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为什么我每次开机都显示“编辑以下内容的windows启动选项:windows 7 ultimate

系统有问题了,直接换个验证过的系统盘重装系统就行了,这样就可以全程自动、顺利解决 win7系统启动异常 的问题了。用u盘或者硬盘这些都是可以的,且安装速度非常快。具体安装方法如下: 1、U盘安装:用ultraiso软件,打开下载好的系统安装盘文件(ISO文件),执行“写入映像文件”把U盘插到电脑上,点击“确定”,等待程序执行完毕后,这样就做好了启动及安装系统用的u盘,用这个做好的系统u盘引导启动机器后,即可顺利重装系统了; 2、硬盘安装:前提是,需要有一个可以正常运行的Windows系统,提取下载的ISO文件中的“*.GHO”和“安装系统.EXE”到电脑的非系统分区,然后运行“安装系统.EXE”,直接回车确认还原操作,再次确认执行自动安装操作(执行前注意备份C盘重要资料);



启动时问什么会出现windows7和windows Ultimate



整合SP1补丁包的64位的widows 7旗舰版



Windows 7 Ultimate (x86) 的区别?

第一个是win7 32位的系统镜像,第二个是win7 64位的系统镜像。两者之间主要在运行内存,程序兼容和处理器这3方面的区别。1.32位的系统运行内存最大支持4G,64位的最大支持128G。2.32位的系统只能运行32位的程序,但兼容性较好。64位的系统都可以。3.处理速度上32位处理器一次只能处理32位数据,4个字节。64位一次可以提取64位数据,理论上性能提高了一倍。扩展资料:win7系统的版本:windows7系统,一共有六个版本,分别是:Starter(初级版)、Home Basic(家庭普通版)、Home Premium(家庭高级版)、Professional(专业版)、 Enterprise(企业版)以及Ultimate(旗舰版)。1.Starter(初级版)功能最少的一个版本,连很多基本的常用功能都没有,比如只支持32位处理器,不支持64位处理器;没有win7最好用的windows媒体中心和移动中心;就连基本桌面背景更换,都有限制。2.Home Basic(家庭普通版)对Aero特效有限制;删掉了最好用的windows媒体中心;删掉了远程桌面;win7的特色家庭网络组,可以加入但是不让创建。3、Home Premium(家庭高级版)家庭高级版,基本的功能都有,不支持windows域、XP模式、多语言。4、Professional(专业版)基本的常用功能都有,除了拥有上面高级家庭版的所有功能之外,还有比如远程桌面、网络备份、位置感知打印、演示模式、活动目录和域支持、加密文件系统等。64位的专业版系统,支持高达192G的内存。5、Enterprise(企业版)名字就说明了一切,这款是面向企业的一个版本,除了拥有上述所有版本的功能之外,还多出了很多只有企业级别才能用到的功能,比如:数据管理、数据共享、数据安全;UNIX应用支持、BitLocker驱动器加密、分支缓存等。6、Ultimate(旗舰版)旗舰版,很多喜欢折腾电脑系统的朋友,应该会说,我装的就是这款啦。旗舰版和企业版是平起平坐的级别,拥有和企业版同样的功能。

windows ultimate是什么版本



window7旗舰版的英文全名是Windows 7 Ultimate。Windows 7可供选择的版本有:简易版(Starter)、普通家庭版(Home Basic)、高级家庭版(Home Premium)、专业版(Professional)、企业版(Enterprise)(非零售)、旗舰版(Ultimate)。2009年7月14日,Windows 7正式开发完成,并于同年10月22日正式发布。10月23日,微软于中国正式发布Windows 7。


Windows 7包含6个版本,这6个版本分别为Windows 7 Starter(初级版)、Windows 7 Home Basic(家庭普通版)、Windows 7 Home Premium(家庭高级版)、Windows 7 Professional(专业版)、Windows 7 Enterprise(企业版)和Windows7 Ultimate(旗舰版)。以下是我整理的Windows 7的各个版本功能介绍及其详细区别,可以帮助大家了解和选择Window 7。Windows 7 Starter(初级版)这是功能最少的版本,缺乏Aero特效功能,没有64位支持,它最初设计不能同时运行三个以上应用程序,幸运的是,微软最终取消了这个限制,最终版其实几 乎可以执行任何Windows任务。一个奇怪的限制是不能更换桌面背景。另外,没有Windows媒体中心和移动中心等。它主要设计用于类似上网本的低端计算机,通过系统集成或者OEM计算机上预装获得,并限于某些特定类型的硬件。Windows 7 Home Basic(家庭普通版)这是简化的家庭版,中文版预期售价399元。支持多显示器,有移动中心,限制包括部分支持Aero特效,没有Windows媒体中心,缺乏Tablet支持,没有远程桌面,只能加入不能创建家庭网络组(Home Group)等。它仅在新兴市场(emerging markets)投放,例如中国、印度、巴西等,不包括美国、西欧、日本和其它发达国家。Windows 7 Home Premium(家庭高级版)面向家庭用户,满足家庭娱乐需求,包含所有桌面增强和多媒体功能,如Aero特效、多点触控功能、媒体中心、建立家庭网络组、手写识别等,不支持Windows域、Windows XP模式、多语言等。Windows 7 Professional(专业版)面向爱好者和小企业用户,满足办公开发需求,包含加强的网络功能,如活动目录和域支持、远程桌面等,另外还有网络备份、位置感知打印、加密文件系统、演示模式(Presentation Mode)、Windows XP模式等功能。64位可支持更大内存(192GB)。 可以通过全球OEM厂商和零售商获得。Windows 7 Enterprise(企业版)面向企业市场的高级版本,满足企业数据共享、管理、安全等需求。包含多语言包、UNIX应用支持、BitLocker驱动器加密、分支缓存(BranchCache)等,通过与微软有软件保证合同的公司进行批量许可出售。不在OEM和零售市场发售。Windows 7 Ultimate(旗舰版)拥有所有功能,与企业版基本是相同的产品,仅仅在授权方式及其相关应用及服务上有区别。面向高端用户和软件爱好者。 专业版用户和家庭高级版用户可以付费通过Windows 随时升级 (WAU)服务升级到旗舰版。与Windows Visita旗舰版不同,Windows 7旗舰版不包括Windows Ultimate Extras功能。在零售市场,Windows 7旗舰版或许会造成WindowsVista的惨败,因此它被淡化处理。在这六个版本中,Windows 7家庭高级版和Windows 7专业版是两大主力版本,前者面向家庭用户,后者针对商业用户。只有家庭普通版、家庭高级版、专业版和旗舰版会出现在零售市场上,且家庭普通版仅供发展中 国家和地区。而初级版提供给OEM厂商预装在上网本上,企业版则只通过批量授权提供给大企业客户,在功能上和旗舰版几乎完全相同。另外,32位版本和64位版本没有外观或者功能上的区别,但是内在有一点不同。64位版本支持16GB或者192GB内存,而32位版本只能支持最大4GB内存。目前所有新的和较新的CPU都是64位兼容的,可以使用64位版本。还有一个问题,根据以前的说法家庭普通版提供64位版本。但是根据目前情况来看,微软一直没有发布家庭普通版的64位版本,而其他各种版本都已经发布了。因此,家庭普通版是否支持64位仍然不确定,不排除微软取消这一版本的可能。

windows7 旗舰版 各个版本区别

Windows 7包含6个版本。这6个版本分别为Windows 7 Starter(初级版)、Windows 7 Home Basic(家庭普通版)、Windows 7 Home Premium(家庭高级版)、Windows 7 Professional(专业版)、Windows 7 Enterprise(企业版)和Windows 7 Ultimate(旗舰版)。1、Windows 7 Starter(初级版)Windows 7 Starter是微软针对netbook即轻便和低配置的笔记本电脑设计的,这是个版本的功能最少,对Aero特效功能进行了精简,同时也不支持64位支持,不过它可以执行任何Windows任务。该系统不能对桌面背景进行更换,而且没有Windows媒体中心和移动中心等一些功能。它主要通过系统集成或者OEM计算机上预装获得,同时系统对计算机的硬件也有一定的限制。2、Windows 7 Home Basic(家庭普通版)Windows 7 Home Basic算是简化的家庭版,有无限应用程序、增强视觉体验了,但是没有完整的Aero玻璃窗口效果。支持高级网络(ad-hoc无线网络和互联网连接支持ICS)、支持多显示器,有移动中心(Mobility Center,没有Windows媒体中心,缺乏Tablet支持,没有远程桌面,不支持应用主题,只能加入不能创建家庭网络组(Home Group)等。3、Windows 7 Home Premium(家庭高级版)Windows 7 Home Premium在普通版上新增Aero Glass高级界面、高级窗口导航、改进的媒体格式支持、媒体中心和媒体流增强(包括Play To)、多点触摸、更好的手写识别等功能。主要是面向家庭用户,以满足家庭娱乐需求为设计出发点,但是不支持Windows域、Windows XP模式、多语言等功能。4、Windows 7 Professional(专业版)Windows 7 Professional替代Windows Vista下的商业版,主要面向爱好者和小企业用户,满足基本的办公开发需求,它支持加入管理网络(Domain Join)、高级网络备份等数据保护功能、位置感知打印技术(可在家庭或办公网络上自动选择合适的打印机)、加密文件系统、演示模式(Presentation Mode)、Windows XP模式等功能。拥有64位系统,可以支持更大内存(192GB)。5、Windows 7 Enterprise(企业版)Windows 7 Enterprise是面向企业市场的高级版本,提供一系列企业级增强功能,满足企业数据共享、管理、安全等需求。包含Branch缓存、DirectAccess、BitLocker、AppLocker、Virtualization Enhancements(增强虚拟化)、Management(管理)、Compatibility and Deployment(兼容性和部署)以及VHD引导支持等功能。6、Windows 7 Ultimate(旗舰版)Windows 7 Ultimate(旗舰版)面向高端用户和软件爱好者,拥有Windows 7 家庭高级版和Windows 7 专业版的所有功能,当然硬件要求也是最高的。其与企业版基本是相同的产品,仅仅在授权方式及其相关应用及服务上有区别。专业版用户和家庭高级版用户可以付费通过Windows 随时升级服务(WAU)升级到旗舰版。Win7旗舰版不包括Windows Ultimate Extras功能。扩展资料:Windows 7可供选择的版本有:入门版(Starter)、家庭普通版(Home Basic)、家庭高级版(Home Premium)、专业版(Professional)、企业版(Enterprise)(非零售)、旗舰版(Ultimate)。Windows 7 的设计主要围绕五个重点——针对笔记本电脑的特有设计;基于应用服务的设计;用户的个性化;视听娱乐的优化;用户易用性的新引擎。 跳跃列表,系统故障快速修复等,这些新功能令Windows 7成为最易用的Windows。易用Windows 7简化了许多设计,如快速最大化,窗口半屏显示,跳转列表(Jump List),系统故障快速修复等。简单Windows 7将会让搜索和使用信息更加简单,包括本地、网络和互联网搜索功能,直观的用户体验将更加高级,还会整合自动化应用程序提交和交叉程序数据透明性。效率Windows 7中,系统集成的搜索功能非常的强大,只要用户打开开始菜单并开始输入搜索内容,无论要查找应用程序、文本文档等,搜索功能都能自动运行,给用户的操作带来极大的便利。参考资料:百度百科-Windows7

-Do you think it will be cool tomorrow?


·Killing Me Softly With His Song原唱是谁

原唱是Lori Lieberman,而Roberta Flack演绎的版本令这首歌走红

关于killing me softly with his song的资料

  太多了,一下贴不了。  择要说之。  当年民谣女歌手洛里·利伯曼被朋友骗去听Don McLean的演唱会,一听之下大有感触,随手写了一首诗《Killing me softly with his blues》,后来词曲作者Norman Gimbel和Charles Fox就将其改编成歌,利伯曼自己演唱。当时很红的另一位女歌手 Roberta Flack 碰巧在飞机上听到这歌,下飞机后立马找到作者要求录制这歌,结果一个月里登上BILLBOARD的冠军,接下来又收录在一张专辑里,获得当年GRAMMY年度最佳女流行歌手、最佳专辑、最佳歌曲奖。  (from http://www.xifan.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=438)  Killing Me Softly With His Song - Roberta Flack  73年全美流行单曲榜5周冠军曲  演唱:Roberta Flack  Strumming my pain with his fingers,  Singing my life with his words,  Killing me softly with his song,  Killing me softly with his song,  Telling my whole life with his words,  Killing me softly with his song.  I heard he sang a good song.  I heard he had a style.  And so I come to see him  To listen for a while.  And there he was, this young boy  A stranger to my eyes.  Strumming my pain with his fingers,  Singing my life with his words,  Killing me softly with his song,  Killing me softly with his song,  Telling my whole life with his words,  Killing me softly with his song.  I felt I flushed with fever,  Embarrassed by the crowd.  I felt he found my letters  And read each one out loud.  I loved that he would finish.  But he just kept right on.  Strumming my pain with his fingers,  Singing my life with his words,  Killing me softly with his song,  Killing me softly with his song,  Telling my whole life with his words,  Killing me softly with his song.  He sang as if he knew me,  In all my dark despair.  And then he looked right through me  As if I wasn‘t there.  And he just kept on singing,  Singing clear and strong.  Strumming my pain with his fingers,  Singing my life with his words,  Killing me softly with his song,  Killing me softly with his song,  Telling my whole life with his words.  Killing me softly with his song.  He was strumming my pain,  He‘s singing my life,  La, La, La...  Killing me softly with his song.  Strumming my pain with his fingers,  Singing my life with his words,  Killing me softly with his song,  Killing me softly with his song,  Telling my whole life with his words,  Killing me softly with his song.  【参考译文】  轻歌销魂  用手指弹奏出我的苦楚,  用歌词唱出我的生活,  用轻歌他销我的魂,  用轻歌他销我的魂,  用歌词唱说我整个一生,  用轻歌他销我的魂。  听他唱了一首好歌,  听他有一种风格,  于是我来看他,  要听他唱会儿歌。  他就在那儿,这少年  我一点也不认识。  用手指弹奏出我的苦楚,  用歌词唱出我的生活,  用轻歌他销我的魂,  用轻歌他销我的魂,  用歌词唱说我整个一生,  用轻歌他销我的魂。  我感到我满脸羞红,  在人群前窘迫。  感到他发现了我的信,  大声地朗读每一封,  但愿他快停止,  但他一直往下读。  用手弹奏出我的苦楚,  用歌词唱出我的生活,  用轻歌他销我的魂,  用轻歌他销我的魂,  用歌词唱说我整个一生,  用轻歌他销我的魂。  他唱得仿佛他认识我,  知道我所有绝望,  之后他看透我的心,  又仿佛我不存在。  他只是不停地唱,  唱得清晰而激昂。  用手指弹奏出我的苦楚,  用歌词唱出我的生活,  用轻歌他销我的魂,  用轻歌他销我的魂,  用歌词唱说我整个一生,  用轻歌他销我的魂。  他在弹奏出我的苦痛,  他在唱说我的生活,  啦,啦,啦……  用轻歌他销我的魂。  用手指弹奏出我的苦痛,  用歌词唱出我的生活,  用轻歌他销我的魂,  用轻歌他销我的魂,  用歌词唱说我整个一生,  用轻歌他销我的魂。  Roberta Flack简介  美国老牌黑人女歌手Roberta Flack,在美国歌坛被奉为前辈级歌后,在70年代,她的歌声几乎家喻户晓,红透世界。1972年,第15届格莱美音乐奖颁奖典礼首次移到乡村乐的故乡纳什维尔举行,Roberta Flack因她的 “我第一次看到了你的脸”而获得年度单曲奖和年度最佳歌曲奖;1973年,第16届格莱美音乐奖在这一年再次回到洛杉矶举行颁奖仪式, Roberta Flack再显雄风,以一曲“Killing me softly with this song”而获得了年度最佳单曲和最佳流行女歌手两项大奖。  她的曲风为带有流行色彩的“轻柔爵士”,嗓音厚实,略带沙哑,高亢嘹亮,中气十足,同时也蕴藏多变的真假声技巧,像“Killing me softly with his song”等经典名曲,就是由她首唱而传遍世界的。现在,Roberta Flack虽然隐退歌坛,但像玛多纳、惠特尼-休斯顿等后生巨星,均曾经拜她为师,学习唱功。她也会应邀偶然出现在白宫,为总统以及国宾表演。  Roberta Flack BiographyRoberta Flack Biography  Born into a family where  music was a natural outlet for self-expression and entertainment, it is  the backdrop through which her earliest memories are often referenced.  Perhaps it was God‘s divine orchestration at work providing and overseeing  the environments for Roberta‘s innate gift to be nourished and allowed to  flourish. No other explanations seem plausible as each phase of her  musical life is consistently punctuated by a kind of grace that appears  when truth integrity, faith and dedication precede it.  Perhaps she has always known that her life would be about music. Roberta  Flack is one of the world‘s most gifted performers. She is a combination  of ability, heart, hard work and determination, which drives her to  ever-greater triumphs.  Born in Asheville, North Carolina, Ms. Flack‘s earliest musical  influences, in addition to those in her immediate family, came from the  church and from hearing such luminaries as Mahalia Jackson and Sam Cooke.  Although she would probably not think of herself as having been a child  prodigy, her admission to Howard University on a full music scholarship at  the age of fifteen would suggest otherwise. Trained in classical piano and  voice she excelled and by the time Les McCann heard her sing to a crowded  audience in 1968 he knew that the rest of the world was waiting to hear  her voice as well. And they did...  Her debut album (First Take) included the #1 hit The First Time Ever I Saw  Your Face. This resulted in Clint Eastwood including it on the sound track  for the movie Play Misty for Me in 1972. Atlantic Records immediately  released it as a single.  To Roberta‘s credit, she insisted that she be allowed to sing it at the  originally intended slow tempo. The album won the Grammy for Record of the  Year in 1972.  Other classic Roberta Flack songs include: Killing Me Softly (Grammys for  Record of the Year and Best Pop Vocal - Female 1973), Where is The Love  (Grammy for Best Pop Vocal by a Duo 1972 with Donny Hathaway), Feel Like  Making Love, The Closer I Get to You, Tonight I Celebrate My Love for You  and Set the Night to Music.  Throughout the eighties and nineties, Roberta continued to record while  maintaining a heavy concert touring schedule and made a conscious decision  to perform for charities and nonprofit organizations.  The turn of the millennium showed that Roberta had no intention of slowing  down. With international tour dates including Turkey, Argentina, Australia  and Japan, she is constantly inspired by seeing first hand that her music  continues to be loved and enjoyed around the world.  In 2002, Roberta Flack In Concert was released on DVD. It was that year  that she took a leadership role in response to the aftermath of September  11th. She, along with other celebrities, participated in Nile Rogers?We  Are Family (directed by Spike Lee), which set an example of unity among  all Americans.  She also participated in the nationwide Come Back to D.C. television  campaign, a joint collaboration between the Federal Government and the DC  Tourism board.  She remains an inspiration to her fans, peers and younger musicians in the  music industry. Roberta has appeared with soul artists like Alicia Keyes,  India.Arie and Angie Stone.  Roberta is an outspoken participant in the AEC (Artist Empowerment  Coalition) whose primary goal is advocacy for artists‘ rights and control  of their creative properties.  Through it all, she always comes back to the music - which is why it is  not surprising that Roberta was asked by VH1 to participate in 100  Greatest Love Songs and 100 Greatest Women of Rock & Roll.  Roberta‘s current release is her Christmas album, Holiday (2003), a  timeless collection of seasonal favorites, a Roberta classic or two, plus  a few goodies thrown in for good cheer

killing me softly with his song英语歌的中英文翻译

Killing Me Softly With His Song - Roberta Flack   73年全美流行单曲榜5周冠军曲   演唱:Roberta Flack   Strumming my pain with his fingers,   Singing my life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song,   Killing me softly with his song,   Telling my whole life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song.   I heard he sang a good song.   I heard he had a style.   And so I come to see him   To listen for a while.   And there he was, this young boy   A stranger to my eyes.   Strumming my pain with his fingers,   Singing my life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song,   Killing me softly with his song,   Telling my whole life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song.   I felt I flushed with fever,   Embarrassed by the crowd.   I felt he found my letters   And read each one out loud.   I loved that he would finish.   But he just kept right on.   Strumming my pain with his fingers,   Singing my life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song,   Killing me softly with his song,   Telling my whole life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song.   He sang as if he knew me,   In all my dark despair.   And then he looked right through me   As if I wasn‘t there.   And he just kept on singing,   Singing clear and strong.   Strumming my pain with his fingers,   Singing my life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song,   Killing me softly with his song,   Telling my whole life with his words.   Killing me softly with his song.   He was strumming my pain,   He‘s singing my life,   La, La, La...   Killing me softly with his song.   Strumming my pain with his fingers,   Singing my life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song,   Killing me softly with his song,   Telling my whole life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song.   【参考译文】   轻歌销魂   用手指弹奏出我的苦楚,   用歌词唱出我的生活,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用歌词唱说我整个一生,   用轻歌他销我的魂。   听他唱了一首好歌,   听他有一种风格,   于是我来看他,   要听他唱会儿歌。   他就在那儿,这少年   我一点也不认识。   用手指弹奏出我的苦楚,   用歌词唱出我的生活,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用歌词唱说我整个一生,   用轻歌他销我的魂。   我感到我满脸羞红,   在人群前窘迫。   感到他发现了我的信,   大声地朗读每一封,   但愿他快停止,   但他一直往下读。   用手弹奏出我的苦楚,   用歌词唱出我的生活,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用歌词唱说我整个一生,   用轻歌他销我的魂。   他唱得仿佛他认识我,   知道我所有绝望,   之后他看透我的心,   又仿佛我不存在。   他只是不停地唱,   唱得清晰而激昂。   用手指弹奏出我的苦楚,   用歌词唱出我的生活,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用歌词唱说我整个一生,   用轻歌他销我的魂。   他在弹奏出我的苦痛,   他在唱说我的生活,   啦,啦,啦……   用轻歌他销我的魂。   用手指弹奏出我的苦痛,   用歌词唱出我的生活,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用歌词唱说我整个一生,   用轻歌他销我的魂。

Killing Me Softly With His Song 歌词

歌曲名:Killing Me Softly With His Song歌手:Ronnie Aldrich And His 2 Pianos&The London Festival Chorus&The London Festival Orchestra专辑:Soft & Wicked/Come To Where The Love IsKilling Me Softly With His Song- Tracy HuangStrumming my pain with his fingers,Singing my life with his words,Killing me softly with his song,Killing me softly with his song,Telling my whole life with his words,Killing me softly with his song.I heard he sang a good song,I heard he had a style,And so I came to see himto listen for a while.And there he was this young boy,A stranger to my eyes,Strumming my pain with his fingers,Singing my life with his words,Killing me softly with his song,Killing me softly with his song,Telling my whole life with his words,Killing me softly with his song.I felt all flushed with fever,Embarrassed by the crowd,I felt he found my lettersand read each one out loud.I prayed that he would finish,But he just kept right onStrumming my pain with his fingers,Singing my life with his words,Killing me softly with his song,Killing me softly with his song,Telling my whole life with his words,Killing me softly with his songHe sang as if he knew me ,In all my dark despairAnd then he looked right through me ,As if l wasn"t thereAnd he just keep on saying ,Sining clear and strongStrumming my pain with his fingers,Singing my life with his words,Killing me softly with his song,Killing me softly with his song,Telling my whole life with his words,Killing me softly with his song.Oh... La... Oh... La...Ah...Strumming my pain with his fingers,Singing my life with his words,Killing me softly with his song,Killing me softly with his song,Telling my whole life with his words,Killing me softly with his song.http://music.baidu.com/song/8083825

Killing Me Softly (With His Song) 歌词

希望大家能喜欢这首歌曲,编辑by游牧鱼&麻木布人Killing me softly 轻歌销魂Fugees 罗怕塔·弗莱克Strumming my pain with his fingers, 用手指弹奏出我的苦楚,Singing my life with his words, 用歌词唱出我的生活,Killing me softly with his song, 用轻歌他销我的魂,killing me softly with his song, 用轻歌他销我的魂,Telling my whole life with his words, 用歌词唱说我整个一生,Killing me softly with his song. 用轻歌他销我的魂,I heard he sang a good song, 听他唱了一首好歌,I heard he had a style,听他有一种风格,And so I came to see him and listen for a while. 于是我来看他,要听他唱会儿歌。And there he was this young boy,他就在那儿,这少年a stranger to my eyes, 我一点也不认识。Strumming my pain with his fingers, 用手指弹奏出我的苦楚,Singing my life with his words, 用歌词唱出我的生活,Killing me softly with his song, 用轻歌他销我的魂,Killing me softly with his song, 用轻歌他销我的魂,Telling my whole life with his words, 用歌词唱说我整个一生,Killing me softly with his song. 用轻歌他销我的魂,I felt all flushed with fever, 我感到我满脸羞红,Embarrassed by the crowd,在人群前窘迫。I felt he found my letters and read each one out loud. 感到他发现了我的信,I prayed that he would finish, 大声地朗读每一封,But he just kept right on strumming my pain with his fingers, 但愿他快停止,Singing my life with his words, 但他一直往下读。Killing me softly with his song, 用歌词唱出我的生活,Killing me softly with his song, 用歌词唱出我的生活,Telling my whole life with his words, 用歌词唱说我整个一生,Killing me softly with his song 用歌词唱出我的生活,He sang sa if he knew me , 他唱得仿佛他认识我,In all my dark despair 知道我所有绝望,And then he looked right through me , 之后他看透我的心,AS if l wasn"t there 又仿佛我不存在。and he just keep on saying , 他只是不停地唱,Sining clear and strong 唱得清晰而激昂。Strumming my pain with his fingers, 用手指弹奏出我的苦楚,Singing my life with his words, 用歌词唱出我的生活,Killing me softly with his song, 用轻歌他销我的魂,Killing me softly with his song, 用轻歌他销我的魂,Telling my whole life with his words, 用歌词唱说我整个一生,Killing me softly with his song. 用轻歌他销我的魂,oh la...oh la. 啦,啦,啦……Strumming my pain with his fingers, 用手指弹奏出我的苦痛,Singing my life with his words, 用歌词唱出我的生活,Killing me softly with his song, 用歌词唱出我的生活,Killing me softly with his song, 用歌词唱出我的生活,Telling my whole life with his words, 用歌词唱说我整个一生,Killing me softly with his song, 用歌词唱出我的生活,he was strumming my pain , 他用手指弹奏出我的苦楚,yeah,he was Singing my life yeah,唱出我的生活,Killing me softly with his song, 用歌词唱出我的生活,Killing me softly with his song, 用歌词唱出我的生活,Telling my whole life with his words, 用歌词唱说我整个一生,Killing me softly with his song. 用歌词唱出我的生活,http://music.baidu.com/song/10262916

Killing me softly with his songs歌词 从副歌开始

I heard he sang a good song,I heard he had a style,And so I came to see him and listen for a while.And there he was this young boy,A stranger to my eyesStrumming my pain with his fingers,Singing my life with his words,Killing me softly with his song,Killing me softly with his song,Telling my whole life with his words,Killing me softly with his song.I felt all flushed with fever,Embarrassed by the crowd,I felt he found my letters and read each one out loud,I prayed that he would finish,But he just kept right onStrumming my pain with his fingers,Singing my life with his words,Killing me softly with his song,Killing me softly with his song,Telling my whole life with his words,Killing me softly with his song.He sang if he knew me,In all my dark despair,And then he looked right through meAs if I wasn"t there.And he just kept on singingSinging clear and strongStrumming my pain with his fingers,Singing my life with his words,Killing me softly with his song,Killing me softly with his song,Telling my whole life with his words,Killing me softly with his song.Strumming my pain with his fingers,Singing my life with his words,Killing me softly with his song,Killing me softly with his song,Telling my whole life with his words,Killing me softly with his song.He was strumming my pain,Here he was singing my life,Killing me softly with his song,Killing me softly with his song,Telling my whole life with his words,Killing me softly with his song.

lt will cool in beihai哪里错了?

cool是个形容词,整个句子缺少谓语动词。It will be cool in Beihai.

. -----Today will be cool and partly cloudy, with


killing me softly with his song是哪部电影的配乐

歌名:Killing me softly with his song原唱:美国民谣女歌手Lori Lieberman(1971年)著名演唱版本:Roberta Flack(1973年)这首歌曲在一部叫作“About a boy”的电影里可以听到。电影里的男孩为了让整日忧忧郁寡的母亲快乐,于是决定参加学校里的音乐比赛,演唱母亲最喜爱的歌曲“Killing me softly with his song”。男孩在学校里是经常被同学们嘲弄的对象,且演唱也确不为他所擅长,因此,歌曲演唱得很糟糕。但这次糟糕的演唱却是一段很感人的情节。由于年代久远,这首歌不可避免地带上了留声机时代遗留下来的怀旧味道,但这种味道深情而并不陈旧。

be cool with sth.的意思是?



it will be cool这将是很酷的天气将会凉爽双语对照例句:1.Assuming you choose an organization that interests you, it will be cool learning moreabout the field. 假设你的确选择了一个你感兴趣方面的社团,学习到相关领域的东西,你会乐在其中。2.Just follow my lead and be cool, okay? 只是跟随我的引导并保持冷静明白吗?

求Killing me softly with his song的歌词

Strumming my pain with his fingers,   Singing my life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song,   Killing me softly with his song,   Telling my whole life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song.   I heard he sang a good song.   I heard he had a style.   And so I came to see him   To listen for a while.   And there he was, this young boy   A stranger to my eyes.   Strumming my pain with his fingers,   Singing my life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song,   Killing me softly with his song,   Telling my whole life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song.   I felt I flushed with fever,   Embarrassed by the crowd.   I felt he found my letters   And read each one out loud.   I prayed that he would finish.   But he just kept right on.   Strumming my pain with his fingers,   Singing my life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song,   Killing me softly with his song,   Telling my whole life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song.   He sang as if he knew me,   In all my dark despair.   And then he looked right through me   As if I wasn‘t there.   And he just kept on singing,   Singing clear and strong.   Strumming my pain with his fingers,   Singing my life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song,   Killing me softly with his song,   Telling my whole life with his words.   Killing me softly with his song.   oh,oh..............   La, La, La...   Strumming my pain with his fingers,   Singing my life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song,   Killing me softly with his song,   Telling my whole life with his words,   Killing me ......   he was strumming my pain   yeah~,he was singing my life   killing me softly with his song,   killing me softly with his song,   telling me whole life with his words,   killing me softly with his song.   【参考译文】   轻歌销魂   他用手指轻抚着我的痛苦   他歌唱着我的生活   我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里   我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里   用他的歌告诉我的整个生命   我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里   我听到他唱了好听的歌   我听说他有一个风格   所以,我来见他   又收听了一段时间   他就在那儿是位年轻男孩   在我的眼里他是个陌生人   他用手指轻抚我的痛苦   他歌唱着我的生活   我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里   我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里   用他的话告诉我的整个生命   我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里   我感到脸红发烧   尴尬的人群   我觉得他发现我的信   并大声的宣读了   我祈祷,他会完成   但他却一直在右   他用手指轻抚我的痛苦   他歌唱着我的生活   我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里   我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里   用他的话告诉我的整个生命   我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里   他唱着仿佛早就认识我   在我最黑暗的绝望   然后,他看向我这边   好像我不存在   他只是不停地唱   歌唱   他用手指轻抚我的痛苦   他歌唱着我的生活   我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里   我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里   用他的话告诉我的整个生命   我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里   哦~哦~   他用手指轻抚我的痛苦   他歌唱着我的生活   我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里   我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里   用他的话告诉我的整个生命   我已经死了...   他在弹奏出我的痛苦   歌唱我的生活   我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里   我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里   用他的话告诉我的整个生命   我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里

急求killing me softly with his song 歌词翻译

killing me softly with his song

谁能帮我找《Killing me softly with your song》的歌和歌词?


Killing Me Softly With His Song 歌词

killing me softly with his song演唱:邓丽君Strumming my pain with his fingersSinging my life with his wordsKilling me softly with his songKilling me softly with his songTelling my whole life with his wordsKilling me softly with his songI heard he sang a good songI heard he had a styleAnd so I came to see himto listen for a whileAnd there he was this young boyA stranger to my eyesStrumming my pain with his fingersSinging my life with his wordsKilling me softly with his songKilling me softly with his songTelling my whole life with his wordsKilling me softly with his songI felt all flushed with feverEmbarrassed by the crowdI felt he found my lettersand read each one out loudI prayed that he would finishBut he just kept right onStrumming my pain with his fingersSinging my life with his wordsKilling me softly with his songKilling me softly with his songTelling my whole life with his wordsKilling me softly with his songHe sang as if he knew meIn all my dark despairAnd then he looked right through meAs if l wasn"t thereAnd he just keep on sayingSining clear and strongStrumming my pain with his fingersSinging my life with his wordsKilling me softly with his songKilling me softly with his songTelling my whole life with his wordsKilling me softly with his songOh La OhTelling my whole life with his wordsKilling me softly with his songOh La OhTelling my whole life with his wordshttp://music.baidu.com/song/54343915

·Killing Me Softly With His Song ·我需要这首正确的(中英文)歌词翻译配合。

Killing Me Softly With His Song - Roberta Flack 73年全美流行单曲榜5周冠军曲 演唱:Roberta Flack Strumming my pain with his fingers, Singing my life with his words, Killing me softly with his song, Killing me softly with his song, Telling my whole life with his words, Killing me softly with his song. I heard he sang a good song. I heard he had a style. And so I come to see him To listen for a while. And there he was, this young boy A stranger to my eyes. Strumming my pain with his fingers, Singing my life with his words, Killing me softly with his song, Killing me softly with his song, Telling my whole life with his words, Killing me softly with his song. I felt I flushed with fever, Embarrassed by the crowd. I felt he found my letters And read each one out loud. I loved that he would finish. But he just kept right on. Strumming my pain with his fingers, Singing my life with his words, Killing me softly with his song, Killing me softly with his song, Telling my whole life with his words, Killing me softly with his song. He sang as if he knew me, In all my dark despair. And then he looked right through me As if I wasn‘t there. And he just kept on singing, Singing clear and strong. Strumming my pain with his fingers, Singing my life with his words, Killing me softly with his song, Killing me softly with his song, Telling my whole life with his words. Killing me softly with his song. He was strumming my pain, He‘s singing my life, La, La, La... Killing me softly with his song. Strumming my pain with his fingers, Singing my life with his words, Killing me softly with his song, Killing me softly with his song, Telling my whole life with his words, Killing me softly with his song. 【参考译文】 轻歌销魂 用手指弹奏出我的苦楚, 用歌词唱出我的生活, 用轻歌他销我的魂, 用轻歌他销我的魂, 用歌词唱说我整个一生, 用轻歌他销我的魂。 听他唱了一首好歌, 听他有一种风格, 于是我来看他, 要听他唱会儿歌。 他就在那儿,这少年 我一点也不认识。 用手指弹奏出我的苦楚, 用歌词唱出我的生活, 用轻歌他销我的魂, 用轻歌他销我的魂, 用歌词唱说我整个一生, 用轻歌他销我的魂。 我感到我满脸羞红, 在人群前窘迫。 感到他发现了我的信, 大声地朗读每一封, 但愿他快停止, 但他一直往下读。 用手弹奏出我的苦楚, 用歌词唱出我的生活, 用轻歌他销我的魂, 用轻歌他销我的魂, 用歌词唱说我整个一生, 用轻歌他销我的魂。 他唱得仿佛他认识我, 知道我所有绝望, 之后他看透我的心, 又仿佛我不存在。 他只是不停地唱, 唱得清晰而激昂。 用手指弹奏出我的苦楚, 用歌词唱出我的生活, 用轻歌他销我的魂, 用轻歌他销我的魂, 用歌词唱说我整个一生, 用轻歌他销我的魂。 他在弹奏出我的苦痛, 他在唱说我的生活, 啦,啦,啦…… 用轻歌他销我的魂。 用手指弹奏出我的苦痛, 用歌词唱出我的生活, 用轻歌他销我的魂, 用轻歌他销我的魂, 用歌词唱说我整个一生, 用轻歌他销我的魂。


不要管什么软改硬改,都能玩,放心吧。告诉你,600就是原装,买600的400是组装的,不要听他胡扯!最新游戏 TGBUS去看板板玩 wiifit 和wii fit plus你给分太低了,我手痛。就这些。

C#Winform中,开了一个线程,对PictureBox切换图片,抛出Object is currently in use elsewhere的错误,?


Wish you have a good life什么意思?





任天堂switch游戏比较推荐的有《精灵宝可梦 Let"s Go!皮卡丘/伊布》、《任天堂明星大乱斗特别版》、《超级马里奥派对》。2018年11月16日全球同步上市的《精灵宝可梦 Let"s Go!皮卡丘/伊布》,又一次让大家看到了《精灵宝可梦》的IP威力!博士之前介绍过:该游戏是以1998年在 Game Boy 上发售的《精灵宝可梦 皮卡丘》为基础,结合主机Switch和《精灵宝可梦GO》手游特征,创造出全新的《精灵宝可梦》系列作品。《任天堂明星大乱斗特别版》是2018年12月7日起在任天堂Switch主机上推出的人气对战动作游戏《任天堂明星大乱斗》系列最新作。如果说《精灵宝可梦 Let"s Go!皮卡丘/伊布》只有宝可梦的话,那么《任天堂明星大乱斗特别版》囊括了高达74名任天堂经典角色,各式各样充满个性的丰富角色,可让玩家们自由选择使用!10月5日上市的《超级马里奥派对》活用了Nintendo Switch的特色设计,在TV Mode/Desktop下支持四个人一起玩。小游戏收录有80多种,都是各种契合Joy-Con操作的小游戏,派对上可以不用花功夫准备实物道具了。

wild child的crazy bird歌词大意是什么?中文!翻译的美些!谢了!

Crazy Bird - Wild ChildI"ll wait around for a day一整天我都在等待着This cord drawn woodshop haze仿佛陷入了薄雾之中Sat in your mind I need the old我想留在你的心里You stole my breath away你让我不能呼吸You swore to me you"d stay你向我发誓说 你会留下来陪我I found something that I adore我发现一些喜欢的事情Oh how, how it"s supposed to go on应该怎么发展下去Not knowing if you不知道该怎么办Bleed the way, I do如果你要逃离I do, well I did我也会这样Are your bags travellin" elsewhere你想去别的地方吗You need to know I"d like the phones想让你知道我喜欢煲电话粥Rollin" out against the floor还有在地板上舒展身体And if your left for breaking to the little如果你离开后 敢透露一点消息Pieces kill no more, no more任何一点消息足以招来死亡Whisper the things we"d scream私语着我们曾经大声讨论的话题Now kids let"s not get mean现在孩子们让我们变得刻薄Cause I need your mind I need me yours因为我需要你的思想For walls of fancy friends因为好朋友的防备Don"t leave me lyin" up there不要留下我一人Tied a notch now and that"s enough抓住一角就足够了Well I"m glad, so am I我很高兴 是的Let"s make it from our cast让我们重新开始I chose the things that last我选择可以持久的东西Let"s teat it up here you and I现在让我们尽情享受Oh how, how it"s supposed to go on它应该怎么发展下去Not knowing if you不知道该怎么办Bleed the way, I do如果你要逃离I do, well I did我也会这样Are your bags travellin" elsewhere你想去别的地方吗You need to know I"d like the phones想让你知道我喜欢煲电话粥Rollin" out against the floor还有在地板上打滚And if your left for breaking to the little如果你离开后 敢透露一点消息Pieces kill no more, no more任何一点消息足以招来死亡These fights sure do take the light outta me这些战争必然会让我失去光芒But it"s a secret I can tell you is I still do believe但是我能告诉你的秘密就是 我依然相信I can promise now I"ll always be careful with things我现在承诺 我会一直小心谨慎So just know that I"ll expect it所以你只需知道 我正希望这样呢If you ever do leave如果你要离开Sweet Marie甜甜玛丽I love your name我喜欢你的名字Oh babe宝贝Can you turn your heart this way你能回心转意吗Oh how, how it"s supposed to go on它应该怎么发展下去Not knowing if you不知道该怎么办Bleed the way, I do如果你要逃离I do, well I did我也会这样Are your bags travellin" elsewhere你想去别的地方吗You need to know I"d like the phones想让你知道我喜欢煲电话粥Rollin" out against the floor还有在地板上舒展身体And if your left for breaking to the little如果你离开后 敢透露一点消息Pieces kill no more, no more任何一点消息足以招来死亡参考http://bd.kuwo.cn/yinyue/3574475?from=baidu

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找Nate Dogg - Your Wife 的MV和歌词(中英文对译)

歌手:nate dogg 专辑:music and me (feat. Dr. Dre) [Chorus: Nate Dogg] Your wife, my bitch Your love, my trick Her mouth, my dick I fucked, that"s it [Verse One: Nate Dogg] All night long, I had her on her back in my Cadillac bro You should of heard her moan, same old song I made her throw her back out when I sent her home For better or worse she"s [Chrous: Nate Dogg] Your wife, my bitch Your love, my trick Her mouth, my dick Nate Dogg I fucked thats" it Straight pimp, no shit Gave me your chips I drove, your whip It"s true don"t trip [Verse Two: Dr. Dre] What"s my name, my name is Mr. Game West coast big change Mr. Fame Bad bitch scooped her up same ole same Fuckin in the drivers seat while I"m switching lanes Gettin brains Long Beach, Compton thang Shit ain"t changed thats how we do the damn thang Draws down nuts platinum, let em" hang Wife missin 5 a.m., who"s to blame I"m the reason used maginum is in your range and while she bounced out wit me befor you came Fuckin lame you be handcuff sluts I banged I trippin take em" back shit my nuts is drained On everything this dick is shootin novocain Have a bitch waitin bus stop, in the rain Nigga Nate Dogg pimp game please don"t explain [Verse Three: Nate Dogg] Ring or no ring A hoe gone be a hoe While you sleepin She be creppin out the back door Comin to met me, at my honey comb Smokin and drinkin dyin to please me While real playas keep playin on [Bridge: Nate Dogg] Playas play on Keep playin on Ladies playin on, play on Keep playin on Playas play on, play on Ladies play on, play on Keep playin on Your wife, is my bitch Your love, is my trick [Chorus: Nate Dogg] 中文找不到,对不起

求My heart will go on(泰坦尼克号主题曲)下载地址及其歌词


My heart will go on 有合唱版没,如果没有,哪位高人给分个男女词 - -

女:every night in my dreams 每一个夜晚,在我的梦里 i see you, i feel you 我看见你,我感觉到你 that is how i know you go on 我懂得你的心 男:far across the distance 跨越我们心灵的空间 and the spaces between us 你向我显现你的来临 you have come to show you go on 无论你如何远离我 女:near far whenever you are 我相信我心已相随i believe that the heart does go on 你再次敲开我的心扉 男:once more you open the door 你融入我的心灵 and you"re here in my heart 我心与你同往 and my heart will go on and on 与你相随 和:love can touch us one time 爱每时每刻在触摸我们 and last for a lifetime 为着生命最后的时刻 and never let go till we"re one 不愿失去,直到永远 love was when i loved you 爱就是当我爱着你时的感觉 one true time i hold you 我牢牢把握住那真实的一刻 in my life we"ll always go on 在我的生命里,爱无止境女:near far whenever you are 无论你离我多么遥远 i believe that the heart does go on 我相信我心同往 男:once more you open the door 你敲开我的心扉 and you"re here in my heart 你融入我的心灵 and my heart will go on and on 我心与你同往,我心与你相依和:there is some love that will not go away 爱与我是那样的靠近 you"re here there is nothing i fear 你就在我身旁,以至我全无畏惧 and i know that my heart will go on 我知道我心与你相依 we"ll stay forever this way 我们永远相携而行 you are safe in my heart 在我心中你安然无恙 女:and my heart will go on and on我心属于你,爱无止境

求《泰坦尼克号》主题曲「my heart will go on」歌词?

Every night in my d see you I feel youu3000reamsu3000That is how I know you go onu3000

my heart will go on的中文歌词

歌手:celion dion every night in my dreams 每一个夜晚,在我的梦里 i see you, i feel you 我看见你,我感觉到你 that is how i know you go on 我懂得你的心 far across the distance 跨越我们心灵的空间 and the spaces between us 你向我显现你的来临 you have come to show you go on 无论你如何远离我 near far whenever you are 我相信我心已相随 i believe that the heart does go on 你再次敲开我的心扉 once more you open the door 你融入我的心灵 and you"re here in my heart 我心与你同往 and my heart will go on and on 与你相随 love can touch us one time 爱每时每刻在触摸我们 and last for a lifetime 为着生命最后的时刻 and never let go till we"re one 不愿失去,直到永远 love was when i loved you 爱就是当我爱着你时的感觉 one true time i hold you 我牢牢把握住那真实的一刻 in my life we"ll always go on 在我的生命里,爱无止境 near far whenever you are 无论你离我多么遥远 i believe that the heart does go on 我相信我心同往 once more you open the door 你敲开我的心扉 and you"re here in my heart 你融入我的心灵 and my heart will go on and on 我心与你同往,我心与你相依 there is some love that will not go away 爱与我是那样的靠近 you"re here there is nothing i fear 你就在我身旁,以至我全无畏惧 and i know that my heart will go on 我知道我心与你相依 we"ll stay forever this way 我们永远相携而行 you are safe in my heart 在我心中你安然无恙 and my heart will go on and on我心属于你,爱无止境

Drive Me Wild 歌词

歌曲名:Drive Me Wild歌手:The Richmond Sluts专辑:The Richmond SlutsAsked a girl what she wanted to be,she said baby, cant you see.I wanna be famous, a star on the screen,but you can do something in between.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.I told a girl that my prospects were good,and she said baby, its understood.Working for peanuts is all very fine,but I can show you a better time.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.I told a girl I can start right away,and she said listen babe I got something to say.I got no car and its breaking my heart,but Ive found a driver and thats a start.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Beep beepm beep beep yeah!http://music.baidu.com/song/57794518

my heart will go on(带对白) mp3

My Heart Will Go On(我心依旧) 电影《泰坦尼克号》的插曲 歌手:Celine Dion (席琳·迪翁) Every night in my dreams 《泰坦尼克号》每一个夜晚,在我的梦里 I see you, I feel you 我看见你,我感觉到你 That is how I know you go on 这就是我如何知道你会继续 Far across the distance and spaces between us 跨越我们心灵的空间 You have come to show you go on 你向我显现你的来临 Near far wherever you are 无论你如何远离我 I believe that the heart does go on 我相信我心已相随 Once more you opened the door 你曾经再次敲开我的心扉 And you"re here in my heart 你融入我的心灵 And my heart will go on and on 我心与你同往 与你相随 Love can touch us one time 爱触动我们一次 And last for a lifetime 就能够持续一生的时间 And never let go till we"re gone 不愿失去,直到永远 Love was when I loved you 爱就是当我爱着你时的感觉 One true time I hold to 我牢牢把握住那真实的一刻 In my life we"ll always go on 在我的生命里,爱无止境 Near far wherever you are 无论你离我多么遥远 I believe that the heart does go on 我相信我心已相随 Once more you opened the door 你曾经再次敲开我的心扉 演唱者:席琳·迪翁And you"re here in my heart 你融入我的心灵 And my heart will go on and on 我心属于你,爱无止境 You"re here there is nothing I fear 你就在我身旁,以至我全无畏惧 And I know that my heart will go on 我知道我心与你相依 We"ll stay forever this way 我们永远相携而行 You are safe in my heart 在我心中你安然无恙 And my heart will go on and on 我心属于你,爱无止境

my heart will go on这首歌的发音翻译

Every night in my dreams (额瑞耐特 进迈醉目是) 每一个夜晚,在我的梦里 I see you, I feel you (爱谁友,爱飞友) 我看见你,我感觉到你 That is how I know you go on ( 热题是 好爱那哦有 沟哦恩) 这就是我如何知道你会继续 Far across the distance and the spaces between us ( 发 额可热啊是 热滴思腾思 按热 思陪是 比推恩 啊思) 跨越我们心灵的空间 You have come to show you go on ( 友 还无 卡目 图秀友够 哦恩) 你向我显现你的来临 Near far wherever you are (你儿 发 无哎玩 友啊) 无论你如何远离我 I believe that the heart does go on ( 爱 比利无 热特 热 哈特 达思 够 哦恩) 我相信我心已相随 Once more you open the door (完思 某友 偶喷 热达) 你曾经再次敲开我的心扉 And you"re here in my heart (按 友啊 嘿儿 进迈 哈特 ) 你融入我的心灵 And my heart will go on and on (按迈 哈特 为有 够 哦恩 按 哦恩) 我心与你同往 与你相随 Love can touch us one time (拉无 看 塔去 啊思 玩 台木) 爱触动我们一次 And last for a lifetime (安 拉斯特 佛额 来福台木) 就能够持续一生的时间 And never let go till we"re gone (按得 耐玩儿 乐特 够提 为啊 够恩) 不愿失去,直到永远 Love was when I loved you ( 拉无 我是 吻爱 拉无 友) 爱就是当我爱着你时的感觉 One true time I hold you ( 玩出 台木 爱 吼得 友) 我牢牢把握住那真实的一刻 In my life we"ll always go on ( 进迈 来福 为有 啊为是 够 噢恩) 在我的生命里,爱无止境 Near far wherever you are 无论你离我多么遥远 I believe that the heart does go on 我相信我心同往 Once more you open the door 你曾经再次敲开我的心扉 And you"re here in my heart 你融入我的心灵 And my heart will go on and on 我心与你同往,我心与你相依 You"re here there is nothing I fear ( 友啊 嘿儿 热儿 意思 那思念 爱飞儿) 你就在我身旁,以至我全无畏惧 And I know that my heart will go on 我知道我心与你相依 We"ll stay forever this way ( 为有 思得(dei) 佛额玩 热是 位 ) 我们永远相携而行 You are safe in my heart ( 友啊 是福 进迈 哈特) 在我心中你安然无恙 And my heart will go on and on( 按迈 哈特 为有 够 哦恩 按得 哦恩) 我心属于你,爱无止境求采纳

《my love will go on》的歌词中文翻译。


求 my heart will go on 白眼字

My heart will go on (我心永恒)Every night in my dreams I see you ,I feel you无法入睡的夜晚因为在梦中都有你的身影和气息That is how I know you go on因为我始终明白你的心Far across the distance and space bettween us相隔遥远的我们穿越了所有一切You have come to show you go on你已表明,你的心未曾改变Near ,far wherever you are咫尺,天涯 无论你在哪儿I believe the heart dose go on 我始终都相信彼此,从未改变Once ,more you open the door一次,再而 你打开心扉之门And you"re here in my heartand my heart will go on and on在我心中,从未改变Love was can touch us one time and last for a lifetimeAnd never let go till we"re gone 那一瞬间爱将我们联系直至我们一生永不停止Love was when I loved youone true time I hold toIn my life we"ll always go on爱,到我心中使我一度爱上你并伴随一生不再改变You"re here there nothing I fearand I know that my heart will go on只要你在身边我便无所畏惧因为我的心不曾改变We"ll stay forever this wayYou"re safe in my heartand my heart will go on and on永远在一起的我们将以这种方式因为你在我心中心也随之永恒

请问下谁知道.泰坦尼克号(My Heart Will Go On ) 用英文唱.但是是中文拼写出来的谁有能发我下嘛?谢谢

为什么不直接用中文版?中文版的《my heart will go on》叫《我心永相依》

找英文歌 泰坦尼克号 的《My Heart Will Go On》 歌词和翻译


my heart will go on的歌词 英文加翻译 电影原声

我心永恒电影《泰坦尼号Titanic》主题曲Every night in my dreamsI see you,I feel youThat is how I know you go onFar across the distanceAnd spaces between usYou have come to show you go onNear...far...Wherever you areI believeThat the heart does go onOnce more you open the doorAnd you"re here in my heartAnd my heart will go on and onLove can touch us one timeAnd last for a lifetimeAnd never let go till we"re oneLove was when I loved youOne true time I hold toIn my life we"ll always go onYou"re hereThere"s nothing I fearAnd I knowThat my heart will go onWe"ll stay forever this wayYou are safe in my heartAnd my heart will go on and on我心永恒 夜夜在我梦中 见到你 感觉你 我的心仍为你 悸动 穿越层层时空 随着风 入我梦 你的心从未曾 不同 你我 尽在不言中 你的爱拌我航行 始终 飞翔 如风般自由 你让我无忧无惧 永远的活在爱中 只是一见钟情 两颗心 已相通 刹那化成永恒 情浓 怨命运总捉弄 缱绻时 太匆匆 留我一世一生 的痛 你我 尽在不言中 你的爱伴我航行 始终 飞翔 如风般自由 你让我无忧无惧 永远的活在爱中 记得 所有的感动 星光下我们紧紧 相拥 无论 是否能重逢 我的心永远守候 只盼来生与共

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my heart will go on的歌词及翻译




My Heart Will Go On的介绍

My Heart Will Go On系Céline Dion演唱的,其名为我心永不止息、我心永恒、爱无止尽等,li首歌系铁达尼号音乐成功之处,亦曾蝉联全美告示牌(Billboard)排行榜冠军宝座长达16周之久,这部影片除了现场演唱外,还邀请了可儿家族主唱 Andrea Corr 以锡笛伴奏 以下是这歌的歌词: Every night in my dreams 在每个夜晚的梦里 I see you I feel you 我可以看到你,感觉到你 That is how I know you go on 因此我知道你依然在 Far across the distance 跨越距离 And spaces beeen us 及你我之间的时空 You have e to show you go on 你已告诉我你依然在 Near far wherever you are 是近、是远?无论你身在何处 I believe that the heart does go on 我相信你我的心将永不止息 Once more you open the door 再一次,你打开我的心门 And you"re here in my heart 你依然在我心深处 And my heart will go on and on 而我心将永不止息 Love can touch us one time 爱感动了我俩一回 And last for a lifetime 却持续了一生 And never let go till we"re gone 且永不休止,直到我俩死去 Love was when I love you 爱,是当我爱上你 One true time I hold to 拥有你那真实的一刻 In my life we"ll always go on 在我一生中,我俩将永远携手并进 You"re here there"s nothing I fear 你在我身旁,我不再恐惧 And I know that my heart will go on 而我知道我心将永不止息 We"ll stay forever this way 我俩就这样相依到永远 You are safe in my heart 你在我心中永远安全无虞 And my heart will go on and on 而我心将永不止息 希望可以帮到你啦!=]



Blake Lewis的《I Got U》 歌词

歌曲名:I Got U歌手:Blake Lewis专辑:Audio Day DreamBlake Lewis - I Got Ufour in the morningheart on my sleeve.in your eyes, possiblitiesI confess this is new to mebut maybe this is love.I got to know that this thing is realthat your feeling just what I feelno more room in this heart to stealyou know its had enoughin the morning when I wake upyour the first thing that I think ofI can make it threw anythingknowing that i"ve got you.in the morning when I wake upnothing else can take the place of youand I know this sounds crazyI don"t know what this isI don"t know what I"m inI cant see down the roadbut it don"t matter long as I got youthis life could get to hardtheres so much that I can loosebut it don"t matter long as I got you,long as I got you.my heart beats so fast I just cant keep upyou pull on me like a drug.ill never go cold becasue I don"t wanna give you up.some people search there whole life to find what I found now.I"m out of tI"me gotta tell you what"s on my mindand pray that its enoughin the morning when I wake upyour the first thing that I think ofI can make it threw anythingknowing that i"ve got you.in the morning when I wake upnothing else can take the place of youand I know this sounds crazyI don"t know what this isI don"t know what I"m inI cant see down the roadbut it don"t matter long as I got youthis life could get to hardtheres so much that I can loosebut it don"t matter long as I got you,long as I got you.think about itwe fit like a puzzle no missing peicesnever doubt it.???look around it.its happiningyour all I could needsince I found itI"m not gonna let it goI don"t know what this isI don"t know what I"m inI cant see down the roadbut it don"t matter long as I got youthis life could get to hardtheres so much that I can loosebut it don"t matter long as I got you,I don"t know what I"m inI cant see down the roadbut it don"t matter long as I got youthis life could get to hardtheres so much that I can loosebut it don"t matter long as I got you,long as I got you.as I got you now.http://music.baidu.com/song/8378230


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求I Got You——Leona Lewis的中文歌词!!!






Wish you have a good time.这句话怎么就错了

错在不必加用 have:Wish you a good time.(wish 祝语不接从句。)或者:Hope you have a good time.

“Cool”is a word with many meanings。全文


帮着选个女生的英文名:wincy vincy wency 三选一哦


寻一首英文歌,歌词中有:I will love you for who you are not who you used to be


We will have five days off_______ May Day. A. on B. in C. with D. for 选D 为什么?

May Day指五一劳动节,为了这个节日放假5天,因此用for

求 玛丽亚凯丽的 Without you 这首歌的歌词加翻译

As long as stars shine down from heaven 直到星星不再从天堂那样亮丽的闪烁 And the rivers run into the sea 直到小溪不再流进大海里 Til the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头 You"re the only love I"ll need 你是我唯一需要的爱 In my life you"re all that matters 在我的生命里, 你是唯一需要关心的 In my eyes the only truth I see 在我双眼里, 是唯一的真实 When my hopes and dreams have shattered 当我的希望和梦想都碎了 You"re the one that"s there for me 你是在我身旁的人 When I found you I was blessed 我是那么的幸运, 找到你 And I will never leave you, I need you 而我不会离开你, 我需要你 Imagine me without you 我不敢想象自己没有你 I"d be lost and so confused 我会变的那么失落, 那么的悲伤 I wouldn"t last a day, I"d be afraid 我活不了一天, 我会那么的害怕 Without you there to see me through 因为你不在我的身边 Imagine me without you 我不敢想象自己没有你 Lord, you know it"s just impossible 上天, 你知道我不可能活下去的 Because of you, it"s all brand new 因为你, 世界是那么的鲜明 My life is now worthwhile 我的生命现在值得了 I can"t imagine me without you 我不敢想象自己没有你 When you caught me I was falling 当我掉落时, 是你抓住了我 You"re love lifted me back on my feet 你是让我重新站起来的爱 It was like you heard me calling 就像是你听到我在呼唤你 And you rush to set me free 而你冲了过来让我自由 When I found you I was blessed 我是那么的幸运, 能够找到你 And I will never leave you, I need you 而我不会离开你, 我需要你 Imagine me without you 我不敢想象自己没有你 I"d be lost and so confused 我会变的那么失落, 那么的悲伤 I wouldn"t last a day, I"d be afraid 我活不了一天, 我会那么的害怕 Without you there to see me through 因为你不在我的身边 When I found you I was blessed 我是那么的幸运, 能找到你 And I will never leave you, I need you oh 而我不会离开你, 我需要你 Imagine me without you 我不敢想象自己没有你 I"d be lost and so confused 我会变的那么失落, 那么的悲伤 I wouldn"t last a day, I"d be afraid 我活不了一天, 我会那么的害怕 Without you there to see me through 因为你不在我的身边 Imagine me without you 我不敢想象自己没有你 我爱你. 我真的. 好爱. 好爱. 可是. 我不能爱. 不能爱.

imagine me without you歌词

As long as stars shine down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Til the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love I"ll need 你就是我唯一的爱In my life you"re all that matters 在我的生命里你是一切In my eyes the only truth I see 在我的眼里你就是真理When my hopes and dreams have shattered 当我的愿望梦想破碎You"re the one that"s there for me 你就是那个一直在我身边支持我的人When I found you I was blessed 当我找到你的时候,我一定被神所庇佑And I will never leave you, I need you 我想我永远不会离开你,因为我需要你Chorus: Imagine me without you 如果我没有了你I"d be lost and so confused 我一定会迷失方向I wouldn"t last a day, I"d be afraid 我恐怕自己撑不过一天Without you there to see me through 如果你不在了,将没有人会看穿我Imagine me without you 如果我不再拥有你Lord, you know it"s just impossible 天哪,你知道这是不可能的Because of you, it"s all brand new 因为你,我的生命才是新的My life is now worthwhile 我的生活才有意义I can"t imagine me without you 我无法想象离开你的生活会是什么样When you caught me I was falling 当我坠落时你接住了我You"re love lifted me back on my feet 你的爱托起了我It was like you heard me calling 就好像你听到我在呼唤你And you rush to set me free 你奋不顾身奔向我让我自由When I found you I was blessed 当我找到你的时候,我一定是被神所庇佑And I will never leave you, I need you 我永远不会离开你,因为我需要你Imagine me without you 如果我没有了你I"d be lost and so confused 我一定会迷失方向I wouldn"t last a day, I"d be afraid 我恐怕自己撑不过一天Without you there to see me through 如果你不在了,将没有人会看穿我Imagine me without you 如果我不再拥有你Lord, you know it"s just impossible 天哪,你知道这是不可能的Because of you, it"s all brand new 因为你,我的生命才是新的My life is now worthwhile 我的生活才有意义I can"t imagine me without you 我无法想象离开你的生活会是什么样望采纳

中文谐音翻译Imagine Me Without You

阿紫 狼 啊自 私大儿子 山 当 妇孺昂木 海文俺的 则 瑞文死 ruang 阴土 则 C条 则 恩德 哦呜 太木 佛如艾文而优 啊 则 ONG类 辣舞 爱要 你的音 买 来福 有啊 奥 咋特 买ter死音 买 爱死 则 ONG类 初四 哎 C文 买 好普斯 俺的 追姆斯 还无 啥儿忒的有啊 则 玩 咋此 贼而 佛 觅文 哎 方的 有 哎 我自 布兰斯的俺的 哎 胃药 耐温 类物 有 ,哎 你的 有合唱团:觅 阴霾真 伪造特 有爱的 逼 老死特 俺的 骚 空腹有斯特哎 无扥特 拉斯特 额 得 ,爱的 逼 呃妇孺爱的伪造特 有 贼而 吐 C觅 死肉阴霾真 觅 伪造特 有老二的 有 闹 A次 扎斯特 因跑死包比考斯 讹误 有 A次 奥 不软的 牛买 来福 A子 闹 我儿四外奥哎 康特 阴霾真 觅 伪造特 有文友 考特 觅 哎 我自 佛灵有啊 辣舞 莱福忒的 觅 百科 昂 买 菲特A特 我自 来客 有 嘿尔的 觅 考灵俺的 有 RUA是 吐 赛特 觅 弗瑞文 哎 方的 有 哎 我自 布兰斯的俺的 哎 胃药 耐温 类物 有 ,哎 你的 有阴霾真 觅 伪造特 有老二的 有 闹 A次 扎斯特 因跑死包比考斯 讹误 有 A次 奥 不软的 牛买 来福 A子 闹 我儿四外奥哎 康特 阴霾真 觅 伪造特 有文 哎 方的 有 哎 我自 布兰斯的俺的 哎 胃药 耐温 类物 有 ,哎 你的 有觅 伪造特哎 无扥特 拉斯特 额 得伪造特 有 贼而 吐 C觅 死肉觅 伪造特 有比 老死特 俺的因跑死包比考斯 讹误 有 A次 奥 不软的 牛买 来福 A子 闹 我儿四外奥哎 康特 阴霾真 觅 伪造特 有

帮着选个女生的英文名:wincy vincy wency 三选一哦?


英文名vincy wincy哪个好


求高手指点:Single-Crystalline Vanadium Dioxide Nanowires with Rectangular Cross Section如何翻译


Which ones of the following are correct?

Which ones of the following are correct? A.Trans-polyisoprene is more readily packed and crystallizable, and has properties of crystalline polymers.B.Cis-polyisoprene is more readily packed and crystallizable, and thus has properties of crystalline polymers.C.Trans-polyisoprene is tougher and harder than cis-polyisopreneD.Cis-polyisoprene is tougher and harder than trans-polyisoprene正确答案:Trans-polyisoprene is more readily packed and crystallizable, and has properties of crystalline polymers.;Trans-polyisoprene is tougher and harder than cis-polyisoprene

Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you


Fall out of love with sb.是什么意思

Fall out of love with sb.爱上某人。双语对照例句:1.Chinese shoppers are not falling out of love with vuitton handbags. 中国的购物者并没有失去对路易斯威登手袋的喜爱。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

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I will kick your ass是什么意思


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Switchfoot唱的Your Love Is a Song歌,中文歌词是什么?哈

【Your Love Is a Song】Yeah I hear you breathing in 我听到你呼吸的微弱声音Another day begins 第二天来临了The stars are falling out 昨夜星辰却还在争吵My dreams are fading now, fading out 我的梦却在褪色、凋亡I"ve been keeping my eyes wide open 我努力地张大眼睛I"ve been keeping my eyes wide open 我努力的张大眼睛Your love is a symphony 你的爱仿佛一只交响乐All around me 将我环绕Running through me 从我身边略过Your love is a melody 你的爱是一支旋律Underneath me Running to me 向我流淌,流进内心Oh, your love is a song 你的爱宛如一首歌The dawn is fire bright 破晓像火光般明亮Against the city lights 压抑着城市的灯火The clouds are glowing now 云彩散发着光辉The moon is blacking out, is blacking out 月亮渐渐消失,消失So I"ve been keeping my mind wide open 我努力张大眼睛I"ve been keeping my mind wide open, yeah 我努力张大眼睛Your love is a symphony 你的爱仿佛一只交响乐All around me 将我环绕Running through me 从我身边略过Your love is a melody 你的爱是一支旋律Underneath me Running to me 向我流淌,流进内心Oh, your love is a song 你的爱宛如一首歌Oh, your love is a song 你的爱如歌Your love is a song 你的爱如歌Oh, your love is a song 你的爱如歌Your love is strong 你的爱是如此的强烈With my eyes wide open 我睁大着眼睛I"ve got my eyes wide open 我睁大着眼睛I"ve been keeping my hopes unbroken, yeah 让我充满希望Your love is a symphony 你的爱仿佛一只交响乐All around me 将我环绕Running through me 从我身边略过Your love is a melody 你的爱是一支旋律Underneath me Running to me 向我流淌,流进内心Oh, your love is a song 你的爱宛如一首歌Your love is a song 你的爱如歌Yeah, yeah Your love is my remedy 你的爱是我的救济Oh your love is a song你的爱如歌
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