
阅读 / 问答 / 标签

what ________specials___(特色菜)would you like ?这里的可用单数吗

what is specials food would you like?因为 special + s 是单数的情况下才加的。如果要用复数那得What are special foods would you like?


what at stake is 岌岌可危的是双语例句What is at stake is the very future of the multilateral trading system.多边贸易制度未来的本身目前岌岌可危。But what is at stake is not only economic and financial stability.但是,利益攸关的不仅仅是欧元区的经济和金融稳定。What is at stake is our ability to recognize our own fallibility.最为危险的是我们没有能力认识到自己的错误。

英语翻译: What is at stake

六级题目解答the United Nations issued a report last week warning that humans are destroying nature at such a rate that life on Earth is at risk. When the report came out, it naturally __G_grabed__headlines. But obviously it didn"t hijack the news agenda in the manner of a major terrorist attack or _B_declaration__ of war.the report from the Intergovernment Science-Policy on Biediverdity and Ecosystem Services (ISBES) is clear on what"s at _M_stake_ and what needs to change. IPBES chair Robert Watson says the "_K overwhelming__ evidence" presents an "ominous(凶兆的) picture". “the health of ecosystems on which we and all other species depend is __C_deteriorating_ more rapidly than ever, " Robert Watson said." We are _F eroding__ the very foundations of our economies, live-lihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide." The report says it"s not too late if we make "transformative change"- fundamental, system-wide reorganization-at every level from local to global, and we need to focus on how to make that happen. first, don"t indulge in despair, because despair leads to inertia and doing nothing means certain _E disaster__. Every actoin to save nature will improve our collective and personal futures and the only way to respond to a threat of this scale is with ___D determined_ action rooted in headstrong optimism. Second, we need relentless focus, just like when paramedics arrive on a scene and use the concept of "triage(伤员鉴别分类)”to ensure the most_O_urgent_ cases get treated first. Saving the national world needs that kind of thinking. We don"t have the _A_capacity__ to do everything at once. We need to make hard choices.懂意思即可,满意请采纳

what is "at stake" in this film?


B What U Wanna的歌词

听这歌的没几个懂英文的 Be what you wanna behttp://zhidao.baidu.com/question/73222039.html?si=1

what are seeds? 中文

what are seeds什么是种子seed 英[si:d]美[sid]n. 种子; 子孙; 起源; (尤指网球比赛) 种子选手;vt. 播种; 抽出种子选手; 除去…之种子; 确定(某人)为种子选手;vi. 结籽; (种子) 繁殖;[网络] 重制版; 深海的孤独; 种子数;[例句]I sow the seed in pots of soil-based compost.我把种子种在几盆掺有堆肥的土里。[其他] 第三人称单数:seeds 复数:seeds 现在分词:seeding 过去式:seeded 过去分词:seeded


How beautiful! 多么美丽啊!How could you do that! 你怎么能那么做!What have you done! 你都作了些什么!What a mess! 真是乱阿!



What do yuo have on Tueday是in还是on


what can yuo do with yuor hands?

what can yuo do with yuor hands?你可以用你的手怎么了?你能用你的手做什么?你能用你的双手做什么

英语What did yuo have for brekfast的回答是什么


what do yuo do to be happy回答

What do yuo do to be happy?Ido some resding and sports to make me happy.

what are yuo doing 如何回答

what are you doing? 是问你正在做什么?回答的时候可以根据所做的事情的情况回答,句型是 I am .....ing xxx. 动词要用现在分词形式。例如:I am reading a book. 我正在看一本书。we are talking about yesterday. 我们正在说昨天的事。

男声walk away cause what we have is gone求问这句歌词出自那首歌(来自暴走大事

Should it matter歌手:Sissel Kyrkjebo 所属专辑:《All Good Things》发行时间:2001-03-19 歌词:I look at youPlease don"t walk awayI see you"re about toThere is just something I"d really like to saySo please don"t walk awayI know that you"re thereStill you pretend you"re notYes I know it hurtsI have also felt the painSo should it matterWhat I do or what I"ve doneAs long as in my heartYou"re still the only oneI hear you say itBut I don"t think you understandI can be trusted now, I swear to you I canIt"s been a yeara memory from my pastI know what I did wrongI wish to changeJust to make it lastBut I guess it"s been too longEasy to move onTo forget to about it allIs that what you do, hoping I will be goneSo should it matterWhat I do or what I"ve doneAs long as in my heartYou"re still the only oneI hear you say itBut I don"t think you understandI can be trusted now, I swear to you I canIf you got to know me againMaybe then -- maybe thenWe could see what what we should doBut that"s all up to youI"ll be waiting for youSo should it matterWhat I do or what I"ve doneAs long as in my heartYou"re still the only oneI hear you say itBut I don"t think you understandI can be trusted now, I swear to you I canI hear you say itBut I don"t think you understandI can be trusted now, I swear to you I can

you are what i belief



There comes a time when we hear a certain call 当我们听到了恳切的呼唤 When the world must come together as one 全世界应该团结一致 There are people dying 有些地方的人们正逐渐死亡 Oh, and it"s time to lend a hand to life 是该伸出援手的时候了 The greatest gift of all 对生命而言,这是最好的礼物 We can"t go on pretending day by day 我们不能日复一日的伪装下去了 That someone, somewhere will soon make a change 在某些地方总有人要改变自己 We"re all a part of God"s great big family 我们都是上帝的大家族中的一员 And the truth - you know love is all we need 事实上,我们需要的就是爱 We are the world, we are the children 四海皆一家,我们都是神的子民 We are the ones who make a brighter day 创造美好的未来要靠我们 So let"s start giving 所以,让我们开始奉献自己 There"s a choice we"re making 我们正在做的抉择 We"re saving our own lives 是在拯救自己的生命 It"s true we"ll make a better day 我们真的可以创造更美好的明天 Just you and me 就靠你和我 Well, send"em your heart 将你的心传递给他们 So they know that someone cares 让他们明了有人关心他们 And their lives will be stronger and free 他们的生活才能更坚强、更自由 As God has shown us 如同上帝开释我们的 By turning stone to bread 借着把石头变成面包这件事 And so we all must lend a helping hand 我们都应该伸出援手才对 We are the world, we are the children 四海皆一家,我们都是神的子民 We are the ones who make a brighter day 创造美好的未来要靠我们 So let"s start giving 所以,让我们开始奉献自己 There"s a choice we"re making 我们正在做的抉择 We"re saving our own lives 是在拯救自己的生命 It"s true we"ll make a better day 我们真的可以创造更美好的明天 Just you and me 就靠你和我 When you"re down and out 当你意志消沉、不被接纳 There seems no hope at all 一切似乎全无希望 But if you just believe 但只要你相信 There"s no way we can fall 我们不可能倒下 Well, well, well, let"s realize 让我好好想清楚 That one change can only come 只能做一个改变 When we stand together as one 当我们像一家人站在一起 We are the world, we are the children 四海皆一家,我们都是神的子民 We are the ones who make a brighter day 创造美好的未来要靠我们 So let"s start giving 所以,让我们开始奉献自己 There"s a choice we"re making 我们正在做的抉择 We"re saving our own lives 是在拯救自己的生命 It"s true we"ll make a better day 我们真的可以创造更美好的明天 Just you and me(*) 就靠你和我

What is your greatest weakness?

in an interview? i guess so,if you r are just graduated,with limited work experiences, you may sayyou are lack of experieces, but DO emphasize your strength, for example, energetic, quick-learning, easy-going..... good luck!

what 后加谓语动词什么数,分什么情况吗? e.g. what leads to·····

what 当主语用单数,如若是其他当主语要看主语的单复数。

jony j what’ll u的歌词

关于我MP3歌词:HEY What up up ,do you know about me?So shut up up if you dont know about me.HEY What up up ,do you know about me?So shut up up if you dont know about me.Hey 别管外面什么样在胡闹还是和气就做自己的事哪怕是黑皮住你隔壁要学会忍耐 也接受不同声音存在我告诉自己只有是否努力没有成败我问我 这是否就是我想要的成熟而其实 我越来越像一个混球在奔波中坠落下沉不去想以后有时候只把自己当做全宇宙我一边听着家人的叮咛嘱咐一边跟朋友在Party吞云吐雾我认识越来越多朋友见识越来越多场面但让我说句实话 真心的实在少见我试着作出改变再换个角度思考从大学毕业到想办法让我自己吃饱在那段时间里手上只有一支铅笔写下我所有喜怒哀乐写下那些经历我曾在夜店HUSTLE唱歌工作到凌晨那是我最迷惘的人生像是丢了灵魂被唱片公司签约过 就像个笨蛋现在为梦想而活 可不是为了混饭把想法写成文字让它真实又别致想用这方式表达所以最初选择爵士但Sucker给我贴上标签 有谁的痕迹那就让J HOOD Mixtape来展现我的能力这一路 有鼓励 也承受着阻力凭这些枪林弹雨妄想打断我的骨气OH,lets stronger to survive我的字典没有气馁所以在你对我有所了解之前请你闭嘴HEY What up up ,do you know about me?So shut up up if you dont know about me.HEY What up up ,do you know about me?So shut up up if you dont know about me.谁看了我的MV 谁喷我发了微博我管你TM的是谁宅男还是肥婆我知道对你来说要接受我好难但我敢说喷我的那些都是脑残我又不是人民币美元或港币我所做的一切只想让我自己满意为自己为家人为梦想能继续SB才会为了虚荣心而变得抑郁我堕落过才想过积极的生活不怕错过了什么远离名利的争夺把文字填进音乐然后带它去旅行传播给那些有梦想的男男女女听我不是传播HIP HOP是思考的方式像是给你大脑装上独立的装置所以请叫我饶舌的科学家还有更多FLOW和韵脚等着被研发看我LIFE 听我专辑就知道品质过硬用歌词打动人心不靠BLINGBLING和墨镜不是唱过JAZZ RAP所以就娘炮我面面俱到但讨厌洋腔洋调所以我才不管有多少人知道我的名字我更加不会在意排行榜上面的名次把时间花在埋头苦干而不是吹牛我从来都不唬烂 我有更高的追求那是谁在攀比 跟我有什么关系嫉妒永远都是上帝给弱者的专利没错 我只会跟我自己比较因为我做HIP HOP也都只是因为喜好HEY What up up ,do you know about me?So shut up up if you dont know about me.HEY What up up ,do you know about me?So shut up up if you dont know about me.

、Whatprogramattractedyousomuch中 what program充当什么语?



meaning for me, a pastor who has conscience for me,

what do you got feat Eminem歌词翻译

You really like my limousineYou like the way the wheels rollYou like my seven inch leather heelsAnd goin" to all of the shows, butDo you love me, do you love meDo you love me, really love meYou like the credit cards and private planesMoney can really take you farYou like the hotels and fancy clothesAnd the sound of electric guitars, butDo you love me, do you love meDo you love me, I mean like do you really love me You really like rock "n" rollAll of the fame and the masqueradeYou like the concerts and studiosAnd all the money, honey, that I make, butDo you love me, do you love me?Do you love me, really love me?Your backstage pass and black sunglassesMake you look just like a queenEven the fans, they know your faceFrom all of the magazines, butI want you to (do you love me, do you love me)I need you to (do you love me, do you love me)And you know I"m so tired of everybody saying itAnd you know, (do you love me, do you love me)I just gotta knowIf you really really really, really love 你爱我吗? 吻合唱团你喜欢我的超级加长型礼车享受坐在车里感觉轮子平稳的转动你也喜欢我的七吋高跟皮靴并出席我们的每一场演出,但是你爱我吗?你爱我吗?你是真的爱我吗?你喜欢拥有信用卡和私人飞机金钱可以带你到任何想去的地方你还喜欢各种高级饭店和漂亮的衣服以及电吉他所发出来的声音,但是你爱我吗?你爱我吗?我的意思是,你是真的爱我吗?你热爱摇滚乐更爱我们的名气和面具般的化妆你也喜欢演唱会和录音室以及我所赚的每一分钱,但是 你爱我吗?你爱我吗?你真的爱我吗?戴著演唱会的后台通行证和黑色墨镜 使你的外表看起来就像个皇后即使是我的歌迷们也都能够认得你因为他们在各杂志上都能看到你的照片,但是我想要知道你是真的爱我吗?我必须知道你是真的爱我吗?你知道我已经厌倦了听每个人都这样说你知道,我只是想要听你证实你是真的爱我我想知道你真的真的真的爱我吗?

用英文解释回答一下what is international business?


英语感叹句 SO WHAT HOW开头 的用法和区别?

what a +(形容词)+感叹的对象how +形容+主语+谓语动词

how is 和what do you think of有什么区别


什么是 what is poverty


找错并改正What`s the famous statue of New York

What"s statue of New York famous for?不知对否~


Slope is monly used to describe the measurement of the steepness incline gradient or grade of a straight line. A higher slope value indicates a steeper incline. The slope is defined as the ratio of the "rise" divided by the "run" beeen o points on a line or in other words the ratio of the altitude change to the horizontal distance beeen any o points on the line. It is also always the same thing as how many rises in one run. Using calculus one can calculate the slope of the tangent to a curve at a point. The slope of a line in the plane containing the x and y axes is generally represented by the letter m and is defined as the change in the y coordinate divided by the corresponding change in the x coordinate beeen o distinct points on the line. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Slope Slope is monly used to describe the measurement of the steepness incline gradient or grade of a straight line. A higher slope value indicates a steeper incline. The slope is defined as the ratio of the "rise" divided by the "run" beeen o points on a line or in other words the ratio of the altitude change to the horizontal distance beeen any o points on the line. It is also always the same thing as how many rises in one run. Using calculus one can calculate the slope of the tangent to a curve at a point. The concept of slope and much of this article applies directly to grades or gradients in geography and civil engineering. Definition of slope The slope of a line in the plane containing the x and y axes is generally represented by the letter m and is defined as the change in the y coordinate divided by the corresponding change in the x coordinate beeen o distinct points on the line.

什么是A1酱?What is the a1 sauce?

在美国很普遍的,就跟吃薯条沾番茄酱似的,美国人吃牛排时爱沾A1 Sauce。这是一种咖啡色的浓酱汁,甜咸口味的。A1是产品名字,不是品牌名字。

求问what音标中的(hw)和weed中的(w)有和区别 汉语表达


what shit I am!!这句话我想表达 我是傻子吗! 该用how 还是 what

how how+adj/adv+主语+谓语+其他 表感叹上面的说的很好

这份工作吸引我的是可以学到好多新的东西 2 她让我生气的是抱怨太多 如何翻译成英文 用WHAT从句


英文话题阐述 1、What do you often do to relax yourself when you are stressed?

When I am stressed, I often play table tennis for a while. It"s not only a kind of good sports but also a good way to release my stress. When I play tabel tennis, I always forget all my worries.It can bring me lots of happiness. After playing table tennis, I often feel relax and refresh.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)

What is air pollution?

Air pollution is a chemical physical (e.g. particulate matter) or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is a plex dynamic natural gaseous system that is essential to support life on pla Earth. Stratospheric ozone depletion due to air pollution has long been recognized as a threat to human health as well as to the Earth"s ecosystems. Worldwide air pollution is responsible for large numbers of deaths and cases of respiratory disease. Enforced air quality standards like the Clean Air Act in the United States have reduced the presence of some pollutants. While major stationary sources are often identified with air pollution the greatest source of emissions is actually made up by mobile sources mainly the automobiles. Gases such as carbon dioxide which contribute to global warming have recently gained recognition as pollutants by some scientists. Others recognize the gas as being essential to life and therefore incapable of being classed as a pollutant. 参考: *** Air pollution is a chemical physical (e.g. particulate matter) or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is a plex dynamic natural gaseous system that is essential to support life on pla Earth. Stratospheric ozone depletion due to air pollution has long been recognized as a threat to human health as well as to the Earth"s ecosystems. Worldwide air pollution is responsible for large numbers of deaths and cases of respiratory disease. Enforced air quality standards like the Clean Air Act in the United States have reduced the presence of some pollutants. While major stationary sources are often identified with air pollution the greatest source of emissions is actually made up by mobile sources mainly the automobiles. Gases such as carbon dioxide which contribute to global warming have recently gained recognition as pollutants by some scientists. Others recognize the gas as being essential to life and therefore incapable of being classed as a pollutant. 参考: *** ari pullton is something that machines or others make out some dirt in the air and that is air pullution One type of air pollution is the release of particles into the air from burning fuel for energy. These include *** og acid rain the greenhouse effect and "holes" in the ozone layer. 空气污染=air pollution

英语作文What Is Success?怎么写

成功其实简单,就是不屑地努力加汗水.成功就是胜利,成功是靠拼搏的来的;成功就是你付出的回报,没有付出就不可能成功;成功就是辛勤付出所得到的成果. 成功是什么,就是胜利,他就是你努力加汗水的成果. Success is simple,just disdain efforts and sweat.Success is the victory,success depends on hard work.Success is you; pay a return,not to pay will be successful; success is to work hard to have achievement. What is success,victory,he is your effort and sweat results.

lets see what the wank is made of?什么意思

让我们来看看手淫是怎么做的。wank 是手淫的意思

以“What should we learn in college?”为题,写一篇英语作文!

What should we learn in collegeCollege is a place where students go to gain knowledge and skills that will prepare them for their future careers. But with so many different subjects and majors to choose from, it can be difficult to know what exactly we should be learning in college.In my opinion, the most important thing we should learn in college is how to think critically. Critical thinking skills are essential for success in any field, as they enable us to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make informed decisions. This skill can be developed through courses that challenge us to question assumptions, consider multiple perspectives, and weigh evidence.Another important area of study in college is communication skills. In today"s globalized world, effective communication is more important than ever. We need to be able to express ourselves clearly and persuasively, both in writing and in speech. Courses in public speaking, writing, and interpersonal communication can help us develop these skills.Of course, it"s also important to have a strong foundation in our chosen field of study. Whether we"re studying business, engineering, or the humanities, we need to have a solid understanding of the concepts and principles that underlie our discipline. This will enable us to apply our knowledge effectively and adapt to changes in our field over time.In conclusion, there are many things we should learn in college - critical thinking skills, communication skills, and subject-specific knowledge among them. By focusing on these areas of study, we can prepare ourselves for success both inside and outside of the classroom.

i donot kwon what you say是什么从句

I do not know what you say. 我不知道你说什么。宾语从句。句子主干 I do not know...,其中,主语 I ,谓语动词do not know,what you say整句话做宾语。

英语。结果是什么?结果怎么样?用英语怎么说啊what is the result?对吗?如果说wh

so what


1. I forgot my lunch box in the fridge.2. What a terrible day!3. I like to fly my kite in the sky.

what a perfect time为什么加a

这个a是对于后面prefect time整体这个短语的一个修饰,将prefect time看成一个整体,就是一个名词性的短语,虽然time不可数,但在这里time和前面的prefect连一起翻译成好时光,这里它就指的是好时光这件事,所以当翻译成好时光的时候它就成了可数名词,因此必须加冠词,这个what a prefect time同what a good time一样成了一种固定搭配,通常指玩的愉快,就例如have a good time通常用于当别人表示出去旅游时对别人的一种祝福语或者表示自身的旅游玩得很开心的一种感受。但是在其它地方time是不可数的前面不能加不定冠词a一样。

英语问题 the production is now three times what it wa

  慈母手中线,   游子身上衣。   临行密密缝,   意恐迟迟归。   谁言寸草心,

What a nuisance是什么意思


Contrary to what I had expected, he lost for ______. A.second time B.a second time C.secon

B 试题分析:考查冠词:句意:和我预料的相反,他有一次输了。A second time相当于another time“有一次”,是泛指,用不定冠词,the second time第二次,不符合句意。选B。

what a nuisance!是什么时态?

what a nuisance!要看牌办法,所以从交运出来还是放假的



"这该死的/操蛋的生活”用英语怎么说? What a fucking world?

The damn/fucking life

初次见面时用英语怎么说?A How are you. b Nice to meet you. c What is your name?


What Were We Thinking 歌词

歌曲名:What Were We Thinking歌手:Joss Stone专辑:Introducing Joss StoneWhat Were We ThinkingJoss StoneTry to turn it offBut it"s hard to seeThrough this emptinessSlowly breaking meMaybe hurt me just a little lessThen I can start to breatheBut still your heart is out of reachWhat were we thinkingAnd what will we do nowAh haRight nowRight nowRight nowOoh oohThe sun hasn"t shined today at allA funny thingYou haven"t calledTell me whyOr should I be asking?How would I respond to it allTimes were goodI wish you were around moreI can feel you at my doorBut it"s not youIt"s someone elseWhat can I doOoh, what did we doWhat were we thinkingWhat were we thinkingWhat will we do nowRight nowRight nowRight nowAnd tell me you made up your mindIt wouldn"t be the first timeSee absurd,it"s my own heart that hurts meO"m a prime myself the fool,"cause I fell in love with youWhat were we thinkingWhat were we thinkingWhat will we do nowRight nowRight nowRight nowTry to turn it offBut it"s hard to seeThrough this emptinessSlowly breaking meMaybe hurt me just a little lessThen I can start to breatheBut still your heart is out fo reachWhat were we thinkingWhat can we do nowRight nowRight nowTry to turn it offBut it"s hard to seeThrough this emptinessSlowly breaking meMaybe hurt me just a little lessThen I can start to breatheBut still your heart is out fo reach ohh...I should have known its was right in front of meScreaming girl just walk away,see it can"t ever beWe carried on making our mistakes,thinking love was freeNow you"ve taken part of meOh,what will we do noe,babyRight nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3469510

英语翻译 你存钱是为了什么 翻译.不用why,而用what.for这种形式

Why do you save money?是你为什么存钱的意思.但是句子需要强调“为了什么”,for what有为了什么的意思.改成问句,疑问词放句首,所以是What do you save money for?其实一般情况下,why 是等于 for what的,但是这里用f...

what are you going to have?回答

what are you going to have?回答你将有什么?I am going to have an English partner.我将有一个英语搭档。

if you could have a super power ,what do you want?

If i have super power ,i would like to travel all over the world .I want to become a English translater,and I will buy a Lanbojini car.But this is not truely ,my dream,let us go!


that为什么字数少了不让提交= =

This is what you get````````跪求中文歌词```

是歌曲《Karma Police》(轮回刑警) 以下是中文歌词:)~ Karma police 轮回刑警 arrest this man, 逮捕那家伙 he talks in maths, 他口齿不清 he buzzes like a fridge, 象电冰箱一样发出嗡嗡的声音 he"s like a detuned radio. 还像一台调不准音的收音机 Karma police 轮回刑警 arrest this girl, 逮捕那娘们 her Hitler hairdo 她发型象希特勒 is making me feel ill 让我快要作呕 and we have crashed her party. 况且我们早就根除了纳粹党 This is what you get, 这就是你的下场 this is what you get, 这就是你的下场 this is what you get, 这就是你的下场 when you mess with us. 如果你还要顽抗 Karma police 轮回刑警 I"ve given all I can, 我早就竭尽所能 it"s not enough, 但还是差之毫厘 I"ve given all I can 我早就竭尽全力 but we"re still on the payroll. 但还得苟且偷生 This is what you get, 这就是你的下场 this is what you get, 这就是你的下场 this is what you get, 这就是你的下场 when you mess with us. 这就是你的下场 For a minute there I lost myself, I lost myself. 恍惚之间,差点迷失自我 Phew, for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself. 恍惚之间,差点迷失自我

what is a bucket list

bucket list就是一个人生目标清单

What is your country of citizenship是什么意思


sm? what that mean?

hit you ,and make you feel happy

what sm 什么意思?


请问,what is fair trade?

跪求!!!soulja的《what‘s love?》平假名歌词 不求翻译。

Tell me da meaning of true love come onWhat"s LoveCuz I"ve been looking for true love come onYanako制作 What"s Loveいっそのこと抱(だ)いて抱(だ)いて抱(だ)いてきっとまた笑って 泣(な)いてないでやっぱりほら 寂(さび)しいから明日(あした)がくれば それでバイバイ「爱(あい)してる」なんていらない本当(ほんと)のことだけ 教(おし)えてよキミの中にあるリアル「爱(あい)の诗(うた)」聴(き)かせてよso baby hug me hug me hug mecuz言叶(ことば)だけだとどこかでempty気持(きも)ち伝(つた)わらずに空回(からまわ)りうすい 言叶(ことば)より确(たし)かなその温(ぬく)もりso love me love me love me気持(きも)ち先走り(さきばし)but意味(いみ)がわからないただ どっかで求(もと)める つながり谁(だれ)でも良(い)いわけじゃねぇがさみしいsoWhats love 目(め)には见(み)えねぇ风(かぜ)のように 姿(すがた)かたちもねぇ なのに草木(そうもく)は揺(ゆ)れ云(くも)流(なが)れ凉(すず)しげな风(かぜ)に仆(ぼく)らは愈されてso Whats love Whats love今(いま)はまだわかんなくて良(い)いcuz何时(なんどき)か自然(しぜん)に知(し)るだろうその时(とき)にyou"ll know this is loveいっそのこと抱(だ)いて抱(だ)いて抱(だ)いてきっとまた笑って 泣(な)いてないでやっぱりほら 寂(さび)しいから明日(あした)がくれば それでバイバイ「爱(あい)してる」なんていらない本当(ほんと)のことだけ 教(おし)えてよキミの中にあるリアル「爱(あい)の诗(うた)」聴(き)かせてよ分(わ)からない 分(わ)かりたくないなんで结局(けっきょく)こーなっちゃうんだよ嘘(うそ)ばかり 伪(いつわ)りだらけもう何(なに)も信(しん)じられなくなるよ欲(ほ)しいものならあげたハズなのに頼(たよ)りない「I love you」これ以上(いじょう)近(ち)づけないの叫(さけ)んでしまう「I missing you」yo 人(ひと)は皆(みな)どこか寂(さび)しがりやでただただ 谁(だれ)かに爱(あい)されたくてなのに伤(きず)つけて 伤(きず)つけられての缲(く)り返(かえ)しに 疲(つか)れ果(は)てて マジWhat"s Love 意味(いみ)忘(わす)れてけど True Love あると信(しん)じてぇだから それまでオレは待(ま)ち続(つづ)けTill the day I can say yo this is loveいっそのこと抱(だ)いて抱(だ)いて抱(だ)いてきっとまた笑って 泣(な)いてないでやっぱりほら 寂(さび)しいから明日(あした)がくれば それでバイバイ「爱(あい)してる」なんていらない本当(ほんと)のことだけ 教(おし)えてよキミの中にあるリアル「爱(あい)の诗(うた)」聴(き)かせてよWhat"s LoveTell me da meaning of true love come onWhat"s LoveCuz I"ve been looking for true love come onWhat"s Loveいっそのこと抱(だ)いて抱(だ)いて抱(だ)いてきっとまた笑って 泣(な)いてないでやっぱりほら 寂(さび)しいから明日(あした)がくれば それでバイバイ「爱(あい)してる」なんていらない本当(ほんと)のことだけ 教(おし)えてよキミの中にあるリアル「爱(あい)の诗(うた)」聴(き)かせてよWhat"s Loveキミの中にあるリアルWhat"s Love「爱の诗」Yanako制作 聴かせてよ自己一个字一个字打的……没有听过这首歌所以有几个词不确定……

What is my motto 是什么意思?



If you have nothing to do during the summer vacation, you can read novels and taste the author"s unique feelings in the novels. Life is so charming, and there is Yan Ruyu in the book. Sometimes, I write my own feelings in essays, but most of them are boring. The holiday is very long, but I am very boring, just looking forward to the end of the holiday, so as to welcome the later enrichment.暑假没事就去看小说,在小说中品鉴作者其中独特的感悟。人生如此多娇,书中更有颜如玉。有时候也会自己随笔写写感悟,但多半还是索然无味。假期很长,而我却很无趣,只是在期盼假期的结束,从而迎来后面的充实。





what is your dormitory

what is your dormitory你的宿舍是什么重点单词:dormitory (学校等的)宿舍;集体寝室;(在市内工作的人的)郊外住宅区

what is triple bottom line

Global Compact /全球契约

What seems to be the problem?什么意思


i cannot what i will not do .shakespeare

I cannot do what I will not

what festivals什么意思

what festivals什么意思意思是:什么节日重点词汇释义festivals节日( festival的名词复数 ); 节期;

what is Calcium carbonate

Calcium carbonate is a chemical pound with the formula CaCO3. It is a mon substance found in rocks in all parts of the world and is the main ponent of shells of marine ani *** s snails coal balls pearls and eggshells. Calcium carbonate is the active ingredient in agricultural lime and is created when Ca ions in hard water react with carbonate ions creating limescale. It is monly used medicinally as a calcium supplement or as an antacid but excessive consumption can be hazardous. Calcium carbonate shares the typical properties of other carbonates. Notably: it reacts with strong acids releasing carbon dioxide: CaCO3(s) + 2 HCl(aq) → CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l) it releases carbon dioxide on heating called a thermal deposition reaction or calcination (to above 840 °C in the case of CaCO3) to form calcium oxide monly called quicklime with reaction enthalpy 178 kJ / mole: CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g) Calcium carbonate will react with water that is saturated with carbon dioxide to form the soluble calcium bicarbonate. CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O → Ca(HCO3)2 This reaction is important in the erosion of carbonate rocks forming caverns and leads to hard water in many regions. An unusual form of calcium carbonate is ikaite with crystal water CaCO3·6H2O. Ikaite is stable only below 6 °C. 参考: Me Calcium carbonate is a chemical pound with the formula CaCO3. It is a mon substance found in rocks in all parts of the world and is the main ponent of shells of marine ani *** s snails coal balls pearls and eggshells. Calcium carbonate is the active ingredient in agricultural lime and is created when Ca ions in hard water react with carbonate ions creating limescale. It is monly used medicinally as a calcium supplement or as an antacid but excessive consumption can be hazardous. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Calcium_carbonate

what is your attitude toward money作文不要少于10句话

As the saying goes,money talks.What is known to us all,money is a good thing that can buy almost everything in the world.If you are rich enough,you can own flats,cars,and anything really exsiting .However,there are some things in our lives that can"t be bought by money.If you regret doing something,that is helpless,because once it happened,it"s no use crying over spilt milk,in other words,there"s no pill called regret in the world.And surely money can"t buy us happiness and health,no matter how much money you have,it makes no sense to happiness and health.So cherish what you have at present,never care too much about money,living a happy life is the most important in our daily lives.O(∩_∩)O~,自己写的,在家无聊了.

What is your racket? 怎么翻译?


i was invited to a fashion show,but i didn‘t know —— 为什么不是when to do 而是what to do

这句话翻译过来是“我被邀请参加一个时装秀,可我不知道该怎么办。”所以用what to do

what use is a conductor

这里是一个句式:a is to b what c is to d.

what do you think about independence如何回答?

我们需要培养独立,因为一个人不可能永远生活在温室。摇篮里,终将要离开这些依靠,去外面的世界里,建造属于自己的温暖木屋。一个缺少独立的人,就像只拥有一个僵硬的躯壳,却没有一个完整的灵魂。所以,我们需要独立。We need to cultivate independence because one cannot live in a greenhouse forever. In the cradle, we will leave these dependence and go to the outside world to build our own warm wooden house. A lack of independence is like having a rigid body without a complete soul. So we need to be independent.

you are what i meed in my life啥意思


Status Quo的《What To Do》 歌词

歌曲名:What To Do歌手:Status Quo专辑:On The LevelDemi Lovato - What To DoTell me what to do, oohh, about youI would"ve known, I can see it in your eyes when you tell "em the truthCause it"s been a long time comin"So where you runin to?Tell me what to do, oohh, about youYou"ve got your way of speakingEven the air you"re breathin"You could be anythingBut you don"t know what to believe inYou got the world before youIf I could only show youThat you don"t know what to doTell me what to do, oohh, about youSomethin" on your mind, baby all of the time, you can ming on a roomThis day has been a long time comin"I say it"s nothing newSo tell me what to do, ooh, about youYou"ve got your way of speakingEven the air you"re breathin"You could be anythingBut you don"t know what to believe inYou got the world before youIf I could only show youThat you don"t know what to doYou think about itCan you ever change, finish what you"ve startedMake me wanna stay, tied up conversationShow me something real, find out what your part isPlay it how you feelTell me what to do, ooh, about youIs there any way, anything I can say, won"t break us in twoCause it"s been a long time comin"I can"t stop lovin" you, yeahTell me what to do, ooh, about youYou"ve got your way of speakingEven the air you"re breathin"You could be anythingBut you don"t know what to believe inYou got the world before youIf I could only show youThat you don"t know what to do(You"ve got your way of speaking)(Even the air you"re breathin")You could be anythingBut you don"t know what to believe in(You got the world before you) World before you(If I could only show you) Show youThat you don"t know what to dohttp://music.baidu.com/song/8572295

英语句子语法理解 but my father had described over and over again what we should see at every mil

what we should see at every milestone是宾语从句吧

李阳疯狂英语的(what is Englishi 的全文)?

What is English?第一段Ladies and gentlemen. English is popular all over the world. Today I"d like to talk about what English means to us.第二段What is English? Of course, it"s a language. But for us, it"s not just a language. It"s also a very important tool and powerful weapon. It is a necessary skill for our life and success in the 21st century.第三段Why should we master this language, tool and weapon? Why should we spend so much time and energy on English? The answer is obvious; to improve ourselves, to serve our country and our people and to communicate freely with the world. This is our ultimate goal. This is our No.1 mission.第四段Let"s master English to promote international communication. Let"s master English to spread Chinese language and culture. Let"s master English to make China stronger and more prosperous. Let"s master English to make our future brighter. Let"s master English to make our world a better place.留下邮箱,我把mp3音频发给你。

What is the meaning of suspect?

suspect: [ s05s"pekt ] n. 嫌疑犯 a. 令人怀疑的,不可信的 v. 怀疑,猜想 [ 过去式suspected 过去分词suspected 现在分词suspecting 第三人称单数suspects ] 例句与用法1. She has more intelligence than we suspected her to possess. 她的智慧比我们猜想的要高。 2. Are political suspects kept under police observation in your country? 你们国家的政治嫌疑犯受警察监视吗? 3. His statements are suspect. 他的陈述可疑。 4. They suspected an ambush. 他们怀疑有埋伏。 5. He"s a prime suspect in the murder case. 他是这次谋杀案的主要怀疑对象
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