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"World of warcraft"is a popular online game, the game fans need a communication technique aspects of game BBS communicating. For most of the game enthusiasts provide an exchange site, we built a"world of warcraft unofficial"BBS. This paper describes the world of warcraft unofficial BBS system function module, system structure, database design and working process of some functions, detailed analysis and design, including participants register, login, cancellation, retrieve password, mail transceiver. Our team VS2008 programming tools and by using SQL2005 database management tools of system development, the system and database integrated together. Make BBS to realize information modification, rights management, post operation, mail transceiver, and other functions, communication and management will be combined, construct a preliminary to the use of network communication BBS.World of warcraft as one paragraph mainstream network game, with many users. An official exchange website, is authoritative, but can"t bear all the responsibility of the free exchange, therefore, we developed a world of warcraft unofficial BBS. The author USES the VS2008 development tools and SQL2005 database development this system, the development of language is c #. This paper introduces the network BBS few big function module and the method of realizing the detailed ideas for the backend database, key technology and some source are illustrated. Which function modules including read posts function, post function, reply function, delete paste function, lock post function and user level management functions. These a few function module page, and not only clear operation is simple.Overall, this BBS preliminarily realized self-management, mutual communication function.

求翻译,急!急!急!(关于死亡笔记) 中译英

A sudden note from the skyu3002uff08Death noteuff09 One from the ideal and the reality of crazy juvenileu3002A boneses road of SHURAu3002A period of a detective and a killer of duelu3002 justice and evil of competitionu3002A boring god of death caused by a waru3002Two man fooled by Godu3002Staged a period of astonishment secular fantasy sagau3002——preludeLight Yagamiuff1aIf use one color to describe you, I can use white.Off course of justice whiteu3002Demonic modification of coloru3002He was a seemingly simple harmless handsome boy, a teacher loves, classmate worship, other parents proud boy u3002 Howeveru3002

大家帮忙翻译几个词(中译英)~~~急急急急急!! 谢谢谢谢!!!

u2474The personnel directoru2475Meeting directoru2476Meeting consultantu2477directoru2478Executive directorsu2479The technical director


紫幻亦真:There are many mistakes in your translation.




你所说的RAP部分的歌词是yo yo yo come oh yeah在你的心上自由地飞翔灿烂的星光永恒地徜徉一路的方向照耀我心上辽远的边疆随我去远方 翻译过来就是 yo yo yo come oh yeahSoars on yours heart the brightstar light to wander about freelya group direction to shine eternal on my heartdistant border area to go to the distant place along with me希望能帮到你,如有疑问请补充追问,艹VIP丶飞车团Paris丶柒。真诚为你解答!

中译英,下面这句话谁能帮忙翻译成英文? 多谢啦!

Dear Thomas,How are you? As a follow up to my previous email, please find the manufacturing guide for xxx furniture and its blueprint provided by xxx in the attached files. Use this blueprint as a cross referene to find its corresponding code for each part of the whole set of furniture provided by the manufacturer. The second is a PDF file which contains the manufacturing guide of Wall Bay Light (such a process has neveer been implemented domestically).


现在流行的英语词汇公平、公开 just, fair and open好莱坞大片 Hollywood blockbuster黄金时段 prime time假唱 lip-synch劲射 power shot拉拉队 cheering squad来电显示电话机 caller ID telephone论文答辩 (thesis) oral defense泡沫经济 bubble economy票贩子 scalper, ticket tout拳头产品 competitive products; knockout products; blockbuster三角恋爱 love triangle三 维 动 画 片 three-dimensional animation"扫黄打非" eliminate pornography and illegal publications申办奥运会 bid for the Olympic Games实现中华民伟大复兴 bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation市场疲软 sluggish market素质教育 education for all-around development筒子楼: tube-shaped apartment脱贫致富 cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity网吧 Internet bar网恋 online love affair网上冲浪 surf the Internet网上交易平台 online trading platform网友 net friend无人售票 self-service ticketing无绳来电显示电话 cordless telephone with caller ID无线应用协议 WAP ( wireless application protocol )下岗 laid-off workers下海 plunge into the commercial sea下网 off line小康之家 well-off family; comfortably-off family新秀 up-and-coming star, rising star新新人类 New Human Being ; X Generation信息港 inforport形象小姐 / 先生 image representative of a product or a brand虚拟网 virtual net学生处 students" affairs division研究生毕业证 / 学位证 graduate diploma/graudate degree"s diploma摇钱树 cash cow以人为本 people oriented; people foremost义务教育 compulsory education易拉罐 pop can应试教育 examination-oriented education system舆论导向 direction of public opinion运球 dribble在职博士生 on-job doctorate早恋 puppy love招生就业指导办公室 enrolment and vocation guidance office证券营业部 stock exchange; security exchange知识产权 intellectual property rights中专生 secondary specialized or technical school student中流砥柱 mainstay, chief corner stone专卖店 exclusive agency; franchised store自我保护意识 self-protection awareness综合国力 comprehensive national strength综合业务数字网 integrated service digital network (ISDN)总裁助理 assistant president综合治理 comprehensive treatment安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents信息化 information-based; informationization智力密集型 concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive外资企业 overseas-funded enterprises下岗职工 laid-off workers分流 reposition of redundant personnel三角债 chain debts素质教育 education for all-round development豆腐渣工程 jerrybuilt projects社会治安情况 law-and-order situation民族国家 nation state** "independence of Taiwan"台湾当局 Taiwan authorities台湾同胞 Taiwan compatriots台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory.西部大开发 Development of the West Regions可持续性发展 sustainable development风险投资 risk investment通货紧缩 deflation扩大内需 to expand domestic demand计算机辅助教学 computer-assisted instruction (CAI)网络空间 cyberspace虚拟现实 virtual reality网民 netizen (net citizen)电脑犯罪 computer crime电子商务 the e-business网上购物 shopping online应试教育 exam-oriented education学生减负 to reduce study load

求高人帮我翻译一段文章 中译英

汗,楼上我佩服你手工翻译,但是你第一句话就错了。例:interesting intellect game--interesting是adj,intellect不是,e正确应为intellectual!还有the questions are various也错!应为the questions vary。various 后面要跟名词的!第一句就错,后面也8用看了。前面更是用软件翻译的。要高质量的给我留言吧~


电子壳结构和特点的钠集群 给出了谱的氮原子簇钠簇在超音速扩张与氩载气。大量的谱峰或按步就班地N = 8、20、40个,58 92.这是可以理解的one-electron壳体模型独立游移原子3s电子捆绑在球面对称的潜力。 我们发现明显的规律性的质量谱的钠原子簇。图1(一)显示单一连续体扫描在响了N = 4-75,和一个单独的质量检查N = 75-100.每个山峰群数量的代表了一个给定的氮在固定的时间间隔检测分子束钠播种在氩。为特定的山峰和步骤,对应8.20.40.58. 92例,显大,相比,尤其是后立即峰。这个二,2例(未显示),同时显著相关3-7.例丰盛的山峰中,我们看到了独特的图案的地区,超过了识别多种实验条件。例如,even-odd交互的8-14例and34-40总是看到的相对强度的各自的整个区域。为了说明问题,图显示质量检查四22不同压力和钠氩气16 kpa蒸气压。它可以被看成是不断增加的压力,利于大群的损耗较小的原因,没有改变的区域的完整性。而丰富的星团中明显谱被认为是相对比较稳定。如果我们进一步单电子结构的集群的原因,从而增强稳定性,一个简单的图片。 我们把棉棉序列,20岁,8例,58 92岁和40岁的电子壳结构簇钠。外壳结构是由大型能量的能量水平差距不同。大部分的电子结构的金属钠可理解运用近自由电子照片。在这种情况下,按照3s价电子互相与光滑的one-particle有效的潜力和离子pseudopotentials组成的electron-electron互动的潜力。一个相似的概念模型显得e的集群。我们模拟one-electron潜在的集群内有效用球面对称的圆形的潜力。这个计算是很有潜力的表现形式。


In December 2008, the grand opening of commercial culture street, hardware industry in jieyang city land million dongshan invested a large commercial and cultural project, the construction of the 1,000 meters, have leisure shopping mall walking street, the traditional cultures of jieyang with statues of modern landscape with concentrated form of perfect combination of street, fully embodies rich traditional lingnan architecture style, extremely jieyang GuYi cultural characteristics.




To maintain hand hygiene is the primary condition for the prevention of infectious diseases. To help prevent influenza A H1N1 influenza. Wash their hands thoroughly with disinfectant hand sanitizer or disinfectant to disinfect hands medical hand hygiene can be maintained. Prevention of swine influenza 10 Q 10 A: 10. What precautionary measures? The United States, said CDC deputy director Richard Bessel, influenza virus is mainly spread through the air and contacts, so when coughing or sneezing should cover your mouth, nose and ; Because influenza viruses can often be in a number of everyday survival on the surface for some time, it should wash their hands, but also often use alcohol disinfectant for daily necessities disinfection. In addition, less crowded places in the human, "crowding together children" is also to reduce the probability of infection in an effective way. Finally, if once found to contract the disease, patients should avoid going out to prevent the virus to infect others. Hand and skin disinfection liquid (Influenza A H1N1 influenza disinfectant) Prevention of Influenza A H1N1 influenza first priority is to wash their hands from the cleaning and disinfection, food safety and infection prevention experts pointed out that the prevention of influenza A H1N1 influenza The basic priority is to do a good job personal hygiene, as well as daily work and living environment of the cleaning and disinfection. Countries such as China and the U.S. Center for Disease Prevention recommends the use of alcohol-based hand disinfectant to strengthen the prevention of infection. Experts emphasized that to master the proper hand-washing methods and the correct hand disinfection, can be truly effective in killing Influenza H1N1 influenza viruses. Swine influenza disinfection, hospital infection control and personal protection technology program: the medical staff of personal protective 3, each contact with patients immediately after the hand-washing and disinfection. Hand disinfection with quick hand rub disinfectant 1-3 minutes. Ministry of Health: Influenza A H1N1 influenza foci disinfection guidelines (1) at any time disinfection 2. Medical personnel and Chaperone shall upon request and proper personal hygiene protection, treatment, care should wash their hands after work and disinfected. (Vii) Hand: Quick-drying hands with alcoholic hand disinfectants disinfected. Wash their hands with disinfectant hand sanitizer, the program is as follows: 1 open the tap washing hands. 2 by adding hand-washing liquid, hand given rise to a bubble. 3 at least 20 seconds time to rub with the palms, back of the hand, that gap means the back, thumb, fingers and wrists, rub, when not to flush. 4 Scrub hands thoroughly with water after the rinse. 5 with a clean towel or paper towels to dry thoroughly hands, or with a dry towel hand dryer. 6 Wash your hands, do not touch the water tap directly again, can first wrap the faucet with a paper towel, put off the tap; or splashing water to clean the faucet.


Cost leadership strategy In 1984, when Michael dell starting your own company Limited (PCs), the personal computer industry are like IBM and Microsoft vertical integration enterprise, so the development of software. Dell says, customization, quick delivery and low price can bring the company than IBM and HP profit margins.Based on the cost leadership strategy, dell"s efforts to achieve economies of scale, with customers, satisfy large enterprises of production requirements. Dell through the following two main ways to achieve cost leadership strategy:1) direct sales modelDell USES direct model, this paper establishes a set of contact with the customer by the channel, customer orders directly to dell can send orders for a detailed list of configuration, dell directly from producers get spare parts and according to the customer"s specific requirements of assembly, and finally to free products to customers will be.Initially, dell, and then accept orders by phone in various newspapers and dell, journal of popular advertising, dell established enterprise e-commerce platform www.dell.com, consumers can through this platform to order products.Marketing mode makes the dell have huge success, the main reason is the direct model can bring several competitive advantage:Adopts low cost.Dell direct model in addition to the middlemen, reducing the cost of inventory cost and production of funds.Responding to the rapid reaction to market changesDell direct dealing with each customer master data, and all customers, thereby dell can maximize consumer needs and refined, the change that needs to keep the market sensitivity and fast-reacting ability.Responding to focus on customer relationship managementDell direct model can prompt understanding direct to the user of the product for the opinion and the suggestion, and in the light of these opinions and Suggestions to provide technical services and solve problems, improve service quality, improve customer relationships.2) efficient supply chainDell no real computer components manufacturing factories, just by purchasing assemble and test, based on the height of the inventory management and informationization of inventory control and supplier in the shortest possible time. Efficient supply chain and direct sales model of the combination of internal dell is realized.Dell direct model changed the computer industry market. Within 20 years, dell heard by a small company no growth for the ranking first computer company, from 1984 only 8 million us dollars profit to $5.5 billion dollars in 2005, the control of the earnings of 33 per cent market share (as shown), become one of America"s three biggest computer manufacturers (as shown). Dell has become the UK, Canada and Ireland"s first big computer brand. Publicly listed companies from dell, investors are 28000% soaring prices from a cumulative gained considerable income.


1. students airborne grasp the bar in development 2. students leap in development spatially interrupt the bridge 3. school female student basketball team all member 4. student science and technology group to assemble robot 5. Beijing two branch school principals under teacher"s instruction - - XXX woman 6. The student studies the manufacture surface person in the opening activity to the senior entertaine 7.Education, teaching achievement demonstration 8.corner of school yard


本人脑子不好使 路过好了




Such fertilizer is a kind of humic substances of humic acid containing the new fertilizers. The main kinds of humic acid, nitric humic acid and purification of humic acid products, before both with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and microelements fertilizer, mainly used for huma made by furrow. Mainly used for water purification of humic acid or spray crops, as growth regulator. Also used as seed germination, and can improve the seedling.China is the world"s largest fertilizer market. With the increasing farmland fertilizer rate, fertilizer supply remained relatively nervous, and successive use of fertilizers, easy to harden, affect land crop growth, facing the current soil structure severely damaged, fertility decline phenomena in agricultural fertilizer, strengthen the humic acid application is a very effective method. With humic acid as raw material to produce the KangHanJi "1" and "dragon" FA upland of fertilizer application by the state, and has achieved obvious social benefits and economic benefits


While the sales and marketing sectors and these sectors had undergone a downturn period after the the global financial crisis occurred, the online/internet economics on the other hand had maintained a steady growth then. To keep abreast with the internet technology, e-commerce has developed rapidly, the consummer concept has also changed thereafter, hence, the Chinese internet/online marketing/shopping has also grown significantly. As what we could see is that Taobao Online Shopping has changed the pattern of the Chinese e-commerce industry.When the real economy is sluggish due to impact of global financial crisis, the cybereconomy represented by networks has kept a fast development. With popularization of networks, development of E-commerce and the change of consumption ideas, the development trend of in Chinese on-line shopping market has increased greatly. However, Taobao changes the configuration of E-commerce in China.


“You are the sun ,not because of the block and lose,I believe you will overcome all difficulties, out the woods, out of diseases troubles , and we will always support you." “你就是太阳,太阳不会因为乌云的遮挡而失去光芒,我相信你会冲破一切困难,走出困境,走出疾病的困扰,而我们会永远支持你。” "xxx is a cute child, you and xxx"s song‘xxx"are very nice,I wish the in the future, the whole family happy will and healthy, I am waiting for 2014 your triumphant return. “xxx是个可爱的小孩,你和xxx的歌曲‘xxx"非常好听,祝今后的日子全家幸福,身体健康,我等着2014你的凯旋归来。”


Due to move in to processed products produced in production, bent pins to appear in the molding resistor defective product;Demand for the use of recruits production of its operating level should be in the evaluation and its basic business knowledge to qualify to mount guardRequest equipment use personnel and equipment maintenance staff promptly completes the equipment maintenance and maintenance workOperators during operation meet bad material should promptly correction or eliminateThrough the improvement measures from the product after only 50,000 production


1. 括号内给出的单词错误。2. I bought this magazine on the recommendation of one of my friends.3. His command of English is staggering.4. Children spent their vacations with great freedom.5. Her comments are largely on just grounds, though some prove groundless.6. Zhang Qiang is a boy with strong self-discipline.7. Currently many financial experts are trying to find out solutions to the financial crisis.8. Do remember to check in one hour prior to the take-off of the plane.9. You may, if possible, take the direct shuttle from Beijing to Shanghai.10. Why not compete in the track events?


如今,我竟不知谁才是那个上当受骗的人了译文:Now I don"t know who has been cheated其他回答一个不简约,一个语法错误,还有一个完全词不达意

中译英语 翻译 "看.个..屁"

what the fuck are you looking at?


1. Signal cycle is not there, but continued for some time, not repeated, if the transition process, blasts, the landing gear while landing signals, such signals can become non-periodic signals. Analysis of non-periodic signal of thinking is : In the time domain, when the cycle T1 u2192 u221e, periodic signals into a non-periodic signal; in the frequency domain signal cycle in the spectrum T1 u2192 u221e limit, and non-periodic signals into a spectrum, Fourier transform. 2. In the time domain signal compression Europium times (Europium "1), in the frequency domain band widening, an amplitude compression / Europium times; Instead signal in the time domain expansion (Europium "1), in the frequency domain will cause the narrowing bands, but the amplitude increased.


其实2楼滴翻译得较好 可惜人家不愿意翻译给你了唉 8过3楼人家那么努力的给你翻译了 你应该给分了


The appointed agency replies that they only sell ORIGINAL BL and BL SURRENDERED,don"t accept SEAWAYBILL.




The name of the pulley design injection molding machine, injection machine model of XS-ZT - 1000, the cavity design for a model a cavity, can be used for small batch production, the entire Die high 171 mm, width of 250mm 255mm long, the overall design of the basic materials used 45 quenched and tempered steel, low prices and convenient procurement, processing convenience, Core materials used CrWMn, core surface finishing needs polishing, to ensure that the component surface quality. Products is the largest diameter of the pulley 88 mm, 21.5 mm thick, plastic pulley using ABS material, Its advantages are excellent impact strength, and the temperature does not drop rapidly. Good mechanical strength, hardness and wear resistance of some, cold resistance, water resistance, chemical stability and electrical performance. Due to side with a pulley groove, it would injection molding machine designed lateral oblique slider core pulling bodies from around Die composition, from the pin positioning, simple, reliable easy to manufacture. Opened scale use of the launch ramp thrust slider driven diagonal movement, the plastic pieces are launched by the ejection of the completion of the lateral oblique slider type and core-pulling action. Parts of its surface quality is not very tight and so the parts of the processing technology required is not very high. The design drawings using 3-D rendering parameters, complex surface identification capability has been greatly increased, reduction of manufacturing workers at the time of reading drawings, and when different sizes component manufacture, modify the rapid and out quick, put into production quickly.


this is the list of your book. you ever said what you wanted was the gucci54, but there was not the bag mentioned by the attachment in the list.


Don"t turn at the red light.Look after your goods at anytime.Please,assist us in keeping the subway cleanPlease keep your ticket for checkingRestroom at the airportLost and found

中译英: 你是一个很好的倾诉者。

you are a good listener


People celebrated the success of Beijing 2008 Olympic Game in all kinds of ways.He was out in the first round which made him very upset.Three hours passed before the earthquake was reported in the news.Her father is deaf, he can not hear you even you shout at the top of your voice.Cartoon is a special mean of people express feelings.People cheered crazily when heard the indication of the end of game. 希望是对的




My first choice to trovel is to take a train,because of my enjoying sight through the way.




Sorry,To view this freight is very expensive, I would like to you to use our transport companies account for shipping.


Everybody is good, my name am Liu Haiyang, is honored very much can have this opportunity to come your firm interview, below I briefly to introduce oneself, my 23 year old of the Shanxi Province Jingbian County person, in 2007 graduate from the Hubei nationality college college of science information and the computing science department, after the graduation, obtained Neo-Confucianism bachelor"s degree once to construct eight game of work 2007 year July to 2008 May in China, I felt that in this work did not suit me, I arrives at technology training software engineer java on the resignation, passed through 5 month-long to train me to feel that my beginning ability and the programming level had certain enhancement. Now I thought that I am the software engineer your firm java appropriate candidate


One day,I was waiting for the bus at the station.A foreigner who seems to have the same age with me comes to search the bus information.I say to him in English,hello sir,Can I help you?He answered me in English at once,No,thanks.I can understand....不想再打了。。。


1.他在电影院门口显得很窘迫,因为他忘了带电影票(embarrass)He looked embarrassed at the entrance of the cinema,because he forgot to take the ticket with him2.我喜欢让我的女儿穿粉红的衣服。(dress)I like my daughter to dress in pink3.我的英语书是用彩色的纸包的。(wrap)My English was wrapped up with colorful paper4.在任何情况下我都相信他会帮我的。(in any circumstances)I believe that he will help me in any circumstances5.该走了,快点把你的行李打包好。(pack)It time to go,you should pack your package quickly6.我从来没有指望你能辨别清楚方向。(depend on)I have never depent on you to make out the directions7.你不应该把缺乏教育误认为缺乏知识。(mistake)You should not regard lacking of education as lacking of knowledge by mistake 8.无论什么情况下,记者都应该坚持调查事实真相。(stick to)In any circumstances,journalists should stick to investigate truth9.他没有为上课迟到而道歉,这触怒了老师。(offend)He offended his teacher for his late for school without apology10.我们每天早上起床喝一杯水是很有必要的。(It is essential that)It is essential for us to have a glass of water when we get up every morning


go on a trip 或 travel 、go travelling 、


i cant bear coldnessi could only speak a bit english


1.It doesnot goes smoothly with his career.2.We must have own ideas and creations.Donot followed by others.you should have confidence in your ability.3.There were not many people admire him in his early days in the US.

translation 中译英

1、I will stammer every time I speak English. 2、I was surprised that she didn"t turn up at the meeting.3、I happened to be out when he called me.4、It is not easy to make a conversation in English with foreigners.5、I would rather spent the money than leave it lying in the bank.6、We must avoid referring to private afairs when we talk with foreigners for the first time.


1. There are a lot of visitors here(historic) during the holidays.2. They know each other for 10 years, so everyone get along very well.3. These pictures were taken by the time when my classmates invited me to dinner just before I was going abroad, It"s the memory of our friendship.4. She and my mother have the same birthday, I always forgot my mother"s birthday,until the day she was born.Maybe I should say thank you to her.


1.One of the required conditions for applying for the position of assitant manager in the bank is that the applicants must have experience of 3 years.2.Only by facing the reality and analysing situation can we find the way to solve questions.3.The successful launch of Shenzhou V enable China to be the 3rd state that send man into space.4.They can recover their energy having a bath after they have worked a whole day.This is why the majority of Japanese like bathing every day.






)Vigorous 2) vigorous I and nature 3)but now…… 4)As a middle school student"s me, it is sure to protect nature well 5)Closely linked with me naturally 6)The animal has become extinct 7)The air is very fresh 8)The mankind produces a lot of waste gas 9)The air becomes muddy 10)A lot of people are ill 11)I want to appeal for everybody 12)Mobilize other people 13)Waste water (resources) 14)Save the paper

请帮忙翻译一下 中译英

1, Shandong Province, the Office of Labor and Social Security 2, Labor and Social Security Administration Seal 3, the glorious retirement 4, according to the people of the State Council and Shandong Province the relevant provisions of the Government to ratify ** Since retirement in January 2004, a monthly basis to enjoy the basic old-age insurance benefits. 5, the issue of time 6, proof of residence 7, after investigation, is now living in my area???? Indoor household registration of the residents are as follows: 8, hereby certify that 9, family relations 10, the head of household 11, household types: households

中译英 句子

1.Lily病得好几周都上不了班。(keep away from)Lily has been kept away from work for several weeks due to her sickness.2.当Mary看到她多年未见的儿子时,无法控制地落下了幸福的眼泪。(can"t stop doing)When Mary saw her son whom she hasn"t seen in years, she couldn"t stop crying with joy.3.她工作态度非常积极。(attitude)She has a very positive attitude towards work.4.我们得出结论他一直在撒谎。(reach th conclusion)We have reached the conclusion that he has been lying.5.飞机载满食品和药品将飞往洪水灾区。(load with)The plane loaded with food and medicine will head to the flood affected areas.6.我们对他从重病中恢复得那么快感到非常惊讶。(amaze at)We are very amazed at his speedy recovery from serious sickness.7.我们决定把运动会推迟到下个星期,那时候我们就不会那么忙了。(put off)We"ve decided to put the sports games off till next week, then we won"t be so busy.8.TOM努力地学习他的功课,所以老师对他的印象很深。(impress)Tom studies very hard. That"s why his teacher is very impressed.9.我费了很大的力气才找到他家。(difficulty doing sth.)I had a lot of difficulty finding his home.10.JOAN需要暂时摆脱工作的压力。(get away from)Joan needs to get away temporarily from the stress at work.


1.I would like to invite you and your wife come over for dinner Saturday night. 2.How about seven o"clock? 3.I want to invite a few friends over for a dinner party to celebrate my birthday. 4.I checked it out, and I think it should be ok. 5.I will help you, for your sister. 6.Thank you again for such an incredible night. 7.I will help you out, for your sister. 8.We had his agreement to use this car. 9.I will show you around the campus. 10.The director expects us to arrive at six. 11.Let"s have a party in the garden. 12.It finally feels better. 13.The train is late again due to the terrible weather. 14.I wouldn"t have become a doctor without your help. 15.He laughed when he heard the news. 16.He"s working hard to sustain his family. 17.How can we get this project done in three days? 18.Which dictionary do we need to translate this book? 19.It has been my friend for 10 years. 20.She went to that country to learn the language and the culture.


这句话的意思是内部服务器出错了。internal server error

翻译句子 中译英

I love your smile, your tears and heartache


1. The cooperation spirit2. Decision-making ability3. Ability of organization4. Properly authorized5. Resourceful6. Accountability7. Innovative8. To take risks to9. Respect for others10. Good character


1.Does this film have subtitles?2.It is a bit difficult for me to understand English dialogue.3.My grandpa was dead last week,so I"ll take off for a few days.


Audrey Hepburn was a renowned British actress, winner of the Academy Award of Best Actress, and was venerated as "The angel in the human world". As one of the most famous star in Hollywood, she was recognized as a fashion icon and the symbol of elegance. In 1999, she was ranked by the American Film Institute as the third greatest female screen legend in the history of American cinema. Hepburn devoted herself in philanthropies and humanitarian acts in her elderly. She was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of her work as The United Nations Children"s Fund Goodwill Ambassador in late 1992.参考资料:Wiki pedia英文版条目: 奥黛丽赫本Audrey HepburnAFI百年百大明星AFI"s 100 Years...100 Stars联合国儿童基金会The United Nations Children"s Fund

翻译... 中译英,超简单的

33.very like his weekend34.how long35.with her whole family36.wacth TV together


1. Please don"t wear the pajamas(pyjamas) all day. 注:pajamas和pyjamas都是睡衣的意思。2. Please don"t talk behind other people"s back.注:talk behind sb."s back 说某人的闲话3. Please speak slowly.注:talk通常是谈话的意思,speak是说话的意思,在这里speak比talk好。4. Please don"t nag.注:nag 不断地唠叨恼人,说话唠叨5. Please plug away.注:plug away 坚持不懈;顽强地致力于

【中译英】请帮我把以下中文翻译成英文 谢谢!

sir, i took WPT test on October,21, and i would like to know when i can get the result of WPT test, since the date of my application for s college is expired on December,1. so i desire to get my WPT report and hand in ...




Abstract: The provision of financial accounting as an information-based information systems in the enterprise management plays an important role. In the latter half of the 20th century, with the development of modern information technology to human society entered the era of information society and knowledge-based economy. Accounting information from the manual dealing with the development of the computerization in the accounting operations and information technology the way to deal with major changes have taken place. Its accounting theory and accounting functions of a series of new issues, so that gradually the traditional accounting pattern is broken and the new accounting ideas and the gradual establishment of the theory. Accounting is not only the realization of the traditional manual accounting for the inheritance and development and, more importantly, the efficiency of accounting and business management in the role of enhancing the formation of a great role. Therefore, the study of both the development of computerized accounting major theoretical significance, and of great practical significance. Keywords: significance of the development of computerized accounting; the status quo; and the reasons for the problems; measures

中译英 5句

1. He was determined to leaf.2. they have plenty of food, was careless.3. you must be strict on leadership, strict management, strict supervision.4. the product technology advanced, the structure, style range of portable.5. the matter had been reaching its peak, everyone knows.


正如Simon在他的演讲中所指出的那样,妇女有能力做任何工作(capable)Just as what Simon has pointed out in his speech, women are capable of doing any work. 此次活动的目的是为需要帮助的人筹集资金(purpose)The purpose of the activity is to raise fund for those who need help. 定期献血需要很少的工作但对他人有益(benefit)Regular blood donation needs little work, but others will benefit from it.我还来不及完成试题,铃就响了(before)I haven"t finished the test questions before the bell rang.如果你能帮我,我将感激不尽(appreciate)It you can help me, it will be greatly appreciated.


1. We go for a walk after meal from time to time.2. How are you getting on with your study in school?3. Do you often hear from your schoolmates?4.I apologize to you for my breaking your vase.5.Have you seen the bird in the sky?


she begin to talk,facing all the students.she failed in taking full responsibility of the family.first of all.u must tell me why u were absent.why not fix a date for next meeting?dont forget the duty to take care of parents.


The types of film contain: comedy, adventure, frightened Liberal films, science fiction films, action films, and so on. Film is one of popular entertainments, a film about 2-3 hours shorter than TV , but the plot is even more exciting. My favorite movie is <E.T>, it is the Ministry of Science Fiction. of which director is Steven Spielberg.and the main actor is Henry Thomas / Drew Barrymore / Robert MacNaughton. It was taken on for the year of 1982. The reason I like it is because the film is very interesting, and moving. What"s more,very suitable for our age to see.


i feel so happy when i heard that you will come to our school to ,learn Chinese .now please allow me to introduce my school to youour school is a old one that has a 50 years history.it"s environment is beautiful that has a lot of plants.the equipment of the school is advanced a,there is four teching building and one apartment building ,a gym,computer rooms and a library.we students can choose from many optional course except the normal ones,such as paiting and cooking.the most important thing is that we have many outstanding teachers that make the classes more interesting.i hope you like my school




我翻译出来是这样的:Since you have already returned to the United States, then you busy? I feel that, because your reply letter than a letter short. Thank you for the encouragement, I continued to study piano. I have already opened. This will be a very busy year, I will attend junior high school graduation examination. You are also busy learning? you must be very fine. I have the time or give you a letter. Do not forget me! Lala I was a member, your school is cheering team? U.S. cheering team is very strong.不知道对不对噢


amy is my best friends,she is twelve years old.she is so clever.she is cute.


我是学翻译的,相信权威:1,Debbie"s body language makes the customers feel they are welcomed.2, Simon got relieved when seeing customers prefer Debbie than himself.3,If you want to make friends with others, it is very important to pay attention to the way you communicate.4,He was employed by a famous computer company after graduation.5,Jack is more than my teacher, he often helps me in daily life, too.


1, Your report should be as concise as possible.2, You"d better choose an imformative topic and analyze the audience and time limit.3, I won"t come here on Monday because I have an engagement.4, The applicants who have an apointment take priority.5, He hung up the phone and went back to his own seat.


1.人们告诉白求恩大夫必须立即派遣医务人员去前线.(be told,be sent) Doctor bethune was told that the medical staff must be sent to the battlefront at once.2.李医生正忙着给一个孩子动手术.(be busy doing sht.,operate on) Doctor Li is busy operating on a child.3.消息传来,他们在奥运会上打破了世界记录.(word came,break the world records) The word came that they had broke the world records in the Olympic games .4.伤员那天被送往一座小庙. The wounded were sent to a small temple.5.他们彻夜讨论了那些问题.(throughout the night) They discussed the problem throughout the night.6.这个病孩应该由他父母立即送医院.(sick boy)This sick boy should be sent to the hospital by his parents at once.


We do really attach importance to moon"s order,and from the day before yesterday our QC Leo has been in the factory that he will confirm the product quality and delivery date. if you should have any question please directly contact with Leo.I learned from Leo that the cut is completed,but we are sorry to say that because of a shortage of fabric,the number of cutting is 39 less than the order number. Meanwhile all embroidery have come back tomorrow,we expected there will be a line of production to work tomorrow.And the pertinent progress chart,i have already asked Leo to do it and send us everyday.Thanks


1 Private school, which provide supplymentary English teaching, spring up like mushrooms after rain.2Ibuy this magazine for my friend"s recommengation.3 His command of English suprised me.4 Children enjoyed their freedom during their holidays.5 Some of her comments are nonsense, but most of they are fair.


1 Did you have a great time last night?2 This term, She takes thress courses which are English,computer and driving.3 His girlfriend helps him a lot, and he has a debt in her.4 I got a truth that is never let your friends down.5 If you let him stay in your home, you will be asked for.6


1 National Day vacation travel can relax in the nerve (if) 2 cloth that feels very soft, but it is difficult to wash clean (feel) 3 In the past decade. China has built a highway network (network) 4, Liu Xiang, the Chinese people won the great honor, is considered a national hero (consider... To be) 5 people for some other people regardless of the health of the production of harmful foods are angry (despite) 6 my mother watching TV, often for the fate of the heroine or sad or hi (fate)
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