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长江水文网 http://www.cjh.com.cn/ 水利部长江水利委员会直属单位长江上游水文水资源勘测局(简称上游水文局)隶属于水利部长江水利委员会,与长江上游水文预报中心、长江上游水环境监测中心合署办公。长江上游水文水资源勘测局其前身是长江水利工程总局上游工程处,解放初期为西南水文总站,1956年改名为长江流域规划办公室重庆水文总站,1994年更名为长江上游水文水资源勘测局。上游水文局现有在职职工397人,其中教授级高级工程师5人、高级工程师69人、全国注册测绘工程师6人,博士1人,硕士22人(其中1人获得外国硕士学位),1人入选长江委水文局首批学术带头人。上游:高原段水流平缓含沙量小流量不大。峡谷段水流湍急水量大含沙量也大。上游段,上游河段横跨两个地形阶梯第一阶梯──青藏高原腹地内。因在高原顶部,河谷开阔,河槽宽浅,一般河宽300~1700米。河道蜿蜒曲折水流缓慢散乱汊流很多。从巴塘河口到宜宾称金沙江,是第一至第二阶梯的过渡地段,这里地形突变,山高谷深,除局部河段为宽谷外,河流穿行于峡谷之中比降大河水湍急。到四川省新市镇以下进入第二级阶梯,在宜宾附近汇集了岷江之后才称长江。自宜宾以下至宜昌之间长1030千米,习惯上称川江。河道蜿蜒于四川盆地之内,河床平缓,沿途接纳沱江,嘉陵江和乌江等众多支流,水量大增,江面展宽,过奉节白帝城,长江穿行在第二阶梯至第三阶梯的过渡地段。






翻译如下:平原就是Plain长江中下游平原the Middle-Lower Yangtze plain例句:中国拥有众多的湖泊,多分布在长江中下游平原和青藏高原。China has many natural lakes, most of them scattered in the Middle-Lower Yangtze plains and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.


Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to wuzishanby bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“Jill, don"t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I"ve kept the umbrella。i was very happy


长江江豚用英语yangtze finless porpoise


Chong Qing owns beautiful night mountain city view and magnificant Three Gorges这里有我用了own这个词表示拥有山城夜景我用了night mountain city view壮美的是magnificant长江三峡固定用法Three gorges请参考


With the development of industry, lots of waste water is poured in the Changjiang River. This has caused serious pollution, even causes many people ill. At the same time, it has destroyed the ecological balance of the Changjiang River. The Changjiang River is our mother river. We should try our best to protect it. To protect it is to protect ourselves. So stop polluting it and make it cleaner and clearer.

长江七号英语作文 简短

Cháng Jiāng qī hào is a 2008 Hong Kong science fiction/comedy film co-written, co-produced and directed by Stephen Chow, who also stars in the film. Chow plays a man who lives in a partly demolished house. He takes in a homeless boy (who is actually played by a girl, Xu Jiao). Whether the semi-demolished house and the homeless boy are on Earth, or on the alien planet is not clear. As Chow"s character can"t afford to buy a toy for the child, he finds a makeshift toy in the garbage and brings it back to his "son". The "toy" is actually a powerful alien device and the aliens are desperate to get it back.Some rumours state that it is a "pet" rather than a "toy". The reason Chow"s character can"t afford to buy the child a toy is because he is fired without pay from his part-time job as a construction worker. His boss is a contractor played by Lam Chi Chung. Chow plays an astronaut who crashes his spacecraft on another planet. He befriends an android translator (played by Kitty Zhang) who can communicate with aliens. Scenes include Chow"s character being taken to hospital after seemingly plunging to his death; the adopted child crying, whilst Kitty Zhang"s android character plays teacher; a birthday party for the child


  考友们都准备好英语六级考试了吗?本文“2017年12月英语六级翻译素材:长江三峡”,跟着来了解一下吧。要相信只要自己有足够的实力,无论考什么都不会害怕!    2017年12月英语六级翻译素材:长江三峡    请将下面这段话翻译成英文:   举世闻名的长江三峡是瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡的总称,它西起重庆市奉节县白帝城,东至湖北省宜昌市的南津关,全长193 公里。   万里长江在这里切开崇山峻岭,夺路东下,两岸峭壁插天,高峰入云;   峡内急流汹涌,泡漩翻腾,云飞雾绕,景象万千,以雄、险、奇、幽著称于世,是长江风景旅游线上最奇秀、最集中的旅游资源。   风景名胜如同颗颗明珠,由金色的长江串联起来,成为海内外游人十分向往的旅游热线。    参考译文   The world- famous Three Gorges is the joint name for Qutang Gorge, Wuxia Gorge and Xiling Gorge. Itextends from the White Emperor" s Town in Fengjie County, Chongqing City in the west to the NanjinPass in Yichang City, Hubei Province in the east, with a total length of 193 kilometers.   All the way along, the Yangtze River cuts through high mountains and surges eastward, withprecipitous cliffs and towering peaks reaching to the skies on both sides.   Rapid torrents twist and turn, roaring through the gorges against curling clouds and whirling mists, presenting a great variety of majestic scenes. For its being magnificent, perilous, grotesque andtranquil at the same time, the Three Gorges is well- known as the major tourist attraction on the traveling route of the Yangtze River.   Scenic spots and historic sites shine like a string of pearls on the golden River, offering a hot traveling route eagerly taken by tourists at home and abroad.


长江汽车的英文翻译 长江汽车Changjiang automobile 汽车 [词典] car; automobile; auto; motor vehicle; autocar; [例句]他正在学开汽车。He is learning to drive.


我坐在船上游览长江 I"m sitting in the ship and visiting the long river 有许多山在江的两旁,它们有的像A,有的像B there are many mountains beside the rever,some of them like A,some of them like B 黄鹤楼有9层 there are 9 floors in the HuangHeLou 仔细观看城市 visit the city carefully



长江 亚州第一长河 英语作文

The Yangtze River also known as Chang Jiang, snaking from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau to the East China Sea, flows through provinces of Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and city of Shanghai, with a total length over 6.300kilometers. It is the largest and longest river in Asia and the third largest in world, just inferior to the Nile in northeast Africa and the Amazon in South America. Because of plentiful rainfall, the Yangtze River makes great contribution to the irrigation and it is also a main shipping line of China.


Yangtze river cableway


一条浩浩荡荡的长江大河A river go forward with great strength and vigour一条浩浩荡荡的长江大河,有时流到很宽阔的境界,一望无际,一泻千里。 The vast and mighty Yangtzi River, when it comes to an endless, broad plain, will flow ten thousand miles in a rapid current.


The Yangtze river is China"s first river! The world"s third, behind the Nile river and the amazon river. Water is the world"s third. In 2001, China academy of sciences in remote sensing research experts chaired below, and liu less by making use of satellite remote sensing image measurement precision measuring and calculation, to decimal point. 6211.31 length measured Yangtze river. The topics covered by nearly 40 picture group of yrb although the satellite images, the satellite image is from the earth"s resources satellite, the resolution to 30 meters. By calculating the way along the river, Yangtze river centerline measurement vector for three times, and the measured vector for three times, the computer operation and geometric correction times after that result.In this study, when the Yangtze river headwaters of music as a source of music, for when the position of longitude 94 degrees 35 "54 seconds, 32 degrees north latitude and altitude 43:54 seconds 5042 meters. When song by the source to the capsule (ba) 360.8 kilometers from a 357.6 kilometers, TongTianHe tuotuo river, 787.7 kilometers, the jinshajiang 2322.2 kilometers, yibin, we usually 2740.6 kilometers below 6370 or said 6300 KMS. River area of more than 180 million square kilometers, the annual average sea water about more than 9600 billion cubic meters. Watershed between the lat 24 ° 35 ° ~ 30 migrant 90 °, 45 migrant 25 ° ~ 112 analysis and analysis, area more than 180 million square kilometers (not including the huaihe river), the total land area. In the third world. It has a long history, and with the Yellow River together, become the cradle of the Chinese nation, nurturing generations of children, known as "the mother river".In the Yangtze river water amount of 2 million kilowatts, China is the richest river water. Mainly concentrated in hydropower resources in the first step, and the second and the third step, the second step the ladder of junction, because this sudden drop, topography, fast-flowing here. Yangtze river navigable 280 much kilometers, known as the three gorges dam "gold waterway," said.The Mississippi River Mississippi RiverThe fourth river is the longest and process, North America and the water is the biggest river. Located in South America. "The Mississippi" is derived from the English, Mississippi, indians Algonquin clan language, "missy" (misi) and "sipi) than (" is a big, old" and "water" and "the Mississippi River" or "namely", "old man river. River originates from west lake superior, Minnesota, northwestern altitude 501 meters, little moxa tower, south lake in the central plains, through the gulf of Mexico. The length of 39.5 km to originate; if the largest tributary sdistributed in the Rocky Mountains along the Missouri river, the source in the world, km long 6262 fourth. Five great lakes near the north and south of the gulf of Mexico, and the Appalachian mountains, west to the Rockies, the area of 322 million square kilometers, accounting for approximately 1/8 north area of about 250. Collected more than east west bank branch tributary. And long, forming huge asymmetric dentrites river estuary water is rich, nearly. Where annual average flow of 1.88 million m3 / SEC.The Mississippi River to the north, its main tributary basin area together according to plan for the world"s third-largest stream (approximately 310 million square kilometres (1.2 million square miles). As a highly industrialized countries, has become a central artery river in the world is one of the busiest commercial waterway. The river flows north stroppy mainland to some of the most fertile farmland by humans, is now fully controlled properly. Basin including the United States in 31 states and two Canadian provinces of all or part of it. The Mississippi River has two BangZhi - the Ohio river west and east of the Missouri river. The Mississippi River source of ai in Minnesota, Lake Lake (tower), was originally a Itasca trickle south winds.In the Mississippi River downstream geologist, is a long and tortuous winding river sediment deposition of typical, In the river floodplains, forming numerous bending left many meandering remains, bow lake, ox yokes of swamps and lake water.


Yangtze River into the East China Sea

6年级英语作文 假期打算去长江 30字带翻译





We call the Yellow River our “Mother River” and we also see the Chang, jiang River as our “Father River” since these two rivers are the source of the civilization of Chinese people. Our remote ancestors lived along the river, so both rivers have witnessed the growth of Chinese people and they are our valuable heritage. My childhood is closely associated with the Changjiang River.  我们把黄河称为我们的“母亲河”,我们也常把长江比作“父亲河”,因为这两个河流的源头是中国人们的文明。我们的老祖宗沿河居住,因此两河流已经见证了中国人的成长,他们也是我们宝贵的遗产。我的童年和长江是密切相关的。


把下列句子翻译成英语句子长江比中国其他任何一条河都长:Changjiang River is longer than any other river in China.有疑问请追问!

比起去泰山旅行我更喜欢去长江旅游 英语怎么说?

比起去泰山旅行,我更喜欢去长江旅游 英语Compared with traveling to Mount Tai ,I prefer to travel to the Yangtze River 。


along the Changjiang River


Changjiang river runs (flows )from west to east throug China.长江自西向东贯穿中国。或者Changjiang river runs (flows ) throug China.长江贯穿中国。


Yangzte River is the longgest river in china.

长江比中国任何一条其他的河都长 英语翻译

YangZi River is longer than any other rivers in China.



长江 英语系在哪



可以有以下多种表达,其中以第1种表达较为常见:The Yangtze River is 6300 metres long.The Yangtze River has a length of 6300 metresThe length of the the Yangtze River is 6300 metres


【导读】众所周知,一般情况下,英语四级考试一年两次,2020年由于疫情的影响。第一次英语四级考试在9月份举行,下一次依照往年是在12月份,不知道考生们准备的怎么样了,下面跟随小编一起来看看2020年英语四级翻译历年真题及答案解析之长江,希望对大家有所帮助。For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.长江全长6000多米,是我国以及亚洲最长的河流。它发源于青藏高原,流经11个省,往东注入东海。长江流域居住着约4亿人,其间少数民族人口约占6%。从唐朝以来,长江流域一直是我国的经济中心,一起也是我国现代工业的起源地。可是,现在长江流域的经济开展很不平衡,河流三角洲区域兴旺,而上游区域相对落后。【参考译文】The Yangtze River, as the longest river in China and Asia, is more than 6,000 meters long.Flowing through 11 provinces, it originates the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and empties into the East Sea.There are approximately 400 million people living in the Yangtze Basin, among which the ethical minorities account for about 6%.The Yangtze Basin has been the economic center since Tang Dynasty, and was the birthplace of China"s modern industry.However, presently the economic development in the basin is imbalanced, generally developed in the Delta region and relatively backward in the upper basin.【简要解析】榜首句:用as…介词短语后置的方法使语句显得更简洁。第二句:翻译时留意用非谓语动词作随同状语;“注入”可译为empty into;“起源于”可译为originate。第三句:翻译时可以用there be句型,这样后边可以用定语从句将前后两句连接起来;“长江流域”译为the Yangtze Basin ;“少数民族”译为the ethical minority。第四句:翻译时留意运用现在完成时;“起源地”可译为birthplace。第五句:翻译时留意省略后边的主谓让整个语句看起来更简洁;“相对落后”可译为relatively backward。以上就是小编今天给大家整理发送的关于“2020年英语四级翻译历年真题及答案解析:长江”的全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助。很多考生将自考英语二和英语四级难度对比,小编认为,英语也是一门语言,都是想通的,不用太拘泥于考试难度,重点在于用心备考,就很简单。


Yangtze river is three times as long as this river.

重庆市南岸区南滨路长江国际大厦A座18楼 求翻译英文地址,谢谢

18th floor, block A,the Yangtze River(长江,又叫扬子江,同样可以翻译为Changjiang River) International Building,Nanbin Road ,Nanan Distract ,Chongqin City ,China 英文地址,从小到大


The Changjiang River is the longest river in China. 或The Yangtze River is the longest river in China.

请问 长江中下游 用英语怎么说啊? 谢谢!

the middle and lower yangtze region


The Yangtse River is 6300 kilometers long while The Yellow River is 5464Km long. So the former is longer than the latter.


长江是中国第一长河,是世界第三长河。全长6,403公里 The Yangtse River is the longest river in China.and it is the third one in the world.It is 6,403 km long.


问题一:武汉长江大桥的英文怎么说? Wuhan Yangzi River Bridge 问题二:武汉长江大桥用英语这么说? Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge. 问题三:长江大桥的英文怎么说 yangtze river bridge; changjiang bridge; Yangtze River Bridge Crossing; Yangzi River Bridge; 满意请采纳 问题四:南京长江大桥英文怎么写 Nanking Yangtse River Bridge 问题五:长江二桥用英语怎么说? 长江二桥 The 2nd Yangtze River Bridge 长江一桥 The 1st Yangtze River Bridge google/...&meta= 问题六:长江大桥是哪个国家的用英语回答 我相信中国的英文写法你能够明白 问题七:武汉长江大桥英文名 ten got frustrated inhere when they tried to c 问题八:苏通长江公路大桥用英文怎么说? 苏通长江公路大桥 SUTONG CHANGJIANG HIGHWAY BRIDGE

长江是中国第一大河英语怎么说The yangtz

长江 是 中国 第一大河:The Yangtse River is the largest river in China


作为亚洲最长的河流,长江有很多旅游景点。翻译为英语:As the longest river in Asia, the Yangtze River has many tourist attractions.注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。


be situated where the Yangze and Han river meet.




The Yangtze River also known as Chang Jiang,snaking from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau to the East China Sea,flows through provinces of Qinghai,Tibet,Sichuan,Yunnan,Sichuan,Hubei,Hunan,Jiangxi,Anhui,Jiangsu and city of Shanghai,with a total length over 6.300kilometers.It is the largest and longest river in Asia and the third largest in world,just inferior to the Nile in northeast Africa and the Amazon in South America.


which is longer,long river or yellow river ?


The Yangtze River is the third longest river in the world.长江是世界上第三长的河流


长江 是 中国 第一大河:The Yangtse River is the largest river in China


There are two long rivers in China: Yellow River and Long River .中国有两大长河昰黄河与长江


万里长江Miles of the Yangtze River


楼上介词错了 是to


There is a long river in Asia called the Yangtze River, which is the third longest river in the world and the first longest river in Asia with a length of 6300 kilometers.There are many people living in the Yangtze River basin, which covers one-fifth of Chinau2019s land area and nurtures one-third of Chinau2019s population.There are three levels of terrain in the Yangtze River basin, which is shaped like a long strip from east to west and has a high west and a low east.There are many plateaus, mountains and gorges in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, where the river bed drops sharply and has rich hydropower resources.There is a warm and humid climate in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River plain, where agriculture is developed and population is dense.

黄河 长江英语怎么说?前面有没有the

长江 Yangtze River 黄河the Yellow River

长江比黄河长 用英语怎么说

长江比黄河长The Yangtze River is longer than the Yellow River


1. 要写一篇介绍长江的作文(用英语写),单词不限,谢谢了 Yangtze River CruisesWith 40 million years history of the life and 50,000 years history of human civilization, Yangtze River, a mother river of the Chinese people, brings up billions of Huaxia people.The Yangtze River (Changjiang), over 6,300 kilometers (3.915 miles) long, is the largest and longest river in China and the third-longest in the world, next only to the Nile in northeast Africa and the Amazon in South America. The headwaters of the Yangtze River, situated at an elevation of about 16,000 feet, lies to the west of Geladandong Mountain, the principal peak of the Tanggula Mountain chain in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, southwest of China. The river runs through Mt. Wu covering with frog, absorbing thousands of rivers, and finally reaches the Pacific. It passes by mountains, ges, hills, plains, with changing scenes on different geographic shape. This extensive waterway cuts through the heart of China, marking the division of China into north and south, both geographically and culturally. Not only are five of China"s largest cities (Shanghai, Wuhan, Chongqing, Chengdu, and Nanjing) on or near the river, but the 1.8 million square km Yangtze River basin is also home to 1/3 of Chinas population (400 million). Yangtze River lies on the mid-latitude area, and the four seasons are distinctive. With average temperatures reaching 30°C (86℉) in July and only 10°C (50℉) in January, spring and autumn are the best seasons for making the river cruises. Because of the tall mountains and ges, the long and narrow valleys seldom get enough sunshine and feature strong wind, therefore the valley is humid and often shrouded in cloud and mist. In summers, dramatic thunderstorms and torrential rains often happen and heavy rainfalls cause the high water beeen July and September on the cruising itineraries. The best time in terms of price is in winter however the weather must be considered for the winters are short and cold.The most impressive section of the river is the three Yangtze River ges: Qutang Ge, Wu Ge and Xiling Ge, collectively known as Sanxia, or the Three Ges. It stretches 192 kilometers - from Baidicheng (White Emperor City) in Chongqing in the west to Yichang in Hubei Province in the east. It"s the best scenic part of the Yangtze River, as well as the best in China"s landscape.。 2. 求一篇写长江的英语作文 Yangtze River Yangtze River is China"s first large rivers, but also the first Asian rivers, is the world"s third rivers. A total length of 6,300 km from north to south 966 km, originated in western China, the Minjiang River and Jialing River, Wujiang, Xiangjiang River, the Hanjiang River, the Ganjiang River, and other important tributaries. 3. 求一篇写长江或长城英语作文 The Three Ges of the Yangtze RiverThe Three Ges are situated ① in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and are famous throughout the world.The Three Ges are: the Xiling Ge(西陵峡), Wu Ge(巫峡)and Qutang Ge(瞿塘峡). Along with them there are a number of beautiful places of interest, such as, Zhaojun Village, Qu Yuan Temple and Baidi Town.The Gezhouba Dam is at the entrance to the Ges. A big power station has been built here. Since the reform and open policies began to be carried out, great changes have taken place and the Three Ges of the Yangtze River have taken on a new look. At present a large multipurpose water conservancy project ② is under construction.The Three Ges will benefit ③ the people more and make greater contributions to China.【词语解释】①be situated(in) 位于……②large multi-purpose water conservancy project 大型水利枢纽工程③benefit["benifit] v 有益于.。 4. 我要写一篇英语作文关于长江的,但是我现在要有中文来描述,请各位 Longest river of China and Asia, and third longest in the world, flowing about 6,300 km/3,900 mi from Qinghai on the Tibetan Plateau to the Yellow Sea. It is a major mercial waterway and, with its tributaries, is navigable for 30,000 km/18,640 mi; Yichang is considered the head of navigation, but ocean-going vessels can reach inland as far as Wuhan. The whole drainage basin covers a vast area of over 1,827,000 sq km/705,400 sq mi, and produces about 70% of China"s rice crop. Work began on the Three Ges Dam on the river in December 1994, with the purposes of controlling flooding and generating about 10% of the country"s electricity supply. The Chang Jiang has 204 km/127 mi of ges, below which lies the Gezhouba Dam, just upstream of Yichang in Hubei province. The Gezhouba was the first hydroelectric dam on the river, and is China"s largest pleted facility; its output will be overtaken by the Three Ges project (scheduled for pletion 2003), which will be the world"s largest dam and hydroelectric scheme. In the summer of 1998 the Chang Jiang flooded killing 3,000 people and destroying 5 million homes. 5. 长江英语作文写风景100字 The Yangtze River also known as Chang Jiang,snaking from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau to the East China Sea,flows through provinces of Qinghai,Tibet,Sichuan,Yunnan,Sichuan,Hubei,Hunan,Jiangxi,Anhui,Jiangsu and city of Shanghai,with a total length over 6.300kilometers.It is the largest and longest river in Asia and the third largest in world,just inferior to the Nile in northeast Africa and the Amazon in South America.Because of plentiful rainfall,the Yangtze River makes great contribution to the irrigation and it is also a main shipping line of China.。 6. 一个关于长江,的英语作文的介绍 The Yangtze RiverThe Yangtze River, or Chang Jiang, is the longest river in China and Asia, and the third-longest in the world, after the Nile in Africa and the Amazon in South America.The river is about 6,380 km long and flows from its source in Qinghai Province, easards into the East China Sea at Shanghai. It is considered by some people as a dividing line beeen North and South China, although geographers generally consider the Qinling-Huai River line to be the official line of geographical division. As the largest river in the region, the Yangtze is historically, culturally, and economically important to China. One of the dams on the river, the Three Ges Dam, is the largest hydro-electric power station in the world.The name Yangtze River, as well as various similar names such as Yangtse River, Yangzi River, Yangtze Kiang, etc., is derived from Yangzi Jiang, which, beginning in the Sui Dynasty, was the Chinese name for the river in its lower reaches, specifically, the stretch beeen Yangzhou and Zhenjiang. The name es from the ancient ferry crossing Yangzi Jin (meaning "Yangzi Crossing"). From the Ming Dynasty, the name was sometimes written 洋子 (yángzu012d). Because it was the name first heard by missionaries and traders, this name was applied in English to the whole river. In Chinese, Yangzi Jiang is considered a historical or poetic name for the river. The modern Chinese name, Chang Jiang, literally means "long river" and may sometimes also be used in English. It is also known to many as the "Main Street" of China.Like many rivers, the river is known by different names over its course. At its source, it is called in Chinese the Dangqu. Downstream, it is called the Tuotuo River and then the Tongtian River. Where it runs through deep ges parallel to the Mekong and the Salween before emerging onto the plains of Sichuan, it is known as the Jinsha River.The first turn of the Yangtze at Shigu, Yunnan Province, where the river turns 180 degrees from south- to north-bound. Yangtze watershedThe Yangtze was earlier known to the Chinese as simply Jiang (Jiāng), which has bee a generic name meaning "river", or the Da Jiang. The Tibetan name for the river is Drichu. The Yangtze is sometimes referred to as the Golden Waterway.。 7. 急求:长江的英语作文 The Yangtze River also known as Chang Jiang, snaking from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau to the East China Sea, flows through provinces of Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and city of Shanghai, with a total length over 6.300kilometers. It is the largest and longest river in Asia and the third largest in world, just inferior to the Nile in northeast Africa and the Amazon in South America. Because of plentiful rainfall, the Yangtze River makes great contribution to the irrigation and it is also a main shipping line of China。


长江the Changjiang River(the Yangtse River)黄河the Yellow River


问题一:"长江与黄河"用英语怎么说更准确 长江the Changjiang River(the Yangtse River) 黄河the Yellow River 问题二:黄河 长江英语怎么说 黄河 长江 The Yellow River, Yangtze River 问题三:用英文简要介绍长江和黄河 The Yellow River, or Huanghe, is the second longest river in China. Tracing to a source high up the majestic Yagradagze mountain in the nation"s far west, it loops north, bends south, and flows east for 5,464 km until it empties into the sea, draining a basin of 745,000 sq km, which nourishes 120 million people. This river carries lots of mud and sand thus it bees yellow in colour. Millennia ago the Chinese civilization emerged from the central region of this basin. The Yangtze River is the longest river in Asia and third longest in the world. The headwaters of the Yangtze are situated at an elevation of about 16,000 feet in the Kunlun Mountains in the southwestern section of Qinghai. It flows generally south through Sichuan into Yuanan then northeast and east across central China through Sichuan, Hubei, Auhui, and Juangsu provinces to its mouth, 3,720 miles, in the East China Sea north of Shanghai. The river has over 700 tributa饥ies but the principal tributaries are the Hun, Yalong, Jialing, Min, Tuo Jiang, and Wu Jiang. The climate ranges from 96 degrees in the summer to cold, brisk temperatures in the winter. Precipitation is high due to the height of the mountains. 问题四:长江,黄河简介(英文版) 10分 1.Yellow River will remain yellow For thousands of years, Chinese people have hoped that the water of the Yellow River will bee clear one day. Since the foundation of New China, Chinese government has devoted great efforts to trying to remove the sediments in the Yellow River. However, after years of hard work, it is realized that the Yellow River will not, and need not, change into clear water. Wang Huayun, a late expert on the Yellow River director of the Yellow River Water Conservancy mittee, once summarized the lessons of harnessing the Yellow River over the previous 40 years as follows: “Since ancient times, people have hoped that the Yellow River can bee clear. However, we now learn that the Yellow River can not turn clear and it needn"t bee clear, either.” Experts from the Yellow River Water Conservancy mittee point out that the Yellow River has always been yellow in history. The Huabei Plain (North Plain) was a river flat filled up with the sands and sediments carried by the Yellow River. Even today, it is still creating land. The Yellow River delta at the estuary is the most recent land formed on earth. Meanwhile, the sands and sediments in the Yellow River are full of rich mineral substances such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which fertilize millions of mu of farmland by the river. If the sediments of the Yellow River are removed, the farmland will not be as productive as it is today. 2.The Chang Jing River The Chang Jin......>>




长江经济带英语如下:the Yangtze Economic Belt 。包括南京、扬州、镇江、苏州、无锡、常州、南通、泰州、杭州、嘉兴、湖州、宁波、绍兴、舟山、合肥、马鞍山、安庆、铜陵、池州、芜湖、九江、南昌、黄石、鄂州、武汉、荆州、宜昌、黄冈、咸宁、恩施、长沙、岳阳、常德、益阳、重庆、泸州、攀枝花、成都以及宜宾。长江(英文名称:theChangjiangRiver/theYangtzeRiver)发源于“世界屋脊”—青藏高原的唐古拉山脉各拉丹冬峰西南侧,其干流流经青海省、西藏自治区、四川省、云南省、重庆市、湖北省、湖南省、江西省、安徽省、江苏省、上海市共11个省级行政区(八省二市一区)。中国大地“金腰带”:长江是中华民族的母亲河,是中华民族发展的重要支撑,承载着中国人特殊的文化记忆与情感。作为我国第一大河,长江干流全长6300多公里,是贯穿东、中、西部的水路交通大通道,在流域综合运输体系中具有重要地位,在沿江经济发展中发挥了重要的支撑保障作用。


长江经济带英语如下:the Yangtze Economic Belt 。长江经济带城市包括南京、扬州、镇江、苏州、无锡、常州、南通、泰州、杭州、嘉兴、湖州、宁波、绍兴、舟山、合肥、马鞍山、安庆、铜陵、池州、芜湖、九江、南昌、黄石、鄂州、武汉、荆州、宜昌、黄冈、咸宁、恩施、长沙、岳阳、常德、益阳、重庆、泸州、攀枝花、成都以及宜宾。长江(英文名称:theChangjiangRiver/theYangtzeRiver)发源于“世界屋脊”—青藏高原的唐古拉山脉各拉丹冬峰西南侧,其干流流经青海省、西藏自治区、四川省、云南省、重庆市、湖北省、湖南省、江西省、安徽省、江苏省、上海市共11个省级行政区(八省二市一区)。中国大地“金腰带”:长江是中华民族的母亲河,是中华民族发展的重要支撑,承载着中国人特殊的文化记忆与情感。作为我国第一大河,长江干流全长6300多公里,是贯穿东、中、西部的水路交通大通道,在流域综合运输体系中具有重要地位,在沿江经济发展中发挥了重要的支撑保障作用。


upstream of Yangtze River长江上游

英语作文 简介我国最长之河-长江

China is a very big country with five thousand years history , 中国是一个有五千年历史的大国 It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. 地处亚洲,位于大洋西岸 China covers 9,600,000square kilometers. 面积达960万平方公里 People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.13亿人在这块土地上一起生活和工作 56 nations make up the whole population of China. 全国有56个民族 China is becoming stronger and stronger.中国正变得越来越强大 Especially in these years , 尤其是这些年 虽然汉语还不能成为一个真正的国际语言, we can say ,但我们可以说 world can not be without China. 世界不能缺少中国Everybody knows that China is a very big country in the world .It has a long history .there are many interesting places here.such as the Great wall .the Summer palace and so on.so every year lots of people will come here to visit .and it held olinpic in 2008. and it will become more and more beautiful. 每个人都知道中国在世界上是一个非常大的国家。它有很长的历史。还有许多有趣的地方。比如长城,故宫等等 。所以每年都有很多人来这里参观。并且它在2008年举行了奥林匹克运动会。它将变得越来越美丽。


Changjiang river is the second longest river in the world.

长江是中国最长的河之一 用英语怎么说

The Yangtze River is one of the longest river in China




The Yangtze River is 6300 kilometers long.


Changjiang River Zone


加定冠词the。the Great Wall the Chang Jiang River


Yangtze River is China"s longest river


The yangtze River is the first longest river in China


The Yangtze River in Wuhan The Yangtze River in Wuhan, China, the water of the Yangtze River in Wuhan is very sweet, and the citizens here drink the water of the Yangtze River every day today.I live next to the Yangtze River, where there are cargo ships every day, there are a few farmers next to fishing, very beautiful.


  The Yangtze River  The Yangtze River,or Chang Jiang,is the longest river in China and Asia,and the third-longest in the world,after the Nile in Africa and the Amazon in South America.  The river is about 6,380 km long and flows from its source in Qinghai Province,eastwards into the East China Sea at Shanghai.It is considered by some people as a dividing line between North and South China,although geographers generally consider the Qinling-Huai River line to be the official line of geographical division.As the largest river in the region,the Yangtze is historically,culturally,and economically important to China.One of the dams on the river,the Three Gorges Dam,is the largest hydro-electric power station in the world.

长江的英语作文 拜托了哈带翻译

The Yangtze River also known as Chang Jiang, snaking from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau to the East China Sea, flows through provinces of Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and city of Shanghai, with a total length over 6.300kilometers. It is the largest and longest river in Asia and the third largest in world, just inferior to the Nile in northeast Africa and the Amazon in South America. Because of plentiful rainfall, the Yangtze River makes great contribution to the irrigation and it is also a main shipping line of China.
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