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What is the meaning of suspect?

2023-08-09 08:54:27

suspect: [ s05s"pekt ] n. 嫌疑犯

a. 令人怀疑的,不可信的

v. 怀疑,猜想

[ 过去式suspected 过去分词suspected 现在分词suspecting 第三人称单数suspects ]


1. She has more intelligence than we suspected her to possess.

她的智慧比我们猜想的要高。 2. Are political suspects kept under police observation in your country?

你们国家的政治嫌疑犯受警察监视吗? 3. His statements are suspect.

他的陈述可疑。 4. They suspected an ambush.

他们怀疑有埋伏。 5. He"s a prime suspect in the murder case.




suspected英 [su0259"spektu026ad]美 [su0259"spektid]v. 怀疑(suspect的过去分词和过去式)adj. 有嫌疑的更多释义>>[网络短语]Suspected 涉嫌,疑似,之嫌Suspected Foe 嫌疑犯suspected bil 有疑问提单
2023-08-06 17:02:252


suspect英[su0259u02c8spekt , u02c8su028cspekt]美[su0259u02c8spekt , u02c8su028cspekt]n. 犯罪嫌疑人; 嫌疑犯; 嫌疑分子; 可疑对象;v. 疑有,觉得(尤指坏事可能属实或发生); 感觉有问题; 不信任; 怀疑(某人有罪);adj. 可疑的; 不可信的; 靠不住的; 可能有危险的; 有违法嫌疑的;[例句]Second, it discusses how to set set my suspect knows the right system.其次,探讨如何设置设置我国犯罪嫌疑人知悉权制度。[其他] 第三人称单数:suspects 现在分词:suspecting 过去式:suspected 过去分词:suspected
2023-08-06 17:02:321


suspect英 [su0259u02c8spekt] 美 [su0259u02c8spu025bkt] vt.猜疑(是); 怀疑,不信任; 怀疑…有罪n.嫌疑犯vi.怀疑adj.可疑的I suspect they were right. 我感觉他们是对的。
2023-08-06 17:02:523


2023-08-06 17:03:003

suspect. 什么意思

2023-08-06 17:03:496


suspect的用法如下:vt. 猜疑(是),怀疑,不信任,怀疑…有罪n. 嫌疑犯vi. 怀疑变形:形容词:suspected; 过去式: suspected; 现在分词:suspecting; 过去分词:suspected;suspect的基本意思是指“猜想”或“怀疑”某人〔事〕,也可指“猜想”或者“怀疑”某事已经发生或将会发生,主观色彩较浓,不一定有根据。suspect是及物动词,接名词、代词、that从句、wh-从句作宾语。可用于被动结构。suspect还可接以“(to be/as+) n./adj. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。suspect用作动词的用法例句They suspected an ambush.他们怀疑有埋伏。I suspect he was lying by the boy"s abnormal behaviour.从那个男孩的反常举动中,我怀疑他在撒谎。Just at that time, I began to suspect whether to tell her that matter.只是在那个时候,我开始怀疑我是否应该告诉她那件事。suspect用法例句1、Investigators say nearly $100,000 was wired into the suspect"s bank accounts.调查人员说有近10万美元汇入了嫌疑人的银行账户。2、Do women really share such stupid jokes? We suspect not.女人们真的会觉得如此愚蠢的笑话好笑吗?我们想不会。3、I suspect he isn"t altogether unhappy about my absence.我猜想他对我的缺席并没有感到很不高兴。
2023-08-06 17:04:031


2023-08-06 17:04:174

be suspected to be是什么意思

be suspected to be被怀疑是
2023-08-06 17:04:342


suspect过去式suspectedv.翻译:v.怀疑(某人有罪);疑有,觉得(尤指坏事可能属实或发生);不信任;感觉有问题;adj.有嫌疑的,疑似……的;例句1.The males suspected to have induced inversions were later used to build up stocks.疑有诱发倒位的雄性然后用于建立原种。2.Methods Seventy-five patients with clinically suspected appendicitis underwent barium enema double contrast examination. 方法对临床疑有阑尾炎的75例病人,采用造影前2d流食,造影当日清洁肠道,用足量的钡剂快速注满右半结肠,辅以体位和加压促使阑尾显影。3.I suspect there may be something funny going on. 我怀疑可能有某种非法勾当在进行中。4.He"s the police"s prime suspect in this case. 他是该案中警方的主要怀疑对象。5.Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders. 警方怀疑那两桩凶杀案可能有关联。6.Some of the evidence they produced was highly suspect. 他们出示的证据中有些相当成问题。7.The bodies were identified as those of two suspected drug dealers. 那两具尸体被辨认出原是两名贩毒嫌疑犯。8.I began to suspect they were trying to get rid of me. 我开始觉察出,他们试图摆脱掉我。9.I rather suspect we"re making a mistake. 我有点儿怀疑我们正在犯错误。10.The suspect has dark hair and green eyes. 嫌疑犯有着一头黑发和一双绿眼睛。
2023-08-06 17:04:521


其实这个词的动词含义就是“怀疑、猜想”的意思,你说有时有相信的意思大概也是中文里不确定的用法,跟“猜想”的含义相似.比如下面这个例句:They suspected an ambush.他们怀疑有埋伏.如果译成“他们相信有埋伏”或者“他们猜想有埋伏”,似乎也未尝不可.suspect的形容词嘛,当然就是“令人怀疑的、不可信的”,应该没什么非议吧.
2023-08-06 17:05:211


suspectable 是可疑的,值得怀疑的suspected是受到怀疑的suspect是动词。
2023-08-06 17:05:292


2023-08-06 17:05:373


因为这是一个短语做状语,名词不能作,所以用suspected of carrying...既主语he和suspect是被动关系所以用过去分词短语做原因状语。
2023-08-06 17:05:471


2023-08-06 17:06:108


都是表示怀疑。doubt一般用法是there is no doubt that或者No doubt,表示毫无疑问。suspect表示置疑,怀疑。一般是放在肯定句中,当动词,suspect sth,suspect sb.
2023-08-06 17:06:292


suspect sb of doing sth这里不过是of省略了
2023-08-06 17:06:409


suspect:have an idea of the existence,presence or truth of sth doubt:feel uncertain
2023-08-06 17:07:013

suspect 做怀疑讲时候的用法有suspect to do 吗?

2023-08-06 17:07:102

请问be suspected to cheat符合语法么 即有没有be suspected to do的结构

没有. suspect基本用法如下: 1.Vt.猜疑,怀疑 suspect sb/sth suspect sb of (doing) sth 2.Vt.猜想,以为 suspect + that从句 suspect sb to be + 名词 3.Vt.察觉 suspect sth 4.n.嫌疑犯 5.adj.可疑的 如果对你有所帮助,请点击我回答下面的“选为满意回答”按钮,
2023-08-06 17:07:181


及物动词 不及物动词 名词 形容词 4个
2023-08-06 17:07:484

A case of suspected food poisoning in New York has led to 6 high school students &...

A 试题分析: 句意:纽约一个疑似食品中毒的案件已经导致6名高中生被送到医院了。Lead to“导致”其中的to是介词,后面接动名词的符合结构:逻辑主语(6 high school students)+动名词,因为students和send是被动关系,用动名词的被动,选A。
2023-08-06 17:08:071

it is suspected that有时态的变化吗

这是过去式,没有时态变化,it is suspected that意思是:有人怀疑。重点词汇:suspected。英[su0259'spektu026ad]释义:adj.有嫌疑的,疑似……的。v.怀疑;疑有,察觉;猜想(suspect的过去分词和过去式)。短语:suspected bill有疑问提单;嫌疑证书;有疑难提单。词语使用变化:suspectv.(动词)1、suspect的基本意思是指“猜想”或“怀疑”某人〔事〕,也可指“猜想”或者“怀疑”某事已经发生或将会发生,主观色彩较浓,不一定有根据。2、suspect是及物动词,接名词、代词、that从句、wh-从句作宾语。可用于被动结构。3、suspect还可接以“(to be/as+)n./adj.”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。
2023-08-06 17:08:431

求suspect 用法 例句

suspect英音:[su0259s"pekt]美音:[su0259"spu025bkt]suspect的中文翻译以下结果由译典通提供词典解释suspect1及物动词 vt. [W]
2023-08-06 17:10:192


suspect、suspicion主要的区别有:1、用作名词时:suspect:嫌疑犯。例句:Police have arrested a suspect in a series of killings and sexual assaults in the city.翻译:市内发生一系列杀人和性侵案件,警方已经逮捕一名犯罪嫌疑人。suspicion:怀疑;嫌疑;疑心。例句:There was a suspicion that this runner attempted to avoid the procedures for dope testing.翻译:这名赛跑选手涉嫌有意逃避药检。2、用作动词时:suspect:怀疑;猜想。例句:He suspected that she was using heroin.翻译:他怀疑她在吸食海洛因。suspicion:怀疑。例句:I had a lurking suspicion that he wasn"t telling the truth.翻译:我心里暗自怀疑他没有讲真话。3、用作形容词时:suspect:可疑的;不可信的。例句:A suspect package翻译:可疑包裹suspicion:无形容词释义。参考资料来源:百度翻译—suspect参考资料来源:百度翻译—suspicion
2023-08-06 17:10:291


suspect 怀疑,作为动词;作名词时则是嫌疑犯suspection 则是suspect的名词形式,只能作为名词,怀疑
2023-08-06 17:10:502

suspect sb as 语法是否正确 suspect sb to be 是否正确 两者有何区别

suspect sb as语法正确。he was suspected as an accomplice.suspect sb to be也正确。he was suspected to be an accomplice.区别,suspect sb to be可能性大一点。如果是事实,要用of结构。he was suspected of being an accomplice.
2023-08-06 17:11:491


double,noun是两倍,adjective 是双重两倍的,vt是使加倍;suspect, noun是嫌疑犯,犯罪嫌疑人adjective是怀疑的
2023-08-06 17:11:562

华夏银行卡在ATM机取钱取不出来,出现suspected fraud的英文,是怎么回事?

华夏银行卡在ATM机取钱取不出来,出现suspected fraud是你的银行卡状态异常,已经失效或者被冻结。你可以咨询一下华夏银行的,银行人工客服或者是带本人身份证,银行卡去华夏银行营业网点查询一下这个银行卡是否正常?
2023-08-06 17:12:041

suspect doubt,这两个是怎么区分的?

这俩运用在完全不同情境,Is he a doctor?I doubt that. 对人多于事物。Does his doctor degree real? I suspect that. 对事物多于人。
2023-08-06 17:12:124

suspect for和suspect of的区别.

suspect for 有…嫌疑的人: The letter makes him a possible suspect for her murder. 这封信使他成为谋杀她的嫌疑人. suspect of 怀疑有…罪: He was wrongly suspected of the crime. 有人错误地怀疑他犯了这项罪行.
2023-08-06 17:12:381

英语谚语:He that once deceived is never suspected 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: He that once deceived is never suspected 中文意思: 一次行诈骗,永远遇疑嫌。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: False with one can be false with two 对一个人虚伪,也会对两个人虚伪。 Fame is a magnifying glass 名誉是放大镜。 Fame like a river is narrowest at its source and broadest afar off 名誉像条河,源头最狭窄,远处最宽阔。 Familiar paths and old friends are the best 熟路好遵循,老友最可珍。 Far from eye far from heart 离远而情疏。 Fast bind fast find 保存得好,东西好找。 Fasting es after feasting 今日有酒今日醉,明日无钱不揭锅。 Fat hens lay few eggs 肥鸡不下蛋。 Faults are thick where love is thin 一朝情意淡,样样不顺眼。 Fear is often greater than the danger 杞人忧天。 英语谚语: He that once deceived is never suspected 中文意思: 一次行诈骗,永远遇疑嫌。
2023-08-06 17:12:471

A case of suspected food poisoning in New York has led to 6 high school students &...

2023-08-06 17:12:541


all r bullshitbullshit
2023-08-06 17:13:066


我就大概说说,有兴趣,你自己找点医学资料仔细看看。首先,生命的主要组成物质有蛋白质,多糖,脂类,核酸等。蛋白质的基本组成单位是氨基酸,多糖的基本组成单位大部分是葡萄糖,核酸的基本组成单位是核苷酸,脂类的基本组成单位是甘油和脂肪酸。如果学过的话,你应该知道,它们都是化学物质。化学物质相遇,就可以在一定条件下,反应,生成新物质。那么,化学致癌的主要原理就在那些化学物质会和生命体内的某些物质反应,造成一些正常的生命活动得到抑制,而出现某些活动的泛滥。比如,现在一个细胞里的基因需要表达来造50分子氨基酸的肽链,表达完毕,相应的RNA就要水解。但是,当它的表达过程,被某些化学物质所干扰时,假如RNA没有及时被水解,可能造成合成物有问题等等。还有,就是化学物质可以导致DNA,RNA的结构突变,变异,可能造成基因突变来导致生命遗传信息的错误表达,从而导至…… 还有你要知道,致癌的概念,是指 细胞的正常生命活动不能被机体有效控制的结果。并不是什么致病的原因,而是,正常细胞活动被干扰,导致的细胞异常,从而让应有的细胞活动得到抑制和干扰,使得生命体有所虚弱。你自己多找点医学资料看看吧。我只是靠我的理解给你说的。但是,都是在学过的基础说说的。
2023-08-06 17:13:233

though my aunt pursued what was,in those days,an enlightened policy.

1,这里的what不是疑问句语序,这里就是陈述句语序,what在特殊疑问句里充当宾语,这里充当从句的主语。in those days,是插入语,可以忽略,直接练上去的话,你就明白了。这样的句型是还是并与从句的知识范畴。2, 首先这的确是一个so...that 句型,so是一个副词,在这里是完全倒装,其特点是,谓语动词完全放于主语之前,所以gained 在my aunt"s confidence 之前,建议去看一下有关倒装句的知识。3, 是的,有的,就是怀疑某事怎么样了,或者没有怎么样。希望帮助到你了
2023-08-06 17:13:441

英语plum tree怎么翻译?

plum tree李子树
2023-08-06 17:13:5313

suspect sb of sth和suspect sb of doing都对吗?分别是什么意思?

2023-08-06 17:14:433


Article 1 For the purposes of regulating foreign trade order, safeguarding foreign trade interests of the state, these measures are worked out in accordance with Foreign Trade Law of the People"s Republic of China, Administrative Punishment Law and other corresponding laws and regulations.   第一条 为规范对外贸易秩序,维护国家对外贸易利益,根据《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》、《行政处罚法》和其他相关法律法规,制定本办法。   Article 2 Export invoice may be divided into export invoice made by supervision and made by oneself. Export invoice made by supervision means the export invoice uniformly printed, supervised and managed by every local taxation department. The export invoice made by oneself means the export invoice printed by foreign trade managers themselves.   第二条 出口发票可分为监制出口发票和自制出口发票。监制出口发票是指由各地税务部门统一印制和监管的出口发票;自制出口发票是指对外贸易经营者自行打印的出口发票。   Article 3 “Writing export invoice at a lower price in terms of these measures means while foreign trade managers are engaged in foreign trade business, price written on the export invoice made by themselves provided to the importers is lower than the price on the invoice provided during export declaration at the customs.   第三条 本办法所指的“低开出口发票”是指对外贸易经营者在对外贸易中,向进口商提供的自制出口发票的票面价值低于出口报关时所提供发票票面价值的行为。   Article 4 Ministry of Commerce will make investigation together with State Administration of Taxation and the General Administration of the Customs will give cooperation under following circumstances,   第四条 在出现以下情况时,商务部会同税务总局进行调查,海关总署予以配合:   .1.informant about domestic enterprises or organizations of corresponding industry being suspected of writing export invoice at a lower price;   1、国内企业、相关行业组织等关于涉嫌存在低开出口发票行为的举报;   2. circular on the behavior suspected of writing export invoice at a lower price put forward formerly by corresponding government department of an import country;   2、进口国相关政府部门正式提出的关于涉嫌存在低开出口发票行为的通报;   3. behaviour of foreign trade managers being suspected of writing export invoice at a lower price found through the cooperation with the customs;   3、通过海关互助合作,发现对外贸易经营者涉嫌存在低开出口发票的行为;   4. Informants about other behaviours of writing export invoice at a lower price.   4、其他关于涉嫌低开出口发票行为的举报。   Article 5 Ministry of Commerce should make preliminary examination on the request for investigation within 10 days at receipt of the request for investigation. According to the examination, to the behaviour harmful to foreign trade order and interests of the state, Ministry of Commerce will transfer the materials to the General Administration of the Customs. The General Administration of the Customs will check whether the export invoice is written at a lower price and transfer the result to Ministry of Commerce within 50 days at receipt of the materials transferred by the Ministry of Commerce.   第五条 商务部在接到调查请求之日起10日内,对调查请求情况进行初步审核。根据审核结果,对于危害国家对外贸易秩序和对外贸易利益的,将有关材料移交海关总署,海关总署在接到商务部移交材料起50日内将对是否存在涉嫌低开出口发票行为进行核对,并将核对结果移交商务部。   To the behaviour that is preliminary confirmed to be suspected of writing export invoice at a lower price, Ministry of Commerce will transfer the materials to State Administration of Taxation within 10 days at receipt of the check result made by General Administration of the Customs. State Administration of Taxation should make investigation that whether the foreign trade managers are suspected of writing export invoice at a lower price and transfer the investigation result to the Ministry of Commerce within 50 days at receipt of the materials transferred by the Ministry of Commerce. It is not restricted by this to the behaviour that is suspected of evading taxes by cheating and need to be send to the investigation organs for starting an investigation. To the behaviour that is confirmed preliminarily not being suspected of writing export invoice at a lower price, Ministry of Commerce will stop investigation on it.   商务部在接到海关总署核对结果之日起10日内,对初步认定存在涉嫌低开出口发票行为事实的,将有关材料移交税务总局;税务总局在接到商务部移交材料起50日内对对外贸易经营者是否从事该涉嫌低开出口发票行为进行调查并将调查结果移交商务部,但凡涉嫌偷逃骗税需移送稽查部门立案调查的,不受此限。对初步认定不存在涉嫌低开出口发票行为事实的,商务部应终止调查。   According to above investigation, if Ministry of Commerce confirmed that the export invoice was written at a lower price, it should make a preliminary decision on the behaviour of writing export invoice at a lower price in accordance with laws within 15 days at receipt of the investigation result made by the State Administration of Taxation and deliver the written document about the decision to the corresponding foreign trade manager within 10 days. To the behaviour that is confirmed not being suspected of writing export invoice at a lower price, Ministry of Commerce should stop investigation on it.   根据上述调查结果,商务部在确认存在低开出口发票行为时,自收到税务总局的调查结果之日起15日内依法对低开出口发票行为进行初步裁定,并将裁定结果在10日内书面送达相关对外贸易经营者;对确认不存在低开出口发票行为的,商务部应终止调查。   Article 6 Within 7 days at delivery of the preliminary decision to the corresponding foreign trade manager, corresponding foreign trade manager may submit written application materials to the Ministry of Commerce and make an application for a hearing for any disagreement.   第六条 在初步裁定送达相关对外贸易经营者之日起7日内,相关对外贸易经营者如有异议可向商务部提交书面申辩材料,并可提出听证申请。   Article 7 Ministry of Commerce should give a hearing on the punishment on corresponding foreign trade manager"s behaviour of writing export invoice at a lower price in accordance with the provisions of Administrative Punishment Law.   第七条 商务部对相关对外贸易经营者低开出口发票行为的处罚进行听证的,应当遵照《行政处罚法》的规定。   Article 8 Within 50 days at the date of preliminary decision, Ministry of Commerce will make final decision on the foreign trade manager"s behaviour of being suspected of writing export invoice at a lower price.   第八条 自初步裁定做出之日起50日内,由商务部对相关对外贸易经营者的涉嫌低开出口发票行为进行最终裁定。   Article 9 To the foreign trade manager who wrote export invoice at a lower price for the first time, Ministry of Commerce will give him a warning in accordance with related provisions of Administrative Punishment Law. To the enterprises that did it again 2 year after the first warning, a fine of less than 30,000 yuan may be imposed besides being given a warning. If above behaviour of violating the law exerted a bad influence to foreign trade order, the enterprise violating the law should be prohibited to be engaged in foreign trade business for more than 1 year and less than 3 years in light of the circumstances. The enterprise"s legal representative holding major responsibility should be prohibited to be legal representative for foreign trade enterprise for more than 1 year and less than 3 years in light of the circumstances.   第九条 对存在低开出口发票行为的对外贸易经营者,商务部依据《行政处罚法》的有关规定,对初次违反的企业予以警告;对第一次警告后2年内再次违反的企业除予以警告外,可以并处3万元人民币以下的罚款;以上违法行为,对外贸经营秩序造成严重影响的,可视其情节,给予违法企业禁止其在1年以上3年以下期限内从事有关对外贸易经营活动的处罚。 对于负有主要责任的企业法定代表人,可视情节,禁止其在1年以上3年以下期限内担任外贸企业法定代表人。   Above punishments will be announced in accordance with Foreign Trade Law and corresponding regulations.   以上处罚,将依据《对外贸易法》及相关规定进行公告。   The administrative punishment decision letter should be delivered to corresponding foreign trade managers within 7 days at the date when the punishment decision is made.   行政处罚决定书应自行政处罚做出之日起7日内送达相关对外贸易经营者。   Article 10 If there is any disagreement with the administrative punishment listed in Article 9, the person concerned may apply for an administrative review in accordance with laws or bring a lawsuit to the People"s Court in accordance with laws.   第十条 当事人对第九条所列行政处罚不服的,可以依法申请行政复议,也可以依法向人民法院提起诉讼。   Article 11 Relative unit and individual should cooperate with and assist in the investigation made by the Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of the Customs and State Administration of Taxation.   第十一条 有关单位和个人应当对商务部、海关总署和税务总局的相关调查给予配合、协助。   Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of the Customs and State Administration of Taxation should maintain secrecy about state and commercial secret known during the investigation.   商务部、海关总署和税务总局对调查中知悉的国家秘密和商业秘密负有保密义务。   The investigators of Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of the Customs and State Administration of Taxation should abide by corresponding laws, regulations and rules of the state during the investigation.   商务部、海关总署和税务总局的调查人员在调查过程中应该遵守国家相关的法律、法规和规章。   Article 12 During the investigation, if any foreign trade manager was found to be suspected of writing export invoice at a lower price, State Administration of Taxation will make an investigation on him and punish him in accordance with related provisions of Measures on Invoice Management of the People"s Republic of China. Punishment should be given by the customs on any behaviour of smuggling and violating the regulations of customs supervision in accordance with the provisions of Customs Law of the People"s Republic of China and Implementation Regulations for Administrative Punishment of the Customs of the People"s Republic of China.   第十二条 在调查过程中,如发现对外贸易经营者涉嫌低开监制出口发票的行为,由税务总局依据《中华人民共和国发票管理办法》的有关规定进行调查和处罚。如发现有走私及违反海关监管规定的行为的,由海关依据《中华人民共和国海关法》及《中华人民共和国海关行政处罚实施条例》的规定进行处罚。   Article 13 The days for the investigation procedure in terms of these measures means working days.   第十三条 本办法中调查程序的日期均指工作日。   Article 14 The interpretation of these measures are vested in Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of the Customs and State Administration of Taxation.   第十四条 本办法由商务部、海关总署和税务总局负责解释。   Article 15 These measures shall go into effect 3 months after the promulgation of these measures.   第十五条 本办法自发布之日起3个月后施行。
2023-08-06 17:15:041

To be suspected of a skill is a death blow to the professional求翻译

2023-08-06 17:15:123


1 The performance is not bad ,measuring by their ordinary level.2 The flight CA3367 from Beijing to Los Angeles has taken off, with 223 passengers and 8 crew on board.3 What you should do from now on is to avoid repeating such errors.4 To his terror,people around all suspected him, which made him sure that he was framed up。5 As I have expected,he indeed pounces on my matters.
2023-08-06 17:15:193

Foxmail发送邮件显示 错误543 suspected spams,发件人问题还是收件人问题?怎么解决?求高人指点,谢谢。

2023-08-06 17:15:271


2023-08-06 17:15:363

i suspected him of being a fraudulent中of后为什么加being?

2023-08-06 17:15:571


1. 袁宏道《西湖》的文言文翻译 西湖一 从武林门而西,望保叔塔突兀层崖中,则已心飞湖上也。午刻入昭庆,茶毕,即棹小舟入湖。山色如娥,花光如颊,温风如酒,波纹如绫,才一举头,已不觉目酣神醉。此时欲下一语描写不得,大约如东阿王梦中初遇洛神时也。余游西湖始此,时万历丁酉二月十四日也。 译文 从 武林门往西走,就望见保叔塔高耸在重山叠岭之中,这时我的心已经飞到了西湖上面。午间进入昭庆寺,用茶过后,立即雇小船划向湖中。山是青黑色的,如同美女 的秀眉;桃花嫣红,好似少女的面颊;暖风拂面,使人如饮醇酒;微波荡漾,像绫罗般轻软柔滑。我刚刚抬头一看,就已心醉神迷。这时我想用一个词来描绘眼前的 光景,竟然想不出来,,大约像东阿王曹植最初见到洛神时一样了。我游西湖就从这一次开始,时间是万历二十五年二月十四日。 西湖二 西湖最盛,为春为月。一日之盛,为朝烟,为夕岚。今岁春雪甚盛,梅花为寒所勒,与杏桃相次开发,尤为奇观。 石篑数为余言:“傅金吾园中梅,张功甫家故物也,急往观之。”余时为桃花所恋,竟不忍去湖上。由断桥至苏堤一带,绿烟红雾,弥漫二十余里。歌吹为风,粉汗为雨,罗纨之盛,多于堤畔之草,艳冶极矣。 然杭人游湖,止午、未、申三时。其实湖光染翠之工,山岚设色之妙,皆在朝日始出,夕舂未下,始极其浓媚。月景尤不可言,花态柳情,山容水意,别是一种趣味。此乐留与山僧游客受用,安可为俗士道哉! 译文: 西湖最美的时间是春天和月夜,一天之中最美的时刻是烟雾迷蒙的早晨和山光笼罩的傍晚。今年春雪很大,梅花受到寒气的抑制,跟杏花、桃花依此开放,更是难得的景观。 石 篑多次跟我说:“傅金吾家园中的梅,是宋朝张公甫遗留下来的,赶紧去看看吧!”我这时被桃花迷住了,竟然不忍心离开湖上。从断桥到苏堤这一带,绿柳如烟, 桃红似雾,弥漫二十多里,到处都传扬着歌声和器乐声,年轻的女子们香汗淋漓,衣著华丽的富家子弟往来不绝,多得像堤边的春草,真是美丽妖艳到极点。 但 杭州人游湖,限于午、未、申这三个时辰。其实,湖光染绿、暮烟凝聚在山间的佳景都出现在旭日初升、夕阳还未落山之际,(有了它们)才把西湖浓媚的姿态发挥 到了极点。月景尤其难以用言语形容,花和柳的情态,山水的容颜和情意,另是一种趣味。这种快乐只留给山僧和游客享受,怎么能讲给那些俗人听呢? 2. 《西湖》文言文翻译 从武林门往西走,就望见保叔塔高耸在重山叠岭之中,这时我的心已经飞到了西湖上面。 午间进入昭庆寺,用茶过后,立即雇小船划向湖中。山是青黑色的,如同美女的秀眉;桃花嫣红,好似少女的面颊;暖风拂面,使人如饮醇酒;微波荡漾,像绫罗般轻软柔滑。 我刚刚抬头一看,就已心醉神迷。这时我想用一个词来描绘眼前的光景,竟然想不出来,,大约像东阿王曹植最初见到洛神时一样了。 我游西湖就从这一次开始,时间是万历二十五年二月十四日。晚上同子公经过净寺,寻找到阿宾以前住过的僧房。 取道经由六桥、岳坟、石径塘而归来。大致领略,没有全部赏玩。 第二天早上得到陶石篑的请帖,到了十九日,石篑兄弟的同学、信佛之人王静虚来到,湖山的好朋友,一时都聚集齐了。 3. 文言文西湖的翻译及原文 一日之盛为朝烟,为夕岚。今岁春雪甚盛,梅花为寒所勒。 与杏桃相次开发,尤为奇观。 石篑数为余言:“傅金吾园中梅,张功甫家故物也,急往观之。” 余时为桃花所恋,竟不忍去湖上。由断桥至苏堤一带,绿烟红雾,弥漫二十余里。 歌吹为风,粉汗为雨,罗纨之盛,多于堤畔之草,艳冶极矣。 然杭人游湖,止午、未、申三时。 其实湖光染翠之工,山岚设色之妙,皆在朝日始出, 未下夕舂,始极其浓媚。月景尤不可言,花态柳情,山容水意,别是一种趣味。 此乐留与山僧游客受用,安可为俗士道哉! 译:西湖景色最美的时候是春天,是月夜。白天里最美的是早晨的烟雾,是傍晚的山岚。 今年春雪很多,梅花被寒气所抑制,和杏花、桃花次第开放,景观更是奇特。石篑多次告诉我:「傅金吾园中的梅花,是张功甫玉照堂中的旧物,应该赶快去观赏。 」我当时迷恋着桃花,竟舍不得离开湖上。 从断桥到苏堤一带,绿草成烟,红花似雾,弥漫二十多里。 歌吹的声音,如风阵阵传来;仕女的粉汗,如雨纷纷落下;罗衫纨裤的游客,多于堤畔的草,真是艳丽极了。 然而杭州人游览西湖,却仅在上午十一时到下午五时之间;其实湖光翠绿之美,山岚颜色之妙,都在朝日初升,夕阳未下时才最浓艳。 月景之美,更是难以形容。那花的姿态,柳的柔情,山的颜色,水的意味,更是别有情趣韵味。 这种乐趣,只能留给山中的和尚与识趣的游客享用,那能和俗人说呢。 4. 西湖一的翻译 译文:从杭州城北面偏西的门向西走,望见保叔塔高耸在层层山崖中,可(诗人)已心飞到西湖上。 中午时分到了昭庆,喝完茶,就划船进入西湖。山色葱绿,宛若美人的黛眉;(岸上)春花嫣红,恰似少女的面颊;湖上和风,如同酒香一样醉人;湖中波纹,似白绫一样起伏。 刚一抬头,已经不觉非常好看,全身心都醉了。此时想用一个词语来描写,但描写不出来。 大约好像《洛神赋》中所说曹植由京都洛阳回封地,路过洛水,精神迷离恍惚时,忽见水边有个美女,是河洛之神,于是用大量华丽的文字形容洛神的美以及自己爱慕的心情的时候。我游西湖从这一次开始,当时是万历二十五年二月十四日。 5. 西湖《1》原文与翻译 It reminds Guanchao often, when the city people are rushing to see the river view. Now think of them, with a total of suspected and that is illusory. I seem to live in the 10000 side of the noisy sound of drums beating out the (so upset). (Re-think back to) the peak tide of beach-goers for the first standing, hands holding the red flag have not been tidal wet. Now that I"m parting with such a situation, and can only be repeated in the dream recall, waking from a dream, still feel a little chilly cold. Jiuquan child 第一段 The tide of Qiantang River, is one of the world"s most majestic sight. From August 16 to the lunar tides on the 18th is the most prevalent. On that day, I went to watch the tide of the Qiantang River, which I still picture memory is still very deep. When the tide from the estuary, Zhejiang, when filled with far looked like a silver-white line slowly rains. As the tide draws near, just like Tamaki Setsurei general groaning ing, the sound was like a thunderous, earth-shaking. That momentum is like trying to engulf the sky, cleansing the sun, is extremely ambitious Hao Zhuang. It is hard to fet. Wu hundreds of athletes are good at swimming, Pisan hair, tattooed with patterns, holding large flags, peting for struggling upstream Ying-tide themselves up. Their shadows drift along in the rough sea, seethe with body transformation with various gestures, while the Hatao but he is not wet by water. They are by virtue of this performance to show their superior skills. Since then, I have often dreamed of the athletes strong and vigorous figure, wake up later still feeling scared. Is often thought that when the tide near the spectacular scenes that majestic scene, grand scenes of beach-goers try their hand skills are superb and I could not fet. Also recall that in the tide is about to e, people rush rushing to sitting or standing on Riverside areas above and below the more than 10 years, even if it is a place is also spared. People fighting over who gets robbed by the surface of the river look for fear of looking not that wonderful scene. Looking around us, everywhere"s geous, it is women"s jewelry and beads Tsui people"s hardcover tour costumes. 第2、3、4段 Inadvertently, the tide came jade Bay City Setsurei general, high into the sky, it seems that water must have been a Taokong. Shuitianyise. And that battle is simply beyond words to describe. Sounds very big just like thunder and the thunderbolt . the huge wave of shock, shook, the stimulation Fei She seems to take days to swallow, give the sun bath. imposing extremely magnificent. 第5段 这也正是弄潮儿展示自己本领的时候了.他们一个个披着头发,身上画着文采,手里执着用十幅大绸布缝制而成的大彩旗,鼓起满腔的勇气,逆着这汹涌而来的潮水,在万丈巨浪中出没,舞动着旗子,腾跃着身子,变化着种种姿态,展示着卓越的技巧,而彩旗的下角一点也不沾湿,他们向人们展示:他们的本领是多么棒!我相信,他们的雄姿,会让观光者们今生不忘.他们同样也会获得那观光者们的阵阵掌声. 第6段 第六段发不了英语的,说是“您的答案包含政治、敏感词汇,请修改!” 后两段 In FTD, I often go there Kiwi dream scenes, and now I have been parting with such a situation, but a dream, but repeated playback, and that unspeakable chari *** a, feeling, kept trained on exciting moment, hovering on the middle can not fet Wake up later, is one of cause for panic, a heart filled with bleak, people tremble in fear of feeling Gengshi Bi Guanchao scene will not be able to fet Let me fet even with. However, I have never returned less than that time, and in the past how to make the lives of people aftertaste, it is remembered, it is remembered Ah! How can today"s bleak recognition? I would like to always be reluctant to wake up in a dream。 6. 西湖梦寻这一篇文言文的翻译 我生不得时,离开西湖已经28年了,但西湖没有一天不在我的梦中出现,而梦中的西湖也从未有一天离开过我。 以前甲午年(顺治十一年(1654)、南明永历八年)丁酉 (此指清顺治十四年(1657)、南明永历十一年)(我)两次来到西湖,像涌金门商家,祁家,钱家,余家的庄园 只剩下一堆瓦砾。我梦中西湖所存在的东西,现实的西湖反倒没有了。等到到断桥一看,凡是以前的柳树,桃树 (有病的柳树,桃树往往具有奇形异态,有观赏价值,所以说是弱柳夭桃)亭台楼阁,像被洪水淹没了一样,几乎没有了。我于是赶快跑开,说是我为了(看)西湖而来,如今看到如此模样,反倒不如我梦中的西湖,还能保持完整没有毛病。因为想到我的梦与李白的梦不同。李白的(《梦游天姥吟留别》)梦到的天姥,像神仙美女,是从未见过的(事物),他的梦是虚幻的。我的梦到的西湖,像房子家人,梦到的是本身就有的(事物),即使是梦也是真实的。如今,我已租别人的房子居住二十三年了,而梦中依然生活在从前的家。以前使唤的小仆人,现在老得头发已经白了,在我梦中,他却还是未成年(古代男女未成年前束发为两结,形状如角,故称总角)以前的习惯没有改变,从前的姿态也没有消失。从此以后, (“余但向蝶庵岑寂”这句太难,不会翻译,岑寂:冷清、寂寞。蝶庵是什么东东不知道。)躺在床上,将我从前的梦中的西湖景色,一点不改的保护住。孩童追问(我),(我)偶然回答他们,也总是说着梦里梦到的东西,不是疯话就是梦话。因此,写了《梦寻》七十二则,保留到以后,用来当做西湖的影子(西湖以前的样子)。 我像是由海上归来的山里人,(向乡亲)大肆赞美海鲜的美味,乡亲们竟然一起来舔他的眼睛。唉!再好吃的东西,吃下去也就没了,舔眼怎么能解馋呢? 7. 关于西湖春景的一篇古文 要解释 翻译 原文 西湖一 从武林门而西,望保叔塔突兀层崖中,则已心飞湖上也。午刻入昭庆,茶毕,即棹小舟入湖。山色如娥,花光如颊,温风如酒,波纹如绫,才一举头,已不觉目酣神醉。此时欲下一语描写不得,大约如东阿王梦中初遇洛神时也。余游西湖始此,时万历丁酉二月十四日也。晚同子公渡净寺,觅阿宾旧住僧房。取道由六桥、岳坟、石径塘而归。草草领略,未及偏赏。次早得陶石篑帖子,至十九日,石篑兄弟同学佛人王静虚至,湖山好友,一时凑集矣。 西湖二 西湖最盛,为春为月。一日之盛为朝烟,为夕岚。今岁春雪甚盛,梅花为寒所勒。与杏桃相次开发,尤为奇观。 石篑数为余言:“傅金吾园中梅,张功甫家故物也,急往观之。”余时为桃花所恋,竟不忍去湖上。由断桥至苏堤一带,绿烟红雾,弥漫二十余里。歌吹为风,粉汗为雨,罗纨之盛,多于堤畔之草,艳冶极矣。 然杭人游湖,止午、未、申三时。其实湖光染翠之工,山岚设色之妙,皆在朝日始出, 未下夕舂,始极其浓媚。月景尤不可言,花态柳情,山容水意,别是一种趣味。此乐留与山僧游客受用,安可为俗士道哉! 注:①为春为月:是春天,是月下 ②夕岚:傍晚的山光 ③勒:抑制 ④相次开发:一个接一个地开放 ⑤石篑:一个人的号 ⑥傅金吾:任金吾官的傅某 ⑦张功甫:人名 ⑧恋:迷住 ⑨绿烟红雾:指绿柳红桃,叶茂花盛,颜色浓艳 ⑩湖光染翠:湖水成为绿色 ⑾设色:用颜色描绘 ⑿夕舂:夕阳 ⒀极其浓媚:把它的浓媚姿态发挥到极点 ⒁受用:享受. 翻译 西湖一:从武林门往西走,就望见保叔塔高耸在重山叠岭之中,这时我的心已经飞到了西湖上面。午间进入昭庆寺,用茶过后,立即划小船进入湖中。山是青黑色的,如同美女的秀眉;桃花嫣红,好似少女的面颊;暖风拂面,使人如饮醇酒;微波荡漾,像绫罗般细软平滑。我刚刚抬头一看,就已心醉神迷。这时我想用一个词来描绘眼前的光景,竟然想不出来,大约像东阿王曹植最初见到洛神时一样了。我游西湖就从这一次开始,时间是万历二十五年二月十四日。 西湖二:西湖最美的时间是春天和月下,一天之中最美的时刻是早晨的烟雾和傍晚的山光。今年春雪很大,梅花被寒气抑制,跟杏花、桃花依此开放,更是难得的景观。 石篑多次跟我说:“傅金吾家园中的梅,是宋朝张公甫遗留下来的,赶紧去看看吧!”我这时被桃花迷住了,竟然不忍心离开湖上。从断桥到苏堤这一带,绿柳如烟,红桃似雾,弥漫二十多里,歌声奏乐声像阵阵清风到处传扬,少女们混合着脂粉的汗水像道道细雨,衣著华丽的富家子弟往来不绝,比堤边的草还多,美丽妖艳极了。 然而杭州人游湖,只是在午、未、申这三个时辰。其实,湖光染成绿色、山气用颜色描画的非常奇妙、都在早晨的太阳出来才出来,夕阳还没有落下,才显得它的浓眉姿态发挥到极点。月景尤其难以用言语形容,花和柳的情调,山水的容颜和意境,另是一种趣味。这种快乐只留给山僧和游客享受,怎么能够对那些忙于功名利禄的人诉说呢? 8. 文言文翻译 西湖游记三则之一 西湖游记二则 袁宏道 初至西湖记 从武林门而西,望保叔塔突兀层崖中,则已心飞湖上也。午刻入昭庆,茶毕,即棹小舟入湖。山色如娥,花光如颊,温风如酒,波纹如绫;才一举头,已不觉目 酣神醉,此时欲下一语描写不得,大约如东阿王梦中初遇洛神时也。余游西湖始此,时万历丁酉二月十四日也。晚同子公渡净寺,觅阿宾旧住僧房。取道由六桥、岳 坟、石径塘而归。草草领略,未及偏赏。 翻译: 从杭州城北面偏西的门向西走,望见保叔塔高耸在层层山崖中,可(诗人)已心飞到西湖上。中午时分到了昭庆,喝完茶,就划船进入西湖。山色葱绿,宛若美人的黛眉;(岸上)春花嫣红,恰似少女的面颊;湖上和风,如同酒香一样醉人;湖中波纹,似白绫一样起伏。刚一抬头,已经不觉非常好看,全身心都醉了。此时想用一个词语来描写,但描写不出来。大约好像《洛神赋》中所说曹植由京都洛阳回封地,路过洛水,精神迷离恍惚时,忽见水边有个美女,是河洛之神,于是用大量华丽的文字形容洛神的美以及自己爱慕的心情的时候。我游西湖从这一次开始,当时是万历二十五年二月十四日。晚上了,和子公通过净慈寺,寻找阿宾以前住的房间,从苏堤上的六座石拱桥,岳坟,石头路回来 .(我)粗粗的参观了(西湖的美景),没有来得及全部欣赏. 9. 文言文< >的翻译 译:西湖景色最美的时候是春天,是月夜。白天里最美的是早晨的烟雾,是傍晚的山岚。 今年春雪很多,梅花被寒气所抑制,和杏花、桃花次第开放,景观更是奇特。石篑多次告诉我:「傅金吾园中的梅花,是张功甫玉照堂中的旧物,应该赶快去观赏。」我当时迷恋着桃花,竟舍不得离开湖上。 从断桥到苏堤一带,绿草成烟,红花似雾,弥漫二十多里。歌吹的声音,如风阵阵传来;仕女的粉汗,如雨纷纷落下;罗衫纨裤的游客,多于堤畔的草,真是艳丽极了。 然而杭州人游览西湖,却仅在上午十一时到下午五时之间;其实湖光翠绿之美,山岚颜色之妙,都在朝日初升,夕阳未下时才最浓艳。 月景之美,更是难以形容。那花的姿态,柳的柔情,山的颜色,水的意味,更是别有情趣韵味。这种乐趣,只能留给山中的和尚与识趣的游客享用,那能和俗人说呢!
2023-08-06 17:16:151

Water on Mars? - 火星上的水?

[原文小节-01]: Scientists have found the first evidence that briny water may flow on the surface of Mars during the planet"s summer months. The confirmation of water on the surface of Mars is important and would raise a host of questions, chief among them: Where is the water coming from, and what does it mean for the prospect of life, past or present? [自译练习-01]: 科学家们已经发现的第一手证据表明,火星上,在夏天的几个月里,有可能有盐水在它的表面流淌。确认火星上有水这件事是很重要的,这会带来很多问题,首要问题是:这些水是从哪儿来的?这对火星过去或现在可能有生命的可能性,意味着什么? [参考译文-01]: 科学家们已发现首个表明夏季火星表面可能有卤水流动的证据。确认火星表面有水的存在十分重要。这将引出一系列问题,其中最主要的问题是:这些水从哪里来?它对发现过去和现在的生命迹象意味着什么? [分析讲解-01]: [原文小节-02]: They found telltale fingerprints of salts that form only in the presence of water in narrow channels cut into cliff walls throughout the planet"s equatorial region. The slopes appear during the warm summer months on Mars, then vanish when the temperatures drop. Scientists suspected the streaks were cut by flowing water, but had previously been unable to make the measurements. [自译练习-02]:在这个行星的赤道地区遍布狭窄的沟渠,穿行在悬崖峭壁之间,科学家们发现,这里有指纹般的蛛丝马迹表明盐分的存在,而这些盐分只能因为有水才能存在。有些斜纹在火星上温暖夏天的几个月里出现,当气温下降时它们就消失了。科学家怀疑这些条痕是被流动的水截断的,但是之前科学家们没有办法对此进行测量。 [参考译文-02]:科学家们发现在遍布火星赤道地区的斜坡上的狭窄沟槽内有盐存在的明显痕迹,而这些痕迹必须有水才能形成。温暖夏季,火星上出现坡地,一旦降温,坡地便消失。科学家们怀疑,火星上的这些沟槽是由水流冲刷而成,但以前一直无法对这些沟槽进行测量。 [分析讲解-02]: [原文小节-03]: The salt content of the water is important because without it, the water would freeze in Mar"s bone-chilling temperatures. The water could be coming from subsurface ice, from salts attracting water from the thin Martian atmosphere or possibly bubbling up from an aquifer. [自译练习-03]:水中的盐分是至关重要的,因为如果水中没有盐分,在火星刺骨的极寒温度下,水会凝固。这些水有可能来自火星表层的冰、来自火星大气层中吸收了水分的盐,或者是从地下含水层冒出来的。 [参考译文-03]:水里的盐分至关重要,因为没有盐分,在火星冰冷刺骨的环境中,水会被冻结。水可能源自地表之下的冰层,也可能是盐从火星周围稀薄的大气层里吸取的水分,或者可能是由含水层冒泡形成。 [分析讲解-03]: [原文小节-04]: This discovery is important as it could affect thinking about whether the planet that is most like Earth in the solar system could support present-day microbial life. [自译练习-04]:火星上有水这个发现是很重要的,这个发现会影响人类去思索,在这个太阳系的类地行星上,现在是否能支持微生物的生存? [参考译文-04]:水的发现很重要,这会引发人们对于太阳系中最像地球的火星是否能够为现有微生物提供生命支持的思考。 [分析讲解-04]: [原文小节-05]: Mars reconnaissance orbiter makes its measurements during the hottest part of the Martian day, so scientists believed any traces of water, or fingerprints from hydrated minerals, would have evaporated. Also, the chemical-sensing instrument on the orbiting spacecraft cannot hone in on details as small as the narrow streaks, which typically are less than 16 feet wide. [自译练习-05]:火星轨道上的探测卫星在火星最热的日子里做了一些测量工作。所以科学家们相信,任何有水的迹象,或者任何来自水合矿物的蛛丝马迹,应该早就蒸发了。同时,火星轨道上的飞船携带的化学物质传感器,不能对类似狭窄的沟渠这么小的尺度的火星表面进行细节勘探,这些沟渠的典型宽度只有16英尺。 [参考译文-05]:火星侦查轨道器在火星最热时进行测量,因此,科学家曾认为,即使有水痕或有水合矿物痕迹,也可能都蒸发了。而且,轨道航天器上的化学传感器尚且无法获取火星上现有的通常不到16英尺宽的狭窄缝隙的详细数据。 [分析讲解-05]: [原文小节-06]: But scientists created a computer program that could scrutinize individual pixels. That data was then correlated with high resolution images of the streaks. Scientists concentrated on the widest streaks and came up with a 100-percent match between their locations and detections of hydrated salts. [自译练习-06]:但是科学家们发明了一种计算机程序,可以审查火星照片上单个的像素,对这些数据和高分辨率的沟渠照片进行相关性分析。科学家们发现最宽的那些沟渠,它们的位置和探测发现的水合盐,有着100%的匹配度。 [参考译文-06]:不过,科学家们开发了一个电脑程序,可以仔细观测单个像素,然后,将这些数据与高分辨率图像上的沟槽进行比对分析。科学家们集中观察最宽沟槽,结果沟槽的地理位置与检测到的水合盐完全匹配。 [分析讲解-06]: [原文小节-07]: Then, NASA declared "Mars mystery solved" in a press advisory without offering even a hint as to what mystery they meant. "It"s a little bit of an over-the-top announcement by NASA," Ojha said, "There are so many mysteries to be solved." [自译练习-07]:然后,NASA在一家媒体咨询出版物上发布了“火星的秘密已揭晓”的文章,但并没有提供任何线索说明他们是指什么秘密。“NASA的宣布有点儿夸大其词,” Ojha(译者:可能是一个科学家的名字)说,“这里有这么多未解之谜。” [参考译文-07]:随后,美国国家航空航天局发布新闻公告,宣布“火星秘密已经揭开”,但却丝毫没有透露所谓的“秘密”。欧嘉(Ojha)说:“美国国家航空航天局的公告有点言过其实了。还有太多的谜团尚待解开。” [分析讲解-07]: [原文小节-08]: Whatever the water"s source, the prospect of liquid water, even seasonally, raises the intriguing prospect that Mars could support life. Much more information about the water"s chemistry, however, would be needed before scientists could make that assessment. [自译练习-08]:不论水的来源是什么,火星上可能有液态水这种预期,引发了对火星可能支持生命的存在的预期。在科学家对此做出评估之前,需要获取更多的有关这些水的化学成分的信息。 [参考译文-08]:不管这些水从哪里来,如能确定液态水真实存在,哪怕只是季节性的,这一发现也展现了诱人的前景:火星能支持生命的存在。但是,科学家们还需要获得更多有关火星水的化学成分信息后,才能对此进行评估。 [分析讲解-08]: [原文小节-09]: NASA"s ongoing Mars rover Curiostiy has found evidence that Mars had all the ingredients and suitable habitats for microbial life to exist at some point in its past. [自译练习-09]:NASA现有的火星探测器“好奇号”,在它过去经过的一些探测点,已经发现了火星具备微生物所必需的所有养分和合适的生存环境。 [参考译文-09]:美国国家航空航天局在轨的火星探测器“好奇号”已发现证据,证明在过去的某个时间点,火星曾具有能支持微生物存在的所有物质和适宜环境。 [分析讲解-09]:
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u4dae,读音:yǎn 。龑,读作yǎn,常见于人名。五代时南汉刘龑为自已名字造的字。
2023-08-06 17:05:091


2023-08-06 17:05:082