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(Alchemy)炼金术(Animagi)阿尼玛格斯,变形为动物的魔法(需要在魔法部登记)(Apparating)幻影移/显形(要点为"3D")(Avada Kedavra)阿瓦达索命咒,非法的黑魔咒,不可饶恕咒之一。(喷射出一道绿光)(Cruciatus Curse)钻心咒,非法的黑魔咒,不可饶恕咒之一。 (出自ABRACADABRA)(Imperious Curse)夺魂咒,非法的黑魔咒,不可饶恕咒之一。(Dark Magic)黑魔法(Dark Mark)黑魔标记,空中的骷髅头,在某人被杀时使用(Disapparate)幻影移形(Divination)占卜(Fidelius Charm)赤胆忠心魔咒(Four Point Spell)定向咒,使得魔杖尖端指北(Impediment Curse)障碍咒,减缓阻止侵犯者。(Leprechaun Gold)消失数小时(Occlumency)大脑封闭术(Parseltongue)蛇佬腔(Patronus)守护神咒,打击摄魂怪(Polyjuice Potion)复方汤剂,可以把一个人变为另一个人模样的汤剂(Reductor Curse)粉碎咒,为开路,击碎固体(Shield Charm)铁甲咒,暂时的隔墙使小魔咒偏向(Side-Along-Apparition)随从显形(Splinched)分体,巫师在幻影移形时,留了一部分身子在后(Transfiguration)变形术(Unbreakable Vow)牢不可破的誓言(Morsmordre) 尸骨再现,显现黑魔标记(Unforgivable Curses) 不可饶恕咒 (钻心咒,夺魂咒,阿瓦达索命咒)Aguamenti 清水如泉Alohomora 阿拉霍洞开Aparecium 急急现形Avada Kedavra 阿瓦达索命Avis 飞鸟群群Cave inimicum 《哈7》中给帐篷施的保护咒语,应该是“降敌陷阱”Colloportus 快快禁锢Comfundo 《哈7》中混淆咒咒语,译为“混淆视听”Crucio 钻心剜骨Deletrius 消隐无踪Densaugeo 门牙赛大棒Diffindo 四分五裂Disillusionment 幻身咒Dissendium 左右为难Enervate 快快复苏Engorgio 速速变大Evanesco 消影无踪Expecto Patronum 呼神护卫Expelliarmus 除你武器Ferula 阿魏拉Finite 终了结束Finite incantatem 咒立停Flagrate 标记显现Furnunculus 火烤热辣辣Homenum revelio 《哈7》中显示人类(Homo sapiens是人类的学名……)的咒语,人形现身Impedimenta 障碍重重Imperio 魂魄出窍Impervius 防水防湿,在《哈7》中有新用法,译为“水火不侵”(查字典Impervious)Incarcerous 速速禁锢Incendio 火焰熊熊Liberacorpus 金钟落地(倒挂金钟的反咒)Legilimens 摄神取念Levicorpus 倒挂金钟Locomotor .... ....移动Locomotor Mortis 腿立僵停死Lumos 荧光闪烁Metelojinx recanto 《哈7》里韦斯莱先生用它制止了魔法部某个办公室下雨的情况,译为“云咒撤回”Mobiliarbus 移形幻影Mobilicorpus 幻影显形Morsmordre 尸骨再现Nox 诺克斯(荧光闪烁的反咒)Obliviate 一忘皆空Orchideus 兰花盛开Pack 收拾Peskipiksi Pesternomi 佩斯奇皮克西 佩斯特诺米(洛哈特给小精灵施的咒语,什么用也没有,稍作变化可译为“讨厌的小精灵别来烦我”)Petrificus totalus 统统石化Point Me 给我指路Portus 门托斯Prior Incantato 闪回前咒Protego 盔甲护身Protego totalum 《哈7 》中给帐篷施的保护咒语,貌似Protego扩大版译为“统统加护”Quietus 悄声细语Reducio 速速缩小Reducto 粉身碎骨Relashio 力松劲泄Reparo 恢复如初Repello Muggletum 《哈7》中麻瓜驱逐咒咒语译为“麻瓜驱逐”Rictusempra 咧嘴呼啦啦Riddikulus 滑稽滑稽Salvio hexia 《哈7》中给帐篷施的保护咒语,没有靠谱的解释应该是“平安镇守”Scourgify 清理一新Sectumsempra 神锋无影Serpensortia 乌龙出洞Silencio 无声无息Sonorus 声音洪亮Stupefy 昏昏倒地Tarantallegra 塔郎泰拉舞Unplottable 不可标绘Waddiwasi 瓦迪瓦西Wingardium Leviosa 羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨Glisseo 滑道平平Duro 幻影石板


1 千里眼+15 PsychicVis+15 自动跟踪(Autotracker):一进地图就能看到大小BOSS的方位2 千里眼+10 PsychicVis+10 探知(Detect):在能知道BOSS所在位置的情况下,在小地图上显示 BOSS的头的朝向3 匠+10 Atisan+10 斩味加1(Sharpness+1):斩味变长4 砥石高速化+10 Swdshrpner+10 高速磨刀5 风压+10 Windpress+10 风压小:能抵挡像大怪鸟和毒鸡降落产生的风压。6 风压+15 Windpress+15 风压中:能抵挡所有火龙的风压7 风压+25 (MHF中风压加至15即是风压大) 风压大:能抵挡角龙和老山龙,黑龙之类的风压。8 心眼+10 Fencing+10 (ESP):近战武器砍龙不弹刀(但该弹刀时的攻击力是照减的,下降30%)9 业物+10 Sharpness+10 斩味消耗程度减半。10 ガード强化+10 Guard Up+10 防御性能强化:防御时不会后退11 ガード强化+15 Guard Up+15 能防御原本不能防御的铠龙的激光和瓦斯 ,电龙的电球12 ガード性能 Guard 影响防御时扣血量和硬直13 睡眠+10 Sleep+10 睡眠半减14 睡眠+15 Sleep+15 睡眠无效15 炼金术+10 Alchemy+10 可以调合高级物品16 加护+10 Protection+10 精灵加护:随机发动,一发动全身冒星光,减少3分之2的伤害17 体力+10 Health+10 体力加十点18 体力+15 Health+15 就是体力加二十点,+25就30点19 地图+10 Map+10 自动地图常备20 自动防御+10 Auto-guard+10 不按R健,在不攻击的情况下自动防御。21 搬运+10 Backpacking+10 搬运达人:搬运速度加快,搬运东西从高处跳下不易摔破22 运气+10 Fate+10 幸运 +15就是激运23 听觉保护+10 HearProtct+10 耳栓能无视火龙类的吼叫。+15高级耳栓能无视全部龙的吼叫。24 各耐性UP All Res up 加10是各耐性+3,加15是各耐性+5,加25是各耐性+1025 回复+10 Recovery+10 体力回复道具强化1.25倍26 耐寒+10 Cold Res+10 寒洞耐力下降速度减半,+15无视寒冷27 广域回复+10 Wide Rec 只要伙伴都在同一区的时候自己吃药草也能帮同伴恢复体力28 攻击+10 Attack+10 攻击力加小,+15攻击力加中,+25攻击力加大29 气绝+10 Faint+10 气绝半减(Knockout Prob Halved),+15气绝无效(Knock Out Negated)30 麻痹+10 Paralysis+10 麻痹半减(Stun Duration Halved),+15麻痹无效31 耐暑+10 Heat Res+10 炎热地区HP下降速度减半,+15暑无效32 胴系统倍加 Torso Inc 胸部防具的特技数值X233 気まぐれ+10 Whim+10 影响采集道具是否容易坏34 防御+25 Defense+25 发动防御+20,+15发动防御+10,+10就防御+535 回复速度+10 Rec Speed+10 红色血槽(受伤部分)恢复速度3倍,+25则4倍36 种广域化+10 WideEffect+10 怪力,忍耐种子范围效果37 広域解毒+10 Wide Cntr+10 解毒药范围效果38 特殊攻撃+10 Spc Attack+10 带异常状态的攻击效果加强39 爆弾强化+10 BombStrUp+10 炸弹杀伤力上升一个阶段40 笛+10 Flute+10 笛吹名人:笛子不容易坏41 钓り+10 Fishing+10 钓鱼名人:起鱼时机放宽一秒42 盗み无効+10 StealNoEff+10 不会被偷东西43 采取+10 Gathering+10 采取+1,+15采取+2,采集点物品出得多44 调合成功率+10 MixSucRate+10 调合成功率+5%,+15就10%,+25就20%,反之亦然45 弾调合+10 最大数弾生产,调和出的子弹,矿石数目增多46 除通常弹外某弾种追加+10 追加装备的弩的1级该弹种,+15追加1,2级该弹种,+25追加全LV该弹种47 通常弹追加+10 追加通2,+15追加通2,348 某弹种强化+10 该种子弹威力上升49 装填+10,+15,+25 Load+10,15,25 弩手上弹速度加快50 はらへり+10 Hunger 耐饿程度:耐力下降速度减慢,+15,耐力不随时间下降51 食いしん坊+10 Gluttony+10 吃肉时多加25耐力,+15多加50点.加25吃恢复药有3分之一几率加25耐力52 毒+10 Poison+10 中毒时间减半,+15无效53 気配+10 Worry+10 隐密,不易被敌人发现,-10,挑拨54 投掷+10 Throw+10 投掷道具威力和飞行速度上升《怪物猎人中英文调和一览表1 Potion回复薬 = Blue Mushroom蓝蘑菇 + Herb薬草 2 Mega Potion大回复药 = Potion回复薬 + Honey蜂蜜 3 Nutrients栄养剤 = Blue Mushroom蓝蘑菇 + Godbug不死虫 4 Mega Nutrients大栄养剤 = Nutrients栄养剤 + Honey蜂蜜 5 Antidote解毒薬 = Antidote Herb解毒草 + Blue Mushroom蓝蘑菇 6 Herbal Medicine汉方薬 = Cactus Flower仙人掌花 + Bitterbug苦虫 7 Max Potion秘药 = Mega Nutrients大栄养剤+ Dragon Toadstool曼陀罗 8 Ancient Potion古代的秘药 = Immunizer活力剤+ Kelbi Horn鹿角 9 Catalyst増强剤 = Bitterbug苦虫 + Honey蜂蜜 10 Immunizer活力剤 = Catalyst増强剤+ Dragon Toadstool曼陀罗 11 Power Juice强走薬 = Catalyst増强剤+ Rare Steak半生肉 12 Mega Juice大强走薬 = Power Extract狂走浸出物 + Well Done Steak熟肉 13 Demondrug鬼人薬 = Catalyst増强剤+ Power Seed怪力种 14 Mega Demondrug大鬼人薬 = Demondrug鬼人薬+Pale Extract白化浸出物 15 Power Pill怪力丸薬 = Immunizer活力剤 + Power Seed 怪力种 16 Armourskin 硬化薬 = Catalyst増强剤+ Armour Seed忍耐种 17 Mega Armorskin大硬化薬 = Armorskin 硬化薬 + Pale Extract 白化浸出物 18 Armor Pill 忍耐丸薬 = Immunizer 活力剤 + Armour Seed 忍耐之种 19 Hot Drink热饮 = Hot pepper辣椒 + Bitterbug苦虫 20 Cool drink 冷饮 = Ice Crystal 氷结晶 + Bitterbug 苦虫 21 Spicy Mushroom 蘑菇泡菜 = Hot pepper 辣椒 + Special mushroom 特产蘑菇 22 Poisoned Meat 毒生肉 = Raw Meat 生肉 + Toadstool 毒蘑菇 23 Tainted Meat 麻痹肉 = Raw Meat 生肉 + Stunshroom 麻痹蘑菇 24 Drugged Meat 睡眠肉 = Raw Meat 生肉 + Sleep Herb 睡眠草 25 Bomb Material 素材玉 = Stone 小石头 + Sap Plant 黏着草 26 Smoke Bomb 烟雾玉 = Bomb Material 素材玉 + Ivy 长青藤叶 27 Poison smoke Bmb 毒烟雾玉 = Bomb Material 素材玉 + Toadstool 毒蘑菇 28 Flash Bomb 闪光玉 = Bomb Material 素材玉 + Flashbug 光虫 29 Dung Bomg 大便玉 = Bomb Material 素材玉 + Dung大便 30 Paintball染色玉 = Paintberry染色果 + Sap Plant粘着草 31 Gunpowder爆薬 = Nitroshroom硝化蘑菇 + Fire Herb火薬草 32 Small Barrel Bomb小爆弹 = Small Barrel小桶 + Fire Herb火薬草 33 Sm Barrel Bomb+小爆弹G = Sm Barrel Bomb小爆弹+ Monster Broth怪物的浓汁 34 Large Barrel Bomb大爆弹 = Large Barrel大桶 + Gunpowder爆薬 35 Lg Barrel Bomb+大爆弹G = Lg Barrel Bomb大爆弹+ Monster Broth怪物的浓汁 36 Sonic Bomb音爆弾 = Gunpowder爆薬+ Screamer鸣袋 37 Net网 = Spiderweb蜘蛛巢 + Ivy长青藤叶 38 Pitfall Trap落穴 = Net网+ Trap Tool陷阱工具 39 Tuna Bait金枪鱼饵 = Worm蚯蚓 + Yambug山青虫 40 Arrowana Bait鱼龙饵 = Cricket蚂蚱 + Bughopper虫钩 41 Goldenfish Bait黄金饵 = Firefly萤火虫 + Snakebee Larva土蜂的幼虫 42 Old Pickaxe破铁镐 = Stone小石头 + Bone棒状骨头 43 Iron Pickaxe铁镐 = Iron ore鉄鉱石 + Bone棒状骨头 44 Mega pickaxe铁镐G = Machalite Ore燕雀石 + Bone棒状骨头 45 Old bugnet破虫网 = Net网 + Mystery Bone迷之骨 46 Bugnet虫网 = Net网 + Sm Monster Bone龙骨小 47 Mega Bugnet虫网G = Net网 + Med monster Bone龙骨中 48 Antiseptic Stone抗菌石 = Bitterbug苦虫 + Earth Crystal大地结晶 49 Lifecrystals生命之粉 = Godbug不死虫 + Wyvern Fang龙牙 50 Lifepowder生命之粉尘 = Lifecrystals生命之粉+ Wyvern Claw龙爪 51 Health Flute回复笛 = Flute角笛 + Lifepowder生命之粉尘 52 Antidote Flute解毒笛 = Flute角笛 + Antiseptic Stone抗菌石 53 Demon Flute鬼人笛 = Mega Demondrug大鬼人药 + Med Monster Bone龙骨中 54 Armor Flute硬化笛 = Mega Armorskin大硬化药 + Med Monster Bone龙骨中 55 Poison Thrw Knf毒投掷小刀 = Throwing knife投掷匕首 + Toadstool毒蘑菇 56 Paralyze Thr Knf麻痹投掷小刀 = Throwing knife投掷匕首 + Stunshroom麻痹蘑菇 57 Sleeping Thr Knf睡眠投掷小刀 = Throwing knife投掷匕首 + Sleep Herb睡眠草 58 Powertalon力之爪 = powercharm + sm Lao-shan claw老山龙之爪 59 Armortalon守之爪 = armorcharm守之护符 + sm Lao-shan claw老山龙之爪 60 Normal S Lv2通常弾 = Huskberry空心果 + Needleberry针果 61 Normal S Lv3 通常弾 = Huskberry空心果 + Rumblefish爆裂沙丁鱼 62 Pierce S Lv1贯通弾 = Huskberry空心果 + Velociprey Fang 蓝速龙之牙 63 Pierce S Lv2 贯通弾 = Huskberry空心果 + Pin Tuna 针金枪鱼 64 pierce S Lv3 贯通弾 = Sm Bone Husk + Pin Tuna 针金枪鱼 65 pellet S Lv1 散弾 = Huskberry空心果 + Scatternut 爆裂核桃 66 pellet S Lv2 散弾 = Huskberry空心果 + Wyvern Fang 龙之牙 67 pellet S Lv3 散弾 = Sm Bone Husk + Wyvern Fang 龙之牙 68 Crag S Lv1 彻甲榴弾 = Huskberry空心果 + Burst Arrowana 破裂龙鱼 69 Crag S Lv2 彻甲榴弾 = Sm Bone Husk 空心骨小 + Burst Arrowana 破裂龙鱼 70 Crag S Lv3 彻甲榴弾 = Lg Bone Husk 空心骨大 + Bomb Arrowana 爆裂龙鱼 71 Clust S Lv1 拡散弾 = Huskberry空心果 + Bomberry 扩散果 72 Clust S Lv2 拡散弾 = Sm Bone Husk + Wyvern Claw 龙之爪 73 Clust S Lv3 拡散弾 = Lg Bone Husk 空心骨大 + Scatterfish 扩散凸眼金鱼 74 Flaming S 火炎弾 = Huskberry空心果 + Fire Herb 火薬草 75 Ice S 水冷弾 = Huskberry空心果 + Knife Mackarel 切味鱼 76 Thunder S 电撃弾 = Huskberry空心果 + Flashbug 光虫 77 Dragon S 灭龙弾 = Lg Bone Husk 空心骨大 + Dragon Seed 杀龙果 78 Recover S Lv1 回复弾 = Huskberry空心果 + Herb 薬草 79 Recover S Lv2 回复弾 = Huskberry空心果 + Potion 回复薬 80 Poison S Lv1 毒弾 = Huskberry空心果 + Toadstool 毒蘑菇 81 Poison S Lv2 毒弾 = Sm Bone Husk 空心骨小 + Ioprey Fang 红速龙毒牙 82 Stun S Lv1 麻痹弾 = Huskberry空心果 + Stunshroom 麻痹蘑菇 83 Stun S Lv2 麻痹弾 = Sm Bone Husk + Genprey Fang 黄速龙麻痹牙 84 Sleep S Lv1 睡眠弾 = Huskberry空心果 + Sleep Herb 睡眠草 85 Sleep S Lv2 睡眠弾 = Sm Bone Husk + Sleepyfish 眠鱼 86 Paint S 染色弹 = Huskberry空心果 + Paintberry 染色果 87 Demon S 鬼人弾 = Huskberry空心果 + Power Seed 怪力之种 88 Armour S 硬化弾 = Huskberry空心果 + Armour Seed 忍耐之种 炼金术专用 Alchemy Honey 蜂蜜 = Firefly 萤火虫 + Special Mushroom 特产蘑菇 Herb = Sap Plant 黏着草 + Insect Husk 虫の死骸 Fire Herb 火薬草 = Garbage 不可燃垃圾 + Hot Pepper 辣椒 Blue Mushroom 蓝蘑菇 = Antidote 解毒草 + Toadstool 毒蘑菇 Raw Meat 生肉 = Burnt Meat 烤焦肉 + Dung 大便 Large Barrel 大桶 = Ivy 长青藤叶 + Med Monster Bone 龙骨中 Small Barrel 小桶 = Sap Plant 黏着草 + Sm Monster Bone 龙骨小 Whetstone = Disk Stone + Sm Monster Bone Huskberry 空心果 = Huskberry 空心果 + Iron Ore 鉄鉱石 Needleberry 针果 = Needleberry 针果+ Earth Crystal 大地结晶 Sushifish 鱼刺身 = Antidote Herb 解毒草 + Sleepyfish 眠鱼 Rare Steak 半生肉 = Velociprey Hide 蓝速龙皮 + Thunderbug 雷光虫 Screamer 鸣袋 = Flute 角笛 + Frog 青蛙 Monster Fluid 怪物的体液 = Ice Crystal 氷结晶 + Sleep Sac 睡眠袋 Psychoserum 千里眼薬 = Cactus Flower 仙人掌花 + Thunderbug 雷光虫 Power Extract 狂走浸出物 = 砂龙肝 Piscine Liver + Dragon Seed Armor Seed 忍耐之种 = Needleberry 针果 + Velociprey Claw 蓝速龙王的爪 Rumblefish 暴烈沙丁鱼 = Sushifish 鱼刺身 + Hot Pepper 鱼刺身 Monster Broth 怪物的浓汁 = Monster Fluid 怪物的体液 + Bitterbug 苦虫





karam police(radiohead的)的中英文歌词,谁有?



龙芽的花语:依赖、依靠 龙芽草属  Agrimonia  蔷薇科蔷薇亚科的一属。多年生草本,根茎倾斜,常有地下芽。奇数羽状复叶,有托叶。花小,两性成顶生穗状总状花序;萼筒陀螺状,有棱,顶端有数层钩刺,花后靠合,开展或反折;萼片5,覆瓦状排列;花瓣5,黄色;雄蕊5~15或更多,成一列着生在花盘外面;雌蕊常2枚,保藏在萼筒内,花柱顶生,伸出萼筒外,胚珠每心皮1枚,下垂。瘦果1~2,包藏在具钩刺的萼筒内。全世界有10余种,分布在北温带和热带高山地区及拉丁美洲。中国有4种,分布于南北各省区。龙芽草,又称瓜香草、仙鹤草、路边黄或地仙草。产中国各地。全草供药用,有收敛止血之效,兼有强心作用。市售止血剂仙鹤草,即为本品制剂。全株含鞣质,可提制栲胶,作农药,捣烂浸水喷洒农作物,有防治蚜虫及小麦锈病之效。   、  龙芽的撒娇   西洋龙芽草是开杏黄色花朵的植物,果实外表覆有一层绒毛。凡是经过的人或动物,都会沾到它的种子,并藉此广布到各处。所以它的繁殖方式就是依赖他人,因此西洋龙芽草的花语就是-撒娇。   受到这种花祝福而生的人依赖性特别强,而且缺乏自信。不过喜欢这种性格的异性朋友倒是不少,看来撒娇果然是情场上致胜的武器。

全国各地旅游景点介绍英语 旅游景点介绍中英文对照

一篇介绍中国景点的英语作文一篇介绍中国景点的英语作文:The scenery of Jiuzhaigou is not only a long fairy tale and picture scroll, but also a profound natural kingdom!It is true that there is a treasure like Jiuzhaigou on earth, which is not only a miracle, but also the luck of mankind. No one who has been to Jiuzhaigou is not moved by the look and color there.译文:九寨沟的风景既是一篇篇、一幅幅悠远的童话和画卷,更是一个深邃的自然王国!不错,地球上有九寨沟这样的宝地,是一大奇迹,也是人类的幸运。凡是到过九寨沟的人,没有一人不为那里的神气色彩所感动。旅游景点,英文介绍 英文介绍旅游景点:长城 China"s Great Wall is the greatest building project in human history of civilization. 中国的长城是人类文明史中最伟大的建筑工程。 It was built in Spring and Autumn period ,Warring states times, two thousand years ago. 长城建造于两千年前的春秋战国时代。 After the Qin state unified China. The chinese people connected the Great wall of various states. 秦国统一中国后,中国人把各个战国的长城连接起来。 Two generations of wise people have constructed The Great Wall intensively. Vast its project. It looks like rainbow rolling forward. It was possible to be called world miracle. 聪明的两代人曾经密集地建造长城,扩展了它的工程. 它看起来象彩虹,滚滚向前. 它有可能被称作世界奇迹。 It is the must for chinese people. When you repair Great Wall"s ruins in offical days. You will not only could witness Great Wall"s apparance that meandered in the hills and high moutains , but could also understand the chinese nation creation history , great wisdom and courage of chinese people. In December 1987, Great Wall was included in ‘"World heritage Name list‘". 它是中国必须付出的代价,当你在正式的场合下,在废墟中修建长城,你不仅会见证它在高山和峻岭中婉延曲折的情景, 也会了解中华民族的创造历史以及中国人的勇气和智慧,在1987年12月,长城被归录在‘"世界遗产名录"中。 英文介绍旅游景点:颐和园 Summer palace is one of the biggest and beautiful royal garden. It is also one of the royal heritage which is kept well. 颐和园是最大的和最美丽的皇家园林之一,它也是保存最好的皇家遗产。 It was established in 1764, and has 290 hectares. During Summer, the Emperor will go there for relax, to avoid the high temperature in the forbidden city. 它建造于1764年,占地290亩。夏季,皇帝会去那里休息并躲避开紫禁城的酷署。 In the summer palace, it has a kunming lake and longevity Hill. We can row a boat in the kunming lake, or climb the longevity Hill to visit the Chinese temple which on the mountain. It is nice place for us to visit and have a rest. 在颐和园里,有昆明湖和万寿山,我们可以在昆明湖中划船,或者爬山去参观山上的庙宇,那是一个游览和休息的好地方。用英语写出15个中国有名的景点1.The Great Wall 长城万里长城是古代中国在不同时期为抵御塞北游牧部落联盟侵袭而修筑的规模浩大的军事工程的统称。长城东西绵延上万华里,因此又称作万里长城。现存的长城遗迹主要为始建于14世纪的明长城,西起嘉峪关,东至辽东虎山,全长8851.8公里,平均高6至7米、宽4至5米。长城是我国古代劳动人民创造的伟大的奇迹,是中国悠久历史的见证。2.Temple of Heaven 天坛天坛位于北京市崇文区,是明清两朝帝王祭天、祈谷和祈雨的场所。作为中_糯婺W畲蟆⒙桌淼燃蹲罡叩募漓虢ㄖㄖ峁苟捞兀笆喂謇觯擅畹卦擞昧肆ρА⑸Ш图负窝У榷嘀挚蒲г恚哂薪细叩睦泛臀幕壑怠3.The Fibidden City 故宫北京故宫,又名紫禁城,是明清两代的皇宫,位于北京市中心。故宫东西宽750米,南北长960米,面积达到72万平方米,为世界之最。故宫有一条贯穿宫城南北的中轴线,在这条中轴线上,按照“前朝后寝”的古制,布置着帝王发号施令,象征政权中心的三大殿(太和殿,中和殿,保和殿)和帝后居住的后三宫(乾清宫,交泰殿,坤宁宫)。4.The Summer Palace 颐和园颐和园位于中国北京市西北海淀区,占地290公顷(合4400亩),是一座巨大的皇家园林和清朝的行宫。修建于清朝乾隆年间、重建于光绪年间,曾属于清朝北京西郊三山五园之一。颐和园素以人工建筑与自然山水巧妙结合的造园手法著称于世,是中国园林顶峰时期的代表,1998年被评为世界文化遗产。5.Yueyang Tower 岳阳楼岳阳楼位于湖南省岳阳市古城西门城墙之上,下瞰洞庭,前望君山,自古有“洞庭天下水,岳阳天下楼”之美誉,与湖北武汉黄鹤楼、江西南昌滕王阁并称为“江南三大名楼”。1988年1月被国务院确定为全国重点文物保护单位。6.Yellow Crane Tower 黄鹤楼黄鹤楼位于湖北省武汉市长江南岸的武昌蛇山之巅,濒临万里长江,是国家5A级旅游景区,“江南三大名楼”之一,自古享有“天下江山第一楼“和”天下绝景“之称。黄鹤楼是武汉市标志性建筑,与晴川阁、古琴台并称“武汉三大名胜”。7.The Ruins of Yuanmingyuan 圆明园圆明园又称圆明三园,是清代一座大型皇家宫苑,它坐落在北京西北郊,与颐和园毗邻,由圆明园、长春园和万春园组成,所以也叫圆明三园。此外,还有许多小园,分布在东、西、南三面,众星拱月般环绕周围。8.Dianchi Lake 滇池滇池,亦称昆明湖、昆明池、滇南泽、滇海。在昆明市西南,有盘龙江等河流注入,湖面海拔1886米,面积330平方千米,云南省最大的淡水湖,有高原明珠之称。湖水在西南海口_出,称螳螂川,为长江上游干流金沙江支流普渡河上源。9.Du Fu Cottage 杜甫草堂杜甫草堂是首批全国重点文物保护单位,首批国家一级博物馆,全国古籍重点保护单位,国家AAAA级旅游景区,是中国规模最大、保存最完好、知名度最高且最具特色的杜甫行踪遗迹地,年游客量达百万余人次。10.Dujiang Dam 都江堰都江堰是世界文化遗产(2000年被联合国教科文组织列入“世界文化遗产”名录)、世界自然遗产(四川大熊猫栖息地)、全国重点文物保护单位、国家级风景名胜区、国家AAAAA级旅游景区。11.Luoyang longmen grottoes 洛阳龙门石窟龙门石窟是中国石刻艺术宝库之一,现为世界文化遗产、全国重点文物保护单位、国家AAAAA级旅游景区,位于河南省洛阳市洛龙区伊河两岸的龙门山与香山上。龙门石窟与莫高窟、云冈石窟、麦积山石窟并称中国四大石窟。12.Songshan shaolin temple 嵩山少林寺嵩山少林寺是中国佛教禅宗祖庭和中国功夫的发源地,现为世界文化遗产、全国重点文物保护单位、国家AAAAA级旅游景区,位于河南省郑州市登封市嵩山五乳峰下,因坐落于嵩山腹地少室山茂密丛林之中,故名“少林寺”。13.The Mogao Grottes 莫高窟莫高窟,俗称千佛洞,坐落在河西走廊西端的敦煌。它有洞窟735个,壁画4.5万平方米、泥质彩塑2415尊,是世界上现存规模最大、内容最丰富的佛教艺术地。14.The Huangshan Moutain 黄山黄山风景区位于安徽省南部黄山市,东经118°1"度,北纬30°1",南北长约40公里,东西宽约30公里,面积约1200平方公里,其中精粹风景区154平方公里。黄山山脉东起绩溪县的大嶂山,西接黟县的羊栈岭,北起太平湖,南临徽州山区。主峰莲花峰,海拔1864.8米。黄山是中国著名风景区之一,世界游览胜地。15.Suzhou botanical garden苏州园林苏州园林的历史可上溯至公元前6世纪春秋时吴王的园囿,私家园林最早见于记载的是东晋(4世纪)的辟疆园,历代造园兴盛,名园日多。苏州古典园林宅园合一,可赏,可游,可居,这种建筑形态的形成,是在人口密集和缺乏自然风光的城市中,人类依恋自然,追求与自然和谐相处,美化和完善自身居住环境的一种创造。扩展资料:其他中国景点:1.Three Gorges of the Yangtze River 长江三峡长江三峡是中国10大风景名胜之一,也是中国40佳旅游景观之首。长江三峡西起重庆奉节的白帝城,东到湖北宜昌的南津关,是瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡三段峡谷的总称,是长江上最为奇秀壮丽的山水画廊,全长192公里,也就是常说的“大三峡”。2.Taiwan Riyue Tan 日月潭日月潭是中国台湾风景优美的“天池”,地处玉山山脉之北、能高瀑布之南,介祁於集集大山(潭之西)与水社大山(潭之东)之间。日月潭中有一小岛远望好像浮在水面上的一颗珠子,名拉鲁岛,以此岛为界,北半湖形状如圆日,南半湖形状如弯月,日月潭因此而得名。3.Chengde summer resort 承德避暑山庄承德避暑山庄:世界文化遗产,国家AAAAA级旅游景区,全国重点文物保护单位,中国四大名园之一。承德避暑山庄又名“承德离宫”或“热河行宫”,位于河北省承德市中心北部,武烈河西岸一带狭长的谷地上,是清代皇帝夏天避暑和处理政务的场所。4.Qinling burial figures of warriors and horses 兵马俑兵马俑,即秦始皇兵马俑,亦简称秦兵马俑或秦俑,第一批全国重点文物保护单位,第一批中国世界遗产,位于今陕西省西安市临潼区秦始皇陵以东1.5千米处的兵马俑坑内。5.Mount Tai 泰山泰山又名岱山、岱宗、岱岳、东岳、泰岳,位于山东省中部,隶属于泰安市,绵亘于泰安、济南、淄博三市之间,总面积24200公顷。主峰玉皇顶海拔1545米,气势雄伟磅礴,有“五岳之首”、“五岳之长”、五岳之尊、“天下第一山”之称。是世界自然与文化遗产,世界地质公园,国家AAAAA级旅游景区,国家级风景名胜区,全国重点文物保护单位,全国文明风景旅游区。中国旅游景点介绍,(英语的)故宫,意为过去的皇宫,就是过去人们常说的紫禁城,位于北京市中心。故宫建成于明永乐十八年(1420年),占地72万平方米,建筑面积16万平方米,有宫殿建筑9000多间,是中国乃至世界现存最大最完整的古代宫殿建筑群。Imperial Palace, Italy for past imperial palace, was Forbidden City which the past people often said that located at Beijing town center. the Imperial Palace completed the bright Yunglo 18 years in (in 1420), occupied a land area of 720,000 square meters, the floor space 160,000 square meters, had the palace to construct more than 9000, was Chinese and even the world extant most greatly most complete ancient times palace architectural complex.

美国各大旅游景点 中英文 要著名的

公园 black hill;黄石国家公园 Yellowstone National Park;自由女神像 Statue of liberty ;巴拿马运河Panama Canal;尼亚加拉大瀑布 Niagara Falls;白宫 White House……




1、在键盘上同时按下Ctrl+空格键,这样可以直接由英文切换为中文,也可以由英文切换为中文。 2、在键盘上同时按下Ctrl和Shift键,可以进行中英文相互切换。这两个键在键盘左右两侧都可以操作。 3、在电脑桌面下方的任务栏右下角,找到语言栏,点击语言栏,直接点击就可以实现中英文的切换。 4、如果有下载输入法,可以按键盘上的Shift键,可以将英文切换成中文。






 按下键盘上的Ctrl+Shift键可以进行输入法的中英文切换。输入文字时,按下Shift键可以进行中英文切换;如果是系统语言可以在【控制面板】的【区域和语言】选项中进行选择。以下是详细介绍:电脑怎么直接切换中英文?  1、按下键盘上的Ctrl+Shift键可以进行输入法的中英文切换;  2、输入文字时,按下Shift键可以进行中英文切换;  3、如果您指的是系统的语言,您需要在【控制面板】,选择【区域和语言】,然后在【格式】选项卡中,在下拉选项中选择语言即可; 笔记本数字键切换的方法:  1、Shift NumLk  现在大家使用笔记本电脑的时候都知道在我们笔记本电脑的键盘上方有一个NumLk按键,这个按键和ScrLk一起按就会将电脑的数字键盘切换掉。当我们想要使用数字键盘的时候就可以同时的按这两个键。这是最简单的一个方法。另外,有一些电脑是可以直接的按numlk键的,直接按这个按键就可以切换数字键盘了,但是大部分的电脑都是需要两个按键一起按的,大家可以两种方法都是尝试一下,看看自己的笔记本电脑适合哪种。  2、FN+ NumLk  我们现在的大部分的笔记本都会有一个fn的功能键,这个功能键和shift的作用是差不多的,它可以和一些其他的按键组合在一起发挥出功能键的作用。FN和NumLk组合在一起是可以进行笔记本电脑数字键盘的切换的。以前的大部分笔记本是没有这个功能键的,或者这个功能键是不会对电脑产生影响的,但是现在的新电脑几乎都会有这个按键,而且这个按键的作用是非常的强大的,几乎所有的功能键都需要使用这个按键进行操作。  3、Fn+F11  除了以上的两种方法之外,我们还可以使用NEC+IBM键进行切换,但是并不是所有的笔记本都是这样的,目前只有 东芝 笔记本电脑是按这两个键进行切换数字键盘的。有些人觉得切换键盘的时候要按fn键非常的烦,因为有些笔记本电脑的fn键和其他的键的距离有点远。我们可以进入电脑的BIOS系统进行禁止使用fn就可以了。


在Windows的中文输入方式下,中英文输入方式之间切换应按的键是Ctrl+Shift。在Windows系统中单击任务栏右侧的输入法图标En,在弹出的输入法选择菜单中选择一种中文输入法即可。使用快捷切换如下:Ctrl+空格键:转换中英文输入法Ctrl+Shift:在各种输入法和英文之间切换。在Linux发行版中,有关输入法的快捷方式为:Ctrl+空格键:启用输入法Alt+Shift:切换各种输入法Shift:切换中文和英文在Mac OS X操作系统中使用输入法的快捷方式键为: command+空格键在Android、iPhone等智能手机上使用输入法一般在进入文字编辑的时候会自动启动输入法软件。扩展资料Ctrl键的其他用法:Ctrl+Alt+Delete:打开安全选项(XP以下为任务管理器,DOS系统中为重启);Ctrl+Shift+Esc:打开任务管理器 (Win9x中打开开始菜单);Ctrl+Shift+N :新建一个新的文件夹(Win XP不适用);Ctrl+Space(空格)的作用不一样,是切换输入法和非输入法;Ctrl+F4:Win资源管理器中切至地址栏;媒体播放中停止;Ctrl+Esc:打开开始菜单。参考资料来源:百度百科-中文输入法


  电脑键盘打字中英文切换方式如下:   1、点击shift加需要输入的字母,组成拼音或者字母,完成输入;   2、同时按压ctrl和shift键,切换中英文,点击需要输入的内容,即可;   3、按压shift和空格键,也可以实现中英文的切换,完成输入即可;   4、如果当前使用为非系统输入法,且当前为中文模式,可以使用回车键加英文输入,即输入需要的内容,直接敲回车即可,完成英文输入。


我只记得有一句。。we are superheroes






这里没有盛大的庆典,没有激昂的致词,没有耀眼的灯光,但这里有伟大的运动员。一直以来,我们只相信伟大是属于少数人的,只属于那些巨星。但其实,我们都可以伟大。这并不是说要降低伟大的标准,而是要提升我们每个人的潜能。伟大,不限地点,不限身份。伟大,属于每一个正在追寻它的人。 There is no grand celebration, not passionate speech, there is no bright lights, but here are a great athlete. All the time since, we believe that only the great belongs to the minority, only belongs to the star. But in fact, we can all be great. This is not to say that to reduce the great standard, but to enhance our everyone"s potential. Great, regardless of location, not limited to the identity. Great, belong to each one is searching for it.


1、用心做好每件事,每天进步一点点。 Do everything with your heart and make progress every day. 2、诚实做人,精心做事。 Honest man, careful work. 3、顾客是我们的上帝,品质是上帝的需求。 Customer is our God, quality is God"s need. 4、要有好的灌溉,才有好的成果。 Good irrigation results in good results. 5、企业的成功来自于每一位员工的付出。 The success of an enterprise comes from the expenditure of every employee. 6、爱岗敬业求实创新用心服务勇争一流。 Love, dedication, truth-seeking, innovation, heart service, Yong contend for first-class. 7、细心精心用心,品质永保称心。 Careful, careful and careful, the quality is always satisfactory. 8、顾客的难题,就是我们开发的课题。 The customer"s problem is the subject we have developed. 9、节约团结求实创新。 Save unity, seek truth and innovation. 10、对工程负责,让用户满意。 Be responsible for the project and satisfy the users. 11、执着追求完美品质,演义网络新篇章。 Persistent pursuit of perfect quality, romance new chapter of the network. 12、改进一点点、我们就多了很多。 Improve a little bit, and we"ll be much more. 13、理直气壮抓发展,旗帜鲜明反腐败。 Confidently grasp the development, clear-cut stand against corruption. 14、社会企业的发展,离不开你我。 The development of social enterprises is inseparable from you and me. 15、我们网络永不堵车。 We never get stuck in traffic on the internet. 16、员工以厂为荣生活因拼搏而存在。 Employees are proud of the factory, and life exists because of hard work. 17、我为公司做贡献,公司为我搭平台。 I contribute to the company and the company takes the platform for me. 18、节约、团结、求实、创新。 Save, unite, seek truth from facts and innovate. 19、主动使人进步,被动使人落后。 Initiative makes progress, but passivity makes fall behind. 20、没有执行力,就没有竞争力。 Without execution, there is no competition. 21、安全责任重于泰山,安全警钟时刻长鸣。 Safety responsibility for security alarm bells ringing constantly weightier than Mount Tai. 22、创造变化,并带来绩效突破性地提高。 Create change, and bring performance breakthroughs. 23、最大的资产是希望乱丢乱吐文明全无。 The greatest asset is hope, confusion, civilization. 24、品质你我做得好,顾客留住不会跑。 Quality, you and I do well, customers don"t run. 25、优质产品,是打开市场大门的金钥匙。 Quality products are the golden key to open the market door. 26、细心、精心、用心,品质永保称心。 Careful, careful and attentive, the quality is always satisfactory. 27、安全来自长期警惕,事故源于瞬间麻痹。 Safety comes from long-term vigilance, accidents from momentary paralysis. 28、**,乐观向上,永不言弃。 Passion, optimistic, never give up. 29、创造变化,并带来绩效突破性的提高。 Create change and bring about a breakthrough in performance. 30、百川汇海可撼天,众志成城比金坚。 Department of the sea that day, Our wills unite like a fortress. over gold. 31、争当优秀员工只有勇于承担责任。 Only the courage to take responsibility for outstanding employees. 32、多点沟通,少点抱怨。多点理解,少点争执。 Communicate more and complain less. More understanding, less dispute. 33、为企业多做一点,为客户多想一点。 Do more for the enterprise, for customers to think a little more. 34、是建立洁净亮丽,整齐舒适,安全高效的法宝。 Is a clean, bright, tidy, comfortable, safe and efficient magic weapon. 35、全心全意传递祝福,尽职尽责开拓创新。 Wholeheartedly convey blessings, due diligence, pioneering and innovative. 36、不断超越,追求完美。 Keep transcending and seek for perfection. 37、自我提升,良性竞争,相互欣赏,相互支持。 Self promotion, healthy competition, mutual apPciation and mutual support. 38、立足新起点,开创新局面。 Based on a new starting point, create a new situation. 39、超越自我,敬业创新。 Beyond self, dedication, innovation. 40、乱丢乱吐,文明全无,废物入箱,才合规章。 Indiscriminate throwing, vomiting, civilization is nothing, waste into the box, only rules. 41、不要小看自己,人有无限可能。 Don"t look down upon yourself. 42、不昧己心,民生为本。 Don"t be ignorant of yourself, people"s livelihood is the foundation. 43、给我一次机遇,还你一个奇迹。 Give me a chance, and give you a miracle. 44、停下休息的时候,别忘了他人还在前行。 When you stop to rest, don"t forget that others are still on the move. 45、每天进一步,踏上成功路。 Every day, further on the road to success. 46、海纳百川,厚积薄发。 All rivers run into sea, accumulate steadily. 47、传统做人,现代做事,主动思考,敢于说不。 Traditional man, modern work, active thinking, dare to say no.. 48、坚持与时俱进,实现决策法制化。 Keeping pace with the times and realizing the legalization of decision-making. 49、也不要为低目标而驼背没有执行力。 And don"t stoop to low goals without execution. 50、会而必议,议而必决,决而必行,行而必果。 A meeting is a meeting, a decision is a decision, a decision is a matter of action. 51、创建精品工程,再展铁军雄风。 Create quality engineering, and then show iron treasures. 52、今日的质量,明日的市场。 The quality of today, the market for tomorrow. 53、建立管理根基科技是第一生产力。 Establish management foundation, science and technology are primary productive forces. 54、因为有我,所以会更好。 Because of me, it would be better. 55、转变观念转变作风,让企业文化生生不息。 Change ideas, change style, let enterprise culture endless. 56、检验记录要可靠,统计分析才有效。 The inspection record should be reliable and the statistical analysis is effective. 57、心有多大,舞台就有多大。 The stage extends as far as the heart goes。 58、以厚德载物团结拼搏。 Social commitment to solidarity. 59、最大的破产是绝望,最大的资产是希望。 The worst bankrupt is despair, and the greatest asset is hope. 60、只为成功找方法,不为失败找理由。 Only to find a way to success, not to find reasons for failure. 61、因上不努力,果自不会来。 Fruit does not come because it does not work hard. 62、讲究实效、完善管理、提升品质、增创效益。 Efficiency, improve management, improve quality, increase of benefits. 63、同心才能走的更远,同德才能走的更近。 One can go further, with closer to. 64、贵族化的品质大众话的生活。 Aristocratic quality; the life of public speaking. 65、得意时应善待他人。 Treat others kindly when you are proud. 66、安全责任重于泰山,人民利益高于一切。 Safety responsibility weightier than Mount Tai people"s interests above everything else. 67、人人爱岗敬业,公司兴旺发达。 Everybody loves his company and his company is thriving. 68、和谐创新,开拓市场,团结拼搏,共创未来。 Harmonious innovation, open up the market, unite, struggle, create the future. 69、团结敬业奉献创新。 Unity, dedication, dedication and innovation. 70、安全第一,预防为主。 Safety first, Pvention first. 71、专业进取,尊爱至诚,锲而不舍。 Professional progress, respect for love, sincerity, perseverance. 72、以真诚为先导,以务实为基础。 With sincerity as the guide and pragmatic as the foundation. 73、全员参与,强化管理,精益求精,铸造品质。 Full participation, strengthen management, excellence, casting quality. 74、做最专业的人,用最专业的人。 Do the most professional person, with the most professional person. 75、没有最好,只有更好。 There is no best, only better. 76、客户服务,重在回访,仔细倾听,你认心情。 Customer service, pay attention to return visit, listen carefully, you feel the mood. 77、没有艰辛的汗水,就不会有成功的泪水。 Without hard sweat, there will be no tears of success. 78、勤俭节约、爱护公物,以厂为家,共同发展。 Diligent and thrifty, cherishing public property, taking factory as home and developing together. 79、提供优质的产品,是回报客户最好的方法。 Providing quality products is the best way to return customers.




2018年stronger中英文对照歌词【汇总】 Youknowthebedfeelswarmer,Sleepinghere alone 你知道被窝里的温暖,一个人睡在这里也一样 YouknowIdreamincolour,AnddothethingsI want 你知道我多彩的梦想,我做我想做的事 Youthinkyougotthebestofme,Thinkyouhad thelastlaugh 你认为你得到了最好的我,认为你笑到了最后 Betyouthinkthateverythinggoodisgone,Think youleftmebrokendown 我打赌你会觉得所有好事一去不返,你以为你让我崩溃 ThinkthatI"dcomerunningback,Babyyoudon"t knowme,causeyou"redeadwrong 认为我会跑着回来,亲爱的你不了解我,因为你错得彻头彻尾 Whatdoesn"tkillyoumakesyoustronger,Standa littletaller 杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大,站得高一点 Doesn"tmeanI"mlonelywhenI"malone,What doesn"tkillyoumakesafighter 当我独处时不代表我感到寂寞,杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大 Footstepsevenlighter,Doesn"tmeanI"mover causeyou"rgone 脚步也更加轻松,你的离去并不代表我的结局 Whatdoesn"tkillyoumakesyoustronger, stronger 杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大,更坚强 Justme,myselfandI,Whatdoesn"tkillyou makesyoustronger 只做我自己,杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大 Standalittletaller,Doesn"tmeanI"mlonely whenI"malone 站得高一点,当我独处时不代表我感到寂寞 YouheardthatIwasstartingoverwithsomeone new 你只听说我和别人有了新的开始 ButtoldyouIwasmovingonoveryou 但告诉你我已经凌驾于你 Youdidn"tthinkthatI"dcomebackI"dcome backswinging 你不会想到我会回来,我会惊艳复出 Youtrytobreakmewhatyousee,Whatdoesn"t killyoumakesyoustronger 你试过击垮我可事实是,杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大 Standalittletaller,Doesn"tmeanI"mlonely whenI"malone 站得高一点,当我独处时不代表我感到寂寞 Whatdoesn"tkillyoumakesafighter,Footsteps evenlighter 杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大,脚步也更加轻松 Doesn"tmeanI"movercauseyou"rgone 你的离去并不代表我的结局 Whatdoesn"tkillyoumakesyoustronger, stronger 杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大,更坚强 Justme,myselfandI,Whatdoesn"tkillyou makesyoustronger 只做我自己,杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大 Standalittletaller,Doesn"tmeanI"mlonely whenI"malone 站得高一点,当我独处时不代表我感到寂寞 ThankstoyouI"vegotanewthingstarted 因为你我才有了一个新的开始 ThankstoyouI"mnotabrokenhearted,Thanksto youI"mfinallythinkingaboutme 因为你我才不是一个破碎的心,因为你我终于开始为自己打算 Youknowintheendthedaytoleftwasjustmy beginningIntheend... 你知道最后你离开的那一天正是我的开始… Whatdoesn"tkillyoumakesyoustronger, 杀不死你的"东西只会让你更强大 Standalittletaller,Doesn"tmeanI"mlonely whenI"malone 站得高一点,当我独处时不代表我感到寂寞 Whatdoesn"tkillyoumakesafighter 杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大 Footstepsevenlighter,Doesn"tmeanI"mover causeyou"rgone 脚步也更加轻松,你的离去并不代表我的结局 Whatdoesn"tkillyoumakesyoustronger, stronger 杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大,更坚强 Justme,myselfandI,Whatdoesn"tkillyou makesyoustronger 只做我自己,杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大 Standalittletaller,Doesn"tmeanI"mlonely whenI"malone 站得高一点,当我独处时不代表我感到寂寞 Whatdoesn"tkillyoumakesyoustronger, stronger 杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大,更坚强 Justme,myselfandI,Whatdoesn"tkillyou makesyoustronger 只做我自己,杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大 Standalittletaller,Doesn"tmeanI"mlonely whenI"maloneI"malone 站得高一点,当我独处时不代表我感到寂寞,我傲然独立。


ENG1 2 3 4


Zhangzhou City, the resident population of 498 million. Located in east longitude 117 ° -118 °, 23.8 ° -25 ° north latitude and between the east near the Taiwan Strait and Taiwan Province across the sea, symbol of the city - town of Granville Court, bordering the Northeast and Quanzhou and Xiamen, Longyan phase northwest, southwest Adjacent to Guangdong"s Chaozhou. Zhangzhou City, the vast majority of Han Chinese, but also She, Gaoshan other 21 ethnic minorities. Is the famous hometown Zhangzhou and Taiwan ancestral home of overseas Chinese living abroad, 70 million people in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan"s population of 1 / 3 of people in the Ming Qing Dynasty is the ancestral home of Zhangzhou, is overseas, where Taiwanese roots Yezu One. Zhangzhou Nanjing, calm, clouds, there are many Hakka counties Zhao"an town, village, there are hundreds of thousands of Hakka people, the use of words affected by the Hakka Zhangzhou.Party Secretary: No appointments (Liu Qing been transferred to the mayor of Xiamen, Xiamen appointed); Mayor: Chen DongMineral resources:Zhangzhou bountiful, known as the "city of flowers and fruits, ""land of plenty"reputation. This rich, "the six fruit ": citrus, litchi, banana, longan, pomelo, pineapple; "three flowers": daffodils, camellias, orchids; and shrimp, grouper, abalone, lobster, red crab, scallops, Oysters, mud clam, squid and other Seafood. Fantasy beauty of the daffodils, "David magic pill, " Pien Tze Huang Brand Pien Tze Huang and "the light of domestic products, " Eight inkpad, known as the "Zhangzhou Sambo ", famous overseas. Puppet carving, Jane shell painting, jade carving, jade and other handicrafts, Kowloon by Chinese and foreign tourists. Zhangzhou has rich plant resources, aquatic resources, water resources, mineral resources and hot springs.中文:漳州市,常住人口为498万。地处东经117°-118°、北纬23.8°-25°之间,东濒台湾海峡与台湾省隔海相望城市象征-威镇阁,东北与泉州和厦门接壤,西北与龙岩相接,西南与广东的潮州毗邻。漳州市绝大多数为汉族,也有畲族、高山族等21个少数民族。漳州是著名的侨乡和台湾祖居地,旅居海外的华侨、港澳同胞有70万人,台湾人口中1/3的人在明朝清朝时的祖籍是漳州,是侨、台胞寻根谒祖的地方之一。漳州的南靖、平和、云霄、诏安等县还有不少客家镇、村,有客家人几十万,使用受漳州话影响的客家话。 市委书记:暂无任命(刘可清已调往厦门任命为厦门市长);市长:陈冬物产资源:漳州物产富饶,素有"花果之城"、"鱼米之乡"的美称。这里盛产"六大名果":芦柑、荔枝、香蕉、龙眼、柚子、菠萝;"三大名花":水仙花、茶花、兰花;以及对虾、石斑鱼、鲍鱼、龙虾、红蟳、扇贝、牡蛎、泥蚶、鱿鱼等海珍品。天香丽质的水仙花、"国宝神药"片仔癀牌片仔癀和"国货之光"八宝印泥,被誉为"漳州三宝",名扬海外。木偶雕刻、珍贝漆画、九龙璧玉雕等旅游工艺品深受中外游客的喜爱。漳州拥有丰富的植物资源、水产资源、水电资源、矿产资源和温泉资源。</SPAN></SPAN></p>


  1、 Notice of Force Majeure  1、不可抗力的通知  If a Party is or will be prevented from performing any of its obligations under the Amendment by Force Majeure, then it shall give notice to the other Party of the event or circumstances constituting the Force Majeure and shall specify the obligations, the performance of which is or  will be prevented. The notice shall be given within 14 days after the Party became aware, or should have become aware, of the relevant event or circumstance constituting Force Majeure.  如果一方已经或将被阻止执行不可抗力合同下的任何义务,则它应当通知另一方构成不可抗力的事件或情况并明确说明已经或即将阻止的义务。该通知在一方知道或应当知道构成不可抗力事件的有关事件或情况后的3天之内应以书面和口头形式立即发出。  The Party shall, having given notice, be excused performance of such obligations for so long as such Force Majeure prevents it from performing them.  合同中已发出通知的一方免除其因发生不可抗力导致未履行义务的责任。  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Clause, Force Majeure shall not apply to obligations of either Party to make payments to the other Party under the Amendment.  即便本条款另有规定,不可抗力不应作为本修订协议下一方向另一方付款的义务。  2、 Duty to minimize Delay  2、使延误最小化的责任  Each Party shall at all times use all reasonable endeavors to minimize any delay in the performance of the Amendment as a result of Force Majeure.  各方在任何时候应尽适当努力以减少任何因不可抗力延迟履行合同。  A Party shall give notice to the other Party when it ceases to be affected by the Force Majeure.  当一方停止遭受不可抗力影响时,一方应立即通知另一方。  3 、Force Majeure affecting Sub-Contractor  3、不可抗力对分包商的影响  If any Contractor"s Sub-Contractor is entitled under any contract or agreement relating to the Works to relief from force majeure on terms additional to or broader than those specified in this Clause, such additional or broader force majeure events or circumstances shall not excuse the Contractor"s non-performance or entitle him to relief under this Clause.  如果任何承包商的分包商有权按照合同或协议有关工程因不可抗力免责的补充条款或超出本条款规定的更广泛的范围,这些额外的或更广泛的不可抗力事件或情况,不得作为承包商未履行合同义务的借口或有权根据本条款的减免责任。  4、 Optional Termination  4、(由不可抗力导致的)可选择性终止  If the execution of substantially all the Works in progress is prevented for a continuous period of 120 days by reason of Force Majeure of which notice has been given, then either Party may give to the other Party a notice of termination of the Amendment. In this event, the termination shall take effect 28 days after the notice is given.  如果大部分在建工程的执行因已不可抗力的原因连续120天未继续,则各方可向另一方发终止修订合同的通知。在这种情况下,合同的终止应当发出通知后28日内生效。  The Parties shall meet in the short term to arrive at a mutual agreement for the payment of the Contractor.  双方应在短期内达成一个共同付款结算的协议。  你是否还要下面的内容:  (一)概括式:  If the shipment of the contracted goods was prevented or delayed in whole or in part due to Force Majeure, the Seller should not be liable for non-shipment or late shipment of the goods of this contract. However, the Seller shall notify the Buyer by cable or telex and furnish the letter within 10 days by registered airmail with a certificate issued by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade attesting such event or events.  由于不可抗力的原因,致使卖方不能全部或部分装运,或延迟装运合同货物,卖方对于这种不能装运,或延迟装运本合同货物不负有责任。但卖方须用电报或电传通知买方,并须在10天内,以航空挂号信件向买方提交由中国国际经济贸易促进委员会出具的证明此类事件的证明书。  (二)列举式:  If the shipment of the contracted goods was prevented or delayed in whole or in part by reason of war, earthquake, flood, storm, heavy snow, the Seller should not be liable for non-shipment or late shipment of the goods of this contract. However,the Seller shall notify the Buyer by cable or telex and furnish the letter within 10 days by registered airmail with a certificate issued by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade attesting such event or events. 由于战争、地震、水灾、暴风雨、雪灾等原因,致使卖方不能全部或部分装运或延迟装运合同货物,卖方对于这种不能装运或延迟装运本合同货物不负有责任。但卖方须用电报或电传通知买方,并须在10天以内,以航空挂号信件向买方提交由中国国际经济贸易促进委员会出具的证明此类事件的证明书。  (三)综合式:  If the shipment of the contracted goods was prevented or delayed in whole or in part by reason of war, earthquake or other causes of Force Majeure, the Seller should not be liable. However, the Seller shall notify the Buyer immediately and furnish the letter within 10 days by registered airmail with a certificate issued by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade attesting such event or events.  由于战争、地震或其他不可抗力的原因致使卖方对本合同项下的货物不能装运或迟延装运,卖方对此不负任何责任。但卖方应立即通知买方并于10天内以航空挂号函件寄给买方由中国国际经济贸易促进委员会出具的证明发生此类事件的证明。

电脑配件有那些?(中英文对照) 急急急急急急急急急急急!!!!!



Name 名称Outdoor electric box 室外电器盒Fan motor capacitor风机电容Compressor capacitor压缩机电容clamp线夹4-terminal board B4接线端子排B2-terminal boardClip F夹子FWire fixed boardLeft handle左提手CabinetRight handle右提手Condenser冷凝器Clapboard隔板Foundation assembly底盘组件Capillary assembly毛细管组件Reversal valve换向阀1/4" shutoff valve1/4截至阀1/2" shutoff valve1/2截至阀Valve board阀板Compressor压缩机Front panel assembly前面板组件Axial-flow fan轴流风叶Outdoor fan motor室外电机Motor bracket电机支架Name名称Hanging plate挂壁板Foundation底盘Evaporator蒸发器Cross-flow fan贯流风叶Bearing轴承Bearing feat轴承座Indoor motor室内电机Pipe assembly管路组件Short pipe短管Pinchcock弹簧夹Air outlet assembly风道组件Drain hose排水管Panel seat assembly面板底座组件Air fliterDecorative panel装饰板Step motor步进电机Electric wire with plug带插头电源线Electric box电器盒Indoor 5-terminal board室内机5端子排Wire-fixed boardReceiving display board显示板Control board控制面板Indoor temperature sensor室内室温探头Indoor coil temperature sensor室内盘管探头Remote controller遥控器

中英文括号的区别是什么 ?请高手指点!谢谢!

半角的()应该在数字和英文的情况下用 全角的()应该在中文的时候用



中英文括号的区别是什么 ?请高手指点!谢谢!

半角的()应该在数字和英文的情况下用 全角的()应该在中文的时候用


鉴于常用中文字体中的括号都像屎一样——以及这些字体的注音符号、假名、数字、字母(含拉丁,以及万年显示为全角宽度的希腊、西里尔字母)等——无论是间距、弧度还是粗细的过渡……所以圆括号我从来只用半角,外加前后各一个空格。然后通篇用西文字体刷一遍,效果是中文字体不变,其他都以西文字体显示。我觉得看得过去的全角圆括号,至少是复制Times New Roman(衬)或Arial(非衬)的括号,粘贴在全角码位上,不居中,外侧空得多,内侧空得少,整体占一个完整汉字宽度的样子。在搭配汉字时,我还是很希望用全角标点的,显得整齐,不会犬牙差互的,奈何字体厂商偷工减料。连日本这么常用全角的字体都也就那样儿了,国内字体更不抱希望。


棒球baseball 蹦床Trampoline 帆船Sailing 花样游泳Synchronized Swimming 击剑Fencing 举重Weightlifting 篮球Basketball 垒球Softball 马术Equestrian 排球Volleyball 皮划艇激流回旋Canoe/Kayak-Slalom 皮划艇静水Canoe/Kayak-Flatwater 乒乓球Table Tennis 曲棍球Hockey 拳击Boxing 柔道Judo 赛艇Rowing 沙滩排球Beach Volleyball 射击Shooting 射箭Archery 手球Handball 摔跤Wrestling 水球Water Polo 跆拳道Taekwondo 体操Gymnastics 田径Athletics 跳水Diving 铁人三项Triathlon 网球Tennis 现代五项Modern Pentathlon 艺术体操Rhythmic Gymnastics 游泳Swimming 羽毛球Badminton 自行车Cycling 足球Football


LS正解出境检查 也有 Immigration 请注意了




减少近义词:降少 ,降低jiǎnshǎo 去掉一部分。 例如,随着战争的持续,他的存货减少了。例如他得存活降低了不少。1. to lessen2. to decrease3. to reduce4. to lower





Child Psychology 中英文对照歌词



Now I have finished my education in junior high shcool and three years ,I will be learning in a college, which I hope is Macao University,for the reason that the History Department of it is very famous in China. I love history of the world,especially history of Egypt.What I hope for is that one day I can go around the world for visit and investigation. What"s more,if there"s a day that I can visit Egypt,I"ll have a research on the mummies in the Pyramid.In order to realize my dream of being a archaeologist or a researcher, I"ll study very hard when I am in university.Besides,I"ll work very hard on my English,because Egyptians are speaking English nowadays, and with the ability of speaking English freely,I"ll be able to travel around the world and investigate a lot of historic sites. As I just mentioned above,this is my life in the future. 追问: 你按照内容主要了么

求《爱很简单》英文版 中英文歌词



早上8点起床 get up at 8:00a.m吃早餐 半个小时 breakfast till 8:30读英文或者华文1个小时 read English or Chinese for 1 hour.出去玩顺便锻炼身体 go to play and do excise open the air12点的时候回来吃午饭 come back to have lunch at 12:001点睡午觉两个小时 go to sleep at noon for 2 hour醒来后写暑假作业 do my summer worke when wake up晚上7点吃饭顺便看新闻 have dinner and watch news at 19:00p.m看动画片放松 watch children"s programs and relax10点睡觉 go to bed at 22:00p.m哈哈~ 有用么~ :)





两者就一个区别:地址精确度不同。第一行/Add line 1: 所在区+所在城市+所在省(+所在国家)。第二行/Address line2: 门牌号+楼号+街道号。Address line1填写内容要细致到门牌号,Address line2填写内容仅需知道所在区域。例如:AddressLine1:Xuzhou Medical College (地址1:徐州医科大学)Address Line2: 209, Copper Mountain Road, Yunlong District(云龙区铜山路)City: Xuzhou city(城市:徐州市)Province: Jiangsu(省份:江苏)Country: China (国家:中国)也可以换种格式:AddressLine1:Xuzhou Medical College(徐州医科大学)Address Line2: 209, Copper Mountain Road, Yunlong District(云龙区铜山路)Xuzhou city, Jiangsu, China 221004(中国江苏省徐州市)扩展资料:常用个人资料中英文对照:a. personal data/Information(个人资料/信息)name(姓名)address(通讯地址)postal code(邮政编码)phone number(电话号码)birthdate(出生日期)birthplace(出生地点)Gender(性别)height(身高)weight(体重)health(健康状况)date of availability(可到职日期)number of identification card(身份证号码)


PLA: Programmable Logic Array 可编程逻辑阵列RA: Random Access 随机存取

宇多田光 直到永远中英文对照歌词求大神帮助

Eternally 直到永远(中译) 在我眼前的你有些耀眼 令我看不清楚周围 我们究竟身在何方? 在喧哗声四起的背景中 请还不要消失而去 我早已无法听见任何声音 But I can feel you breathe 对於令人惊讶反复无常的情势发展 我不像自己作风地稍微 oh oh 期待著... I wanna be here eternally 好想就这样一直凝视彼此 I can feel you close to me 虽然不能永远长伴你身边 多希望此时此刻直到永远 出发奋战前的短暂歇息 多想与你一起共渡 你我的约定就在下次相逢时 Can you hear me breathe? 对於不那麼令人惊讶的情势发展 深受感动的时刻 oh oh 任谁都有... I wanna be here eternally 在谁无法找到的地方 I can see you"re all I need 明天之前不需要任何帮助 连此时此刻都just a fantasy I can feel you close to me 尽管不能回到那个地方 唯有此刻的心情将直到永远... I wanna be here eternally I can see you"re all I need 唯有此时此刻将直到永远... 目の前にいる君が少し辉き 周りが见えない 私达はどこにいるの ざわめき始めた背景の中に まだ消えないでね もうなんにも闻こえない But I can feel you breathe おどろく程気まぐれな展开に少しだけ 私らしくない期待を oh oh してる I wanna be here eternally このまま见つめ合っていたい I can feel you close to me いつまでも侧にはいられない この瞬间だけはずっと永远に 戦いに出かける前の一休み あなたと过ごしたい 约束は今度会えた时に Can you hear me breathe? おどろく程ではない展开にも 感动しちゃう时が谁にだって oh oh ある I wanna be here eternally 谁にも见つからないところに I can see you"re all I need 明日まで助けはいらない この瞬间さえもきっと just a fantasy Oh I can feel you close to me あの场所に帰れなくなっても 今の気持ちだけはずっと永远 I wanna be here eternally You want here eternally I can see you are all I need yeah この瞬间だけは ha ha 永远に


儿童常用疫苗,可预防疾病中英文对照表 疫苗名称 英文简称 可预防的传染病卡介苗Bacillus Calmette Guerin =B.C.G结核病脊髓灰质炎活疫苗Poliomyelitis =POLIO 脊髓灰质炎(小儿麻痹症)百白破混合制剂DTP 百日咳 白喉 破伤风麻疹疫苗Measles (rubeola) 麻疹乙脑疫苗JApanese encephalitis 流行性乙型脑炎乙肝疫苗Hepatitis B 乙型病毒性肝炎风疹疫苗Rubeola (German measles) 风疹流脑疫苗Meningitis 流行性脑脊髓膜炎腮腺炎疫苗mumps 流行性腮腺炎麻腮风疫苗MMR 麻疹 风疹 流行性腮腺炎流感疫苗haemophilus influenza B 流行性感冒甲肝疫苗Hepatitis A 甲型病毒性肝炎水痘疫苗Varicella 水痘 带状疱疹Hib(乙型流感)疫苗Hib Hib引起的小儿脑膜炎肺炎等伤寒疫苗Typhoid 伤寒肺炎疫苗Pneumococcal 肺炎白喉破伤风疫苗Td 白喉破伤风DTP 包括 百日咳Pertussis(whooping cough)白喉diphtheria破伤风tetanus




  现金流量表(非金融类)  CASH FLOW STATEMENT(Travel enterprise)  会外年通03表  编制单位:Name of enterprise: 单位:元  项 目 ITEMS 行次 金额  一、经营活动产生的现金流量: CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 1  销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金 Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services 2  收到的税费返还 Refund of tax and levies 3  收到的其他与经营活动有关的现金 Other cash received relating to operating activities 4  现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows 5  购买商品、接受劳务支付的现金 Cash paid for goods and services 6  支付给职工以及为职工支付的现金 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 7  支付的各项税费 Payments of all types of taxes 8  支付的其他与经营活动有关的现金 Other cash paid relating to operating activities 9  现金流出小计 Sub-total of cash outflows 10  经营活动产生的现金流量净额 Net cash flows from operating activities 11  二、投资活动产生的现金流量: CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 12  收回投资所收到的现金 Cash received from disposal of investments 13  取得投资收益所收到的现金 Cash received from returns on investments 14  处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产所收回的现金净额 NetCashReceivedFromDisposalOfFixedAssets,IntangibleAssets&OtherLong-termAssets 15  收到的其他与投资活动有关的现金 Other cash received relating to investing activities 16  现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows 17  购建固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产所支付的现金 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,intangible assets & other long-term assets 18  投资所支付的现金 Cash paid to acquire investments 19  支付的其他与投资活动有关的现金 Other cash payments relating to investing activities 20  现金流出小计 Sub-total of cash outflows 21  投资活动产生的现金流量净额 Net cash flows from investing activities 22  三、筹资活动产生的现金流量: CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES 23  吸收投资所收到的现金 Cash received from capital contribution 24  借款所收到的现金 Cash received from borrowings 25  收到的其他与筹资活动有关的现金 Other cash received relating to financing activities 26  现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows 27  偿还债务所支付的现金 Cash repayments of amounts borrowed 28  分配股利、利润和偿付利息所支付的现金 Cash payments for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or profit 29  支付的其他与筹资活动有关的现金 Other cash payments relating to financing activites 30  现金流出小计 Sub-total of cash outflows 31  筹资活动产生的现金流量净额 Net cash flows from financing activities 32  四、汇率变动对现金的影响 EFFECT OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATE CHANGES ON CASH 33  五、现金及现金等价物净增加额 NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 34  (续表)  现金流量表(非金融类)  CASH FLOW STATEMENT(Travel enterprise)  会外年通03表  编制单位:Name of enterprise: 单位:元  补充资料 35  1.将净利润调节为经营活动现金流量: Reconciliation of net profit/(loss)to cash flows from oprating activities 36  净利润 Net profit 37  加:*少数股东权益 Add:Minority interest 38  减:未确认的投资损失 Less:Uncertained investment loss 39  加:计提的资产损失准备 Add:Provision for asset impairment 40  固定资产折旧 Depreciation of fixed assets 41  无形资产摊销 Amortisation of intangible assets 42  长期待摊费用摊销 Amortisation of long-term prepaid expenses 43  待摊费用减少(减:增加) Decrease in prepaid expenses(deduct:increase) 44  预提费用增加(减:减少) Increase in prepaid expenses(deduct:decrease) 45  处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产的损失(减:收益) LossesOnDisposalOfFixedAssetsIntangibleAssetsAndOtherLong-termAssets"DeductGains 46  固定资产报废损失 Losses on disposal of fixed assets 47  财务费用 Financial expenses 48  投资损失(减:收益) Losses arising from investments(deduct:gains) 49  递延税款贷项(减:借项) Deferred tax credit(deduct: debit) 50  存货的减少(减:增加) Decrease in inventories(deduct:increase) 51  经营性应收项目的减少(减:增加) Decrease in operating receivables(deduct:increase) 52  经营性应付项目的增加(减:减少) Increare in operating payables(deduct:decrease) 53  其他 Others 54  经营活动产生的现金流量净额 Net cash flows from operating activities 55  2.不涉及现金收支的投资和筹资活动: Investing and financing activities that do not involve cash receipts and payment 56  债务转为资本 Conversion of debt into captical 57  一年内到期的可转换公司债券 ReclassificationOfConvertibleBondsExpiringWithinOneYearAsCurrentLiability 58  融资租入固定资产 Fixed assets acquired under finance leases 59  其他 Other 60  61  62  3.现金及现金等价物净增加情况: Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 63  现金的期末余额 Cash at end of year 64  减:现金的期初余额 Less: Cash at beginning of year 65  加:现金等价物的期末余额 Plus:Cash equivalents at end of year 66  减:现金等价物的期初余额 Less:Cash equivalents at beginning of year 67  现金及现金等价物净增加额 Net increase/(decrease) incash and cash equivalents 68

求一份 中英文对照的会计报表

  一、企业财务会计报表封面 FINANCIAL REPORT COVER  报表所属期间之期末时间点 Period Ended  所属月份 Reporting Period  报出日期 Submit Date  记账本位币币种 Local Reporting Currency  审核人 Verifier  填表人 Preparer  二、资产负债表 Balance Sheet  资产 Assets  流动资产 Current Assets  货币资金 Bank and Cash  短期投资 Current Investment  一年内到期委托贷款 Entrusted loan receivable due within one year  减:一年内到期委托贷款减值准备 Less: Impairment for Entrusted loan receivable due within one year  减:短期投资跌价准备 Less: Impairment for current investment  短期投资净额 Net bal of current investment  应收票据 Notes receivable  应收股利 Dividend receivable  应收利息 Interest receivable  应收账款 Account receivable  减:应收账款坏账准备 Less: Bad debt provision for Account receivable  应收账款净额 Net bal of Account receivable  其他应收款 Other receivable  减:其他应收款坏账准备 Less: Bad debt provision for Other receivable  其他应收款净额 Net bal of Other receivable  预付账款 Prepayment  应收补贴款 Subsidy receivable  存货 Inventory  减:存货跌价准备 Less: Provision for Inventory  存货净额 Net bal of Inventory  已完工尚未结算款 Amount due from customer for contract work  待摊费用 Deferred Expense  一年内到期的长期债权投资 Long-term debt investment due within one year  一年内到期的应收融资租赁款 Finance lease receivables due within one year  其他流动资产 Other current assets  流动资产合计 Total current assets  长期投资 Long-term investment  长期股权投资 Long-term equity investment  委托贷款 Entrusted loan receivable  长期债权投资 Long-term debt investment  长期投资合计 Total for long-term investment  减:长期股权投资减值准备 Less: Impairment for long-term equity investment  减:长期债权投资减值准备 Less: Impairment for long-term debt investment  减:委托贷款减值准备 Less: Provision for entrusted loan receivable  长期投资净额 Net bal of long-term investment  其中:合并价差 Include: Goodwill (Negative goodwill)  固定资产 Fixed assets  固定资产原值 Cost  减:累计折旧 Less: Accumulated Depreciation  固定资产净值 Net bal  减:固定资产减值准备 Less: Impairment for fixed assets  固定资产净额 NBV of fixed assets  工程物资 Material holds for construction of fixed assets  在建工程 Construction in progress  减:在建工程减值准备 Less: Impairment for construction in progress  在建工程净额 Net bal of construction in progress  固定资产清理 Fixed assets to be disposed of  固定资产合计 Total fixed assets  无形资产及其他资产 Other assets & Intangible assets  无形资产 Intangible assets  减:无形资产减值准备 Less: Impairment for intangible assets  无形资产净额 Net bal of intangible assets  长期待摊费用 Long-term deferred expense  融资租赁——未担保余值 Finance lease – Unguaranteed residual values  融资租赁——应收融资租赁款 Finance lease – Receivables  其他长期资产 Other non-current assets  无形及其他长期资产合计 Total other assets & intangible assets  递延税项 Deferred Tax  递延税款借项 Deferred Tax assets  资产总计 Total assets  负债及所有者(或股东)权益 Liability & Equity  流动负债 Current liability  短期借款 Short-term loans  应付票据 Notes payable  应付账款 Accounts payable  已结算尚未完工款  预收账款 Advance from customers  应付工资 Payroll payable  应付福利费 Welfare payable  应付股利 Dividend payable  应交税金 Taxes payable  其他应交款 Other fees payable  其他应付款 Other payable  预提费用 Accrued Expense  预计负债 Provision  递延收益 Deferred Revenue  一年内到期的长期负债 Long-term liability due within one year  其他流动负债 Other current liability  流动负债合计 Total current liability  长期负债 Long-term liability  长期借款 Long-term loans  应付债券 Bonds payable  长期应付款 Long-term payable  专项应付款 Grants & Subsidies received  其他长期负债 Other long-term liability  长期负债合计 Total long-term liability  递延税项 Deferred Tax  递延税款贷项 Deferred Tax liabilities  负债合计 Total liability  少数股东权益 Minority interests  所有者权益(或股东权益) Owners" Equity  实收资本(或股本) Paid in capital  减;已归还投资 Less: Capital redemption  实收资本(或股本)净额 Net bal of Paid in capital  资本公积 Capital Reserves  盈余公积 Surplus Reserves  其中:法定公益金 Include: Statutory reserves  未确认投资损失 Unrealised investment losses  未分配利润 Retained profits after appropriation  其中:本年利润 Include: Profits for the year  外币报表折算差额 Translation reserve  所有者(或股东)权益合计 Total Equity  负债及所有者(或股东)权益合计 Total Liability & Equity  三、利润及利润分配表 Income statement and profit appropriation  一、主营业务收入 Revenue  减:主营业务成本 Less: Cost of Sales  主营业务税金及附加 Sales Tax  二、主营业务利润(亏损以“—”填列) Gross Profit ( - means loss)  加:其他业务收入 Add: Other operating income  减:其他业务支出 Less: Other operating expense  减:营业费用 Selling & Distribution expense  管理费用 G&A expense  财务费用 Finance expense  三、营业利润(亏损以“—”填列) Profit from operation ( - means loss)  加:投资收益(亏损以“—”填列) Add: Investment income  补贴收入 Subsidy Income  营业外收入 Non-operating income  减:营业外支出 Less: Non-operating expense  四、利润总额(亏损总额以“—”填列) Profit before Tax  减:所得税 Less: Income tax  少数股东损益 Minority interest  加:未确认投资损失 Add: Unrealised investment losses  五、净利润(净亏损以“—”填列) Net profit ( - means loss)  加:年初未分配利润 Add: Retained profits  其他转入 Other transfer-in  六、可供分配的利润 Profit available for distribution( - means loss)  减:提取法定盈余公积 Less: Appropriation of statutory surplus reserves  提取法定公益金 Appropriation of statutory welfare fund  提取职工奖励及福利基金 Appropriation of staff incentive and welfare fund  提取储备基金 Appropriation of reserve fund  提取企业发展基金 Appropriation of enterprise expansion fund  利润归还投资 Capital redemption  七、可供投资者分配的利润 Profit available for owners" distribution  减:应付优先股股利 Less: Appropriation of preference share"s dividend  提取任意盈余公积 Appropriation of discretionary surplus reserve  应付普通股股利 Appropriation of ordinary share"s dividend  转作资本(或股本)的普通股股利 Transfer from ordinary share"s dividend to paid in capital  八、未分配利润 Retained profit after appropriation  补充资料: Supplementary Information:  1. 出售、处置部门或被投资单位收益 Gains on disposal of operating divisions or investments  2. 自然灾害发生损失 Losses from natural disaster  3. 会计政策变更增加(或减少)利润总额 Increase (decrease) in profit due to changes in accounting policies  4. 会计估计变更增加(或减少)利润总额 Increase (decrease) in profit due to changes in accounting estimates  5. 债务重组损失 Losses from debt restructuring  现金流量表 Cash Flow Statement  一、经营活动产生的现金流量: Cash Flow from Operating Activities:  销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金 Cash received from sales of goods or rendering services  收到的税费返还 Refunds of taxes  收到的其他与经营活动有关的现金 Cash received relating to other operating activities  现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows  购买商品、接受劳务支付的现金 Cash paid for goods or receiving services  支付给职工以及为职工支付的现金 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees  支付的各项税费 Tax payments  支付的其他与经营活动有关的现金 Cash paid relating to other operating activities  现金流出小计 Sub-total of cash outflows  经营活动产生的现金流量净额 Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities  二、投资活动产生的现金流量: Cash Flow from Investing Activities:  收回投资所收到的现金 Cash received from disposal of investments  处置子公司和其他经营单位收到的现金 Cash received from disposal of subsidiary or other operating business units  取得投资收益所收到的现金 Cash received from investments income  处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产而收到的现金净额 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets  购买子公司所收到的现金 Cash received by acquisition of subsidiary  收到的其他与投资活动有关的现金 Cash received relating to other investing activities  现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows  购建固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产所支付的现金 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets  投资所支付的现金 Cash paid to acquire investments  支付的其他与投资活动有关的现金 Cash payments relating to other investing activities  现金流出小计 Sub-total of cash outflows  投资活动产生的现金流量净额 Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities  三、筹资活动产生的现金流量: Cash Flow from Financing Activities:  吸收投资所收到的现金 Cash received by investors  借款所收到的现金 Cash received from borrowings  其中:从金融机构借款所收到的现金 Include: Cash received from financial institution borrowings  收到的其他与筹资活动有关的现金 Cash received relating to other financing activities  现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows  偿还债务所支付的现金 Repayments of borrowings  其中:偿还金融机构债务所支付的现金 Include: Repayments of financial institution borrowings  分配股利、利润和偿付利息所支付的现金 Dividends paid, profit distributed or interest paid  支付的其他与筹资活动有关的现金 Cash payments relating to other financing activities  现金流出小计 Sub-total of cash outflows  筹资活动产生的现金流量净额 Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities  四、汇率变动对现金的影响额 Effect of Foreign Currency Translation  五、现金及现金等价物净增加额 Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents  现金流量附表: Supplementary Information:  1.将净利润调节为经营活动的现金流量: Reconciliation of Net Profit to Cash Flow from Operating Activities:  净利润 Net Profit  加:少数股东损益 Add: Minority interest  加:计提的资产减值准备 Impairment losses on assets  固定资产折旧 Depreciation of fixed assets  无形资产摊销 Amortisation of intangible assets  长期待摊费用摊销 Amortisation of long-term deferred expenses  待摊费用减少(减:增加) Decrease (increase) in deferred expenses  预提费用增加(减:减少) Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses  处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产的损失(减、收益) Losses (gains) on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets  固定资产报废损失 Losses on write-off of fixed assets  财务费用 Finance expense (income)  投资损失(减、收益) Losses (gains) arising from investments  递延税款贷款(减、借项) Deferred tax credit (debit)  存货的减少(减、增加) Decrease (increase) in inventories  经营性应收项目的减少(减、增加) Decrease (increase) in receivables under operating activities  经营性应付项目的增加(减、减少) Increase (decrease) in payables under operating activities  其他 Others  经营活动产生的现金流量净额 Net cash flow from operating activities  2.不涉及现金收支的投资和筹资活动: Investing and Financing Activities that do not Involve Cash Receipts and Payments:  债务转为资本 Conversion of debt into capital  一年内到期的可转换公司债券 Reclassification of convertible bonds expiring within one year as current liability  融资租入固定资产 Fixed assets acquired under finance leases  3.现金及现金等价物净增加情况: Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents:  现金的期末余额 Cash at the end of the period  减:现金的期初余额 Less: cash at the beginning of the year  加:现金等价物的期末余额 Add: cash equivalents at the end of the period  减:现金等价物的期初余额 Less: cash equivalents at the beginning of the period  现金及现金等价物净增加额 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents


  一份完美的英文简历对外企求职者获得面试机会相当重要。下面是我整理的,以供大家阅读。   一   Dear leaders:   Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule in the materials I reviewed. I am the College of Liberal Arts, Guangxi Normal University Chinese Language and Literature National outstanding liberal arts base classes professional graduates. I look forward to your pany can find a suitable job, in order to contribute to your pany. I urge you to join your pany"s opportunity. I have the confidence and ability to be an excellent staff. Since the university after me "self-confidence, self-reliance, self-reliance", not only strive to learn professional knowledge and active participation in a variety of social practice, after four years of university study and social training, I have the following capabilities:   A solid foundation of professional expertise and deep knowledge of literature.   Outstanding liberal arts base to enter the country four years of study, I carefully study the various professional courses, with a solid foundation for Chinese Language and Literature of the knowledge and professional skills, but also capable of thinking and research paper writing skills, has participated in the "Innovation Cup "petition of scientific research papers have been hospital-level second-class awards. I created the "China Forum for Academic critici *** " Guoxue save, build a new system of academic evaluation of the role play, caused concern both within and outside scholars.   I like literature, often after school hours to participate in the activities of a variety of literary salon, a large number of literary books to read. 2006 invited to participate in "The Second Guangxi Youth poetry will" broaden the horizons of knowledge growth. In "Journal of Guangxi Normal University," "South Danxia", "Jenny", "Chatham", "Acacia Lake poetry group" and the article published articles articles listed in Annex material.   Second, a wealth of social practice and outstanding ability to work.   I was in China, Haier Group, China Net, Beijing Dragon sun Technology Development Co., Ltd., Guilin, respectively, as the Western Hills Park促销员, business agents, such as sales assistant positions, positions are made in the excellent performance by the employing units praise. The squad leader as a base class, college party branch secretary, vice president of Book Club Fifth Season, Guangxi Normal University, Office of Academic Affairs Office of the Assistant High classroom, Guangxi Normal University, College of Liberal Arts Campus Party secretary, an increase of petence, the Office has accumulated rich knowledge of executive secretarial knowledge and . The accumulated experience of social activities, work in your organization to lay a certain foundation.   Third, the concept of a strong brand of team spirit and cooperation.   After four years of college, I bee more and more aware of social practice: in a petitive society, there is no strong brand awareness it is impossible to gain a foothold in the munity. Therefore, I seek to bee their own good, and seek to engage in their work of any of the business as a brand, so I always pay attention to seize the opportunity to exercise their own, and always thinking about ways to do a good job. Mission as the party branch secretaries one semester, where the class was "优秀团支部colonel" title; as stem classes one year, where the class was the "best course of Guangxi district collective title", as the Guangxi Normal University College of Liberal Arts Campus Secretary When party activists through rate of more than 95%. In addition, I am a team but also have the ability, I can quickly adapt to a new working environment, and established in the new environment of team work environment.   After fine arts at the national base for up to 4 years of training, I already have a "" should have the basic quality. Hope I can fit your request, I also hope you choose, your choice is what I hope. In order to facilitate a more detailed understanding of your situation I am, please review the resume I submitted, as well as related materials. Give me a chance also a miracle that you and look forward to your response. Units祝贵flourishing career, has made great achievements!   Sincerely,   Salute   二   Name: xxx   Gender: male   Date of Birth: xxxx/xx/xx   Residency: HuangShi   Zip Code: 435xxxxx   Career Objective:English Teacher   Home Tel: 086-xxxx-xxxxxxx   Mobile: 0714-xxxxxxxxxxx   Email: [email protected]   Political Background:probationary party member   Leadership Position:the chair of league member   Address: HuBei province HuangShi City Ma Fang village   Work Experience   2005/07-2005/9:mended by dean to be an English private tutor in BeiJing   2006/03--2007/05:QiHui private tutor Center as an English Tutor in XianNing   2007/06-2008/12:as an English Tutor teaching High School student in HuangShi   2007/10-2008/05:as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies   2008/08-2008/12:an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. Huang Shi Branch   Education   2004/09--2007/06  XianNing University  English Education  Associate   2007/09--2009/06  HuBei Normal Univercity English      Bachelor   Training   2006/10--2006/12 No 14 Middle School in HuangShi city    English cadet teacher   Language Skills   English   excellent         Japanese  average   Certifications   2008/03  TEM Level 8     EVIII 0810045236   2007/04  TEM Level 4     EIV 0710075088   2006/06  CET-6        061242066001800   2005/12  provincial puter Level Test Band1  2005121141345   2004/12  Mandarin Chinese Rating Certificate  X1140430787   2007/7  Teacher qualification certificate  200742XXXX0000459   Honors/Awards   national scholarship   the first ranking scholarship   the second ranking scholarship   3 good"s student   outstanding student leader9 f2 m:   excellent League Member   the second price in teacher skill petition in HuBei Normal University   the first price in normal students" teaching lesson   the third price in students"acqierement   the outstanding price in first term in Telemunications Cup Resume petition   Self Asses *** ent   self-confidence, industry, and enthusia *** as well as great passion for education   三   Gentlemen,   I have been told by Mr.John L.Pak,Credit Manager, The Business Book Publishing,New York, with whom I believe you are acquainted,that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in June.I should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions.   You can see from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that I have had five years of varied experience in the book business.The panies for which I have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for rmation about the quality of the work I did while in their employ.   My work was in the credit department and in the accounting department in both panies,with some experience also in inventory control. In both positions,I have been assigned with the daily office administration.The courses taken at Central mercial and the Bronx munity College specifically prepare me for doing the accounting required in your department.   I hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you.If there is further rmation that you wish in the meantime,please let me know.I can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter.


个人简历中英文范文 Name: Birth place:Changsha,Hunan Sex: Female Birthday: September,1985 Nationality: Han Profession: International trade Degree: College Stature: 163cm Daily job responsibility: Two-years international trade and relevant business working experience(Connect with foreign importers, leading them to visit factory and subscribe the contract, follow up the order"s production till safely payment collection also be charge of some after-sale service and usually operate medi-platforms to get buyer information and manage it,mainly Alibaba.com &Globalsources.com office methods: E-mail, telephone,fax and On-line talking system such as MSN,Skype. Work Experience: July,2005----August,2006    Beijing xinri e-bike manufacture co.,ltd Position: sales representative and translator  August,2006---March,2008    Zhejiang wangye power co.,ltd product: motorcycle  Position: international sales representative Hobby: Reading, doing exercise, listening to music and so on knowledge and skills: 1.Be capable fo English reading, writing and speaking. 2.Good communication and presentation skills 3.Be command of import&export documentary execution 4.Be patient and confident to meet the challenge phone number: IDC number: Home university: Hunan college of international economics Family address:sifangping community,changsha city. Authorized certificates: CET-6, declaration certificate of Customs, computer test band 2 and have good command of office softwares, such as word, excel,Photoshop. Honors: “Excellent student and achievement” awarded by college as well as got the scholarship in 2003,2004 respectively. During sales working in factory,I successfully had negotiated with Africa clients to got stable orders for company monthly and develop Africa market of motorcycle accordingly. Expectation salary: BY INTERVIEWSelf-comment:  I"m an active,diligent,honest and responsible employee.With sense of creation,I"ve found effective work method of making one-self breakthrough and enjoy the happyness brought through hard working.Basiclly,i think be ambitious and scrupulous working attitude are origin to develop career.As an endless lesson,i will endue myself with more strong spirit of teamwork,skill of communications and develop the ability to find problems and its effective solutions coming from working; During two half-years working experience,I"ve accumulated some foreign trade experience and some relevant import&export business experience.Meanwhile, I become more self-confident than just graduation and always firmly believe that the mutual trust between company and employee and necessary teamwork are the keys to achieve success. My work attitude is " when you finished a common affair,you will be not common and when you finished a simple affair,you will be not simple!".Finally,hope sincerely that i could have chance go along with your company. Thanks for reading. Best regards;






Autobots --- The benevolent Autobots, led by heroic Optimus Primeic. Their homeland - Cybertron, it was destroyed by the malevolent Decepticon, and the Autobots want to find the All Spark so they can use it to rebuild Cybertron and end the war between the Autobots and the Decepticons. Decepticon --- The malevolent leader Megatron, they have destored the Cybertron, and moved to the earth in his quest to get hold of the All Spark. The Decepticons want to use it to obliterate the Autobots and take over the universe.



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求一个51单片机5000字左右的中英文翻译 毕业设计用 谢谢

  Design of the Temperature Control System Based on AT89S51  Huang Wentian, Li Jinping  College of Information, Beijing Union University, Beijing 100101, China  woshihwt@yahoo.com.cn, xxtjinping@buu.edu.cn  ABSTRACT: The principle and functions of the temperature control system based on microcontroller AT89S51 are studied, and the temperature measurement unit consists of the 1-Wire bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20. The system can be expected to detect the preset temperature, display time and save monitoring data. An alarm will be given by system if the temperature exceeds the upper and lower limit value of the temperature which can be set discretionarily and then automatic control is achieved, thus the temperature is achieved monitoring intelligently within a certain range. Basing on principle of the system, it is easy to make a variety of other non-linear control systems so long as the software design is reasonably changed. The system has been proved to be accurate, reliable and satisfied through field practice.  KEYWORDS: AT89S51; microcontroller; DS18B20; temperature  中文译文  基于单片机AT89S51设计的温度控制系统  黄温甜,李金平  信息学院,北京联合大学,北京100101,中国  woshihwt@yahoo.com.cn, xxtjinping@buu.edu.cn  摘要:原理和单片机AT89S51单片机温度控制系统功能的基础研究,温度测量单位的1- Wire总线数字温度传感器DS18B20组成。该系统可将检测到设定温度,显示时间和保存监测数据。报警系统会给予如果温度超过了可动任意设置,然后实现自动化控制,从而达到监控的温度在一定范围内智能温度上限和下限值。在系统原则的基础上,很容易使其他非非线性控制系统,以便在合理长改变了软件设计等。该系统已被证明是准确,可靠,并通过野外实习至满意。  关键词:AT89S51单片机,微控制器,传感器DS18B20,温度。


  She said I couldn"t be committed  她说我给不了她承诺  She said I"m too much of a player  她说我太花心  Come on,Uncommitted  拜托,给不了承诺  It was all a dream  过去只是一个美梦而已  Reality was far from the safe picture she painted for me  她曾给我描绘我们美好的未来,可现实远非如此  She told me I was the one and I believed  她说我就是她等的那个人我相信了  until the dream dissipated so suddenly  直到有一天这美梦突然消散  I don"t know why she was so compelled to leave  我不明白为什么她非走不可  Something was messin" with her psychology  一些事情让她心烦意乱  I"m confused, she"s sayin" something"s wrong with me  我很困惑,她说这些都是我的错  But how can I fix something I cannot see  但我又该如何修补我根本看不穿的问题  She said, “You"re not ready, Baby, you"re not ready for the real thing”  她说, “你还没准备好,亲爱的,真正过日子的话,你还没准备好”  She told me that I"d be unfaithful and I cannot believe  她这么跟我说,说我总会有不忠的一天,可我简直无法相信  She said you can"t be committed  她说…你给不了我承诺  I said baby I don"t really get it  我说…宝贝我不懂你说什么  She said you"re not the right type, only good for one night, you never stay committed to me  她说…你不是我的型,我们只是一夜情人,你永远不会对我遵守承诺  How could this be, she"s telling me, I will never let her be my everything  怎么会这样,她总是和我说,我永远不会让她成为我的唯一  She said I"m a player and I"ll never change, I feel that I"m ready to leave again  她说我只会花心依旧,可我已准备好从这场游戏中抽身  she said she could never trust a player like me, but baby that was part of my history  她说她永远不会相信我这样的人,但宝贝那都只是我的曾经  she"s telling me breaking hearts is a part of me, it"s like it"s in my system and it would never leave  她说我只会让人伤心,仿佛那是我一生无法改变的恶习  Uncommitted, Uncommitted, I"ll never admit it  给不了承诺,可我从没说过我给不了承诺  and then i"ll never get it but somehow she could be right  我也永远不会懂,或许她说的也没错



可以翻译一下土木工程方向毕业设计的中英文摘要吗? u200b

In yichang of hubei, this route is a main road, route design specifications for: roadbed width of 50 meters, of which the lanes 22 meters, 6 meters, the median is set 3 meters on both sides of the separation zone, non-motor vehicle driveways 5 meters, sidewalk 3 meters. Design speed of 50 km/h, route length 2000 meters, the starting point of the pile number K0 + 000.00, the finish pile number for K2 + 000.This design mainly has carried on the roads of flat, vertical and horizontal combination and design; Vertical and channelized intersection design; Roadbed design; Pavement structure design; The road of rainwater drainage design. In the design to the design of the intersection, pavement structure design and road rainwater drainage design as the key point. Throughout the design process, the municipal road design software, using the hongye hongye municipal pipeline design software and Auto CAD auxiliary design.

《Pretty Boy》的歌词,要中英文对照


tell me tell me baby 后街男孩 中英文歌词


用java编写程序 1.建立一个文本文件,输入英语短文.编写一个程序,统计该文件中英文字母的个数,

tretches before us in the constant panorama


  出口台面常用术语中英文对照  A.有关盆孔、 水管孔、背栓孔、钢筋条  盆孔 Sink cut out,Bow cut out  台下盆 Polished cut out,undermount cut out  台上盆 Saw cut cut-out;Saw cut sink cut out;Up-mount  客人现场挖、现场切 Field Cut  背栓孔 Anchor Hole;Drilled Hole  水管孔 Faucet Holes;Tap Hole  钢筋条 Steet Reinforcement;Rods;Steel Bar  B、有关台面称谓  厨房台面 Kitchen  岛屿 lsland  洗手间 Bath;Vanity  主卫生间 Master Bath  吧台 Bar Top  档水板(一般的) Splash  前档水板 Apron  窗台板 Window Sill  门槛石 Threshold  C、有光加工面  光面 Polish  亚光面 Honed  火烧面 Flamed  荔枝面 Bush hammered  仿古面 Antique Finish  D、有关边  见光边 Eashed and Polished;E&P  直边 Flat;Square  加厚的、双层的 Double  粘接的 Laminated;Lam  全牛鼻子边 Full Bullnose;FBN  半牛鼻子边 Half Bullnose  倒棱、倒斜 Bevel;Chamfer  鸭嘴边 Ogee  E、其他方面  套 Unit;Set  不用、去除、忽略 Void;Deleted;Not Used;Omit  分段、拼接 Joint;Seam  纹路 Grain Flow(Grain direction)  见模板 See Template  见清单、见详细列表 See Matrix  垫底 Subtop  胶合板 Polywood  样板 Demo;Mock Up;Sample  撇底、撇面 Mitred;




Empire State Plaza飞碟广埸 演艺大楼(The Egg) 大都会美术馆(Metropolitan Art Gallery)我还去过呢,简称METS 时报广埸 (Times Square) 百老汇大道Broadway 联合国总部大楼(United Nation Head Quarter 帝国大厦” (Empire State Building 华尔街(Wall Street) 世贸中心遗址(Ground Zero “自由女神”像(Statue of Liberty), 畅游耳熟能详的独立宫 (Independence Hall),旧国会大厦


英国的全称是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,行政区划包括了英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰地区。 除本土之外,其还拥有十四个海外领地,总人口超过6600万,其中以英格兰人(盎格鲁-撒克逊人)为主体民族,占全国总人口的占83.9%。 The full name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Its administrative divisions include England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. In addition to the mainland, it also has 14 overseas territories with a total population of over 66 million, of which the English (Anglo-Saxons) are the main ethnic group, accounting for 83.9% of the total population of the country. 英国是一个高度发达的资本主义国家,欧洲四大经济体之一,其国民拥有极高的生活水平和良好的社会保障制度。 作为英联邦元首国、七国集团成员国、北约创始会员国、英国同时也是联合国安全理事会五大常任理事国之一。 Britain is a highly developed capitalist country and one of the four major European economies. Its citizens have a very high standard of living and a good social security system. As the head of the monwealth, member of the Group of Seven, founding member of NATO, Britain is also one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. 魅力大都市伦敦、历史文化名城约克、巴斯、坎特伯雷、名校所在地剑桥和牛津、风华旖旎的湖区、还有让球迷疯狂的曼彻斯特、利物浦,《哈利波特》的诞生地爱丁堡,《勇敢的心》发生地斯特灵。 这些不列颠的标志都在英格兰地区。 Charming metropolis London, historic and cultural city York, Bass, Canterbury, Cambridge and Oxford, the beautiful lake area where famous schools are located, and Manchester and Liverpool which make fans crazy. Edinburgh, the birthplace of Harry Potter, the place where Brave Heart took place, is Stern Spirit. These British symbols are all in England. 扩展资料: 英国气候。 英国属温带海洋性气候。 英国受盛行西风控制,全年温和湿润,四季寒暑变化不大。 植被是温带落叶阔叶林带。 通常最高气温不超过32℃,最低气温不低于-10℃,平均气温1月4~7℃,7月13~17℃。 年平均降水量约1000毫米。 北部和西部山区的年降水量超过2000毫米,中部和东部则少于800毫米。 每年二月至三月最为干燥,十月至来年一月最为湿润。 英国终年受西风和海洋的影响,全年气候温和湿润,适合植物生长。 英国虽然气候温和,但天气多变。 一日之内,时晴时雨。


中英文双语简历模板   简历是面试者的门面,需要认真对待,中英文双语简历模板有哪些?以下是我为您整理的相关资料,欢迎阅读!    个人简历   月薪要求:   公司名称:   公司性质:   担任职务:   希望工作地区: 广州 深圳   深圳市国康网健康管理服务公司起止年月:20xx—10 ~ 20xx—12   中外合资所属行业:医疗,卫生事业,客服   工作描述: 主要负责维护与公司合约客户的关系,通过为其提供预约专家、制定健康指导方案等工作服务。   离职原因:工作时间不固定   公司名称:   公司性质:   担任职务:   深圳市罗湖区人民法院起止年月:20xx—03 ~ 20xx—06   政府机关所属行业:市政,公用事业 行政,内勤,法官助理 (实习生)   协助内勤日常管理工作,熟悉法院处理案件的程序,法律文书书写技巧,学习法官们的庭审、调解的谈判技巧,并学会在高压的工作环境下调适心态,注意运用提高工作效率的技巧,尽最大能力做好本份。    个人工作经历:   工作描述:   在***公司工作。关注保险的案件,积极思考对涉及率较高的保险业务、合同、理赔等环节,对熟悉保险业务有很大的帮助    离职原因:   实习结束   公司名称: 公司性质: 担任职务:   北京大学深圳医院起止年月:2007—09 ~ 20xx—02   事业单位所属行业:医疗,卫生事业 临床实践,行政后勤 (实习生)   在内外妇儿等临床科室及医务科、社会工作部实习,能够正确运用临床、法律等专业知识进行常规诊    工作描述:   疗工作及处理医疗纠纷,对医患关系有比较深刻的理解;进一步熟悉医院管理及办事流程。在岗期间勤奋认真,守时敬岗,注意提高人际交往能力及发挥乐于助人的精神。   离职原因:   实习结束   课外实践:   1、在校时多次参加模拟法庭,通过多次的见习,对法律流程及法律文书写作都非常熟悉   2、曾担任过学生会宣传部部长,青年志愿者服务队队长,年级办公室主任等学生职位,出色完成各项任务,并锻炼了组织和策划能力   3、曾在“三下乡”社会实践活动中,在东华医院导医部工作,提高业务素养,和谐医患关系。   4、曾在东莞司法鉴定中心见习,通过学习真实案例,巩固专业知识的同时,加强了对法医学方面的感性和理性认识。   专业能力: 掌握了基础医学、临床医学等方面的基本理论知识和基本能力掌握专业法律知识,尤其医事法律知识具有参与保险公估理赔核审查勘及法律事务工作等方面的实践能力    语言能力补充: 通过国家英语四六级考试   能够使用英语做出基本对话,书写一般的文章,并且具备认识和书写一般的英语电传电文的基本能力,能够处理商业信函   流利普通话,广州话   其他技能: 通过国家计算机二级考试   掌握运用MS Word,Excel,PowerPoint等Office常用工具处理文档,绘制图表及制作课件; 擅长利用Internet进行各种网际信息交流    详细个人自传   我出生成长在xx,自小生活在一个普通工人家庭,养成了勤俭节约、朴素简单的生活习惯,以及一种顽石精神,对自己的追求坚持不懈,相信自己,随时迎接挑战,在经验教训中不断探索、成长。 经过大学五年的.学习生活,我扎实地掌握了掌握了基础医学、临床医学等方面的基本理论知识和基本能力,以及普通法律及医事法律知识,同时以良好的英语和社会实践经验来武装自己。为了进一步提高自身的能力,我曾先后担任过学生会宣传部部长,青年志愿者服务队队长,年级办公室主任等学生干部,这不仅让我为集体服务提供了机会,而且锻炼了我的组织和策划能力。通过实习,培养了适应社会的能力,具有参与临床医学诊疗工作、卫生行政管理工作、法律事务工作、医事法工作等方面的实践能力。 在过去的几个暑假里,我曾参与过几个著名品牌的促销推广,并为产品做市场调查。虽然这些工作涉及不同的范畴,但在培养和提高职业主动性,灵活性和创造性、团队精神、人际交往能力等方面无疑起了不可估量的作用。   Curriculum vitae   Monthly salary requirements:   Corporate name:   The nature of the company:   Post:   Hope work area: Shenzhen, Guangzhou   Shenzhen city health network health management services company ending date: 20XX — 10 — 20XX — 12   Chinese and foreign joint ventures: medical, health, customer service   Job description: the main responsibility to maintain the relationship with the company contract customer, by providing it with the appointment of experts, the formulation of health guidance programs and other work services。   Cause of Resignation: work time is not fixed   Corporate name:   The nature of the company:   Post:   The beginning of the year of the people"s Court of Luohu District, Shenzhen: 20XX — 03 — 20XX — 06   Industry: municipal government, public administration, office staff, judge assistant (Intern)   Assist office daily management work, familiar with the court case handling procedures, legal document writing skills, learning the judges, court mediation and negotiation skills, and learn to adjust in the high—pressure working environment mentality, pay attention to the use of skills to improve work efficiency, the best ability to do this   Personal work experience:   Job description:   Work in * * * company。 Pay attention to the insurance cases, actively think about the insurance business, contract, claim and so on, which is very helpful to the insurance business。   Reasons for Resignation:   The end of the internship   The name of the company: the nature of the company: the position of the company:   The beginning of the year of the Shenzhen Hospital of Peking University: 2007 — 09 ~ 20XX — 02   Industry owned by institutions: medical, health, clinical practice, administrative logistics (Intern)   In practice such as women and children inside and outside the clinical departments and medical department, the Department of social work, can correctly use the professional knowledge of clinical and legal routine examination   Job description:   Treatment and treatment of medical disputes, a profound understanding of the relationship between doctors and patients, and further familiarity with hospital management and process。 During the period of work, diligence, punctuality and respect to the post, pay attention to improving interpersonal skills and give full play to the spirit of helping people。   Reasons for Resignation:   The end of the internship   Extracurricular practice:   1。 He participated in the moot court many times at school and was very familiar with the legal process and the writing of legal documents through a number of probation。   2, once served as the Minister of Propaganda Department of the student union, the leader of the youth volunteer service team, the student office director and other student positions, completed the tasks well, and exercised the ability of organizing and planning。   3, in the "three countryside" social practice activities, in Donghua hospital guidance department work, improve business literacy, harmonious doctor—patient relationship。   4, once in probation at Dongguan forensic center, through learning real cases and consolidating professional knowledge, it strengthened the perceptual and rational understanding of forensic science。   Professional skills: master the basic medicine and clinical medicine and other aspects of the basic theoretical knowledge and basic ability to master the professional knowledge of law, especially the knowledge of medical law is involved in nuclear prospecting and the review of claims insurance assessment of legal affairs and other aspects of the practice ability   Language ability supplement: through national English test 46   Able to make basic dialogues in English, write general articles, and have the basic ability to understand and write general English teletype, and be able to handle business correspondence。   Fluent in Mandarin, Guangzhou dialect   Other skills: through the national computer level two test   Mastering and using MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other Office common tools to process documents, draw charts and make courseware, and are good at using Internet to do all kinds of Internet information communication。   Personal autobiography   I was born and raised in XX, a child living in an ordinary worker"s family, develop thrift, plain living habits, as well as a stone of his spirit, pursue unremittingly, believe in yourself, at any time to meet the challenges, continuous exploration and experience in growth。 After five years of undergraduate study, I have mastered the basic medicine, clinical medicine and other aspects of the basic theoretical knowledge and basic ability, and the common law and relevant legal knowledge, with good English and social practice experience to arm themselves。 In order to further improve their own ability, I worked as a student of the Propaganda Department of the youth volunteer service team captain, director of office of grade student cadres, this not only let me provide the opportunity for the collective services, and to exercise my organization and planning ability。 Through the practice, cultivate the ability to adapt to society, with the participation of clinical medical work, health administration, legal affairs, medical law and other aspects of the work practice ability。 In the past few summers, I have participated in several famous brands of promotion and Market Research for the products。 Although these works involve different categories, they undoubtedly play an immeasurable role in training and improving career initiative, flexibility and creativity, team spirit and interpersonal skills。 ;


个人简历模板(中英文), Word中英文简历模板 您好 这个简历呢 是我从毕业开始 一直使用的模板 希望对你有一点点帮助。汇丰银行和利星行都给过我OFFER 用这个简历哦,也祝你好运。 YOUR NAME Contact Info Mobile No. : XXXXXXXXX Email : XXXXXX@gmail. Personal Particulars (snapshot) Date of Birth : 08 Dec 1982 Gender Height : Female : 168cm Marital Status : Single Application Objective International Aounting or Public Relation Employment History XX HEAVY MACHINERY SHANGHAI COMPANY 2008/09 – present Finance Department | Finance Analyst 1. In charge of pany budget planning and banking processes 2. Perform budget planning checking, contract checking 3. Part of Aount debit and credit process 4. Generate finance and aount management reports 5. Finance *** ysis XX HEAVY MACHINERY BEIJING COMPANY 2007/03 -- 2008/08 Finance Department | Banking Cashier In charge of pany banking processes with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China and China Minsheng Banking Corp. Ltd. Educational Background XX University BEIJING 2005—2007 Major: Aouting B.A Minors: Marketing, International Trade, Financial Analysis Economic, etc. XX University BEIJING 2002—2005 Major: International Aouting Minors: College English, Advanced maths, Fanancial Management, Financial, Class Standing: Top Quartor, Dean"s List QUALIFICATIONS Certificate of Aounting Professional Certificate of College English Band4&6 Computer Skill Certificate Examination 2nd class SKILL Good mand of English in speaking and writing Good knowledge of EXCEL/WORD/POWERPOINT/ERP/SAP etc. office sofare LANGUAGES Mandarin, fluent English as well as daily-use German Personal Skills Passionate Good at *** ysis and problem identification Strong team skills Good in English both oral and writing Character: Open minded, humble, self control and self confidence 你的名字 联系方式 手机 : XXXXXX Email : XXXX@gmail. 个人简介 YOUR SANPSHOT 出生日期 : 1982年12月8日 性别 身高 : 女 : 168cm 婚姻状况 现居住地 : 未婚 : 北京 求职意向 国际财会或公共关系 工作经历 2008/09 -- 至今 XX重机有限公司 | 财务部 | 财务分析员 1.负责公司资金计划及银行与公司间的一切贷款结算等事宜办理 2.预算审核、合同审核、日常费用审核、入账 3.收入确认、入账 4.管理报表和财务报表的编制 5.财务分析 2007/03 -- 2008/08 XX重机有限公司 | 财务部 | 银行出纳 负责公司与中国工商银行, 中国农业银行, 和中国民生银行的各项银行业务, 如电汇, 支票汇票开立支取, 信用证开立, 银行承兑汇票开立, 开/销户, 网上银行支付等. 教育背景 2005.9 — 2007.6 XX大学 会计学 专业 主修课程: 大学英语、会计学原理、财务会计实务、 高级会计学、财务管理、财务分析、管理会计、审计、国际金融、国际贸易、会计专业英语、管理信息系统、税务会计 2002.9 — 2005.6 XX大学 国际会计 专业 专业水平 会计从业资格证书 外语水平 英语 基本技能: 听、说、读、写能力良好,口语交流能力突出 标准测试: 通过大学英语四、六级 德语 日常交流,普通德语出版物阅读 计算机水平 基本技能:熟练掌握WINDOWS操作、并能熟练运用WORD.EXCEL.ERP.SAP等office软件等进行计算机软件应用,具有较好的计算机网络知识与技能。 标准测试:通过计算机等级考试一、二级 个人能力 工作主动、善于分析和发现问题、提出问题。 有较强的沟通和团队协作能力。 英语能读写。 个人性格: 开朗、谦虚、自律、自信 求2014最新版个人简历模板(中英文版) 万能个人简历模板集合 :wenku.baidu./view/29e76f738e9951e79b89279c. 英文的个人简历模板 Resume 个人简历 Personal Data个人信息 Name姓名 Sex性别 Date of Birth出生日期 Marital Status婚姻状况 Health健康状况 Address通讯地址 Postcode邮编 Telephone电话 E-mail电子信函地址 Hobbies个人爱好 Education学历 Scholastic Honors获奖情况 References证明人 要出国,求【中英文】简历模板 Dear Sir or Madam, I am one the students in (XXXXX) School. I have been studying under a XXXX(China"s or other"s) school program for (XXX) years. After graduate from this school, I will receive a (XXXX) high school diploma. During my school time, I sew lots of developed ideas and advanced technology from America. For this reason, I have a strong wish to continue my future study in US. It is a great opportunity to be a student under the American educational system. I hope to study abroad in a American university in order to benefit my future career as (an engineeror 随便你学的什么职业). I feel a great honor to have been conditionally aepted into the Bachelor of Science in (Engineering at the University of XXXXX). I was so fascinated by the (Mechanical engineering program) when I first saw it on the booklet of (University of XXXXX). Due to my father is running a Machine Tool pany which is called (XXXXXXXXX), and he used to be (a mechanical engineer). Therefore, it is so determined for me to be (a mechanical engineer). Also, I am so pleased to find that the University of (XXXXX) has a very high academic reputation and lots of advanced laboratory . I believe that those professors will offer me a great help in my further study. In a result, America and University of (XXXXX) is absolutely my best choice. If I can bee a student of the University of (XXXXX), I will work hard and finish my (mechanical engineering program) in the next four years. It is a wonderful way to achieve my dream and reflect my value to the society. After I finish my studies, I am going to return to China. Also this is my original purpose to go abroad and study (science) because China"s (science and technology) is still like a baby in the cradle; we still get chances to contribute in this land. Also my father"s machine pany is developing rapidly; he needs amount of people with skills and knowledge. After I graduate from the University of (XXXXX), I am sure that I will be the person he wants. It will be a perfect life while I help my father and also contribute to my country at the same time. And with my bilingual skills and academic achievements in America, I believe that I will bring my father"s pany to the world some day in the future. Thank you for considering my application. Yours truly, 括号里的东西都换成与你实际情况符合的,总之让他们相信第一你有被录取了, 你对这个专业有兴趣,还有你最后会回中国。(当然这些都不一定,但是尽量写的让他信) 希望能帮到你 好运 求中英文的个人简历模板,各1份,要一样的,很急 这儿的简历不错 各种样式、各种专业的都有 封面也可以自己选择的 :86jobs./86jianli 这个是网站上的个性简历模板5份 :wenku.baidu./view/0f7221bbfd0a79563c1e72b7.英文简历模板 :wenku.baidu./view/b43b7362caaedd3383c4d3bb. 去看看,希望有你想要的 英语个人简历模板 Resume Name: XXXX Sex: female Born: XXXXXX University: Henan University of Science and Technology Major: English Address: 29-23-2-103, Jianxi District, Luoyang, Henan Province Mobile Phone: XXXXXXXXXX E-mail: 12SEFES@yahoo.. Job Objective: A position that I can gain knowledge Education: 2003-2007 Henan University of Science and Technology, Foreign Language College Certificate: TEM-4 (Text for English Majors, Grade 4) TEM-8 (Text for English Majors, Grade 8) Work Experience: 2015.07-2015.08 English Teacher in Dawu Middle School in Hubei province 2017.03-2017.06 Private Tutor in Luoyang, teaching oral English 2017.08-2017.11 Seller in Luoyang Bafang Electric Appliance Store, selling digital camera, digital single lens reflex and digital video 2017.12-2018.01.07 Seller of Sumsung television in Luoyang Yongle Electric Appliance Store. Computer Skills: Microsoft office Expected Salary: 2500-3500RMB per month Hobbies: Music and painting 个人简历模板 您好,很高兴为您解答! 你可以打开WPS文字中的在线模板查找,也可以在WPS官网“在线模板”板块搜索查找。 如有疑问,请点击我的头像提问或访问u200bWPS官方论坛,祝您生活愉快! 请采纳答案,支持我一下。 楼主!你好!我空间!:hi.baidu./%CB%AE%BE%B2%D4%C6%CA%E6/ 个人简历模板一个 个人概况: 求职意向; _______________ 姓名: ________________性别: ________ 出生年月: ____年__月__日所在地区:___________ 学历:_______________专业: __________________ 婚姻状况:_______________目前年薪:__________________ 联系方式: 手机:_____________ 个人主页: 通讯地址:____________________________________________________ 邮政编码:____________________________________________________ 教育背景: 最高学历: __________________________最高学历学校:_____________ 专业:_____________时间:____年___月至____年___月 第二学历:_____________第二学历学校:_____________ 专业:_____________时间:____年___月至____年___月 教育情况描述: 这款个人简历模板如果觉得不错,请采纳,谢谢合作! ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 外语能力: 外语一:基本技能:_____________________通过标准测试:__________________ 外语二:基本技能:______________________通过标准测试:___________________ 其它: 工作经历: ____年____月——____年____月_______________公司_______________部门_______________工作 ____年____月——____年____月_______________公司_______________部门_______________工作 个人能力: ________________________________________________________________________________ 个人爱好: _______________________________________________________________________________ 其他说明: 简历吧网址: :5520./ 个人简历的写法及应注意的问题 个人简历 个人简历可以是表格的形式,也可以是其他形式。个人简历一般应包括以下几个方面的内容: (1)个人资料:姓名、性别、出生年月、家庭地址、政治面貌、婚姻状况,身体状况,兴趣、爱好、性格等等; (2)学业有关内容:就读学校、所学专业、学位、外语及计算机掌握程度等等; (3)本人经历:入学以来的简单经历,主要是担任社会工作或加入党团等方面的情况; (4)所获荣誉;三好学生、优秀团员、优秀学生干部、专项奖学金等; (5)本人特长:如计算机、外语、驾驶、文艺体育等。 个人简历应该浓缩大学生活或研究生生活的精华部分,要写得简洁精练,切忌拖泥带水。个人简历后面,可以附上个人获奖证明,如三好学生、优秀学生干部证书的复印件,外语四、六级证书的复印件以及驾驶执照的复印件,这些复印件能够给用人单位留下深刻的印象。 写履历表要注意的问题是: (1)首先要突出过去的成就。过去的成就是你能力的最有力的证据。详细把它们写出来,会有说服力。 (2)履历表切忌过长,应尽量浓缩在三页之内。最重要的是要有实质性的东西给用人单位看。 (3)履历表上的资料必须是客观而实在的,千万不要吹牛,因为谎话一定会被识破。要本着诚实的态度,有多少写多少。 (4)和写求职信一样,资料不要密密麻麻地堆在一起,项目与项目之间应有一定的空位相隔。 (5)不要写对申请职位无用的东西,切记! 个人简历范文选登 毕业生个人简历 姓名:××× 性 别:男 公司电话:××××××××× 出生日期:19××年××月××日 家庭电话:××××××××× 地 址:某省科技职业学院xxxx# 手机 :××××××××× 邮 编:××× 求职意向:销售部主管 工作经历总结 非常热爱市场销售工作,有着十分饱满的创业 *** 。在两年从事陶瓷市场销售工作中积累了大量的实践经验和客户资源。与省内主要的二十多家陶瓷经销商建立了十分密切的联系,并在行业中拥有广泛的业务关系。在去年某省的陶瓷博览会上为公司首次签定了海外的定单。能团结自己的同事一起取得优异的销售业绩。 工作经历 2×××年5月—至今: 担任某瓷器公司的市场部业务员。 主要负责与经销商签定经销合同、办理产品的包装、运输、保险、货款结算、售后产品跟踪、市场反馈以及开拓新的销售渠道等。负责公司新业务员的培训,在实际工作中具体指导和协调业务员的销售工作,并多次受到公司的表扬。 1999年12月--2000年5月:在×××公司做市场调查员。主要负责以电话形式向客户提取对产品的意见,并填写相应的表单转报给公司。 教育经历 1996年9月—1999年7月某省科技职业学院国际经济与贸易专业大专学历。 在校一直担任学生干部,工作认真负责,学习成绩优秀,多次被学院评为优秀学生干部,优秀团干,个人标兵等。 所获奖励 1999/06 某某学院 优秀学生干部称号 1998/10 某某学院 优秀团干,个人标兵称号 1997/10 某某学院 优秀团干称号 培训经历 2000/07--2000/09 某省科技职业学院 通过外销员考试 2001/03--2001/06 某省科技职业学院 通过报关员考试 外语水平 可与外商进行日常常用语沟通,能阅读业务范围内常用术语。 电脑操作 熟练使用常用办公软件编辑业务文档,上网收发电子邮件


A Useful Glossary for Work Experience work experience 工作经历work history 工作经历occupational hisstory 工作经历professional 职业经历employment 工作employment history 工作经历experience 经历business experience 工作经历specific experince 具体经历employment record 工作经历business histoty 工作经历employment experience工作经历business background 工作经历position 职位job title 职位responsibilities 职责duties 职责second job 第二职业achievments 工作成就,业绩administer 管理assist 辅助adapted to 适应于accomplish 完成(任务等)   appointed 被任命的adept in 善于analyze 分析authorized 委任的;核准的behave 表现break the record 打破记录control 控制breadthrough 惊人的进展,关键问题的解决conduct 经营,处理cost 成本;费用create 创造demonstrate 证明,示范decrease 减少design 设计develop 开发,发挥devise 设计,发明direct 指导double 加倍,翻一番earn 获得,赚取effect 效果,作用eliminate 消除enlarhe 扩大enrich 使丰富exploit开发(资源,产品)   enliven 搞活establish 设立(公司等);使开业;确立evaluation 估价,评价execute 实行,实施expand 推广;扩大expedite 加快;促进export 出口found 创立generate 产生good at 擅长于guide 指导;操纵implement 完成,实施import 进口improve 改进,提高increase 增加influence 影响initiate 创始,开创introduce 采用,引进innovate 改革,革新inspired 受启发的;受鼓舞的install 安装invest 投资integrate 使结合;使一体化invent 发明justified 经证明的;合法化的launch 开办(新企业)   lead 领导lengthen 延长lessen 减少(生产成本)   level 水平localize 使地方化manage 管理,经营make 制造maintain 保持;维修manufacture 制造modernize 使现代化mastered 精通的motivate 促进,激发negotiate 谈判   nominated 被提名的;被任命的operate 操作,开动(机器等),经营(厂矿)   originate 创始,发明organize 组织overcome 克服(困难等)   participate in 参加perfect 使完善;改善perform 执行,履行plan 计划promote 生产,制造profit 利润promote 推销(商品);创立(企业等)   be promoted to 被提升为be proposed as 被提名为;被推荐为provide 提供,供应raise 提高reach 达到realize 实现(目标等);获得(利润)   receive 收到,得到,接受rekon 计算(成本等)   recognize 认清(职责等)   recommended 被推荐的;被介绍的reconsolidate 重新巩固;重新整顿reconstruct 重建recorded 记载的recover 恢复;弥补rectify 整顿,调整redouble 加倍,倍增reduce 减少,降低(成本等)   refine 精练,精制reform 改革registered 已注册的regenerate 更新,使更生regularize 使系统化regulate 控制(费用等)   rehandle 重铸;重新处理rehash 以新形式处理(旧材料)   reinforce 加强renew 重建,换新renovate 革新;修理repair 修复,修补replace 接替,替换representative 代表,代理人research 调查,研究resolve 解决set 创造(纪录等)   settle 解决(问题等)   shorten 减低……效能show 显示,表明significant 重要的,有效的simplify 简化,精简sort out 清理speed up 加速sponsor 主办spread 传播,扩大solve 解决standard 标准,规格streamline 把……设计流线型strengthen 加强,巩固study 研究succeed 成功supervise 监督,管理supply 供给,满足(需要)   systematize 使系统化target 目标,指标test 试验,检验top 头等的,的total 总数,总额translate 翻译,转化travel 旅行well-trained 训练有素的type 打字unify 使成一体,统一use 使用,运用utilize 利用valuable 有价值的useful 有用的verify 证实,证明vivify 使活跃work 工作,起作用worth 使……钱的,有……价值的advanced worker 先进工作者working model 劳动模范excellent Party member 优秀党员excellent League member 优秀团员


问题一:(感到无聊的)用英语怎么翻译? 30分 LS的会不会英语啊? 当然是bored啊! 形容词 bored:人感到无聊 boring:某事物很令人无聊 I"m bored.我很聊。 The game is boring.这个游戏真无聊。 问题二:无聊用英语怎么说? 无聊英语: bored; jabberwocky; vacuity; yawnful; [例句] I went out last night, but not for very long. I was bored to death. 昨晚我出去了,但没有呆很久。我感觉无聊透了。 问题三:“无聊”用英语怎么说 LS的会不会英语啊? 当然是bored啊! 形容词 bored:人感到无聊 boring:某事物很令人无聊 I"m bored.我很无聊。 The game is boring.这个游戏真无聊。 问题四:你很无聊的英文怎么说 在美加,人们常用的两种说法可以表达“你很无聊”: You are insane!(说话说不到点子上) 或者: You are hopeless!(无法和你聊下去了) 问题五:感到无聊 用英语怎么说? LS的会不会英语啊? 当然是bored啊! 形容词 bored:人感到无聊 boring:某事物很令人无聊 I"m bored丹我很无聊。 The game is boring.这个游戏真无聊。 问题六:我现在处于百分之百的无聊中.英语怎么说 我现在处于百分之百的无聊中. I am in one hundred percent boring. 重点词汇释义 现在now; today; nowadays; currently; at present 处于be (in a certain condition) 百分之百a hundred per cent; out and out; absolutely; totally; a hundred percent 无聊bored; jabberwocky; vacuity; yawnful 问题七:你很无聊用英语怎么说 you make me crazy

求“Sister Carrie”的中英文评论求大神帮助

Sister Carrie is written by Dreiser who has been called “the wheelhouse of American naturalism,” and “chief spokesman for the realistic novel,” and “a profound and prescient critic of debased American values.” It is in his works that American naturalism is said to have come of age. His fiction records “the coarse and the vulgar and the cruel and the terrible” in life in defiance of the genteel and evasive current literature.It is the story of a poor country girl who goes to Chicago to pursue the American dream. Because of the specific environment and her natural longing, she must stray in her quest as guilt and innocence become irrelevant in the face of a longing larger than hunger. As a naturalistic writer, Dreiser stressed determinism in his novels which deal with everyday life, often with its sordid side. His characters are unable to assert their will against natural and economic forces. They are more like moths drawn to flame than lords of creation. They are pathetic in their inability to escape their fates. His characters are subject to the control of the natural forces of heredity and environment. He held that people are not entirely to blame for what they are and what they do. They are not responsible for rising or falling in a world so fully shaped by circumstance and disposition. In this book, Dreiser presented the reader a picture of this woman who drifts in life. He neither condemned her nor praised her. This is the way she has to he. Dreiser once said, “It is not intended as a piece of literary craftsmanship, but as a picture of conditions done as simply and effectively as the English language will permit.” Now, this son of presentation, unquestioning, just giving the reader the facts, is very different from the realists, such as Mark Twain or Henry James. They would have examined the ethical basis of this woman"s behavior. They would not just have presented her merely as a figure that drifts in life.


兵马俑英文简介:Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang and Terra-cotta WarriorsEmperor Qin"s mausoleum is the largest of ancient China, situated at the northern foot of Mt Li, Lintong County, some 30m east of Xi"an city,facing Weishui River in the north,close to the tourist resort Huaqing Pool in the west.The huge and amazing satellite pit of terra-cotta warriors is 1 500m east of the mau-soleum,discovered in March of 1974,by a group of farmers drilling a well against the draught.Archaeologist the unearthed the treasure of Qin dynasty hidden for over 2000 years.The pit is truly an underground military museum largest worldwide.Its design is rational and unique with a weight wall every 3m,dividing the 5m deep pit into lanes of warriors neatly arrayed.翻译:始皇陵及兵马俑秦始皇的陵墓是古代中国最大的,位于北部的临潼县骊山脚下,西安以东约30 m处,面朝在北面的渭河,接近西面的华清池旅游胜地。巨大的、令人惊叹的兵马俑卫星坑在陵墓以1500米处,1974年3月由一群钻井抗旱的农民发现。考古学家发掘了在地下隐藏2000年的宝藏,坑确实是世界最大的地下军事博物馆。其设计是理性的和独特的,每3米有重墙,把5米深坑里整齐排列的战士划分开。由于它的宏大和缺乏书面数据,中国考古学家和历史学家研究陵墓已经有几十年的的时间了。全面挖掘留给未来,除了一些科学发掘一些卫星坑,游客到这里只能看到冰山一角。扩展资料:兵马俑从身份上区分,主要有士兵与军吏两大类,军吏又有低级、中级、高级之别。一般士兵不戴冠,而军吏戴冠,普通军吏的冠与将军的冠又不相同,甚至铠甲也有区别。其中的兵俑包括步兵、骑兵、车兵三类。根据实战需要,不同兵种的武士装备各异。俑坑中最多的是武士俑,大部分手执青铜兵器,有弓、弩、箭镞、铍、矛、戈、殳、剑、弯刀和钺,身穿甲片细密的铠甲,胸前有彩线挽成的结穗。军吏头戴长冠,数量比武将多。秦俑的脸型、身材、表情、眉毛、眼睛和年龄都有不同之处。


春节的习俗春节是我国一个古老的节日,也是全年最重要的一个节日,如何过庆贺这个节日,在千百年的历史发展中,形成了一些较为固定的风俗习惯,有许多还相传至今。 扫尘 “腊月二十四,掸尘扫房子”,据《吕氏春秋》记载,我国在尧舜时代就有春节扫尘的风俗。按民间的说法:因“尘”与“陈”谐音,新春扫尘有“除陈布新”的涵义,其用意是要把一切穷运、晦气统统扫出门。这一习俗寄托着人们破旧立新的愿望和辞旧迎新的祈求。每逢春节来临,家家户户都要打扫环境,清洗各种器具,拆洗被褥窗帘,洒扫六闾庭院,掸拂尘垢蛛网,疏浚明渠暗沟。到处洋溢着欢欢喜喜搞卫生、干干净净迎新春的欢乐气氛。 贴春联 春联也叫门对、春贴、对联、对子、桃符等,它以工整、对偶、简洁、精巧的文字描绘时代背景,抒发美好愿望,是我国特有的文学形式。每逢春节,无论城市还是农村,家家户户都要精选一幅大红春联贴于门上,为节日增加喜庆气氛。这一习俗起于宋代,在明代开始盛行,到了清代,春联的思想性和艺术性都有了很大的提高,梁章矩编写的春联专著《槛联丛话》对楹联的起源及各类作品的特色都作了论述。 春联的种类比较多,依其使用场所,可分为门心、框对、横披、春条、斗方等。“门心”贴于门板上端中心部位;“框对”贴于左右两个门框上;“横披”贴于门媚的横木上;“春条”根据不同的内容,贴于相应的地方;“斗斤”也叫“门叶”,为正方菱形,多贴在家俱、影壁中。 贴窗花和倒贴“福”字 在民间人们还喜欢在窗户上贴上各种剪纸——窗花。窗花不仅烘托了喜庆的节日气氛,也集装饰性、欣赏性和实用性于一体。剪纸在我国是一种很普及的民间艺术,千百年来深受人们的喜爱,因它大多是贴在窗户上的,所以也被称其为“窗花”。窗花以其特有的概括和夸张手法将吉事祥物、美好愿望表现得淋漓尽致,将节日装点得红火富丽。 在贴春联的同时,一些人家要在屋门上、墙壁上、门楣上贴上大大小小的“福”字。春节贴“福”字,是我国民间由来已久的风俗。“福”字指福气、福运,寄托了人们对幸福生活的向往,对美好未来的祝愿。为了更充分地体现这种向往和祝愿,有的人干脆将“福”字倒过来贴,表示“幸福已到”“福气已到”。民间还有将“福”字精描细做成各种图案的,图案有寿星、寿桃、鲤鱼跳龙门、五谷丰登、龙凤呈祥等。 年画 春节挂贴年画在城乡也很普遍,浓黑重彩的年画给千家万户平添了许多兴旺欢乐的喜庆气氛。年画是我国的一种古老的民间艺术,反映了人民朴素的风俗和信仰,寄托着他们对未来的希望。年画,也和春联一样,起源于“门神”。随着木板印刷术的兴起,年画的内容已不仅限于门神之类单调的主题,变得丰富多彩,在一些年画作坊中产生了《福禄寿三星图》、《天官赐福》、《五谷丰登》、《六畜兴旺》、《迎春接福》等精典的彩色年画、以满足人们喜庆祈年的美好愿望。我国出现了年画三个重要产地:苏州桃花坞,天津杨柳青和山东潍坊;形成了中国年画的三大流派,各具特色。 我国现今我国收藏最早的年画是南宋《随朝窈窕呈倾国之芳容》的木刻年画,画的是王昭君、赵飞燕、班姬和绿珠四位古代美人。民间流传最广的是一幅《老鼠娶亲》的年画。描绘了老鼠依照人间的风俗迎娶新娘的有趣场面。民国初年,上海郑曼陀将月历和年画二者结合起来。这是年画的一种新形式。这种合二而一的年画,以后发展成挂历,至今风靡全国。 守岁 除夕守岁是最重要的年俗活动之一,守岁之俗由来已久。最早记载见于西晋周处的《风土志》:除夕之夜,各相与赠送,称为“馈岁”;酒食相邀,称为“别岁”;长幼聚饮,祝颂完备,称为“分岁”;大家终夜不眠,以待天明,称曰“守岁”。 “一夜连双岁,五更分二天”,除夕之夜,全家团聚在一起,吃过年夜饭,点起蜡烛或油灯,围坐炉旁闲聊,等着辞旧迎新的时刻,通宵守夜,象征着把一切邪瘟病疫照跑驱走,期待着新的一年吉祥如意。这种习俗后来逐渐盛行,到唐朝初期,唐太宗李世民写有“守岁”诗:“寒辞去冬雪,暖带入春风”。直到今天,人们还习惯在除夕之夜守岁迎新。古时守岁有两种含义:年长者守岁为“辞旧岁”,有珍爱光阴的意思;年轻人守岁,是为延长父母寿命。自汉代以来,新旧年交替的时刻一般为夜半时分。 爆竹 中国民间有“开门爆竹”一说。即在新的一年到来之际,家家户户开门的第一件事就是燃放爆竹,以哔哔叭叭的爆竹声除旧迎新。爆竹是中国特产,亦称“爆仗”、“炮仗”、“鞭炮”。其起源很早,至今已有两千多年的历史。放爆竹可以创造出喜庆热闹的气氛,是节日的一种娱乐活动,可以给人们带来欢愉和吉利。随着时间的推移,爆竹的应用越来越广泛,品种花色也日见繁多,每逢重大节日及喜事庆典,及婚嫁、建房、开业等,都要燃放爆竹以示庆贺,图个吉利。现在,湖南浏阳,广东佛山和东尧,江西的宜春和萍乡、浙江温州等地区是我国著名的花炮之乡,生产的爆竹花色多,品质高,不仅畅销全国,而且还远销世界。 拜年 新年的初一,人们都早早起来,穿上最漂亮的衣服,打扮得整整齐齐,出门去走亲访友,相互拜年,恭祝来年大吉大利。拜年的方式多种多样,有的是同族长带领若干人挨家挨户地拜年;有的是同事相邀几个人去拜年;也有大家聚在一起相互祝贺,称为“团拜”。由于登门拜年费时费力,后来一些上层人物和士大夫便使用各贴相互投贺,由此发展出来后来的“贺年片”。春节拜年时,晚辈要先给长辈拜年,祝长辈人长寿安康,长辈可将事先准备好的压岁钱分给晚辈,据说压岁钱可以压住邪祟,因为“岁”与“祟”谐音,晚辈得到压岁钱就可以平平安安度过一岁。压岁钱有两种,一种是以彩绳穿线编作龙形,置于床脚,此记载见于《燕京岁时记》;另一种是最常见的,即由家长用红纸包裹分给孩子的钱。压岁钱可在晚辈拜年后当众赏给,亦可在除夕夜孩子睡着时,由家长偷偷地放在孩子的枕头底下。现在长辈为晚辈分送压岁钱的习俗仍然盛行。 春节食俗 在古代的农业社会里,大约自腊月初八以后,家庭主妇们就要忙着张罗过年的食品了。因为腌制腊味所需的时间较长,所以必须尽早准备,我国许多省份都有腌腊味的习俗,其中又以广东省的腊味最为著名。 蒸年糕,年糕因为谐音“年高”,再加上有着变化多端的口味,几乎成了家家必备的应景食品。年糕的式样有方块状的黄、白年糕,象征着黄金、白银,寄寓新年发财的意思。 年糕的口味因地而异。北京人喜食江米或黄米制成的红枣年糕、百果年糕和白年糕。河北人则喜欢在年糕中加入大枣、小红豆及绿豆等一起蒸食。山西北部在内蒙古等地,过年时习惯吃黄米粉油炸年糕,有的还包上豆沙、枣泥等馅,山东人则用黄米、红枣蒸年糕。北方的年糕以甜为主,或蒸或炸,也有人干脆沾糖吃。南方的年糕则甜咸兼具,例如苏州及宁波的年糕,以粳米制作,味道清淡。除了蒸、炸以外,还可以切片炒食或是煮汤。甜味的年糕以糯米粉加白糖、猪油、玫瑰、桂花、薄荷、素蓉等配料,做工精细,可以直接蒸食或是沾上蛋清油炸。 真正过年的前一夜叫团圆夜,离家在外的游子都要不远千里万里赶回家来,全家人要围坐在一起包饺子过年,饺子的作法是先和面做成饺子皮,再用皮包上馅,馅的内容是五花八门,各种肉、蛋、海鲜、时令蔬菜等都可入馅,正统的饺子吃法,是清水煮熟,捞起后以调有醋、蒜末、香油的酱油为佐料沾着吃。也有炸饺子、烙饺子(锅贴)等吃法。因为和面的“和”字就是“合”的意思;饺子的“饺”和“交”谐音,“合”和“交”又有相聚之意,所以用饺子象征团聚合欢;又取更岁交子之意,非常吉利;此外,饺子因为形似元宝,过年时吃饺子,也带有“招财进宝”的吉祥含义。一家大小聚在一起包饺子,话新春,其乐融融。


in a picnichave a picnic
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