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how i wish you come play with me


how i wish to come with you !这类感叹句的具体用法是什么 ?就是how后面加陈述句么?谢谢@

我多么的希望(how i wish)跟你一起去/来(to come with you)

一首歌是男声,歌词大概有“i love you”"together""i need you""with me"

歌名I need you

How i wish I ---------with you when you were here last week. A.can be B.wereC.could be D.could have

D 对过去的虚拟则用过去完成时

how i wish to stay with you 是什么意思啊?


How I wish I could hold hands withyouforalifetime


I (yet) have some more important problems to deal with.yet 和still的区别

这里用yet么?我觉得yet一般用于否定句,not yet,表示还没有still仍然

1.She was so frightened that she stood ____ without saying a?

英语教师王太发言: 1.still强调的是吓得动不了了;而quietly强调的是不说话,可能是懒得开口,也可能是怕被别人发现,但不可能是被吓坏了. 2.seat 是一个及物动词,意思是:让某人就座,后接宾语;在这句话中,seating one of his clas *** ates beside him 的意思就是:让他的一个同学坐在了他的身边.根据句型find somebody doing something,我们可以认定A错了;而sit是不及物动词,后面不能接宾语,因此,C和D也错了.,8,1 B silently (沉默地)C表示安静的一般表示环境 2 D sitting 又因为found后只用do(表示发现了全过程)或doing(真正做的事) 翻译:我发现该名男童坐在他的一个同学他的旁边。 seat可以作名词 指座位 也可以作动词 表示坐 sit只能作动词 坐下我们既可以说 sit down,也可以说seat oneself ,1,一题涉及到的是一个固定词组 stand still站着不动,所以就不能选C了。 sit的意思比较多,不及物动词是坐;就坐的意思 及物动词是使就坐;就坐的意思 seat是名词意为座,座位还有就是所在地;活动中心的意思。具体用法我才疏学浅,也说不好。...,0,B指沉默地 C无此义项 sit是动词,seat是名词 用seat表示某人坐的时候指被安置在某处坐下,用被动语态,0,1.She was so frightened that she stood ____ without saying anything. A.still B.silently C.quietly D.quite 我想请问为什么不能选C 2.I found the boy ____ one of his clas *** ates beside him. A.seated B.seating C.sat D.sitting

《Tuesdays with Morrie》

这本书是作者(一位在世俗生活里如鱼得水的记者)和他尊敬的大学教授之间的故事。老教授在古稀之年患上了ALS(渐冻人病),在肉体一天一天被病魔夺去的过程里,用了14个星期二与他的这位记者学生展开最后一课之旅,他们在这课程中谈论人生中必须要面对的:世界、事业、金钱、爱、悔恨、孩子、老去、死亡和原谅等问题。 老教授的名字叫Morrie,面对着死亡,他从一个观察者的角度去观察死亡是什么,为他生命的最后时光带来了怎样的体验。他积极的人生态度影响着很多人,包括这位叫做Mitch的记者学生。Mitch曾经是Morri很喜爱的学生,毕业之后很多年都不曾与Morrie有过联系,沉溺于世俗成功的追求之中并做的风声水起。偶然的一天,他通过一个电视节目看到了生病的老师坦然地向世人展现他面对死亡的各种状态,开车去探望。从此便开始了他们14个周二的相约。在陪伴Morrie的这段时光里,作者内心对于人生的很多困惑被Morrie举重若轻地一一化解,作者也开始重新思考自己的人生,并一点一点做出改变。 如果说这是一大碗的心灵鸡汤,那么,这碗鸡汤是那么清淡又营养丰盛。我们每一位读者都可以与Mitch一起在每一个周二的课堂上聆听Morrie用生命的真实体验解答我们关于生命的各种疑问与困惑。温暖又感动。 以下文摘: Morrie had ALS( amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Lou Gehrig"s disease) and the doctor guessed he has two years left. Morrie deciced to study himself in his slow and patient dimise.Watch what happens to him. Learn with him. He was intent on proving that the word "dying" was not synonymous with "useless". He is a small man who takes small steps, as if a strong wind could, at any time, whisk him up into the clouds. In his graduation day robe, he looks like a cross between a biblical prophet and a Christmas elf. He has sparkling blue-green eyes, thinning silver hair that spills onto his forehead, big ears, a triangular nose, and tufts og graying eyebrows. Although his teeth are crooked and his lower ones are slanted back-as if someone had once punched them in- when he smiles it"s as if you"d just told him the first joke on earth. "The culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn"t work, don"t buy it." The1st Tuesday, we talk about world. The 2nd Tuesday, we talked about feeling sorry for yourself. The 3rd Tuesday, we talked about regrets: death、fear、aging、greed、marriage、family、society、forgiveness、a meaningful life The 4th Tuesday, we talked about death: You know what is death, you know how to live. The 5th Tuesday, we talked about family: love. Without love,we are birds with broken wings. There is no experience like having children. And there is no substitute for it. You cannot do it with a friend. You cannot do it with a lover. If you want the experience of having complete responsibility for another human being, and learn how to love and bond in the deepest way, then you should have children. The 6th Tuesday, we talked about emotions: The 7th Tuesday, we talked about fear of aging: As you know, you learn more If you stayed at 22,you"d always be as ignorant as you were at 22. Aging is not just decay, you know. It"s growth. It"s more than the negative that you"re going to die, it"s also the positive that you understand you"re going to die, and that you live a better because of it. The 8th Tuesday, we talked about fear of money: Do the kinds of things that come from the heart.When you do, you won"t be dissatisfied, you won"t be envious, you won"t be longing for somebody else"s things. On the contrary, you"ll be overwhelmed with what comes back. The 9thTuesday, we talked abouthow love goes on: The10thTuesday, we talked about marriage: The11thTuesday, we talked about our culture: Every society has its pwn problems, the way to do it, I think, isn"t to run away. You have to work at creating your own culture. The12thTuesday, we talked about forgiveness: Forgive yourself before you die, then forgive others. The13thTuesday, we talked about the perfect day: Death ends life, not a relationship. The14thTuesday, we say goodbye: Sometimes, when you"re losing someone,you hang on to whatever tradition you can.

Mr.Smith,together with his wife,_coming soon横线上应该填什么


求助sue for ,charge with,accuse of,的几个例句

The rebels were foced to sue for peace.反叛者被迫求和。The committee has been charged with the developnebt of sprot in the regin.委员会已经被赋予在该地区发展体育运动的职责。The room was charged with hatred.这个房间里充满了敌意。She accused him of lying.她指责他说谎。The government was accused of incompetence.政府被指责无能。其实,你翻一下字典就行。


you确实省略了,是为了使语言更美.例如I can not find a single person to play with.这里的with也不能省.你只要记住,把宾语补上后,中间需要介词就加,如果不加介词已经符合语法了,就不加.

with red in the face脸红要不要加wiwith

脸红的英文为:red face or face turning red, 不用加with. 如果加with, 意思就有点不同。with red in the face, 脸上有红色

no book _ me A to B with C for 选哪个?


lie with 和 lie in 的区别

都有躺下的意思。lie with 还有取决于的意思

withdrawal symptoms是什么意思


rice with vegetables是单数还是复数?

关键词(中心词)是rice, 所以,应该是单数。

Without you, I _______ the first prize in the speech contest. Thank you, John. A.can’t win .

D 试题分析:考查含蓄虚拟语气。句意:要是没有你,我就不可能做演讲比赛中得一等奖。谢谢你,John。根据信息词without可知隐含着虚拟,而且与过去的事实相反,故选D。



fall in love with a car like this英语

答案:afford 考查首字母填空.根据句意前面说我真的爱上了一辆这样的车,后面但我现在应该是买不起.所以用afford 负担得起,情态动词can后要用原形.

i m in love with my car中文歌词

机器的一个梦想这种清洁机与活塞交融 和枢纽螺丝所有一线当我holdin "你的车轮我所听到的是你的齿轮当我的手在您的黄油枪哦,它就像一种疾病的儿子我深爱我的车宝贝,觉得我的汽车充分掌握对我的孩子车手rollbar 这种兴奋的时候,你radials尖响告诉我的女孩我将要忘记她而就给我买一个新的化油器所以她取得了铁轨sayin " 这是结束,现在车不谈论回他们只是四个轮子的朋友,现在翻译工具翻译,不足之处请原谅~当我holdin你的车轮我所听到的是你的齿轮当我cruisin "的Overdrive 不用听,以不办的磨坊谈jive 我深爱我的车宝贝,觉得我的汽车我深爱我的车弦乐回手套,在我的automolove

flat buttons with shank服装是什么意思

flat buttons with shank带柄平面按钮重点词汇释义buttons纽扣; button的复数; 按钮( button的名词复数 ); 徽章; 没有价值的小东西; 扣住,系住( button的第三人称单数 ); 扣…的钮扣; 用钮扣扣上shank胫,小腿; 钥匙柄; 轮轴

I’M In Love With My Car 歌词

歌曲名:I"M In Love With My Car歌手:Queen专辑:歌剧院之夜Artist : QueenAlbum : A Night At The OperaTitle : I"m In Love With My CarWooh...The machine of a dream,such a clean machine.With the pistons a pumpin",and the hubcaps all gleam.When I"m holding your wheel,all I hear is your gear.When my hand"s on your grease gun,oh, it"s like a disease son.I"m in love with my car,string back gloves in my automolove !gotta feel for my automobile.Get a grip on my boy racer rollbar,such a thrill when your radials squeal.<Music>Told my girlI have to forget herrather buy me a new cartburettor.So she made trackssayin" ths is the end now.Cars don"t talk backthey"re just four wheeled friends now..................................<End>..........@@@@@When I"m cruisin" in overdrive,don"t have to listento no run of the mill talk jive.http://music.baidu.com/song/1535854

I M In Love With My Car (Live In Ukraine) 歌词

歌曲名:I M In Love With My Car (Live In Ukraine)歌手:Queen + Paul Rodgers专辑:Live In UkraineThe machine of a dreamSuch a clean machineWith the pistons a pumpin"And the hub caps all gleamWhen i"m holdin" your wheelAll i hear is your gearWhen my hand"s on your grease gunOh it"s like a disease sonI"m in love with my carGotta feel for my automobileGet a grip on my boy racer rollbarSuch a thrill when your radials squealTold my girl i"ll have to forget herRather buy me a new carburetorSo she made tracks sayin"This is the end now,Cars don"t talk backThey"re just four wheeled friends nowWhen i"m holdin your wheelAll i hear is your gearWhen i"m cruisin" in overdriveDon"t have to listen to no run of the mill talk jiveI"m in love with my carGotta feel for my automobileI"m in love with my carString back gloves in my automoloveIn Memories of Freddiehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2967407

Where did you go和Who did you go with为什么前者的go后不加介词,后者却又要加介


what does the often play with回答

What___do____they___do_____every day? They___do____their housework. ___Is_____the boy clever? Yes,___he is._____.He___does_____his homework by hinself. What___does____the cat often play with? It often__play___with a ball. How often___does____she brush her teeth? she_brushes___her teeth twice a day ___Is___the girl naughty? No,___she isn"t._____.she is helpful. _____Can_______birds fly?Yes,___they can___. ___Can___they swim?No,___they can"t____. ____Does_____Cindy read story books every week? No,____she dosn"t_____. ____Am_____I tall and beautiful? Yes,____you are____. What____do____Bill and you do at home? We often____make_____the bed.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不明白的请继续追问(*^__^*)

One More Time with Feeling 歌词

歌曲名:One More Time with Feeling歌手:Regina Spektor专辑:iTunes Live from SohoRegina Spektor - One More Time with Feelingyour stitches are all outbut your scars are healing wrongthe helium balloon inside your room has come undoneand it"s pushing up at the ceilingand the flickering lights it cannot get beyondeveryone takes turnsnow it"s yours to play the partand they"re sitting all around youholding copies of your chartand the misery inside their eyes issynchronised and reflecting it to yourshold onone more time with feelingtry it again, breathing"s just a rhythmsay it in your mind until you know that the words are rightthis is why we fightyou thought by now you"d beso much better than you areyou thought by now they"d seethat you have come so farand the pride inside their eyesis synchronised to a love you"ll never knowso much more than you can showhold onone more time with feelingtry it again, breathing"s just a rhythmsay it in your mind,until you know that the words are rightthis is why we fightthis is why we fighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/52268574

be proud with和of的区别

be proud to和be proud of的区别:1、"be proud with" 是以某人为荣,"be proud with" 后接人。2、"be proud of" 后接名词、代词等。3、"be proud to" 是自豪。"be proud to" 后接动原形。个人感觉2和3的辨析应该会更多一点。拓展资料be proud to1、I"ll be proud to have you read it. 你肯读它我会感到骄傲的。2、If I can not be proud to live, I choose death! 如果不能骄傲的活着,我选择死亡!3、So I"d like to be proud to tell my friends I have a very wonderful puppy. 所以我想非常骄傲地告诉我的朋友我有一个非常美妙的小狗。4、I would be proud to have you two as my sons. 有你们两个这样的儿子我会骄傲的。5、I"d be proud to have the Japanese be my neighbor and friend anytime. 任何时候,我会为有日本人做我的邻居和朋友而骄傲。be proud of1、That"s a beautiful piece of work. You should be proud of it. 那件作品非常漂亮,你应当为之自豪。2、Every right-thinking American would be proud of them. 每一个有正义感的美国人都会为他们感到自豪。3、The interior is planned with a precision the military would be proud of. 内部设计一丝不苟,足以让军方引以为豪。4、If I were you, I would be proud of him, too. 如果我是你,我也会为他自豪的。5、You have every reason to be proud of your country and nation. 你们有理由为自己的国家和民族感到骄傲和自豪。

《过关斩将》片尾曲:running away with you 是谁唱的?

《过关斩将》片尾曲名字不是running away with you 应该是 Restless heart ( John Parr 演唱),你听一听应该是这首!

MISS may, I am calling to( )my appointment with Mr.li. 1know2see3congirm4hear 该选哪个?

3 congirmcongirm应该是confirm(确认)。翻译:May小姐,我打电话来是确认我与李先生的约会。

who would you like to talk to if you broke up with your boyfriend or girlfriend? 要回答英语口语

I would talk to my dear friends.

the pretty girl_______is my good friend au3001 whom i had a talk with bu3001 which i had a talk with


英语作文I talk with my……

I talk with myself Actually,I was a shy (boy /girl).I don"t have so much cofidence , so i always talk with myself. untill one day i realized the importance of confidence. As we all know, "Failure is the mother of success." but i finally realize that "Success is the baby of confidence." First of all, confidence makes us happier in our life. Life is like a wonderful song, a bright and colorful painting. If confidence is with us in our life, we will find that life really becomes richer and more interesting. Then, confidence makes us brave and courageous. If we lack confidence in ourselves, how can we overcome difficulties we meet with? If we have no confideuce in ourselves, how can we succeed in developing ourselves in the future?Without confidence, nothing can be accomplished. That is to say, if you want to win, you have to believe in yourself. now.i use this sentence as my motto:"If you think you can, you can." so i stop talking with myself,it make me feel more confident!

he is afraid to talk with others的同义句

Linda is a _shy_______ girl.She is afraid to talk to others. 根据题意,玲达是个害羞的女孩,你很怕与人说话."shy"的意思是害羞的意思 2.句型转换 Molly is twelve years old.(同义句) Molly is __a_____ __twelve-year-old_______ __girl_______.(注意:是三个空,每空一词!)当词之间有连字符是,那便是一个adj(形容词)那么后面再加个+n(名词)---girl莫莉是一个12岁的女孩.

Even when i am with my boo 什么意思?


be with my boo什么意思


怎么用英语翻译Living and dealing with kids can be a tough job these days,but living and dealing wi

在这个时候,和孩子们生活在一起并处理他们的问题可能会很艰难。但是如果换成是父母就可能会更加困难。.假如在我16岁那年我学会了什么东西,就像那时交流、沟通很重要,尤其在和你相处时或者你不同意(我的)什么观点时。不管怎么样,你有必要让别人知道你是怎么感受的。如果你不会沟通,那么你的人际关系可能会被孤立。 当你对你的父母或其他人感到“要疯了”的时候,不对他们沟通解决不了任何事。沟通从关心另一方开始。这意味着,你不可能只是过着从家到学校,然后再回到家不和任何人说话的两点一线的生活。即使你只是说声“嗨”然后用5分钟看看他们他们的生活,这也比什么都不说好得多。如果你查字典,就会看到它的释义有“交换观点”、“传递信息”、“通信”、“交流的方式”、“一封信或一段落”。为了保持一个良好的人际关系,你必须加强沟通。让人们知道你的感觉,尽管只是用写个小字条开始的。 当处理和父母的问题时,你要经常不得不让他们感觉到做父母的感觉很好。如果你想让你的父母看到什么东西和你作一样的感想时,就要告诉他们你在听他们说的是什么,并且让他们也听听你说什么。大喊大叫或者走开只能让情况更糟。有个例子,一个晚上,苏菲和她的朋友去参加一个街道派队。她知道在放完烟花的午夜之后她必须回家。但是他们的朋友要她那个时间回家。那样会很不礼貌。毕竟,他们和苏菲都很要好。不用说了,她回家晚了。她的父母一开始很生气,但是当苏菲心平气和的解释她为什么晚了之后,他们便不在生气了,就让这件事儿过去了。沟通是这件事的关键。如果苏菲的父母没有一直听她解释,苏菲就会有很多麻烦。沟通不是唯一的方式。它有很多方式。要记住:如果你也陷入了像苏菲一样的麻烦,告诉别人你的感受,还有倾听也是沟通的关键。 楼主,翻译完了,还有疏漏,多多包涵。


I kill you with kindness意思是我用善意杀死你

i always sleep with gun when you gone

Shivaree的 Goodnight Moonhttp://tribe.booye.com/...b6-ee844f134737.mp3There"s a nail in the doorAnd there"s glass on the lawnTacks on the floorAnd the TV is onAnd I always sleep with my gunsWhen you"re goneThere"s a blade by the bedAnd a phone in my handA dog on the floorAnd some cash on the nightstandWhen I"m all alone the dreaming stopsAnd I just can"t standWhat should I do I"m just a little babyWhat if the lights go out and maybeAnd then the wind just starts to moanOutside the door he followed me homeWell goodnight moonI want the sunIf it"s not here soonI might be doneNo it won"t be too soon "til I sayGoodnight moonThere"s a shark in the poolAnd a witch in the treeA crazy old neighbour and he"s been watching meAnd there"s footsteps loud and strong coming down the hallSomething"s under the bedNow it"s out in the hedgeThere"s a big black crow sitting on my window ledgeAnd I hear something scratching through the wallOh what should I do I"m just a little babyWhat if the lights go out and maybeI just hate to be all aloneOutside the door he followed me homeNow goodnight moonI want the sunIf it"s not here soonI might be doneNo it won"t be too soon "til I sayGoodnight moonWell you"re up so highHow can you save meWhen the dark comes hereTonight to take me upThe mouth from wokeAnd into bed where it kisses my faceAnd eats my handOh what should I do I"m just a little babyWhat if the lights go out and maybeAnd then the wind just starts to moanOutside the door he followed me homeNow goodnight moonI want the sunIf it"s not here soonI might be doneNo it won"t be too soon "til I sayGoodnight moonNo it won"t be too soon "til I sayGoodnight moon


keep up with ...跟上;catch up with ...赶上;be fed up with...厌腻; come up with...提出; put up with...忍受; fill up with ...挤满了;speed up with...; end up with...结束; meet up with...偶遇;split up with...与.分手(断交); tie up with... 把…与…密切联系起来.等等.

含有up with的短语,比如come up with 这样的,越多越好,急!!!!

keep up with ...跟上;catch up with ...赶上;be fed up with...厌腻; come up with...提出; put up with...忍受; fill up with ...挤满了;speed up with...; end up with...结束; meet up with...偶遇;split up with...与.分手(断交); tie up with... 把…与…密切联系起来.build up ...with... 用...建造...



be happy with用法 及其例句是什么?

be happy with  与…在一起很高兴, 对……感到满意 例句: I"ll be happy with any job I"m assigned to. 把我安在哪儿都行. Be you happy with your salary? 你对你的工资满意吗? Your boss will not be happy with your performance if your work is always sloppy. 如果你的工作总是邋邋遢遢的,你的老板是不会喜欢你的表现的. 望采纳!祝开心!

be happy with 和 be happy to的区别?

be happy with (接名词) 是对...感到满足比如: She is happy with her grades. 她对自己的成绩感到满意 be happy to (接动词) 乐于做....比如: She is happy to be elected the team leader. 她很高兴被选为组长.

be happy with还是be happy for?

be happy with + sb/sth因为某人、某事高兴Be happy for sb/sth为了某人、某事高兴.about sb/sth 也是为了(关于)某人、某事的消息高兴be happy with 和...在一起很高兴be happy for为...感到高兴about后面接事情或物品(即sth),这里表示因某事物而高兴; with后面既可接人又可接物,用法更宽泛.下面是具体含义和例句:be happy about..1.为……感到高兴 2.因……而高兴 1.Always be happy about getting a treat.得到奖赏总会很开心.2.I can\"t be happy about the start of the season.对于赛季的开端,我无法满意.3.That"s something that Lakers fans should keep in mind and be happy about.湖人的球迷还是有一些事值得开心的.be happy with..1.与…在一起很高兴 2.对……感到满意 3.对某事高兴 1.To love is to be happy with.相爱就是幸福地在一起.2.I think you"ll be happy with it.我想你一定会满意的.3.Be happy with the things you have.为自己已拥有的而感到幸福.4.He won"t be happy with the result.5.Be happy with the life you create.热衷于你自己创造的生活.

be happy with/for/about各自什么意思,区别

be happy with + sb/sth因为某人、某事高兴Be happy for sb/sth为了某人、某事高兴.about sb/sth 也是为了(关于)某人、某事的消息高兴be happy with 和...在一起很高兴be happy for为...感到高兴

be happy with的用法?!

be happy with + sb/sth因为某人、某事高兴Be happy for sb/sth为了某人、某事高兴.about sb/sth 也是为了(关于)某人、某事的消息高兴be happy with 和...在一起很高兴be happy for为...感到高兴about后面接事情或物品(即sth),这里表示因某事物而高兴; with后面既可接人又可接物,用法更宽泛.下面是具体含义和例句:be happy about..1.为……感到高兴 2.因……而高兴 1.Always be happy about getting a treat.得到奖赏总会很开心.2.I can\"t be happy about the start of the season.对于赛季的开端,我无法满意.3.That"s something that Lakers fans should keep in mind and be happy about.湖人的球迷还是有一些事值得开心的.be happy with..1.与…在一起很高兴 2.对……感到满意 3.对某事高兴 1.To love is to be happy with.相爱就是幸福地在一起.2.I think you"ll be happy with it.我想你一定会满意的.3.Be happy with the things you have.为自己已拥有的而感到幸福.4.He won"t be happy with the result.5.Be happy with the life you create.热衷于你自己创造的生活.

"be happy with"是什么意思?

be happy with 快乐的,对 ... 感到满意; 对 ... 感到愉快Thus, just about everyone appears to be happy with Yi being in Milwaukee.因此,易在密尔沃基,每个人都该感到高兴。

Do you love me ?和Are you love with me ?的区别


be happy with造句?

be happy with  与…在一起很高兴,对……感到满意 例句:I"ll be happy with any job I"m assigned to.把我安在哪儿都行.Be you happy with your salary?Your boss will not be happy with your performance if your work is always sloppy.如果你的工作总是邋邋遢遢的,你的老板是不会喜欢你的表现的

be happy 后加各种介词的意思? be happy with/to/for 造个句子并翻译,

1是和谁一起很高兴 2是做什么事情很高兴 3是为了什么事物而高兴

draw up to 还是with?

Draw up to, 例子: Draw your chair up to the table. 把你的椅子拉到桌子上

The World Without Logos歌词翻译

没有理法的世界不要是凉爽的振动Revlofantasy告诉我愚弄脱口秀日子和雨每个演员的身份检定不要阻塞惊骇显示内部的变黑Jus suc ra ra 表示惊讶哦没有隐匿遗嘱不您购买谷显示拿我对说话的旋转想要没有 havea 韩圜干酪让层显示(没有需要 cha 已经有晚场秀吗)Diviphon de 让烦恼以星状物装饰Shooby dooby doo shooby dooby doo durulShooby dooby doo shooby dooby doo durul人面兽心者微笑到那绝对的Revoluflymachine调节蓝色的 GJus sekiran哦没有隐匿遗嘱不您购买谷显示拿我对说话的旋转想要没有 havea 韩圜干酪让层显示Diviphon de 让烦恼以星状物装饰Shooby dooby doo shooby dooby doo durulShooby dooby doo shooby dooby doo durul

assist in与assist with有啥区别?

assist in和assist with的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同1.assist in释义:帮助;协助;援助 。2.assist with释义:在某事上给予某人协助。二、用法不同1.assist in用法:assist in后面直接加名词。例句:To assist in planning and conducting nutritional surveys.协助策划和开展营养调查。2.assist with用法:assist with后直接加sth,assist和with中间加sb。例句:This application can assist with your count. 这个应用可以辅助您进行计数。三、侧重点不同1.assist in解析:主要表达正在进行中,还未完成。例句:Assist in the analysis and solution of operational problems. 协助分析和解决运行中的问题。2.assist with解析:主要是表述帮助某件事,重点是事件。例句:Select members from assist with security testing.从该团队选择最适合帮助进行安全性测试的成员。

assist with的意思是什么呢?

assist in和assist with的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同1.assist in释义:帮助;协助;援助 。2.assist with释义:在某事上给予某人协助。二、用法不同1.assist in用法:assist in后面直接加名词。例句:To assist in planning and conducting nutritional surveys.协助策划和开展营养调查。2.assist with用法:assist with后直接加sth,assist和with中间加sb。例句:This application can assist with your count. 这个应用可以辅助您进行计数。三、侧重点不同1.assist in解析:主要表达正在进行中,还未完成。例句:Assist in the analysis and solution of operational problems. 协助分析和解决运行中的问题。2.assist with解析:主要是表述帮助某件事,重点是事件。例句:Select members from assist with security testing.从该团队选择最适合帮助进行安全性测试的成员。

assist in和assist with的区别有哪些?

assist in和assist with的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同1.assist in释义:帮助;协助;援助 。2.assist with释义:在某事上给予某人协助。二、用法不同1.assist in用法:assist in后面直接加名词。例句:To assist in planning and conducting nutritional surveys.协助策划和开展营养调查。2.assist with用法:assist with后直接加sth,assist和with中间加sb。例句:This application can assist with your count. 这个应用可以辅助您进行计数。三、侧重点不同1.assist in解析:主要表达正在进行中,还未完成。例句:Assist in the analysis and solution of operational problems. 协助分析和解决运行中的问题。2.assist with解析:主要是表述帮助某件事,重点是事件。例句:Select members from assist with security testing.从该团队选择最适合帮助进行安全性测试的成员。

assist in还是assist with有什么区别

assist in和assist with的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同1.assist in释义:帮助;协助;援助 。2.assist with释义:在某事上给予某人协助。二、用法不同1.assist in用法:assist in后面直接加名词。例句:To assist in planning and conducting nutritional surveys.协助策划和开展营养调查。2.assist with用法:assist with后直接加sth,assist和with中间加sb。例句:This application can assist with your count. 这个应用可以辅助您进行计数。三、侧重点不同1.assist in解析:主要表达正在进行中,还未完成。例句:Assist in the analysis and solution of operational problems. 协助分析和解决运行中的问题。2.assist with解析:主要是表述帮助某件事,重点是事件。例句:Select members from assist with security testing.从该团队选择最适合帮助进行安全性测试的成员。

consume with的含义及用法

consume with <嫉妒、憎恨等> 充满<人>心He was ~d with envy [curiosity, ambition].他的心里充满了嫉妒 [好奇心,野心]

离开是leave for还是leave with

leave for动身去;动身去某地leave A for B离开A地去B地动身去某处;离开…去某地;奔赴:He will leave for Shanghai on the Friday.他星期五去上海.My brother has just left Sydney for a tour of the world.我哥哥刚离开悉尼去周游世界.

the taxi driver was charged with speeding这里为什么用with,怎么翻译

固定用法啊。charge sb with= accuse sb of指控某人

Natalie is too young to be left i the house witho


英语翻译用以下词组a couple of .keep in touch with . com

Keeping in touch with absent friends is never easy, especially for me. I have been away from the old neighborhood and the friends there for a couple of years. During these years, I have been trying to write to them. However it seemed that I could hardly find the time since there was something coming up from time to time. Now, as a result, I have lost contact with them. But they are always on my mind. I believe that I will try to keep up some kind of correspondence with them.

高二英语上册必修五知识点:Living with disease

【 #高二# 导语】直面高二的挑战,认清高二的自己,明确高二的目标,意义重大。因为,高二的这个岔路口,分出的是渐行渐远的两条路,指向的是人生意义上的两个截然相反的阶段性终端。 高二频道为正在奋斗的你整理了《高二英语上册必修五知识点:Living with disease》希望你喜欢! Ⅰ.Hot words and hot phrases常用词与常用词组 1.Medical studies show that AIDS virus cannot be transmitted via the following routes:cups,glasses,toilet seats,swimming pools,mosquitoes,other insects or blood donation.(P.49) 2.AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body"s immune system and leaves a person defenceless against infections and illness.(P.51) 3.People get AIDS after having been infected with the HIV virus.(P.51) 4.People transmit HIV by having unprotected sex,by receiving infected blood transfusions or,as in Xiaohua"s case,through birth.(P.51) 5.Xiaohua"s mother contracted the HIV virus when she was 28,and she died of AIDS only three years after Xiaohua was born.(P.51) 6.The disease is spreading faster in Africa and parts of Asia,mainly because of a lack of proper health care,prevention and education.(P.51) 7.The drugs that are available are much too expensive and difficult to find.(P.51) 8....but she does not let that knowledge discourage her.(P.51) 9.She also goes to visit other AIDS patients in hospitals across the country to support them and cheer them up.(P.51) 10.The disease is not the only thing that AIDS patients have to suffer from.(P.52) 11....that can persuade hospitals and companies to allocate more funds for AIDS research and education.(P.52) 12.Xiaohua has learnt to live with HIV and the fact she will eventually get AIDS.(P.52) 13.Two years ago,Dr Richards had asked me a great many questions and had taken samples of my blood.(P.55) 14.Mum held my hand and I saw that she was weeping.(P.55) 15.Cancer is a disease that begins in cells.(P.55) 16.In my body,the production of cells is disrupted.(P.55) 17.Doctors do know that cancer is not caused by injury and is not contagious—it does not spread from one person to another.(P.55) 18.The cancer in my body has been defeated for the moment.(P.55) 19.Living with cancer has made me realize how precious life is and how important it is for us to take every chance to live life to the fullest.(P.55) 20.Every day is a new opportunity and I have learnt to appreciate every minute of each day. Ⅱ.Language points and grammar focus语言点和语法重点 A.Language points语言点 1.HIV/AIDS is incurable...(P.49) AIDS is a disease that...leaves a person defenceless against infections and illness.(P.51) 本单元中由前缀或后缀派生出的反义词的小结 2.People get AIDS after having been infected with the HIV virus.(P.51) 完成时的动名词的被动式的内涵及用法 3.As with most diseases and disasters,the young suffer the most. “定冠词 + 形容词/过去分词”表示“一类人”的用法的小结 4.I had been feeling sick for a long time and my mum had taken me to hospital to have me examined.(P.55) 1)过去完成进行时的内涵及用法 2)“to have + 宾语 + 过去分词”的两个内涵及用法 5.The treatment was successful and I was able to go home after exactly fourteen months,two days and six hours in hospital.(P.55) was/were able to do与could do在内涵上的区别及各自的用法 6.I have been living with cancer for two years and...(P.55) 现在完成进行时的内涵及用法 Ⅲ.Skills of the four essential abilities:listening,speaking,reading and writing听、说、读、写四项基本能力的学习技巧 1.Listening:Master the main idea of a long dialogue through the inner connections among the questions so as to have better understanding of the questioned details 从各设问间的内在联系把握较长对话的中心思想,更好理解各检测点的细节 2.Speaking:Talk about deadly diseases and attitudes towards AIDS,cancer,etc. 关于那些致命疾病及对待艾滋病、癌症等的态度的谈论 3.Reading:Make full use of informational words and phrases 充分利用信息词 4.Writing:How to write a personal narrative 如何写一篇个人经历过的叙述性故事 【同步练习题】 Ⅰ.课文练习 1.根据句意及提示,在空白处填入适合语境且语法正确的单词。 1)We have a________(十多岁的,青少年的)son. 2)A doctor can"t cure his own________.(疾病) 3)Many sick people have been saved because of________.(输血) 4)The TV________(电视公司)provides educational programs. 5)They are________(专家),but his specialism is omniscience. 2.单项填空。 1)Talk about ________diseases and attitudes towards AIDS,cancer,etc. A.death B.dying C.dead D.deadly 2)Some people got ________this strange disease and they died within a few months. A.infected with B.infected to C.immune to D.immune with 3)I have been there ________times. A.a great deal of B.a good deal of C.a great many D.a large amount of 4)I remember ________you about it once. A.to tell B.telling C.told D.tell 5)The book ________on the floor for ten minutes but no one has picked it up. A.is lying B.has lain C.has been lying D.lay 3.语法重点练习。 用括号中动词的虚拟语气的正确形式填空。 1)If I________(be)you,I would wear the overcoat. 2)If you________(leave)earlier,you would have caught the train. 3)If you had taken her advice,you________(not fail). 4)I wish I________(know)several foreign languages. 5)It was a lovely day yesterday,I wish I________(go)for an outing. 6)I suggest that he________(report)the matter to the police. Ⅰ. 1.1)teenager 根据此句的上下文及提示,应填teenager。 2)illness 根据句意及提示,应填illness。 3)transfusion 根据句意及提示,应填名词transfusion。 4)network 根据句意及提示,应填network。 5)specialists 根据句意及提示,应填名词复数。 2.1)D 根据句意及这四个词的区别,应选deadly(致命的)。 2)A 根据句意及infect的用法,应选infected with。 3)C 根据句意及这四个词的用法,A、B选项修饰不可数名词,D选项也修饰不可数名词,只有C选项修饰可数名词。 4)B 根据句意及remember to do sth.及remember doing sth.的用法,应选B。 5)C 此句应用现在完成进行时。 3.1)were 请查看Grammar focus部分(1)。 2)had left 请查看Grammar focus部分(1)。 3)would not have failed.请查看Grammar focus部分(1)。 4)knew 请查看Grammar focus部分(5)。 5)had gone 请查看Grammar focus部分(5)。 6)(should)report 请查看Grammar focus部分(6)。

with danger 与in danger有什么区别

in danger是”处在危险中的(本身没有危险)”She is in danger,for she know not nearly what to do next.由于一点也不知道下一步该做什么,她处在危险之中with danger 危险的Fraught With Extreme Danger 充满极度危险With a danger like fire 似火的危险buoy with isolated danger marks 孤立危险物浮标I am trying to bribe you, with uncertainty, with danger, with defeat.Although many superstitions associate sneezing with danger or even death,sneezing is just a natural reflex, much like itching and tearing. 虽然许多有关危险与死亡的迷信说法都与打喷嚏挂钩,但是打喷嚏仅仅是一种自然反应,就像痒和流泪一样。

高中英语词汇:高二上学期词汇解析Unit7 Living with disease

《高二上学期词汇解析Unit7 Living with disease》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com。本内容整理时间为06月03日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 摘要: Words and expressions live with to put up with; learn to accept忍受;顺应 I disliked the situation but had to live with it. 我不喜欢这种状态但必须忍受它。 deadly adj. likely to kill people or anim 乐加乐星级老师 乐加乐星级英语老师是通过层层筛选出来的,教学经验丰富,风格各有不同,点击进入课堂……[详细] 2011年北京市城六区高考英语一模试题 2011年高考英语考点大预测 | 高考英语复习四要素 谈初中英语与高中英语衔接 | 吕腾飞老师答疑专贴 高中英语应该怎么学 | 高考英语答题策略与技巧 Words and expressions live with to put up with; learn to accept忍受;顺应 I disliked the situation but had to live with it. 我不喜欢这种状态但必须忍受它。 deadly adj. likely to kill people or animals 致命的 Cancer is a deadly disease. 癌是一种致命的疾病。 imaginary adj. not real,only in the mind不真实的;想象中的;虚构的 It isn"t real--it"s only imaginary. 那不是真的,那只不过是想象出来的罢了。 narrative n. story or tale; orderly account of events 叙述;讲述 My narrative ends. 我的叙述结束了。 adj. in the form of narrative叙述的;叙述体的 He is a writer of great narrative power. 他是个叙述手法高超的作家。 quiz n.[c] game where you try to answer questions问答比赛;知识测验 I"m going to have a physics quiz tomorrow. 明天我们将进行物理测验。 false adj. wrong, not true, lying假的;不真实的;错误的 The thief gave a false name to the police. 小偷给警察报了个假名字。 infect vt. give a disease to someone 传染;感染 My brother has infected me with a bad cold. 我哥哥把重感冒传染给我。 infection n. illness传染病;感染 The mosquito communicates infection. 蚊子传染病菌。 inject vt. put medicine, etc, into the body with a special needle 注射 He injected my arm with penicillin. 他给我的手臂注射盘尼西林。 virus n.[c] 病毒 a virus disease 病毒引起的疾病 transmit vt. send over; pass through, pass on传送;传播 The news will be transmitted by radio. 这消息将由电台播送。 via prep. by way of 经由 He flew to Europe via the North Pole. 他经由北极飞到欧洲。 prep. by means of凭借 The Olympics were telecast live via satellite. 奥运比赛经由人造卫星做实况转播。 route n.[c] a way to go; a road or course to travel from one place to another路;路线 Which route did you choose? 你挑选了哪条路? blood n.[u] red liquid flowing through the body血;血液 Blood was trickling from his mouth. 鲜血从他嘴里一滴一滴地流出来。 n.[u] family; birth; descent 血统 They"re near in blood. 他们血统相近。 prevention n. 预防;阻止 Prevention of disease is very important. 预防疾病是很重要的。 persuade vt. make someone believe or do something by talking to him说服;劝导; I have persuaded him to give up smoking. 我已说服了他戒烟。 heroin n. 海洛因 immune adj. [对传染病、病毒等] 免疫的;有免疫 (性) 的[to, from] be immune to [from] smallpox 对天花有免疫力的 defenseless adj. 无防备的;不设防的 a defenseless city 不设防的城市 illness n. the state of being ill; disease病;疾病 He is suffering from a serious illness. 他身患重病。 treatment n. way of curing an illness; doctor"s care 疗法;治疗 She is now under(medical) treatment. 她现在正在治疗中。 n. way you behave towards someone or something 对待;处理 We received good treatment. 我们受到很好的款待。 unprotected adj. 无保护的;无防卫的 sex n. the difference between male and female 性;性别 Write down your name, age and sex. 把你的姓名、年龄和性别写下来。 adj. 性的;与性有关的 transfusion n. 输血;输液 (a) blood transfusion 输血 contract vt. 染上(疾病、习惯等) vi. to make a contract缔结(合同) He has contracted for the building of the house of 20,000 dollars. 他以二万元承揽建造这幢房子。 die of stop living because of something因u2026致死;病(饿、冻)死 In old days, my father died of hunger and cold. 在旧社会,我父亲死于饥寒交迫。 lack n. not be enough 缺乏;不足 He cannot do the work for lack of skill. 由于缺乏技术,他不能做这项工作。 v. not have something important or necessary 缺乏;欠缺 We lacked both time and money. 我们缺少时间和金钱。 proper adj. right, correct恰当的;合适的 It must be done in the proper way. 这件事必须以恰当的方式来做。 available adj. ready for use or service可用的;有效的 They have tried all available means to open the door. 他们曾试用所有有用的方法来开这门。 discourage vt. make someone lose hope 使失去信心;使泄气 Though the village was hit by a big flood the villagers were not discouraged. 村子虽然遭了严重水灾,可是村民们并不气馁。 cheer v. shout to show that you are pleased欢呼;喝采 The crowds cheered as the old man ran to the finish. 老人跑到终点,人群欢呼起来。 v. make someone happy使高兴;使快慰 He was encouragingly cheered by the crowd. 人群向他发出令人鼓舞的欢呼。 n.[c] 欢呼;喝采 The curtain went up amid cheers. 幕在欢呼声中升起。 cheer (...) up become more cheerful 高兴起来;振作起来 Every one of us cheered up at the news that the experiment had proved a complete success. 一听到实验完全成功的消息,我们大家都高兴起来。 become happy; make someone happy 高兴;使振奋 I tried to cheer her up by telling her the news. 我把这消息告诉了她,想使她高兴起来。 suffer from v. experience something painful, unpleasant, sorrow or grief遭受(痛苦、不幸、疾病等) He is suffering from toothache. 他牙正痛。 network n. a netting or net; any system of lines that cross 网;网状系统 specialist n.[c] expert; someone who knows a lot about something专家 n.[c] doctor who knows a lot about one part of the body or one sort of disease专科医生 curable adj. 可医治的;医得好的 meaningful adj. 富有意义的;意味深长的 a meaningful glance 意味深长的一瞥 defensive adj. protecting; defending 保卫的;防御的 They were on the defensive. 他们采取守势。 fierce adj. strong and dangerous 激烈的; 凶猛的 There was some fierce fighting. 发生了激烈的战斗。 invisible adj. that cannot be seen看不见的 Wind is invisible. 风是看不见的。 stranger n. someone whom one does not know 陌生人;新来者 They never talk to strangers. 他们从不跟生人谈话。 diagnose vt. to discover the nature of (a disease) 诊断 The doctor diagnosed my illness as smallpox. 医生诊断我的病为天花。 sample n.[c] small piece that shows what the rest is like; one example of a group of things 样品;范例 The salesman showed some samples of dress material. 店员展示一些布料样品。 cell n. a very small division of a living matter 细胞 All animals and plants are made up of cells. 一切动植物都是由细胞构成的。 n. 小房间;单人牢房 disrupt vt. 扰乱;破坏 contagious adj. 传染的;感染的 radiation n.[c] something radiated; the energy thus sent out in the form of waves or particles放射物;辐射线 A metal called uranium gave off a kind of radiation. 一种叫铀的金属会发出一种射线。 n.[u] the act or process of radiating; esp. the sending out of radiant energy, as from radio-active substances辐射 the radiation of heat from a stove 热量从火炉放出 strength n. the quality of being strong in body or mind 体力;精力 The little boy hasn"t the strength to lift that heavy box. 这小男孩没有那么大力气把那个很重的箱子提起来。 recover v. become well, happy, etc. again恢复;复原 I hope you will soon recover. 希望你早日康复。 fighter n. a person that fights a person that is able or eager to fight战士;斗争者 The two fighters will meet next week for the boxing championship. 那两位拳击运动员将在一周进行比赛争夺冠军。 contrary adj. opposed; opposite 相反的 He has a contrary opinion (idea, etc.) 他有一个相反的看法(想法)。 on the contrary strong words to show that the opposite is true正相反;恰恰相反 "You look ill, Ben." "On the contrary, I feel fine!" "本,你看上去好像病了。" "恰恰相反,我感觉非常好!" for the moment 暂时;目前 free from not having something 没有u2026的;不受u2026u2026的影响 You are free from care. 你无忧无虑。 category n.[c]分类;种类;部门 They were put into two categories. 他们被分成两个部门。 课程名称 课时 课程价格 视频解读 在线选课 暑期班高中一年级英语十次课学完高一上(尖子) 10 1670 暑期班高中二年级英语目标清华北大班 10 1670 暑期班高中三年级英语尖子班 10 1670 暑期班高中组英语词汇4000特训班 10 1120 暑期班高中组英语高考语法特训班 10 1120 咨询电话: 010-82618899 《高二上学期词汇解析Unit7 Living with disease》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com

prefer……to 和prefer……with

prefer a to b我宁愿A也不愿Bprefer A with B喜欢和B做A事

Running With The Night 歌词

歌曲名:Running With The Night歌手:Lionel Richie专辑:Lionel Richie - The Definitive CollectionLionel RichieRunning With the NightThe heart of the city street was beatingLights from the neonsTurned the dark to dayWe were too hot to think of sleepingWe had to get outBefore the magic got awayWe were running with the nightPlaying in the shadowsJust you and ITill the morning light(We were running) oh, ohRunning with the nightYou were looking so good girlHeads were turningYou and me on the townOoh, we let it all hang outThe fire was in us, we were runningWe were gonna go all the wayAnd we never had a doubtWe were running with the nightPlaying in the shadowsJust you and ITill the morning lightRunning with the nightWe were so in love you and meOn the boulevard wild and freeGiving all we got, we laid it downTaking every shot, we took the townWe were running with the nightPlaying in the shadowsJust you and IGirl, it was so rightGirl, it was so right.http://music.baidu.com/song/10297791

she is a short and beautifui girl_glass,横线上为什么是with,不填wears?

如果用wear的话应如下she is a short and beautifui girl,she is wearing a pair of glasses

英语问题of, for,to,with的用法

of相当于汉语“...的” a box of pencils. 一盒子的铅笔。for相当于汉语的“为了” I will wait for you. 我会为你等待。with相当于汉语的“..和” Please stay with me.请和我在一起。 -----------1.be动 词 原 形 be=are You seem happy that you are back from your trip. 2. be+过 去 分 词= 被 动 式 They will be questioned. 3. be+stative verb(adj.)=祈 使 语 气:是、要 、变 成 Be quiet. Be nice. Be gentle.------------TO的用法就比较大量了。。。一:表示相对,针对 be strange (common, new, familiar, peculiar, distinct, sensitive, immune, vulnerable, indispensable) to Air is indispensable to life. Aircrafts are vulnerable to interference caused by radiation. This injection will make you immune to infection. 二:表示对比,比较 1:以-ior结尾的形容词,后接介词to表示比较,如:superior ,inferior,prior,senior,junior The quarrel happened prior to my arrival. 2: 一些本身就含有比较或比拟意思的形容词,如equal,similar,equivalent,analogous A is similar to B in many ways. 3:表示一些先后顺序的形容词,如:second,subsequent,next,preliminary,preparatory Subsequent to the war,they returned to their hometown. 4: to也偶尔出现在个别动词之后,与动词形成固定词组,表示比较,如:prefer to,compare to,in contrast to compare to sth.表示比喻或比拟,而compare with sth.表示比较,如: World is usually compared to a stage Compared with his past,he has changed a lot. Prefer的正确句型是:prefer A to B或prefer doing A to doing B,但当prefer后接动词不定式时,表示比较的介 词to就要改成rather than ,如: The undaunted soldier preferred death to surrender. Many people prefer spending money to earning money. They prefer to pursue careers rather than remain home as house wives. 5: to与及个别的名词构成比较之意,如:alternative Going to an under water concert is a great alternative to going to dinner. 三: 表示修饰关系 1: 表示回复,反应意思的词,如:answer to question, solution to problem,response to inquiry,reaction to proposal,reply to letter 2: 表示建筑构件的词汇,如: entry,entrance,approach,access,passage,exit,vent,path the approach to a bridge引桥 the approach to science Half of the population was estimated to have no access to the health service. The access to education 接受教育的机会 The access to medical care 享受公费医疗的权利 3: 表示人物职位和官衔的词,如:assistant to manager, ambassador to Spain, successor to tradition, heir to throne,deputy to the National People"s Congress advisor to the Prime Minister 4: 表示权利和许可的词汇,如:right,admission The employee finally got the admission to the boardroom. Everyone has an equal right to …….. 5: 表示栅栏或障碍的词汇,如:bars to development,the barrier to progress 6: 表示与书籍,文本相关的词,如:introduction to passage. 7: 表示恭喜或是祝贺,如: The director proposed a toast to the health of the guests. Let"s drink to Dick"s success in business 8: 另外还有一些名词符合这种用法,有的具有两者息息相关,缺一不可的含义.如:key to door,invitation to party, guide to action,limitation to life,accessory to school 四: to还具有依据,伴随,和着节奏的含义,如:sing to piano, chance to the tune, stamp to the rhythm of the song, add salt to taste (一):表示相关联,相连接,如:be related to,be relative to,in relation to,be relevant to,link to Investigate all the facts related to the problem. People often linked walth to happiness. (二):表示反对和赞同。 1:to引导的表示反对,抗拒,对抗意义的词组。Be opposed to,be oppsist to,be contrary to,be adverse to,be resistant to,be contradictory to,object to,oppose to,deny tp,be aline to These buildings are resistant to earthquake. They are to tally opposed to any changes being made in the plans. 2: to引导的表示同意,赞同意义的词组:consent to,subseribe to, The employer consented to give him a salary raise. 表示调整,使符合,使适应的含义,如:adapt to,commodate to, adjust to,conform to,habituate to,fit to,suit to,correspond to,cater to She tried to habituate herself to the style of plain living. Your action should conform to the interests of the people. They offered various foods to cater to the need of customers. His words doesn"t fit to his actions. Suit your writing style to the masses. 3: 表示投降,屈服,服从的含义,如:be subject to,be subordinate to,submit to,subject to,surrender to,give in to,confess to,admit to. The minority is subordinate to the majority少数服从多数 Countries nearby oceans are always subject to earthquake. He confessed to having robbed the woman of her wallet. We"re not the kind of people to yield to any military threat. 五: 表示趋势或倾向,如:tend to,be prone to,be inclined to,be apt to,be liable to He"s liable to seasickness. You are liable to come to wrong conclusion. 六: 表示对事情的坚持与执着,如:sick to,hold o,adhere to,cling to He still holds on to his original views. 七: 表示约束,局限,如:limit to,confine to,resrict to He"s confined to the house by illness. He confined his remarks to scientific mangement. 八: 表示一种习惯或是一种适应性,如:get (be) to,used to,be accustomed to Finally,the students got used to my teaching method. 九: 表示起因和原由,如:owing to,due to,thanks to,attribute to,come down to The flight was cancelled due to the thick fog. The famous artist attributed his success to his wife. 十: 表示目的或结果,如:aim to,lead to,give rise to I aim to be an excellent college teacher. His conceit lead to his failure. These bad condition has given rise to a lot of crises 十一: 表示命运,注定,如:be doomed to,be destined to, All military adventures by the two super powers are doomed to fail. 十二: 表示数量上的积累或增加,如:in addition to,add to,amount to In addition to relief supplies,he also presented with some money. The annual output of steel amounts to 1200 tons. 十三: 表示全身心投入的含义,如:be addicted to,contribute to,devote to,commit to He is determined to devote all his life to his. 十四: 表示展望或是回顾,如:look forward to反date back to The church dates back to the 13th century. 十五: 表示方位概念.如:close to,next to I don"t like wool next to my skin. 十六: 表示依靠或借助,如:resort to,turn to,appeal to, He usually appeals to arms to settle the territory dispute. 十七: 表示有关注,关于: as to,with regard to 十八: 表示关注或重视,如:pay attention to,attach to, We should attach primary importance to job training. 十九: 表示依据或是根据,如:according to,in proportion to According to today"s newspaper,the match will be postponed. The lending countries subscribe towards capital stock in proportion to heir economic importance. 二十: 表示应该或必须含义的句式, 如: It"s time to get up. We are supposed to get here at seven. It"s up to this country to ban nuclear weapons.

at hand, by hand, in hand, on hand, to hand ,with hand 分别是什么意思?

at hand基本翻译adv. 在手边;即将到来by hand基本翻译by hand:用手工 | 用手 | 手工on hand基本翻译在手边;在场;即将发生to hand基本翻译收到;在手头;占有with hand 用手

以love without bounder为题的英语作文

Love Without Bounds At 2:28 p.m., May 12th, 2008, a severe earthquake with a magnitude of 8.0 on the Richter scale struck Wenchuan, an area of Sichuan, leaving the place with ruins everywhere. As an immediate result of that, around 69,000 people died, with another 18,000 missing, over 370,000 injured, and 5,000,000 survivors homeless. Accompanying the arrival of disaster was a sheer paralysis of electricity, water works, telecommunications and transportation. Usually accessible to tourism for its scenic beauty, the area was now completely secluded from the outside world. (Problem) Faced with such a devastating disaster, the Chinese Communists held China together with their role models, and called upon the whole nation to go in for relief work. PLA men responded to the call in no time. Army troops raced against the clock to the rescue of the victims buried in ruins, no matter how difficult the epicenter was of access; the engineering troops rushed to repair the ruined highways, ignoring the fact that they were at high risk of their lives amid aftershocks; and the air forces landed from the air despite poor visibility, and dropped relief supplies for the victims. Besides, medical workers from different parts of the country and the world flocked to the epicenter in good time to offer first aid to the injured and the sick. Unable to go there in person, most of us were in charge of rear services, for which some made tents, medicine, food, etc. day and night, and every one of us vied with one another to donate money and blood. In fact, effecting the rescue of the victims who remain as firm and appreciate our efforts as much as those in Sichuan do has refined our love more than anything else ever could have. (Response) With the disaster relief drive being in full swing and with the live reports on it dominating the headlines of all mass media, we were reminded that sweeping across the entire China was an ever-greater flow of love that could get our nation through whatever life could present. There would be no bounds to what such love could accomplish. (Reprint)

go hand in hand with是什么意思及发音


in+名词 with+名词 to+名词可以表示副词


enclosed with the letter is a cd of masterpieces


go hand in hand with是什么意思


____with any common sense can tell the difference betweenthe two答案是什么


merry force be with me是什么意思?

merry force be with me希望原力与我同在————————————————希望采纳,你的支持是我们的动力!

with any common sense can tell

whoever是“无论谁”,引导主语从句,有时也引导宾语从句,类似的有“which”与“whichever” whoever (pron).谁 连接代词,引导名词性从句(=anybody that) Whoever comes will be welcome.谁来都欢迎. Give it to whoever you like.你喜欢给谁就给谁. anyone=anybody

I wil come to straight point ru in love with me这句

句子后半段对吗?是不是I will come to straight point that you ran in love with me.我就直说了吧,你爱上我了。

With my money___,I went back home.

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