barriers / 阅读 / 详情

What does Britain make you think of? Its royal (王室) family or fish and chips? In fact, Britain .

2023-08-01 09:08:41












小题1:句意:实际上英国也以排队而著名。be famous for因……而闻名,是固定短语。故填famous。

小题2:句意:我过去认为在中国人们很少排队。据But I was wrong. You can also see queues everywhere.但我错了,到处也可以看到排队可知,填seldom很少。.


小题4:句意:大多数中国人习惯于排队等候。be used to doing习惯于做……,据It is a part of (63) d       life. People queue most of the time. They queue to buy tickets in the cinema or when waiting at a restaurant.可知大多数中国人习惯于排队等候,故填used。


小题6:句意:我在我面前留了一个小小的空间。据Within seconds, a girl walked by and took her place in front of me一个女孩占到了我前面可知答案,故填space空间。

小题7:句意:起先我有点惊奇。a bit一点,修饰形容词surprised惊奇的.






2023-08-01 05:44:573


2023-08-01 05:45:062

We all rock up to set in jeans and jumpers. 我们都是穿着牛仔裤和套衫去片场的。 请问为什么用rock

这首歌叫Rock N Roll
2023-08-01 05:45:203

航嘉jumper450S和jumper450B的区别在哪 供电功率会不同吗 A8 5600K 7

最大的不同就是450s的12v是双路18A而450b是单路35A。因此上大功率的显卡450s就不够了,比如r9 380。除此外的1%转换率和电压范围都不重要。
2023-08-01 05:45:292


2023-08-01 05:45:392


航嘉jumper300s额定300W电源,可以带目前中高端配置显卡,i5 7500四核,GTX1050ti 4G显卡,这个是最高性能能带的独立显卡了,CPU也是一样,
2023-08-01 05:45:461

航嘉(Huntkey)额定450W JUMPER450S电源 (主动PFC/双管正激/宽幅电压/背部走线/高性价比)带得动RX580吗

2023-08-01 05:45:575

地铁跑酷里的power jumpers怎么搜集

跑的过程中会看到,吃到后会自己蹦一个很高的弧线。后边有one run的话,就是一局内吃到多少
2023-08-01 05:46:262

航嘉(Huntkey) jumper450S那么多线怎么和华硕H81主板连接?

2023-08-01 05:46:471


2023-08-01 05:47:151


一、妙招一通读全文知大意 Mr. Johnson had a factory. He once 1 on TV that animals could be taught to 2 some work for people if they were given 3 to eat. He loved the idea. He thought it would be 4 to have a dog look after his 5 and an elephant do some heavy jobs 6 his factory. He bought a dog 7 an elephant in the market and decided to teach them to do some work for him. Of course. he 8 bought a lot of food for them. Several months later,the dog and the elephant 9 fatter and fatter,but they 10 do any work for him. At last,Mr. Johnson had to give up. 1. A. saw B. asked C. met 2. A. make C. 1et 3. A. someone B.nothing C. something 4. A. bad B. good C. 1ate 5. A. house B. shirt C. eyes 6. A. in B. above C. under 7. A. but B. or C. and 8. A. also B. never C. yet 9. A. smelt B. sounded C. became 10. A. mustn"t B. couldn"t C. shouldn"t 运用“跳读”或“边读边猜”等技巧把握中心大意。 短文的中心直接影响故事情节的发展,决定着各小题选项该如何确定。通过一到两遍的阅读,有些小题答案会在我们的脑海里浮现,比如2空填do,3空填something或food,5空填home或house或his factory,7空填and等等。 [注] 此时不要急于确定答案! (Keys:1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B) 二、妙招二重视首句获信息 重视首句、突破首句。完形填空题所选用短文的第一句话通常是不设空的,目的是给同学们一个整体印象,同时提示短文的中心内容或提供故事发生的时间、地点、背景等。 At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others. Last year we went to an old people"s 1 and sang songs and performed a play for 2 . The old people were very 3 . We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often. For example, we should 4 primary schools and help 5 young students. I want to be a teacher 6 I"m older so it would be a great experience for me. Other students would like to do other jobs. For example, my friend Tian Ge wants to 7 for a newspaper. She should be allowed to volunteer at the newspaper office once a week. 1. A. home B. bank C. shop D. river 2. A. us B. them C. him D. her 3. A. great B. angry C. smart D. happy 4. A. buy B. have C. visit D. build 5. A. tell B. ask C. teach D. find 6. A. how B. when C. where D. why 7. A. write B. wait C. look D. pay 首句At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others.有提纲挈领之效,简明扼要地提示我们,作者的学校有一个特殊的日子,那就是帮助别人献爱心的日子。有助于我们理解全文。甚至让我们毫不犹豫地确认1空应添单词home. (Keys:1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. A) 三、妙招三全面考虑定选项 整体理解短文、把握中心并根据文中线索(含体裁、时态变化线索、词汇线索、句法线索、社会文化线索、上下文线索等)由易到难地做出选择。 [注] 不要试图从头至尾地去解答完形填空题。有的选项内容在短文的其他地方有较为明确的提示,甚至原封不动地重现。 Shirley Yeats is certainly a very brave woman! At the age of sixty-seven, she 1 to take a trip round the coast(海岸) of Malaysia. Everything was fine 2 one day, as she was going back to her room on the 3 , she saw smoke coming out of another room. She 4 the captain from her room at once and told him about the fire. Then she went up on deck(甲板) to see 5 she could do to help. The fire spread(蔓延) very quickly and soon 6 was completely out of control. The captain decided to get all the passengers out as 7 as possible. 1. A. stopped B. usedC. had D. decided 2. A. since B. afterC. until D. before 3. A. way B. shipC. land D. road 4. A. phoned B. toldC. asked D. ordered 5. A. if B. howC. what D. where 6. A. she B. heC. that D. it 7. A. quickly B. muchC. well D. usually 1.由上下文可知她决定去旅游,decided to do sth.意为“决定做某事”。 2.根据下文可知直到火灾发生的那一天情况一切正常。 3.从下文的captain, deck,可确定她是乘船去旅游。 4.由下文的from her room可知她马上打电话将情况告诉了船长。 5.根据上下文可知她走上甲板去看看能不能帮忙做点儿什么。 6.由上文的The fire spread very quickly,可知大火无法控制了。 7. as quickly as意为“尽快地” (Keys: 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C6. D 7. A) 四、妙招四复读全文验答案 把填充后的短文反复阅读一两遍(甚至多遍),逐一检查、校对所选答案是否符合短文中心及上下文要求,并确保没有不符合语言规范、不符合语法规则的选项。 [注] 很多同学做完形填空题存在一个误区,把很多的时间放到四个选项的比较上,这会降低解题效率。正确做法应是: 顺藤摸瓜,首先是藤,你拿到文章之后要重点读第一句。 瞻前顾后,在文章空格的上下文处,你觉得这个地方需要什么词,带着这个目的到四个选项里找。 顾全大局,做一道题时应该在段落里面理解一句话。 认清细节,比如考固定搭配的题。 猜想试题 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 My son Joey was born with club feet. The doctors said that with treatment he would be able to walk, but would never run very well. The first three years of his life was 1 in hospital. By the time he was eight, you wouldn"t know he has a problem when you saw him 2 . Children in our neighborhood always ran around 3 their play, and Joey would jump and ran and play, 4 . We never told him that he probably wouldn"t be 5 to run like the other children. So he didn"t know. In 6 grade he decided to join the school running team. Every day he trained. He ran more than any of the others, 7 only the top seven runners would be chosen to run for the 8 . We didn"t tell him he probably would never make the team, so he didn"t know. He ran four to five mile every day - even when he had a fever. I was 9 , so I went to 10 him after school. I found him running 11 . I asked him how he felt. “Okay,” he said. He has two more miles to go. Yet he looked straight ahead and kept 12 . Two weeks later, the names of the team 13 were caked. Joey was number six on the list. Joey had 14 the team. He was in seventh grade - the other six team members were all eighth graders. We never told him he couldn"t do it … so he didn"t know. He just 15 it. 1. A. spent B. taken C. cost D. paid 2. A. talk B. sit C. study D. walk 3. A. after B. before C. during D. till 4. A. either B. too C. though D. yet 5. A. able B. sorry C. glad D. afraid 6. A. sixth B. seventh C. eighth D. ninth 7. A. so B. if C. then D. because 8. A. neighborhood B. familyC. school D. grade 9. A. excited B. tiredC. pleased D. worried 10. A. think about B. hear fromC. agree with D. look for 11. A. alone B. away C. almost D. already 12. A. riding B. walkingC. playing D. running 13. A. jumpers B. runnersC. doctors D. teachers 14. A. got B. kept C. made D. found 15. A. did B. had C. left D. took (Keys:1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. D 11. D 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. D) 《中考英语完型填空决胜四妙招 》由英语我整理,更多请访问:
2023-08-01 05:47:221


2023-08-01 05:47:324


2023-08-01 05:47:5811


: 最好还是抱着喂,躺着喂容易出现的危害有:中耳炎、窒息、吐奶、口腔骨胳发育不良等。当然不是必然的,但总是比抱着的机会多很多
2023-08-01 05:48:592

航嘉Jumper 450b和450s区别大不大?b是经过铜牌认证过的,s虽然没有认证,但是价格便宜

2023-08-01 05:49:583


2023-08-01 05:50:189


2023-08-01 05:51:243

这是6+8pin吗 能电源能带动迪兰580恶魔不

航嘉jumper500S额定500W电源,当然是可以带迪兰恒进RX580 8G恶魔版,这个显卡是超公版设计,采用8pin+6pin供电,大概满载也就180W功耗,所以这个电源是肯定可以稳定带的,
2023-08-01 05:51:581


2023-08-01 05:52:2013

准备用i5 8400处理器+B360M BAZOOKA PLUS主板,显卡用1060 5G的,这组合用多大电源合适?

配置不能超频,并且配置的功耗并不是很高。配正规品牌的额定450w的电源完全够了。长城 航嘉 安钛克 海韵 海盗船这样的品牌的电源就行 了。
2023-08-01 05:53:025


锐龙2600+b450+海盗船内存8G 3000频率 单根300到320元最好是16G的 前面是1200+640=1840 硬盘的话选择三星m.2pm981 256G 260元左右 后期储存不够的话可以加机械硬盘或者移动硬盘 机箱和电源有保障的400元左右 显卡你选择一张gtx960 2G就够用了这个有质保的话320元 二手没有保障就是1864+260+400+320=2844元的主机 鼠标键盘100多元就可以了 剩下来的500元我个人不推荐你买显示器的 你可以买个液晶电视机 有那种VGA 或者HDMI接口的液晶显电视机划算点可以买到32寸的 这样你平时不用买音箱了 你选择单8G内存也可以用价格在3150到3240元左右 完全够你搞电商运营使用 我推荐不是最新的因为你的预算有限 但是是够你使用的 不是二手没有保障的 所有的都是天 . 猫 价格新的
2023-08-01 05:53:2212

关于specialized 13款 STUMP JUMPER XTR S-WORKS 29er 的问题

S-Works作为Specialized的顶级系列,做工肯定没的说,如果你觉得配件不好的话,可以单独购买车架,零件全部自己组配的。给你一下STUMP JUMPER的简介吧。S-Works Stumpjumper 29硬尾车架是为特定需求而特制的FACT IS 11m 碳纤维车架,29er专属几何设计,拥有S-Works顶端的碳纤维编制与制造工艺,采用锥形头管,中空碳纤维后悬挂,PF30中轴设计以及PM140后刹车基座RockShox Sid World Cup 29 专用避震前叉,并且配备Specialized专有的大脑控制技术,可根据路况自行打开/锁死控制,100mm行程;Solo Air 气压阻尼,以及外置回弹/预压调节按钮;锥形操控杆设计在保证轻量化的同时也提高了操控的精确性S-Works碳纤维坐管,直径30.9mm,单螺丝紧固系统,在保证轻量化的同时也不会添加任何额外重量
2023-08-01 05:54:001


2023-08-01 05:54:1610


2023-08-01 05:55:163

什么是IEC Jumpers?

2023-08-01 05:55:361

谁知道 小糖人 的歌词翻译

SUGAR MANSugar man, won"t you hurry "Cause I"m tired of these scenesFor a blue coin won"t you bring back All those colors to my dreams.Silver magic ships you carryJumpers, coke, sweet Mary Jane Sugar man met a false friend On a lonely dusty roadLost my heart when I found itIt had turned to dead black coal.Silver magic ships you carryJumpers, coke, sweet Mary Jane Sugar man you"re the answerThat makes my questions disappear Sugar man "cause I"m wearyOf those double games I hearSilver magic ships you carryJumpers, coke, sweet Mary Jane 《小糖人》小糖人,你不能快点吗因为我对这一切已经疲倦用一枚蓝色硬币,你能否将那些色彩带回我的梦中。你运来银色的魔法船蹦蹦跳跳,可卡因,美妙的大麻*小糖人碰见了一个虚假的朋友,在孤寂的尘土飞扬的公路。当我寻回我迷失的心,它已经变成死去的黑煤。你运来银色的魔法船蹦蹦跳跳,可卡因,美妙的大麻小糖人,你就是答案,你使我的问题全部消失。小糖人,因为我已厌倦了那些我听说的双重游戏。你运来银色的魔法船蹦蹦跳跳,可卡因,美妙的大麻* Mary Jane即Marijuana(大麻),美国黑人俚语。
2023-08-01 05:55:471


All parents love their children.Many parents want their kids to(1)____well-known people when they(2)____.Most of them want their kids to live better than others.Many of them (3)_____their kids will be singers or actors. Actors and singers can(4)______money easily in our country.When they appear in the advertisement,they will get (5)______money which a farmer or a worker can"t make all his life. Some of the parents want their kids to be businessmen(6)_____ doctors. If they work hard, they will have cars and big houses in several(7)_____.Some parents want their kids to work in cities and towns.They don"t (8)______them to work in the countryside.People who work in the cities and towns can get money after the (9)______.If you are a famous man, especially an actor, you"ll get much but pay a little. A farmer is (10)_____---he gets little but pays much. (1) B.become (2) A.grow up B.get up C.stand up D.set up (3) A.make D.hope (4) A.lose B.make C.remember D.take (5) A.many B.a little C.much D.a few (6) A.or B.and C.but D.else (7) A.days B.weeks C.years D.moths (8) A.paly B.need C.enjoy D.want (9) A.retire B.leave C.die D.move (10)A.happy B.different D.lucky The moon, our 1 , travels 2 the Earth. It has 3 been visited by man in spaceships. Man-made satellites have been sent up 4 space by many countries. They go round 5 . We used them 6 us to learn more 7 the Earth, the weather and other things. They are also used to 8 and receive massages. It makes people 9 different countries understand each other better. So people say the world itself is becoming a much 10 place. ( ) 1. A. satellite B. satellites C. Sun D. Earth ( ) 2.A.on B. near C. round D. before ( ) 3.A. just B. never C. before D. already ( ) 4.A. to B. into C. in D. over ( ) 5.A.the Sun B. the Earth C. The Moon D. the Sea ( ) B. helping C. to help D. helped ( ) 7.A.about B. for C. of D. on ( ) 8.A.send B. sending C. sends D. sent ( ) 9.A.come B. comes C. from D. form ( ) 10.A.larger B. bigger C. small D. smaller A satellite是卫星,且用单数 (这里our...应该是the moon的同位语,描述的就是the moon) C 绕地球转 D 已经被人类拜访过了 A 人造卫星是发射到太空的 B 人造卫星绕地球转 C 用来帮助我们,达到某个目的(动词)用to A 发现更多关于地球的奥秘 A 被用来做某事,+的应该是动词原形,而be used to doing是习惯于做某事,不符句意,其实这题是送分的,后面的是receive原形就看出了~ C 来自不同国家的人 D 根据意思,这使得世界好象变小了,变小了用比较级,much后面就是跟比较级的 一、妙招一通读全文知大意 Mr. Johnson had a factory. He once 1 on TV that animals could be taught to 2 some work for people if they were given 3 to eat. He loved the idea. He thought it would be 4 to have a dog look after his 5 and an elephant do some heavy jobs 6 his factory. He bought a dog 7 an elephant in the market and decided to teach them to do some work for him. Of course. he 8 bought a lot of food for them. Several months later,the dog and the elephant 9 fatter and fatter,but they 10 do any work for him. At last,Mr. Johnson had to give up. 1. A. saw B. asked C. met 2. A. make C. 1et 3. A. someone B.nothing C. something 4. A. bad B. good C. 1ate 5. A. house B. shirt C. eyes 6. A. in B. above C. under 7. A. but B. or C. and 8. A. also B. never C. yet 9. A. smelt B. sounded C. became 10. A. mustn"t B. couldn"t C. shouldn"t 运用“跳读”或“边读边猜”等技巧把握中心大意。 短文的中心直接影响故事情节的发展,决定着各小题选项该如何确定。通过一到两遍的阅读,有些小题答案会在我们的脑海里浮现,比如2空填do,3空填something或food,5空填home或house或his factory,7空填and等等。 [注] 此时不要急于确定答案! (Keys:1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B) 二、妙招二重视首句获信息 重视首句、突破首句。完形填空题所选用短文的第一句话通常是不设空的,目的是给同学们一个整体印象,同时提示短文的中心内容或提供故事发生的时间、地点、背景等。 At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others. Last year we went to an old people"s 1 and sang songs and performed a play for 2 . The old people were very 3 . We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often. For example, we should 4 primary schools and help 5 young students. I want to be a teacher 6 I"m older so it would be a great experience for me. Other students would like to do other jobs. For example, my friend Tian Ge wants to 7 for a newspaper. She should be allowed to volunteer at the newspaper office once a week. 1. A. home B. bank C. shop D. river 2. A. us B. them C. him D. her 3. A. great B. angry C. smart D. happy 4. A. buy B. have C. visit D. build 5. A. tell B. ask C. teach D. find 6. A. how B. when C. where D. why 7. A. write B. wait C. look D. pay 首句At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others.有提纲挈领之效,简明扼要地提示我们,作者的学校有一个特殊的日子,那就是帮助别人献爱心的日子。有助于我们理解全文。甚至让我们毫不犹豫地确认1空应添单词home. (Keys:1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. A) 三、妙招三全面考虑定选项 整体理解短文、把握中心并根据文中线索(含体裁、时态变化线索、词汇线索、句法线索、社会文化线索、上下文线索等)由易到难地做出选择。 [注] 不要试图从头至尾地去解答完形填空题。有的选项内容在短文的其他地方有较为明确的提示,甚至原封不动地重现。 Shirley Yeats is certainly a very brave woman! At the age of sixty-seven, she 1 to take a trip round the coast(海岸) of Malaysia. Everything was fine 2 one day, as she was going back to her room on the 3 , she saw smoke coming out of another room. She 4 the captain from her room at once and told him about the fire. Then she went up on deck(甲板) to see 5 she could do to help. The fire spread(蔓延) very quickly and soon 6 was completely out of control. The captain decided to get all the passengers out as 7 as possible. 1. A. stopped B. usedC. had D. decided 2. A. since B. afterC. until D. before 3. A. way B. shipC. land D. road 4. A. phoned B. toldC. asked D. ordered 5. A. if B. howC. what D. where 6. A. she B. heC. that D. it 7. A. quickly B. muchC. well D. usually 1.由上下文可知她决定去旅游,decided to do sth.意为“决定做某事”。 2.根据下文可知直到火灾发生的那一天情况一切正常。 3.从下文的captain, deck,可确定她是乘船去旅游。 4.由下文的from her room可知她马上打电话将情况告诉了船长。 5.根据上下文可知她走上甲板去看看能不能帮忙做点儿什么。 6.由上文的The fire spread very quickly,可知大火无法控制了。 7. as quickly as意为“尽快地” (Keys: 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C6. D 7. A) 四、妙招四复读全文验答案 把填充后的短文反复阅读一两遍(甚至多遍),逐一检查、校对所选答案是否符合短文中心及上下文要求,并确保没有不符合语言规范、不符合语法规则的选项。 [注] 很多同学做完形填空题存在一个误区,把很多的时间放到四个选项的比较上,这会降低解题效率。正确做法应是: 顺藤摸瓜,首先是藤,你拿到文章之后要重点读第一句。 瞻前顾后,在文章空格的上下文处,你觉得这个地方需要什么词,带着这个目的到四个选项里找。 顾全大局,做一道题时应该在段落里面理解一句话。 认清细节,比如考固定搭配的题。 猜想试题 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 My son Joey was born with club feet. The doctors said that with treatment he would be able to walk, but would never run very well. The first three years of his life was 1 in hospital. By the time he was eight, you wouldn"t know he has a problem when you saw him 2 . Children in our neighborhood always ran around 3 their play, and Joey would jump and ran and play, 4 . We never told him that he probably wouldn"t be 5 to run like the other children. So he didn"t know. In 6 grade he decided to join the school running team. Every day he trained. He ran more than any of the others, 7 only the top seven runners would be chosen to run for the 8 . We didn"t tell him he probably would never make the team, so he didn"t know. He ran four to five mile every day - even when he had a fever. I was 9 , so I went to 10 him after school. I found him running 11 . I asked him how he felt. “Okay,” he said. He has two more miles to go. Yet he looked straight ahead and kept 12 . Two weeks later, the names of the team 13 were caked. Joey was number six on the list. Joey had 14 the team. He was in seventh grade - the other six team members were all eighth graders. We never told him he couldn"t do it … so he didn"t know. He just 15 it. 1. A. spent B. taken C. cost D. paid 2. A. talk B. sit C. study D. walk 3. A. after B. before C. during D. till 4. A. either B. too C. though D. yet 5. A. able B. sorry C. glad D. afraid 6. A. sixth B. seventh C. eighth D. ninth 7. A. so B. if C. then D. because 8. A. neighborhood B. familyC. school D. grade 9. A. excited B. tiredC. pleased D. worried 10. A. think about B. hear fromC. agree with D. look for 11. A. alone B. away C. almost D. already 12. A. riding B. walkingC. playing D. running 13. A. jumpers B. runnersC. doctors D. teachers 14. A. got B. kept C. made D. found 15. A. did B. had C. left D. took (Keys:1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. D 11. D 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. D)希望能解决您的问题。
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Mr. Johnson had a factory. He once 1 on TV that animals could be taught to 2 some work for people if they were given 3 to eat. He loved the idea. He thought it would be 4 to have a dog look after his 5 and an elephant do some heavy jobs 6 his factory. He bought a dog 7 an elephant in the market and decided to teach them to do some work for him. Of course. he 8 bought a lot of food for them. Several months later,the dog and the elephant 9 fatter and fatter,but they 10 do any work for him. At last,Mr. Johnson had to give up. 1. A. saw B. asked C. met 2. A. make C. 1et 3. A. someone B.nothing C. something 4. A. bad B. good C. 1ate 5. A. house B. shirt C. eyes 6. A. in B. above C. under 7. A. but B. or C. and 8. A. also B. never C. yet 9. A. smelt B. sounded C. became 10. A. mustn"t B. couldn"t C. shouldn"t 运用“跳读”或“边读边猜”等技巧把握中心大意。 短文的中心直接影响故事情节的发展,决定着各小题选项该如何确定。通过一到两遍的阅读,有些小题答案会在我们的脑海里浮现,比如2空填do,3空填something或food,5空填home或house或his factory,7空填and 等等。 [注] 此时不要急于确定答案! (Keys:1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B) ■ 妙招二重视首句获信息 重视首句、突破首句。完形填空题所选用短文的第一句话通常是不设空的,目的是给同学们一个整体印象,同时提示短文的中心内容或提供故事发生的时间、地点、背景等。 At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others. Last year we went to an old people"s 1 and sang songs and performed a play for 2 . The old people were very 3 . We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often. For example, we should 4 primary schools and help 5 young students. I want to be a teacher 6 I"m older so it would be a great experience for me. Other students would like to do other jobs. For example, my friend Tian Ge wants to 7 for a newspaper. She should be allowed to volunteer at the newspaper office once a week. 1. A. home B. bank C. shop D. river 2. A. us B. them C. him D. her 3. A. great B. angry C. smart D. happy 4. A. buy B. have C. visit D. build 5. A. tell B. ask C. teach D. find 6. A. how B. when C. where D. why 7. A. write B. wait C. look D. pay 首句At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others. 有提纲挈领之效,简明扼要地提示我们,作者的学校有一个特殊的日子,那就是帮助别人献爱心的日子。有助于我们理解全文。甚至让我们毫不犹豫地确认1空应添单词home. (Keys:1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. A) ■ 妙招三全面考虑定选项 整体理解短文、把握中心并根据文中线索(含体裁、时态变化线索、词汇线索、句法线索、社会文化线索、上下文线索等)由易到难地做出选择。 [注] 不要试图从头至尾地去解答完形填空题。有的选项内容在短文的其他地方有较为明确的提示,甚至原封不动地重现。 Shirley Yeats is certainly a very brave woman! At the age of sixty-seven, she 1 to take a trip round the coast(海岸) of Malaysia. Everything was fine 2 one day, as she was going back to her room on the 3 , she saw smoke coming out of another room. She 4 the captain from her room at once and told him about the fire. Then she went up on deck(甲板) to see 5 she could do to help. The fire spread(蔓延) very quickly and soon 6 was completely out of control. The captain decided to get all the passengers out as 7 as possible. 1. A. stopped B. usedC. had D. decided 2. A. since B. afterC. until D. before 3. A. way B. shipC. land D. road 4. A. phoned B. toldC. asked D. ordered 5. A. if B. howC. what D. where 6. A. she B. heC. that D. it 7. A. quickly B. muchC. well D. usually 1. 由上下文可知她决定去旅游,decided to do sth. 意为“决定做某事”。 2. 根据下文可知直到火灾发生的那一天情况一切正常。 3. 从下文的captain, deck, 可确定她是乘船去旅游。 4. 由下文的from her room可知她马上打电话将情况告诉了船长。 5. 根据上下文可知她走上甲板去看看能不能帮忙做点儿什么。 6. 由上文的The fire spread very quickly, 可知大火无法控制了。 7. as quickly as 意为“尽快地” (Keys: 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C6. D 7. A) ■ 妙招四复读全文验答案 把填充后的短文反复阅读一两遍(甚至多遍),逐一检查、校对所选答案是否符合短文中心及上下文要求,并确保没有不符合语言规范、不符合语法规则的选项。 [注] 很多同学做完形填空题存在一个误区,把很多的时间放到四个选项的比较上,这会降低解题效率。正确做法应是: 顺藤摸瓜,首先是藤,你拿到文章之后要重点读第一句。 瞻前顾后,在文章空格的上下文处,你觉得这个地方需要什么词,带着这个目的到四个选项里找。 顾全大局,做一道题时应该在段落里面理解一句话。 认清细节,比如考固定搭配的题。猜想试题 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 My son Joey was born with club feet. The doctors said that with treatment he would be able to walk, but would never run very well. The first three years of his life was 1 in hospital. By the time he was eight, you wouldn"t know he has a problem when you saw him 2 . Children in our neighborhood always ran around 3 their play, and Joey would jump and ran and play, 4 . We never told him that he probably wouldn"t be 5 to run like the other children. So he didn"t know. In 6 grade he decided to join the school running team. Every day he trained. He ran more than any of the others, 7 only the top seven runners would be chosen to run for the 8 . We didn"t tell him he probably would never make the team, so he didn"t know. He ran four to five mile every day - even when he had a fever. I was 9 , so I went to 10 him after school. I found him running 11 . I asked him how he felt. “Okay,” he said. He has two more miles to go. Yet he looked straight ahead and kept 12 . Two weeks later, the names of the team 13 were caked. Joey was number six on the list. Joey had 14 the team. He was in seventh grade - the other six team members were all eighth graders. We never told him he couldn"t do it … so he didn"t know. He just 15 it. 1. A. spent B. taken C. cost D. paid 2. A. talk B. sit C. study D. walk 3. A. after B. before C. during D. till 4. A. either B. too C. though D. yet 5. A. able B. sorry C. glad D. afraid 6. A. sixth B. seventh C. eighth D. ninth 7. A. so B. if C. then D. because 8. A. neighborhood B. familyC. school D. grade 9. A. excited B. tiredC. pleased D. worried 10. A. think about B. hear fromC. agree with D. look for 11. A. alone B. away C. almost D. already 12. A. riding B. walkingC. playing D. running 13. A. jumpers B. runnersC. doctors D. teachers 14. A. got B. kept C. made D. found 15. A. did B. had C. left D. took (Keys:1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. D 11. D 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. D)No. 01 Mr Smith lives in the small village, but he works in an office in a big city. He goes to work by train every morning and comes ___1___ the same way. One morning while he was ___2___ his newspaper on the train, a man ___3___ him came up to him. Mr Smith had not met him before. The man said,“ ___4___ ” to him and then ___5___ to talk to him. The man said, “Your ___6___ isn"t interesting, is it? You got on the same train at the same station at the same time ___7___ morning and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper.” When Mr Smith ___8___ this, he put his newspaper down, turned around and ___9___ to the man angrily, “How do you know all that about me?” “Because I"m ___10___ sitting in the same seat behind you,” the man answered. 1. A. family B. house C. village D. home 2. A. seeing B. look C. reading D. finding 3. A. before B. behind C. beside D. next to 4. A. Sorry B. Thanks C. Hello D. Goodbye 5. A. refused B. stopped C. ordered D. began 6. A. life B. work C. office D. child 7. A. one B. every C. this D. yesterday 8. A. heard B. listened C. found D. felt 9. A. asked B. said C. told D. talked 10. A. never B. hardly C. always D. sometimes 本文是个幽默故事。讲述一个人说另一个人每天早上重复做同一件事,这样生活单调,其实自己也一样。 1. D 表示回家是come home与前面的去上班go to work相对。 2. C 表示看书看报用read。 3. B 由文末I"m sitting in the same seat behind you可知。 4. C 从下文可知是向他召呼问好,所以是say “Hello” to him。 5. D 打了召呼后自然就会开始(began) 谈起话来。 6. A 在同一时间、同一个车站、乘同一个火车,这是种单是调泛味的生活 (life)。而不是这工作,也不是办公,更不是指小孩。 7. B 指每天早上都是如此,才会说单调泛味。 8. A 史密斯先生听到(heard) 这些话。listen指有意识在“听”,强调动作,后接宾语时要加to;hear指听的结果“听到”。 9. B say to sb对某人说。虽然后面是一个问句,但表示问某人时ask后不用to,而直接说ask sb。 10. C 因为对史密斯先生如此了解,当然是“总”总在他的后面了。 No. 02 Once there was a boy in Toronto. His name was Jimmy. He started drawing when he was three years old, and when he was five he was already very ___1___ at it. He drew many beautiful interesting pictures, and many people ___2___ his pictures. They thought this boy was going to be ___3___ when he was a little older, and then they were going to ___4___ these pictures for a lot of money. Jimmy"s pictures were quite different from other ___5___ because he never drew on all of the paper. He drew on ___6___ of it, and the other half was always ___7___. “That"s very clever,” everybody said. “___8___ other people have ever done that before.” One day somebody asked him, “Please tell me, Jimmy. Why do you draw on the bottom (底部) half of your pictures, ___9___ not on the top half?” “Because I"m small,” Jimmy said, “and my brushes (毛笔) can"t ___10___ very high.” 本文是具有一定的讽刺意义的故事。讲述一个绘画风格与众不同的孩童,他在纸上总是留出一半不画,别人都以为他特别聪明,最后通过孩童自己的口揭示了其中的密秘。 1. A. poor B. sad C. glad D. good 2. A. bought B. brought C. sold D. took 3. A. different B. clever C. famous D. rich 4. A. buy B. show C. leave D. sell 5. A. men"s B. people"s C. boy"s D. child"s 6. A. half B. part C. side D. end 7. A. full B. empty C. wrong D. ready 8. A. No B. Some C. Any D. Many 9. A. then B. and C. but D. or 10. A. change B. turn C. pull D. reach 1. D 由后文he drew many beautiful interesting pictures可知,他是“擅长(be good at)”绘画。 2. A 这画又漂亮又有趣,当然就很多人“买”了。 3. C 根据常识推理,现在就画得如此之后,他长大后自然就会很“有名(famous)”。 4. D 由后面的for a lot of money可知,是将原来买的画卖掉赚钱。 5. B 是说他的画与别人的画不同,而不是与别人男人的画不同,所以排除A;又因other后应当接复数可数名词,而C和D是单数,所以也错了。 6. A 由后面的the other half可知。 7. B 由前文he never drew on all of the paper和He drew hall of it,可以推知另一半是“空白(empty)”。 8. A 上文已经说了他的画与众不同,他这样画一半留一半,由此,推断没有别的人像这样做。 9. C 前后是转折关系。 10. D因为自己还太矮小,所以伸手达不到那么高。
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什么预防 跑步的天敌 【跑步膝】
2023-08-01 05:57:213


CPU :AMD A4-6300原盒=230散热:九州风神猎户座=25主板:七彩虹F2A58ML=240内存:威刚4G/1600=160硬盘:西数500G=300机箱电源套装=120 合计:1075CPU:Intel赛扬G1840原盒=260主板:技嘉H81M-DS2=350内存:威刚4G/1600=160硬盘:西数500G/7200=300电源:星宇泉小电源380=120机箱:星宇泉小机箱=90 合计:1280CPU:A8-5600K原包=520散热:CPU自带原装散热主板:技嘉FM2A68HM-DS2=320内存:威刚4G/1600=160硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:集成 HD 7560D电源+机箱套装=130 合计:1450CPU:A8-76500K原包=520散热:CPU自带原装散热主板:技嘉FM2A78M-DS2=350内存:威刚4G/1600=160硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:集成AMD RADEON R7(类似GT730显卡水平)电源: 300W+ATX机箱 =150 合计:1500CPU:A10-7850K原包=800散热:CPU自带原装散热主板:技嘉FM2A78M-DS2=350内存:威刚2GX2/1600=220硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:集成Radeon R7(类似GT740显卡水平)电源: 300W+ATX机箱 =150 合计:1840CPU: AMD X4-740盒=330散热:普通AMD散热=20主板:技嘉FM2A68HM-DS2=320内存:威刚4G/1600=160硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:影驰GT740虎将1G=550电源:柯普达动力400=95机箱:ATX机箱=70 合计:1865CPU: AMD X4-860K=410散热:自带盒装散热主板:技嘉FM2A78M-DS2=365内存:威刚4G/1600=160硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:迪兰恒进R7 250 1G=550电源:柯普达动力450=150机箱:ATX机箱=70 合计:2025CPU: 奔腾G3250原盒=360散热:自带盒装散热主板:技嘉H81M-DS2=350内存:威刚4G/1600=160硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:映众GTX750Ti黑金2G=780电源:柯普达动力430=135机箱:ATX机箱=70(可自选) 合计:2175CPU:AMD X4-860K=420散热:自带盒装散热主板:技嘉FM2A78M-DS2=350内存:威刚4G/1600=160硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:映众GTX750Ti黑金2G=780电源:柯普达动力450=150机箱:ATX机箱=70 合计:2250CPU:I3-4170散片=660 (主频3.7GHz)散热:九州风神猎户=25主板:华硕H81M-E R2.0=369内存:威刚4G/1600=160硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:映众GTX750Ti黑金2G=780电源:柯普达动力450=150机箱:ATX机箱=70(可自选) 合计:2534CPU:I3-4170散片=660 (主频3.7GHz)散热:玄冰智能版=55主板:华硕B85M-G=420内存:威刚4G/1600=160硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:华硕GTX750TI圣骑士2G=850 电源:航嘉jumper 350S=230机箱:先马破坏神5=85(自选也OK) 合计:2780CPU:AMD FX6300=605 (六核推土机)散热:九州风神玄冰400=95主板:技嘉970A-DS3P=490内存:威刚8G/1600=250硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:迪兰恒进R9 370 2G=860电源:柯普达动力450=150机箱:ATX机箱=70 合计:2840CPU:I5-4460散片=1035(主频3.2 最大睿频3.4)散热:九州风神玄冰智能=55主板:技嘉B85M-D3V=420内存:威刚4G/1600=160硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:映众GTX750Ti黑金2G=780电源:柯普达动力450=150机箱:先马破坏神5=85 合计:3005CPU:I5-4590散片=1135(主频3.3 最大睿频3.7)散热:九州风神玄冰智能=55主板:技嘉B85M-D3V=420内存:威刚4G/1600=160硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:映众GTX750Ti黑金2G=780电源:柯普达动力450=150机箱:先马破坏神5=85 合计:3105CPU:I5-4590散片=1135(主频3.3 最大睿频3.7)散热:玄冰智能版=55主板:华硕B85M-G=420内存:威刚4G/1600=160硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:华硕GTX750TI圣骑士2G=850电源:航嘉jumper 350S=230机箱:先马破坏神5=85(自选也OK) 合计:3255CPU:I5-4590散片=1135(主频3.3 最大睿频3.7)散热:九州风神玄冰智能=55主板:技嘉B85M-D3V=420内存:威刚4G/1600=160硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:影驰GTX950虎将 2G=1080电源:柯普达动力450=150机箱:先马破坏神5=85 合计:3405CPU:I5-4590散片=1135(主频3.3 最大睿频3.7)散热:九州风神玄冰智能=55主板:技嘉B85M-D3V=420内存:威刚8G/1600=250硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:华硕GTX950猛禽 2G=1200电源:航嘉450S=250机箱:航嘉Nano小机箱=120 合计:3750CPU:I5-4590散片=1135(主频3.3 最大睿频3.7)散热:九州风神玄冰智能=55主板:技嘉B85M-D3V=420内存:威刚8G/1600=250硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:蓝宝石R9 370X毒药4G=1220电源:航嘉450S=250机箱:航嘉MVP=160 合计:3810CPU:AMD FX8320=950 (八核推土机)散热:九州风神玄冰400=95主板:技嘉970A-DS3P=490内存:威刚8G/1600=250硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:蓝宝石R9 380 2G限量版=1400电源:航嘉450S=250机箱:航嘉MVP白色=160 合计:3915CPU:I5-4590散片=1135(主频3.3 最大睿频3.7)散热:九州神风玄冰智能版=55主板:技嘉B85M-D3V=420内存:金士顿骇客神条8G=270硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:华硕GTX960猛禽 2G=1400电源:航嘉450S=250机箱:航嘉Nano小机箱=120 合计:3970CPU:I5-4590散片=1135(主频3.3 最大睿频3.7)散热:九州风神玄冰400=95主板:华硕B85-PRO=550内存:金士顿骇客神条8G=270硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:蓝宝石R9 380 2G限量版=1400电源:航嘉450S=250机箱:先马坦克侧透版(黑/白)=220 合计:4240CPU:I5-4590散片=1135(主频3.3 最大睿频3.7)散热:九州风神玄冰400=95主板:华硕特种部队B85骑兵=590内存:金士顿骇客神条8G=270硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:映众GTX960超级冰龙版 2G=1450电源:航嘉450S=250机箱:先马坦克侧透版(黑/白)=200 合计:4310CPU:I5-4590散片=1135(主频3.3 最大睿频3.7)散热:九州风神玄冰400=95主板:华硕B85-PRO=550内存:金士顿骇客神条8G=270硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:蓝宝石R9 380 4G超白金=1470电源:航嘉WD500=290机箱:先马坦克侧透版(黑/白)=200 合计:4330CPU : E3 1231 V3=1420散热:九州风神玄冰400=95(带蓝光风扇)主板:华硕B85-PRO=550 内存:金士顿骇客神条8G=270硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:映众GTX960超级冰龙版 2G=1450电源:航嘉450S=250机箱:先马卡萨丁=220 合计: 4575CPU:I5-4590散片=1135(主频3.3 最大睿频3.7)散热:九州风神玄冰400=95主板:华硕B85-PRO=550内存:金士顿骇客神条8G=270硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:映众GTX970冰龙版 4G=2300电源:长城双卡王500W=300机箱:先马坦克侧透版(黑/白)=200 合计:5170CPU : E3 1231 V3=1420散热:九州风神玄冰400=95(带蓝光风扇)主板:华硕B85-PRO=550 内存:金士顿骇客神条8G=270硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:映众GTX970冰龙版 4G=2300电源:长城双卡王500W=300机箱:先马雅典娜(黑/白)=170 合计:5425CPU: I7-4790散=1810(主频3.6 最大睿频4.0)散热:九州风神玄冰400=95(带蓝光风扇)主板:华硕B85-PRO=550内存:金士顿骇客神条8G/1866=300硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:影驰GTX970-4G 名人堂=2500 电源:长城双卡王500W=300机箱:先马阿拉丁七彩炫光版=240 合计:6115CPU: I7-4790K(盒)=2220(主频默频4.0)散热:九州风神大霜塔至尊版=210主板:华硕Z97-K=720内存:金士顿骇客神条8G/1866=300硬盘:希捷1TB/7200=320显卡:影驰GTX970-4G 名人堂=2500 电源:长城双卡王500W=300机箱:先马阿拉丁七彩炫光版=240 合计:6810CPU : I7-4790K原盒=2220(主频4.0 最大睿频4.4)风扇:九州风神阿萨辛=395主板:华硕Z97-AR黑金限量版=990显卡:映众GTX980超级冰龙版=3900内存:金士顿骇客神条16G/1866=600固态:浦科特M6S 256G=710硬盘:希捷2TB/7200=390电源:安钛克Eco 650模尊=500机箱:先马黑洞静音机箱=300 合计:10005 CPU :I7-4790K原盒=2220(主频4.0 最大睿频4.4)风扇:九州风神阿萨辛=395主板:华硕ROG MAXIMUS VII HERO M7H =1800显卡:影驰GTX970-4G 名人堂*2(SLI)=5000内存:海盗船复仇者 16G/2400套装=710硬盘:浦科特256G M6S=710硬盘: 西数2TB黑盘=850电源:海盗船RM750模组=950机箱:撒哈拉极致AP1=499 合计:13134
2023-08-01 05:58:401


2023-08-01 05:58:515


L/S在计算电阻中代表,绕制成电阻的导线长度与绕制成电阻的导线横截面积的比值,其含义为单位长度、单位截面。导体的电阻R跟它的长度L、电阻率ρ成正比,跟它的横截面积S成反比,这个规律就叫电阻定律,公式为R=ρL/S 。其中ρ:制成电阻的材料的电阻率,L:绕制成电阻的导线长度,S:绕制成电阻的导线横截面积,R:电阻值。ρ叫电阻率:某种材料制成的长1米、横截面积是1平方毫米的导线的电阻,叫做这种材料的电阻率。是描述材料性质的物理量。国际单位制中,电阻率的单位是欧姆·米,常用单位是欧姆·平方毫米/米。与导体长度L,横截面积S无关,只与物体的材料和温度有关,有些材料的电阻率随着温度的升高而增大,有些反之。电阻的应用基本上没有电路板会不用电阻,任何电路板上使用最多的器件就是电容和电阻。各种上下拉电阻,反馈电阻等等。1、热效应根据焦耳定律,电流流过电阻就会发热。电阻的热效应的应用也有很多,电热毯、电火桶、电水壶。对于一些室外应用的电子设备,特别对于一些集成有高性能CPU的SOC,对工作温度要求很苛刻,大都只能满足商业级应用,大冬天在东北,零下三十多度,温度太低,很可能开不了机。通常都会加一个大功率电阻做预加热功能,当温度上来后,设备启动了再关掉。之所有关掉,因为设备自己工作的功耗也会发热,可以保持温度。2、零欧姆电阻零欧姆电阻也叫跳线电阻(Jumper)。在电路设计中,为了调试方便或者作兼容设计经常使用。例如在作预研设计时,为了调试时能测试芯片的每组电源的工作电流,通常需要用零欧姆电阻将电源分成多路。
2023-08-01 05:59:111


记住这个单词:OPSHACOM 各种形容词就是按照这个次序的OP-opinion 描述特性的词语 beautiful wonderfulS-SIZE 尺寸的词语 big hugeH-SHAPE 形状的词语 foursquareA-AGE 描述年代的词语 old C-COLOUR 描述颜色的词语 redO-ORIGIN 描述国家的词语 chineseM-MATERIAL 描述材质 wooden silk
2023-08-01 05:59:503


能。航嘉450b能带1660s显卡,微星GTX1660 Super万图师游戏显卡,再配上带钢化侧透的雷万汀,航嘉JUMPER450B 铜牌450W电源,微星黑龙G241 IPS 144Hz游戏电竞显示器。
2023-08-01 06:00:561

那个英文歌 歌词好像是 什么 麻麻麻麻 求各位大神 帮忙

Sweet but Psycho
2023-08-01 06:01:052


1. watch 与 computed 的巧妙结合如上图,一个简单的列表页面。你可能会这么做: created(){ this.fetchData() }, watch: { keyword(){ this.fetchData() } }如果参数比较多,比如上图 关键字筛选, 区域筛选, 设备ID筛选, 分页数, 每页几条数据,可能会是这样:data(){ return { keyword:"", region:"", deviceId:"", page:1 }},methods:{ fetchData(paramrs={ keyword:this.keyword, region:this.region, deviceId:this.deviceId,, }){ this.$http.get("/list",paramrs).then("do some thing") }},created(){ this.fetchData()},watch: { keyword(data){ this.keyword=data this.fetchData() }, region(data){ this.region=data this.fetchData() }, deviceId(data){ this.deviceId=data this.fetchData() }, page(data){ this.fetchData() }, requestParams(params){ this.fetchData(params) }}不过这么写,明显有问题,主要是watch了很多参数,而且函数的处理都差不多,可以修改一下,通过methods处理data(){ return { keyword:"", region:"", deviceId:"", page:1 }},methods:{ paramsChange(paramsName,paramsValue){ this[paramsName]=paramsValue this.fetchData() }, fetchData(paramrs={ keyword:this.keyword, region:this.region, deviceId:this.deviceId,, }){ this.$http.get("/list",paramrs).then("do some thing") }},created(){ this.fetchData()}当然这么写,需要在模板里面每个参数change的地方绑定事件,并传递参数值,比如分页change时:<el-pagination layout="total, prev, pager, next, jumper" :total="total" prev-text="上一页" next-text="下一页" @current-change="paramsChange("page",$event)" ></el-pagination>相比上面的各种watch,代码明显少了很多,但是还有一个问题,那就是要在template的很多地方绑定change事件。最后,当然是使用我们重点推荐的computed + watch了data(){ return { keyword:"", region:"", deviceId:"", page:1 }},computed:{ requestParams() { return { page:, region: this.region, id: this.deviceId, keyword: this.keyword } }},methods:{ fetchData(paramrs={ keyword:this.keyword, region:this.region, deviceId:this.deviceId,, }){ this.$http.get("/list",paramrs).then("do some thing") }},watch: { requestParams: { handler: "fetchData", immediate: true }},通过增加一个computed属性,watch这个属性并设置immediate为true,无需再手动绑定事件,相比之上的方法都要简洁。当然,缺点就是对性能稍微有些影响,不过问题不大。2. 使用mixin提取公共部分很多列表页其实使用的很多属性都是一样的,比如 分页 page 数量 size 搜索关键 字keyword 表格数据 tableData这些公共的部分其实可以通过mixin来提取出来/** * mixin/table.js */export default { data() { return { keyword: "", requestKeyword: "", pages: 1, size: 10, total: 0, tableData: [] } }}在要用到的页面import mixin from "@/mixin/table"export default { mixins: [mixin], data() { return { selectRegion: "", selectDevice: "", deviceList: [], } } /* 其他代码 */ ...3. 自动注册全局组件正常情况下,我们需要使用一个我们自己封装的组件时,需要先引入,再注册,最后才能在template模板中使用。<template> <all-region :selectRegion="selectRegion" @region-change="selectRegion=$event"/></template><script>import AllRegion from "./baseButton"export default { components: { AllRegion, }}</script> 当有多个页面需要用到这些组件时,那么就需要在每个需要的页面重复这些步骤。为了简化这些步骤,可以考虑把这些组件作为全局组件来使用,这样每个页面需要时,就可以直接使用了。不过还有一个问题,那就是需要我们手动的全局注册。/* main.js */import Component1 from "@/component/compenent1"import Component2 from "@/component/compenent2"import Component3 from "@/component/compenent3"Vue.component("component1", Component1)Vue.component("component2", Component2)Vue.component("component3", Component3)当组件多了以后,手动注册也变得繁琐起来,可以通过require.context()实现自动注册组件。/** * main.js * 读取componetns下的vue文件并自动注册全局组件 */const requireComponent = require.context("./components", false, /.vue$/)requireComponent.keys().forEach(fileName => { const componentConfig = requireComponent(fileName) const componentName = fileName.replace(/^.//, "").replace(/.vue/, "") Vue.component(componentName, componentConfig.default || componentConfig)})4. 自动注册vuex模块之前我们是这么注册vuex模块的/* module.js */import alarm from "./modules/alarm"import history from "./modules/history"import factory from "./modules/factory"import contact from "./modules/contact"import company from "./modules/company";import deviceManage from "./modules/device-manage"import deviceModel from "./modules/device-model"import deviceActivation from "./modules/device-activation"import user from "./modules/user"import role from "./modules/role"import setAlarm from "./modules/setAlarm"import factoryMode from "./modules/factoryMode";import ScreenDeviceWatch from "./modules/screen-device-watch"import ScreenDeviceForecast from "./modules/screen-device-forecast"export default { alarm, company, deviceManage, deviceModel, user, factory, contact, deviceActivation, history, role, setAlarm, factoryMode, ScreenDeviceWatch, ScreenDeviceForecast,}/* index.js */import Vue from "vue"import Vuex from "vuex"import state from "./state"import getters from "./getters"import modules from "./modules"import actions from "./actions"import mutations from "./mutations"Vue.use(Vuex)export default new Vuex.Store({ state, getters, mutations, actions, modules})可以发现每个模块都要我们手动导入,然后加入到module里面,如此重复。当模块不多还好,假如项目大了,有50个模块,那就得要做很多重复的工作。跟注册组件一样,我们还是利用require.context来实现。/** * 读取./modules下的所有js文件并注册模块 */const requireModule = require.context("./modules", false, /.js$/)const modules = {}requireModule.keys().forEach(fileName => { const moduleName = fileName.replace(/(./|.js)/g, "") modules[moduleName] = { namespaced: true, ...requireModule(fileName).default }})export default modules/* index.js */import Vue from "vue"import Vuex from "vuex"import modules from "./modules"Vue.use(Vuex)export default new Vuex.Store({ state, getters, mutations, actions, modules})这篇关于如何写出更优雅的vue.js代码的文章就介绍到这了,希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家。
2023-08-01 06:01:131


第二季:守护甜心!心跳 第52话 眼前一片的闪耀 第53话 忙得不可开交 第54话 哎 新的朋友 第55话 为心灵之歌插上翅膀 第56话 向着天空想要飞翔的心情 第57话 激萌可爱千钧一发 第58话 李子小组的大恐慌 第59话 星那歌呗新的旅程 第60话 幸运日是表白的佳日 第61话 传达给你?小闪的思绪 第62话 璃茉对凪彦!两个人是对手? 第63话 露露的完美圣诞节 第64话 新年?变身的初笑!? 第65话 飘雪的日子有着数不尽的秘密 第66话 大骚动猫耳少女 第67话 UFO少女出现 第68话 再见山吹沙绫 第69话 初恋?爱情攻击 第70话 最讨厌巧克力 第71话 充满险峻的真诚之路!海里再次出现 第72话 激震!婆婆登场 第73话 秘!感情和好的秘方? 第74话 心跳加速的白色情人节 第75话 被发现了!?歌呗来我家 第76话 新的敌人!?月夜下的战斗 第77话 冲击!被破坏的初次约会 第78话 亚梦漫长的一日 第79话 几斗和亚梦 悲伤的战斗 第80话 信任之心 铂金之心 第81话 潜入!复活社 第82话 热斗!我要成为王牌 第83话 失之交臂的音乐博览会 第84话 二阶堂老师真的是老师 第85话 Cheese!传说中的女孩登场 第86话 歌声响彻,变回那一天的我 第87话 拯救娜娜!守护甜心护士出动 第88话 暴突!谜之蛋大暴走 第89话 两颗心,相互理解 第90话 想告诉你!这份心情 第91话 全开!我的节奏(旋律)! 第92话 帅气的决定吧!Beat Jumper! 第93话 星名歌呗,向着未来飞翔 第94话 前进!花猫搜索队?! 第95话 璃茉和弥耶,如同珍珠的羁绊 第96话 无法传达的声音,被粉碎的思念 第97话 几斗与唯世!命运的占星术! 第98话 复活,耀眼的舞姬! 第99话 思念合一,守护者之战! 第100话 诞生!两种变身 第101话 被撕破的绘本!悲伤的秘密 第102话 梦想之蛋,理想中的自己!第三季:守护甜心!派对 第103话 活力十足的转校生 第104话 诞生!见习守护者!? 第105话 心的闪耀!歌的力量! 第106话 小光VS兔子?第一份工作真辛苦! 第107话 弥耶的热情园艺!! 第108话 蛋的归宿 第109话 欢迎回来!抚子 第110话 奇迹的形象改造! 第111话 为什么!?璃茉前辈! 112话 哎!唯世君喜欢的人!? 第113话 闪闪发光的宝物! 第114话 精疲力尽 亚梦当妈妈了?! 第115话 理想中的我! 第116话 初次见面!这就是坏甜心!? 第117话 不要吵架了! 第118话 前进吧 立花!迈向守护者之路 第119话 团团转!转动的世界! 第120话 心跳的野餐 第121话 歌呗 动摇的心 第122话 心跳!守护蛋上刻了叉? 第123话 初次见面,我叫小萤 第124话 和小光愉快地去游乐园! 第125话 不好了!立花和坏蛋? 第126话 请相信,我纯洁的心 第127话 心跳不已的心跳!
2023-08-01 06:01:228

航嘉jumper 350s底部拱起来的铁片顶电子元针脚!

2023-08-01 06:01:482

航嘉(Huntkey)额定300W JUMPER300S电源 比 之前的电源功率高还是低?

2023-08-01 06:01:581

今天要装机了 航嘉jumper 450s 带gtx970 会BOOM吗

2023-08-01 06:02:072


2023-08-01 06:02:171

机箱:先马雅典娜(黑) 电源:航嘉 jumper450S 主板:华硕B85M-G plus

2023-08-01 06:02:271

航嘉jumper450s 和航嘉super600n哪个好

2023-08-01 06:02:471

航嘉电脑电源型号hk300-41 dp可以用航嘉jumper300s替代吗?

考虑下台达nx350 200出头
2023-08-01 06:02:542


2023-08-01 06:03:031


2023-08-01 06:03:132

装个机,看这样行不行? 机箱:航嘉mvp机箱 电源:航嘉jumper450s 显卡:影驰galax

2023-08-01 06:03:284

主板华硕M5A78L-MLX3与航嘉(Huntkey) jumper450S的能配吗?

CPU没有接口,主板上有一大一小两个白色的插头 ,如果插不上硬盘的话跟主板没有关系,跟你的硬盘电源口有关系。
2023-08-01 06:03:492