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李家大院英语导游词家大院位于万荣县阎景村,是晋南富商李子用的私人宅院, 始建于清道光年间,其建筑古朴


2010年山东导游考试英语导游词 山东概况 红色旅游简介 蒲松龄故居 蓬莱阁 王羲之故居 谢谢啦


英文介绍旅游景点视频教程 英语导游景点讲解视频

英语介绍景点简单英文介绍旅游景点:长城 China"s Great Wall is the greatest building project in human history of civilization.中国的长城是人类文明史中最伟大的建筑工程。It was built in Spring and Autumn period ,Warring states times, two thousand years _go.长城建造于两千年前的春秋战国时代。After the Qin state unified China. The chinese people connected the Great wall of various states.秦国统一中国后,中国人把各个战国的长城连接起来。Two generations of wise people have constructed The Great Wall intensively. _ast its project. It looks like rainbow rolling forward. It was possible to be called _orld miracle.聪明的两代人曾经密集地建造长城,扩展了它的工程. 它看起来象彩虹,滚滚向前. 它有可能被称作世界奇迹。It is the must for chinese people. When you repair Great Wall"s _uins in offical _ays.You will not only could witness Great Wall"s apparance that meandered in the hills and high moutains , but could also understand the chinese nation creation history , _reat wisdom and courage of chinese people. In December 1987, Great Wall was included in ‘"World heritage Name list‘".它是中国必须付出的代价,当你在正式的场合下,在废墟中修建长城,你不仅会见证它在高山和峻岭中婉延曲折的情景, 也会了解中华民族的创造历史以及中国人的勇气和智慧,在1987年12月,长城被归录在‘"世界遗产名录"中。旅游景点英文介绍马上就要到暑假了,不知道同学们接下来有没有和家长一起出行旅游的计划。下面我用英文为大家介绍推荐几个国内旅游的热门景点,欢迎大家阅读 收藏 。英文介绍旅游景点:长城China"s Great Wall is in the human history of civilization the greatest architectural engineering, it builds more than 2000 year ago Spring and Autumn Period Warring States times, after the Qin dynasty unifies China, connects the Great Wall. The Chinese, the bright two generations once massively constructed. Vast its project, grandness imposing manner, being possible be called world miracle. Roll on, the thing is the human must, now you when mounted in former days Great Wall"s ruins, not only could witness that meandered in the hills high mountains Great Wall grand appearance, but could also understand the Chinese nation creation history great wisdom and courage. the 1987 year in December Great Wall is included "World heritage Name list".英文介绍旅游景点:颐和园Summer Palace is one of the biggest and beautiful royal garden. It is also one of the royal heritage which is kept well. It was established in1764,and has290 hectare. During Summer, the Emperor will go there for relax, to avoid the high temperature in the Forbidden City. In the Summer Palace ,it has a Kunming lake and Longevity Hill. We can veiling a boat in the Kunming Lake, or climb the Longevity Hill to visit the Chinese temple which on the mountain. It is a nice place for us to visit and tdce rest.英文介绍旅游景点:昆仑山The Kunlun Mountain Pass is a very important onealong the Qinghai-Tibet highway at the altitude of 4 757 meters.In this area, there are many snow peaks and mountains.In June,the Spring brings green to trees,grass andflowers blossom everywhere in Golumd but at theKunlun Mountain Pass,it is snowing heavily so that it has become the unique natural scenery of Golumd.During July to August, The Kunlun Mountain Pass becomes a green and blossom place for tourists.英文介绍旅游景点:西双版纳Xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. The prefecture is nicknamed "Aerial Garden" for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical rain forests, which are teeming with animals and plants. Renowned as a huge natural zoo, Xishuangbanna"s rain forest and monsoon jungles provide a habitat for nearly 1000 species of animals. Within thick and boundless forests wild elephants and wild oxen ramble about, with peacocks in their pride, gibbons at play, and hornbills whispering. Thirteen species of wild life enjoy state protection, including loris, the gibbons, the red-necked cranes, the brown-neck horn-bills, and the green peacocks, which to the Dai people are a symbol of peace, happiness and good fortune and whose graceful postures can put professional dancers to shame. The region has 5,000 kinds of plants or about one-sixth of the total in China. This has earned it the renown and sobriquet "The moonstone on the Crown of the Kingdom of Plants". Among these are such fascinating ones as the "color-changing flower" whose colors change three times daily and the "dancing herb" whose leaves rotate gently. Then there is "mysterious fruit" which reverse tastes, turning sour to sweet. Species of trees that go back a million years are still propagating themselves. The "King of Tea Trees ,"which authorities say is at least 800 years old, continues to sprout, adding extraordinary splendor to the homeland of the famous Pu"er tea. In Xishuangbanna, there is a saying: "Even a single tree can make a forest and an old stalk can blossom and beat fruit ."西安旅游景点英文介绍Big Wild Goose Pagoda Originally built in 652 during the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), it functioned to collect Buddhist materials that were taken from India by the hierarch Xuanzang.Xuanzang started off from Chang"an (the ancient Xian), along the Silk Road and through deserts, finally arriving in India, the cradle of Buddhism. Enduring 17 years and traversing 100 countries, he obtained Buddha figures, 657 kinds of sutras, and several Buddha relics. Having gotten the permission of Emperor Gaozong (628-683), Xuanzang, as the first abbot of Da Ci"en Temple, supervised the building of a pagoda inside it. With the support of royalty, he asked 50 hierarchs into the temple to translate Sanskrit in sutras into Chinese, totaling 1,335 volumes, which heralded a new era in the history of translation. Based on the journey to India, he also wrote a book entitled "Pilgrimage to the West" in the Tang Dynasty, to which scholars attached great importance.First built to a height of 60 meters (197 feet) with five stories, it is now 64.5 meters (211.6 feet) high with an additional two stories. It was said that after that addition came the saying-"Saving a life exceeds building a seven-storied pagoda". Externally it looks like a square cone, simple but grand and it is a masterpiece of Buddhist construction. Built of brick, its structure is very firm. Inside the pagoda, stairs twist up so that visitors can climb and overlook the panorama of Xian City from the arch-shaped doors on four sides of each storey. On the walls are engraved fine statues of Buddha by the renowned artist Yan Liben of the Tang Dynasty. Steles by noted calligraphers also grace the pagoda.As for the reason why it is called Big Wild Goose Pagoda, there is a legend. According to ancient stories of Buddhists, there were two branches, for one of which eating meat was not a taboo. One day, they couldn"t find meat to buy. Upon seeing a group of big wild geese flying by, a monk said to himself: "Today we have no meat. I hope the merciful Bodhisattva will give us some." At that very moment, the leading wild goose broke its wings and fell to the ground. All the monks were startled and believed that Bodhisattva showed his spirit to order them to be more pious. They established a pagoda where the wild goose fell and stopped eating meat. Hence it got the name "Big Wild Goose Pagoda".The Terracotta Army (Chinese: 兵马俑; Pinyin: Bīng Mǎ Yǒng; literally "military servants") or Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses is a collection of 8,099 life-size terra cotta figures of warriors and horses located in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor (秦始皇陵; Qín Shǐ Huáng Líng). The figures were discovered in 1974 near Xi"an, Shaanxi province,The terracotta figures were buried with the first Emperor of Qin (Qin Shi Huang) in 210-209 BC. Consequently, they are also sometimes referred to as "Qin"s Army."The Terracotta Army of China was discovered in March 1974 by local farmers drilling a well to the east of Mount Li. Mount Li is the name of the man-made necropolis and tomb of the First Emperor of Qin; Qin Shi Huang. Construction of this mausoleum began in 246 B.C. and is believed to have taken 700,000 workers and craftsmen 36 years to complete. Qin Shi Huang was interred inside the tomb complex upon his death in 210 B.C. According to the Grand Historian Sima Qian, The First Emperor was buried alongside great amounts of treasure and objects of craftsmanship, as well as a scale replica of the universe complete with gemmed ceilings representing the cosmos, and flowing mercury. representing the great earthly bodies of water. Recent scientific work at the site has shown high levels of mercury in the soil of Mount Li, tentatively indicating an accurate description of the site"s contents by Sima Qian.The tomb of Qin Shi Huang is near an earthen pyramid 76 meters tall and nearly 350 meters square. The tomb presently remains unopened. There are plans to seal-off the area around the tomb with a special tent-type structure to prevent corrosion from exposure to outside air. However, there is at present only one company in the world that makes these tents, and their largest model will not cover the site as needed.Qin Shi Huang"s necropolis complex was constructed to serve as an imperial compound or palace. It is comprised of several offices, halls and other structures and is surrounded by a wall with gateway entrances. The remains of the craftsmen working in the tomb may also be found within its confines, as it is believed they were sealed inside alive to keep them from divulging any secrets about its riches or entrance. It was only fitting, therefore, to have this compound protected by the massive terra cotta army interred nearby.




大连市,别称滨城,位于辽东半岛辽宁省南端,东濒黄海,西临渤海,是东北亚国际航运中心、东北亚国际物流中心、区域性金融中心、国际花园城市,有“东北之窗”、“北方明珠”之称。接下来是我为大家整理的关于大连英语 导游词 范文 ,方便大家阅读与鉴赏! 大连英语导游词范文1 Hello, everyone! First of all, welcome to Dalian, a coastal city. Here is a brief introduction of Dalian: Dalian is a beautiful coastal city, surrounded by the sea on three sides and supported by mountains on the other side. It only spans two of China"s four seas (Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea), Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea. Therefore, the climate is pleasant, the air is fresh, the summer is not hot, the average temperature in August is 24 degrees, the winter is not cold, the average temperature is - 5 to - 10 degrees, just suitable for skiing, and it is not cold. Dalian is not big, with a total area of 13600 square kilometers, a population of 6 million and an urban population of 2.8 million. Its total economic volume is the largest in northeast mountain province, with per capita disposable income of 13350 yuan. Dalian is divided into Zhongshan, Xigang, Shahekou, Ganjingzi, Lushun and Jinzhou. Wafangdian, Pulandian, Zhuanghe, three county-level cities, and an island county in Changhai. Although you have been in Dalian for a long time, only two days, it is your wish and my wish to see more Dalian and know more about Dalian in just two days. So I want to lead you to have a comprehensive understanding and highlight the key points to lead you to play. On the one hand, I will try to talk as much as possible. I will talk about what I see and what I don"t see. On the other hand, in the arrangement of tour routes, we should try our best to show you the most representative side of the city. Sunshine, beach and sea are the most popular and romantic tourism slogans in the world, and also the most fashionable pursuit of healthy life. Therefore, watching, playing and eating the sea have become the most popular tourism projects in Dalian. The so-called comprehensive understanding is to let everyone have a comprehensive understanding of Dalian. The tour is mainly composed of several parts: first, to understand the city"s features. Dalian was first built by the Russians in 1899, but now it has a history of more than 100 years. It has gone through several stages, such as tsarist Russia leasing, Japanese occupation, and Soviet Red Army garrison, for more than half a century. Therefore, the city has a strong external cultural atmosphere. The mode and construction style of the whole city are different from other traditional cities, but the square is the center, the road is radial, and the buildings are mainly European style. The second is to understand history, which is mainly concentrated in Lushun. Dalian is a famous coastal city. If you don"t look at the seaside scenery, you can"t be regarded as Dalian. There is a national tourist resort in Dalian, which is Jinshitan. There is a national tourist resort in Dalian, which is Jinshitan. It is not only the representative of the coastal scenery of Dalian, but also a collection of many modern cultural landscapes. Because of many precious rocks and reefs, it has been rated as the National Geopark and natural geological museum. The fourth is to watch the panorama of Dalian, which includes watching the night scene of Dalian. We have a saying there that "there is heaven above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below, which is not as brilliant as the night scene of Dalian." Dalian is also the third pearl of China --- the Pearl of the north. There are two ways to see the panorama. One is to look at it from a height, which is the most effective way. The other is to jump out of Dalian to see Dalian. There is a saying that "I don"t know the true face of Lushan Mountain, but I am only in Lushan Mountain." What I said just now is a comprehensive understanding, so what is the key point? Let me ask you how much you know about Dalian, that is, the most representative of the level of Dalian tourism projects are presented to you, so that you will be deeply impressed by Dalian. It"s like going to Taiping mountain in Hong Kong, going to Mazu temple in Macao, going to Pattaya in Thailand, watching the human demon show, and climbing the Great Wall in Beijing. Otherwise, it"s the same as not going to this country or region. So what is Dalian"s tourism boutique? Where is Dalian"s brightest eye? I will also focus on giving you a few with the word "most". The first, the most powerful and emotio


  贵州景点英语导游词 范文 1:红花岗   Originally red flower district county zhunyi, in northern guizhou, fruitful achievements, summer shade Holly, scenic, known as suck a pearl on the plateau.   Red granite tourism are mainly composed of zunyi conference site of the long march of cultural memory system, a medieval military castle dragon hoarding, "southwest underground art palace" -- - Yang"s tomb, buddhist landmarks Jin Dingshan, xiang yamadera, peach brook temple and big plate water virgin forests and other historical sites and natural landscape, cultural connotation is rich, heavy unique tourism resources. City hills, green trees. Xiangjiang river, luo river across the city, zunyi park, Penn river park, phoenix mountain park and green river natural blend.   Red granite a humid subtropical monsoon climate, mild climate, four seasons all appropriate travel.   Safflower district in northern guizhou, areas.beiqi LouShan, wujiang river in the south, in chongqing municipality directly under the central government and the provincial capital guiyang, safflower district with eight street, eight town, old town streets, street view, austral street, south gate street, west street, boat water bridge street, changzheng town, zhongshan road, Beijing road, streets, street, lane that town, sales town, zhong zhuang town, dragon town, deep creek township, Taiwan international hills, new pu town.   Red flower district has been 800 years of history, through to suck in the political, economic and cultural center. The spring and autumn period and the warring states period belongs to all nations, is attached to the yelang. Qin and han dynasties all county, the tang dynasty for 13 years (AD 639) renamed state. 29 years Ming wanli (1601 AD) to zunyi military and civilian government. In 1914, the government of the republic of China, resuming zunyi county name. Officially set the city on November 25, 1949. On June 10, 1997, approved by the state council, revocation of county set up a red flower district benefits.   贵州景点英语导游词范文2:水城   On the edge of the city in western guizhou province, bordering yunnan province, belongs to the jurisdiction of liupanshui city. The county a total area of 3642 square kilometers, jurisdiction over 1 industrial development zone, 1 town, 32 township, a total population of 670000 people. There are han, yi, miao, hui, GeLao 26 ethnic groups, such as ethnic minority population accounts for 37.36%. City is located in the subtropical monsoon climate zone, for the plateau monsoon climate. In a mild climate, abundant rain, wet and dry season, the rain same heat, warm day.   Average annual temperature of 11 ─ 17 ℃, frost-free period 250 days, annual average rainfall of 1100 ─ 1300 mm. City located in the hinterland of "jiangnan coal" liupanshui, is very rich in natural resources. There are 26 kinds of minerals have been proved, of which the most abundant coal resources. River within the territory of vertical and horizontal, zhujiang river three ChaHe beipanjiang river and wujiang river runs through it. Territory is rich in flue-cured tobacco, ginger, kidney beans, garlic, tea and other cash crops; Is rich in eucommia ulmoides, gastrodia elata, panax notoginseng, chicken feet, fungus ganoderma lucidum and other valuable medicinal herbs. Send the ear region dried ginger piece of export products exempted from inspection. The county non-cultivated land resources available for development has more than 100 ten thousand acres. Animal resources has become a national level of protection of francois" langurs, and rhesus monkeys, roe, musk deer, deer, fox, etc. Infrastructure construction to speed up the pace.   Railway existing (Yang) kun (Ming) electrification railway across the whole territory, across the city of two coal within the territory of eye bottom coalfield and strawberry tree coalfield (division) of water (city) (fruit) parker electrified railway is under tension construction, the world will (Ming) and south (rather) kunming railway (Ming), (river) in kunming railway and strains of double line (state) 6 (plate water) constitute main road network. Highway across different provinces, regions more existing highway intersection in the city, water (city), yellow (trees) will also start construction of highway and would be a railway, highway transportation network extending in all directions. Convenient communications, currently opened 9 township program-controlled telephone, can direct, years telecommunications cable laying is completed, the eight township opened program-controlled telephone, wireless paging, mobile phones in all can use.   贵州景点英语导游词范文3:六枝特区   Liuzhi is the national key coal-producing area, it is "cool are China," and "jiangnan coal" the eastern gate of liupanshui city, known as jiangnan da laudatory name. The traffic is very developed, enrichment of mineral resources, biological resources is very abundant.   Liuzhi unique tourism resources. Have to contain the ancient yelang culture river river provincial scenic area and pressing the shuttle to the ending ecological museum of attention at home and abroad, is amorous feelings of national culture, natural scenery and unique places of interest as one of the tourist area. Among them, have a peach blossom in central park, nine head mountain park, mountain park at the South Pole, natural grotto moon palace (goddess of mercy hole); South LangDai at the tomb of the ancient city, the city LangDaiMu inscriptional record, LangDai riots and mysterious mountain Lao wang (ancient LangShan); A bottom stream in southeastern forest park, there are white river waterfalls and fall not centered on the karst cave landscape; Northern rock feet town scenery, old takahashi resort, LanLong bridge () the window hole, the old bottom resort and shuttle to the ending of ecological museum.   With rich and mysterious folk customs, such as: the buyi driven table, bask in the moon of the miao nationality, yi mountain section, kelao eat the New Year, etc., constitute the 9:13 unique tourism landscape, attracting a large number of tourists and cultural experts, scholars at home and abroad. Liuzhi is currently actively developing bottom stream yelang culture ecology garden, ecology garden, moon river moon river provincial forest park construction work, such as the bead hydropower station dam water area of square kilometers, after light power station dam water area of 51.54 square kilometers, after the river along the river will become a beautiful scenery line.   Liuzhi four seasons all appropriate travel. Liuzhi pleasant climate. Annual average temperature of 13.5-15.2 ℃, summer without heat and winter cold.   Liuzhi from the provincial capital guiyang 172 kilometers, 98 kilometers away from liupanshui city downtown. Two county, the east even zhenning, some composition in the south, the city is in the west, north to zhijin, harmony, southwest border with fine long them two county. 9:13 watershed in the Yangtze river and the zhujiang river, the south has beipanjiang river river upstream of the river, the north has three ChaHe wujiang river upstream, east white river of the origins of huangguoshu waterfall. Water head is big, water resource is very rich.   Liuzhi is the third line construction "period of the original" liuzhi "and" LangDai county "merger. Living in there are han, yi, miao, such as, GeLao 32 nationalities, ethnic minority population accounts for 30.52% of the total population. In the ethnic culture is very long.贵州景点英语导游词相关 文章 : 1. 贵州导游词 2. 黄果树英文导游词 3. 梵净山导游词 4. 荔波导游词




Good morning,distinguish guests. Today we r going to see XXX. Allow me 2 give u a general introduction first. ladies & gentalmen, now we r at the end of the trip today. It is my pleasure to be your tour guide today. Welcome to XXX again & show u more places u haven"t had the chance to visit in this trip.


理论学期 综合英语、商务英语泛读、英语口语、旅游概论、导游基础知识、酒店管理概论、计算机基础 实训学期 必做:导游实训(国内外景点的中英文介绍、导游相关知识调研(哈市知名旅行社调研)、导游流程模拟等内容) 理论学期 现代旅行社实务、旅游经济学、综合英语、英语阅读、英语听说、办公自动化 餐饮管理、前厅、客房服务、综合英语、英语阅读、英语听说、办公自动化 英语语法、综合英语、英语阅读、英语听说、办公自动化 实训学期 必做:旅行社岗位实训(哈尔滨知名旅行社实际操作训练、导游业务案例分析、导游业务策划、处理导游过程中的突发事件) 必做:酒店岗位实训(前厅、客房、餐饮、商务中心) 必做:学校岗位实训(中学、小学、幼儿园实地教学演练并实际授课训练、能力训练,教案及教学大纲、教学计划制作训练) 第二学年 2个学期 22周/学期 理论学期 旅游心理学、旅游专业英语、英语翻译、英语写作、英语听说、英语阅读、旅行社英语 饭店营销学、饭店营销实务、饭店物资管理、实用礼仪 教育心理学、教学法研究与测试、师资专业英语、英语翻译、英语写作、英语听说、英语阅读 实习学期 涉外旅行社管理岗位、导游、接待岗位实习 涉外酒店前厅、客房、餐饮岗位实习、涉外酒店商务中心岗位等实习 中学、小学、幼儿园教师 大体上就是这些专业课,主要是旅游和英语方面的都有,当然如果是本科的话还应该开设二外,比如日语之类的。 现在旅游业是很有发展的,特别是这种语言类的人才还很缺少的。 我是学英语的,建议你一定要熟悉另外一门外语,这样前景更可观。


考英语导游证对英语能力没有硬性要求,不过在考试的时候会加试一场口试,只要在口试中能够通过考试,就可以拿到英语导游资格证了。 英语导游证怎么考 1、初试考生(直接报考外语导游)与中文报名流程、笔试考试内容一致。 不同的是科目五考试内容:外语类考生用相应报考语种完成景点讲解并回答有关景点相关问题、导游规范问答、应变能力问答、综合知识问答,能够熟练地在中文和相应报考语种之间进行口头互译。 2、已经获得中文导游资格,加试外语语种的考生,只考科目五(导游服务能力),不用再次参加笔试; 3、外语类考生每人不少于25分钟,备考旅游景区不少于5个。 初次考外语导游证,只需考两部分:中文笔试和英文口试。 有英语导游证就能成为领队吗 领队需要满足几个条件: 1、工作满两年(需要有社保); 2、学历要求为大专以上; 3、具有外语导游证(注:如果说有中文导游证具备相关外语语言证书也是可以的(比如英语四级证书)); 4、满足以上条件的由具有出入境资历的旅行社帮你申请。 所谓领队,也叫出境领队,或者国际领队,顾名思义,指的就是带领一个国内团队到国外旅游的全程陪同人员,相当于出境版的全陪导游,只不过全陪导游是带团从国内甲地到国内乙地,而领队是带团从国内甲地到国外乙地。



英语导游证好考吗 含金量高吗

英语导游证还是比较好考的,考生需要对英语口语表达能力多加练习,熟悉作为英语导游常用到的英语单词和句子,牢记景点的英文名称,还可时常模拟自己当导游的情景,多想多说,为成功考取英语导游证做铺垫。 英语导游证好考吗 英语导游证是比较容易考下来的,如果英语不够好建议你第一年先考一个中文导游证,然后第二年在加试一门英语,这样比较保险。不过这样比较浪费时间。 如果你直接考外语导游的话就需要努力啦,导游英语专业性比较强,到时候有重点的复习就行了,跟四级过不过没多大关系,毕竟考察的重点不一样。 加试外语包括英语翻译和英语口语面试,着重复习,有的放矢,两三个月就可以一并拿下。 英语导游证报考条件中虽然没有要求考生提供专业的外语证书,但是优秀的英语口语能力还是必不可少的。考生在备考英语导游证时,应合理安排《政策与法律法规》、《导游业务》、《全国导游基础知识》、《地方导游基础知识》等四个科目的复习时间和进度,熟悉巩固笔试知识。 英语导游证含金量高吗 英语导游证含金量高,随着我国旅游业的快速发展,入境我国的外国游客越来越多,让英语导游成为了一个比较“吃香”的行业,所以,考取英语导游证的人也在逐步增多。英语导游是旅游业中比较缺乏的人才。所以在巨大的市场需求下,英语导游未来的就业和发展前景都是十分不错的。 英语导游证备考注意事项 练习外语口语。外语导游证考试的难点就在于面试,因为大家在面试时要用外语来讲解、回答考官的问题,所以没有外语基础的考生要多下功夫了,平时一定要注重外语口语的练习。建议大家搜集一下导游讲解日常用语,抽空多练习发音,慢慢地汇成一段导游词。 培养乐观、积极的心态。导游带团时,需要调节气氛,热情地与游客进行交流,所以导游需要保持一种乐观、积极向上的心态。积极乐观的心态,需要长期不懈努力的学习;在遇到困难时,克服自己的反面情绪,调整自己的正面思维方式,久而久之就会养成这种习惯。 大家决定报考导游证考试,一定是因为对导游工作的热爱与喜爱,希望大家能够不忘初心,勇敢、坚持,直到备考终点!

求一篇初中 英语导游词

the Forbidden City (故宫) 开头语 The magnificent architecture, also known as the Forbidden City was open in 1925.It is one of the most prestigious museums in China and the world at large. In 1987 it was list as the World Heritage site by UNESCO. 位置和历史 Situated at the heart of Beijing, its centrality as well as restricted access, the palace was called The Forbidden City. It was built in 1406 in Ming dynasty and last 600 hundred years until 1911 in the Qing dynasty, it was finally overthrown by the republican revolutionaries. The last emperor Puyi continued to live in the palace after his abdication until he was expelled in 1924. So,totally twenty-four emperors lived and ruled from this palace. 规模 The Forbidden City is surrounded by 10-metre-high red walls and a 52-metre-wide moat. Measuring 961 meters from north to south and 753 meters from east to west, it covers an area as big as 12 stadiums. Each of the four sides is pierced by a gate. The buildings" glowing yellow roofs levitating above vermilion walls is a magnificent sight. The painted ridges and carved beams all contribute to the sumptuous effect. 前朝 The southern portion is the Outer Court. As we can see the three main halls,we call it 3 golden halls. It was here in the Ourter Court that the emperor held court and conducted grand audiences. 后寝 The Inner Court comprising the northern portion.There are another 3 halls which are smaller than the front. An Imperial Garden is laid out at the north end. In here, it is comprised of not only the residences of the emperor and his consorts but also venues for religious rituals and administrative activities. These were precisely designed in accordance with a code of architectural hierarchy, which designated specific features to reflect the paramount authority and status of the emperor. No ordinary mortal would have been allowed or would even have dared to come within close proximity to these buildings.




Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. 【称呼语】Welcome to Panyu. 【表示欢迎】Please sit down and relax. Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus, so you don"t haveto worry about it. 【稳定游客情绪】Let me introduce my team first. Mr. Zhang is our driver. He has 25 years of driving. My name is Gao Xiaoming, your tour guide, you may just call me Miss Gao, which is my surname. We"re from the China International Travel Service(CITS), Panyu Branch. On behalf of CITS Panyu and my colleagues, I"d like to welcome to you all.【略作介绍,再表欢迎】During your stay in our city, we"ll do everything possible to make your visit a happy experience. If you have any problems or requests, please don"t hesitate to let me know. 【提出建议】You"re going to stay at Panyu Hotel, a luxurious, five-star hotel. The hotel is in downtown, it is easy access to many places of interests in Panyu. And you"ll be staying our city for two and a half days. 【提醒入住地点和时间】There is one thing I must warn you against. You must remember the number of our bus. The number is 84645555. let me repeat: 84645555. 【提醒游巴电话】


   2018年导游资格考试英语导游词:CONFUCIUSTEMPLE   The qinhuai scenic spot includes the Qinhuai River, Confucius Temple, the Examination Museum(Gong yuan), the street of local delicacies, Former Residence of Wang"s and Xie"s at Wuyi Lane, and Nanjing Oriental Art Gallery and the former residence of Li Xiangjun, etc. Most of the buildings in Confucius Temple area were rebuilt and renovated in the mid-1980s and 1990s and the area becomes a tourist site of culture and commerce. It is an ideal place for tourists to understand traditional Chinese culture as well as enjoy shopping.   The Confucius Temple sits at the south of Nanjing on the bank of the Qinhuai River. The Qinhuai River is a branch of the Yangtze River totaling 110 kilometers long. It has nurtured the city of Nanjing and added an illustrious chapter to the local history. It finds its source in Mt.Baohua, Jurong County. When the river reaches the city, the river is divided into two streams. One goes around the city walls, which is outer Qinhuai, and was exploited as part of the city moat. The other goes into the urban area of the city through East Sluice, and goes out of the city from the west Sluice, then join the outer Qinhuai and empties into the Yangtze. This is the inner Qinhuai or the well-known Qinhuai River. Tradition has it that Qinshihuang, the emperor of the Qin Dynasty, made an inspection tour eastwards to the area, he heard “the area has an influence on the fortune of producing emperor” and was afraid that the son of the Heaven could take over his power some day in future. Therefore he ordered to cut Fangshan Hill open and break the ridge into the stream so as to do away with the influence on the fortune. Later generations thought the river was dug by the emperor , hence he name.   The Confucius Temple was first build in the Song Dynasty for people to pay worship to Confucius. It was gradually renovated and expanded to a place with a group of the Ming and Qing style buildings. The Confucius Temple people often talk about should include three great building complexes: Confucius Temple, Palace of learning and Imperial Examination Yard. The present Confucius Temple was extended on the basis of the Palace of Learning.   The natural stream of the Qinhuai River was taken as the Pan Pool of the Temple. On the southern bank of the pool is the screen wall, 110 meters long, which was built in the Ming and is the biggest still preserved in China. The Screen Wall in front of the Confucius is to show that Confucian learning is too profound to be understood completely and the common folks (ordinary people) could not see the learning inside. Another saying : The wall is the frontal project of the temple for the purpose of covering and decoration , so as to give people an impression of its grandeur and magnificence.   The Gateway of All Scholars is the first entrance to the temple. It was built in 1586 in an imitation of the Gateway in Qufu, the hometown of Confucius. The three doors of the gateway are the passage to the main temple , where the emperor and courtiers were to dismount to show respect for the great Saint. The highest central door was reserved for for the emperor when he paid worship to Confucius and organized memorial ceremony during his tour inspection . The two side doors were the passages for the princes and high courtiers, which common people and lower ranking officials were forbidden to pass.   At the eastern corner of the square in front of the temple is a three-storied building named Kuixing Pavilion (Top Star Pavilion). Kuixing means the top candidate in the imperial examination in Chinese. The pavilion was a tea house for the ancient exam candidates to make friends with tea drinking as well as pray for the good luck. Tourists coming here may best enjoy tea and the beauty of the Qinhuai River, and do the same as the ancient Scholars did. At the western corner lies the Juxing Pavilion ( or Multiple Stars). As all the men of letters or literati were regarded as the stars in the sky, this Multiple Star Pavilion was specially built for their meetings.   The first gate to the temple is Lingxing gate, which is decorated with the magnificent carvings in relief. The gate was built in 1480 and rebuilt in 1870, and the present one was restored in 1983.   Dacheng gate, or the gate of Agglomeration of Merits and virtues, is the front gate of the temple. Beyond the gate, there are four tablets. “The Tablet of Confucius Social and Moral Stand” recorded the Confucius stand of administrating the country. Confucius proposed to the power of the ducal king of the Lu state a number of policies and methods to stabilize the country and to consolidate the ducal power after he had made investigations on the system of institutions in Luoyang, the capital of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. “Jiqing Confucius Temple Tablet” was erected here in 1309 , after the Yuan emperor had issued an imperial edict of “ taking education as the state administration of the empire” in 1308. “Four Saints Tablet” was erected in 1331, Yanhui, Zengshen, Kongji and mengke . “Madame Super Great Saint Tablet” was erected in 1331, together with the “Four Saints Tablet” to commemorate the wife of Confucius.   Dacheng Hall, or the Hall of Agglomeration of Confucius Merits and Virtues, was employed to enshrine and worship Confucius. In the middle of the hall is the seat of the Super great Saint Confucius, with 4 saints of Yan hui, Zeng shen, Mengke and Kongji on both sides. In addition, the tablets of 72 persons of virtue are also enshrined. Confucius is regard as a great philosopher, a great sage as well as a great educator of China.   Jiangnan Imperial Examination Center was located to the east of Confucius Temple. It was first built during the Song Dynasty in a grand scale. It was called Jiangnan Examination Center because there was Jiangnan Province in the Qing Dynasty. Chinese emperors began to select officials through imperial examination from Sui Dynasty in the 7th century. The imperial examination system opened a door for all to rise from the bottom of the society to power and fame.


  我真诚提供两篇精彩的英语导游欢迎词范文,欢迎阅读与借鉴。    英语导游欢迎词(一)   Hello,everyone!   Welcome to Zhangjiakou.My name is Liujingzhen,a tour guide of Happy Jurney Agency.Our driver is Mr Li,and the car we take is a East branded,white coloured,with the number 666888.Please pay your good attention to it.Iu2019m glad to serve as your guide today.Here,please allow me to express our hornest greetings to all of you on behalf of our agency.Now,please keep your body-baggage in good care and be ready for getting on.(in the car),Now itu2019s 8:00 sharp,January 7th,2005.With the new yearu2019s happy atmosphere,I hope we can have a enjoyable holiday together.I have to remind you that the weather in the north is very cold ,so please keep yourselves warm enough.   Let me say something about our trip. Hebei is situated at the north of the lower reaches of Huanghe River (Yellow River). Its capital is Shijiazhuang.At the Spring and Autumn Period, because the Kingdom of Yan dominated its northern area, while the Kingdom of Zhao occupied its southern area, Hebei was called The Land of Yan and Zhao.   Now we are going to Zhangjiakou,it located in the northwest of Hebei, 1990 kilometers away from Beijing, is the border area of Beijing.There are 4 districts and 13 counties under the administration of the government,Zhangjiakou has a long history and there are many cultural relics and places of historic interests,which are kept as witness of history,telling us stories that once happened in this old land.(get off) Ok,we arrive at our destination now.Please take all your baggages,we are going to get off.Take is easy,we have enough time.Would you please give a second look to the car we take :East branded,white coloured.   Now this is Dajingmen Gate,it locates in the nouthern part of Zhangjiakou.Two mountains named Eastern and Western peace stand facing each other..In 1927,when general Gao Weiyue,the superior of Chahaer mounted it ,impressed by the plains and mountains,he wrote down such words:大好河山.These four words is of great strength,in compliance with Dajingmen.   Dajingmen Gate witnessed the prosperity and downfall of the frontier tea-horse trade in the Ming Dynasty. It also made merchants both home and abroad gather in the leather metropolis, i.e. It became an important commercial pass because of the well-known leather, lamb and dried mushroom.. In 1673,the twelfth year of Kangxi,emperor of the Qing,Wu Sangui rebelled.Under the leading of the emperor Kangxi,thousands of brave Qing soldiers outside the Great Wall crossed Dajingmen Gate in force and marched southward,making a foundamental contribution to the repression of the “Three Region Rebellion”.Shortly after that,Ge erdan,chief of a northern tribe,led his army to invade and disturb southward for several times,making a substantial loss to the business between Zhangjiakou and Kulun,which is Wulanbatuo nowadays.So the eight business men who had provided the Qing with consistant arms and surplies before and after Qingu2019s crossing of the Great Wall,and therefore were granted great honor,wrote to emperor Kangxi,asking for a suppression.   The emperor had the idea to suppress them long before,so in the year1697,he led punitive expedition against Ge erdan in person for the third time.The main troop acrossed the very place: Dajingmen Gate,and marched northword.The local people gave a warm farewell to the army and served a good refreshment.Finally this war ended with the chiefu2019s suiside.Under the suggestion of the local people when heard the happy news,a Literator called Zhang Zicheng wrote down some words:内外一统,which means all around China unified.Then they carved it on a piece of flat cliff.And now,although 300 yesrs has gone,it remains legible and in a good condition after so many years of corrosion of wind and rain.It embodies Chinese peopleu2019s desire for unity of country and peace of living.   Till now,our visit of Dajingmen Gate is going to be over.Wish todayu2019s visit bring you satisfaction and enjoyment.   Ladies and Gentlemen:now we are on the way to the airport.In this departure time,I appreciate deeply our friendship.Although we only have spent less than five days together,we have visited Chengde Summer Resort and East Mausoleum of Qing,appreciated the beautiful sight of Baishang grassland,watched the excellent performance and tasted the local flavour.   We can say that,this is a successful and enjoyable experience,also the fruit of our efforts and cooperation.Fortunately,Mr Li and I had the chance of taking part in this meaningful and memmerable activity.Thanks sincerely for your help during our tour and wish you all happiness in the travel of life.    英语导游欢迎词(二)   Good xxx, ladies and gentlemen.   Welcome to CHINA, Welcome to SHENZHEN   Please sit back and relax, Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you do not have to worry about it.   Let me introduce my team first. Mr x is our driver,He has 20years of driving underhis belt, so we are in very safe hands. I always call my English name is xxx,my Chinese name is xxxx,you may call me xxxx or Mrxx, which is my family name. we are from SHENZHEN OVERSEAS INTERNATIONAL TRAVE SERVICE,On behalf of xxxand my colleagues, I "d like to extend a warm welcome to you all.   During your stay in our city, I will be you local guide, I will do everything possible to make your visit a pleasant experience.If you have any problems or requests,Pls do not hesitate to let me know.   you are going to stay at the Crown plaza hotel, a luxurious ,five star hotel, Althouth the hotel is not exactly in downtown SHENZHEN, it is strategically located with easy access to many tourist attractions. As you will be staying in our city for two days, you will do well to remember the number of our bus and my Phone NO., the bus NO. is xxx ,my phone NO.isxxxx. let me repeat....   There is one thing I must warn you against, You must not drink an tap water in the hotel, because un boiled water might make you ill.   I do hope you will enjoy your time in our city.


1、根据《全国导游人员管理条例》规定,必须是健康的中国公民,年满十八岁,无犯罪历史并没有被吊销过导游证的青年。2、具有高级中学、中等专业学校或者以上学历,身体健康,具有适应导游需要的基本知识和语言表达到的中华人民共和国公民。3、获《导游员资格证书》者可申请加考外语口试取得外语《导游员资格证书》。4、外语类考生考试科目为3科:《旅游职业道德与政策法规》和《导游基础知识和导游服务规范》,另外英、日、俄、韩4个语种考生需参加相应语种的笔试,其他语种不设笔试。扩展资料:它是指参加导游人员资格考试并合格,取得导游人员资格证书的人员,经与旅行社订立劳动合同或者在导游服务公司登记,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府旅游行政部门颁发的导游证。持有正式导游证的人员,可以是专职的导游人员,也可以是兼职的导游人员;可以是旅行社的正式员工,也可以是某旅行社聘用人员。但是,持有正式导游证的人员,都必须是经过导游人员资格考试并合格,取得导游人员资格证书的人员。 参考资料:英语导游百度百科


就是你考什么语种,考过了,就叫什么导游.在导游笔试方面,所有考生一律用中文作答,只有在口试的时候有区别.例子:我考的是粤语导游,那么在口试的时候我用的是粤语讲解导游词和回答小问题.如果你报考的是普通话,那么你就用普通话讲解导游词和回答小问题.如果你报考的是英语,自己想吧…… 所以在这里要分清一个误区,不是必须先考中文导游,才能考英文导游,或者小语种导游的.如果你认为你小语种口语过得去,那么就直接报考小语种导游. 有的学习小语种的同学,实在担心自己的小语种口语还不太好,不敢报考小语种.不要紧,请你先报考中文导游,如果你不一小心笔试口试都合格,那么你就能拿到中文导游证了.拿到中文导游证继续奋斗练习小语种口语一年后,又到了北京导游考试的时间,你可以加试小语种口语.假如你要加考英语导游,那么你在口试报名的时候选择加试英语口试,去参加口试,如果口试通过了,经过一系列的手续,你的中文导游证就可以变成英文导游证了. 在这里还要记住一个问题,必须两门笔试90分以上合格通过,才能报考口试,口试60分以上合格通过,才能最终取得导游资格证,假如笔试通过,口试很遗憾没通过,那么该笔试成绩不予以保留,考小语种的考生也不会获得中文导游证.如果不死心,一年后又是一条好汉,第二年继续重新努力看书考试. 严重值得注意的是,不能说我同时一次考一个中文导游证,一个小语种导游证,小语种没考过,中文导游证应该很容易考过吧?你以为去求职应聘工作到处发简历,东边不亮西边亮哦?记住了一次只能考一种语言的导游,要么中文,要么小语种. 另外,其实,拿着中文导游证也是可以带英文团,法国团,德国团等等的,假如你精通这么多国语言的话,没任何问题.官方对这个没有任何规定.


  作为一位不辞辛劳的导游,通常需要用到导游词来辅助讲解,导游词具有极强的实用性,涉及的知识十分广泛。那么什么样的"导游词才是好的呢?下面是我精心整理的英语导游词,欢迎大家分享。   Welcome to Yunnan, Welcome to Tengchong! It"s my honor to be your guide. Today eters. There are 23 nationalities here, such as 汉、傣、回、白 nationalities and so on. When e into mind, ething about the latter teto that you can see so many volcanoes are in Tengchong. There are 97 volcanoes in Tengchong nointang rule from November 1937 to October 1945. Vestiges of that period are still there in and around the city. These include the Red Crag Village and 50 Zengjiayan, as intang) at the foot of the Gele Mountain in Shapingba District have become the mausoleum for those Chongqing to Yichang allobines sightseeing pted some European historians to laud Diaoyu City as the "Mecca of the East" and "Where God broke his downtown Chongqing.   Furong Cave, Wulung   The Furong (Hibiscus) Cave is located by the Furong River in Wulung County. The main part of the cave is 2,700 metres in length and 3.7 square metres in area. The Splendid Cave is the most impressive. Housed in it are nearly 30 varieties of stalactites chiseled into every manner of exotic imagery by the cunning labor of nature. Major attractions are Gold Throne Hall, Leifeng Pagoda and Sky-reaching Jade Pillar.


考试分别为笔试和面试,笔试就是导游法规,全国导游、导游业务、本地导游等等几本书的内容,建议提前买书准备,多看看,尤其法规,比较庞杂。 面试就是依据当地的景点准备一段导游词,在摄像头前虚拟讲解,一般采取抽签的方式决定你的讲解内容。 一般报考外语导游是必须要参加培训的,其实就是告诉你考试将考哪些内容,所以好好珍惜培训时间,培训一般在10月到11月。他们还会发培训教材,主要是当地旅游景点的英文导游词,挺实用的。你现在可以在网上搜搜重庆的景点英文导游词,多背背、多记记,有机会最好进入景点内去实际考察下,很有帮助的。如果要当英语导游没有英文版教材,得自己翻译,工作量有点大,但是挺值的。因为国内导游过剩,英文导游又奇缺。你自己试着翻译,利用翻译软件,但是切忌不要完全照着翻译软件翻出来的东西背,因为大多数时候翻译软件弄出来的句子语序都有问题。自己翻译出来的东西记得比较牢固,


All accompanies, accompanies. Group leader

成都旅游景点介绍英语导游ppt 成都的旅游景点英语介绍

成都市各大旅游景点英文名称是什么?成都市的旅游景点的英文名称如下:金沙遗址:Jinsha Ruins熊猫基地:Chengdu Panda Base文殊院:Wenshu Temple锦里古街:Jinli Ancient Street宽窄巷子:Kuai Zhai Zane都江堰水利工程:Dujiangyan Irrigation Project乐山大佛:Leshan Giant Buddha庐山:Mt.Lushan武侯祠:Wuhou Temple峨眉山:Mt. Emei青城山:Mt.Qingchengshan四姑娘山:Mt. Siguniang九寨沟:Jiuzhaigou Valley三星堆:Sanxingdui世界自然遗产:the World Natural Heritage杜甫草堂:Dufu"s Thatched Cottage青羊宫:Qingyang Temple金沙遗址:Jinsha Ruins摩梭族:Mosuo宝光寺:Baoguang Temple自贡国家恐龙地质公园:Zigong NationalGeological自贡大山铺:Dashanpu of Zigong武侯祠:Wuhou Temple九寨沟:Jiuzhaigou Valley三星堆遗址:the site of Sanxingdui世界自然遗产:the World Natural Heritage都江堰:the Dujiangyan Dam杜甫草堂:Dufu Thatched Cottage青羊宫:Qingyang Taoist Temple武侯祠:Temple of Marquis都江堰:Doujiang Weir九寨沟:Jiuzhaigou蜀南竹海:Bamboo Sea三星堆遗址:Sanxingdui成都(Chengdu),简称蓉,四川省会,1993年被国务院确定为西南地区的科技、商贸、金融中心和交通、通讯枢纽,是设立外国领事馆数量最多、开通国际航线数量最多的中西部城市 。2015年由国务院批复并升格为国家重要的高新技术产业基地、商贸物流中心和综合交通枢纽,西部地区重要的中心城市 。成都位于位于四川盆地西部,成都平原腹地,成都东与德阳、资阳毗邻,西与雅安、阿坝接壤,南与眉山相连。成都市下辖锦江区等10区5县,代管4个县级市。2014年末,成都市辖区建成区面积604.1平方公里,常住人口1442.8万人 。成都是“首批国家历史文化名城”和“中国最佳旅游城市”,承载着三千余年的历史,拥有都江堰、武侯祠、杜甫草堂、金沙遗址、明蜀王陵、望江楼、青羊宫等众多名胜古迹和人文景观。联合国世界旅游组织第22届全体大会将于2017年、第22届世界航线发展大会将于2016年在成都举办。用英语介绍成都的景点70字As is known to all, the tourism resource in Sichuan province is very abundant and you know, Chengdu is a city makes you reluctant to leave once you"re here! I strongly recommand you to go to the Luodai Old Town. there you can appreciate the local old style architecture and relax ourself in the happy village near the old town, where the homemade countrystyle Sichuan food is very delicious.洛带古镇哈跪求一篇。成都任何一个景点的英文导游词。谢谢。第一篇:Located in the south to dujiangyan qingcheng mountain, 66 kilometers away from chengdu. The mountain forest green, with green jade, shape if wall, it is called qingcheng. QuanShan scenery beautiful, have "qingcheng world quiet" said. But because now visitors many, has the name, but going on it, and don"t waste trip. Mount qingcheng Taoist is one of the cradles of our country. The eastern han dynasty last years, Taoism in the mountain ZhangDaoLing founder set the altar missionary, and gradually developed into a Taoist resort. QuanShan had Taoism palace, the view of more than 70 seats, now still remains in 38. Among them, the famous: JianFuGong, tianshi cave, three island stone, the patriarch temple, chaoyang hole, the qing and natural pictures, the golden whip rock stalagmites, ZhangRen mountain peaks, etc.青城山位于都江堰市本南,距成都66公里。山上林木葱茏,峰峦叠翠,状若城廓,故称青城。全山景物幽美,有"青城天下幽"之称。不过由于现在游客多了,已经名不符实了,但到此一游,也不枉此行。   青城山是我国道教发祥地之一。东汉末年,道教创始人张道陵在此山设坛传教,逐渐发展成道教胜地。全山曾有道教宫、观70余座,现尚有遗迹38处。其中,著名的有:建福宫、天师洞、三岛石、祖师殿、朝阳洞、上清宫以及天然图画、金鞭岩、石笋峰、丈人山等。 第二篇:大家好,我是导游张智_。今天,我要带领着大家一起到五岳之一的泰山观光。泰山古称岱宗,它位于山东省东部,华北大平原的东侧,面积426平方公里,海拔1545米。泰山雄伟壮丽,历史悠久,文物众多,以“五岳独尊”的盛名称誉古今。巍巍泰山就像一座民族的丰碑屹立于中华大地,举世瞩目。再往上走,大家就到了主峰部位。主峰的东侧有一个观日石。在原来,传说古人因为爬山时很多人看不到日出,人们齐心协力从山上搬来一块大石头,大家把它放在观日点,人们站着或者坐在上面,就看到了日出。主峰的西侧有一块石碑,上面雕刻着四个鲜红的大字:“五岳独尊”,这四个大字时古代文学家孟子(孟轲)说出的,意思是:“五岳之中,排名榜首”。从古至今,这四个字成了千古佳来到泰山面前,站在迎客松下,隐隐约约可以看到十八盘。因为古人说:“一叶障目,不见泰山”。十八盘的台阶共1594级。高约400多米,可以说是泰山的“脊梁”。如果你从下面的中天门顺着十八盘一直登上南天门,你就会感觉到小腿肚子一直在不停的打哆嗦,这是因为十八盘很陡。登上了南天门,大家先休息一下,留个影,休息一会我们再向上爬。大家请继续跟我向上爬。爬上一小段距离以后,便到了天街。天街位于泰山海拔1250米的高空中。因为天街已经话。再往上走,就到了泰山的最高点——玉皇顶。从玉皇顶的观望台往下走,就看到了泰山的全景。正如大诗人杜甫在《望岳》一诗中所讲:“会当凌绝顶,一览众山晓”。游客们,泰山的景色确实很雄伟,希望您带着亲朋好友再来光临泰山! (完)用英文介绍成都写作思路:根据题目要求,多方面介绍成都的风景特色。Chengdu, located in Sichuan Province, is a beautiful place.成都位于四川省,是一个美丽的地方。The city is exquisitely decorated and well-designed, attracting a large number of tourists every year.这座城市装饰精美,设计精良,每年吸引大量游客。Chengdu has a large number of tourist attractions, such as Wangjiang Park, dujiangba, etc. these attractions are easy to reach, and the cost is not high.成都有大量的旅游景点,如望江公园、都江坝等,这些景点都很容易到达,而且成本不高。And with the rapid development of economy, Chengdu has become an international metropolis.而且随着经济的快速发展,成都已经成为一个国际大都市。Why don"t you come to this magical city to have a rest and have a look at the beautiful scenery?为什么不到这座神奇的城市来休息一下,看看这些美丽的景色呢?求成都著名景点导游词英语,100词以内,带中文Myhometown---chengdu,nowfamousandwell-knownopeneconomies.Herneatgraceful,developedeconomy,abundant,makeapersonyearning.Herlonghistory,culture,mahoganypanelledsplendour,keepthecultureisonesacred四川英语导游词景点讲解 四川是西南、西北和中部地区的重要结合部,是承接华南华中、连接西南西北、沟通中亚南亚东南亚的`重要交汇点和交通走廊。下面是百分网我给大家整理的四川英语导游词,仅供参考。 四川英语导游词【篇一】:四川峨眉山英语导游词 Everybody is good! I am your tour guide, Duan Reyu, today I"ll explain emei mountain scenery culture for everyone. Emei mountain, mount emei in sichuan province in China, the highest peak 3099 meters above sea level, is a state-level scenic spot. Emeishan level field ridges, with beautiful natural scenery, rich buddhist culture, become people worship, sightseeing resort course. Higher than that of emei mountains of guilin, show. Jinding emei mountain there are 10 g: such as "auspicious light" and "guitar frog play", etc. People also created many new landscape. Standing on the mountain, panoramic view of tsing yi jiang. Placed on the top of emei, true have "to see the mountains small" feeling. In the emeishan plant"s growth, is the famous emei fir, frame nan, etc. Have a great variety of orchids, azaleas and so on, these plants to the all kinds of animals have created a natural paradise. Joy Shared with others especially emei mountain, has become a mount emei is famous for its unique landscape "live" in China and foreign countries. Mount emei is one of China"s four major buddhist shrine. The emeishan gradually become influence deeply buddhist holy land of China and the world. These rich buddhist culture heritage is a cultural treasure of the Chinese nation Therefore are gems of library, known as "buddhist" seazan. Mount emei to legend behind one thousand, eternal charm. The trip to mount emei has ended, and have the opportunity to you with your family come to visit mount emei beautiful natural scenery and the great rich buddhist culture. 四川英语导游词【篇二】:四川成都英文导游词 Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan Province and an important industrial, commercial and financial city in southwestern China. Located in one if the country"s richest agricultural plains,Chengdu has 12,390sq.km. By rail,Chengdu is 2,048 km from Beijing and slightly over 2 hours by air of Beijing. Itcan also be reached by a less than 20 hours train rides with about 250 Km of tunnels. Chengdu has direct domestic and interna flights from elsewhere in China,Hong Kong and some neibouring countries. With an altitude of 500 meters, it has a temperate climate and abudant rainfall in summer. The population of Chengdu is about 9.60 million-divided among 8 districts,4 outlyihg cities and 8 counties. About 1.4 million people reside in the city center. chengdu has a history of over 2000 years. century BC,the king of Shu moved his capital to this site.At first Chengdu Was only a county center. The second year it turnek into a metropolis.It developed so fast that the city received the name:Chengdu,which literally meant "becoming a capital". During the Western Han Dynasty(206BC~23AD),the brocade weaving and trade brought so much prosperity to the local area that the government set up a special office in the Southwest of the city to manage brocade weaving and trade business .The city became Known as Jincheng (the Brocade City) afterwards.Another mane was given to Chengdu duringthe five Dynasties Period(907-960)when Meng Chang (孟昶),emperor of the Later Shu State was in power .The emperor loved hibiscus very much ,and he had those flowers planted atop the city wall.The hibiscus in blossom made chengdu colorful for miles around .So Chengdu had another name called Furong Cheng (the Hibiscus City) . Dated back to the Qin and Han Dynasties,Chengdu was alresdy one of the five top industrial du was already one of the five top industrial and commercial cities.In theTang Dynasty Chengdu was as prosperous as Yangzhou(扬州),a big city located in the south of China. In the Nouthern Song veloped with several huge markets inside the city.Chengdu even had night markets and particular centers ,which had exclusive sales of certain commodities. Traditionally Chengdu has long been well-known for its many crafts:embroidery,lacquer ware,silver artistry ,pottery,bamboo ware,silk weaving,cade are regarded as one of the top four fine silks in china.Near the Du Fu Cottage is a famous embroidery factory where skilled workers stitch out with their meedles silk paintings.the elegant designs are perfect to view from both sides of the fabric.In some other workshops,artisans at work carve intricate and elaborate objects of ivory and jade ,design precious silver articles,and weave bamboo into useful and beautiful pieces .these workshops are nowadays a part of the tourist circuit as China opens up to the outside world. Chengdu was one of the birthplaces of the an-Weng(文翁),head of the prefecture of Shu started centuries saw the cultural development by contribuXiangru(司马相如),Li Bai,Su Shi ( 苏轼)who them and in return their excellent literature works enabled the local culture to advance. Chengdu is pleasantly laid out with broad streets and many public parks .Howevey,some older parts of the city still have marrow streets and sculptured wooden houses.Chengdu has many places of interests to see .The highlights for visitors are DuFu"s Thatched Cottage,the temple of Marquis wu,Dujiang lrrigation Project and Precious Light Monastery.Besides,local restaurants serve sichuan cuisine,which is as famous as Cantonese food .Not all of the Sichuan food is spicy-hot .Flowe