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One More Time with Feeling 歌词

2023-07-25 15:43:33
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歌曲名:One More Time with Feeling
歌手:Regina Spektor
专辑:iTunes Live from Soho

Regina Spektor - One More Time with Feeling
your stitches are all out
but your scars are healing wrong
the helium balloon inside your room has come undone
and it"s pushing up at the ceiling
and the flickering lights it cannot get beyond
everyone takes turns
now it"s yours to play the part
and they"re sitting all around you
holding copies of your chart
and the misery inside their eyes is
synchronised and reflecting it to yours
hold on
one more time with feeling
try it again, breathing"s just a rhythm
say it in your mind until you know that the words are right
this is why we fight
you thought by now you"d be
so much better than you are
you thought by now they"d see
that you have come so far
and the pride inside their eyes
is synchronised to a love you"ll never know
so much more than you can show
hold on
one more time with feeling
try it again, breathing"s just a rhythm
say it in your mind,
until you know that the words are right
this is why we fight
this is why we fight



one more try什么意思

one more try再试一次双语对照词典结果:百科释义张力尹——One More Try张力尹首张个人专辑《星愿》 专辑名称:星愿 (I Will) 唱片公司:SM Entertainment 歌手姓名:张力尹 发行日期:2008年03月03日 专辑语言:国语 专辑曲目 01. INTRO (初恋) 02. 初恋 03. A FLAME FOR YOU 04. 星愿 (I WILL) 05. 幸福的左岸 06. 后 07. 交错的爱 08. 相信爱 09. 纯真的爱 10. ONE MORE TRY 11. Y (WHY...) 12. TIMELESS张力尹——歌手介绍张力尹(uc7a5ub9acuc778 ,Jang Riin),1989年2月28日出生于中国成都…例句:1.Face-to-face conversation one more try? 一次面对面的谈话吗?
2023-07-25 04:11:543


2023-07-25 04:12:0312

找一首歌~高潮部分貌似歌词是“baby baby one more try”

2023-07-25 04:12:274

One More Try 歌词

歌曲名:One More Try歌手:911专辑:The JourneyOne More Try LyricsHeart of the night, in silent skiesI watched the rain fall in the streetlightI"m hypnotized by your sweet smileClear as a picture in my mind"s eyeI"d do anything to have you hereDo everything to dry your tearsBaby, baby, won"t you understandCan you forgive me for the love I let slip through my hands?Baby, we"re worth one more try (can"t you see)Deep inside my soul is dyingOnly you can breathe new lifeBaby, we"re worth one more tryI can"t deny a thousand timesI left you all alone like a lost childI"d sacrifice to rectifyTo heal the hurt that I still see in your eyesI"d do anything to have you hereDo everything to dry your tearsBaby, baby, won"t you understandCan you forgive me for the love I let slip through my hands?Baby, we"re worth one more try (can"t you see)Deep inside my soul is dyingOnly you can breathe new lifeBaby, we"re worth one more tryThe carnival carousel on Freemond Street, where we would meetThose days just seem so out of reachI still hear your voice as I got to sleep, still haunting meYou hold the key to set me free; can"t you seeBaby, we"re worth one more try (can"t you see)Deep inside my soul is dyingOnly you can breathe new lifeBaby, we"re worth one more tryBaby, won"t you listen to meBaby, we"re worth one more try(Can"t you see) Deep inside my soul is dyingOnly you can breathe new lifeBaby, we"re worth one more tryOnly you can breathe new lifeBaby, we"re worth one more try...try...try
2023-07-25 04:12:341

one more try 的翻译

2023-07-25 04:12:414

为什么不是have one more try ,而是have another try

one more try意思是再试一次,another try意思是尝试另外一种方法
2023-07-25 04:12:572

谁能给我masterbeat唱的one more try的正确歌词,我上300满分!

这个貌似连歌手简介度娘都没收录,我是偶尔在路上听到的,找了一个多月才找到。听了20多个版本的“one more try”10多个版本的“one more time”。终于找着了,我都哭了,这么好听朗朗上口旋律的一首歌竟然连歌手的介绍都没有。虾米还算有点良心,给出了专辑封面而已,其他什么都没有。度娘不知道在干什么
2023-07-25 04:13:042

求one more try的歌词

2023-07-25 04:13:222

lady lady one more try 什么意思?

2023-07-25 04:13:313


2023-07-25 04:13:394

韩国的一个许多女的唱的一首歌,歌词有一句“ONE MORE TIME , ONE MORE TRY",这是什么歌?

one more time-jewelry 韩国的一个女子组合
2023-07-25 04:13:472

One More Try的《夜色》专辑简介

看最美的夜色 听最真的情歌  亚洲情歌王子 张信哲  96年首张英文大碟  夜凉如水  寂寞 躲在夜色背后  你我之间 宛如星辰  看似咫尺 其实天涯  寂寞的影子 要用光年来计算  要多久才能等到那一场相遇  你的白天 我的黑夜  泪水化成了星光  今夜有歌 夜色如画  心海 在日落之后开始起伏  爱恨 在夜色中蒸发与沉淀  等待的人不在寂寞  梦想 又重新开始盼望。  张信哲知道夜是多变的,颜色也是多变的……  失恋的人说,夜晚是黑色的。  你走的那天,星星和月亮也变成黑色的,  没有你,所有的美丽都消失不见。 The Black Night!  在月亮的见证下,我们许下爱的承诺,  因为月光,夜晚变成了闪烁动人的金黄色。 The Yellow Night!  爱情有没有界限?有没有对错?  我们的黎明何时会来?  今夜的气氛仍然是不明的靛色。 The Of The Night  你最喜欢绿色,绿色的地球,雨林和POLO衫。  你送我的仙人掌还在窗台上,但雨林已缺席好久了,  今晚的夜色似乎特别的绿。 The Green Night!  没有你的心情,像下雪的冬季。  夜晚是白色的,生活是空白的,  而我所能做的只有祈祷。 The White Night!  热恋中的人说,夜晚是最棒的约会时段,  适合烛光晚餐和贴面舞,心情有点微醺,  夜色像玫瑰般的火红。 The Red Night!  初恋,是生命中最美丽的第一次接触,  夜晚充满了浪漫,仿佛穿上水蓝色的糖衣。 The Bright Blue Night!  我走的时候,你穿着橘色的毛衣来说再见。  从此之后,我的夜晚常常做着相同的梦,  橘色的笑脸。 The Orange Night!  即使是代表永恒的北极星,也有被乌云遮掩的时候。  今夜的心情有些忧郁,像染上一层深深的蓝。 The Blue Night!  这是一见钟情?还是一次激情?  也许是雾太浓,让我们都看不清楚,  夜是一片迷蒙的灰色。 The Gray Night!  阿哲最出色的一张英文专辑,在英文的读音里也包含了阿哲纯净的嗓音,也许这就是阿哲成熟的标志吧。早在1995年年底,张信哲就有意愿搞一张最好的英文专辑,作为英文专辑的封笔之作。之所以要封笔,原因很简单:赚不了多少钱。  很现实是吧,换了你你也得这么想,没收益的话,唱片公司不会那么无私拨钱给你的。  他还想再推一张,完全是不想留下遗憾。这次的英文专辑,张信哲非常用心。他在公司上下到处寻人,看谁能帮他共同完成。  找了半天,他发现一个小伙子,这小子玩儿R&B很专业。一问,刚从美国回来,想在百代混口饭吃。  张信哲两眼放绿光,仿佛看到了西施。小伙子被他看的不自在,心想怎么这么看着我,难道。。。。半晌,小伙子说:我听过你的专辑啦,情歌王子是吧?哈哈,我知道你的。  张信哲开门见山:有没有兴趣和我一起搞一张英文片子?你不是想混口饭吃吗,我给你份儿盒饭。  小伙子想了想,说:你。。可能会不适应我。  张信哲霸气的说:我怕你会不适应我。。。张信哲刚想出门,突然想起点什么,回过头问道:抱歉,还不知道你叫什么?  小伙子青涩的报上姓名:陶喆。  张信哲点点头:哪个喆?哲学的哲?  陶喆:双吉喆。很快,二人一同选好了曲目,陶喆将十首歌曲重新编曲。  张信哲的好友,也是和他玩得最好的女性朋友蓝心湄,看到二人玩儿得这么开心,开玩笑说:不如我也来串个场(凑个热闹)吧。  张信哲想了想,说:好啊,我们俩一起唱这首歌吧。说着把【Too Much Heaven】的歌词递给她。  蓝心湄撅撅嘴:哎哟,阿哲你还挺浪漫的嘛~  张信哲:臭屁啦你!开我的玩笑。。。爱唱不唱。
2023-07-25 04:13:541

Have one more try,uff3fuff3fyou will not succeed. A.and

2023-07-25 04:14:092


问题一:“继续加油”的英文是什么? 本意:Continue filling gasoline 实际意义:e on! Continue! Go on! Keep on going! Keep it up! Carry on! 没错的! 问题二:继续加油用英语怎么说? keep on fighting 问题三:继续加油用英语怎么说 继续加油 keep on fighting更多释义>> [网络短语] 继续加油 one more try;keep up the good work;Frighting 你继续加油吧 You go go;You continue to Cheer up;You continue to e on 我会继续加油的 I will continue to refuel 问题四:地道英语口语:“加油”英语怎么说 下面向大家介绍一下一些比较经典的“加油”的英文表达方式。 1.e on! (常用,朋友之间,氛围轻松) 2.Cheer up!(振作起来!加油!) 3.Go ahead!(尽管向前吧!努力,继续加油!) 4.Go!Go!Go!(在体育运动场上,赛前大家都大声喊这个词。) 5.Fighting!(这个词韩国人似乎特别喜欢说,经常看到韩剧中主人公用这个来励志。) 6.add oil(这个词组是我们中国人自创的一个词,对中国人说也不妨,Chinglish一下也无伤大雅。许多了解中国文化的外国人其实也能理解这种说法,其实add some oil更符合语法习惯,不过这样一来一听就知道是指在烹饪的时候“加点油”了。) 7.Do it!(在最后一刻,加油,你一定行。) 8.Go for it!(加油,奋力直前。) 9.Play up! (加油) 10.Put more powder into it!(加油!加把劲!) 问题五:“加油,继续保持,我不太会说英语”这几句英语怎么说? e on ,keep it, i can not speak English well 问题六:继续说,用英语怎么说 Go on speaking. Go on with your speech ; Continue speaking / to speak. Continue (with) your speech. 问题七:怎样知道某些金属不能与酸或盐反应? 5分 查金属活动性顺序表 排在前面的金属可以和排在后面的金属形成的盐反; 排在氢前的金属可以与非氧化性酸反应。 另外冷的硝酸和浓硫酸和Fe,Al不反应 问题八:继续加油用英语怎么说? keep on fighting 问题九:继续加油用英语怎么说 继续加油 keep on fighting更多释义>> [网络短语] 继续加油 one more try;keep up the good work;Frighting 你继续加油吧 You go go;You continue to Cheer up;You continue to e on 我会继续加油的 I will continue to refuel 问题十:“继续加油”的英文是什么? 本意:Continue filling gasoline 实际意义:e on! Continue! Go on! Keep on going! Keep it up! Carry on! 没错的!
2023-07-25 04:14:161

just one more try什么意思

2023-07-25 04:14:4316

When your mind says give up, hope whispers one more try什么意思

2023-07-25 04:15:053


问题一:么么踹是什么意思? 因为英语 有one more try 就是:再来一次。所以很多MC人士 喜欢说成么么踹。大家就都说成么么踹了。么么踹的真正意思就是one more try 绝对是这个。可以做正解答案了。一般不懂英语的人都会念成 么么踹。么么踹就是one more try 而么么哒是亲亲的意思。 问题二:么么踹什么意思 这个我也是最近明白的,么么哒=么么打,打跟踹,意思相近。所以么么踹≈么么哒 问题三:么么揣是什么意思 喜欢对方 问题四:一个男生对女生说么么揣什么意思 么么揣,摸揣,用手摸。可能想摸你吧? 问题五:么么踹是什么意思 因为英语 有one more try 就是:再来一次。所以很多MC人士 喜欢说成么么踹。大家就都说成么么踹了。么么踹的真正意思就是one more try 绝对是这个。可以做正解答案了。一般不懂英语的人都会念成 么么踹。么么踹就是one more try 而么么哒是亲亲的意思。 问题六:女生对我说么么踹是什么意思呢 么么踹就是么么哒的意思,亲一下,或者爱你哟,之类的甜言蜜语~ 不得不说,此刻的你,是幸福的 问题七:四川话么么踹什么意思 如果是“幺幺”的话就是对最小的孩子的爱称,现在都独生了所以一般都是对自己孩子的爱称。 如果是“么么”(音)的话就应作“馍馍”是一种类似于饼子的食物~ 问题八:么么踹是什么意思 么么踹就是么么哒的意思,亲一下,或者爱你哟,之类的甜言蜜语~ 不得不说,此刻的你,是幸福的 问题九:心中揣揣是什么意思 心中不安,想着许多的念头和可能,不知道结果如何。望采纳。
2023-07-25 04:15:121


2023-07-25 04:15:214

求911乐队的 ONE MORE TRY 的下载地址

歌手:911 专辑:the journeyHeat of the night, in silent skiesI watched the rain fall in the streetlightI"m hypnotized by your sweet smileClear as a picture in my mind"s eyeI"d do anything to have you hereDo everything to dry your tearsBaby, baby, won"t you understandCan you forgive me for the love I let slip through my hands?Chorus:Baby, we"re worth one more tryCan"t you see my soul is dying911Only you can breathe new lifeBaby, we"re worth one more tryI can"t deny a thousand timesI left you all alone like a lost childI"d sacrifice to rectifyTo heal the hurt that I still see in your eyesI"d do anything to have you hereDo everything to dry your tearsBaby, baby, won"t you understandCan you forgive me for the love I let slip through my hands?Chorus:Baby, we"re worth one more try(Can"t you see) Deep inside, my soul is dyingBaby, we"re worth one more tryThe carnival carousel on Freemond Street, where we would meetThose days just seem so out of reachI still hear your voice as I got to sleep, still haunting meYou hold the key to set me free; can"t you seeChorus:Baby, we"re worth one more try(Can"t you see) Deep inside, my soul is dyingOnly you can breathe new lifeBaby, we"re worth one more tryBaby, won"t you listen to meBaby, we"re worth one more try(Can"t you see) Deep inside my soul is dyingOnly you can breathe new lifeBaby, we"re worth one more tryOnly you can breathe new lifeBaby, we"re worth one more try...try...try Songs/One%20More%20Try.mp3
2023-07-25 04:15:281

麻衣 this is your life 中文歌词

歌曲名称:This Is Your Life歌手:仓木麻衣所属专辑:Secret Of My Heart歌曲时长:4分11歌曲语言:日语中文歌词:雨后一个人悄悄地忍耐吧开玩笑了很多了我的朋友这就是你的生活在更多的尝试因为想更加接近你这就是你的生活时间在更多不要逃避你的梦想这就是你的生活没了你变的胆小只是在更多的尝试那样的时候想起这就是你的生活增加的彩虹有什么改变了下去。重要的勇气给了我继续跑着喜欢你我都朋友这就是你的生活在更多的尝试因为想更加接近你这就是你的生活时间在更多睡不你的梦想这就是你的生活没了你笨拙的只是在更多的尝试任何时候也不要忘记这就是你的生活这就是你的生活在更多的尝试因为想更加接近你这就是你的生活时间在更多不你的梦想这就是你的生活没了你变的胆小只是在更多的尝试那样的时候想起这就是你的生活这就是你的生活没了你笨拙的只是在更多的尝试任何时候也不要忘记这就是你的生活这就是你的生活 ... 日语歌词:雨上がり 一人そっとこらえてたねふざけあった の中でたくさんのいた My friendThis is your life one more try君にもっと近づきたいからThis is your life one more time逃げないで Your dreamThis is your life なくした君は臆病になるJust one more try そんなときは思い出して This is your life上げると かかる虹何かがわっていくね大切な勇をくれた走りつづける君が好き My FriendThis is your life one more try君にもっと近づきたいからThis is your life one more timeけないで Your dreamThis is your life なくした君は不器用になるJust one more try どんなときも忘れないで This is your lifeThis is your life one more try君にもっと近づきたいからThis is your life one more timeてないで Your dreamThis is your life なくした君は臆病になるJust one more try そんなときは思い出して This is your lifeThis is your life なくした君は不器用になるJust one more try どんなときも忘れないで This is your lifeThis is your life...
2023-07-25 04:15:362

一首英文歌的开头是when ever when never男声

John Legend - Everybody KnowsIt gets harder every day but I can"t seem to shake the painI"m trying to find the words to say please sayIt"s written all over my face I can"tFunction the same when you"re not hereI"m calling your name and no one"s thereAnd I hope one day you"ll see nobody has it easyI still can"t believe you found somebody knewBut I wish you the best I guess"Cause everybody knows that nobody really knowsHow to make it work or how to ease the hurtWe"ve heard it all before that everybody knowsHow to make it right I wish we gave it one more tryOne more tryOne more try"Cause everybody knows but nobody really knowsI don"t care what the people sayThey brought it all in anywayBaby don"t fill up your head with he-said she-saidIt seems like you just don"t knowThe radio"s on you tuning me outI"m trying to speak you"re turning me downAnd I hope one day you"ll see nobody has it easyI still can"t believe you found somebody knewBut I wish you the best I guess"Cause everybody knows that nobody really knowsHow to make it work or how to ease the hurtWe"ve heard it all before that everybody knowsHow to make it right I wish we gave it one more tryOne more tryOne more try"Cause everybody knows but nobody really knowsOh I wish you"d understandOh just an ordinary manListen we"d have knownEverybody knows but nobody really knowsAnd I know one day you"ll see nobody has it easyI still can"t believe you found somebody knewI wish you the best I guess"Cause everybody knows that nobody really knowsHow to make it work or how to ease the hurtWe"ve heard it all before that everybody knowsHow to make it right I wish we gave it one more tryOne more tryOne more try"Cause everybody knows but nobody really knows
2023-07-25 04:15:431

baby,baby one more trys是什么意思

2023-07-25 04:16:025

迈克尔杰克逊小时候的一首歌《Up Again》的歌词谁有?

nto each life some rain fallsThen comes the snowBut after the snowThe flowers will growGirl when my life got stormyYou stayed for the rideYou stayed my sideYou make the sun shineI"m up again I never let you downNothing"s ever gonna stop me nowUp again I never let you downI love youThis Humpty Dumpty"s luckyHe"s had his fallBut after it allHe brushed himself offKnowing how much you loved meI made one more tryI reached for the skyAnd I made it this timeI"m up again I never let you downNothing"s ever gonna stop me nowUp again I never let you downI love youI"m up again I never let you downNothing"s ever gonna stop me nowUp again I never let you downI love youI"m up again I never let you downNothing"s ever gonna stop me nowUp again I never let you downI love youI"m up again I never let you downNothing"s ever gonna stop me nowUp again I never let you downI love you 一搜就搜到
2023-07-25 04:16:175


Well I know the feeling   of finding yourself stuck out the ledge   And there ain"t no healing   From cutting yourself with jagged edge   I"m telling you that, it"s never that bad   And taking that something is well right   Lay down on the floor, and you are not sure   You can take this anymore   So just give it one more try to a lullaby   And turn this up on the radio   If you can hear me now, I"m reaching out   to let you know that you"re not alone   And you can tell, I"m scared as hell   Cause I can"t get you on the telephone   So just close your eyes   Well honey here comes a lullaby,   Your very own lullaby   Please let me take you   out of the darkness and into the light   Cause I have faith in you   That you"re gonna make it through another night   Stop thinking about   The easy way out   There"s no need to go and blow the candle out   Because you"re not done, you"re far too young   And the best is yet to come   So just give it one more try to a lullaby   And turn this up on the radio   If you can hear me now, I"m reaching out   to let you know that you"re not alone   And you can tell, I"m scared as hell   Cause I can"t get you on the telephone   So just close your eyes   Well honey here comes a lullaby,   Your very own lullaby   Well everybody"s hit hit the bottom   And everybody"s been forgotten   Well everybody"stired of being alone   yeah, everybody"s been abandoned, and left a little empty handed   So if you are out there barely hanging on   Just give it one more try to a lullaby   And turn this up on the radio   If you can hear me now, I"m reaching out   to let you know that you"re not alone   And you can tell, I"m scared as hell   Cause I can"t get you on the telephone   So just close your eyes   Well honey here comes a lullaby, Your very own lullaby   Well honey here comes a lullaby, your very own lullaby
2023-07-25 04:16:361

歌词里有tell me why和one more try也不cry没细听 女的主唱 男的副歌 是中文歌 不是边做边爱

2023-07-25 04:16:504

中国新声音第五期,一男一女唱Rap,我的天空和Rap God,里面有句歌词I got

2023-07-25 04:16:582


J-Min-《stand up》即使生活艰险也要坚持到底不放弃上天会守护你即使你的脚步沉重跌坐在地沉重叹息再试一次!One more try堂堂正正望着天空现在只是开始打开肩膀你内在还有一个你疲惫也不要放弃你的未来站起来握着手拥有整个世界正如时光流逝鲜花凋零云朵也预示这大雨抗争的话就会按照上天的旨意发生改变Don"t worry Never mind(等待那天吧)堂堂正正望着天空现在只是开始打开肩膀你内在还有一个你疲惫也不要放弃再一次站起来握着手再次站起站起来吧抬起头oh oh woo千万不要动摇现在只是开始打开肩膀你内在还有一个你即使疲惫也别放弃再一次站起来握着手再次站起来yeh yeh守护吧感受吧即使彼此不同My friend你不是一个人再次站起来Sunny、Luna-《It"s me》Sunny:爱你 爱你 爱你 说一千次都不觉得够想你 想你 每个想你的瞬间都让我更加想你Luna:念你 念你 念你的时候 总是会浮现你的样子望着你 望着你 望着你 什么时候你才能世道我的心合唱:除了你什么都不知道的我啊 只知道爱你的我啊与你相遇的这个世界Luna:对于我来说像是奇迹 就是这样的合唱:只想要你的我啊只守护你的我啊Sunny:在你身边 只望着你的那个人 就是我啊迷恋着你的我啊Luna:想着你的样子入睡 能在梦中见到你吗Sunny:盼着 盼着 就这样盼着的话你什么时候才能知道我的心合唱:除了你什么都不知道的我啊 只知道爱你的我啊与你相遇的世界Sunny:对我来说像是奇迹合唱:只想要你的我啊只守护你的我啊Luna:在你身边 只向着你的那个人就是我啊Sunny:不是已经说出了我的心里话了吗 不是说了只有你吗Luna:爱你 只爱你 这样的我 才是我啊Sunny:只想对你说的表白只爱过一个人的表白Luna:独自珍藏的这份谁都不知道的爱的 就是我啊合唱:只为你唱的情歌只想让你听的歌想经常在你身边 唱情歌给你听的 就是我啊温流(SHINee)-《In Your Eyes》虽然一次都没有说出口其实我那天感觉到了心脏的跳动我从一开始就知道了虽然无法确定 但这好像就是我们的命运爱情向我走来 走向我的瞬间就像永远不会醒来的梦 像梦一样 真的如梦境一般还记得初见那天 那是对我来说如此美丽而耀眼的日子感谢你来到我身边我从一开始就知道了虽然无法确定 但这好像就是我们的命运爱情向我走来 走向我的瞬间就像永远不会醒来的梦 像梦一样 真的如梦境一般看著我笑起来的你 在这样美好的日子 却为何流泪 在我眼里希望这一切都变成永远不会醒来 也永远不变的梦爱情停留的地方 我们一起度过的时间对我来说就像永不泯灭的梦 真的如梦境一般还记得初见那天 那是对我来说如此美丽而耀眼的日子感谢你 真的Tiffany、圭贤-《给美丽的你》追逐着急促的呼吸 急着逃跑吧抚慰好像快要爆炸般纠缠着的心脏的方法 我不知道为什么我这么的年幼 天空又为什么那么高即使跳了几百次 也还是站在原地如果能像风一样飞舞的话 (可以感受到的话)满载我的心意 传达给蓝天带着世上最大的翅膀 你是那么的美丽你的一切全都超越 现在 Higher yea yea致美丽的你 那广阔的天空 Touch the sky带着信任 带着梦想 明天一定是 Rise and shine越是不安 前行的脚步就会越慢吧连停下来的自信都没有 筋疲力尽后就会离开吧倾听你的心吧 虽然很小声 但分明听得到在梦想的大地上 是需要勇气的吧不管多少次 都要站起来 (能够坚持下去)我的心 聚集起所有的能量去加油带着世上最大的翅膀 你是那么的美丽你的一切全都超越 现在 Higher yea yea致美丽的你 那广阔的天空 Touch the sky带着信任 带着梦想 明天一定是 Rise and shine因各自的颜色而发光的这瞬间不会再来 耀眼的瞬间 对我们来说现在谁都无法阻挡我们在你的双眼中闪耀的世界 完全向我敞开我们可以战胜一切 向着更高 Higher yea致美丽的你 感受吹来的风吧充满恳切的 全力奔跑 明天一定是 Rise and shineTouch the sky From the skyTouch the sky (美丽的) We can fly From the beautiful sky如果和美丽的你一起的话 Rise and shineSuper Junior K.R.Y. - 《SKY》倾听吧听不到 小小的耳语那样听到的无论在哪在那个地方我们在一起即使很远那时刮起的风只有我们知道的伤痛因为蓝天在结束的触摸着请在我身边抓着我的手小小的耳语诉说的风如果能听到传达的话飞着冲向天空的话就好了全都忘记了只有那个瞬间所有的一切都因为这只是天蓝色眼泪也散了全被风带走了只有那个瞬间那样的我一定要在一起即使很远那时刮起的风只有我们知道的伤痛因为蓝天在结束的触摸着不要害怕呼吸抓紧我的手小小的耳语 诉说的风如果能听到传达的话飞着冲向天空的话就好了全都忘记了 只有那个瞬间全部都像天空这样的颜色眼泪也散了全被风带走了只有那个瞬间那样的我一定要在一起我要怎样看起开比较舒服无论何时分的更高云一样所有的一切都因为这只是天蓝色眼泪也散了都被风带走了只有那个瞬间那样的我一定要在一起金泰妍-《靠近》有太多没能说出来的话虽然你一次也未能听到我不是那种爱上我面前可以看到的随便谁的人世上那么多人中对我来说 因为只有你让我看得见我只看着你 站着这份爱之后我不太知道会怎样就像非常小的孩子一直那样似的现在这一瞬间 我要温暖地拥抱你即使总有一天会成为陌生的名字我的心 那段回忆都会记住就算有伤痛的离别来临今天就不要想那些了这世上那么多人中对我来说 因为只有你让我看得见我只看着你 站着这份爱之后 我不太知道会怎样就像非常小的孩子一直那样似的我要更近一点 更温暖地拥抱你现在我不再是一个人今天就在那个地方唯有向我走来的你唯有你是我的全部这份爱之后 我不太知道会怎样就像非常小的孩子一直那样似的我要更近一点 更温暖地拥抱你我要更近一点 更温暖地拥抱你Dana(The Grace)-《也许我们》你是不是现在也在想着我即使挡住眼睛我也会看到你也许我们从一开始说不定就预感到了你对我来说是非常珍贵的人会让我更加去爱的人因为这无数的人之中有你这世上无数的缘分当中有你无论何时都会守护我的人比起我爱我自己更加爱我的人只是注视着也会让我微笑的人我希望我们会像现在这样一直幸福下去你的到来就如同上天赐予我的礼物也许我们从一开始说不定就已经相爱了你对我来说是非常珍贵的人会让我更加去爱的人因为这无数的人之中有你这世上无数的缘分当中有你无论何时都会守护我的人比起我爱我自己更加爱我的人只是注视着也会让我微笑的人时间流逝也依然爱你永远都不会改变我爱你 即使重生我也会只爱你在广阔天空下众多人之中我会永远只爱你一个人无论何时都会守护我的人比起我爱我自己更加爱我的人只是注视着也会让我微笑的人泰民(SHINee)-那就是你喜欢你的这句话我不敢说出来就这样在你身边待著就觉得很好了你再试试给我多一次勇气 试试传达我的心意怎麼样不知道我这样的心而总是笑得明亮的你是想拥有你的意思是我在呼唤你的意思捉著我的手 捉著我的手吧因为害怕会失去呢是想拥有你的意思是我爱你的意思有听到向著你的我的心吗这样子只是在昐望是痛苦的啊害羞地隐藏著我激动的心 今天又来了见你回头看我的你不知道会不会发现我的心是想拥有你的意思是我在呼唤你的意思捉著我的手 捉著我的手吧因为害怕会失去呢是想拥有你的意思是我爱你的意思有听到向著你的我的心吗只是在昐望是痛苦的啊I stay with youI stay with you任何东西都不能代替你Cause I love you 我会等你的会向你表达我的心我正在找你的意思我好想据为己有的意思捉著我的手 捉著我的手吧因为害怕会失去呢是想拥有你的意思是我爱你的意思有听到向著你的我的心吗这样子只是在昐望是痛苦的啊Jessica、krystal- 《Butterfly》you"re cute so sweet总是有好多话说不出口看着你远去的背影你也像我一样 心也会痛吗我很好奇Butterfly 我现在才知道为什么总是遗憾有时也会感到厌倦都是因为爱着你我无法再隐藏现在就要告诉你那句话Butterfly在黑暗中缓缓落下的烟花即使这样 也无法忘记你闪闪发光的双眼如果我们再长大一点就可以接吻了吧Butterfly 带我们离开就像那天那一瞬间的那里沉醉在我们互相注视的瞬间现在就要告诉你那句话Butterfly如果心脏可以坏掉如果思想可以停止我怎么会一想到你 就流下眼泪Butterfly 我现在才知道为什么总是遗憾有时也会感到厌倦都是因为爱着你我无法再隐藏现在就要告诉你那句话ButterflyButterfly 带我们离开就像那天那一瞬间的那里沉醉在我们互相注视的瞬间现在就要告诉你那句话Butterfly.....
2023-07-25 04:17:051

英文歌-- you gime me one more chance

是不是 just one lest dance?
2023-07-25 04:17:134

One More Try 歌词

One More Try词曲:韦礼安演唱:韦礼安You makin me sufferby using your own wordsLockin me in your basementof total confusionI don"t know justwhat to do tomake my way all back to youTry to find the stairs,but you ain"t even thereI think you"re under coverand using all your stuff tokeep on confusing me in your ambiguitybut I still wanna jumpinto the trap where all the bate is youNot sure my rewardbut baby I want moreBaby gimme one more tryone more tryto make you be mineBaby gimme one more try one more tryto make you be minethough I cried myself, baby,to sleep at night, baby,it"s alrightit"s alrightI think you"re under coverand using all your stuff tokeep on confusing me in your ambiguitybut I still wanna jumpinto the trap where all the bate is youNot sure my rewardbut baby I want moreBaby gimme one more tryone more tryto make you be mineBaby gimme one more try one more tryto make you be minethough I cried myself, baby,to sleep at night, baby,Oh it"s not likeI never tried butAll the lies hid in your eyes,gets me everytimeBaby gimme one more tryone more tryto make you be mineBaby gimme one more try one more tryto make you be minethough I cried myself, baby,to sleep at night, baby,it"s alrightit"s alrightBaby gimme one more try one more tryjuest one more tryjuest one more tryBaby gimme one more try one more trythough I cried myself, baby,to sleep at night, baby, it"s alrightit"s alright
2023-07-25 04:17:531

One More Try 歌词

歌曲名:One More Try歌手:A1专辑:The A ListA1One More TryCould be your eyesCould be your smileCould be the way u freed my mindYour precious touch caressed my soulYou gave me everything i needAnd now i"m lostLost foreverLost foreverAnd u said this is going nowhere girlAnd u said i turned my back onYou said i"m not the only one for uPlz give it one more try for the sake of our loveLet"s give it one more chance coz I can"t give u upI can"t live one more day without u in my armsI could never find another like uCould be the liesCould be my prideCould be the days and nights so wildCould be the times i wasn"t thereAnd all the nights we didn"t shareAnd now u"re lostLost foreverLost foreverAnd u said this is going nowhere girlAnd u said I turned my back onYou said I"m not the only one for uPlz give it one more try for the sake of our loveLet"s give it one more chance coz I can"t give u upI can"t live one more day without u in my armsI could never find another like uI can"t sleepI can"t live without u by my sideSo coldSo lost without u as my guideYou made me realise i"m nothingNothing without uPlz give it one more try for the sake of our loveLet"s give it one more chance coz I can"t give u upI can"t live one more day without u in my armsI could never find another like u
2023-07-25 04:18:001

One More Try 歌词

歌曲名:One More Try歌手:Julie Ingram专辑:EnduranceONE MORE TRYTimmy TIt"s been a long time since you left meI didn"t mean to make you cryI didn"t mean to disappoint youI didn"t mean to tell you liesAnd after all that we have been throughwon"t you let me tell you whyOne more tryI didn"t know how much I loved youone more trylet me put my arms around youliving all these lonely nights without youoh baby can we give it one more tryIt"s been a long time since I kissed youit always used to feel so goodand if you knew how much I missed youyou"d forgive me if you couldAnd now that we have found each othercan"t we give it one more try (one more try)And after all that we have been throughwon"t you let me tell you whyand now that we have found each othercan"t we give it one more try (one more try)Oh girl you know I love youI just want you to knowour love I"ll always treasureso please just don"t let me go
2023-07-25 04:18:071

One More Try 歌词

歌曲名:One More Try歌手:日落沙发乐团专辑:乔治·迈克尔悠闲音乐之旅Listen baby baby baby如何找得到 你的梦想沉睡的那海角好像流星迷失大海失去一切依靠尽你所有勇气我为你自豪 守在你身后世界悄然退去色彩 痴心等你雨不停下只是梦想遥远在未来 如何找到它好像我可以填一些色彩 永远守护它只因梦想才如此的潇洒baby one more try一切重头再来梦想写在蓝天上随风绝望中坚强眼泪里有我骄傲所有美丽的梦随你飞翔imagine for your lifeListen baby baby baby如何看得到你的梦想可有永恒的微笑每一天 每一秒蔚蓝的天空多彩的梦是谁让他如此完美和感动世界悄然退去色彩 痴心等你雨不停下只是梦想遥远在未来 如何找到它好像我可以填一些色彩 永远守护它只因梦想才如此的潇洒baby one more try一切重头再来梦想写在蓝天上随风绝望中坚强眼泪里有我骄傲所有美丽的梦随你飞翔imagine for your life黑夜来临独自勇敢向前飞就像太阳不停奔跑永恒的燃烧是你的坚强让我强壮有了方向和你一起追梦到天老不会再轻易的放弃不会再怕黑夜来袭所有流过的汗随心飞相信自己 没有谁会阻挡你就算那路漫漫无尽就算会迷失在人海让那心跳的感觉唯一baby one more try一切重头再来梦想写在蓝天上随风绝望中坚强眼泪里有我骄傲所有美丽的梦随你飞翔imagine for your life
2023-07-25 04:18:131

One More Try 歌词

歌曲名:One More Try歌手:George Michael专辑:Ladies & Gentlemen... The Best Of George MichaelI"ve had enough of dangerAnd people on the streetsI"m looking out for angelsJust trying to find some peaceNow I think it"s timeThat you let me knowSo if you love meSay you love meBut if you don"t just let me go..."Cos teacherThere are things that I don"t want to learnAnd the last one I hadMade me crySo I don"t want to learn toHold you, touch youThink that you"re mineBecause it ain"t no joyFor an uptown boyWhose teacher has told him good-bye, good-bye, good-byeWhen you were just a strangerAnd I was at your feetI didn"t feel the dangerNow I feel the heatThat look in your eyesTelling me noSo you think that you love meKnow that you need meI wrote the song, I know it"s wrongJust let me go...And teacherThere are thingsThat I don"t want to learnOh the last one I hadMade me crySo I don"t want to learn toHold you, touch youThink that you"re mineBecause it ain"t no joyFor an uptown boyWhose teacher has told him good-bye, good-bye, good-byeSo when you say that you need meThat you"ll never leave meI know you"re wrong, you"re not that strongLet me goAnd teacherThere are thingsThat I still have to learnBut the one thing I have is my prideOh so I don"t want toHold you, touch youThink that you"re mineBecause there ain"t no joyFor an uptown boyWho just isn"t willing to tryI"m so coldInsideMaybe just one more try...
2023-07-25 04:18:201

One More Try 歌词

歌曲名:One More Try歌手:Candi Staton专辑:Candi StatonOne More TryI"ve had enough of dangerAnd people on the streetsI"m looking out for angelsJust trying to find some peaceNow I think it"s timeThat you let me knowSo if you love meSay you love meBut if you don"t just let me goCause teacher there are thingsThat I don"t want to learnAnd the last one I hadMade me crySo I don"t want to learn tohold you, touch youThink that you"re mineBecause it ain"t no joyFor an uptown boyWhose teacher has told him goodbyegoodbyeWhen you were just a strangerAnd I was at your feetI didn"t feel the danger(no, but)Now I feel the heatThat look in your eyesIt"s telling me noSo you think that you love meKnow that you need meI wrote the song, I know it"s wrongJust let me goSo when you say that you need meThat you"ll never leave meI know you"re wrong, you"re not that strongLet me goAnd teacherThere are things that I still have to learnBut the one thing I have is my prideOh yeahSo baby I don"t want tohold you, touch youThink that you"re mineBecause it ain"t no joyFor an uptown boyWho just isn"t willing to tryI"m so cold, insideMaybe just one more try
2023-07-25 04:18:271


"baby baby" one more TRY?You mean one more time, right? The britney spears song?
2023-07-25 04:18:352

have one more try

答案 B.or 不然,表示转折 句子翻译:再一次尝试,不然你就不会成功! . A.and 和,表示并列 因果关系,不对 D.but 表示转折,但是意思不对,这是但是的意思!望满意
2023-07-25 04:18:551

求韦礼安one more try中文歌词。

2023-07-25 04:19:021

罗志祥的《小丑鱼》 歌词

小丑鱼作词:陈镇川作曲:Lee Jeong、Hoon演唱:罗志祥 我在你身边 游来游去我不敢出声 看着他亲吻你 眼不能闭看你的唇印 还在那里你隔着玻璃所以听不见 我在叹息说不出口的秘密永远活在小小的世界里仅存一点稀薄的氧气是否够我继续撑下去这件脱不下来的外衣还是你喜欢的桔我不能确定是否你曾经注意我的眼泪流在透明的水里LADY LADY ONE MORE TRY再试着了解我的爱发不出声音的感慨选择作朋友的无奈LADY LADY ONE MORE TRY提醒我何时该走开只要你偶尔想起来我就住在那片海等我转过身 看你眼神才知道自己想得太过天真伤得太深爱来的时候划破沉闷我早该知道你终究不是我该爱的人黑暗中两眼无神夜里不再为我开盏灯始终不敢将爱说出口当然没有资格去竞争恋爱和失恋同时发生怪自己枉费青春我输得彻底 把脸深埋在水里面却还要演好这一场戏LADY LADY ONE MORE TRY再试着了解我的爱发不出声音的感慨选择作朋友的无奈LADY LADY ONE MORE TRY提醒我何时该走开只要你偶尔想起来我就住在那片海Waiting For You那片海 眼看就要 让我越来越远 回不来从此 你的不愉快 那么遥远 谁听你埋怨再说一遍 说一遍 Yeah...我在你身边 给你一点点愉快就会心甘情愿回到大海LADY LADY ONE MORE TRY再试着了解我的爱发不出声音的感慨选择作朋友的无奈LADY LADY ONE MORE TRY提醒我何时该走开只要你偶尔想起来我就住在那片海 那片海
2023-07-25 04:19:091

罗志祥的歌:他有1首歌,歌词好象是 BABY BABY ONE MO CYE (乱打的,是英文) 问 是什么名字

2023-07-25 04:19:187

try one more什么意思,语法对么?“试另一个”的英文是什么?

再试一个。more再,又Would you like some more? 要不要再来一些?Five more boys came.又来了五个孩子。
2023-07-25 04:19:326

Medley : 一生挂念你 / 唱一首好歌 / 左邻右里 歌词

『一生挂念你歌词』歌手:『李克勤』曲:Timmy T | 词:小美 | 编:杜自持3 2 1 GO→ONE MORE TRY三番四次不舍得你ONE MORE TRY心声再次交低给你爱你爱你不必感到对不起我要对你说一生挂念你『唱一首好歌』3 2 1 GO→李:清风轻吹过一首新的歌雨正细细下荒街我步过谭:车轻轻驶过轮胎轨迹轻拖寒雨里悄悄问她走了日子怎过李:想找真的爱愿天天都奔波行遍这世界上都不会恨错谭:找到真的爱忙锁它于心窝情爱会有变幻失恋了日子怎过合:忧得几多~~~~~~『左邻右里』左邻右里曲:雷颂德词:高皓正编:雷颂德3 2 1 GO→合:o拿!喊湿几个枕头劈o左几罐啤酒这伤口 怎么会有 感觉到颤抖o拿!你不需要枕头 也不需要饮酒要打救 就要搵老友 你就冇乜愁李:从小开始不知几多考试同窗温书总会有鬼主意 我念新书谭:我背中史李:却在大考同步互相暗示谭:明恋苦恋不知恋多少次如果失恋多少有点失意 会扮不知李:血流不止合:要劳烦你连夜听心事李:看老友似通宵超市谭:无休止每日也次李:次奉止合:更这边一间o个边一间 合力做大事谭:谁像我李:像你么谭:谁在唱出我的歌 建立彼此友情李:建于踢波谭:每一天记得不懒惰李:曾话过谭:是我么李:谁在接班掀起风波 压力中跌过伤过谭:就当上了一课李:从没意料这天合:共唱和<版权所有,严禁抄袭>2005/01/17
2023-07-25 04:19:451

Everybody Knows 歌词

歌曲名:Everybody Knows歌手:James专辑:LaidJohn Legend - Everybody KnowsIt gets harder every day, but I can"t seem to shake the painI"m trying to find the words to say, please sayIt"s written all over my face, I can"tFunction the same when you"re not hereI"m calling your name and no one"s thereAnd I hope one day you"ll see nobody has it easy,I still can"t believe you found somebody knewBut I wish you the best, I guess."Cause everybody knows, that nobody really knowsHow to make it work, or how to ease the hurtWe"ve heard it all before, that everybody knowsHow to make it right, I wish we gave it one more tryOne more tryOne more try"Cause everybody knows, but nobody really knowsI don"t care what the people sayThey brought it all in anywayBaby don"t fill up your head with he-said, she-saidIt seems like you just don"t knowThe radio"s on, you tuning me out,I"m trying to speak, you"re turning me downAnd I hope one day you"ll see nobody has it easy,I still can"t believe you found somebody knewBut I wish you the best, I guess."Cause everybody knows, that nobody really knowsHow to make it work, or how to ease the hurtWe"ve heard it all before, that everybody knowsHow to make it right, I wish we gave it one more tryOne more tryOne more try"Cause everybody knows, but nobody really knowsOh I wish you"d understandOh, just an ordinary manListen we"d have knownEverybody knows, but nobody really knowsAnd I know one day you"ll see, nobody has it easyI still can"t believe you found somebody knewI wish you the best, I guess."Cause everybody knows, that nobody really knowsHow to make it work, or how to ease the hurtWe"ve heard it all before, that everybody knowsHow to make it right, I wish we gave it one more tryOne more tryOne more try"Cause everybody knows, but nobody really knows
2023-07-25 04:19:541

《the weary kind》的中文歌词

Your heart"s on the loose 你的心放荡不羁You rolled them seven"s with nothing lose 屡遭打击却从不低头And this ain"t no place for the weary kind 这里无法容纳软弱的灵魂You called all your shots 你做了所有决断Shooting 8 ball at the corner truck stop 从此不再后悔Somehow this don"t feel like home anymore 不知怎么的 我觉得这里不再是家And this ain"t no place for the weary kind 这里无法容纳软弱的灵魂And this ain"t no place to lose your mind 这里无法容你魂牵梦绕And this ain"t no place to fall behind 这里无法让你一笑而过Pick up your crazy heart and give it one more try拾起你疯狂的心 再深爱他一次Your body aches... Playing your guitar and sweating out the hate 弹着吉他挥汗如雨 所以你的身体酸痛The days and the nights all feel the same 日夜已无法分辨Whiskey has been a thorn in your side and it doesn"t forget 在你眼中烈酒如鲠难以忘怀 the highway that calls for your heart inside 身未动心却已远And this ain"t no place for the weary kind 这里无法容纳软弱的灵魂And this ain"t no place to lose your mind 这里无法容你魂牵梦绕And this ain"t no place to fall behind 这里无法让你一笑而过Pick up your crazy heart and give it one more try 拾起疯狂的心 再深爱他一次Your lovers won"t kiss... 情人温柔的亲吻It"s too damn far from your fingertips 早已远离你的指尖You are the man that ruined her world 你摧毁了自己的世界Your heart"s on the loose 你的心放荡不羁You rolled them seven"s with nothing lose 屡遭打击却从不低头And this ain"t no place for the weary kind 这里无法容纳软弱的灵魂
2023-07-25 04:20:011

The Last Time 歌词

歌曲名:The Last Time歌手:Bread专辑:Original Album SeriesThe Last TimeRihannaonce was a time you and imade a promise till the day we dieI trusted each and every wordnever thinkin that I"d get burnedsilly me I believed in your fairy talesboy i thought that i knew you so very wellbut you walked on my pride all the tears that i criedand it cuts like a knifeIts the last time your ever gunna kiss these lipsor ever will decieve these eyesbelieve me when i tell you thisbaby boy its the last timeim ever gunna cry these tearsim never gunna hear your liesso listen while i make it clearin case you didnt hearthis times the last timetheres no timeto give it one more trytheres only time to say goodbyeFooled me once shame on youfooled me twice now this song is throughthe things you said i can never forgetthe things you did for my heart went through badbut im still standin tall as i walk awayand you know that its true when you hear me sayits over its throughand nothin you can do boy its sad but its trueIts the last time your ever gunna kiss these lipsor ever will decieve these eyesbelieve me when i tell you thisbaby boy its the last timeim ever gunna cry these tearsim never gunna hear your liesso listen while i make it clearin case you didnt hearthis times the last timetheres no timeto give it one more trytheres only time to say goodbyeGood Byeee No Babysilly me i believed in your fairy talesboy i thought that i knew you so very wellbut you walked on my pride all the tears that i criedand it a knifeIts the last time your ever gunna kiss these lips(ever gunna kiss these lips)or ever will decieve these eyesbelieve me when i tell you thisbaby boy its the last timeim ever gunna cry these tearsim never gunna hear your lies(never gunna hear your lies)so listen while i make it clearin case you didnt hearthis times the last timetheres no timeto give it one more tryits over its through nothin you can do but wonder whytheres only time to say goodbyebaby goodbyenever gunna never gunna cry no moregoodbye goodbye
2023-07-25 04:20:191

Home Grown的《Tomorrow》 歌词

歌曲名:Tomorrow歌手:Home Grown专辑:Kings of PopShane:Can"t believe its overThat you"re leavingWeren"t we meant to be?Should"ve sensed the dangerRead the warningsRight there in front of meJust stopLets start it overCouldn"t I get one more try?All:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize, I could changeI"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayMaybe tomorrowShane:I forgot to be thereI was selfishI can see that nowMark:I should"ve got to known youShould"ve held youWhen your tears fell downJust stopDon"t make me beg youTell me that you"ll stay the nightAll:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize, I could changeI"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayI will find a wayNicky:Wait a minuteJust hear me outThis time I promise, I"ll put you firstShane:Turn around nowYour heart can"t let you walk awayI"ll do what it takesAll:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize (realize), I could change (I can change)I"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayMaybe tomorrowKian:There"s so much I wanna say nowI just wanna make a life with you (don"t walk away)There"s so much I wanna do nowI just wanna make love to youShane:Maybe tomorrow
2023-07-25 04:20:261

The Guess Who的《Grey Day》 歌词

歌曲名:Grey Day歌手:The Guess Who专辑:The Best OfYellowcard - GreyGrey skies clouding up the thingswe used to see with wide eyesMaybe everything was meant to be this wayWill it ever changeBut are we stuck here on our ownIt"s all gone greyIt"s all gone greyI found telling you the truththe hardest thing to get outI know it wasn"t you that made me feel this wayWill it ever changeOr are we stuck here on our own.And give it one more tryI don"t know if I would stayI feel so much better nowAnd baby begging meWill leave you so empty insideSo you shouldn"t even tryI know every last regret inside of me is my ownThe way I hold them close has made me be this wayI will never changeI know I"m stuck here on my own, on my ownGiven one more tryI don"t know if I would stayI feel so much better nowWhere did we go wrongI know you still hold on to meBut it"s time that you let goI gave you things I hadThat I could not get back againBut I"m better off aloneIt"s all gone greyIt"s all gone greyIt"s all gone greyIt"s all gone grey
2023-07-25 04:20:331

圣女合唱团Rock Steady 歌词 要大小写分开的

2023-07-25 04:20:402

Lady lady one more try

2023-07-25 04:20:483

一首男生唱的英文歌,开头好像是one more time,one more try,this ti

你看不到的天空 - 蔡旻佑词:徐世珍曲:李荣浩好像飘浮了很久自从那天你放开了手应该是两个人来的港口我一个人在虚拟温柔用你的目光看海可乐冰痛了我的指头幸福又快乐的地球人不断从我的身边经过对你还能怎麼说 能怎麼做做什麼也都不够插在口袋中是没有人来握住的手我的表情并不多 心也不痛我只不过是不懂世界在热闹什麼我在你看不到的天空看着灿烂的烟火这城市孤单的人只有我没有谁在乎 谁跟谁分手每个时钟都继续转动许下你听不到的承诺流星怎麼不坠落在倒数声中我剩下什麼没有谁甘心 对回忆爱不释手但我无力对抗 这整个世界的寂寞用你的目光看海可乐冰痛了我的指头幸福又快乐的地球人不断从我的身边经过对你还能怎麼说 能怎麼做做什麼也都不够插在口袋中是没有人来握住的手我的表情并不多 心也不痛我只不过是不懂世界在热闹什麼我在你看不到的天空看着灿烂的烟火这城市孤单的人只有我没有谁在乎 谁跟谁分手每个时钟都继续转动许下你听不到的承诺流星怎麼不坠落在倒数声中我剩下什麼没有谁甘心 对回忆爱不释手但我无力对抗 这整个世界的寂寞我在你看不到的天空看着灿烂的烟火这城市孤单的人只有我没有谁在乎 谁跟谁分手每个时钟都继续转动许下你听不到的承诺流星怎麼不坠落在倒数声中我剩下什麼没有谁甘心 对回忆爱不释手但我无力对抗 这整个世界的寂寞我该如何去面对 整个世界的寂寞
2023-07-25 04:20:561

A1 no more的中文歌词

您说您工作它 然后您言你有疑义我的Tellin 你将走开另一方面,但你去停留您日夜告诉我他不对待你权利你总然后扭转并且更给他一个尝试前合唱婴孩你知道的Sayin它不是公平的您盼望我是那里,但是我们从未使我得到一个傻瓜门我不想要听见的合唱无结果‘回合他我没有将做一个长的故事短时间组成ur头脑女孩反复我不想要没有听见‘回合他,如果我没有什么你想要的我不要想要听见没有其他中止告诉我你需要更多它的时间更好疲倦于同一条老线采取行动或你不找到我没有被采取因为你知道它是错误更好的让他知道是时间去您是movin在您不知道的小多么接近我是到是我不想要听见的去的重覆前合唱合唱没有,如果你真正地爱我我的你的不肯定想要听见门,如果你仍然不知道为你的那里I和你知道它是真实的 您属于与我什么你去做重覆 合唱
2023-07-25 04:21:042