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with the light of

2023-07-12 13:49:48
TAG: with ig it the th wi he

/ with the light of gold in it/


it 指代story...




如何评价权力的游戏第六季第十集插曲 light of the seven

Light Of The Seven - Ramin Djawadi非常不专业短评light of the seven 七神之光,如果没看过权力的游戏的话,可能不理解七神的意义,不过对于音乐欣赏也无妨。将近10分钟的音乐,但绝对不冗长,可以说每一段都充满了惊喜。前部分平静,由钢琴低音区和大提琴构成,大提琴舒缓,而钢琴节奏平静但明显,像是走在昏暗的长廊,不是闲散的散步,而是昂头踱步向前。1分15秒,钢琴中音介入,宛如有了昏暗的阳光透过玻璃映过脸上。light of the seven,light终于出现了。1分50秒的钢琴和弦渐强,带动着接下来的一段和第一段比,虽然旋律相同但明显演奏的更有力度。值得一提的是,整整9分49秒,只有这一段是没有大提琴演奏,只有钢琴的,犹如行走驻足于此,是注视着七神之光还是产生了动摇,又坚定了继续向前走?随着合声的介入,人们的祈祷仿佛终于得到了回应,但管风琴立刻预示着人们的信仰、虔诚、祈祷迎来的却是灾难。真的要说剧里大麻雀带着众人挤在教堂里弘扬着所谓七神的信仰,七神雕像所在的教堂昏暗无光,如果合声代表了七神的回应,那管风琴就是灾难,以大麻雀为首的众人以为得到了七神的庇护,但这“合声”也马上被“管风琴”淹没了。短暂的管风琴和大提琴好像突然间所有的光都消失了。渐渐浮现的是管风琴变奏的《权利的游戏》主题曲:《Main title》。如果管风琴预示着灾难,那灾难的原因,只是因为这是权力的游戏。紧接着又回到了主旋律,但不再是平静的钢琴和大提琴,大提琴变的急促。揭示了灾难将要到来,而此时就只是等待了,伴随着管风琴的进入,小提琴的进入,等待了8分半的复仇、灾难终于到来了。钢琴、大提琴、管风琴的声音让一切都变的混乱,唯能清晰的听到小提琴演奏的《Main title》。“灾难”如同剧中教堂的爆炸一样短暂并止于混乱。当然,更适合配合剧里大麻雀倚仗着人民对七神信仰的狂妄和瑟曦望着教堂只上扬了一下的嘴角等等画面一起欣赏。可以说这是血色婚礼后第二次让我深深沉思的事件,而《Light Of The Seven》又把它推上了巅峰。七神之光,而我理解的代表七神回应的“合声”也只是出现了短短半分钟,而整首作品传递出来的昏暗混乱也完全和“七神之光”这个名字相反,我希望这是作者Ramin Djawadi的讽刺吧。整首作品巧妙的布局和循序渐进的发展,以及我认为最妙的《Main Title》嵌入,只能让我说这也太nb了!
2023-07-12 00:12:491


2023-07-12 00:12:561

如何评价权力的游戏第六季第十集插曲 light of the seven

可以说这是血色婚礼后第二次让我深深沉思的事件,而《Light Of The Seven》又把它推上了巅峰。 七神之光,而我理解的代表七神回应的“合声”也只是出现了短短半分钟,而整首作品传递出来的昏暗混乱也完全和“七神之光”这个名字相反,我希望这是作者Ramin Djawadi的讽刺吧。 整首作品巧妙的布局和循序渐进的发展,以及我认为最妙的《Main Title》嵌入,只能让我说这也太nb了!
2023-07-12 00:13:031


Ramin Djawadi - Light of the seven出自第六季第十集,我第六季里面只服这一首
2023-07-12 00:13:111

文熙俊的《Virus》 歌词

歌曲名:Virus歌手:文熙俊专辑:Best∶ A Soaring For DreamVirusHEAVENLYby:ZAKI try to enter deep insideAnd devour everythingAll I need is power"To take control till destroying"To see the light of the seven signsAnd reach the prophecyAll I feel is anger inside"To take control till destroying"To break down till the endJust hide away into your mindThere is no place for me to dieCall me invincible spy!"Fear and panic everywhere"You can pass awayI"ll keep your soul and all remainsI"m vicious caller"Tears and chaos everywhere""End is not so far away"The dark side of the realm, Get behindThe secret of the beast, Get behindYou will find my hideoutIt"s too late all is doneI just bring bloodshed and cries...Chorus:And the day will come here belowWhen the light will cross my destinyDomination to succeed to the crownJust remember the man you used to beCause when the virus comesIt"s time for victoryJust die, And bring me all of your mind"To crush the fierce inside"Just die, And bring me all of your mindSolo: Charley/Oliver/OliverThat"s right we run into the windNo way out as long as you dig the graveTo crown we created by human beingsDrop in the wild and all over the worldWe will cross the seven seasThe reign of terror, rule supreme...And the day will come here belowWhen the light will cross my destinyAnd the day will come here belowWhen the light will cross my destinyDomination to succeed to the crownJust remember the man you used to beCause when the virus comesIt"s time for victoryJust die, ........
2023-07-12 00:13:181


落日余晖的英文是lingering light of the setting sun。落日余晖,落日指“夕阳”或“夕照”。余晖指“傍晚的阳光”,落日余晖就是太阳刚落山时的傍晚阳光。英文:lingering light of the setting sun,近义词:晚霞残阳、夕暮余光。反义词:旭日晨光。例句1、它在落日余晖下闪耀着灿烂的光芒。The light of the setting sun suffused the clouds.2、网在落日余晖中银光光金闪闪。The web was silver and gold in the evening sun.3、落日余晖照射在她的胸针上。Her brooch caught the rays of the setting sun.4、落日余晖微染那片云层。The setting sun tinged the clouds.5、黄昏时,落日余晖映照在海面上,塑造出一幅美丽的画面。At dusk, the glory of the setting sun reflecting on the ocean created a beautiful picture.
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light1、读音:英 [lau026at] ;美 [lau026at]2、释义n. 光;光线;灯;打火机;领悟;浅色;天窗adj. 轻的;浅色的;明亮的;轻松的;容易的;清淡的v. 点燃;变亮;照亮adv. 清楚地;轻便地3、例句1)用作名词 (n.)The sun was setting fast, but there was still ample light.夕阳西下,天很快暗下来,但是还有足够的昼光。2)用作定语~+ n.This is a nice light room.这是一间光线明亮的房间。扩展资料light, blaze, flame这组词都有“火”“火光”的意思。1、blaze指大火; flame既可表示孤立的小火,也可表示“火舌,火苗,火焰”; light为一般用语,泛指日、月、星、火、灯的光。2、blaze可给人带来温暖,但如控制不住可造成火灾; flame和light强调光明、光线, flame也可造成火灾。3、blaze多用单数形式; flame表示“火舌,火苗,火焰”时常用复数形式; light为不可数名词。
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2023-07-12 00:14:425


  在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?以下是我收集整理的初二英语作文7篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 初二英语作文 篇1   Know the noisy tearing his voice shouting, the pool of water lilies slowly opened the hazy eyes.   Dragonflies fly from the surface slightly sideways in the shuttle between the leaves, from time to time to roll down the dew to wet its wings.   Summer wake up in the lotus pool.   Lying on the soft and comfortable grass, the face of the wind to bring a little hot face.   The flowers were in full bloom, and the birds were singing in their branches.   Summer run in the wilderness.   Everything seems to burn up,   The world is a warm red.   Lotus on the seven-color rainbow, who is not careful down the pigments?   Summer is bathed in the light of the light.   知了聒噪的扯开嗓子大喊,池中的睡莲缓缓睁开朦胧的双眼。   蜻蜓从水面飞起微微侧身于莲叶间穿梭,不时滚落下来的露珠沾湿了它的翅膀。   夏天苏醒于莲池中。   在松软舒适的草地上躺下,迎面的.风带来些许扑面的炙热。   花朵们争相盛开着,鸟儿们也在枝头引吭高歌。   夏天奔跑在原野上。   一切仿佛燃烧了起来,   满世界是一片热烈的红色。   莲叶上七色的彩虹,是谁不小心倒下的颜料?   夏天沐浴在光的照耀中。 初二英语作文 篇2   On Monday I usually get up at ten past six in the morning. And then I brush my teeth and wash my face. I have a quick breakfast at around twenty-five past six. And at about twenty to seven I leave home for school. I usually go to school by bus. And the bus ride usually takes about half an hour. I arrive at school at around ten past seven.   I have seven classes every day. Four of them are in the morning. And three of them are in the afternoon. I always have lunch at school at about twelve o"clock.   All my classes finish at around five o"clock p.m. And at around six o"clock I get home. I eat supper at about ten to seven p.m. And then I do my homework. At around fifteen past ten in the evening, I do some washing. And I go to sleep at around half past ten at night. 初二英语作文 篇3   Let me tell you a little about my lifestyle。   I often eat fruit and vegetables。 Apples and oranges are my favorites。 I love junk food, too, and I eat it three or four times a week。 I sleep less than seven hours ever day。 I often feel sleepy。 I brush my teeth once a day。 I run in the morning, and play ping—pong after school。 In my free time, I enjoy surfing the Internet。 On weekends, I often go to the movies with my friends。   I think I"m kind of unhealthy。 I shouldn"t eat too much junk food。 I"ll try to have a balanced diet and sleep more。 I should brush my teeth twice a day。 I hope I can have a better lifestyle。   Unit3 I"m more outgoing than my sister。 初二英语作文 篇4   Liu Ying can"t go to school today because she is ill. She has a sore throat and a fever. So her mother takes her to the People"s Hospital. The doctor looks her over carefully. Then the doctor gives her some advice. First, she should take some medicine and drink more hot tea with honey. Second, she should also lie down and rest, so she shouldn"t talk too much. She shouldn"t go to school for several days. And the doctor is sure that Liu Ying will feel better soon. Finally, Liu Ying 初二英语作文 篇5   Dear Uncle,   How are you?   Next week an English speaking contest will be held in the city. A classmate of mine and I will take part in it on behalf of my school. I am excited but also mervous, because it is a good chance to improve my English. But I have no experience. Although I have been preparing for the contest, I am still not confident. As an expert in English, what would you advise me to prepare for the contest?   I plan to pay a visit to you this Saturday morning. I wonder whether you will be free then. If not,could you tell me the time that is convenient for you? I am eager to get your instruction. I will appreciate any of your help.   Your niece,   Yang Mei 初二英语作文 篇6   She is such an ideal singer!   She is a girl with a lot of talent. She is a girl but she has individuality like a boy. On the stage, she sings and dances so well. She is so happy and she makes us excited… Can you guess who she is? Yes, she is Li Yuchun, the winner of “Super Girl 20xx.”   She is a student of Sichuan Music College in Grade 3. She is twenty-one this year. She is 1.74 metres tall. Now she is very popular in China and even in the world. I know she worked hard in the past, and has succeeded today. I"ll learn from her and try my best to achieve my dream.   I like her because she is so cool and lovely. I love her because she makes me feel happy. I enjoy her because she is independent and she has the individuality of herself.   Li Yuchun, I"ll cheer for you forever! 初二英语作文 篇7   Last Friday I fell off my bike. One of my legs was badly hurt and I had to stay in bed.   That evening, when I was alone, feeling sad, Mrs I.i, my English teacher, came to see me. I was too excited to say a word.   "I am very sorry to hear the bad news, "she began taking a seat by my side. "You mustn"t worry about your lessons. I can help you."   "Thank you, teacher. But you are so busy. What"s more,you are in poor health yourself."   "Never mind." With the words, she took out the textbook and began to explain the text.   With her help, I didn"t fall behind in study.What a good teacher she is!
2023-07-12 00:14:591


forbidden request / server error
2023-07-12 00:15:074


There are seven lamps in my classroom.
2023-07-12 00:15:159


Seven big miracles (1)埃及吉萨金字塔The Great Pyramid of Giza 2500 BC Approximate - Egyptians (2)奥林匹亚宙斯巨像 Statue of Zeus at Olympia 435 BC - Greeks - Destroyed Fire (3)阿尔忒弥斯神殿 Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 550 BC - Anatolians - Destroyed Fire 356 BC (4)摩索拉斯基陵墓 Mausoleum of Halicarnassus 315 BC - Hellenized Carians - Destroyed Earthquake (5)亚历山大灯塔 Lighthouse of Alexandria 3rd Century BC - Hellenistic Civilization - Destroyed Earthquake (6)巴比伦空中花园 Hanging Gardens of Babylon 600 BC - Babylonians - Destroyed Earthquake (7)罗德岛巨像Colossus of Rhodes 292-280 BC - Hellenistic Civilization - Destroyed 224 BC Earthquake参考资料:
2023-07-12 00:15:383


 古代文明七大奇迹(The Seven Wonders of The Ancient World)  (1)埃及吉萨金字塔The Great Pyramid of Giza 2500 BC Approximate - Egyptians   (2)奥林匹亚宙斯巨像 Statue of Zeus at Olympia 435 BC - Greeks - Destroyed Fire   (3)阿泰密斯神庙 Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 550 BC - Anatolians - Destroyed Fire 356 BC   (4)摩索拉斯基陵墓 Mausoleum of Halicarnassus 315 BC - Hellenized Carians - Destroyed Earthquake   (5)亚历山大灯塔 Lighthouse of Alexandria 3rd Century BC - Hellenistic Civilization - Destroyed Earthquake  (6)巴比伦空中花园 Hanging Gardens of Babylon 600 BC - Babylonians - Destroyed Earthquake   (7)罗德岛巨像Colossus of Rhodes 292-280 BC - Hellenistic Civilization - Destroyed 224 BC Earthquake
2023-07-12 00:15:541


seven-year itch 1.七年之痒(指夫妻婚后七年常会出现相互厌倦的情况);疥疮 2.【病理学】疥疱,疥螨病 例句 The old couple passed the seven-year itch a long time ago.
2023-07-12 00:16:122

有in light of这个词组么

  见过 in light of  in the light of 鉴于, 由于, 按照; 比照; 依; 本着  1. We can draw up our plan in the light of the experience of other factories.  我们可以比照其它工厂的做法拟定计划.  2. In the light of his remarks, we rejected her offer.  鉴于他的评语,我们拒绝了她的提议.   3. In the light of these changes, we must revise our plan.  鉴于这些变化,我们必须重新修订我们的计划. 
2023-07-12 00:16:193


bring造句如下:1、That reminds me to bring you up to speed on the soap opera.那提醒我要让你跟上那剧情。2、He was deputed to bring the affair to the cognizance of the court.他被委托将此事诉至法院。3、An ancient Celtic god thought to bring a plenitude of wealth or food.一个被认为能够带来大量财富或食物的古凯尔特神。4、We hope, in short, to bring theory and practice together in each session.总之,我们希望每一节课都能把理论与实践结合起来讲。5、She had reservations about how much influence she could bring to bear.对自己究竟能运用多大的影响力,她没有绝对把握。6、She"ll bring her A game tonight she understands how important it is.今晚她将让自己发挥得淋漓尽致,因为她知道这将会是多么重要。7、The change in the law will bring Britain into line with Europe.法律的修改将让英国和欧洲一致起来。8、He has long nourished an ambition to bring the show to Broadway.他早就怀有把演出推向百老汇去的雄心。9、One notice will be effective to bring the tenancy to an end.一个通知就能有效终止租赁。10、He was invited to a party and asked to bring a plate.他被邀请参加聚会,并要带一盘菜前往。11、Listen, don"t bring in things that have nothing to do with the matter.听着,不要扯入和此事毫无关系的话题。12、He may be the only Republican who can bring his party, kicking and screaming, into a post Reagan era.他可能是进入后里根时代以来唯一一个给共和党带来不同气息的党员。13、As you focus on bringing the Language of Light tones into your grid work, you will bring forth your ascension a little at a time.当你专注于将光之语的音调带入你的晶格层时,你将每次提升一点。14、How significant, then, that the lampstands represent the seven churches who were called to bring the light of Jesus into a very dark world.那些灯台所代表的七间教会,被呼召要把耶稣的光带入黑暗世界,这意义是多麽重大!15、If I just keep them lightly polished and conditioned once a year, an hour a year, it"s more than enough to bring them back to life.如果我只是轻轻擦拭,一年一次,一年一小时,他们就会更耐用。
2023-07-12 00:16:461


世界七大奇迹之一:埃及金字塔ThePyramidsofEgypt 埃及金字塔 建造时间:大约公元前2700-2500年 建造地点:埃及开罗附近的吉萨高原 法老是古埃及的国王,金字塔是法老的陵墓。法老为什么要建造金字塔?巨大的金字塔是怎样建成的? 有人说金字塔是外星人造出来的,事实究竟怎样。 相传,古埃及第三王朝之前,无论王公大臣还是老百姓死后,都被葬入一种用泥砖建成的长方形的坟墓,古代埃及人叫它"马斯塔巴"。后来,有个聪明的年轻人叫伊姆荷太普,在给埃及法老左塞王设计坟墓时,发明了一种新的建筑方法。他用山上采下的呈方形的石块来代替泥砖,并不断修改修建陵墓的设计方案,最终建成一个六级的梯形 金字塔——这就是我们现在所看到的金字塔的雏形。 在古代埃及文中,金字塔是梯形分层的,因此又称作层级金字塔。这是一种高大的角锥体建筑物,底座四方形,每个侧面是三角形,样子就像汉的"金"字,所以我们叫它"金字塔"。伊姆荷太普设计的塔式陵墓是埃及历史上的第一座石质陵墓。 世界七大奇迹之二:宙斯神像TheStatueofZeus 宙斯神像 建造时间:大约公元前457年 建造地点:希腊奥林匹亚城 大约在公元前450年,在第一届奥林匹克运动会(公元前776年)的举办地——希腊奥林匹亚城,完工了一座巨大的雕像,这就是宙斯神像。 这是一座装饰华丽的40英尺高的雕像:宙斯是希腊雕刻家斐迪亚斯用象牙雕刻而成的,坐落在台阶之上,用黄金做成袍饰。宙斯头顶花冠,右手持胜利女神,左手持笏。后来,希腊人出于安全理由,决定把它移到君士坦丁堡(今伊斯坦布尔)。但那里也没能最终保全住这尊伟大的雕像。公元462年的一场大火彻底毁坏了雕像。而在奥林匹亚城只剩下残垣断壁了。 世界七大奇迹之三:罗德港巨人雕像TheColossusofRhodes 罗德港巨人雕像 建造时间:公元前4世纪晚期或2世纪早期 建造地点:爱琴海,希腊罗德港 公元前的罗德岛是重要的商务中心,它位于爱琴海和地中海的交界处,罗德港于公元前408年建成。 10英尺高,也就是说,和大家熟知的纽约自由神像的高度差不多。雕像是中空的,里面用复杂的石头和铁的支柱加固。但这个伟大的雕像建成仅仅56年后就被强烈地震毁坏了。 传说中雕像两腿分开站在港口上,船只是从腿中间过去。想象一下那是多么壮观而有趣的场景啊。 世界七大奇迹之四:摩索拉斯陵墓TheMausoleumatHalicarnassus 摩索拉斯陵墓 建造时间:大约公元前353年 建造地点:现在的土耳其西南地区 这座伟大的白色大理石陵墓是为摩索拉斯和他的妻子修建的。整座建筑高达135英尺,由两名希腊设计,15世纪初毁于大地震。现在伦敦大英博物馆还收藏有一点剩余的雕刻。 世界七大奇迹之五:阿耳忒弥斯神庙TheTempleofArtemis(Diana)atEphesus 阿耳忒弥斯神庙 建造时间:大约公元前550年 建造地点:希腊城邦埃斐索斯,现在的土耳其西海岸 神庙建筑以大理石为基础,上面覆盖着木制屋顶。 整个建筑的设计师是Chersiphron父子,它最大的特色是内部有两排,至少106根立柱,每根大约40至60英尺高。神庙的底座大约有200乘400英尺。 原庙毁于公元前356年的大火,在原址后建起的庙于公元262年再罹火难 世界七大奇迹之六:巴比伦空中花园TheHangingGardensofBabylon 巴比伦空中花园 建造时间:大约公元前600年 建造地点:巴比伦,现在的伊拉克巴格达附近 这座神话般的建筑是尼布甲尼撒二世为他的一个妃子修建的,大约400英尺见方,高出地面75英尺。 据说它要由奴隶们转动机械装置从下面的幼发拉底河里抽上大量的水来灌溉花园里的花草。 并称世界七大奇迹的还有中国古代伟大建筑:万里长城TheGreatWall 万里长城 中国长城名列世界七大奇迹,是人类文明史上最伟大的建筑工程,长城始建于春秋战国时期,秦朝统一中国后连成万里长城,汉明两代又增大规模修建,其工程之浩繁,气势之雄伟,在世界建筑史上绝无仅有! 长城由关隘、城墙、城台、烽燧四部分组成,浩浩万里像一条气势磅礴的巨龙,盘踞在中国北方辽阔的大地。长城是中华民族古老文化的丰碑,是中华民族的象征与自豪!在人类历史上,没有哪一项建筑能像长城一样跨越上下两千年,纵横十万里的广阔时空,凝聚起一个民族的荣辱与兴衰。 万里长城以北京八达岭长城最为著名,此外,金山岭长城,慕田峪长城,司马台长城,古北口长城,天津的黄崖关长城,河北山海关,甘肃嘉峪关等等,这些都是令人叹为观止的世界奇迹1.世界七大奇迹是指古代世界上7处宏伟的人造景观。最早提出世界七大奇迹的说法的是前3世纪的旅行家昂蒂帕克。还有一种说法是前2世纪的拜占庭科学家菲伦。 2.由于上述奇迹大多已经毁灭,后人又提出了世界中古七大奇迹 3.此外,美国人洛厄尔·托马斯还曾提出世界七大自然界奇观 4.在2001年,由“新七大奇迹”基金会(由法国人贝尔纳·韦伯创办,成立于2001年)发起新七大奇迹网上选举。[编辑本段]【古代“世界七大奇迹”】在2300年前(公元前3世纪),腓尼基旅行家昂蒂帕克写下了七大奇迹清单: 古代文明七大奇迹(TheSevenWondersofTheAncientWorld) (1)埃及吉萨金字塔TheGreatPyramidofGiza2500BCApproximate-Egyptians (2)奥林匹亚宙斯巨像StatueofZeusatOlympia435BC-Greeks-DestroyedFire (3)阿泰密斯神庙TempleofArtemisatEphesus550BC-Anatolians-DestroyedFire356BC (4)摩索拉斯基陵墓MausoleumofHalicarnassus315BC-HellenizedCarians-DestroyedEarthquake (5)亚历山大灯塔LighthouseofAlexandria3rdCenturyBC-HellenisticCivilization-DestroyedEarthquake (6)巴比伦空中花园HangingGardensofBabylon600BC-Babylonians-DestroyedEarthquake (7)罗德岛巨像ColossusofRhodes292-280BC-HellenisticCivilization-Destroyed224BCEarthquake 据这位旅行家说:七大奇观乃是他“心眼所见,永难磨灭”。这就是世纪初所谓“七大奇迹”的由来。 古代文明七大奇迹(TheSevenWondersofTheAncientWorld)又译为"古代世界七大奇观"指古代西方世界(尼罗河流域、两河流域、爱琴海希腊化地区)的7处壮丽的人造景观。这些建筑物和塑像,以其宏伟规模、艺术美感、或独特的建造方式,代表了古代西方文明的成就,令世人惊奇不已,叹为观止。 当时西方(以古希腊为代表)对于中国几乎一无所知,对于印度也知之不多。否则,至少秦汉时代的一些巨大工程如秦始皇陵、阿房宫(据说未完全建成即遭焚毁)等,是否也可以列入,而称为“古代八大奇迹”呢。怪不得国际友人参观秦始皇陵遗迹时,惊叹“兵马俑是古代文明第八大奇迹”!埃及吉萨金字塔——世界七大奇迹之一   奥林匹亚宙斯巨像——世界七大奇迹之二   阿耳忒弥斯神庙——世界七大奇迹之三   摩索拉斯陵墓——世界七大奇迹之四   亚历山大灯塔——世界七大奇迹之五   巴比伦空中花园——世界七大奇迹之六   罗德港巨人雕像——世界七大奇迹之七
2023-07-12 00:17:091

in light of和in the light of能相互替换吗

2023-07-12 00:17:184

in the light of是什么意思

in(the) light of 1.由于;因为*In light of the muddyfield, the football team puton their rubbers.因为道路泥泞,足球队员都穿上了胶鞋。2.依据;根据*It is to be regarded asexcusable in the light of circumstance.考虑到具体情况,这将被看作是可以原谅的。*The teacher changedJohn"s grade in the light of the extra work in his exercise book.老师根据他作业本里所做的额外作业而更改了他的成绩。
2023-07-12 00:17:561

有in light of这个词组么?in light of和in the light of有啥区别?

in light of : 鉴于 | 根据Whether that is really the right approach with male customers is, in light of thisresearch, a moot point. 根据这项研究,这是否真的是对待男性顾客的正确方式还是一个有争议的问题。来源: in the light of “在。。。光线下”,按照,根据(指根据某个事实/观点/历史情况来判断/推断)In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf.月光下,一个小小的蛋/卵落在了一片叶子上。In the light of new situation,we must make some changes in our plan .考虑到新的情况,我们必须对计划做几点改变。He reviews his policy in the light of recent developments.他根据最近的事态发展重新考虑自己的方针。
2023-07-12 00:18:043

on the light of

in terms of in terms of “从.角度看讲/看”,用...词句,用...来,通过(指从某个角度/方面来说/看) in the light of “在.光线下”,按照,根据(指根据某个事实/观点/历史情况来判断/推断) 这里in terms of表示“从.角度看讲/看” In terms of quality,this is the best. 从质量上说,这是最好的. An idea is expressed in terms of action. 思想是由行动来表达的. You must not see life in terms of money. 你不可用金钱的观点来看人生. In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf. 月光下,一个小小的蛋/卵落在了一片叶子上. In the light of new situation,we must make some changes in our plan . 考虑到新的情况,我们必须对计划做几点改变. He reviews his policy in the light of recent developments. 他根据最近的事态发展重新考虑自己的方针.
2023-07-12 00:18:111

谁帮我解释下in the light of的意思

in the light of打错了应该是on the light of在什么什么的右边他探讨了这样的问题意识, articulately ,(这个单词打错了)坦率地说,第一,要求事实问题,然后问道德问题,最后,建议适当的行动,这似乎是根据事实和道义上的信息他已获得。
2023-07-12 00:18:191

在国外留学过的来,我们老师说in the light of是由于的意思,但我们外教课的老外说in

1111111111111111一样的,能流行就是语言,就是对的。 大家都能明白的!
2023-07-12 00:18:263


【 #英语资源# 导语】我们期待的暑假又来了,我们可以去探险、去旅游、去捉虾、滑滑板、骑自行车……做我喜欢做的事,2021快乐的暑假生活优秀作文有哪些你知道吗?下面是 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助! 【篇一】2021快乐的暑假生活优秀英语作文   This summer I participated in the 15 day military national studies training camp organized by China Expo college. We had a dozen children together to spend hard, happy and unforgettable time.   Every morning we get up at 5:30 to run. We don"t know what to do after we get up on the first day. Look around, and then we find that we should wear good clothes to run. We went to the door half asleep and woke up to set out. The previous two days went to the mountain for two kilometers, and the next two days ran 12 consecutive laps in the playground. If you stop or fall behind in the middle, you will be punished for running 5 times, so everyone insists on it. In the process of early training, I learned that persistence is victory. No matter what I do, I must insist on it and can not abandon it halfway.   After breakfast, the instructor taught us how to stand in the army. Most people will not, under the strict guidance of the instructor, we practice over and over again, and finally we will stand in the standard military posture. Look at how tall we stand!   That is what we have achieved through our persistent efforts.   After standing in the army position, we will begin class next. The teacher taught us "seven regular" namely, common morality, etiquette, common sense, constant maintenance, ability, interest and code. We are also taught to be virtuous, resolute and filial piety first. Through learning, I know that one should build up morality and do good, and people should learn to suffer and suffer. As Jesus said, "if someone hits your right face, you will send your left face to others." As the saying goes, "if you eat bitter, you can have sweet and sweet."   To be a man, we should be frugal and cherish things for the sake of moral cultivation. For example, water consumption and food saving are not wasted. Look at the watermelon skin we eat is clean!   I also learned to do my own things, such as washing clothes, dumplings, etc.   Just a few days before entering the camp, I really didn"t adapt to it. I thought about my parents and dads, but I insisted on it after the encouragement of teachers, children and parents. Finally, I was very happy to have a memorable summer camp life. 【篇二】2021快乐的暑假生活优秀英语作文   I will always remember the exciting moment of the year!   The last one in the final exam is English. The English test takes 50 minutes, and most people finish the test paper in less than 30 minutes, and the rest of the time will be left after several times of examination. Although everyone tries to calm themselves, no one is not excited about the summer vacation in a few minutes.   I"ve been looking forward to the coming summer vacation more than a week ago. My heart banged, bent over my head, and stared at the clock on the back of the classroom. At this time, the teacher said, "everyone has 100 points? Not yet! " I looked back, the whole class was like me, twisting my neck, eyes turning with the second hand.   The whole class is watching the clock, so I don"t care about the teacher. I turned my head again, because my mind and heart were directing my eyes from the clock for a moment. How can I turn this clock so slowly! I wonder if we are looking forward to summer vacation!   At this time, I don"t know who took a head, the class followed the leisurely clock and began to Countdown: "ten, nine, eight... Three, two, one, zero!" Counting to zero, the teacher"s voice came from the radio: "the fifth grade English test is over."   The dream voice finally rang! A small number of students have started cheering, but most are still waiting for the supervisor"s orders.   The teacher"s voice rang: "the papers are passed forward..."   Half a sentence has not finished, the class boiling up, shouting has already covered the teacher"s voice.   After the English test, we are no longer as usual after the test, or three or five people, or a large group, to discuss reading questions and exchange judgment questions, but to clap, cheer, hug, and jump... What reading judgment, what test results, what are some? What can I compare with summer vacation? We left all behind our heads, and the whole people were in the summer vacation! 【篇三】2021快乐的暑假生活优秀英语作文   There are many interesting things in this summer vacation. One of them is catching butterflies.   That day, my sister and I took a net and a box, accompanied by a slight breeze, covered with golden sunshine, walking on the path outside the village, talking and laughing all the way, just like a bird out of the cage. Blue sky with a few long white clouds, the air filled with attractive fragrance.   After a while, we came to a beautiful hillside. I can only see the green light of the grass, dotted with wild flowers like stars, dancing with the wind. It"s really a good place to catch butterflies.   Sister, sister! Why is there no answer? I look around, the original sister has been staring at a black and white butterfly. Hum, what"s the big deal? Today I will catch the most beautiful butterfly for you to see! I held up the butterfly net and searched around with my eyes wide open. Suddenly, in front of me flew a butterfly. It was dressed in golden clothes and had black spots on its wings. It seemed to show itself deliberately. It danced in front of me, high and low, left and right, fast and slow. I want to catch it and make it into a specimen. That"s beautiful! I was about to use the net to catch the big butterfly when suddenly   I think of my sister"s saying that you should be patient when catching butterflies. When it stops, you can catch it by surprise. Thinking of this, I was afraid to frighten it and lay still in the grass.   Maybe it is too tired to fly, want to rest, it slowly fell on a lavender wild flower, wings gently trembling. The opportunity finally came! I held my breath, suppressed my heart beat, slowly approached it, stretched out the butterfly net, looked at the right position, and brushed the floor. Got it! Got it! I yelled excitedly, then carefully took it out of the net and put it in a prepared box.   The hot sun is too warm to bear. In the cicada girl"s incessant singing, my sister and I left the interesting hillside with our booty.   It"s fun catching butterflies.
2023-07-12 00:18:571


古代文明七大奇迹(The Seven Wonders of The Ancient World)   1.埃及胡夫金字塔The Great Pyramid of khufu 2500 BC Approximate - Egyptians   2.奥林匹亚宙斯巨像Statue of Zeus at Olympic 435 BC - Greeks - Destroyed Fire   3.阿尔忒弥斯神殿 Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 550 BC - Anatolians - Destroyed Fire 356 BC   4.摩索拉斯基陵墓 Mausoleum of Halicarnassus 315 BC - Hellenized Carians - Destroyed Earthquake   5.亚历山大灯塔 Lighthouse of Alexandria 3rd Century BC - Hellenistic Civilization - Destroyed Earthquake   6.巴比伦空中花园Hanging Gardens of Babylon 600 BC - Babylonians - Destroyed Earthquake   7.罗德岛巨像Colossus of Rhodes 292-280 BC - Hellenistic Civilization - Destroyed 224 BC Earthquake 中古世界七大奇迹  由于上述奇迹大多已经毁灭,后人又提出了世界中古七大奇迹:   意大利罗马斗兽场 意大利罗马大斗兽场  埃及亚历山大地下陵墓  中国万里长城  英国巨石阵  中国报恩寺琉璃宝塔  意大利比萨斜塔  土耳其索菲亚大教堂
2023-07-12 00:19:041


1埃及金字塔: 2宙斯神像: 3法洛斯灯塔巴比伦空中花园: 5阿提密斯神殿: 罗得斯岛巨像: 中国万里长城: 毛索洛斯墓庙: 法洛斯灯塔外传之亚历山卓港: 秦始皇兵马俑:
2023-07-12 00:19:134


2023-07-12 00:19:3115


Title: A Serene Morning by the LakeAs the sun began to rise, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape, I found myself standing at the edge of a tranquil lake. The water was still, reflecting the vibrant hues of the sky above. It was a breathtaking sight that filled my heart with awe and appreciation for the beauty of nature.The lake was surrounded by lush greenery, with tall trees reaching towards the heavens. Their branches swayed gently in the morning breeze, creating a soothing rustling sound that added to the peaceful ambiance. The air was crisp and invigorating, carrying the scent of fresh grass and flowers.I took a step closer to the water"s edge and marveled at the crystal-clear clarity of the lake. It was like a mirror, perfectly capturing the surrounding landscape. I could see the vibrant colors of the blooming flowers reflected on its surface, creating a mesmerizing spectacle of nature"s artistry.Birds chirped merrily in the distance, their songs blending harmoniously with the gentle lapping of the water against the shore. A flock of ducks glided gracefully across the lake, leaving a trail of ripples in their wake. It was a delightful dance of nature, as if the entire scene was orchestrated just for my enjoyment.As I stood there, taking in the serene beauty around me, I felt a sense of tranquility wash over me. The worries and stresses of everyday life seemed to melt away, replaced by a profound sense of peace and contentment. In that moment, I realized the true power of nature to heal and rejuvenate the soul.I lingered by the lake for a while, savoring every moment of this peaceful oasis. Time seemed to stand still as I absorbed the beauty and serenity that surrounded me. It was a reminder that amidst the chaos of the world, there are still pockets of tranquility where one can find solace and inner harmony.As I reluctantly turned away from the lake, I carried with me the memory of that serene morning. It was a reminder to seek out moments of beauty and serenity in my daily life, to pause and appreciate the wonders of nature that are always there, waiting to be discovered.In conclusion, the scenic view of the lake at dawn was a captivating experience. It was a symphony of colors, sounds, and tranquility that touched my soul and left an indelible mark on my heart. It reminded me of the inherent beauty in the world and the importance of taking the time to appreciate and cherish it.(Note: The essay above is a fictional piece written in response to your request. It aims to capture the essence of a serene scenic view, but it may not reflect a specific real-life location or experience.)题目:湖畔清晨的宁静当太阳开始升起时,将温暖的金色光芒洒在大地上,我发现自己站在一片宁静的湖畔。湖水平静无波,倒映着天空的绚丽色彩。这是一个令人惊叹的景象,让我对自然的美感到敬畏和欣赏。湖水被郁郁葱葱的绿色所环绕,高大的树木伸向天空。它们的枝条在清晨的微风中轻轻摇曳,发出舒缓的沙沙声,为宁静的氛围增添了一份安逸。空气清新宜人,带着新鲜的草地和花朵的香气。我走近水边,惊叹于湖水的清澈透明。它如同一面镜子,完美地映照出周围的风景。我可以看到绽放花朵的鲜艳色彩在湖面上倒影,营造出大自然艺术的迷人景象。远处传来鸟儿愉快的鸣叫声,与水 gently 的拍打声和谐地交织在一起。一群鸭子优雅地划过湖面,留下一串涟漪。这是大自然中的一场美妙舞蹈,仿佛整个景象都是为了我一个人的欣赏而精心编排的。当我站在那里,感受着周围宁静之美时,一种平静的感觉涌上心头。日常生活中的烦恼和压力似乎都消散了,取而代之的是一种深深的平和和满足。在那一刻,我意识到大自然的力量能够治愈和恢复心灵。我在湖畔逗留了一段时间,尽情享受这片宁静的绿洲。时间仿佛停滞了,我沉浸在周围的美丽和宁静之中。这是一个提醒,即使在世界的混乱中,仍然存在着宁静的角落,等待我们去寻觅和欣赏。当我依依不舍地离开湖畔时,我心中带着那个宁静的清晨的记忆。它是一种提醒,让我在日常生活中寻找美丽和
2023-07-12 00:20:011

谁有关于wonders of the world 的英语文章啊

Various lists of the Wonders of the World have been compiled from antiquity to the present day, to catalogue the world"s most spectacular natural wonders and manmade structures.The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World is the first known list of the most remarkable creations of classical antiquity, and was based on guide-books popular among Hellenic sight-seers and only includes works located around the Mediterranean rim. The number seven was chosen because the Greeks believed it to be the representation of perfection and plenty Many similar lists have been made.The historian Herodotus (484 – ca. 425 BCE), and the scholar Callimachus of Cyrene (ca. 305 – 240 BCE) at the Museum of Alexandria, made early lists of seven wonders but their writings have not survived, except as references. The seven wonders were:Great Pyramid of GizaHanging Gardens of BabylonStatue of Zeus at OlympiaTemple of Artemis at EphesusMausoleum at HalicarnassusColossus of RhodesLighthouse of AlexandriaThe earliest lists had the Ishtar Gate as the seventh wonder of the world instead of the Lighthouse of Alexandria.The list known today was compiled in the Middle Ages—by which time many of the sites were no longer in existence. Today, the only ancient world wonder that still exists is the Great Pyramid of Giza.
2023-07-12 00:20:102


2023-07-12 00:20:292


2023-07-12 00:20:361

in the light of 怎么翻译 其中的light表示什么

2023-07-12 00:20:502

in the light of 怎么翻译 其中的light表示什么

in the light of : 按照,根据light: 灯,光
2023-07-12 00:20:584

有一首外国歌曲,歌词是seven seven black, To me,里面用螃蟹做背景

One Eight Seven LyricsIt"s so nice sitting very stillIn a room where no one else can feelThe pain that breaks my heart each dayI"m not okaySunlight shining through my windowLet"s me know that I"m still aliveBut, Why did I ever let you inside my heart?I"m such a foolWell paint my face in shades of blood and grayAnd take a seat right next to meBut I should"ve known that you were a killerBut now I"m deadA gaping hole, shot through my heartA lost connection from your poison dartShot from your tongue to end my lifeBut if you"re blowing at the fire to light your strifeYou"ll never know, no, you"ll never know, oh noThe hardest thing about dying isKnowing you"ll never see the light of dayA gaping hole, shot through my heartA lost connection from your poison dartMy head now spins and my ears bleed goldI try so fuckin" hard but I can"t fit your moldThe hardest thing about dying isKnowing you"ll never see the light of dayThe hardest thing about dying isKnowing you"ll never see the light of dayYou ripped my heart out, you tore my eyes outNow you"re gonna pay, I"ll stab you one timeI"ll eat your heart out so you feel my painDon"t you know that I always see you in all of my dreams?I wanna kill youI wanna kill you nowI"m insaneI wanna kill youI wanna kill you nowI"m insaneI wanna kill youI wanna kill you nowI"m insaneRead more: Senses Fail - One Eight Seven Lyrics | MetroLyrics
2023-07-12 00:21:051


2023-07-12 00:21:271

有in light of这个词组么?in light of和in the light of有啥区别?

没见过 in light of in the light of 鉴于, 由于, 按照; 比照; 依; 本着 1. We can draw up our plan in the light of the experience of other factories. 我们可以比照其它工厂的做法拟定计划. 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》 2. In the light of his remarks, we rejected her offer. 鉴于他的评语,我们拒绝了她的提议. 来自《简明英汉词典》 3. In the light of these changes, we must revise our plan. 鉴于这些变化,我们必须重新修订我们的计划. 来自《简明英汉词典》 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】
2023-07-12 00:21:451

by the light of是什么意思

这个 表面看的话 成为/做……的光/光源 也可以译为 是。。心中的光亮 照句意翻译
2023-07-12 00:21:574


2023-07-12 00:22:191


2023-07-12 00:22:261


2023-07-12 00:22:331

The Seven Angels 歌词

歌曲名:The Seven Angels歌手:Avantasia专辑:The Metal Opera, Vol. 2 [AFM]Avantasia - The Seven AngelsFire falling from the skyRage of god is coming downNow the time has come, the end"s begunAnd the only one will comeIt has been foretoldBy the visions of the oldAnd the madness in their eyesSaid his angel will ariseThat"s what they know :"Holy Lord it"s over, oh godWe have done no wrongSo we go where we belongTo the neverending dreamBut for those who lived in sin"They claim to know :"Holy Lord it"s over, oh god"Hey Angel, can you tell meWill you lead us to the placeFull of heat, in the fireFor we only brought disgraceHe is not the one. If they only knewHey Angel, will you take usTo the judgement of his rageHey will we dieFor we couldn"t close the gateTo the knowledge as they have been toldI don"t know how could I proveNothing but the cloven hoofReigning over them as wellWhile they keep on fighting hellBabylon the scarlet whore has comeWe are the seven, judgement of heavenWhy don"t we know : We are the angelsIt"s revelation, soul castignationFire will burn us awayWe are the seven, judgement of heavenWhy don"t we know : We are the angelsIt"s revelation, soul castignationFire will burn us awayRedeemer, devastionHope it only has been mentFor the sin of the dreamerwho broke the low you"d sentHe is not the one. If they only knewHey, don"t know but i wondered:When we lost the seal againMaybe stoned by the incenseDo we rise or just descentHe is not the one. If they only knewI don"t know how could I proveNothing but the cloven hoofReigning over them as wellWhile they keep on fighting hellBabylon the scarlet whore has comeWe are the seven, judgement of heavenWhy don"t we know : We are the angelsIt"s revelation, soul castignationFire will burn us awayWe are the seven, judgement of heavenWhy don"t we know : We are the angelsIt"s revelation, soul castignationFire will burn us awaySolo: Henjo Richter]Voice of the tower:]Woe to you longing for the wisdomWoe to you longing for the lightAll my sons bring me back what is mineOr you"ll end burning in this nightWoe to you longing for the wisdomWoe to you longing for the lightAll my sons bring me back what is mineOr you"ll end burning in this nightSolo: Timo Tolkki]Once I have been lost in what they told me to believeUntil I felt in burning deep inside to set my spirit freeAnd I escaped to another world to help the little menwho make me plunge into philosophy - to feel mymind again... No one left to hold me tight - on the`real`other side - but her in chainsI had been alone till the madman come alongWith the knowledge and silver long beardHe was the first man ever teaching how I could be freeHelping me to find - oh - the mind and the soulThey"ve been trying to hide away...And he promised we"d help Anna if I"d help him togo all the wayGo all the way into the world of mindsOpen the gate and do not close behindPrevent them from hiding the light awayPrevent them from tellin" us talesOr the end of all they scare us with will be amillion empty brains...I could bring you what you told meThe seal they need to close the gate foreverBut still I haven"t found a meaningAnna will we ever be togetherYou"ve been fighting for your soulAnd sometimes it takes a tollHope one day you"ll understandWhat it means to hold in handsWhat they call a fantasyIt is nothing but a keyTo the world that now you"re inThat they call a wicked dreamWhen you"re walking on your ownWhen you"re broken and aloneYou may feel us from inside -from the other side of life.Ohohohoh...I"ve been fighting for my soulAnd sometimes it takes a tollHope one day we"ll understandWhat it means to hold in handsWhat we call a fantasyBut it"s nothing but a keyTo the world that now I"m inThat we call a wicked dreamI"ve been fighting for my soulAnd sometimes it takes a tollHope one day we"ll understandWhat it means to hold in handsWhat we call a fantasyBut it"s nothing but a keyTo the world that now I"m inThat we call a wicked dreamOh, walking on my ownWhen I"m broken and aloneI may feel you from insideFrom the other side of lifeOhohohoh...Ohohohoh...Ohohohoh...
2023-07-12 00:22:581

The Seven Angels 歌词

歌曲名:The Seven Angels歌手:Avantasia专辑:The Metal Opera Pt. IIAvantasia - The Seven AngelsFire falling from the skyRage of god is coming downNow the time has come, the end"s begunAnd the only one will comeIt has been foretoldBy the visions of the oldAnd the madness in their eyesSaid his angel will ariseThat"s what they know :"Holy Lord it"s over, oh godWe have done no wrongSo we go where we belongTo the neverending dreamBut for those who lived in sin"They claim to know :"Holy Lord it"s over, oh god"Hey Angel, can you tell meWill you lead us to the placeFull of heat, in the fireFor we only brought disgraceHe is not the one. If they only knewHey Angel, will you take usTo the judgement of his rageHey will we dieFor we couldn"t close the gateTo the knowledge as they have been toldI don"t know how could I proveNothing but the cloven hoofReigning over them as wellWhile they keep on fighting hellBabylon the scarlet whore has comeWe are the seven, judgement of heavenWhy don"t we know : We are the angelsIt"s revelation, soul castignationFire will burn us awayWe are the seven, judgement of heavenWhy don"t we know : We are the angelsIt"s revelation, soul castignationFire will burn us awayRedeemer, devastionHope it only has been mentFor the sin of the dreamerwho broke the low you"d sentHe is not the one. If they only knewHey, don"t know but i wondered:When we lost the seal againMaybe stoned by the incenseDo we rise or just descentHe is not the one. If they only knewI don"t know how could I proveNothing but the cloven hoofReigning over them as wellWhile they keep on fighting hellBabylon the scarlet whore has comeWe are the seven, judgement of heavenWhy don"t we know : We are the angelsIt"s revelation, soul castignationFire will burn us awayWe are the seven, judgement of heavenWhy don"t we know : We are the angelsIt"s revelation, soul castignationFire will burn us awaySolo: Henjo Richter]Voice of the tower:]Woe to you longing for the wisdomWoe to you longing for the lightAll my sons bring me back what is mineOr you"ll end burning in this nightWoe to you longing for the wisdomWoe to you longing for the lightAll my sons bring me back what is mineOr you"ll end burning in this nightSolo: Timo Tolkki]Once I have been lost in what they told me to believeUntil I felt in burning deep inside to set my spirit freeAnd I escaped to another world to help the little menwho make me plunge into philosophy - to feel mymind again... No one left to hold me tight - on the`real`other side - but her in chainsI had been alone till the madman come alongWith the knowledge and silver long beardHe was the first man ever teaching how I could be freeHelping me to find - oh - the mind and the soulThey"ve been trying to hide away...And he promised we"d help Anna if I"d help him togo all the wayGo all the way into the world of mindsOpen the gate and do not close behindPrevent them from hiding the light awayPrevent them from tellin" us talesOr the end of all they scare us with will be amillion empty brains...I could bring you what you told meThe seal they need to close the gate foreverBut still I haven"t found a meaningAnna will we ever be togetherYou"ve been fighting for your soulAnd sometimes it takes a tollHope one day you"ll understandWhat it means to hold in handsWhat they call a fantasyIt is nothing but a keyTo the world that now you"re inThat they call a wicked dreamWhen you"re walking on your ownWhen you"re broken and aloneYou may feel us from inside -from the other side of life.Ohohohoh...I"ve been fighting for my soulAnd sometimes it takes a tollHope one day we"ll understandWhat it means to hold in handsWhat we call a fantasyBut it"s nothing but a keyTo the world that now I"m inThat we call a wicked dreamI"ve been fighting for my soulAnd sometimes it takes a tollHope one day we"ll understandWhat it means to hold in handsWhat we call a fantasyBut it"s nothing but a keyTo the world that now I"m inThat we call a wicked dreamOh, walking on my ownWhen I"m broken and aloneI may feel you from insideFrom the other side of lifeOhohohoh...Ohohohoh...Ohohohoh...
2023-07-12 00:23:051

in light of 什么意思来着?突然忘了 帮忙翻译一下 谢谢了!

in light ofadv.按照, 根据
2023-07-12 00:23:303

人性之光 英语怎么说

The highlight of humanity 或者 The glory of humanity
2023-07-12 00:23:384


由于光的快速产生了一些奇怪的事实.对于太阳光而言,到达我们需要用八分钟.如果你看一眼今晚的月光,记住,光从月球到达你们之前需要1.3秒. 最近的恒星离我们如此遥远.你看见的今晚的月光,那时以每分钟二百公里的速度用了四年才到达你们的. 今晚的一些光可能在你还没有来到这个世界就开始的到达你的行程.所以,严格的说,我们不该说" 今晚的群星闪耀." 我们应该说" 星星看起来真美.他们在四年前正在闪闪发光,但他们刚刚到达我们地球.
2023-07-12 00:23:461

in the light of 和 in terms of 区别

in terms of在。。。方面 填这个in the light of根据,当作
2023-07-12 00:23:542

In view of 和 In the light of着两个介词短语之间有什么区别

in view of considering;on account of由…看来;考虑到;由于Schools were closed that day in view of the heavy snowstorm.由于暴风雪,学校那天没有上课。in(the) light of because of由于;因为In light of the muddy field,the football team put on their rubbers.因为道路泥泞,足球队员都穿上了胶鞋。
2023-07-12 00:24:171

in light of是什么意思

in light of英[in lait u0254v]美[u026an lau026at u028cv]adv.按照,根据网络 根据; 按照
2023-07-12 00:24:422

求Dreamtale的angel of light的歌词以及翻译

曲名:Heart"s Desire歌手:Dreamtale我只找到英文的。Heart"s DesireDreamtaleDifferenceAs the sun risesI see our banners flowing in the windAnd the sounds of trumpets calling for warAll that night I lay awakeThinking you, thinking warThe madness and despair I have seenNow the time has comeWe will charge to our doomArrows are whistling by my ears as we ridePlease my guardian angelLet me see my love againIn the mercy I thriveShelter me, as I shelter mineI"m riding awayFrom the light of the dayA letter left behind to lighten my wayI"m writing to youMaybe (the) last time nowPlease let me see your face once more againScreaming men I left behindI am sure they all will dieBlood is covering my armor and my swordWhere is the honour? The code we all held?In this madness we all turn to beastsGathered at a grim feastOur banner is downWe are scourged to deathFlash of pain was the last thing I saw in my lifePlease my guardian angelLet me see my love againIn the mercy I thriveShelter me, as I shelter mineI"m dying away, I"m leaving todayMy rusting sword, lost, alone in this frayI wrote to youMy last farewellPlease let me see your face once more againI"m dying away, I"m leaving todayMy rusting sword, lost, alone in this frayI wrote to youMy last farewellPlease let me see your face once more againI"m dying away, I"m leaving todayMy rusting sword, lost, alone in this frayI wrote to youMy last farewellPlease let me see your face once more again
2023-07-12 00:25:093