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2023-06-18 12:21:15

  人文就是人类 文化 中的先进部分和核心部分,即先进的价值观及其规范。其集中体现是:重视人,尊重人,关心人,爱护人。简而言之,人文,即重视人的文化。那么你知道人文用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。




  Liberal Arts

  人文的相关 短语 :

  人文关怀 humanistic concern ; humanistic care

  人文艺术 Humanities ; Arts ;

  人文内涵 humanistic intension

  人文知识 General Knowledge

  人文研究 humanistic studies


  1. to be elected to fellowship of the British Academy


  2. She has a background in humanities and modern languages.


  3. Like the Humanists or the Agrarians, he has always thought tradition important.

  一如人文主义者和重农派, 他一贯认为传统是重要的.

  4. London was the biggest aggregation of human life.


  5. We see all human institutions grow and change.


  6. The medieval universities generally had four faculties: theology, law, medicine and the liberal arts.

  中世纪大学一般由四个学院组成: 神学院 、 法学院 、 医学院和人文学院.

  7. In many cases, a study of arts was taken as a preliminary to the other faculties.

  在许多情况下, 人文学科被视为进入其他学院的预科.

  8. In jurisprudence, science, and the arts, man has revealed the boundless magnitude of his mind.

  在法学 、 科学和人文学科方面, 人类显示出来的智慧也是博大无边的.

  9. London was " the biggest aggregation of human life - the most complete compendium of the world ".

  伦敦是 “ 人文荟萃之区,全球最完备的缩影 ”.

  10. Humanist education was based on the study of poetry, grammar, ethicsandrhetoric.

  人文 教育 的基础是研究诗歌, 语法, 职业道德和言论.

  11. Marginalized in the humanistic quality of education will face a new crisis.


  12. Human geography has a good advantage is an elegant garden - like school environments.


  13. South ditch Xu enchanting natural scenery, abundant human resources and information.

  沟南许地自然景色迷人, 人文资源底蕴丰厚.

  14. Lampeter has a special focus on the humanities and social sciences.


  15. Presently , entrepreneurship, innovation and excellence - creating are the sublimation of the spirit.

  在新的历史条件下, “创业创新创优”的三创精神是新时期江苏人文精神的升华.


翻译成英文 急!谢谢

2023-06-18 09:58:321


1. 参加俱乐部的英语作文怎么写 English corner is an ideal palace to improve our English.Not only can it help us study English,but also we can make friends at the English corner.There are also many interesting acticities at English corner such as Words Solitaire,English riddles and so on.You can study English with great joy here!After some time,you will find you can speak English fluently!We expect that more and more people who love English can join us! 英语角是一个提高英语水平的理想地方,它不仅可以帮助我们学习英语,更可以结识朋友.英语角有很多有趣的活动例如词语接龙,猜谜语等等.在这里你可以充分体验到学习英语的乐趣!经过一段时间你会发现你可以流利的说英语.我们期待更多热爱英语的人可以加入我们! 2. 俱乐部的英文怎么写 club n. 俱乐部; 夜总会, 会, 社 棒; 棍 (高尔夫、马球等的)球棒, 棒状物 (纸牌中)梅花; [pl. ]一组梅花牌 锤节, 棒(昆虫触角) a campaign club [美]竞选俱乐部 a country club [美]野外俱乐部 习惯用语 block club [美]街道居民组织(目的保护白人居民的利益和安全) book club [美]图书俱乐部(会员购书可享受折扣优待) bottle club [美]饮酒俱乐部(私人经营, 可不按 *** 禁令, 在打烊〔闭店〕时间后, 向会员供应预先订购的酒) Christmas club [美](为圣诞节购买东西的)圣诞储金会 classification club [美]分行业俱乐部 cock-and-hen club [谑]兼收男女成员的俱乐部 farm club [美]棒球分会; 分会的棒球队 golden age club [美]老年人俱乐部 hell-fire club 放荡的无神论者青年俱乐部(特别流行于18世纪) jockey club 赛马俱乐部 Join the club ! [俚]不光是你一个人, 别人也一样! (指不愉快的处境) key club [美](每一成员各持有钥匙的)私人俱乐部(或夜总会) Rotary club 扶轮社(国际扶轮社在各地的地方分社) service club 同业福利俱乐部; 士兵俱乐部 收起更多词典展开更多词典 现代英汉词典club n. 俱乐部 a football club 一个足球俱乐部 俱乐部的会址 (= clubhouse) 棍;短棒;棍棒 球棒;球杆 (纸牌的)梅花 词性变化 vt. -bb- 用棍棒打 (与together, with连用)分摊(费用) The workers in the office clubbed together to buy her a present for her birthday. 办公室的工作人员凑钱给她买了一件生日礼物。 习惯用语 in the club (未婚少女)怀孕 简明英汉词典club n. 俱乐部, 夜总会, 社, 棍棒, (高尔夫球等的)球棒, (扑克牌)梅花 vt. 棍打, 协作, 联合, 把。当棍棒用 3. 以英语俱乐部为话题的英语作文 Our munity has many activities,the next one,we will have a party at the English Club on 7:30 pm Oct.15. then will have many friends who like English and want to practice their oral English in there, so i want to invite my foreign friend "Lee" to join in us, we can exchange something about history,culture and custom etc at that time. During the party, you can municate with each other in English and talk everything you want, make friends with everybody. Meanwhile, you can watch shows, and some fruits and drinks will be provided, you also can bring foods for yourself, hope everyone will spent a beautiful time ,thanks.。 4. 英语关于俱乐部的作文 Our English Club There is an English Club that was set up last year in our school.In the beginning,few students go to it.But now more and more students like going to it.There are many activities in the club.We can talk to each other in English,tell stories,learn to sing English songs and see English films there.I go to the English Club every other day.I like it every much. 5. 写一篇作文题目是俱乐部用英语写话也要画花 Let"s play sports!来It is the time to walk out of classroom and do some sport! for your health, fun, and great time together.The Sports Club has arranged the some games for you, please e and join us, and for the prize we have prepared for you.The schedule is as following:Afternoon SoccerVolleyballBasketballEvening BaseballPing-PongSee you then!大家来运动! 是走出教室,做些运动的时候了!为了你的健康、乐源趣和开心一刻。 体育俱乐部为大家安排了bai一些比du赛活动,请大家积极参加,来赢取我们为你zhi准备的奖品。 具体时间安排如下: (这部分dao略) 我们等着你哟。 6. 英语作文英语俱乐部 My family cares about my foreign language education, they want me to learn English well, so I can have a better future. In order to improve my English, they send me to an English club, there are many guys like me, we talk many things in English, we share our opinion, I am so happy in the club and my English get improved.。 7. 俱乐部用英语怎么说 “俱乐部”英语说法:club 读法:英 [klu028cb] 美 [klu028cb] 释义: 1、n. 俱乐部,社团;夜总会;棍棒;(扑克牌中的)梅花 2、vt. 用棍棒打;募集 3、vi. 集资;组成俱乐部 4、adj. 俱乐部的 5、n. (Club)人名;(英)克拉布 例句: 1、They were out late at the club. 他们外出在俱乐部待到深夜。 2、We affiliated ourselves with their club. 我们加入了他们的俱乐部。 扩展资料 club的近义词:society 读法:英 [su0259"sau026au0259tu026a] 美 [su0259u02c8sau026au0259tu026a] 释义:n. 社会;交往;社团;社交界 短语: 1、Classification society社会分类 2、Vegan Society完全素食协会 3、South Society南社 4、Lunar Society月光社 5、agrarian society农耕社会
2023-06-18 09:58:551


2023-06-18 09:59:061

融入社会英文怎么说?用blend in with society,还是integrate into society?谢谢。

blend into society和integrate into society 都可以blend into & integrate into融入...;与...融合
2023-06-18 09:59:161


◎ (1) [land (agrarian) reform](2) 为更加 公平 地分配农业土地, 特别 是把大地产分为小地产,而采取的立法或其它 措施 (3) 指对封建土地所有制进行 改革 的 运动 |||  指对封建土地所有
2023-06-18 09:59:451


重农派(Agrarians)   迷惘的一代(The Lost Generation)   黑山派诗歌(BIack Mountain Poems)   垮掉的一代(the Beat Generation)   黑色幽默(Black humor)   重农派(Agrarians)   美国现代南方作家组成的一个松散的文化团体,又称“逃亡者派”。1915年,一些与田纳西州纳什维尔镇范德比尔特大学有关的文化人常常聚会讨论文学及哲学问题。第一次世界大战期间集会曾一度中断,1919年重又恢复。范德比尔特大学教师、诗人约翰·克罗·兰塞姆成为这一活动的实际,他的周围聚集了一批有才华的年轻人,如诗人罗伯特·潘·华伦、阿伦·泰特、唐纳德·戴维森以及小说家安德鲁·纳尔逊·莱特尔、诗人莫里尔·莫尔等。1922至1925年,他们出版了有影响的小型文艺杂志《逃亡者》,它所发表的重要的文章后来收组成为《逃亡者文选》(1928)。“逃亡者派”一词即由此而来。   “逃亡者”们提倡维护南方传统的文学地方主义,成为“南方文艺复兴”的一文中坚力量。1930年,以“逃亡者派”为主体的12个南方作家,其中有兰塞姆、华伦、泰特以及诗人约翰·弗莱彻、剧作家斯塔克·扬格等人,撰写的专题论文集《我要表明我的态度》出版。这部被看作“重农派”宣言的著作在社会上引起了不小反响。这些文章的主旨都是以南方农业社会为尺度来评价、批判现代美国资本主义社会。此后,阿伦·泰特等人我出版了“重农派”的第二部论文集《谁占有美国?》(1936)。   30年代经济大萧条时期,重农思想对南方知识分子影响极大。这种思想不仅贯穿在兰塞姆、戴维森、泰特、华伦等人的作品中,在威廉·福克纳、卡罗琳·戈登、莱特尔以至尤多拉·韦尔蒂等人的小说中也有鲜明的体现,一时形成了一股很有声势的文化潮流,以致有“重农运动”之称。1935年,华伦与克林斯·布鲁克斯共同创办了《南方评论》,1939年兰塞姆创办了《肯庸评论》,这些杂志便成为“重农派”作家重要的活动阵地。美国现代重要的文艺批评流派“新批评派”就是围绕着这些刊物形成的。“新批评派”中的不少成员也都是“重农派”的核心人物。   迷惘的一代(The Lost Generation)   第一次世界大战后出现在美国的一个文学流派。它不是一个有组织、有共同纲领的团体。这个名词源出侨居巴黎的美国女作家格特鲁德·斯泰因。她有一次指着海明威等人说:“你们都是迷惘的一代。”海明威把这句话作为他的长篇小说《太阳照样升起》的一句题辞,于是“迷悯的一代”成了一个文学流派的名称。“迷惘的一代”作家的共同点是厌恶帝国主义战争,却又找不到出路。第一次世界大战爆发时,他们大多是20岁左右的年轻人。他们在美国政府“拯救世界民主”口号的蛊惑下,怀着民主的理想,奔赴欧洲战场。他们目睹人类空前的*,发现战争远不是他们原来设想的那种英雄的事业,所谓“民主”、“光荣”、“牺牲”都是骗人的东西。他们在战争中经历了种种苦难,了解到普通兵士中间的反战情绪。这在他们心灵中留下了无法医治的创伤。他们的作品反映了这些思想感情。例如,约翰·多斯·帕索斯的《三个士兵》、爱·肯明斯的《巨大的房间》、威廉·福克纳的《士兵的报酬》和《萨托里斯》。厄内斯特。海明威是“迷惘的一代”的代表作家。他到欧洲打过仗,负过重伤。海明威当时对待战争的态度,象其他反战作家一样,只限于厌恶、逃避与诅咒。他对战后的和平生活也不抱希望,所以在作品中迷惘、悲观的情绪较为浓厚。“迷惘的一代”不仅指参加过欧洲大战的作家,也包括没有参加过战争、但对前途感到迷悯和迟疑的20年代作家,例如司各特·菲茨杰拉尔德、托·斯·艾略特和托·马斯·沃尔夫等。“迷悯的一代”主要繁荣在20年代;30年代以后,他们的创作倾向,包括海明威在内,都有了变化。   黑山派诗歌(BIack Mountain Poems)   美国当代的一个诗歌流派。20世纪50年代初,在马萨诸塞州黑山学院任教的查·奥尔逊、罗·邓肯、罗·克里利等人创办《黑山评论》杂志,提倡与40年代流行的传统格律体相反的“放射体”诗歌,逐步形成一个流派。奥尔逊的《放射体诗歌》(1950)一文阐述了他们的主要观点。奥尔逊认为诗是把诗人的“能”传递给读者的东西,因此诗是“能的结构”和“能的放射”;要以顺应呼吸的“音乐片语”代替传统诗律中的节拍;形式只是内容的延伸;一个意念必须直接导向另一个意念,提倡快速写作。黑山派诗人还倡导诗歌朗诵。他们强调诗歌的自发性和口语化,采用美国口语和埋语,反对艾略特等人精雕细刻、广征博引的学院派诗风。50年代后期他们与垮掉派诗人合流,引起较大的反响。   垮掉的一代(the Beat Generation)   第二次世界大战后在美国出现的一个文学流派。有人根据英文“Beats”和“Beatniks”(“垮掉青年”的俗称)译成“避世青年”或“疲塌派”,也有人取其诗歌的部分特征,称为“节拍运动”或“敲打诗派”。“垮掉青年”对战后美国社会现实不满,又迫于麦卡锡主义的反动政治高压,便以“脱俗”方式来表示*。他们奇装异服,蔑视传统观念,厌弃学业和工作,长期浪迹于底层社会,形成了独特的社会圈子和处世哲学。50年代初,他们的反叛情绪表现为一股“地下文学”潮流,向保守文化的统治发动冲击。多数垮掉派文人来自东部。的有杰克·凯鲁亚克、艾伦·金斯堡、威廉· 巴罗斯、格雷戈里。柯尔索、约翰·克莱伦·霍尔姆斯、塞缪尔·克雷姆和加里·斯奈德等。1950年,凯鲁亚克与巴罗斯合写侦探故事未成,却各自完成了一部垮掉派小说《小镇与城市》(1951)和《吸毒者》(1953)。霍尔姆斯从中受到启发,在小说《走吧》(1952)中更明确地反映纽约“垮掉青年”的生活感受,又在《纽约时报》上鼓吹垮掉派文学,但这种尝试受到东部学院派势力的压抑,他们就往西部寻求同道和发展基地。当时洛杉矶近郊的西威尼斯有个以劳伦斯·李普顿为首的垮掉派组织,他于1955年发表小说《神圣的野蛮人》。在旧金山,以劳伦斯·弗林盖梯的“城市之光”书店为中心,聚合了一群立志从事“文艺复兴”的反学院派诗人,他们的首领即是后来成为“垮掉的一代”理论家的肯尼斯·雷克思罗斯。   1955年夏天,“垮掉文人”和反学院派诗人(包括旧金山诗人和黑山派诗人)在旧金山联合举办诗歌朗诵会,自此之后垮掉派文学作品开始流行。金斯堡在会上朗读了他那首被誉为“50年代《荒原》”的长诗《嚎叫》。这首诗以怨气冲天的哀号表达“我这一代精英”的痛苦与自暴自弃,斥责“莫洛克”神统治下的军事化、商业化的社会。1956年,他的诗集出版,轰动全国。1957年,凯鲁亚克的长篇小说《在路上》出版,它描写垮掉分子在各地流浪的生活,使大批精神苦闷的青年为之神往,奉为“生活教科书”。这两部作品出版后,《常青评论》、《黑山评论》等杂志连续出版专号,加以推荐。诺曼·梅勒的被称为美国存在主义宣言的《白种黑人》(1957),以及1960年他在波士顿审讯中为巴罗斯小说所做的辩护,则从理论上论证了“垮掉文学”的意义。商业化宣传使得美国青年纷纷接受“垮掉”生活方式,从爵士乐、摇摆舞、吸大麻、性放纵直至参掸念佛和“背包革命”(指漫游旅行),一时成为风气。   “垮掉派”人生哲学的核心是个人在当代社会中的生存问题。霍尔姆斯和梅勒借用欧洲存在主义观念,宣扬通过满足感官欲望来把握自我。斯奈德和雷克思罗斯则吸收佛教禅宗的学说,以虚无主义对抗生存危机。在政治上,他们标榜自己是“没有目标的反叛者,没有口号的鼓动者,没有纲领的革命者”。在艺术上,据雷克思罗斯在《离异:垮掉的一代的艺术》(1957)中宣称,他们“以全盘否定高雅文化为特点”。凯鲁亚克发明的“自发式散文”写作法和查尔斯·奥尔逊的“放射诗”论,在“垮掉文人”中被广泛奉行。   由上述艺术观点支配的“垮掉文学”运动,虽然昙花一现,而且掺杂大量不健康的因素,仍在美国文学留下了一定影响。大量“垮掉诗”因具有大众化和反象征主义倾向,长期在青年中流传。在小说方面,凯鲁亚克的一组用自发表现法写成的“路上小说”,除了《在路上》之外,还有《地下人》(1958)、《达摩流浪汉》(1958)、《特莉斯苔萨》(1959)、《孤独天使》(1959)等。它们的一个特点是继承了马克.吐温的《哈克贝里·费思历险记》所开创的美国文学中写流浪生活的传统,形成了一种为当代其他小说家所仿效的模式,主人公为逃脱污浊的环境而四出漫游,寻找自由和归宿。它们的另一个特点是主人公毫不隐讳地大谈自己的境遇和感受,作自我剖析,这种“个人新闻体”手法在印年代得到较大的发展。   巴罗斯对暴行、堕落、吸毒和犯罪等的描写在“垮掉”作家中。他同时又在语言和小说的形式上进行大胆实验,用“剪裁法”拼凑和改变小说的结构。他的代表作《*露的午餐》(1959),由于反映了“真正地狱般的”地下生活,引起了一场诉讼和谐争。以后的作品如《诺瓦快车》(1964)、《柔软机器》(1966)和《爆炸的火车票》(1967),也采用了真实与梦属相混合的手法,全面、冷酷地表现 作者厌恶社会的冷酷的幽默感,后来有人因此把巴罗斯列入“黑色幽默”小说家行列。   黑色幽默(Black humor)   20世纪60年代美国重要的文学流派。1965年3月,弗里德曼编了一本短篇小说集,收入12个作家的作品,题名为《黑色幽默》,“黑色幽默”一词即由此而来。它是60年代美国小说创作中最有代表性的流派之一。进入70年代后,“黑色幽默”的声势大减,但不时仍有新作出现,它在美国文学中至今仍有相当深远的影响。它的主要作家有约瑟夫·海勒、克特·小伏尼格、托马斯·平钦、约翰·巴斯、詹姆斯·珀迪、布鲁斯·杰伊·弗里德曼、唐纳德·巴赛尔姆等。   “黑色幽默”的小说家突出描写人物周围世界的荒谬和社会对个人的压迫,以一种无可奈何的嘲讽态度表现环境和个人(即“自我”)之间的互不协调,并把这种互不协调的现象加以放大,扭曲,变成畸形,使它们显得更加荒诞不经,滑稽可笑,同时又令人感到沉重和苦闷。因此,有一些评论家把“黑色幽默”称为“绞架下的幽默”或“大难临头时的幽默”。“黑色幽默”作家往往塑造一些乖僻的“反英雄”人物,借他们的可笑的言行影射社会现实,表达作家对社会问题的观点。在描写手法方面,“黑色幽默”作家也打破传统,小说的情节缺乏逻辑联系,常常把叙述现实生活与幻想和回忆混合起来,把严肃的哲理和插科打诨混成一团。例如海勒的《第二十二条军规》、平钦的《万有引力之虹》、小伏尼格的《第一流的早餐》。有些“黑色幽默”小说则嘲笑人类的精神危机,如巴斯的《烟草经纪人》和珀迪的《凯柏特·赖特开始了》。   “黑色幽默”作为一种美学形式,属于喜剧范畴,但又是一种带有悲剧色彩的变态的喜剧。“黑色幽默”的产生是与60年代美国的动荡不安相联系的。当代资本主义社会的荒谬可笑的事物和“喜剧性”的矛盾不是作家们凭主观意志所能创造的,它们是那种社会生活的反映。这种反映虽然具有一定的社会意义和认识价值,作家虽然也抨击了包括统治阶级在内的一切权威,但是他们强调社会环境是难以改变的,因而作品中往往流露出悲观绝望的情绪。
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这句话全句中文意思是:民主党人既想从市场中获得回报,又不想牺牲掉农业国家的质朴特征。feature在本句中的意思是“特征”。 其它例句如下: noun 1.【释义】a part of something that you notice because it seems important, interesting, or typical特点,特征,特色:【例句】Air bags are a standard feature in most new cars.气囊是大多数新车的标准配置。【例句】An important feature of Van Gogh"s paintings is their bright colours.凡·高画作的一个重要特色是色彩鲜亮。【例句】Striped tails are a common feature of many animals.尾巴上有条纹是许多动物的共同特征。【例句】The hotel"s only redeeming features (=things that make it acceptable) were that it was cheap and near the city centre.这家酒店唯一可取之处就是便宜并且靠近市中心。【例句】The most distinctive feature of the dinosaurs was their size.恐龙最明显的特点是它们的体型。【例句】One of the distinguishing features (= features that are different from other things of the same sort) of modern banking is its dependence on computers.现代银行业的显著特征之一是依赖计算机。2.【释义】a piece of writing about a subject in a newspaper or a magazine, or a special report on television or on the radio〔报纸或杂志的〕特写;〔电视或广播的〕专题节目:【例句】a feature on holidaying with your dog一档携狗去度假的专题节目3.【释义】[usually plural] a part of someone"s face, such as their eyes, nose etc面貌的一部分〔如眼、鼻等〕; 面貌(特征); 五官:【例句】He had fine delicate features.他眉清目秀。【例句】Her eyes were her best feature.她的五官中眼睛长得最好。4.【释义】a part of the land, especially a part that you can see地貌; 地形地物:【例句】Hedges are an important feature of the landscape in Britain.树篱是英国重要的景观风貌。5.【释义】a film being shown at a cinema影片,故事片,正片:【例句】There were a couple of short cartoons before the main feature.正片前有一些卡通短片。verb1.【释义】[I,T] to include or show something as a special or important part of something, or to be included as an important part以…为特色,是…的特征; 起重要作用:【例句】The exhibition features paintings by Picasso.这次展览重点展出毕加索的画作。【例句】a cruise ship featuring extensive spa facilities以大量水疗设施为特色的游轮【例句】A study of language should feature in an English literature course.语言学习在英语文学课程中应当很重要。【例句】Pupils visited some of the websites featured in the article.小学生们访问了文章中专题介绍的一些网站。【例句】Violence seems to feature heavily in all of his books.暴力似乎是他所有作品中的主要特色。【例句】The film featured Brando as the Godfather.这部影片由白兰度主演教父。2.【释义】[T] to show a film, play etc放映〔电影〕; 上演〔戏剧〕:【例句】The Retro Theatre is featuring films by Frank Capra this week.经典剧场本周上映弗兰克·卡普拉主演的影片。
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alderman n. 市府参事,市议员; algerian a. 阿尔及利亚的; allan n. 艾伦(姓); American a.美洲的 n.美国人; amerindian n. 美洲印第安人; amphibian a. 两栖类的,水陆两用的,等。    扩展资料   an art. 一(个,件,…);(不定冠词,在元音前);每一;任何一人;一个(本…)   antediluvian adj. 史前的,陈旧的   antiquarian n. 古物研究者,收集古物者   achillean a. 象阿基利斯一样健壮的;勇敢的   aegean a. 爱琴海的   Afghanistan n. 阿富汗   African a.非洲的 n.非洲人   agrarian a. 有关土地的",耕地的   Arabian adj.阿拉伯的   artesian adj.自流的(井等)   artisan n. 工匠;手工艺人   asean n. (缩)东盟   Asian a.亚洲的 n.亚洲人   assyrian a. 亚述人的;n. 亚述人
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1 algerian a. 阿尔及利亚的 2 amerindian n. 美洲印第安人 3 amphibian a. 两栖类的,水陆两用的 4 antediluvian adj. 史前的,陈旧的 5 antiquarian n. 古物研究者,收集古物者 6 agrarian a. 有关土地的,耕地的 7 Arabian adj.阿拉伯的 扩展资料   8 artesian adj.自流的(井等)   9 Asian a.亚洲的 n.亚洲人   10 assyrian a. 亚述人的;n. 亚述人   11 athenian a. 雅典(人)的;n. 雅典人   12 australian n. 澳大利亚人;澳洲人,adj. 澳大利亚的;澳洲的   13 austrian adj. 奥地利的;n. 奥地利人   14 authoritarian a. 要求服从权力的;权威主义的;权力主义的;专制的`   15 Babylonian a. 巴比伦的,罪恶的   16 bacchanalian adj. 饮酒狂欢的;行为放纵的   17 barbarian n. 野蛮人   18 beautician n.美容师   19 belgian n. 比利时人; a. 比利时的,比利时人的   20 brazilian a. 巴西人的,巴西的; n. 巴西的(人)   21 californian a. 加利福尼亚州的   22 Canadian n.加拿大人   23 Caucasian n. 高加索人,白种人   24 electric ian n.电工,电气技师   25 civilian n.平民 a.平民的   26 comedian n. 喜剧演员   27 Corinthian adj. (古代希腊的) 科林斯的   28 custodian n. 管理员,监护人   29 dietitian n. 营养学家   30 disciplinarian n. 严行纪律的人,严师
2023-06-18 10:01:301


Russia (Russian: Россиu0301я, Rossiya; pronounced [ru028c"su02b2i.ju0259]), also[1] the Russian Federation (Russian: Россиu0301йская Федераu0301ция, Rossiyskaya Federatsiya; pronounced [ru028c"su02b2i.sku0259.ju0259 fu02b2u026a.du02b2u026a"ra.u02a6u026a.ju0259], listen (help·info)), is a country that stretches over a vast expanse of Eurasia. With an area of 17,075,400 square kilometres, it is the largest country in the world by land mass, covering almost twice the territory of the next-largest country, Canada. It has the world"s eighth largest population. Russia shares land borders with the following countries (counter-clockwise from NW to SE): Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, and North Korea. It is also close to the United States and Japan across relatively small stretches of water.Formerly the dominant republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Russia is now an independent country and an influential member of the Commonwealth of Independent States, since the Union"s dissolution in December 1991. During the Soviet era, Russia was officially called the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR). Russia is considered the Soviet Union"s successor state in diplomatic matters.Most of the area, population, and industrial production of the Soviet Union, then one of the world"s two superpowers, lay in Russia. After the breakup of the Soviet Union, Russia"s global role was greatly diminished compared to that of the former Soviet Union. In October 2005, the federal statistics agency reported that Russia"s population has shrunk by more than half a million people dipping to 143 million, although Russia became the second country in the world by the number of immigrants from abroad.[2]Ancient RusPrior to the Christian Era, the vast lands of Southern Russia were home to un-united tribes, such as Proto-Indo-Europeans and Scythians. Between the third and sixth centuries Common Era, the steppes were overwhelmed by successive waves of nomadic invasions, led by warlike tribes which would often move on to Europe, as was the case with Huns and Turkish Avars. A Turkic people, the Khazars, ruled South Russia through the eighth century. They were important allies of the Byzantine Empire and waged a series of successful wars against the Arab Califates.An approximative map of the cultures in European Russia at the arrival of the VarangiansThe Early East Slavs constituted the bulk of the population in Western Russia from the seventh century onwards and slowly assimilated the native Finno-Ugric tribes, such as the Merya, the Muromians and the Meshchera. In the mid-ninth century, a group of Scandinavians, the Varangians, assumed the role of a ruling elite at the Slavic capital of Novgorod. Although they were quickly assimilated by the predominantly Slavic population, the Varangian dynasty lasted several centuries, during which they affiliated with the Byzantine, or Orthodox church and moved the capital to Kiev in AD 882.In this era, the term "Rhos" or "Rus" first came to be applied to the Varangians and later also to the Slavs who peopled the region. As well as one of the rulers who contributed to the name "rus" [...] In the tenth to eleventh centuries this state of Kievan Rus became the largest in Europe and one of the most prosperous, due to diversified trade with both Europe and Asia. The opening of new trade routes with the Orient at the time of the Crusades contributed to the decline and fragmentation of Kievan Rus by the end of the twelfth century.In the eleventh and twelfth centuries common era, the constant incursions of nomadic Turkish tribes, such as the Kipchaks and the Pechenegs, led to the massive migration of Slavic populations from the fertile south to the heavily forested regions of the north, known as Zalesye. The medieval states of Novgorod Republic and Vladimir-Suzdal emerged as successors to Kievan Rus on those territories, while the middle course of the Volga River came to be dominated by the Muslim state of Volga Bulgaria.Like many other parts of Eurasia, these territories were overrun by the Mongol invaders, who formed the state of Golden Horde which would pillage the Russian principalities for over three centuries. Later known as the Tatars, they ruled the southern and central expanses of present-day Russia, while the territories of present-day Ukraine and Belarus were incorporated into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland, thus dividing the Russian people in the north from the Belarusians and Ukrainians in the west.Similarly to the Balkans and Asia Minor, long-lasting nomadic rule retarded the country"s economic and social development. However, the Novgorod Republic together with Pskov retained some degree of autonomy during the time of the Mongol yoke and was largely spared the atrocities that affected the rest of the country. Led by Alexander Nevsky, the Novgorodians repelled the Germanic crusaders who attempted to colonize the region.MuscovyMain article: MuscovyUnlike its spiritual leader the Byzantine Empire, Russia under the leadership of Moscow was able to revive and organized its own war of reconquest, finally subjugating its enemies and annexing their territories. After the fall of Constantinople in 1453, Muscovite Russia remained the only more or less functional Christian state on the Eastern European frontier, allowing it to claim succession to the legacy of the Eastern Roman Empire.While still under the domain of the Mongol-Tatars and with their connivance, the duchy of Moscow began to assert its influence in Western Russia in the early fourteenth century. Assisted by the Russian Orthodox Church and Saint Sergius of Radonezh"s spiritual revival, Muscovy inflicted a defeat on the Mongol-Tatars in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380). Ivan the Great eventually tossed off the control of the invaders, consolidated surrounding areas under Moscow"s dominion and first took the title "grand duke of all the Russias".In the beginning of the sixteenth century, the Russian state set the national goal to return all Russian territories lost as a result of the Tatar invasion and to protect the southern borderland against attacks of Crimean Tatars and other Turkic peoples. The noblemen, receiving a manor from the sovereign, were obliged to serve in the military. The manor system became a basis for the nobiliary horse army.In 1547, Ivan the Terrible was officially crowned the first Tsar of Russia. During his long reign, Ivan annexed the Muslim polities along the Volga River and transformed Russia into a multiethnic and multiconfessional state. By the end of the century, Russian Cossacks established the first settlements in Western Siberia. In the middle of the seventeenth century there were Russian settlements in Eastern Siberia, on Chukchi Peninsula, along the Amur River, on the Pacific coast, and the strait between North America and Asia was first sighted by a Russian explorer in 1648. The colonization of the Asian territories was largely peaceful, in sharp contrast to the build-up of other colonial empires of the time.Imperial Russia View of Neva River in Saint Petersburg Three generations of a Russian family, c.1910Main article: Imperial RussiaMuscovite control of the nascent nation continued after the Polish intervention of under the subsequent Romanov dynasty, beginning with Tsar Michael Romanov in 1613. Peter the Great (ruled in) defeated Sweden in the Great Northern War, forcing it to cede Ingria, Estland, and Livland. It was in Ingria that he founded a new capital, Saint Petersburg. Peter succeeded in bringing ideas and culture from Western Europe to a severely underdeveloped Russia. After his reforms, Russia emerged as a major European power.Catherine the Great, ruling from 1762 to 1796, continued the Petrine efforts at establishing Russia as one of the great powers of Europe. Examples of its eighteenth-century European involvement include the War of Polish Succession and the Seven Years" War. In the wake of the Partitions of Poland, Russia had taken territories with the ethnic Belarusian and Ukrainian population, earlier parts of Kievan Rus". As a result of the victorious Russian-Turkish wars, Russia"s borders expanded to the Black Sea and Russia set its goal on the protection of Balkan Christians against a Turkish yoke. In 1783, Russia and the Georgian Kingdom (which was almost totally devastated by Persian and Turkish invasions) signed the treaty of Georgievsk according to which Georgia received the protection of Russia.In 1812, having gathered nearly half a million soldiers from France, as well as from all of its conquered states in Europe, Napoleon invaded Russia but, after taking Moscow, was forced to retreat back to Europe. Almost 90% of the invading forces died as a result of on-going battles with the Russian army, guerillas and winter weather. The Russian armies ended their pursuit of the enemy by taking his capital, Paris. The officers of the Napoleonic wars brought back to Russia the ideas of liberalism and even attempted to curtail the tsar"s powers during the abortive Decembrist revolt (1825), which was followed by several decades of political repression. Another result of the Napoleonic wars was the incorporation of Bessarabia, Finland, and Congress Poland into the Russian Empire.The perseverance of Russian serfdom and the conservative policies of Nicholas I of Russia impeded the development of Imperial Russia in the mid-nineteenth century. As a result, the country was defeated in the Crimean War, 1853–1856, by an alliance of major European powers, including Britain, France, Ottoman Empire, and Piedmont-Sardinia. Nicholas"s successor Alexander II (1855–1881) was forced to undertake a series of comprehensive reforms and issued a decree abolishing serfdom in 1861. The Great Reforms of Alexander"s reign spurred increasingly rapid capitalist development and Sergei Witte"s attempts at industrialization. The Slavophile mood was on the rise, spearheaded by Russia"s victory in the Russo-Turkish War, which forced the Ottoman Empire to recognize the independence of Romania, Serbia and Montenegro and autonomy of Bulgaria.The failure of agrarian reforms and suppression of the growing liberal intelligentsia were continuing problems however, and on the eve of World War I, the position of Tsar Nicholas II and his dynasty appeared precarious. Repeated devastating defeats of the Russian army in the Russo-Japanese War and World War I, and the consequent deterioration of the economy led to widespread rioting in the major cities of the Russian Empire, and ultimately to the overthrow in 1917 of the Romanovs.At the close of this Russian Revolution of 1917, a Marxist political faction called the Bolsheviks seized power in Petrograd and Moscow under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin. The Bolsheviks changed their name to the Communist Party. A bloody civil war ensued, pitting the Bolsheviks" Red Army against a loose confederation of anti-socialist monarchist and bourgeois forces known as the White Army. The Red Army triumphed, and the Soviet Union was formed in 1922.Russia as part of the Soviet Union St. Basil"s Cathedral and the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin in Moscow"s Red Square.Main articles: History of the Soviet Union and Russian SFSRThe Soviet Union was meant to be a trans-national worker"s state free from nationalism. The concept of Russia as a separate national entity was therefore not emphasized in the early Soviet Union. Although Russian institutions and cities certainly remained dominant, many non-Russians participated in the new government at all levels.LeninThis section is a stub. You can help by expanding it.StalinOne of these was a Georgian named Joseph Stalin. After Lenin"s death in 1924, a brief power struggle ensued, during which Stalin gradually eroded the various checks and balances which had been designed into the Soviet political system and assumed dictatorial power by the end of the decade. Leon Trotsky and almost all other Old Bolsheviks from the time of the Revolution were killed or exiled. At the end of 1930s, Stalin launched the Great Purges, a massive series of political repressions. Millions of people whom Stalin and local authorities suspected of being a threat to their power were executed or exiled to Gulag labor camps in remote areas of Siberia or Central Asia.Stalin forced rapid industrialization of the largely rural country and collectivization of its agriculture. In 1928, Stalin introduced his "First Five-Year Plan" for modernizing the Soviet economy. Most economic output was immediately diverted to establishing heavy industry. Civilian industry was modernized and many heavy weapon factories were established. The plan worked, in some sense, as the Soviet Union successfully transformed from an agrarian economy to a major industrial powerhouse in an unbelievably short span of time, but widespread misery and famine ensued for many millions of people as a result of the severe economic upheaval.After the Great Patriotic War started in 1941 the German army had considerable success in the early stages of the campaign, they suffered defeat when they reached the outskirts of Moscow. The Red Army then stopped the Nazi offensive at the Battle of Stalingrad in 1943, which became the decisive turning point for Germany"s fortunes in the war. The Soviets drove through Eastern Europe and captured Berlin before Germany surrendered in 1945 (see Great Patriotic War). During the war, the Soviet Union lost more than 27 million [citizens] (including eighteen million [civilians]).
2023-06-18 10:01:381


和很多人一样,我是从全战区转战到帝国区来的,开始上手的时候觉得帝国荣耀的画面和操作有点让人郁闷,不过好好玩一下,其实还是一个挺不错的游戏。罗马的确是一个很优秀的游戏,能抵得住这种压力做出来的帝国荣耀,自然有他的过人之处。帝国荣耀做的最好的地方之一,就是科技树!这是很重要的一点,科技树贯穿整个游戏,了解了科技树,就很容易明白:如何补充兵力,如何建商船,商路,如何和平演变,政体选择,怎么弄出三段击,怎么用line formation 和 square formation 这两种新阵法等等,我想这都是一些大家最关心的问题吧,本文主要讨论帝国荣耀的科技树,个人认为只要明白了科技树,就能完全明白这个游戏怎么玩了,所以题目叫超级攻略言归正传!科技树主要有四个分枝,分别是:Resource Branch(资源),Military Branch(军事),Political Branch(政治),Commercial Branch(经济)。资源可以提高原材料,人口等的产出;军事关系到军队问题,政治关系到Sympathy points(本文意译为友好度),这样就很好理解,当一个国家对你的友好度达到100时就和平演变成功了,嘿嘿。经济关系到钱。这里主要有三个时代,下面我们分时代分不同分支来说一下科技树。The first era(第一个时代)资源:1.Food Preservation(食物储藏),完成后可以造warehouse(粮仓),可以将(有粮仓的)城市每个回合没被消耗的粮食储存起来。2.Circular Saw(圆锯),完成后可以造Saw Mills(伐木工厂),使原材料的产量增加50%。3.Basic Education(基础教育),完成后触发the Railway Quest(铁路),quest就是有点像文明里那些世界奇观一样,有奖励的,快捷键是F4。允许建造Primary School(初等学校),初等学校能够增加50%的Research Points (科技点)。4.Vaccination(种痘),完成后可以造Local Hospital(地方医院),同时可以触发the Medical Revolution Quest(医学革命),Local Hospital可以增加城市50%的人口增长率。军事:1.Officer training(训练军官),完成后可以造Military Academy(军事学院),军事学院中能招Captain(上尉)和Militia(民兵。大不列颠例外,没民兵),同时在城市中提供7个驻军空位。2.Basic Cavalry(初等骑兵),完成后可造Basic Stables(初等马厩),同时,完成这项科技之后可以在战场上俘虏敌人。初等马厩中可以造Lancers(枪骑兵),Hussar(轻骑)。3.Basic Infantry(初等步兵),完成后可造Basic Barracks(初等兵营),在初等兵营中可以造the Line infantry(列兵)和the light infantry(轻步兵)。4.Artillery Industry(小型炮兵工业),完成后以后可以在战场上俘虏敌军大炮,并且可建Basic Foundries(铸造车间),在铸造车间中可以生产6 Pound Cannons(6磅炮)、Howitzers(榴弹炮)和Congreve Rocket(英国专有的康格里夫火炮)。5.Navy Infrastructure(小型海军部),完成后可以造Military Harbour(小型军港),并且在以后的海战中可以俘虏敌船。触发the ruler of the seas Quest(海上霸王)。在小型军港中可以生产Sloop(单桅纵帆船)。6.Tactical Manoeuvres(战术调度),提高步兵和骑兵的肉搏防御及远程攻击。触发the World Fair Quest(世界事务)。完成后可以造Training Camp(训练营),训练营准许将Captain(上尉)升级为Colonels(上校)。(上尉能带3个部队,上校能带4个部队)。同时使新招募的士兵级别由新兵变成中等兵,(一出来就有两颗星)。政治:1.Peaceful Annexation(和平演变)。完成后可以建Consualte(领事馆),并且激活外交选项中的Commercial Treaty(贸易协定),贸易协定就是能跟他国买卖交换资源,甚至买领土。领事馆可以增加所在国对我国的友好度5%。2.Journalism(新闻宣传),激活外交选项中的Improve Relations(改善关系)。就是给他钱,以提高友好度。新闻宣传就可以在中立国上建Newspaper Office(报社),可以加10%的友好度。同时触发the Rosetta Stone Quest(罗塞塔石碑)。3.Secret Service(秘密服务),完成后可以建Department of Information(信息部门),使本国的地区影响提高到2级,就是可以在离的更远的国家上建领事馆等。经济:1.Trade Infrastructure(基础贸易),完成后触发the Agrarian Revolution Quest(农业革命),并且可以建造Trade Branch(贸易处)。小型贸易部完成后即可打通陆上商路,增加所经过的商路33%的商业收入。2.Harbour Infrastruture(初等港口),允许建立海上商道,允许造Merchant Harbour(小型商业码头),在小型商业码头里,我们可以造Brigantines(小型商船)。3.Market Reform(市场改革),允许建造Department of Trade(贸易部),激活外交选项中的Right of Passage(通行权)。使internal commerce(内部贸易)收入加33%。最后一项是升级到下个时代:Advance Era。这里我们遇到了一个问题,政体选择!政体有什么用?政体关系到后面的一些特色科技,不同政体科技有一点不同,第二时代有两个不同,第三时代有四个不同。另外,选择政体后,跟你同种政体的国家友好度会增加。第二时代有两个不同政体:Autocratic(独裁制度)和Democratic(民主制度),(我是独裁者,所以)独裁者最大的好处是?继续看就知道了。The Second Era资源:1.Modern Agriculture(现代农业),完成后可造Subsidised Farms(农田),农田可以提高所在城市50%的粮食产量。2.Steam Pump(蒸气泵),完成后可造Deep-shapt Mines(深层矿井),提高所在城市75%的原材料产量。3.Healthcare Programme(健康护理计划),允许造Modern Hospital(现代医院)。现代医院可以增加75%的人口增长。4.Modern Education(现代教育),允许建Specialised Schools(专业学校)。专业学校可以提高所在城市100%的科技点。并且触发the Metric System Quest(计量系统)。军事:1.Advanced Officer training(高级军官训练),提高骑兵的突击伤害,允许建造Advanced Military Academy(高级军事学院),使步兵能使用the Double Line Formation(双列阵形),触发the Treaty of Amiens Quest(亚眠条约)。在高级军事学院中,我们可以直接建造Colonels(上校)。并且提供12个空位,而不是原来的7个。防卫空位有什么用?可以进驻部队。部队进驻军事学院里就不用维护费了。2.Advanced Cavalry(高级骑兵),允许建造Advanced Stables(高级马厩),在高级马厩中我们可造Dragoons(龙骑)。同时触发the Simon Bolivar Quest(玻利瓦尔)。3.Advanced Infantry(高级步兵),允许使用Square Formation(方阵),允许建造Advanced Barracks(高级兵营),在高级兵营中,我们可以建造Grenadiers(精锐部队),Elite Light Infantry(精英轻步兵),(英国的精英轻步兵是rifleman,来复枪兵)。4.Organised Navy(组建海军),允许建造Military Port(中型军港)。中型军港中可以生产frigate(小型军舰)。5.Naval Manoeuvies(海军调度),允许建造Naval Academy(海军学院),增加船员的经验,使你新造的军舰达到二级军舰的水平。6.Artillery Manufacturing(高级炮兵生产),允许建造Advanced Foundries(高级铸造车间),高级铸造车间中可造12 pround cannons(12磅炮)。7.Strategic Monoeuvres(战略调度),提高炮兵的影响范围及对于远程攻击的防御。允许建造Firing Ranges(射击场)。射击场使新造出来的士兵达到老兵水平(三颗星)。同时允许把上校提升为将军(建成后全部上校直接升级为将军)。8.Surgery(外科学),允许建造Military Hospital(军事医院),军事医院可以补充兵力!就冲着这个科技,我愿意与所有民主国家为敌,嘿嘿。政治:1.Culture Influence(文化影响),激活外交选项中的Military Aid(军事援助),就是向他国请求军事援助。允许建造Culture Centre(文化中心),文化中心加20%的友好度。2.Progaganda(宣传活动),允许建造Army Bulletin(军报),军报可以加5%的友好度,并且每回合+0.3%。3.Spy Network(间谍网),允许建造the ministry of Foreign Affairs(外交部),使我国的影响力提高到**。触发the Continental Blockade Quest(大陆封锁)。经济:1.Foreign Policy(外交政策),允许建造Trade Bureau(贸易署),贸易署可提高陆地商路利润66%。使你拥有Commercial Espionage(商业间谍),可以看见他国的商路。这样就能断他们的财路了! 2.Industrialised Port(工业化港口),允许建造Merchant Ports(中型商业码头)。中型商业码头中可建Packet(班轮,定期邮船),增加66%的海上贸易收入。3.Market Network(市场网络),使你拥有Industrial Espionage(工业间谍),让你了解敌人正在建造什么。激活外交选项中的Loan of Armies(借兵),这里借兵是指借给别人军队(好象没还的),换取金钱。同时允许建造Trade Network(贸易网络),提高国内贸易收入66%。4.Coastguard(海岸卫队),允许建造Argand Lighthouse(阿冈德灯塔),给你提供1级的海上视野,触发the Cartography Quest(制图法)。5.Customs Duties(关税),允许建造Border Posts(出入境处),出入境处可以向我国境内的外国贸易征收25%的所得税。6.Smuggling(走私),允许建造Black Market Warehouse(黑市),即使陆上商路被封,也能拿回50%的贸易收入。如果你选的是民主政体,那么Progaganda(宣传活动)这个科技会变成Foreign Investment(外国资本),允许建造Infrastructure(基础设施),基础设施所在国家每回合与你增加0.5%的友好度。而Surgery(外科学)这个科技会变成Taxation Systems(税务系统),允许建造Tax Collection Buildings(税务所),增加50%的货币收入。
2023-06-18 10:01:481

土地改革的英语翻译 土地改革用英语怎么说

土地改革land reform; agrarian reform
2023-06-18 10:01:591


Whose Dragon Boat Festival?For traditional Asian culture facing same modernization challenge, China and the Republic of Korea (ROK) are both only one of the representatives, perhaps in the process of breaking through an encirclement, Dragon Boat Festival [Duan Wu] (the 5th day of the 5th lunar month) will become a shared cultural heritage in the East Asian cultural circle.No matter whether or not the ROK applies for making Dragon Boat Festival a world cultural heritage for its own country, the topic of China"s traditional national culture has once again aroused the Chinese people"s attention, the ROK which is also in the same cultural circle has many things that are worthwhile for China to use as reference."Duan Wu as a cultural heritage" in S. Koreans" eyesReporter Zhang Li of the International Herald Leader stationed in Seoul reported: the news about the ROK prepared to apply for making the Dragon Boat Festival a world cultural heritage has touched off divergent opinions, then what does S. Korean Dragon Boat Festival look like? To what degree has the ROK application work proceeded? And how do S. Koreans view China"s "defense of Dragon Boat Festival"?"Jiang Ling Duan Wu Memorial Rites" applied for status as cultural heritage to boost local economyDragon Boat Festival, Spring Festival and Mid-autumn Festival together are the three major festivals of the ROK, Duan Wu Festival is quite popular in the eastern areas centered on Jiang Ling. There are records on the customs of spending the Dragon Boat Festival in ancient South Korean books: "The Annals of Wei" andThe Classic of ROK" which recorded ancient customs and habits.It is said that the "Jiang Ling Duan Wu Memorial Rites" has a history of more than 100 years and currently has been formed into a complete set of comprehensive activity system featuring the folk customs of the ROK, the procedures encompass "brewing nectar", "worshipping mountain god", "felling god trees", "memorial rites of welcoming gods", "sorcery of Duan Wu", and "memorial rites of seeing off gods" as well as various other activities of offering sacrifices to gods. A special official is assigned to preside over these activities.Besides sacrificial activities, there are also swing, wrestling, masque, the pleasure of farmers, folk songs and many other folk customs, games and cultural activities. In addition, the Duan Wu memorial rites also include "disorderly sites", i.e., large markets and sites where performances regarding folk customs are staged. Because the "disorderly sites" can attract large groups of people to come for sightseeing and consumption, they are therefore regarded as one of the most important factors in applying for the status of ??????Jiang Ling Duan Wu Memorial Rites" as a world cultural heritage.At present, large-scale Jiang Ling sightseeing folk customs festival, centered on the "Jiang Ling Duan Wu Memorial Rites", is held by Jiang Ling City every year, which invites theatrical troupes and personages in the cultural circle from various countries to come to participate in the activity. In recent years, the city has invested more than 10 billion won in building a "Duan Wu Village" on the 6,000 -sq. m. land vacated by dismantling residents" sports grounds, its aim is to preserve and publicize this "invisible culture-related finance", create an atmosphere of applying for the status of world cultural heritage and finally boosting the Jiang Ling regional economy.The Jiang Ling "Duan Wu Memorial Rites" of the ROK was designated as the country"s "important invisible culture-related finance" in 1967. In early 2003, the Culture Finance Department of the ROK decided to report the country"s No.13 "important invisible culture finance" to the UNESCO, applying for it the status as a cultural heritage. It is reported that currently the ROK has ancestral temple memorial ceremony, sacrificial rite music and traditional comic dialog, which have been granted the status as world cultural heritages by the UNESCO. Currently the S. Korean government and Jiang Ling City authority have produced propaganda trailers of 10 minutes and two hours in length respectively, a 150-page application document as well as photos and other materials, applying for the status of "Jiang Ling Duan Wu Memorial Rites" as world cultural heritages, the preparatory work of application is now drawing to an end, they are prepared to formally file an application with the UNESCO in September this year. It is reported that UNESTCO will finally decide in July 2005 on whether S. Korea"s "Jiang Ling Duan Wu Memorial Ritres" will be granted the status as world cultural heritage.S. Koreans" reaction to China"s "defense of Duan Wu"After Chinese media reported the news about the ROK ready to apply for the staus of Dragon Boat Festival as a world cultural heritage, ROK media gave rapid reaction. Chosun Iibo of the ROK published a commentary saying that although Dragon Boat Festival originated in the story about Qu Yuan in the Chu State of China, the ROK and Japan had designated Duan Wu as festival long ago. S. Korea"s "Jiang Ling Duan Wu Memorial Rites" brought together dozens of sacrificial rites and folk customs and games, making them rich and grand farming cultural celebrations which have attracted world attention, that"s why the ROK decided to apply for their status as world cultural heritages.In the opinions of S. Korean scholars, the Dragon Boat Festivals of the ROK and China differ vastly. China"s Dragon Boat Festival contains Dragon Boats offering sacrificial to Qu Yuan, while Jiang Ling, though located by the seaside, doesn"t contain this activity. S. Korea"s Duan Wu Festival contains the activity of worshipping regional renowned figures as patron saints. These scholars pointed out that at the Asia International Folk Customs Symposium in 1997 and the 2002 Seminar concerning the Drgon Boat Festival held by S. Korean, Chinese and Japanese scholars, Chinese scholars acknowledged that Jiang Ling"s Duan Wu customs are different from that of China"s.According to a ROK media report, Liang Ling City and Jiang Ling Cultural Academy will take the disputes sparked by Dragon Boat Festival as an opportunity for them to publicize the actual conditions of Jiang Ling Duan Wu Memorial Rites to the International community and are ready to gather together experts, professors and other scholars to jointly study and explore countermeasures.------------------------------------------------------------------China"s Dragon Boat Festival and South Korea"s Gangneung Danoje Festival fall on the same day that is the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar.However, the two festivals differ vastly.Legend of Dragon Boat Festival"s originAt the end of the Zhou Dynasty, the area we now know as China had fallen into a state of fragmentation and conflict. While the Zhou dynasty had ruled for several centuries, several other states, originally feudal domains, tried to carve out their own kingdoms. The state of Qin would eventually emerge the victor and unify all of China under one rule for the first time in history.Qu Yuan, a famous poet, served as minister to the Zhou Emperor. A wise and articulate man, he was loved by the common people. He did much to fight against the rampant corruption that plagued the court-- thereby earning the envy and fear of other officials. Therefore, when he urged the emperor to avoid conflict with the Qin Kingdom, the officials pressured the Emperor to have him removed from service. In exile, he traveled, taught and wrote for several years. Hearing that the Zhou had been defeated by the Qin, he fell into despair and threw himself into the Milou River on the fifth day of the fifth month.People were sad over the patriotic poet"s death. They tossed rice and meat into the river to feed the fish, which would protect Qu"s body.Legend of Gangneung Danoje Festival"s originWhen Korea was an agrarian society, people traditionally spent the day enjoying themselves after completing the arduous labor of spring planting and preparing for the summer farming season.Villagers engaged in traditional rituals, such as making offerings of food to their ancestors in the hope for a prosperous harvest. Various events were held on Dano throughout the country, such as "ssirum" or Korean-style wrestling.The highlight of the day was seeing the winning wrestler awarded a bull, possibly the top prize in the agrarian society.Women competed with each other on swings to determine who could swing the highest while standing up, with the winner usually receiving a gold ring. Under the strict Confucian society of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), Dano was a day of release for the community"s women, who were usually kept behind closed doors, but on this day were given official permission to go out to the village gardens.Joseon kings presented folding fans to their subjects on Dano as gifts to help them cool down during the scorching summer heat.Women would add a shine to their jet-black hair by washing it in hot water with boiled iris leaves, a practice especially popular with the younger generations. Later, groups would gather to enjoy "surichi ddeok," a traditional rice cake made with various herbs.Over time, the day was developed and incorporated into the unique festivals of each region after it originated from China about 2,500 years ago.Dragon Boat Festival"s featureZongzi (Chinese rice dumplings)Zongzi, as the traditional food for the Dragon Boat Festival, is a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves to give it a special flavor, varies greatly across China.Zongzi is often made of rice mixed with dates in Northern China, because dates are abundant in the area. Eastern China"s Jiaxing County is famous for its pork-stuffed Zongzi. In the southern province of Guangdong, people stuff Zong Zi with pork, ham, chestnuts and other ingredients, making them very rich in flavor. In Sichuan province, Zongzi is usually served with a sugar dressing. Most people still maintain the tradition of eating Zongzi on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival.Dragon boat raceDragon boat races are the most popular activity during the Dragon Boat festival, especially in Southern China.A typical dragon boat ranges from 50-100 feet in length, with a beam of about 5.5 feet, accommodating two paddlers seated side by side. It is brightly painted in red, white, yellow and black. A wooden dragon head is attached at the bow, and a dragon tail at the stern. A banner hoisted on a pole is also fastened at the stern. In the center of the boat is a canopied shrine behind which the drummers, gong beaters and cymbal players are seated to set the pace for the paddlers. There are also men positioned at the bow to set off firecrackers, toss rice into the water and pretend to be looking for Qu Yuan. All of the noise and pageantry creates an atmosphere of gaiety and excitement for the participants and spectators alike.Before the race gets underway, a solemn ceremony is held to worship the Dragon King.Dragon boat racing is quite a spectacle, with drums beating, colorful flags waving, and thousands of people cheering on both sides of the river.Races can have any number of boats competing, with the winner being the first team to grab a flag at the end of the course. Annual races take place all over China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and other overseas Chinese communities.Gangneung Danoje Festival"s featureGangneung Danoje Festival rooted in Chinese culture also falls on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the lunar calendar. However, the festival actually lasts for a month from April 5 to May 7 in the lunar calendar. It takes place in the town of Gangneung and its surroundings, situated east of the Taebaek Mountain Range on the Korean peninsula.It is a day when Koreans have prayed for favorable weather for farming and fishing and a good fall harvest.Customs of China"s Dragon Boat FestivalBesides eating Zongzi and racing dragon boats, the Dragon Boat Festival used to have other interesting customs.Ancient Chinese believed the day of Duanwu was unlucky because midsummer was just around the corner. The hot weather used to bring various diseases, which could spread rampantly. Dispelling disease and driving out evil were the main purpose of the festival. People would paste on their front doors pictures of Zhongkui, a legendary Chinese ghost-catcher. People would also use cattail and mugwort leaves to drive away mosquitoes and other insects.Since children are generally the most vulnerable to disease, they received extra care at this special time. Children would wear necklaces or bracelets, made of red, yellow, blue, white and black threads, to keep evil away from them. They would also receive colorful pouches containing fragrant herbal medicines as presents. They hung these around their necks, and would compete with one another to see whose pouch had the finest needlework. Mothers also made sure to bathe their children in water boiled with herbal medicines. Modern science has proven that these medicines are, in fact, quite beneficial to health.Ancient Chinese believed realgar was an antidote for all poisons, and therefore most effective to drive away evil spirits and kill insects. So everyone would drink some realgar wine during the Duanwu Festival, and children would have the Chinese character for "King" written on their foreheads with realgar wine.Customs of South Korea"s Gangneung Danoje Festiv
2023-06-18 10:02:271


algerian a. 阿尔及利亚的 amerindian n. 美洲印第安人 amphibian a. 两栖类的,水陆两用的 antediluvian adj. 史前的,陈旧的 antiquarian n. 古物研究者,收集古物者 agrarian a. 有关土地的,耕地的 Arabian adj.阿拉伯的 扩展资料   artesian adj.自流的`(井等)   Asian a.亚洲的 n.亚洲人   assyrian a. 亚述人的;n. 亚述人   athenian a. 雅典(人)的;n. 雅典人   australian n. 澳大利亚人;澳洲人,adj. 澳大利亚的;澳洲的
2023-06-18 10:02:341


名词就是词性;系动词简单来说是联系主语和表语的动词,可以翻译为是或不翻译;表语是句子成分,不是单词,因而没有词性。表语可以由名词,形容词,副词,介词短语,动词不定式,表语从句充当。 VI是不及物动词 及物动词和不及物动词是动词的两种不同类型,许多学生使用时容易混淆,现加以区别。 及物动词,也称他动词,外动词,必须带宾语的动词和能够带受事宾语或关系宾语的动词。不及物动词,也称自动词,内动词,不能直接带宾语的动词和能带施事宾语的动词。 及物动词与不及物动词的根本区别是:及物动词能带宾语,如“他买菜”、“写书”、“挖洞”等;不及物动词不能直接带宾语。如“游行”、“出发”、“休息”等,就不能直接带宾语,不能说“游行学生”。 再者,及物动词带的宾语是受事宾语,表示动作行为的对象或结果。例如:妇女也能下河摸鱼,还能放鹅。“摸”和“放”都是及物动词,“鱼”和“鹅”做受事宾语,表示动作行为的对象。再如:我时常写点诗、小小说等。“诗”、“小小说”做及物动词“写”的受事宾语,表示动作行为的结果。不及物动词后不能带表示动作对象或结果的宾语,而且不能只单用一个动词,通常必须带有“了”、“着”、“过”或者趋向的补语,从而构成存现句。不及物动词后的这种宾语叫施事宾语。例如:天空中飘着朵朵白云。用“着”作补语,“朵朵白云”便是施事宾语。 有的动词有两种或多种意义,有的意义可以带宾语,有的意义不能带宾语。如“笑”这个词,在“不要笑我”这个句子中是“嘲笑”的意思,是能带宾语的及物动词,在“他笑了” 这个句子中是“高兴”的意思,是不能带宾语的不及物动词。
2023-06-18 10:02:473


【 #英语资源# 导语】勋章代表着荣耀,军装透漏出庄严,钢枪代表着捍卫,军旗绽放出光彩!是你们带给我们和平和安宁,在此建军节,为威武之狮献出崇高的敬意!下面是 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助! 1.建军节英语作文范文   August 1 Army Day again. It was a fine day with white clouds and even the birds in the trees seemed to be singing. Our courtyard red flag fluttering, the PLA aunts and uncles are wearing new uniforms, everyone happy smiling face, because this day is their own festival.   XX years ago today, comrade XXX launched the Nanchang Uprising, since then the revolutionary army continued to develop and grow, from the base area counter-encircled and suppressed, to the long March of 25 thousand li, defeated the Japanese XX bandits, finally defeated the Jiang XX dynasty, the establishment of new China. We can live a happy life today, must not forget those martyrs, without their blood shed, we can not sit in the spacious bright classroom reading. The PLA is always close to our heart.   I have always had a wish, grow up must be a glorious PLA soldier. My ideal is to fly our own aircraft, flying in the blue sky of the motherland, guarding our mountains and rivers. In order to realize this ideal, I must study hard on cultural knowledge from now on, and better master revolutionary skills in the future.   There are a lot of PLA uncles and aunts in our compound. They heal the wounded and rescue the dying, practice revolutionary humanitarianism, and cure a lot of people"s diseases. Although they are not in the smoke of the battlefield charge, but in the ordinary post made extraordinary achievements, is also the hero of peace, is also the most lovely people in our times. Every time I see them rescuing a patient, I am filled with admiration.   Although we are living a happy life, we should not forget that our Compatriots in Taiwan are still living in dire straits. Our people"s Liberation Army is a not afraid of hardship, two not afraid of death of the team, our national defense force is constantly strengthening, so we will liberate Taiwan, August 1 military flag will also fly high in the motherland treasure island. To that day, I will go to Taiwan to visit children as old as I am, and they sing together "PLA March".   XXX taught us: "people do not make me, I do not prisoners, if people make me, I will prisoners." With the Great Wall of steel of the PEOPLE"s Liberation Army, we are sure to defeat any invader"s attack. Our PLA is the largest army in the world. With this army, we can surely liberate two thirds of the suffering of the world, and Intenschonnel will do it! 2.建军节英语作文范文   Before what is August 1 army Day, I do not know at all. These days, my father told me a lot about the history and story of the August 1 Army Day, AND I looked at a lot of information on the Internet, and finally understand the meaning of the August 1 Army Day. On August 1, 1927, the former Enemy Committee headed by XXX and XX, XX, XX, XXX and other leaders of the Northern Expedition of 20,000 people. An armed uprising was held in Nanchang, Jiangxi province, the first shot of XXX"s armed resistance in China. Without the Nanchang Uprising, there would have been no victory of the Chinese revolution, new China would not have been born, and we would not be able to live a happy life now. Thinking of this, I could not help feeling awe and gratitude for the dignified and great PLA soldiers.   At the moment I understand, why our national flag is red, the original is millions of soldiers with red blood dyed! I stood under the red flag and solemnly saluted -- a red scarf for the noble soldiers of the PEOPLE"s Liberation Army salute! Now I realized how hard it had been to come by our seemingly unpretentious life. To the motherland, to the PEOPLE"s Liberation Army soldiers, parents and elders of gratitude, thank you! Because of you, we are so fresh and beautiful today! Because of you, my life is colorful! Because of you, we can grow up healthily and make progress every day!   At this moment, I understand the TV, the network reported "XX to occupy our XXX", "XXX, XX to occupy our XXX island" and other news is true. At this moment, I finally understand the father said "backward will be beaten" truth: because our country"s economic strength up, the naval strength is not strong enough, was bullied by the weak countries!      On the eve of the August 1 Army Day, I aspire to study well, exercise, study hard skills, grow up to serve the motherland, fight against invaders, protect the country, let more people live a happy life! 3.建军节英语作文范文   The PLA Army Day is a commemorative festival in China. It is held on August 1 every year. XXX after his betrayal of the revolution in April 1927, the Chinese workers party to save the revolution, workers in China in this year"s August 1 is produced under the leadership of the party committee of frustrated, by XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX and XXX comrade led the work of the party affected the northern expeditionary army more than 30000 people, in nanchang of jiangxi province held an armed uprising, the kuomintang (KMT) * fired the first shot. In April 1928, the uprising troops arrived in Jinggangshan, and the troops led by XXX successfully joined forces and formed the Red Army of Chinese workers and Peasants. From then on, the revolutionary Chinese Industrial Party belonging to the people under the leadership of XXXX was established, and gradually developed and grew into today"s Chinese People"s Liberation Army. Therefore, August 1st was designated as the Army Day.   On June 26, 1933, the XX Bureau in the Soviet Area, the leading organ of the CPC in the revolutionary base areas, made the "Decision of the Central Bureau on August 1 International Day of Anti-War Struggle and commemoration of the establishment of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army" according to the suggestion of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission. On June 30 of the same year, the Central XXXXXX Committee issued an order concerning the decision of August 1 as the Anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Workers" and Peasants" Red Army, pointing out that: "On August 1, 1927, the Nanchang uprising led by the communist Party, a proletarian political party, took place. This violent movement was the beginning of the agrarian revolution against imperialism and the source of the heroic red army of workers and peasants." On July 11, the people"s Committee of the Central Government, the central authority in the revolutionary base area, held its 46th meeting and decided to "approve the proposal of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission and set August 1 as the Anniversary of the Chinese Workers and Peasants" Red Army every year". And pointed out that "The Red Army of Chinese workers and peasants gradually grew up in the struggle from the XX uprising". Provisions "in this year"s "August 1, the Red Army Day awarded the battle flag in the Red Army regiment, at the same time awarded the award in the leadership of the southern XX movement responsible comrades and the Red Army commanders and combatants have special meritorious service", "the development of the Red Army family outstanding certificate".   Since then, every "August 1" army Day, to carry out the activities of military support and superior families. After the formation of the Chinese People"s Liberation Army, still "August 1" as the army Day. 4.建军节英语作文范文   Today is August 1 Army Day, my father took our sister and brother to climb the mountain, I listen to say "I don"t want to climb the mountain!" Dad had no choice but to make a posture of meditation. Well, it looks like I"m going to have to take another moral lesson.   Sure enough, the moral lesson began: "Yingying, you once went to the lecture of The Red Journey. You must be familiar with the word "Red Army", right? Do you remember how they climbed the snowy mountains and crossed the meadows?" I quickly nodded, said: "Remember remember! At that time, but after a long journey through mountains and rivers, through untold hardships! I heard that the earth, cloth shoes as a meal." Is ah! The Red Army uncles ate only one or two meals a day, or even went without food for several days. Their stomachs were empty." "Goodness!" The younger brother"s eyes widened and his mouth formed an O. "How can I bear this?" "It"s like you, screaming after skipping a meal! The Red Army is still facing greater hardship! Their long march lasted about two years and covered about 25,000 kilometers! Twenty-five thousand kilometers! Equivalent to climbing dozens of such Huangshan ah! Not only to face the cold and heat, but also to intercept and chase the enemy!" I looked at my brother with disdain and proudly showed off what I had learned from the lecture. "How do you compare yourself to the Reds?" Dad looked at me playfully. My face turned red.   "Oh, I know, I know! I am not afraid of difficulties, a small red army! I"m a little red army!" The younger brother shouted excitedly into the valley. "Rightness! I also want to be a little red army, I also want to be not afraid of difficulties!" Affected by the younger brother, I also shouted at the valley: "Red army uncle, we want to be the little red army! We also want to be the little Red army!"   Uncle Red Army, do you hear that? Your heroic deeds are celebrated; Uncle Red Army, did you see it? How many people walk the way you did, the trials and tribulations you have faced; Uncle Red Army, do you feel it? Your spirit of self-improvement and optimism has been carried forward on us, and your lofty image has been deeply imprinted on the hearts of the people. And we, like you, will bear hardships and stand hard work, brave and forge ahead, vowed to do the new era of the "little red army"! 5.建军节英语作文范文   "There are clusters of olive green in the place where the morning glow flows, and the grassland is peaceful with the steps of youth in my time. The responsibility of soldiers is condensed in the sacred sentry post, and I never have a rest in the days and months covered with wind and rain..." What a touching song it is! Whenever this beautiful melody waves in my ears, I always think of the group in olive green.   Every day, in the green camp will spread a loud slogan: "one, two, three, four! One two three four!" "Blood, sweat, no tears! Drop skin drop flesh not to fall behind!" A brief slogan, it is said their hearts: serve the people wholeheartedly! To the motherland and the people to hand over a satisfactory answer! Every soldier since the beginning of the army, it is no longer the "little master" of the family, they should always remember their mission, for the motherland and the people struggle for life! They begin the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly, they will become a real soldier, a real man!   You may have seen soldiers in the parade field valiant valiant posture, but you know soldiers in the practice field suffering? In the winter, the ground is covered with a thick layer of snow, people are freezing wearing thick cotton-padded jacket, wrapped himself in it, but the olive green, they do not wear a coat, bare arms, ground teeth creeping in the snow, in the above practice; Special forces will crawl in the mud, but also from time to time there are officers with a faucet directly into the water to them, these water for them are commonplace... I did not see them shrink back to tears, but they were in the mud dyed black face revealed rows of white teeth, they are so optimistic, this is their unique accomplishment!   They sacrifice themselves, they shed their youth sweat, they are all for the happiness of the people and the security of the motherland. The flag is above life in the eyes of the guard. Peng Kai, a soldier, once passed by a department store in Beijing and saw a corner of the national flag on the roof broken. He immediately went to the store owner and told him about the national flag. The owner was so convinced that he immediately changed a new national flag. The Flag guards are proving it with their actions!   That olive green on the body, let how many people naturally produced the heart of worship to the soldier, the heroic appearance when stepping goose-step, let how many people focus on distant hope. Solemn solemn sonorous and powerful slogan neat and uniform action, leaving a person is a perfect feeling.   Here, let"s salute the loveliest person of the 21st century!
2023-06-18 10:02:551

房产证上的英语翻译 急!在线等

1. A total of2.XX, XX, XX tenant in common3. The state / private4. Residential5.XX Hill6. The right person7. Premises located8. Agrarian situation9. Ownership of properties10. Uses11. To No.12. Drawing No.13. Land Level14. Lifespan15. Usable area16. A total area of17. Exclusive use area18. Sharing Area19. Which share an area of20. Housing status21. Proprietary nature of the22. Construction area23. Building Number24. Building No.25. Room number or location26. Types27. New Workshops28. Structure29. Reinforced Concrete30. Storeys31. Completion Date32. Area Unit: square meters33. Real estate other rights Summary34. The right kind35. Purchase the stock of housing mortgage36. Other rights that number37. The right to the value of38. Surviving Date39. Excursus Information40.XX Real Estate Registry
2023-06-18 10:03:031


ag,act 做,驱动 agent代理人 active活动的,积极的 agr 农田 agriculture农业 agrarian田地的 am 爱,亲爱 amicable友善的 amiable和蔼可亲的 anim 心灵,精神,生命 animal动物 animate有生命的 ann,enn 年 annual一年的 centennial一世纪的 astro 星 astronomy天文学 astronaut宇宙航行员 audi 听 audience听众 audible听得见的 bell 战争 rebellion反叛,反抗 bellicose好战的 bio 生命,生物 biology生物学 antibiotic抗生的,抗生素 brev 短 brevity 简短 abbreviate缩短,节略 cred 相信 credibility可信 credit信任 cur,cours 跑 ccurrence出现,发生 current流通的 cycl 圆,环 bicycle自行车 cyclone旋风 di 日 diary日记 diarist记日记者 dict 说 predict预言 indicate表示 duc,duct 引导 conduct指导 induce引诱 ed 吃 edible可吃的 edacity贪吃 fact 做,制 factory工厂 manufacture制造,加工 fer 带,拿 transfer转移 ferry渡船 flu 流 fluent流利的 influenza流行性感冒 form 形式,外形 transform改变 formula公式 fract,frag破,折 fraction碎片 fragile易碎的 fus 倾,注,溶化 fusion熔解 effuse泻出 gen 起源 generate使产生 genetic遗传的 geo 地球,土地 geography地理 geology地质学 grad 步,走,级 gradual逐步的 graduate毕业 gram 写,记录 diagram图表 program节目单,方案 graph 写,画,记录 photograph照像 autograph亲笔,手稿 gress 行走 progress进步 retrogress后退 hap 机会,运气,偶发 happen发生 mishap灾祸 hospit 客人 hospital医院 hospitable好客的,殷勤的 insul 岛 peninsula半岛 insulation隔绝,孤立 hydra 水 hydraulic水利的 hydrant消防栓 ject 投,掷,抛 eject射出 project投射 junct 连接,结合 conjunction连接词 adjunct附属物 lect,leg,lig 挑选,采集 lect 选举 selection选举 eligible合格的,合适的 lev 举,升 elevator电梯 lever杠杆 liber 自由 liberate解放 liberalist自由主义的 lingu 语言 linguist语言学家 bilingual两种语言的 liter 文字,字母 literate识字的 literature文学 loc 地方 local当地的 locate使座落于 log 词,语言,讲演 dialogue对话 logic逻辑 loqu 说话 eloquent雄辩的 colloquial口语的,会话的 manu 手 manuscript手稿 manual手的,用手的 medi 中间 medium中等的 mediation居中调解 memor 记忆,记住的 memory记忆 memorial纪念日,纪念物 milit 兵 military军事的 militant战斗性的 min 少,小 inority少数 diminish减少,减小 mob,mot,mov 移动 mobile活动的 motion运动 immovable不可移动的 mort 死亡 mortal终有一死的 mortician承办殡葬的人 nov 新 novel小说 novelty新奇 numer 数 numeral数字的 numerous为数众多的 oper 工作 operate操作 coue011operate合作 opt 视线,光线 optic视力的 optics光学 path 感情,苦楚,疾病 sympathy同情 pathetic可怜的 pel 推,逐,驱 expel驱逐 repel击退,反击,抵抗 pend,pen 悬挂 depend依靠 pendent悬空的 phon 声音 microphone扩音器 telephone电话 plen 满,全 plenty充足,大量 plentitude丰富,充足 pon,pos 放置 postpone推迟 position位置sens,sent 感觉 sensation感觉 sentiment感情 sol 太阳 solar太阳的 parasol阳伞 spec 看 spectacle光景,景象 prospect展望 spir 呼吸,生命 conspire共谋 inspire吸气,鼓舞 tact,tang,tag 接触 intact未接触的 tangible可接触的 tail 切,割 tailor裁缝 retail零售 tain,ten,tin 保持,握,容纳 contain容纳 obtain取得,sustain支持 tect 掩,盖 detect侦察 发觉,detective侦探的 tele 远 telescope望远镜 telegram电报 tend,tens,tent 伸 extend伸开,扩展 extensive广阔的
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  人文就是人类文化中的先进部分和核心部分,即先进的价值观及其规范。其集中体现是:重视人,尊重人,关心人,爱护人。简而言之,人文,即重视人的文化。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。   人文的英语说法1:   humanity   人文的英语说法2:   Liberal Arts   人文的相关短语:   人文关怀 humanistic concern ; humanistic care   人文艺术 Humanities ; Arts ;   人文内涵 humanistic intension   人文知识 General Knowledge   人文研究 humanistic studies   人文的英语例句:   1. to be elected to fellowship of the British Academy   当选为英国人文社会科学院的院士   2. She has a background in humanities and modern languages.   她学过人文学科和现代语言.   3. Like the Humanists or the Agrarians, he has always thought tradition important.   一如人文主义者和重农派, 他一贯认为传统是重要的.   4. London was the biggest aggregation of human life.   伦敦是人文荟萃之区.   5. We see all human institutions grow and change.   我们看到一切人文制度的生长和变化.   6. The medieval universities generally had four faculties: theology, law, medicine and the liberal arts.   中世纪大学一般由四个学院组成: 神学院 、 法学院 、 医学院和人文学院.   7. In many cases, a study of arts was taken as a preliminary to the other faculties.   在许多情况下, 人文学科被视为进入其他学院的预科.   8. In jurisprudence, science, and the arts, man has revealed the boundless magnitude of his mind.   在法学 、 科学和人文学科方面, 人类显示出来的智慧也是博大无边的.   9. London was " the biggest aggregation of human life - the most plete pendium of the world ".   伦敦是 “ 人文荟萃之区,全球最完备的缩影 ”.   10. Humanist education was based on the study of poetry, grammar, ethicsandrhetoric.   人文教育的基础是研究诗歌, 语法, 职业道德和言论.   11. Marginalized in the humanistic quality of education will face a new crisis.   处在边缘化的人文素质教育将面临新的危机.   12. Human geography has a good advantage is an elegant garden - like school environments.   具有良好的人文地理优势,是一所环境优雅的花园式学校.   13. South ditch Xu enchanting natural scenery, abundant human resources and rmation.   沟南许地自然景色迷人, 人文资源底蕴丰厚.   14. Lampeter has a special focus on the humanities and social sciences.   兰姆斯特特别注重于人文和社会科学.   15. Presently , entrepreneurship, innovation and excellence - creating are the sublimation of the spirit.   在新的历史条件下, “创业创新创优”的三创精神是新时期江苏人文精神的升华.
2023-06-18 10:03:461


1. abol=to do away with废除 abolish废除2. ab-sum=not present离开 absent不在3. abyssys=bottom底 abyss深渊4. ac=an oak栎属植物 acorn橡树子5. acer=a field原野 acre英亩6. acer=sharp尖锐的 acerbity酸7. acidus=sour发酸 acid酸8. acu=sharpen削尖 acumen敏锐9. aedes=a house住宅 edifice屋宇10. aequus=equal相等的 equal平等的11. aer=air空气 aerate充气12. aer=before以前 ere在…之前13. aesth=feel发觉 aesthete审美家14. aestimo=to value估价 esteem尊重15. aeternus=of endless duration永久的 eternity永恒16. aevum=age年龄 coeval同年代的17. afen=evening晚上 eve黄昏18. afre=always永远 ever永远19. ag=act行动 agency力量20. agan=to own承认 owe感谢21. aggelos=a messenger通信员 angel天使22. agger=heap堆积 exaggerate夸大23. ago=lead引导 pedagog教师24. ago=to do做 agile敏捷的25. agon=contest争夺 agonal濒死26. agr=field原野 agrarian土地的27. aither=burn烧 ether太空28. alb=white白的 alb白长袍29. ali=another又一 alias别名30. alo=to nourish营养 aliment食物31. alt=high高的 alter祭坛32. alter=the other of tow两者的另外一个 alter改变33. ambio=I go round about我在周围到处走 ambition抱负34. ambulo=I walk我步行 preamble序言35. amo=I love我爱 amiable可亲的36. ampl=wide广大 ample广大的37. an=one一个 any什么38. ancestre=one who goes before走在先前的人 ancestor祖宗39. ancien=old古代的 ancient古代的40. anemos=wind风 enemograph风速计41. angl=a corner角 angle角42. ango=to choke呛 anguish苦恼43. anim=breath呼吸 animal动物44. anism=mind心 animosity敌意45. ann=year年 annual周年的46. answer=to declare in opposition回答 answer up应对迅速47. anth=flower花 anthology选集48. anthropos=man人 anthropocentric以人类为宇宙中心的49. antiqunus=ancient古代的 antic古怪的50. apell=call by name叫 appeal要求还有好多好多。。。给个邮箱吧
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2023-06-18 10:04:463

灰猎犬号 汤姆汉克斯亲自当舰长

汤姆.汉克斯这个名字就是一部好影片的保证,从《飞向未来》、《费城故事》、《阿甘正传》到《拯救大兵瑞恩》、《荒岛余生》、《菲利普船长》,汤姆.汉克斯塑造了一个个经典人物,本片是汤姆.汉克斯根据C.S. Forester所著的非虚构小说《The Good Shepherd》改编,剧本是他亲自写的。 影片的大背景是1942年冬季盟军补给舰队与德国U型艇之间的战斗。由四艘轻型战舰护航的37艘商船满载军需物资驶向英国利物浦。由于当时飞机航程的限制,美方护航的飞机和英国接替护航的飞机之间有一段空白区,舰船要经历几天没有飞机护航的“黑坑”时间,这段区域也是德国U型潜艇攻击商船的绝佳位置。 厄尼(汤姆.汉克斯饰)船长疲惫的擦了一把脸,近几天没有睡好,一天没吃饭的他刚经历了几次惊心动魄的战斗,摇摇晃晃的厄尼想起几天前的场景,他向伊微求婚,对方没有答应,并指出现在世界动乱,充满了太多不确定性。本段是影片唯一的彩色,也是全片冬季清冷色调下唯一出现的女性。在最困难的时候,这名中年女性是船长坚持下去的动力。 灰猎犬号故事进程非常扁平,在拥挤的船舱内,让人感觉幽闭恐惧症,在冬季的深海中,有随时冒出来的德军潜艇攻击。影片通过不停叙述专业的海战术语,不断重复的通信兵,以及若隐若现的声呐屏幕,一直让观众处于紧张之中。汤姆.汉克斯一人撑起整部影片,在碰到接替保护的英国飞机之前,你永远无法确定是否能够活着回家。 当敌情来袭的时候全员立即进入战斗状态,一天没吃饭的尼尔船长,下意识的说再给我一杯咖啡,此时一直照顾他饮食的炊事兵已经阵亡。当最终离开危险的“黑坑”,他脱掉了已经渗出血的鞋子,终于可以好好的休息一下。 在大西洋战役中,超过3500艘运载百万吨货物的舰船被德国击沉,造成72200人员死亡。冬季盟军补给舰队运送的军需物资是重要的,旅途是异常凶险的,汤姆.汉克斯带领观众重新踏上这次充满紧张和刺激的艰辛之旅。
2023-06-18 10:04:551

为什么我开了显卡里的抗锯齿以后 游戏没有任何反应

2023-06-18 10:04:583


2023-06-18 10:05:043


2023-06-18 10:05:072


莎士比亚爱情中英名言   莎士比亚称莎翁为“狭斯丕尔”,是英国文学史上最杰出的戏剧家,也是欧洲文艺复兴时期最重要、最伟大的作家,全世界最卓越的文学家之一。以下是我带来莎士比亚爱情中英名言的相关内容,希望对你有帮助。   ◆ 世界是一个舞台,所有的男男女女不过是一些演员,他们都有下场的时候,也都有上场的时候。一个人的一生中扮演着好几个角色。 ——《皆大欢喜》   ◆ Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold. (As You Like It, 1.3)   美貌比金银更容易引起歹心。——《皆大欢喜》   ◆ Sweet are the uses of adversity. (As You Like It, 2.1)   逆境和厄运自有妙处。——《皆大欢喜》   ◆ Do you not know I am a woman? When I think, I must speak. (As You Like It, 3.2)   你难道不知道我是女人?我心里想什么,就会说出来。——《皆大欢喜》   ◆ Love is merely a madness. (As You Like It, 3.2)   爱情不过是一种疯狂。——《皆大欢喜》   ◆ how bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man"s eyes! (As You Like It)   唉!从别人的眼中看到幸福,自己真有说不出的酸楚!——《皆大欢喜》   ◆ It is a wise father that knows his own child. (A Merchant of Venice 2.2)   知子之父为智。——《威尼斯商人》   ◆ Love is blind and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit. (A Merchant of Venice 2.6)   爱情是盲目的,恋人们看不到自己做的傻事。——《威尼斯商人》   ◆ All that glisters is not gold. (A Merchant of Venice 2.7)   闪光的并不都是金子。——《威尼斯商人》   ◆ So is the will of a living daughter curb"d by the will of a dead father. (A Merchant of Venice 1.2)   一个活生生的女人的意愿,却被过世的父亲的遗嘱所限。——《威尼斯商人》   ◆ 外观往往和事物的本身完全不符,世人都容易为表面的装饰所欺骗。——《威尼斯商人》   ◆ 没有比较,就显不出长处;没有欣赏的人,乌鸦的歌声也就和云雀一样。要是夜莺在白天杂在聒噪里歌唱,人家绝不以为它比鹪鹩唱得更美。多少事情因为逢到有利的环境,才能达到尽善的境界,博得一声恰当的赞赏。——《威尼斯商人》   ◆ The quality of mercy is not strained. (A Merchant of Venice 4.1)   慈悲不是出于勉强。——《威尼斯商人》   ◆ Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall. (Measure for Measure 2.1)   有些人因罪恶而升迁,有些人因德行而没落。——《一报还一报》   ◆ it is excellent to have a giant"s strength; but it is tyrannous to use it like a giant. (Measure for Measure 2.1)   有巨人的力量固然好,但像巨人那样滥用力量就是一种残暴行为。——《一报还一报》   ◆ I"ll pray a thousand prayers for thy death but no word to save thee. (Measure for Measure 3.1)   我要千遍祷告让你死,也不祈求一字救你命。——《一报还一报》   ◆ what may man within him hide, though angel on the outward side! (Measure for Measure 3.2)   唉!一个人外表可以装得像天使,但却可能把自己掩藏在内心深处!——《一报还一报》   ◆ Beauty, wit, high birth, vigour of bone, desert in service, love, friendship, charity, are subjects all to envious and calumniating time. (Troilus and Cressida 3.3)   美貌、智慧、门第、臂力,事业、爱情、友谊和仁慈,都必须听命于妒忌而无情的时间。——《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》   ◆ You gods divine! Make Cressida"s name the very crown of falsehood, if ever she leave Troilus. (Troilus and Cressida 4.2)   神明啊!要是有一天克瑞西达背叛特罗里斯,那么就让她的名字永远被人唾骂吧!——《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》   ◆ Beauty! Where is thy faith? (Troilus and Cressida 5.2)   美貌!你的真诚在何方?——《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》   ◆ Take but degree away, untune that string, and, hark, what discord follows! (Troilus and Cressida 1.3)   没有了纪律,就像琴弦绷断,听吧!刺耳的噪音随之而来!——《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》   要一个骄傲的人看清他自己的嘴脸,只有用别人的骄傲给他做镜子;倘若向他卑躬屈膝,不过添长了他的气焰,徒然自取其辱。 ——《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》   ◆ she dothe teach the torches to burn bright! (Romeo and Juliet 1.5)   啊!火炬不及她那么明亮。——《罗密欧与朱丽叶》   ◆ My only love sprung from my only hate ! (Romeo and Juliet 1.5)   我唯一的爱来自我唯一的恨。——《罗密欧与朱丽叶》   ◆ What"s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. (Romeo and Juliet 2.2)   名字中有什么呢?把玫瑰叫成别的名字,它还是一样的芬芳。——《罗密欧与朱丽叶》   /名称有什么关系呢?玫瑰不叫玫瑰,依然芳香如故。   ◆ Young men"s love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes. (Romeo and Juliet 2.3)   年轻人的爱不是发自内心,而是全靠眼睛。——《罗密欧与朱丽叶》   ◆ It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. (Romeo and Juliet 2.2)   那是东方,而朱丽叶就是太阳。——《罗密欧与朱丽叶》   ◆ A little more than kin, and less than kind. (Hamlet 1.2)   超乎寻常的亲族,漠不相关的路人。——《哈姆雷特》   ◆ Frailty, thy name is woman! (Hamlet 1.2)   脆弱啊,你的名字是女人!——《哈姆雷特》   ◆ This above all: to thine self be true. (Hamlet 1.3)   最重要的是,你必须对自己忠实。——《哈姆雷特》   ◆ The time is out of joint – O, cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right! (Hamlet 1.5)   这是一个礼崩乐坏的`时代,唉!倒霉的我却要负起重整乾坤的责任。——《哈姆雷特》   ◆ Brevity is the soul of wit. (Hamlet 2.2)   简洁是智慧的灵魂,冗长是肤浅的藻饰。/言贵简洁。——《哈姆雷特》   ◆ There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. (Hamlet 1.5)   天地之间有许多事情,是你的睿智所无法想象的。——《哈姆雷特》   /在这天地间有许多事情是人类哲学所不能解释的。   ◆ There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. (Hamlet 2.2)   世上之事物本无善恶之分,思想使然。——《哈姆雷特》   /没有什么事是好的或坏的,但思想却使其中有所不同。   ◆ To be or not to be: that is a question. (Hamlet 3.1)   生存还是毁灭,这是个值得考虑的问题。——《哈姆雷特》   ◆ There"s a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. (Hamlet 5.2)   一只麻雀的生死都是命运预先注定的。——《哈姆雷特》   ◆ The rest is silence. (Hamlet 5.2)   余下的只有沉默。——《哈姆雷特》   ◆ Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them. (Othello 1.2)   收起你们明晃晃的剑,它们沾了露水会生锈的。——《奥赛罗》   ◆ beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on. (Othello 3.3)   主帅啊,当心你会嫉妒,那可是一只绿眼的妖魔,它惯于耍弄爪下的猎物。——《奥赛罗》   ◆ Things base and vile, holding no quantity, love can transpose to from and dignity: love looks not with the eyes, but with mind. (A Midsummer Night"s Dream 1.1)   卑贱和劣行在爱情看来都不算数,都可以被转化成美满和庄严:爱情不用眼睛辨别,而是用心灵来判断/爱用的不是眼睛,而是心。——《仲夏夜之梦》   ◆ Lord, what fools these mortals be! (A Midsummer Night"s Dream 3.2)   上帝呀,这些凡人怎么都是十足的傻瓜!——《仲夏夜之梦》   pact. (A Midsummer Night"s Dream 5.1)   疯子、情人、诗人都是想象的产儿。——《仲夏夜之梦》   ◆ Since the little wit that fools have was silenc"d, the little foolery that wise men have makes a great show. (As You Like It, 1.2)   自从傻子小小的聪明被压制得无声无息,聪明人小小的傻气显得更吸引眼球了。——《皆大欢喜》 ;
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2023-06-18 10:05:261


Beware of vicious dog . 谨防 恶犬 。> Beware of the dog ? you don " t have a dog “当心 恶犬 ”你哪儿来的狗! > Remind me to be aware of the dog in me 随时提醒我内心中的 恶犬 > Fatso " s dog is barking for a meal 给胖子的 恶犬 咬到> Beware of vicious dog 谨防 恶犬 > For the rest he was a fierce ttle old man , who scoffed terribly at softness in any one , and who regarded himself as especial mastiff - waiting to protect the o young artists in the studio above 此外,他还是个暴躁的小老头儿,极端瞧不起人家的温情,但却认为自己是保护楼上画室那两个青年画家的看门 恶犬 。 >
2023-06-18 10:05:331


2023-06-18 10:05:353


2006年9月, Junplanning公司继1/6大头女娃pullip后推出了新素体的另一款女娃dal dal最初发售3只,接着是每2月一只发售,恰好与Teayang交错开, 直至08年4月起,因人气持续高涨,价格和发售间隔都做了相应调整。
2023-06-18 10:05:362


2023-06-18 10:05:401

台湾MM 3P视频? 记得给我加分哦。呵呵。下载有点慢。。不过的却可以下。
2023-06-18 10:05:431


楼主您好:苏维埃进行曲的歌词有两种版本 原版 俄文:RA3 Theme - Soviet MarchСлова(歌词)Наш Советский Союз покарает 我们的苏维埃将惩戒全世界Весь мир от Европы к Неве на восто-ок从欧洲直抵涅瓦河向东Над землёой везде будут петь: 大地上随处都将唱响:Столица, водка, Советский медведь наш! 首都,伏特加,我们的苏维埃巨熊!Наш Советский Союз покарает 我们的苏维埃将惩戒全世界Весь мир от Европы к Неве на восто-ок 从欧洲直抵涅瓦河向东Над землёой везде будут петь: 大地上随处都将唱响:Столица, водка, Советский медведь наш! Все народы здесь стоят того, 所有民族在此都将面临这个事实Что мы все воплотили на свет, 苏维埃已经成为现实Благодарный низкий поклонОт са-мой мо-гу-щес-твенной в мире!向世界上最最强大的(苏维埃)充满敬意与感谢地深深鞠躬吧!Все народы здесь стоят того, 所有民族在此都将面临这个事实Что мы все воплотили на свет, 苏维埃已经成为现实Благодарный низкий поклонОт са-мой мо-гу-щес-твенной в мире! 向世界上最最强大的(苏维埃)充满敬意与感谢地深深鞠躬吧!Ааааа, аААаа!啊……!Наш Советский Союз покарает 我们的苏维埃将惩戒全世界Весь мир от Европы к Неве на восто-ок从欧洲直抵涅瓦河向东Над землёой везде будут петь: 大地上随处都将唱响:Столица, водка, Советский медведь наш! 首都,伏特加,我们的苏维埃巨熊!Наш Советский Союз покарает 我们的苏维埃将惩戒全世界Весь мир от Европы к Неве на восто-ок从欧洲直抵涅瓦河向东Над землёой везде будут петь: 大地上随处都将唱响:Столица, водка, Советский медведь наш! 首都,伏特加,我们的苏维埃巨熊!Ааааа, аААааааа! 啊……! 征服版英文:Our Soviet Union subjugates the whole world Like a gigantic bear from the East. The sheep wander aimlessly, without any cause Yet the Soviet bear"s on the hunt. Our brotherhood"s a good life, Our generosity is without compare. All those with us our strong, All those against us, beware. It"d be a shame if we had hardships. To all those around us, it"s not worth your while If we were to turn you to ashes. We thank you profoundly, and bow to you deeply From the mightiest nation in all the world. 征服者版中文翻译: 我们的苏联像东方的巨熊, 脚踏着世界的大地 迷途的羔羊漫无目的, 苏联大熊正在出击 我们兄弟般团结友爱, 我们的慷慨无可比拟 顺我者昌,逆我者亡, 直到艰难险阻都成过去 包围我们的敌人真的很无聊 我们会把你们轰杀至渣 之后还会深切地鞠躬感谢你 成为世上最强大国家的炮灰希望对您有帮助
2023-06-18 10:04:492

ATI Radeon HD 3400 Series 是否可以安装DirectX 10/11吗

这显卡,又老又古董,又低端低性能。不过支持DirectX 10.1。DX11就免了。ATI Radeon64 HD 3400 Series - GPU 规格给你看看 55 nm 制造工艺,集成1 亿 8 千 1 百万晶体管 PCI Express 2.0 x16 总线接口 64 位DDR2/GDDR3 内存接口 Microsoft03 DirectX03 10.1 支持 Shader Model 4.1 32 位浮点纹理过滤 索引式立方图队列 按渲染目标的独立混合模式 像素覆盖采样遮蔽 读/写带有阴影的多样本表面 Gather4 纹理获取 统一超标量着色器架构 40 个流处理单元 顶点、几何和像素着色器的动态负载平衡以及资源分配 支持所有类型着色器的公共指令集和纹理单元访问 专用的分支执行单元和纹理寻址处理器 所有运算都采用 128 位浮点精度 命令处理器,可以降低 CPU 开销 着色器指令和常量缓存 每个时钟周期最多可读取 16 个纹理 每像素多达 128 个纹理 完美结合的多级纹理缓存设计 DXTC 和 3Dc+ 纹理压缩 高分辨率纹理支持(最高 8192 x 8192) 完美结合的纹理、Z 轴/模板缓存设计 早期 Z 轴测试、二次 Z 轴 (Re-Z) 测试、Z 轴范围优化和快速 Z 轴清除 无损 Z 轴/模板压缩 支持反锯齿的 8 重渲染目标 (MRT) 物理处理支持 动态几何加速 可编程镶嵌单元 优化的几何着色器路径,提高几何放大效率 配备内存读/写缓存,提高流输出性能 反锯齿功能 多重采样反锯齿(每像素 2 重或 4 重采样) 自定义过滤反锯齿 (CFAA),改善图像质量 自适应超级采样和多重采样 暂时消除混叠 Gamma 校正 超级反锯齿(Super AA,仅限 CrossFire 配置) 所有反锯齿功能均与 HDR 渲染兼容 纹理过滤功能 2x/4x/8x/16x 高质量自适应各向异性过滤模式(每像素最高 128 向) 128 位浮点 HDR 纹理过滤 双三次过滤 sRGB 过滤(gamma/degamma) 百分比渐近过滤 (PCF) 支持深度模板纹理 (DST) 格式 支持共享指数 HDR (RGBE 9:9:9:5) 纹理格式 OpenGL 3.2 支持 ATI Avivo64 HD 视频和显示平台 专用统一视频解码器 (UVD),支持 H.264/AVC 和 VC-1 视频格式 支持 Blu-ray 和 HD DVD 格式的高清 (HD) 播放 硬件 MPEG-1、MPEG-2 和 DivX 视频解码加速 动态补偿和 IDCT ATI Avivo Video Post Processor 颜色空间转换 色度超采样格式转换 水平和垂直缩放 Gamma 校正 先进的矢量自适应每像素去交错 去除块状物和降噪过滤 细节增强 电视电影反转(2:2 和 3:2 下拉校正) 错误编码校正 两个独立的显示控制器 同时驱动两个显示器,且每个显示器都有各自独立的分辨率、刷新率、色彩控制和视频覆盖 完全的 30 位显示处理 可编程分段线性 Gamma 校正、颜色校正和颜色空间转换 空间/暂时抖动功能可在 24 位和 18 位显示器上提供 30 位色彩质量 高质量预缩放和后缩放引擎,具有对所有显示输出的欠扫描支持 用于交错式显示器的内容自适应去闪烁滤波 快速稳定模式切换 硬件光标 两个集成的 DVI 显示输出 主输出支持所有分辨率(对于单路 DVI,最高可达 1920x1200;对于双路 DVI,最高可达 2560x16001 )下的 18、24 和 30 位数字显示 辅助输出支持所有分辨率(最高可达 1920x1200,仅限单路 DVI1 )下的 18、24 和 30 位数字显示 每个都包括 HDCP 编码器,支持芯片上键存储,实现最高分辨率播放保护内容2 两个集成 DisplayPort64 显示输出 支持所有分辨率(至高 2560x1600)下的 24 位和 30 位显示2 每个输出有 1、2 或 4 个通道,每通道数字传输率可以达到 2.7 Gbps 两个集成的 400 MHz 30 位 RAMDAC 每个支持 VGA 连接的模拟显示,支持所有分辨率,最高可达 2048x15361 HDMI 输出支持 支持所有显示分辨率,最高支持 1920x10801 集成 HD 音频控制器,支持多声道 (5.1) AC3,支持即插即用无线音频解决方案 集成 AMD Xilleon64 HDTV 编码器 提供高质量的模拟电视输出(分量/S-video/复合) 支持 SDTV 和 HDTV 分辨率 欠扫描和过扫描补偿 MPEG-2、MPEG-4、DivX、WMV9、VC-1 和 H.264/AVC 编码及转码 实时无缝集成像素着色器与视频 所有显示输出均支持 VGA 模式 ATI PowerPlay64 高级电源管理技术,提供最佳的性能和省电功能 按需提供性能 持续监控 GPU 活动,根据用户使用情况动态调整时钟和电压 时钟和内存速度调控 电压转换 动态时钟门控 核心热敏管理 - 芯片上内置的热敏传感器监控 GPU 温度并在需要时触发热敏操作 ATI CrossFireX64 多 GPU 技术 利用 2 个 GPU 成倍提高渲染性能和图像质量 集成复合引擎 高性能桥式互联3 支持 ATI Hybrid Graphics4
2023-06-18 10:04:471


2023-06-18 10:04:4015

Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.

2023-06-18 10:04:283


德国DAL-ACOUSTICS音响品牌的历史可以追溯到20世纪80年代中期的德国。品牌创始人Michael staats和Aelx是两位优秀的专业音频工程师,其中一人将自己的爱好转变为专业,并开始开发强大的无源扬声器扬声器系统,而另一人则带来了深厚的电子知识,并设计了控制电子设备来保护这些扬声器系统,这种在当地取得的成功很快传播到了其他德国制造商,并于1984年于德国汉堡成立German Audio Engineering GmbH(德国DAL-ACOUSTICS音响工程股份有限公司),同时创立了“DAL”专业音响品牌。并开始开发强大的被动分频扬声器系统以及最高功率处理和保护系统的无源分频器。DAL音响包括具有最高功率处理和车载保护系统的无源分频器、世界上第一个采用IIR和FIR滤波技术的数字扬声器控制器—— DSC28,以及当今广泛使用的光纤音频传输系统的先驱。以及扬声器产品,如德国音频工程总监,为大范围喇叭系统定义了新的精度标准,独有的扬声器产品为大型全量程喇叭加载系统定义了新的精度标准。几十年来,集团专注于专业音频系统的开发和制造,打造更完善的系统。减少外界干扰,专注于理性和经济的顶级专业产品,该产品的特点是使用寿命长,对用户具有长期投资安全性,所有德国音频工程产品都是如此,DAL音响在应用方面的设计质量没有任何差异“自给自足”输出高品质声音——这就是德国DAL-ACOUSTICS音响品牌想要传达的东西。目前DAL音响产品满足流动演出、固定安装、剧场剧院、政企会议等相关场所扩声,提供高级别专业音响系统的设计咨询及产品售后服务。
2023-06-18 10:04:251


就是柔和一下图像而已 个人喜欢吧
2023-06-18 10:04:244

Nightcrawler 歌词

歌曲名:Nightcrawler歌手:Mezzanine~C14专辑:He Keeps Silent And Sacrifices HimselfNight Crawler Lyrics暗夜的爬虫Artist(Band):Judas Priest编译:jionHowling winds keep screaming round狂风大作,尖声咆哮And the rain comes pouring down大雨倾盆而下Doors are locked and bolted now家家户户大门紧闭As the thing crawls into town因那生物已爬进镇子Straight out of hell从地狱而来One of a kind那之中的一员Stalking his victim搜寻着它的猎物Don"t look behind you千万别往后看Night Crawler暗夜的爬虫Beware the beast in black小心躲在暗处的怪物Night Crawler暗夜的爬虫You know he"s coming back你们知道它已回归Night Crawler暗夜的爬虫Sanctuary is being sought它搜寻着庇护所Whispered prayers a last resort他们在最后的圣地低语祷告Homing in its" cry distorts它发出扭曲的喊叫声Terror struck they know they"re caught恐怖的侵袭,他们意识到,它找来了Straight out of hell从地狱而来One of a kind那之中的一员Stalking his victim搜寻着它的猎物Don"t look behind you千万别往后看Night Crawler暗夜的爬虫Beware the beast in black小心躲在暗处的怪物Night Crawler暗夜的爬虫You know he"s coming back你们知道它已经回归Night Crawler暗夜的爬虫As night is falling随着夜幕降临The end is drawing near死亡也渐渐临近They"ll hear他们将会听见Their last rites echo on the wind自己的丧钟在风中回荡Huddled in the cellar他们在地窖中瑟缩成一团Fear caught in their eyes眼中满是恐惧Daring not to move or breathe屏住呼吸,一动不敢动As the creature cries当那生物开始喊叫Fingernails start scratching它的爪子On the outside wall刮过屋外的墙面Clawing at the windows它的爪子,抓上了窗台"Come to me" it calls“到我这来”它召唤道Atmosphere"s electric气氛骤然紧张As it now descend the stairs因它正在走下楼梯Hiding in the darkness它躲在黑暗之中Is so futile from its glare自己却发出耀眼的光Death comes in an instant死亡在瞬间降临As they hoped it would他们只希望Souls ascend to heaven自己的灵魂能升入天堂While it feasts on flesh and blood而它享受这血与肉的美宴Straight out of hell从地狱而来One of a kind那之中的一员Stalking his victim搜寻着它的猎物Don"t look behind you千万别往后看Night Crawler暗夜的爬虫Beware the beast in black小心躲在暗处的怪物Night Crawler暗夜的爬虫You know he"s coming back你们知道它已经回归Night Crawler暗夜的爬虫Night Crawler暗夜的爬虫Beware the beast in black小心躲在暗处的怪物Night Crawler暗夜的爬虫You know he"s coming back你们知道它已经回归Night Crawler暗夜的爬虫
2023-06-18 10:04:201


Dal是意大利语中的“从”的意思,通常作为人名或地名的中间名出现。在意大利文化中,人名中的中间名通常代表着家庭的名字或祖先的名字,而地名中的中间名则代表着其地理位置或所属领域。 比如,在意大利著名的艺术家达·芬奇的全名Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci中,da意为“来自于”,指代达·芬奇来自于意大利托斯卡纳的文艺复兴时期名门世家,“di ser Piero”则代表着他的父亲叫做Piero。再比如,意大利北部的著名湖泊科莫湖,其名称中的“dal”源自于意大利语“da le”, 意思是“从两个村庄之间”的。 因此,dal作为意大利文化中常出现的中间名,在人名和地名中扮演着重要的角色,代表着意大利文化的传承和延续。
2023-06-18 10:04:181


当心弧光当心伤手当心坑洞当心坠落Beware of arc beware hand injury beware beware of falling down当心弧光当心伤手当心坑洞当心坠落Beware of arc beware hand injury beware beware of falling down
2023-06-18 10:04:131


2023-06-18 10:04:0912


dal是数据访问层的英文缩写,即为数据访问层(Data Access Layer)。其功能主要是负责数据库的访问。简单地说就是实现对数据表的Select(查询)、Insert(插入)、Update(更新)、Delete(删除)等操作。中文名DAL为数据访问层外文名Data Access Layer取名原则符合形象定位要求网名是你自己形象综合的,直接传达,自己不喜欢的网名,怎算得上是好网名呢?网名首先要为你塑造一个你想要的形象。要能吸引别人的注意力人,天生想要成为众人视线的焦点。网名要取的容易记,含义动人,用字不俗,才能算是好网名。正确地使用网名取一个愉悦自己吸引大众的网名实在是一件令人愉快的事情,但是在网络活动中我们应当树立起自己的道德法律观念,不得恶搞、伤害他人(历史人物)情感,以免引来口水与法律的惩罚。网名长度要合法QQ网名的最大限制是24个字节,即12个汉字或者24个字符或者数字。
2023-06-18 10:04:041

Love Is Rare 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is Rare歌手:Moorcheeba专辑:One Night At Mccool"S-= Morcheeba 《 Love Is Rare 》=-……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……You got a rocket in your pocketWhy can you just let me beHave you no eyes in your socketsOr are you just pleased to see meAs you all knowYou better take careTreat me with respectBecause love is rareAs you all knowYou better bewareTreat me with respectBecause love is rareLove is rareI got so holy it hurtWhy was I blessed with this rageYou rub my face in the dirtAnd there"s a time to turn a new pageAs you all knowYou better take careTreat me with respectBecause love is rare( As you all know) As you all know( You better beware) You better beware( Treat me with respect, Because)Love is rareAs you all knowYou better take careTreat me with respectBecause love is rare……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……( As you all know)( You better beware) Just take care( Treat me with respect, Because)Love is rare( As you all know)( You better beware) You better beware( Treat me with respect, Because) Love is rare( As you all know)( You better beware)( Treat me with respect, Because)Don"t go rubbin" my face in the dirtTreat me with respect, Because
2023-06-18 10:04:021


2023-06-18 10:03:581