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稍等I"ll be right back,please wait for a minute.我马上回来,请等一会儿。"Please wait for a minute, "she called down.“请稍等片刻。”她朝下面叫道。Will you wait for me? I shan"t be a minute.等等我行吗? 我马上就好。Would you wait here for a minute?您能在这里等一下吗?Oh Pam, can you come over here for a minute?喂,帕姆,你能来一下吗?He was not for a minute deceived by her words.他丝毫没有被她的话所蒙骗。I would like to talk to you for a minute.我想和你谈一下。Sit back for a minute and think about what you have done.坐一会儿,考虑考虑你干了什么事情。Would you wait for a minute?请你等一下好吗?I never suspected for a minute that youwere married.我万万没想到你已经结婚了。As I was waiting for a bus a brick fell on my head.当我在等公共汽车时,一块砖头落到了我的头上。It won"t hurt him to wait for a while.让他等一会儿没什麽关系。Wait for: Wait for me a minute, please. I"ll be back very soon.请等我一会儿,我很快就回来。It won"t hurt to wait for a while.多等一会儿没什麽关系。When waiting for a bus, he takes his turn.等公共汽车时,他按顺序排队。Would you please sit down and wait for a moment?您能坐这儿等一下吗?How long do you have to wait for a No. 63?乘63路车要等多久?She hesitated for a minute and then turned back.她踌躇一了会儿,然后回来了。She studied his face very intently for a minute.她对他的脸仔细端详了一分钟。

英语短文jenna sat for almost 25 minutes

Passage A: Choose the correctanswerPaulgot on the bus to go to the town. It was very crowded, and he had to stand forabout five minutes. Then some of the passengers got off. Paul sat down next toa fat lady. She had several shopping bags, and Paul didn"t have much room onthe seat. At last the bus got to the town. All the passengers started to getoff. Paul was very polite, so he stood up to let the fat lady get off beforehim. She said, "Thank you." Then she tried to get out of the seatwith all her bags. But she couldn"t move. She was stuck! Paul had to push thelady. The conductor(售票员)pulled her. Finally they got her free ,but she wasn"t pleased. "I"ll writeto the bus company," she said. "I"ll tell them not to make buses withsuch small seats."( ) 1. Why couldn"t the lady get out of theseat?A.Because the seat on the bus were too small.B.Because the lady was too fat and had a lot of bags.C.Because the bus was very crowded.( ) 2. When did Paul get a seat on the bus?A.Just before the bus got to the town.B.After five minutes.C.Just before he wanted to get off.( ) 3. How do you know that Paul was verypolite?A.He didn"t take the seat and was always standing.B.He pushed the lady out of her seat.C.He stood up to let the lady get off before him.( ) 4. The fat lady wasn"t pleased because____.A.the conductor pulled herB.the seats were too smallC.Both A and B( ) 5. She was stuck! In the story it meansshe ____.A.couldn"t to move or to get outB.was sitting there, she couldn"t stand upC.moved very slowlyPassage B:An old tiger lives in the forest. He does not wantto look for food now. He often tells other animals to bring him something toeat.He sees a monkey and says, “ I am hungry,Monkey. Go to the village and bring me a fat pig.”“Oh, Tiger,” says the monkey. “ I cannot dothat now. There is another tiger over there. He also wants a fat pig. He willnot let me get anything for you to eat. I am afraid of him.”“What?” cries the old tiger? “Show me thattiger. I will talk to him.”“Come with me,” says the monkey.The monkey and the tiger get to a bridgeover the river.“ Now look down at the river,” says themonkey.“Do you see the head, the white teeth andthe large green eyes of a tiger?”“Yes, I do.” Cries the old tiger, “ I willeat him up.”With these words, the tiger jumps into thewater.1 Where does the old tiger live?____________________________________________________________________2 Does the monkey see another tiger?___________________________________________________________________3 Actually(事实上)what does the tiger see in the river?___________________________________________________________________还有两题4 How do you think of the monkey?5 Give the passage a title. (给这篇短文写个标题) 1%


是的。WALNUTDUCK核桃小鸭设计灵感来自约克大学(University of York)的“网红”,品牌设计师2017年在英国游学期间设计。作为福尔摩斯热衷粉,毫不犹豫地把福尔摩斯的勇敢、行动派、博学的精神赋予在核桃小鸭身上。但在异国的生活,各个生活场景度随着行程的变动而改变着,无论是着装还是个人的心态都随着环境的改变而改变着。所以,最后在伦敦的时候,鸭子才有了最后的成稿,并拥有了现在完整的三个个性,这就是Walnut duck。Walnut Duck一直以可爱的外表和阳光的个性俘获大批年轻人的芳心,"All My Best, Be Myself"的口号更是激励了年轻人要勇敢做自己。


加利福尼亚州 沃尔纳特


是正品。 Walnut Duck核桃小鸭是福尔摩斯热衷粉,而福尔摩斯的勇敢、行动派、博学的精神都是核桃小鸭所学到的。但在现实中的生活,各个生活场景度随着行程的变动而改变着,无论是着装还是个人的心态都随着环境的改变而改变着。因此核桃小鸭拥有了现在完整的三个个性,并且Walnut Duck一直以可爱的外表和阳光的个性俘获大批年轻人的芳心,"All My Best, Be Myself"的口号更是激励了年轻人要勇敢做自己。 Walnutduck,诞生于英国伦敦贝克街,其品牌服饰主体现小鸭阳光多元的个性,大胆应用宽松设计的版型,时尚感十足。

1313 N. Grand Ave. #398 Walnut, CA91789怎么翻译 求翻译两张

Lakeside Realty湖滨地产Making Deals Happen!令生意成交1313 N. Grand Ave. #398, Walnut, CA91789美国加利福尼亚州核桃市,北格兰大道1313号398室,邮编91789DRE/CA: 加州房地产局注册编号:Eddie H. Lew (人名)Realtor 房地产经纪Broker/Realtor房地产经纪商/经纪人Broker Lic: 房地产经纪商牌照编号:140 S. Glendora Ave., Ste. C, West Covina, CA 91790美国加利福尼亚州西柯汶纳市南格伦多拉大道140号C室,邮编91790

131 Brea Canyon Road Walnut, CA, 91789 USA CA 是否代表加利福尼亚?

**是的**,131 Brea Canyon Road Walnut, CA, 91789 USA CA 确实代表加利福尼亚。



walnut的复数形式有walnut s


洛杉矶walnut high school有欺负孩子的事吗

没有相关报道呦Walnut高中是一个位于Walnut联合学区的高中。 Walnut市聚居了大量来自台湾和香港的移民,著名的学区使这区的房价略高周边城市。 在“2009年全美100最佳居住地"名单上,Walnut市排名70。

walnut street哪个州的

新奥尔良(New Orleans),它是美国路易斯安那州南部的一座海港城市,同时也是路州最大的城市。行政上与奥尔良县同域。新奥尔良也是美国一座大都市,是美国的一座经济城市,2013年,新奥尔良市的GDP超过1800亿美元,是该州经济最发达的城市。新奥尔良市区人口378,715(2013年),都会区人口1,240,977人(2013年)。







walnut 在英语里是讽刺含义。用来讽刺何种人?



之前在言几又好像有看到有个小的空间也叫walnut ,,后来开会的时候去用过,觉的很方便,现在国内这样的空间还不是很多。

“小核桃”和“胡桃”(walnut)是不是指同一种东西 ?





英文单词:walnut翻译中文意思|用法|音标| walnut: [ "w00:ln05t ] n. 胡桃例句与用法: 1. This box is made of walnut. 这个箱子是胡桃木做的。 2. A seed borne within a fruit having a hard shell, as in the peanut, almond, or walnut. 坚果种子生长在有硬壳的果实之内的种子,如花生、杏或核桃 英英解释: 名词walnut:1. nut of any of various walnut trees having a wrinkled two-lobed seed with a hard shell2. hard dark-brown wood of any of various walnut trees; used especially for furniture and paneling3. any of various trees of the genus Juglans同义词:walnut tree



求准确英文翻译:peanut pillow

peanut: [美国俚语]渺小的人;矮小的人;无聊政治家,小政客peanut pillow 表示无真才实学的人,是否可翻译成绣花枕头,仅供参考。谢谢。

packing peanuts造句 packing peanutsの例文 "packing peanuts"是什麼意思

On top of that was a layer of packing peanuts . Drop off extra packing peanuts at maipng stores. Pad with packing peanuts and overnight the box. Where do you buy plastic packing peanuts anyway? Also, during the manufacturing process, the nutritional value is removed from starch-based packing peanuts . Lycra blends at J . Crew _ that"s pke Quaker adding plastic packing peanuts to its oatmeal. In the early 1990s, starch-based packing peanuts were developed as a more environment-friendly alternative. " Packing peanuts , " he said, and even Universal"s celebrity look-apkes laughed. After the test, the players are given a large box filled with packing peanuts , one which contains the handcuff keys. Alternatives with similar properties include coarse sawdust, vermicupte and ( at last, a use for them ) plastic foam packing peanuts . It"s difficult to see packing peanuts in a sentence. 用 packing peanuts 造句挺难的 Polystyrene-based packing peanuts were developed and patented by Tektronix Inc . They were made mercially available circa 1965 by Dow Chemical. Her cats, one of whom is the store"s namesake, bat around foam packing peanuts while she works into the night. In 1969 70 he anonymously pubpshed the satirical conceptual art magazine " Landspde " with his friend packing peanuts in an envelope. "Oh, it"ll be fine, " she said, adding that breakables are packed in bubble wrap and packing peanuts . _Pack container or containers in a box and fill with crumpled newspaper, shredded paper, packing peanuts , bubble wrap or popcorn, unbuttered and unsalted. Stephanie had to squeeze orange juice by hand and carry packing peanuts back and forth one by one, and Andrea has to blow up 500 balloons by herself. He steps over stray styrofoam packing peanuts that weave a trail in and out of empty cubicles, past white lab coats tossed pmply over chairs, and rows of barren lab benches. She"s got world-class chops, a couple-dozen recordings, and a Grammy just out of the packing peanuts perched on the shelf in her New York City home. :I would suggest surrounding it tightly with several layers of bubble wrap, and putting that in a somewhat rigid container ( the box it came in ) filled with packing peanuts or bubblewrap. Office workers dumped bags of plastic foam packing peanuts from the upper stories of skyscrapers, so much so that it looked pke it was snowing along some sections of the eight-block parade route. A modern variation of this practice can also help reduce the weight of large containers such as urns and tubs : Instead of shards or gravel, use plastic foam packing peanuts to fill the bottom third of the container. These people are turning their pving rooms into inventory centers, diving into dumpsters for spare boxes, stuffing cars and closets with packing peanuts , checking for e-mail every free minute and racing to the post office nearly every afternoon. Another option is just to put a lot of soft material beeen the egg and the bottom of the box, pke bubble wrap, packing peanuts , etc . For something a bit unconventional, how about floating the egg inside a salt-water filled bag? :I"ve heard the term " packing peanuts " ( or " packaging " or " plastic ", maybe ) used almost everywhere, though there might be a more " official " name that nobody ever uses .-- Geoffrey 03 : 21, 31 Aug 2003 ( UTC) It"s difficult to find packing peanuts in a sentence. 用 packing peanuts 造句挺难的

美国俚语里面的 eats nuts 是什么意思?


为什么花生叫monkey -nut




it make me nuts nut 为何要加S?

make me nuts 是“使我难受”的意思… 也可以说drive me nuts 这是一个英语俗语,就是这样用法,无法用语法来解释… Tracffic jams drive me nuts. 交通堵塞使我难受. Long speech drives me nuts.冗长的讲话使我难受. Loud music drives me nuts. Second_hand smoke drives me nuts. People with bad breath drive me nuts. Too many TV ads drives me nuts.





it was nuts

此题选择B项. What a lovely cake! 这是一个感叹句 句意为:多么可爱的蛋糕啊! It"s full of nuts. 句意为:它里面满是各种坚果. be full of 意为:充满了... be filled with 也有此意 希望我的回答能够帮到你! 请及时采纳为满意答案,谢谢!


peanuts 花生

go nuts 是什么意思,怎么用?

I am going nuts.我要发疯了

today was nuts是什么意思

nuts 相当于Crazy ,老美最常用today was nuts 意思是 今天很疯狂有可能是因为 super busy 很忙或者 stressful 压力很大,这些都可以用 nuts 来表达 例如: Today was nuts. I woke up at 6 a.m., walked the dog, made breakfast for kids, then did laundry. Round 8 am, I went to work. My boss told me that I have to do over the report and handle the customer complaints. I barely grabbed a bite, and in the afternoon the company sent me on a business trip to another city. I got back home about midnight, totally wasted. 希望对您有帮助。

stud-bolt A193 GR B7 W/A194 GR 2H NUTS 这些螺栓描述是什么意思?最好具体点 谢谢哈

stud-bolt 是螺栓 A193就是标准代号 是美国标准制表示的材料标准代号 GR是 等级的意思 B7就是螺栓的具体等级 W/ 其中W是with 就是和 NUTS是螺母 整体就是表示 A193等级为B7美标的螺栓和A194等级为2H美标的螺母




名字:Danielle Sharp中文:丹妮尔·夏普生日:1991年8月21日出生地:英格兰格里姆斯比身高:170厘米职业:模特,服 装 设 计回答如满意,望及时采纳



shaken deez nuts是什么梗




nuts crazy区别

This is nuts .【nuts adj.发狂的;热衷的;狂热的】【俚语】 =This is crazy. =It is(It"s ) crazy . 你说得对,它们可以有相同的意思【那是很疯狂的】. 祝你开心如意!

nuts snack是什么意思

nuts snack坚果零食Buy: Snack food, Nuts, Peas, Seeds.采购:休闲食品,坚果,豌豆,种子。-----------------------------希望采纳,你的支持我们的动力!


可以采用象形法。1. 你把两个u姓杯叠在一起,是圆形对吧?坚果通常都是圆形的。2. nuts是坚果的复数,把ts按音看成吃。就记忆完成。


u are nuts:你疯了!this is nuts! :等同于this is crazy(这太疯狂了)


1、nuts的读音:英[nu028cts],美[nu028cts]。 2、n.坚果; 螺母; 螺帽; 人的头(或大脑); 3、adj.疯狂; 执著; 迷恋; 狂热; 4、v.(故意)以头撞击; 5、nut的第三人称单数和复数; 6、int.不见得; 热爱着; 狂热于; 精通…的; 7、[例句]They eat mainly fruit and nuts.他们主要吃水果和坚果。


露西·皮德尔 (Lucy Pinder)生日:1983年12月20日身高:165厘米平面模特






Nuts女装品牌并不算很贵,属于中等偏上的消费水平。Nuts 品牌创立于 1990 年,创始人梁子庚先生是一位旅美华人,Nuts 品牌隶属于梁子庚先生创办的宁波梁子庚时装有限公司。Nuts 品牌以时尚休闲装为主,设计风格简约大方,受到很多人的喜爱。


“那次” 你是这个意思吗?






bananas 猴子看到香蕉会兴奋得忘乎所以,又叫又跳.Go bananas这个习惯用语就来源于此.当然它并不一定只用来形容猴子.如果某人在特定情境下像猴子看到香蕉那样激动得上窜下跳、又喊又叫,甚至行为失常,那这个人必定是情绪失控了,这个时候我们就可以说He is going bananas. nuts 美国俚语:Are you nuts?你疯了吗? (赞楼上)






nuts德州术语是坚果牌,当前可以凑成的最好的牌,例如公共牌为7,8,9,而你底牌为10,J,也就意味着你已经击中了当前的坚果牌,相关术语还有:1、Offsuit:杂牌,不同花色的牌。2、Pair:一对。3、Positon:位置,牌桌上的位置,在德州扑克中,牌桌上的位置对于策略和胜负有着很大的影响,因此需要进行轮换。4、Pot:底池,当前所有人投入的筹码总量。5、Pot-Limit:限注,允许加注的最大注额为底池的大小。如果前面有人下注,一个玩家想要加注,则喊注所需的投入底池的总金额应在加注所允许的总金额以内。6、Pre-flop: 收到两张起手牌(Starting Hand)后到头三张公开牌(Flop)亮出来之前的这一阶。7、Raise:加注,投入比前面玩家更高数额的筹码。8、Re-raise:加注之后再加注。River:河牌,第五张公共牌。Royal Flush:皇家同花顺,最大的牌型,由同花色的10、J、Q、K、A所组成。

Nuts是什么意思? 有几种意思?

a.1. 发疯的,傻的Teenagers like to get together and go nuts on Saturday night.青少年喜欢在星期六晚上聚在一起做一些疯狂事。I"ll go nuts if I have to wait much longer.如果还得等更久,我会发疯。2. 狂热的,热衷的She"s nuts about movies.她热衷电影。int.1. (表示憎恶,拒绝等)呸;胡说;混蛋You are driving me nuts.你真是要把我逼疯。




1、诺丁汉大学电视台—中国站。 2、NUTS作为宁波诺丁汉大学唯一官方学生电视台,全球第一个跨国学生媒体组织,意在为诺丁汉大学的师生提供一个信息交流和互享的平台。NUTS有两个分支,NUTSChina和NUTSUK,两个站点相互支持,资源共享。 3、频道分类:文化频道:文化频道是NUTS中最具有包容性的一个频道凭借其独特的文化视角,深入探知文化多元性。 4、新闻频道:新闻频道是NUTS中最具客观性和时效性的一个频道,凭借其敏锐的新闻洞察力,综合报道学校的时事新闻。 5、娱乐频道:娱乐频道是nuts中最具活力和创造力的一个频道,凭借其犀利的娱乐嗅觉,制作新奇有趣的娱乐类节目,丰富诺丁汉学生的校园生活。


nuts是什么意思:“nut”一词既可以表示坚果,也可以表示螺母或轴承,具体意思需要看上下文。下面将从不同方面详细介绍“nut”的含义。1、“nut”表示坚果“Nut”原指植物的核仁部分,主要是食用价值较高的坚果类产品。松子、开心果、腰果、巴西果、榛子、核桃等都是常见的坚果类产品。它们的营养价值很高,含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、微量元素和矿物质等,对人体健康有着重要的保健作用。坚果不仅味美而且食用方式多样,可以生吃、烤吃、油炸、加工成糖果等多种方式来食用。2、“nut”表示螺母和轴承除了坚果,"nut"还可以指代螺母和轴承。螺母是一种强大的连接件,通常由金属制成,广泛应用于机械加工、建筑、汽车和航空航天等领域。轴承则是指一种广泛使用的机械部件,能够支撑机械的旋转,并减少运动过程中的摩擦和调节级间隙。轴承广泛应用于家用电器、汽车、航空等各个领域,是现代机械制造业不可或缺的组成部分。3、“nut”还有其他含义“Nut”还可引申为疯子或热衷者,在口语中常用来形容某个人非常疯狂或者极度热爱某种事物。此外,还有一些其他含义与"nut"相关,如它可以作为网络上的缩写,例如“NUTS”表示“Not Usually Thinking Straight”(意为不通常思考问题),以及“nutcase”表示“疯子”。总之,"nut"这个词在不同情况下有着不同的含义。它可以表示食用坚果、连接件或机械零件,也可以用来形容疯狂或热爱某种事物的人。了解这些不同的用法更加丰富了我们的词汇量,也更加精确地描述和表达我们的观点。


nuts发音:英音[n_ts],美音[n_ts]。nuts的意思是:发狂的、热衷的、狂热的,坚果,发疯的、傻的。例句:1、His behavior is very nuts.他的行为很疯狂。2、Please manage your emotions and nuts to everyone.请你管理好自己的情绪,别对别人发疯。3、That"s true. Let"s get something healthy, like nuts or popcorn.没错。我们买些健康的零食吧,比如坚果或爆米花。4、We should go on a snack run and get some nuts and chips.我们应该去买零食,买些坚果和薯片。5、Lots! For example, root vegetables like carrots and yams, nuts and seeds like walnuts and black sesame.可多了!比如:根茎蔬菜像胡萝卜和番薯,坚果和种子类食物像胡桃和黑芝麻。

it was fifteen minutes eleven,为什么填past,不是过去式,pass past 有什么区别



Studnut除了直译为螺柱螺母以外还有什么意义?紧固件咨询顾问俞文龙认为Studnut除了直译为螺柱螺母以外,STUD还可以译为种马; 大头钉; (衣袖等的)饰钮; [建]壁骨; 用饰钮装饰; 散布; 用壁骨支撑; 等,NUT还可以译为网络、坚果。紧固件咨询顾问俞文龙认为,最好自己查相关资料,网上得来总是假,碰到不懂装懂的,随便应答的,根本就是假的或骗人的就直接误导你,甚至害惨你。轻者产品质量不合格,重者要罚款。当然,紧固件咨询顾问俞文龙认为,如果有实力,请一个紧固件的咨询顾问参考你的技术,把握企业发展方向,定位产品,定位客户也是不错的一个选择。



nuts怎么读 nuts的意思

1、nuts的读音:英[nu028cts],美[nu028cts]。 2、n.坚果; 螺母; 螺帽; 人的头(或大脑); 3、adj.疯狂; 执著; 迷恋; 狂热; 4、v.(故意)以头撞击; 5、nut的第三人称单数和复数; 6、int.不见得; 热爱着; 狂热于; 精通…的; 7、[例句]They eat mainly fruit and nuts.他们主要吃水果和坚果。












nut和ruler和run的u读音相同吗? - 百度知道3个回答回答时间:2022年12月11日最佳回答:nut和run的u读音相同,u都读[u028c]。ruler中的u发音为[u:]。百度知道


a tough/hard nut to track 棘手的事或不可理喻的人 from soup to nuts 从头到尾,从开始到结束 e.g It would be a good idea to follow the process from soup to nuts 从头到尾按照进程行事会是个好主意 be nuts about 对...着迷 the nuts and bolts 具体细节,实际操作 e.g In class I can only address some theoretical issues. This afternoon in the lab we will deal with the nuts and bolts. be off one"s nut 失去理智=out of one"s mind nut up 以强烈的、自信的方式行动起来 e.g You need to nut up and ask your boss for a raise already.






peanut 花生walnut 核桃doughnut 甜面圈



nut怎么读 英语nut怎么读

1、nut英[nu028ct]美[nu028ct],n.坚果; 螺母; 螺帽; 人的头(或大脑);vt.(故意)以头撞击。 2、例句:She told me the whole story from soup to nuts. 她把事情的来龙去脉都告诉了我。


nuts是nut的复数形式。重点词汇:nut英[nu028ct]释义:n.坚果(仁);螺母,螺帽;<非正式>疯子,怪人;<非正式>入迷的人,狂热分子;<英>头,头脑;<非正式>营运经费,开销;难事,难题,难对付的人。v.<非正式>用头撞;<古>采坚果,采干果。【名】(Nut)(阿拉伯)努特,(柬)努(人名)。[复数:nuts;第三人称单数:nuts;现在分词:nutting;过去式:nutted;过去分词:nutted]短语:pine nut[食品]松子;松仁词语使用变化:nutn.(名词)1、nut的基本意思是“干果,坚果”,指有硬壳、内含可吃的果肉,如核桃、栗子、花生等,也指“果仁”,如杏仁、核桃仁等。2、nut也可作“螺母,螺帽”解。3、在俚语中,nut也可作“头,脑袋”解;还可作“怪人,疯子,入迷的人”解,常用于贬义。


  1、nut:n.坚果;螺母;螺帽;人的头(或大脑);v.(故意)以头撞击;   2、[例句]NutsandseedsaregoodsourcesofvitaminE.坚果和种子里含有丰富的维生素E。   3、[其他]第三人称单数:nuts复数:nuts现在分词:nutting过去式:nutted过去分词:nutted。




a hard nut to crack 棘手的问题from soup to nuts 从头到尾be nuts about 对什么着迷Are you nuts?你疯了吗?That"s nuts. 那真是疯了。numb nuts 呆瓜

nut前面加A 还是AN???

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