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鸳鸯奶茶 ice coffee and milk tea milk tea吉列猪扒配薯条 Gillete pork chops and fries田园沙律 country salad营养老火靓汤 nutritious slowly cooked soup蒜香炸鸡翅 garlic chicken wings肠仔火腿煎双蛋 ham and eggs盐烧多春鱼 salt and pepper Capelin fish炭烧手撕干鱿 char grilled squid纸包鸡中翅 paper chicken wings榨菜排骨拌饭 pork ribs with rice豉椒排骨拌饭 pork ribs in black bean sauce with rice美国猪扒焗饭 American style pork chops on baked rice黑椒鸡扒焗饭 chicken in black pepper sauce on baked rice蟹黄海鲜焗饭 crab roe and sea food on baked rice黑椒牛扒焗饭 steak in black pepper sauce on baked rice葡国咖哩鸡焗饭 Portuguese curry chicken on baked rice日式鸡扒汤意粉 Japanese style chicken with pasta三丝炒意粉 Pasta with three shredded meats黑椒牛柳丝炒意粉 black pepper shredded steak with fried pasta番茄牛肉烩意粉 beef with tomato sauce and pasta日式海鲜炒乌冬面 Japanese style seafood and fried udon noodles日式海鲜汤乌冬面 Japanese style seafood udon noodle soup芝士肉酱焗意粉 sesame mince sauce on baked pasta榨菜肉丝汤面 pickled shredded pork in noodle soup茶树菇炖老鸡 tea tree mushroom chicken无花果南北杏炖排骨 stewed kiwi and apricot ribs雪梨炖猪肺 stewed pear and pork lungs淮山杞子炖竹丝鸡 Stewed chicken with Chinese herbs花旗参炖竹丝鸡 Stewed chicken with Ginseng豉汁排骨石窝饭 steak with soy sauce and rice in stone bowl香菇滑鸡石窝饭 mushroom chicken and rice in stone bowl黑椒牛柳丝石窝饭 black pepper shredded steak and rice in stone bowl黑椒牛扒石窝饭black pepper shredded beef chops and rice in stone bowl香煎鸡扒石窝饭 fried chicken fillets and rice in stone bowl炭烧猪颈扒石窝饭 grilled tender pork chops石烧美国牛仔骨石窝饭 American style stone grilled steak ribs夏威夷猪扒 Hawaiian pork chops马利莲鸡扒 Marilyn pork chops香煎牛扒 Fried steak chops鲜提子鸡扒 Chicken with figs吉列猪扒 Gillet pork chops美国牛柳扒 American style steak chops炭烧猪颈扒 grilled tender pork chops澳洲牛仔扒 Australian style steak ribs特色大什扒 Special combination dish美国牛板腱 American style T-bone steak纽西兰西冷扒 New Zealand style cold chops美国牛仔骨 American style steak ribs铁板红酒焗牛仔扒 Sizzling steak in red wine特选级牛仔扒 Top grade steak chops生炒牛肉饭 Fried beef with rice咸鱼鸡粒炒饭 Fish and diced chicken with rice菠萝鸡粒炒饭 Pineapple diced chicken with rice扬州炒饭 Combination rice印尼炒饭 Indonesian rice咖哩海鲜炒饭 Curry seafood fried rice葡式炒饭 Portuguese fried rice时令油菜 Seasonal bok choy上汤时菜 Seasonal vegetables红豆西米露 Red bean and soga夏威夷木瓜炖雪蛤 Hawaiian harsma in papaya椰汁冰糖炖雪蛤 Iced coconut and harsma夏威夷木瓜炖西米 Hawaiian papaya and soga玫瑰花茶 Rose tea紫罗兰花茶 Violet tea柠檬草花茶 Lemon grass tea熏衣草花茶 Lavender tea洋甘菊花茶Chamomile tea迷迭香花茶 Rosemary tea薄荷叶花茶 Mint tea菩提叶花茶 Herbal tea皇室咖啡Cafe Royal拿铁冰咖啡 Café Napoleon 海上瓢咖啡 Café La Mer极品蓝山咖啡 Top grade Blue Mountain coffee一极蓝山咖啡 First grade Blue Mountain coffee特级哥伦比亚咖啡 Columbian coffee曼特宁咖啡 Mandeling coffee摩卡咖啡 Mocha鲜榨甘笋苹果汁 Fresh carrot and apple juice鲜榨木瓜汁 Fresh papaya juice姜煲可乐 Ginger cola姜柠乐 Ginger lemonade柚子茶 Citron tea奶昔(哈蜜瓜、香草)milkshake (honey dew melon, vanilla)鲜果水果捞 Fresh fruit sprinkled with coconut juice金装长城干红 Merlot red dry王朝干红 Dynasty red武当红 Mouton Cadet red(啤酒)Beer精品纯生 Zhujiang生力 Sunlik青岛超爽 Tsingtao beer健力士 Guinness太阳啤 Sol喜力 Heineken(威士忌、烈酒、餐酒) whisky, spirits and wine白金武士Conpuistador Tequila White伏特加 Vodka哥顿毡 Gordon"s Gin椰冧 Malibu黑牌威士忌 Black label whisky红牌威士忌 Red label whisky


都是知识分子 ....


Born in 1938 in Hamburg, Germany Karl Lagerfeld , 14-year-old when the family moved to Paris, by virtue of their international educational background and multi-country language skills, complete their studies. In 1955, Lagerfeld fledgling International Wool Secretariat in organized amateur fashion design competition come to the fore the age of seventeen he became a Master Pierre Balmain Paris fashion design assistant. Add three years after Jean Patou fashion company substantial absorption of the same period of history, architecture, music and other knowledge, Lagerfeld created a rich humanistic quality. Since then he began to design clothing, fabrics and accessories and other fashion-related things, at the same time, the leather for fashion design. Finally his talent was appreciated by FENDI initiated long-term cooperation, but also the future reformers FENDI. It is worth mentioning that in 1975 launched Lagerfeld CHLOE perfume, the fragrance became the first launch, but do not have their own brand of designer clothing. Work with solid, innovative tailoring techniques, gradually laid Lagerfeld in Paris, the fashion industry"s position in 1983 was invited as chief designer of Chanel; in 1984 founded his own clothing brand Karl Lagerfeld, who has continued after Chanel, FENDI and Chole"s artistic director. Lagerfeld in 1987 decided to join the photography job, personally for their own design studio filming media brochures, began to assume all of the advertising, because of the love of photography, making him every campaign has also become a real art. Lagerfeld in 1998 to fashion, books and photographic combination of three loved ones, set up galleries Lagerfeld, Karl Lagerfeld showed a complete knowledge, rich culture and the avant-garde taste Forever. Forever him who are fashion idols.http://baike.baidu.com/view/966296.htm这个网址有资料不过都是中文的,但你可以下载翻译软件去翻译的

中译英 急!!

1.就我们所知,地球是人类唯一可以居住的星球。As far as we know, the earth is the only planet for human beings" living.2.田野被一层薄薄的雪覆盖着。Field is covered with thin snow.3.大城市汽车很多,严重污染了空气。There are so many autos in big city that the air condition has been heavily polluted.4.孩子们以自己方式保护他们的地球母亲。Children protect the mother earth in their own ways.5.即使是一件小事情,也可以使环境改观。Though it is only a small thing, it could also make a difference to the environment.6.爸爸现在非常注意他的体重。Father pays great attention to his weight now.7.如果你要保持健康,每天一定得摄入营养均衡的食物.If you want to keep fit, be sure to absorb a good balance of nutritional diet every day.8.有氧运动适合许多人。The oxygen sport fits for many people.9.我爷爷和奶奶的身体很好。他们还时不时的外出旅游。My grandfather and grandmother are in good health. They also go out to travel from time to time.10.专家们认为健身走路在许多方面有益于健康。Expert believe that healthy walking could benefit our health in many ways.



Help~请帮我翻译一下下面的句子. 中译英and英译中. 无比感谢

1. In love with a person, always a little afraid, afraid, afraid he get his lost.2. Also king double tears hanging, pearl hate not to meet when not to marry.3. Disappointed, sometimes is also a kind of happiness, because something to look forward to so it will be disappointed. Because of love, just can have expectations, so even though disappointed, is also a kind of happiness, although this is a little pain happiness.4. When love comes, of course is also happy. But, this kind of happy is to pay of, also want to learn to accept disappointment, pain and leaves.


At the end of July At the beginning of May Mid-February Temperature above zero degree/below


C:房里有中央空调,电话,电视等。There is air conditioner,phone,TV set.后面应该加上and soon实际上一句汉语用英语可以译出很多种不必太按书上的去做


Put the charging socket to socket shell under the slot. 2 of the ST3 * 8 fastening screws with electric screwdriver outlet cover to cover. The battery cover assembly to the battery card slot, the gaps between the black cable card to the card slot battery. Will the motor cover component is installed to the next, determine the motor installed in place. The connector straighten out, with tie together. Aim the main PCB button indicates the button hole of the lampshade, to be loaded on the indicator lamp shade, indicating lamp shade card buckle buckle PCB. Indicator card to indicate the lamp chamfer of the lampshade, lamp and lamp chamfer end face flush. The press of a button, the button is not on the PCB light switches is determined to resist. From cover to cover, button card card to the slot. On the cover to cover. Use the machine bottom up on tooling, electric screwdriver to five ST3 * 12 screw fastening cover under the machine screw hole. The dust cup on the machine. The blades under the flat side down on the ultrasonic tooling mould. Blades lid convex super, three holes on the blades of three fixed column on the blades. Hands start ultrasonic tooling, cover the blades fixed on the blades. Fixed blades of wind component. The dust cup set on ultrasonic tooling mould. Direction of the trademarks cover as shown on the dust cup cover a trademark of the slots. Hands start ultrasonic tooling, the trademarks cover is fixed on the dust cup. The dust cup components. Will the dust cup as shown in figure ways to ultrasonic tooling mould under fixed. Dust the dust cup mouth to mouth of the slots. Take film cover on the dust cup, hands start ultrasonic tooling, the dust cup mouth is fixed on the dust cup. Ultrasonic dust cup mouth of dust cup component. Will the dust cup as shown direction to a fixture on the fixed mould. Take the lion"s share of the front axle end once wheel through the plane of the end, turn the wheels to determine wheels rotate smoothly, and then the front axle of flat on the dust cup of shaft hole wear on the dust cup. Hands press tooling button and the wheel and axle pressure on the dust cup. Good pressure wheel dust cup components. The dustproof plug loaded on the dust cup of air inlet. Take after filter and filter elements in self-inspection. To filter components into 3.6 V after mesh seat, holding the filter elements are shown in direction of rotation, the filter elements within mesh card point card to card slot. After the components installed in the outside mesh screen. The filter elements into the dust cup. With clean flannelette machine clean dirt, grease and dust cup. The nameplate label to label the slots at the bottom of the machine. Take color tape folded 20 mm at one end, and then switch with color foam tape behind the machine switch button, as shown in protective bubble edge to switch from visual greater than 5 mm, with tape wrapped around a circle. The elevator cable tie fasten to the round hole elevator. The elevator cable tie to the handle of the machine. Will the machine in a plastic bag (note: the bottom of the elevator on the machine). The conical bubble such as graphic method is to use a fixed color tape in the paper. Will the machine of the dust cup up, according to the shape into the paper holder (the bottom of the elevator on the machine). Will on the paper according to the shape at the top of dust to dust cup take color box shipping mark on the color with this graphic box, color box again into graphic shapes according to the crease and fold as shown at the bottom of the order. Russian pamphlets, brochures, warranty card, such as graphic way. Next to put the manual way of components as shown in figure in the whole machine, and then from top to bottom color box set on the machine. Take manuals, warranty CARDS, Russian pamphlets fold together, as seen here attach the carton (as shown), then the color box installed from top to bottom. On the cover on the color box, paper buckle buckle to the hole. Put the color box in electronic weighing on said, make sure no packing or more accessories. The carton according to crease fold into graphic shapes. The bottom of the carton with tape to seal a word way. The six color box outside to inside of the machine, the direction of the color box. On the cover on the carton, use tape to seal a word way. The carton of neatly put on the pallet.

中译英 急求!!!

26. 在太阳底下看书对眼睛有害。(harm n.)27. Tom 和Jerry总是相处不好,就像水火不相容。(mix)28. 因为比赛中两名队员受伤,我们的球队被打败了。(beat)29. 设计师发现袖子有点问题,决定去掉原来的花边(laces)。(remove)30. 写这个报告花了我好几个小时,可是老板还是不甚满意。(It)26。在太阳底下看书对眼睛有害(伤害的。)。汤姆和杰里总是相处不好,就像水火不相容(混合)28。因为比赛中两名队员受伤,我们的球队被打败了(打)29。设计师发现袖子有点问题,决定去掉原来的花边(花边)。(删除)30。写这个报告花了我好几个小时,可是老板还是不甚满意(它)。


1.Could you have the television and computer sent to my home?2.Except the two tickets,I also get this magazine about classical music for free3.This radio is used for listening to the news for generations by our family.4.According to a trustworthy source,I have learned/heared that this company runs terribly.5.The appearing of internet makes the TV news play a minor role in our jobs.


My name call XXX, perhaps you have already known me because I am a political lesson representative, although I am a political lesson representative, my be not good at also long it.I like to listen to music, sentiment of or active like, because it can make my mood grow better, my most favorite athletics sport is a badminton, though my statures is not high.The person that I am a to get along with easily, perhaps we can become the friend.


Power Supply: AC or DC power supply, voltage 12V or 24V;-power <; 2W; Working environment: Temperature: 0 ℃ ~ 60 ℃; humidity: "; 80%; Card Reader Type: IC Series MIFARE ONE card; ID series for the ID card; Card frequency: IC series 13.56MHZ, ID series 125KHZ; Read-write distance: ≥ 40mm; Read and write time: ≤ 100ms; Storage capacity: more than 30,000 records; Black and white list storage quantity: more than 60,000 articles; Means of communication: CAN/RS232 (automatic switching); Communication Distance: 2 km or so (CAN communication); Transfer Rate: 20Kbps ~ 50Kbps (user requirements according to their own settings, CAN) or 38.4Kbps (RS232) Easy to operate: unmanned, put the water card, take card water, infrared sensing, pause, automatic billing, easy to use. Set flexible: Rates set of scientific, rich and flexible. Different identities, different rates; different times, different rates; different places, different rates Waterproof design: water-control device uses full-waterproof design, all seams are double-deck design and use of a silicone seal waterproof, resistant to immersion and fully qualified for the bathroom environment. Infrared sensors: A unique water-saving design, using dual-mode card reader and infrared sensors controlling water, put the water card, take card water, put your hand to the display window 5CM, through infrared sensing, towards the suspension and continue to use function. The use of safety: System uses 12V power supply, power driver with leakage protection, safe and reliable. Automatic Settlement: all-weather operation, the system real-time data transmission, the system automatically clearing, to achieve unattended easy to manage and save labor costs. Easy management: The system automatically identify the user identity, according to different rates for billing, billing to the people, by the powerful statistical analysis capabilities, real-time understanding of apartments, bathrooms, the operation of Kai Shuifang


所谓组织行为学 是研究在组织中以及组织与环境相互作用中,人们从事工作的心理活动和行为的反应规律性的科学。组织行为学综合运用了心理学、社会学、文化人类学、生理学、生物学,还有经济学、政治学等学科有关人的行为的知识与理论,来研究一定组织中的人的行为规律。近年来出版了很多与组织行为学有关并以此命名的书籍。Organizational behavior is a science that studies the psychological activity and behavior of the people in the organization and the interaction between the organization and the environment. Organizational behavior is a combination of psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology physiology, biology, and economics, political science and other acts of discipline of human knowledge and theory, to study the behavior of certain people in the organization. In recent years, a lot of books have been published which are related to organizational behavior.重点词汇释义组织行为学organizational behavior; organization behavioristics; Organization Behavior Science相互作用interaction; interact; interreaction; interactivity; reciprocity心理活动moral action反应规律reaction rule组织行为organization behaviour; organization behavior社会学sociology; demotics文化人类学cultural anthropology; culture anthropology生理学physiology政治学politics; political law; publicist; political science近年来in recent years

求翻译一段资料 中译英

发表下看法要是短点 可能会遇上真正人翻译的,这么长,兄弟,迩就别想得到人译的了,因为没那功夫,别说这虚无的得分,就是rmb也不会有多少人翻译的,但是要机器翻译迩为什么不自己去翻译呢?还能省下分,但是迩自己要是懂英语,迩自己看看机器翻译的,能用吗?只要是翻译不了的词就直接汉语拼音,上次我在一个机器翻译,最简单的你好,竟然翻译成了you good,迩觉得能用么?根本就不管任何语法的,都是单词翻译,然后连在一起,所以建议你还是在现实中花钱翻译把,谢谢


1.Both parents to raise children bear equal responsibility (equally) 2.In addition until further notice, we have no other way (but) 3.We call for school students to learn about the latest scientific and technological development dynamics (call on)4.In order to undertake travel costs, you no matter how thrifty are too, can not. . . too) 5.He does not care about compensation, he said that it is important to his experiments (matter) 6.With your views on the contrary, I do not like this piece of furniture design (contrary)7.Careful, from cycling, fall down, you just society cycling (careful)




Flower girl east juliazhongji one homezhongji one class


China is the hometown of tea and the birthplace of tea culture. Since ancient times, tea has been known as the "national drink" of China. In both the Chinese scholars" seven daily necessities, namely music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine and tea and common people"s seven ones, namely firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, tea is listed as one of the necessities. Meanwhile, China is a country with ancient civilization and a land of courtesy. The practice of making and serving tea is essential whenever there are guests or friends. With the development of cultural exchange, commerce and trade between China and other countries, Chinese tea and tea culture spread to the world. Today, a number of countries across the five continents grow tea plants, and many countries import tea from China. Chinese tea, like Chinese silk and chinaware, has become synonymous with China in the world.


The spaceship earth goes ahead at an altitude application of surface kilomters above researches about 200 at altitudes, such is its which protects The axle placed The conditions of outer earth. It from hero to man.The boiling liquids were goes down to pressure and pressure? The spaceship is zero In such conditions, competitive price The spacesuit decompression of The products of blood boiling comfortable situation has been creation of unrelated momentary and radiation, and it is from it In.Breathing in where it solved "paintings of the spacesuit. Am j" what is Man gives off thing of thing in his safe rats harder, the greater is the labor-saving, amount of thing is boring unless it measures are taken, its thing would you the spacesuit freely conditions are introduced. MSP430F169 decide on the CPLD chip and basic principle of 3-phase regulating system, modules, circuit design and monitoring program design. The pressure of star connection system, composed of three phase voltage controlled to constitute the main circuit, The program produced CPLD chip design, the delay triggered signals back pulse transformer is driving and driven to transform; three controlled MSP430F169 microcontroller, buttons, display and reset circuit, etc, is the core of SCM system control, delay time (triggering Angle) input, output and input, and to CPLD lessons, and make sure that trigger signal time. CPLD SCM control program compiled by C430 language, CPLD program USES symbols mixed with VHDL language programming method. The main circuit by Matlab simulation design is reasonable, SCM system, CPLD design experiments, meet the design requirements. This design is triggered signals control digitalization, timing accurate, convenient, can be used to display voltage power electronic technology and experiment teaching.

中译英 宫殿名称

CiNing palace,Yuhua pavilion,Heavy hua palace,

中译英:为了跟上时事,他每天都阅读报纸或者看电视。(keep up with)

In order to keep up with the time, he reads newspaper or watches TV everyday. 时事或者翻译成current affairs.感觉还是时代好。


Most Chinese audiences like to see Western advertising, as they often are humorous, witty, accept them very easy, comfortable. On the contrary, it appears that some of the domestic advertising stiff, relax, and gives the overall impression is too dignified. Foreign ads, especially those in the International Advertising Festival award-winning advertising, have a common characteristic, that is able to jump out of the product itself, are not limited to goods, but can grasp the exact characteristics of goods on the basis of a personality is vivid display of a product"s charm seems inadvertently to have conquered the consumer. Humorous, humorous laugh, relaxed and happy, constitute the main theme of Western advertising. The majority of China"s advertising, always used to seize the goods of a certain characteristic, then this characteristic in a very real and very direct manner of expressing them, it is difficult beyond the product itself, it is difficult to bring the audience to accept the easy, In the dating process, the Chinese like gifts. New Year, relatives and friends, the colleagues call each other, to feel for gifts. Over time, gift giving has become a way people express their feelings. Today, China and some advertising Bianjiang product positioning to send gifts. Such ads focus on food, health care products and wines and spirits. For example, advertising in recent years melatonin. Ad film repeatedly chanted, "This year the feast does not receive, receive also receive melatonin," "This year, to send health, receive more income melatonin!" And other sentences. Year after year, the public side of the witness"s no creativity of its advertising, while still paying out of pocket to buy it is because the positioning on the gifts, visit family need it thanks to all friends, so its sales rose only stability. Also derived "reciprocity" theme, Western ads focus on graphics and narrative, rarely used the language too often adopted after a series of pictures or even just one or two simple words of the advertising language point of eyes, impressive. If the following two ad: ad 1: In one corner a little mouse hole, showing a cat"s tail, and stood in the hole next to a can of drained it of Diet Coke, the ad is not a word, light by the screen on it all. Cats, like how thin it may become a rat? Originally drink Pepsi Diet Coke. I believe after reading the ad people will want to experiment with Diet Coke is to allow yourself to become slim. The ad through the screen to guide the public revelation of his reasoning is a manifestation of Western advertising features a typical example; ad 2: The counter at KFC, a clothed customers are considering what to buy food. That should be a very common site picture, can coat the customer is under the sign of McDonald"s legs, not only people smile - even Ronald McDonald came to patronize KFC, and KFC is not this the right taste Food the best proof?ll 分给我吧。。。YAY

求机电工程专业英语翻译 (中译英 英译中)

1 A machining center is featured in capability of switching cutters automatically.2 Thermal treatment is a way to improve physical properties of metal materials.3 对轻质、高强度和耐热工程材料的需求推动了复合材料的快速发展。



中译英 8句



SPSS introductionThe original SPSS means "Statistical Package for Social Science", statistical package for the social science. SPSS is in the SPSS / PC is developed on the basis of it, with strong statistical analysis functions, easy to use user mode of operation, flexible sheet format analysis report and beautiful graphics display form, won the majority of data analysis in all areas of people "s favorite, and widely applied.SPSS is a very wide application of statistical analysis software, it has been more than 40 years of development history, has become a global leader in professional statistical analysis software. For statistical industry practitioners, to learn SPSS is one of the essential skills.SPSS through a simple menu operation, can conveniently regulate and fusion to collect all kinds of data, and can be implemented from the simple descriptive statistical analysis to the complex timing analysis and other methods, data modeling, return meaningful results, such as customer characteristic classification, development trend prediction. The application of these results to actual, can help the reader to explore potential customers, establish long-term program and other work to make more accurate judgments.SPSS has the following characteristics:Friendly interface, simple operation. The SPSS command statement, sub commands and options are included in a variety of menu and dialog, so users need not spend a lot of time memory complex commands, and options.Good applicability, it differs from man to man. Although most of the statistical analysis method can through menus and dialog boxes to complete, but, for those familiar with the SPSS programming syntax user, also can be in grammar window directly programming statement, thereby flexibly to complete a variety of complex statistical analysis tasks.Algorithm. With the fourth generation language features, only through the menu selection and operation of the dialog box to tell the system what to do, without the need to tell the system how to do. Users only need to understand the principles of statistical analysis, without requiring knowledge of statistical analysis of various algorithms, can be obtained by the statistical analysis of the results.Interface perfect. With complete data conversion interface, other software to generate the data files can be easily converted to SPSS for analysis of data file.Powerful function. SPSS is the core part of statistical functions, can complete the mathematical statistics analysis tasks, provided from simple single variable analysis to complex multivariate analysis methods.Time series analysis of the general steps:Data preparation stage.Data observation and test stage.The data pretreatment.Data analysis and modeling phases.SPSS the characteristic of time series analysis:SPSS time series analysis no self-contained module alone, but dispersed in Date, Transform, Analyze and Graph 4 menu, in Date and Transform in the realization of the time sequence data are defined and the necessary processing, so as to adapt to the requirements of various analysis methods; in the Analyze and Time Series mainly provides 4 time sequence analysis method, including the exponential smoothing method, regression method, the ARIMA model and the seasonal adjustment method. In Graph provides time sequence analysis of graphical tools, including sequence diagram, autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation function diagram.累死人了,呵呵,希望可以帮到你。


Professional training of modern management theory and computer-based science and technology, grasp ideas and information system analysis methods and information management knowledge and ability to have a core of computer application ability, to all levels of management at the national, industrial and commercial enterprises, Financial institutions, research institutes and other departments involved in information management application of the High-specialists.Majors:Economic management: marketing, international trade practices, supply chain management and logistics, management, production and operations management, operations research management, macroeconomics, microeconomics and e-business, securities investment theory and practiceCalculator:Calculator network technique, database principle, face to object program design, dynamic state webpage designing, management information system




Factory the final date of availability which establishes for us is on July 15.Will retard a day arrival of shipment every time, we will compensate give the factory daily 10,000 Yuan.After July 20 deliveries the harbor, is refused to accept by the factory.The compensation will be able to bring the economic loss to us, but refuses to accept then will give your firm, the ship transport company and we brings the serious results.Therefore, we request your firm to have to load a ship as soon as possible, enhance the shipment efficiency.Otherwise, must undertake the corresponding responsibility.


The long term stock options(你确定是股权吗?) acquired by business combination under common control (或者直译:Business combination controlled by the same party) is recognized as initial investments of stock options in proportion to the book value of shareholders" equity (or partnership equity如果是合作制) at the acquisition date;the difference between the purchase price and the initial investments is adjusted to capital reserve. If capital reserve is not enough to balance out, retain earning is then adjusted.就翻译了个第一段,累了。。。


We"ve checked the worksheet and marked with green color.The reply email was send to Diane on 2nd,Aug.pls Check.

中译英 要准的 谢啦~~ 1.那个图书馆将向公众开放(open to)

1 the library will be open to the public.2 please take off your old suit and put on a new one.3 i believe you will be sorry for what you have done.4 he had made many mistakes in the english exam because he was careless.


16.Bonds PayableThe Companyu2019s bonds payable are accounted as the amounts raised when they are issued. The differences between the amounts raised and bond par value are recognized as bond premiums or discounts. Interests of bonds payable are calculated periodically. And premiums or discounts are amortized in the straight-line method within the duration. Interests of bonds payable and premiums or discounts to be amortized are treated in the same principles as those of the Companyu2019s borrowing costs.


can we see the record


3. Period to determine subject matter Determine the period of subject matter (the outbreak of the first hot-animation) - since 1974, "Space Battleship" staged to date in 1982. Japanese animation industry during this period after a period of exploration to determine the dividing line between animation and cartoons. Cartoons are not the scope of our discussion, we have no comment. "Space Battleship" is the first history of Japanese animation "super-drama", by Matsumoto zero with disabilities and people responsible for the design of the script (Character Design). The film aired on television, resulting in "zero Matsumoto Tornado disabilities." Later, as well as "Space Battleship congealed Qi", "Forever Yamato" and "Space Battleship完结篇" and three films, the decade-long life. After the movie, Matsumoto zero otherwise disabilities "Galaxy Railway 999", "Millennium Queen" and other popular works. Matsumoto, who, following a zero after the death by Tomino from the original novel into a quarter of the "Mobile Suit" staged in 1979, as the plot structure of the complex and closely by the enthusiastic support of animation fans. Later, three of the film is also very popular movies. But since then, the heat began to dissipate animation, animation industry into the interval. " 4. Period of technical breakthroughs in painting Technical breakthrough painting period (the outbreak of the second heat Animation) - Since 1982 "Macross" (1) (MACROSS) staged until 1987. The period as a result of people seeking to become the wave of visual, animation art, therefore seek a breakthrough technology. Paintings of this period there is a breakthrough technology "Macross" innovative fast-moving effect of the viewpoint, resulting in excellent dynamic; "风之谷" (2) and "Castle in the Sky" Fine realistic background; "Mobile Suit Z" and "Mobile Suit ZZ" to emphasize the reflective, light and shade contrast and so on, all of the animation was a great deal. As the themes have been identified, together with technical breakthroughs in painting, making again and again is fine. Such as years of 1982-1984 "Macross"; in 1984, "风之谷"; years 1985,1986, "Mobile Suit Z GUNDAN" and "GUNDAM ZZ"; 1986 years "Castle in the Sky" and "Aryan" and many more Department of good films. The development of Japanese animation to the end of this period (1987), plot, content, and have been painting technology to achieve high standards. Then entered a mature animation. 5. Line of differentiation Line of differentiation (maturation) - since 1987 from now. Animation matured, they appeared a few佳片. Such as "she"; movie "Mobile Suit GUNDAM-counteroffensives Han branch -" and "Wang Jun universe"; and Japan, the first history of television to more than high school students as the main object of art animation series "meet the moment" and so on. The "meet the moment" had access to Japanese animation in 1988 list of outstanding works of the second (which is ranked first in "Saint Seiya"); There are also "天空战记", "mobile police" such as the Ministry of works ( "天空战记"animation has been ranked first in 1989). When the subsequent development of Japanese animation, it was suggested that young audiences have been ignored for four or five years, also considering the production of a low age of the line. So after half a year since 1987, the television animation high-age group decreased in favor of animated films. That the current Japanese television can not find a few good films, and the film is almost the case of the Department of the Ministry of exciting. 6. The future development of Future development - as a result of the division line, the animation film industry will focus on the movies. Such as have been made public, "she", "Five-Star Story," "the universe Prince," "War of Venus" and television"s "mobile police", "Mobile Suit OAV" and so on. There has not been made public this year (1990) staged the second half of the "eight dogs Chuan" and "the universe Wang Jun - full version-LD" and "the universe Prince - Heaven chapter." The future of animation will change the route it is very difficult to draw a conclusion, only to allow time to


1. His weird behaivour arouse suspicion of police2. We will make arrangements for the meeting in our city next week.3. This suspect was arrested when he just arrived at the crime scene4. He assure to me of his safety5. The low marks of his test astonished his parents

外贸货代翻译 谢谢 紧急 中译英 谢谢


法律英语词汇 中译英

买卖合同Purchase and Sale Agreement; 商标特许协议 Trademark Licence Agreement;谅解备忘录 Memorandum of understanding; 意向书Letter of Intention; 租赁协议 Leases; 保密协议Non-disclosure Agreement; 协作协议Collaboration Agreement;特许经营协议Franchise Agreement; 咨询协议Advisory Agreement; 形象代言协议Endorsement Agreement ;独家经销协议 Exclusive Sales Agreement

请帮忙翻译一下,中译英。 经验丰富,对工作认真负责,有项目管理经验,具备极强的团队合作精神。

Experienced a serious and responsible work, and project management experience, have strong team spirit.


1. You learn making great efforts increasingly , your achievement gets over regards right away. 2. We gather together feeling happier , as being therefore likely much more. 3. Go to a concert but not having arrived late. 4. It is said that he and others get on well with each other. 5. He lies on a bed reading a book with good relish. 6. She continues working though having been tired out. 7. They are getting together making preparation busy busy. 8. He often admonishes I essential points and the old people do not joke. 9. Teacher Gao tells me to give lessons not arriving late. 10. I see that person has fished out a handful gun li from the bag. 11. He sees that the elephant is being butchered by him. 12. When pawning our gap bridge, we see that one boy drops into river lining. 13. I hear somebody shouting "blowing! I hear people then being running as well as shouting. 14. They let us brave the rain to play football. 15. Medicine may make you take a turn for the better. 16. They make the idea indicating that they do not agree with you clear. 17. That they have improved a software makes people use a computer more easily. 18. That he has invented a submersible makes people not bad on undersea stay very longtime. 19. This girl is very young , can not get married. 20. Charge for this guesthouse has been very expensive , we may live not getting up.




White cut porkWhite cut pork knuckles belongs to the cantonese recipes, main raw material is pig feet; Cook, the production craft is the difficulty of simple!White cut of pork meat a; the material:White cut pork knuckles ingredients: ginger, sugar, MiCu, garlic, onion, lemon, acid ginger, soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, pepper;White cut pork knuckles practice:1, the material, the pig feet a, had better be chela;2, wash clean, the middle big bone removed.3, pot, add water to put round, ready to cook hoof.4, use and simmer for cooked to just cooked for good, too bad they don"t taste very good. Cooked pig feet with LiangKaiShui a dip, put in the freezer for a clock.5, pigs are cooked, down with material production, is the ginger into slices.6, join sugar, MiCu, into acid ginger, steeped about a half hour can.7, garlic, onion, lemon cut into grains.8, hot pan with oil and fry the garlic, onion add the lemon, acid ginger, soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, like to eatHot friend with chili oil, make the willows material9, the pig feet from the refrigerator take out and slice (try sliced thin), installed dish10, in pig feet meat sprinkled prepared five willow expected, serveWarm prompt:1, will add sweet and sour pork salted, best juice and refrigerate refrigerated preserved, so can make pork knucklesTaste more smooth.2, pork chop, should try to chop little some, otherwise not easy pickled well flavoured.Eat a health:Pig feet: average person could eat, but also the elderly, women, exsanguine person dietotherapy buffets1, suitable for blood deficiency of edible; Suitable for the infirm eat; The lack of milk for postpartum edible; Appropriate waistWeak person eat; Suitable for long YongJu sores poison the crushing not gathered edible;2, the old gastronintestinal digestion function abate not too much time food; A hepatitis, cholecystitis, braveryStones, arteriosclerosis, hypertension patients with little food or feed should not feed for good; Whoever pathogenic fever and all hotCertificate, empirical period unfavorable feed more; Gastronintestinal digestion function abate children once again can not excessive edible.Food taboos:Not to eat pig with licorice, otherwise it will cause poisoning, can use mung bean treatment.


Dear Mr. Smith, I am decided to be on business in US at the end of the month. I shall be in Washington on 20th October, or before or after, stay aboutone week. And I should like to call on you to meeting if you have any free timeon October 22 or 23. Please let me know if the two days is convenient for you. Ifnot, what day and time you would suggest. Thank you a lot for your support firstly and very much expect themeeting with you in Washington at the short days later. Your faithfully, Li Lei 计算机科学家们并不满足于初浅层次的人机互动关系。在他们研究的一个名为人工智能的主要科目中,他们正致力于“教会”计算机像人一样的思考。经过长期的探索和尝试,研究者们相信他们通过计算机的协助,正在揭开更多关于大脑工作机理的秘密。


我先翻两句,看看符合不符合你的要求,达不到你的标准就不继续了1.If the withdrawl day or repayment day designated falls on any non-business day of the financing bank, such withdarwl day shall be postponed for the next business day of the financing bank and a interest shall be chargeable during the extension period.2.Prepayment and Acceleration of maturityA Short Term Loan may be repaid by the Client at any time prior to the due date.太晚了,有空翻完第二句;


1. With the class compared to other classmates him more responsibility at work (compare) 2. In the summer vacation during much of our school students go voluntarily assist elderly (volunteer) 3. When you think of a bad mood when good things will remove the troubles (free for) 4. Children should experience success and failure, which for them is a wealth of (experience) 5. Many young people continue to spend money to pursue the most when the new cell phone (pursue) 6. A difficulty on the back of people are never successful (give up) 7. The English mid-term examinations are oral, not only has written, This is Really? (true) 8. First plane, the plane taking off and landing feel uncomfortable is normal (feel) 9. Police Fang Warning: Do not put personal information to strangers (release) 10. Commercial advertisement without consent in the use of the image of a person is against the law (illegal) 11. The world held ceremonies to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the end of World War II (celebrate) 12. In their daily lives and often we do not Make friends with people of bad faith (fail) 13. Teacher encourage us as much as possible to find several ways to solve this math question (work out) 14. If you have the intention of studying abroad should be prepared earlier, as far as possible (intention) 15. A spoiled child difficult get alone with other children (get along with)


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The face of the financial crisis in Chinatop, in all thinks thought : Now I may already and Yang Hun am grazing together, selects several fattest sheep fine food again.


1.What worries the director most is whether people will be attracted to see the movie.2.It"s obvious that frequent exchanges between two school strengthened the friendship .3.Since Beijing succeed in bidding for 2008 Olympics Games,the governtment has paid more attention to reducing the effects of the sandstorms.4.Many people take the view that the headlines should be both useful and attracting.5.Generally speaking,the experience as a young boy will determine his disposition to a great extent .


In the past 2 decades,ISS has always been one of the hotest issues that scholars and business managers concerned about.


take some fruit, make yourself at home.yesterday when an old woman walked across the road, a taxi knocked her down.He has made up his mind to learn English well.Thanks to the weather, last Sunday we were so happy.There is no need to pay much money on the money.I want to introduce my good friend to youIt seems he is a basketball player.The teacher has made it clear that we need to deliver the homework tomorrow.I am afrain to lose the chanceNow, many people choose to tour overseas.The hurted child has been taken to hospital. He need to stay in hospital at least 3 daysMy mother asked me to do homework instead of doing washing.


Please refer to the amendment of the contract in the file attached, commented as red.


I have a good capacity for wine.I have watched the first season of Prison Break.amusement park

中译英。一碰到不认识的词我就查字典(As soon as,look up)

Look up 有“查阅,查考”之意。因此查字典是look up in the dictionary,不是简单的look up Look up 不是查字典的意思 Look up有以下几层


扩散 让出 6 4 产物的是是魂牵梦萦地方在地方工业


Along with stores the time the extension, guarantees the fresh meat protein enzyme activity to elevate gradually, under the normal temperature and the low temperature, the protein enzyme activity with stores the time to assume extremely obviously is being connected (P<0. 01), the correlation coefficient respectively is 0 .9701 and 0. 9648。 In the muscle the PH value and between the protein enzyme activity has certain correlational dependence.The low temperature, the bitter edible plant polyphenol, the organic acid treatment can reduce maintain freshness the duck meat protein enzyme activity。


In modern society, the frequent business activities, international business negotiation is the essential component of. Negotiation is a dynamic process, influence factors. Negotiators in addition to being subject to their strength and the influence of environmental factors, but also depends on the business negotiations psychological factors. In the economic globalization background, with China"s accession to the WTO, international trade more frequent, negotiation activities are more and more. Business negotiations because both sides want the maximum benefit, often face conflicts of interest. In today"s era of the knowledge economy, the increasingly fierce competition in the commodity market to the buyer and the seller, the buyer and the buyer, seller must give full play to their ability to negotiate, skill and wisdom in the trade, to obtain benefits. The continuous development of the market economy and further opening up, more and more enterprises to participate in international competition, and business negotiation more and more into the international competitiveness of enterprises an important activity. Thus, negotiation plan in business negotiations play a decisive role.Supplementary question:Through the development of negotiation plan, coordinate the relation between each other, to meet their needs, through coordination and reach consensus. So that the two sides in the needs and interests will be coordinated and adaptation. Change the relationship and exchange of views, both with reasonable conditions to obtain the success of the negotiations, to achieve a win-win situation, both sides can friendly negotiation, success, and long-term relationships, to achieve long-term friendly cooperation.你自己看一下,到底可以不可以。如果可以,请采纳...


1.Don"t involve youself into the meaningless arguement.2.I have arranged Mary to see the foreigners off at the Pudong International Airport.3.He admitted to have cheatted in the exam.4.Laking sleep is one of the important reasons of causing traffic accidents.5.Laking confidence, he couldn"t pass the driving test.6.Applying what students have leaned in class to practice should be encouraged.7.The words which the teacher said on the graduation benefit students.8.The scholar gave us much advice on language learning which benefits us a lot.9.The experiment made by the teacher on the phisics class leaved us a deep impression.10.The impressive scenes in the film impressed me.11.We need to be reminded of our shortcomings constantly.12.If we don"t find the real reason for the failure ,we might risk to make the same mistake.13.I prefer to play football rather than to be an audience.14.That scientist is so modest that he said what he has done is not of worth.15.Many peaple consider living overseas as a challenge.

求帮忙翻译下面的中文.中译英.谢谢. 战争,友谊,混杂在枪林弹雨中,军人,没有选择的余地,他们要

War, friendship, hybrid soldiers in the hail of bullets,, have no choice, they must be absolute obedience. What impressed me most are two, one is the one with chocolate coax little Japanese girl riflemen, he put the chocolate lost comrades, let the little girl left a hail of bullets. The other one is, friendship between men is indeed different from women, Cage sprang into action to cover beach perfect interpretation of "friends" has the meaning. War is not to kill, but to save. Expression of any of the war, the ultimate goal will be longing for peace, but not to breed more war, will be the performance of war crimes, the helplessness and insignificance. World War II to the people left so many sad memories, but directors are loved filming the time period of the film, try various devices to reproduce the scene at the time, this is why? In order to commemorate!? In order to warning!? But I think, the war brings pain and memories to imprint is engraved on my heart., and the pain is still continued never disappeared, people repeatedly opened their own scars, because we want to force us to remember the bloody war, the ugliness of human nature, regardless of which side of the war, loss of life is a kind of the performance of sinuff01


In 2000, the online turnover reached us $50 million, according to every workstation, dell first pay volume ranked top global PowerApp, application server, DiYiBaiWanTai dell PowerEdge server. In 2001, the first become a global market share of computer manufacturers, the highest paid according to the standard Intel architecture construction, dell server computing was first introduced in the United States, PowerConnect network switch. In 2002, the industrial park of Austin dell Topfer named manufacturing center, to praise Topfer Mort in 1994 and 2002 to dell"s presidency, dell and social contribution to launch the first "blade" server, launched into the market Axim X5 handheld devices in the United States, launched in retail customers based on standards of cash, 3100MP launched into the market, the projector, projectors, PowerConnect network switch DiErBaiWanTai sold dell, American customers for their preferred choice dell computer systems. In 2003, dell computer Co., LTD has been renamed as "dell, reflects the company has become the technology development of diversified products and service provider.Dell oriented enterprise users and individual users printers, dell plans to launch dell customers can be recycled to any computer equipment manufacturer of recycling or donated to charity.That same year, dell and product portfolio extends to consumer electronics market, launched a series of products, such as flat TV, digital player, USB key driver etc. In 2004, Kevin.Rawlins became dell next chief executive.Dell and Fuji xerox, kodak, and samsung to establish technical cooperation relationship with Microsoft, then with oracle company established a strategic cooperation partnership. In 2005, dell and Bombardier, entertainment and leisure Products Co., LTD.(Bombardier Recreational Products) signed a contract for the latter, in the global business network established IT provides technical Products and services. In 2006, the first quarter, dell history 1,000 million shipments (fiscal 2006 4th quarter). In 2008, dell laptop products increased by 50% in 2008, dell computer manufacturers in the world is still the first. 应该是这样翻吧!!!


I was graduated from XX school at july this year.At first i wanna do a job but i think i"m lack of konwledge and i"m too young,i wanna go on my study. But i haven"t found a suitable school.At that moment,a friend of my farther"s introduced this university to me.After studying and investigating on the internet about the university,i think it"s quite good and finally i sent an application.I think MBA is appropriate for me,so i chosen it.I learned language there the first year then began my own classes.There"re three years for learning totally.I wanna learn more culture about U.S. and the whole world during this time,and face the brand-new surroundings in order to apply for the higher university.After all of my studies finished,i would come back to china.I have a older brother in an enterprise who supported me to study MBA,i wanna help him after my graduating.China has a big market.It"s easy to do marketing there if you have a good human relations,and i"m good at the market of China.I can do the marketing with my brother after my graduating!And then my brother maybe had a good human relations and i"ll do it easily.It"s my advantage which i can"t have in U.S.It can be much harder for me to do the marketing in U.S.Ps:你可以把语句写得更通畅一点,这样便于翻译整理,读者看起来也舒服。


Hello.Thank you for your reply to my mail, I gave the orders from the updated. Your help to calculate the total price, then tell me. If that is right, I will give you money, please inform me as soon as possible after receiving payment, help me to arrange the shipment of the goods, you see what"s the problem? XXX is your account number, please check. Thank you.哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈


There is one kind of cordial , moving , the most beautiful affection in in the world , be close feeling. Have in the world one kind of love is great , the deepest , the most disinterested , is mother love. Come mother, to love us being always using her disinterested feelings , mute use their life, ... Mother resembles a umbrella right away: When having rain, be that we keep out heavy rain those days. When having the sun, be that we keep out that dazzling sinister sunlight. Mother resembles a book right away: Be us during the period of we have a puzzle answer feel uncertain, be our life road show clearly direction. Mother resembles one light right away: Road being that we illuminate that brightest light , are that we illuminate our life ought to walk in a pitch black night.

中译英: 在结局的这一幕,King Kong在帝国大厦的顶层被警方的直升机乱枪扫射而死。

At the end of this episode, King Kong in the top floor of The Empire State Building was shot to death by the police helicopter
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