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this way they will not get bored主语是什么

在“this way they will not get bored ” 中,主语是“this way ”,“they will not get bored ”是后置定语从句,修饰this way ”。全句意思是: 他们不会厌倦的方法。

be bored at 和get bored with的区别

很高兴为您 Be bored with ”对某事感到厌倦“,这个短语呈现的是一种厌倦的持久的状态。 Get bored with "对某事感到厌倦",这个短语说明的是一种开始厌倦的过程。 希望能帮助您!

be bored at 和get bored with的区别


be bored at 和get bored with的区别

很高兴为您解答:Be bored with ”对某事感到厌倦“,这个短语呈现的是一种厌倦的持久的状态。Get bored with "对某事感到厌倦",这个短语说明的是一种开始厌倦的过程。希望能帮助您!

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happiness is like a butterfly, if you chase it,it will run away,but if you r


windows oracle 怎么查看集群状态

参看集群状态[11:34:11oracle@node1 ~]crs_stat -tName Type Target State Host ------------------------------------------------------------ora.dba.db application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora....l1.inst application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora....l2.inst application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora.dba.rac.cs application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora....ll1.srv application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora....ll2.srv application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora....SM1.asm application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora....E1.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora.node1.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora.node1.ons application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora.node1.vip application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora....SM2.asm application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora....E2.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora.node2.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora.node2.ons application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora.node2.vip application ONLINE ONLINE node2 查看集群资源信息[12:59:42oracle@node2 ~]srvctl config database -d dba -anode1 null1 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1node2 null2 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1DB_NAME: dbaORACLE_HOME: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1SPFILE: +DATA/dba/spfilenull.oraDOMAIN: wang.comDB_ROLE: nullSTART_OPTIONS: nullPOLICY: AUTOMATICENABLE FLAG: DB ENABLED查看连接信息[13:01:55oracle@node2 ~]srvctl config database -d dba -tExample client-side TNS entry for service rac:rac = (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=db_vip)(PORT=dedicated_port))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=rac.wang.com)(FAILOVER_MODE=(TYPE=SELECT)(METHOD=BASIC))))Example client-side TNS entry for service name:name = (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=db_vip)(PORT=dedicated_port))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=name.wang.com)(FAILOVER_MODE=(TYPE=SELECT)(METHOD=BASIC))))查看服务信息[13:02:20oracle@node2 ~]srvctl config service -d dba -arac PREF: null2 null1 AVAIL: TAF: basicname PREF: null2 null1 AVAIL: TAF: basic[13:02:45oracle@node2 ~]srvctl config service -d dba -s racrac PREF: null2 null1 AVAIL: [13:03:01oracle@node2 ~]srvctl config service -d dba -s rac -arac PREF: null2 null1 AVAIL: TAF: basic查看ASM信息[13:05:41oracle@node2 ~]srvctl config asm -n node1+ASM1 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1[13:05:44oracle@node2 ~][13:05:53oracle@node2 ~]srvctl config asm -n node2+ASM2 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1[13:05:56oracle@node2 ~]查看监听信息[13:05:57oracle@node2 ~]srvctl config listener -n node2 node2 LISTENER_NODE2[13:06:15oracle@node2 ~][13:06:16oracle@node2 ~]srvctl config listener -n node1node1 LISTENER_NODE1查看数据库状态[13:08:40oracle@node2 ~]srvctl status database -d dba Instance null1 is running on node node1Instance null2 is running on node node2[13:08:43oracle@node2 ~]srvctl status database -d dba -vInstance null1 is running on node node1 with online services rac name Instance null2 is running on node node2 with online services rac name 查看监听状态[13:09:27oracle@node2 ~]srvctl status instance -d dba -i null1,null2Instance null1 is running on node node1Instance null2 is running on node node2[13:09:40oracle@node2 ~]srvctl status instance -d dba -i null1,null2 -vInstance null1 is running on node node1 with online services rac name Instance null2 is running on node node2 with online services rac name 查看节点应用状态[13:10:29oracle@node2 ~]srvctl status nodeapps -n node1VIP is running on node: node1GSD is running on node: node1Listener is running on node: node1ONS daemon is running on node: node1[13:11:44oracle@node2 ~]srvctl status nodeapps -n node2VIP is running on node: node2GSD is running on node: node2Listener is running on node: node2ONS daemon is running on node: node2查看节点ASM状态[13:11:47oracle@node2 ~]srvctl status asm -n node1ASM instance +ASM1 is running on node node1.[13:12:26oracle@node2 ~]srvctl status asm -n node2ASM instance +ASM2 is running on node node2.测试TAF设定服务TAF模式为BASICRAC = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = node1-vip)(PORT = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = node2-vip)(PORT = 1521)) (LOAD_BALANCE = yes) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = rac.wang.com) (FAILOVER_MODE = (TYPE = SELECT) (METHOD = BASIC) (RETRIES = 180) (DELAY = 5) ) ) )查看集群状态[11:55:50oracle@node2 dbs]crs_stat -tName Type Target State Host ------------------------------------------------------------ora.dba.db application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora....name.cs application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora....ll1.srv application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora....ll2.srv application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora....l1.inst application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora....l2.inst application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora.dba.rac.cs application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora....ll1.srv application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora....ll2.srv application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora....SM1.asm application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora....E1.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora.node1.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora.node1.ons application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora.node1.vip application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora....SM2.asm application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora....E2.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora.node2.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora.node2.ons application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora.node2.vip application ONLINE ONLINE node2 连接数据库进行长事务查询[11:59:41oracle@node1 ~]sqlplus sys/oracle@rac as sysdbaSQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu May 27 11:59:56 2010Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.Connected to:Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionWith the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP and Data Mining optionsSYS@NODE2:null2>show parameter service_nameNAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------service_names string dba.wang.com, rac, nameSYS@NODE2:null2>SYS@NODE2:null2>show parameter db_name;NAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------db_name string dbaSYS@NODE2:null2>SYS@NODE2:null2>show parameter instance_name;NAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------instance_name string null2SYS@NODE2:null2>select * from dba_objects;在事务执行过程中关闭当前所连接的实例[12:00:47oracle@node2 admin]srvctl stop instance -i null2 -d dba -o abort可观察到该长事务中断若干秒后继续查询2005-10-22 21:50:51 2005-10-22 21:51:00 2005-10-22:21:50:51 VALID N N N观察集群状态[oracle@node1 ~]$ crs_stat -tName Type Target State Host ------------------------------------------------------------ora.dba.db application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora....name.cs application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora....ll1.srv application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora....ll2.srv application ONLINE OFFLINE ora....l1.inst application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora....l2.inst application OFFLINE OFFLINE ora.dba.rac.cs application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora....ll1.srv application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora....ll2.srv application ONLINE OFFLINE ora....SM1.asm application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora....E1.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora.node1.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora.node1.ons application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora.node1.vip application ONLINE ONLINE node1 ora....SM2.asm application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora....E2.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora.node2.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora.node2.ons application ONLINE ONLINE node2 ora.node2.vip application ONLINE ONLINE node2

Game over 、Youwin!是什么意思

game over 游戏结束;比赛结束Game Over: 游戏结束;玩完了 游戏结束 YOU WIN: 专业地产顾问;你赢了You Can Win: 你会赢

William Blake的the Tiger 英文赏析。

William Blake is an important poet representing the pre-romanticism in English literature in whose masterpiece The Tiger the structural identicalness between the enlarged metaphor "tiger" and the deafening "anvil music" represents the splendid "making process of the tiger". Tiger is associated with fire in color: the burning fire is in the color between red and orange,similar to the color of the tiger; secondly, the tiger"s eyes are like flames, and made of flames.This poem is not so much about the tiger as it really is, or as a zoologist might present it to us; it is the Tyger, as it appears to the eye of the beholder. Blake imagines the tiger as the embodiment of God"s power in creation: the animal is terrifying in its beauty, strength, complexity and vitality. Meanwhile, concerning to the social background of those poems, the tiger is symbolic of the revolutionary forces: the French people in the French Revolution to which Blake was a supporter. It could destroy the old system and establish a new one. Blake enhanced the meaning of both.These poems focus on evil and the importance of understanding the evil around in hope of attaining a state of innocence. In The Songs of Innocence Blake suggests that by recapturing the imagination and wonderment of childhood,we could achieve the goal of self-awareness.The poems thus present views of the world as filtered through the eyes and mind of a child.We can also infer that evil can bring forth the loss of innocence. Therefore, one existing similarity is that they both concern the loss of innocence.Many poems from each set are companion pieces to each other.The Lamb isan symbol of innocence, corresponding to The Tiger as the symbol of experience.Blake seeks for balance and harmony in this unbalanced world. Thus W wanted to express the dialectic unity of the beautiful and the ugly, the good and the evil, the white and the black in the world. The dialectic ideas are fully shown. Another shared theme between the two works, The Tiger and The Lamb, is the theme of creation and divine intervention. In both poems Blake questions multiple times about how each was created. In The Lamb, Blake suggests that the lamb was created by a godlike being. In The Tiger Blake questions if the tiger was created by the same being that created the lamb. Such curiosity is a common theme to both poems. Thus, through the information discussed, it can be seen that there exists a common comparison in two separate works by William Blake. The Tyger" is a poem by the English poet William Black. It was published as part of his collection Songs of Experience in 1794. It is one of Blake"s best known and most analyzed poems. The Cambridge Companion to William Blake calls it "the most anthologized poem in English."Most modern anthologies have kept Blake"s choice of the archaic spelling "tyger". It was a common spelling of the word at the time but was already "slightly archaic"when he wrote the poem; he spelled it as "tiger" elsewhere, and many of his poetic effects "depended on subtle differences of punctuation and of spelling.” Thus, his choice of "tyger" has usually been interpreted as being for effect, perhaps to render an "exotic or alien quality of the beast", or because it"s not really about a "tiger" at all, but a metaphor. "The Tyger" is the sister poem to "The Lamb" "Songs of Innocence", a reflection of similar ideas from a different perspective, but it focuses more on goodness than evil.



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都可以。Windows 10 Pro for Workstations属于Windows 10专业版系统的最顶级版本,专为高端PC打造、拥有服务器级别的硬件支持,专为高负载场景设计。Windows 10 Pro for Workstations包括了许多普通版Win10 Pro没有的内容,着重优化了多核处理以及大文件处理,面向大企业用户以及真正的“专业”用户。对于个人用户来讲,用普通的专业版就足够了

什么是soft red wine?

我猜是 柔和 的意思吧,可能酒精度低一些

CARRUADES de LAFITE RED WINE2008,原产国:法国,罐装日期:201

拉菲珍宝正标上面没有RED WINE吧。要不你上个图看看

9338019000027是什么葡萄酒;金澳红干红;BIN 98 PREMIUM RED WINE



sonow i going to do my homework.的中文翻译sonow i going to do my homework.所以现在我要去做我的家庭作业。




葡萄酒。葡萄酒是以葡萄为原料酿造的一种果酒。中文名葡萄酒外文名Wine原料葡萄果实性质酒精饮料分类红葡萄酒、白葡萄酒等盛产国法国、西班牙等红酒(Red wine)是葡萄、蓝莓等水果经过传统及科学方法相结合进行发酵的果酒。红酒比较典型的是葡萄红酒和蓝莓红酒,葡萄酒有许多分类方式。以成品颜色来说,可分为红葡萄酒、白葡萄酒及粉红葡萄酒三类。其中红葡萄酒又可细分为干红葡萄酒、半干红葡萄酒、半甜红葡萄酒和甜红葡萄酒,白葡萄酒则细分为干白葡萄酒、半干白葡萄酒、半甜白葡萄酒和甜白葡萄酒。粉红葡萄酒也叫桃红酒、玫瑰红酒。杨梅酿制的叫做杨梅红酒。还有一种蓝莓酿制的蓝莓红酒。中文名红酒外文名Red wine主要原料葡萄、蓝莓等水果是否含防腐剂否主要营养成分多种维生素,氨基酸。

我的电脑是32位的win7系统,能安装 VMware Workstation虚拟机吗?

VMware Workstation 10可以在32位Windows7下运行,可以安装x0dx0aVMware Workstation 10的安装文件不区分32位和64位,安装文件整合了这两个版本,根据系统自动安装相应版本x0dx0a但从VMware Workstation 11开始已经不再支持32位系统,只能在64位系统下运行,所以VMware Workstation 11及以后的版本无法在32位Windows7下使用x0dx0ax0dx0aWindows下常用的虚拟机有VMware Workstation和VirtualBox,x0dx0aVMware Workstation功能很强大,VirtualBox比较轻巧,日常使用的话两者都能满足需求,可以根据对功能需求情况选择

Red Red Wine (Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Red Red Wine (Edit)歌手:UB40专辑:Pub Jukebox ClassicsRed, red wineGoes to my headMake me forget that IStill need her soRed, red wineIt`s up to youAll I can do, I`ve doneBut mem`ries won`t goMem`ries won`t goI`d have thoughtThat with timeThoughts of youWould leave my headI was wrongAnd I findJust one thing makes me forgetRed, red wineStay close to meDon`t let me be aloneIt`s tearin` apartMy blue, blue heartRed red wine you make me feel so fineYou keep me rocking all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so grandI feel a million dollars when your just in my handRed red wine you make me feel so sadAny time I see you go it makes me feel badRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla pon the sweet dep lineRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRedred wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeahRed red wine I`m gonna hold to youHold on to you cause I know you love trueRed red wine I`m gonna love you till I dieLove you till I die and that`s no lieRed red wine can`t get you out my mindWhere ever you maybe I`ll surely findI`ll surely find make no fuss jus` stick with us.Give me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me Red wine because it make me feel fineMek me feel fine all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep lineThe line broke, the monkey get chokeBurn bad rizla pon him little rowing boatRed red wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeah.http://music.baidu.com/song/24611750

红酒杯的英文表达方式 是 Red wine glass 还是 goblet呢? 求正解...

是wine glass.不用有异议了....我就是做杯具的.....呵呵

有谁知道 lulu island winery red wine / 2007 / 11% ale / 375ml 价格多少啊,谢谢懂的人指点一下


问一个红酒的价格,上面写有 Jazz Ton Red Wine 下面一行是CABERNET SAUVIGNON 1986,生产日期是2007,12,2

这个是国产的无疑了。分析一下就可以知道:Jazz Ton Red Wine 这个是酒名“Jazz Ton”红葡萄酒下面一行是CABERNET SAUVIGNON 1986,(赤霞珠 1986应该是年份)生产日期是2007,12,2 分析:1986年种植的葡萄最晚也就是2年多后装瓶,按照最晚时间可以是1989年,上市生产日期却是2007年,不符合葡萄酒生产的年份和出厂的时间顺序。那么,Jazz Ton就只有国产无疑了。至于价格嘛,没有任何信息可查,所以肯定是小地方的产品,希望购买时小心为上。

Windows10无法启动 Workstation服务(位于本地计算机上)错误1307这个安全D不能分配为此对象的所有者

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2009 california dry red wine 是什么葡萄酒、能卖多少钱?

圣皮尔古堡干红葡萄酒 (CHATEAU SAINT PIERRE DRY RED ),产于美国加州。类型:干红葡萄酒产地: 美国 加州 中央山谷年份:2009 葡萄品种:设拉子、芭贝拉、赤霞珠、另均衡调配些许多种不同酿酒葡萄原汁酒精含量:13%品酒师建议:口感柔和、果味突出,是红葡萄酒中最易饮的一类。通常未经橡木陈酿,从而保留了更多纯净的水果风味。这类葡萄酒通常散发着红色水果的芳香(如樱桃、红浆果、红醋栗)并夹杂着一些泥土和辛香料的气息;水果风味可口宜人,酸度突出,轻盈至中等酒体。 来自阳光明媚的加利福尼亚的原汁酒液,果香醇郁,细腻优雅,平衡的酒质使这款美酒成为各式中西菜肴的佳配。零售价格在50~70的样子。ps:另有一款产于法国的同名红葡萄酒,是波尔多左岸1855列级酒庄分级制的第4级名庄,价格要贵上许多,国内也很少见,根据年份不同,大概在800~1500的样子。


1、首先安装VisualStudio2008,打上ServicePack1补丁包(也可以安装VisualStudio 2010,只是后面的编译过程会稍微麻烦一些)。2、安装MicrosoftSDK 7.1,安装SDK7.1的时候,默认SDK7.1安装在C盘下。一定要注意SDK7.1的安装路径,因为在WebRTC项目在配置中有规定,配置文件在.. . runksrcuild 名为common.gypi 的文件,如果你不想安装在C盘下,那么就要修改一下这个配置文件了,不然的话,的时候就会出现各种警告问题的。3、安装MicrosoftDirectXSDK (June 2010)。4、安装Python2.6(也可以是其他的版本,不过经过测试安装2.6版本出现的问题是最少的)版本,将Python安装目录添加到系统环境变量Path中(例如我的安装目录是D:WebRTCInstallPython26)5、接下来会有两种编译下载方式,如下所述:5.1、已经存在完整的depot_tools编译下载包(在文件夹中已给出)的情况:5.1.1、把解压后的depot_tools路径添加到Path系统环境变量当中(例如我的路径是D:WebRTCInstalldepot_tools)5.2、还没有存在depot_tools编译下载包情况下的编译环境的搭建5.2.1、安装GIT工具,下载并安装Git、Tortoisegit:(本机:Git-1.7.11-preview20120710,TortoiseGit-2012-09-08-cb73a5c-32bit)选择适合自己系统的版本,下载并安装(注:TortoiseGit只是一个GUI,必须安装Git。)把Git中bin目录手动添加到系统环境变量Path中,TortoiseGit安装时会找到Git目录并自动配置好。5.2.2、下载、安装获取源码的工具SVN(代码版本管理工具)TortoiseSVN5.2.3、下载并配置depot_tools,将文件夹路径添加到环境变量Path中。建立一个存放depot_tools的文件夹,cmd进入该目录(cdd:/depot_tools ;d: ;...)6、建立WebRTC的存放目录(例如我这里的存放目录是D:WebRTCWebRtcPj)5.1.3、打开DOS窗口,进入刚才新建的WebRTC存放目录,按顺序输入:A:gclient config --name trunkB:gclient sync --force(获取以前版gclient sync --revision)同步解决方案C:gclient runhooks--force 生成本地的解决方案7、打开VS并导入peerconnection_all.sln项目,并按如下要求配置VS环境:Tools|Options|ProjectsandSolutions|VC++Directories可执行文件:1. C:Program FilesMicrosoftSDKsWindowsv7.1Bin 2. D:WebRTCInstallPython263. C:Program FilesMicrosoft DirectX SDK(June2010)Utilitiesinx86 包含文件:C:Program FilesMicrosoft DirectX SDK(June 2010)Include C:Program FilesMicrosoftSDKsWindowsv7.1Include 库文件:C:Program FilesMicrosoftSDKsWindowsv7.1Lib C:Program FilesMicrosoft DirectX SDK(June 2010)Libx86生成的可执行文件位于“ runkDebug”下,如“peerconnection_server.exe”和“peerconnection_client.exe”。

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windows 系统怎么玩转github

WINDOWS系统下使用github的方法1. 先下载所需要的安装程序:Git、msysgit、TortoiseGit(32bit,64bit)、Putty (以上均为官方下载链接,如担心有毒请自行Google); 2. 顺序安装以上下载的程序(先关闭所有的窗口,360会报不安全,信任就好),基本就是一路Next了,这个没啥好说的; 3. 注册一个Github帐号:https://github.com/plans,不必理会那些Plans,免费账号就可以创建无限制的开源项目了,只是容量小点(300M,不知道是每月还是总共,反正小项目来说是够用了); 4. 创建一个新的项目:https://github.com/repositories/new; 5. 在开始菜单中找到Putty的文件夹,打开PuTTYgen(密钥生成器),点击生成,然后出来一个类似于这样的东西(公钥): 点击保存私钥,随便起个名字随便放在哪(无视关于叫你填写密码的提示);将图中黄底的内容复制,打开Github中Account Setting页面里的SSH Public Key 选项卡,选择 Add another public key ,将刚才复制的公钥复制进去,随便起个名字,提交; 6. 在开始菜单中找到Putty的文件夹,打开 Pageant ,选择增加密钥,把刚才保存的那个后缀名为 ppk 的私钥导进去; 7. 在 Dashboard 页面的 Your Repositories 栏目下可以找到自己创建的那个项目,点击进去。能得到该项目的 Git 地址,比如我创建的 Shadowblue 地址就是:git@github.com:interjc/ShadowBlue.git找到你要放置项目的地方,右键选择 Git Clone , Url 处填入刚才那个地址,点击 “OK” ,项目就应该在本地成功建立了。然后就是使用了:1. 在本地项目目录中添加或进行改动以后需要先 Commit(你也可以用命令行,不过我这里示范时使用右键菜单中的 Git Commit -> “master” ),选择需要提交的改动,点击“OK”,这个时候项目的版本就在本地维护起来了; 2. 选择右键菜单中的 Git Sync .. ,在出现的界面中先选择 Pull,然后 Push,全部顺利的话,就会将本地的版本管理与服务器上的同步了。 3. 使用的时候稍显蛋疼的是每次开机或退出Pageant以后都要重新打开它并导入密钥以后,Git的验证才能通过,不像TortoiseSVN是自动保存的(可能是我没研究透彻吧)在TortoiseGit -> Setting -> Remote -> origin 下的 Putty 项中通过浏览加载先前保存的 ppk 文件并保存,Sync 的时候勾选 Autoload Putty key 选项,每次就会自动打开pageant载入key了; 4. 当服务器上的代码有变更以后,本地必须先 Pull 以后才可以 Push ,有效地避免了 SVN 上你刚上传一个东西,就被别人覆盖掉的坑爹情况,麻烦就麻烦一点吧,习惯就好; 5. 推荐使用 WinMerge 取代 TortoiseGit 自带的 Merge 工具,因为自带那个太蛋疼了。WinMerge 安装以后,在 TortoiseGit -> Settings 中,将 External Programs 下的 Diff Viewer 及 Merge Tool 中的 TortoiseMerge 改为 External ,下面填写 WinMergeU.exe 的路径即可,比如:D:Program FilesWinMergeWinMergeU.exe当然你如果觉得自带的 Merge 工具更好那就当我这条没说吧~ 6. Have fun with Git ~

Red, Red Wine 歌词

歌曲名:Red, Red Wine歌手:Neil Diamond专辑:The Very Best Of Neil DiamondRed, red wineGoes to my headMake me forget that IStill need her soRed, red wineIt`s up to youAll I can do, I`ve doneBut mem`ries won`t goMem`ries won`t goI`d have thoughtThat with timeThoughts of youWould leave my headI was wrongAnd I findJust one thing makes me forgetRed, red wineStay close to meDon`t let me be aloneIt`s tearin` apartMy blue, blue heartRed red wine you make me feel so fineYou keep me rocking all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so grandI feel a million dollars when your just in my handRed red wine you make me feel so sadAny time I see you go it makes me feel badRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla pon the sweet dep lineRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRedred wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeahRed red wine I`m gonna hold to youHold on to you cause I know you love trueRed red wine I`m gonna love you till I dieLove you till I die and that`s no lieRed red wine can`t get you out my mindWhere ever you maybe I`ll surely findI`ll surely find make no fuss jus` stick with us.Give me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me Red wine because it make me feel fineMek me feel fine all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep lineThe line broke, the monkey get chokeBurn bad rizla pon him little rowing boatRed red wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeah.http://music.baidu.com/song/13852938

dry red wine是什么意思

干红葡萄酒例句:1.Benjamin: the dry red wine looks quite good. 本杰明:干红葡萄酒看起来不错.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!


查看"本地连接"里"Microsoft 网络客户端"是否存在,如果存在则删除,重启重新添加,再重启。服务里出现workstation服务了。 却无法启动。提示本地计算机无法启动Workstation服务。错误126:找不到指定的模块。然后想到是否丢失了文件,打开Autoruns查看系统服务,发现LanmanWorkstation服务失效,找不到 c:/windows/system32/wkssvc.dll。在网上搜索下载到该文件,重启电脑后局域网恢复正常。

如何配置git for windows

一、安装说明1、Git在windows平台上安装说明。 Git 是 Linux Torvalds 为了帮助管理 Linux 内核开发而开发的一个开放源码的版本控制软件。目前Git已经可以在windows下使用,主要方法有二:msysgit和Cygwin。Cygwin和Linux使用方法类似,Windows版本的Git提供了友好的GUI(图形界面),安装后很快可以上手,此处我们主要讨论基于msysgit的Git安装和使用。 TortoiseGit是TortoiseSVN的Git版本,TortoiseGit用于迁移TortoiseSVN到TortoiseGit。一直以来Git在Windows平台没有好用GUI客户端,现在TortoiseGit的出现给Windows开发者带来福音。我们将在64位win7操作系统上安装Git,并使用GUI界面,则需同时安装msysGit和TortoiseGit。2、阅读TortoiseGit官方安装说明:http://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit/wiki/SetupHowToSystem prerequisitesFor the latest version of TortoiseGit Windows XP SP3 or newer is required.Admin privileges for the installationmsysGit is required by TortoiseGitYou do not need to download the whole msysGit development package, the "Full installer for official Git for Windows" download package is sufficientmsysGit 1.7.10+ is recommended for TortoiseGit 1.7.9+ (msysGit 1.7.10 adds utf-8 support and is compatible to *nix git)minimum compatible version is 1.6.1 (for TortoiseGit < 1.7.9 you should use msysGit 1.7.6)InstallationJust download the setup package for your system and install it. If you are running a 64 bit system, you do not need to download and install the 32 bit version: The 32 bit shell extension is included in the 64 bit installer since TortoiseGit 2000If you want to use TortoiseGit in a Win2K environment (only 1.6.5 and below support Win2K), please install GDI+ before you install TortoiseGit. However, running these old versions is not recommended (no utf-8 and separate-git-dir support).UpgradeBefore upgrading you should read the ReleaseNotes.Just download the setup package for your system and install it. The old version will be replaced automatically.If you are upgrading from or older and you have installed the 32-bit version on a 64-bit system you have to deinstall the 32-bit version first.Common problems (installer aborts with an error message)"This installation package is not supported by this processor type. Contact your product vendor."This means you are trying to install the 64-bit version of TortoiseGit on a normal 32-bit operating system. You need to download and use the correct msi file for your OS. For normal 32-bit OS, make sure the msi filename does not have "64-bit" in it."Please wait while the installer finishes determining your disk space requirements."Cleanup/empty the temp-directory (e.g. C:Users<your user>AppDataLocalTemp, C:User and Settings<your user>Local SettingsTemp, c:WindowsTemp). 由如上说明,我们寻找要下载的对应安装包,如下。 二、下载安装包1、TortoiseGit下载地址:http://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit/downloads/list本次下载版本——TortoiseGit- TortoiseGit 64bit x64 Featured 2、msysgit下载地址:http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/downloads/list本次下载版本——Git-1.7.11-preview20120710.exe Full installer for official Git for Windows 1.7.11 Featured Beta 三、安装过程安装顺序:首先安装msysgit;然后安装TortoiseGit。1、安装msysgit。a、安装包下载完成后,双击进入安装界面,如下图:b、两步next后选择安装目录,如下图:c、next进入Git安装模块选择,默认,如下图:d、next进入Git setup界面,“Select start menu folder”,默认,如下图:e、next进入Git Setup界面,“Adjusting your PATH environment”,选择默认值“Use Git Bash only”,如下图所示:f、next进入Git Setup界面,“Configuring the line ending conversions”,选择换行格式,选择“Checkout as-is, commit Unix-style line endings”,如下图所示:g、next进入安装界面,完成安装,如下图所示:这个时候已经可以使用git了, 打开Git Bash可以进入linux shell,可以使用git命令进行各种操作,由于大家都习惯使用图形界面的 TortoiseSVN,下面介绍使用 TortoiseSVN的类似软件 TortoiseGit,使用习惯相同,大家应该比较容易使用。2、安装TortoiseGit。a、双击安装程序,进入安装界面, b、两步next进入“Choose SSH Client”选择界面,选择“OpenSSH,Git default SSH Client”, c、next进入“Custom Setup”界面,选择默认值 d、next,进入“Ready to Install”界面,选择“Install”按钮开始安装过程,完成安装。 e、至此,TortoiseGit安装完成。在桌面空白处点击右键,右键菜单中会加入TortoiseGit快捷键 f、选择“Settings”,进入“Settings-TortoiseGit”界面,选择“General”选项卡,设置本机器的git路径 g、同时选择“Network”选项卡,设置SSH路径。SSH默认在安装Git时就安装了,在如下图所示的路径中。 h、选择“Git”选项卡,设置用户名、邮箱和key。 注:如果暂时在本地使用就只需将用户名和邮箱添加,而“Signing key”会自动生成。至此,TortoiseGit设置完成。 3、下载代码。a、桌面空白处右键,选择git clone添加版本库地址URL和本地文件夹。如下图所示:点击ok即可下载一份新版本库。

Red, Red Wine 歌词

歌曲名:Red, Red Wine歌手:Neil Diamond专辑:Classics The Early YearsRed, red wineGoes to my headMake me forget that IStill need her soRed, red wineIt`s up to youAll I can do, I`ve doneBut mem`ries won`t goMem`ries won`t goI`d have thoughtThat with timeThoughts of youWould leave my headI was wrongAnd I findJust one thing makes me forgetRed, red wineStay close to meDon`t let me be aloneIt`s tearin` apartMy blue, blue heartRed red wine you make me feel so fineYou keep me rocking all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so grandI feel a million dollars when your just in my handRed red wine you make me feel so sadAny time I see you go it makes me feel badRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla pon the sweet dep lineRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRedred wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeahRed red wine I`m gonna hold to youHold on to you cause I know you love trueRed red wine I`m gonna love you till I dieLove you till I die and that`s no lieRed red wine can`t get you out my mindWhere ever you maybe I`ll surely findI`ll surely find make no fuss jus` stick with us.Give me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me Red wine because it make me feel fineMek me feel fine all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep lineThe line broke, the monkey get chokeBurn bad rizla pon him little rowing boatRed red wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeah.http://music.baidu.com/song/9149959


您好 安装Win XP后,通常系统会默认启动许多服务,其中有些服务是普通用户根本用不到的,不但占用系统资源,还有可能被黑客所利用必须禁止的服务1.NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing:允许受权的用户通过NetMeeting在网络上互相访问对方。这项服务对大多数个人用户并没有多大用处,况且服务的开启还会带来安全问题,因为上网时该服务会把用户名以明文形式发送到连接它的客户端,黑客的嗅探程序很容易就能探测到这些账户信息。2.Universal Plug and Play Device Host:此服务是为通用的即插即用设备提供支持。这项服务存在一个安全漏洞,运行此服务的计算机很容易受到攻击。攻击者只要向某个拥有多台Win XP系统的网络发送一个虚假的UDP包,就可能会造成这些Win XP主机对指定的主机进行攻击(DDoS)。另外如果向该系统1900端口发送一个UDP包,令“Location”域的地址指向另一系统的chargen端口,就有可能使系统陷入一个死循环,消耗掉系统的所有资源(需要安装硬件时需手动开启)。3.Messenger:俗称信使服务,电脑用户在局域网内可以利用它进行资料交换(传输客户端和服务器之间的Net Send和Alerter服务消息,此服务与Windows Messenger无关。如果服务停止,Alerter消息不会被传输)。这是一个危险而讨厌的服务,Messenger服务基本上是用在企业的网络管理上,但是垃圾邮件和垃圾广告厂商,也经常利用该服务发布弹出式广告,标题为“信使服务”。而且这项服务有漏洞,MSBlast和Slammer病毒就是用它来进行快速传播的。4.Terminal Services:允许多位用户连接并控制一台机器,并且在远程计算机上显示桌面和应用程序。如果你不使用Win XP的远程控制功能,可以禁止它。5.Remote Registry:使远程用户能修改此计算机上的注册表设置。注册表可以说是系统的核心内容,一般用户都不建议自行更改,更何况要让别人远程修改,所以这项服务是极其危险的。6.Fast User Switching Compatibility:在多用户下为需要协助的应用程序提供管理。Windows XP允许在一台电脑上进行多用户之间的快速切换,但是这项功能有个漏洞,当你点击“开始→注销→快速切换”,在传统登录方式下重复输入一个用户名进行登录时,系统会认为是暴力破解,而锁定所有非管理员账户。如果不经常使用,可以禁止该服务。或者在“控制面板→用户账户→更改用户登录或注销方式”中取消“使用快速用户切换”。7.Telnet:允许远程用户登录到此计算机并运行程序,并支持多种 TCP/IP Telnet客户,包括基于 UNIX 和 Windows 的计算机。又一个危险的服务,如果启动,远程用户就可以登录、访问本地的程序,甚至可以用它来修改你的ADSL Modem等的网络设置。除非你是网络专业人员或电脑不作为服务器使用,否则一定要禁止它。8.Performance Logs And Alerts:收集本地或远程计算机基于预先配置的日程参数的性能数据,然后将此数据写入日志或触发警报。为了防止被远程计算机搜索数据,坚决禁止它。9.Remote Desktop Help Session Manager:如果此服务被终止,远程协助将不可用。10.TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper:NetBIOS在Win 9X下就经常有人用它来进行攻击,对于不需要文件和打印共享的用户,此项也可以禁用。不一定要禁止的服务以上十项服务是对安全威胁较大的服务,普通用户一定要禁用它。另外还有一些普通用户可以按需求禁止的服务:1.Alerter:通知所选用户和计算机有关系统管理级警报。如果你未连上局域网且不需要管理警报,则可将其禁止。2.Indexing Service:本地和远程计算机上文件的索引内容和属性,提供文件快速访问。这项服务对个人用户没有多大用处。3.Application Layer Gateway Service:为Internet连接共享和Internet连接防火墙提供第三方协议插件的支持。如果你没有启用Internet连接共享或Windows XP的内置防火墙,可以禁止该服务。4.Uninterruptible Power Supply:管理连接到计算机的不间断电源,没有安装UPS的用户可以禁用。5.Print Spooler:将文件加载到内存中以便稍后打印。如果没装打印机,可以禁用。6.Smart Card:管理计算机对智能卡的读取访问。基本上用不上,可以禁用。7.Ssdp Discovery Service:启动家庭网络上的upnp设备自动发现。具有upnp的设备还不多,对于我们来说这个服务是没有用的。8.Automatic Updates:自动从Windows Update网络更新补丁。利用Windows Update功能进行升级,速度太慢,建议大家通过多线程下载工具下载补丁到本地硬盘后,再进行升级。9.Clipbook:启用“剪贴板查看器”储存信息并与远程计算机共享。如果不想与远程计算机进行信息共享,就可以禁止。10.Imapi Cd-burning Com Service:用Imapi管理CD录制,虽然Win XP中内置了此功能,但是我们大多会选择专业刻录软件,另外如果没有安装刻录机的话,也可以禁止该服务。11.Workstation:创建和维护到远程服务的客户端网络连接。如果服务停止,这些连接都将不可用。12.Error Reporting Service:服务和应用程序在非标准环境下运行时,允许错误报告。如果你不是专业人员,这个错误报告对你来说根本没用。

Red Red Wine 歌词

歌曲名:Red Red Wine歌手:UB40专辑:Original Hits - PartyRed, red wineGoes to my headMake me forget that IStill need her soRed, red wineIt`s up to youAll I can do, I`ve doneBut mem`ries won`t goMem`ries won`t goI`d have thoughtThat with timeThoughts of youWould leave my headI was wrongAnd I findJust one thing makes me forgetRed, red wineStay close to meDon`t let me be aloneIt`s tearin` apartMy blue, blue heartRed red wine you make me feel so fineYou keep me rocking all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so grandI feel a million dollars when your just in my handRed red wine you make me feel so sadAny time I see you go it makes me feel badRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla pon the sweet dep lineRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRedred wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeahRed red wine I`m gonna hold to youHold on to you cause I know you love trueRed red wine I`m gonna love you till I dieLove you till I die and that`s no lieRed red wine can`t get you out my mindWhere ever you maybe I`ll surely findI`ll surely find make no fuss jus` stick with us.Give me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me Red wine because it make me feel fineMek me feel fine all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep lineThe line broke, the monkey get chokeBurn bad rizla pon him little rowing boatRed red wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeah.http://music.baidu.com/song/59379674


  葡萄酒的种类非常多,而且有许多种不同的分法。  最常见的是以颜色来分,主要分为:  红葡萄酒red wine ( 法vin rouge )  白葡萄酒white wine ( 法vin blanc )  桃红葡萄酒rosé wine ( 法vin rosé )  也有以是否有气泡分成:  不起泡葡萄酒 still wine ( 法 vin tranquille )  起泡葡萄酒sparkling wine ( 法 vin effervescent )  也有以葡萄酒的甜度分成:  干型葡萄酒dry wine( 法vin sec )  半干型葡萄酒semi-dry wine( 法vin demi-sec )  甜型葡萄酒sweet wine ( 法 vin doux )  在葡萄酒中以人工的方式添加酒精则成为:  强化葡萄酒 fortified wine ( 法 vin fortifié )  采用单葡萄品种酿成称为:  单一葡萄品种葡萄酒 varietal wine ( vin de cépage )  红酒种类  1. 静 态 葡 萄 酒 ( Still Wine ) , 又 称 不 起 泡 葡 萄 酒平 常 人 所 说 的 Table Wine 就 属 于 此 类 , 这 是 将 分 解 所 产 生 的 二 氧 化 碳 挥 发 后 的 葡 萄 酒 , 酒 精 浓 度 介 乎 9 至 17 度 。  主 要 可 分 为 :  a. 红 酒 ( Red Wine ) : 由 红 葡 萄 连 同 果 皮 一 起 发 酵 而 成 , 通 常 需 至 少 5 、 6 年 的 时 间 才 成 熟  b. 白 酒 ( White Wine ) : 由 白 葡 萄 ( 黄 、 绿 系 ) 或 红 葡 萄 去果 柄 、 果 皮 再 压 榨 而 成 , 有 甜 与 不 甜 之 分 , 成 熟 时 间 介 乎 2 至 5 年 。  c. 玫 瑰 红 酒 ( RoseWine ) : 把 红 葡 萄 连 果 皮 一 起 拿 来 发 酵 , 发 酵 时 在 去 果 皮 或 把 红 、 白 葡 萄 混 合 发 酵 , 或 者 将做 好 的 白 酒 用 红 葡 萄 加 以 浸 泡 。  2. 香 槟 汽 泡 酒 ( Champagne Sparkling Wine )  a. 香 槟 酒 ( Champagne ) : 只 有 出 产 于 法 国 香 槟 地 ( 法 国 东 北 边 一 个 小 区 域 Champagne ) 的 汽 泡 酒 才 可 称 之 为 「 香 槟 酒 」 。  b. 汽 泡 葡 萄 酒 ( Sparkling Wine ) : 在 Champagne 以 外 的 产 区 经 传 统 方 式 酿 造 而 成 , 因 二 次 发 酵 会 有 一 些 残 存 的 二 氧 化 碳 , 故 开 瓶后 会 剧 烈 的 起 泡 。  3. 加 烈 葡 萄 酒 ( Fortified Wine ) , 又 称 强 化 性 酒精。压 榨 的 葡 萄 汁 加 入 酵 母 后 , 待 其 发 酵 时 再 添 加 白 兰 地 , 以 停 止 它 发 酵 , 因 此 比 一 般葡 萄 酒 含 有 较 高 的 酒 精 及 甜 度 , 如 雪 利 酒 ( Sherry ) , 酒 精 浓 度 为 14 至 24 度 。  4. 加 味 葡 萄 酒 ( Aromatized Wine ) , 又 称 混 合 型 葡 萄 酒。主 要 是 把 葡萄 酒 加 上 药 草 、 香 料 、 色 素 等 配 合 而 成 , 如 苦 艾 酒 。


Git是一个免费的、开源的版本控制软件。在Windows上安装git,一般为msysgit。1、下载:在官方网站下载最新版本。2、安装:点击下一步,直到出现步骤三。3、在Windows Explorer integration选项中将“Git Bash here”和“Git GUI here”打对勾。4、在“Adjusting your PATH environment”选项中,默认即可。5、在“Configuring the line ending conversions”选项中,第一个选项:如果是跨平台项目,在windows系统安装,选择;第二个选项:如果是跨平台项目,在Unix系统安装,选择;第三个选项:非跨平台项目,选择。6、选择“Finish”,结束安装。7、在桌面上,可以看到安装后的“Git Bash”选项,双击打开,可以进行操作了。

Red, Red Wine 歌词

歌曲名:Red, Red Wine歌手:Neil Diamond专辑:The Essential Neil DiamondRed, red wineGoes to my headMake me forget that IStill need her soRed, red wineIt`s up to youAll I can do, I`ve doneBut mem`ries won`t goMem`ries won`t goI`d have thoughtThat with timeThoughts of youWould leave my headI was wrongAnd I findJust one thing makes me forgetRed, red wineStay close to meDon`t let me be aloneIt`s tearin` apartMy blue, blue heartRed red wine you make me feel so fineYou keep me rocking all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so grandI feel a million dollars when your just in my handRed red wine you make me feel so sadAny time I see you go it makes me feel badRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla pon the sweet dep lineRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRedred wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeahRed red wine I`m gonna hold to youHold on to you cause I know you love trueRed red wine I`m gonna love you till I dieLove you till I die and that`s no lieRed red wine can`t get you out my mindWhere ever you maybe I`ll surely findI`ll surely find make no fuss jus` stick with us.Give me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me little time, help me clear up me mindGive me Red wine because it make me feel fineMek me feel fine all of the timeRed red wine you make me feel so fineMonkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep lineThe line broke, the monkey get chokeBurn bad rizla pon him little rowing boatRed red wine you really know how fi loveYour kind of loving like a blessing from aboveRed red wine I love you right from the startRight from the start with all of my heartRed red wine you give me whole heap of zingWhole heap of zing mek me do me own thingRed red wine in a 80`s styleRed red wine in a modern beat style, yeah.http://music.baidu.com/song/8340427

win10无法启动workstation 错误 1307

服务-Workstations的属性-登录-选择此账户-浏览-高级-立即查找-NETWORK SERVICE确定-空密码-常规-启动



软件git,github for window,tortoisegit有什么区别

git是版本控制软件,有客户端和服务器,是代码托管平台。github for window 是github出品的git可视化管理工具。tortoisegit 也是一款git可视化管理工具。如果不是用图形化管理工具,安装完git客户端有git bash命令行工具可以使用。


如何在windows上架设Git服务器 翻译自google(或者googlecode?),自己加了一段关于ssh密钥的操作。 TortoiseGit + msysgit + CopSSH + WindowsXP as server 1.需要软件 msysgit (服务器和客户端) CopSSH (服务器) TortoiseGit (客户端) Junction Link Magic (服务器,可选) 版本就不写了,找最新的就是 2.服务器上 安装msysgit 选择plink, 不是OpenSSH 选择将Git加入path (第二个选项) 安装CopSSH 使用默认设置安装 CopSSH默认安装在C:Program FilesICW 修改CopSSH设置 在C:Program FilesICWetcsshd_config中, 下面一行取消注释并设为"no" PasswordAuthentication no 建立一个windows账户 Control Panel > User Accounts > Create new account 在CopSSH中激活这个账户 Start > Programs > Copssh > "Activate a user" 选择一个账户,其他的用默认(/bin/bash, 等) 输入密码,这个密码必须记住,将用来激活私钥。 在C:Program FilesICWhome, 每个账户有一个子目录。将其中的<user>.key和<user>.key.pub和刚刚输入的密码发给用户。 安装一个空的git仓库 如准备将D:project1作为Git仓库 在cmd中输入如下命令 d: md project1.git cd project1.git git --bare init 这样,d:/project1就成为一个git仓库 赋予用户修改权限 在D:project1上右键 > 安全,允许刚建立的windows账户"写"和"修改" 服务器上打开22端口 由于ssh服务器不能找到git命令,需要如下操作: Start > CopSSH > Start a unix bash shell. cd /Bin 建立符号链接到git.exe, git-receive-pack.exe, git-upload-archive.exe, git-upload-pack.exe: $ ln -s /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Git/bin/git.exe git.exe $ ln -s /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Git/libexec/git-core/git-receive-pack.exe git-receive-pack.exe $ ln -s /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Git/libexec/git-core/git-upload-archive.exe git-upload-archive.exe $ ln -s /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Git/libexec/git-core/git-upload-pack.exe git-upload-pack.exe (按自己的安装git的路径改,空格要转为" ") 可选步骤:安装Junction Link Magic 在C:Program FilesICWhome用户的目录下建立一个空目录,名称为pro1 启动Junction Link Magic,将git仓库的目录D:project1 junction到C:Program FilesICWhome用户pro1 服务器设置结束 3. 客户端上 对于用户,要有 私钥文件如<user>.key 私钥文件的密码 服务器地址 服务器上用户的ID 安装 msysgit 选择plink 选择将git放入windows path 安装TortoiseGit 安装后,在Settings > Network > SSH设置: SSH Client = C:Program FilesTortoiseGitinTortoisePlink.exe (下面的操作很可能不成功,需要另外的方式配置密钥) 运行C:Program FilesTortoiseGitinputtygen.exe: CopSSH中生成的密钥是OpenSSH keys, 但这里需要putty keys。将私钥转成putty格式的。 按 "Load" > 选择文件 <user>.key 找个地方保存私钥 <user>.ppk 运行C:Program FilesTortoiseGitinPageant.exe 加入新生成的<user>.ppk,在询问密码时输入密码 注意: 每次启动后,都需要运行Pageant.exe, 加入<user>.ppk, 并输入密码. 在我的机器上,TortoiseGit自带的puttygen不认CopSSH生成的OpenSSH keys,需要下载最新的puttygen http://tartarus.org/~simon/putty-snapshots/x86/puttygen.exe 来生成ppk私钥。 或另外一种方法是:使用puttygen生成ppk格式的私钥,并将生成时上部显示的公钥替换OpenSSH的authorized_kyes中的内容。不过这样会导致无法交互式登入OpenSSH服务器,但仍可继续下面的操作。 4.开始使用 在用户的机器上clone git仓库 URL = <user>@<server>:d:/project1 或使用junction后的路径 URL = <user>@<server>:pro1 如不使用Pageant.exe,就要设置"Load Putty Key" (yes) = (path to <user>.ppk).并且每次和服务器的操作都要求输入密码。 注意:第一次连接服务器时,会要求保存服务器的公钥,选择yes。 (这里有个问题:git客户端会报服务器某个dll没有找到,这时把git安装目录下的那个dll文件复制到CopSSH的bin下就好) 如果服务器上的git仓库和CopSSH安装在同一个盘符上,则可以省略盘符,如 URL = ssh://<user>@<server>/project1 转载仅供参考,版权属于原作者。祝你愉快,满意请采纳哦



U40唱的 red red wine 歌词 中文翻译

这是一首很好的歌,昨天听时找歌词才发现SOSO的机器翻译不对劲。重新翻译了下。其中一段不但引用其他歌,而且故意模仿醉汉的发音,很难翻译。请大家随便看。    大家听歌时注意听完整版本,有RAP的那种。听这个歌时请想象你在酒吧,喝醉了,有着幻觉的感觉。反复的RED RED WINE就像你对着酒杯诉说着什么。     red red wine 红红的酒啊    Goes to my head 酒上了头  Make me forget that I 让我忘记了  Still need her so 我仍然如此需要她  Red, red wine 红红的酒啊  It`s up to you 全靠你了  All I can do, I`ve done 我能做的一切都已经做了  But mem`ries won`t go 但是记忆仍未消失  Mem`ries won`t go 记忆仍未消失  I`d have thought 我曾经这样以为  That with time 随着时间的流逝  Thoughts of you 对你的思念  Would leave my head 将离开我的大脑  I was wrong 我错了  And I find 并且我发现  Just one thing makes me forget 只有一个对象能让我忘记你  Red, red wine 红红的酒  Stay close to me 伴随在我身边啊  Don`t let me be alone 不要让我孤单  It`s tearin` apart 它撕裂了  My blue, blue heart 我那颗深深忧郁的心  I`d have thought 我曾经以为  That with time 伴随时间的流逝  Thoughts of you 对你的思念  Would leave my head 将离开我的大脑  I was wrong 我错了  And I find 我发现  Just one thing makes me forget 只有一个东西能让我忘记你  Red, red wine 红红的酒  Stay close to me 伴随在我身边啊  Don`t let me be alone 不要让我孤单  It`s tearin` apart 它撕裂了  My blue, blue heart 我那颗深深忧郁的心  Red red wine you make me feel so fine 红红的酒啊,你让我感觉真好  You keep me rocking all of the time 你让我一直迷糊不定  Red red wine you make me feel so grand 红红的酒啊,你让我感觉高大了,  I feel a million dollars when your just in my hand 你在我手上时我感觉有了百万美元  Red red wine you make me feel so sad 红红的酒啊你让我如此悲伤  Any time I see you go it makes me feel bad 无论何时,看到你离开,我就是感到那么悲伤啊  Red red wine you make me feel so fine 红红的酒啊,你让我感觉真好  Monkey pack him rizla pon the sweet dep line 猴子在公交站台那卷着烟  Red red wine you give me whole heap of zing 红红的酒啊,你给我充足的能量,  Whole heap of zing mek me do me own thing 充足的让我为所欲为的能量  Redred wine you really know how fi love 红红的酒啊,你真的该知道我多么爱她  Your kind of loving like a blessing from above 你那美好的爱就像上天给我的祝福  Red red wine I love you right from the start 红红的酒啊,我真的从一开始就爱着她  Right from the start with all of my heart 从一开始我就全心的爱着她  Red red wine in a 80`s style 红红的酒啊,八十年代的品味  Red red wine in a modern beat style, yeah 红红的酒啊,有着现代的节奏  Give me little time, help me clear up me mind 给我一点点时间,让我清醒下头脑  Give me little time, help me clear up me mind 给我一点点时间,让我清醒下头脑    Give me Red wine because it make me feel fine 给我再来杯红酒,因为它它让我感觉真好  Mek me feel fine all of the time 让我无时无刻的感觉真好  Red red wine you make me feel so fine 红红的酒啊,你让我感觉真好  Monkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep line 猴子在公交站台那卷着烟  The line broke, the monkey get choke 电线断了,猴子噎着了  Burn bad rizla pon him little rowing boat 点着了它的那条小船  Red red wine I`m gonna hold to you 红红的酒啊,我将要拥有着你  Hold on to you cause I know you love true 拥着你因为我知道你的真正的爱  Red red wine I`m gonna love you till I die 红红的酒啊,我将爱着你直到死去  Love you till I die and that`s no lie 爱你至死这不是谎言  Red red wine can`t get you out my mind 红红的酒啊,你不能把她从我脑海中弄走  Where ever you maybe I`ll surely find 无论你到哪里我一定会找到你  I`ll surely find make no fuss jus` stick with us. 我一定能找到你,别计较,跟着我吧  Give me little time, help me clear up me mind 给我一点点时间,让我清醒下头脑  Give me little time, help me clear up me mind 给我一点点时间,让我清醒下头脑  Give me Red wine because it make me feel fine 在给我杯红酒吧,因为它让我感觉真好  Mek me feel fine all of the time 让我无时无刻的感觉真好  Red red wine you make me feel so fine 红红的酒啊让我感觉真好  Monkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep line 猴子在公交站台那卷着烟  The line broke, the monkey get choke 电线断了,猴子噎着了  Burn bad rizla pon him little rowing boat 点着了它的那条小船  Red red wine you really know how fi love 红红的酒啊,你真的该知道我多爱她  Your kind of loving like a blessing from above 你那美好的爱就像上天给我的祝福  Red red wine I love you right from the start 红红的酒啊,我真的从一开始就爱着她  Right from the start with all of my heart 从一开始我就全心的爱着她  Red red wine you give me whole heap of zing 红红的酒啊,你给我充足的能量,  Whole heap of zing mek me do me own thing 充足的让我为所欲为的能量  Red red wine in a 80`s style 红红的酒啊,八十年代的品味    Red red wine in a modern beat style, yeah.红红的酒啊,有着现代的节奏         中间一段引用的一个“半儿歌”歌词    西洋歌手 u25ba 亚伦卡特 u25ba Aaron"s Party(欢乐派对) u25ba The Clapping Song    The goose drank wine  The monkey chew tobacco on the streetcar line  The line broke, the monkey got choked  And they all went to heaven in a little rowboat

Dance With The Devil 歌词

歌曲名:Dance With The Devil歌手:UB40专辑:UB40Breaking Benjamin - Dance With The DevilHere I stand, helpless and left for dead.Cleave your eyes, so many days gone by.Easy to find what"s wrong,harder to find what"s right.I believe in you, I can show youthat I can see right through all your empty lies.I won"t stay long, in this world so long.Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,as we dance with the devil tonight.Trembling, crawling across my skin.Feeling your cold dead eyes,stealing the life of mine.I believe in you, I can show youthat I can see right through all your empty lies.I won"t last long, in this world so wrong.Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,as we dance with the devil tonight.Hold on, hold on.Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,as we dance with the devil tonight.Hold on, hold on.http://music.baidu.com/song/3465856

rusty lake hotel第二个房间的red wine在哪弄

一定要按照顺序依次解决这些动物才能拿到三星,顺序是:鹿、兔子、鸽子、野鸡、野猪,干掉野鸡之后,第二天早上再去原来野鸡站的地方就有red wine了。全三星攻略请见:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1448392499523348500

Dance with the Devil 歌词

歌曲名:Dance with the Devil歌手:Cozy Powell专辑:This Is... 1973Breaking Benjamin - Dance With The DevilHere I stand, helpless and left for dead.Cleave your eyes, so many days gone by.Easy to find what"s wrong,harder to find what"s right.I believe in you, I can show youthat I can see right through all your empty lies.I won"t stay long, in this world so long.Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,as we dance with the devil tonight.Trembling, crawling across my skin.Feeling your cold dead eyes,stealing the life of mine.I believe in you, I can show youthat I can see right through all your empty lies.I won"t last long, in this world so wrong.Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,as we dance with the devil tonight.Hold on, hold on.Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,as we dance with the devil tonight.Hold on, hold on.http://music.baidu.com/song/59381417

Dance With the Devil 歌词

歌曲名:Dance With the Devil歌手:Cozy Powell专辑:Balearic RockBreaking Benjamin - Dance With The DevilHere I stand, helpless and left for dead.Cleave your eyes, so many days gone by.Easy to find what"s wrong,harder to find what"s right.I believe in you, I can show youthat I can see right through all your empty lies.I won"t stay long, in this world so long.Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,as we dance with the devil tonight.Trembling, crawling across my skin.Feeling your cold dead eyes,stealing the life of mine.I believe in you, I can show youthat I can see right through all your empty lies.I won"t last long, in this world so wrong.Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,as we dance with the devil tonight.Hold on, hold on.Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,as we dance with the devil tonight.Hold on, hold on.http://music.baidu.com/song/25784937

Breaking Benjamin-dance with the devil翻译中文

Breaking Benjamin - Dance With The Devil(与魔鬼共舞)Here I stand, helpless and left for dead.我站在这里,无助地等待死亡Cleave your eyes, so many days gone by.张开你的眼睛,那么多日子过去了Easy to find what"s wrong,很多事情都是错的harder to find what"s right.很少事情是对的I believe in you, I can show you我相信你,我可以证明给你看that I can see right through all your empty lies.我可以看穿你所有的谎言I won"t stay long, in this world so long.我不会活很久,即将不久于人世Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.说再见,今晚让我们与魔鬼共舞Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,你不敢望着他的眼睛as we dance with the devil tonight.今晚我们与魔鬼共舞Trembling, crawling across my skin.颤抖,在我皮肤上爬行(我在颤抖)Feeling your cold dead eyes,感觉到你冰冷无气息的眼睛stealing the life of mine.正在夺取我的生命I believe in you, I can show you我相信你,我可以证明给你看that I can see right through all your empty lies.我可以看穿你所有虚假的谎言I won"t last long, in this world so wrong.我不会存在很久,在这个错误的世界Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.说再见,今晚我们与魔鬼共舞Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,你不敢望着他的眼睛as we dance with the devil tonight.今晚我们与魔鬼共舞Hold on, hold on.等等,等等Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.说再见,今晚我们与魔鬼共舞Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,你不敢望着他的眼睛as we dance with the devil tonight.今晚我们与魔鬼共舞Hold on, hold on. 等等,等等





claret 和red wine有什么区别,高手解答

red wine 指的是红葡萄酒的统称claret 特指法国波尔多产的干红, 深紫红色



英语中wine 什么时候指果酒 那red wine呢?应该指的就是红色的葡萄酒吧 百度百科为什么还


red wine是不是就是红酒啊?

red wine字面翻译过来应是红葡萄酒,红葡萄酒是葡萄酒的一个类型.根据葡萄酒的颜色,红酒分为红葡萄酒(Red Wine),白葡萄酒(White Wine)跟桃红葡萄酒(Rose Wine)。深圳的乐勤汇进口酒加盟店就做了很多国家的原装原瓶进口红酒,可以详细去做了解。


TortoiseGit使用入门本地使用Git首先要确定TortoiseGit已找到msysgit,如果先安装msysgit 再装TortoiseGit, 一般TortoiseGit 就会自动的识别。 安装详见TortoiseGit安装教程 设置与查询的方法,这里从开始菜单进入设置。 这是TortoiseGit的设置界面,可以看到用来定位MSysGit的路径。 点“Check now”检查有效性。如果有错的话,就自己设置msysgit的bin文件路径。 右击任意文件夹,可以看到TortoiseGit已经嵌入右键了。 “Git Clone...”是获得远程的版本库,“Git Create repository here”是将选定的文件夹作为要创建的版本库。 在要创建版本库的文件夹中点“Git Create repository here”后,会显示: 点“Ok”就会在该文件夹的根目录自动创建一个隐藏文件夹".git" 。 注意:最好找个空的文件夹练习操作,或者备份文件夹。比如误选了Clean up把无版本控制的文件都删了,哭都来不及 -_-。 现在,用git初始化过的文件夹就不一样啦!! 不仅文件都有附加的绿钩图标(此为已添加进版本库且未被修改过的文件),右键菜单也多了操作选项。 将要使用git版本库管理的文件,选择后用git的菜单add进去 master是Git默认的主要分支(主干),适合单人独自开发。多人开发时可以给每个人创建一个分支。 按Git Commit -> “master”是将所选文件夹内容提交到用于汇总的库上。(不知道的话,千万不要随便按) 提交修改后,出现: 以上就是如何提交更改到本地的版本库,所以无论有无网络Git都可以用。 远程使用Git本地Commit(提交)后,下面介绍的就是Push到远程啦. 这里以Git与sourceforge.net通信为例。 首先,在待提交的本地文件夹内右键单击空白处,选择 TortiseGit->Settings 。 然后选择Config,并填写sourceforge.net中的用户名和邮箱。 当然填其他的也可以,这里填的是每次提交后,版本库中显示出来的作者名和联系方式。 接着选择Remote,可以看见右图有3个需要填写的文本框。 Remote:远程传送的一个代号(可以随便起个名字,自己看得懂就行) Url:要提交的sourceforge目标地址,格式是 ssh://用户名@项目名.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/项目名/版本库名 (把orange030换成你的sorcefore用户名,比用户名为如aaa,那你就应该写ssh://aaa@throwstone.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/throwstone/throwstone) 地址也可在项目页中查找,方法为登录sorcefore后,在自己的项目页进入Code->Git 中Git Access那一栏即可看到 (read-only) 和 (read/write) 地址 Putty:你在sorceforge上使用的密钥 (设置sourceforge的SSH key) 填好后点addnew增加即可。 要从本地文件夹更新至网络库,选中文件夹(必须是Git初始化过的),然后右键单击,选择TortoiseGit->Push...,弹出下列窗口。 选择要push的本地分支,和远程目标的分支,点“OK”。 要从网络库更新至本地文件夹,相应的,选择TortoiseGit->Pull...。 在确定你已经设置过Remote的情况下,点“OK”就可以了。 如果下图中Remote下拉菜单是空白的,那就说明你还没设置好Remote,点击“Manage Remotes”进行设置。(请参考上文) 注:如果出现下图所示的小框框,只要填入你在sorceforge上所用putty的密码就可以了,但是速度要快,否则可能会超时。 不过超时了也没大碍,只要你输入了正确的密码,第二次pull就不用再输入了。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

classical wine是什么酒


U40唱的 red red wine 歌词 中文翻译

  Goes to my head  Make me forget that I  Still need her so  Red, red wine  It`s up to you  All I can do, I`ve done  But mem`ries won`t go  Mem`ries won`t go  I`d have thought  That with time  Thoughts of you  Would leave my head  I was wrong  And I find  Just one thing makes me forget  Red, red wine  Stay close to me  Don`t let me be alone  It`s tearin` apart  My blue, blue heart  I`d have thought  That with time  Thoughts of you  Would leave my head  I was wrong  And I find  Just one thing makes me forget  Red, red wine  Stay close to me  Don`t let me be alone  It`s tearin` apart  My blue, blue heart  Red red wine you make me feel so fine  You keep me rocking all of the time  Red red wine you make me feel so grand  I feel a million dollars when your just in my hand  Red red wine you make me feel so sad  Any time I see you go it makes me feel bad  Red red wine you make me feel so fine  Monkey pack him rizla pon the sweet dep line  Red red wine you give me whole heap of zing  Whole heap of zing mek me do me own thing  Redred wine you really know how fi love  Your kind of loving like a blessing from above  Red red wine I love you right from the start  Right from the start with all of my heart  Red red wine in a 80`s style  Red red wine in a modern beat style, yeah  Give me little time, help me clear up me mind  Give me little time, help me clear up me mind  Give me Red wine because it make me feel fine  Mek me feel fine all of the time  Red red wine you make me feel so fine  Monkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep line  The line broke, the monkey get choke  Burn bad rizla pon him little rowing boat  Red red wine I`m gonna hold to you  Hold on to you cause I know you love true  Red red wine I`m gonna love you till I die  Love you till I die and that`s no lie  Red red wine can`t get you out my mind  Where ever you maybe I`ll surely find  I`ll surely find make no fuss jus` stick with us.  Give me little time, help me clear up me mind  Give me little time, help me clear up me mind  Give me Red wine because it make me feel fine  Mek me feel fine all of the time  Red red wine you make me feel so fine  Monkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep line  The line broke, the monkey get choke  Burn bad rizla pon him little rowing boat  Red red wine you really know how fi love  Your kind of loving like a blessing from above  Red red wine I love you right from the start  Right from the start with all of my heart  Red red wine you give me whole heap of zing  Whole heap of zing mek me do me own thing  Red red wine in a 80`s style  Red red wine in a modern beat style, yeah.  翻译:  而且我觉得  转到我的头  让我忘记了我  还需要她,  它怎么了你  我所能做的,我已经做过`  红,红葡萄酒  但是,纪念`里斯那倒去  纪念`里斯那倒去  完了还以为  随着时间的推移  你思考  我错了  而且我觉得  会离开我的头  红,红葡萄酒  只是有一点让我忘记  别让我孤单  靠近我  离这儿tearin`除了  完了还以为  我国蓝色,蓝色的心  随着时间的推移  你思考  会离开我的头  我错了  而且我觉得  红,红葡萄酒  只是有一点让我忘记  靠近我  别让我孤单  离这儿tearin`除了  我国蓝色,蓝色的心  红的红葡萄酒,你让我感觉这么好  你让我摇动所有的时间  红的红葡萄酒,你让我感到如此宏伟  我觉得当你只是在我的手一亿美元  红的红葡萄酒,你让我感到非常伤心  红的红葡萄酒,你让我感觉这么好  他瑞兹拉PON的猴子包甜副线  红的红葡萄酒你给我整堆的尖啸声  任何时候,我看见你走这让我感觉不好  整个堆诚丁酮我做我自己的事  Redred酒你真的知道如何爱科幻  您种爱像上面的祝福  红葡萄酒红我爱你从一开始  从一所有与我的心开始  红的红葡萄酒在现代队的风格,是啊  红的红葡萄酒在80`风格  给我一点时间,帮助我,我头脑清醒  给我一点时间,帮助我,我头脑清醒  我觉得罚款MEK的所有时间  给我红葡萄酒,因为它使我感觉很好  红的红葡萄酒,你让我感觉这么好  他对猴子包甜副线瑞兹拉  该生产线打破了,猴子得到呛  他烧伤坏瑞兹拉PON的小划艇  红米红葡萄酒`我要去保留对您的  留住你,因为我知道你爱的真谛  红米红葡萄酒`我要去爱你,直到我死  爱你,直到死,而且`没谎言  红色红葡萄酒可以`吨让你出我的心  无论你在哪里也许我给你肯定会发现  给我一点时间,帮助我,我头脑清醒  我给你肯定会发现使无事绝对`我们坚持。  给我一点时间,帮助我,我头脑清醒  给我红葡萄酒,因为它使我感觉很好  我觉得罚款MEK的所有时间  红的红葡萄酒,你让我感觉这么好  他对猴子包甜副线瑞兹拉  该生产线打破了,猴子得到呛  他烧伤坏瑞兹拉PON的小划艇  红的红葡萄酒你真的知道如何爱科幻  您种爱像上面的祝福  红葡萄酒红我爱你从一开始  从一所有与我的心开始  红的红葡萄酒你给我整堆的尖啸声  红的红葡萄酒在80`风格  红的红葡萄酒在现代队的风格,是啊。


分类: 生活 >> 美食/烹饪 问题描述: 要做presentation,求高手指教,给一些资料或者国内的网站网址都可以 解析: 葡萄酒的种类非常多,而且有许多种不同的分法。 最常见的是以颜色来分,主要分为: 红葡萄酒red wine ( 法vin rouge )白葡萄酒white wine ( 法vin blanc ) 桃红葡萄酒rosé wine ( 法vin rosé ) 也有以是否有气泡分成: 不起泡葡萄酒 still wine ( 法 vin tranquille ) 起泡葡萄酒sparkling wine ( 法 vin effervescent ) 也有以葡萄酒的甜度分成: 干型葡萄酒dry wine( 法vin sec ) 半干型葡萄酒semi-dry wine( 法vin demi-sec ) 甜型葡萄酒sweet wine ( 法 vin doux ) 在葡萄酒中以人工的方式添加酒精则成为: 强化葡萄酒 fortified wine ( 法 vin fortifié ) 采用单葡萄品种酿成称为: 单一葡萄品种葡萄酒 varietal wine ( vin de cépage ) 红酒种类 1. 静 态 葡 萄 酒 ( Still Wine ) , 又 称 不 起 泡 葡 萄 酒平 常 人 所 说 的 Table Wine 就 属 于 此 类 , 这 是 将 分 解 所 产 生 的 二 氧 化 碳 挥 发 后 的 葡 萄 酒 , 酒 精 浓 度 介 乎 9 至 17 度 。 主 要 可 分 为 : a. 红 酒 ( Red Wine ) : 由 红 葡 萄 连 同 果 皮 一 起 发 酵 而 成 , 通 常 需 至 少 5 、 6 年 的 时 间 才 成 熟 b. 白 酒 ( White Wine ) : 由 白 葡 萄 ( 黄 、 绿 系 ) 或 红 葡 萄 去果 柄 、 果 皮 再 压 榨 而 成 , 有 甜 与 不 甜 之 分 , 成 熟 时 间 介 乎 2 至 5 年 。 c. 玫 瑰 红 酒 ( RoseWine ) : 把 红 葡 萄 连 果 皮 一 起 拿 来 发 酵 , 发 酵 时 在 去 果 皮 或 把 红 、 白 葡 萄 混 合 发 酵 , 或 者 将做 好 的 白 酒 用 红 葡 萄 加 以 浸 泡 。 2. 香 槟 汽 泡 酒 ( Champagne Sparkling Wine ) a. 香 槟 酒 ( Champagne ) : 只 有 出 产 于 法 国 香 槟 地 ( 法 国 东 北 边 一 个 小 区 域 Champagne ) 的 汽 泡 酒 才 可 称 之 为 「 香 槟 酒 」 。 b. 汽 泡 葡 萄 酒 ( Sparkling Wine ) : 在 Champagne 以 外 的 产 区 经 传 统 方 式 酿 造 而 成 , 因 二 次 发 酵 会 有 一 些 残 存 的 二 氧 化 碳 , 故 开 瓶后 会 剧 烈 的 起 泡 。 3. 加 烈 葡 萄 酒 ( Fortified Wine ) , 又 称 强 化 性 酒精。压 榨 的 葡 萄 汁 加 入 酵 母 后 , 待 其 发 酵 时 再 添 加 白 兰 地 , 以 停 止 它 发 酵 , 因 此 比 一 般葡 萄 酒 含 有 较 高 的 酒 精 及 甜 度 , 如 雪 利 酒 ( Sherry ) , 酒 精 浓 度 为 14 至 24 度 。 4. 加 味 葡 萄 酒 ( Aromatized Wine ) , 又 称 混 合 型 葡 萄 酒。主 要 是 把 葡萄 酒 加 上 药 草 、 香 料 、 色 素 等 配 合 而 成 , 如 苦 艾 酒 。

英语中wine 什么时候指果酒 那red wine呢?应该指的就是红色的葡萄酒吧 百度百科为什么还


dry red wine是什么酒








Red Wine 和 Vintage 有什么分别?

"Vintage" - 跟据 Merriam-Webster Dictionary 诠释 : "(1) a season"s yield of grapes or wine from a vineyard (2) : WINE; especially : a usually superior wine all or most of which es from a single year." 所以,"vintage" 一词是指葡萄酒的年份。"Vintage Wine" 才是指该葡萄酒是全部用于标签上标明的年份所出产的葡萄酿造。通常符合所属 appellation最低标准的出品都会标明年份 (vintage year)。没标明年份的红餐酒多属品质不太高的出品。 至于"Red Wine" ,基本上是指品质一般的红葡萄酒(红餐酒),但若你对世界各地的红酒酒庄有一定认识的话,你会发现有些颇具名气的著名酒庄,因所属的Appellation 标准限制关系,所用葡萄品种的比例跟标准有出入而不能以所用葡萄命名(例如Napa Valley的红酒,所用单一葡萄品种要最少占75%才可以放葡萄品种于标签上, 标明Caber Sauvignon的要含最少75%的Caber Sauvignon,其他葡萄品种如Merlot,Caber Franc等不可超过25% )因此只可以于标签上写上"Red Wine"。较知名的如 Dominus 的出品,及Joseph Phelps的旗舰出品Insignia。两者都售价过仟港元一瓶,两者都自称为"Red Wine". Robert Parkers都给两者很高的评价。 2007-04-16 14:43:40 补充: 所以叫"Red Wine" 的,亦未必百份百是质素差/普通的代表,切勿以遍盖全。,vintage 指高级品质的葡萄所酿出来的高等酒或者是那种很有味道风味独特的酒。 red wine 通常都指餐酒,或者是普通的红酒 详细可见以下网址 en. *** /wiki/Vintage en. *** /wiki/Wine,



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Window of the world的简介的英语作文

Olympic Games is window, I keep watch. This is a maximum window, had been rubbed bright. Through it, those that see are worlds. Here, it is changing every day, here burgeoning thing is being replaced. Have only me, this loyalty keep watch, it is paying attention to it every day, hopes to know it more. Olympic Games is crossing, I am pedestrian. There are many persons who pass here every day, there is Asian, have European, there is old person, have child. Here is traffic fort, joins the friend of all corners of the country. I pass the one of persons of hundreds of millions of here merely, cross it, go to another world. Olympic Games is Holy Land, I am volunteer. This is the land with pure flat, has holy fire from start to finish to accompany in side. Just because it is so, I pay out voluntarily for it, I will let my strength, let this slice of land more clean, let more ones know it, is also willing to devote oneself to it as me. I still help to the person who comes to here, let them enjoy the happiness of this slice of Holy Land. Olympic Games is platform, I am host. It has put up platform for us , lets world know us; It has built bridge for us , lets us and world link up better. This platform may let us display self wantonly. I am the host of here, I am proud to be the host of here. I will let the friendship of landlord, let guest experience enthusiasm and happiness.




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Those require* that a lock file be defined and creatable/removable by the web* server.*/# $wgGroupPermissions["developer"]["siteadmin"] = true;阻止新用户注册u2022 $wgGroupPermissions["*" ]["createaccount"] = false;注意:阻止新用户注册,此时管理员可以到特殊页面上的用户登录页面(Special:UserLogin)里,输入希望为其建立帐户的某人的用户名 与电子邮件地址,然后点击通过eMail(by email)按钮递交,系统将创建帐号并将随机生成的密码发送到指定email里。设定匿名用户可看的页面$wgWhitelistRead = array (”Main Page”, “Special:Userlogin”, “Wikipedia:Help”);匿名用户只能看到Main Page、登录页面以及帮助页面。修改其他的例子:$wgWhitelistRead = array (”首页”, “Special:Userlogin”, “某某Wiki:Help”);设置匿名用户权限u2022 $wgGroupPermissions["*" ]["createaccount"] = false;u2022 $wgGroupPermissions["*" ]["read"] = true;u2022 $wgGroupPermissions["*" ]["edit"] = false;u2022 $wgGroupPermissions["user" ]["createaccount"] = true;u2022 $wgGroupPermissions["user" ]["edit"] = true;设置匿名用户可读内容u2022 $wgWhitelistRead = array( "Main Page", "Special:Userlogin" );u2022 $wgGroupPermissions["*" ]["read"] = false;注意:具体需要对应自己的站点链接,而对于多字节语言的MediaWiki,例如中文首页链接index.php?title=%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5,这首页中文字符PHP可能无法正确解码。需要利用urldecode()函数转换一下,写为:u2022 $wgWhitelistRead = array( urldecode("%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5") ;禁止匿名用户编辑u2022 #$wgGroupPermissions = array();u2022 $wgGroupPermissions["*createaccount"] = false;u2022 $wgGroupPermissions["*"]["read"] = true;u2022 $wgGroupPermissions["*"]["edit"] = false;“编辑”标签仍会显示,但匿名用户点击时会被提示要求进行登录。等式右侧的值决定各组成员的权限。左侧第一方括号内的"*"代表包括匿名用户在内的所有成员。登录用户控制存放在"user"组,这些将综合决定user_groups数据表中的成员权限。这些设置取代了以前的wgWhitelistAccount和wgWhitelistEdit。如此设定后,用户连首页和登录页面也看不到了。

如何找到:Windows Extensions

因为要配制那个super-site的运行环境,其中就有提到,要找到这个Windows Extensions ,也就是windows的扩展,但不知该到哪去找, 在 Windows Extensions 下方的动态模块配置中,需要打开以下模块支持:(去掉模块配置每行前面的;号即可)

歌曲: Bleeding Love歌手: Leona Lewis语言:英语所属专辑: Bleeding Love

歌名:Bleeding Love填词:Jesse McCartney谱曲:Ryan Tedder原唱:Leona LewisClosed off from loveI didn"t need the painOnce or twice was enoughAnd it was all in vainTime starts to passBefore you know it you"re frozenBut something happenedFor the very first time with youMy heart melts into the groundFound something trueAnd everyone"s looking roundThinking I"m going crazyBut I don"t care what they sayI"m in love with youThey try to pull me awayBut they don"t know the truthMy heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closingYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me openTrying hard not to hearBut they talk so loudTheir piercing sounds fill my earsTry to fill me with doubtYet I know that the goalIs to keep me from fallingBut nothing"s greaterThan the rush that comes with your embraceAnd in this world of lonelinessI see your faceYet everyone around meThinks that I"m going crazy, maybe, maybeBut I don"t care what they sayI"m in love with youThey try to pull me awayBut they don"t know the truthMy heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closingYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me openAnd it"s draining all of meOh they find it hard to believeI"ll be wearing these scarsFor everyone to seeI don"t care what they sayI"m in love with youThey try to pull me awayBut they don"t know the truthMy heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closingYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding love
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