barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-17 22:02:19

The purpose of this study is to propose the design method of mechanical clinching tools, which is used to join aluminium alloy sheets in automobiles. Based on the analytical model used to predict the strength of the mechanical clinched joint, the design method of clinching tools that can satisfy the required joint strength is proposed.


The analytical model has been defined as a function of the neck-thickness and the undercut, which are the presented mechanical clinched joint geometry. And joint geometry is defined by the shape parameters of the clinching tools.


To obtain the desired joint strength, the required neck-thickness and undercut are inversely calculated from the analytical model. The mechanical clinching tools that join Al6063 alloy sheets are designed by the proposed method. FE-analysis and mechanical clinching test were performed for optimal conditions obtained from the proposed design method.









中译英 用英语怎么说

中译英Chinese to English translation
2023-07-17 15:56:452

中译英 用英语怎么说

chinese-english translation
2023-07-17 15:56:535


2023-07-17 15:57:091


2023-07-17 15:57:195


中翻英 是很多人在学英文的时候,常常需要用到的。网路上有不少很棒的「中文翻译英文」或「英文翻译中文」网站,这些中翻英的网站,可以一起使用,也可以挑选你自己喜欢的中文翻英文网站。 下面我就来介绍几个「中翻英 」网站,喜欢的话就收藏起来吧。 中文翻译英文 google翻译算是非常好用、很多人用的中文翻译英文网站,这算是中翻英网站一定要收藏的吧。 google 中翻英:google 中文翻译英文网站 2.Cambridge dictionary 剑桥词典中翻英 剑桥词典是我最爱造访的网站之一,它的中文翻译英文功能,相当的推荐。 剑桥词典中翻英:Cambridge dictionary 中文翻译英文网站 3.中文地址翻译英文 假如今天我们要翻译中文地址,把中文地址翻译成英文,这时该怎么办呢?别担心,可以用中华邮政资讯网的「中文地址英译」功能,这功能非常的好用,无论你要翻译的是中国台湾哪个中文地址,都能帮你翻译成英文。 英文地址中翻英:中华邮政资讯网 中文地址英译 4.中文名字中文翻译英文 如果今天你要把自己的中文名字翻译成英文,这时候该参考哪个英文翻译网站呢?比方说,你可能要申请户帐、申请银行帐户,这时候就会遇到中文名字中翻英,你可以用外交部领事局的「外文姓名中译英系统」,这个网站可以帮你把中文名字翻译成英文,算是相当的好用罗。 中文名字中翻英:外交部领事局 外文姓名中译英系统 5.Yahoo汉英字典中文翻译英文 最后一个推荐的是Yahoo汉英字典,Yahoo汉英字典不只有英翻中,也可以中翻英喔。假如剑桥字典或是google翻译的中翻英功能,你都不太爱,那就用用看Yahoo汉英字典吧。 Yahoo汉英字典网站:Yahoo汉英字典 中翻英 上面就是五个中文翻译英文网站推荐啦! 中文 翻译 英文, 中文名字翻译英文, 中文地址翻译英文, 中文翻英文, 中文翻译网站, 中文翻译英文, 中翻英, 中翻英 名字, 中翻英 地址, 中翻英 网站, 中翻英 网站推荐, 中翻英 线上, 中翻英 线上翻译, 英文翻译中文
2023-07-17 15:57:341


2023-07-17 15:57:443


英语和汉语是两种差异比较大的语言 英语重形合 汉语重意合翻译时 根据表达习惯 英语和汉语的句子结构有时需要做相应的转换 英汉语复合句中主句和从句之间的时间顺序和逻辑顺序也不完全一致 因此 翻译时 也常常需要根据表达习惯 对句序进行相应的调整现代翻译理论认为 句子是最重要的翻译单位 常用的翻译方法有:1.正反反正表达法 2.分句合句法1.正反反正法:由于文化的思维方式不同 英汉两种语言在表达同一概念时所用的方式就有所不同 在表达否定时 英语 汉语使用的词汇 语法 语言逻辑就有很大差异 汉语中有的词 短语 句子是从反面表达的 而译成英语时则需要从正面表达 反之 也有许多情况 还有 汉语中有些特殊结构 如双重否定 在翻译时也要注意 2.分句合句法:很多情况下 翻译句子需要调整原有的结构 此时即用分句合句法分句法:汉译英时 需要分译的句子多数是长句 或是结构复杂的复合句 这种句子若译成一个长句就会显得累赘 也会译不清楚 也不符合英文习惯合句法:一般而言 一个英语句子包含的信息要大于汉语句子 因此 在翻译时 要常常把汉语的两个 甚至更多个句子合译成英语的一句 使用合句法还可以使句子紧凑 简练
2023-07-17 15:58:211


2023-07-17 15:58:461

中译英 翻译

we should be loyal to our party , to our people and to our motherland .
2023-07-17 15:59:164


2023-07-17 15:59:274


1. The boss to his former employer asked him to conduct. (Refer) 2. Several companies are competing to win a contract (compete) 3. Is best to combine the knowledge and practice. (Combine) 4. Because of the lack of a high level of sales force, the new insurance company has not yet established foothold in the market (lack, high-performing, foothold) 5. Thank you recommend me to participate in it by the tutor center, where the teachers all of them have qualified (appreciate, non-restrictive attributive clause)
2023-07-17 16:00:244


1. Many girls are frightened of insects.2.Most of the passengers survived the fire.3.Don"t take what he said seriously, he has never been honest.4.Insects attack farmer"s crops usually by destroying leaves of the crops.5.I know nothing about that man except that he is a policeman.
2023-07-17 16:00:342


1 Did you have a great time last night?2 This term, She takes thress courses which are English,computer and driving.3 His girlfriend helps him a lot, and he has a debt in her.4 I got a truth that is never let your friends down.5 If you let him stay in your home, you will be asked for.6
2023-07-17 16:00:431


1. a little work2. does harm3.materials
2023-07-17 16:00:503


1.New York is our destination.2.Congming island is about half an hour by bus from the town.3.He has been in China for five years,so he used to eating Chinese food.4.We can go through the England Channel by train.5.Tomorrow is mother"s birthday.Why not buy her a bunch of flowers a gift?
2023-07-17 16:01:002


1 Hello, last week"s order confirmation letter you receive does not know whether you have other questions. I"ve added your skype, we can communicate directly above. 2 Hello, you to visit our company and whether the interest in our products? If necessary, I will send you our electronic reference samples and price list to you. We expect to have the opportunity to cooperate.
2023-07-17 16:01:118


People thought it was needed for the government to keep some old houses.The show turns to be unexpectablly successful.Without internet, such informations are not avaiable.For thousands of job seekers, hunderds of offers are far from enough.It was in honor of the foreign guests that we held a welcome meeting in the newly-built lecture hall.
2023-07-17 16:01:411


更新1: 意思上译也可 更新2: 题目应该是请帮忙中译英 更新3: 补充内容加多句 : 由于美元金额需要电汇付款要收取手续费,XXX(老板)要求(XXX Ltd.)将发票金额转换成港币以便用支票付款 中译英 由于美元金额需要电汇付款要收取手续费,请要求(XXX Ltd.)将发票金额转换成港币以便用支票付款 As there is a handling fee for telegraphic trfer of US dollars please request XXX Ltd to convert the US Dollar amount into HK dollars to allow payment by HK Dollar cheque. 补充句: 由于美元金额需要电汇付款要收取手续费,XXX(老板)要求(XXX Ltd.)将发票金额转换成港币以便用支票付款 As there is a handling fee for telegraphic trfer of US dollars XXX(the boss) has requested XXX Ltd to convert the US Dollar amount into HK dollars to allow payment by HK Dollar cheque. 2015-07-27 17:35:02 补充: Sorry for taking 发票金额 as 美元金额 in the above trlations. Correction: 由于美元金额需要电汇付款要收取手续费,请要求(XXX Ltd.)将发票金额转换成港币以便用支票付款 As there is a handling fee for telegraphic trfer of US dollars please request XXX Ltd to convert the invoice amount into HK dollars to allow payment by HK Dollar cheque. 2015-07-27 17:36:05 补充: 补充句: 由于美元金额需要电汇付款要收取手续费,XXX(老板)要求(XXX Ltd.)将发票金额转换成港币以便用支票付款 As there is a handling fee for telegraphic trfer of US dollars XXX(the boss) has requested XXX Ltd to convert the invoice amount into HK dollars to allow payment by HK Dollar cheque. 由于美元金额需要电汇付款要收取手续费,XXX(老板)要求(XXX Ltd.)将发票金额转换成港币以便用支票付款 Dear xxx In order to avoid the TT charges XXX (our boss) request xxxxx Ltd change the currency of invoice from US$ into HK$. We will then settle payment by cheque instead. Thanks and best regards xxxx ------------- For your information if payment is settled in HK we will also issue US$ cheque if you have a US$ cheque account with your bank. 由于美元金额需要电汇付款要收取手续费,XXX(老板)要求(XXX Ltd.)将发票金额转换成港币以便用支票付款 In order to avoid the handling charge by telegraphic trfer of US$. and so(The Boss) requests so and so Ltd to use HK$ invoice instead so that he can make payment by HK$ cheque. 参考: Myself and Dictionary Thanks Mr." Fulfillment" for the idiomatic trliteration.Where"s the XXX Ltd in HK or USA ?Where"s the s-v-o- into one sentence only ? ---As there is a handling fee for the telegraphic trfer of USD (we) request the Boss of XXX Ltd. to convert the invoice amount into HKD to facilitate working payment by a HKD cheque. As the US dollar wire payment amount required to charge a fee XXX (owner) requirements (XXX Ltd.) will be converted to the invoice amount to pay by check HK
2023-07-17 16:01:481

中译英 中文翻英语

1.Drinking plenty of water can keep your hair from being dry.2.The only bridge on the river was damaged during the earthquake.3.Make sure that you chose the right hair-caring products.4.Overusing the hair-dryer can hurt your hair.5.All of the electronic products in the mall are guaranteed for their quality for 3 years.6.You look great in green. It seems that green suits you perfect.7.In the dry winter,don"t forget to apply some cream after washing your face.8.Since there is air pollution in the city,it is wise for you to wash your hair with shampoo regularly.9.After using many kinds of drugs, finally she find the remedy for stomach-ache .10.In order to maintain healthy, you need a balanced diet.In addition, exercise is also of great importance.
2023-07-17 16:01:584

中 译 英

1.That girl has a gift for music.2.The words and deeds of parents will have a great effect on their childen.3.Have you ever heared from our classmates?4.The train was held up in Chongqing because of the heavy snow.5.He insisted on looking for the missing child with me.我是英语专业毕业的,信我没错。
2023-07-17 16:02:065

中译英 英语翻译

2023-07-17 16:02:216


The urbanization and the ecological balance is a pair of contradictory. The urbanization is a kind of trend, while the city is steadily for environmental protection, urban development in the past often ignored the consideration of environmental protection, urban development in the process of a series of environmental problems, urban environment, to a certain extent, the increasingly serious environmental pollution, the urban environment can enter the benign development track. This paper expounds the concept and the urban ecological environment, analyses the characteristics of urban ecological environment problems in land use, and as an example, discusses the urban ecological environment protection method. In recent years, mainly for the urban ecological environment problems in urban land utilization, injecting ecological awareness of environmental protection, and land use in Shanghai to protect the ecological environment, and puts forward some methods to maintain the harmonious development of the ecological environment.
2023-07-17 16:02:364


2023-07-17 16:03:102


1,Last but not the least,it is more than just lifestyle,life pressure can also affect the quality of hair.2,Some think computer plays a vary important role in our daily lives,others not.3,It is believed that this writer has finished his fifth novel.4,Many children are facinated by computer games.
2023-07-17 16:03:202


2023-07-17 16:03:302


I saw him will know that he was the police looking for the person2 due to lack of self-confidence, he was little hope of winning did not report3, he live up to expectations, leading classes in the school basketball team won the basketball championship4, when you get closer to that remote town, the first thing he saw was a historic church5, the best way to verbal learning foreign language learning6, in such a cold night, walking for half an hour later, we finally saw a hotel7, it was suspected Shanghai Metro Line will one day be extended to Hongqiao International Airport (it is supposed, extand)8, the school with his long history and proud of the beautiful environment (take pride in)9, our childhood unwittingly flies away (speed by)
2023-07-17 16:03:446


1.很多教授认为汤姆所写的文章值得认真研究Many professors think that Tom"s article is well worth serious study. 2.警察弯下腰,捡起了一个纸袋,发现里面有一把枪。(bend)The policeman bent down to pick up a paper bag and found inside it a gun.3.在这场战斗中,你们的任务是击沉地方的军舰(sink)Your responsibility in this battle is to sink the warships that are here.4.当布朗先生不在的时候,由马丽负责这家店(in charge of)Whenever Mr. Brown is away, Mary is in charge of the store.5.她和我说话的时候总是双臂交叉在胸前(have one"s arms crossed)She always had her arms crossed whenever she was speaking to me.6.山姆本应该作最后一班公交车回家。但是这场意外拦住了他(be supposed to)Sam was supposed to come home on the last bus, but the accident prevented him from doing so.7.麦克一回到家就迫不及待的打开电视(can"t wait to do)Mike couldn"t wait to turn on the TV as soon as he got home.8.我们两个都不想去看电影(feel like)We both don"t feel like going to a move.这是地道的。希望帮到了你。我是加拿大人,英语母语。
2023-07-17 16:04:011


2023-07-17 16:04:112


1 National Day vacation travel can relax in the nerve (if) 2 cloth that feels very soft, but it is difficult to wash clean (feel) 3 In the past decade. China has built a highway network (network) 4, Liu Xiang, the Chinese people won the great honor, is considered a national hero (consider... To be) 5 people for some other people regardless of the health of the production of harmful foods are angry (despite) 6 my mother watching TV, often for the fate of the heroine or sad or hi (fate)
2023-07-17 16:04:182


1 Did you have a great time last night?2 This term, She takes thress courses which are English,computer and driving.3 His girlfriend helps him a lot, and he has a debt in her.4 I got a truth that is never let your friends down.5 If you let him stay in your home, you will be asked for.6
2023-07-17 16:04:551


1这里的作业好难做,所以我经常得到很不理想的分数。2.我是学校游泳队的一员。3.我应该离开这个游泳队吗?我真的很不想,但是爸爸妈妈认为我应该这样做。4 亲爱的朋友,你认为我是该做点事呢,还是试着去忘记这令人头疼的事呢?1.Qin thinks the film is very boring.2.We have history classes in Wensday and Friday.3.Are not your mother can swim?4.Do you often swim at these time?5.Are you willing to having dinner with me?
2023-07-17 16:05:041


1 Private school, which provide supplymentary English teaching, spring up like mushrooms after rain.2Ibuy this magazine for my friend"s recommengation.3 His command of English suprised me.4 Children enjoyed their freedom during their holidays.5 Some of her comments are nonsense, but most of they are fair.
2023-07-17 16:05:153


We do really attach importance to moon"s order,and from the day before yesterday our QC Leo has been in the factory that he will confirm the product quality and delivery date. if you should have any question please directly contact with Leo.I learned from Leo that the cut is completed,but we are sorry to say that because of a shortage of fabric,the number of cutting is 39 less than the order number. Meanwhile all embroidery have come back tomorrow,we expected there will be a line of production to work tomorrow.And the pertinent progress chart,i have already asked Leo to do it and send us everyday.Thanks
2023-07-17 16:05:367


1.人们告诉白求恩大夫必须立即派遣医务人员去前线.(be told,be sent) Doctor bethune was told that the medical staff must be sent to the battlefront at once.2.李医生正忙着给一个孩子动手术.(be busy doing sht.,operate on) Doctor Li is busy operating on a child.3.消息传来,他们在奥运会上打破了世界记录.(word came,break the world records) The word came that they had broke the world records in the Olympic games .4.伤员那天被送往一座小庙. The wounded were sent to a small temple.5.他们彻夜讨论了那些问题.(throughout the night) They discussed the problem throughout the night.6.这个病孩应该由他父母立即送医院.(sick boy)This sick boy should be sent to the hospital by his parents at once.
2023-07-17 16:06:053


1, Your report should be as concise as possible.2, You"d better choose an imformative topic and analyze the audience and time limit.3, I won"t come here on Monday because I have an engagement.4, The applicants who have an apointment take priority.5, He hung up the phone and went back to his own seat.
2023-07-17 16:06:172


我是学翻译的,相信权威:1,Debbie"s body language makes the customers feel they are welcomed.2, Simon got relieved when seeing customers prefer Debbie than himself.3,If you want to make friends with others, it is very important to pay attention to the way you communicate.4,He was employed by a famous computer company after graduation.5,Jack is more than my teacher, he often helps me in daily life, too.
2023-07-17 16:06:3116


amy is my best friends,she is twelve years old.she is so clever.she is cute.
2023-07-17 16:07:211


我翻译出来是这样的:Since you have already returned to the United States, then you busy? I feel that, because your reply letter than a letter short. Thank you for the encouragement, I continued to study piano. I have already opened. This will be a very busy year, I will attend junior high school graduation examination. You are also busy learning? you must be very fine. I have the time or give you a letter. Do not forget me! Lala I was a member, your school is cheering team? U.S. cheering team is very strong.不知道对不对噢
2023-07-17 16:08:152


2023-07-17 16:08:257


i feel so happy when i heard that you will come to our school to ,learn Chinese .now please allow me to introduce my school to youour school is a old one that has a 50 years"s environment is beautiful that has a lot of plants.the equipment of the school is advanced a,there is four teching building and one apartment building ,a gym,computer rooms and a library.we students can choose from many optional course except the normal ones,such as paiting and cooking.the most important thing is that we have many outstanding teachers that make the classes more interesting.i hope you like my school
2023-07-17 16:08:442


The types of film contain: comedy, adventure, frightened Liberal films, science fiction films, action films, and so on. Film is one of popular entertainments, a film about 2-3 hours shorter than TV , but the plot is even more exciting. My favorite movie is <E.T>, it is the Ministry of Science Fiction. of which director is Steven Spielberg.and the main actor is Henry Thomas / Drew Barrymore / Robert MacNaughton. It was taken on for the year of 1982. The reason I like it is because the film is very interesting, and moving. What"s more,very suitable for our age to see.
2023-07-17 16:08:557


she begin to talk,facing all the students.she failed in taking full responsibility of the family.first of all.u must tell me why u were absent.why not fix a date for next meeting?dont forget the duty to take care of parents.
2023-07-17 16:09:122


1. We go for a walk after meal from time to time.2. How are you getting on with your study in school?3. Do you often hear from your schoolmates?4.I apologize to you for my breaking your vase.5.Have you seen the bird in the sky?
2023-07-17 16:09:204


正如Simon在他的演讲中所指出的那样,妇女有能力做任何工作(capable)Just as what Simon has pointed out in his speech, women are capable of doing any work. 此次活动的目的是为需要帮助的人筹集资金(purpose)The purpose of the activity is to raise fund for those who need help. 定期献血需要很少的工作但对他人有益(benefit)Regular blood donation needs little work, but others will benefit from it.我还来不及完成试题,铃就响了(before)I haven"t finished the test questions before the bell rang.如果你能帮我,我将感激不尽(appreciate)It you can help me, it will be greatly appreciated.
2023-07-17 16:09:271

中译英 5句

1. He was determined to leaf.2. they have plenty of food, was careless.3. you must be strict on leadership, strict management, strict supervision.4. the product technology advanced, the structure, style range of portable.5. the matter had been reaching its peak, everyone knows.
2023-07-17 16:09:384


Abstract: The provision of financial accounting as an information-based information systems in the enterprise management plays an important role. In the latter half of the 20th century, with the development of modern information technology to human society entered the era of information society and knowledge-based economy. Accounting information from the manual dealing with the development of the computerization in the accounting operations and information technology the way to deal with major changes have taken place. Its accounting theory and accounting functions of a series of new issues, so that gradually the traditional accounting pattern is broken and the new accounting ideas and the gradual establishment of the theory. Accounting is not only the realization of the traditional manual accounting for the inheritance and development and, more importantly, the efficiency of accounting and business management in the role of enhancing the formation of a great role. Therefore, the study of both the development of computerized accounting major theoretical significance, and of great practical significance. Keywords: significance of the development of computerized accounting; the status quo; and the reasons for the problems; measures
2023-07-17 16:09:4914


2023-07-17 16:10:304

【中译英】请帮我把以下中文翻译成英文 谢谢!

sir, i took WPT test on October,21, and i would like to know when i can get the result of WPT test, since the date of my application for s college is expired on December,1. so i desire to get my WPT report and hand in ...
2023-07-17 16:10:404


1. Please don"t wear the pajamas(pyjamas) all day. 注:pajamas和pyjamas都是睡衣的意思。2. Please don"t talk behind other people"s back.注:talk behind sb."s back 说某人的闲话3. Please speak slowly.注:talk通常是谈话的意思,speak是说话的意思,在这里speak比talk好。4. Please don"t nag.注:nag 不断地唠叨恼人,说话唠叨5. Please plug away.注:plug away 坚持不懈;顽强地致力于
2023-07-17 16:10:504

翻译... 中译英,超简单的

33.very like his long35.with her whole family36.wacth TV together
2023-07-17 16:10:584