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A whole new world中文版叫什么名字

全新世界 A Whole New World 迪斯尼动画电影《阿拉丁》(Aladdin)的主题曲《全新世界》(A Whole New World)由Peabo Bryson和Regina Belle担任男女对唱,由于曲调轻柔唯美,款款深情自然流露,已成为情歌对唱的经典,也获得第六十五届奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲奖 歌词 Whole new world I can show you the world Shining, shimmering, splendid Tell me, princess, now when did You last let your heart decide? I can open your eyes Take you wonder by wonder Over, sideways and under On a magic carpet ride A whole new world A new fantastic point of view No one to tell us no Or where to go Or say we"re only dreaming A whole new world A dazzling place I never knew But now from way up here It"s crystal clear That now I"m in a whole new world with you Now I"m in a whole new world with you Unbelievable sights Indescribable feeling Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling Through an endless diamond sky A whole new world Don"t you dare close your eyes A hundred thousand things to see Hold your breath - it gets better I"m like a shooting star I"ve come so far I can"t go back to where I used to be A whole new world Every turn a surprise With new horizons to pursue Every moment red-letter I"ll chase them anywhere There"s time to spare Let me share this whole new world with you A whole new world That"s where we"ll be A thrilling chase A wondrous place For you and me 译文: 我可以带你去看这个世界, 光彩闪耀,绚烂壮阔, 告诉我,公主,你是什么时候让你的心情最终做出决定。 我可以打开你的眼界, 带给你一个又一个的奇迹, 跃过,掠过,穿过(请观看电影原片他们这时跃过屋顶,掠过窗前,穿过桥洞), 坐在魔毯上到处旅行, 崭新的世界, 一个全新的视角(他们穿过云层,高高地俯视城堡及地上的一切) 没有人会对我们说不 没有人让我们去这去那, 也没有人会说我们仅仅是在空想。 崭新的世界 一个我从来未知的炫目的地方 但我来到这里,它是水晶般的清澈,(他们在云间穿行) 现在我与你就在这样一个崭新的世界里了。 我与你就在这样一个崭新的世界里了 难以置信的景色,难以形容的感受, 高升,翻滚,自由旋转(具体解释请看电影-——他们在云间的一系列飞行动作) (翱翔)于深邃的星空下 (这里diamond是指天穹中一颗颗的星星) 崭新的世界 不要害怕,睁开你的眼睛 有那么多的景色事物去了看 屏住呼吸,那样会好些。 我就像是一颗流星,我走得那么远,不能回到我原来的地方了。(其实最后阿拉丁又把她送回宫殿) 崭新的世界 追逐着新的地平线 我将到处追寻,我们有的是时间,让我与你一起分享这个崭新的世界吧! 崭新的世界 崭新的世界 一个全新的视角 没有人会对我们说不,没有人让我们去这去那, 也没有人会说我们仅仅是在空想。 崭新的世界 每一个转向都会有一个惊喜 追寻着新的地平线 每一个瞬间都值得纪念 我将到处追寻,还有时间 到处追寻 还有时间 让我与你分享 这个崭新的世界吧 崭新的世界 崭新的世界 那就是我们要去的地方 要去的地方 一次激动人心的改变 一个美妙的地方 都是为你和我…...麻烦采纳,谢谢!

it alway gets worse before it get better

在情况好起来以前情况总会更糟。或者解释为 一切好起来之前不幸只会更多。

It,s going to get worse before it gets better 什么意思?


It,s going to get worse before it gets better 什么意思?


求A Whole New World 歌词

  摘自百度百科:  A Whole New World概述  迪斯尼动画电影《阿拉丁》(Aladdin)的主题曲《全新世界》Alan Menken 配乐、作曲,Howard Ashman、Tim Rice作词,同时也是Howard Ashman的遗作,未完成的部分由音乐剧大师 Tim Rice 接手。   (A Whole New World)由Peabo Bryson和Regina Belle担任男女对唱,由于曲调轻柔唯美,款款深情自然流露,已成为情歌对唱的经典,也获得第六十五届奥斯卡最佳音乐和最佳歌曲两项大奖。  a Whole new world    I can show you the world    Shining, shimmering, splendid    Tell me, princess, now when did    You last let your heart decide?    I can open your eyes     Take you wonder by wonder    Over, sideways and under    On a magic carpet ride    A whole new world     A new fantastic point of view    No one to tell us no     Or where to go    Or say we"re only dreaming     A whole new world     A dazzling place I never knew    But now from(when i"m) way up here    It"s crystal clear     That now I"m in a whole new world with you    Now I"m in a whole new world with you    Unbelievable sights    Indescribable feeling    Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling    Through an endless diamond sky    A whole new world    Don"t you dare close your eyes    A hundred thousand things to see    Hold your breath - it gets better    I"m like a shooting star    I"ve come so far    I can"t go back to where I used to be    A whole new world    Every turn a surprise    With new horizons to pursue    Every moment red-letter    I"ll chase them anywhere    There"s time to spare    Let me share this whole new world with you    A whole new world    That"s where we"ll be    A thrilling chase    A wondrous place    For you and me  我可以带你去看这个世界,    光彩闪耀,绚烂壮阔,    告诉我,公主,你是什么时候让你的心情最终做出决定。    我可以打开你的眼界,    带给你一个又一个的奇迹,    跃过,掠过,穿过(请观看电影原片他们这时跃过屋顶,掠过窗前,穿过桥洞),     坐在魔毯上到处旅行,  崭新的世界,  一个全新的视角(他们穿过云层,高高地俯视城堡及地上的一切)    没有人会对我们说不  没有人让我们去这去那,  也没有人会说我们仅仅是在空想。    崭新的世界   一个我从来未知的炫目的地方    但我来到这里,它是水晶般的清澈,(他们在云间穿行)    现在我与你就在这样一个崭新的世界里了。    我与你就在这样一个崭新的世界里了  难以置信的景色,难以形容的感受,    高升,翻滚,自由旋转(具体解释请看电影-——他们在云间的一系列飞行动作)    (翱翔)于深邃的星空下 (这里diamond是指天穹中一颗颗的星星)    崭新的世界     不要害怕,睁开你的眼睛 (请看原电影,阿拉丁拉开公主的挡在眼前的手)    有那么多的景色事物去了看    屏住呼吸,那样会好些。    我就像是一颗流星,我走得那么远,不能回到我原来的地方了。(其实最后阿拉丁又把她送回宫殿)    崭新的世界    追逐着新的地平线    我将到处追寻,我们有的是时间,让我与你一起分享这个崭新的世界吧!  崭新的世界   崭新的世界    一个全新的视角    没有人会对我们说不,没有人让我们去这去那,    也没有人会说我们仅仅是在空想。    崭新的世界    每一个转向都会有一个惊喜    追寻着新的地平线    每一个瞬间都值得纪念    我将到处追寻,还有时间    到处追寻   还有时间    让我与你分享   这个崭新的世界吧    崭新的世界   崭新的世界    那就是我们要去的地方   要去的地方    一次激动人心的改变   一个美妙的地方    都是为你和我…...

It,s going to get worse before it gets better 什么意思


Working Capital Turnover是什么意思?


How much would you like?这里香肠是可数名词,为什么用how much提问

如果用 how much 来提问的话,是指什么价钱级数的香肠,而不是只数量。






注:以下内容在WP 3.4+上测试通过current_user_can()的正确用法current_user_can()文档中有一句话要注意一下Do not pass a role name to current_user_can(), as this is not guaranteed to work correctly.意思是说传递用户角色名称(如author、contributor)作为参数不能100%保证返回正确的结果,正确的用法是传递$capability,从这个函数的表面意思看,参数是权限比参数是角色名称更靠谱。所以,要根据不同角色拥有的权限来判断用户角色,用户权限可以在Roles and Capabilities中找到。判断用户是否为管理员(Administrator)if( current_user_can( "manage_options" ) ) { echo "The current user is a administrator"; }判断用户是否为编辑(Editor)if( current_user_can( "publish_pages" ) && !current_user_can( "manage_options" ) ) { echo "The current user is an editor"; }判断用户是否为作者(Author)if( current_user_can( "publish_posts" ) && !current_user_can( "publish_pages" ) ) { echo "The current user is an author"; }判断用户是否为投稿者(Contributor)if( current_user_can( "edit_posts" ) && !current_user_can( "publish_posts" ) ) { echo "The current user is a contributor"; }判断用户是否为订阅者(Subscriber)if( current_user_can( "read" ) && !current_user_can( "edit_posts" ) ) { echo "The current user is a subscriber"; }用$current_user判断$current_user是WordPress的一个全局变量,当用户登录后,这个里面就会有用户的角色和权限信息。当WordPress的init action执行后,就可以安全的使用$current_user全局变量了。在模板文件中判断登录用户是否为作者(Author)global $current_user; if( $current_user->roles[0] == "author" ) { echo "The current user is an author"; } 在functions.php中判断用户是否为作者(Author)add_action( "init", "check_user_role" ); function check_user_role() { global $current_user; if( $current_user->roles[0] == "author" ) { echo "The current user is an author"; } } 之所以要使用add_action( "init", "check_user_role" );是因为$current_user这个全部变量到init action执行时才完成赋值,既然要读它的内容,至少要等到它的内容准备好后再读取。functions.php的代码先与init action执行,所以在functions.php中直接写global $current_user是无法获取用户信息的。详细信息可以参考《WordPress Actions加载顺序》。检查用户角色之前,还可以先检查一下用户是否登录

the world is not fair



语法没有问题,第一个worrying短语是现在分词作定语,修饰前面的名词male leaders;第二个abandoning短语可以看成动名词,做about的宾语,前面的their women 可以看成是动名词的复合结构,即动名词的逻辑主语。

人力外包交易平台Upwork 与 Freelancer对比

说起跨境自由职业,目前全球知名的人力资源外包平台有Upwork和Freelancer。许多希望尝试跨境自由职业的朋友也许会对到底选择哪个平台来开展自己的业务很纠结,最近我花了一些精力对两个平台进行了一些对比,并给出了我的看法和结论,供有兴趣的朋友参考。 2013年, 成立于1999年的老牌在线人力资源外包平台Elance与成立于2003年的oDesk强强联合,合并成为Elance-oDesk,2015年新公司关闭了原有的Elance与oDesk,启用新的Upwork品牌与平台。成为全球领先的人力资源外包平台。 Freelancer是一家成立于2004年的澳大利亚公司。在其发展过程中一直紧跟Elance与oDesk步伐,期间也收购了一些中小型的人力外包平台。目前是全球规模最大的人力资源外包平台。 本次对比我主要从自由职业者的角度,通过以下几个方面来进行对比。 目前,在Upwork上面有大概700万注册的客户,1200万注册的自由职业者,超过100,000项发布的工作。Freelancer平台上3000万注册的自由职业者,而仅有45,000项工作。因此Freelancer平台号称是世界上最大的自由职业在线平台,说的没错。任何人都可以在Freelancer.com上面注册账户,而在Upwork,注册需要被批准。例如 某一类技能的自由职业者注册人数相对此类工作的数量已经饱和,那么Upwork会限制更多此类技能的新账户注册,新注册的账户也不会被批准通过。同时如果某些账户长时间不活跃或者无法接到任何工作,也有被封号的可能性。 Upwork Upwork对于自由职业者账户本身有两个等级,从每个客户那里挣到的前500美元收取20%的手续费,超过500美元到10000美元收取10%的手续费,10000美元以上收取5%。这个收费结构鼓励从业者与客户保持长期关系,从而显著降低平台手续费成本。 同时相对于普通的免费账户,Upwork还提供10美元/月的付费账户,获得额外的工作申请点数,查看某个工作所有申请者的报价等特权。 Freelancer Freelancer的收费情况如下: 固定报价的工作以及竞赛获胜者会被收取收入的10%或5美元中较高者;计时工作收取10%的手续费(小于50美元的工作多半以此方式结算);服务形式的工作会收取20%的手续费。 同时,如果6个月以上没有登陆账户,账户会被设为不活跃状态并会被收取10美元/月的账户维护费(重新激活后可以退还) 基本来说,Upwork上面的工作会质量略高,客户会慷慨一些,这个也跟竞争相对不那么激烈有关系。Freelancer.com上面的工作,特别是软件开发类别的工作,碰上有印巴人民的低价竞争,性价比会不那么高,当然据说工作数量确实会比upwork上面多一些。 两个平台上都有很优质,出价公道的客户,同时也会有一些客户会发布虚假工作,或者利用平台的流程漏洞骗取自由职业者的劳动成果,或者在合同进行的各个过程中想方设法压价加量等。大家在与客户交流的过程中要按照礼貌热情,不卑不亢,有理有据的原则,既让客户感受到你的热情与服务意识,又要让他们知道你的便宜是不好占的。 根据网上的反馈和一些网友的描述,在Freelancer.com上面发生诈骗,压价等情况的客户会比Upwork多。当然这个结论没有经过严谨的论证。 下面是一些避雷的小提示: - 尽量选择已经通过了支付验证(Payment Verified)的客户发布的工作。 - 客户的评分也很重要,如果客户的评分不高,或者有多条负面评价,投标前请三思。 - 综合上面两条,对于新注册的客户发布的工作,除非你特别有兴趣,投标前也请衡量利弊。 - 对于工作的描述,如果你细心的话,会发现有的客户是故意把需求写得含混不清为后面压价或者加量挖坑;工作描述的质量也能从侧面证明客户对自己发布的工作的重视程度。 upwork 的平台收费很高,除非你能找到长期客户才能降低平台成本。Freelancer. com平台费用相比之下要低一些。 Upwork平台上的工作相对而言更严谨,价格更高一点,当然对自由职业者的要求也更高,毕竟客户付出的钱更多;Freelancer. com上面的工作更多,同时竞争也更激烈,工作酬劳相对低一些但平台成本也更低。 所以如果你想长期从事跨境自由职业,想要找到长期合作的优质客户,你可以选择Upwork。如果你想要快速找到工作,选择更多客户,或者倾向于短平快的一次性工作,你可以考虑选择freelancer. com。https://www.websiteplanet.com/blog/upwork-vs-freelancer-com/ https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-differences-between-Upwork-Freelancer-com-and-Fiverr https://www.freelancer.com/community/articles/upwork-vs-freelancer https://www.virtualassistantassistant.com/upwork-vs-fiverr https://biz30.timedoctor.com/upwork-vs-fiverr/

horse world morning order哪个发音不同?

horse 读音[hɔːs] n. 马;骑马的军人,骑兵;有脚的架;跳马,鞍马world 读音[wɜːld] n. 世界;领域;‍morning 读音["mɔːnɪŋ] n. 早晨;黎明;初期order 读音["ɔːdə] n. 命令;顺序;规则由读音可见是world中的or发音与其他的单词不一样。望采纳!





那首歌的歌词里有 one two three four five days

patrick nuo -five days

we have worked for five days是五大基本句型中的哪一种?

主谓结构We 主语have worked 谓语for five days 时间状语

如何把fig 图插入到word 中




西城男孩有一首歌中有"one two three four five day"这句,这歌名是什么?我急切想知道

这首应该是patrick nuo的five days 你去听听是不是哦?



World of War 歌词

歌曲名:World of War歌手:Helloween专辑:Straight Out of Hell群66032164:NaNaNa 小熊爷WarfareThe only solution for your stupid problemsSoldiersMarching out for your revolutionKilling and burning, destroying, overturningYou got the license to hateAll the others are cowardsYou believe they got no powerStealing what they ownMaking all the money with your big gunsRipping out their heart for a drop of oilWorld of warWe know it allIs not the grand solutionWorld of peaceWould give us allAn enlightened constitutionTask ForceDirty soul of an american institutionCold WarMilitary build-up made money for your crownKilling and burning, destroying, overturningYou lead people into fateGrab your M-16Like a war machineJust make it all yourselfMothers crying over losing their sonsRipping out their heart for worthless goldWorld of warWe know it allIs not the grand solutionWorld of peaceWould give us allAn enlightened constitutionPersecutionDissolutionExecutionNO!World of warWe know it allIs not the grand solutionWorld of peaceWould give us allAn enlightened constitutionWorld of warWe know it allIs not the grand solution珞珈山梦境联盟http://music.baidu.com/song/52657705

The prolonged cold war finally resulted in a hot one between the two countries.什么意思啊?


good job you would

D.表语从句.不表原因,不缺成分,所以用that. 意思是:好工作是什么? 我会说:“好工作就是那种你想做的,即使不付工资也可以的工作.”

Good job. You work hard.什么意思?

干得好,你辛苦了。Good job. You work hard.

good job,well done,nice work三者有什么异同?

基本意思相同.但使用的对象、场合有所区别good job 通常为上司赞扬下属或长者赞扬后生居多,有鼓励的成分,不一定真的做得怎么样.nice work 可以是同事间、朋友间的真实赞美、也可以是上司的赞扬,但比较诚心、真实地赞...

请问good job和good work的区别

没有差别,都是口语,表示 well done 干得好的意思

good work

口语里的good job=good work都是干得漂亮的意思 但是在书面语上work 作名词,有体力或脑力劳动的意思(在这一意义上的同义词有labour, toil),又有作为职业概念的“工作”的意思(在这一意义上的同义词有employment, occupation, calling). job 作为“工作”解,其实有两层含义:一个是“干活”的“活”,一个作为职业的“事”.job作“干活”的“活”解时的同义词有task, duty, assignment等;job作为职业的“事”解时有如下的同义词:position, place, situation, post等.

求做得很好的英语,除了good job好像还有一个ex什么 work


ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename 如何使用

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=range("A1").value & ".xls",这是在MS EXCEL电子表格中使用的VBA代码,作用是将当前活动工作薄以A1单元格中的值做为文件名,另外保存在活动工作薄所在的位置。1、打开原来的工作薄,按ALT+F11,打开VBA代码窗口。2、选菜单-插入-模块,得到1个“模块1”模块3、在模块1中输入sub MySaveAsFile()ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=range("A1").value & ".xls"end sub4.保存文件。5、关闭VBA窗口。使用方法:打开菜单-工具-宏-宏...-,打开宏对话框,选择MySaveAsFile,单击执行按钮。

什么是plywood finished 木门?

以欧宝隆门业公司了解:laminated finish / veneer finish / plywood finish分别代表覆膜木门(即PVC/CPL等免漆门)/贴皮木门(即实木复合门)/胶合板木门(即胶合板或多层板木门).





请问wood veneer和wood finish有什么区别?

wood finish是木材涂装,wood veneer是薄木片,胶合板,泛指木材单板

Prefinished Wood Veneer 怎么翻译?





plywood和verneer的区别。plywood美 ["plau026a.wu028ad]英 ["plau026a.wu028ad]n.胶合板;压合板;夹心板网络夹板;层板;胶合板箱veneer美 [vu0259"nu026ar]英 [vu0259"nu026au0259(r)]n.薄片镶饰(尤用于家具上);虚假的外表;虚饰v.覆盖网络单板;胶合板;饰面

word 如何编制项目符号像这种4.1,4.2,4.3.......


谁能提供William Wordsworth (华兹华斯)《水仙花》的英文赏析?

Notes about this poem: 1. Wordsworth made use of the description in his sister"s diary, as well as of his memory of the daffodils in Gowbarrow Park, by Ullswater. Cf. Dorothy Wordsworth"s Journal, April 15, 1802: "I never saw daffodils so beautiful. They grew among the mossy stones . . .; some rested their heads upon these stones, as on a pillow for weariness; and the rest tossed and reeled and danced, and seemed as if they verily laughed with the wind, that blew upon them over the lake; they looked so gay, ever glancing, ever changing." 2. "They flash upon that inward eye... ": Wordsworth said that these were the two best lines in the poem and that they were composed by his wife. Biography and Assessment: Wordsworth was born in the Lake District of northern England[...]The natural scenery of the English lakes could terrify as well as nurture, as Wordsworth would later testify in the line "I grew up fostered alike by beauty and by fear," but its generally benign aspect gave the growing boy the confidence he articulated in one of his first important poems, "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey . . . ," namely, "that Nature never did betray the heart that loved her." [...] Wordsworth moved on in 1787 to St. John"s College, Cambridge. Repelled by the competitive pressures there, he elected to idle his way through the university, persuaded that he "was not for that hour, nor for that place." The most important thing he did in his college years was to devote his summer vacation in 1790 to a long walking tour through revolutionary France. There he was caught up in the passionate enthusiasm that followed the fall of the Bastille, and became an ardent republican sympathizer. [...] The three or four years that followed his return to England were the darkest of Wordsworth"s life. Unprepared for any profession, rootless, virtually penniless, bitterly hostile to his own country"s opposition to the French, he knocked about London in the company of radicals like William Godwin and learned to feel a profound sympathy for the abandoned mothers, beggars, children, vagrants, and victims of England"s wars who began to march through the sombre poems he began writing at this time. This dark period ended in 1795, when a friend"s legacy made possible Wordsworth"s reunion with his beloved sister Dorothy--the two were never again to live apart--and their move in 1797 to Alfoxden House, near Bristol. There Wordsworth became friends with a fellow poet, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and they formed a partnership that would change both poets" lives and alter the course of English poetry. [...] Through all these years Wordsworth was assailed by vicious and tireless critical attacks by contemptuous reviewers; no great poet has ever had to endure worse. But finally, with the publication of The River Duddon in 1820, the tide began to turn, and by the mid-1830s his reputation had been established with both critics and the reading public. Wordsworth"s last years were given over partly to "tinkering" his poems, as the family called his compulsive and persistent habit of revising his earlier poems through edition after edition. The Prelude, for instance, went through four distinct manuscript versions (1798-99, 1805-06, 1818-20, and 1832-39) and was published only after the poet"s death in 1850. Most readers find the earliest versions of The Prelude and other heavily revised poems to be the best, but flashes of brilliance can appear in revisions added when the poet was in his seventies. Wordsworth succeeded his friend Robert Southey as Britain"s poet laureate in 1843 and held that post until his own death in 1850. Thereafter his influence was felt throughout the rest of the 19th century, though he was honoured more for his smaller poems, as singled out by the Victorian critic Matthew Arnold, than for his masterpiece, The Prelude. In the 20th century his reputation was strengthened both by recognition of his importance in the Romantic movement and by an appreciation of the darker elements in his personality and verse. William Wordsworth was the central figure in the English Romantic revolution in poetry. His contribution to it was threefold. First, he formulated in his poems and his essays a new attitude toward nature. This was more than a matter of introducing nature imagery into his verse; it amounted to a fresh view of the organic relation between man and the natural world, and it culminated in metaphors of a wedding between nature and the human mind, and beyond that, in the sweeping metaphor of nature as emblematic of the mind of God, a mind that "feeds upon infinity" and "broods over the dark abyss." Second, Wordsworth probed deeply into his own sensibility as he traced, in his finest poem, The Prelude, the "growth of a poet"s mind." The Prelude was in fact the first long autobiographical poem. Writing it in a drawn-out process of self-exploration, Wordsworth worked his way toward a modern psychological understanding of his own nature, and thus more broadly of human nature. Third, Wordsworth placed poetry at the centre of human experience; in impassioned rhetoric he pronounced poetry to be nothing less than "the first and last of all knowledge--it is as immortal as the heart of man," and he then went on to create some of the greatest English poetry of his century. It is probably safe to say that by the late 20th century he stood in critical estimation where Coleridge and Arnold had originally placed him, next to John Milton--who stands, of course, next to William Shakespeare. Some comments: 1.We often go through life as if we were unconscious of what is going on around us - like clouds. We notice many things some of which are beautiful and some ordinary. But being distracted - not poets, who would naturally notice and be gay at the sight - we fail to be lifted by the simple but awesome beauty that surrounds us. WW was not being a poet at the time and so he "little thought what wealth to him the show had wrought." He was forced to try to re-experience it from memory - his inward eye - in order to fill his heart with the pleasure he missed when he actually saw the daffodils. To me, the poem serves as a reminder that our happiness is best served if we live our lives as poets and notice the simple beauty that nature gives us daily. Where ordinary people see flowers, the poet sees stars, dancers, happy celebrations of nature"s miracles and is pleasured. Live as a poet!!!!! 2.I always thought of the poem as a simple poem of yellow gay springtime. Having really looked at the poem something clicked and I have a profound understanding that I had overlooked - The word "DANCE" is in every stanza - Dance the cosmic creative energy that transforms space into time, is the rhythm of the universe. Round dancing, was a dance that imitated the sun"s course in the heavens and enclosed a sacred space. The round, yellow, golden cups of the daffodil can easily symbolize the sun, the sacred sun of incorruptibile wisdom, superior and noble. Dancing as the Dance of Siva is the eternal movement of the universe the "play" of creatio, or the "fluttering" frenzy emotional chaos of Dionysian/Bacchic. The stars, messengers of the gods, the eyes of night, and hope, toss their "head," the seat of both our intelligence and folly, honor and dishonor. Lying on a couch in a vacant pensive mood could easily be a way to discribe a meditative state where the forces of the universe and our connection with the ceaseless movement, the ebb and flow of life as a wave dances could be pondered. That last line "And dances with the Daffodils." could it be the dance of angels round the throne of God. If this is a poem of the cycle of existence and the circling of the sun/God of course what wealth and glee. 3.A poem can stir all of the senses, and the subject matter of a poem can range from being funny to being sad.

With so much work filling my mind这句话 filling不能使filled的理由是因为with介词后面要+宾语?

你的理解基本正确。从根本上讲,这是个介词+动名词的介词短语结构,其中动名词filling带了逻辑主语,so much work。这个短语也可以是:With my mind filled by so much work

with so much work___my mind.filling还是filled?



MPQ,或者称为 MoPaQ,是被誉为 Blizzard 公司的多人游戏引擎天才的 Mike O"Brien 发明的一种私有压缩文件格式。1996年,该格式作为一种多用途压缩文件 应用在游戏 Diablo 中,并以它的创始人命名“Mike O"Brien PaCK”。但是它的版权却属于 Blizzard 的父公司 Havas Interactive。尽管现在 Mike O"Brien 已 经离开了 Blizzard,这种格式仍然在使用。显然,MPQ 格式压缩文件在 Diablo中出色地扮演了它的角色,因为 Havas 公司一次又一次地在游戏中使用它:Starcraft, Warcraft 2: BNE, Diablo 2, Lords of Magic(Havas 的另一个子公司 Sierra 的作品),也许还有其他我不知道的游戏。压缩文件是一种内部包含许多其它文件的文件,通常这些被包含的文件处于压缩的状态。Havas 公司将需要复 制到硬盘上的各种各样的重要游戏数据都包装在 MPQ 格式文件里面。这些 MPQ 文件包含图像、声音、动画、标准、字符串、数字数据,以及故事情节。有个软件能把mpq文件解压,你就能提取里面的声音,图像文件了,各个种族npc配音都有哦!

Hi, I want to join in your team, but I wonder if it is already full. Thanks!


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求一首歌,歌词里有U can count on me like one two three

歌名是,Count On Me我刚搜到

— You look tired.— Yes. I ___ non-stop until 8 o’clock. A.had worked B.work C.have work




辅音字母+o结尾,复数要加es,为什么Two pianos只加s, piano是n+o结尾,


Tears For Fears的《Mad World》 歌词

歌曲名:Mad World歌手:Tears For Fears专辑:ChroniclesArtist: Tears For FearsAlbum: The HurtingTitle: Mad WorldAll around me are familiar facesWorn out places, worn out facesBright and early for their daily racesGoing nowehere, going nowhereAnd their rears are filling up their glassesNo expression, no expressionHide my head I want to drown my sorrowNo tomorrow, no tomorrowAnd I find it kind of funnyI find it kind of sadThe dream in which I"m dyingAre the best I"ve ever hadI find it hard to tell you"Cos I find it hard to takeWhen people run in circlesIt"s a very veryMad WorldChildren waiting for the day they feel goodHappy Birthday, Happy BirthdayMade to feel the way that every child shouldSit and listen, sit and listenWent to school and I was very nervousNo one knew me, no one knew meHello teacher tell me what"s my lessonLook right through me, look right through meAnd I find it kind of funnyI find it kind of sadThe dream in which I"m dyingAre the best I"ve ever hadI find it hard to tell you"Cos I find it hard to takeWhen people run in circlesIt"s a very veryMad World...(Solo)And I find it kind of funnyI find it kind of sadThe dream in which I"m dyingAre the best I"ve ever hadI find it hard to tell you"Cos I find it hard to takeWhen people run in circlesIt"s a very veryMad World...http://music.baidu.com/song/8794674

it turned my whole world around 是哪首歌的歌词

Dixie Chicks - Not Ready to Make Nice专辑:Taking the Long WayDixie Chicks - Not Ready to Make Nicewww.a306.com ★ VAN制作Forgive, sounds goodForget, I"m not sure I couldThey say time heals everythingBut I"m still waitingI"m through with doubtThere"s nothing left for me to figure outI"ve paid a priceAnd I"ll keep payingI"m not ready to make niceI"m not ready to back downI"m still mad as hell andI don"t have time to go round and round and roundIt"s too late to make it rightI probably wouldn"t if I could"Cause I"m mad as hellCan"t bring myself to do what it is you think I shouldI know you saidCan"t you just get over itIt turned my whole world aroundAnd I kind of like itI made my bed and I sleep like a babyWith no regrets and I don"t mind sayin"It"s a sad sad story when a mother will teach herDaughter that she ought to hate a perfect strangerAnd how in the world can the words that I saidSend somebody so over the edgeThat they"d write me a letterSayin" that I better shut up and singOr my life will be overI"m not ready to make niceI"m not ready to back downI"m still mad as hell andI don"t have time to go round and round and roundIt"s too late to make it rightI probably wouldn"t if I could"Cause I"m mad as hellCan"t bring myself to do what it is you think I shouldI"m not ready to make niceI"m not ready to back downI"m still mad as hell andI don"t have time to go round and round and roundIt"s too late to make it rightI probably wouldn"t if I could"Cause I"m mad as hellCan"t bring myself to do what it is you think I shouldForgive, sounds goodForget, I"m not sure I couldThey say time heals everythingBut I"m still waitingwww.a306.com ★ VAN制作END



Worlds Away 歌词大意


To their surprise, the boy’s wound was left ______. A.to expose B.exposed C.exposing D.

B 试题分析; 考查过去分词做宾语补足语:词组leave +宾语+过去分词“使…被…”,因为the boy"s wound和expose是被动关系,所以用过去分词,句意是:使他们惊讶的是,男孩的伤口被一直暴露着。选B。点评:分词做宾语补足语,如果动词与宾语构成被动关系,使用过去分词的形式;如果动词与宾语构成主动关系,使用现在分词的形式。

找首歌 是英文歌 女生唱的 中有一段 come me back 和OWOWO

tik tok - Ke$ha


CMS是Content Management System的缩写,意为"内容管理系统",它具有许多基于模板的优秀设计,可以加快网站开发的速度和减少开发的成本。CMS的功能并不只限于文本处理,它也可以处理图片、Flash动画、声像流、图像甚至电子邮件档案。 现在有很多开源的。每个系统对应的网站类型不一样。CMS系统基本上所有类型的网站都能做。 从技术有ASP、php、java、.net的。每个系统操作都不一样。要有一熟悉的过程。基本上不是很难,要是想增加原来系统的功能,就要有难度了。 2010年国内最常用的PHP+MySql免费CMS系统大全 1. DEDE -这是一款国内开源的cms,作者是一个个人,能做出如此功能的cms,是相当不错的。2007版功能十分强大,希望能改善之前数据量一大,更新静态页就很慢的缺点。因为开源,有较多的玩家和拥护者。非常适合有一定编程基础的站长。 2. phpcms-一个综合的网站管理系统,由PHP+MYSQL构架全站生成html,能够快速高效地应用于LINUX和WINDOWS服务器平台,是目前中国LINUX环境下最佳的网站管理应用解决方案之一。据传被酷6收购。 3. 帝国网站管理系统-Ecms全称为”帝国网站管理系统”,英文译为”Empire CMS”简称”Ecms”.Ecms是基于B/S结构,且功能强大而易用的网站管理系统.是一个经过完善设计的适用于Linux/windows/Unix等环境下高效的网站解决方案。 4. php168 -PHP168整站系统,代码全部开源,可方便的进行二次开发,功能模块可以自由安装与删除,个人用户免费使用。系统频道模块很多,适合作个人门户网站。较多页面没有生成静态页。如果你想建站,就义无反顾的选择它吧!!! 5. HBcms :一个以PHP官方推荐的PEAR+SMARTY技术架构的cms,比较容易上手,适合没经验的新人做网站。没有下载,分类信息等模块,适合做文章为主的网站。全站生成静态页,默认附带了几套模板,可以方便的更换模板。个人企业都免费,无需授权。 6. SupSite-一款将论坛资源自动转换成门户网站的php程序系统,使用SupeSite,并利用你现有的论坛,你将自动拥有一个功能完备的,资源丰富的站点系统;由论坛变成网站,一切都是自动完成,你不需要任何干涉。让你轻轻松松实现建立网站的目的。 7. 曼波-MAMBO,一个国外的CMS系统,功能很强大,支持添加很多组件,模块;拥有丰富的模板.Mambo是一个网站内容管理系统(CMS),它是网站的后台引擎,使网站内容的创建、管理和共享更加简易。Mambo十分强大,但官方网站也承认,它不是典型的“门户”网站解决方案。 8. Joomla! 是一套在国外相当知名的内容管理系统,2007年开源cms第一名!Joomla!是使用PHP语言加上MySQL数据库所开发的软件系统,可以在Linux、Windows、MacOSX等各种不同的平台上执行。操作接口除了美观之外,也花了很多心力在设计这些接口的简易操作性。但初次使用者,需要花一点时间学习一下操作的方式,才能运用自如。。 9. Drupal-Drupal是一个强大的软件,它可以让个人或社区使用者很容易地发表、管理并组织一个网站里大量且多样的内容。已经有许多个人和组织采用Drupal来建立各种不同的网站。Drupal是一套采用GPL授权的开放源码软件,是由数以千计的使用者和开发人员所共同维护和开发的。 10. WordPress - 是一款基于PHP和MySQL的Blog软件,但是它也可以当作简单的cms系统来用。通过它可以快速而简便的搭建属于你自己的Blog(网站)平台。简而言之,这个Wordpress就相当于咱们用来搭建论坛的那些程序,比如用在自留地上的雷傲,还有别的比如PHPBB等等…Wordpress因为它的安装简单和可扩展性好几乎已经成了独立搭建Blog平台的第一选择。Wordpress还有一个MU就是多用户的版本,支持多用户的Blog系统。 2010年国内最常用的ASP免费CMS系统大全 1.动易--这套是国产AspCMS中非常强大的系统,一路走来,动易不断完善,而且也不断加强功能,包括个人版,学校版,政府版,企业版,后台包括的功能,信息发布,类别管理,权限控制,信息采集,而且跟第三方的程序,比如论坛,商城, blog可以完美结合,基本上可以满足一个中大型网站的要求,但Asp和Access的的局限性,还有本身功能Dll的限制,使得免费版差不多成鸡肋。这套系统比较适合非专业人士使用,在使用操作方面做的非常人性话,而如果说想自己修改或者二次开发的话就有点免为其难了。 2.风讯-- 风讯的系统功能强大,自由度高,是现在人气比较高的系统之一,可以根据自己的想法做出一个网页从而建立一个有自我风格的网站,更新速度快,一直有新的版本出现,现在又开放采集、下载、投稿、图片整站管理系统,第三方整合等功能,开源是它最大特点,希望保持。然后缺点就是后台人性化差了一点,上手有点难度,而且连一套默认的模板都没有,因为自由度太高了,让一些新手更难上手,还有就是免费版的生成静态发布的效率不高。 创力--- 创力是一套无任何文件加密,不需要注册组件,不需要绑定域名,经过完善设计、精心打造的一个适用于各种服务器环境的安全、稳定、快速、强大、高效、易用、优秀的网站建设解决方案。系统功能齐全,集成文章、下载、图片、影视、商城、留言、用户等大模块,并可无限制N个与文章、下载、图片等模块相同的的模块,每个模块下更可无限栏目分类,加上Rss订阅、公告、广告、统计、关键字、友情链接、JS代码、站点地图……等等,综合来说是一套不错的网站系统。 3.JTBC-- JTBC也是新出不久的一套可对现有模块进行扩充与克隆的网站系统核心,采用UTF-8编码,是目前ASPCMS界中唯一一款真正意义上做到代码与程序全脱离的程序,似乎采用了xml的散存储技术,而且在代码与程序脱离的技术上,又加人了语言与代码脱离,语言与程序脱离的两两脱离关系,基于这种特性,JTBC就具有了非常强大的可扩充性和可二次开发性,目前具有文章系统,下载系统,商城系统三大传统模块,有友情链接,在线支付,网站留言,网站评论等常规管理项目,JTBC可能对于未上手的人来说是一套很头大的系统,但对于熟悉的人而言使用起来非常有效率,做企业网站与其他网站均可。 4.TSYS---对于一个免费开源,没有版权的CMS来说我们也没有什么可要求的!在TSYS的各个版本中均没有出现过重大的安全漏洞而且对于目前1.1来说已经是很完善成熟的了,TSYS和一般的Asp 的CMS不大一样,他的功能并非由本身而定,而是根据使用者的能力而定。使用者越厉害 TSYS本身也可以变的更厉害。强大的诸如碎片等的信息管理,可以将信息在显示的时候重新整合,说白了就是只有对TSYS非常熟悉的人才可以将TSYS的优势发挥出来,因此,光就这点也就注定了TSYS流行不起来,除非具有人性话操作的修改版本出来。 5.乔客-- 这个系统已经很久了,但好像一直存活在动易和风讯两者之间,现在3.0的Joekoe CMS出来了,但另我比较失望,相比免费版的1.2,功能是增强了,但也Dll,这个可能也是国产程序的一个特色罢了。它本身已经是一个融合度非常高的系统,有商城,新闻,下载,论坛,留言,影视,博客圈等,感觉有那么点WEB2.0 的味道,不想怎么修改的朋友直接拿去就可以用了。 6.科汛--科汛是一套新出的网站系统,其功能非常强大,目前主流网站的功能在其系统内均能实现,具有强大的标签(JS)管理功能,个性化的标签(JS)参数配置功能,做一个个性的大站不再是梦想。网站整体开源,具有文章模块,图片模块,下载模块,动漫模块,音乐模块,会员模块,采集模块等等,功能非常不错。 7.新云--新云最初做的是下载站,后来转为多模块的系统,最近发现有不少的网站都在使用。由文章、下载、商城、留言、用户管理五大功能模块和广告、公告、连接、统计、采集、模板管理、数据库管理等多个通用模块组成,而且功能确实有一些值得称道的地方,不过又是DLL的,免费版有不少的限制,但对一个简单基本的网站来说,功能够用了。另外,站长团上有产品团购,便宜有保证


puddy 短语Puddy tat 崔弟Tom Puddy 经理人帕迪CRAIG PUDDY 百万富翁普迪tats v. 用梭织法编织(tat的第三人称单数)n. 刺青(等于tattoo,tat的复数)所以~~好难揣测~~

谁能告诉我brwose。bin是什么?拜托了各位 谢谢




wose candle is that? (复数句)

whose candles are those?

歌词里有 gimme ya wose 的是什么歌

浮夸 播放歌手:陈奕迅语言:粤语所属专辑:U-87浮夸 - 陈奕迅词:黄伟文曲:C.Y. Kong有人问我我就会讲但是无人来我期待 到无奈有话要讲得不到装载我的心情犹像樽盖等被揭开咀巴却在养青苔人潮内愈文静愈变得不受理睬自己要搞出意外像突然 地高歌任何地方也像开四面台着最闪的衫扮十分感慨有人来拍照要记住插袋你当我是浮夸吧夸张只因我很怕似木头 似石头的话得到注意吗其实怕被忘记至放大来演吧很不安 怎去优雅世上还赞颂沉默吗不够爆炸怎麽有话题让我夸做大娱乐家那年十八 母校舞会站着如喽罗那时候 我含泪发誓各位必须看到我在世间 平凡又普通的路太多屋村你住哪一座情爱中 工作中受过的忽视太多自尊已饱经跌堕重视能治肚饿末曾获得过便知我为何大动作很多犯下这些错 搏人们看看我算病态麽你当我是浮夸吧夸张只因我很怕似木头 似石头的话得到注意吗其实怕被忘记至放大来演吧很不安 怎去优雅世上还赞颂沉默吗不够爆炸怎麽有话题让我夸做大娱乐家幸运儿并不多若然未当过就知我为何用十倍苦心 做突出一个正常人够我富议论性么你 叫我做浮夸吧加几声嘘声也不怕我在场 有闷场的话表演你看吗够歇斯底里 吗以眼泪淋花吧一心只想你惊讶我旧时似未存在吗加重注码 青筋 也现形话我知 现在存在吗凝视我 别再只看天花我非你杯茶也可尽情地喝吧别遗忘有人在 为你 声沙

too much wose 还是 much worse

是 much worse不知道为什么 但他们就这样用

look wose off是什么意思啊



你看到的句子是错的。 两句的简短回答应当是 Yes, I do. Yes, we do. 这里不能用Yes, we have.如果提问是Have you got a big house? 回答用Yes, we have.


ABB是世界五百强,智能照明设备好是没有错,但也只是好,而INLIWOSE只做智能照明,给 博物馆提供的稳定性好,语音系统配套



谁能说下inliwose 这个品牌?

做博物馆照明起家的,照明稳定性比较好,在英国知 名度比较高,欧洲一般,世界范围内除了博物馆照明控制这个圈子知道的不多。







批改英语作业评语的单词有哪些?Great!/Perfect!/Good!/Wonderful!/Correct!/Excellent! 的区别?

Great!Perfect!Good!Wonderful!Correct!Excellent!Very good!Fantastic!(好象很少)以上都是描述好的Not so good!So so!Too bad!Worse! / Worst!以上都是描述差的好想没区别



为什么下面这句话中用形容词 smart 而不是副词 smartly 修饰动词 work 呢?

对于这样的句子,我只能说一句:尽信书则不如无书。特别是网络上流出的一些英语句子,因为人为的原因导致以讹传讹害人不浅。如果你把它们都当作是正确的句子去进行语法分析,就会犯上同样的错误。不过你能勇敢地提出质疑,这是非常正确的做法。有时候形容词的确可以做状语,但是此时它表示的是主语的伴随状态等,而不是去修饰谓语动词。比如:He hid in the cave, cold and hungry.但是此句中,它的确是和后面的副词 hard 进行并列对比,所以从语法角度上应该使用 smartly,而不是 smart。最后强调一点:这种句子,甚至包括一些老外说的句子,还有影视歌曲作品中的句子,并不会完全严格地去遵守语法要求,只求读者能看懂能理解即可。


这种智能语音鼠标功能的升级是它们发展前景最明显的标志,例如MiMouse S有语音打字、语音上网、语音翻译的功能 ,实现多种人工智能,据说产品软件还在不断升级,期待未来更多功能。



英语翻译 1.天渐渐暗下来,更糟糕的是,开始下起雨来了。(what is wose)

最佳翻译:The night was falling, and to make matters worse, it was beginning to rain.




现在还在问是不是纯进口的人都有点傻,IPHOME是进口的还是国产的?世界上不是中国产的电子产品能让人放心吗?我可以明确告诉你,只有中国产的电子产品才可靠,你如果选择了进口的电子产品,恭喜你是出口过了海关又转回来的,所以INLIWOSE的所有东西是国内生产的,你在香港买的也是国内生产的,你在英国买的也是MADE IN CHINA;但是它的代码都是国外产的。


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