乐及体育活动而著称。墨尔本的绿化覆盖率高达40%,维多利亚式的建筑物、有轨电车、歌剧院、画廊、博物馆以及绿树成荫的花园、街道构成了墨尔本市典雅的风格。墨尔本是一座充满活力和欢乐的城市,具备深厚的文化底蕴。在澳大利亚人民的心目中,第一大城市悉尼虽然繁华,但悉尼只是一个商业城市,墨尔本却是一个历史文化名城。墨尔本拥有全澳大利亚唯一的被列入联合国「世界文化遗产」的古建筑,有辉煌的人文历史,也是多个著名国际体育盛事的常年举办城市。从文化艺术层面的多元性,到大自然风光之美,墨尔本应有尽有,在满足感官娱乐方面,墨尔本更可以说是澳大利亚之冠,无论是艺术、文化、娱乐、美食、购物和商业样样都有自己的特色;墨尔本成功地融合人文与自然。
2023-07-13 01:10:251


2023-07-13 01:09:532


2023-07-13 01:09:521


2023-07-13 01:09:481

Down to Earth 歌词

Did you think that your feet had been bound你是否觉得你的脚被束缚了By what gravity brings to the ground?被地心引力拉到了地面上?Did you feel you were tricked你是否觉得你被欺骗了By the future you picked?被你选择的未来?Well, come on down来吧下来吧All those rules don"t apply所有这些规则并不适用When you"re high in the sky当你在高高的天空So, come on down所以,来吧下来吧Come on down下来吧We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上There"s no better place to go没有更好的去处了We"ve got snow up on the mountains我们有山上的积雪We"ve got rivers down below我们有脚下的河流We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上We hear the birds sing in the trees我们听到鸟儿在树林里唱歌And the land will be looked after土地会被照顾的好好的We send the seeds out in the breeze我们把种子们送到微风中Did you think you"d escaped from routine你是否认为你已经从普通生活中逃走By changing the script and the scene?在改变你的精神和视野之后?Despite all you made of it尽管你制造了这一切You"re always afraid你总是会害怕Of the change改变You"ve got a lot on your chest你已经在你的胸膛里装了太多了Well, you can come as my guest你可以过来当我的客人So come on down所以下来吧Come on down下来吧We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上There"s no better place to go没有更好的去处了We"ve got snow up on the mountains我们有山上的积雪We"ve got rivers down below我们有脚下的河流We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上We hear the birds sing in the trees我们听到鸟儿在树林里唱歌And the land will be looked after土地会被照顾的好好的We send the seeds out in the breeze我们把种子们送到微风中Like the fish in the ocean就像海中的鱼We felt at home in the sea我们在海中有家的感觉We learned to live off the good land我们学会在好的土地上生活Learned to climb up a tree学会爬上一棵树Then we got up on two legs然后我们用两条腿走路But we wanted to fly但我们想飞When we messed up our homeland当我们搞砸了我们的母亲土地We set sail for the sky我们向天空起航We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上There"s no better place to go没有更好的去处了We"ve got snow up on the mountains我们有山上的积雪We"ve got rivers down below我们有脚下的河流We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上We hear the birds sing in the trees我们听到鸟儿在树林里唱歌And the land will be looked after土地会被照顾的好好的We send the seeds out in the breeze我们把种子们送到微风中We"re coming down我们下来吧Coming down to Earth下来到地球上Like babies at birth就像婴儿的新生Coming down to Earth下来到地球上Redefine your priorities重新定义你的重要的事These are extraordinary qualities这些是非凡的品质We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上There"s no better place to go没有更好的去处了We"ve got snow up on the mountains我们有山上的积雪We"ve got rivers down below我们有脚下的河流We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上We hear the birds sing in the trees我们听到鸟儿在树林里唱歌And the land will be looked after土地会被照顾的好好的We send the seeds out in the breeze我们把种子们送到微风中We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上There"s no better place to go没有更好的去处了We"ve got snow up on the mountains我们有山上的积雪We"ve got rivers down below我们有脚下的河流We"re coming down to the ground我们下来到地面上We hear the birds sing in the trees我们听到鸟儿在树林里唱歌And the land will be looked after土地会被照顾的好好的We send the seeds out in the breeze我们把种子们送到微风中Redefine your priorities重新定义你的重要的事These are extraordinary qualities这些是非凡的品质Did you find on earth你在地球上找到了吗Darlin亲爱的Darlin亲爱的
2023-07-13 01:09:482


2023-07-13 01:09:457

斯德哥尔摩综合征是什么 斯德哥尔摩综合征的简介

1、斯德哥尔摩综合征,又称斯德哥尔摩症候群或者称为人质情结或人质综合征,是指被害者对于犯罪者产生情感,甚至反过来帮助犯罪者的一种情结。这个情感造成被害人对加害人产生好感、依赖性、甚至协助加害人。 2、人质会对劫持者产生一种心理上的依赖感。他们的生死操控在劫持者手里,劫持者让他们活下来,他们便不胜感激。他们与劫持者共命运,把劫持者的前途当成自己的前途,把劫持者的安危视为自己的安危。于是,他们采取了“我们反对他们”的态度,把解救者当成了敌人。 3、斯德哥尔摩综合多发群体:情感上依赖他人,且容易受感动者。
2023-07-13 01:09:431


2023-07-13 01:09:423


often是一个副词,表示频繁、常常地做某事。下面将从often的用法、近义词、反义词等方面进行详细解释。1.often的用法often一般放在动词之前,表示动作的频率,有时也可以放在句首或句尾。例如:He often goes to the gym.(他经常去健身房。)I don"t often eat fast food.(我不经常吃快餐。)Often,it"s better to listen than to talk.(经常情况下,倾听比说话更好。)2.近义词常用的与often相近义的词汇有:frequently、usually、regularly等。它们的意思都是“经常”。He frequently goes to the gym.(他经常去健身房。)She usually takes a shower before going to bed.(她通常睡觉前洗澡。)I regularly check my email every morning.(我每天早上都会定期查看我的电子邮件。)3.反义词常用的与often相反义的词汇有:rarely、seldom、hardly ever等。它们的意思都是“很少”。I rarely go to the movies.(我很少去看电影。)She seldom eats junk food.(她很少吃垃圾食品。)He hardly ever reads books.(他很少读书。)总体来说,often是一个非常常用的副词,在表达我们日常生活中某个动作的频率时,often可以起到很好的作用。同时,我们还可以运用近义词、反义词等工具进行更加准确、生动的表达。
2023-07-13 01:09:361

pay back 和 pay off区别

pay back基本翻译vt. 偿付(还击)网络释义pay back:向报复,回报|偿还,还钱给(某人)|回报w>pay back <c:偿还、回报pay back=repay:偿付,偿还pay off基本翻译偿清(欠款等),贿赂网络释义pay off:还清(债)|得到好结果,取得成功|向行贿To pay off:付清pay off reel:开卷机|卷取机
2023-07-13 01:09:366

笔记本cpui3 2310m跟i5 560能互换吗

笔记本电脑的CPU只要不是焊在主机板上面都是可以更换的,更换CPU最重要的就是要知道你的笔记本电脑是属于那一个时代(架构的笔记本电脑)且较新的机型,大多数的只要将底板拆开就可以进行CPU的更换工作,更换CPU之后并不需要对系统做任何的更动或是重新安装,更换CPU最困难的地方就是在那么多的CPU型号要如何分辨选择能用的,基本上目前的笔记本电脑CPU主要分为INTEL和AMD这2家厂家,且以INTEL为主且时代变化快速,大多数人容易弄混,因此先介绍INTEL。由于更换CPU是以增加效能或是延长使用时间为主,因此下列介绍将不对低端和CELERON的型号多做说明。更换笔记本电脑CPU建议还是选择正式版的CPU比较好,虽然台湾很容易取得价格较低的ES工程版笔记本电脑CPU,但后续的问题可能让你后悔莫及,ES的笔记本电脑CPU通常有许多不同版本,一般人跟本无从分辨,但其稳定度相差很大,且大多数笔记本电脑厂商如果发现你使用ES版CPU,在你故障送修时会直接判定全机失去保修,事实上笔记本电脑最不容易发生故障的就是CPU,为了ES的CPU失去其他组件的保修非常不值,基本上外面在卖的ES版本的笔记本电脑CPU,大多数可以称为黑心CPU,为什么说是黑心,因为ES本来就不准卖出的,外面的ES都是偷卖或是A出来的。Intel笔记本电脑CPU 仅就Pentium M Dothan之后产品说明如下:Pentium M 479脚位 Centrino架构:这个时代的CPU分成2种核心架构,较早的Banias和较新的Dothan,Banias时代的CPU有许多是焊在主机板的,且真的已经不太具有升级价值,故不说明了,Dothan时代的晶片组有855和915这2种晶片为主,其中855只能使用400FSB的CPU,先列出855晶片组可以使用的型号和规格。超低电压版:723(1Ghz) / 733(1.1Ghz) / 753(1.2Ghz) / 773(1.3Ghz)这些CPU的L2都是2MB,电压0.87- 0.95V,热功耗TDP为5W,最大耗能大约在10W左右,低电压版:738(1.4 Ghz) / 758(1.5 Ghz) / 778(1.6 Ghz) 这些CPU的L2都是2MB,电压1.11V,热功耗TDP为10W,最大耗能大约在16W左右。一般电压版:710(1.4Ghz) / 715(1.5 Ghz)) / 725(1.6 Ghz) / 735(1.7 Ghz) / 745(1.8 Ghz),755(2 Ghz) / 765(2.1 Ghz) 这些CPU的L2都是2MB,电压1.27-1.34V,热功耗TDP为21W,最大耗能大约在30W左右。再来就是只有915晶片主可以使用的533FSB的CPU,当然上面的CPU也可以用,CPU型号:730(1.6 Ghz) / 740(1.73 Ghz) / 750(1.86 Ghz) / 760(2 Ghz) / 770 (2.13 Ghz),780(2.26 Ghz) 这些CPU的L2都是2MB。电压1.26-1.35V,热功耗TDP为27W,最大耗能大约在38-40W之间。Socket M时代667FSB,945/940晶片组这个时代分为早期的Core Duo 代号Yonah,跟较新Core2 Duo 代号Merom 两种,另主要是Yonah不支持64位元Merom是有支持64位元 ,Yonah的L2最高只有2MB,Merom的L2最高达到4MB,部份较早期搭配Yonah出货的笔记本电脑BIOS可能没有支持Merom,因此如果要更换Merom之前必须要先确认BIOS有无支持,原厂有无提供新版BIOS,有些笔记本型原厂没有放出支持Merom的BIOS,就只能升级Yonah的CPU 。此时代CPU依功耗可分为:U系列为特低电压版本:电压0.85-1.1V,热功耗TDP为9-10W,最大耗能大约15W左右,L系列为低电压版本: 电压1-1.2V,热功耗TDP为15-17W,最大耗能大约25W左右。T系列为一般电压版本:Yonah电压1.15-1.3V,热功耗TDP为31W,最大耗能大约44W左右;Merom电压1.15-1.3V,热功耗TDP为35W,最大耗能大约53W左右;代号Yonah的CPU,主要CPU型号和规格(不列出不具更换价值的单核CPU);T2300(1.66 Ghz)、T2400(1.83 Ghz)、T2500(2 Ghz)、T2600(2.16 Ghz)、T2700(2.33 Ghz);L2300(1.5 Ghz)、L2400(1.66 Ghz)、L2500(1.83 Ghz)、U2400(1.06 Ghz)、U2500(1.2 Ghz);代号Merom的CPU,主要CPU型号和规格:T5500(1.66 Ghz,L2=2MB)、T5600(1.83 Ghz,L2=2MB)、T7200 (2.0 Ghz,L2=4MB);T7400 (2.16 Ghz,L2=4MB)、T7600 (2.33 Ghz,L2=4MB);L7200(1.33 Ghz,L2=4MB)、L7400(1.5 Ghz,L2=4MB)、U7600(1.2 Ghz,L2=2MB);Socket P时代800FSB,965/960晶片组 Santa Rosa架构这个时代跨越了制程65nm(Merom核心)和45nm制程(Penryn核心),并且首次加入了极致版不锁倍频的X系列。U系列为特低电压版本:电压0.85-0.97V,热功耗TDP为10W,最大耗能大约15W左右;L系列为低电压版本: 电压0.9-1.2V,热功耗TDP为17W,最大耗能大约27W左右;T系列为一般电压版本:Merom电压1-1.3V,热功耗TDP为35W,最大耗能大约53W左右;Penryn电压1-1.25V,热功耗TDP为35W,最大耗能大约53W左右;T系列极致版:Merom电压1.08-1.25V,热功耗TDP为44W,最大耗能大约60W左右;Penryn电压1-1.28V,热功耗TDP为44W,最大耗能大约60W左右;代号Merom的CPU,主要CPU型号和规格:65nm制程T5550(1.83 Ghz,L2=2MB,667FSB)、T7100(1.8 Ghz,L2=2MB,800FSB)T7300(2 Ghz,L2=4MB,800FSB)、T7500(2.2 Ghz,L2=4MB,800FSB)T7700 (2.4Ghz,L2=4MB,800FSB)、T7800 (2.6Ghz,L2=4MB,800FSB)X7800 (2.6Ghz,L2=4MB,800FSB)、X7900 (2.8Ghz,L2=4MB,800FSB)L7500(1.6Ghz,L2=4MB,800FSB)、L7300(1.4Ghz,L2=4MB,800FSB)U7600(1.2Ghz,L2=2MB,533FSB)、U7700(1.33Ghz,L2=2MB,533FSB)代号Penryn的CPU,主要CPU型号和规格:45nm制程T8100 (2.1Ghz,L2=3MB,800FSB)、T8300 (2.4Ghz,L2=3MB,800FSB)T9300 (2.5Ghz,L2=6MB,800FSB)、T9500 (2.6Ghz,L2=6MB,800FSB)X9000 (2.8Ghz,L2=6MB,800FSB)以上是比较正规的型号,其他型号的版本,可能就是所谓的阉割版本,就是原本是800外频变667外频,或是L2本来是2M变1,在生产出现瑕疵修正后的产品。或者是针对量大的合作伙伴特别生产的特规CPU,让合作伙伴降低成本,这些跟正规CPU还是会有些差别,从Santa Rosa的时代开始,CPU型号就开始多到连我们这些专业的都没有办法全都记的住。Socket P时代1066FSB,GM45/PM45晶片组Montevina架构这个时代的CPU插槽并没有改变,使用跟Santa Rosa架构一样的 Socket P,CPU也是使用Santa Rosa架构后期的45nm制程(Penryn核心),外部时脉拉高到1066FSB,主流效能产品增加了热功耗和整体功耗都较低的P系列CPU,还有后续会推出维持高效能,和P系列相同TDP=25W但是整体功耗更低的SP系列,超低功耗的产品则分成TDP=17W的SL系列,TDP=10W的SU9000系列,TDP=5W的SU3300,当然主流效能级的T系列和极致版的X系列CPU也都依旧活跃在这个时代,当然最值得一提的是笔记本电脑的CPU在这个时代首次进入了4核心的时代,GM45跟PM45晶片组的Montevina架构有部份笔记本电脑厂商设计依旧可以使用Santa Rosa,但是那是为了降低成本兼有一点欺蒙消费者的做法,不过这样也没有甚麼不好,这让想换CPU的人可以用更低的价格取得机器,更换成自己理想的规格,GM45或是PM45晶片组虽然原本都是支援4核心CPU的,但是会因为笔记本电脑主机板的电路规划分为有支援和没有支援,因此不是GM45或是PM45晶片就可以使用4核心的CPU,且不是更新BIOS就可解决,另外4核心的CPU热功耗也较高TDP=45W,也不见得散热器的热功耗足够,如果散热器不够力,可能会发过热的状况,因此较小台的笔记本电脑就算有支援可能也不适更换,建议15吋以上的机种才考虑更换4核心的处理器,且要留意散热问题,以下我就列出主流型号的规格和说明:4核心系列:QX9300 (2.53Ghz,L2=12MB,TDP=45W,1066FSB,4核心)Q9100 (2.26Ghz,L2=12MB,TDP=45W,1066FSB,4核心)Q9000 (2Ghz,L2=6MB,TDP=45W,1066FSB,4核心)变核心系列X9100 (3.06Ghz,L2=6MB,TDP=44W,1066FSB,不支援IDA动能超频技术,无锁倍频)T9800 (2.93Ghz,L2=6MB,TDP=35W,1066FSB,支援IDA动能超频技术)T9600 (2.80Ghz,L2=6MB,TDP=35W,1066FSB,支援IDA动能超频技术)T9550 (2.66Ghz,L2=6MB,TDP=35W,1066FSB,支援IDA动能超频技术)T9400 (2.53Ghz,L2=6MB,TDP=35W,1066FSB,支援IDA动能超频技术)P9600 (2.66Ghz,L2=6MB,TDP=25W,1066FSB,支援IDA动能超频技术)P9500 (2.53Ghz,L2=6MB,TDP=25W,1066FSB,支援IDA动能超频技术)P8700 (2.53Ghz,L2=3MB,TDP=25W,1066FSB,支援IDA动能超频技术)P8600 (2.40Ghz,L2=3MB,TDP=25W,1066FSB,支援IDA动能超频技术)P8400 (2.26Ghz,L2=3MB,TDP=25W,1066FSB,支援IDA动能超频技术)P7350 (2.00Ghz,L2=3MB,TDP=25W,1066FSB,支援IDA动能超频技术)SP9400 (2.4Ghz,L2=6MB,TDP=25W,1066FSB)SP9300 (2.26Ghz,L2=6MB,TDP=25W,1066FSB)SL9400 (1.86Ghz,L2=6MB,TDP=17W,1066FSB)SL9300 (1.6Ghz,L2=6MB,TDP=17W,1066FSB)SU9400 (1.4Ghz,L2=3MB,TDP=10W,800FSB)SU9300 (1.2Ghz,L2=3MB,TDP=10W,800FSB)SU3300 (1.2Ghz,L2=3MB,TDP=5W,800FSB)2009年1月1日增加笔记本电脑散热贴片说明,更换cpu时请留意,笔记本电脑的CPU和散热贴器中间的接合物通常是石墨散热贴片而非是一般桌机用的散热膏,这种石墨散热贴片是一次型的产品,拆装散热器时都应该要换新,旧的最好清掉,笔记本电脑的CPU石墨散热贴片(颜色会比其他非cpu用的深),其他晶片组用的是有弹性的导热片,cpu用的石墨散热贴片导热系数较好,但是缺点是会硬化,且是一次性的产品,拆卸过就应该换掉,用途跟桌机的是一样的就是帮助密合增加导热速度,完全硬化之后会降低导热能力,桌机用的通常都是泥状的为主,除了涂料控制较容易外也较不容易硬化,笔记本电脑并不是不能使用桌机用的散热膏,事实上效果还会更好,问题是出在生产线,笔记本电脑的cpu散热模组安装还是人工为主,加上cpu是裸晶设计,使用桌机的散热膏不但品管困难,还有容易损坏cpu的风险,石墨散热贴片可以缓冲散热器锁螺丝时的边角压力,工人可能单颗螺丝旋紧过度就会有裂晶的风险,因此笔记本电脑才会都使用石墨散热贴片而非散热膏,但是我们自己在更换的时候可以特别留意螺丝的旋力,使用桌机的散热膏取代原本的贴片,在锁螺丝的时候分段平均旋紧(勿转太紧),笔记本电脑的螺丝都有弹簧或是弹片加压,因此不用转太紧就可以有足够的密合度,至於非cpu的散热贴片是有弹性的矽导热贴片,也是有原因的(不要用桌机散热膏代替),因为笔记本电脑的散热器通常固定都是以cpu端为主,晶片组或是其他部份通常没有螺丝固定,靠的是散热模组在cpu端螺丝产生的压合力,且晶片组通常也不需要那么高的导热效率。因此用有弹性的矽导热贴片,这种贴片不但可以达到散热的目的,还可以底消风扇产生的震动,避免晶片组或其他原件受到伤害或是干扰,对减低噪音也有帮助,另外它也不需要因为拆装就要更换,以上是笔记本电脑cpu更换要特别留意的地方,也是一般人比较不了解的地方。GL-40 是可以支援P8600的,只是有些厂商对BIOS限制,才会出现不能用的状况,有时候原厂说明是不可靠的,那只是要刻意的做市场分割,其实大部份的台厂都有把支援写进BIOS。mobile cpu很少会出现盒装的CPU,比较能看到的产品已经是2个时代之前的Socket M时代的笔记本电脑CPU,出现在市面上的也只有T7200、T7400、T7600这3个型号,基本上INTEL那时候推出的笔记本电脑盒装CPU主要是针对日本市场,但之后MODT策略失败盒装笔记本电脑CPU就没有在看到了,到现在最新的Montevina架构笔记本电脑CPU是有听说INTEL要推出盒装CPU,但是还没有实际的日期,还有会推出的型号也不确定,确定的就是一定会比官价每千颗报价还要贵,到时不知道有几个人买的下手,另外笔记本电脑的CPU盒装的也是没有风扇的,跟散装的差别除了盒子外就只有一本说明书和一张贴纸,要买网拍的CPU最好的方法就是确认卖家的专业度,多联络确认,最好能实测安装,不要贪便宜买ES的CPU,安装好之后用CPUZ查看,用SP2004跑个15分钟,网拍多留意,小心点还是有很多好卖家的,且是挖宝的好地方,遇到可能是诈骗的卖家,也请勇於检举,正义是要靠大家一起努力的,就是太多买家都息事宁人,才会让现在的网拍骗人那麼多,不要纵容犯罪就是最好的正义守护
2023-07-13 01:09:362

与他人合作 用英语怎么说

cooperate with others
2023-07-13 01:09:358

跪求~Justin Bieber《Down to earth》中英文对照歌词

2023-07-13 01:09:348


2023-07-13 01:09:292

soft offer、cooperate offer、offer、Loi、contract等,在正式国际贸易中顺序为何?请国贸先辈指点。

Loi(购货意向书),这种只是买方给的一个书面意向,买方最终是否一定“买”并未确定,并不能视作最终的购货合同——卖方一味以此为贸易条件,并不合理offer(发盘),即报价,又分为实盘和虚盘两种,(soft offer就是虚盘,cooperate offer是啥?对不起这个字眼没见过,没记错的话实盘应该叫“firm offer”),这是贸易磋商的第二个步骤(第一步是买方向卖方问价,即询盘“inquiry”),如果连这一步都没有就要求开Loi,是不是有点强卖的意味?contract就是合同,就是“sales of contract”(购货合同,销售确认书,反正就是这么些个叫法),到这一步,恭喜!这笔买卖成功了一半了(另一半就是如何履行合同了)——所以说,这个contract是买卖双方磋商的成果,是第四步那么你想想看Loi是不是该出现在第三步才合理?你也提到了开什么确认函之类的:理解!但这些确认函确认书什么的再怎么也该放在offer和contract之间才对!这个第三步是你们双方讨价还价的过程(咱把这个过程叫“还盘”,counter offer),所以麻烦头疼也是应该的。你还不能想当然把这步pass掉就直接contract——因为这部分出现问题很有可能导致这笔买卖泡汤了,你没承诺你哪来的contract(⊙﹏⊙b)那么总结一下:顺序是~~买方先问价(inquiry,别慌着开Loi),卖方喊价(offer),买方还价,卖方讨价(这确认书那确认函什么的这个阶段做好被商业信函埋掉的心理准备,注意,“销售确认书”是最后一步给开的!),最后成交(双方签订contract)——就是这4个步骤
2023-07-13 01:09:261


问题一:鹦鹉用英语怎么写呢? parrot ["p?r?t] n.鹦鹉 问题二:鹦鹉用英语怎么说鹦鹉用英语怎么说 The parrot parrot n.鹦鹉; 应声虫,学舌者; 机械模仿别人的人 vt.机械地重复; 随声附和; 死背; 做…的应声虫 变形 复数: parrots 过去式: parroted 过去分词: parroted 现在分词: parroting 第三人称单数: parrots A parrot is a tropical bird with a curved beak and brightly-coloured or grey feathers. Parrots can be kept as pets. Some parrots are able to copy what people say. 问题三:鹦鹉用英语怎么读 鹦鹉 [yīng wǔ] [鸟] parrot ["p?r?t] 问题四:鹦鹉的英文怎么读? 鹦鹉的英文怎么读。 鹦鹉的英文是: 鹦鹉 [yīng wǔ] parrot 拼音谐音读法是: 怕喔尔特。 问题五:鹦鹉英文怎么拼? parrot 问题六:英语鹦鹉怎么说 鹦鹉的英语是单词Parrot 问题七:鹦鹉的英语怎么读 ["p?r?t] 精锐教育长宁天山英语组。
2023-07-13 01:09:251

Down to earth的中英文歌词

i never thought that it be easy 我从来没想过那是简单的原因cause we both so distance now 导致现在我们相隔and the walls are closing in on us 隔阂包围住我们and we"re wondering how我们想知道no one has a solid answer但没有人能有一个确切的答案but just walking in the dark但仅仅只能在黑暗中前行and you can see the look on my face你可以看见我脸上的表情it just tells me apart它仅仅告诉我们分离 他只能分辨出我来so we fight (so we fight)因此我们与之抗衡through the hurt (through the hurt)经历痛苦and we cry (and cry and cry and cry)我们哭了又哭and we live (and we live)还是要生存下去and we learn (and we learn)我们学会了and we try and try and try and try不断的尝试so its up to to you and its up to me一直到我或你that we meet in our middle way在半路上相遇on our way back down to earth在我们回到地球的路上down to earth down to earth降落在地球上on our way back down to earth在我们回到地球的路上(back down to earth ~~~)mommy you"ll always and somewhere 母亲你总是在某个地方and daddy i live outta down父亲和我住在乡村so tell me how could i ever be所以告诉我应该怎样变得正常normal somehowyou tell me this is for the best你告诉我,这才是最好的so tell me why am i in tears所以告诉我我为什么流泪so far away and now i just need you here所以从过去到现在我一直需要你在我身边so we fight (so we fight)因此我们与之抗衡through the hurt (through the hurt)经历痛苦and we cry (and cry and cry and cry)我们哭了又哭and we live (and we live)还是要生存下去and we learn (and we learn)我们学会了and we try and try and try and try我们不断的尝试so its up to to you and its up to me一直到我或你that we meet in our middle way在半路上相遇on our way back down to earth在我们回到地球的路上down to earth down to earth降落在地球上on our way back down to earth在我们回到地球的路上(back down to earth ~~~)回到地球we fell so far away from where we used to be我们离我们曾经住过的地方越来越远now we"re standing and were do we go现在我们是站着还是出发when there"s no road to get to your heart当没有路到达你的内心let"s start over again让我们再从新来过so its up to to you and its up to me一直到我或你that we meet in our middle way在半路上相遇on our way back down to earth在我们回到地球的路上down to earth down to earth降落在地球上on our way back down to earth在我们回到地球的路上i never thought that it be easy我从来没想过那是简单的原因cause we both so distance now导致现在我们相隔and the walls are closing in on us我们之间的墙越来越近
2023-07-13 01:09:251


斯德哥尔摩综合症是怎么产生的? 斯德哥尔摩综合征(网上又叫斯德哥尔摩综合症)又被称为人质情结,概括而言,是指犯罪的被害者对犯罪者产生情感,甚至反过来帮助犯罪者的一种情结。 这个情感造成被害人对加害人产生好感、依赖心、甚至协助加害于他人。情感上习惯依赖他人且易被感动的人,若遇到类似的状况,很容易产生斯德哥尔摩综合征。 以人质为例,如果符合下列条件,任何人都有可能遭受到斯德哥尔摩综合症。 第1,切实感觉到你的生命受到威胁,最关键的是让你感觉到,但并不一定会发生。 然后相信这个施暴的人随时会这么做,毫不犹豫。 第2,这个施暴的人一定会给你施以小恩小惠,这是最关键的条件。如在你各种绝望的情况下给你水喝。 第3,除了给予你他所控制的信息和思想,任何其它信息都不让你得到,完全隔离了。 第4,让你感到无路可逃。 在这4个条件下,人们就会产生斯德哥尔摩综合征。 什么是斯德哥尔摩综合症? 1973年8月23日,在瑞典斯德哥尔摩突然闯进了2个全副武装的绑匪,对著1家银行1阵狂扫乱射,1边射1边说Party(晚会)开始了,就有3男1女的店员被抓,并被扔到地下室黑房子里。 6天以后,这几个人不但拒绝外面的营救,而且他们认为营救她们的警察要害她们,而绑架她们的人是在保护她们。 为什么?因为在这几天当中,绑架她们的人,除了对他们的生命进行威胁外,而且还让他们相信随时都可以开枪打死她们。 在这种情况下他们没有打死她们,没开枪,他们已经感激不尽了。不但如此,绑匪还给他们食物,给饭吃。 啊呀,这几个绑匪1下子就变得像神一样的。 这是1种在生命受到威胁的情况下,强烈的求生的欲望,使她们认同了绑架她们的人,甚至绑匪喜欢的,他们就喜欢;绑匪讨厌的他们就讨厌。 结果他们被营救出来时,你听不到他们对绑架者的控诉,相反的是,1位女士说:他们2个根本就不是坏人,她还和其中1个订了婚。 还有1个干脆在全世界为其中1个绑架者筹款,还建立了1个为绑架他的人辩护的基金会,这时候全世界都傻了,这个病名就产生了,叫作斯德哥尔摩综合症。 要人产生斯德哥尔摩综合症,必需以下4个条件。 第1,是要你切实感觉到你的生命受到威胁,让你感觉到,至于是不是要发生不一定。 然后相信这个施暴的人随时会这么做,是毫不犹豫。 第2,这个施暴的人一定会给你施以小恩小惠,最关键的条件。 如在你各种绝望的情况下给你水喝。 第3,除了他给所控制的信息和思想,任何其它信息都不让你得到,完全隔离了。 第4,让你感到无路可逃。 有了这4个条件下,人们就会产生斯德哥尔摩综合症。 。 摩哥尔德综合症是什么? 斯德哥尔摩综合症(Stockholm syndrome),又称为人质情结,是指犯罪的被害者对于犯罪者产生情感,甚至反过来帮助犯罪者的一种情结。 斯德哥尔摩综合症的由来 1973年,瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩的一家银行,突然遭一名越狱犯人闯入,并挟持了4人当人质,挟持了131小时之久。在这长时间,遭挟持者却逐渐对于该犯人产了同情与认同,甚至有崇拜的心理,且衍生出休戚与共的共同依赖现象,认为彼此的命运是不可分的。 什么样的人会产生斯德哥尔摩综合症 据心理学者的研究,情感上会依赖他人且容易受感动的人,若遇到类似的状况,很容易产生斯德哥尔摩综合症。 斯德哥尔摩综合症,通常有下列几项特征: 人质必须有真正感到绑匪(加害者)威胁到自己的存活。 在遭挟持过程中,人质必须体认出绑匪(加害者)可能略施小惠的举动。 除了绑匪的单一看法之外,人质必须与所有其他观点隔离(通常得不到外界的讯息)。 人质必须相信,要脱逃是不可能的。 电影中的斯德哥尔摩综合症 注意:下文记有作品情节、结局或其他相关内容,可能降低欣赏原作时的兴致。 在《007》系列电影的第19集《纵横天下》(The World Is Not Enough),片中英国最大输油管公司“金恩企业”的总裁罗勃金恩遭 *** 杀害,007奉命调查,意外发现金恩总裁的女儿伊莉翠几年前曾遭同一个 *** 雷纳绑架过,但自行脱逃。雷纳打算要偷走鐪元素以便炸毁油管,007发现后要阻止其阴谋,但伊莉翠因为被雷纳绑过,产生斯德哥尔摩综合症,反而帮助 *** ,并阻挠007的行动。但最后007还是顺利完成任务阻止雷纳的计谋。
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2023-07-13 01:09:181