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求网球王子中《wonderful days》音译歌词~

卡给喏括米起 哦默一诶嘎一它啊西它卡拉喏素忒几 一妹几西忒路啊它拉西配几 麻西咯kya恩怕素逆诶嘎哭 母卡一卡贼默噢卡妈一那西碟ki力hi拉哭 括喏哈忒那哭吃吃哭brand new story wonderful day wonderful day wonderful wonderful wonderful day 贼不拉默哟喏括屋撒忒 啊哦妮卡挖路托哈西里嗒素 西咯一拉一嗒kei哦伏恩得挖它力ki入 括唾默喏哟屋尼 一吃默括恩拿户妮卡贼尼户卡类 啊里喏妈妈喏几不恩得一路括脱嘎 默西默得ki一它那拉 脱哦一烁拉尼母kei忒留哦忒喏八西 括喏哦默一托托哭哟屋尼托 托ki哈拿啊忒哭 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/64079294.html全文 2 17

网球王子 Wonderful days 歌词


求网球王子wONDERFUL DAY的中文歌词和每一句的动漫角色


Wonderful Day 歌词

歌曲名:Wonderful Day歌手:宇宙人专辑:001.5名侦探败给心上人宇宙人 - Wonderful Day词/曲:林忠谕编:宇宙人我一个人闷在家 我只对我的狗说话我的话 像外星话 你和它都听不下你一个人来我家 我怀疑你说的话你的话 你送的花 一样漂亮地夸张喂 You"ll never see me again 我要离开这就在今天What a wonderful day喂 When will I see you again 一离开就後悔离开得越远 越追不上最好的那天我成了一个政治家 我编了一个大谎话我的话 理直气壮 情绪控制著嘴吧你成了一个哲学家(科学家) 我听不懂你说的话你的话 话中有话 转头就把我刺伤喂 You"ll never see me again 我要离开这就在今天What a wonderful day喂 When will I see you again 一离开就後悔离开得越远 越追不上最好的那天喂 You"ll never see me again 我要离开这就在今天What a wonderful day喂 When will I see you again 一离开就後悔离开得越远 越追不上最後的那天http://music.baidu.com/song/916852

《网球王子》中的wonderful days的罗马发音和中文发音

《Wonderful Days》 http://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=Wonderful+Days&t=2 wonderful day 网球王子 迹部:ma bu shi i go go ma do wo a ke ru o ke mo na ku ka ke ru hi ka ge no ko mi chi 小切:ka ta de i ki wo su i kon de me wo to ji o mo i e ga i ta a shi ta ka ra no su te ji 真田:i me ji shi te ru a ta ra shi i pe ji ma shi ro i kyan pa su ni e ga ku 橘子:mu ka i ka ze mo o ka ma i na ku shi de ki ri hi ra ku ko no ha te na ku tsu zu ku BRAND NEW STORY 合: Ah, wonderful days wonderful days 橘子:wonderful days 深司:ze bu ra mo yo u no kou sa ten a o ni ka wa ru to ha shi ri da su 神尾:shi ro i ra in da ke wo fu mun de wa ta ri ki ru 合: ko do mo no yo u ni 合: i tsu mo kon na fu u ni ka ze ni fu ka re a ri no ma ma no ji bun de i ru ko to ga mo shi mo de ki te i ta na ra to o i so ra ni mu ke te ryou te no ba shi ko no o mo i to do ku yo u ni to to ki ha na tte ku 迹部:pe da ru wo fu mu a shi wo ha ya me i kki ni sa ka mi chi ka ke a ga ru 小切:i ma to bi ta tsu ma e no na ga i jyo so u ta ka ma ru ko do u kan ji na ga ra 真田:ko no sa ka wo no bo ri ki tte te ben ga mi e te ki ta ko ro ni 橘子:mi na mi ka ze ga se na ka wo o i ko shi te yu ku 合: ha ji ma ri no a i zu wo shi ra se ru yo u ni 合: Ah, wonderful days wonderful days 深司:a to su ko shi da ke wo ku ri ka e shi i tsu no ma ni ka ko ko ma de ki te ta 神尾:mo u shi ka i no o ku ni ka ga ya ku hi ka ri sa e 合: REACH FOR THE SKY 合:don na to ki mo mu e ni shi ma i kon da ma ma no o mo i wa su re na i de zu tto a ta ta me tsu zu ke ta na ra ki tto i tsu ka na mo nai to ri no yo u ni o mo u ma ma ko no o o so ra wo tsu ki su su mun de ku 橘子:te sa gu ri de sa ga su mi ra i wa"; 橘子和真田: i tsu de mo ka gi no na i to bi ra 迹部:me no ma e ni a ru hi ka ri mo 分辨不能:mi tsu ke ra re zu sa ga shi tsu zu ke ta 真田:tsu ku e ni a ru ra ku ka ki wa 小切:i tsu ka o mo i e ga i ta chi zu 深司:da re mo a ru i ta ko to no nai 深司:da re mo a ru i ta ko to no nai 迹部:ta i yo u sa e shi ra na i ba syo 合:me za shi te 合:i tsu mo kon na fu u ni ka ze ni fu ka re a ri no ma ma no ji bun de i ru ko to ga mo shi mo de ki te i ta na ra to o i so ra ni mu ke te ryou te no ba shi ko no o mo i to do ku yo u ni to to ki ha na tte ku to ki ha na tte ku 眩しいごご まどをあける 打开窗户 满眼阳光灿烂的午后 わけもなくかけるひかげの小道 率性地跑在林荫小道上 肩で息を吸いこんで目をとじ 大口呼吸 紧闭双眼 思い描いた明日かろのステ-ジ 心中描绘从今以后的舞台 イメ-ジしてる新しいペ-ジ 将向往已久的崭新的篇章 真つ白いンパスに描く 在这个雪白的校园中奏响 向いかぜもおかまい无しで切りひらく 毫不在意地分开迎面的风 この果てなくつづく Brand new story 一次又一次续写 Brand new story Ah wonderful days Ah wonderful days ゼブラもようの交差点 我们就好象站在十字路口斑马线上 青にかわると走り出す 等待信号灯变绿冲出起点 白いラインだけを踏んで渡りきる 越过白线才算抵达终点的 子供のように 纯真的孩子一样 *いつもこんなふうにかぜに吹かれ 如果能够总是这样站在阵阵的风中 ありのままの自分でいることが模しも出来ていたなら 诚恳地表达出真实的自己 とおい空に向けてりょうて伸ばし 便能向着天空伸出双手 この思い届くようにと 祈求这一份愿望能够到达 解き放ってく 放飞自己的心情 べダルを踏む足を速め 骑着自行车 脚下不断加速 いつきに坂道 かけ上がる 一口气冲上山坡 今とび立つ前にのながい助走 现在的平凡 不过是起飞前长长的助跑 高まるこどう感じながら 感受着渐渐激烈的心跳 この坂を登りきって 登上前面的山坡 てっぺんがみえてきたころに 当顶峰慢慢出现在眼前 南风が背中を追い越してゆく 阵阵南风从背后追赶而来 始まりのあいぢを知らせるように 仿佛是宣布一切即将开始 Ah wonderful days Ah wonderful days あと少しだけをくり返し 只需要再继续前行一步 いつのまにかここまで来てた 不知不觉中便来到这里 もうしかいの奥にかがやく光さえ 放眼望去 只剩下耀眼的光芒 Reach for the sky Reach for the sky どんなときも胸にしまいこんだままの 如果能够永远不忘那埋藏在胸中的希望 思い忘れないですっと温めつづけたなら 一直用心灵的温度将它保存 きっといつか名もないとりのように思うまま一定会有一天如小鸟一般 この大空を突きすすんでく 如愿翱翔在广阔的天空中 手探りでさがす未来はいつでも键のない扉 盲目摸索的未来 总是像一扇没有钥匙的大门 目の前にある光も见つけらず探しつづけた 我们不断找寻着 就连眼前的光芒也没能发觉 机にあるらくがきは 课桌上的胡乱涂鸦 いつか思い描いたちず 是不知不觉间心中描绘的地图 谁も歩いた事のない 指向一个谁也没有去过 太阳さえ知らない场所 连太阳都 目指して 不曾到达的地方 中文歌词: 在耀眼的午后打开窗户 没有理由的跑向阴凉的小路 闭上双眼 深呼吸 用心去描绘明天起的舞台 用想像描绘新的一页 在纯白的画布上描绘 即使逆风也能够打破僵局 仍然不断继续著 Brand new story Ah, wonderful days 站在十字路口 当信号变成绿灯时就开始跑了起来 就像小孩子一样 只踩在白色的斑马线上前进 风就像往常一样的吹拂著 如果无法展现真实的自己 就向远方的天空伸出双手 将传达这份思念 就此解放 加速脚踏板的速度 一口气爬上坡道 在飞上天空前的助跑 一边感觉著高涨的鼓动 登上这个坡道 看的见顶点时 南风在背后追赶了过去 就好像是通知开始的信号 Ah, wonderful days 些许的反覆 何时投向这里的目光 已经在视线最深处闪耀著光芒 Reach for the sky 无论何时都保持著相同的心情 不要忘记思念 如果持续温暖的话 总有一天连没有名子的鸟也会这麼想 冲进广大无边的天空 用摸索来寻找未来那没有钥匙的门 持续寻找著在面前没有被发现的光 书桌前的涂鸦 不知道是何时在心理描绘的地图 没有任何人离开 将目标指向 连太阳都不晓得的地方 风就像往常一样的吹拂著 如果无法展现真实的自己 就向远方的天空伸出双手 将传达这份思念 就此解放 就此解放

英语作文题目What a wonderful day

有用加分啊 呵呵 What a wonderful day It"s a wonderful day to go to a pleasure ground. I see trees of green, and red roses too. The sun is shining, and clouds in the sky are white and big. In such a beautiful weather we came to the pleasure ground. We played games happily and chased each other. The smiles are on our faces. If you come to the pleasure ground, you will be very happy too. Because there is a lot of playing children there and you will find a lot of fun there.

today is a wonderful day这是什么意思


Have a wonderful day 翻译成中文


have a wonderful day是什么意思


求银魂ED WONDERFUL DAY的罗马音 中文 日语原文对照

日文歌词+罗马音:朝に舞う梦は 希望に満ちあふれ 星に愿う想いは 日に日に増えるasa ni mau yume wa kibou ni michi afure hoshi ni negau omoi wa hi ni hi ni fueru优しさを またひとかけら 手に拾ってyasashisa wo mata hito kakera te ni hirotteこの胸の中に饰る ワンダフルデイズkono mune no naka ni kazaru WONDERFUL DAYS出会い头の様に 何か闪いては すぐ梦描いてdeai kashira no you ni nani ka hirameite wa sugu yume kaite上手くいかなけりゃ 味の无くなったガムみたいに 未练も舍てたumaku ikanakerya aji no naku natte gamu mitai ni miren mo sutetaとにかく すべてが暧昧でそう上手くいくもんじゃないもんでtonikaku subete ga aimai de sou umaku ikumon ja nai monde恋人じゃなくても寄り添ってきっと次は 上手くいくよね?koibito janakute mo yorisotte kitto tsugi wa umaku iku yo ne?高くて贵重な 石を集めても蹴飞ばせないなら 抜け出せないからtakaku te kijou na ishi wo atsumete mo ketobasenai nara nukedase nai kara悲しそうだね あの娘は でも暗暗にいる程 未来は眩しいkanashi sou da ne ano ko wa demo kurayami ni iru hodo mirai wa mabushii朝に舞う梦は 希望に満ちあふれ 星に愿う想いは 日に日に増えるasa ni mau yume wa kibou ni michi afure hoshi ni negau omoi wa hi ni hi ni fueru优しさを またひとかけら 手に拾ってyasashisa wo mata hito kakera te ni hirotteこの胸の中に饰る ワンダフルデイズkono mune no naka ni kazaru WONDERFUL DAYS秘密だらけの交差点、揺れるようなモノクロのビル、人の波himitsu darake no kousaten yureru you na MONOKUROMU no biru hito no namiあれやこれや うまい话ばかり うまい事やってのける大人达are ya kore ya umai hanashi bakari umai goto yatte no keru otona tachi憧れを信じ过ぎてた こんちくしょ!って涙もこぼれたakogare wo shinjisugi te ta konchikusho! tte namida mo koboretaいつまでもガキのままでいいから 胸だけは张れるヤツでいるんだitsumade mo gaki no mama de ii kara mune dake wa hareru yatsu de irun da世界を旅するお似合いの二人 荷物を抱えて写真に収めてsekai wo tabisuru oniai no futari nimotsu wo kakaete shashin ni osamete幸せもそれぞれだね 仆なら好きな人と手を繋げるだけでいいのになshiawase mo sorezore dane boku nara suki na hito to te wo tsunageru dake de ii no ni na朝に舞う梦は 希望に満ちあふれ 星に愿う想いは 日に日に増えるasa ni mau yume wa kibou ni michi afure hoshi ni negau omoi wa hi ni hi ni fueru优しさを またひとかけら 手に拾ってyasashisa wo mata hito kakera te ni hirotteこの胸の中に饰る ワンダフルデイズkono mune no naka ni kazaru WONDERFUL DAYS先にまだ 见ぬ道が见える ありきたりでも 当たり前でもsaki ni mada minu michi ga mieru arikitari demo atarimae de moone more time わかってるさ 目指すこの山顶はONE MORE TIME wakatteru sa mesasu kono sancho wa迷っても 间违った道はないから 登るんだmayotte mo machigatta michi wa nai kara noborun da当たり前な时ほど 人は忘れる 立ち止まって気づく 景色がキレイatarimae na toki hodo hito wa wasureru tachitomatte kitsuzuku keshiki ga kirei云が譲り合う空と平行になって また次の朝に変わるkumo ga yuzuri au sora to heikou ni natte mata tsugi no asa ni kawaru朝に舞う梦は 希望に満ちあふれ 星に愿う想いは 日に日に増えるasa ni mau yume wa kibou ni michi afure hoshi ni negau omoi wa hi ni hi ni fueru优しさを またひとかけら 手に拾ってyasashi wo mata hito kakera te ni hirotteこの胸の中に饰る ワンダフルデイズkono mune no naka ni kazaru WONDERFUL DAYSワンダフルデイズWONDERFUL DAYS中文歌词:看清晨飞舞的梦想 总是那么充满希望对行星许下的心愿 一天一天与日俱增在对我温柔一点 让我把他捧入手心装饰在这胸膛之中 Wondeful Days像相亲高手一样 灵光一现 就会立刻把梦想描绘进行的不顺利的话 就像没有了味道的口香糖一样 把留恋也丢弃 总之 一些都很暧昧 不是那么一帆风顺的即使不是恋人也靠近 下次一定能顺利吧?即使是收集高出高贵的石头 不能踢飞的话 就不能拔出来那个很悲伤的样子呢 不过越是在黑暗里 未来就越耀眼看清晨飞舞的梦想 总是那么充满希望对行星许下的心愿 一天一天与日俱增在对我温柔一点 让我把他捧入手心装饰在这胸膛之中 Wondeful Days秘密的十字路交叉点 好像摇动着的黑白的大楼 一波波的人那个以及这个 好吃的话题 做了一件很好的事环游过世界的两人 把照片放入行李幸福的幸福有很多种 我喜欢的是牵起手的幸福看清晨飞舞的梦想 总是那么充满希望对行星许下的心愿 一天一天与日俱增在对我温柔一点 让我把他捧入手心装饰在这胸膛之中 Wondeful Days前方 铺开一条陌生的路 老掉牙也好 理所当然也好One More Time 我知道的 目标是这个山顶即使迷茫 也没有错路可走 只管攀登越是觉得理所当然的时候 越容易忘却 停下脚步才会发现 风景竟然如此如此美丽与浮云聚散变换的天空 平行而立 又迎来另一个清晨看清晨飞舞的梦想 总是那么充满希望对行星许下的心愿 一天一天与日俱增在对我温柔一点 让我把他捧入手心装饰在这胸膛之中 Wondeful DaysWondeful Days

网球王子歌曲Wonderful days翻译

日韩歌曲【wonderful days】《网球王子》插曲(最爱)wonderful days歌词(中 日 罗马)迹部:ma bu shi i go go ma do wo a ke ru o ke mo na ku ka ke ru hi ka ge no ko mi chi 小切:ka ta de i ki wo su i kon de me wo to ji o mo i e ga i ta a shi ta ka ra no su te ji 真田:i me ji shi te ru a ta ra shi i pe ji ma shi ro i kyan pa su ni e ga ku 橘子:mu ka i ka ze mo o ka ma i na ku shi de ki ri hi ra ku ko no ha te na ku tsu zu ku BRAND NEW STORY 合: Ah, wonderful days wonderful days 橘子:wonderful days 深司:ze bu ra mo yo u no kou sa ten a o ni ka wa ru to ha shi ri da su 神尾:shi ro i ra in da ke wo fu mun de wa ta ri ki ru 合: ko do mo no yo u ni 合: i tsu mo kon na fu u ni ka ze ni fu ka re a ri no ma ma no ji bun de i ru ko to ga mo shi mo de ki te i ta na ra to o i so ra ni mu ke te ryou te no ba shi ko no o mo i to do ku yo u ni to to ki ha na tte ku 迹部:pe da ru wo fu mu a shi wo ha ya me i kki ni sa ka mi chi ka ke a ga ru 小切:i ma to bi ta tsu ma e no na ga i jyo so u ta ka ma ru ko do u kan ji na ga ra 真田:ko no sa ka wo no bo ri ki tte te ben ga mi e te ki ta ko ro ni 橘子:mi na mi ka ze ga se na ka wo o i ko shi te yu ku 合: ha ji ma ri no a i zu wo shi ra se ru yo u ni 合: Ah, wonderful days wonderful days 深司:a to su ko shi da ke wo ku ri ka e shi i tsu no ma ni ka ko ko ma de ki te ta 神尾:mo u shi ka i no o ku ni ka ga ya ku hi ka ri sa e 合: REACH FOR THE SKY 合:don na to ki mo mu e ni shi ma i kon da ma ma no o mo i wa su re na i de zu tto a ta ta me tsu zu ke ta na ra ki tto i tsu ka na mo nai to ri no yo u ni o mo u ma ma ko no o o so ra wo tsu ki su su mun de ku 橘子:te sa gu ri de sa ga su mi ra i wa"; 橘子和真田: i tsu de mo ka gi no na i to bi ra 迹部:me no ma e ni a ru hi ka ri mo 分辨不能:mi tsu ke ra re zu sa ga shi tsu zu ke ta 真田:tsu ku e ni a ru ra ku ka ki wa 小切:i tsu ka o mo i e ga i ta chi zu 深司:da re mo a ru i ta ko to no nai 深司:da re mo a ru i ta ko to no nai 迹部:ta i yo u sa e shi ra na i ba syo 合:me za shi te 合:i tsu mo kon na fu u ni ka ze ni fu ka re a ri no ma ma no ji bun de i ru ko to ga mo shi mo de ki te i ta na ra to o i so ra ni mu ke te ryou te no ba shi ko no o mo i to do ku yo u ni to to ki ha na tte ku to ki ha na tte ku ペダルを踏む足を速め 一気に坂道 駆け上がる いま飞び立つ前の长い助走 高まる鼓动 感じながら この坂を登りきって てっべんが见えてきた顷に 南风が背中を追い越してゆく はじまりの合図を知らせるように Ah...wonderful days... あと少しだけを缲り返し いつのまにかここまで来てた もう视界の奥に辉く光さえ Reach for the sky どんな时も胸にしまいこんだままの 思い忘れないでずっと温め続けたなら きっといつか名もない鸟のように思うまま この大空を突き进んでく 手探りで探す未来はいつでも键のない扉 目の前にある光も见つけられず探し続けた 机にある落书きは いつか思い描いた地図 谁も歩いた事のない 太阳さえ知らない场所 目指して いつもこんなふうに风に吹かれ ありのままの自分でいる事がもしも出来ていたなら 远い空に向けて両手伸ばしこの思い届くようにと 解き放ってく 解き放ってく... 就是这段的翻译~ ~~~<<中文歌词: >>在耀眼的午后打开窗户 没有理由的跑向阴凉的小路 闭上双眼 深呼吸 用心去描绘明天起的舞台 用想像描绘新的一页 在纯白的画布上描绘 即使逆风也能够打破僵局 仍然不断继续著 Brand new story Ah, wonderful days 站在十字路口 当信号变成绿灯时就开始跑了起来 就像小孩子一样 只踩在白色的斑马线上前进 风就像往常一样的吹拂著 如果无法展现真实的自己 就向远方的天空伸出双手 将传达这份思念 就此解放 加速脚踏板的速度 一口气爬上坡道 在飞上天空前的助跑 一边感觉著高涨的鼓动 登上这个坡道 看的见顶点时 南风在背后追赶了过去 就好像是通知开始的信号 Ah, wonderful days 些许的反覆 何时投向这里的目光 已经在视线最深处闪耀著光芒 Reach for the sky 无论何时都保持著相同的心情 不要忘记思念 如果持续温暖的话 总有一天连没有名子的鸟也会这麼想 冲进广大无边的天空 用摸索来寻找未来那没有钥匙的门 持续寻找著在面前没有被发现的光 书桌前的涂鸦 不知道是何时在心理描绘的地图 没有任何人离开 将目标指向 连太阳都不晓得的地方 风就像往常一样的吹拂著 如果无法展现真实的自己 就向远方的天空伸出双手 将传达这份思念 就此解放 就此解放!!

求一个黑人歌手 歌词里面有wonderful day 是上世纪的经典

我只知道这首歌名叫what a wonderful day

网球王子wouderful day 中文歌词


小学六年级英语作文:A Wonderful Day

【 #小学英语# 导语】英文书写应符合书写规范,英文字母要写清楚、写整齐、写美观,字母的大小和字母之间的距离要匀称。书写应做到字形秀丽漂亮,通篇匀称和谐。以下是 整理的《小学六年级英语作文:A Wonderful Day》,希望帮助到您。 【篇一】   Last November 24 was my birthday. I had a party at my home. My friends came to my home in the afternoon and I got a lot of presents from them. At the party, we ate a big cake, sang songs, watched TV and listened to music. We were very happy. But all good things must come to an end. We said goodbye at about ten o"clock. We had a very good time on November 24. 【篇二】   Last month I went to an amusement park, because I had an excellent grade on my final exam. At the beginning when we drove through the gate, I throught what a magnificent gate. The gate was huge and decorated with many fancy things, such as fake jewelleries, and shinning glass. On the way to the entrance, I could see some wild animals wondering on the place, just like lions, elephants, and hippoes. Also there are iron fences to block them , I still felt exited.   When we entranced the amusement park, I was shocked by what appeared to my eyes.The venders were dressed in colorful and fanny costumes. The souvenir shops were selling things that I"ve never seen before. The roller coaster was so scary and exciting. We tried almost everything in the amusement park, and none of them was boring.   At the end of the day, we were having dinner in the stylish restaurant. The waiters and waitresses were beautiful and handsome, and the food was owesome too. Everything in the restaurant was well designed, such as the tables, chairs and the utensils. We sat next to the window, so we could see the night view of the whole amusement park How beautiful it is! I throught.   After I came home, I could still remember the moment clearly when I saw the night view. It was such a wonderful day for me. 【篇三】   Today is Saturday. I don"t have to go to school, I can rest.   I get up at seven , I eat breakfast at half past seven. After breakfast, I do my homework. Then I go to the park to play badminton with my friend.   Return the home, just in time to catch lunch. I ate pasta, it is really delicious. After lunch, I nap for two hours. After wake up, I watched TV for a while. I eat dinner at five thirty.   After dinner, my family and I go for a walk. Scattered good step back home, and I take a shower.And I saw an hours book. Eight thirty, I sleep.   What a beautiful day!

求网球王子歌曲《WONDERFUL DAYS》中文歌词

在耀眼阳光的午后 打开窗户看着阴凉的小路在阴影处闭上眼睛想象着未来舞台的影象想象着 新的一页描绘出纯白的校园风也尽情地吹拂着结局后又是一个新的故事wonderful daywonderful wonderful wonderful day在斑马样的交叉路口突然开始爽快地奔跑只有白色的贝壳还在周围那是我的东西风经常像这样吹着 爱也在周围旋转如果可以变成自己的所有物仰望着遥远的天空 举起双手 这种思念希望可以传达给对方 这种心跳的感觉

英语作文:A Wonderful Day

美好的一天能给我们带来很多快乐,下面是关于美好的一天英语作文,希望对你有帮助。   A Wonderful Day_英语作文1 Last November 24 was my birthday. I had a party at my home. My friends came to my home in the afternoon and I got a lot of presents from them. At the party, we ate a big cake, sang songs, watched TV and listened to music. We were very happy. But all good things must e to an end. We said goodbye at about ten o"clock. We had a very good time on November 24. 参考翻译: 去年十一月二十四日是我的生日。我在家有一个派对。下午我的朋友们来我家,我收到了很多礼物。聚会上,我们吃了一个大蛋糕,唱了歌,看了电视,听了音乐。我们很高兴。但是所有美好的.事情还是要结束。我们在大约十点时说再见。十一月二十四日是美好的一天。   A Wonderful Day_英语作文2 Yesterday was weather was sunny.I went to the pleasure ground with my t,We go to play the toy was funny we play the toy car after it have a match .I was win,I was the evening,we got to a have a big dinner were very erday was a wonderful day!   A Wonderful Day_英语作文3 Yesterday, my mother told me that we were going to visit my grandparents, I was so happy to hear that. I was raised by my grandparents most of the time until I was at the age of 7, since my parents are busy with their work. I haven"t seen grandparents for half a year, I have to attend the class. When I met grandpa, he was so happy to hug me, grandma had already waited at the table, she cooked a lot of dishes, I like to eat the food she cooks, it is so delicious. I told a lot of things about my school to them, they loved to hear it. Time flies, I had to go home, I promised them I would e to visit them soon, today is a wonderful day for me. 昨天,我妈妈告诉我我们要去看外公和外婆,我很高兴听到这个消息。在七岁以前,我大部分的时间都是和他们在一起,因为我的父母忙着工作。我已经有半年没见到外公和外婆了,我要去学校上课。当我见到外公时,他很高兴地拥抱我,外婆已经在饭桌上等着了,她煮了很多菜,我喜欢吃她煮的菜,很美味。我跟他们说了很多我在学校的事,他们喜欢听我讲。时间过得很快,我要回家了,我答应我很快就会来看他们,今天真是美好的一天。 标签: Wonderful Day 作文 英语

跪求 helen austin的wonderful day 的歌词

wonderful day 中文歌词 在有着耀眼阳光的午后 打开窗户 看着树阴没有分开的阴凉小道 深吸口气, 闭上双眼 心中描绘着明天的舞台 想象着新的一页 在纯白的校园中描绘 即使面向风也没有关系 继续这个没有结局的Brand new strory wonderful day wonderful day wonderful wonderful wonderful day 站在斑马线的十字路口 当等变绿的时候就可以走 踩着白色斑马线前进 像孩子一般 总是这样被风吹拂着 做着按照自己心中想象那样的事 如果可以完成的 就将双手伸向远处的天空 把这份思念传达给对方 .....

美好的一天A Wonderful Day英语作文

  下面是我收集的美好的一天A Wonderful Day英语作文,供大家参考!   【篇一】   Last November 24 was my birthday. I had a party at my home. My friends came to my home in the afternoon and I got a lot of presents from them. At the party, we ate a big cake, sang songs, watched TV and listened to music. We were very happy. But all good things must come to an end. We said goodbye at about ten o"clock. We had a very good time on November 24.   去年11月24日是我的生日。我有一个聚会在我的家。下午我的朋友来我家,我得到了很多礼物。在晚会上,我们吃了一个大蛋糕,唱歌,看电视,听音乐。我们非常高兴。但所有美好的事物都必须结束。大约10点钟我们说再见。我们有一个很好的时间在11月24日。   【篇二】   Today is Saturday. I don"t have to go to school, I can rest.   I get up at seven , I eat breakfast at half past seven. After breakfast, I do my homework. Then I go to the park to play badminton with my friend.   Return the home, just in time to catch lunch. I ate pasta, it is really delicious. After lunch, I nap for two hours. After wake up, I watched TV for a while. I eat dinner at five thirty.   After dinner, my family and I go for a walk. Scattered good step back home, and I take a shower.And I saw an hours book. Eight thirty, I sleep.   What a beautiful day!   今天是星期六。我不用去上学,我可以休息。   我7点起床,7点半吃早餐。早饭后,我做我的家庭作业。然后我去公园与我的朋友打羽毛球。   回到家,正好赶上吃午饭。我吃了意大利面,真的`很美味。午饭后,我午睡了两个小时。醒来后,我看电视。我吃晚饭在五百三十年。   晚饭后,我和我的家人去散步。分散好的一步回家,我洗澡。我看到一个小时的书。八百三十年,我的睡眠。   多么美好的一天!  

初中生优秀英语作文:My wonderful day 很棒的一天

I had a wonderful holiday at spring festival.I went to the park with my friends.We met at eight o"clock at the school gate.We went to the park by bike.It was a beautiful day.We sat under a big tree and chated with each other.We took about some movies and some fun things.We had lunch there.We ate hamburgers and some drinks,but I know they are not healthy and not good for us.Then we played some games.   We were all fell tired,but we were very happy!It was great fun! 春节,我有一个美好的假期。我和我的朋友去了公园。我们八点钟在学校门口见面。我们骑自行车去了公园。这是美好的一天。我们坐在一棵大树下,互相聊天。我们花费了一些时间看电影和谈一些有趣的事情。我们在那里吃午饭。我们吃了汉堡包和一些饮料,虽我知道他们是不健康的,对我们没有益处。然后我们玩了一些游戏。 我们都很累,但我们很快乐!这真是太有趣了!

求网球王子片尾曲《wonderful day》的日文歌词和罗马音

眩しい午后 窓を开けるma bu shi i go go ma so wo a ke ru在充满耀眼阳光的午后 打开窗户分けもなく駆ける日阴の小道wa ke mo na ku ka ke ru hi ka ge no ko mi chi 看着树阴没有分开的阴凉小道肩で息を吸い込んで目を闭じka ta de i ki wo su i kon de me wo to ji深吸一口气 闭上双目思い描いた明日からのステージo mo i e ga i ta a shi ta ka ra no su tei ji心中描绘着明天即将展示的舞台イメージしてる 新しいページi mei ji shi te ru a ta ra shi i pei ji想象着新的一页真っ白キャンパスに描くma sshi ro kyan pa su ni e ga ku在纯白的校园中描绘向かい风もお构い无しで切り开くmu ka i ka ze mo o ka ma i na shi de ki ri hi ra ku即使破风而行也没有关系 この果てなく続く Brand new storyko no ha te na ku tsu du ku Brand ner story继续这个没有结局的崭新故事wonderful day wonderful daywonderful wonderful wonderful dayゼブラ模様の交差点ze bu ra mo you no kou sa ten站在有斑马线的十字路口青に変わると走り出すa o ni ka wa ru to ha shi ri da su当绿灯亮起时 就能通行白いラインだけを踏んで渡りきるshi ro i ra in da ke wo fun de wa ta ri ki ru单踩虐咨陌呗硐咭徊讲降厍靶?/FONT>子供のようにko do mo no you ni就像孩子一般いつもこんなふうに风に吹かれi tsu mo kon na fuu ni ka ze ni fu ka re风总是像这样吹拂着ありのままの自分でいる事がa ri no ma ma no ji bun de i ru ko to ga展示真我的这件事もしも出来ていたならmo shi mo de ki te i ta na ra如果可以完成的话远い空に向けて両手伸ばしto o i so ra ni mu ke te tyou te no ba shi就将双手伸及遥远的天空この思い届くようにとko no o mo i to do ku you ni to把这思念传达给对方解き放ってくto ki ha na tte ku就此解放

wonderful day什么意思?


holiday inn worldwide是什么酒店

1952年8月1日,美国田纳西州孟斐斯盛夏大道4941号,开业了一家酒店,取名叫 Holiday Inn。这家酒店有泳池、空调和餐厅,还提供电话、冰块及免费停车场等设施,而带着孩童的父母也不需要额外为房间加钱。 这在现在看来只能算是很普通的标配设施,当时却在酒店届掀起了一场革命,并形成了一套酒店业的标准,这套标准不仅为每间假日酒店所采用,也引领着全球饭店业的发展进程。 由凯蒙斯·威尔逊创立的假日酒店集团,在成立后的不到20年间就开到了1000家,而此时在酿酒业蒸蒸日上的巴斯集团看好了酒店的前景,在1988年先后收购了所有假日酒店,改名为环球假日酒店(HolidayInn Worldwide)。 酒店易主后最大的变化就是品牌延伸,到了2000年,巴斯集团一看酒店这么赚钱,索性把酿酒业务给卖了,专注于做酒店。公司后来更名为六州酒店集团,到2003年更名为洲际酒店集团。 1984年,中国第一家假日酒店——北京丽都假日酒店开业,它也是进入中国最早的一批国际连锁酒店品牌。从北京丽都到今年全新开业的内江滨江假日酒店,Holiday Inn在中国已经揭幕了35年之久,如今品牌也是遍布国内大多数城市。 成都城市度假酒店的标杆——成都环球中心天堂洲际大饭店,位于亚洲颇负盛名的单体建筑环球中心内,酒店内藏了一家海洋游乐园。

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有一首英文歌的歌词好象是“……OH MY BIG BIG WORLD I LOVE YOU……”,叫什么啊?

pretty boy

big big world男生版歌词

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: big big world很好听,可是它歌词里面有一句i"m a big big girl男生没法唱。哪个高手把它改一下。还要押韵 解析: 我也很喜欢这首歌,可是歌词整体来看是十分细腻和情绪化的,而且也是从女生的观点出发,所以如果只是更改那句"I"m a big big girl" 会显得突兀,因为后面的歌词会搭不上。 相信您知道这首歌是在诉说一个女生对于已结束了的爱情的惆怅与不舍,因此它的表达方式不宜用在男生身上。 我尝试更改了某些部分的歌词,希望对您有所帮助。原词: Big Big World I"m a big big girl In a big big world It"s not a big big thing if you leave me But I do do feel that I too too will miss you much Miss you much... I can see the first leaf falling It"s all yellow and nice It"s so very cold outside Like the way I"m feeling inside I"m a big big girl In a big big world It"s not a big big thing if you leave me But I do do feel that I too too will miss you much Miss you much... Outside it"s now raining And tears are falling from my eyes Why did it have to happen Why did it all have to end I"m a big big girl In a big big world It"s not a big big thing if you leave me But I do do feel that I too too will miss you much Miss you much... I have your arms around me Ooh like fire But when I open my eyes You"re gone... I"m a big big girl In a big big world It"s not a big big thing if you leave me But I do do feel that I too too will miss you much Miss you much... I"m a big big girl In a big big world It"s not a big big thing if you leave me But I do feel, I will, miss you much Miss you much... 更改词: Big Big World There"s a big big love In this big big world It"s not a big big thing if you break it But I do do feel that I truly will miss you much Miss you much... So I see the first leaf falling It"s all yellow and nice It"s so very cold outside Like the way I"m feeling inside There"s a big big love In this big big world It"s not a big big thing if you break it But I do do feel that I truly will miss you much Miss you much... Outside it"s now raining And tears are falling deep inside Why did it have to happen Why did it all have to end There"s a big big love In this big big world It"s not a big big thing if you break it But I do do feel that I truly will miss you much Miss you much... I have my arms around you Just last Autumn But when I open my eyes You"re gone... There"s a big big love In this big big world It"s not a big big thing if you break it But I do do feel that I truly will miss you much Miss you much... There"s a big big love In this big big world It"s not a big big thing if you break it But I do feel, I will, miss you much Miss you much... 大部分的词是原封不动的,我只是将副歌和一些单字更换了。比如原词那句:"And tears are falling from my eyes (泪水也从眼中流下)" 我改成了:"And tears are falling deep inside (泪水也在心中落下)"。因为男生泪如雨下的情景是让人难以接受的,而且在心中哭泣会显得较委婉,也较凄美。 最关键的副歌部分,我把: I"m a big big girl In a big big world It"s not a big big thing if you leave me But I do do feel that I too too will miss you much Miss you much... 改成了: There"s a big big love In this big big world It"s not a big big thing if you break it But I do do feel that I truly will miss you much Miss you much... 原词大致上是在述说一个女生生活在这浩瀚的世界上,被爱人离弃了是多么微不足道的事情;但尽管如此,她仍会想念着爱人。而改版的词是在诉说爱情生存在这浩瀚的世界里,就算被爱人捏碎了也是多么微不足道的事情;但尽管如此,他仍会想念着离去的女生(因为现在是从男生的角度出发)。 若有什么疑问或不解可以向我提问。由衷希望你会喜欢为您改的词!^^

有一首歌的一句歌词是I am a big girl in a big world,这首歌的歌名是什么

Big big world 歌手:Emilla 专辑:Big Big World I"m a big big girl 我是个大女孩 in a big big world 在这个大大的世界上 It"s not a big big thing if you leave me 如果你离开我,那是没有什麽大不了的 but I do do feel 但我知道 that I too too will miss you much 我一定会非常非常的想你 miss you much... 非常非常的想你... I can see the first leaf falling 我能看见一片枫叶落下 it"s all yellow and nice 那是多麽的金黄而美好 It"s so very cold outside 外面真的非常冷 like the way I"m feeling inside 就像我内心的感觉一样 I"m a big big girl 我是个大女孩 in a big big world 在这个大大的世界上 It"s not a big big thing if you leave me 如果你离开我,那是没有什麽大不了的 but I do do feel 但我知道 that I too too will miss you much 我一定会非常非常的想你 miss you much... 非常非常的想你... Outside it"s now raining 外面正在下著雨雪 and tears are falling from my eyes 而眼泪从我的眼睛落下 why did it have to happen 为什麽会发生这样 why did it all have to end 为什麽会结束 I"m a big big girl 我是个大女孩 in a big big world 在这个大大的世界上 It"s not a big big thing if you leave me 如果你离开我,那是没有什麽大不了的 but I do do feel 但我知道 that I too too will miss you much 我一定会非常非常的想你 miss you much... 非常非常的想念你.. I have your arms around me ooooh like fire 你的温暖包围著我就像火一样 but when I open my eyes 但是当我争开眼时 you"re gone... 你却离我而去了... I"m a big big girl in a big big world 在这个大大的世界上 It"s not a big big thing if you leave me 如果你离开我,那是没有什麽大不了的 but I do do feel 但我知道 that I too too will miss you much 我一定会非常非常的想你 miss you much... 非常非常的想你... I"m a big big girl 我是个大女孩 in a big big world 在这个大大的世界上 It"s not a big big thing if you leave me 如果你离开我,那是没有什麽大不了的 but I do feel I will miss you much 但我知道我一定会非常非常的想你 miss you much... 非常非常的想念你...



Ron Wood的《Seven Days》 歌词

歌曲名:Seven Days歌手:Ron Wood专辑:Gimme Some NeckArtist: StingAlbum: Ten Summoner"s TalesTitle: Seven DaysBy EdisonSeven days, was all she wroteA kind of ultimatum note, she gave to meShe gave to meWhen I thought the field had clearedIt seems another suit appeared to challenge meWoe is meThough I hate to make a choiceMy options are decreasing mostly rapidlyWell, we"ll seeI don"t think she"d bluff this timeI really have to make her mineIt"s plain to see, it"s him or meMonday, I could wait till TuesdayIf I make up my mindWedn"sday would be fineThursday"s on my mindFriday"d give me timeSaturday could waitBut Sunday"d be too lateThe fact he"s over six feet tenMight instil fear in other menBut not in meThe mighty fleaAsk if I am mouse or manThe mirror squeaked, away I ranHe"ll murder me in time for his teaDoes it bother me at all?My rival is NeanderthalIt makes me thinkPerhaps I need a drinkI.Q. is no problem hereWe won"t be playing Scrabble forHer hand, I fearI need that beerMonday, I could wait till TuesdayIf I make up my mindWedn"sday would be fineThursday"s on my mindFriday"d give me timeSaturday could waitBut Sunday"d be too lateSeven days will quickly goThe fact remains, I love her soSeven daysSo many waysBut I can"t run awayI can"t run awayMonday, I could wait till TuesdayIf I make up my mindWedn"sday would be fineThursday"s on my mindFriday"d give me timeSaturday could waitBut Sunday"d be too lateDo I have to tell a storyOf a thousand rainy daysSince we first met?It"s a big enough umbrellaBut it"s always me that ends upGetting wet. Yeah, Yeah.http://music.baidu.com/song/8920318

跪求英语翻译:World Trade

例如,美国是一个主要的咖啡消费国,但是它没有气候生产或其自己的。所以,美国必须从种植咖啡足够多的国家(如巴西,哥伦比亚和危地马拉)进口咖啡。另一方面,美国有大型的工厂,能够生产各种各样产品,如化工产品和飞机等,可以卖给需要的国家。如果国家间进行物物交换,比如用一辆汽车换10000袋咖啡,那么对外贸易将会非常的笨重和受限制。因此,这是货物贸易没有金钱的交换,美国在交易中支付相应的付款给卖给他东西的人,它支付的巴西咖啡美元,巴西可以用它来购买来自澳大利亚的羊毛,反过来又可以买大不列颠的纺织品,然后可以用纺织品从美国买烟草。 第三,一个国家可以卖一些成本比其他国家要低的东西。日本已能出口大量的收音机、电视机,因为它生产的效率比其他国家高。美国从日本购买这些产品比他们自己生产制造的更加便宜。根据经济学的理论,日本应该生产和出口这些物品,推广出更多的优势。它也应该购买和进口它想要的物品从这些具有相对优势的国家。 最后,创新或风格会产生对外贸易。尽管美国比其他任何的国家生产更多的汽车,它还大量进口来自德国、日本和瑞典的汽车,主要因为在美国有市场。 对大多数国家来说,出口和进口是最重要的国际活动。当国家的出口比他们的进口多时,是贸易顺差。当他们的进口超过他们的出口时,就存在一个贸易逆差。国家要尽力保持贸易顺差,以保证他们购买所需进口的能力。

推荐一些节奏感特别强的英文歌,像《worth it》一样的歌,越多越好

tik tok

The Miracle Worker中(英文也行)文影评 急需~!!!!!!!

With two terrific leading performances, an absorbing and thought-provoking story, and many well-conceived touches by Arthur Penn and his production team, this classic version of "The Miracle Worker" is an exceptional movie that appeals to the imagination and that has much to say about humanity. The story itself is so good that even the lesser remakes have been worth seeing, but there is really no reason at all to look any further than this nearly flawless filming of the story.As Annie Sullivan and Helen Keller, Anne Bancroft and Patty Duke could not have been better. The battle of wills and wits between the two is engrossing, becoming quite involved and very interesting. The lengthy dining room struggle alone would make any movie worth watching - it is worthwhile even beyond the interesting action itself, as it brings out aspects of human nature and human learning that go beyond even Helen"s own trials.There is a great deal of substance to the movie that goes beyond the immediate issues and confrontations, and a significant reason for the greatness of the film is the way that Bancroft and Duke tap into the imagination of the viewer. The concept of seeing an unseen world (and the challenge of helping someone to see it) is brought out in ways that are profound yet accessible.The two leads carry almost the whole picture, as the other characters are there primarily for Annie and Helen to play off of. Accordingly, the supporting cast keep their characters more simple, and their performances stylized and almost exaggerated, which allows Bancroft and Duke to have most of the moments of significance. The production also enhances the picture through simple but well-conceived settings, use of lighting, and other features that nicely complement the main action.It"s always rather unfortunate that movies like this one, which take a little effort to appreciate fully, are not given more attention. If you stop to consider what Helen Keller had to face in life, it is a situation far more terrifying than facing any of the cartoonish, artificial movie villains that gain so much notoriety. And if you consider the job that Annie Sullivan had to do, her accomplishment is far more impressive and worthwhile than almost any scientific discovery, feat of athletics, or military exploit.That this movie is able to convey such themes makes it a memorable classic that is much more worthwhile than many movies that have received far more acclaim.

the two cats are big变一般疑问句

The two cats are big. 一般疑问句Are the two cats big?

In a room above the store,where a party___,some workers were busy setting the table






It has two hands,a long and a shart的中文


in a room above the store ,where a party——(hold),wokers were busily setting the table

in a room above the store, where a party 【was held】, wokers were busily setting the table.本句意为:在商店上面开会的房间里,工人们正忙着摆桌子。这里是人们开会,party做主语,显然用被动语态,而根据后面的were可知是过去时态,所以填was held。这里句子主干是wokers were busily setting the table,即工人们正忙着摆桌子。in a room是地点状语,above the store和where a party was held都是修饰room的,前者是介词结构,后者则是定语从句,这里定语从句前后都有逗号,相当于插入语。





请根据你对以下两幅图的理解,以“Actions Speak Louder than Words”为题,用英语写一篇作文。我的作业


Actions Speak Louder than Words看图写短文

Actions Speak Louder than WordsPeople celebrate Earth Day differently. In Picture 1, a man is trying to put up a banner on a lonely tree surrounded by stumps, but in vain, while Picture 2 shows a couple happily planting trees.The message conveyed here is clear: “Actions speak louder than words.” Our earth is suffering severe damage. Should we just pay lip service or take practical measures to protect it? The answer is definitely the latter. Immediate actions should be taken, like stopping cutting down trees, to better the environment.Actions are important in other fields, too. Instead of shouting empty slogans, it is more meaningful to donate books and sports goods to children in need. We should strictly and voluntarily follow traffic rules, stopping at the red light rather than complaining about traffic jams. Only when we match our words with actions can we make a difference in whatever we hope to accomplish.本文是一篇看图作文,给出题目、图画和内容要求,要求写一篇观点类的议论文,主要内容是要人们少说空话多做实事,行动比口号更实际,内容贴近学生生活,学生有话可写,而且学生对这类文体的作文比较熟悉,所以篇章结构对他们来说并不是问题。【写作要点】1.图画描述:第一幅图里有一颗树,周围都是树桩,一个人想在这颗树上挂上标语,但没法挂;第二幅图里一对夫妇正在植树。2.对文中两种做法的理我们的地球遭到破坏,我们应该行动起来保护地球,而不是在那儿空喊口号。3.两幅图的启示:多做实事少说空话,并举例说明。【亮点】本例文中心突出,要点齐全,结构清晰,用了许多高级词汇、句型结构和衔接手段,他们的运用既清楚地描述了要点,又做到了表达的多样性,使行文流畅。高级词汇:celebrate,in vain,convey,suffering severe damage,pay lip service,take practical measures,definitely,accomplish,strictly and voluntarily,make a difference,shouting empty slogans.句型结构:1. In Picture 1, a man is trying to put up a banner on a lonely tree surrounded by stumps, but in vain, while Picture 2 shows a couple happily planting trees.(状语从句)2. The message conveyed here is clear: “Actions speak louder than words.”(过去分词作定语)3. Should we just pay lip service or take practical measures to protect it?(一般疑问句)4. Immediate actions should be taken, like stopping cutting down trees, to better the environment.(被动语态)5. Instead of shouting empty slogans, it is more meaningful to donate books and sports goods to children in need.(It is adj. to do ---.)6. We should strictly and voluntarily follow traffic rules, stopping at the red light rather than complaining about traffic jams. (现在分词做伴随状语)7. Only when we match our words with actions can we make a difference in whatever we hope to accomplish.(倒装句)

公司网站上的一句英文标语,we will do better for you establish a famous brand in the world, 别扭吗


怎样在电脑上下载word办公软件 如何下载word软件?

1、方法一: (1)首先打开电脑管家,点击右下角“工具箱”选项。 (2)然后在主界面就可以找到Wps Office办公软件,Wps Office办公软件已经包含了word、excel。 (3)最后点击Wps Office软件之后,就可以看到有一个安装的字样,然后点击一下,即可安装到桌面了。 2、方法二: (1)打开百度,在百度页面中找到搜索框,输入字符WPS敲击回车进行搜索。 (2)在新弹出的搜索页面找到带有官网字样的网页,点击选择该网页进入到网页页面中。 (3)在新弹出的页面找到WPSoffice软件后的下载选项,点击选择该选项等待下载完成。 (4)下载完成后,点击下载完成的文件,在新弹出的页面找到安装选项,点击选择该选项进行软件的安装。 (5)当桌面中成功出现WPS软件的图标则表示该文件已经成功下载完成。

I don’t ever want to talk about being a woman scientist again. There was a time in my life when..

BABC 1. 第一段和第二段2. 第二段: So were my failures.3. 第三段: You cannot imagine my satisfaction at being able to answer, 45.4. 第三段: the visual of their physics professor heavily pregnant doing physics experiments.

Magical World 歌词

歌曲名:Magical World歌手:Rotary Connection专辑:Best Of Rotary ConnectionBlackmore"s night--Magical World :)I called your name out loud in the courtyard,The crystal I held was like an old friendThe vines crawled the wallsThe wind held its breathBut the answer I longed for never came...Your name, they had said,was cursed beyond measure,The families at odds fought with poisoned tonguesAnd yet through the darkOf blind, bitter hate,Broke a glittering light of two lover"s fate...Walls built between us,Miles seperate us,Yet in our hearts, we share the same dream...Feelings so strong,We just must carry on,On to our Magical World...Destiny called them like a silver poemThey followed the dance "till the music died out...Last time they met was on an earth bedBoth knowing they"d meet again in the light...Walls built between us,Miles seperate us,Yet in our hearts, we share the same dream...Feelings so strong,We just must carry on,On to our Magical World...In our Magical World.. In our Magical World...Fear not, dear Juliet, your Romeo"s callingHe"s waiting for you at the end of the song,This world was too cruel... for lovers like you,But here in our hearts you"ll always live onWalls built between us,Miles seperate us,Yet in our hearts, we share the same dream...Feelings so strong,We just must carry on,On to our Magical World...Walls built between us,Miles seperate us,Yet in our hearts, we share the same dream...Feelings so strong,We just must carry on,On to our Magical World...http://music.baidu.com/song/8561397

rep stos dword ptr [edi] 在这个汇编指令中rep是什么英文单词的缩写?stos? ptr ?

rep是Representativeptr是Pointerstos是String operations

All work and not play make a doll boy 是什么意思?


all work and no play make jack a dull boy意思是什么?

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy只工作,不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻双语对照例句:1.Otherwise it"s all work and no play. 否则的话,就一直工作而不休息。2.Poor guy. All work and no play, huh? 可怜的人工作狂恩?3.A proper part-time job does not occupy students too much time. In fact, it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study. As an old saying goes: all work and no; play makes jack a dull boy. 一份适当的业余工作并不会占用学生太多的时间,事实上,把全部的时间都用到学习上并不健康,正如那句老话:只工作,不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻

all work and no play make jack a dull boy是什么意思

all work and no play make jack a dull boy意思是只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻

all work and no play make Jack a dull boy的中文翻译是什么

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy只工作,不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻双语对照例句:1.Otherwise it"s all work and no play. 否则的话,就一直工作而不休息。2.Poor guy. All work and no play, huh? 可怜的人工作狂恩?3.A proper part-time job does not occupy students too much time. In fact, it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study. As an old saying goes: all work and no; play makes jack a dull boy. 一份适当的业余工作并不会占用学生太多的时间,事实上,把全部的时间都用到学习上并不健康,正如那句老话:只工作,不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻

all work and no play make Jack a dull boy的中文是:什么意思?

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy只工作,不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻双语对照例句:1.Otherwise it"s all work and no play. 否则的话,就一直工作而不休息。2.Poor guy. All work and no play, huh? 可怜的人工作狂恩?3.A proper part-time job does not occupy students too much time. In fact, it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study. As an old saying goes: all work and no; play makes jack a dull boy. 一份适当的业余工作并不会占用学生太多的时间,事实上,把全部的时间都用到学习上并不健康,正如那句老话:只工作,不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻

“ All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.”的中文翻译是?

这句话的意思是“劳逸结合,身心健康。”这句话正确的说法是“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”这是一句英语谚语,直译为“只工作不玩耍,聪明杰克也变傻。”这个谚语在英语国家是家长和学校教育孩子的经典说辞,影响深远。work:[名词] 学习,工作play:[名词] 玩耍,休闲 dull:[形容词] 无趣,枯燥"all work and no play" 在思维上的语义概念是一体的,不应理解为两件事或者两个行为,所以句子的谓语动词用单数第三人称。这句谚语最早出现在十五世纪英国作家 James Howell 的谚语集《Proverbs in English, Italian, French and Spanish》(1659)中。数百年来,无数次地被用于书籍、影视作品中。现在的游戏中也不乏这句谚语的踪影。



all work and no play make jack a dull boy什么意思?

all work and no play make jack a dull boy只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy出处是闪灵吗?还是更早就有了。。

all work and no play表示一个整体,表示“只工作不玩耍”这个状态,并不是所有加and的东西动词都用复数形式的……

“All work and no play make jack a dull boy” 是什么意思

All work and no play make jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。

institutional framework是什么意思

institutional framework [英]u02ccu026anstiu02c8tju:u0283u0259nu0259l u02c8freimwu0259:k [美]u02ccu026anstu026au02c8tuu0283u0259nu0259l u02c8fremu02ccwu025ak [法] 体制, 组织机构 [例句]First , quickly set up an interim political process that can channel popular demands while a more permanent institutional framework is under construction.首先,在建设一个更为永久的制度框架的同时,要迅速建立起一个能够传达民众要求的临时政治进程。

ip default-network和ip route默认路由的区别

指定默认路由(last resort gateway)的指令供有3种,可以分成两类:1、ip default-gateway当路由器上的ip routing无效时,使用它指定默认路由,用于RXBoot模式(no ip routing)下安装IOS等。或者关闭ip routing 让路由器当主机用,此时需要配置默认网关2、ip default-network和ip route两者都用于ip routing有效的路由器上,区别主要在于路由协议是否传播这条路由信息。比如:IGRP无法识别0.0.0.0,因此传播默认路由时必须用ip default-network。当用ip default-network指令设定多条默认路由时,administrative distance最短的成为最终的默认路由;如果有复数条路由distance值相等,那么在路由表(show ip route)中靠上的成为默认路由。同时使用ip default-network和ip route双方设定默认路由时,如果ip default-network设定的网络是直连(静态、且已知)的,那么它就成为默认路由;如果ip default-network指定的网络是由交换路由信息得来的,则ip route指定的表项成为默认路由。最后,如果使用多条ip route指令,则流量会自动在多条链路上负载均衡。via 51cto@xiong2127

Gateway of last resort is to network 什么意思


"Lang Lang is also the first chinene pianist solo in word all famous music hall "这句对吗?

你打错字了chinene 应为chinese朗朗是第一个走进世界著名音乐殿堂的中国独奏钢琴家

reach to 与arrive in 的区别 would like ,shall like ,will like 的区别

arrive in指到达一个较大的地点,比如一个国家、城市等,但如果到达一个较小的地点如车站等,就可以用reach to或者arrive at.would like=want是想要的意思,would like to do sth 表示想要干什么事,shall like 是喜欢的...



Hollywood Undead的《The Diary》 歌词

歌曲名:The Diary歌手:Hollywood Undead专辑:Swan SongsHollywood Undead - The Diarycus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homecus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homebut its hard when you stareinto the bottom of a bottlethat is empty and bareall my desolate soulin my desolate homeit"s my desolate roleyeah I"m here all aloneI can"t think of a reasoncurtains closed, lights are offAm I alive or dead?I haven"t shaved in a weekI always slur when I speaktolerance at its peakanother fit just to sleepoh woe is me woe is meI guess I need lovehoes ya see hoes ya seeI"m just in a rutand I swear I"m tryin baby pleaseBaby don"t leaveBut I guess that"s just meso I sit in my roomand I"ll cry in my bedthinkin about all the shitthat made me wrong in my headI keep tryin to climbbut it seems so steepand go back to sleep.... bitchcus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homecus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homeI watch my momma cryshe says "baby why?"I say "baby died,baby"s gone like a suicide"I don"t think you"ll see him soon, momstay out my room, momtell daddy that I hateI sing this shit for you, Danny, Sasha and Jordanthese tears keep gettin warmereverytime that I hold herI pour this out for youlike a partner in crimeit"s part of the timeswhen you"re sick in the mindyeah I"m sick, oh so sickI"m so sick of this shitYeah I"m lit, oh so litso I stumble aroundtil I stumble fall downto this puddle of my tearslayin here on the groundwhen you"ve got nothing leftyou"ve got nothing left to losewith my last left single breathI"ll still be singing to youso when you bury me manyou better bury me deepand sing along to this songbecause you"re broke And I"m Free???cus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homecus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homeAnd I wanna go back to the startback where we started fromand I know it"s been so longI was wrong, I was wrongI was wrong all alongAnd I wanna go back to the startback where we started fromand I know it"s been so longI was wrong, I was wrongI was wrong all alongcus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homecus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/55149315

一首英文歌,男歌手唱的,略忧伤,第一句是would you……,歌里有很多次would you…

stay with me

Austin mahone《dirty work》歌词(要求中英对照)谢谢

Rolling my sleeves up in here立刻卷起我的袖子Makeyou smile ear to ear让你开怀大笑GirlI been hitting that, hitting that graveyard shift小姐啊我一直在,一直在上夜班Youwon"t find another one built for this你不能找其他人代替我Dirtywork, ooh麻烦的工作,哦Dirtywork麻烦的工作BabyI don"t need your help亲爱的我需要你的帮助I"ddo it all by myself我自己可来不了GirlI been putting in, putting in overtime小姐我一直在,一直在上班Youain"t gotta tell me what"s on your mind你不要告诉我你在想什么Dirtywork, ooh麻烦的工作,哦Dirtywork麻烦的工作Causewhen you do what you love因为当你做你爱做的事情You"regonna love what you do你就会爱上你做的事情Youknow I do it with love你知道我爱干这事情Eachnight I do it for you每天晚上我工作都是为你It"sthe dirty work这麻烦的工作Somebodiesgotta do it总得要有人要搞定它Dirtywork麻烦的工作Sowe"re getting into it所以我们又投入到这(工作)中Dirtywork麻烦的工作Goand get your body moving来吧,让你的身体扭动起来Youknow it ain"t no nine tofive你知道这朝九晚五的工作We"regoing sundown to sunrise我们一直从黄昏干到黎明Dirtywork麻烦的工作Dirtywork麻烦的工作I"mfilthy down tothe core我真是肮脏到家了Leaveall your stress at the door帮你排解所有的压力Youknow you need to stop scrubbing withMr. Clean你知道你可以停止和Clean先生停止摩擦了Bringit right here, come next to me过来,到我身边来Dirtywork, ooh麻烦的工作哦Dirtywork麻烦的工作Causewhen you do what you love因为当你做你爱做的事情You"regonna love what you do你就会爱上你做的事情Youknow I do it with love你知道我爱干这事情Eachnight I do it for you每天晚上我工作都是为你It"sthe dirty work这种麻烦的工作Somebodiesgotta do it总要有人做它Dirtywork麻烦的工作Sowe"re getting into it所以我们投入到这(工作)中Dirtywork麻烦的工作Goand get your body moving来吧,让你的身体扭动起来Youknow it ain"t no nine to five你知道这朝九晚五的工作We"regoing sundown to sunrise我们一直干从黄昏到黎明Dirtywork麻烦的工作Dirtywork麻烦的工作Na,na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐Na,na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐Dirtywork麻烦的工作Na,na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐Na,na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐Na,na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐Na,na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐Dirtywork麻烦的工作Na,na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐Na,na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐Causewhen you do what you love因为当你做你爱做的事情You"regonna love what you do你就会爱上你做的事情Youknow I do it with love你知道我爱干这事情Everytime I"m with you每天晚上我工作都是为你It"sthe dirty work这种麻烦的工作Somebodiesgotta do it有人会做的Dirtywork麻烦的工作Sowe"re getting into it所以我们投入到这(工作)中Dirtywork麻烦的工作Goand get your body moving来吧,让你的身体扭动起来Youknow it ain"t no nine to five你知道这朝九晚五的工作We"regoing sundown to sunrise我们一直干从黄昏到黎明Dirtywork麻烦的工作

“how would I say mine eyes be blessed”出自哪里?

How would I say mine eyes be blessed made.该如何表达,何其幸运My looking on thee in the living day.明亮的双眼,能够在灿烂白昼中将你凝望Of all days are nights to see till I see thee.不能将你凝望,则生命沉入永夜The night days when dreams do showthee me.若在梦中出现,永夜就化为晴日Will you marry me?你愿意嫁给我吗?- - 刚看了小时代4,唔……我也特别喜欢这段话的,采纳哈。

will you marry me还是would you

Will you marry me?你会和我结婚吗?一般将来时态

为什么说my phone isnot working而不说cannot work

表示目前的状态,is working表示的是你目前的状态。

would you marry me

would用于庄重场合,表示有礼貌的请求或表示,语气婉转.如:   Would you marry me? 您嫁给我好吗?   Would you go with me? 您跟我一起走好吗?   Would you kindly show me the way to the station? 劳驾您, 请问到车站的路怎么走?   Would you help mewith this package? 劳驾您帮我搬一下这包裹好吗? 上述句子换成will就变成一种不加掩饰的请求,语气直率.   Will you marry me?你有没有意愿嫁给我?   Will you go with me? 愿意跟我一起走吗?   Will you show me the way to the station? 可不可以指给我到车站怎么走吗?   Will youhelp me with this package? 您愿意帮我搬一下这包裹吗? 说得通俗一些,would you … 等于汉语的“请您…”,will you 等于汉语的“请你…”.映帆所以说是文法错误,她是嫌方飞竹过于客气,意思是让他直截了当地向她求婚,没有必要如此拘于礼节.换句话说就是这种表示委婉的他的虚拟文法用错了地方,显得虚情假意.


"Female"和"women"都是英文中表示女性的词汇,它们的用法和含义有所不同。用法区别以下是“female”和“women”的具体区别:"Female"泛指女性“Female”是一个广义词,可指各种非生物和生物对象。例如,动物、植物、车辆等。例如:The female lion is taking care of her cubs. (雌狮正在照顾她的幼崽。)例如:This plant has both male and female flowers. (这种植物既有雄花又有雌花。)"Women"指成年女性"Women"只指成年女性或一群女性,通常指有社会地位和经济能力的女性。例如:My mother is a strong, independent woman. (我的母亲是一个强大独立的女人。)例如:The conference was attended by women from all over the world. (来自世界各地的女性参加了会议。)具体用法中英文举例以下是"female"和“women”各举三个例子来说明它们之间的具体区别:【"Female" 的例子】There is a female cat in my yard.(我的院子里有一只母猫。)This bird is female because it has a brownish color.(这只鸟是雌性的,因为它的颜色较褐色。)Our biology class will learn about male and female reproductive systems today.(我们的生物课程今天将学习雌雄生殖系统。)【“Women” 的例子】The women at my company are paid less than men for the same work.(我公司的女性比男性做同样的工作赚得更少。)The seven women on the hockey team are all talented athletes.(这个冰球队里的七个女性运动员都很有才华。)The conference aims to inspire women to pursue careers in science and technology.(这个会议旨在激励女性追求科技职业。)





my phone is not working中为什么working不可以是work?

work 要不然是动词词性 要不是名词词性我的电话不好用了 不工作了 肯定使用的是动词词性了呗那么句子中有be 动词 肯定是be +doing的语法点



一首英文歌女生轻唱的第一句好像是 oh baby ever。但不是《why wo

What"s It Gonna Be播放歌手:Samantha MumbaYou Know There Is No Need To Run No Need To Hide Cos Baby I"m not gonna fight No No Just me and you thats running hard I wanna know what you"re all about Baby Baby Baby What"s It Gonna Be Cos I"ll Show You You Show Me Oh Baby Oh Baby Could You Be My Destiny Cos I"ll Show You You Show Me You Saw Me Baby So If I walk up to ya now baby Face To Face Eye To Eye Would You Turn Your Back On Me Or Would You Stay Would You Stay Or Walk Away What"s It Gonna Be Cos I"ll Show You I Saw You You Show Me Oh Baby Oh Baby Oh Baby Baby Could You Be My Destiny Cos I"ll Show You I Saw You(You Show Me) You Saw Me Baby You Saw Me Baby What"s It Gonna Be Cos I"ll Saw You I Saw You(You Show Me) Oh Baby Oh Baby Oh Baby Baby Could You Be My Destiny Cos I"ll Show You You Show Me it"s All In Baby What"s It Gonna Be Cos I"ll Saw You I Saw You(You Show Me) Oh Baby Oh Baby Oh Baby Could You Be My Destiny My Destiny Cos I"ll Show You You Show Me It"s All In Baby

求大神翻译下啊 在线等 急she has a baby face. she has two big black eyes and a small

she has a baby face. she has two big black eyes and a small nose. Her hair is short and black. she likes red wears. she is often in red. she is a hardworking student and she is very kind to everyone. she enjoys studying english and she always helps others study english. who is she ?她有一个婴儿的脸。她有两个黑色的大眼睛和一个小鼻子。她的头发是短的和黑色的。她喜欢穿红色。她通常是红色的。她是一个勤劳的学生,她对每个人都很好。她喜欢学习英语,她总是帮助别人学习英语。她是谁?

寻有关WONDER GIRL的.馒头小公主-昭熙的资料

个人档案姓名:安昭熙   昵称:馒头(是先艺取,不是SJ成员希澈取的哦)、绒球(宣美取)、包子、丸子、饭饭、妞、大白兔、安昭东、安小孩、安绅士、馒酱、安昭粪=粪球(宣美取)  艺名:SO HEE   韩文写法:272161   队内职务:中高音  生日日期:1992年6月27日   身高/体重:165CM/43.5KG(还在长高中)  血型:AB型   爱好:网游、电玩、动漫、看书、音乐    安昭熙亲密朋友:Wonder Girls宣美  最喜欢的歌手:BoA、Bada、Kang Ta 最喜欢的颜色:粉红、白、黑  最喜欢的演员:韩佳人、金正勋 、Beyonce、Alicia keys、Rain、林贞熙  练习时间:两年零两个月   擅长外语:中文、英文、日文   性格特点:安静、可爱,内向  最常见表情:时常鼓起包子脸、精神游离(也就是所谓的发呆)   参演电影:《喜欢火热的》  韩国新人女组合Wonder Girls老幺,可爱的馒头少女。演员与歌手同时活动中,是具有潜力的实力少女。  出演电影:热情似火 (三个角色设定是:一个没日没夜工作的单身妈妈金美淑、年轻剧作家金敏熙、对爱情充满了好奇的思春期少女安昭熙,三个女人各自演绎着自己的爱情故事。安昭熙在海报中所展示的仿佛挑逗一般的表情,改变了以前作为偶像歌手在观众心中的活泼形象。)  所获奖项:最想一起看日出的歌手1位   女性选出的‘最佳BABY FACE "1位  "超级100流行音乐偶像"昭熙2位  最令人羡慕的身材2位  馒头还在上小学四年级的时候父母就离婚了,馒头爸爸带着她和她的姐姐一起生活.可是厄运不断,馒头爸爸经营的服装厂在他离婚不久也被迫倒闭.由于迫于生计,馒头爸爸只能靠骑摩托给别人送快递赚得得微薄收入来供养馒头和她的姐姐.
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