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ctr+v 和ctr+x 中的v 和x 是什么英语单词的缩写?

Ctrl-X> -- cut -- copy -- paste 下面再列举一些: Ctrl + A Select all contents of the page. Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection. Ctrl + C Copy selected text. Ctrl + X Cut selected text. Ctrl + P Open the print window. Ctrl + F Open find box. Ctrl + I Italic highlighted selection. Ctrl + K Insert link. Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection. Ctrl + V Paste. Ctrl + Y Redo the last action performed. Ctrl + Z Undo last action. Ctrl + L Aligns the line or selected text to the left of the screen.



ctr+v 和ctr+x 中的v 和x 是什么英语单词的缩写??

Ctrl-X> -- cut -- copy -- paste 下面再列举一些: Ctrl + A Select all contents of the page. Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection. Ctrl + C Copy selected text. Ctrl + X Cut selected text. Ctrl + P Open the print window. Ctrl + F Open find box. Ctrl + I Italic highlighted selection. Ctrl + K Insert link. Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection. Ctrl + V Paste. Ctrl + Y Redo the last action performed. Ctrl + Z Undo last action. Ctrl + L Aligns the line or selected text to the left of the screen.,3,




black sheep 害群之马





quit 英语单词是什么意思



people"s hunting endanger the Golden Monkeys.



quit 英语单词是什么意思



小子son, guy, boy

英语单词 兔子 怎么写



rua bi te


   Whatislife    Aratrace,aratrace   ——RatRace生活是什么生活是什么一次亡命寻宝 一次亡命寻宝 ——《亡命寻宝》    一、你知道race有几种含义吗?   n.   1.比赛 [C]   Tom won the 100 metre race.   汤姆获得了100米赛跑的胜利。   2.人种,种族 [C]   The Mongolians are a warrior race.   蒙古民族是一个骁勇的民族。   v.   1.和...竞赛;(使)参加比赛 [I,T]   Top drivers are racing at the race course.   头等的骑手正在赛马场赛马。   2.(使)全速行进 [I,T]   The lorries were racing against each other.   一辆辆的`卡车在争先恐后地行驶。    二、含有race的常见短语   arms race   n.军备竞赛   boat race   n. 赛船   car race   汽车比赛,赛车   horse race   n.赛马    三,你学会race的用法了吗?一起来做个小测试吧!   Heisnotgoingto ____ hishorsenextweek.   他不打算让他的马参加下周的比赛。

帮忙找下以bio开头的英语单词 有那些?



racen. 属,种;种族,人种;家庭,门弟vt. 使参加比赛;和…竞赛;使急走,使全速行进vi. 比速度,参加竞赛;全速行进满意请采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢

帮忙找下以bio开头的英语单词 有那些?


帮忙找下以bio开头的英语单词 有那些?

biochemist生化学家 biochemistry生物化学 biodegradable能进行生物降解的 biodiversity生物多样性 biographer传记作家 biography传记 biological生物学的 biology生物学 biomass生物量 bionic能力超人的 biophysics生物物理学 biopic传记片 biopsy 活组织检查 biophere生物圈 biotechnology生物科技



1.It"s a Clearance Rack!2.Look at that trendy couple- kitted up all the latest gear!3.The Gypsies are a race constantly on the move.4.His trousers were baggy at the knees.5.This article is a bit no rhyme or reason.6The ball was the highlight of the London season.7.I didn"t catch on to this joke.8.They met, fell for each other and got married six weeks later.9.The enemy kept up their bombardment day and night.10.Company presents Sutton Foster in ANYTHING GOES on Broadway at the Stephen Sondheim Theatre.11.Do these plans fit in with your arrangements?12.She became a celebrity overnight.13.Are you in danger of being a fashion victim?14.Expert Fashionista stylists can help you select the perfect gift for your style-savvy gal!




不同,First 是上齿咬着下嘴唇发出的浊音开头,Birth是双嘴唇并拢发出的爆破音开头。










so easy么?




黑色的black u261e u2667手工翻译u2600尊重劳动u2600欢迎提问u2600感谢采纳u2667 u261c


black adj.黑的; 漆黑的黑人的; 有关黑人的暗淡的; 阴郁的; 悲惨的凶恶的; 不吉利的愤怒的弄脏的; 污秽的身穿黑衣的黑市的, 非法交易的不荣誉的black Americans 美国黑人be in a black mood 情绪低落black deeds 凶恶的行为a black mark 污点He gave her a black look. 他对她怒目而视。Their future looked black. 他们的前途暗淡。习惯用语as black as a crow 极黑, 漆黑as black as a raven 极黑, 漆黑as black as a crow sloe 极黑, 漆黑as black as coal 墨黑, 极黑as black as ebony 墨黑, 极黑as black as ink 墨黑, 极黑as black as jet 墨黑, 极黑as black as soot 墨黑, 极黑beat sb. black and blue 把某人打得青一块紫一块call black white 颠倒黑白; 混淆是非make black white 颠倒黑白; 混淆是非call white black 颠倒黑白; 混淆是非make white black 颠倒黑白; 混淆是非turn white into black 颠倒黑白; 混淆是非turn black into white 颠倒黑白; 混淆是非in black and white 白纸黑字; 书 面的; 印刷的in the black 出现黑字, 有赢余(与“in the red ”相对)know black from white 有判断力; 精明机敏look black 怒目而视 (前景)暗淡not so black as one is painted 不象人们所说的那么坏paint sb. black 往某人脸上抹黑


1、commodity 美 [kə"mɑdəti] 英 [kə"mɒdəti] 复数:commodities(1)、n.商品;产品;货物;商品经济(2)、网络:日用品;品名;大宗商品/2、2、goods 美 [ɡʊdz] 英 [ɡʊdz](1)、n.商品;货品;动产;私人财产(2)、网络:货物;物品;产品3、product 美 ["prɑdəkt] 英 ["prɒdʌkt] 复数:products(1)、n.产品;产物;制品;积(2)、网络:产品中心;产品展示;产品分类4、commodity 是指商品,特指工业制成品(非原料、半成品);goods 是货物的泛称,一般生活或商业用词,指销售或购入的商品cargo ship 即货船;product是指(自然、化学或工业过程的)产物,生成物,产品。【扩展资料】:1、product:(1)、Not only was the product innovative, but the methodology was as well.不仅仅是作品的创新性,还有创新的方法。(2)、The reason is simple: Penetration pricing often means that the product may be sold at a loss for a certain length of time.道理很简单:使用渗透价格常常意味着产品在一定时间内是要以亏本价卖出的。2、commodity:(1)、Commodity Inspection Shall we take up the question of inspection today?今天咱们讨论商品检验问题吧。(2)、One can measure the utility of a movie ticket by asking how much of some othercommodity (like hamburgers)you are willing to give up for it.你可以通过询问为看场电影愿意放弃多少其他商品(如汉堡)来测量电影的效用。3、goods:(1)、We"ve ready to place an order with you, but only one condition is to at goods are confined to Taiwan.我准备向你们订货,但是唯一。的条件是,货物只限卖给台湾的么公司。(2)、The securities transaction shall be carried out in the form of spot goods as well as any other form as prescribed by the State Council.第四十二条证券交易以现货和国务院规定的其他方式进行交易。

英语单词造句 shall pick hit encourage host improve

答案是:1.weshallvisitBeiJingtomorrow2.pleasepickupyhewastepaperonthefloor3.Tomwashitbyacaryesterday4.myteacherusuallyencouragesmetostudyhard5.whowillhostthemeeting?6.myEnglishhasimprovedalot ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳、给与好评!~




Green beige 米绿色 Beige 米色,淡黄或灰黄 Sand yellow 沙黄色 Signal yellow 信号黄 Goldenyellow 金黄色 Honey yellow 蜜黄色 Maize yellow 玉米黄 Daffodil yellow 灰黄色 Brown beige 米褐色 Lemon yellow 柠檬黄 Oyster white 近于白色的浅灰 Ivory 象牙色 Light ivory 亮象牙色 Sulfur yellow 硫磺色 Saffron yellow 深黄色 Zinc yellow 绿黄色 Grey beige 米灰色 Olive yellow 橄榄黄 Rape yellow 油菜黄 Traffic yellow 交通黄 Ochre yellow 赭黄色 Luminous yellow 亮黄色 Pastel yellow 粉黄色 Pearl beige 米珍珠色 Pearl gold 金黄珍珠 Sun yellow 日光黄 Yellow orange 黄橙色 Red orange 橘红 Vermilion 朱红 Paster orange 淡橙 Pure orange 纯橙 Luminous orange 亮橙 Luminous bright orange 亮浅橙 Bright red orange 浅红橙 Traffic orange 交通橙 Deep orange 深橙色 Salmon orange 鲑鱼橙 Pearl orange 珍珠橙 Flame red 火焰红 Signal red 信号红 Carmine red 胭脂红 Ruby red 宝石红 Purple red 紫红色 Curry 咖喱色 Melon yellow 浅橙黄 Broom yellow 金雀花黄 Dahlia yellow 大丽花黄 Beige red 米红色 Tomato red 番茄红 Antique pink 古粉红色 Light pink 淡粉红色 Coral red 珊瑚红色 Rose 玫瑰色 Strawberry red 草莓红 Traffic red 交通红 Salmon pink 鲑鱼粉红色 Luminous red 亮红色 Luminous bright red 淡亮红色 Raspbery red 悬钩子红色 Orient red 戈亚红色 Wine red 葡萄酒红 Black red 黑红色 Oxide red 氧化红 Brown red 红玄武土色 Violet blue 紫蓝色 Green blue 蓝绿色 Ultramarine blue 群青蓝 Sapphire blue 蓝宝石蓝 Black blue 蓝黑色 Signal blue 信号蓝 Brillant blue 亮蓝色 Grey blue 灰蓝色 Azure blue 天青蓝 Gentian blue 龙胆蓝色 Steel blue 钢蓝色 Light blue 淡蓝色 Cobalt blue 钴蓝色 Pearl ruby red 红宝石珍珠红 Pearl pink 珍珠红色 Red lilac 丁香红 Red violet 紫红色 Heather violet 石南紫 Claret violet 酒红紫 Blue lilac 丁香蓝 Traffic purple 交通紫 Purple violet 紫红蓝色 Signal violet 信号紫罗兰 Pastel violet 崧蓝紫色 Telemagenta 电视品红色 Pearl violet 珍珠紫 Peal blackberry 珍珠黑 Leaf green 叶绿色 Olive green 橄榄绿 Blue green 蓝绿色 Moss green 苔藓绿 Grey olrve 橄榄灰绿 Pigeon blue 鸽蓝色 Sky blue 天蓝色 Traffic blue 交通蓝 Turquoise blue 绿松石蓝 Capri blue 卡布里蓝色 Ocean blue 海蓝色 Water blue 不来梅蓝色 Night blue 夜蓝色 Distant blue 冷蓝色 Pastel blue 崧蓝蓝色 Pearl gentian blue 珍珠龙胆蓝 Pearl night blue 珍珠夜蓝 Patina green 铜锈绿色 Emerald greet 翡翠绿色 Signal greet 信号绿 Mint turquoise 薄荷绿蓝色 Pastel turquoies 崧蓝绿松石色 Pearl green 珍珠绿 Pearl opal green 不透明蓝白绿 Bottle green 瓶绿 Brown green 褐绿 Fir greet 冷杉绿 Grass greet 草绿色 Reseda green 淡橄榄绿 Black green 墨绿色 Reed green 芦苇绿 Yellow olive 橄榄黄 Black olive 黑齐墩果色 Turquoise green 绿松石绿色 May green 五月红 Yellow green 黄绿色 Pastel green 崧蓝绿色 Chrome green 铭绿色 Pale green 浅绿色 Olive drab 橄榄土褐色 Traffic green 交通绿 Fern green 蕨绿色 Squirrel grey 松鼠灰 Silver grey 银灰色 Olive grey 橄榄灰绿色 Moss grey 苔藓绿 Signal grey 信号灰 Mouse grey 鼠灰色 Beige grey 米灰色 Khaki grey 土黄灰色 Green grey 绿灰色 Tarpaulin gey 油布灰 Iron grey 铁灰色 Basalt grey 玄武石灰 Brown grey 褐灰色 Slate grey 浅橄榄灰 Anthracite grey 煤灰 Black grey 黑灰 Umbra grey 暗灰 Concrete grey 混凝土灰 Opal green 蛋白石绿色 Light green 浅绿色 Pine green 松绿色 Mint green 薄荷绿 Cement grey 水泥灰 Yellow grey 黄灰色 Light grey 浅灰色 Platinum grey 铂灰色 Dusty grey 土灰色 Agate grey 玛瑙灰 Quartz grey 石英灰 Window grey 窗灰色 Traffic grey A 交通灰A Traffic grey B 交通灰B Silk grey 深铭灰色 Telegrey 1 电视灰1 Telegrey 2 电视灰2 Telegrey 4 电视灰4 Pearl mouse grey 珍珠鼠灰 Green brown 绿褐色 Ochre brown 赭石棕色 Signal brown 信号褐 Graphite grey 石墨灰 Granite grey 花岗灰 Stone grey 石灰色 Blue grey 蓝灰色 Mahogany brown 桃花心木褐 Chocolate brown 巧克力棕色 Grey brown 灰褐色 Black brown 黑褐色 Orange brown 桔黄褐 Beige brown 哔叽棕色 Pale brown 浅褐色 Terra brown 浅灰褐色 Pearl copper 珍珠铜棕色 Cream 彩黄色 Grey white 灰白色 Signal white 信号白 Signal black 信号黑 Jet black 墨黑色 White aluminium 白铝灰色 Grey aluminium 灰铝色 Pure white 纯白色 Graphiack 石墨黑 Traffic white 交通白 Clay brown 土棕褐色 Coper brown 铜棕色 Fawn brown 鹿褐色 Olive brown 橄榄棕色 Nut brown 深棕色 Red brown 红褐色 Sepia brown 乌贼棕色 Chestnut brown 粟棕色 Traffic black 交通黑 Papyrus white 草纸白 Pearl light grey 珍珠浅灰 Pearl dark grey 珍珠深灰




  在日常生活中,人们将蔷薇属一系列花大艳丽的栽培品种统称为玫瑰,成为爱情的象征。不同数量的玫瑰代表着不同的意思。玫瑰花语:爱情、爱与美、容光焕发,勇敢。那么你知道是什么吗?下面我为大家整理了和例句,欢迎大家学习。   :   rose   英 [ru0259uz] 美 [roz]   玫瑰相关英语表达:   蓝玫瑰 Blue rose   野玫瑰 Wild Rose   圣诞玫瑰 Christmas Rose   玫瑰骑士 Knights of the Rose   例句:   她买的玫瑰第二天就凋谢了。   The roses wilted the day after she bought them.   他采了一朵玫瑰给她。   He picked her a rose.   我看到他正在给玫瑰修剪枝条。   I found him pruning his roses.   玫瑰是遍生于世界各地的植物。   The rose is a co *** opolitan plant.   玫瑰是复叶植物。   Rose is a plant with pound leaves.   我们把玫瑰丛挖出来,然后种了一些卷心菜。   We dug up the rose bushes and planted some cabbages.   办公室前有一丛玫瑰。   There is a rose bush in front of the office.   泛白凋零的玫瑰从蓝色的花瓶里耷拉下来。   Pale wilting roses drooped from a blue vase.   黄昏时天空中玫瑰色和紫罗兰色的云霞   The rose and violet hues of a twilight sky   一桶桶的玫瑰被撞翻在地。   Buckets of roses had been knocked over.   这束玫瑰花中,十一朵是红玫瑰,一朵是白玫瑰。   Give eleven red roses and one white rose.   就像每首歌都是玫瑰的花瓣,那么祖母就是玫瑰的枝干。   As if each song is a petal on a rose and my grandmother is the stem.   母亲特别喜欢种玫瑰,无论家搬到哪里,都要在那里种上玫瑰,一直到她去世。   She especially loved to grow roses and did so in all her homes until she died.   他订购了12朵他们那儿最好的红玫瑰。   He ordered a dozen of their best red roses.   等她和卢瑟有了自己的房子,他们就会围起一块草坪扦插玫瑰。   When she and Luther got their house, they would fence off a lawn and raise roses from cuttings.   人们总是戴着玫瑰色的眼镜看待过去。   People are looking at the past with rose-tinted spectacles.   在那天戴朵玫瑰的可爱风俗   The charming custom of wearing a rose on that day   花朵凋谢后要剪除杂生的玫瑰枝。   Prune rambling roses when the flowers have faded.


现将所查到的信息罗列如下:rail vt.将…围起来, 隔开 eg:The cliff edge is dangerous and should be railed. vi.责备; 辱骂; 抱怨 n. 1.栏杆;扶手;围栏 2.铁路;铁道railing n. 1.栏杆 eg: We tied this letter to a brick and threw it over the railing.2.由横木做成的篱笆 balustrade n.(阳台的)栏杆,扶手eg:She leaned over the balustrade and shouted to the man downstairs. 她俯身在阳台栏杆上对楼下的人们喊着。handrail n.(a rail alongside a stairway, etc, at a convenient eight to be grasped to provide support)栏杆,扶手具体的区别就见仁见智、根据具体语境了。


  1).rail n.铁轨,轨道   The spring travel peak always puts great pressure on the rail network.Now our government is trying to take different measures to lessen this situation   春运高峰总是给铁路交通网带来相当大的压力。现在政府正在努力采取各种措施来缓解这种情况。   2).iron n.铁   Strike while the iron is hot   趁热打铁。   3).steel n.钢   This is not to deny that there has been overinvestment in some sectors in China, such as steel and cars.   这并不是要否认中国在一些行业,如铜铁和汽车业,存住过度投资。   4).subway n.地铁交通   When working in Beijing,l enjoy taking the subway to work everyday   在北京工作的时候,我喜欢每天坐地铁去上班。   5).entrance n.入口   Turn right and then you will see subway entrance on your right   右转,然后你就会看到地铁站入口在你的右边。   6).train n.火车,列车   l met a travel musician on the way to school by train, and at that time he was playing a piece of beautiful music ln our compartment   在回学校的火车上,我遇到一个旅行音乐家。那时他正在我们的`车厢内弹奏一曲优美的音乐。   7).locomotive n.火车头   My father is the locomotive of our family, and all of us are willing to listen to him   爸爸可以说是家里的火车头,我们也都愿意听他的。   8).station n.火车站   l arrived at the railway station at 12 last night, and the sky was very beautiful at that time   昨天晚上12点我到了火车站,那时的天空非常美丽。   9).luggage n.行李   The porter was weighed down by all the luggage   搬运工被这些行李压得直不起腰来。   10).carriage n.(火车的)客车厢   Weu2019ll be sitting in the second carriage from the bottom of the train   我们的位置在倒数第二节车厢里。   11).book v.预订   My boss asked me to book a flight to New York for tomorrow   老板让我帮他订一张明天飞往纽约的机票。   12).ticket n.票,车票   l was waiting to buy a ticket, but only one ticket was left, and another man beat me to it   我想买张票,可是就连最后一张也做别人捷足先登了。   13).transport n.交通运输;v.运输,运送   She says cash donations help the agency to buy food locally and transport it quickly to where it is needed   她说现金捐款帮助代理处在当地购买粮食并将之迅速运送到需要的地方。   14).transit n.运输,运送   You shall be responsible for the loss of the goods in transit If you can"t work seriously   如果你不作不认真,你就得承担货物运输中的损失。   15).freight n.货物,货运   Railway departments have been hit by plunging passenger numbers and railway freight volumes since last spring   自去年春季以来,铁路部门一直受到乘客数最和货运量大幅下滑的冲击。   16).haul v.拖运   Plumbers and traders used it to haul tools, packages and sundry items   水管工和小商贩用它来运输工具、箱子和杂物。   17).container n.集装箱,货柜   Seeing that goods are packed into the container, he was relieved   看着货物被装进了集装箱,他松了一口气。   18).locomotive n.机车,火车头   Creativity is the locomotive of business development   创新将是企业发展的推动力。


铅笔 n. pencil




是是是是 train


single colored slottingdobule colored slottingdie cutting






中秋节英语单词大全   一年一度的.中华传统节日中秋节即将到来,八月十五是阖家团圆的日子,那么关于中秋节的英语词汇不妨借机学一学!我为大家整理中秋节英语单词大全,并有中秋节英文介绍等。快开看看吧!   中秋节英文词汇 :   the Mid-autumn Festival(15th day of the 8th lunar month)   中秋节用英语怎么说?中秋节英文翻译:   Mid-Autumn Festival ; Moon Festival ; Mooncake Festival; Zhongqiu Festival   中秋节常用词汇:   moon 月亮   Autumn 秋季   moon cake月饼   中秋节英语单词大全:托福词汇翻译   reunion 团聚   Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节   the Chinese lunar calendar 中国农历   Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 中秋节快乐!   official holiday 法定假日   goddess in the moon嫦娥   The Goddess Changs fly to the moon嫦娥奔月   moon cake月饼   the Mid-autumn Day中秋节   月亮:moon   月饼:moon cake   团圆:reunion   祝福:blessing   回家:go home   中秋节英语祝福语:   Mid-autumn Festival;Mid-Autumn Day;the Mid-autumn Festival   中秋节快乐 Happy Mid-Autumn Day   中秋节快乐 我们吃月饼。We eat moon cakes on Mid - Autumn Day.   中秋节英语介绍:   The Midautumn Festival is the traditional festival in China.In this day,people ,espically family members will have a happy get-together.So Chinese people vaule this festival for its important meaning of "reunion".And the mooncake is the symbolic food.It represents the "reunion" just like the full moon. Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the four major traditional festivals.   中秋节是中国四大传统节日之一。There are evening meal, people who work outside the home have to come back happy. After dinner, people lit lanterns, usually red lanterns round. The children will happily play their toy lanterns.   晚上有一顿美餐,离家在外工作的人也要回来团圆。晚饭后,人们点亮灯笼,一般是红色的圆灯笼。孩子们会高高兴兴地玩他们的玩具灯笼。   You Yuanyou the moon in the evening, people eating at the same time to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival special foods - cakes. People with the past, look to the future. It is said that there are dragon in the sky, it is necessary to swallow the moon. In order to protect the moon, the children have to come up with a large ring of the dragons away.   晚上月亮又圆又大,人们在赏月的同时吃着中秋节特别的食品——月饼。人们在一起回顾过去,展望未来。据说天上有一条龙,它要把月亮吞下去。为了保护月亮,孩子们要弄出很大的响动把龙吓跑。 ;




英[du0292u026a"u0252ɡru0259fu026a] 美[du0292iu02c8ɑɡru0259fi] 就是zhei ao ge ruo fei






Reasonable 合理的respectful尊敬的representative典型的


ridiculous英 [rɪ"dɪkjʊləs] 美 [rɪ"dɪkjələs] adj. 可笑的;荒谬的短语Ridiculous Thoughts 天马行空 ; 胡思乱想 ; 荒谬的想法 ; 荒谬的思想ridiculous movie 一部大蠢片Ridiculous reality 荒谬的现实 ; 荒谬现实You ridiculous 你真的很可笑feel ridiculous 感到可笑的


absurdity [05b"s05:d05ti] n. 荒谬;谬论;荒谬的言行 满意 请 采纳 谢谢的


ride rabbit fever ryt room rapped


请把5单元到7单元后的音标补上,急用啊 谢谢啦

初一下册英语单词表 单词列表所有单词




英语单词MY name is怎么读



BNC接头,是一种用于同轴电缆的连接器,全称是Bayonet Nut Connector(刺刀螺母连接器,这个名称形象地描述了这种接头外形),又称为British Naval Connector(英国海军连接器,可能是英国海军最早使用这种接头)或Bayonet Neill Conselman(Neill Conselman刺刀,这种接头是一个名叫Neill Conselman的人发明的)。 BNC接头可没有被淘汰,因为同轴电缆是一种屏蔽电缆,有传送距离长、信号稳定的优点。目前它还被大量用于通信系统中,如网络设备中的E1接口就是用两根BNC接头的同轴电缆来连接的,在高档的监视器、音响设备中也经常用来传送音频、视频信号。 被淘汰只不过是10Base-2以太网,这种网络使用50欧的RG-58A/U同轴电缆的,速率为10Mb的,总线型网络,维护不便。所以现在组建这种网络的BNC接口网卡也被淘汰了。BNC就是一种“看上去”有点像莲花头的线缆接头。还记得老式的用同轴电缆连接的网卡吗?那个上面的接口就是BNC。BNC接口也经常用在高级的显示设备上,很多大尺寸比如19、21寸的显示器带有这个。


on board 上车、船,飞机


aboard 国外 blackboard 黑板 whiteboard 白班 signboard 签名板


ice cream




我们常见的英语单词或者短语意为最终的有:finally,at last,高级替换词如下:At length."I"m still not sure," he said at length. "我还是没把握。"他最后说道Last but not leastLast but not leastto study abroad may exercise a negative influence on students" mentality. 最后但同样重要的是,出国留学可能会对学生的心理产生负面影响。请点击输入图片描述All things consideredI lead a pretty simple life, all things considered.总的来说,我的生活相当简单。Once and for allI need to have it out with her once and for all.我有必要跟她公开彻底地把话说清楚。In a nutshellTo put it in a nutshell, we"re bankrupt. 简单地说,我们破产了。请点击输入图片描述Utimately 最终地 Utimately, you"ll have to make the decision.最终你还是要做决定7. Eventually 终于 Eventually, you"ll learn to how to go swmming. 最终你还是会学会游泳8.要分清楚运用场合,平时要进行刻意地练习,久而久之就会运用得当啦


根据题意这个英语单词填空是 none是代词,意思是没有人,一个也没有

人教版 高二英语单词表 急需


在表示薪酬的英语单词中,incentive 和 bonus 的具体区别是什么?能给个例句吗?

  incentive n. 动机;刺激;诱因;鼓励   bonus n. 奖金,额外津贴;红利,额外股息;退职金;额外令人高兴的事情


National day

有哪些英语单词中含有part这个词根 如departure





这个题应当选rating,原题可译为:截至去年底,首相的支持率已经下降到仅有12%。虽然中文里“approval rating”通常被译为支持率,但是rating的含义更倾向于“等级,级别”,也就是说rating是指在跟其他事物的比较中鉴别出的这个事物的重要程度,受欢迎程度等等。比如ratings就是指电视电台节目的收视率ratio指“比率”,通常强调某个部分在一大个整体中所占的地位,一般是通过与其对立或者相关部分的比较而言,例如:The ratio of men to women in this department is very high.(这个部门中,男女比例很高)rate是使用最频繁的一个词,它可以指“速度”“率”例子:The can runs at an average rate of 100km per hour. (汽车以每小时100千米的平均速度行驶)(rate的这个意义就相当于speed)criminal rate/divorce rate/unemployment rate 犯罪率、离婚率、失业率(rate所指的“率”一般是就部分在整体中的地位而言,不涉及比较)我尽量写得很详细了,希望能帮到你



一词多义的英语单词有哪些?例如book (书,预定)


volunteer志愿者 这英语单词怎么读

volunteer 英[u02ccvu0252lu0259nu02c8tu026au0259(r)] 美[u02ccvɑ:lu0259nu02c8tu026ar] n. 志愿者,志愿兵; [军] 义勇军; [植] 自生植物; [林] 先锋树种; adj. 自愿的,志愿的; vt. 自愿去做; 当志愿兵[义勇军]; [例句]She now helps in a local school as a volunteer three days a week目前她在当地的一家学校做志愿工作,一周去3天。[其他] 第三人称单数:volunteers 复数:volunteers 现在分词:volunteering过去式:volunteered 过去分词:volunteered






  重复指同样的东西再次出现,按原来的样子再次做。那么你知道重复的 英语单词 是什么吗?现在跟我一起学习关于重复的英语知识吧。    重复英语单词   repeat   reiteration   echo    重复的英语例句   要不要我重复一遍?   Am I expected to repeat it?   重复努力,重复劳动,重复工作。   We must avoid wasteful duplication of effort.   呼吸练习应该再多重复几次。   The breathing exercises should be repeated several times more.   流程型销售人员喜欢重复性、可规模化的 方法 。   Process-oriented sales folks love repeatable, scalable methods.   倘使你不发一言,就不会被要求重复再讲一遍了。   If you do not say anything, you will not be called on to repeat it.   我们必须避免无谓的重复劳动。   We must avoid wasteful duplication of effort.   因此在无重复接地的地方一定要加装重复接地。   So iterative earthing is necessary in the place where it is not installed.   请先对重复的索引重命名,没有重复后再升级。   Rename the indexes to remove duplicates before you upgrade.   重复节必须绑定到重复的域或组。   A repeating section must be bound to a field or group that repeats.   这是真正的祈祷,不是机械的重复。   It is real prayer, and not mechanical repetition.   这个小孩重复着他妈妈的话。   The child echoed his mother"s words.   找到并且销毁,重复一下,销毁这些部件。   Find and destroy, repeat destroy, these units.   “你这个傻瓜,”她不断地重复着。   "You fool," she kept repeating.   作为预防性 措施 ,请重复用药。   As a precautionary measure repeat the medication.   另外,我重复了我的问题。   I repeated my question for good measure.   夫人,请重复一遍好吗?   Would you repeat that please, ma"am?   他接下来就开始不着边际、说话来回重复了。   Then he started rambling and repeating himself.   假设一个输入速度很快的用户输入一个(重复的)城市名,但是马上意识到了错误并纠正了错误。   Suppose a nimble-fingered user enters a ( duplicate) city name but immediately realizes his mistake and fixes it.   他重复了几遍直到记住为止。   He repeated it several times over (ie again and again) until he could remember it.   习惯一种由于不断的重复而形成的反复出现,经常是无意识的行为方式   A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition.   重复repeat和restate的区别   Hello Jun. Thank you for your question about the difference between repeat and restate.   你好,Jun。感谢你提问repeat和restate这两个词的区别。   In a sense, repeat and restate are similar in that they can both mean that someone says something again.   从某种意义上说,repeat和restate是非常相似的,因为它们的含义都是某人再一次说了些什么。   However, if someone repeats something, they say exactly the same words,   但是,当某人repeat某事的时候,他们说的是完全相同的话,   whereas if someone restates something, they express the same idea but by using different words.   而当某人restate某事的时候,他们表示的是同样的意思,但是说得却是不同的话。   They do this in order to make their meaning clearer or to make their point more strongly.   他们这样做的目的是要让自己的意思更加清楚,或者更强烈地表达他们的观点。   This is the kind of thing that a university lecturer might do to explain a complicated theory   可能在大学讲师解释一个复杂的理论时、   or that a politician might do when clarifying a new policy.   或是一名政治家在阐明新政策时,会出现这样的情况。   In the following example the second sentence is a restatement of the first sentence.   在下面的例子中,第二句话是对第一句话的重述(restatement)。   The government will reduce income tax next year. We will take less of the money that you earn.   政府会在明年降低所得税。我们会从你所挣得钱中收取更少的一部分。   Whilst in the following version, the second sentence is a repetition of the first one.   在下面这个说法中,第二句是对第一句的重复(repetition)。   The government will reduce income tax next year. We will reduce income tax next year.   政府会在明年降低所得税。我们明年会降低所得税。   There is, of course, another difference between repeat and restate.   当然,repeat和restate还有另外一个区别。   You can repeat an action, you can do something for a second or a third time, but it is impossible to restate an action.   你可以repeat一个动作,可以做两次、三次,但是却不可能restate一个动作。   So, if you are still not sure about the difference I suggest you read or listen to this explanation again,   因此,当你仍然不确定它们之间的区别时,我建议你将上述解释再听或读一遍,   as it is often said that repetition is an important part of learning.   就像人们常说的那样,重复是学习的重要组成部分。 猜你喜欢: 1. 创意用英语怎么说 2. 烦恼用英语怎么说 3. 重视用英语怎么说 4. 交换用英语怎么说 5. 个性用英语怎么说 6. 成长用英语怎么说 7. 一斤用英语怎么说


  重复指同样的东西再次出现,按原来的样子再次做。那么你知道是什么吗?现在跟我一起学习关于重复的英语知识吧。    重复英语单词   repeat   reiteration   echo    重复的英语例句   要不要我重复一遍?   Am I expected to repeat it?   重复努力,重复劳动,重复工作。   We must avoid wasteful duplication of effort.   呼吸练习应该再多重复几次。   The breathing exercises should be repeated several times more.   流程型销售人员喜欢重复性、可规模化的方法。   Process-oriented sales folks love repeatable, scalable methods.   倘使你不发一言,就不会被要求重复再讲一遍了。   If you do not say anything, you will not be called on to repeat it.   我们必须避免无谓的重复劳动。   We must avoid wasteful duplication of effort.   因此在无重复接地的地方一定要加装重复接地。   So iterative earthing is necessary in the place where it is not installed.   请先对重复的索引重新命名,没有重复后再升级。   Rename the indexes to remove duplicates before you upgrade.   重复节必须系结到重复的域或组。   A repeating section must be bound to a field or group that repeats.   这是真正的祈祷,不是机械的重复。   It is real prayer, and not mechanical repetition.   这个小孩重复着他妈妈的话。   The child echoed his mother"s words.   找到并且销毁,重复一下,销毁这些部件。   Find and destroy, repeat destroy, these units.   “你这个傻瓜,”她不断地重复著。   "You fool," she kept repeating.   作为预防性措施,请重复用药。   As a precautionary measure repeat the medication.   另外,我重复了我的问题。   I repeated my question for good measure.   夫人,请重复一遍好吗?   Would you repeat that please, ma"am?   他接下来就开始不著边际、说话来回重复了。   Then he started rambling and repeating himself.   假设一个输入速度很快的使用者输入一个重复的城市名,但是马上意识到了错误并纠正了错误。   Suppose a nimble-fingered user enters a duplicate city name but immediately realizes his mistake and fixes it.   他重复了几遍直到记住为止。   He repeated it several times over ie again and again until he could remember it.   习惯一种由于不断的重复而形成的反复出现,经常是无意识的行为方式   A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition.   重复repeat和restate的区别   Hello Jun. Thank you for your question about the difference between repeat and restate.   你好,Jun。感谢你提问repeat和restate这两个词的区别。   In a sense, repeat and restate are similar in that they can both mean that someone says something again.   从某种意义上说,repeat和restate是非常相似的,因为它们的含义都是某人再一次说了些什么。   However, if someone repeats something, they say exactly the same words,   但是,当某人repeat某事的时候,他们说的是完全相同的话,   whereas if someone restates something, they express the same idea but by using different words.   而当某人restate某事的时候,他们表示的是同样的意思,但是说得却是不同的话。   They do this in order to make their meaning clearer or to make their point more strongly.   他们这样做的目的是要让自己的意思更加清楚,或者更强烈地表达他们的观点。   This is the kind of thing that a university lecturer might do to explain a plicated theory   可能在大学讲师解释一个复杂的理论时、   or that a politician might do when clarifying a new policy.   或是一名政治家在阐明新政策时,会出现这样的情况。   In the following example the second sentence is a restatement of the first sentence.   在下面的例子中,第二句话是对第一句话的重述restatement。   The government will reduce ine tax next year. We will take less of the money that you earn.    *** 会在明年降低所得税。我们会从你所挣得钱中收取更少的一部分。   Whilst in the following version, the second sentence is a repetition of the first one.   在下面这个说法中,第二句是对第一句的重复repetition。   The government will reduce ine tax next year. We will reduce ine tax next year.    *** 会在明年降低所得税。我们明年会降低所得税。   There is, of course, another difference between repeat and restate.   当然,repeat和restate还有另外一个区别。   You can repeat an action, you can do something for a second or a third time, but it is impossible to restate an action.   你可以repeat一个动作,可以做两次、三次,但是却不可能restate一个动作。   So, if you are still not sure about the difference I suggest you read or listen to this explanation again,   因此,当你仍然不确定它们之间的区别时,我建议你将上述解释再听或读一遍,   as it is often said that repetition is an important part of learning.   就像人们常说的那样,重复是学习的重要组成部分。 1.创意用英语怎么说 2.烦恼用英语怎么说 3.重视用英语怎么说 4.交换用英语怎么说 5.个性用英语怎么说 6.成长用英语怎么说 7.一斤用英语怎么说




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