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what else怎么读?

what else 英[hwu0254t els] 美[hwɑt u025bls] 还用问吗 [例句]But what else are you doing to sabotage your looks?但除此之外还有什么会毁坏我们的良好形象呢?

英语作文What makes me a good friend?

Being a good friend requires certain qualities that one should possess to build a strong and lasting friendship. In my opinion, there are three main qualities that make me a good friend.Firstly, I am a good listener. Whenever my friends need a listening ear, I am always there to lend one. I listen attentively to their problems, concerns, and challenges without interrupting or judging them. I let them vent their frustrations or share their happy moments. This makes them feel heard, understood, and valued. I believe that good communication is the key to a strong friendship.Secondly, I am loyal and trustworthy. I keep my friends" secrets and never gossip or talk behind their backs. I am there for them in their times of need, and I am always ready to support them. I never betray their trust, and I remain honest and authentic in our friendship. This builds a sense of trust and security that is vital for a good friendship.Lastly, I am empathic and compassionate. I try to put myself in my friends" shoes to understand their situation and feelings. I show them empathy and offer them my emotional support when they are going through tough times. I celebrate their successes and cheer them on in their achievements. I believe that showing kindness and compassion is the essence of a good friendship.In conclusion, being a good friend is not an easy task, but it is worth the effort. By being a good listener, loyal, trustworthy, empathic, and compassionate, I believe that I possess the qualities that make me a good friend. I always strive to be a better friend and build stronger and more meaningful friendships.


what is 和 this is的区别是二者的意思不同。what is 的意思是“是什么”。this is 的意思是“这是”。

what do you tkink of Engljsh learning?

这个问句的意思是: 你认为英语学习怎么样?回答。I think English learning is very interesting.


What is…like是一个很有用的表达,主要用法如下:1. 询问天气情况。如:A:What was the weather like? 天气怎么样?B:It was very windy. 风很大。2. 要求对方对特写事物进行描述。如:A:What was the exam like? 这次考试怎么样?B:It was very difficult. 难极了。A:What"s the food like in your hostel? 你们学生公寓的伙食怎么样?B:It"s quite good. 还不错。3. 用于人时,既可指人的外表,也可指人的性格、品质。如:A:What is she like? 她长得如何?B:Very beautiful. 长得很漂亮。A:What is he like? 他是怎样一个人?B:He is very kink. 他很友好。

What is this?提问为什么要用“It is”回答呢?可以用this is 回答吗


What kink of cake do you like?怎么回答

首先单词kink错了,是kind。意思是问你喜欢什么样的蛋糕。一般回答可以答我喜欢水果蛋糕,比如草莓,榴莲。那么回答是i like strawberry cake。

What is your level of studies (for example UG, PGT, PGR) UG, PGT, PGR是什么意思?


What a lot of fun.怎么连读?

What a lot of fun.连读时of里面的o不发音。What a lot of fun.这个句子的中文意思是多有趣啊。What a的意思是好一个,lot 的意思是大量,fun的意思是乐趣、有趣,of是代词。

What a fun trⅰp怎么读?

英文谐音:,沃德"饭吹普!what a,连读,低重音;fun trip,高重音,尤其是fun,要重读"饭"。整句:多么妙趣横生的旅行啊!



Guess what什么意思哦?

这是口语常用语. 比如A某天碰到过B, 然后A向C描述碰见B的过程. A对C说: I met B this morning. I said hello to him. Guess what? He smiled to me without saying a word. (我早上碰到B. 我跟他打招呼. 你猜怎么着? 他朝我微笑但是没说一个字.) "Guess what"的字面意思是"你猜怎么着", 但有是并不是真的要你猜, 只是营造谈话的气氛, 所以有时直接翻译也不见得恰当.


Guessuff0cWhatu2019s in your baguff1f

Hi,LiYan.Guess,what sinmy desk怎么读?

Hi,LiYan.Guess,what sinmy desk嗨,李燕。猜猜,我的桌子上有什么读音别忘了采纳哦!


wo ci hei zi neimu

what else envelopes do you have ?

What else rules do you have? 这句话是错的,把else改成other就可以了 else用法 1.else 是个副词,与不定代词或副词(以-one,-body,-thing,-where结尾的词)连用,表示“另外”、“其它”的意思,用于这些词后面. eg: Would you like something else to drink?你还要喝点别的什么吗? We went to the park and nowhere else.我们到公园去了,其它什么地方也没去. 2.else 还可用在疑问代词或副词(如:who ,what ,where等)后面表示强调. eg : Who else will go to the meeting 还有谁要去参加会议? What else would you do 你还有什么别的事要做吗? 3.else 还常用于固定结构or else ,意为“否则”、“要不然”. eg: Run ,or else we"ll be late .快跑,不然我们就迟到了. Do what I say ,or else !照我的话去做,否则后果自负.

apu是什么意思 有什么用途(What # 039APU GPU CPU有什么区别?)

总的来说,APU通过特定的技术将CPU和GPU完美融合,相互协调计算,相互加速。AMD正是通过这项技术将CPU和GPU整合在一起,这样的处理器被称为APU。目前,英特尔 的CPU只是添加了显示核心芯片的模块,所以它可以 严格意义上不能叫APU,但是根据APU # 039的理解,没有问题。一、apu、cpu、gpu的区别。apu可以理解为cpu加gpu吗?可以这样理解。但它还包括以下硬件:内存控制器、I/O控制器、专用视频解码器、显示输出和总线接口等。APU是APU的缩写。它是一款新的融合处理器,集成了x86和x64CPU处理核心以及GPU处理核心。其实CPU和GPU只是电脑的一部分,谁也离不开谁,谁也代替不了谁。目前APU只有AMD生产。三个区别如下。1.CPU:是传统意义上的中央处理器,是一台计算机的运算核心和控制核心。2.GPU:中文翻译是 quot图形处理器 quot。是显卡内部的核心芯片,可以直接理解为显卡。现在AMD和intel的很多处理器都有集成图形芯片,所以这些处理器可以看作是CPU和GPU的结合体。3.APU:It 称为加速处理器,这是AMD # 039的融合概念。它首次将处理器和独立的显示核心集成在一个芯片上,从而协调计算,相互加速。同时拥有高性能处理器的处理性能和最新的DX11独立显卡,大大提高了电脑的运行效率,实现了CPU和GPU的真正融合。是APU处理器未来的发展趋势。目前APU只有AMD生产。二。APU和cpu带核心显卡的对比AMD最早将cpu和gpu集成到APU中,而intel没有 不想步其后尘,把自己的cpu和GPU集成在一起,被称为CPU带核心显卡。但是,它们之间有很大的区别。APU采用物理集成,统一供电,即做在一个芯片上,统一双向电源管理,运行时采用异构计算。英特尔 的电源和接口没有APU那么集成 ,但是因为不是同一个芯片,所以不存在异构计算造成的相互影响。严格来说,核心显卡的APU和cpu不能视为一回事。3.APU会取代CPU吗?CPU是计算机的运算核心和控制核心。GPU被称为图形处理器。在现代计算机中。尤其是对于家用系统和游戏发烧友来说,图形处理越来越重要,这就需要一个专门的图形核心处理器GPU。2D显示芯片,因为没有GPU,在处理3D图像和特效时主要依靠CPU的处理能力,被称为 quot软加速 quot。3D显示芯片把3D图像和特效的处理功能交给了显卡上的GPU,也就是 quot硬件加速 quot功能。显示芯片通常是显卡上最大的芯片。现在市面上的显卡大多用的是GPU,NVIDIA和AMD的图形处理芯片。通常一台电脑里有一个CPU和一个GPU。以前CPU芯片和GPU芯片是分开独立的,插在主板上不同的位置。现在APU已经把CPU和GPU完全集成到一个芯片上,但是外观还是AMD处理器的样子,只不过不再需要把GPU独立显卡插在主板上,这样平台性能更好,价格更低。因为各种用户的需求不同,CPU会两条腿走路,APU会和CPU齐头并进。也有可能当工艺技术进步到1纳米工艺时,CPU专用的GPU可以封装成一个整体。综上所述,APU是处理器未来的发展趋势,取代CPU是迟早的事。王者之心2点击试玩

hm what is it怎么读


开头是to what extent的问题怎么答


What day is it today?和What day is today?的意思有什么不同?


请问这句英语what did i told you为什么不能用told?


what was his r_______ to the news?

remarkwhat was his remark to the news?

求《Undercover Martyn》、《What You Know》的歌词汉译,要对准单词的翻译~


turn down for what


what did you see juse now?是什么意思

我 经过小学英语,juse应该是justwhat did you see just now?你刚才看到了什么?

What About Now 歌词

歌曲名:What About Now歌手:Lonestar专辑:Playlist: The Very Best Of LonestarLonestar - What About NowThe sign in the window said for sale or tradeOn the last remaining dinosaur Detroit madeSeven hundred dollars was a heck of a dealFor a four hundred horsepower jukebox on wheelsAnd that road rolls out like a welcome matI don"t know where it goes but it beats where we"re atWe always said someday, somehowWe were gonna get away, gonna blow this townWhat about now, how "bout tonightBaby for once let"s don"t think twiceLet"s take that spin that never endsThat we"ve been talking aboutWhat about now, why should we waitWe can chase these dreams down the interstateAnd be long gone "fore the world moves on and makes another roundWhat about nowWe"ve been puttin" this off baby long enoughJust give me the word, and we"ll be kickin" up dustWe both know it"s just a matter of time"Til our hearts start racin" for that county lineWhat about now, how "bout tonightBaby for once let"s don"t think twiceLet"s take that spin that never endsThat we"ve been talking aboutWhat about now, why should we waitWe can chase these dreams down the interstateAnd be long gone "fore the world moves on and makes another roundWhat about nowWe could hang around this town forever making plansBut there won"t ever be a better time to take this chanceWhat about now, how "bout tonightBaby for once let"s don"t think twiceLet"s take that spin that never endsThat we"ve been talking aboutWhat about now, why should we waitWe can chase these dreams down the interstateAnd be long gone "fore the world moves on and makes another roundWhat about nowWhat about nowLarry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with u!http://music.baidu.com/song/7495955

What kind of topics are good topics?

Topic that the audience don"t know much about.===Topic related to people"s well beings.===Topic that may interest your audience.===Topic that is meaningful to not only yourself, but more people- people of different ages, genders, majors and cultures.

what? a lion?英语怎么读

为您解答什么?一只狮子?谐音: 沃特?呃 来恩?


我特 滴朱 堵 拉斯特 威肯的

Hello I’m Mike.whaf’s your name?怎么读

HelloI"mMike.what"syourname?你好,我叫迈克,你叫什么名字?hello英[hu0259"lu0259u028a] 美[hu0259u02c8lou028a]int.哈喽,喂;你好,您好;表示问候;打招呼n.“喂”的招呼声或问候声;vi.喊“喂”;I"m英[au026am]abbr.Iam我是;Mike[maik]n.迈克(男子名);[人名]贺军翔;what"syourname[wu0252tsju0254:neim]您叫什么名字?;

英语美文《什么是幸福What is happiness

She Asked Dad How He Met Mom. His Response Is The Best Thing You"ll Read Today


what is near the light 光附近有什么? 读 沃特 意思 逆耳 得 莱特

what is an editorial


What ever 是什么意思


What does Britain make you think of? Its royal (王室) family or fish and chips? In fact, Britain .

小题1:famous小题2:seldom小题3:daily小题4:used小题5:yourself小题6:space小题7:bit小题8:experiences小题9:culture小题10:patient 试题分析:这篇短文讲述的是英国也以排队而著名。在中国排队是日常生活的一部分,大多数中国人习惯于排队等候。作者并叙述自己的一次经历是:碰到一个夹塞的女孩,小题1:句意:实际上英国也以排队而著名。be famous for因……而闻名,是固定短语。故填famous。小题2:句意:我过去认为在中国人们很少排队。据But I was wrong. You can also see queues everywhere.但我错了,到处也可以看到排队可知,填seldom很少。.小题3:句意:它是日常生活的一部分。据句意故填daily日常的.小题4:句意:大多数中国人习惯于排队等候。be used to doing习惯于做……,据It is a part of (63) d       life. People queue most of the time. They queue to buy tickets in the cinema or when waiting at a restaurant.可知大多数中国人习惯于排队等候,故填used。小题5:句意:但有时你会发现你自己很匆忙。据句意故填yourself你自己.小题6:句意:我在我面前留了一个小小的空间。据Within seconds, a girl walked by and took her place in front of me一个女孩占到了我前面可知答案,故填space空间。小题7:句意:起先我有点惊奇。a bit一点,修饰形容词surprised惊奇的.小题8:句意:我发现这些经历是非常有趣的。experience经历,是可数名词。故填experiences。小题9:句意:这些小小的不同有助于我了解一种新的文化。据句意故填culture文化.小题10:句意:有时中国人不礼貌是因为他们更少耐心。据句意故填patient耐心.

what type of books do you like中的type为什么不能改为types?

What kind of animals ... / What type of books ...这种情况 what 后面的名词只用单数形式,不可以改为 types。

英语 how where what 用这3个开头 那回答应该是什么开头

具体看问的是什么内容因为这是特殊疑问句,不用像一般问句那样简单地用 yes / no 来回答

求翻译和分析这句话 With a knick-knack paddywhack

您好!非常高兴为你翻译,解释这么长一首英语儿歌。你求翻译和分析这句话 With a knick-knack paddywhack 。解析:with...引导的短语做状语,相当于副词的作用,修饰后一句中的动词give,全句话为:With a knick-knack paddywhack, Give the dog a bone, 带着爱尔兰(人)的小装饰, 丢一根骨头给狗吃。 全文对照翻译如下:This old man, he played two, 玩具老人来跳二,He played knick-knack on my shoe; 跳到鞋上成装饰;With a knick-knack paddywhack, 带着爱尔兰的小装饰,Give the dog a bone, 丢一根骨头给狗吃,This old man came rolling home. 玩具老人左右摇摆回了家。 This old man, he played three, 玩具老人来跳三,He played knick-knack on my knee; 跳到膝上成装饰;With a knick-knack paddywhack, 带着爱尔兰的小装饰,Give the dog a bone, 丢一根骨头给狗吃,This old man came rolling home. 玩具老人左右摇摆回了家。 This old man, he played four, 玩具老人来跳四,He played knick-knack on my door; 跳到门上成装饰;With a knick-knack paddywhack, 带着爱尔兰的小装饰,Give the dog a bone, 丢一根骨头给狗吃,This old man came rolling home. 玩具老人左右摇摆回了家。 This old man, he played five, 玩具老人来跳五,He played knick-knack on my hive; 跳到蜂房上成装饰;With a knick-knack paddywhack, 带着爱尔兰的小装饰,Give the dog a bone, 丢一根骨头给狗吃,This old man came rolling home. 玩具老人左右摇摆回了家。仅供参考,希望对你学习有帮助。


wow! what a lot of socks。 [wɒt] [eɪ] [lɒt][əv][sɑks]哇!这么多袜子。音译:喔!卧特 额 劳特 额VU 骚客斯。

knick knack paddy whack 这首歌什么意思

knick knack paddy whack爱尔兰人的小摆设双语对照例句:1.With a knick knack paddy whack, give the dog a bone! 带着一个爱尔兰人的小摆设,给狗一根骨头!.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

What about on the uk 这个句子是否正确?

"what about on the UK"这个句子仍然不是语法上正确的句子。正确的表达方式可以是:- "What about the UK?"- "What is happening in the UK?"- "What can you tell me about the UK?"上述句子更符合常用的英语语法结构来询问关于英国的情况。

What do you think we can do to protect our environment?

How to improve our environmentOur environment is getting polluted by many ways. People dumping garbage all over the place. Cars, and trucks spilling oil over the ground. More constructions meant more deconstructions of nature. Many things. But the ways we could to improve our environment are don"t litter, clean up your area more, don"t waste paper, reduce, reuse, and recycle, and at last, try not to build buildings over the spots that still remain natural. If we do all of the above, then our environment would improve like as if it was new!

What Kind of Person was the Lighthouse Keeper英语作文?

自己修改A lighthouse keeper or lightkeeper is a person responsible for tending and caring for a lighthouse, particularly the light and lens in the days when oil lamps and clockwork mechanisms were used. Lighthouse keepers were sometimes referred to as "wickies" because of their job trimming the wicks.

what,s this怎么读

What"s this letter?中文意思:这个字母是什么?这封信是什么?中文谐音:瓦兹泽斯勒特?


whatsthis 读音 沃茨贼死意思是 这是什么

what about those?这句英语句子怎么读?


he was astonished at what he found这句是宾语从句的疑问句么 还是主语从句啊 不知道怎么区分。。。

希望我的回答能让你理解这个句子的结构。首先这不是个疑问句哈。这是个陈述句判断从句类型,首先要判断主句和从句。这个句子是一个宾语从句,只是这个宾语从句比较特别,第一从句是紧跟介词后面的,也就是at后;第二这个句子的引导词不是我们常见的引导宾语从句that 连词,而是 what。也就是说he was astonished 是主句,astonish是一个及物动词也是一个不及物动词,加上 at也就是说其后面要加宾语,而宾语就是一个句子 what he found。这里为什么要用what 而不用that,就因为宾语从句中这个found是个及物动词,what要引导从句的同时,还要做found 的宾语。这就是what和that的区别哈。综上所述,我们把句子还原,你也许就更容易看懂了he was astonished at A.这里的A 我们把它换成句子,就是下面这个。A===what he found==he found what 明白了吗??希望对你有所帮助,不懂还可以继续问哈~~~

he was___ at what he found.选择题


what are you using ?这句话有语法错误吗


英语加减乘除。什么时候用how muchwhat is提问?

加减乘除时,用what is


《美国传统词典[双解]》wharf:A landing place or pier where ships may tie up and load or unload.码头:船只可以停泊并装卸货物的登陆处或码头。dock:A pier; a wharf.码头;停泊处 。常作 docks 港区:作船只靠岸用的商业港口上的一组码头 。

what was all of it for怎么连读

wha was allo fit for



sperm whale怎么读

sperm whale 英[spu025c:m hweil]美[spu0259:m hwel]n. 抹香鲸名词复数:sperm whales[例句]A female sperm whale feeds on a giant squid off the japanese islands of ogasawara.在日本小笠原群岛,一头母抹香鲸以巨型乌贼为食。

killer whale怎么读

killer whale[英][u02c8ku026alu0259 hweil] [美][u02c8ku026alu025a hwel] 生词本简明释义n.逆戟鲸,虎鲸复数:killer whales以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义1.N-COUNT逆戟鲸;虎鲸;杀人鲸A killer whale is a type of black and white whale.以下结果由 金山词霸 提供例句The most ferocious sea creatures bow killer whale statue.海中生物最凶猛的虎鲸的船首雕像。

killer whale怎么读

killer whale[英][u02c8ku026alu0259 hweil] [美][u02c8ku026alu025a hwel] 生词本 简明释义 n.逆戟鲸,虎鲸 复数:killer whales 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 1.N-COUNT逆戟鲸;虎鲸;杀人鲸A killer whale is a type of black and white whale. 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 例句 The most ferocious sea creatures bow killer whale statue. 海中生物最凶猛的虎鲸的船首雕像.

sperm whale怎么读

sperm whale[英][spu025c:m hweil][美][spu0259:m hwel]n.抹香鲸; 复数:sperm whales例句:1.A female sperm whale feeds on a giant squid off the japanese islands ofogasawara. 在日本小笠原群岛,一头母抹香鲸以巨型乌贼为食。2.This new species of hydatinid gastropod was discovered from a sperm whalecarcass in the deep sea. 这个泡螺科腹足类新物种是在深海抹香鲸的尸体中被发现的。3.So they can see a sperm whale in time to escape its gaping jaws, researchersreport online today in current biology. 研究者日前在当代生物学中在线发表了自己的研究成果,它巨大的眼睛是为了及时看到抹香鲸,顺利逃脱鲸的血盆大口。4.The sperm whale feeds on squid. 巨头鲸靠吃鱿鱼为生。5.The achievement goes not to the elephant, the hippopotamus or even themighty sperm whale. 这项成就的获得者不是大象、河马或者拥有强大精子的鲸鱼。

sperm whale怎么读

sperm whale[英][spu025c:m hweil] [美][spu0259:m hwel] 生词本简明释义n.抹香鲸复数:sperm whales以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义1.N-COUNT抹香鲸A sperm whale is a large whale with a large head that has a section in it which contains oil.以下结果由 金山词霸 提供例句Same result as sperm whale vs orca.

whale fall汉语怎么读

Whale Fall 鲸落; [例句]This photo shows a bowhead whale that was harpooned during the whale fallmigration to their winter grounds.这张照片展示的是一头在鲸类前往其冬季栖息地的秋季迁徙中被捕获的弓头鲸。





whale what 都读什么

whale [hweil] 音:喂哦what [hw00t, hw05t, 弱hw05t] 音:沃特,喔特,瓦特(这个是美式发音,前俩是英式)











200字以上英语作文,题目What make me happy?

There is lot of stuff that makes me happy, such as computer, cards, sports and reading. Computer is a great source for me to learn more stuff and to do more research for my homework. Also, it has the power for me to communicate with my friends when they are far away from me. Of course, there are lots of games to play too. Cards can really cheer me up when I was bored and I can do some calculation with cards such as adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. I also love sports. It can make me healthier and stronger than other people. It can also make me more handsome. It is a fun way to make me happy. Reading can increase my knowledge and grade. The more I read, the better I get. There are also lots of great story and news when I read on books and newspaper. I get to know what is going on in the world and the place around me. Also, when I read novel, I usually imagine I was the character in the books. This means that the story gave me a second life. It was a more fun and exciting life. I love it. There are still lots of stuff in this world that makes me happy, such as family, friends, etc. It was a wonderful world and I was happy about it.

no matter what I do 怎么翻译?


No matter what l say,nomatter what l do 是哪首英文歌(女生的,抒情的)


关于No Matter What的中英文歌词






Whatever和no matter what用法上有什么区别?

引导状语从句时可以互换引导名词性从句时(做主语, 宾语等)只能用Whatever如:I believe whatever he says.(此句不能是no matter what, 因为是宾语从句)如不明白请追问,如果满意请【采纳】祝学习进步

"What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind." 这句话什么意思?


whatever和no matter怎么区别啊?


No matter what 与No matter what happen区别

这两者之间没什么区别,区别在于前者是一个不完整的表达。Nomatterwhat 不管什么......(此句不完整)Nomatterwhathappens不管/无论发生了什么nomatter+what/when/where/how/who/why,etc此乃为英语惯用法之一,意思是“不管/无论。。。”举例说明:Nomatterwhatyouwant,Iwouldbuyitforyou.无论你要什么,我都会买给你。Nomatterwhathappens,youmuststicktoyourlove.无论发生是么,你都应该坚持自己的爱情。Nomatterwhenyoucometoseeme,youarewelcome.不管你何时来,我都欢迎你。Nomatterwhereyougo,Iwouldfollowyou.不管你去哪里,我都随你而去。如果满意,请及时点击“采纳”按钮,谢谢。

whatever和 no matter what的区别

  1. whatever 可用作连接词或连接副词,引导让步状语从句,表示“无论,不管”的意思。此时,可用 no matter wha t结构来替换其意完全相同。位置前后置都可以。  2. whatever 还可以引导名词性从句,同时起先行词和关系代词的作用。相当于anything that或all that,有任何一切这类意思。此时不能用 no matter what 替换。  3. what 和 ever 分开写,则作“到底,究竟”解,这时它和 on earth,in the world 相同,起强调作用。e.g. What ever do you mean? = What do you mean on earth?  4. what 也可以引导名词性从句意为 “the thing which” 与 “whatever” 含义相同。  5. 用法完全与 whatever 相同的词还有whichever,whoever。

no matter what 和whatever 有什么区别


no matter what和no matter how的区别

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