barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-23 23:44:04

注:以下内容在WP 3.4+上测试通过current_user_can()的正确用法current_user_can()文档中有一句话要注意一下Do not pass a role name to current_user_can(), as this is not guaranteed to work correctly.意思是说传递用户角色名称(如author、contributor)作为参数不能100%保证返回正确的结果,正确的用法是传递$capability,从这个函数的表面意思看,参数是权限比参数是角色名称更靠谱。所以,要根据不同角色拥有的权限来判断用户角色,用户权限可以在Roles and Capabilities中找到。判断用户是否为管理员(Administrator)if( current_user_can( "manage_options" ) ) { echo "The current user is a administrator"; }判断用户是否为编辑(Editor)if( current_user_can( "publish_pages" ) && !current_user_can( "manage_options" ) ) { echo "The current user is an editor"; }判断用户是否为作者(Author)if( current_user_can( "publish_posts" ) && !current_user_can( "publish_pages" ) ) { echo "The current user is an author"; }判断用户是否为投稿者(Contributor)if( current_user_can( "edit_posts" ) && !current_user_can( "publish_posts" ) ) { echo "The current user is a contributor"; }判断用户是否为订阅者(Subscriber)if( current_user_can( "read" ) && !current_user_can( "edit_posts" ) ) { echo "The current user is a subscriber"; }用$current_user判断$current_user是WordPress的一个全局变量,当用户登录后,这个里面就会有用户的角色和权限信息。当WordPress的init action执行后,就可以安全的使用$current_user全局变量了。在模板文件中判断登录用户是否为作者(Author)global $current_user; if( $current_user->roles[0] == "author" ) { echo "The current user is an author"; } 在functions.php中判断用户是否为作者(Author)add_action( "init", "check_user_role" ); function check_user_role() { global $current_user; if( $current_user->roles[0] == "author" ) { echo "The current user is an author"; } } 之所以要使用add_action( "init", "check_user_role" );是因为$current_user这个全部变量到init action执行时才完成赋值,既然要读它的内容,至少要等到它的内容准备好后再读取。functions.php的代码先与init action执行,所以在functions.php中直接写global $current_user是无法获取用户信息的。详细信息可以参考《WordPress Actions加载顺序》。检查用户角色之前,还可以先检查一下用户是否登录



劳力士(Rolex)是瑞士钟表业的经典品牌。劳力士表最初的标志为一只伸开五指的手掌,它表示该品牌的手表完全是靠手工精雕细琢的,后来才逐渐演变为皇冠的注册商标,以示其在手表领域中的霸主地位,展现着劳力士在制表业的帝王之气。劳力士的发展史与它的创始人汉斯·威尔斯多夫(Hans Wilsdorf)的名字紧密相联。1881年出生在巴伐利亚一座城市里,他年轻时就涉足国际商业。开始时作养殖珍珠的生意,19岁居瑞士拉夏德芬(La Chaux-de-Fonds),为一家专门出口的钟表制造厂作代理。 1905年,他创办了自己的企业,名为_韦尔斯多夫及戴维公司_(Wilsdorf and Davis),是一家主要负责销售手表的公司,但他也研发自制手表。扩展资料:劳力士表是瑞士产的名贵手表,它的设计、制作、始终保持传统的风格。它的性能包括全自动、单历、双历、防水、防尘等,做工精益求精,特别是表盘、表把及表带、雕刻成的王冠更是其高品质的标志。因为名牌手表在制造方面使用先进设备、高质材料,达到了加工精细、高光洁度。真劳力士手表,不论做工、文字都十分精细,有完美的手感,这是鉴别真伪的一个重要方面。从外表看劳力士表壳精细、表带、王冠、英文字清楚、完整,而仿造表外壳粗糙,文字稍模糊。尤其表底、盖齿,十分精细而清楚、洁亮而有立体感,而仿造品粗糙而没有立体感,一般都比较浅。重量方面,真的手感沉实一些,假的轻得多(注:但有些仿造的里面也加一个铜圈)。就18K金质地劳力士的表壳、表带而言,真品一般由新到旧黄金品质、颜色不变,仿造品有14K金或者更低一些K金或镀上18K金的,但时间一长,就会变回原色。满天星的劳力士、镶在表上的钻石都是真的,而仿造品的钻石则是假的。市场上也有出现真表壳、表带、里面放假机芯的劳力士表,所以最好用专用工具开表。真的劳力士机芯,一撬去自动舵,机芯夹板上刻有ROLEX字样,还刻有机芯号:1570、2135、3135、3035??等,假的则没有。真的机芯机件精细、纹线清楚,假的机芯比较粗糙发暗。另外,拆下表带,表壳的侧表耳中间有表厂的型批号,下侧表耳中间有表号,仿造的基本没有(有些仿品也有,但不够齐整和清楚);许多人都知道劳力士手表有个证书,俗称为是劳力士手表的“户口”,实际上它就是个官方的精密时计的证书,(Garantie attestation de chronometer official)每只手表只有一张证书,上面的号码和手表一一对应。 如果是仿冒品牌的劳力士手表,那么它的这个证书也必然是假的,所以,我们在分辨真伪的时候,这个证书也是个非常重要的判定依据。劳力士手表的证书上面也有许多防伪措施和技术。主要如下:1、纸张比较特殊:真证书,纸张的厚度比较薄,表面不光滑;而假表的纸张的厚度比较厚和硬,表面摸着也比较光滑。2、证书有萤光线:真证书在两侧,左右各有一条萤光线,在验钞灯下才能看见,假表的多数没有。3、证书有水印:当把证书对着光线举起看的时候,就能看见证书上的水印,上面有若干个劳力士手表皇冠LOGO图案,而假表的不会有。参考资料:百度百科-劳力士手表
2023-07-23 23:03:451


"Roles" 的发音为 /rou028alz/。其中,/r/ 发音为卷舌音,舌头向后卷起,喉部发出振动;/ou028a/ 发音为二合元音,嘴唇向前突出,舌尖靠近牙齿底部,发出长音;/l/ 发音为清辅音,舌尖顶住上齿龈,呼气时让气流通过舌缝,发出轻微摩擦声;/z/ 发音为浊辅音,舌头放松,气流通过声带振动,发出连续的浊音。"Roles" 是 role 的复数形式,意为“角色”、“职责”,在英语中经常用于描述一个人在某个组织或团队中的职责和职位。例如,She plays multiple roles in the company.(她在公司中扮演多重角色。)
2023-07-23 23:04:011


名词复数: roles. n. 1. (演员扮演的)角色。. 2.任务;作用。. the leading role 主角。. fill the role of 担负…的任务。. play an important role in 在…中起重要作用。. "cameo role"中文翻译 (衬托名星演员的)小配角。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。
2023-07-23 23:04:211


2023-07-23 23:04:411


role的读音是:英[r??l]。role的读音是:英[r??l]。role的详尽释义是n.(名词)作用角色任务立场声望,地位关系,影响程度姿态职能,职责。role的意思是n.作用;角色。一、详尽释义点此查看role的详细内容n.(名词)作用角色任务立场声望,地位关系,影响程度姿态职能,职责二、英英释义Noun:the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group;"the function of a teacher""the government must do its part""play its role"an actor"s portrayal of someone in a play;"she played the part of Desdemona"what something is used for;"the function of an auger is to bore holes""ballet is beautiful but what use is it?"normal or customary activity of a person in a particular social setting;"what is your role on the team?"三、词典解释1.作用;地位;职位;角色If you have arole in a situation or in society, you have a particular position and function in it.e.g. ...the drug"srole in preventing more serious effects of infection...这种药物在防止感染加重方面的作用e.g. Both sides have roles to play.双方都各有自己的角色。2.(电影、戏剧或歌剧中的)角色Arole is one of the characters that an actor or singer can play in a film, play, or opera.e.g. She has just landed the leadrole in The Young Vic"s latest production...她刚刚获得在小维克剧院上演的最新作品中出演女主角的机会。e.g. Shakespearean women"s roles were originally written to be played by men.莎士比亚笔下的女性角色在创作之初是打算由男性来扮演的。四、例句The Panama Canal has played a very important role in transportation.巴拿马运河在运输上起到了非常重要的作用。The key role of the teacher in the learning process should not be neglected.教师在学习中的关键作用是不该忽视的。The role of the railway declines in the transport system.在运输系统中,铁路的重要性逐渐下降。She prefers to play comic roles.她更喜欢扮演滑稽角色。He played a passive role in the marriage.他在婚姻中扮演了一个被动的角色。His dual role as a composer and a conductor made him very busy.他作曲家和指挥家的双重身份使他非常繁忙。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~assign the role to把角色派给…fill the role of担当…的任务hand out roles分派任务〔角色〕perform a role扮演角色play a role扮演角色take a role扮演角色understudy a role演练(某角色)以便当替角形容词+~active role积极的作用important role重要角色key role主要〔关键〕的作用leading role主角,主要作用minor role小角色passive role被动作用principal role主要角色secondary role次要作用starring role主角supporting role配角名词+~honour role光荣榜title role剧名角色~+介词role of …的角色六、经典引文The role of reasoning in moral argument.出自:B. MayoDivorce of role from self destroys the integrity of the personality.出自:J. KleinShe slipped easily into the role of housekeeper.出自:W. M. Clarke七、词语用法n.(名词)role作“作用,职责”解时,后面常接介词“in〔of,for〕+名词或动名词”。role也可作戏剧、电影等中的“角色”解。表示“……的角色”可用“the role of ...”,一般不在其后面所接的名词前加冠词a/an。He will appear in the role of mediator.他会出庭,充当调停者的角色。role所指的角色一般指人扮演的角色或发挥的作用;由于role与roll在语源上一样,应注意两者的不同,极易混淆。roll指的是“卷,滚动,名单”等。role的相关近义词character、duty、function、job、part、post、taskrole的相关临近词roll、Roland、Rolef、Rolek、roler、Rolex、roles、Rolea、Rolenc、Rolego、Roleta、Roleff点此查看更多关于role的详细信息
2023-07-23 23:04:481

what roles 谓语动词用单数还是复数?

2023-07-23 23:04:561


通常创建一个role的方法有两种:命令mkdir和touch行手动创建使用ansible-galaxy自动初始化一个role当然我现在还是用现成的。例如,我想使用「ansible-galaxy init」命令创建一个名字为role_A 的role,可以这样写:ansible-galaxy init role_A
2023-07-23 23:05:142

what roles

译:在这个游戏里,什么(人或物)扮演重要的角色? what 之后用plays只能说明what是第三人称 而roles用复数应该表示有多个重要角色,不只有一个,所以,两者并不矛盾.
2023-07-23 23:05:211


The department plays very important roles at the moment.
2023-07-23 23:05:304 MVC3中,特性Authorize的Roles和Users是指定什么的?

角色相当于 有特定权限的用户组。 在程序里,可以对特定的角色设定权限,而不是对用户设定权限。这样,多个用户可以属于同一个角色,得到同样的权限。
2023-07-23 23:05:392


2023-07-23 23:05:483

京剧中的角色用英语怎么说 希望能列出详细词汇表

Four main roles* Sheng (生,Male role)* Dan (旦,Female role)* Jing (净,Painted face male role)* Chou (丑,Clown role)
2023-07-23 23:05:562


对数据库正常功能的访问常常取决于赋予指定用户的权利。例如,管理人员可能需要(一定的)权限来运行特定的查询或者存储过程,而向他们进行报告的用户则没有(这一权限)。对于一个很小的机构而言,你可以为具体的用户赋予具体的权利,但是随着用户数量的增长,这种方法会变得越来越难以处理。即使只有50个用户,维护工作也会成为你的恶梦。 包含我们感兴趣数据的表格是sysusers和sysmembers。前面一个表格包含有关于用户和角色的数据,而这两者由IsSQLRole这个数据列来区分,如果数据行表示的是一个角色而不是一个用户,那么IsSQLRole数据列就包含有1。下面的代码列出了所有的用户和角色: SELECT Member =, Role = Roles.Name FROM sysusers Users, sysusers Roles, sysmembers Members WHERE Roles.uid = Members.groupuid AND Roles.issqlrole = 1 AND Users.uid = Members.memberuid ORDER BY 2, 1 要列出属于指定角色的成员的用户,就要把代码更改为下面这样: DECLARE @role varchar(100) SET @role = "Managers" SELECT MemberName =, RoleName = Roles.Name FROM sysusers Users, sysusers Roles, sysmembers Members WHERE = @role AND Roles.uid = Members.groupuid AND Roles.issqlrole = 1 AND Users.uid = Members.memberuid 你可能更习惯把这段代码转化成用户定义函数(user-defined function,UDF),它会返回一个布尔函数,用来指示当前用户是否是所关心的角色的成员。把变量@role变成一个参数,并传递它而不是定义它,就像我在上面做的一样。利用它,你可以编写出自己的应用程序代码,在任何你需要确定给定用户角色的时候调用这个函数。
2023-07-23 23:06:031


比如你看这个例子:两个词的共同点就是都表示”角色“这个意思play a part in 用在参加某活动时,作为其中的一员,一部分。 play a role in表示扮演某一角色,起某种特定的作用。part [pɑ:t]n.一部分; 局部A whole consists of parts, the parts constitute the whole.整体由部分组成, 部分构成整体。零件She carried some machine parts from this city to that one.她将一些机器零件从这个城市运送到那个城市。角色Do the actors all know their parts yet?演员们都熟悉他们的角色吗?vt. & vi.(使)分裂成几部分, 断裂The cable suddenly parted.缆索突然断裂。(使)分离[开]The couple parted amicably.这对夫妻客气地分手了。role [ru0259ul]n.作用, 职责The success of her business made it difficult for her to fulfil her role as wife and mother.她在事业上的成功使她难以尽到当妻子和母亲的职责。角色She prefers to play comic roles.她更喜欢扮演滑稽角色。
2023-07-23 23:06:111

switch roles

因为 switch 是交换的意思.句中翻译:以前丈夫通常是外出工作、挣钱养家的.然而现在男女角色互换已经不奇怪了.注:bring home the bacon 是个谚语,意思是出外挣钱养家. switch 是两者间互换的意思. change - 改变(adjustment,alternation)、transfer - 换地方 (relocate)、transform - 变形 (alter,change) 这三个词都侧重表示从一种形态或状态变成另一个样子. 句子里说的是 ”男女角色换位“,所以switch 最好.
2023-07-23 23:06:391


2023-07-23 23:06:463

Robin Williams was lucky because he was offered so many parts he could be what

怎么说呢,选B就是定语从句,修饰前面的parts,然后后面破折号再强调一下他的地位。so ...that句式应该是 选D而不是C吧。首先读起来是通的,语法上就是结果状语从句,意思也不见得有什么不可。唯一可能影响成立性的是后面的附加成分,如果是B选项,后面的roles就是对应parts的同位语,如果是D选项,这好象会有一个成分的问题,因为so..that..作为结果状语从句,重心是在后半句即结果上, 不过roles也可以看成是对he could be whatever he needed to be的总结,逻辑上只是感觉没那么严谨,但未为不可。
2023-07-23 23:06:541

京剧中的角色用英语怎么说 希望能列出详细词汇表

Four main roles * Sheng (生,Male role) * Dan (旦,Female role) * Jing (净,Painted face male role) * Chou (丑,Clown role) The three roles other than the second role represent male characters. There is an explanation about why the roles take the names above.It is said that they were chosen to have opposite meanings.Sheng in Chinese may mean "strange" or "rare",but the chief male role is a well known character.Dan,which means "morning" or "masculine",is contrary to the feminine nature of the characters.Jing means "clean",but in fact the paintings on their faces make the characters look unclean but colorful.And Chou in Chinese sometimes represents the animal "ox",which,in some senses,is slow and silent - in contrast,the Chou characters are usually quick and talkative.
2023-07-23 23:07:011

Once the dominant pillars of university life ,the humanities now play little roles when students

你好!Once the dominant pillars of university life ,the humanities now play little roles when students take their college tour .一旦大学生活的主要支柱,人文现在扮演小角色当学生开始他们的大学之旅。
2023-07-23 23:07:102


语法没有问题,第一个worrying短语是现在分词作定语,修饰前面的名词male leaders;第二个abandoning短语可以看成动名词,做about的宾语,前面的their women 可以看成是动名词的复合结构,即动名词的逻辑主语。
2023-07-23 23:07:185

生:分为: 小生, 老生, 武生 ,娃娃生.英语是什么?

小生young man"s role老生one of the main divisions of the male role in traditional opera武生actor playing a martial role娃娃生baby sheng-- a child actor who performs the role of a teenager role in traditional Chinese opera以上译法出自一本名为《汉英中国文化词典》的书。---------------小生young male character type in Beijing opera这一译法出自百度百科,只有这一类角色的译法,另三类在百度百科中没有提供译文。-----------武生 Wusheng, Martial Male老生Laosheng, Old Male Role以上译法出自孔子学院官方网站,只找到这二种角色的译法。---------生(sheng, male role)除了花脸以及丑角以外的男性正面角色(male protagonist)的统称,分老生(elderly)、武生(military)、小生(young) 、红生(red-faced) 、娃娃生(young boy)。以上译法出自chinadaily官网-----生:分为: 小生, 老生, 武生 ,娃娃生.Male roles are divided (或classified) into young male role, elderly male role, military male role and young boy role.整句话用chinadaily的译法就是这样。
2023-07-23 23:08:391

用java编写四个类。用户类(User)角色类(Role ) 权限类(Right)测试类(test)

程序如下:class User{ private String userName; private String passWord; private Role role; public User(String userName, String passWord, Role role){ this.userName = userName; this.passWord = passWord; this.role = role; } public Role getRole() { return role; } public String getUserName() { return userName; }}class Role{ private int roleId; private String roleText; private String users; private Right rights; public Role(int roleId, String roleText, String users, Right rights){ this.roleId = roleId; this.roleText = roleText; this.users = users; this.rights = rights; } public int getRoleId() { return roleId; }}class Right{ private int rightId; private String rightText; private String roles; public Right(int rightId, String rightText, String roles){ this.rightId =rightId; this.rightText= rightText; this.roles = roles; }}public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Right rights = new Right(2013012701, "banana", "host"); Role role = new Role(20130127, "apple", "Zhang San", rights); User user = new User("Zhang San", "zhangsan123", role); System.out.println("The ID of user: " + user.getUserName() + ""s role is " + (user.getRole()).getRoleId()); }}
2023-07-23 23:09:051

C# List Remove 其中一个元素,但是还存在!

foreach (Role var in rolesSelect)你这儿遍历的是rolesSelect不是 roles啊
2023-07-23 23:09:122

allow roles ="" 角色的值是什么?怎么来的?或者要怎么定义角色名

2023-07-23 23:09:271


例子如下:一般建表时这样做:stuno int pk,sname varchar ,class carchar ,sex varchar最近看到这样的:id int pk,stuno int ,sname varchar ,class carchar ,sex varchar解决方法如下:id int pk, --应该是这样吧 id int identity(m.n) primary keystuno int ,sname varchar ,class carchar ,sex varchar第二种设置其实主要是为了防止后期主键变更所带来的维护不变。用自增字段也就是标识字段不影响整体数据表。
2023-07-23 23:09:361


一、页面传值 发送方:触发requestCommand.execute()事件,setPath(path)来跳转页面,requestCommand.parameters().setValue("field1",value)来 传递参数,也可以setDataSet(dataset)来传递该dataset的当前记录。 还有一种方式:通过requestCommand的parameterFields实现传值 接受方: 任意一dataset中设置和requestConmmand传递的参数相同名称的fields,就可以获取相应的参数了。或者用session来获取参数。 该处可能是描述上的问题,相信作者理解上不存在问题 接受requestCommand传过来的参数都是通过Request实现,由于生命周期的不同,而会是用不同的方式处理: Java代码:一般我们是通过DoradoContext处理 视图模型xml文件中的属性以及js事件:我们通过dorado提供的EL表达式处理,例如:${Request.parameterName1}或则${request.getParameter("parameterName1")},具体参考EL表达式的使用文档。 同样我们在以上的两个地方要操作session也是一样通过DoradoContext或者EL表达式实现 二、设置session 第一步:页面传值(略)第二步:设置session 方法一,在jsp中设session: <%session.setAttribute("roles",request.getParameters("roles"));%> 方法二,在servlet中设session: String roles = request.getParameter("roles"); HttpSession session = request.getSession(); session.setAttribute("roles", roles); ---------------------------------------------------------- 第三步:获取session值 方法一:在jsp中获取:String roles = (String)session.getAttribute("roles"); 方法二:在scrīpt中获取: var roles = new Array(); roles = "${Session.roles}"; 这儿指的script是指View(视图模型的事件代码),而对于jsp中的js就不必拘泥于形式,当然一个dorado页面我们认为不太可能在jsp上出现非布局与css的其他代码(如果你的dorado经验比较丰富的话) -------------------------------------------------------- 注意事项: session的设置顺序要和页面传值的顺序一致
2023-07-23 23:09:572


rolex吧你想说,劳力士。 roles应该没有这个牌子
2023-07-23 23:10:195

k8s ROLES的命名及更改

# 语法kubectl label nodes<node-name><label-key>=<label-value> # 查看现有node及labe kubectl get nodes --show-labels 添加一个key为disktype和value为ssd的label kubectl label nodes node01 disktype=ssdnode 默认初始化集群成功后,ROLES为空白状态,如下图此时我们需要给node打上标签,以便区分,执行 kubectl label node qc****= 可以为节点增加label,其中****为你要增加的label,qc为你的node名字,注意=不要忘掉 kubectl label node qc****- 可以为节点删除label,需要更改的内容同上,注意-不要忘掉,效果如图
2023-07-23 23:10:511


2023-07-23 23:10:591


VIEW ROLES 查看角色roles 英[rəʊlz] 美[roʊlz] n. 职能; 地位; 角色; (演员的) 角色; 影响程度; 作用; [例句]Both sides have roles to play.双方都各有自己的角色。[其他] 原型: role
2023-07-23 23:11:591


main roles 英[meɪn rəʊlz] 美[meɪn roʊlz] 主要角色; [例句]The show features three new actors in the main roles.这次演出由3位新演员担任主要角色。
2023-07-23 23:12:061

Ecological roles(生态上的角色) of mangrove

更新1: plz use Eng Plants in mangrove swamps are a diverse group which have been able to exploit a habitat (the intertidal zone) because they have developed a set of physiological adaptations to overe the problems of anoxia salinity and frequent tidal inundation. About 110 species have been identified as belonging to the mangal.[2]. Each species has its own capabilities and solutions to these problems; this may be the primary reason why on some shorelines mangrove tree species show distinct zonation due to variations in the range of environmental conditions across the intertidal zone. Therefore the mix of species at any location within the intertidal zone is partly determined by the tolerances of individual species to physical conditions like tidal inundation and salinity but also may be influenced by other factors such as predation of their seedlings by crabs. 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/thumb/e/e1/Mangroves1.JPG/240px-Mangroves1.JPG 图片参考:en. *** /skins-1.5/mon/images/magnify-clip A cluster of mangroves on the banks of Vellikeel river in Kannur District of Kerala India Once established the roots of the mangrove plants provide a habitat for oysters and help to impede water flow; thereby enhancing the deposition of sediment in areas where it is already occurring. It is usually the case that the fine anoxic sediments under mangroves act as sinks for a variety of heavy (trace) metals which are scavenged from the overlying seawater by colloidal particles in the sediments. In areas of the world where mangroves have been removed for development purposes the disturbance of these underlying sediments often creates problems of trace metal contamination of seawater and biota. It is often stated that mangroves provide significant value in the coastal zone as a buffer against erosion storm surge and tsunamis. While there is some attenuation of wave heights and energy as seawater passes through mangrove stands it must be recognised that these trees typically inhabit areas of coastline where low wave energies are the norm. Therefore their capacity to ameliorate high energy events like storm surge and tsunamis is limited. Their long term impact on rates of erosion is also likely to be limited. Many river channels that wind through mangrove areas are actively eroding stands of mangroves on the outer sides of all the river bends just as new stands of mangroves are appearing on the inner sides of these same bends where sediment is accreting. They also provide habitats for wildlife including several mercially important species of fish and crustacea and in at least some cases export of carbon fixed in mangroves is important in coastal foodwebs. In Vietnam Thailand the Philippines and India mangrove plantations are grown in coastal regions for the benefits they provide to coastal fisheries and other uses. Despite replanting programs over half the world"s mangroves have been lost. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Mangrove
2023-07-23 23:12:131


2023-07-23 23:12:231

play roles的意思

2023-07-23 23:12:322

Roles and Responsibility是什么意思

你好!Roles and Responsibility角色和责任
2023-07-23 23:12:472


两个词的共同点就是都表示”角色“这个意思play a part in 用在参加某活动时,作为其中的一员,一部分.play a role in表示扮演某一角色,起某种特定的作用.part [pɑ:t]n.一部分; 局部A whole consists of parts,the parts constitute the whole.整体由部分组成,部分构成整体.零件She carried some machine parts from this city to that one.她将一些机器零件从这个城市运送到那个城市.角色Do the actors all know their parts yet?演员们都熟悉他们的角色吗?vt.& vi.(使)分裂成几部分,断裂The cable suddenly parted.缆索突然断裂.(使)分离[开]The couple parted amicably.这对夫妻客气地分手了.role [ru0259ul]n.作用,职责The success of her business made it difficult for her to fulfil her role as wife and mother.她在事业上的成功使她难以尽到当妻子和母亲的职责.角色She prefers to play comic roles.她更喜欢扮演滑稽角色.
2023-07-23 23:12:541

“不同类型的角色”是different type of roles还是different types of roles?即type要不要用复数?

different types of roles
2023-07-23 23:13:213


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 帮忙!!!谢谢!!! 解析: 小:小旦 young female character 生:小生 junior 髥:老生 senior大:花脸 painted face 丑:三花(男)/彩旦(女):jester/clown/ic 以下供参考 生(male roles):小生junior 老生senior 武生martial arts experts 旦(female roles):花旦flirtatious girls 青衣modest and virtuous women 武旦female martial arts experts 老旦old women 净(painted faces):Red (royalty) Black (justice/rough) White (cunning/crafty) Gold/Silver (Goddish nature) 丑(the edy role):Poitive roles Negative roles
2023-07-23 23:13:291


roles-and-maudsley-score 角色和莫兹利评分
2023-07-23 23:13:381


What roles does a tour a guy play in his her a job?导游在他的工作中扮演什么角色?
2023-07-23 23:13:452


如果主语是第三人称单数形式,一般现在时play肯定要加s。He plays roles.
2023-07-23 23:13:521

please read the together。then act it out in roles

2023-07-23 23:13:591

play important roles in

both A and B play an important role是对的,play的单复数形式由它前面的主语决定,由于前面是both A and B所以要用复数
2023-07-23 23:14:071


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 希望能列出详细词汇表 解析: Four main roles * Sheng (生, Male role) * Dan (旦, Female role)* Jing (净, Painted face male role) * Chou (丑, Clown role) The three roles other than the second role represent male characters. There is an explanation about why the roles take the names above. It is said that they were chosen to have opposite meanings. Sheng in Chinese may mean "strange" or "rare", but the chief male role is a well known character. Dan, which means "morning" or "masculine", is contrary to the feminine nature of the characters. Jing means "clean", but in fact the paintings on their faces make the characters look unclean but colorful. And Chou in Chinese sometimes represents the animal "ox", which, in some senses, is slow and silent - in contrast, the Chou characters are usually quick and talkative.
2023-07-23 23:14:141

poorly defined roles什么意思

  定义不好的角色  双语例句  For example, if roles are poorly defined, a boss might need to clarify who is responsible for what.  比如,如果角色没有明确定位,老板就需要辨别每个人负责什么。
2023-07-23 23:14:281

英语作文What are the roles and functions of internet in modern organizations?

1 历年考研作文题目解析及范文推荐一、1991年考研作文题目解析及范文推荐1.1. 题目:Direction:A.Title: WHERE TO LIVE---IN THE CITY OR THE COUNTRY? B.Time limit: 40 minutes C.Word limit: 120-150 words (not including the given opening sentence) D.Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence. E.Your composition must be written clearly in the ANSWER SHEET. Outline: 1.Conveniences of the city 2.Attractions of the country 3.Disadvantages of both 4.My preference 1.2. 解析命题形式:提纲式作文;选题:社会热点类;体裁:议论文;字数要求:120-150字(不包括已给出的首句)。1.3. 范文推荐Where to Live — In the City or the Country? 范文一:Many people appreciate the conveniences ofthe city. The city offers a wide choice of jobs for adults and schools for children. It also provides plenty of facilities for culture, entertainment and recreation---restaurants, department, stores, cinemas, and so on. Besides, transportation is usually well developed in the city, with a variety of modes of travel, including buses, trains and subways. In the country, on the other hand, one can enjoy the advantages of fresh air and food, and a more relaxed life style. Housing is usually spacious and inexpensive in the country. And, as for recreation, what could be more relaxing than a stroll down a country lane amid beautiful scenery? However there are advantages to living ineither the city or the country. City air tends to be polluted, and the streets are always crowded and noisy. In the country, on the other hand, the lack of stimulating activities can make a person feel bored and isolate
2023-07-23 23:14:471


角色职责及执行Sponsor职责 展示高层管理•最高管理层的承诺角色和责任的赞助商职责 建立战略和方向•为QIT提供策略和指导QIT程序为 展示高层管理人员作出承诺。• 提供资源•提供资源 工程图和唱歌•批准了项目密切的形式角色和责任主席职责主席 在支援管理•创造意识和参赛队伍。 •提供必要的指导和训练上,例如,如何使用评分标准。 识别相关培训需求•,例如,通过评估员工的质量改进方面的知识。 组织、运作•当地研讨会来选择一个当地的胜利者。 •法对开发的整个过程中。 指定QIT•工作项目组长。角色和责任督导委员会 •谘询委员会 “自上而下”的承诺。• 设置的政策,长期•计划、目标和目的 项目回顾QIT•地位 审查小组阶段QIT•定期状态 提供技术和战术•QIT工作组支持 持续改善环境•促进供应链项目团队的工作5.2 项目团队的工作是由代表向质量要效益、经营、工程、仓库、行政部门等。 角色和责任的工作项目团队领袖 协助督导委员会•QIT项目管理日常管理工作。 组织例会•工作项目小组审查QIT运行情况和跟进所有未决问题。 对接触•提供信息和帮助QIT相关问题研讨会。 组织每月回顾•QIT QIT督导委员会通过。 角色和责任的工作项目团队 在工厂的计划实施QIT•宽 定期举行会议,检讨•QIT球队进步。个人 •激励团队来解决与工作相关的问题 •反馈和寻求帮助调解人 最好的学习和实践•组织共享 在工厂•想象QIT活动
2023-07-23 23:15:001


2023-07-23 23:15:155


2023-07-23 23:15:313

spring mvc如何在jsp页面和后台control之间实现集合对象的绑定?

换用struts MVC吧,struts 99%的项目都会用。
2023-07-23 23:15:553