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Deryck Whibley怎么读(把音标标出来,如果可以:最好有在线发音)



pear和pair的音标相同pear [peu0259]n. 梨子, 梨树pair [peu0259]n. 一双, 一副, 一对v. 使成对; 使交配;使成配偶; 把...组成一对一对; 成对,配对; 交配; 组成一对一对; 结婚

pair 音标如何写的

pair [pεu0259] n.一对,一双,一副 vt.把…组成一对 [ 复数pairs或pair ]


[ai] like喜欢;像 i发ai的音。 [ei] make制作 a发[ei的音


知道是知道 ,但是打不出来啊




At 8:30 in the morning, Lin Wei and other giant panda keepers were preparing milk for the baby panda"s breakfast at Chengdu research base. At nine o"clock in the morning, they found that most of the baby pandas had woken up and were hungry.早上八点半,成都研究基地,林微和其他的大熊猫饲养员正在为熊猫宝宝的早餐准备牛奶。上午九点钟,他们发现大多数的熊猫宝宝已经醒来并且很饥饿。When they see the keeper, they run over excitedly, some even run into their friends and fall.当它们看到饲养员的时候,它们兴奋地跑过来,有些甚至撞上自己的朋友而跌倒。"They are very smart and lovely," said Linwei, a panda keeper. I look after my children as well. I bathe them every day, feed them, play with them. They are really special to me. "林薇(一位熊猫饲养员)说:“它们非常聪明可爱。我像照顾自己的孩子一样照顾它们。我每天给它们洗澡,喂食,陪它们玩耍。它们对我来说真的非常特殊。”In fact, many people in the world like these black and white animals. Pandas are so popular that they have become the symbol of China.事实上,世界上许多人都喜欢这些有黑有白的动物。熊猫是这么受欢迎以至于它们都成了中国的象征了。这部分内容主要考察的是现在完成时的知识点:过去的动作或状态持续到现在,对现在造成的影响,可能持续发生下去。在英语时态中,“时”指动作发生的时间,“态”指动作的样子和状态。完成时态的构成分为两部分:助动词,实义动词的过去分词-ed。具体来说,用助动词have/has表示“时”,以表明动作发生的时间是在过去、现在还是将来;用过去分词来表示动作的“态”,以表明该动作已经完成,而且对现在有一定的影响。它的构成是:主语+助动词(have/has) +动词的过去分词。(done)


老师,自然拼读有什么作用? 答:上英语课时,老师说,同学们,拿出笔,我们听写单词。老师嘴巴里读出了一个“声音”,让学生根据这个“声音”把单词写出来。 听到声音,把单词写出来,就是把“声音”对应的字母写出来。而“声音-->字母”这样的规则,就是“自然拼读”课教的规则,熟悉了这些规则,就能比较容易地默写单词了。 反过来,看到单词,也容易猜出字母的发音,进而把单词读出来。这就是自然拼读的作用。 自然拼读和音标不是一个东西,各有各的作用。可以先学习音标,再学习自然拼读法。aqui te amo。



find out的音标是什么意思

英[faind aut] 美[fau026and au028at]希望采纳谢谢


你好!park 英[pɑ:k] 美[pɑ:rk] n. 公园; 停车场; vi. 泊车,停车; vt. 停车; 将…放置在某处; [例句]They stopped and sat on a park bench.他们停下来,坐在公园长椅上。


英音:[,mu0259uti"veiu0283u0259n] 美音:[,motu0259"veu0283u0259n] 看你自己比较喜欢哪里的发音吧

the great wall的音标怎么读

The summer palace的音标


/ai/:by,my ,why,bike,bright,try,side,fly,die,light,china,mind,high,dry,silent,smile,fine,pride,blind,like,kind,shine,right,line,style,pie,variety,spice,retire,rise,island,fry.


o发 u0252 , ey发 i


volleyball /"vɒlɪbɔ:l/窝理波

看音标写单词 十万火急




音标va : z 怎么读?

谐音 袜啊姿vase 花瓶复数:vases

英语音标中α发什么音,比如vase 怎么读

vase 英[vɑ:z] 美[veu026as] n. 装饰瓶,花瓶; [例句]You will catch it for breaking that vase.你打破了那花瓶要挨骂了。[其他] 复数:vases


汉语拼音:pa si kao




"Easy"这个单词的音标是 /u02c8iu02d0zi/。在国际音标中,每个音素都有对应的符号来表示其发音。下面是对 "easy" 音标中每个音素的详细解释:/iu02d0/ 表示长元音 [iu02d0],它的发音类似于汉语拼音中的"i",但要更长一些。它的发音位置是在舌前部抬起,嘴巴微微张开。/z/ 表示辅音 [z],它的发音类似于汉语拼音中的"z"。它是一个浊辅音,发音时需要使舌尖轻轻触碰上齿龈,然后从口腔中发出气流。/i/ 表示短元音 [i],它的发音类似于汉语拼音中的"i",但要更短一些。它的发音位置是在舌前部抬起,嘴巴稍微张开。"Easy" 是一个英语单词,是形容词,用来描述某事或某人的简单、容易或轻松。下面是对这个单词的详细介绍:词性:形容词(adjective)含义:"Easy" 表示某事物或某人不困难、不复杂或不费力。它强调事情的简单性和轻松性。这个词可以用来描述各种情况,如任务、工作、学习、活动等。例句:Learning to ride a bicycle is easy.学习骑自行车很容易。This recipe is easy to follow.这个食谱很容易跟随。She is an easy-going person.她是一个随和的人。


passport ["pu0251:spu0254:t]


strong 英[strɒŋ] 美[strɔ:ŋ] adj. 强烈的; 强的; 坚强的; 强壮的; adv. 强劲地; 猛烈地; 大大地; 坚强地; [例句]He is sharp and manipulative with a strong personality他个性很强,为人精明且爱指使人。[其他] 比较级:stronger 最高级:strongest


pat [pAt] n. 轻拍, (黄油)小块 v. 轻拍 adv. 适时, 正好, 恰好 adj. 恰好的, 合适的, 人为的

trash bin的音标

traesh bin


first [fu0259:st] 第一 1st second ["seku0259nd] 第二 2nd third [θu0259:d] 第三 3rd fourth [fu0254:θ] 第四 4th fifth [fifθ] 第五 5th sixth [siksθ] 第六 6th seventh ["sevnθ] 第七 7th eighth [eitθ] 第八 8th ninth [nainθ] 第九 9th tenth [tenθ] 第十 10th eleventh [i"levnθ] 第十一 11th twelfth [twelfθ] 第十二 12th thirteenth ["θu0259:ti:nθ] 第十三 13th fourteenth ["fu0254:"ti:nθ] 第十四 14th fifteenth ["fif"ti:nθ] 第十五 15th sixteenth ["siks"ti:nθ] 第十六 16th seventeenth [.sevn"ti:nθ] 第十七 17th eighteenth ["ei"ti:nθ] 第十八 18th nineteenth ["nain"ti:nθ] 第十九 19th twentieth ["twentiiθ] 第二十 20th thirtieth ["θu0259:tiiθ] 第三十 30th 序数词 下面把1-99的序数词分为四类: 1、第一类 first (1st) 第一 second (2nd) 第二 third (3rd) 第三 (在括号里的是缩写形式,均在阿拉伯数字后面加上相应序数词的最后两个字母构成,以下各类与此相同.)这类序数词只有三个,在整个序数词里面是特殊的,就和第一类基数词一样,需要逐个地硬记下来 2、第二类:fourth (4th) 第四 fifth (5th) 第五 sixth (6th) 第六 seventh (7th) 第七 eighth (8th) 第八 ninth (9th) 第九 tenth (10th) 第十 eleventh (11th) 第十一 twelfth (12th) 第十二 thirteenth (13th) 第十三 fourteenth (14th) 第十四 fifteenth (15th) 第十五 sixteenth (16th) 第十六 seventeenth (17th) 第十七 eighteenth (18th) 第十八 nineteenth (19th) 第十九 hundredth(100th)第一百 这一类序数词共有十七个.均在相应的基数词后面加上后缀-th构成.要注意其中fifth、eighth、ninth、twelfth四个词的拼法 3、第三类:twentieth (20th) 第二十 thirtieth (30th) 第三十 fortieth (40th) 第四十 fiftieth (50th) 第五十 sixtieth (60th) 第六十 seventieth (70th) 第七十 eightieth (80th) 第八十 ninetieth (90th) 第九十 这一类全是十位整数的序数词,共八个.它们的构成方法是:先将相应的十位整数的基数词词尾-ty中的y改成i,然后在加上后缀-eth 4、第四类: thirty-first (31st) 第三十一 sixty-second (62nd) 第六十二 eighty-seventh (87th) 第八十七 ninety-eighth (98th) 第九十八 这类表示“第几十几”的序数词,跟表示“几十几”的基数词一样简单.在构成方法上均由基数词“几十几”变化而来,十位数不变,仅把个位上的基数词变成序数词就行了

getup的音标咋写 谢谢

get /gu025bt/up /u028cp/


第1 first [fu025cu02d0st]第2 second ["sek(u0259)nd] 第3 third [θu025cu02d0d] 第4 fourth [fu0254u02d0θ]第5 fifth [fu026afθ]第6 sixth [su026aksθ]第7 seventh ["sev(u0259)nθ] 第8 eighth [eu026atθ]第9 ninth ["nau026anθ] 第10 tenth [tenθ]第11 eleventh [u026a"lev(u0259)nθ]第12 twelfth [twelfθ] 第13 thirteenth [twelfθ] 第14 fourteenth ["fu0254u02d0"tiu02d0nθ]第15 fifteenth [fu026af"tiu02d0nθ] 第16 sixteenth ["su026aks"tiu02d0nθ]第17 seventeenth [,sevu0259n"tiu02d0nθ] 第18 eighteenth ["eu026a"tiu02d0nθ] 第19 nineteenth ["nau026an"tiu02d0nθ] 第20 twentieth ["twentu026au026aθ]第21 twenty-first ["twenti"fu0259:st]第22 twenty-second 第23 twenty-third 第24 twenty-fourth 第25 twenty-fifth 第26 twenty-sixth 第27 twenty-seventh 第28 twenty-eighth 第29 twenty-ninth 第30 thirtieth ["θu025cu02d0tu026au026aθ]


path /pɑu02d0θ/


英文原文:iphone six plus英式音标:[u02c8au026afon] [su026aks] [plu028cs] 美式音标:[u02c8au026afon] [su026aks] [plu028cs]




我有一个梦想(I Have a Dream)1963年8月23日,马丁·路德·金组织了美国历史上影响深远的“自由进军”运动.他率领一支庞大的游行队伍向首都华盛顿进军,为全美国的黑人争取人权.他在林肯纪念堂前向25万人发表了著名的演说《我有一个梦想》,为反对种族歧视、争取平等发出呼号.马丁·路德·金1964年获诺贝尔和平奖. 1968年4月4日他在田纳西州被暗杀.在演说中,他说出了著名的平等口号:我梦想有一天,这个国家将会奋起,实现其立国信条的真谛:“我们认为这些真理不言而喻:人人生而平等.”I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."我梦想有一天,在佐治亚州的红色山岗上,昔日奴隶的儿子能够同昔日奴隶主的儿子同席而坐,亲如手足.I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.我梦想有一天,我的四个孩子将生活在一个不是以肤色的深浅,而是以品格的优劣作为评判标准的国家里.I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.演讲下载【我有一个梦想(I Have a Dream)WMA下载链接】MP3完美音质版下载(赞助会员专用)下载链接已隐藏 【您不是赞助会员(点击注册)或还没有登录】演讲全文:I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King, Jr.I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we"ve come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.In a sense we"ve come to our nation"s capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the "unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds."But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so, we"ve come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of Now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God"s children.It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the Negro"s legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. And those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. And there will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.But there is something that I must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. And they have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom.We cannot walk alone.And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead.We cannot turn back.There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until "justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream."I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. And some of you have come from areas where your quest -- quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive. Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends.And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.I have a dream today!I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of "interposition" and "nullification" -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.I have a dream today!I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together."?This is our hope, and this is the faith that I go back to the South with.With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.And this will be the day -- this will be the day when all of God"s children will be able to sing with new meaning:My country "tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim"s pride,From every mountainside, let freedom ring!And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true.And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire.Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York.Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies ofPennsylvania.Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado.Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California.But not only that:Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia.Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi.From every mountainside, let freedom ring.And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God"s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:Free at last! free at last!Thank God Almighty, we are free at last! http://www.en8848.com.cn/tingli/meiwen/ywsd-mw40/301713.html

人教版英语教材go for it,是用国际音标么?



Unit 11 solar adj.太阳的; 日光的 △giant adj.巨大的 n.巨人;巨物 △leap n.&vi.(1eapt,leapt) 跳;跳跃 mankind n.人类 △Watson 沃森 (姓氏) △Nell Armstrong 尼尔?阿姆斯特朗(美国宇航员) △Alexander Graham Bell 亚历山大?格雷厄姆?贝尔(美国发明家) △Ray Tomlinson 雷?汤姆林森 (美国计算机工程师) constitution n.宪法 △eureka interj.我找到了! 我发现了! man vt. 操纵; 给……配备人员 △hi-tech n.( =high technology ) 高科技;高技术 support vt. &n.支持;支撑;供养 daily adj.&adv.每日(的) achieve vt.获得;实现 likely adj.可能的;预期的 △economic adj.经济的;经济学的;有实用价值的 zone n.区;区域;地带 private adj.私人的;私立的;非公开的 institute n.学会;协会;研究机构 grasp vt.抓住; 抓牢; 理解 master n.硕士; (男) 主人;能手 vt. 控制;掌握 perfect adj.理想的; 完美的; 绝对的 arrange vt.安排;筹划;整理,布置 set foot ( in ) 到达;进入;踏上 have an effect on 对……产生作用;对……有效果 △Lenovo n.联想公司 △Founder n.方正公司 rely vi.依靠;信赖;指望 rely on依靠;信赖;指望 failure n.失败,失败的人(事) come to life ( 变得 ) 活跃;苏醒过来 △silicon n.硅 valley n.山谷; 溪谷; 低凹处 base n.基地; 根据地; 底部 mark vt. 标志; 表示; 做记号; 打分数 agency n.机构;代理 (处) organ n.器官 forward adv.向前 put forward 提出;建议;推荐 △rejuvenate vt.&vi (使) 恢复 (青春)活力;(使)返老还童 breakthrough n.重大突破;突围 △impressive adj.给人深刻印象的 march n.&vt.行军;进行 aim vt.&vi.瞄准; 对准 aim (sth) at 旨在;瞄准 announce vt.宣布,宣告 △genome n.基因组; 染色体组 evolution n.发展;展开 △byte n.[计] 字节; 比特 △humanoid adj.具有人的形状或特点的,类人的 △element n.元素; 要素; 组成部分 battle n.战斗;战役 vi.斗争,奋斗 △strategy n.策略; 战略 Unit 12 fiction n.小说 belief n.信念; 信心; 信仰 △Jules Verne 儒勒?凡尔纳 (法国作家) league n.里格 (旧时长度单位,约为三英里或三海里);联盟;社团 balloon n.气球 △bulb n.电灯泡; 球状物; 球茎 make a living 谋生 botany n.植物学 apply vt.应用; 运用 vi.申请; 请求 applied adj.应用的; 实用的 △foundation n.基础; 建立 △Aronnax 埃瑞纳克斯 (姓氏) servant n.仆人;公务员;雇员 whale n.鲸;巨大的人(物) hunter n.猎人;搜索者 set out 出发;上路 collision n.碰撞;(利益、意见等)冲突 companion n.同伴,同伙 △overboard adv.从船上落(或抛)入水中,向船外 △submarine n.潜水艇 △Nemo 尼莫 (男子名) permanent adj.永久的;固定的 guest n.客人;旅客;客座教授 voyage n.航海;航空;航行 △Nautilus 诺特拉斯(船名) iron n.铁 aboard adv.在船(或飞机、车)上;上船;登机 lamp n.灯 dislike vt.不喜欢;讨厌 prisoner n.俘虏;失去自由的人;犯人 gentle adj.温和的;温柔的;文雅的 △Iceland n.冰岛(欧洲岛国) △layer n.层;地层 marble n.大理石;大理石制品 shore n.岸;滨 luggage n.(总称)行李 in public 公开地;公然 △Frankenstein 弗兰肯斯坦(姓氏) throw light upon 阐明某事;使某事显得非常清楚 brilliant adj.聪明的;杰出的;耀眼的 phenomenon n.(复phenomena)现象 ;奇迹 labour n.努力;(体力)劳动 hesitate vi.踌躇;犹豫 △creation n.创造;产生 △horror n.恐惧;恐怖 horrible adj.可怕的;令人恐惧的 △grave n.墓穴;坟墓 cut up 切碎;剪碎 butcher n.屠夫;屠杀者 curtain n.窗帘,门帘;(舞台上的)幕 lip n.嘴唇;唇状物 △brainstorm vt.献计献策 n.头脑风暴;突然想到的好主意 Unit 13 cube n.块;立方形 sailor n.海员,水手 △mariner n.水手 benefit vi.使……受益;得益 n. 利益 benefit from 从……中获益 transport n.运输;运送 vt.运输;运送 △property n.特性;性质;财产 range vi.(在一定范围内)变动;变化 △plankton n.浮游生物 all the way 一直;一路上 △molecule n.分子 unique adj.唯一的;独特的 hydrogen n.氢 atom n.原子 oxygen n.氧;氧气 relative adj.相对的;比较而言的 solid n.固体 adj.固体的;密实的;坚固的 freezing adj.冰冻的;极冷的 n.冰点 △salinity n.含盐量 △dissolve vt.使溶解;除去;消除 pure adj.纯净的;纯粹的 gramme n.(=gram) (重量单位) 克 △density n.密度;浓度 relationship n. 关系;联系;亲属关系 mass n.质量;(聚成一体的)团;块;大量 △volume n.体积;容量 cubic adj.立方的;立方形的 kilogramme n.(=kilogram)千克;公斤 float vi.&vt.(使)漂浮 take advantage of 对……加以利用 decrease vi.变小;减少 △capacity n.容量;容纳;性能 substance n.物质;主旨 centigrade adj.摄氏温度计的 absorb vt.吸收 give off 释放;放出 thus adv.如此;这样 stable adj.稳定的;稳固的 sensitive adj.敏感的;灵敏的 steady adj.平稳的;牢固的 △motion n.运动;移动 △dense adj.浓度大的;稠的;密度大的 trust vt.信任;相信 call in 召集;打电话 nursery n.保育院;育儿室 △estuary n.河口(湾) △tide n.潮;高潮 △mammal n.哺乳动物 △reproduce vi.繁殖;生殖 △pollutant n.污染物质 △erosion n.侵蚀;腐蚀 recreation n.娱乐;消遣 a variety of 种类繁多的 gallon n.(液量单位)加仑 △define vt. 给(词语等)下定义;解释 Unit 14 freedom n.自由 civil adj.公民的;国内的;文职的 △the Nobel Prize 诺贝尔奖 murder vt.&n.谋杀 △Nelson Mandela 纳尔逊?曼德拉(南非前总统) youth n.(总称)青年们;青少年时期;青春 Prison n.监狱 put…in prison 把……投进监狱 △Negro n.黑人(含贬义) revolution n.革命;彻底的改革 join hands 携手;联手;合伙 slavery n.奴隶制,蓄奴;奴隶身份 △runaway adj.逃跑的;失控的 n.逃跑;逃跑者 △Harriet Tubman 哈丽特?塔布曼 △the Civil War (美国) 内战 △moulder vi.腐朽;崩碎 vt.使腐朽;使崩碎 soul n.灵魂;心灵;精神 chorus n.合唱;合唱队;合唱曲 △hallelujah interj.哈利路亚(表达赞美上帝的歌或欢呼) △Rosa Parks 罗莎?帕克斯(女子名) arrest vt.逮捕;拘留;扣留 separation n.分离;隔离 race n.种族;人种;民族 marriage n.结婚;婚姻 forbid vt.(forbade,forbidden)禁止;不许 vote vi.&n.选举;投票;选举权 political adj.政治的;政治上的 set an example to 为……树立榜样 demand vt.要求 △Alabama n.亚拉巴马州 (美国州名) boycott n.抵制 vt联合抵制 lawyer n.律师 △demonstration n. 游行;集会;证明 racial adj. 种族的;种族间的;由种族引起的 discrimination n.歧视;区别 △Vietnam n.越南(东南亚国家) act n.法令,条例 bill n.议案 from then on 从那时起 politics n.政治(学) religion n.宗教 start with 以……开始 independence n.独立;自主;自立 unconditional adj. 无条件的;绝对的 abolish vt. 废除;废止 prejudice n.偏见;成见 regardless adv.不加理会;不顾 regardless of 不理会;不顾 △Samuel Buffer n.塞缪尔?巴特勒(英国作家) chapter n.章;回;篇 ridiculous adj.可笑的;荒谬的 at first sight 乍一看;初见之下 △viewpoint n.观点 Unit 15 △complaint n.抱怨;投诉 △Iraq n.伊拉克(西亚国家) △Greenland n.格陵兰(岛) upset adj.苦恼的;心烦的 airline n.航空公司;航线 fly n.苍蝇 look into 调查;观察 every now and then 不时地 △itch n.&vi.渴望;痒 △wanderlust n.漫游癖 △Rio de Janeiro n.里约热内卢(巴西港市) △stretch vt.&vi.展开;伸展;延伸 △lifestyle n.生活方式 △cariocas n.里约热内卢人 downtown adj.&n.城市商业区(的) △Copacabana n.科帕卡巴纳(巴西著名海滩) △princess n.公主;王妃 get / be tired of 对……感到厌倦;对……失去兴趣 cool off 变凉;冷却;冷静 avenue n.大街;通道 △Carnival n.狂欢节;欢宴 △Kitzbuhel n.基茨比厄尔(奥地利城市) △Austria n.奥地利(欧洲国家) △paradise n.乐园,天堂 △skier n.滑雪者 altitude n.纬度 △Alps n. 阿尔卑斯山脉(欧洲) guarantee vt.保证;确保 △resort n.胜地;常去之地 △downhill adj.快速下降滑雪的,下坡的 ;倾斜的 gather vi.&vt. 聚集;集合;收集 feast n.(感官、精神等的)享受;盛宴 dip n.(在江河湖海中)洗澡; 游泳 vt. 浸;泡;蘸 gym n.体育馆 analyse vt.分析 chat vt.&vi.聊天,闲谈 budget n.预算;预算案 rate n.价格;费用;速度 vt.评定;认为 visa n.签证 arrangement n.安排,准备工作;整理 passport n.护照;过境通行证 cheque n.支票 △photocopy n.&vt.复印 (件) currency n.货币;通货 Unit 16 △Manhattan n.曼哈顿岛,曼哈顿区(纽约市中心) △Atlanta n.亚特兰大(美国城市) △Mississippi n. 密西西比河 △Ellis 艾里斯岛 entry n.进入许可;进入;词条 mental adj.脑力的;智力的;精神上的 physical adj.身体的;物理的;物质的 △depression n.萧条(期);降低;沮丧 suffering n.痛苦;折磨 greedy adj.贪婪的;渴望的;贪吃的 △greed n.贪心;贪婪;贪食 trader n.商人;商船 unemployment n.失业(状态);失业人数 unrest n.动乱;骚动;不安 △post-war adj.战后的 adv.在战后 sacrifice n.牺牲 vt.牺牲,奉献;把……做祭品 △Georgia n.佐治亚州 (美国州名) reconstruction n.重建;重建物 △mayor n.市长 former adj.以前的;(两者中的)前者 △economical adj.经济的;节约的 △segregation n.隔离;分离 △injustice n.不公平;非正义 funeral n.葬礼 vain adj.徒劳的;徒然的 in vain徒劳;白辛苦 eventually adv.最后;终于 dawn n.开端;黎明 take a chance 冒险;碰运气 △financial adj. 财务的;金融的;财政的 overcome vt.(overcame,overcome) 战胜;克服 leave alone 不打扰;不理会 insist vi.坚持 insist ton 坚持 (做) △Guinness n.吉尼斯世界纪录 △Hugh Beaver 休?比弗(男子名) as a result 结果 put out 出版;生产;扑灭;关掉 on sale 出售;减价 △bison n.(单复同)北美野牛 plain n.平原 adj.清楚的;明白的;平易的 △onwards adv. 向前 resist vi.&vt.抵抗;对抗 chief n.首领;上司 adj.主要的;最高级别的 afterwards adv.后来;随后 widespread adj.普遍的;分布广的 rot vi.腐烂;堕落 wildlife n.野生动物 △prairie n.大草原;草地 in turn 转而;反过来;轮流 supply vt.供给;供应 n.供给(量);(常用复数)供应品,生活用品 chain n.链条;连锁;一连串 willing adj.心甘情愿的;愿意的 △Mongolian n.蒙古(族)人;蒙古语 △Jew n.犹太人 Unit 17 disability n.伤残;无能;无力 ability n.能力;才能;才智 △obstacle n.障碍;妨碍物 sidewalk n.(美)人行道 △elevator [n.电梯;升降梯 △escalator n.自动扶梯 waist n.腰(部) get around (=get about) 四处走动;活动 fair n.商品交易会;商品展览会 adj.公平的;公正的 potential n.潜力;可能性 adj.可能的,潜在的,有潜力的 guidance n.指引;引导 gifted adj.有天赋的;有天资的 assist vt.帮助;援助 △cooperate vi.合作,协作 △recognition n.接受;承认;认可 sympathy n.同情(心);同感 encouragement n.鼓励;促进 △productive adj.富有成效的;多产的;生产的 △Huhhot n.呼和浩特 visual adj.视觉的;视力的 △impair vt.损害;削弱 △motivate vt.使有动机;激发 adjust vt.调整;调节 vi.适应 get used to 适应于……;习惯于…… candy n.糖果 niece n.侄女;外甥女 ceremony n.仪式;典礼 victory n.胜利 dignity n.尊严;尊贵;高贵 △shameful adj. 可耻的;丢脸的;不体面的 participate vi.参与;参加 △participant n. 参加者;参与者 △self-confidence n. 自信 △Olympian n.奥林匹克运动会选手 adj.奥林匹亚的 △facility n.(常作复数)设施;设备;便利 conduct vt.主持;领导;引导;控制 △survey n.调查;鉴定 vt. 调查;测量,测绘 accessible adj.可以使用(或得到)的;能进人的 Unit 18 △edible adj.可以吃的 △flavour n.味道 △laptop n.笔记本电脑 vest n.背心;马甲;内衣 heel n.鞋跟;脚后跟 △inflatable adj.可充气的;可膨胀的 patent n.专利;专利权,专利证 officer n.公务员l(政府)官员;军官 petrol n.汽油 △creative adj.创造(性)的 background n.背景 △rephrase vt.&vi. (给…)重新措辞,改用别的措辞表述 allow for 顾及,为……做准备 reject vt.排斥;丢掉;抛弃 get stuck 遇到困难;陷进去 △partial adj.部分的;偏袒的 break away from 摆脱;脱离 possibility n.可能(性);可能的事 △perception n.观念;认识;感觉 otherwise adv.不然-否则 △visible adj.可见的;看得见的 connection n.联系;关系;联结 previous adj.以前的;先的 aware adj.意识到的;知道的 be aware of 知道;意识到 trial n.试;试验;审判 trial and error 反复实验;不断摸索 △Mozart 莫扎特(奥地利作曲家) △relativity n.相对性 △Samuel Morse 塞缪尔?莫尔斯(美国发明家) rider n.骑手,骑马(或自行车)的人 △desktop n.台式电脑 △palmtop n. 掌上电脑 dusty adj.满是灰尘的 △Mona Lisa 蒙娜丽莎(达芬奇作品) pilot n.飞行员 △Charles Chaplin 查尔斯?卓别林(喜剧大师) △John Denver 约翰?丹佛 (美国歌星) △Isaac Newton 艾萨克?牛顿 (英国科学家) △Abraham Lincoln 亚伯拉罕?林肯(美国第16任总统) △Eve 夏娃 (女子名) △Helen Keller 海伦?凯勒 (美国作家) △metaphor n. 比喻的说法;隐喻 △paste vt.粘贴 storage n.储存;贮藏 glue n.胶水;胶 after all 毕竟 △ electronics n.电子学 typewriter n.打字机 △Eniac n.电子数字积分计算机 keep track of 保持联系 Unit 19 merchant n.商人 △Venice n.威尼斯 (意大利城市) △Hamlet 哈姆雷特 (男子名) △Romeo 罗密欧 (男子名) △Juliet 朱丽叶 (女子名) △Troilus 特洛伊罗斯 (男子名) △Cressida 克雷西达 (女子名) △uneasy adj.不安的;忧虑的 crown n.王冠;皇冠 deny vt. 否认;拒绝给予 △Bassanio 巴萨尼奥 (男子名) △Antonio 安东尼奥 (男子名) △Portia 鲍西娅 (女子名) △Shylock 夏洛克(男子名) pay back 偿还;报答 △duke n.公爵 △masterpiece n.杰作;最佳作品 mercy n.怜悯;仁慈 have mercy on 对……表示怜悯 △revenge n.复仇;报复 enemy n.敌人 go about 开始做;着手于 as far as I know 就我所知 reasonable adj.合乎情理的;讲理的 weakness n.软弱;弱点 judgement n.判决;判断 △ducat n.古时候在欧洲通用的金币 gentleman n.绅士 greeting n.招呼;问候 envy vt.&n.妒忌;羡慕 troublesome adj.令人烦恼的;讨厌的 accuse vt.指控;指责 △fate n.命运 consequence n.结果;后果;影响 fortune n.运气;机会;大笔的钱 merciful adj. 仁慈的;宽大的 bargain n.协议;交易;廉价货 vi.讨价还价,谈判 bless vt.(blest,blest) 祝福;保佑 legal adj.法律的;法定的 tear up 撕毁;取消 (合同等) deed n.行动;所做之事 surgeon n.外科医生 requirement n.需要;规定 declare vt.宣布;宣称 court n.法庭 △scale n.天平盘;称盘 △Bellario 贝拉里奥 (男子名) justice n.公正;正义 at the mercy of 任由……摆布或控制 therefore adv.因此;所以 go down on one"s knees 跪下 worthy adj.值得的;应得的;有价值的 kindness n.仁慈;和气;好意 punish vt.惩罚 punishment n.惩罚 order vt.命令;下令 sword n.剑;刀 complex adj.错综复杂的;难解的 △ tragedy n.悲剧 Unit 20 △archaeology n.考古学 △archaeological adj. 考古学的 △archaeologist n.考古学家 △curiosity n.好奇(心);古玩 decoration n.装饰,装潢 △artefact n.人工制品(尤指特定时期留下的简单原始的工具、武器或工艺品) △unearth vt.(从地下)发掘;揭露 spear n.矛;枪;梭镖 pot n.罐;锅;壶 emperor n.皇帝 pin n.针 clothing n.(总称) 衣服;服装 △copper adj.铜制的 n.铜 △earring n.耳环 distinction n.差别;对比 centimetre n.厘米 clay n.黏土;泥土 arrow n.箭 dozen n.(一) 打;十二个 cushion n.垫石;垫子;坐垫 △weapon n.武器 △pottery n.(总称) 陶器 spare adj. 备用的;额外的; tend vi.倾向;趋向 tend to 朝某方向;趋于 approximately adv.近乎;接近 average adj. 平均的;普通的 lorry n.卡车 link vt.连接;联系 n.环;关系;联系. monument n.纪念碑;纪念馆,纪念物 homeland n.祖国;国家 in terms of 就……而言 status n.地位;身份 ‘ in the eyes of 在……看来 remote adj.遥远的;偏远的;隔离的 distant adj.遥远的 lend a hand 帮助 △ivory n.象牙 △site n.遗址;地方 quantity n.量;数量 serve as 作为;当作 mask n.面具 dig up 挖出;掘起 accompany vt.陪伴;陪同 vast adj. 巨大的;庞大的 square adj.平方的;正方形的 △investigation n. 调查研究 triangle n. 三角形



老师 单词拼写后有的有s什么时候音标读s什么时候读z呢

名词复数的构成方法及读音规则1) 一般情况加 –s:map-maps boy-boys girl-girls pen-pens bag-bags car-cars清辅音后读/s/ 浊辅音和元音后读 /z/2) 以s, sh, ch, x结尾加 –es, 读 /iz/bus-buses watch-watches box-boxes brush-brushes3) 以辅音字母+y结尾,变y 为i再加es, 读 /z/baby---babies city-cities country-countries但以y结尾的专有名词,或元音字母+y 结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数。例如: two Marys the Henrys monkey---monkeys holiday---holidays 4) 以o结尾的名词,变复数时:a.以两个元音字母结尾(其一必定是o)时,加szoo-zoos kangaroo-kangaroos。 b.某些外来词photo-photoes piano-pianoes potato- potatoes tomato-tomatoes hero-heroes Negro-Negroes C.其余情况,都加s5) 以f或fe 结尾的名词变复数时:a. 加s,如: belief---beliefs roof---roofssafe---safes gulf---gulfs;b. 去f,fe 加ves,如:half---halves knife---knives leaf---leaves wolf---wolves wife---wives life---lives thief---thieves;c. 上述a和b两种方法均可,如handkerchief: handkerchiefs / handkerchieves。回答者:jingrui 南方商城

音标里的i和短I的区别是什么啊比如 be he和 village的a 的音标i区别是啥?



自己看书 单词表里有





火影忍者剧场版5主题曲NO RAIN NO RAINBOW中日罗马音标对应歌词

  流(なが)れる 涙(なみだ)が 静(しず)かに  nagareru namida ga shizuka ni  泪水静静地流敞  何(なに)かの 终(おわ)りを 知(し)らせる  nanika no owari wo shiraseru  预示着什么结局  见上(みあ)げた 云间(くもま)に 青空(あおぞら)  miageta kumoma ni aozora  抬头看云隙间的青空  きっと止(や)まない 雨(あめ)なんてない  kitto yamanai ame nante nai  一定不是永不停息的雨水  No Rain No Rainbow  没有雨就没有彩虹  ずぶ濡(ぬ)れの目(め)の前(まえ)を そっと拭(ぬぐ)うよ  zubunure no me no mae wo sotto nuguu yo  将湿淋淋的未来悄悄地拭去哟  気(き)が付(つ)いたら雨(あめ)も止(や)んで  ki ga tsuitara ame ga yande  苏醒之时雨已经停止  静寂(せいじゃく)が仆(ぼく)を包(つつ)んで  seijaku ga boku wo tsutsunde  静寂包围着我  何(なに)かを语(かた)りかけるように  nanika wo katari kakeru you ni  犹如向我倾述着什么  现(あらわ)れたんだ虹(にじ)のアーチ  arawaretanda niji no arch  显现出弧形的彩虹  雨上(あまあ)がりのアスファルトの香(かお)りで安(やす)らぐ  ame agari asphalt toori de yasuragu  雨水浸透过的柏油路 它的香气让我安心  擦(す)り切(き)れた心(こころ)が ふと踊(おど)り出(だ)す  suri kireta kodomo ga fu to odori dasu  曾经受伤的心 突然开始舞动  水(みず)たまりでダンス あの虹(にじ)の下(した)  mizu tamari de tensa no niji no shita  在水泊中舞蹈 在那彩虹之下  びしょ濡(ぬ)れのスニーカーのまま 踏(ふ)み出(だ)す  bishonure no sneaker no mama fumi dasu  穿着湿透的运动鞋就这样迈着步子  No Rain No Rainbow  No Rain No Rainbow  悲(かな)しみもいつかは 晴(は)れるや  kanashimi mo itsuka wa hareruya  总有一天悲伤也会消散  Uh. Ah. 一昼夜(いっちゅうや) 泣(な)き明(あ)かして见(み)えたのは  hmm ah 。icchuuya naki akashite mieta nowa  Uh. Ah.整夜的哭泣 能够看到的是  七色(なないろ)に心(こころ)を 染(そ)める光(ひかり)  nanai yori kokoro wo someru hikari  将心灵染满七色的光芒  流(なが)れる 涙(なみだ)が 静(しず)かに  nagareru namida ga shizuka ni  泪水静静地流敞  何(なに)かの 终(おわ)りを 知(し)らせる  nanika no owari wo shiraseru  预示着什么结局  见上(みあ)げた 云间(くもま)に 青空(あおぞら)  miageta kumoma ni aozora  抬头看云隙间的青空  きっと止(や)まない 雨(あめ)なんてない  kitto yamanai ame nante nai  一定不是永不停息的雨水  伤(きず)ついた 胸(むね)の奥(おく)に  kisu tsuita mune no oku ni  受伤的内心深处  キラやかな 虹(にじ)が架(か)かる  kirayaka na niji ga kakaru  架起光彩夺目的彩虹  すべてはそう、 ここから始(はじ)まる  subete wa sou koko kara hajimaru  一切都从这里开始  いつかは晴(は)れる No Rain No Rainbow  i tsuka wa hareru  总有一天会放睛 No Rain No Rainbow  いつかは今(いま)の 悩(なや)みさえも  itsuka wa ima no nayami sae mo  不知何时 连如今的烦恼  懐(なつ)かしく 感(かん)じる 日(ひ)が来(く)るよ  natsukashiku kanjiru hi ga kuru yo  也感到怀念的日子到来了  それまでは 泣(な)いたっていい  sore made wa naitatte ii  那么 哭泣也没关系  ここは长(なが)い人生(じんせい)の通过(つうか)点(てん)  kokoha nagai jinsei no tsuukaten  这是漫长人生的必经之路  时(とき)に足(あし)を止(と)めたっていい  toki ni ashi wo tometatte ii  时而停下来也没关系  涙(なみだ)で洗(あら)い流(なが)すまで  namida de arai nagasu made  直到泪水洗刷一切  もしかしてもうダメなのかも  moshikashite mou dame nano kamo  也许没有什么作用  そう思(おも)ったよ 何(なん)回(かい)も  sou omotta yo nankai mo  我这么认为 很多次  すべてを投(な)げ出(だ)し何(なに)もかも  subete wo nage dashi nani mo kamo  将一切抛弃 无论是什么  谛(あきら)めようとも思(おも)ったけど  akirameyou to omotta kedo  虽然想放弃  できない自分(じぶん)を谁(だれ)かのせいに  dekinai jibun no taikakusen ni  将无能的自己归结为他人之错  言(い)い訳(わけ)にして 生(い)きてくより  iiwake ni shite ikiteku yori  给予辩解 因为要生存下去  できないならば自分(じぶん)なりに  dekinai nara jibun nari ni  如果做不到还是自己  不器用(ぶきよう)でも ぶつかっていくべき  bukiyou demo butsukatteku beki  即使做不好 也应该去面对  No Rain No Rainbow  No Rain No Rainbow  苦(くる)しみもいつかは 晴(は)れるや  kurushimi mo itsuka wa hareruya  痛苦总有一天会消散  上(うわ)の空(そら) おぼろげな仆(ぼく)に见(み)えたのは  uwa no sora oboroge na boku ni mieta nowa  心神不宁 平凡的我看到的是  七色(なないろ)に明日(あす)を 照(て)らす光(ひかり)  nai noni yasupocchi terasu hikari  照亮明天的七色之光  流(なが)れる 涙(なみだ)が 静(しず)かに  nagareru namida ga shizuka ni  泪水静静地流敞  何(なに)かの 终(おわ)りを 知(し)らせる  nanika no owari wo shiraseru  预示着什么结局  见上(みあ)げた 云间(くもま)に 青空(あおぞら)  miageta kumoma ni aozora  抬头看云隙间的青空  きっと止(や)まない 雨(あめ)なんてない  kitto yamanai ame nante nai  一定不是永不停息的雨水  伤(きず)ついた 胸(むね)の奥(おく)に  kisu tsuita mune no oku ni  受伤的内心深处  キラやかな 虹(にじ)が架(か)かる  kirayaka na niji ga kakaru  架起光彩夺目的彩虹  すべてはそう、 ここから始(はじ)まる  subete wa sou koko kara hajimaru  一切都从这里开始  いつかは晴(は)れる No Rain No Rainbow  i tsuka wa hareru  总有一天会放睛 No Rain No Rainbow  谁(だれ)もが痛(いた)みを抱(かか)えてるんだ  dare mogaita mi o kakaeterunda  谁都会有伤痛  きっと今(いま)、试(ため)されてるんだ  kitsuto ima tame sareterunda  今天一定要尝试  眠(ねむ)れぬ夜(よる)も 踏(ふ)ん张(ば)ってぐっと堪(こた)えろ  nemurenu yorumo fun batsute gutto kota uro  无眠的夜晚 努力的站住、坚持住  苦(くる)しい状况(じょうきょう)でも耐(た)えろ  kurushii zhiyoukiyou demotaero  无论多么痛苦也要忍住  その日々(ひび)が君(きみ)を强(つよ)くさせるから  sonohibi ga kimiwo tsuyo kusaseru kara  那些日子会让你变得坚强  スゥーと云(くも)の隙间(すきま)からさす  sora ga kumonosukima karasasu  “唰”地一下指向云隙间  光(ひかり)がすべてを包(つつ)む  hikariga subete wo tsutsumu ?  阳光笼罩着一切  流(なが)れる 涙(なみだ)が 静(しず)かに  nagareru namida ga shizuka ni  泪水静静地流敞  何(なに)かの 终(おわ)りを 知(し)らせる  nanika no owari wo shiraseru  预示着什么结局  见上(みあ)げた 云间(くもま)に 青空(あおぞら)  miageta kumoma ni aozora  抬头看云隙间的青空  きっと止(や)まない 雨(あめ)なんてない  一定不是永不停息的雨水  伤(きず)ついた 胸(むね)の奥(おく)に  kisu tsuita mune no oku ni  受伤的内心深处  キラやかな 虹(にじ)が架(か)かる  kirayaka na niji ga kakaru  架起光彩夺目的彩虹  すべてはそう、 ここから始(はじ)まる  subete wa sou koko kara hajimaru  一切都从这里开始  いつかは晴(は)れる No Rain No Rainbow  i tsuka wa hareru  总有一天会放睛 No Rain No Rainbow  モノクロの世界(せかい)に 仆(ぼく)を救(すく)うように(×4)  tinokurono sekaini boku wo sukuuyouni  将我从黑暗世界中拯救出来吧  物音(ものおと)をせずに 七色(なないろ)を一(ひと)涂(ぬ)り(×4)  monooto wosesuni nanairowo hitonuri  无声地涂上一层七彩之色

edinburgh 音标 怎么读啊

edinburgh英["edinbu0259ru0259] 美["edinbu0259ru0259] n.爱丁堡(英国苏格兰首府)


”通常为pl“代表的是此单词常用于复数形式,或是以复数形式出现 n.(noun的简写)代表名词 adj.(实际是 adjective的简写形式):形容词


OP1《君が好きだと叫びたい》ma bu shii hi za shi wo se ni ha shi li da su ma qi no na kata ta ka le ta i cu mo no yoo ni ka ta woki mi ni mu qyu u na ko to ni wa ke na n te na i no niso no u de wa ka la mu ko to wa na^ii cu no ma ni ka hi to mi u ba wa le te ha ji ma ttaha na sa na^i yu lu ga na^i Crazy for youki mi ga su ki da to sa ke bi ta^i a shi ta wo ka e te mi yooko o li cu i te ku to ki wo bu qi ko wa shi ta iki mi ga su ki da to sa ke bi ta^i yuu ki de fu mi da sooko no a cu i o mo i wo u ke to me te ho shi iza wa me i ta fu lo a ni ni gi wa u tee bu lu ko shina ni ge na i ki mi no shi se^n ni yo i shi leko i wo shi te i lu yoo de o do la sa le te lu yoo nata ka na lu ko doo ni moo u so wa cu ke na^ii cu ni na le ba ka wa lu ko no mo do ka shi i yuu jyooto do ke ta^i ta shi ka me ta^i I take you awayki mi ga su ki da to sa ke bi ta^i na ni mo ka mo nu gi su teko ko lo to ka su ko to ba wo mi cu ke da shi ta iki mi ga su ki da to sa ke bi ta^i ko^n ya wa ka e sa na imi cu me lu ta ke no hi bi na^n te o wa li ni shi yooI wanna cry for youki mi ga su ki da to sa ke bi ta^i a shi ta wo ka e te mi yooko o li cu i te ku to ki wo bu qi ko wa shi ta iki mi ga su ki da to sa ke bi ta^i yuu ki de fu mi da sooko no a cu i o mo i wo u ke to me te ho shi iI wanna cry for youOP2《ぜったいに谁も》moteamasu kodou nitsukinukete"ku Bad newsmidarenai machi no kokyuumune no naka no koukishin dake ga sawagidasuzettai ni daremo ayatsurenaiyume wo daite ashita wo tatakutoki no nagare hamidashitekaze wo kanji ikite-itaimichitarite"ku sekaichouwa no torenai MORALSHIGUNARU ni tsumazuku tabikanashiku warau kimi e no aijou tashikameruSet me free towa no nemuri e totadoritsuku ni wa mada haya-sugiteshakunetsu iro no manazashi deBORO BORO ni naru made kakenukete yaruED1《あなただけ见つめてる》anata dake mitsumete"rudeatta hi kara ima demo zuttoanata sae soba ni ireba hoka ni nannimo iranaiyume no high tensionnegaigoto kanatta noyawaraka na fuyu no hiutsumuki hazukashi-sou na special driving dateanata ga sou yorokobu karakeshou mo mazu yameta wadoko ni ite mo tsukamaru you ni POKEBERU motta wakuruma mo kuwashikunatta shiSAKKA- sae mo suki ni natta wamayotte-iru kedo kono hito ni isshou tsuite yukou to kimetaanata dake mitsumete"rudeatta hi kara ima demo zuttoanata sae soba ni ireba hoka ni nannimo iranaiai no high tensionanata ga sou nozomu karamassugu kaeru you ni nattaZATSU datta kotobadzukai teinei ni nattaanata ga sou utsumuku karanagadenwa mo yameta wabenri datta otoko-no-ko-tachi katatsuketakami mo fuku mo medatanakuo-ryouri mo GANBARU karaParty ni wa ikitai na...iyagatte"ta ano ko to mo zekkou shita waanata dake mitsumete"rumukashi mitai ni warawanaku nattanigate datta spicy your mamaima de wa ocha shite"ruYABAI high tension(I love youIt"s an entrance to the paradise in the hillChanging my mind, and my dream,and keeps on running in my heartLike you will know howI"m crazy for you)anata dake mitsumete"rusoshite hoka ni daremo inaku nattajimi ni ikite-yuku noanatagonomi no onnamezase!! love power Wow wow wow!anata dake mitsumete"ruhitori de matsu futari dake no heyaanata no hohoemi wa bara-iro no kusariyuke! yume miru yume nashi onna! Oh~wow wow wow!ED2《世界が终わるまでは》daitokai ni boku wa mo hitori denagesuterareta akikan no you daotagai no subete wo shiritsukusu made gaai naraba isso towa ni nemurouka ...sekai ga owaru made wa hanareru koto mo naisou negatteita ikusen no yoru tomodoranai toki dake ga naze kagayaite wayatsure kitta kokoro made kowasu...hakanaki omoi... kono tragedy nightsoshite hito wa kotae wo motometekakegae no nai nanika wo ushinauyokubou darake no machi ja yozoranohoshikuzu mo bokura wo tousenaisekai ga owaru mae ni kikasete okure yomankai no hana ga niai no catastrophedaremo ga nozominagara eien wo shinjinai...nanoni kitto ashita wo yume miteruhakanaki hibi to kono tragedy nightsekai ga owaru made wa hanareru koto mo naisou negatteita ikusen no yoru tomodaranai toki dake ga naze kagayaite wayatsure kitta kokoro made mo kowasu...hakanaki omoi... kono tragedy nightED3《煌めく瞬间に捕われて》sanzan na yume ni me wo samasuhizashi no tsuyoi asaoki ni iri no kyoku kiki nagaraaraitate no SHATSU ude wo toosuyuube no AITSUtsukareta koe datta"shigeki ga hoshii" "ima wa kowashitai"ochiburanaidekirameku toki ni torawaremuchuu de itaikoukai suru suteki ja naihitori ja nai shi Wowafuredasu namida gautsukushi karabahito wa mata owaranu tabi nitoki wo tsuiyaseru karakyou wa sukoshi dake toomawari shiteeki made mo arukouminarenai keshiki ga ureshikutekado no furugiya e futo haitte miruitsumo to chigau kakudo de tatami wonozoite mirukitto soko ni atarashii nanika gakirameku toki ni torawaremuchuu de itaikoukai suru suteki ja naihitori ja nai shi Wowafuredasu namida gautsukushi karabahito wa mata owaranu tabi nitoki wo tsuiyaseru karaED4《マイフレンド》anata wo omou dake dekokoro wa tsuyoku nareruzutto mitsumeteru karahashiri-tsudzuketehitamuki datta tooi hi no yume waima demo mabushiidonna ni fuan ga ippai demo massugujibun no michi wo shinjitekazaranai sugao no anata ga sukikawatte shimau koto ga kanashiiitsumo kagayaita neshounen no mama hitomi wa my friendanata ga soba ni iru tonazeka sunao ni naretakono kyori toorinukerukaze ni naritaihontou no ai narakitto ironna kotonorikoerareta no nihoshi no BARE-DOnamida ga koborenai you niookiku iki wo suttahitori de iru toki no sabishisa yorifutari de iru toki no kodoku no hou ga kanashiiitsumo waratte-ita neano koro futarisetsunai my friendanata wo omou dake dekokoro wa tsuyoku nareruzutto mitsumeteru karahashiri-tsudzuketeitsumo kagayaite-ita neshounen no mama hitomi wa my friendanata wo omou dake dekokoro wa tsuyoku naretazutto mitsumeteru karahashiri-tsudzukete


あなただけ见つめてる (只注视着你) 作词·曲:大黑摩季 编曲:叶山たけし 歌:大黑摩季 あなただけ见(み)つめてる 出会(であ)った日(ひ)から今(いま)でもずっと あなたさえそばにいれば他(ほか)に何(なに)もいらない 梦(ゆめ)のHigh Tension 愿(ねが)い事(こと)かなったの 柔(やわ)らかな冬(ふゆ)の日(ひ) うつむき耻(は)ずかしそうなSpecial Drivin" Date あなたがそう喜(よろこ)ぶから 化妆(けしょう)をまず止(や)めたわ どこにいても捕(つか)まるようにポケベル持(も)ったわ 车(くるま)も详(くわ)しくなったし サッカ━さえも好(す)きになったわ 迷(まよ)っているけどこの人(ひと)に一生(いっしょう)ついて行(ゆ)こうと决(き)めた あなただけ见(み)つめてる 出会(であ)った日(ひ)から今(いま)でもずっと あなたさえそばにいれば他(ほか)に何(なに)もいらない 爱(あい)のHigh Tension あなたがそう望(のぞ)むから 真(ま)っ直(す)ぐ归(かえ)るようになった ザツだった言叶(ことば)使(つか)い丁宁(ていねい)になった あなたがそううつむくから 长电话(ながでんわ)も止(や)めたわ 便利(べんり)だった男(おとこ)の子(こ)达(たち)片付(かたつ)けた(这个地方很多网站错了) 发(かみ)も服(ふく)も目立(めた)たなく お料理(りょうり)もガンバルから Partyには行(い)きたいな… 嫌恶(いや)がってたあの娘(むすめ)とも绝好(ぜっこう)したわ あなただけ见(み)つめてる 昔(むかし)みたいに笑(わら)わなくなった 苦手(にがて)だったSpicy Your Mama 今(いま)ではお茶(ちゃ)してる ヤバイHigh Tension あなただけ见(み)つめてる そして他(ほか)に谁(だれ)もいなくなった 地味(じみ)に生(い)きて行(ゆ)くの あなた好(ごの)みの女(おんな) 目指(めざ)せっっ!Love Power あなただけ见(み)つめてる 独(ひと)りで待(ま)つ二人(ふたり)だけの部屋(へや) あなたの微笑(ほほえ)みはバラ色(いろ)の锁(くさり) 行(ゆ)かっっ!梦见(ゆめみ)る梦无(ゆめな)し女(おんな)!Oh~ 只注视着你 从相见至今 只要有你在身边 其他一切都不算什么 梦的High Tension 梦想成真的 暖冬 低头害羞的Special Drivin" Date 因为你的喜好 没有化妆 为了在哪里都能联络 带着手机 学习驾车 喜欢上足球 虽然还是迷惑 但已决定跟你一辈子 只注视着你 从相见至今 只要有你在身边 其他一切都不算什么 梦的High Tension 因为你的期望 立刻想回来 琐事也细心叮咛 因为你的疲惫 不打太久的电话 顺便为你收拾房间 为你而装扮漂亮 为你而努力做好料理 不要去Party了 让你讨厌的那女生变得绝好 只注视着你 不再象往昔一样欢笑 真不善于Spicy Your Mama 现在即使弄茶 不妙High Tension 只注视着你 其他人仿佛已不存在 简朴地生活下去 为你而装扮漂亮 为你而努力做好料理 不要去Party了 让你讨厌的那女生变得绝好 只注视着你 不再象往昔一样欢笑 真不善于Spicy Your Mama 现在即使弄茶 不妙High Tension anata dake mitsumeteru deatta hi kara ima demo zutto anata sae soba ni ireba hoka ni nannimo iranai yume no high tension negaigoto kanatta no yawaraka na fuyu no hi utsumuki hazukashi-sou na special driving date anata ga sou yorokobu kara keshou mo mazu yameta wa doko ni ite mo tsukamaru you ni POKEBERU motta wa kuruma mo kuwashikunatta shi SAKKA- sae mo suki ni natta wa mayotte-iru kedo kono hito ni isshou tsuite yukou to kimeta anata dake mitsumeteru deatta hi kara ima demo zutto anata sae soba ni ireba hoka ni nannimo iranai ai no high tension anata ga sou nozomu kara massugu kaeru you ni natta ZATSU datta kotobadzukai teinei ni natta anata ga sou utsumuku kara nagadenwa mo yameta wa benri datta otoko-no-ko-tachi katatsuketa kami mo fuku mo medatanaku o-ryouri mo GANBARU kara Party ni wa ikitai na... iyagatteta ano ko to mo zekkou shita wa anata dake mitsumeteru mukashi mitai ni warawanaku natta nigate datta spicy your mama ima de wa ocha shiteru YABAI high tension (I love you Its an entrance to the paradise in the hill Changing my mind, and my dream, and keeps on running in my heart Like you will know how Im crazy for you) anata dake mitsumete&ru soshite hoka ni daremo inaku natta jimi ni ikite-yuku no anatagonomi no onna mezaselove power Wow wow wow anata dake mitsumeteru hitori de matsu futari dake no heya anata no hohoemi wa bara-iro no kusari yuke yume miru yume nashi onna Oh~wow wow wow

take out the book的音标是什么 求求你了!



英语四级词汇以及音标   citizen /sitizn/ n.公民;市民,居民   drawing /drR:iN/ n.图画,素描;绘图   responsibility /rispRnsEbiliti/ n.责任,责任心;职责   whilst /wailst/ conj.n.当的时候   paint /peint/ vt.画;油漆 vi.绘画   too /tu:/ ad.也,还;太,过分   bomb /bRm/ n.炸弹 vt.轰炸   annoy /EnRi/ vt.使恼怒;打搅   ankle /ANkl/ n.踝,踝节部   automobile /R:tEmEbi:l/ n.汽车,机动车   festival /festEvEl/ n.节日;音乐节   cinema /sinimE/ n.电影院;电影,影片   employee /emplRii:/ n.受雇者,雇员,雇工   suburb /sQbE:b/ n.郊区,郊外,近郊   tool /tu:l/ n.工具,器具,用具   differ /difE/ vi.不同,相异   suddenly /sQdnli/ ad.突然地   period /piEriEd/ n.时期;学时;句号   opinion /EpinjEn/ n.意见,看法,主张   hit /hit/ vt.打;碰撞 n.击   communism /kRmjunizEm/ n.共产主义   harness /ha:nis/ vt.治理 n.马具,挽具   stand /stAnd/ vi.站;坐落 n.架,台   combination /kRmbineiFEn/ n.结合,联合;化合   treatment /tri:tmEnt/ n.待遇;治疗,疗法 ;

take a good rest的音标是什么



perfect英 [ˈpɜ:fɪkt] 美 [ˈpɜrfɪkt] adj.完美的; 正确的; 优秀的; 极好的n.[语]完成时;v.使完善; 使完备 ; 使完美;——源自金山词霸

paul stoker的汉语意思和音标

Paul /pu0254:l / Stoker /u02c8stou028aku0259(r)/,Paul为保罗,是人名。Stoker是姓,可译为斯托克,本意是锅炉工人的意思。所以Paul Stoker是一个人的姓名。

求《Valder Fields》这首歌的中英文歌词,带英文音标。

I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁 a fields of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地 lying in the sun after I had tried 当我感到些许疲倦时 lying in the sun by the side 就这样躺在阳光下,小路旁 we all agreed that the council would end up 我们都认为议会应该趁早解散 three hours over time 再有三个小时的存在都嫌多 shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights 鞋带为信号灯所左右 I was running late, could apply 我起跑的有些晚 for a not her one I guess 或许已追赶不上她的步伐 after parking stores are best 毕竟做足准备才是最好的 they said that there would be delays 他们说这或许有些迟了啊 on the temporary pay 毕竟这付出显得过于短暂

求《Valder Fields》这首歌的中英文歌词,带英文音标。

I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁 a fields of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地 lying in the sun after I had tried 当我感到些许疲倦时 lying in the sun by the side 就这样躺在阳光下,小路旁 we all agreed that the council would end up 我们都认为议会应该趁早解散 three hours over time 再有三个小时的存在都嫌多 shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights 鞋带为信号灯所左右 I was running late, could apply 我起跑的有些晚 for a not her one I guess 或许已追赶不上她的步伐 after parking stores are best 毕竟做足准备才是最好的 they said that there would be delays 他们说这或许有些迟了啊 on the temporary pay 毕竟这付出显得过于短暂

valder fields怎么读啊?求音标,还有翻译

山间田野,很亲切的乡村节奏 [ va:de "fi:lds]


away的a的音标可以写作 /ə/。

hello 音标,是发嗨喽,还是呵喽?


all in all怎么连读,标音标

[英]u0254:l in u0254:l [美]u0254l u026an u0254l 读的快的话就像喔琳喔啦~跟fall in love一样的嘛~


就这样转身消失的话 i-dae-ro do-ra-seol-geo-myeon sa-ra-jil-geo-myeon 是不会有结果的 pi-eo-na-ji a-na-sseo 就这样屏息默默望着你i-reo-ke ba-ra-bo-myeon-seo su-mi-ma-ki-myeon 闭上眼睛活着可以吗? nu-neul-kka-meun-chae sa-ra-do jo-eul-kka 即使不去看也看得见 bo-ji-a-na-do bo-yeo-seo 即使不去听也听得见deut-jji-a-na-do deul-lyeo-seo 就像是在你的气息里 geu-dae sum-gyeo-re da-si-sa-ra-nan 就像风之花一样 ba-ram-kkot-cheo-reom 即使想离开也走不了 ga-go-si-peo-do mot-kka-neun 即使想拥抱也抱不了 an-go-si-peo-do mo-san-neun 因为你的指尖触动了我的心 geu-dae-son-kkeu-chi nae-ma-me da-eu-ni 度过了漫漫长夜就能了解吗? gin-gin-ba-mi ji-na-go-na-myeon al-kka 泪中带笑的爱啊nun-mul-so-ge ut-kko-in-neun sa-rang-eul 想抓也抓不住 jap-kko-si-peo-do mot-jjam-neun 想走也走不了 ga-go-si-peo-do mot-kka-neun 就像是在你心中geu-dae-ma-eu-me da-si-sa-ra-nan 就像风之花一样ba-ram-kkot-cheo-reom 即使不去看也看得见 bo-ji-a-na-do bo-yeo-seo 即使不去听 也听得见deut-jji-a-na-do deul-lyeo-seo 随风飞舞飘散ba-ra-me sil-lyeo heu-teo-jeo nal-li-myeo 飘散到你的心 geu-dae ma-eu-me heu-teo-jeo nal-li-mye


写不完的。写几个:new, number, none, need, namecount, sign, afternoon, scene


英["fu0259utu0259uz] 美["fu0259utu0259uz]

帮帮忙!请问associate 怎么读,请高手标注音标!【灌水者不用来了】


hold on的音标是什么?

hold on[英][hu0259uld u0254n][美][hold ɑn]坚持; 等一等; <口>别挂电话; 抓紧不放; 例句:1.He is probably trying to hold on until the presidential electionsin september. 他很可能正试图坚持到9月总统大选之时。2.Carlos ghosn, renault"s chief executive, managed to hold on tohis. 雷诺的首席执行官卡洛斯戈恩(carlos ghosn)设法保住了他的位置




ancient ["einu0283u0259nt] (音:A申特) adj.古代的;古老的,过时的;年老的 n.古代人;老人


Mid-autumn [mid"ɔtəm] n. 中秋节

refrigerator的音标 辅音和元音分开

refrigerator[ri"fridu0292u0259reitu0259]音节[ri"fri du0292u0259 rei tu0259] 其中i u0259 ei 是元音 其余为辅音。



Pierre de Coubertin 如何发音(音标是怎样的?) 这是顾拜旦的法文拼写

这是法语啊.你会法文吗?中文是读:皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦.法语音标应该是: [pj?r] [d?] [ku b?r tin].r 是小舌音,听起来有点像拼音里的h.

Pierre de Coubertin 如何发音(音标是怎样的?) 这是顾拜旦的法文拼写

这是法语啊.你会法文吗?中文是读:皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦.法语音标应该是: [pj?r] [d?] [ku b?r tin].r 是小舌音,听起来有点像拼音里的h.

Pierre de Coubertin 如何发音(音标是怎样的?) 这是顾拜旦的法文拼写

这是法语啊.你会法文吗?中文是读:皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦.法语音标应该是:[pj?r] [d?] [ku r tin].r 是小舌音,听起来有点像拼音里的h.

fire in my heart的音标

There"s a fire starting in my heart  胸中燃起怒火   Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark   狂热救赎我于黑暗   Finally, I can see you crystal clear   终于看清本性   Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your sheet bare.   继续背叛而我亦将不再留恋   See how I leave, with every piece of you   看我如何将你撕碎  Don"t underestimate the things that I will do  请别低估我的能耐   There"s a fire starting in my heart   我胸中升起的怒火   Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark   熊熊燃烧驱走黑暗  The scars of your love, remind me of us   爱之伤疤疼痛于心   They keep me thinking that we almost had it all   让我回想曾经的拥有   The scars of your love, they leave me breathless   爱之伤疤令人窒息   I can"t help feeling   思绪万千不能自已   We could have had it all   我们本应幸福   Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你将我的心捏在手里   And you played it to the beat   玩弄于股掌之间   Baby I have no story to be told  宝贝我已无话可说   But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn   可我亦知你愁肠百结   Think of me in the depths of your despair   在绝望深处想着我   Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared   纠结着吧,老娘不再与你同甘共苦   The scars of your love, remind me of us   爱之伤疤疼痛于心   They keep me thinking that we almost had it all   让我回想曾经的拥有   The scars of your love, they leave me breathless   爱之伤疤令人窒息   I can"t help feeling   思绪万千不能自已 We could have had it all   我们本应幸福   Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你将我的心捏在手里   And you played it to the beat   玩弄于股掌之间We could have had it all   我们本应幸福   Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你将我的心捏在手里   Bnd you played it with the beating   玩弄于股掌之间   Throw yourself through ever open door  越过心门,跳出心结   Count your blessings to find what look for  愿心想事成   Turn my sorrow into treasured gold 将悲痛化为财富   And pay me back in kind - You reap just what you"ve sown.   亦知何为因果报应   We could have had it all  我们本应幸福  Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你将我的心捏在手里   And you played it to the beat   玩弄于股掌之间We could have had it all  我们本应幸福  Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你已俘获我的心   But you played it   但你欺骗了我   You played it   欺骗了我   You played it   欺骗了我   You played it to the beat  欺骗了我的所有


英文原文:pilot英式音标:[ˈpaɪlət] 美式音标:[ˈpaɪlət]



初一英语音标 急急急急急急急急急急急急急


step off 中文歌词翻译加音标

歌曲:Step Off歌手:Kacey Musgraves所属专辑:Same Trailer Different Park发行时间:2013-04-15中英文歌词:You sure look real pretty in your glass house你在你的玻璃屋里,看起来很漂亮You probably think you"re too good to take the trash out你可能觉得你太优秀,连扔垃圾都不用Well are you dumb or are you blind那么你是傻子,还是瞎子Cause it"s a real fine line因为这是一个真正美丽的线条Between telling a joke and turning a knife在笑话与刀刃之间Don"t wreck my reputation别毁了我的荣誉Let me wreck my own让我自己来吧Step off, step off下来吧,下来吧Yeah you"re getting too close to me是的你离我太近了With all your negativity带着你所有的负面情绪Just get lost快走开吧Just try to make a little difference只是想作出一些小小的改变Here"s why you gotta interfere这就是为什么你得干涉Just keep climbing that mountain of dirty tricks继续爬那座充满肮脏把戏的山吧When you finally get to the top当你最终登顶Step off, yeah下来吧You screwed everybody over in this town你欺骗了这个镇上的每个人There ain"t nothing between you and the cold hard ground你与坚硬的冰冷的地面之间没有任何间隔Keep running your mouth and stretching the truth继续使用你的嘴巴,捏造事实You just might find a hole in your parachute你有可能在你的降落伞上发现一个破洞"Cause whatever gets you high因为让你快乐的东西Will always bring you down总会让你跌下So step off, step off所以下来吧,下来吧Yeah, you"re getting too close to me是的你离我太近了With all your negativity带着你所有的负面情绪Just get lost快走开吧Just try to make a little difference只是想作出一些小小的改变Here"s why you gotta interfere这就是为什么你得干涉Just keep climbing that mountain of dirty tricks继续爬那座充满肮脏把戏的山吧When you finally get to the top, hmmm当你最终登顶,嗯~Step off下来吧Sticks and stones木棍与石头May build a throne也许会做成一个王冠But you"ll be up there all alone但是你会独自在那儿So step off所以下来吧Yeah, yeah, step off下来吧And keep climbing that mountain of dirty tricks, yeah继续爬那座充满肮脏把戏的山吧When you finally get to the top当你最终登顶Step off, step off, step off下来吧,下来吧,下来吧


plane常见释义飞机英: [pleu026an]美: [plen]n.平面; 飞机; 水平; 木工刨;adj.平的,平坦的;例句:He had plenty of time to catch his plane他有足够的时间赶飞机。复数:


美[pleu026an],英[pleu026an]。- /p/ 读作"p"音。- /l/ 读作"l"音,与 "light" 中的发音相同。- /eu026a/ 读作长 "a" 音,与 "pay" 中的发音相同。- /n/ 读作"n"音。所以完整的发音是“pleu026an”(注意,音标的写法中 "a" 与 "u026a" 中间的符号应该是斜杠而不是竖杠,斜杠可以表示语音音素的音值)。以下是 "plane" 的例句:1. The plane took off smoothly and climbed to a cruising altitude.(飞机平稳起飞并爬升到巡航高度。)2. The company"s executives traveled across the country by private plane.(公司的高管们乘坐私人飞机穿越全国。)3. The object in the sky looked like a plane, but it was difficult to make out any details.(天空中的那个物体看起来像一架飞机,但很难分辨出任何细节。)4. He cut the wood with a plane to make it smoother.(他用木刨刀刨削木头,让它变得更加光滑。)5. It"s a shame that the painting was damaged during the plane crash.(飞机坠毁时这幅画受损了,真是可惜。)


wū lǔ mù qí可能不是很清晰(依次为):阴平 上声 去声 阳平


Urmchi 乌鲁木齐音标跟读音是一样的呢
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