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Win8.1激活工具v7.7(HEU KMS Activator迷你版)Win8.1的激活工具:HEU KMS Activator,是一款可以一键激活win7/win8/win8.1系统的工具,迷你版更加小巧简洁,方便使用,而且同时还支持office办公软件等的激活功能,且此版本还对VOL版的激活支持,修复了部分已知Bug,增加了对Win8.1系统激活支持,支持离线激活!win8.1激活工具下载http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4026272405

用kms 命令激活windows 会不会有危险?

文字转载自:http://www.heu8.com/2783.html记得大约三年前在网易博客写过一篇关于“搭建KMS服务器”的教程,有关原理及其方法都有过简明的叙述,详见《搭建“KMS服务器”激活Windows8基本思路+超级简单图文教程》,文章中的方法与企业、学校等搭建服务器的方法完全一样。在理解了其中的原理后,本文再介绍一种十分简便的方法。 KMS激活的过程简单说就是:欲激活的电脑向KMS服务器请求,KMS服务器做出回应同意激活。 KMS激活软件是将KMS服务器用一段代码来模拟,做成一个可执行的程序(即所谓的KMS伺服器)。KMS激活软件在激活Windows或Office的时候,首先启动这个KMS服务器,然后再执行KMS激活的相关命令,向服务器请求激活就可以大功告成了,整个过程十分简单。 前面是简单的概述,下面介绍具体方法,其实只有两步: 1、运行软件HEU KMS Activator v10.0.0版本(下载),点击【附加】/连接到服务器,提示成功即可; 2、将电脑的IP地址(或经过域名转化)分享到外网即可,比如我搭建的一个服务器域名为:heu168.6655.la。 友情提示:第二步的实现需要经过端口映射(修改下路由器即可),整个过程也可以使用第三方软件(比如:花生壳)来实现,十分简单不再介绍。 上面搭建好的KMS服务器,就可以使网络上的朋友用来激活Windows10/8.1以及Office 2016/2013等VL版本。具体激活需要的命令如下,以激活Windows10为例: 1、如果激活Windows 10 Professional,首先需要KMS密钥,Win10专业版对应的KMS密钥为W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX,激活其他版本Windows替换其他的密钥(密钥:点击获取)。那么以管理员身份运行“命令提示符”,键入命令:slmgr -ipk W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX; 2、键入命令:slmgr -skms heu168.6655.la; 3、键入命令:slmgr -ato 即可大功告成! ——上述服务器随时会关闭,如果您要激活Windows或者Office,请及时使用。

win10没有产品密钥怎么激活 教你如何正确激活

1、下载【HEU KMS win10激活工具】; 2、下载完成后将HEU KMS Activator压缩包解压出来,在HEU KMS Activator上单击右键,选择【以管理员身份运行】; 3、打开软件后,点击【激活 Windows VL】即可完成激活。

以My unforgettable winter vacation写一篇作文



1、可以网络下载Windows10激活工具:heu kms activator v11.2绿色版(win10/Office离线kms激活工具下载)下载地址为:网页链接,下载界面如下:2、文件成功下载之后,右键点击压缩工具解压文件。3、解压完成后,然后运行里面的win10 act工具;4、打开工具以后,我们依次点击这里的两个选项,连接然后激活即可。5、然后我们这里点击一键激活即可。


win8.1激活工具系列1、win8.1激活工具(KMSpico) 永久激活版KMSpico 是一款最新Win8.1激活工具!可成功激活Win8.1系统专业版,一些通过电话激活不成功的朋友可以试一试!下载之后首先运行 KMSpico_setup.exe 激活工具,会自动跳出操作窗口,点击红色的大按钮既可进行激活(点击Create可以备份激活文件);注意:Win8.1系统激活时,需要连接网络,并进行网络校时,电脑时间不对无法激活!可使用压缩包内的NetTime.exe进行网络校时。2、Win8.1激活工具v7.7(HEU KMS Activator迷你版)Win8.1的激活工具:HEU KMS Activator,是一款可以一键激活win7/win8/win8.1系统的工具,迷你版更加小巧简洁,方便使用,而且同时还支持office办公软件等的激活功能,且此版本还对VOL版的激活支持,修复了部分已知Bug,增加了对Win8.1系统激活支持,支持离线激活!




一、win10未激活有什么影响:1、微软官方回复:如果win10未激活,除了个性化设置不能使用外,其他功能均能正常使用,且没有使用时间限制。在未激活的win10系统上打开个性化,就会发现大部分设置项都是灰色的,如下图所示,不能修改桌面图,不能设置颜色等等问题。2、windows10未激活实际测试:未激活windows10也可以正常使用,但是有功能会受到限制①在桌面右下方会出现转到设置以激活windows的水印。②无法进行个性化修改,例如修改壁纸、颜色、锁屏、主题等,这些修改按钮都会变成灰色。③无法使用微软账号的同步功能,例如在不同的微软设备上同步设置。二、win10未激活怎么激活我们建议大家激活win10系统,因为激活win10不难啊!win10激活方法有很多种,一般是通过激活工具来激活,也不需要花钱,只是动动手指头这么简单。win10激活方法一:win10激活密钥slmgr命令kms激活步骤win10激活方法二:使用win10激活工具heu kms activator v11.2绿色版(win10/Office离线kms激活工具下载)HEU KMS Activator是一款简洁高效的离线KMS激活工具。适用于Windows、Office及VL版本,无需联网即可一键激活,离线全自动激活软件。KMS服务是微软公司对Windows以及Office等的批量授权服务,可以利用KMS激活局域网中的产品。而这款工具是利用在系统内部搭建KMS服务器,因此无论是Windows还是Office 都可激活。win10未激活的影响是显而易见的,毕竟微软不会让你免费使用完整版的win10系统,未激活win10系统总有一些限制。



重装系统之后怎么激活windows 10

正版win10重装系统过再次激活方法:  1、如果你重装的是跟预装正版win10同一版本,那么微软Win10系统的激活规则是,重装后可以不使用密钥自动激活,是因为微软已将激活信息存储在云端,当你重装系统后,联网情况下会自动在云端进行验证。并且重装Windows10时,安装程序虽然也会要求输入密钥,但你可以选择跳过。重装完成以后,Win10系统会自动激活,因为在云端验证时会自动判断这台电脑是否已经安装并激活过Win10。  2、如果本来预装正版win10家庭版,现在重装win10专业版,将不能自动激活,而是需要购买正版win10专业版激活码,或者使用激活工具激活。  方法一:重装同一版本的正版win10  1、连接网络,依次打开开始--设置--更新和安全--激活,联网激活。win10重装系统怎么激活 正版win10重装系统后再次激活的方法   2、如果之前有登录Microsoft帐户并绑定,那么重装后继续登录Microsoft帐户,将会验证用户信息并激活。  方法二:重装不同版本的正版win10 使用密钥激活  包含win10永久激活码和kms客户端激活密匙  详细查看:win10 激活码最新 win10永久激活密钥2018 win10产品密钥大全  方法三:重装不同版本的正版win10 使用激活工具激活Win10激活工具(heu kms Activator)v11.2最新版Win10激活工具(heu kms Activator)v11.2最新版这款Win10激活工具(heu kms Activator)v11.2最新版是目前网络上最专业、最实用的一款Windows+Office离线激活工具,功能强大,操作简单,其为单一可执行的方式,使用完毕后对系统无任何残留,可以直接删除,几乎能不联网激活全部版本的Windows和Office,并且支持自动续期,可成功激活Win7、Win8、Win8.1、Server2008、Office 2010/2013/2016、win10的各个版本,如果你的电脑还未激活,推荐下载这款软件来使用。  1、禁用一切杀毒工具,然后下载win10激活工具heu kms,打开后,你可以点击【查看windows激活状态】查询激活信息,之后点击【激活Windows VL】;win10重装系统怎么激活 正版win10重装系统后再次激活的方法  2、开始执行激活win10系统过程,底部有个绿色的进度条,需要等待;win10重装系统怎么激活 正版win10重装系统后再次激活的方法  3、如果提示成功地激活了产品,表示激活成功,如果激活失败,继续点击激活Windows VL,直到激活成功。

怎么用heu kms activator自动续期win0





win8.1激活工具系列1、win8.1激活工具(KMSpico) 永久激活版KMSpico 是一款最新Win8.1激活工具!可成功激活Win8.1系统专业版,一些通过电话激活不成功的朋友可以试一试!下载之后首先运行 KMSpico_setup.exe 激活工具,会自动跳出操作窗口,点击红色的大按钮既可进行激活(点击Create可以备份激活文件);注意:Win8.1系统激活时,需要连接网络,并进行网络校时,电脑时间不对无法激活!可使用压缩包内的NetTime.exe进行网络校时。2、Win8.1激活工具v7.7(HEU KMS Activator迷你版)Win8.1的激活工具:HEU KMS Activator,是一款可以一键激活win7/win8/win8.1系统的工具,迷你版更加小巧简洁,方便使用,而且同时还支持office办公软件等的激活功能,且此版本还对VOL版的激活支持,修复了部分已知Bug,增加了对Win8.1系统激活支持,支持离线激活!


工具伺候右键点击,管理权限,工具激活,重启见效,一劳永逸。预览版:NKJFK-GPHP7-G8C3J-P6JXR-HQRJR专业版:W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX企业版:NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43家庭版:TX9XD-98N7V-6WMQ6-BX7FG-H8Q99教育版:NW6C2-QMPVW-D7KKK-3GKT6-VCFB2专业版N:MH37W-N47XK-V7XM9-C7227-GCQG9企业版N:DPH2V-TTNVB-4X9Q3-TJR4H-KHJW4教育版N:2WH4N-8QGBV-H22JP-CT43Q-MDWWJ企业版LSTB:WNMTR-4C88C-JK8YV-HQ7T2-76DF9企业版LSTB N:2F77B-TNFGY-69QQF-B8YKP-D69TJKMS激活方法(不同的版本有不同的激活密钥,可能还有限制次数):以下激活命令均以管理员身份运行CMD(命令提示符)slmgr /upkslmgr /ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx(xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx 用密钥代替)

请问使用kms激活软件(例如heu kms activator),激活操作系统(win7 8.1或10),算不算正规激活方法?





非正版的win10不能够获得所有的系统操作功能,想要快速的激活win10,除了直接购买激活码以外还可以通过各种各样的激活win10工具,来帮助大家直接免费激活系统。下面,我跟大家聊聊常用的激活win10工具有哪些。 常用的激活win10工具: 1、暴风激活工具 暴风激活工具是一款系统激活工具。使用该工具,轻松一键就可以实现永久完美离线激活,只为方便广大Windows用户而诞生的工具。 2、LT WIN10永久激活工具 LTWIN10永久激活工具适用于WIN10专业版系统,一键永久激活,完全免费,有需要的用户可以下载来使用。 3、HEU KMS Activator(heu kms 激活工具) HEU KMS Activator 是一款免费的 heu kms 激活工具,界面简洁,体积小巧,仅有2MB,无需联网、无需安装。NET 4.0即可在Windows XP/Vista/7/8/Server 2008/2008R2/2012上完美运行,图形化的中文界面使操作一目了然,支持激活71个VOL版本 4、小马KMS10 V10.42 绿色免费版 小马KMS10是一款可以帮助用户轻松激活Windows10以及office的激活工具,使用方便,操作简单,激活之后可永久使用,是用户激活Windows和office的得力助手。 上面就是常用的激活win10工具,有没有你用过的呢?




 以.pak结尾的文件是pak Quake系列游戏所采用的一种特殊压缩包格式,由Quake游戏公司开发,一般用户无法打开。  简单来说pak是一种少见的压缩文件格式;可以将多个文件压缩成一个文件,例如RAR将多个文件压缩成1个RAR文件。现在好多游戏的客户端都采用这种特殊的压缩包格式,以利于游戏的开发。由于是针对于游戏的设计和使用而采用的文件结构,所以与一般的压缩文件格式有所不同,它的特点如下:  1.声音,地图,3D模型,材质贴图灯文件是按着保留目录路径结构的方式压缩入PAK文件的。  2.压缩的时候可以令压缩也可以按照一定的压缩率压缩。   使用pak这种文件格式对于游戏的开发者和玩家都有著无以伦比的方便性和可塑性(或者说自定义性)。具体如何实现的,等一下我将举例说明。使用pak包这种形式有几点好处:  1.对于程开发人员来说资源调用方便,易於管理;   2.由于结构特殊,对初学者有屏蔽作用避免被乱改,对高手却很容易修改,比较方便;   3.所有模式都是利用这个特点做的;   4.pak包被游戏的引擎视为一个目录,能利用外置pak文件的形式进行升级而无需删除原有文件。利於增加效果包,新地图,改进界面,增加model等扩展内容;   5.修改还原便利,文件之间互不影响。  如果想要打开的话,就用PAK浏览器。http://www.05sun.com/downinfo/10892.html

我的是win7 64位,同事是XP 32位,他们用飞秋给我传东西我能收到,能互发信息,我不能给他们传文件






switch pak文件放哪里


except,except with,except for的用法

我们知道,except, except for和excepting都有"除……外"的意思,但在用法上却有所不同。现将其分述如下: 一、 except用于表示同类事物之间的关系,其意为"除……以外"、"除去"。 1. except后面可接名词、代词、动词、副词、介词短语和从句等。如: We have an English lesson every day except Sunday. 除星期天外,我们每天有一堂英语课。(接名词) They all went to the park last Sunday except him. 除了他以外,上星期天他们都去公园了。(接代词) Every day Mary does nothing except watch TV. 每天玛丽除了看电视以外什么都不干。(except后接动词时,一般为带to的动词不定式。但如果except前面有谓语动词do或其相应形式时,后面通常接省略to的动词不定式。如此句。) He always goes to work by bike except recently. 除最近外,他一般都骑自行车上班。(接副词) After breakfast the students went nowhere except to school. 吃完早餐,学生们除了上学就不到别处去了。(接介词短语) My father usually goes to work by bike except when it rains. 除下雨天外,我爸爸通常骑自行车上班。(接从句) 2. except常用在all, whole, any, every, no等词,及anything, anybody, anyone, everything, everybody, everyone等不定代词之后。如: She ate everything on the plate except the carrots.除胡萝卜外她把盘子里的东西都吃了。 I"ve cleaned all the rooms except the toilet. 除了厕所,我清扫了所有房间。 二、 except for用于表示对主要部分的肯定和对局部的否定。它不表示同类事物之间的关系,其意思为: 1. "除了……以外"。如: Smith is a good man, except for his bad temper. 史密斯除了脾气不好外,是个好人。 The movie was good except for the ending. 这部电影除了结尾之外都很好。 2. "除去为了……"。如: Mother wouldn"t give him any money except for books and stationery. 除了买书和文具外,妈妈不给他任何钱。 3. "如果不是","若非"。如: Except for you, I would pass the exam. 如果不是你,我就会通过考试。 4. "except for+名词"结构一般可以改写成"except+that从句"。如: This will do except for the length.= This will do except that it is too long. 如果不是它太长的话,这会很好。 All are here except for the absence of Tina. = All are here except that Tina is absent. 除了蒂娜以外,大家都在这里。 三、 except与except for的互换 1. except与except for有时可以通用,不过,一般情况下,except for可置于句首,而except则不能。如: Everyone is here except Tom. (或:Except for Tom everyone is here.)除汤姆外,大家都到了。 2. except与except for在句中也可互换。 一般来说,否定句中用except,肯定句式可以用except for来替换。如: This article has no blunders except a few mistakes.这篇文章除了一点小错外没有大错。 此句可改为:This article is instructive except for a few blunders. 这篇文章除了有些错误外,是有教育意义的。 不过,在前后有相称的同类词语时,应用except,否则用except for。如: We come to school every day except Sunday. 除星期天外,我们天天上学。(句中every day与Sunday同类) This dress is ready except for the buttons. 衣服做好了,只是钮扣未缝上。(句中ready与buttons不同类) 四、 excepting是由动词转化而来的分词介词,用法较正式,含有较强的动态意味,意为"把……除外",与except在用法上有不同之处: 1. 可用于句首,或用于not, without, always等词后; 2. 其后常常用名词或代词。如: Bruce answered all the questions excepting the last one. 除了最后一个问题外,布鲁斯都答出来了。 Excepting Sundays, the library is open daily. 除了星期天外,图书馆天天开放。 I think we must keep improving our English not excepting those who have mastered it. 我认为我们必须不断提高我们的英语水平,对那些已掌握了英语的人也不例外。 All the people in my family go to work every day, always excepting my youngest sister. 我家所有的人每天都上班,除了我那个最小的妹妹以外。

我可以在win10上安装在 Kubernetes 上安装 KubeSphere v3.1.1 这个工具吗?

应该可以,kubernetes 现在可以在windows的docker里跑了。KubeSphere 这个目前支持Linux 跟k8s两种安装模式,所以可以运行。

face to与face with的区别

英语疑难 face后加名词,中间要不要加to或with?

可做及物动词不加 面向,面对:站在某一位置脸朝向: stood and faced the audience. 面对观众站着 a window that faces the south. 朝南的一个窗户 另外有词组 face to face 面对面;直接交流

face这个单词的用法是不是face放句首facing和be faced with

动词是这样,还可以face to face面对面,名词就是脸的意思。

手握手是hand in hand 还是 hand with hand?面对面,手挽手怎么说?

hand in handface to face

face to face do with sb还是face to face doing with sb

都不是,通常face to face 都是后置做状语;如:We are talking face to face;或者I talk with him face to face.

face to face和face to face with 的用法

We sat down face to face. 我们面对面坐了下来。 =I sat down with him face to face. 我跟他面对面坐了下来。 I sat down face to face with him. 我坐了下来跟他面对面。(带有目的性)

一首英文歌then i with you,like a feelings

Demons - Imagine DragonsWhen the days are coldAnd the cards all foldAnd the saints we seeAre all made of goldWhen your dreams all failAnd the ones we hailAre the worst of allAnd the blood"s run staleI want to hide the truthI want to shelter youBut with the beast insideThere"s nowhere we can hideNo matter what we breedWe still are made of greedThis is my kingdom comeThis is my kingdom comeWhen you feel my heatLook into my eyesIt"s where my demons hideIt"s where my demons hideDon"t get too closeIt"s dark insideIt"s where my demons hideIt"s where my demons hideAt the curtain"s callIt"s the last of allWhen the lights fade outAll the sinners crawlSo they dug your graveAnd the masqueradeWill come calling outAt the mess you madeDon"t want to let you downBut I am hell boundThough this is all for youDon"t want to hide the truthNo matter what we breedWe still are made of greedThis is my kingdom comeThis is my kingdom comeWhen you feel my heatLook into my eyesIt"s where my demons hideIt"s where my demons hideDon"t get too closeIt"s dark insideIt"s where my demons hideIt"s where my demons hideThey say it"s what you makeI say it"s up to fateIt"s woven in my soulI need to let you goYour eyes, they shine so brightI want to save their lightI can"t escape this nowUnless you show me howWhen you feel my heatLook into my eyesIt"s where my demons hideIt"s where my demons hideDon"t get too closeIt"s dark insideIt"s where my demons hideIt"s where my demons hide

The most violent tornado have winds of more than 400 kiolmetres a minute



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wife in law 歌词

歌曲名:wife in law歌手:Busta Rhymes专辑:GenesisYeah yeah yeah yeah,Yeah yeah yeah yeah...Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah...Jah and Busta-Bus (Heh)Jaheim and Busta baby (Heh)Jah and Busta baby...Yeah.. wife in law, my bitch for the triflin whoreType of bitch to make a nigga get the right things forBitch sexy, and beautiful, and gangsta, and goldenLove to fuck a nigga till the pussy dry and swollenMy lil" bitch had a figure like a wine glassSlim bitch stackin like a muhfucker with a fine assWord to mother; bitch nasty like meLove to fuck a nigga in places where people could seeThe bitch send a chill like cold freezin a niggaThe way she holdin and bitin and suckin and squeezin a niggaDown and dirty bitch never dick teasin a niggaGot her own paper and focused on pleasin a niggaShe ain"t out for gettin a nigga or fuckin my lifeShe only wanna fuck a nigga while he fuckin his wifeThere was nuttin she couldn"t achieveIn the mornin bitch was across the street waitin for wifey to leaveCalled me on the cell while the wife was runnin a bathShe can"t wait for me to fuck her, till I cum in her assJust a long-time chick I used to fuck from the pastShe love to out-fuck a nigga, see how long I could lastIt be nice the way she always let me dig in her ribThe bitch fuck a nigga like she wanna move in my cribBitch I always knew ya ass was a starIn the daytime, whippin the droptop, givin me head in my carWhen a woman needs love, just like you doOh, don"t kid yourself, into thinkin that you don"tCuz she will fool around, just like you doOhh, don"t kid yourself, into thinkin that she won"tC"mere bitch and place ya pussy right where it belongAnd put me in the mood to fuck just like a Jodeci songI love the little freaky shit you be approachin me onDick all in ya mouth, you know what type of shit I be onThe way the pussy lock feel like we about to be stuckAll outside busy, givin me the balcony fuckHold on get up off of me quickBitch grab the X.O. and suck the Hennessey up off of my dickSo quick, so fast, bitch"ll come out her skirtFuck a nigga till it hurt, while the wifey at workThe bitch"ll even call her girl so I can fuck with her friendAnd fall asleep to wake up and start fuckin againStraigh nasty little bitch no horsin aroundThe bitch even want me to fuck her when she walkin aroundHold up, it"s kinda ill how we be workin the caperShe ain"t only good for pussy, she be givin me paperWife-in-law, my bitch be always keepin it rawAlways slidin out before the wifey walk in the doorThey way she fuck me on straight for the nightWifey still ain"t make it home, I wonder if she workin late for tonightWifey actin funny style but I ain"t fuckin with thatShe ain"t call the crib so I wonder where wifey was atHmmm.. shit kinda had me buggin beforeBut now I laugh because wifey had a husband-in-lawHeh... Heh...http://music.baidu.com/song/14509919

suck my dick with ur pussy mouth是什么意思


swing panel 是什么意思


suck my dick with ur pussy mouth是什么意思

用你的嘴吸我的penis! 至于penis自己去查吧



Olivia的《Wish》 歌词

OLIVIA inspi'REIRA (TRAPNEST) - Wish瞬きが风を呼ぶ微笑みが ざわめきを消し去るあなたの目に住む天使がささやくすべてが今始まるとCan you feeling nowCan you feeling now波に饮み込まれたようにPulling on my heartPulling on my heart息を止め 手をのばしてBaby この世界は昨日とは哌うあなたのことしか见えないBaby my wish on a wingこの空を裂いてあふれる一つの言叶で辉きをたどる视线迷わず あなたへ走るのに立ちすくむ心 ため息をつくまるで 长い旅の様でCan you feeling nowCan you feeling now时は无情に流れてくPulling on my heartPulling on my heartこの思い 解き放してBaby もう未来も约束もいらないあなたがそこにいるだけでBaby my wish on a wingこの声を翔ばせふるえる星を突き抜けてDo you feel me?Do you feel me now?Baby この世界は昨日とは哌うあなたのことしか见えないBaby my wish on a wingこの空を裂いてあふれる一つの言叶でBaby もう未来も约束もいらないあなたがそこにいるだけでBaby my wish on a wingこの声を翔ばせふるえる星を突き抜けて

I Wonder (Will I Ever Love Again?) 歌词

歌曲名:I Wonder (Will I Ever Love Again?)歌手:Jimmy Nail专辑:Big RiverSirens - I WonderIf it wasn"t for the goodie goodiesIf it wasn"t for the money honeyIf it wasn"t for the beauty bootyTake a look around youIf it wasn"t for the goodie goodiesIf it wasn"t for the money honeyIf it wasn"t for the beauty bootyI wonderWhat if i told you haHow hard it"d be yeah haFor a girl like me, yeah whatDating guys, can"t you see?What if I told you what whatSome guys they tell lies yeah haGotta check ya fly yeah haMy ass on the lineBreak it down now...Boy ya better listen up, boy ya better rollBoy ya gotta check yourself, boy ya gotta goGotta go, gotta go - you should knowBetter listen up it"s all gotta flowI wonder...oh yeah...If it wasn"t for the goodie goodiesIf it wasn"t for the money honeyIf it wasn"t for the beauty bootyTake a look around youIf it wasn"t for the goodie goodiesIf it wasn"t for the money honeyIf it wasn"t for the beauty bootyI wonderWhat if you told me haGirl can"t you see, yeah haWhere is your reasonAnd what"s with the treason?What if you told me, what whatYou heard my song yeah haTellin me I"m wrong what whatYep yep it"s about you, get goneBoy ya better listen up, boy ya better rollBoy ya gotta check yourself, boy ya gotta goGotta go, gotta go - you should knowBetter listen up it"s all gotta flowI wonder...oh yeahIf it wasn"t for the goodie goodiesIf it wasn"t for the money honeyIf it wasn"t for the beauty bootyTake a look around youIf it wasn"t for the goodie goodiesIf it wasn"t for the money honeyIf it wasn"t for the beauty bootyI wonderYa all up in my bling blingYou know I got the ching chingAnd ya loving my thang thangOh yeah..it"s off the hookYa all up in my bling blingYou know I got the ching chingAnd ya loving my thang thangOh yeah..it"s off the hookIf it wasn"t for the goodie goodiesIf it wasn"t for the money honeyIf it wasn"t for the beauty bootyTake a look around youIf it wasn"t for the goodie goodiesIf it wasn"t for the money honeyIf it wasn"t for the beauty bootyI wonderhttp://music.baidu.com/song/5471785

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找一首英文歌,高潮部分的歌词有lucky to fall in love with my best friend类似的等等

jason marz ft Colbie Caillat - lucky

英语作文 题目 dealing with problems in my teens

写作思路:可以写在青春期的阶段生理上、心理上渐渐产生了许多微妙的变化,当遇到问题的时候,是冷静的处理还是叛逆的谁的话也不听,可以举一个例子来具体说明一下。正文:We are a group of high spirited young people, but also into the stage of adolescence, physiological, psychological gradually produced a lot of subtle changes. In biology class in junior high school, teachers in Ideological and moral education class also told us more or less what would happen in the process of adolescence, which many people can"t get around.我们是一群意气风发的青少年,也是步入青春期的阶段,生理上、心理上渐渐产生了许多微妙的变化。初中的生物课上,思品课上老师也或多或少地向我们讲述了青春期过程中必然会发生的事,这是很多人都绕不过去的。One day, I received a call from my classmates. I asked me to go out to play. I thought about it and agreed. I said hello to my dad and rode to the appointment. I had a great time with many of my friends that afternoon.一天,我接到了同学的电话,是约我出去玩,我想了想也就答应了。我和我爸打了声招呼就骑上车去赴约。那天下午我和我的好多朋友玩得特开心。When I got home, I was very happy to go and read some books. Suddenly, a faint voice came from the sofa: "where are you going?" Just look at my mother"s arms in front of her chest, her face livid on the floor, her eyes staring straight at the tea table. My originally very happy heart immediately seems to have been poured a basin of cold water like, instantly cold down.到了家,我高高兴兴地准备去看会儿书。忽然,从沙发上传来幽幽的一声:“你野到哪去了!”只看我妈双臂抱于胸前,脸色铁青地板着,眼睛直直地盯着茶几。我那颗原本很高兴的心立马像被泼了一盆冷水似的,瞬间冷了下来。I painlessly replied, "my friend asked me to play, I told my dad." Then he went straight to the door of his room and closed it with his backhand. Within seconds, my mother stormed through the door, pointed at my nose and yelled, "OK! Your wings are hard now, aren"t you!我不痛不痒地回了一句:“朋友找我玩,我跟我爸说过了。”说完就径直走向自己房门,“啪”反手将门关上。没几秒钟的时间,我妈气势汹汹地破门而入,指着我鼻子就喊:“好啊!你现在翅膀硬了是吧!Don"t talk to me about being crazy outside this afternoon! Have you finished your homework! Have you practiced the piano! Why don"t you learn more when you have time to go out and play? " Speaking of this, my nameless fire also came up, "I didn"t tell my dad! You know to study and study every day. You don"t give me time to go out and play!可以一下午在外边疯也不跟我说一声!你的作业写完了吗!琴练了吗!有出去玩的时间怎么就不多学学呢!”说到这儿,我的无名火也上来了,“我不跟我爸说过了嘛!你天天就知道学习学习,都不给我出去玩的时间!What"s more, why do you check my call records now? " In this way, the war between my mother and I broke out again. After a fight, it was a cold war again. My mother and I are getting more and more difficult. I don"t know how I can solve this problem.还有,你现在凭什么查看我通话记录?”就这样,我和我妈的战争又爆发了,一架吵完后,又是冷战。我妈和我关系越来越僵,真不知道,我该如何解决这个难题。Another night, my mother pushed the door to enter. I turned over and pretended to be asleep. My mother gently lifted up the quilt to help me cover it tightly. She sighed quietly, plugged in the electric mosquito repellent incense for me and walked away. That night, I want to open, in fact, my parents still love me, they do so for my good. Well, I"d better restrain my emotions in the future!又是一个晚上,妈推门进入,我翻了下身装作熟睡,妈轻轻地拉起被子帮我盖得严严实实。她悄悄地叹了一口气,又帮我插上电蚊香的插头,走开了。那一夜,我想开了,其实,爸妈还是很爱我的,他们这样做出发点也都是为了我好。嗯,我以后还是多克制一下自己的情绪吧!Oh! All things want to open, then there are not so many nameless fire. As a result, the school started, and my mother and I got back to the former harmony. Adolescence this small ridge, I successfully crossed. My parents said that I grew up and became sensible. I think I grew up in the process of "rebellious" and "understanding"!呵!凡事想开了,便也没有那么多无名火了。于是,开学了,我和我妈的关系又恢复了从前的融洽。青春期这个小坎,我成功迈过了。爸妈说我长大了,懂事了,我想我也就是在这“叛逆”与“理解”的过程中逐渐成长的吧!

lost with you 歌词

是这个吧??岩窟王的主题曲 歌名We Were Lovers Harsh words were said And lies were told instead I didn"t ever mean to make you cry But love can make us weak and can make us strong And before too very long I was totally in love with you and based in you lost with you, captivated by you amazed by you, dazed by you Nothing can go wrong Nothing can go wrong So tonight I"ll sing a song to all my friends Also to those we won"t be seeing again To those I knew and those I still adore And I want to see once more I just pray that you will love me and trust me Laugh with me and cry with me Spend those silent times with me Love me evermore Love me evermore You and I were lovers Our dreams will not salve my life And then my friends betrayal Meant you never will be my wife Harsh words were said And lies were told instead I didn"t ever mean to make you cry But love can make us weak and can make us strong And before too very long I was totally in love with you and based in you lost with you, captivated by you amazed by you, dazed by you Nothing can go wrong Nothing can go wrong Nothing can go wrong 说着刺耳的语言 用谎言代替一切 我从未想要让你哭泣 但爱令我们软弱 也令我们坚强 然后 不久 我完全沉溺于夺去我心的你 失去自我,被你迷惑 任你反覆,因你无措 一切随心而动 一切随心而动 今晚我将唱一首歌 献给我所有的朋友 献给那些无法再见的朋友 旧时的朋友 我永远敬爱的朋友 为能再次相见的朋友歌唱 我只祈祷你会爱我 并深信我 与我一同欢笑,一同哭泣 与我一同度过那些静谧的时光 爱我如一 爱我如一 你我曾是恋人 我们曾有过的梦想无法抚慰我的人生 那时朋友的背叛 意味着你我之间再无可能 说着刺耳的语言 用谎言代替一切 我从未想要让你哭泣 但爱令我们软弱 也令我们坚强 然后 不久 我完全沉溺于夺去我心的你 失去自我,被你迷惑 任你反覆,因你无措 一切随心而动 一切随心而动 一切随心而动 岩窟王》,以大仲马的名著《基督山伯爵》改编的这部动漫,都说是视觉盛宴,一 开始却并没有给我一种惊艳的感觉。直到岩窟王出场,那个悬在空中的巨大飞行器, 金属的光泽灼伤了我的眼睛。 海黛心中深埋的仇恨,岩窟王势不可挡的复仇之路,被玩弄于手掌的巴黎贵族,关于 背叛,关于旧爱,关于被时间改变的所有……这些现实残酷的一切,却都在听这支歌 时烟消云散。 只留下深深遗憾和无法挽回的悲伤。逝去的人已不再。 You and I were lovers And then my friends betrayal Meant you never will be my wife I didn"t ever mean to make you cry 整支歌调子平缓,一个失去一切的男人,被复仇支使了生命的男人,深埋在灵魂中的 却是这般悲痛的心声。 初看,开头的钢琴静谧祥和,泛黄的画面一页一页翻过,我立即被这个男声吸引了。 优美的旋律,优美典雅的歌词,演绎到位的歌唱,低沉略带沙哑,转音微妙。 最痛的伤不是嘶哑的吼叫,是看似平淡的表情下隐藏着的彻骨疼痛,不离不弃地刻在 灵魂。 I just pray that you will love me and trust me Laugh with me and cry with me Spend those silent times with me Love me evermore Love me evermore 爱情 友情 什么是永远 永远在于期盼 我期盼的永远 你期盼的永远 在我身旁 爱我如一

She Will Find Me 歌词

歌曲名:She Will Find Me歌手:Dougie MacLean专辑:Romantica: Great Love Songs from around the WorldBeauty queen of only eighteenShehad some trouble with herselfHe was always there to help herShealways belonged to someone elseI drove for miles and milesAnd wound up at your doorI"ve had you so many times but somehowI want moreI don"t mind spending everydayOut on your corner in the pouring rainLook for the girl with the broken smileAsk her if she wants to stay awhileAnd she will be lovedShe will be lovedTap on my window knock on my doorI want to make you feel beautifulI know I tend to get so insecureIt doesn"t matter anymoreIt"s not always rainbows and butterfliesIt"s compromise that moves us alongYeahMy heart is full and my door"s always openYou can come anytime you wantYeahI don"t mind spending everydayOut on your corner in the pouring rainLook for the girl with the broken smileAsk her if she wants to stay awhileAnd she will be lovedShe will be lovedAnd she will be lovedShe will be lovedI know where you hideAlone in your carKnow all of the things that make you who you areI know that goodbye means nothing at allComes back and begs me to catch her every time she fallsYeahTap on my window knock on my doorI want to make you feel beautifulI don"t mind spending everydayOut on your corner in the pouring rainLook for the girl with the broken smileAsk her if she wants to stay awhileAnd she will be lovedhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59267520

You Will Find Me 歌词

歌曲名:You Will Find Me歌手:Elissa专辑:I"m With The DJLifehouse - You & MeWhat day is it?And in what month?This clock never seemed so aliveI can"t keep up and I can"t back downI"ve been losing so much timeCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to loseAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youAll of the things that I want to say just aren"t coming out rightI"m tripping on wordsYou"ve got my head spinningI don"t know where to go from hereCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to proveAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youThere"s something about you nowI can"t quite figure outEverything she does is beautifulEverything she does is rightCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to loseAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youand me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to proveAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youWhat day is it?And in what month?http://music.baidu.com/song/58293636

He will come to find me.正确吗?


Oscar Wilde的生平简介 (用英文)

Oscar Wilde (1856-1900), a famous English poet, dramatist and writer, English Literature in the history of aesthetic movement and the founder of one of the chief advocates of "art for art"s sake", with a utilitarian object to color literature, that literature should not be By any moral standard disposable. He is also the decadent British literature. Wilde"s father was a doctor and his mother was a poet, both high quality arts and culture, to exert an imperceptible influence on his inspiration in literature and arts. In the Oxford University student, Oscar Wilde by his teacher Ruskin (fairy tale "The River King," the authors), together with their own talent and began trying to create. The main achievements in the literary fairy tale, poetry, fiction, drama and so on, are representative of the fairy tale "The Happy Prince" and "Pomegranate House" novel "Road Linge Lei portrait", as well as the drama "Lady Windermere"s Fan" and so on.

OSCAR WILDE(奥斯卡.王尔德)一生到底写了多少部戏剧?

剧本* 《薇拉》(Vera,1880年)* 《温德密尔夫人的扇子》(Lady Windermere`s Fan,1892年。又译《温夫人的扇子》、《少奶奶的扇子》)* 《帕都瓦公爵夫人》(The Duchess of Padua,1893年)* 《莎乐美》(Salomé,1893年)(原著用法语写成)* 《无足轻重的女人》(A Woman of No Importance,1892年)(1893年Theatre Royal Haymarket首演)* 《真诚最要紧》(The Importance of Being Earnest,1895年)* 《理想的丈夫》(An Ideal Husband,1895年。又译《好丈夫》)



you will find meuff9495

you will find me你会找到我

Oscar Wilde 的作品都有什么啊、

小说  * 《道林·格雷的画像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray,1891年) 童话集  * 《快乐王子和其他故事》(The Happy Prince and Other Tales,1888年)   收录童话:   《快乐王子(The happy prince)》   《夜莺与蔷薇(The nightingale and the rose)》   《自私的巨人(The selfish Giant)》   《忠实的朋友(The devoted friend)》   《了不起的火箭(The remarkable rocket)》   * 《石榴屋》(A House of Pomegranates,1891年)   收录童话:   《少年国王(The young king)》   《西班牙公主的生日(The birthday of the infanta)》   《渔人和他的灵魂(The fisherman and his soul)》   《星孩(The star-child)》 诗作  * 《诗集》(Poems,1881年)   * 《斯芬克斯》(Sphinx,1894年)   * 《瑞丁监狱之歌》(The Ballad of Reading Gaol,1898年)    剧本  * 《薇拉》(Vera,1880年)   * 《温德密尔夫人的扇子》(Lady Windermere`s Fan,1892年。又译《温夫人的扇子》、《少奶奶的扇子》)   * 《帕都瓦公爵夫人》(The Duchess of Padua,1893年)   * 《莎乐美》(Salomé,1893年)(原著用法语写成)   * 《无足轻重的女人》(A Woman of No Importance,1892年)(1893年Theatre Royal Haymarket首演)   * 《认真的重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest,1895年)   * 《理想的丈夫》(An Ideal Husband,1895年。又译《好丈夫》)    其他著作  * 散文集:《社会主义下人的灵魂》(The Soul of Man Under Socialism,1891年。)   * 书信集:《深渊书简》(De Profundis,1897年。又译《自深深处》、《王尔德狱中记》原本是作者写给道格拉斯的书信集,1905年作者死后出版)   *随笔集:《ESSAYS AND LECTURE》   *意图集(INTENTIONS):《笔秆子、画笔和毒药》(Pen 、Pencil And Poison);   : 《身为艺术家的评论者》(The Critic As Artist);   《谎言的衰朽》(The Decay Of Lying);   《面具下的真实》(The Truth Of Masks).   *短篇故事集:《坎特维尔之鬼》(The Canterville Ghost)   《模范百万富翁》(The Model Millionaire)   《没有秘密的斯芬克斯》(The Sphinx Without A Secret)   《亚瑟·萨维尔勋爵的罪行》(The Arthur Savile"s Crime)



英式英语中有没有关于“温德米尔湖”和“鲑鱼”的典故、成语或谚语? 温德米尔湖-Lake Windermere

主题: 与动物有关的英语成语 收藏本贴 | 好友分享 | 推广拿分点击:1804 | 回复:3 | 标签: 语法 闲聊 翻译 前天,偶尔翻开大学时的英语笔记,看到了这些东西,不禁使我感慨万千,多年前的往事历历在目,仿佛就在昨天。现在整理出来,希望各位朋友多多指教,多多补充,谢谢! 1. as busy as a bee.忙碌至极2. as merry as a cricket/grig.非常高兴;非常快活。3. as slippery as an eel.油滑;不可靠。4. at one fell swoop.一举;一下子;刹那之间。5. beard the lion 捋虎须;奋勇还击;在太岁头上动土。6. bell the cat.猫脖子拴铃铛;为了大家的利益承担风险。7. bird of passage.漂泊不定的人。8. birds of feather.一丘之貉。9. black sheep.败家子;害群之马;无用之辈。10. dark horse.黑马;竞争中出人意料的获胜者。11. break a butterfly on a wheel.小题大做;杀鸡用牛刀。12. buy a pig in a poke 买下没有看的东西;隔山买老牛。13. a pig in a poke 上当之货。14. by/on shanks"s mare. 骑两脚马----徒步,步行。15. cannot make a silk purse out of a sow" ear.朽木不可雕也。坏材料做不出好东西。16. cannot say bo/both/boo to a goose. 胆小如鼠。17. cast peals before swine.明珠暗投;对牛弹琴。18. cast sheep"s eyes 送秋波;抛媚眼;以目传情。19. the cat among the pigeons. 猫在鸽群中---人为刀俎,我为鱼肉。20. cat"s paw. 被人当爪牙利用的人;受人愚弄的人。21. a cock-and-bull story.无稽之谈;荒诞的故事。22. cock-a-hoop.(俚)得意扬扬;自鸣得意。23. cock of the walk. 称王称霸的人。24. don"t count one"s chickens before they are hatched.不要过早乐观。25. Don"t count your chickens!不要打如意算盘。26. crocodile tears.假慈悲。27. cry wolf.发假警报。28. dog in the manger.自己不干也不让别人干;自己能享受也不让别人享受的人。29. dog"s life.悲惨的景况。30. lead a dog"s life.过者悲惨的生活。31. dog-tired.累极了;疲惫之至。32. donkey-work 沉重的苦活儿;呆板的例行工作。33. donkey"s years 多年;很久。34. drink like a fish.大饮;牛饮;狂饮;酩酊大醉。35. even a worm will turn.人急造反,狗急跳墙;人急了也会咬人。36. an/one"s ewe lamb.唯一的宝贝;唯一的孩子;最珍贵的东西。37. fine feathers make fine birds.人配衣裳,马配鞍;(讽刺)好的衣裳只能打扮出一个好的外表。38. fish out of water.离水之鱼;不得其所;感到生疏,不适应。39. flog a dead horse.徒劳;白费力气;事后再做无益的议论。40. fly in the face of 公然违抗;悍然不顾。41. fly in the ointment. 一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅汤;美中不足之处;使人扫兴的小事。42. fly on the wheel. 狂妄自大的人; 盲目自大的人。43. get one"s monkey up.生气;发脾气。44. get someone"s goat.(俚)触怒某人;惹某人发火;使某人失去自制力。45. give someone the bird. 喝倒彩。46. get the (big) bird.喝倒彩。47. go to the dogs.毁灭;失败;堕落;江河日下。48. gone coon.不可救药的人;没有希望的人。49. gone goose. (同上)50. grin like a Cheshire cat.咧嘴傻笑。51. white elephant.无用的而且累赘的赠品;沉重的负担。52. wild-goose chase. 徒劳的搜索;无益的追求。53. wild horse would/could not drag it from/out of some.休想从某人那里探到口风;无论使用什么手段,不能从某人那里探听到虚实。54. a wolf in sheep"s clothing.披着羊皮的狼;口蜜腹剑的人。55. ugly ducking.丑小鸭。56. take a hair of the dog that bite you.以毒攻毒。57. talk the hind leg off a donkey/horse/dog..唠叨不休;说的天花乱坠。58. talk a dog"s hind leg off.(同上)59. till/until the cows come home.遥遥无期;无限期。60. hang-dog look.卑鄙的摸样;惭愧的脸色;垂头丧气的样子。61. have a bee in one"s bonnet/head/brain.胡思乱想;想入非非;有某种根深蒂固的怪念头。62. horse-play 胡闹;恶作剧;闹哄哄的游戏。63. keep the wolf from the door.勉强度日;免于饥饿。64. kettle of fish.糟糕透顶;乱七八糟。65. kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.杀鸡取卵;竭泽而渔。66. kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕;一举两得。67. lame duck 损坏的东西;落选的议员;可怜虫。68. let the cat out of the bag.露出马脚;泄露秘密。69. let sleeping dog lie.莫惹是非。70. wake a sleeping dog.惹是生非。71. like a bull in a china shop.非常笨拙卤莽。72. like a red rag to/at a bull.使人生气的事。73. like water off/on a duck" back.不起作用;毫无作用;漠不关心;犹如耳旁风。74. lion in the path/way.难点;拦路虎。75. lion"s share.最大和最好的部分。76. a little bird told me.有人私下告诉我;我自然知道;我不告诉你我是怎么知道的。77. live like fighting cock.丰衣足食的日子。78. the loaves and fishes.物质利益。79. cock the stable door after the horse is stolen. 亡羊补牢80. 80.look a gift horse in the mouth.对…..吹毛求疵。81. look like a dying duck in a thunderstorm.惊慌失措。82. mad as a March hare.疯疯癫癫。83. neither fish nor fowl.不伦不类;非驴非马。84. not to have/stand a dog"s chance.毫无机会;毫无希望。85. one-horse show.规模很小的;简陋的。86. other fish to fry.另有要事;有更重要的事要干。87. pull dog, pull cat.激烈的比赛;加把劲。88. put/set the cart before the horse.本末倒置;到行逆施。89. queer fish.怪人;疯子。90. rain cats and dogs.倾盆大雨。91. scotch the snake.使危险的东西不能为害。92. see how the cat jumps.观望形势;窥探虚实。93. wait for the cat to jump. (同上)94. see which way the cat jumps. (同上)95. find out which way the cat has jump. (同上)96. (as) sick as a cat/dog.病危;生大病。97. smell a rat.发觉可疑之处;感到事情不妙。98. throw a sprat to catch a mackerel/whale.出小本,赚大钱;吃小亏占大便宜。99. swan song.临死哀歌;绝笔;最后的演出。


温德米尔向东南行驶8分钟(1.4英里)继续沿B5285行驶。走B5286驶入Ambleside的Old Lake Rd26分钟(8.6英里)继续沿Old Lake Rd行驶。开往Gale Rigg37 秒(0.1英里)安布尔赛德英国 Ambleside

英国湖区windermere 到伦敦希思罗机场怎么乘火车?




求翻译窦靖童 《with you》的歌词,要中文版,要通顺哦~

With YouBy Leah Dou JingtongThere isn"t a minute I would spend without you 离开你,一分钟都不行There isn"t a moment I would breathe without you 没有你,一刻都不能呼吸Every piece of my heart belongs to you 心里装的都是你Nothing can stop us now 现在没有什么能够阻挡我们I walked in with a smile on my face 我面带微笑走进来Cause seeing you makes me feel living grace 因为看见你让我觉得生活绚丽So I need to tell you right, right now something 所以我现在就要告诉你我所想I know you"re scare of what the future holds 我知道你害怕未来Don"t get me wrong cause I do too 但是别误会我,因为我和你一样But right now I can tell you 但是我现在要告诉你You don"t have to fear 你无须恐惧Cause you and I are like the leaves and flower 我和你就像花和叶Without you I can"t live for an hour 离开你我一小时也活不下去I say you are crazy but I know that it is true 我为你着迷,我知道那是真的that if there was a forever I would spend with you 如果有永远,那我就和你一起With you ... 直到永远You say "You"re down, what"s on your mind ?" 你说“你疯了,你在想什么”I say "Nothing, but I am hypnotized" 我说“没什么,我只是被催眠”But would this moment last forever, forever 但是这个时刻会持续到永远永远I know you"re scare of what the future holds 我知道你害怕未来Don"t get me wrong cause I do too 但是别误会我,因为我和你一样But right now I can tell you 但是我现在要告诉你You don"t have to fear 你无须恐惧You don"t have to fearCause you and I are like the leaves and flower 我和你就像花和叶Without you I can"t live for an hour 离开你我一小时也活不下去I say you are crazy but I know that it is true 我为你着迷,我知道那是真的that if there was a forever I would spend with you 如果有永远,那我就和你一起With you ... 直到永远

一首歌中有I will find the way you will find the way 女歌手,无前奏 不知道叫什么名字~有么有知道的?

是这手不?Trouble Is A Friend

Painted Windows 歌词

歌曲名:Painted Windows歌手:The Pussycat Dolls专辑:Doll DominationThe Pussycat Dolls - Painted WindowsDa, Darkchild babyOsinachiI see you over there looking like a millionaireWind blowing through my hair making you wanna stareCome closer I want you, you can see it in my eyesI hope you"re ready for the rideZoom zoom zoom ahThe honesty in my eyes got you hypnotizedZoom zoom zoom ahI"mma give you a look you gon" memoriseJump in my painted windows, baby lets gomy eyes look like a picasso, let it all gojump in my painted windows, wanna see my soulI"ll show ya I can love yaIn the blink of an eye... Painted windowIn the blink of an eye... My painted windowsIn the blink of an eye... Painted windowIn the blink of an eye... My painted windowsOhhI got you so hot in a daze looking like aMy hoods up gimmie a jump baby time to get me startedBe careful don"t let go somebody might scare you goYou shouldn"t let it come to this sideZoom zoom zoom ahThe honesty in my eyes got you hypnotizedZoom zoom zoom ahI"mma give you a look you gon" memoriseJump in my painted windows, baby lets gomy eyes look like a picasso, let it all gojump in my painted windows, wanna see my soulI"ll show ya I can love yaIn the blink of an eye... Painted windowIn the blink of an eye... My painted windowsIn the blink of an eye... Painted windowIn the blink of an eye... My painted windowsOhhAffection in my eyes while I watch the way you movetemptations no suprise I can"t get enough of you...Jump in my painted windows baby lets gomy eyes look like a picasso let it all gojump in my painted windows Wanna see my soulI"ll show ya I can love yaJump in my painted windows baby lets gomy eyes look like a picasso let it all gojump in my painted windows Wanna see my soulI"ll show ya I can love yaIn the blink of an eye... Painted windowsIn the blink of an eye... My painted windowsIn the blink of an eye... Painted windowsIn the blink of an eye... My painted windowsOoohhDa, Darkchild babyOsinachiOoohhShaGuar & Moyilehttp://music.baidu.com/song/52779442


willingness 意愿,意向motivation 动机动机有好有坏,意愿一般都是正向的吧

windows7 Exception EOlesysError in module*****.exe at 000649E0。找不到指定模块

这种情况通常是系统文件损坏造成的,我们可以运用命令行指令修复系统。解决方法:1、在键盘上使用“WIN+X”打开系统菜单,选择“命令提示符(管理员)”,打开命令提示符。2、进入CMD命令模式窗口后,写入“sfc /scannow”, 按下回车键开始扫描。3、开始系统扫描,此过程将需要一段时间。开始系统扫描的验证阶段。验证 已完成。这个过程慢慢等待,不要关闭命令窗口。4、当扫描全部完成时会提示windows资源保护找到了损坏文件并成功修复了它们。CBs.Log windir /Logs/CBs/CBs.log中有详细信息就表示扫描和修复操作都已经完成,可以正常关闭CMD命令窗口。扩展资料:SFC——SystemFileChecker“系统文件检查程序(器)”,它是一个相当与还原的一个命令,SFC是一个DOS时期就有的命令。用于检查是否有已损坏或被取代的系统档案,然后提示您取代原始Windows系统文件不相符的任何文件。

求I wanna be bad 的歌词.歌手是Willa Ford

Oh, I, I, II wanna be bad with you babyI, I, I, II wanna be bad with you babyDo you, understand what I need,need (from you) Just let me be the girl to show you (you) Everything that she can be is everything that I can beI wanna beMy turnLet me let you know that I can (I can) Promise that I won"t do that So boy, say the time and place cuz you make me wanna misbehaveI wanna be badYou make bad look so goodI got things on my mindI never thought I wouldFord WillaI, I wanna be bad (bad) You make bad feel so goodI"m losing all my coolI"m about to break the rulesI, I wanna be badI wanna be bad with you babyI, I, I, I, I wanna be bad with you babyWhat"s up? Tell me what to do, how to be, teach me All you your rules from A to Z, But I, I dont wantcha other girls to seethat youre messin" round with meShould I boyTell me what I got is what ya wantTell Tell me do I, I turn you onI don"t want no one judging meI wanna be badI got things on my mindI never thought I wouldI, I wanna be bad (bad) You make bad feel so goodI"m losing all my coolI"m about to break the rulesI, I wanna be badI wanna be bad with you babyI, I, I, I, I wanna be bad with you babyI, I[Repeat]I wanna be badYou make bad look so goodI got things on my mindI never thought I wouldI, I wanna be bad (bad) You make that feel so goodI"m losing all my coolI"m about to break the rulesI, I wanna be bad

i wanna be with you是什么意思


i wanna be with you是什么意思

  中文:我想和你在一起。  英语中with部分用法如下:  短语:  interfere with 妨碍 ; 干涉 ; 打扰 ; 干扰  collide with 抵触 ; 碰撞 ; 冲突 ; 与  play with 玩弄 ; 玩 ; 玩耍 ; 以  with interest 有兴致地 ; 有兴趣地 ; 付利息地 ; 津津有味地  concern with 关心 ; 从事于 ; 使关心 ; 关于  familiar with 熟悉 ; 了解 ; 熟悉或通晓某事 ; 熟悉于  fight with 与 ; 作战 ; 同 ; 同……并肩作战  provide with 提供 ; 供给 ; 给 ; 以  combine with 使联合起来 ; 使结合 ; 结合 ; 与  例句如下:  (1)Serve hot, with pasta or rice and French beans.  趁热端上,与意大利面或米饭和四季豆一起享用。  (2)Parents will be given reports on their child"s progress and the right to discuss it with a teacher.  家长将收到关于他们孩子进步的报告,并有权就此与老师一起进行探讨。

有首女生的英文歌,开头是i wanna be with you。副歌部分好几句let me know..请问是什么歌啊?

GILLE - ShunkashuutouShunkashuutouI wanna be there with youWhen the season comes and goesWeire taking a trip to see the worldIt"s going going onCar, train, or ship, even by airplaneWe make a plan and fantasize it every SundayOh, it"s nice in spring timeWe"re just relaxing outsideFlowers all around us,Like we"re in the world of fantasyWhen the summer comes,We are having a BarbequeWaiting for night timeso I get to see the fireworks with youWhen the fall comes, all the leaves"ll turn goldWhen the winter comes,Now everything is covered by the snowEvery single season, it seems so brand newWhen I can spend it with youLet me know,The things you wanna see in spring timeLet me knowThe things you wanna see in summer timeWhen the flowers bloom,When the sun shines brightI wanna be with youI gotta be with youLet me know,The things you wanna see in fall timeLet me knowThe things you wanna see in winter timeWhen the leaves fall,When the snow is falling downI wanna be with youI gotta be with you

i wanna be with you 什么意思


一首英文歌女的唱的 其中有一句是 I wanna be with you







FrontPage? 微软的 主页编辑软件?忘记了它吧很早的东西现在都无人用这个





with the light of

/ with the light of gold in it/ 说书页里有金光... it 指代story... 如果说作状语修饰see的话解释不通. 由此,就是作定语修饰story了.
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