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my heart will go on的歌词及翻译

2023-07-11 21:48:15

my heart will go on

歌手:celion dion

every night in my dreams 每一个夜晚,在我的梦里

i see you, i feel you 我看见你,我感觉到你

that is how i know you go on 我懂得你的心

far across the distance 跨越我们心灵的空间

and the spaces between us 你向我显现你的来临

you have come to show you go on 无论你如何远离我

near far whenever you are 我相信我心已相随

i believe that the heart does go on 你再次敲开我的心扉

once more you open the door 你融入我的心灵

and you"re here in my heart 我心与你同往

and my heart will go on and on 与你相随

love can touch us one time 爱每时每刻在触摸我们

and last for a lifetime 为着生命最后的时刻

and never let go till we"re one 不愿失去,直到永远

love was when i loved you 爱就是当我爱着你时的感觉

one true time i hold you 我牢牢把握住那真实的一刻

in my life we"ll always go on 在我的生命里,爱无止境

near far whenever you are 无论你离我多么遥远

i believe that the heart does go on 我相信我心同往

once more you open the door 你敲开我的心扉

and you"re here in my heart 你融入我的心灵

and my heart will go on and on 我心与你同往,我心与你相依

there is some love that will not go away 爱与我是那样的靠近

you"re here there is nothing i fear 你就在我身旁,以至我全无畏惧

and i know that my heart will go on 我知道我心与你相依

we"ll stay forever this way 我们永远相携而行

you are safe in my heart 在我心中你安然无恙

and my heart will go on and on我心属于你,爱无止境


My Heart Will Go On(我心永恒)电影《泰坦尼克号》的插曲歌手:Celine Dion(席琳·迪翁)词作:韦尔·杰宁斯(Will Jennings )曲作:詹姆斯·霍纳(James Horner)翻译:当代童话作家王雨然Every night in my dreams 夜夜在我梦里 


I see you I feel you 见到你,感觉你 

That is how I know you go on 这就是我为何懂你 Far across the distance and spaces between us 跨越我们心灵的空间和距离 You have come to show you go on 向我展现你的来临 

Near far wherever you are 无论你在哪里 

I believe that the heart does go on 我坚信那心已在一起 

Once more you opened the door 再一次,敞开你心扉 

And you"re here in my heart 在这里,在我心里

 And my heart will go on and on 我心将与你相偎依 

Love can touch us one time 我们被爱触动 

And last for a lifetime 直到生命的最终

 And never let go till we"ve gone 都不会与我们离弃 

Love was when I loved you 爱是当我爱你 

One true time I hold to 真正的拥有你 

In my life we"ll always go on 我们就会永远相依

 Near far wherever you are 无论你在哪里

 I believe that the heart does go on 我深信那心已在一起 

Once more you opened the door 再一次,敞开你心扉 

And you"re here in my heart 在这里,在我心里 

And my heart will go on and on 我心就与你相偎依 

You"re here there"s nothing I fear 有你我无所畏惧 

And I know that my heart will go on 我知道我心若与你相依

 We"ll stay forever this way 就能永远在一起 

You are safe in my heart 平安地住我心里 

And my heart will go on and on 我的心将永远与你相偎依

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!





every night in my dreams
i see you, i feel you
that is how i know you go on.
far across the distance
and spaces between us
you have come to show you go on.

near, far, wherever you are
i believe that the heart does go on
once more, you opened the door
and you re here in my heart,
and my heart will go on and on.

love can touch us one time
and last for a lifetime
and never let go till we ve gone.
love was when i loved you,
one true time to hold on to
in my life we ll always go on.

near, far, wherever you are
i believe that the heart does go on
once more, you opened the door
and you re here in my heart,
and my heart will go on and on.

you re here, there s nothing i fear
and i know that my heart will go on.
we ll stay, forever this way
you are safe in my heart
and my heart will go on and on.
my heart will go on

歌手:celion dion
every night in my dreams 每一个夜晚,在我的梦里
i see you, i feel you 我看见你,我感觉到你
that is how i know you go on 我懂得你的心
far across the distance 跨越我们心灵的空间
and the spaces between us 你向我显现你的来临
you have come to show you go on 无论你如何远离我
near far whenever you are 我相信我心已相随
i believe that the heart does go on 你再次敲开我的心扉
once more you open the door 你融入我的心灵
and you"re here in my heart 我心与你同往
and my heart will go on and on 与你相随
love can touch us one time 爱每时每刻在触摸我们
and last for a lifetime 为着生命最后的时刻
and never let go till we"re one 不愿失去,直到永远
love was when i loved you 爱就是当我爱着你时的感觉
one true time i hold you 我牢牢把握住那真实的一刻
in my life we"ll always go on 在我的生命里,爱无止境
near far whenever you are 无论你离我多么遥远
i believe that the heart does go on 我相信我心同往
once more you open the door 你敲开我的心扉
and you"re here in my heart 你融入我的心灵
and my heart will go on and on 我心与你同往,我心与你相依
there is some love that will not go away 爱与我是那样的靠近
you"re here there is nothing i fear 你就在我身旁,以至我全无畏惧
and i know that my heart will go on 我知道我心与你相依
we"ll stay forever this way 我们永远相携而行
you are safe in my heart 在我心中你安然无恙
and my heart will go on and on我心属于你,爱无止境
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!



go believe的意思

go believe去相信
2023-07-11 15:28:112


Tianjin is a beautiful city.Now,let me tell you something about Tianjin"s famous food.Eighteenth Street Fried Dough Twists is very delicious;go believe is also a kind yummy food.If you wang to take some photos about Tianjin.I hope you go to Panshan in Jixian.Panshan is a very nice and much famous place.And WaterPark is a good place,too.Do you know?Tianjin has about 100 years history.representative place is Ancient Cultural Street.Do you wang to know more things about Tianjin?Please visit Tianjin museum.It can tell you more stories about Tianjin.中文:天津是一个美丽的城市,现在让我为你们介绍一下天津的著名小吃,十八街麻花是一种好吃的食物,狗不理包子也是一种好吃的食物。如果你想拍一些关于天津的照片,你可以去蓟县的盘山,盘山是一个漂亮而且著名的地方,水上公园也是一个不错的景点。你知道吗?天津有大约100年的历史,最著名的是食品街,你想了解天津更多的历史吗?到天津博物馆参观一下,它会让你知道更多关于天津的历史故事。
2023-07-11 15:28:181


2023-07-11 15:29:025


2023-07-11 15:29:431


狗不理包子是天津的风味名点。目前已经有了英文名称:“Go Believe”。它色白面柔,大小一致,底帮厚薄相同,一咬起来直流油,但又不感肥腻,味道十分鲜美。“狗不理”创始于1858年。清咸丰年间,河北武清县杨村(现天津市武清区)有个年轻人,名叫高贵友,因其父四十得子,为求平安养子,故取乳名“狗子”,期望他能像小狗一样好养活(按照北方习俗,此名饱含著淳朴挚爱的亲情)。狗子十四岁来津学艺,在天津南运河边上的刘家蒸吃铺做小伙计,狗子心灵手巧又勤学好问,加上师傅们的精心指点,高贵友做包子的手艺不断长进,练就一手好活,很快就小有名气了。三年满师后,高贵友已经精通了做包子的各种手艺,于是就独立出来,自己开办了一家专营包子的小吃铺--“德聚号”。他用肥瘦鲜猪肉3:7的比例加适量的水,佐以排骨汤或肚汤,加上小磨香油、特制酱油、姜末、葱末、味精等,精心调拌成包子馅料。包子皮用半发面,在搓条、放剂之后,擀成直径为8.5厘米左右、薄厚均匀的圆形皮。包入馅料,用手指精心捏折,同时用力将褶捻开,每个包子有固定的15个褶,褶花疏密一致,如白菊花形,最后上炉用硬气蒸制而成。由于高贵友手艺好,做事又十分认真,从不掺假,制作的包子口感柔软,鲜香不腻,形似菊花,色香味形都独具特色,引得十里百里的人都来吃包子,生意十分兴隆,名声很快就响了起来。由于来吃他包子的人越来越多,高贵友忙得顾不上跟顾客说话,这样一来,吃包子的人都戏称他“狗子卖包子,不理人”。久而久之,人们喊顺了嘴,都叫他“狗不理”,把他所经营的包子称作“狗不理包子”,而原店铺字号却渐渐被人们淡忘了至于那个十八个摺的问题俺也想知道采纳哦
2023-07-11 15:29:582


2023-07-11 15:30:071

believe和lieve in是什么意思?

believe是相信的意思,针对某件具体的事情 believe in是信任的意思,针对某人的总体。另外,believe in还可以翻译为“信仰”等等类似含义。 I believe in you, but I don"t believe you this time. 我对你是信任的,但这件事情上面,我不信你说的。 I really can"t believe that he would do me such a favor. Since last time I was cheated by him, I no longer believe in him at all. 我实在不相信他会帮我这个忙。自从上次给他骗过之后,我再也不信任他了。有一些重要补充,尤其是对于believe in的用法: 简单的说 就是believe强调对事不对人,believe somebody或something, 强调的是相信事情的真实性,或者强调某人说的话的真实性,总的就是客观地对事情而言的. 但此外,believe还可以表示有宗教信仰(此时是不及物动词) 如"He thinks that everyone who believes will go to heaven"他认为凡是信神者都能进天堂. 而believe in有许多不同的意思 最常见的,就是楼上几为提到的,是指"信任", 就是对人不对事的, believe in somebody表示对某人信任 但是believe in 还有一些别的意思 如(1): believe in somebody/something可以表示相信某人/某事物的存在 如I believe in God. 不是说"我信任上帝",而是"我相信上帝的存在" 又如 believe in ghost就是相信有鬼的存在 (2): believe in doing something 可以表示认为做某事有用,肯定某事物的价值 如He believes in doing plenty of exercise 指"他相信多做运动有好处"
2023-07-11 15:30:201

gonna believe 山田优歌词翻译

阳苏RU使目炫morning现実 oh,不让我回到! Do您流了现在从前干的泪 brandnew天 I知道U知道我的ups"n下来 抱歉的26时incoming,不U忧虑 First,从倾斜到Kimi 在一个的This立场得到得到它! 掴NDA一爱和婴孩, I有没什么保护 I不能be贯进 tellin ‘我, tellin"我, tellin ‘我, “去相信我” The未来现在是和today违U do不放弃! 什么我想要做 在您附近的Just感受。 I将是坚韧或be强 Again only立CHI止TTA take步为它宁可去! You能明天是或more强 lemme, lemme go"cuz我是与U Headphone塞GI込MU在的下半夜want对,去哭泣 愈伤迹immensely和不能even谁见 just投掷它全部 I知道U知道我偏僻的夜 Because我能感觉U逢ENAI时 不仅事喜欢二or离busy 与永远U的live 很疯狂的I上午不再现在停止 见NAKUっexample仅和Kimi The第一词应该有more见 you是tellin ‘我, tellin"我, tellin ‘我, “去相信我” 对未来的U愿now在头脑里 do不放弃! 什么我想要做 总是Are在您附近。 无误授予的 Again only振RI返TTATA take步为它宁可去! You能明天是或more强 lemme, lemme go"cuz我是与U The未来现在是和today违U do不放弃! 什么我想要做 在您附近的Just感受。 I将是坚韧或be强 Again only立CHI止TTA take步为它宁可去! You能明天是或more强 lemme, lemme go"cuz我是与U
2023-07-11 15:30:542


Believe「海贼王 OP2」作词:谷穂ちろる / 作曲99编曲:GROOVE SURFERS歌:Folder5未来だけ信じてる〖只相信着未来〗谁かが嘲ってもかまわない〖有谁在旁冷嘲热讽也无所谓〗走ってる情热が〖飞扬的热情〗あなたをキラめかせる〖让你如此光辉闪亮〗眩し过ぎ、でも见つめていたい〖虽然很刺眼 但我仍想凝视着你〗どっか「美学」感じてる〖似乎有种「美学」的感觉〗I"m really really stuck on you〖我完全迷恋上你了〗谁にも似てない梦の背中を〖向着独一无二的梦之背影〗追いかけて 追いかけてく〖不断追逐 不停追赶〗夜明けを呼び覚ますような〖那份心情犹如唤醒晨光般的〗燃えるキモチ〖熊熊热火〗アトサキなんて今は知らない〖未来会如何虽然现在还不清楚〗退屈な时间よりも〖比起无聊闲坐〗ドラマティック 手に入れるまで〖不如赶快把戏剧性的发展得到手吧〗Believe In Wonderland!〖我相信仙境是存在的!〗山积みの问题を〖用简单的准则〗軽めのノリでかわしちゃう〖就能解决掉堆积如山的问题〗この道は戻れない〖绝不走回头路〗あなたのプライドだね〖你的自尊心还真强呢〗トラブル続き弱気な夜は〖纷争不断令人胆怯的夜里〗ギュッと抱いてあげるよ〖就让我来紧抱着你吧〗I wanna wanna be with you〖我想陪伴在你身旁〗谁にも见えない梦のカタチを〖把无人能见的梦之姿态〗つかまえて つかまえてく〖抓在手中 绝不放开〗わたしはついて行くから〖我会一同跟着去的〗热いキモチ〖心情灼热〗ツジツマ合わせ 别にいらない〖没有必要去遵循逻辑〗ありふれた日常よりも〖比起平淡无奇的日常〗パラダイス 目指して走れ〖不如朝着乐园奔驰吧〗Believe In Wonderland!〖我相信仙境是存在的!〗TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」OP2テーマ谁にも似てない梦の背中を〖向着独一无二的梦之背影〗追いかけて 追いかけてく〖不断追逐 不停追赶〗夜明けを呼び覚ますような〖那份心情犹如唤醒晨光般的〗燃えるキモチ〖熊熊热火〗アトサキなんて今は知らない〖未来会如何虽然现在还不清楚〗退屈な时间よりも〖比起无聊闲坐〗ドラマティック 手に入れるまで〖不如赶快把戏剧性的发展得到手吧〗Believe In Wonderland!〖我相信仙境是存在的!〗
2023-07-11 15:31:091


   由我来为您列举几个走路的英文单词以及它的音标 walk英 [wu0254u02d0k] 美 [wu0254k] n. 步行,走;散步   vt. 散步;走过   vi. 走,步行;散步   n. (Walk)人名;(德、葡)瓦尔克;(英)沃克    短语   Random walk 随机游走 ; 随机游走 ; 随机漫步 ; 无规行走   Walk Away 离去 ; 一走了之 ; 离开你 ; 转身离开   walk out 走出 ; 把带出 ; 退席 ; 罢工   space walk 太空行走 ; 空间行走 ; 太空漫步 ; 舱外活动   walk off 离开 ; 带走 ; 走开 ; 使走开   walk home 走回家 ; 步行回家 ; 走路回家 ; 别送我回家   Elephant Walk 象宫鸳劫 ; 象宫鸯劫 ; 逻宫大神秘 ; 象行   walk mate 计步器 ; 结伴而行 ; 装有计步器程序   Walk over 弃权 ; 走过场的比赛 ; 虐待 ; 走过   walk in 走进去,供人走进   walk out 走出;罢工;退席;把(某人)领出   walk on 走下去;继续行走   walk along 散步;向前走;沿着u2026走   walk away 走开;离去   walk into v. 走进;不慎陷入;痛斥   walk through 走过;轻松地初排;草率地处理   take a walk 散步   walk down 通过散步消除;在步行速度和距离上胜过   walk around 四处走动;绕走   go for a walk v. 散步   walk up 走上;沿u2026走   walk home 走回家,步行回家   walk by 在u2026旁边走过;走过u2026   walk together 走在一起,结伴同行;一起散步   random walk 随机游动;无规行走   walk of life n. 行业;阶层;社会地位   walk in the park 在公园散步   walk away from 离开;轻易地胜过;从...旁边走开   walk back 向后走;倒转绞盘 go英 [gu0259u028a] 美 [go] vi. 走;达到;运转;趋于   n. 去;进行;尝试   vt. 忍受;出产;以u2026打赌   [复数 goes 第三人称单数 goes 过去式 went 过去分词 gone 现在分词 going]   短语   go ahead 开始 ; 前进 ; 先走 ; 干吧   go up 上升 ; 上涨 ; 增长 ; 建起   Let Go 展翅高飞 ; 放开 ; 放手 ; 释放   GNU Go GNU Go ; GNU Go ; 自由 围棋   go sightseeing 去观光 ; 出去观光 ; 去观光旅行 ; 观光旅游招待   Go Believe 狗不理包子 ; 狗不理包子 ; 狗不理 ; 去相信   Capture Go 吃子棋 ; 吃子棋   GO Andromedae 仙女座GO   GO APE 发疯 ; 神魂颠倒 ; 狂热起来 ; 变的狂热 foot英 [fu028at] 美 [fu028at] n. 脚;英尺;步调;末尾   vi. 步行;跳舞;总计   vt. 支付;给u2026u2026换底   n. (Foot)人名;(英)富特   短语   foot 脚链   Foot binding 缠足 ; 缠足 ; 天足运动   foot massage 脚底按摩 ; 足部按摩 ; 脚底按摩 ; 足底按摩   PRESSER FOOT 靴 ; 压脚 ; 压布靴 ; 靴压脚   foot bridge 步行天桥 ; 人行桥 ; 行人天桥 ; 步辇儿天桥   Foot injury 脚伤 ; 足损伤 ; 刘翔脚伤 ; 脚受伤   foot board 踏板 ; 脚踏板 ; 脚蹬 ; 床尾板   trench foot 战壕足 ; 战壕足病 ; 战壕脚病 ; 壕沟足   Stamp foot 跺脚 ; 顿脚
2023-07-11 15:32:381

问一首歌,歌词里有 I believe,这歌叫什么名?

貌似是范逸臣的I believe
2023-07-11 15:32:452

歌词里有一句高潮是 i believe的韩语歌曲,谁知道?

I Believe 그댄 곁에 없지만이대로 이별은 아니겠죠.I Believe 나에게 오는 길은조금 멀리 돌아올 뿐이겠죠.모두 지나간 그 기억속에서내가 나를 아프게 하며 눈물을 만들죠.나만큼 울지 않기를그대만은 눈물 없이 날편하게 떠나주기를언젠가 다시 돌아 올그대라는 걸 알기에난 믿고 있기에기다릴게요.난 그대여야만 하죠.I Believe 내가 아파할까봐그대로 울지도 못했겟죠.I Believe 흐르는 내 눈물이그댈 다시 내게 돌려주겠죠자꾸 멈추는 내 눈길 속에서그대 모습들이 떠올라 눈물을 만들죠.나만큼 울지 않기를그대만은 눈물 없이 날편하게 떠나주기를언젠가 다시 돌아 올그대라는 걸 알기에난 믿고 있기에기다릴게요.난 그대여야만 하죠.나 그대 알기 전 이 세상도이렇게 눈부셨는지그 하늘 아래서 이젠 눈물로 남겨졌지만이 자릴 난 지킬게요.그대란 이유만으로나에게는 기다림조차충분히 행복하겠죠.사랑한 이유만으로또 하루가 지나가고오는 길 잊어도기다릴게요. 난 그대여야만 하죠.난 그대여야만 하죠.[출처] 엽기적인그녀 - I Believe 我的野蛮女友的主题曲歌手:申承勋
2023-07-11 15:32:536

I believe that you can go to college。 为什么I believe后面加that呢?,

宾语从句引导词,从句内容完整,上下文无歧义时用that引导,口语中可以省略。 宾语从句引导词必须置于从句之首。用单句形式作为句子宾语的叫宾语从句,句子中的宾语从句有动宾,也就是及物动词后用从句充当宾语,如此句中believe是主句的谓语动词,及物动词,其后是宾语从句,引导词当然就用在它的后面了,同时,这个位置也是宾语从句的句首位置;有介宾,也就是介词后面的从句,无论是不是主句的宾语,都应当称为宾语从句,引导词位于介词之后。还有一种特殊情况,那就是be动词+形容词-->其后的从句也常叫做宾语从句,因为这种结构中, be动词+形容词相当于是及物动词短语,其后的宾语为短语时常与搭配介词连用,其后的宾语为从句时,往往不用介词。
2023-07-11 15:33:211

i believe that the heart does go on是什么意思

2023-07-11 15:33:301

有一首英文歌最后一句是list on go 叫什么名字

是泰坦尼克号的主题曲。My Heart Will Go On(我心永恒) 歌手:Celine Dion 我心永恒 电影《泰坦尼号Titanic》主题曲 Every night in my dreams I see you,I feel you That is how I know you go on Far across the distance And spaces between us You have come to show you go on Near...far... Wherever you are I believe That the heart does go on Once more you open the door And you"re here in my heart And my heart will go on and on Love can touch us one time And last for a lifetime And never let go till we"re one Love was when I loved you One true time I hold to In my life we"ll always go on You"re here There"s nothing I fear And I know That my heart will go on We"ll stay forever this way You are safe in my heart And my heart will go on and on
2023-07-11 15:33:371

My Heart Will Go On的介绍

My Heart Will Go On系Céline Dion演唱的,其名为我心永不止息、我心永恒、爱无止尽等,li首歌系铁达尼号音乐成功之处,亦曾蝉联全美告示牌(Billboard)排行榜冠军宝座长达16周之久,这部影片除了现场演唱外,还邀请了可儿家族主唱 Andrea Corr 以锡笛伴奏 以下是这歌的歌词: Every night in my dreams 在每个夜晚的梦里 I see you I feel you 我可以看到你,感觉到你 That is how I know you go on 因此我知道你依然在 Far across the distance 跨越距离 And spaces beeen us 及你我之间的时空 You have e to show you go on 你已告诉我你依然在 Near far wherever you are 是近、是远?无论你身在何处 I believe that the heart does go on 我相信你我的心将永不止息 Once more you open the door 再一次,你打开我的心门 And you"re here in my heart 你依然在我心深处 And my heart will go on and on 而我心将永不止息 Love can touch us one time 爱感动了我俩一回 And last for a lifetime 却持续了一生 And never let go till we"re gone 且永不休止,直到我俩死去 Love was when I love you 爱,是当我爱上你 One true time I hold to 拥有你那真实的一刻 In my life we"ll always go on 在我一生中,我俩将永远携手并进 You"re here there"s nothing I fear 你在我身旁,我不再恐惧 And I know that my heart will go on 而我知道我心将永不止息 We"ll stay forever this way 我俩就这样相依到永远 You are safe in my heart 你在我心中永远安全无虞 And my heart will go on and on 而我心将永不止息 希望可以帮到你啦!=]
2023-07-11 15:33:441


2023-07-11 15:33:5311


2023-07-11 15:34:331


What"s the weather like?
2023-07-11 15:34:402

一首英文歌曲。歌词大概是you can go wherever you want to go是这个吗?
2023-07-11 15:34:4812

you believe that you work too many hours in the week,and that you would prefer to go home early on

2023-07-11 15:35:283

my heart will go on的歌词 英文加翻译 电影原声

我心永恒电影《泰坦尼号Titanic》主题曲Every night in my dreamsI see you,I feel youThat is how I know you go onFar across the distanceAnd spaces between usYou have come to show you go onNear...far...Wherever you areI believeThat the heart does go onOnce more you open the doorAnd you"re here in my heartAnd my heart will go on and onLove can touch us one timeAnd last for a lifetimeAnd never let go till we"re oneLove was when I loved youOne true time I hold toIn my life we"ll always go onYou"re hereThere"s nothing I fearAnd I knowThat my heart will go onWe"ll stay forever this wayYou are safe in my heartAnd my heart will go on and on我心永恒 夜夜在我梦中 见到你 感觉你 我的心仍为你 悸动 穿越层层时空 随着风 入我梦 你的心从未曾 不同 你我 尽在不言中 你的爱拌我航行 始终 飞翔 如风般自由 你让我无忧无惧 永远的活在爱中 只是一见钟情 两颗心 已相通 刹那化成永恒 情浓 怨命运总捉弄 缱绻时 太匆匆 留我一世一生 的痛 你我 尽在不言中 你的爱伴我航行 始终 飞翔 如风般自由 你让我无忧无惧 永远的活在爱中 记得 所有的感动 星光下我们紧紧 相拥 无论 是否能重逢 我的心永远守候 只盼来生与共
2023-07-11 15:35:555

找英文歌 泰坦尼克号 的《My Heart Will Go On》 歌词和翻译

2023-07-11 15:36:103

请问下谁知道.泰坦尼克号(My Heart Will Go On ) 用英文唱.但是是中文拼写出来的谁有能发我下嘛?谢谢

为什么不直接用中文版?中文版的《my heart will go on》叫《我心永相依》
2023-07-11 15:36:173

求 my heart will go on 白眼字

My heart will go on (我心永恒)Every night in my dreams I see you ,I feel you无法入睡的夜晚因为在梦中都有你的身影和气息That is how I know you go on因为我始终明白你的心Far across the distance and space bettween us相隔遥远的我们穿越了所有一切You have come to show you go on你已表明,你的心未曾改变Near ,far wherever you are咫尺,天涯 无论你在哪儿I believe the heart dose go on 我始终都相信彼此,从未改变Once ,more you open the door一次,再而 你打开心扉之门And you"re here in my heartand my heart will go on and on在我心中,从未改变Love was can touch us one time and last for a lifetimeAnd never let go till we"re gone 那一瞬间爱将我们联系直至我们一生永不停止Love was when I loved youone true time I hold toIn my life we"ll always go on爱,到我心中使我一度爱上你并伴随一生不再改变You"re here there nothing I fearand I know that my heart will go on只要你在身边我便无所畏惧因为我的心不曾改变We"ll stay forever this wayYou"re safe in my heartand my heart will go on and on永远在一起的我们将以这种方式因为你在我心中心也随之永恒
2023-07-11 15:36:241

《my love will go on》的歌词中文翻译。

2023-07-11 15:36:343

my heart will go on这首歌的发音翻译

Every night in my dreams (额瑞耐特 进迈醉目是) 每一个夜晚,在我的梦里 I see you, I feel you (爱谁友,爱飞友) 我看见你,我感觉到你 That is how I know you go on ( 热题是 好爱那哦有 沟哦恩) 这就是我如何知道你会继续 Far across the distance and the spaces between us ( 发 额可热啊是 热滴思腾思 按热 思陪是 比推恩 啊思) 跨越我们心灵的空间 You have come to show you go on ( 友 还无 卡目 图秀友够 哦恩) 你向我显现你的来临 Near far wherever you are (你儿 发 无哎玩 友啊) 无论你如何远离我 I believe that the heart does go on ( 爱 比利无 热特 热 哈特 达思 够 哦恩) 我相信我心已相随 Once more you open the door (完思 某友 偶喷 热达) 你曾经再次敲开我的心扉 And you"re here in my heart (按 友啊 嘿儿 进迈 哈特 ) 你融入我的心灵 And my heart will go on and on (按迈 哈特 为有 够 哦恩 按 哦恩) 我心与你同往 与你相随 Love can touch us one time (拉无 看 塔去 啊思 玩 台木) 爱触动我们一次 And last for a lifetime (安 拉斯特 佛额 来福台木) 就能够持续一生的时间 And never let go till we"re gone (按得 耐玩儿 乐特 够提 为啊 够恩) 不愿失去,直到永远 Love was when I loved you ( 拉无 我是 吻爱 拉无 友) 爱就是当我爱着你时的感觉 One true time I hold you ( 玩出 台木 爱 吼得 友) 我牢牢把握住那真实的一刻 In my life we"ll always go on ( 进迈 来福 为有 啊为是 够 噢恩) 在我的生命里,爱无止境 Near far wherever you are 无论你离我多么遥远 I believe that the heart does go on 我相信我心同往 Once more you open the door 你曾经再次敲开我的心扉 And you"re here in my heart 你融入我的心灵 And my heart will go on and on 我心与你同往,我心与你相依 You"re here there is nothing I fear ( 友啊 嘿儿 热儿 意思 那思念 爱飞儿) 你就在我身旁,以至我全无畏惧 And I know that my heart will go on 我知道我心与你相依 We"ll stay forever this way ( 为有 思得(dei) 佛额玩 热是 位 ) 我们永远相携而行 You are safe in my heart ( 友啊 是福 进迈 哈特) 在我心中你安然无恙 And my heart will go on and on( 按迈 哈特 为有 够 哦恩 按得 哦恩) 我心属于你,爱无止境求采纳
2023-07-11 15:36:431

There is some love that will not go away我心永恒里有这句歌词吗

是没有的。在Let"s Talk About Love 专辑的小册子里(CD),这首歌的歌词在第二Chorus和最后五句之间,附加了一行= There is some love that will not go away。“有一些爱,不会消失”,但都没有在任何Celine Dion 唱的版本中被唱出来,但是,它们仍然包含在她的官方网站中。Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go OnEvery night in my dreamsI see you, I feel youThat is how I know you go onFar across the distanceAnd spaces between usYou have come to show you go onNear, far, wherever you areI believe that the heart does go onOnce more you open the doorAnd you"re here in my heartAnd my heart will go on and onLove can touch us one timeAnd last for a lifetimeAnd never let go till we"re goneLove was when I loved youOne true time I hold toIn my life we"ll always go onNear, far, wherever you areI believe that the heart does go onOnce more you open the doorAnd you"re here in my heartAnd my heart will go on and on(There is some love that will not go away) 没被唱出来的一行歌词。。。。。。You"re here, there"s nothing I fearAnd I know that my heart will go onWe"ll stay forever this wayYou are safe in my heartAnd my heart will go on and on
2023-07-11 15:36:511

my heart will go on(带对白) mp3

My Heart Will Go On(我心依旧) 电影《泰坦尼克号》的插曲 歌手:Celine Dion (席琳·迪翁) Every night in my dreams 《泰坦尼克号》每一个夜晚,在我的梦里 I see you, I feel you 我看见你,我感觉到你 That is how I know you go on 这就是我如何知道你会继续 Far across the distance and spaces between us 跨越我们心灵的空间 You have come to show you go on 你向我显现你的来临 Near far wherever you are 无论你如何远离我 I believe that the heart does go on 我相信我心已相随 Once more you opened the door 你曾经再次敲开我的心扉 And you"re here in my heart 你融入我的心灵 And my heart will go on and on 我心与你同往 与你相随 Love can touch us one time 爱触动我们一次 And last for a lifetime 就能够持续一生的时间 And never let go till we"re gone 不愿失去,直到永远 Love was when I loved you 爱就是当我爱着你时的感觉 One true time I hold to 我牢牢把握住那真实的一刻 In my life we"ll always go on 在我的生命里,爱无止境 Near far wherever you are 无论你离我多么遥远 I believe that the heart does go on 我相信我心已相随 Once more you opened the door 你曾经再次敲开我的心扉 演唱者:席琳·迪翁And you"re here in my heart 你融入我的心灵 And my heart will go on and on 我心属于你,爱无止境 You"re here there is nothing I fear 你就在我身旁,以至我全无畏惧 And I know that my heart will go on 我知道我心与你相依 We"ll stay forever this way 我们永远相携而行 You are safe in my heart 在我心中你安然无恙 And my heart will go on and on 我心属于你,爱无止境
2023-07-11 15:36:581

Go for it ,Believe in yourself !!!如何回答这句话

thank you, i will try my best
2023-07-11 15:37:183

海贼王we go的英文歌词?

2023-07-11 15:37:241

英语They’re sociable怎么翻译?

They"re sociable的中文意思是:他们擅于交际
2023-07-11 15:37:3313

I BELIEVE的原唱叫什么?

申承勋,韩国的,歌词和孙楠的不是对照的 歌词: I believe(歌词发音+中文对照) 歌手:申承勋 I believe ko dan go te o ji ma 我相信 明天一定会幸福 yi de lu , yi biao lo a ni ke qiu 不在意,你说一切会结束 I believe ma yi ge wu long gi na 我相信 经历爱情总会哭 xiu ko mo li , du la o bu li ke qiu 梦里看见,你离我越来越远 Mu du qi na ga , ku gi ya so ga sau 曾经相信过,爱是甜蜜的谎言 nei ga na lu a pu gei ha miao 你只是微笑对我说着 nu mu lu ma ze jiu 最好说再见 na man ko wu ji ya ki lu ku dai ma long 如果爱你是个错误 请别让我 mu mu o xi na , piao na ge du na jiu gi lu 一步又一步,陷入这孤独的无助 on jia ga da xi lu la wo 如果爱你只是辛苦 ku de la long gong a ge yi 我不能再说我爱你 na mi gong ye ge ya 只是一味付出 ki da liu ge yo 离别的时候 ma ku de yao ya ma ~ha qiu连一个吻都不渴求 以下中文翻译有知道的请E我 I believe ne ga a pa a ga ba ku de la , wu ji lu mu te ge qiu I believe hu lu lu mai lu mu li ku ta da xi , ne ge du yo zu ge qiu jia gu mon qiu no , ne lo ge su ga sau ku de mu su de li do o la mu mu lu ma de zu ma man ku wu ji ya ki lu ku de ma long , mu mu o xi na piao na ge da na qiu ge lu on jie ga da xi lu ra wu ku de la long gong a ge e na mi gon yi ge ya , ki da liu ge yo ma ku de yao ya ma ~ha qiu na ku de a gi qiu, yi sa sang do yi lo ke mong bu xiao mu ji ku ha de a da sao yi qie lu mu nu na ga qiao jie ma yi qia li na ji ki gi yo ~ ku da ram yi yo ma mu lu ma ya ga leng , ki da lim zu qia qiu mu ni den gu ka ke qiu sa la ham yi yo ma mu lu do ha lo ga xi na ga gu wu no ga yi qiu do ki da liu ge yo ma ku da yao ya ma ~ha jiu ~umm umm ma ku da yao ya ma ~ha jiu
2023-07-11 15:38:401

I believe I can go to Sanqing in the future是宾语从句吗?

是的主句:I believe+宾语从句:I can go to Sanqing in the future.解析:主语:I +谓语动词:believe+宾语从句(I can...)
2023-07-11 15:38:541

歌词I know you have to go away~~和I believe that~~出自哪首歌(女声流行歌曲)

Michelle Branch 的 Here with me。
2023-07-11 15:39:023

because we believe 歌词

(Andrea Bocelli / Amy Foster Gillies / David Foster)Guarda fuori e"gia"mattinaQuesto e"un giorno che ricorderaiAlzati in fretta e vaiC"Non ti arrendereOnce in every lifeThere comes a timeWe walk out all aloneAnd into the lightThe moment won"t last but then,We remember it againWhen we close our eyes.Like stars across the skyE per avvincereTu dovrai vincereWe were born to shineAll of us here because we believeGuarda avanti e non voltarti maiAccarezza con i sogni tuoiLe tue speranze e poiVerso il giorno che verrC"Like stars across the skyE per avvincereTu dovrai vincereLike stars across the skyNon arrendertiQualcuno Like stars across the skyWe were born to shineE per avvincereDovrai vincereE allora vinceraiEnglish translation:Look outside: its morningThis is a day you"ll rememberHurry, get up and goThere are those who believe in youDon"t give upOnce in every lifeThere comes a timeWe walk out all aloneAnd into the lightThe moment won"t
2023-07-11 15:39:161

go for it是什么意思

go for it翻译:去争取吧,尽力争取;试一试;加油;例句:1.Just think about what you want, and go for it!想想你想要什么,然后去争取吧2.At mile 3, I passed a sign :" GO FOR IT, RUNNERS! " 在3英里处,我路过一个牌子,上面写着:"奔跑者,加油!"3."Go for it and make us proud." "去做吧,让我们感到骄傲。"4.She thinks that if you believe you can do something, you should go for it. 她认为如果你相信自己能做点什么,你就应该去争取。5.Just go for it. First, you need to know what kind of job is suitable for your age and interest. 加油吧。首先,你需要知道什么样的工作适合你的年龄和兴趣。6.So don"t be afraid of the risks and go for it. 所以别惧怕风险,勇敢去做吧。7.You were the one who said to go for it. 你可是那个鼓励我主动一点的人。8.Most of the time you just have to go for it! 大多数时候,你不得去争取。9.When this business is over, go for it. 办完这件事后,转行吧!10.But good for you. Go for it. 但对你来说是个好机会加油吧。11.Let"s see if he"ll go for it again. 来,看它是否还会上当。12.This is the last one. I say we go for it. 这是最后一块,我们干吧。13.This one says," Go for it!”这个人说“加油”
2023-07-11 15:39:581

英语作文 题目为“I believe I can ”

I used to think that I could not go on And life was nothing but an awful song But now I know the meaning of true love I"m leaning on the everlasting arms If I can see it, then I can do it If I just believe it, there"s nothing to it [Chorus] I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky I think about it every night and day Spread my wings and fly away I believe I can soar I see me running through that open door I believe I can fly I believe I can fly I believe I can fly See I was on the verge of breaking down Sometimes the silence can seem so loud There are miracles in life I must achieve But first it"s got to starts inside of me, oh If I can see it, then I can be it If I just believe it, there"s nothing to it [Chorus] Cuz I believe in me Yeah, oh If I can see it, then I can do it If I just believe it, there"s nothign to it [Chorus] Hey, if I just spread my wings Spread my wings Spread my wings And I can fly I can fly
2023-07-11 15:40:241


   六年级关于暑假计划的英语作文   下面作文栏目整理了三篇六年级暑假计划的英语作文,欢迎参阅。   篇一   Summer holiday is coming. I"m going to have a busy holiday. First, I"m going to finish my homework. Then, I"m going to visit my grandparents. My grandmother is sixty-six years old. So I"m going to buy some gifts for my grandma. I"m going to visit my relatives in order to send them my best wishes. I" m going to read some books in the holiday. I really want to learn more from books.   I"m going to have a funny holiday.   篇二   I went to see the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with my brother today. I had great desire to see the movie before because people had high estimate for it. At first I was so excited. Not just because the vast volume, also for Johnny Depp. But when it finished, I felt it really was a simple movie and very suitable for children. The chocolates looked so delicious though the movie had a bit of distance as my imagination.   I felt Johnny Depp was a good actor because I saw the Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. I was attracted by his character and his make-up. Now, I am expecting the sequel. Hope it can reveal the quality as good as the first.   After we watched the movie, the rain goes heavily. Although we had an umbrella, our pants, and shoes were wet form it. Because the heavy rain, the visibility was not very good, so we had a littlie traffic accident with the other car. Fortunately, both the cars and people were safe and well .   篇三   I"m happy to have such a good summer holiday!Of course,I have many things to prepare.   First,I need to make a plan about my holiday.I will do my homework 5 hours a day,and I want to read some famous English books to improve my English study.Then, I will see some funny comedies.Mr.Bean or Tom Hanks"s movies all cool! They can relax myself!If I have enough time,I will go dancing swimming! I wanna keep fit,you know!And,I will spend some time on my math.I always be careless on the math exam.I want to be careful!   I really have a large number of things to do,maybe It"s a bit busy nervous.but I like this sort of life.I will try my best to do these tings!I believe myself,I can do all of them!It"s nice to have this kind of courage!
2023-07-11 15:40:311

at the moment 和for the moment有什么区别?

at the moment 的意思是“现在”“此刻”,常与一般现在时或现在完成时连用。例如: I have got enough to do at the moment. 但是,at the moment 有时也作“当时”讲,用于过去时态。例如: I didn"t buy that book, because I had no money on me at the moment.for a moment 是指“片刻”、“一会儿”,表示持续的时间。例如: For a moment she just stood there, unable to believe what had just happened.
2023-07-11 15:40:414


   六年级关于暑假计划的英语作文   下面作文栏目整理了三篇六年级暑假计划的英语作文,欢迎参阅。   篇一   Summer holiday is coming. I"m going to have a busy holiday. First, I"m going to finish my homework. Then, I"m going to visit my grandparents. My grandmother is sixty-six years old. So I"m going to buy some gifts for my grandma. I"m going to visit my relatives in order to send them my best wishes. I" m going to read some books in the holiday. I really want to learn more from books.   I"m going to have a funny holiday.   篇二   I went to see the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with my brother today. I had great desire to see the movie before because people had high estimate for it. At first I was so excited. Not just because the vast volume, also for Johnny Depp. But when it finished, I felt it really was a simple movie and very suitable for children. The chocolates looked so delicious though the movie had a bit of distance as my imagination.   I felt Johnny Depp was a good actor because I saw the Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. I was attracted by his character and his make-up. Now, I am expecting the sequel. Hope it can reveal the quality as good as the first.   After we watched the movie, the rain goes heavily. Although we had an umbrella, our pants, and shoes were wet form it. Because the heavy rain, the visibility was not very good, so we had a littlie traffic accident with the other car. Fortunately, both the cars and people were safe and well .   篇三   I"m happy to have such a good summer holiday!Of course,I have many things to prepare.   First,I need to make a plan about my holiday.I will do my homework 5 hours a day,and I want to read some famous English books to improve my English study.Then, I will see some funny comedies.Mr.Bean or Tom Hanks"s movies all cool! They can relax myself!If I have enough time,I will go dancing swimming! I wanna keep fit,you know!And,I will spend some time on my math.I always be careless on the math exam.I want to be careful!   I really have a large number of things to do,maybe It"s a bit busy nervous.but I like this sort of life.I will try my best to do these tings!I believe myself,I can do all of them!It"s nice to have this kind of courage!
2023-07-11 15:41:141

求一首英文歌,男声的,歌词隐约听见有some day还是sometimes go(on)

one day MATS....
2023-07-11 15:41:212

my heart will go on的中文歌词

歌手:celion dion every night in my dreams 每一个夜晚,在我的梦里 i see you, i feel you 我看见你,我感觉到你 that is how i know you go on 我懂得你的心 far across the distance 跨越我们心灵的空间 and the spaces between us 你向我显现你的来临 you have come to show you go on 无论你如何远离我 near far whenever you are 我相信我心已相随 i believe that the heart does go on 你再次敲开我的心扉 once more you open the door 你融入我的心灵 and you"re here in my heart 我心与你同往 and my heart will go on and on 与你相随 love can touch us one time 爱每时每刻在触摸我们 and last for a lifetime 为着生命最后的时刻 and never let go till we"re one 不愿失去,直到永远 love was when i loved you 爱就是当我爱着你时的感觉 one true time i hold you 我牢牢把握住那真实的一刻 in my life we"ll always go on 在我的生命里,爱无止境 near far whenever you are 无论你离我多么遥远 i believe that the heart does go on 我相信我心同往 once more you open the door 你敲开我的心扉 and you"re here in my heart 你融入我的心灵 and my heart will go on and on 我心与你同往,我心与你相依 there is some love that will not go away 爱与我是那样的靠近 you"re here there is nothing i fear 你就在我身旁,以至我全无畏惧 and i know that my heart will go on 我知道我心与你相依 we"ll stay forever this way 我们永远相携而行 you are safe in my heart 在我心中你安然无恙 and my heart will go on and on我心属于你,爱无止境
2023-07-11 15:41:473

找一首歌歌词是I am go off

是不是速度与激情的go off
2023-07-11 15:41:552

求《泰坦尼克号》主题曲「my heart will go on」歌词?

Every night in my d see you I feel youu3000reamsu3000That is how I know you go onu3000
2023-07-11 15:42:032

My heart will go on 有合唱版没,如果没有,哪位高人给分个男女词 - -

女:every night in my dreams 每一个夜晚,在我的梦里 i see you, i feel you 我看见你,我感觉到你 that is how i know you go on 我懂得你的心 男:far across the distance 跨越我们心灵的空间 and the spaces between us 你向我显现你的来临 you have come to show you go on 无论你如何远离我 女:near far whenever you are 我相信我心已相随i believe that the heart does go on 你再次敲开我的心扉 男:once more you open the door 你融入我的心灵 and you"re here in my heart 我心与你同往 and my heart will go on and on 与你相随 和:love can touch us one time 爱每时每刻在触摸我们 and last for a lifetime 为着生命最后的时刻 and never let go till we"re one 不愿失去,直到永远 love was when i loved you 爱就是当我爱着你时的感觉 one true time i hold you 我牢牢把握住那真实的一刻 in my life we"ll always go on 在我的生命里,爱无止境女:near far whenever you are 无论你离我多么遥远 i believe that the heart does go on 我相信我心同往 男:once more you open the door 你敲开我的心扉 and you"re here in my heart 你融入我的心灵 and my heart will go on and on 我心与你同往,我心与你相依和:there is some love that will not go away 爱与我是那样的靠近 you"re here there is nothing i fear 你就在我身旁,以至我全无畏惧 and i know that my heart will go on 我知道我心与你相依 we"ll stay forever this way 我们永远相携而行 you are safe in my heart 在我心中你安然无恙 女:and my heart will go on and on我心属于你,爱无止境
2023-07-11 15:42:111

求My heart will go on(泰坦尼克号主题曲)下载地址及其歌词

2023-07-11 15:42:204

最近优衣库老放一首英文歌,女声挺甜的,声音有点像霉霉,i wanna take it 什么easy,i wanna let 什么go

Westlife - I wanna grow old with you Another day Without your smile Another day just passes by But now I know How much it means For you to stay Right here with me The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger But it hurt so bad I can"t take it any longer I wanna grow old with you I wanna die lying in your arms I wanna grow old with you I wanna be looking in your eyes I wanna be there for you Sharing everything you do I wanna grow old with you A thousand miles between us now It causes me to wonder how Our love tonight remains so strong It makes our risk right all along The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger But it hurt so bad I can"t take it any longer I wanna grow old with you I wanna die lying in your arms I wanna grow old with you I wanna be looking in your eyes I wanna be there for you Sharing everything you do I wanna grow old with you Things can come and go I know but Baby I believe Something"s burning strong between us Makes it clear to me I wanna grow old with you I wanna die lying in your arms I wanna grow old with you I wanna be looking in your eyes I wanna be there for you Sharing everything you do I wanna grow old with you
2023-07-11 15:42:361

一首歌,是在DJ激情本色里的插曲,只记得两句英文歌词:let me go ,let me go很好听的女声

曲名:Let Me Go 歌手:吴雨霏 专辑:In Control 查看打印版 发送给好友 [ti:Let Me Go] [ar:吴雨霏] [al:In Control] [by:danfeng927] [00:01.00]Let Me Go [00:05.00]词曲:Jerald [00:09.00]编曲:Jerald [00:13.00]监制:Jerald [00:17.00]演唱:吴雨霏 [00:21.00][01:18.36]吴雨霏-Let Me Go [00:29.11]How many times does it take [00:31.23]Before you"ll ever learn [00:36.32]How many more of mistic [00:38.34]Can you are concerned [00:44.26][02:46.92]I"ve told you many times [00:46.56][02:49.31]You just never ever heard me [00:51.51][02:54.23]I"ve heard too many lies [00:53.82]You just always find a way to hurt me [00:58.24][01:59.68][03:01.09]Please just let me fly away [01:01.03][02:02.31][03:03.67]It"s never too late [01:03.39][02:04.65][03:05.99]To start another miserable day [01:05.76][02:07.04][03:08.44]I don"t wanna die today [01:08.35][02:09.53][03:10.86]I won"t cry today [01:10.37][02:11.77][03:13.06]You caused the pain that won"t go away [01:15.08][02:16.34][03:17.73]It won"t go away [01:30.56]When do you think you can see [01:32.76]That we"re not of a kind [01:37.68]Why should I ever believe [01:39.93]That we"re gonna make it work this time [01:45.82]We need to let it go [01:47.94]So it"s time for you to leave me [01:52.92]We"ll never get you know [01:55.32]If our love was really ever meant to be [02:21.49][03:19.25]Please just let me fly [02:28.68][03:24.47]I don"t wanna die [02:36.34]Don"t to love [02:41.77]Let me go [02:56.56]We just have to find a way to let it be [03:28.46]Don"t wanna cry today [03:33.81]the pain that my heat won"t go away
2023-07-11 15:42:432

I believe I am able to go to college什么意思

2023-07-11 15:43:4416