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短文改错求答案 The winter holiday is coming,which mad

The winter holiday is coming,which 【makes】 me excited.I have been looking forward 【to】 relaxing myself.I"d like to go skating,climb mountains and see several 【movie】.I think I can play 【去除the】 basketball with my classmates.【what】 a wonderful time I"ll have during the winter holiday!However,my parents think 【differently】.They don"t want me 【添to】go out.They are afraid I"ll be knocked down by a truck,【fall】 off a tree,or fight with others.Besides,they are afraid I will lose my way.I hate being treated like a bird 【kept】 in a cage.To get more freedom,【去除so】 I will try to persuade them.【】中为正确答案



The winter holidayis coming 的意思


英译法:the truth will set you free


The winter holiday is coming,开头的短文改错


Winter Holiday is coming. What are you going to do on Winter Holiday?的回答


关于寒假来了的英语作文The winter vacation is coming


when winter holiday is coming翻译。


The Winter vacation is coming ?是什么意思?


winter vacation is coming前面要加the吗?

解答:特指某一年的寒假加“the”,否则可以不加“the” The winter vacation is coming.寒假快到了。

winter holiday is coming.how do you feel?怎么回答

答:对于Winter holiday is coming. How do you feel?这样的英语句子,我们可以根据个人的实际感受来如实回答:Not so bad,and you? / I"ll be very happy to know about that./ I"ll be so glad to hear that.

英语作文Winter vacation is coming

Winter vacation is comingWinter vacation is coming, so I have a winter vacation plan now. I am going to spend lots of time of my vacation on sports this year. Playing basketball is always my favourite, so some of my classmates and I will form a small team and play basketball together. Sometimes we will have a match against some other teams. I will enjoy the sense when we win the game. Of course, I will spend lots of time on doing my homework. It"s important for me to do my lessons well. If I still have enough time, I am going to visit Beijing City, and visiting Beijing is my dream from childhood to now. Oh, what a great vacation!

关于寒假来了的英语作文The winter vacation is coming

The winter holiday is coming.I"m very excited.Because this is the matter that I expect already a long time.I have done a plan list concerning winter vacation first, so my winter vacation life then can...

Winter was coming on和winter was coming有什么区别?


求歌名,英文,一个男歌手,前奏说的: i see you are,you are keeping your right,with he star it.


winter is coming again. the ground will be covered with snow and ice.


请问各位filter wiz 3.0怎样使用啊!!(滤波器辅助设计软件)急!!!请给位告知!!!!!十分感谢

Lowpass notch filters :低通陷波滤波器Order: 阶 filter circuits:滤波电路frequency response:幅频响应Passband :通频带、传输带宽repeatedly cycle:重复周期maximum signal to noise ratio:最大信噪比gain constants:增益系数,放大常数circuit topologies:电路拓扑结构gain shortfall:增益不足maximum output:最大输出功率last stage:末级preceding stage:前级stage filter:分级过滤器Gain Stage:增益级voltage amplitude:电压振幅Component values: 元件值maximum valued: 最大值minimum valued: 最小值standard value:标准值resistors: 电阻器capacitors:电容器operational amplifiers:运算放大器(OA)circuit board:(实验用)电路板active filters:有源滤波器supply currents:源电流power supplies:电源bypassing capacitors:旁路电容optimal:最佳的;最理想的Gain Bandwidth:带宽增益passive component:无源元件active component: 有源元件overall spread:全局;总范围Component characteristics:组件特性Modification:修改;更改data book:数据手册typical values:标准值;典型值default values:省略补充program execution:程序执行Reset button:复原按钮positive temperature coefficient:正温度系数variable resistors:可变电阻器cermet resistor:金属陶瓷电阻器output resistance:输出电阻distortion:失真single amplifier:单级放大器voltage follower:电压输出跟随器troubleshooting:发现并修理故障control panel,:控制面板1、打开crack的软件后,根据滤波器的设计要求,在filter type中选择滤波器的类型(Gaussian:高斯滤波器、Bessel:贝塞尔滤波器、butterworth:巴特沃斯;Chebyshev1切比雪夫1;Chebyshev2切比雪夫2;Hourglass:对三角滤波器、Elliptic:椭圆滤波器、Custom:自定义滤波器、Raised Cos:升余弦滤波器、Matche:匹配滤波器 、Delay:延迟滤波器);2、在filter class中选择滤波器的种类(低通、高通、带通、带阻);3、在filter Attributes中设置滤波器的阶数(Order)、通频带频率(Passband frequency);4、在Implementation中选择有源滤波器(active )、无源滤波器(passive)和数字滤波器(Digital);5、在Freq Scale中选择Hertz和Log,如果选择了Rad/Sec(一种单位),则要注意Rad/Sec=6.28*Hertz;6、在Graph Limits中设置好图像的最大频率和最小频率,最大频率要大于通频带的截止频率;在Passive Design/Ideal Filter Response中观察传输函数(Transfer Function)、时域响应(Time Response)、零极点图(Pole Zero Plots)、频域响应(Frequency Response)的图像;7、在Circuit Parmaters中设置源电阻(Source Res)和负载电阻(Load Res);最后点击Circuits观察滤波器电路图;8、在设计有缘滤波器的时候还要注意在Active Implementation 中选择滤波器的电路布局形式一般有源滤波器选择Pos SAB型的,在Circuit Parmaters中设置增益大小(gain)。

求韩剧鬼怪里一首叫winter is coming的ost的中文歌词


the winter is coming and the spring is not far包含

the winter is coming and the spring is not far这句话的翻译是:冬天来了,春天不远了。

英语作文Winter vacation is coming

Winter vacation is coming Winter vacation is coming,so I have a winter vacation plan now.I am going to spend lots of time of my vacation on sports this year.Playing basketball is always my favourite,so some of my classmates and I will form a small team and play basketball together.Sometimes we will have a match against some other teams.I will enjoy the sense when we win the game.Of course,I will spend lots of time on doing my homework.It"s important for me to do my lessons well.If I still have enough time,I am going to visit Beijing City,and visiting Beijing is my dream from childhood to now.Oh,what a great vacation!



有鬼怪winter is coming么?大神

鬼怪OSTPart.11 02.Winteriscoming-韩秀芝

求《如果能再爱一次》中 love will show you everything 的中英文对照歌词。 谢谢。


The winter is coming?The winter has come!什么意思


狼族的族语为什么是winter is coming


winter is coming简单作文

Winter is ing,the weather will get colder and colder.In winter,we must wear thick clothes,scarfs and gloves.Also,we will see the snow.We can have a good time playing snow together.In winter,we have a cold easily ,so we should do much exercise.

狼族的族语为什么是winter is coming


winter is coming出自《权力的游戏》吗?

Winter is coming作为Stark家的族语如警钟一般时刻提醒着北境人民不要忘记当年的黎明之战,在权游中起到了点明全剧主旨的作用。冬天来了,凛冬将至。在贵族们都在权力的游戏中博弈的时候,这句话无疑告诉他们及各位观众:真正的战斗是冬季,以及冬季带来的更可怕的敌人。凛冬将至开头,人鬼大战结尾,这很首尾呼应。《权力的游戏》中令人拍案叫绝的台词1、Winter is coming 凛冬将至史塔克家族用淋漓的鲜血和人头诠释了啥子叫“凛冬将至”,翻译成中国话就是“居安思危”,在权力场上没有永远的赢家和主角,唯有永远的居安思危,提高警惕、未雨绸缪。2、The King can do as he likes 官大一级压死人我想这句话翻译成“官大一级压死人”更贴切,同学请注意,压死你的不是大你一级的官,而是权力规则,不懂权力游戏规则的人,出局是早晚的事。3、Kill the boy, and let the man be born 浴火涅槃纪伯伦说我曾七次鄙视我的灵魂,没有在深夜痛哭过的人,怎会有深刻的反思彻底的新生,怎会自愿戴上紧箍咒,百炼钢成绕指柔?4、Snow:why do you read so much ? 你读那么多书有什么鸟用?Tyrion: My brother has his sword, and I have my mind. And a mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone.智慧是最锋利的武器,我哥哥有他的宝剑,我则有自己的智慧。智慧需要好书的滋养,就像宝剑需要磨刀石。5、The more people you love, the weaker you are. 你在乎的人越多,你就越脆弱。你所在乎的越多,束缚你的缰绳也越多,而你的主动权也越少。所以小伙子,专注和专一是个好习惯。

winter comes与winter is coming的区别

1、winter comes就是在陈述一件事,即冬天来了。2、winter is coming更侧重于强调时间:冬天就要来了-冬天离我们不太远了。4、winter is come:强调事情,比如“冬天来啦”,只是陈述这一事件。winter is coming:冬天就要来啦,强调时间。 I have to go表示可能由于客观原因不得不走 而I am to go 只表示陈述我要走这件事情。3、一般可以放到感情中,比如:这个冬天来了 是不是感情出问题了!恋爱有个保鲜期!多加强心灵沟通,相濡以沫的爱情才是永恒的,不要一味的只是索取或者付出。学习英语不能太急于求成,因为只有有了“量”,才能有“质”的飞跃。在量的积累阶段,也应该遵循正确的学习方法。以阅读为例,一套简易读物分六级,每一级有五六本,一本只有100页左右,不超过一个星期就可以读完一个级的读物。你在读的过程中,不要太多拘泥于语法,可以偶尔体会一下语法的作用。你要读进去,才能读得快。不要研究语言,要树立数量第一的观念,尽量快速地读。这样一来,坚持读三四个月,英语的阅读水平就会迅速提高。

winter is coming是哪里的台词?

Winter is coming作为Stark家的族语如警钟一般时刻提醒着北境人民不要忘记当年的黎明之战,在权游中起到了点明全剧主旨的作用。冬天来了,凛冬将至。在贵族们都在权力的游戏中博弈的时候,这句话无疑告诉他们及各位观众:真正的战斗是冬季,以及冬季带来的更可怕的敌人。凛冬将至开头,人鬼大战结尾,这很首尾呼应。《权力的游戏》中令人拍案叫绝的台词1、Winter is coming 凛冬将至史塔克家族用淋漓的鲜血和人头诠释了啥子叫“凛冬将至”,翻译成中国话就是“居安思危”,在权力场上没有永远的赢家和主角,唯有永远的居安思危,提高警惕、未雨绸缪。2、The King can do as he likes 官大一级压死人我想这句话翻译成“官大一级压死人”更贴切,同学请注意,压死你的不是大你一级的官,而是权力规则,不懂权力游戏规则的人,出局是早晚的事。3、Kill the boy, and let the man be born 浴火涅槃纪伯伦说我曾七次鄙视我的灵魂,没有在深夜痛哭过的人,怎会有深刻的反思彻底的新生,怎会自愿戴上紧箍咒,百炼钢成绕指柔?4、Snow:why do you read so much ? 你读那么多书有什么鸟用?Tyrion: My brother has his sword, and I have my mind. And a mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone.智慧是最锋利的武器,我哥哥有他的宝剑,我则有自己的智慧。智慧需要好书的滋养,就像宝剑需要磨刀石。5、The more people you love, the weaker you are. 你在乎的人越多,你就越脆弱。你所在乎的越多,束缚你的缰绳也越多,而你的主动权也越少。所以小伙子,专注和专一是个好习惯。

《权力的游戏》中「Winter Is Coming」有什么含义?

Winter is coming作为Stark家的族语如警钟一般时刻提醒着北境人民不要忘记当年的黎明之战,在权游中起到了点明全剧主旨的作用。冬天来了,凛冬将至。在贵族们都在权力的游戏中博弈的时候,这句话无疑告诉他们及各位观众:真正的战斗是冬季,以及冬季带来的更可怕的敌人。凛冬将至开头,人鬼大战结尾,这很首尾呼应。《权力的游戏》中令人拍案叫绝的台词1、Winter is coming 凛冬将至史塔克家族用淋漓的鲜血和人头诠释了啥子叫“凛冬将至”,翻译成中国话就是“居安思危”,在权力场上没有永远的赢家和主角,唯有永远的居安思危,提高警惕、未雨绸缪。2、The King can do as he likes 官大一级压死人我想这句话翻译成“官大一级压死人”更贴切,同学请注意,压死你的不是大你一级的官,而是权力规则,不懂权力游戏规则的人,出局是早晚的事。3、Kill the boy, and let the man be born 浴火涅槃纪伯伦说我曾七次鄙视我的灵魂,没有在深夜痛哭过的人,怎会有深刻的反思彻底的新生,怎会自愿戴上紧箍咒,百炼钢成绕指柔?4、Snow:why do you read so much ? 你读那么多书有什么鸟用?Tyrion: My brother has his sword, and I have my mind. And a mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone.智慧是最锋利的武器,我哥哥有他的宝剑,我则有自己的智慧。智慧需要好书的滋养,就像宝剑需要磨刀石。5、The more people you love, the weaker you are. 你在乎的人越多,你就越脆弱。你所在乎的越多,束缚你的缰绳也越多,而你的主动权也越少。所以小伙子,专注和专一是个好习惯。

winter will come 这个语法对吗请问

语法没错,但此时一般用一般进行时表将来,有“即将或快要"的意思。Winter is coming.冬天即将来临类似的用法还有The bus is coming. 公交快要来了The storm is coming. 暴风雨即将来袭不过如果有表时间的词或短语时,一般用willWinter will come next month. 下月冬天就到了The storm will come tomorrow. 明天暴风雨就要来了

winter coming什么意思


Winter is coming. The weather is getting_____.A. colder and colder B. cold an...

A 试题分析:句意:冬天到了。天气变得越来越冷了。固定句式the more,the more越……,越……,前后都用比较级。故选A。点评:固定句式的考查也是英语考查的一个重点,熟记这些句式可以减少答题中的分析判断时间,所以平时加强句式记忆也是学好英语的关键环节。

winter is coming歌词大意


孤单而又灿烂的神-鬼怪里的英文插曲例如hush,stuck in love,winter is coming,这

你说的三首歌里,hush是著名瑞典歌手Lasse Lindh的歌,据说是瑞典的大牌级歌手,不少韩剧都有他的OST,例如天使之眼的《Run to you》和泡泡糖的《because I》,在音乐网站输入歌手名字,可以听。winter is coming是由俄语、法语等几国语言构成的,是首比起从歌词含义更多的把重点放在歌曲发音,由此感受画面和感觉的,形式新颖的拟声歌曲。演唱:韩秀智。stuck in love演唱者是金京熙,没有更多的信息,作词作曲应该也是韩国人。资料来源:百度百科、韩讯

kodaline:love will set you free歌词

歌名:Love Will Set You Free歌手:Kodaline专辑:Coming Up for AirI"m sure you"re probably busy getting on with your new lifeSo far away fromSo far away fromWhen everything we used to say was wrong is now alrightWhere has the time goneWhere has the time goneIf you"re ever feeling lonelyIf you"re ever feeling downYou should know you"re not the only one ‘cause I feel it with you nowWhen the world is on your shoulders and you"re falling to your kneesOh pleaseYou know love will set you freeI took a long and lonely walk up to an empty houseThat"s where I"ve come fromWhere have you come fromThe more I live, the more I know, I"ve got to live withoutThis ain"t no sad songLife has to go onIf you"re ever feeling lonelyIf you"re ever feeling downYou should know you"re not the only one ‘cause I feel it with you nowWhen the world is on your shoulders and you"re falling to your kneesOh pleaseYou know love will set you freeOohYou know love will set you free You know love will set you freeYou know love will set you freeYou know love will set you freeYou know love will set you freeYou know love will set you freeLove will set you freeOohLove will set you freeIf you"re ever feeling lonelyIf you"re ever feeling downYou should know you"re not the only one ‘cause I feel it with you nowWhen the world is on your shoulders and you"re falling to your kneesOh pleaseYou know love will set you freeLove will set you free

The winter is coming?The winter has come!什么意思


英语翻译1.Winter is coming,Most plants lose their leaves.But bam

1.Winter is ing,Most plants lose their leaves.But bamboo doesn"t.Its leaves stay on the plant.Bamboo stands straight in wintertime.This is bamboo"s spirit.It"s brave and overes difficulties.Because of this,the Chinese love bamboo.Bamboo has many uses our daily lives.People like to use it to make food,chopstichs and furniture.And pandas like to eat bamboo leaves.Bamboo is also very useful in art.People make flutes with bamboo .You can see bamboo in many famous movies,too.like Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon and Kung Fu Panda. 冬天来到的时候,许多植物的叶子都会飘落,但竹子不会,它的叶子仍会长在枝干上,而且竹子在冬天里仍会笔直挺立,这就是竹子的精神,这种勇敢且能够克服种种困难的精神,因此,中国人喜欢竹子,竹子在我们日常的生活中用途很多,人们用它烧饭,做成筷子和家具,而且熊猫也喜欢吃竹子叶,竹子在艺术上也有很大用途,人们用竹子制成笛子,你再好多著名的电影里也能看到竹子,比如卧虎藏龙,功夫熊猫! 2.When I had something diffichlt to do.I used to ask my mum for help.But she always said :"Do it yourself,dear,"I would get so angry .I thought she was the laziest mother in the world.For example,one day,Idecided to invite some friends to my home.My bedroom was a mess.Books were all over the table and ground.I didn"t make my bed.I asked my mother to help me clean it.But she said seriously,"Do it yourself,gril."Because of my "lazy mum,"I have to washing my clothes and clean my room.I have to help my parents do housework.I even have to go to the dentist by myself.It is really hard doing everything on my own ,but I have learneda lot.As time goes by,I understand my mother.It"s her "laziness"that makes me clever and diligent.Just as my mum always says ,"A lady can"tbe lazy or she"ll be crazy.Work can make you sunny!"How a great mother!Don"t you think so?A good mother is worth a hundred teachers! 当我遇到困难时,我常常回去向妈妈求助,但她总是说“孩子,你自己解决" 我就会很生气,我想她就是世界上最懒的妈妈,比如,有一天,我决定邀请我的朋友去我家,但我的卧室很乱,桌子上和地上都是书,被子也没叠,我让妈妈帮我打扫,但她很严肃的说“自己打扫”,因为我的“懒妈妈”,我不得不自己洗衣服和打扫房间,我还要帮父母做家务,甚至还要自己去看牙医,什么事都靠我自己真的很难,但,我也学到了很多,随着时光的流逝,我明白了妈妈的用心,正是她的“懒”才使我既聪明又勤奋,就像妈妈经常说的“一个女人不能懒惰,否则她就会疯,工作能使你充满阳光!多么伟大的妈妈啊!你不这样想么?一个好妈妈就是一百个老师!

and i will ,and i will i will set you free是出自哪首歌

I Will Set You Free - Barry Adamson

winter is coming.是什么句子结构


winter is coming是什么意思


如何理解 “winter is coming”这句话


winter is coming.是什么句子结构?是主语+不及物动词 还是主系表结构呢?

属于主语+不及物动词,is coming 是现在进行时表示将来.

winter is coming简单作文

winter is comingwinter is the fourth season of the year. now, the weather is getting colder and colder. it means winter is coming.i think winter is a white season. in winter, it often snows and everything becomes white. every winter, children are the happiest because they can make the snowman.i like winter best. in winter, the weather is the coldest, but i don"t mind. when it is snowing, i"m always very excited. the snow is very white and sparkling. it makes everything white and beautiful.although the weather in winter is very cold, it"s really wonderful. the happiest thing is that we have a winter holiday every year. we can get lots of red packets, eat delicious food and visit my friends.

winter is coming简单作文

Winter is coming, the weather will get colder and colder. In winter, we must wear thick clothes, scarfs and gloves. Also, we will see the snow. We can have a good time playing snow together. In winter, we have a cold easily ,so we should do much exercise.

winter comes与winter is coming的区别


winter is coming是什么意思


winter is coming改为一般疑问句?

Is winter coming?

winter is coming翻译成中文什么意思

Winter Is Coming凛冬将至; 双语例句1Winter is coming on; you can feel it in the air.冬天要来了,你从空气中就能感觉到。2I have asked those countries to stop these returns, because winter is coming.我已经要求这些国家停止回返,因为冬季即将来临。

winter is coming是什么意思


winter is coming是什么梗?

winter is coming梗如下:这个梗表达的意思是“凛冬将至”出自《权利的游戏》。这是临冬城的史塔克家族的族语,为了提醒人们不要忘记当年的黎明之战。这个冬天是指死亡使者(异鬼)苏醒的冬季,当冬天来临的时候,异鬼就会攻进城墙,人们会迎来强大的敌人。电视剧背景:本剧内容主要来自于冰与火之歌系列小说第一部《权力的游戏》。故事从维斯特洛大陆边境处发现远古传说中早已灭绝的生物开始,预示着危险即将到来。而这片大陆的临冬城主暨北境统领艾德·史塔克(肖恩·宾饰)的家族也迎来了老友兼国王劳勃·拜拉席恩(马克·阿蒂饰)的来访。国王希望艾德·史塔克能担任首相一职,对抗企图夺取铁王座的叛军。危情一触即发,整个王国看似平和的表面下却是波涛暗涌。权高位重的拜拉席恩家族、勇敢善良的史塔克家族、企图谋取王位的坦格利安家族、有着不可告人秘密的兰尼斯特家族。这些家族各怀鬼胎,国王的意外身亡,使国家马上陷入无尽的战乱之中。

winter is coming什么意思?

Winter is coming作为Stark家的族语如警钟一般时刻提醒着北境人民不要忘记当年的黎明之战,在权游中起到了点明全剧主旨的作用。冬天来了,凛冬将至。在贵族们都在权力的游戏中博弈的时候,这句话无疑告诉他们及各位观众:真正的战斗是冬季,以及冬季带来的更可怕的敌人。凛冬将至开头,人鬼大战结尾,这很首尾呼应。《权力的游戏》中令人拍案叫绝的台词1、Winter is coming 凛冬将至史塔克家族用淋漓的鲜血和人头诠释了啥子叫“凛冬将至”,翻译成中国话就是“居安思危”,在权力场上没有永远的赢家和主角,唯有永远的居安思危,提高警惕、未雨绸缪。2、The King can do as he likes 官大一级压死人我想这句话翻译成“官大一级压死人”更贴切,同学请注意,压死你的不是大你一级的官,而是权力规则,不懂权力游戏规则的人,出局是早晚的事。3、Kill the boy, and let the man be born 浴火涅槃纪伯伦说我曾七次鄙视我的灵魂,没有在深夜痛哭过的人,怎会有深刻的反思彻底的新生,怎会自愿戴上紧箍咒,百炼钢成绕指柔?4、Snow:why do you read so much ? 你读那么多书有什么鸟用?Tyrion: My brother has his sword, and I have my mind. And a mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone.智慧是最锋利的武器,我哥哥有他的宝剑,我则有自己的智慧。智慧需要好书的滋养,就像宝剑需要磨刀石。5、The more people you love, the weaker you are. 你在乎的人越多,你就越脆弱。你所在乎的越多,束缚你的缰绳也越多,而你的主动权也越少。所以小伙子,专注和专一是个好习惯。

跪求nightwish 的【nome】 歌词的中文意思,最好是有中英字幕的视频,求地址

是nemo吧?This is me for forever 我一直是   One of the lost ones 一个迷失者   The one without a name 一个无名士   Without an honest heart as compass 没有指南针般的诚心   This is me for forever 我一直是   One without a name 一个无名士   These lines the last endeavor 竭尽全力   To find the missing lifeline 寻找遗失的生命线   Oh how I wish 哦,我多么希望   For soothing rain 来一场心旷神怡的雨   All I wish 我所有的希望   is to dream again 就是再次追逐梦想   My loving heart 我的一片深情   Lost in the dark 迷失在黑暗之中   For hope I"d give my everything 为了希望我愿付出一切   My flower Withered between 我的花朵凋谢在   The pages two and three 书页中   The once and forever bloom 这曾经盛开并将永存的花   bloom gone with my sins 随着我的罪恶而消逝   Walk the dark path 走在黑暗之路上   Sleep with angels 与天使同眠   Call the past for help 向过去求援   Touch me with your love 用你的爱抚摸我   And reveal to me my true name 默示我的真名   Oh how I wish 哦,我多么希望   For soothing rain 来一场心旷神怡的雨   All I wish 我所有的希望   is to dream again 就是再次追逐梦想   My loving heart 我的一片深情   Lost in the dark 迷失在黑暗之中   For hope I"d give my everything 为了希望我愿付出一切   Oh how I wish 哦,我多么希望   For soothing rain 来 一场心旷神怡的雨   All how I wish 我多么希望   is to dream again 再次追逐梦想   Once and for all 永远永远   And all for once 倾尽所有   Nemo my name forever more, Nemo,将是我永恒的名字   Nemo sailing home Nemo, 扬帆回家吧   Nemo letting go Nemo, 上路吧   Oh how I wish 哦,我多么期待   For soothing rain 来一场心旷神怡的雨   All I wish 我所有的希望   is to dream again 就是再次追逐梦想   My loving heart 我的一片深情   Lost in the dark 迷失在黑暗之中   For hope I"d give my everything 为了希望我愿付出一切   Oh how I wish 哦,我多么期待   For soothing rain 来一场心旷神怡的雨   All I wish 我所有的希望   is to dream again 就是再次追逐梦想   Once and for all 永远永远   And all for once 倾尽所有   Nemo my name forever more, Nemo,将是我永恒的名字 视频都是没字幕的


是《nemo》吧?nemo在此处是拉丁文,是拉丁文中表示“nobody”的一个单词。没有身份,没有地位,没有名字的人,不知道自己是谁,不知道自己属于哪儿,很自闭,很沮丧,不被理解,找不到人生的目标,失去了自信,失去了方向,渴望得到他人以真诚的爱心来救助。很自卑,很孤独的小人物。 牛津字典的解释是:无名之人。 Nemo This is me for forever 这是永恒的我 One of the lost ones 一个来自迷失人群的人 The one without a name 一个没有名字的人 Without an honest heart as compass 一个没有象罗盘指示般真诚的心灵 This is me for forever 这是永恒的我 One without a name 一个没有名字的人 These lines the last endeavor 用尽最后的努力 To find the missing lifeline 去寻找丢失生命线 Oh how I wish 多么期待 For soothing rain 一场慰藉的暴雨 All I wish 我所想做的 is to dream again 是再次追逐梦想 My loving heart 我狂热的心 Lost in the dark 丢失在黑暗中 For hope I"d give my everything 为了希望我愿意付出所有 My flower Withered between 曾经夹在书本的花朵 The pages two and three 在页码中逐渐干枯 The once and forever 永远永远, bloom gone with my sins 和我的罪恶一起被吹散,,,, Walk the dark path 走在黑暗的道路 Sleep with angels 我与天使同眠 Call the past for help 寻求过往能伸出援手 Touch me with your love 用你的爱触摸我 And reveal to me my true name 然后默示我的真名 Oh how I wish 多么期待 For soothing rain 一场慰藉的暴雨 All I wish 我多么希望 is to dream again 再次追逐梦想 My loving heart 我狂热的心 Lost in the dark 丢失在黑暗中 For hope I"d give my everything 为了希望我愿意付出所有 Oh how I wish 多么期待 For soothing rain 一场慰藉的暴雨 All how I wish 我多么希望 is to dream again 再次追逐梦想 Once and for all 曾经或是永远 And all for once 一切的过往 Nemo my name for evermore Nemo,将会永远是我的名字 Nemo sailing home Nemo,扬帆回家吧 Nemo letting go Nemo,上路吧 Oh how I wish 多么期待 For soothing rain 一场慰藉的暴雨 All I wish 我多么希望 is to dream again 再次追逐梦想 My loving heart 我狂热的心 Lost in the dark 丢失在黑暗中 For hope I"d give my everything 为了希望我愿意付出所有 Oh how I wish 多么期待 For soothing rain 一场慰藉的暴雨 All how I wish 我多么希望 is to dream again 再次追逐梦想 Once and for all 曾经或是永远 And all for once 一切的过往 Nemo my name for evermore Nemo,将会永远是我的名字

reply with reply to 区别~

reply to 。。。。回复,回答 。。。(某人)reply with 。。。。以(某个答案)。。。作为回答,回复一个跟人,一个跟答案。

be found with

没有任何问题.with就是“带有”的意思. he"s considered with a kind heart. he"s a good lad with a kind heart. he"s found with a confounded condition eventually.



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  泰勒&middot;斯威夫特,美国乡村音乐女歌手,2015年4月登上《时代周刊》100名具有全球影响力的名人榜。下面是我跟大家分享的写给Taylor的信,欢迎大家来阅读学习。   写给Taylor的一封信篇1   Dear Taylor,   Listening to this kind of songs at the very first time.   I seemed never to know the songs would be my favorite.   That"s you,Which i began to become crazy about.   Before this , ijust liked the electronic music.   But the things will change as you ever sang.   I realized a new style of country songs.IT"S beyond my expression.   Sometinmes, i think of you, a fearless and beautiful singer in my hear-t.Your songs, which are always telling a wondetful love story and I do-n"t care it was sweet or not.   At my first seeing, you breaked the cage of my ears,let the sky above.   You can even resd my mind ,   i"m always thinking taht your songs were written for the people   who fell a not perfect romance like me.   Sometimes i might be alone, but i never feel lonely.   When i need a friend , your voice is right by my side.   I wish i could listen to your music forever.   And to be honest , the songs of yours i first listen to named <you belong with me>.   To my surprise, this song lighted up my eyes right away.   I must say , you looked very pretty in this MV as well as Lucas Till .   I knew him by watching your MV.   Ha! some peole think you should be together.   Don"t be angry , just joking,   It"s because this song and MV was so successful that all of us belived it was a real story.   For another reason, the story also happened to me.   I feel love with the one who would be never into me .   But after listening to <you belong with me >.   I started to set me off to show my love to that person.   I guessed the end of my story be same as <you belong with me>   Unfortunately, my sweet imagination turned out to be wrong.   So, i am single one as usual.   And your songs are still by myside .   I hope you will bring more and more nice songs to us .   Wish you could come to china.   写给Taylor的一封信篇2   张望整片星空 把你那颗摘下   越过这片海洋 飞纽约去送你   爱上一个young girl taylor swift   零六年的相遇 某张音乐专辑   循环在街巷里 放飞梦麦田中   陶醉一个Beautiful lady taylor swift   梦中的奇迹 现实能不能予机   我明白 虽然隔着两个太空的距离   现在的执着 将来会不会放映   想和你 全美音乐节上的一次 live电影   星星 月亮 请替我寒暄   咖啡 音乐 助我把衷肠写进词里写成信寄给你喜爱的夏季   问候彼方的那个人 圣诞节 是否有人陪着你   我明白 我们一直都有彼此的坚持   候鸟请把我的信带到她的家乡   让她知道 我一直在憧憬   山水 花鸟 请给我鼓励   咖啡 音乐 助我把衷肠写进词里写成信寄给你喜爱的冬季   问候彼方的那个人圣诞节是否有人陪着你   我懂得 我们都是追逐音符的孩子   给我一把木吉他希望你的共鸣   开着香槟 我在阑珊的灯火处点着蜡烛   坚持十年不放弃   贯彻造梦的勇气   年年月月晚晚朝朝密密的寄信 抒情   像朝朝代代每个不朽烈士奋勇 前进   全球有我自信将爱慕写成经   星星 月亮 请替我寒暄   咖啡 音乐 助我把衷肠写进词里写成信寄给你喜爱的夏季   问候彼方的那个人圣诞节是否有人陪着你   我明白 我们一直都有彼此的坚持   候鸟请把我的信带到她的家乡   让她知道 我一直在憧憬   山水 花鸟 请给我鼓励   咖啡 音乐 助我把衷肠写进词里写成信寄给你喜爱的冬季   问候彼方的那个人圣诞节是否有人陪着你   我懂得 我们都是追逐音符的孩子   给我一把木吉他希望你的共鸣   开着香槟 我在阑珊的灯火处点着蜡烛   Taylor简介   泰勒&middot;斯威夫特(英语:TaylorSwift,1989年12月13日-,台湾译作泰勒丝,港澳译作泰勒&middot;斯威夫特),美国乡村音乐女创作歌手、吉他歌手、演员。根据NielsenSoundScan,斯威夫特在2008年总共卖出400万份专辑,这使得她成为美国当年最畅销音乐人。2006年,她发售了首张单曲《TimMcGraw》,紧接着发售了首张同名专辑《泰勒&middot;斯威夫特》,该专辑获得美国唱片业协会的白金唱片认证。   2008年11月,斯威夫特发售了她的第二张专辑《放手去爱》。《放手去爱》和《泰勒&middot;斯威夫特》销量分别为210万和150万,位于销售榜的第3和第6位。《放手去爱》一共于不连续的11个星期占据公告牌二百强专辑榜榜首,自2000年以来,还没有专辑可以超越这纪录。2009年,斯威夫特更获告示牌杂志封为2009年年度艺人;同年,斯威夫特于《福布斯》名人榜名列第69位,总收入共1800万美元。2010年1月31日,斯威夫特以专辑《放手去爱》获得第52届格莱美奖年度最佳专辑奖。   2010年1月,NielsenSoundScan统计显示斯威夫特一共销售超过243万首数字歌曲,亦是音乐史上最高销量的数字唱片歌手。 看了“ 写给Taylor的一封信”的人还看了: 1. 英语的幸福的个性签名 2. Taylor Swift - Sparks Fly歌词 3. Taylor Swift Safe and Sound 歌词 4. Safe and Sound吉他谱 Taylor Swift 5. Taylor Swift Jump then fall吉他谱

A Twist In My Story 歌词

歌曲名:A Twist In My Story歌手:secondhand serenade专辑:A Twist In My Story (Bonus Track Version)Slow down, the world isn"t watching us break downIt"s safe to say we are alone now, we"re alone nowNot a whisper, the only noise is the receiverI"m counting the seconds until you break the silenceSo please just break the silenceThe whispers turn to shoutingThe shouting turns to tearsYour tears turn into laughterAnd it takes away our fearsSo you see, this world doesn"t matter to meI"ll give up all I had just to breatheThe same air as you till the day that I dieI can"t take my eyes off of youAnd I"m longing, for words to describe how I"m feelingI"m feeling inspiredMy world just flip turned upside downIt turns around, see that"s that soundIt"s my heart beat, it"s getting much louderMy heart beat, is stronger than everI"m feeling so alive, I"m feeling so aliveMy whispers turn to shoutingThe shouting turns to tearsYour tears turn into laughterAnd it takes away our fearsSo you see, this world doesn"t matter to meI"ll give up all I had just to breatheThe same air as you till the day that I dieI can"t take my eyes off of youI"m finally waking up, a twist in my storyIt"s time I open up, and let your love right through meI"m finally waking up, a twist in my storyIt"s time I open up, and let your love right through meThat"s what you getWhen you see your life in someone else"s eyesThat"s what you get, that"s what you getSo you see, this world doesn"t matter to meI"ll give up all I had just to breatheThe same air as you till the day that I dieI can"t take my eyes off of youThis world doesn"t matter to meI"ll give up all I had just to breatheThe same air as you till the day that I dieI can"t take my eyes off of youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18025217

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您好,感谢您选择惠普产品。如果硒鼓碳粉不足,建议您可以尝试调节“忽略碳粉不足”的设置试一下1. 在主菜单上按导航箭头选择System setup,然后按确定。2. 按导航箭头选择Print quality 并按确定。3. 按导航箭头选择Replace supplies 并按确定。4. 按导航箭头选择Override out 并按确定。5. 按确定。但是如果碳粉已经不足需要更换,调节此设置后,打印的作业品质可能会有影响的。如果此方法无效,建议更换hp的原装硒鼓再试一下。希望以上回复能够对您有所帮助。

i like to talk and play games with people什么意思




张国荣有一首歌里面有一句歌词是will you remember me? 这首歌的名字是什么?




如何让Win10窗口开启全透明 ? 最好是整个窗口都透明。。。



Win10中透明化的界面让人眼前一亮,但还是很多用户不习惯于透明化的界面操作,那么下面小编就为大家带来Win10透明化界面禁用方法,告诉大家怎么禁用Win10透明化界面,快来一起看看吧。不过肯定有用户对这一新型UI变动并不感冒,下面我们将为大家介绍一种禁用Win10透明化界面的注册表修改方法:虽然是在注册表中操作,但这种方法其实并不费事,不过最好在修改前备份一下注册表,以防修改错误导致不必要的麻烦。可以用软媒魔方的清理大师来完成该操作,方便快捷。1、搜索regedit.exe2、打开注册表编辑器并导航至HKEY_CURRENT_USER > SOFTWARE > MICROSOFT > WINDOWS > THEMES > PERSONALIZE3、右击EnableTransparency并将值由0更改为14、重启Windows或通过任务管理器重启文件管理器,大功告成虽然这种方法非常简便,但仅适用于Win10 Build 10056版本,并不兼容之前版本,如Build 10049。而且我们只推荐Windows高级用户尝试此操作,因为该方法有可能会导致你的Windows设备出现崩溃故障。


1、windows10仅仅在设置中打开“透明效果”时,任务栏只有50%透明;2、在桌面中,键盘Win+R打开运行;3、输入regedit,敲回车键。此时弹出了注册表编辑器;4、依次在注册表编辑器中打开HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAdvanced。在Advanced上面点击一下;5、在右侧空白处右键,选择新建→DWORD (32位) 值;6、新建好这个值后,系统会让你把这个值重命名。这个值的名字是UseOLEDTaskbarTransparency;7、命名完毕后,双击打开这个值,数值数据设置为1。然后点击确定,并关闭注册表编辑器;8、打开任务管理器,拉到Windows进程后选择Windows 资源管理器。点击重新启动;9、这时,你的任务栏已经变为80%透明!


  Win10任务栏透明效果怎么设置   首先需要确保已经开启了任务栏透明效果。打开方法:设置 - 个性化 - 颜色,开启“使开始菜单、任务栏和操作中心透明”选项。   1、打开运行(快捷键Win+R),输入regedit,回车打开注册表编辑器。   2、在注册表编辑器中展开以下位置:   HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAdvanced   如下图所示,在右侧新建名为UseOLEDTaskbarTransparency的DWORD(32位)值:   双击新建值,将其值设置为1,保存。   注销并重新登录系统或重启资源管理器即可生效。(结束“explorer”进程,然后新建“explorer”进程)



wild wild web歌词的中文翻译

[-00:00.200是一只野生动物),当你觉得失去网站内 [00:11.300]野生野网站,那里有隐瞒什么 [00:14.700]在野生野网页,请告诉我在哪儿能找到 [00:18.710]虚拟现实你的微笑 [00:36.690)这是一个不断改变的世界中,我们今天活着 如果你需要00:44][m].北京:一个女孩有很大的新途径 [00:51.100]你独自一人在网上聊天 [00:54.880]宣称你所有的爱 [00:58.440是一只野生动物),当你觉得失去网站内 [01:02.490]野生野网站,那里有隐瞒什么 [01:06.050]在野生野网页,请告诉我在哪儿能找到 [01:10]虚拟现实你的微笑 [01:28]从我的底比起来,我更喜欢旧的方式方法 [01:35.140]当调戏与一个女孩,你去约会(中文歌词可能不太准)

Strawberry Wine 歌词

歌曲名:Strawberry Wine歌手:Deana Carter专辑:Now That"s What I Call Today"s CountryArtist:Deana CarterBy:cynthiaHe was working through college on my grandpa"s farmI was thirsting for for knowledge and he had a carI was caught somewhere between a woman and a childWhen one restless summer we found love growing wildOn the banks of the river on a well beaten pathFunny how those memories they lastLike strawberry wine and seventeenThe hot July moon saw everythingMy first taste of love oh bittersweetGreen on the vineLike strawberry wineI still remember when thirty was oldMy biggest fear was September when he had to goA few cards and letters and one long distance callWe drifted away like the leaves in the fallBut year after year I come back to this placeJust to remember the tasteOf strawberry wine and seventeenThe hot July moon saw everythingMy first taste of love oh bittersweetGreen on the vineLike strawberry wineThe fields have grown over nowYears since they"ve seen a plowThere"s nothing time hasn"t touchedIs it really him or the loss of my innocenceI"ve been missing so muchLike strawberry wine and seventeenThe hot July moon saw everythingMy first taste of love oh bittersweetGreen on the vineLike strawberry wine and seventeenThe hot July moon saw everythingMy first taste of love oh bittersweetGreen on the vineLike strawberrystrawberryhttp://music.baidu.com/song/35214318

Strawberry Wine 歌词

歌曲名:Strawberry Wine歌手:Deana Carter专辑:Massive Hits!: CountryArtist:Deana CarterBy:cynthiaHe was working through college on my grandpa"s farmI was thirsting for for knowledge and he had a carI was caught somewhere between a woman and a childWhen one restless summer we found love growing wildOn the banks of the river on a well beaten pathFunny how those memories they lastLike strawberry wine and seventeenThe hot July moon saw everythingMy first taste of love oh bittersweetGreen on the vineLike strawberry wineI still remember when thirty was oldMy biggest fear was September when he had to goA few cards and letters and one long distance callWe drifted away like the leaves in the fallBut year after year I come back to this placeJust to remember the tasteOf strawberry wine and seventeenThe hot July moon saw everythingMy first taste of love oh bittersweetGreen on the vineLike strawberry wineThe fields have grown over nowYears since they"ve seen a plowThere"s nothing time hasn"t touchedIs it really him or the loss of my innocenceI"ve been missing so muchLike strawberry wine and seventeenThe hot July moon saw everythingMy first taste of love oh bittersweetGreen on the vineLike strawberry wine and seventeenThe hot July moon saw everythingMy first taste of love oh bittersweetGreen on the vineLike strawberrystrawberryhttp://music.baidu.com/song/35222347

Strawberry Wine 歌词

歌曲名:Strawberry Wine歌手:Deana Carter专辑:The Deana Carter CollectionArtist:Deana CarterHe was working through college on my grandpa"s farmI was thirsting for for knowledge and he had a carI was caught somewhere between a woman and a childWhen one restless summer we found love growing wildOn the banks of the river on a well beaten pathFunny how those memories they lastLike strawberry wine and seventeenThe hot July moon saw everythingMy first taste of love oh bittersweetGreen on the vineLike strawberry wineI still remember when thirty was oldMy biggest fear was September when he had to goA few cards and letters and one long distance callWe drifted away like the leaves in the fallBut year after year I come back to this placeJust to remember the tasteOf strawberry wine and seventeenThe hot July moon saw everythingMy first taste of love oh bittersweetGreen on the vineLike strawberry wineThe fields have grown over nowYears since they"ve seen a plowThere"s nothing time hasn"t touchedIs it really him or the loss of my innocenceI"ve been missing so muchLike strawberry wine and seventeenThe hot July moon saw everythingMy first taste of love oh bittersweetGreen on the vineLike strawberry wine and seventeenThe hot July moon saw everythingMy first taste of love oh bittersweetGreen on the vineLike strawberrystrawberryhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2955693

reinforcing wire是什么意思

reinforcing wire钢(筋)丝增力丝; 双语例句百度知道1The reinforcing wire layer adopts a steel wire mesh or a fiber mesh. 所述加强筋层为钢丝网或纤维网。2Research of the Shielding Effectiveness of the Reinforcing Wire Mesh and Reinforced-concrete 钢筋网和钢筋混凝土屏蔽效能研究

Mesh Quality WIRE ROD

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