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wine,我每次安装ubuntu的时候都会装它,因为很多时候,它可以让我们的使用其他平台的软件,那么如何安装wine呢? 以下是一种比较通用的方法,希望对你有所帮助。方法/步骤先得添加ubuntu-wine/ppa这个官方的源地址 指令是:sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa当然,你如果直接开始安装也是可以的,但是不能获取到最新的wine哦!建议以上的操作。执行后 需要输入密码验证,如果您是第一次使用ubuntu,那么输入密码的时候是不会显示任何数据的,你只管按完密码然后按enter回车就可。 源添加完成后,如下图显示!然后我们再更新安装包 安装包的更新指令是:sudo apt-get update 。按enter执行!更新过程会根据你的网络状况发生变化 如果你网速比较快,自然很快就能从源更新完成,不然会等很久,那么我们等待它更新完成后。 执行:sudo apt-get install wine1.7,然后按enter确定。注意 如果你的系统是 i386即32位版本,那么就执行在1.7后面加上【-i386】。否则可能安装不上wine的哦。 如果你想安装其它版本的wine。那么可以在敲sudo apt-get install wine的时候,暂时不敲后面的版本。按Tab键补全,在补全的介绍页面会出现很多版本的wine,选择一个,敲完剩下的部分命令执行就可以啦!等待安装完成后配置 安装过程其实差不多算是一个下载过程,需要耐心等待,这个包貌似不在国内的服务器上。 等待安装完成后,我们就可以对它进行配置啦。 配置wine的指令是【winecfg】步骤阅读


wine的意思是:葡萄酒葡萄酒的由来:古代的波斯是古文明发源地之一。多数历史学家都认为波斯可能是世界上最早酿造葡萄酒的国家。 商业活动,葡萄酒酿造的方法传遍了以色列、叙利亚、小亚细亚阿拉伯国家。由于阿拉伯国家信奉伊斯兰教,而伊斯兰教提倡禁酒律,因而阿拉伯国家的酿酒行业日渐衰萎,几乎被禁绝了。后来葡萄酒酿造的方法从波斯、埃及传到希腊、罗马、高卢(即法国)。然后,葡萄酒的酿造技术和消费习惯由希腊、意大利和法国传到欧洲各国。葡萄酒的种类:1.白葡萄酒:用白葡萄或皮红肉白的葡萄分离发酵制成。酒的颜色微黄带绿,近似无色或浅黄、禾秆黄、金黄。凡深黄、土黄、棕黄或褐黄等色,均不符合白葡萄酒的色泽要求。2.红葡萄酒:采用皮红肉白或皮肉皆红的葡萄经葡萄皮和汁混合发酵而成。酒色呈自然深宝石红、宝石红、紫红或石榴红,凡黄褐、棕褐或土褐颜色,均不符合红葡萄酒的色泽要求。3.桃红葡萄酒:用带色的红葡萄带皮发酵或分离发酵制成。酒色为淡红、桃红、橘红或玫瑰色。凡色泽过深或过浅均不符合桃红葡萄酒的要求。这一类葡萄酒在风味上具有新鲜感和明显的果香,含单宁不宜太高。


Wine是Wine Is Not an Emulator(Wine不是模拟器)的缩写,其实是一个转换层(或程序装入器),能够在Linux及与POSIX兼容的其他类似操作系统上运行Windows应用程序。一. 安装Wine在Ubuntu上:1. 打开Applications(应用程序)>Ubuntu Software Center(Unbuntu软件中心),打开Ubuntu软件中心。2. 然后点击Edit(编辑)>Software Sources(软件源)。选择Other Software(其他软件)选项卡,点击Add(添加)。然后输入下列apt行:ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa3. 从左边的Get Software(取得软件)部分中选择“PPA for Ubuntu Wine Team”,然后选择Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer(Development files) – wine1.3-dev。点击Install(安装)。这会安装最新的Wine软件包,包括开发库。提示:卸载现有的Wine软件包,以确保最大的兼容性。另外,如果想干净安装,可以删除Wine用户目录,为此可以从主目录中使用命令rm -r -v .wine。二. 安装Wine支持包现在,需要安装非开源(但免费)的支持包。这包括微软Core Fonts、Visual C++运行时环境等软件包。安装Cabextract:需要该软件包来解压缩微软.cab文件。$ sudo apt-get install cabextract下载winetricks脚本:现在需要下载一个很棒的脚本,名为winetricks,它会自动下载和安装必要的支持包。$ wget现在输入下列命令,安装必要的支持包:$ sh winetricks corefonts Tahoma提示:可以不用任何命令行参数来运行winetricks,那样就能从漂亮的GUI界面选择需要安装的软件包。


两者运行的Windows程序的效果是一致的,如果纯属靠Wine的能力去运行Windows,Wine是优于CrossOver的,CrossOver用的是暂时认为稳定的Wine,而Wine是最新版。CrossOver中文版下载地址:两者的功能区别在于,CrossOver提供能基本正常运行某些应用程序的保证和一套解决方案,比如某个wine实现的dll已知有暂时无法的bug,CrossOver会提供该dll原版(即Windows里面的原版dll)的安装程序下载,而直接用Wine的用户则可能不知道Wine对该应用程序的兼容性,而CrossOver提供解决方案。说白了CrossOver是用来自动解决Windows程序的“依赖”的。CrossOver还提供以下功能:容器打包已经解决兼容性问题的容3.Steam优化crossover是wine的商业版软件,只提供了一个API翻译层。兼容性较差,但是占用配置低。虚拟机(virtualbox vmware)完全模拟了一个新电脑,兼容性好,但是需要大量内存和硬盘空间。虚拟机需要单独安装一个操作系统。


Wine是Wine Is Not an Emulator(Wine不是模拟器)的缩写,其实是一个转换层(或程序装入器),能够在Linux及与POSIX兼容的其他类似操作系统上运行Windows应用程序。一. 安装Wine在Ubuntu上:1. 打开Applications(应用程序)>Ubuntu Software Center(Unbuntu软件中心),打开Ubuntu软件中心。2. 然后点击Edit(编辑)>Software Sources(软件源)。选择Other Software(其他软件)选项卡,点击Add(添加)。然后输入下列apt行:ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa3. 从左边的Get Software(取得软件)部分中选择“PPA for Ubuntu Wine Team”,然后选择Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer(Development files) – wine1.3-dev。点击Install(安装)。这会安装最新的Wine软件包,包括开发库。提示:卸载现有的Wine软件包,以确保最大的兼容性。另外,如果想干净安装,可以删除Wine用户目录,为此可以从主目录中使用命令rm -r -v .wine。二. 安装Wine支持包现在,需要安装非开源(但免费)的支持包。这包括微软Core Fonts、Visual C++运行时环境等软件包。安装Cabextract:需要该软件包来解压缩微软.cab文件。$ sudo apt-get install cabextract下载winetricks脚本:现在需要下载一个很棒的脚本,名为winetricks,它会自动下载和安装必要的支持包。$ wget现在输入下列命令,安装必要的支持包:$ sh winetricks corefonts Tahoma提示:可以不用任何命令行参数来运行winetricks,那样就能从漂亮的GUI界面选择需要安装的软件包。




wine: 中文谐音:万恩(万长一点,恩只要一短轻声) / wau026an ; wau026an / 英 / wau026an /an alcoholic drink made from grapes, or a type of this drink 葡萄酒a glass of wine一杯葡萄酒red/white winea bottle of red wine一瓶红葡萄酒dry/sweet/sparkling winea dry white wine干白葡萄酒

wine 怎么读

wine 英[wau026an] 美[wau026an] n. 葡萄酒;果酒;紫红色,深红色 vt. 请…喝酒 vi. 喝酒 [例句]They created this excess of wine.这使得葡萄酒产量过多。

南非葡萄酒产区分级制度,“wine of origins”是哪一年正式颁发的

上世纪70年代起草的”Wine of Origins”产地分级制度(简称WO)划分了现在南非酒标上所标注的产区。部分定级制度还借鉴了法国的Appellation d"Origine Contr?lée (AOC)系统,WO制度的出台主要是希望通过酒标来更精确的告诉顾客酒的产地和品质,因此除了产区上的制定参照了老世界的做法之外,像法定许可的葡萄品种,如何搭建葡萄格架,灌溉手法和采摘限量等等都没有被制定到这次的制度当中。WO分级中的产区被分成四个等级:地理大区(像开普敦地区)、地域大区(像 Overberg)、接着才是地区(像Walker Bay),最后才是次区(像Elgin)。上述地理大区、地域大区、地区的划分主要还是根据行政意义上的界限,而真正参照葡萄酒产业数据和风土划分的区域则是最小的次区单位,平时我们谈论和选购南非葡萄酒的时候主要还是以地域大区和地区作为依据。

Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older.什么意思


April Wine的《Say Hello》 歌词

歌曲名:Say Hello歌手:April Wine专辑:Harder . . . Fastermelody. - Say Hello作词:沟口贵纪/Mio Aoyama作曲:D.A.ISay “Hello…” For you and myselfこころを繋ぐためこの手を持って生まれてきたよ笑ってI will say “Hello”こころを开く 键が欲しいの?他人(ひと)の弱さを 探すため?信じることは 失くすことだと冷たい部屋で 震えてた“谁より君への 幸せになりたい”誓ったあの日から 重ねた手に宿るPromise youSay “Hello…” For you and myselfこころを繋ぐためこの手を持って生まれてきたよSay “Hello” Again for you and myself明日も君が好きそれだけで生きてゆける手と手繋いでAll my love is for youカタチばかりに 囚われすぎて疑うこころ 覚えたの?近く居すぎて 気づけないもの离れたあとで 気づくものそれでも地球が 今日も廻るのは逢いたいヒトのため夜明けを愿うからAll for youSay “Hello…” For you and myself谁もがこの地球(ほし)に悦び歌い舞い降りてきたSay “Hello” Again for you and myself君と出逢いたくて生まれてきた その证伝う 温もりLike your hands… It"s love.All my love is for youSay “Hello…” For you and myselfSay “Hello…” For you and I

beer vs. wine 意思和背景资料

beer:a type of alcoholic drink that is made from grain.在外国人眼中,BEER只是一种用粮食或者谷物的种子制成的含酒精的饮料wine:an alcoholic drink that is made from grapes or sometimes other fruit.这个酒才是外国人眼中真正的就,用水果制成(多指葡萄),就是我们中国人常说的葡萄酒,分为红酒(深色的居多),白葡萄酒.



three pines cuvee red wine是什么

three pines cuvee red wine三杯松香红酒



RL Royal Louis 1985 Royal Louis Dry Red Wine 这酒的价格大概是多少啊?

ROYAL LOUIS 1985干红葡萄酒 本品是选用世界著名葡萄品种为原料,采用法国专用酵母控温发酵、橡木桶陈酿,经先进工艺精酿而成的陈酿型葡萄酒,该葡萄酒呈宝石红色,酒体澄清果香悦人、橡木香优雅,口感醇厚协调,是宴请宾客的理想用酒。净含量:750ml酒精度:12%(v/v)原产地:法国贮存条件:5-30℃卧放或倒放 价格:¥175.00法国皇家·路易(集团)国际酒业有限公司中国总代理:烟台皇家路易酒业有限公司



Red Red Wine 歌词

歌曲名:Red Red Wine歌手:UB40专辑:The Best Of UB40 - Volume OneRed, red wineGoes to my headMake me forget that IStill need her soRed, red wineIt`s up to youAll I can do, I`ve doneBut mem`ries won`t goMem`ries won`t goI`d have thoughtThat with timeThoughts of youWould leave my headI was wrongAnd I findJust one thing makes me forgetRed, red wineStay close to meDon`t let me be aloneIt`s tearin` apartMy blue, blue heartRed red wine you make me feel so fineYou keep me rocking all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so grandI feel a million dollars when your just in my handRed red wine you make me feel so sadAny time I see you go it makes me feel badRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla pon the sweet dep lineRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRedred wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeahRed red wine I`m gonna hold to youHold on to you cause I know you love trueRed red wine I`m gonna love you till I dieLove you till I die and that`s no lieRed red wine can`t get you out my mindWhere ever you maybe I`ll surely findI`ll surely find make no fuss jus` stick with us.Give me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me Red wine because it make me feel fineMek me feel fine all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep lineThe line broke, the monkey get chokeBurn bad rizla pon him little rowing boatRed red wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeah.


Greatwall"Drywine长城度甜葡萄酒Greatwall redwine长城干红葡萄酒重点词汇redwine雷德瓦恩您好,一个是长城干红,一个是普通的长城红酒希望对您有所帮助

Strawberry Wine 歌词

歌曲名:Strawberry Wine歌手:Deana Carter专辑:The Deana Carter CollectionArtist:Deana CarterHe was working through college on my grandpa"s farmI was thirsting for for knowledge and he had a carI was caught somewhere between a woman and a childWhen one restless summer we found love growing wildOn the banks of the river on a well beaten pathFunny how those memories they lastLike strawberry wine and seventeenThe hot July moon saw everythingMy first taste of love oh bittersweetGreen on the vineLike strawberry wineI still remember when thirty was oldMy biggest fear was September when he had to goA few cards and letters and one long distance callWe drifted away like the leaves in the fallBut year after year I come back to this placeJust to remember the tasteOf strawberry wine and seventeenThe hot July moon saw everythingMy first taste of love oh bittersweetGreen on the vineLike strawberry wineThe fields have grown over nowYears since they"ve seen a plowThere"s nothing time hasn"t touchedIs it really him or the loss of my innocenceI"ve been missing so muchLike strawberry wine and seventeenThe hot July moon saw everythingMy first taste of love oh bittersweetGreen on the vineLike strawberry wine and seventeenThe hot July moon saw everythingMy first taste of love oh bittersweetGreen on the vineLike strawberrystrawberry

什么是soft red wine?

我猜是 柔和 的意思吧,可能酒精度低一些

CARRUADES de LAFITE RED WINE2008,原产国:法国,罐装日期:201

拉菲珍宝正标上面没有RED WINE吧。要不你上个图看看

求教高人 我有两瓶红酒 写的是 DE LOUISSUN BAIDISIJIN 1996 DRY RED WINE 还有一个是1998年的


9338019000027是什么葡萄酒;金澳红干红;BIN 98 PREMIUM RED WINE





葡萄酒。葡萄酒是以葡萄为原料酿造的一种果酒。中文名葡萄酒外文名Wine原料葡萄果实性质酒精饮料分类红葡萄酒、白葡萄酒等盛产国法国、西班牙等红酒(Red wine)是葡萄、蓝莓等水果经过传统及科学方法相结合进行发酵的果酒。红酒比较典型的是葡萄红酒和蓝莓红酒,葡萄酒有许多分类方式。以成品颜色来说,可分为红葡萄酒、白葡萄酒及粉红葡萄酒三类。其中红葡萄酒又可细分为干红葡萄酒、半干红葡萄酒、半甜红葡萄酒和甜红葡萄酒,白葡萄酒则细分为干白葡萄酒、半干白葡萄酒、半甜白葡萄酒和甜白葡萄酒。粉红葡萄酒也叫桃红酒、玫瑰红酒。杨梅酿制的叫做杨梅红酒。还有一种蓝莓酿制的蓝莓红酒。中文名红酒外文名Red wine主要原料葡萄、蓝莓等水果是否含防腐剂否主要营养成分多种维生素,氨基酸。

Red Red Wine (Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Red Red Wine (Edit)歌手:UB40专辑:Pub Jukebox ClassicsRed, red wineGoes to my headMake me forget that IStill need her soRed, red wineIt`s up to youAll I can do, I`ve doneBut mem`ries won`t goMem`ries won`t goI`d have thoughtThat with timeThoughts of youWould leave my headI was wrongAnd I findJust one thing makes me forgetRed, red wineStay close to meDon`t let me be aloneIt`s tearin` apartMy blue, blue heartRed red wine you make me feel so fineYou keep me rocking all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so grandI feel a million dollars when your just in my handRed red wine you make me feel so sadAny time I see you go it makes me feel badRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla pon the sweet dep lineRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRedred wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeahRed red wine I`m gonna hold to youHold on to you cause I know you love trueRed red wine I`m gonna love you till I dieLove you till I die and that`s no lieRed red wine can`t get you out my mindWhere ever you maybe I`ll surely findI`ll surely find make no fuss jus` stick with us.Give me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me Red wine because it make me feel fineMek me feel fine all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep lineThe line broke, the monkey get chokeBurn bad rizla pon him little rowing boatRed red wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeah.

红酒杯的英文表达方式 是 Red wine glass 还是 goblet呢? 求正解...

是wine glass.不用有异议了....我就是做杯具的.....呵呵

2009 california dry red wine 是什么葡萄酒、能卖多少钱?

圣皮尔古堡干红葡萄酒 (CHATEAU SAINT PIERRE DRY RED ),产于美国加州。类型:干红葡萄酒产地: 美国 加州 中央山谷年份:2009 葡萄品种:设拉子、芭贝拉、赤霞珠、另均衡调配些许多种不同酿酒葡萄原汁酒精含量:13%品酒师建议:口感柔和、果味突出,是红葡萄酒中最易饮的一类。通常未经橡木陈酿,从而保留了更多纯净的水果风味。这类葡萄酒通常散发着红色水果的芳香(如樱桃、红浆果、红醋栗)并夹杂着一些泥土和辛香料的气息;水果风味可口宜人,酸度突出,轻盈至中等酒体。 来自阳光明媚的加利福尼亚的原汁酒液,果香醇郁,细腻优雅,平衡的酒质使这款美酒成为各式中西菜肴的佳配。零售价格在50~70的样子。ps:另有一款产于法国的同名红葡萄酒,是波尔多左岸1855列级酒庄分级制的第4级名庄,价格要贵上许多,国内也很少见,根据年份不同,大概在800~1500的样子。

red wine product of spain


Red, Red Wine 歌词

歌曲名:Red, Red Wine歌手:Neil Diamond专辑:The Very Best Of Neil DiamondRed, red wineGoes to my headMake me forget that IStill need her soRed, red wineIt`s up to youAll I can do, I`ve doneBut mem`ries won`t goMem`ries won`t goI`d have thoughtThat with timeThoughts of youWould leave my headI was wrongAnd I findJust one thing makes me forgetRed, red wineStay close to meDon`t let me be aloneIt`s tearin` apartMy blue, blue heartRed red wine you make me feel so fineYou keep me rocking all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so grandI feel a million dollars when your just in my handRed red wine you make me feel so sadAny time I see you go it makes me feel badRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla pon the sweet dep lineRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRedred wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeahRed red wine I`m gonna hold to youHold on to you cause I know you love trueRed red wine I`m gonna love you till I dieLove you till I die and that`s no lieRed red wine can`t get you out my mindWhere ever you maybe I`ll surely findI`ll surely find make no fuss jus` stick with us.Give me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me Red wine because it make me feel fineMek me feel fine all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep lineThe line broke, the monkey get chokeBurn bad rizla pon him little rowing boatRed red wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeah.

dry red wine是什么意思

干红葡萄酒例句:1.Benjamin: the dry red wine looks quite good. 本杰明:干红葡萄酒看起来不错.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

Red, Red Wine 歌词

歌曲名:Red, Red Wine歌手:Neil Diamond专辑:Classics The Early YearsRed, red wineGoes to my headMake me forget that IStill need her soRed, red wineIt`s up to youAll I can do, I`ve doneBut mem`ries won`t goMem`ries won`t goI`d have thoughtThat with timeThoughts of youWould leave my headI was wrongAnd I findJust one thing makes me forgetRed, red wineStay close to meDon`t let me be aloneIt`s tearin` apartMy blue, blue heartRed red wine you make me feel so fineYou keep me rocking all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so grandI feel a million dollars when your just in my handRed red wine you make me feel so sadAny time I see you go it makes me feel badRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla pon the sweet dep lineRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRedred wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeahRed red wine I`m gonna hold to youHold on to you cause I know you love trueRed red wine I`m gonna love you till I dieLove you till I die and that`s no lieRed red wine can`t get you out my mindWhere ever you maybe I`ll surely findI`ll surely find make no fuss jus` stick with us.Give me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me Red wine because it make me feel fineMek me feel fine all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep lineThe line broke, the monkey get chokeBurn bad rizla pon him little rowing boatRed red wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeah.

Red Red Wine 歌词

歌曲名:Red Red Wine歌手:UB40专辑:Original Hits - PartyRed, red wineGoes to my headMake me forget that IStill need her soRed, red wineIt`s up to youAll I can do, I`ve doneBut mem`ries won`t goMem`ries won`t goI`d have thoughtThat with timeThoughts of youWould leave my headI was wrongAnd I findJust one thing makes me forgetRed, red wineStay close to meDon`t let me be aloneIt`s tearin` apartMy blue, blue heartRed red wine you make me feel so fineYou keep me rocking all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so grandI feel a million dollars when your just in my handRed red wine you make me feel so sadAny time I see you go it makes me feel badRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla pon the sweet dep lineRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRedred wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeahRed red wine I`m gonna hold to youHold on to you cause I know you love trueRed red wine I`m gonna love you till I dieLove you till I die and that`s no lieRed red wine can`t get you out my mindWhere ever you maybe I`ll surely findI`ll surely find make no fuss jus` stick with us.Give me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me Red wine because it make me feel fineMek me feel fine all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep lineThe line broke, the monkey get chokeBurn bad rizla pon him little rowing boatRed red wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeah.


  葡萄酒的种类非常多,而且有许多种不同的分法。  最常见的是以颜色来分,主要分为:  红葡萄酒red wine ( 法vin rouge )  白葡萄酒white wine ( 法vin blanc )  桃红葡萄酒rosé wine ( 法vin rosé )  也有以是否有气泡分成:  不起泡葡萄酒 still wine ( 法 vin tranquille )  起泡葡萄酒sparkling wine ( 法 vin effervescent )  也有以葡萄酒的甜度分成:  干型葡萄酒dry wine( 法vin sec )  半干型葡萄酒semi-dry wine( 法vin demi-sec )  甜型葡萄酒sweet wine ( 法 vin doux )  在葡萄酒中以人工的方式添加酒精则成为:  强化葡萄酒 fortified wine ( 法 vin fortifié )  采用单葡萄品种酿成称为:  单一葡萄品种葡萄酒 varietal wine ( vin de cépage )  红酒种类  1. 静 态 葡 萄 酒 ( Still Wine ) , 又 称 不 起 泡 葡 萄 酒平 常 人 所 说 的 Table Wine 就 属 于 此 类 , 这 是 将 分 解 所 产 生 的 二 氧 化 碳 挥 发 后 的 葡 萄 酒 , 酒 精 浓 度 介 乎 9 至 17 度 。  主 要 可 分 为 :  a. 红 酒 ( Red Wine ) : 由 红 葡 萄 连 同 果 皮 一 起 发 酵 而 成 , 通 常 需 至 少 5 、 6 年 的 时 间 才 成 熟  b. 白 酒 ( White Wine ) : 由 白 葡 萄 ( 黄 、 绿 系 ) 或 红 葡 萄 去果 柄 、 果 皮 再 压 榨 而 成 , 有 甜 与 不 甜 之 分 , 成 熟 时 间 介 乎 2 至 5 年 。  c. 玫 瑰 红 酒 ( RoseWine ) : 把 红 葡 萄 连 果 皮 一 起 拿 来 发 酵 , 发 酵 时 在 去 果 皮 或 把 红 、 白 葡 萄 混 合 发 酵 , 或 者 将做 好 的 白 酒 用 红 葡 萄 加 以 浸 泡 。  2. 香 槟 汽 泡 酒 ( Champagne Sparkling Wine )  a. 香 槟 酒 ( Champagne ) : 只 有 出 产 于 法 国 香 槟 地 ( 法 国 东 北 边 一 个 小 区 域 Champagne ) 的 汽 泡 酒 才 可 称 之 为 「 香 槟 酒 」 。  b. 汽 泡 葡 萄 酒 ( Sparkling Wine ) : 在 Champagne 以 外 的 产 区 经 传 统 方 式 酿 造 而 成 , 因 二 次 发 酵 会 有 一 些 残 存 的 二 氧 化 碳 , 故 开 瓶后 会 剧 烈 的 起 泡 。  3. 加 烈 葡 萄 酒 ( Fortified Wine ) , 又 称 强 化 性 酒精。压 榨 的 葡 萄 汁 加 入 酵 母 后 , 待 其 发 酵 时 再 添 加 白 兰 地 , 以 停 止 它 发 酵 , 因 此 比 一 般葡 萄 酒 含 有 较 高 的 酒 精 及 甜 度 , 如 雪 利 酒 ( Sherry ) , 酒 精 浓 度 为 14 至 24 度 。  4. 加 味 葡 萄 酒 ( Aromatized Wine ) , 又 称 混 合 型 葡 萄 酒。主 要 是 把 葡萄 酒 加 上 药 草 、 香 料 、 色 素 等 配 合 而 成 , 如 苦 艾 酒 。

Red, Red Wine 歌词

歌曲名:Red, Red Wine歌手:Neil Diamond专辑:The Essential Neil DiamondRed, red wineGoes to my headMake me forget that IStill need her soRed, red wineIt`s up to youAll I can do, I`ve doneBut mem`ries won`t goMem`ries won`t goI`d have thoughtThat with timeThoughts of youWould leave my headI was wrongAnd I findJust one thing makes me forgetRed, red wineStay close to meDon`t let me be aloneIt`s tearin` apartMy blue, blue heartRed red wine you make me feel so fineYou keep me rocking all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so grandI feel a million dollars when your just in my handRed red wine you make me feel so sadAny time I see you go it makes me feel badRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla pon the sweet dep lineRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRedred wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeahRed red wine I`m gonna hold to youHold on to you cause I know you love trueRed red wine I`m gonna love you till I dieLove you till I die and that`s no lieRed red wine can`t get you out my mindWhere ever you maybe I`ll surely findI`ll surely find make no fuss jus` stick with us.Give me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me Red wine because it make me feel fineMek me feel fine all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep lineThe line broke, the monkey get chokeBurn bad rizla pon him little rowing boatRed red wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeah.



U40唱的 red red wine 歌词 中文翻译

这是一首很好的歌,昨天听时找歌词才发现SOSO的机器翻译不对劲。重新翻译了下。其中一段不但引用其他歌,而且故意模仿醉汉的发音,很难翻译。请大家随便看。    大家听歌时注意听完整版本,有RAP的那种。听这个歌时请想象你在酒吧,喝醉了,有着幻觉的感觉。反复的RED RED WINE就像你对着酒杯诉说着什么。     red red wine 红红的酒啊    Goes to my head 酒上了头  Make me forget that I 让我忘记了  Still need her so 我仍然如此需要她  Red, red wine 红红的酒啊  It`s up to you 全靠你了  All I can do, I`ve done 我能做的一切都已经做了  But mem`ries won`t go 但是记忆仍未消失  Mem`ries won`t go 记忆仍未消失  I`d have thought 我曾经这样以为  That with time 随着时间的流逝  Thoughts of you 对你的思念  Would leave my head 将离开我的大脑  I was wrong 我错了  And I find 并且我发现  Just one thing makes me forget 只有一个对象能让我忘记你  Red, red wine 红红的酒  Stay close to me 伴随在我身边啊  Don`t let me be alone 不要让我孤单  It`s tearin` apart 它撕裂了  My blue, blue heart 我那颗深深忧郁的心  I`d have thought 我曾经以为  That with time 伴随时间的流逝  Thoughts of you 对你的思念  Would leave my head 将离开我的大脑  I was wrong 我错了  And I find 我发现  Just one thing makes me forget 只有一个东西能让我忘记你  Red, red wine 红红的酒  Stay close to me 伴随在我身边啊  Don`t let me be alone 不要让我孤单  It`s tearin` apart 它撕裂了  My blue, blue heart 我那颗深深忧郁的心  Red red wine you make me feel so fine 红红的酒啊,你让我感觉真好  You keep me rocking all of the time 你让我一直迷糊不定  Red red wine you make me feel so grand 红红的酒啊,你让我感觉高大了,  I feel a million dollars when your just in my hand 你在我手上时我感觉有了百万美元  Red red wine you make me feel so sad 红红的酒啊你让我如此悲伤  Any time I see you go it makes me feel bad 无论何时,看到你离开,我就是感到那么悲伤啊  Red red wine you make me feel so fine 红红的酒啊,你让我感觉真好  Monkey pack him rizla pon the sweet dep line 猴子在公交站台那卷着烟  Red red wine you give me whole heap of zing 红红的酒啊,你给我充足的能量,  Whole heap of zing mek me do me own thing 充足的让我为所欲为的能量  Redred wine you really know how fi love 红红的酒啊,你真的该知道我多么爱她  Your kind of loving like a blessing from above 你那美好的爱就像上天给我的祝福  Red red wine I love you right from the start 红红的酒啊,我真的从一开始就爱着她  Right from the start with all of my heart 从一开始我就全心的爱着她  Red red wine in a 80`s style 红红的酒啊,八十年代的品味  Red red wine in a modern beat style, yeah 红红的酒啊,有着现代的节奏  Give me little time, help me clear up me mind 给我一点点时间,让我清醒下头脑  Give me little time, help me clear up me mind 给我一点点时间,让我清醒下头脑    Give me Red wine because it make me feel fine 给我再来杯红酒,因为它它让我感觉真好  Mek me feel fine all of the time 让我无时无刻的感觉真好  Red red wine you make me feel so fine 红红的酒啊,你让我感觉真好  Monkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep line 猴子在公交站台那卷着烟  The line broke, the monkey get choke 电线断了,猴子噎着了  Burn bad rizla pon him little rowing boat 点着了它的那条小船  Red red wine I`m gonna hold to you 红红的酒啊,我将要拥有着你  Hold on to you cause I know you love true 拥着你因为我知道你的真正的爱  Red red wine I`m gonna love you till I die 红红的酒啊,我将爱着你直到死去  Love you till I die and that`s no lie 爱你至死这不是谎言  Red red wine can`t get you out my mind 红红的酒啊,你不能把她从我脑海中弄走  Where ever you maybe I`ll surely find 无论你到哪里我一定会找到你  I`ll surely find make no fuss jus` stick with us. 我一定能找到你,别计较,跟着我吧  Give me little time, help me clear up me mind 给我一点点时间,让我清醒下头脑  Give me little time, help me clear up me mind 给我一点点时间,让我清醒下头脑  Give me Red wine because it make me feel fine 在给我杯红酒吧,因为它让我感觉真好  Mek me feel fine all of the time 让我无时无刻的感觉真好  Red red wine you make me feel so fine 红红的酒啊让我感觉真好  Monkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep line 猴子在公交站台那卷着烟  The line broke, the monkey get choke 电线断了,猴子噎着了  Burn bad rizla pon him little rowing boat 点着了它的那条小船  Red red wine you really know how fi love 红红的酒啊,你真的该知道我多爱她  Your kind of loving like a blessing from above 你那美好的爱就像上天给我的祝福  Red red wine I love you right from the start 红红的酒啊,我真的从一开始就爱着她  Right from the start with all of my heart 从一开始我就全心的爱着她  Red red wine you give me whole heap of zing 红红的酒啊,你给我充足的能量,  Whole heap of zing mek me do me own thing 充足的让我为所欲为的能量  Red red wine in a 80`s style 红红的酒啊,八十年代的品味    Red red wine in a modern beat style, yeah.红红的酒啊,有着现代的节奏         中间一段引用的一个“半儿歌”歌词    西洋歌手 u25ba 亚伦卡特 u25ba Aaron"s Party(欢乐派对) u25ba The Clapping Song    The goose drank wine  The monkey chew tobacco on the streetcar line  The line broke, the monkey got choked  And they all went to heaven in a little rowboat

rusty lake hotel第二个房间的red wine在哪弄

一定要按照顺序依次解决这些动物才能拿到三星,顺序是:鹿、兔子、鸽子、野鸡、野猪,干掉野鸡之后,第二天早上再去原来野鸡站的地方就有red wine了。全三星攻略请见:



claret 和red wine有什么区别,高手解答

red wine 指的是红葡萄酒的统称claret 特指法国波尔多产的干红, 深紫红色



英语中wine 什么时候指果酒 那red wine呢?应该指的就是红色的葡萄酒吧 百度百科为什么还


red wine是不是就是红酒啊?

red wine字面翻译过来应是红葡萄酒,红葡萄酒是葡萄酒的一个类型.根据葡萄酒的颜色,红酒分为红葡萄酒(Red Wine),白葡萄酒(White Wine)跟桃红葡萄酒(Rose Wine)。深圳的乐勤汇进口酒加盟店就做了很多国家的原装原瓶进口红酒,可以详细去做了解。

classical wine是什么酒


U40唱的 red red wine 歌词 中文翻译

  Goes to my head  Make me forget that I  Still need her so  Red, red wine  It`s up to you  All I can do, I`ve done  But mem`ries won`t go  Mem`ries won`t go  I`d have thought  That with time  Thoughts of you  Would leave my head  I was wrong  And I find  Just one thing makes me forget  Red, red wine  Stay close to me  Don`t let me be alone  It`s tearin` apart  My blue, blue heart  I`d have thought  That with time  Thoughts of you  Would leave my head  I was wrong  And I find  Just one thing makes me forget  Red, red wine  Stay close to me  Don`t let me be alone  It`s tearin` apart  My blue, blue heart  Red red wine you make me feel so fine  You keep me rocking all of the time  Red red wine you make me feel so grand  I feel a million dollars when your just in my hand  Red red wine you make me feel so sad  Any time I see you go it makes me feel bad  Red red wine you make me feel so fine  Monkey pack him rizla pon the sweet dep line  Red red wine you give me whole heap of zing  Whole heap of zing mek me do me own thing  Redred wine you really know how fi love  Your kind of loving like a blessing from above  Red red wine I love you right from the start  Right from the start with all of my heart  Red red wine in a 80`s style  Red red wine in a modern beat style, yeah  Give me little time, help me clear up me mind  Give me little time, help me clear up me mind  Give me Red wine because it make me feel fine  Mek me feel fine all of the time  Red red wine you make me feel so fine  Monkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep line  The line broke, the monkey get choke  Burn bad rizla pon him little rowing boat  Red red wine I`m gonna hold to you  Hold on to you cause I know you love true  Red red wine I`m gonna love you till I die  Love you till I die and that`s no lie  Red red wine can`t get you out my mind  Where ever you maybe I`ll surely find  I`ll surely find make no fuss jus` stick with us.  Give me little time, help me clear up me mind  Give me little time, help me clear up me mind  Give me Red wine because it make me feel fine  Mek me feel fine all of the time  Red red wine you make me feel so fine  Monkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep line  The line broke, the monkey get choke  Burn bad rizla pon him little rowing boat  Red red wine you really know how fi love  Your kind of loving like a blessing from above  Red red wine I love you right from the start  Right from the start with all of my heart  Red red wine you give me whole heap of zing  Whole heap of zing mek me do me own thing  Red red wine in a 80`s style  Red red wine in a modern beat style, yeah.  翻译:  而且我觉得  转到我的头  让我忘记了我  还需要她,  它怎么了你  我所能做的,我已经做过`  红,红葡萄酒  但是,纪念`里斯那倒去  纪念`里斯那倒去  完了还以为  随着时间的推移  你思考  我错了  而且我觉得  会离开我的头  红,红葡萄酒  只是有一点让我忘记  别让我孤单  靠近我  离这儿tearin`除了  完了还以为  我国蓝色,蓝色的心  随着时间的推移  你思考  会离开我的头  我错了  而且我觉得  红,红葡萄酒  只是有一点让我忘记  靠近我  别让我孤单  离这儿tearin`除了  我国蓝色,蓝色的心  红的红葡萄酒,你让我感觉这么好  你让我摇动所有的时间  红的红葡萄酒,你让我感到如此宏伟  我觉得当你只是在我的手一亿美元  红的红葡萄酒,你让我感到非常伤心  红的红葡萄酒,你让我感觉这么好  他瑞兹拉PON的猴子包甜副线  红的红葡萄酒你给我整堆的尖啸声  任何时候,我看见你走这让我感觉不好  整个堆诚丁酮我做我自己的事  Redred酒你真的知道如何爱科幻  您种爱像上面的祝福  红葡萄酒红我爱你从一开始  从一所有与我的心开始  红的红葡萄酒在现代队的风格,是啊  红的红葡萄酒在80`风格  给我一点时间,帮助我,我头脑清醒  给我一点时间,帮助我,我头脑清醒  我觉得罚款MEK的所有时间  给我红葡萄酒,因为它使我感觉很好  红的红葡萄酒,你让我感觉这么好  他对猴子包甜副线瑞兹拉  该生产线打破了,猴子得到呛  他烧伤坏瑞兹拉PON的小划艇  红米红葡萄酒`我要去保留对您的  留住你,因为我知道你爱的真谛  红米红葡萄酒`我要去爱你,直到我死  爱你,直到死,而且`没谎言  红色红葡萄酒可以`吨让你出我的心  无论你在哪里也许我给你肯定会发现  给我一点时间,帮助我,我头脑清醒  我给你肯定会发现使无事绝对`我们坚持。  给我一点时间,帮助我,我头脑清醒  给我红葡萄酒,因为它使我感觉很好  我觉得罚款MEK的所有时间  红的红葡萄酒,你让我感觉这么好  他对猴子包甜副线瑞兹拉  该生产线打破了,猴子得到呛  他烧伤坏瑞兹拉PON的小划艇  红的红葡萄酒你真的知道如何爱科幻  您种爱像上面的祝福  红葡萄酒红我爱你从一开始  从一所有与我的心开始  红的红葡萄酒你给我整堆的尖啸声  红的红葡萄酒在80`风格  红的红葡萄酒在现代队的风格,是啊。


分类: 生活 >> 美食/烹饪 问题描述: 要做presentation,求高手指教,给一些资料或者国内的网站网址都可以 解析: 葡萄酒的种类非常多,而且有许多种不同的分法。 最常见的是以颜色来分,主要分为: 红葡萄酒red wine ( 法vin rouge )白葡萄酒white wine ( 法vin blanc ) 桃红葡萄酒rosé wine ( 法vin rosé ) 也有以是否有气泡分成: 不起泡葡萄酒 still wine ( 法 vin tranquille ) 起泡葡萄酒sparkling wine ( 法 vin effervescent ) 也有以葡萄酒的甜度分成: 干型葡萄酒dry wine( 法vin sec ) 半干型葡萄酒semi-dry wine( 法vin demi-sec ) 甜型葡萄酒sweet wine ( 法 vin doux ) 在葡萄酒中以人工的方式添加酒精则成为: 强化葡萄酒 fortified wine ( 法 vin fortifié ) 采用单葡萄品种酿成称为: 单一葡萄品种葡萄酒 varietal wine ( vin de cépage ) 红酒种类 1. 静 态 葡 萄 酒 ( Still Wine ) , 又 称 不 起 泡 葡 萄 酒平 常 人 所 说 的 Table Wine 就 属 于 此 类 , 这 是 将 分 解 所 产 生 的 二 氧 化 碳 挥 发 后 的 葡 萄 酒 , 酒 精 浓 度 介 乎 9 至 17 度 。 主 要 可 分 为 : a. 红 酒 ( Red Wine ) : 由 红 葡 萄 连 同 果 皮 一 起 发 酵 而 成 , 通 常 需 至 少 5 、 6 年 的 时 间 才 成 熟 b. 白 酒 ( White Wine ) : 由 白 葡 萄 ( 黄 、 绿 系 ) 或 红 葡 萄 去果 柄 、 果 皮 再 压 榨 而 成 , 有 甜 与 不 甜 之 分 , 成 熟 时 间 介 乎 2 至 5 年 。 c. 玫 瑰 红 酒 ( RoseWine ) : 把 红 葡 萄 连 果 皮 一 起 拿 来 发 酵 , 发 酵 时 在 去 果 皮 或 把 红 、 白 葡 萄 混 合 发 酵 , 或 者 将做 好 的 白 酒 用 红 葡 萄 加 以 浸 泡 。 2. 香 槟 汽 泡 酒 ( Champagne Sparkling Wine ) a. 香 槟 酒 ( Champagne ) : 只 有 出 产 于 法 国 香 槟 地 ( 法 国 东 北 边 一 个 小 区 域 Champagne ) 的 汽 泡 酒 才 可 称 之 为 「 香 槟 酒 」 。 b. 汽 泡 葡 萄 酒 ( Sparkling Wine ) : 在 Champagne 以 外 的 产 区 经 传 统 方 式 酿 造 而 成 , 因 二 次 发 酵 会 有 一 些 残 存 的 二 氧 化 碳 , 故 开 瓶后 会 剧 烈 的 起 泡 。 3. 加 烈 葡 萄 酒 ( Fortified Wine ) , 又 称 强 化 性 酒精。压 榨 的 葡 萄 汁 加 入 酵 母 后 , 待 其 发 酵 时 再 添 加 白 兰 地 , 以 停 止 它 发 酵 , 因 此 比 一 般葡 萄 酒 含 有 较 高 的 酒 精 及 甜 度 , 如 雪 利 酒 ( Sherry ) , 酒 精 浓 度 为 14 至 24 度 。 4. 加 味 葡 萄 酒 ( Aromatized Wine ) , 又 称 混 合 型 葡 萄 酒。主 要 是 把 葡萄 酒 加 上 药 草 、 香 料 、 色 素 等 配 合 而 成 , 如 苦 艾 酒 。

英语中wine 什么时候指果酒 那red wine呢?应该指的就是红色的葡萄酒吧 百度百科为什么还


dry red wine是什么酒








Red Wine 和 Vintage 有什么分别?

"Vintage" - 跟据 Merriam-Webster Dictionary 诠释 : "(1) a season"s yield of grapes or wine from a vineyard (2) : WINE; especially : a usually superior wine all or most of which es from a single year." 所以,"vintage" 一词是指葡萄酒的年份。"Vintage Wine" 才是指该葡萄酒是全部用于标签上标明的年份所出产的葡萄酿造。通常符合所属 appellation最低标准的出品都会标明年份 (vintage year)。没标明年份的红餐酒多属品质不太高的出品。 至于"Red Wine" ,基本上是指品质一般的红葡萄酒(红餐酒),但若你对世界各地的红酒酒庄有一定认识的话,你会发现有些颇具名气的著名酒庄,因所属的Appellation 标准限制关系,所用葡萄品种的比例跟标准有出入而不能以所用葡萄命名(例如Napa Valley的红酒,所用单一葡萄品种要最少占75%才可以放葡萄品种于标签上, 标明Caber Sauvignon的要含最少75%的Caber Sauvignon,其他葡萄品种如Merlot,Caber Franc等不可超过25% )因此只可以于标签上写上"Red Wine"。较知名的如 Dominus 的出品,及Joseph Phelps的旗舰出品Insignia。两者都售价过仟港元一瓶,两者都自称为"Red Wine". Robert Parkers都给两者很高的评价。 2007-04-16 14:43:40 补充: 所以叫"Red Wine" 的,亦未必百份百是质素差/普通的代表,切勿以遍盖全。,vintage 指高级品质的葡萄所酿出来的高等酒或者是那种很有味道风味独特的酒。 red wine 通常都指餐酒,或者是普通的红酒 详细可见以下网址 en. *** /wiki/Vintage en. *** /wiki/Wine,



Ginuwine的《Pony》 歌词

歌曲:Pony歌手:Ginuwine发行时间:2010-02-10所属专辑:《Greatest Hits》I"m just a bachelorI"m looking for a partnerSomeone who knows how to rideWithout even falling offGotta be compatibleTakes me to my limitsGirl when I break you offI promise that you won"t want to get offChorusGinuwineIf your horny, Let"s do itRide it, My PonyMy saddle"s waitingCome and jump on itIf your horny, Let"s do itRide it, My PonyMy saddle"s waitingCome and jump on itSitting here flossingPeeping your steeloJust once if I have the chanceThe things I will do to youYou and your bodySend chills up and down you spineJuices flowing down your thighChorusIf we"re gonna get nasty, BabyFirst we"ll show & tellTill I reach your ponytailLurk all over and through you babyUntil I reach your streamYou"ll be on my jockey teamChorusrepeats and ends(Ride it)(My Saddle"s)



Amy Winehouse&Nas的《Like Smoke》 歌词

歌曲名:Like Smoke歌手:Amy Winehouse&Nas专辑:Lioness Hidden TreasuresNas Feat. Amy Winehouse - Like Smoke(Prod. by Salaam Remi)I never wanted youTo be my manI just needed companyDon"t want to get dependent onYour time or who you spend it onBut I lose it when you look at meLike smokeI hung around in the unbalanceIt"s not a movie, this is not a script or proofreadI"ll spit some untruths to dumb fools and groupiesFun to punctuate, pronounciate the funds I makeAnd also take, put in your faceOh my mistake, you"re not a floozy?Then excuse meBefore I talk, my style introduced meGet your name and phone number like 1-2-3Y"all know the story, y"all know the commentaryI kick the narrative, this is legendaryThe good Samaritan, hood thespian, like a polygamistWith a twist, will I marry again?Maybe, I guessI hold a lady"s interest, I just metThe love scholar, she"s the teacher"s petEvery other eve we meet and make each other sweatI feel triumphant, no stringsJust a fling to have fun withI be out in London, CamdenHuntin" for the answers, why did God take away the homie?I can"t stand itI"m a firm believer that we all meet up in eternityJust hope the big man show me some courtesyWhy?"Cause I"m deemed a heart breakerLike smoke, girls linger "round a playerI never wanted youTo be my manI just needed companyDon"t want to get dependent onYour time or who you spend it onI lose it when you look at meLike smokeI hang around in the unbalanceYo, this recession is a testIt"s affecting my complexionMisdirecting my affectionMy concerns are bill collectionsThe facts is the taxes, they after meChapter three, my propertyMy handlers, they dealt with me improperlyI say some things I should probably keep privatelyEvaluate the world bank trusts like I"m IEGThose fly suites and my boojwaziTall freak, she wouldn"t protest with me at Wall StreetShe says, no you"re so deepI said, no let"s go through itHistorically so ruthless as feds came for Joe LouisShe said, my man you need to laugh sometimesClassify me as a whore, I tell her have some wineYou colder than penguin poo, in her dismayShe"s thinkin" that"s just so silly to sayBut if you really think about it hussySee a penguin, he drags his shit around the ground all dayAnd it"s a dragon, it"s a bastard you"re in tune withI"m through with you after I crush, so is that humorous enough?The smoke I puffTell the car to go to Aura, Funky Buddha, Whiskey Mist on MayfairI hope I meet some Monie Love so she can show me loveNYC to UK I might stay thereEverybody in the club tonight say, "Yeah"You know how me and Amy are, straight playersOhh, ohh, ohh, ohh

求amy winehouse 的cherry 的歌词,最好有中文翻译!感激不尽!

cherryHer name is Cherry We"ve just metBut already she knows meBetter than youShe understands meAfter eighteen years And you still don"t see me Like you ought to doMaybe we could talk "bout thingsIf you was made of wood and stringsWhile I love her every soundI dunno how to turn you downYou"re so thick and my patience thinSo I got me a knew best friendWith a pickup that puts you to shameAnd Cherry is her nameAnd when I"m lonely Cherry"s thereAnd she plays along While I sing out my bluesI could be crying And you don"t careYou won"t call me backYou"re stubborn as muleMaybe we could talk "bout thingsIf you was made of wood and stringsYou might think I"ve gone too farI"m talking "bout my new guitar

Amy Winehouse的《Tears Dry》 歌词

歌曲名:Tears Dry歌手:Amy Winehouse专辑:Lioness: Hidden TreasuresTears DryAmy WinehouseAll I can ever be to youIs a darkness that we knewAnd this regret I got accustomed toOnce it was so rightWhen we were at our highWaiting for you in the hotel at nightI knew I hadn"t met my matchBut every moment we could snatchI don"t know why I got so attachedIt"s my responsibilityAnd you don"t owe nothing to meBut to walk away I have no capacityHe walks awayThe sun goes downHe takes the day but I"m grownAnd in your way in this blue shadeMy tears dry on their ownI don"t understandWhy do I stress A manWhen there"s so many bigger things at handWe could a never had it allWe had to hit a wallSo this is inevitable withdrawalEven if I stop wanting youA Perspective pushes trueI"ll be some next man"s other woman soonI cannot play myself againI should just be my own best friendNot fuck myself in the head with stupid menHe walks awayThe sun goes downHe takes the day but I"m grownAnd in your wayIn this blue shadeMy tears dry on their ownI wish I could SAY no regretsAnd no emotional debtsCause as we kiss goodbye the sun setsSo we are historyThe shadow covers meThe sky above a blaze that only lovers seeHe walks awayThe sun goes downHe takes the day but I"m grownAnd in your wayMy blue ShadeMy tears dry on their ownHe walks awayThe sun goes downHe takes the day but I am grownAnd in your wayMy deep shadeMy tears dry on their own.....My tears dry on their ownMy tears dry on their own......My tears dry on their own

Amy Winehouse的《Pumps》 歌词

歌曲名:Pumps歌手:Amy Winehouse专辑:Pumps / Help YourselfPumpsAmy WinehouseWhen you walk in the baringAnd you dressed like a staringRocking your F me pumpsAnd the men notice youingWith your Gucci bag crewingCan"t tell who he"s looking toCuz you all look the sameingEveryone knows your nameingAnd that"s you whole claim to fameNever miss a nightingCause your dream in lifeingIs to be a footballers wifeYou don"t like playersingThat"s what you say aingBut you really wouldn"t mind a millionaireYou don"t like ballersingThey don"t do nothing for yaingBut you"d love a rich man six foot two or tallerYou"re more than a faningLooking for a maningBut you end up with one nights standsHe could be your whole lifeingIf you got past one nightingBut that part never goes rightIn the morning you"re vexedingHe"s onto the nextingAnd you didn"t even get no tasteDon"t be too upsetingIf they call you a skankingCause like the news everyday you get pressedYou don"t like playersingThat"s what you say aingBut you really wouldn"t mind a millionaireOr them big ballersingDon"t do nothing for yaBut you"d love a rich man six foot two or talleringYou can"t sit down rightingCause you jeans are too tightingAnd your lucky its ladies nightWith your big empty purseingEvery week it gets worseingAt least your breasts cost more than hersSo you did miamiingCuz you got there for freeingBut somehow you missed the planeYou did too muchMet somebodyingAnd spent the night getting canedWithout girls like youingThere"d be no funingWe"d go to the club and not see anyoneWithout girls like youingThere"s no nightlifeingAll those men just go home to their wivesDon"t be mad at meingCause you"re pushing thirtyingAnd your old tricks no longer workYou should have known from the jobingThat you always get dumpedingSo dust off your where me pumps

Amy Winehouse的《Monkey Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Monkey Man歌手:Amy Winehouse专辑:iTunes Festival: LondonAmy Winehouse - Monkey ManAlbum: Back To Black鹰飞雁武 编辑Aye aye aye, aye aye ayeTell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey manAye aye aye, aye aye ayeTell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey manI never saw you, I only heard of youhuggin up the big monkey manI never saw you, I only heard of youhuggin up the big monkey manIt"s no lie, it"s no lieThem a tell me, you huggin up the big monkey manIt"s no lie, it"s no lieThem a tell me, you huggin up the big monkey manNow I know that, now I understandYou"re turning a monkey on meNow I know that, now I understandYou"re turning a monkey on meAye aye aye, aye aye ayeTell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey manAye aye aye, aye aye ayeTell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey man

Amy Winehouse的《Valerie》 歌词

歌曲名:Valerie歌手:Amy Winehouse专辑:BBC Radio 1"s Live Lounge Vol.2Amy Winehouse - ValerieAlbum: Back To Black (Deluxe Edition)鹰飞雁武 编辑Well Sometimes I Go Out,By Myself,And I Look Across The Water.And I Think Of All The Things,Of What You"re Doing,And in my head I Paint A Picture.Since I"ve Come Home,Well My Body"s Been A Mess,And I Miss Your ginger Hair,And The Way You Like To Dress.Oh Wont You Come On Over,Stop Making A Fool Out Of Me,Why Dont You Come On Over, Valerie.ValerieValerieValerieDid You Have To Go To Jail,Put Your House Out Up For Sale,Did You Get A Good Lawyer.I Hope You Didnt Catch A Tan,I Hope You Find The Right Man,Who"ll Fix It For You.Are You Shopping Anywhere,Change The Color Of Your Hair,And Are You Busy.Did You Have To Pay That Fine,That You Were Dodging All The Time,Are You Still Dizzy.Well Since I Come Home,Well My Body"s Been A Mess,And I Miss Your Tender Hair,And The Way You Like To Dress.Oh Wont You Come On Over,Stop Making A Fool Out Of Me,Oh Why Dont You Come On Over,Valerie.ValerieValerieValerieWell Somtimes I Go Out,By Myslef,And I Look Across The Water.And I Think Of All The Things,What You"re Doing,And In My Head I Paint A Picture.Since I"ve Come Home,Well My Body"s Been A Mess,And I Miss Your Tender Hair,And The Way You Like To Dress.ValerieWhy Don"t You Come On Over Valerie...

求Amy Winehouse《our day will come 》中英对照歌词。

自己翻译的 没有用翻译器 Our day will come我们的日子会来的And we"ll have everything.那时你我将拥有一切We"ll share the joy享受着那喜悦Falling in love can bring.皆因我们坠入爱河No one can tell me再没人可以说That I"m too young to know我太年少 还不懂爱Cause I love you so因为我深深的爱你And you love me你也这样的爱我Our day will come我们的日子会来的If we just wait a while.请静候佳音No tears for us再没有泪水Think love and with a smile.微笑着沉醉爱河And our dreams are meant to be这美梦早已命中注定Because we"ll always stay因为我们会永远相伴In love this way相爱如此 Our day will come我们的日子会来的

求Amywinehouse的best friend 的中文歌词翻译!!!!


如何评价 Amy Winehouse

 Amy Winehouse的死亡使她成为青史留名的人,不仅是因为那张获得巨大成功的Back to Black,还因为这个人(我指的是她的公众形象)。这可以blablabla牵扯许多。咳咳,扯淡时间到,大家搬好小板凳...  若你关注Amy在世时的八卦新闻,对她的死亡就不会惊讶。她何止是毒后!酗酒、和老公狗血不断的恩恩怨怨、与狗仔队的交锋、戒毒所、当年格莱美前被拒签...甚至连她老爹都提前写好遗嘱。这种自虐不停折腾不止的人生态度,在如今乐坛已不多见。话说我一直觉得The Libertines的Pete Doherty属于“绝逼活不过三十岁”的那一拨人,结果...他居然活下来了...  首先是音乐风格。虽然Amy、Duffy、Adele三人曾经被相提并论,但除了烟酒嗓和同为Blue-Eyed Soul Singer,三人的音乐风格和形象都相差巨大。Duffy继承的是有White Queen of Soul称号的Dusty Springfield的衣钵。Amy则向大批黑人女歌手取经:Billie Holiday、Etta James、Sarah Vaughan、Motown时代、 Macy Gray、 Lauryn Hill...所以Amy歌曲...怎么说呢?更“糙”更“黑”。Duffy的歌曲有大量华丽的弦乐铺陈,符合听众对Soul的传统印象;Adele的流行味更重,也有民谣、福音甚至成人抒情元素;Amy则将复古Jazz、R&B、Soul、Ska、Swing融为一炉,听她的歌,眼前就闪过各位上古大神的即视感。

Amy Winehouse的《Valerie》 歌词

  Amy Winehouse的《Valerie》 歌词:  歌名:《Valerie》  所属专辑:《Black to Black》  歌曲时长:3分49秒  歌曲原唱:Amy Winehouse  歌词:  Well sometimes I go out by myself  and I look across the water  And I think of all the things  what you"re doing and in my head I make a picture  Cos since I"ve come on home  well my body"s been a mess  And I"ve missed your ginger hair  and the way you like to dress  Won"t you come on over,  stop making a fool out of me  why don"t you come over  valerie,valerie,valerie,valerie  Did you have to go to jail  put your house on up for sale,  did you get a good lawyer  I hope you didn"t catch a tan,  I hope you find the right man who"ll fix it for you  Are you shopping anywhere,  changed the colour of your hair,are you busy  And did you have to pay the fine  you were dodging all the time are you still busy  Cos since I"ve come on home,  well my body"s been a mess  And I"ve missed your ginger hair  and the way you like to dress  Why won"t you come on over  stop making a fool out of me  Valerie,why don"t you come over Valerie  Valerie, Valerie Valerie  Well sometimes I go out by myself  and I look across the water  And I think of all the things,  what you"re doing and in my head I make a picture  Cos since I"ve come on home,  well my body"s been a mess  And I"ve missed your ginger hair  and the way you like to dress  Won"t you come on over, stop making a fool out of me  Why won"t you come on over Valerie, Valerie.  Valerie, Valerie  Yeah Valerie Valerie Valerie Valerie Velerie Valerie why don"t you come over Valerie

如何评价 Amy Winehouse

  Amy Winehouse的死亡使她成为青史留名的人,不仅是因为那张获得巨大成功的Back to Black,还因为这个人(我指的是她的公众形象)。这可以blablabla牵扯许多。咳咳,扯淡时间到,大家搬好小板凳...  若你关注Amy在世时的八卦新闻,对她的死亡就不会惊讶。她何止是毒后!酗酒、和老公狗血不断的恩恩怨怨、与狗仔队的交锋、戒毒所、当年格莱美前被拒签...甚至连她老爹都提前写好遗嘱。这种自虐不停折腾不止的人生态度,在如今乐坛已不多见。话说我一直觉得The Libertines的Pete Doherty属于“绝逼活不过三十岁”的那一拨人,结果...他居然活下来了...  首先是音乐风格。虽然Amy、Duffy、Adele三人曾经被相提并论,但除了烟酒嗓和同为Blue-Eyed Soul Singer,三人的音乐风格和形象都相差巨大。Duffy继承的是有White Queen of Soul称号的Dusty Springfield的衣钵。Amy则向大批黑人女歌手取经:Billie Holiday、Etta James、Sarah Vaughan、Motown时代、 Macy Gray、 Lauryn Hill...所以Amy歌曲...怎么说呢?更“糙”更“黑”。Duffy的歌曲有大量华丽的弦乐铺陈,符合听众对Soul的传统印象;Adele的流行味更重,也有民谣、福音甚至成人抒情元素;Amy则将复古Jazz、R&B、Soul、Ska、Swing融为一炉,听她的歌,眼前就闪过各位上古大神的即视感。  为什么Back to Black比Frank更成功,我是这么想的:Frank中有大热单曲Fuck Me Pumps、Stronger Than Me,不过相比大热单曲,其他歌曲未免不夺目;而且它的风格化太突显。到了二专,除了大家都知道的更加大热的单曲Rehab、Back to Black、You Know I"m No Good,其他歌曲也颇为上口(Me & Mr Jones、Some Unholy War、Tears Dry On Their Own),这使整张专辑更有流行度,同时保证了专辑风格完整度。此外就是制作人Mark Ronson,他在Back to Black增加了和声和大量弦乐,使歌曲层次更丰富,也更有气势,Mark Ronson作为制作人也因此名声大噪。不过Mark Ronson这种雷同的制作手法后来也受了不少诟病,那是后话了。还有一点,Back to Black述说了很多黑暗情事,如今Amy离世,两相对照,歌曲被听者赋予新的含义,这增添了专辑的传奇性。  Amy最大的功劳,是带动了英国白人骚灵女歌手的复兴。达菲姐和阿呆妹的走红也不能说与她无关:2008年,Amy在第50届格莱美上拿到5项大奖;在第51届格莱美上Adele拿下最佳流行女歌手和年度最佳新人,Duffy拿下最佳流行演唱专辑;到第54届...阿呆妹的事儿大家都知道了。  题外话,其实这三位中,我最喜欢的是达菲姐的首专Rockferry,这无关专辑质量,只是单纯的个人喜好(潜台词是:“不服你来咬我啊!”无赖脸=,=)...不过后来这三人的命运截然不同,令人唏嘘啊~~  接下来,就是传说中的“27岁俱乐部”。“27岁俱乐部”是指一批27岁时早夭的摇滚明星。较为知名的成员有3J(Jimi Hendrix、Jim Morrison、Janis Joplin)、Kurt Cobain、曾经的滚石乐队吉他手Brian Jones、Manic Street Preachers乐队吉他手Richard James Edwards...大部分都走“狂放不羁”路线的。其实所谓“27岁俱乐部”有点倒推因果,很多非自然死亡摇滚乐手并不是27岁。比如John Lennon(40岁)、Ian Curtis(23岁)、Nick Drake(26岁)、Tim Buckley(28岁)、Jeff Buckley(30岁)、尾崎丰(26岁)...有数据表明,摇滚乐手的确是个高危职业,车祸啊嗑药啊酗酒啊打群架啊精尽人亡(咦?)啊不对精疲力竭啊....导致其人均寿命低于其他职业。而神秘的非正常死亡,则能够为歌手增加神话光环,使其由“伟大”荣升为“传奇”,其效果跟魔兽世界中紫色装备升级为橙色装备似的——虽然歌手本人是无福消受了...  如今Amy也成为了27岁俱乐部中的一员,自然镀上了一层传奇光环。所以这对单纯的判断她的作品造成困难。这就涉及到“形象”问题了,说起来比较复杂,容我展开一下。  我曾经说过,作者和作品不能割裂开,不然汪峰现在也不会成笑柄了不是?我们没法想象他会唱:“我生来就是花心~~”嘛。Amy给公众的印象是“狂放不羁、no作no die”,而她也从不在作品中讳言自己的混乱生活,那些露骨直白的歌词就像把自己的伤口扒给大家看。这种表现,好听的说法是“做我自己”,直白的说法是“老娘就是牛逼!老娘就要鬼混!爱看看不爱看滚!”如果再在歌曲中稍微暴露一下小脆弱,矮马顿时魅力值爆表了有木有?——但是脚多马呆!这种把自己的生活弄得一塌糊涂众人皆知的歌手并不鲜见,60年的一大帮嬉皮士歌手、80年代的一大帮朋克青年、Whitney Houston、Michael Jackson、曾经离悬崖很近的Britney Spears、Lindsay Lohan、Pete Doherty...当然上述这些人作死原因不同,有的是先天缺爱,有的是环境压力,有的…只是单纯想作死…你对3J不熟,总知道Kurt Cobain吧?Cobain也是“生活一塌糊涂把伤口扒给别人看”的好手。这么说吧,Amy要是不死,喏,搞不好Axl Rose就是她的未来。  更诡异的是,观众也成为这场闹剧的一部分。我们一边为歌手的胡作非为惋惜,一边又搬来小板凳津津有味的欣赏这一幕幕闹剧。除了脑缠粉,其实观众都希望The Show Must Go On:“啥?洗心革面?开神马玩笑,他/她从良了我们看神马啊?!”你看自从Pete Doherty稍微消停,关注度立刻大降,有谁还关心Babyshambles去年的新专辑?大家念念叨叨的还是他在The Libertines时期的故事。这算神马情况?“演员与观众的合谋?”  所以很多人不喜欢Amy是有理由的(“The self-destructive tortured-artist routine was bullshit when Kurt Cobain did it, it was bullshit when Elliott Smith did it, and it"s bullshit now. ”),这种不喜甚至会延伸至其作品。排除死亡光环和混乱生活形象的干扰(这挺有难度),单论作品,Amy Winehouse的两张专辑能否让其进入神坛还存疑。做个比较,Jeff Buckley凭其生前仅有的一张录音室专辑Grace便名垂不朽;Ian Curtis在Joy Division期间的两张专辑也极具开创性。Frank和Back to Black更多的是向古人致敬,而非创新,将其定位于“令人耳目一新的精彩的流行专辑”是恰当的,但再往上拔高就不合适了。不过综合考量所有因素,Amy Winehouse和Back to Black必将为人铭记。

为什么叫艾米·怀恩豪斯 (Amy Winehouse)“毒后”?由来是什么啊?多谢!

她吸毒 酗酒成瘾,几次进戒毒所,但出来后还是继续吸, 08年的时候还流传有她吸毒时候的视频。哎,其实觉得她有时候就是疯疯癫癫的 也没什么大问题 ,谁知道这次玩大了。

为什么 Amy Winehouse 的评价如此高

Amy Winehouse的死亡使她成为青史留名的人,不仅是因为那张获得巨大成功的Back to Black,还因为这个人(指的是她的公众形象)。这可以blablabla牵扯许多。咳咳,扯淡时间到,大家搬好小板凳…若关注Amy在世时的八卦新闻,对她的死亡就不会惊讶。她何止是毒后。酗酒、和老公狗血不断的恩恩怨怨、与狗仔队的交锋、戒毒所、当年格莱美前被拒签…甚至连她老爹都提前写好遗嘱。这种自虐不停折腾不止的人生态度,在如今乐坛已不多见。话说搜索一直觉得The Libertines的Pete Doherty属于“绝逼活不过三十岁”的那一拨人,结果…他居然活下来了…首先是音乐风格。虽然Amy、Duffy、Adele三人曾经被相提并论,但除了烟酒嗓和同为Blue-Eyed Soul Singer,三人的音乐风格和形象都相差巨大。Duffy继承的是有White Queen of Soul称号的Dusty Springfield的衣钵。Amy则向大批黑人女歌手取经:Billie Holiday、Etta James、Sarah Vaughan、Motown时代、 Macy Gray、 Lauryn Hill…所以Amy歌曲…怎么说 。更“糙”更“黑”。Duffy的歌曲有大量华丽的弦乐铺陈,符合听众对Soul的传统印象;Adele的流行味更重,也有民谣、福音甚至成人抒情元素;Amy则将复古Jazz、R&B、Soul、Ska、Swing融为一炉,听她的歌,眼前就闪过各位上古大神的即视感。

amy winehouse的曲风?


Amy Winehouse的B Boy Baby歌词翻译

男孩,我的宝贝B(你不会成为我的宝贝)我唯一的宝贝(我的宝贝现在)男孩,我的宝贝我(我的宝贝现在)我唯一的宝贝(哦,哦,哦,哦)男孩,我的宝贝B(你不会成为我的宝贝)我唯一的宝贝(我的宝贝现在)男孩,我的宝贝我(我的宝贝现在)我唯一的宝贝(哦,哦,哦,哦)这是winnin的时间,你知道他们说什么你有没有想到我们,你想念你的宝贝?我会赶上火车,猜我headin "你的方式你是我的电话号码的时候,那就是,一个刚出生的儿子你不会成为我的国王?(你不会成为我的国王?)因为我知道你在乎,我会脏跳舞给你看当我做我要再做一次当这结束了,我会把你更近保持你的耐克鞋,你也知道我们做的没有什么他不会尝试我们就像天空中的两颗星星下雨天,你是我的阳光很明显,看我的热量,在冬日的严寒太适合我因此,何不请男孩,我的宝贝B(你不会成为我的宝贝)我唯一的宝贝(我的宝贝现在)男孩,我的宝贝我(我的宝贝现在)我唯一的宝贝(Ohhhhh)将两个在空气中如果你喜欢我关心她的人感到很怪所有的女士们的需求他是非卖品,他是home-delivered给我为你的努力就这样挂卡,请(他是我的宝贝)那位来电,这就是我看到的我听到他的声音和事情弄湿知道我是怎么想的,然后他就去他是我嘘,我是他的小宠物,他的小宠物你永远不知道他下一步将做,他是我的宝贝我的雨天,我的阳光生活幻想我的热量,在冬日的严寒太适合我因此,何不请男孩,我的宝贝B(你不会成为我的宝贝)我唯一的宝贝(我的宝贝现在)男孩,我的宝贝我(我的宝贝现在)我唯一的宝贝(Ohhhhh)男孩,我的宝贝B(你会是我的宝贝?)我唯一的宝贝(我的宝贝现在)男孩,我的宝贝我(我的宝贝现在)我唯一的宝贝(Ohhhhh)

amy winehouse的me and mr.jone歌词中文翻译


Amy Winehouse的《Valerie》 歌词

歌曲名:Valerie歌手:Amy Winehouse专辑:Back To Black(Deluxe Edition)Amy Winehouse - ValerieAlbum: Back To Black (Deluxe Edition)鹰飞雁武 编辑Well Sometimes I Go Out,By Myself,And I Look Across The Water.And I Think Of All The Things,Of What You"re Doing,And in my head I Paint A Picture.Since I"ve Come Home,Well My Body"s Been A Mess,And I Miss Your ginger Hair,And The Way You Like To Dress.Oh Wont You Come On Over,Stop Making A Fool Out Of Me,Why Dont You Come On Over, Valerie.ValerieValerieValerieDid You Have To Go To Jail,Put Your House Out Up For Sale,Did You Get A Good Lawyer.I Hope You Didnt Catch A Tan,I Hope You Find The Right Man,Who"ll Fix It For You.Are You Shopping Anywhere,Change The Color Of Your Hair,And Are You Busy.Did You Have To Pay That Fine,That You Were Dodging All The Time,Are You Still Dizzy.Well Since I Come Home,Well My Body"s Been A Mess,And I Miss Your Tender Hair,And The Way You Like To Dress.Oh Wont You Come On Over,Stop Making A Fool Out Of Me,Oh Why Dont You Come On Over,Valerie.ValerieValerieValerieWell Somtimes I Go Out,By Myslef,And I Look Across The Water.And I Think Of All The Things,What You"re Doing,And In My Head I Paint A Picture.Since I"ve Come Home,Well My Body"s Been A Mess,And I Miss Your Tender Hair,And The Way You Like To Dress.ValerieWhy Don"t You Come On Over Valerie...

Amy Winehouse是怎么死的呀?

英国警方已经证实了Amy的死亡,但是死因不详。但是艾米·怀恩豪斯 (Amy Winehouse) 生前长期受到酗酒和使用毒品成瘾的困扰。不久前还曾在伦敦的一家戒酒所接受治疗。所以大部分推测Amy的死因便是酒精或者是毒品,或者是两者皆有。

给我介绍一下Amy Winehouse呢


amy winehouse毒后什么意思

顾名思义,她吸食毒品啊还因为各种不健康的嗜好;从2007年开始,Amy Winehouse就越来癫狂大胆地公开吸毒,她三天两头就因为当街吸大麻、携带大麻、吸毒入院、酗酒及自残行为等困扰新闻而屡屡上报,连在格莱美获奖也因为戒毒疗程而不能去现场领奖;去年4月她在酒吧中边打桌球边吸大麻,还因此引起突端和别人发生肢体冲突;甚至有她在其私人住所吸毒的视频流出。但又由于其在音乐事业上不容忽视的造诣,是英国最重要的歌手之一,所以就有了“毒后”这似褒似贬的中性称谓。得知她近日突然去世,非常震惊,知情人士表示长期过量使用毒品和酗酒可能是导致Amy Winehouse死亡的原因。真的很可惜……

问一下Amy Winehouse的音乐是什么类型?还有她的档案或介绍.

so suck

为什么叫艾米·怀恩豪斯 (Amy Winehouse)“毒后”?由来是什么啊?多谢!

因为艾米·怀恩豪斯 吸毒成瘾,但是又由于她对音乐界有着巨大的影响,所以被人们称为毒后。从2007年开始,Amy Winehouse就越来癫狂大胆地公开吸毒,她三天两头就因为当街吸大麻、携带大麻、吸毒入院、酗酒及自残行为等困扰新闻而屡屡上报。在2008年,她就因为吸毒和酗酒而患上了肺气肿,被传言活不久了。多年来,艾米一直沉浸在可卡因和酒精中,这严重影响了她音乐事业上的发展。此前她一直在与酒精和毒品进行斗争,多次出入康复中心,试图戒除酒瘾和毒瘾。据国外媒体报道,艾米之所以染上毒瘾,与前夫布莱克有关,布莱克曾在接受采访时说:“我这一生所犯下的最大错误就是在艾米面前吸食海洛因。是我教她吸食海洛因、可卡因以及自残,我感到罪孽深重。”正是他的劝说,让艾米走上了吸毒之路,并一发不可收拾。有传言称,布莱克在监狱中,曾经靠贩卖艾米的照片来换取毒品。扩展资料:艾米·怀恩豪斯 对于英国音乐界的影响:关于Amy Winehouse,我们可以说很多,她是2000年后英国最重要的歌手之一。英国媒体与小报似乎一直关注她的粗鲁行为与严重醺酒,但歌迷与评论家却都更青睐于她那粗糙的魅力、唐突的幽默感以及独特的灵魂、爵士歌喉。她在2003年发行的白金销量突破性专辑《Frank》使得人们把她与Billie Holiday、Sarah Vaughan、Macy Gray以及Lauryn Hill等众多艺人作比较。有趣的是,虽然她有很重的伦敦腔与方言话,但是人们却往往能够从Winehouse的歌声中找到那些歌手的影子。尽管如此,她真正的吸引力还是来自于她的歌曲创作。她的歌曲几乎总是极其得个人化,而最出名的是歌中的亵渎言论与粗暴直率。参考资料来源:中新网—毒后艾米·怀恩豪斯暴毙

Mistletoe And Wine 歌词

歌曲名:Mistletoe And Wine歌手:Cliff Richard专辑:Private CollectionCliff Richard - "Mistletoe and Wine"The child is a kingThe carolers singThe old is passedWith a new beginningDreams of SantaDreams of snowFingers numbFaces aglowChristmas timeMistletoe and wineChildren singingChristian rhymeWith logs on the fireAnd gifts on the treeA time to rejoiceIn the good that we seeA time for livingA time for believingA time for trustingNot deceivingLove and laughterAnd joy ever afterOurs for the takingJust follow the masterChristmas timeMistletoe and wineChildren singingChristian rhymeWith logs on the fireAnd gifts on the treeA time to rejoiceIn the good that we seeChristmas timeMistletoe and wineChildren singingChristian rhymeWith logs on the fireAnd gifts on the treeA time to rejoiceIn the good that we seeIt抯 a time for givingA time for gettingA time for forgivingAnd for forgettingChristmas is loveChristmas is peaceA time for hatingAnd fighting to ceaseChristmas timeMistletoe and wineChildren singingChristian rhymeWith logs on the fireAnd gifts on the treeA time to rejoiceIn the good that we seeChristmas timeMistletoe and wineChildren singingChristian rhymeWith logs on the fireAnd gifts on the treeA time to rejoiceIn the good that we seeChristmas timeMistletoe and wineChildren singingChristian rhymeWith logs on the fireAnd gifts on the treeA time to rejoiceIn the good that we seeChristmas timeMistletoe and wineChildren singingChristian rhymeWith logs on the fireAnd gifts on the treeA time to rejoiceIn the good that we see
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