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「奉献」表「具有奉献精神」之意时 用dedication合适吗?还有没有意思更贴近的单词?

2023-07-12 18:16:59

说某人对某事有奉献精神可以说:he is dedicated to XXXXX

或者说he devotes himself into XXXXX






dedication英 [u02ccdedu026au02c8keu026au0283n] 美 [u02ccdu025bdu026au02c8keu0283u0259n] n. 奉献;献身精神;教堂的)献堂礼;(书等作品上的)题词
2023-07-12 11:28:422


dedication[英][u02ccdedu026au02c8keu026au0283n][美][u02ccdu025bdu026au02c8keu0283u0259n]n.奉献; 献身精神; 教堂的)献堂礼; (书等作品上的)题词; 复数:dedications例句:1.Your discipline and dedication to structure is an illusion. 你对精心策划的结构的纪律和奉献是个幻想。2.I was genuinely impressed by the dedication and motivation of chinese students. 中国学生的这种付出和干劲确实给我留下了深深的印象。
2023-07-12 11:29:081


dedication可数。复数形式是dedications。dedication的意思是:奉献,献身,赠言。 短语: 1、love dedication:爱的奉献。 2、dedication to:献身,尽心地,恪尽职守。 3、Dedication Process:检证程序。 例句: 1、Her dedication to her work was admirable. 她对工作的奉献精神可钦可佩。 2、She wanted to buy his love with her dedication to him and his work. 她想通过自己对他及其工作的奉献来换取他的爱。 3、His talent and dedication will insure his success. 他的才气和执着将确保他成功。
2023-07-12 11:29:171


2023-07-12 11:30:221

Vitas 的 《奉献》 是什么个歌词大意

2023-07-12 11:30:313

吴国敬的《Dedication》 歌词

歌曲名:Dedication歌手:吴国敬专辑:再造吴国敬精选Yeah...I wanna dedicate the song to you发放著无穷热爆高温火烧的拍子 Oh Yeah...闪烁激光燃亮孤单在逃亡走出战场全没顾虑储放了力量迈向身躯紧迫的进攻 Oh Yeah...散发你热汗共躯走那寂寞千吨困倦莫再问Woo...oo...炸破局限无隔膜Woo...oo...发洩尽量无顾忌 无分彼此间I wanna dediate this song to you没约束 尽放任I wanna dedicate the song to you尽放松 喝采声 Oh...Ha...尽放松 尽放任尽放松~~~~Yeah
2023-07-12 11:30:481

Dedication (Medley) 歌词

歌曲名:Dedication (Medley)歌手:Amen Choir Of The First Baptist Church&National Philharmonic Orchestra专辑:Hymns Triumphant Volumes I & Ii≡卐 Asking Alexandria - Dedication 卐≡album: Reckless And Relentlessreleased on April 5, 2011You"ll never really find those perfect wordsSomething more than just"Goodbye"It"s hard to remember the good timesWhen there"s just so much heartacheBut they deserve more than thatThey deserve more than justOne single moment of sadnessSo just rememberThat when there"s enough love in our heartsIt burns like a fucking supernovaAnd there sure is enough love in our heartTo smile that famous smileWe all lose someone at some point in our livesBut don"t ever let go of that smileHold on foreverBecause that"s our final dedication
2023-07-12 11:30:551


不可以,因为这是一个从动词派生出来的名词。其动词形式为 dedicate。
2023-07-12 11:31:011


consecration [英]u02ccku0252nsu026a"kreu026au0283n [美]u02cckɑnsu026au02c8kreu0283u0259n n. 供献,奉献,献祭仪式 [例句]From elspeth , meaning god is my consecration.从埃尔斯珀斯,意思是上帝是我的奉献。
2023-07-12 11:31:171

文章投稿 dedication怎么写

2023-07-12 11:31:251


敬业dedicate oneself to work;devote to work更多释义>>[网络短语] 敬业 Dedicated;Trust;Professionalism敬业精神 professional ethics;professional dedication;Professional Dedication Spirit徐敬业 Li Jingye;Xu Jingye奉献present with all respect;dedication;offer as a tribute;offertory更多释义>>[网络短语] 奉献 Dedicate;Sacrifice;devotion十一奉献 Tithe;tithe;Tithing无私奉献 Selfless dedication;The selfless contribution;Thirty-one
2023-07-12 11:31:431


2023-07-12 11:31:558


dedicationdedication [英]u02ccdedu026a"keu026au0283n[美]u02ccdu025bdu026au02c8keu0283u0259nn.奉献;献身精神;教堂的)献堂礼;(书等作品上的)题词[例句]Such dedication is admirable , but is it wise? 这种奉献精神令人敬佩,但明智么?
2023-07-12 11:32:111


My dedication for you.
2023-07-12 11:32:182


2023-07-12 11:32:275


Ordinary lives dedicate themselves on ordinary jobs.
2023-07-12 11:32:413


We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earliest years to be greedy. We are taught early on to be materialistic and taught to consider things, or to be exact, money, “mine” or “yours”. It seems impossible to live in the modern society without money. Money is even regarded as a symbol of wealth and social position. There is a saying that goes, “money makes a mare go.” People seem to look more highly upon ones" possession of money rather than one"s dedication to society. Some people pursue their own personal benefits at the cost of others. Some people always ask for payment after their “dedication”. Dedication and expecting nothing in return is the highest level of devotion. Lei Feng"s spirit of dedication is such a typical example. Bees produce honey as a result of their hard work to the human beings without asking for any repayment. That is why we respect bees. Dedication can bring us happiness and a sense of fulfillment. One who devotes himself to society and people will have a lot of enjoyment from the process of dedication. 我们生活在一个物质社会,从小就受到了贪婪索取的训练。早期物质方面的教育使我们从小就对 “你的”和“我的”东西,或者具体一点,也就是金钱,泾渭分明。在当今社会,没有钱是不能生存的。金钱甚至被看作是财富和社会地位的象征。俗话说,“有钱能使鬼推磨。”人们似乎更看中一个人财富的多少,而不是这个人对社会贡献的大小。 有些人为了追求自己的利益而不惜牺牲他人的利益。有些人在所谓的“奉献”过后总是索取回报。只奉献不求索取才是奉献的最高境界。雷锋的奉献精神就是一个典型的例子。蜜蜂用它们的辛勤劳动为人类酿造了甜美的蜂蜜,却从不求索取,不图回报。这正是人们尊重蜜蜂的原因。奉献能给我们带来幸福和成就感。奉献于社会和人民的那些人也一定会从奉献中得到极大的快乐。
2023-07-12 11:32:501

什么是dedication page

dedication page奉献的页面We can put the dedication at the top of the page. 我们可以把献词写在这页的上方。
2023-07-12 11:33:091


2023-07-12 11:33:185


2023-07-12 11:33:334


问题一:爱的奉献用英文词组怎么说(要写到衣服后面) the dedication for love 问题二:"爱的奉献"这首歌的英文歌词能提供一下吗,谢谢 This is the call of heart This is the love of dedication This is the world"s spring This is the source of life In the absence of the desert heart In the absence of love of wilderness Death also discouraged The flower of happiness everywhere opening times Ah as long as everyone sacrificed their love The world will bee a better human Ah as long as everyone sacrificed their love The world will bee a better human In the absence of the desert heart In the absence of love of wilderness Death also discouraged The flower of happiness everywhere opening times Ah as long as everyone sacrificed their love The world will bee a better human Ah as long as everyone sacrificed their love The world will bee a better human Ah as long as everyone sacrificed their love The world will bee a better human Ah as long as everyone sacrificed their love The world will bee a better human 问题三:求 爱的奉献 英文版 (韦唯与九国歌手合作) 20分 这是心的呼唤 This is the call of heart 这是爱的奉献 This is the love of dedication 这是人间的春风 This is the world"s spring 这是生命的源泉 This is the source of life 在没有心的沙漠 In the absence of the desert with heart 在没有爱的荒原 In the absence of love of wilderness 死神也望而却步 Death also discouraged 幸福之花处处开遍 The flower of happiness everywhere opening times 啊,只要人人都献出一点爱 Ah, as long as everyone sacrificed their a bit of love 世界将变成美好的人间 The world will bee a better human 问题四:想要知道一本书的作者和书名 晕死~楼上的,那还问你干吗啊,不会自己去找啊~ 问题五:英语阅读翻译,急急急急急急急急急急急急急啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In our daily life, we always e to the question What is real b耽auty? 在我们的日常生活中,我们总是来的问题,“什么是真正的美?” Different people hold different ideas. 不同的人有不同的想法。 Last night, I read a true story from the newspaper. 昨晚我读了一个真实的故事从报纸上看到的。 It"s about a poor , ordinary looking old woman. 这是关于一个可怜的老太婆,不起眼。 She lived alone by herself, making a living from hand to mouth by picking things from rubbish heaps. 她独自一人被她自己,做一个够糊口的东西从垃圾通过挑选一堆。 However, she took in more than ten homeless children and tried to bring them up. 然而,她带走了十多无家可归的孩子们和试图使他们。 Every day she worked from morning till night. 她每天从早到晚地工作。 In order to earn as much money as possible to raise the children and to keep them in school, she even went to a local hospital to seel her blood once a month. 为了获得尽可能多的钱带孩子和使他们在学校里,她甚至还去了当地医院接受她的血液seel每月一次。 She got so week for the loss of blood that she sometimes fell sick on her way home. 她变得如此星期损失的血液,她有的时候生病,在回家的路上。 When asked why she chose to take care of so many children, she *** iled and simpy answered,Oh, I love children and I like to live togerther with them beacuse they always bring me great happiness. 当问她为什么选择照顾这么多的孩子,她笑了,simpy回答道:“哦,我爱孩子,我喜欢生活在一起,因为他们总是给我带来巨大的快乐。” Though the old woman was poor for she did not have much money, but she was full of love and rich inspirit. 虽然这位老妇人很穷,因为她真的没有太多的钱,但她充满了爱和丰富的精神。 She was loved dearly by her children. 她很爱她的孩子非常。 She was also truly respected by the local government and people in......>> 问题六:奉献自己的爱心的翻译是:什么意思 I'll give all my heart i"d dedicate all myself to (you). 问题七:现在买房首付的百分比是多少? 那要看你是买什么样的房子了, 一,购买二手房的话,要根据银行的政策而定,一般情况下都是40%。 二,购买新房的话,首付款是20%,其实这个首付比例也跟开发商的实厂跟楼盘的位置有关,比如说,实力小的开发商,和银行合作的机会就少一些,所以银行可能跟他定的是30%的比例,大的开发商就是20%,还有 *** 鼓励某一区域发展的话,那一区域开发的房子,首付比例肯定会是20%。 谢谢!
2023-07-12 11:34:331

Dedication (Live) (2004 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Dedication (Live) (2004 Digital Remaster)歌手:Dimitra Galani专辑:Tragoudia Tou Kosmou (World Songs)Yeah...I wanna dedicate the song to you发放著无穷热爆高温火烧的拍子 Oh Yeah...闪烁激光燃亮孤单在逃亡走出战场全没顾虑储放了力量迈向身躯紧迫的进攻 Oh Yeah...散发你热汗共躯走那寂寞千吨困倦莫再问Woo...oo...炸破局限无隔膜Woo...oo...发洩尽量无顾忌 无分彼此间I wanna dediate this song to you没约束 尽放任I wanna dedicate the song to you尽放松 喝采声 Oh...Ha...尽放松 尽放任尽放松~~~~Yeah
2023-07-12 11:35:261

sotas dedication是哪个国家

sotas dedication是来自加拿大的营养保健品品牌,中文名是德睿柯森。人体自身免疫力是人体健康的一道防护屏障,无论是平时的劳累困乏熬夜应酬等亚健康状态,还是恶性肿瘤肝病和肾病综合征等大病,都和身体免疫力低有着直接的关系,防病治病同时,提升自身免疫力才是健康根本。今年突如其来的新冠疫情,让大家意识到自身免疫力的重要性,只有提升人体自身的防御机制,才能抵御并预防外来侵入的病毒、细菌等侵蚀,保持身体的健康状态。而dedication的主要宣传就是以增强人体免疫为主要的宣传主旨。
2023-07-12 11:35:581

____,it takes a lot of dedication and hard work to finish the task

Das作“虽然”解,引导让步状语从句时,必须将表语、状语或动词原形提到as前面。此时应注意几点:一是若提前的表语是没有形容词修饰的单数可数名词,要省略不定冠词;二是若提前的是动词原形(多为不及物动词),与之连用的通常是may, might, will, would等,且这些词都要保留在原来的位置上(主语后);三是though有时也可像as这样使作倒装。如:Tired as I was, I tried to help them. 虽然我很累,我还是努力帮助他们。Try as he would, he couldn"t open the door. 他试过多次了, 却仍打不开那门。Search as they would, they would find nobody in the house. 无论怎样搜查,他们在房子里仍然没有找到一个人。Hard as (though) they tried, they couldn"t make her change her mind. 尽管他们做了很大努力,却没法让她改变主意。Boy as he was, he behaved like a girl. 他虽是个男孩,但举止却像个女孩。
2023-07-12 11:37:211


1、捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去。 Hold a heart and go without half grass. 2、最怕的就是你奉献了所有的爱的人不愿意将他所有的爱奉献给你。 The most terrible thing is that the person who gives all his love will not give all his love to you. 3、奉献的一方需要勇气,接受奉献的一方更需要勇气。 The one who gives needs courage, and the one who receives it needs courage. 4、人,就应该像牛一样劳作,像土地一样奉献。 Man should work like a cow and dedicate like land. 5、自己无私奉献过的事,不是白费的,自己开心就是值得了。 What I have dedicated selflessly is not in vain, but it is worth it to be happy. 6、自己活着,就是为了使别人过得更美好。 To live by oneself is to make others live better. 7、来到这个世界上,唯一能做的贡献只有奉献自己的一生。 Coming to this world, the only contribution that can be made is to dedicate one"s life. 8、别人无私的奉献,你是否当成理所当然? Do you take others"selfless dedication for granted? 9、在政治中我们需要能有所奉献的人,而不是想有所收获的人。 In politics, we need people who can contribute, not people who want to gain. 10、若不能奉献真诚,又何必微笑相对。 If you can"t dedicate sincerely, why should you *** ile at each other? 11、创业信念:执著追求,甘于奉献。 Entrepreneurial belief: persistent pursuit, willing to dedicate. 12、上天赋予的生命,就是要为人类的繁荣和平和幸福而奉献。 God"s life is to contribute to the prosperity, peace and happiness of mankind. 13、办教育讲的是奉献,不要张口闭口就谈待遇。 Education is about dedication. Don"t talk about treatment. 14、把我热血奉献给我的青春,红配绿,是无畏无惧。 To dedicate my blood to my youth, red with green, is fearless. 15、爱不是刻意地追求,是不由自主奉献所有。 Love is not purposeful pursuit, but involuntary devotion. 16、当你服务他人的时候,人生不再是毫无意义的。 When you serve others, life is no longer meaningless. 17、我把十年的青春,奉献到你十年的沧桑上。 I dedicate ten years of youth to the vicissitudes of your decade. 18、我有时候,奉献的人需要勇气,被奉献的人更需要勇气。 Sometimes, people who give need courage, and those who are given need courage. 19、永远勿需真情,也无法换来真爱。但须奉献灵魂,即可改变一生。 Never need true love, nor can you exchange it for true love. But if you dedicate your soul, you can change your life. 20、一生奉献于两个神明,即荣誉与英勇。 I devote my whole life to o gods, honor and bravery. 21、有时候,你能奉献给别人的最美好的礼物,是保持缄默。 Sometimes the best gift you can give to others is silence. 22、我们必须奉献于生命,才能获得生命。 We must devote ourselves to life in order to get it. 23、我把心中的热血奉献给你,让后,你就让我的血,流到了地上。 I dedicate the blood of my heart to you. After that, you let my blood flow to the ground. 24、人品等于财富,奉献等于积蓄。 Personality equals wealth, dedication equals savings. 25、一颗枯木,熬到头,奉献了,是燃烧了的薪。 A withered wood, boil down to the end, dedication, is a burning salary. 26、脑中回忆着过去,眼泪奉献给此刻。 Memories of the past, tears dedicated to the present. 27、要求于人的甚少,给予人的甚多,这就是松树的风格。 The style of pine trees is that they require little from others and give much to others. 28、我应当生活得仿佛我的生命完全是为了别人的利益而存在似的。 I should live as if my life existed solely for the benefit of others. 29、布施,奉献自己,成就他人,扶持众生。新的人生开始! Give alms, dedicate oneself, acplish others and support all living beings. New life begins! 30、爱情存在于奉献的欲望之中,并把情人的快乐视作自己的快乐。 Love exists in the desire for dedication and regards the happiness of the lover as his own. 31、拼却老红一万点,换将新绿百千重。 Put together 10,000 old red dots and replace them with 100,000 new green weights. 32、我没有别的东西奉献,唯有辛劳泪水和血汗。 I have nothing to offer but hard tears and sweat. 33、要重返生活就须有所奉献。 To return to life requires dedication. 34、真诚也有被误解的时候,但为了爱,我仍把心真诚地奉献。 There are times when sincerity is misunderstood, but for the sake of love, I still devote my heart sincerely. 35、我们应当在不同的岗位上,随时奉献自己。 We should dedicate ourselves to different positions at any time. 36、把别人的幸福当做自己的幸福,把鲜花奉献给他人,把棘刺留给自己! Take the happiness of others as your own happiness, dedicate flowers to others, and leave thorns to yourself! 37、没有奉献精神,创业很难实现。 Without dedication, entrepreneurship is difficult to achieve. 38、你曾经过我的世界,我奉献你阳关灿烂。 You have lived in my world, and I dedicate you to the splendor of the sun. 39、真正的朋友是什么?是奉献,而不是占有! What is a true friend? It"s dedication, not possession! 40、喜欢一个人,就是可以为他奉献一切,甚至是青春。 If you like a person, you can devote everything to him, even your youth.
2023-07-12 11:37:281


Happy Army Day!
2023-07-12 11:37:363

blood donation 英语作文~

Blood donation in my eyes is the dedication, is the noble life-saving act. The blood of volunteers his selfless dedication to the community, to the patients, and blood donors who completed the offering of blood left in silence after. Their sacrifice themselves to help others in the noble spirit of our good example. Although there is no return blood donation, but it is a life-long honor, the community and people will respect and love. Blood donation is the embodiment of love and dedication, blood donation is a manifestation of the community Thanksgiving, blood donation is a life-saving feat. Do you want to influence the lives of the community? Willing to offer you another point of compassion? Blood donation, from my start! Selfless dedication in the nation in the rise of the blood of life in the Pentium rolling! We have to act, for the blood out of a force! Now, because of excessive bleeding tens of thousands of people die, so society emerged out of a group of blood donors, who are good like, we pay tribute to the brave and selfless donors. Blood donation in my eyes, not terrible, so "blood harmful to health, just a little courage." Blood is a symbol of life, blood donation is a sign of civilization and progress. I believe that the efforts of everyone in the community initiative, we can do better! 我眼中的无偿献血,就是无私奉献,就是救死扶伤的崇高行为。志愿者们将自己的血液无私奉献给了社会,给了病人,而献血者们,在献完血后就默默地离开了。他们这种牺牲自己,去帮助别人的崇高精神,是我们的好榜样。无偿献血虽然没有回报,但是却是终身的荣誉,会得到社会和人民的尊重和爱戴。献血是爱心奉献的体现,献血是感恩社会的体现,献血是拯救生命的壮举。你们想为社会做点贡献吗?你们愿为他人献点爱心吗?献血,从我做起!民族在无私的奉献中崛起,生命在奔腾的热血里绵延!我们大家要行动起来,为献血出一份力!现在因为失血过多而死亡的人成千上万,于是社会涌现出了一群一群的献血者,他们都是好样的,我们向勇敢无私的献血者致敬。我眼中的无偿献血,并不可怕,所以“献血无损健康,只需小小勇气。” 热血是生命的标志,无偿献血是文明进步的标志。我相信,在大家的努力下,在社会的倡导下,我们一定能做得更好!
2023-07-12 11:37:551

英语句子分析 以及翻译

1.So all of these factors (主) may justify (谓)the huge earnings(宾).所有这些因素可能证明这些巨大的收入是有道理的。2.many people(主) find(谓) their rewards(宾) unfair(补).许多人发现对他们的回报不公平。3.The money(主) is (系)a recognition of the skills and dedication of an athlete(表).金钱是对技能能力的认可 ,对一名运动员的奖赏。4.just like movie stars(状语), they(主) live (谓)extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars (宾).就像电影明星一样,他们拥有豪房美车,过着奢侈的生活。
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be dedicated to和be devoted to的区别和用法dedicated和devoted 的区别 我们先看看以下这个例句,了解一下be dedicated to的用法。He was dedicated to social and political change. 他致力于社会变革和政治变革。注意:(1) 词组“be dedicated to”中的to,与“be devoted to”中的to一样,是介词。(2) “dedicative”与“dedicatory”相同,都是“(作为)奉献的、题献的”的意思。解释:“dedicated”的意思是“有献身精神的”、“一心一意的”或“热情的”,相当于“devoted wholly”。例如:a dedicated surgeon(富有献身精神的外科医生),a devoted supporter(热诚的支持者)。又如: They are both dedicated vegetarians. 他们俩都是虔诚的素食者。 “dedicated”相应的名词形式是“dedication”,如“a sense of dedication to the educational cause”,意思是“献身于教育事业的观念” 。be absorbed in v.全神贯注于;专注于常见用法:1、be absorbed in doing sth. 全神贯注做某事e.g.Time passes quickly when you are absorbed in reading a good book.当你专心读一本好书时,时间就过得飞快。2、be absorbed in sth. 专注于某物.It"s easy to be absorbed in this book.看这个书容易入迷。
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professional obligation是什么意思

professional obligation职业义务双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 专业责任例句:1.It seems to be a professional obligation, as you will see.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
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With enough hard work and dedication, anything is possible 中文意思是什么?

只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针 或者,只要付出足够的辛勤努力与汗水,什么都是可以实现的
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someone says that the value of life lies in offering as a tribute not demanding.
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However,I had an deep impression for the volunteers of expo and their selflessness and devotion touched me.
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I participated in the school student association literature department, is responsible for planning the usual student activities. In the class, as the disciplinary committee, to assist teachers and to handle other cadre work smoothly in the class, in order to maintain class. I was 7 grade school and classmates did we adapted version of the drama snow white, it is adapted into a comedy, I in the midst of this drama plays the queen, for our class won the first prize in the year of the good results. During the holidays and students participate in charity events, bought chocolate money to the children who can"t afford school, the dedication of our strength.。
2023-07-12 11:39:493

overcome 与 be overcame 的区别

简单overcome 是克服的意思前者是原形后者是前者的被动形态比如Can you overcome your shortcomings? 你可以克服你的缺点吗? He was overcome by their entreaties. 他屈从了他们的请求。 The problem was finally overcame 那个问题终于被我克服了
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索尼笔记本业务2012年就没了。pcg-6s1n预载的是 win xp系统,可见其年代久远,是2005年上市的入门定位笔记本CPU:奔腾-M(Dothan-400) 内存:256MB硬盘:40G HDD集显: 16位 ATI MOBILITY RADEON
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2023-07-12 11:31:123

come up和come up with有什么区别

come up和come up with的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,用法如下:一、意思不同1、come up:发生。2、come up with:想出,提出。二、用法不同1、come up:基本意思是“提议,建议”,多指在讨论或争辩中提出明确的意见或建议,强调要求对方予以考虑或同意。引申可表示“打算,计划(做某事)”。2、come up with:指为一定的目的而“给”“提供”所需要的东西,主要指为某人、某物或某事“提供”“供应”某物品,尤指生活必需品。三、侧重点不同1、come up:come up (表示被提出)它的主语是事,或物。2、come up with:come up with的主语是人。
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词的顺序在托福语法中出现得较多。错误的选项与正确选项的差别往往只是几个词的顺序不同,但是表达的效果却完全不同。有幸的是,错误的选项经常在句法上就不成立,如将正常语序中的主谓颠倒,名词词组中的中心词和定语颠倒。一旦你能识别句子主干和结构,问题就变得相当简单。颠倒的顺序只能混淆那些完全不懂的考生,对于大部分考生来说都是送分题。 例题1(1997年8月考题) An critic, teacher, librarian, or poet who hopes to broaden poetry"s audience faces the difficult challenge of persuading skeptical readers _____. (A) that poetry is important today (B) for poetry to be important today (C) to be important poetry today (D) poetry that is important today.   首先,分析句子结构。句子的主干是an critic (teacher, librarian or poet ) faces the difficult challenge。定语从句who hopes to broaden poetry"s audience修饰句子的主语an critic, teacher, librarian, or poet;介词短语of persuading skeptical readers_____修饰名词词组the difficult challenge。空格内填入的既不是主句的主语,谓语,也不是主句的宾语,但它却是修饰宾语的定语。所以必须符合修饰的规则,在这里表现为符合动词persuade的用法。我们知道,persuade有三种用法:persuade sb to do sth(劝某人做某事),persuade sb of sth(劝某人相信某事)和persuade sb that从句(劝某人相信某事)。选项正好符合第三种用法,而且意思通顺。选项B和C虽然都带了介词to,但却不符合persuade sb to do sth的用法,因为其中的动词do sth必须是sb这个人所执行的动作。对于选项D,显然poetry that的顺序错了。如果将poetry that该成that poetry,就变成了选项A,即正确答案。 例题2(1999年1月考题) All eels spawn in the sea, the eggs hatchingsintostransparent, ribbonlike larvae _____, feeding until they metamorphosesintossmall eels. (A) that drift about (B) drift about (C) about drifting (D) drift about them   首先分析句子结构。All eels spawn in the sea是个完整的主谓结构。而其后的成分与这个主谓结构没有连词相连(4个选项都不含连词),所以后面都是修饰成分。其中的the eggs hatchingsintostransparent, ribbonlike larvae _____应该是同位语,而feeding until they metamorphosesintossmall eels是larvae的伴随状语。所以,空格里填入的应该是修饰larvae的成分。4个选项中,A是以that引导的定语从句,它正好可以修饰名词larvae。选项B和D正好与larvae构成主谓结构,显然不符合空格。至于C,则纯粹是一个混淆选项。ue0be 例题3(1997年8月考题) Among the first plants to grow on the land regions of the Earth _____, which in prehistoric times grew to immense size. (A) were horsetail rushes (B) horsetail rushes (C) horsetail rushes were (D) and horsetail rushes   首先,分析句子结构。这个句子以介词短语开头,among the first plants to grow on the land regions of the Earth。根据我们平时阅读的经验,该介词短语应当充当句子的谓语或者修饰名词的定语。如果它充当句子的谓语,那么这个句子应该用倒装语序,即后面紧跟一个助动词和主语。选项A正好是这种倒装的谓语结构,而且空格后which引导的从句正好修饰在它之前的名词horsetail rushes。这里,among介词引导的短语的另外一种可能用法是修饰主句的名词做定语。如果是这种情况的话,空格应该有一个完整的主谓结构,应该空格后都是定语。选项B和D都不带谓语动词,所以排除掉。选项C后带了动词,但却是助动词,而且正好是选项A的主谓顺序颠倒。由此,我们知道这应该是一个介词引导的倒装语序,所以正确答案是A.ue0be 例题4(1997年8月考题) Unlike fossil fuels, which can be used only once, wind and solar power _____of energy. (A) for renewable sources (B) the sources are renewable (C) are renewable sources (D) renewable sources   这里,句子的主干应该是wind and solar power____ of energy。Unlike fossil fuels表示比较,做状语。而which引导的从句which can be used only once修饰fossil fuels。我们将4个选项分别代入句子主干的空格中,得(A) wind and solar power for renewable sources of energy选项A没有主语,即没有完整的主谓结构。(B) wind and solar power the sources are renewable of energy很明显,这也不能构成一个完整的有意义的句子。(C) wind and solar power are renewable sources of energy这个选项最合适,因为主谓齐全,而且以名词sources结尾,让介词短语of energy修饰。(D) wind and solar power renewable sources of energy很明显,这也不能构成一个完整的主谓结构。所以,正确答案是Cue0be 例题5(1997年8月考题) Today _____ of the Earth live on a very small percentage of the Earth"s land surface. (A) about two-thirds populated (B) the population is about two-thirds (C) about two-thirds of the population (D) of about two-thirds the population is   首先,分析句子结构。根据句子的大意,动词live应该是主句的谓语动词。空格填入的应该是句子的主语,而a very small percentage of修饰限定the Earth"s land surface。我们简化这个句子,得出句子主干_____ live on the Earth"s land surface。空格内应该填入名词或者名词短语。4个选项中,只有C是明显的名词短语,代入后也符合句意。选项A中的populated不论是做定语还是谓语都不符合句意。而选项B和D都是带有助动词的主谓结构,当然不能填入只缺主语的句子中。所以,正确答案是C。ue0be 例题6(1997年8月考题) Following the guidelines for speaking and voting established by the book Robert"s Rules of Order, _____during meetings. (A) and avoid large decision-making organizations" procedural confusion (B) large decision-making organizations avoid procedural confusion (C) is procedural confusion avoided by large decision-making organizations (D) are avoiding procedural confusion in large decision-making organizations   首先,我们分析following以后空格以前句子的成分。其中的established by the book Robert"s Rules of Order和for speaking and voting都修饰the guideline。所以,我们可以将空格前的成分简化为following the guidelines。那么这时,原句成为Following the guidelines, _____ during meeting.和例题3一样,following the guidelines不是做定语(伴随状语)就是做谓语。如果它做定语,后面必须带自然语序的主谓结构;如果它做谓语,后面必须带倒装的主谓结构。由此,我们排除带有and的选项A。根据句意(guidelines和confusion的意思)我们又可以排除选项C。这时,我们只剩下选项B和D。选项D是主谓倒装的结构,填入后主语应该是avoiding procedural confusion,谓语动词是are。很明显,avoiding procedural confusion后应跟单数谓语动词。所以D也错,只有B才可能是正确答案。代入句中,符合句意。ue0be 例题7(1997年8月考题) Because it was so closely related to communication, _____ art form to develop. (A) drawing was probably the earliest (B) to draw early was probably (C) early drawing probably (D) the earliest draw.   首先,我们分析句子结构。空格前是because引导的原因状语从句,也就是说,_____art form to develop应该是完整的主谓结构。而单数的art暗示它应该是修饰名词form,不定式to develop做补语。所以,空格内应填入完整的主谓结构。这时,我们可以排除选项C和D,剩下选项A和B。仔细对比选项A和B,我们发现选项A更符合句意,因为drawing这个名词(画)才可能是一种艺术形式(art form),而动作to draw不可能是一种艺术形式。所以,正确答案是A。
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2023-07-12 11:31:158

be overcome by解释

overcome有一则解释是这样的vt. 被(烟、感情等)熏[压]倒
2023-07-12 11:31:183

IBM ThinkPad R51现在还能值多少钱?请高手估价!

2023-07-12 11:31:194

come up 和come about的区别

它们在意思上有区别. come up 的意思是长出,上升,升职等;如:The snowdrops are just beginning to come up.雪花莲刚刚开始长出地面. come about指的是发生. 如:how did this come about?这是怎么发生的?
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ufeff在《侠盗猎车手5》游戏中,有许多玩家启动游戏会遇上Rockstar更新服务无法使用(代码:2)的问题,其实替换luncher就可解决,下面是贴吧玩家分享的《侠盗猎车手5》Rockstar更新服务无法使用(代码:2)解决方法。快吧游戏www.kuai8.comRockstar更新服务无法使用解决方法:1、替换了之后更新,更新完成之后把launcher替换回来,笔记本的切换独立显卡,能进了。2、如果替换过luncher的人 还原 steam luncher然后设备管理器 禁用N卡,之后就能打开club 打开以后再从设备管理器中打开N卡。3、先禁用N卡然后打开steam版登陆器然后在启用N卡,顺利进入。
2023-07-12 11:31:021


when造句10个简单的如下:当我饿的时候,我会吃一个苹果。- When I"m hungry, I eat an apple.当我看到猫的时候,我总是想抱抱它。- When I see a cat, I always want to cuddle it.当我失望的时候,我喜欢听音乐来安慰自己。- When I"m disappointed, I like to listen to music to comfort myself.当我打开冰箱的时候,我发现没有巧克力了。- When I opened the fridge, I found out there was no chocolate left.当我考试不及格时,我感到很难过。- When I fail an exam, I feel very upset.当我在公园散步时,我喜欢欣赏美丽的花草。- When I take a walk in the park, I enjoy admiring the beautiful flowers and plants.当我旅行时,我喜欢品尝当地的美食。- When I travel, I like to taste the local cuisine.当我去超市时,我总是会买一些水果和蔬菜。- When I go to the supermarket, I always buy some fruits and vegetables.当我在沙滩上度假时,我喜欢晒太阳和游泳。- When I"m on vacation at the beach, I enjoy sunbathing and swimming.当我看到那个笑话时,我忍不住笑了出来。- When I saw that joke, I couldn"t help but laugh."When"是一个副词,也是一个疑问词,表达“什么时候”的意思。下面是一些与"when"相关的常见词组和短语的翻译:when it rains:下雨时when in doubt:当有疑问时when the time comes:当时机到来时when all is said and done:说到底remember when:还记得当时含义解释:"When" 的主要含义是询问或引导关于时间的问题。可以用来询问过去、现在或将来的时间。语法详解:"When" 用作疑问词:当 "when" 用作疑问词时,通常放在句子的开头,并用于询问某个具体的时间或时间段。例如:"When did you arrive?"(你什么时候到的?)"When" 用作连接词:当 "when" 用作连接词时,它引导一个从句,表示两个事件在时间上的关系。从句中的动作发生于主句中提到的时间点。例如:"I will call you when I get home."(我回家时会给你打电话。)具体用法:当 "when" 用作疑问词时,它可以与动词连用,构成疑问句。例如:"When did you start learning English?"(你什么时候开始学习英语的?)当 "when" 用作连接词时,它连接两个子句,表示时间上的先后关系。例如:"I will tell her the news when she comes back."(她回来时我会告诉她这个消息。)"When" 也可以用在条件句中,表示当某种情况发生时会产生什么结果。例如:"When it rains, I bring an umbrella."(下雨时我会带把伞。)"When" 还可以用在时间状语从句中,表示在某个时间点发生的动作。例如:"I will be busy tomorrow when I have a meeting."(我明天有会议时会很忙。)"When" 还可以与其他副词连用,构成一些常用的词组和短语,如 "when it comes to"(谈到,涉及到), "when pigs fly"(不可能发生的事), "when the going gets tough, the tough get going"(困难面前,勇者逆袭)等。希望以上解释能对您有所帮助!如果您还有其他问题,请继续提问。
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女生英文名 例如芸樱是Kumo Sakura

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搜狗的名称取自2001年电影《大腕》里的幽默台词——“他们搜狐,我们搜狗,各搜各的!”。2004年8月3日搜狐公司推出了全球首个第三代互动式中文搜索引擎——搜狗。“搜狗”的问世标志着全球首个第三代互动式中文搜索引擎诞生,是搜索技术发展史上的重要里程碑。 2005年4月12日搜狐公司收购图行天下(Go2map),将其丰富的地图数据和多年积累的应用经验成功引入搜索引擎搜狗之中,在国内率先推出全新搜索服务功能地图搜索。 2006年6月5日搜狗输入法的第一个版本诞生,这是业界首次利用先进的搜索引擎技术开发的输入法,被誉为“互联网输入法”。 2006年11月15日搜狗推出“搜狗实验室”,免费提供相关数据供各高校及个人研人员使用相关原始数据,促进搜索引擎技术共同发展。 2007年1月1日搜狗网页搜索推出3.0版本,成为全球首个中文网页收录量达到100亿的搜索引擎。 2008年11月21日在中国电子信息产业发展研究院主办、赛迪网与赛迪顾问共同承办的2008中国搜索盛典上,搜狗获得了“2008年度最受企业关注的搜索引擎”“2008年度最佳音乐搜索”“2008年度最佳地图搜索”三项大奖。 2008年12月22日依托搜索引擎的技术优势,搜狗浏览器第一个版本诞生,凭借“不卡不死”“全网加速”“视频提取”“智能双核”等创新功能,搜狗浏览器迅速成为市场的一支新锐力量,并引领了浏览器市场的变革。 2009年6月5日搜狗输入法诞生三周年,据艾瑞最新数据显示,搜狗输入法的用户使用率为79.7%,遥遥领先于其他输入法。 2009年8月3日搜狗诞生5周年。 2009年11月2日搜狗推出概念产品——搜狗云输入法,利用服务器的无限量的存储和计算能力,大幅提升输入准确率。 2010年1月20日搜狗发布了首个基于真双核高速引擎的浏览器,凭借超强的访问速度与稳定性,将浏览器带入了高速时代。 2010年3月25日搜狗输入法5.0正式版发布,并革命性地将“云计算”技术运用到输入法客户端,长句输入准确率从61%提高到了84%,短句输入准确率从91%提高到了94%。 2010年4月8号搜狗高速浏览器2.0正式版发布。 2004年8月3日搜狗搜索引擎正式上线,曾是全球首个第三代互动式中文搜索引擎。但时隔六年,搜狗依然在搜索引擎市场处于弱势地位。根据艾瑞公司最新研究数据显示,2010年4月,搜狗的市场占有率为3.5%,位列第三。而且,搜狗业务也一直处在亏损的状态。 2010年8月9号搜狐战略重组搜狗,引进阿里为战略投资 2010年8月9日搜狐与阿里巴巴集团宣布达成合作。宣布,将旗下的搜索业务——搜狗分拆成立独立公司,由阿里巴巴集团以及包括马云个人在内的战略投资人进行注资。 2012年7月2日搜狐发布公告称,已回购阿里巴巴所持有的搜狗约10%的股份。到此,搜狗与阿里巴巴两年的牵手宣布正式终止,根据协议,搜狐同意从阿里巴巴手中收购阿里巴巴所持搜狗2400万股优先股。收购价格为2580万美元。据计算,搜狗的估值大约在2.37亿美元。由于搜索引擎与电子商务有着天然的联系,互联网上的海量商品需要搜索引擎作为纽带帮助其带来流量和用户。因此,阿里巴巴集团这次选择和一个不与其构成直接竞争关系的搜索引擎合作,将有效帮助其进行业务拓展。 2013年2月4日2012年第四季度总收入创历史纪录,达到2.99亿美元,较2011年同期增长22%,较上一季度增长5%, 高出集团预期上限600万美元;美国通用会计准则每股摊薄净收益60美分;非美国通用会计准则每股摊薄净收益73美分, 高出集团预期上限8美分 2012年全年:总收入创历史纪录,达到10.67亿美元,较2011年增长25%;美国通用会计准则每股摊薄净收益2.03美元;非美国通用会计准则每股摊薄净收益2.54美元。 2013年9月16日下午消息,搜狐公司及搜狗公司今天与腾讯共同宣布达成战略合作。腾讯向搜狗注资4.48亿美元,并将旗下的腾讯搜搜业务和其他相关资产并入搜狗,交易完成后腾讯随即获得搜狗完全摊薄后36.5%的股份,而且腾讯持股比例会在近期内增加至40%左右。 2014年5月8日搜狗搜索今日宣布启用全新LOGO,这是搜狗搜索第一次拥有自己独立标识,新标将同时应用在PC和移动搜索。搜狗搜索今日还正式发布移动搜索App,开始为用户带来跨终端的搜索服务。 特点全球首个百亿规模中文搜索引擎,收录100亿网页,再创全球中文网页收录量新高。 每日网页更新达5亿,用户可直接通过网页搜索而非新闻搜索,获得最新新闻资讯。 在导航型和信息型的两种查询结果中,分别以94%和67%的准确度领先业界。 特色搜索功能分类提示、网页评级、站内查询、网页快照、相关搜索、拼音查询、智能纠错、高级搜索、 文档搜索实用工具 天气预报、手机号码、单词翻译 、 生字快认、 成语查询、 计算器 、 IP地址 右侧提示搜索音乐、 搜索地图 、 股票查询 、邮编查询 、区号查询 、 楼盘查询、 游戏查询 、 热书荐读、博客推荐 搜狗网址导航于2005年正式上线,已形成影视、小说、游戏、购物、团购等综合资源导航矩阵。以用户体验为主,搜狗网址导航率先推出音乐、算命等个性化动态皮肤,同时推出个性化站点服务,为用户提供网址快速到达通道,开创网址导航业界“个性化服务”产品新标杆。搜狗网址导航是唯一能够实现网页电台音乐的网址导航,用户只需要打开搜狗网址导航,在顶端皮肤中选择使用“电台音乐”皮肤就可以轻松的欣赏各种音乐。还可以依照自己的喜好选择摇滚、爵士、民谣、乡村等不同的音乐风格,当然如果不喜欢正在听的音乐,可以点击“换一批”功能键换一批音乐。 音乐搜索搜索歌曲、歌词、铃声、原创,流行音乐排行榜图片搜索搜索互联网缤纷世界,美女帅哥图片看不尽新闻搜索即时采集近2000家新闻源,每分钟更新地图搜索提供中国最好的网上地图服务,覆盖20说吧网民畅所欲言的平台,在这里想说就说博客搜索搜集十八万个博客站点,每日更新视频搜索网罗海量精彩视频,提供完美观看体验!知识搜索利用搜索技术提取互联网的“知识”  搜狗工具条让搜索更加方便的搜索栏,可听音乐、看图片,提升下载速度3-5倍,可断点续传。搜狗拼音输入法:搜狗拼音输入法(简称搜狗输入法、搜狗拼音)是搜狐公司推出的一款汉字拼音输入法软件,是国内主流的拼音输入法之一。 搜狗五笔输入法搜狗五笔输入法是搜狐公司继搜狗拼音输入法以后,推出的一款针对五笔用户的输入法产品。搜狗五笔输入法在继承传统五笔输入法优势的基础上,融合了搜狗拼音输入法在高级设置、易用性设计等特点,将网络账户、皮肤等功能引入至五笔输入法,使得搜狗五笔输入法在输入流畅度及产品外观上到达了完美的结合。 搜狗手机输入法搜狗手机输入法采用全拼输入的模式,支持数字键盘和全键盘手机的自适应,还提供最新最全的网络词库供下载更新,并配有智能词频调整等功能。 搜狗高速浏览器搜狗高速浏览器是互联网上最快速最流畅的新型浏览器,与拼音输入法、五笔输入法等产品一同成为您高速上网的必备工具。搜狗浏览器拥有国内首款“真双核”引擎,采用多级加速机制,能大幅提高上网速度。 搜狗实验室(Sogou Labs)是搜狗搜索核心研发团队对外交流的窗口,包含创意产品、原型演示、资料下载、学术论文四个栏目。我们期望通过这个平台,展现搜狗研发团队强大的研发、创新能力;推动学术界和产业界的交互;了解用户对新产品的需求。搜狗指数:网络搜索次数排行,展示当前最新热点及关注排行。商机搜索:搜索您所需商业信息,掌握比竞争对手更多的销售机会。
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