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"Why" 和"What...for"/"What for"的用法

"Why" 和"What...for"/"What for""what...for"表示目的,也相当于“Why”,“What”是"for"的宾语,“What”和“for”可以连用("What for")。例如:1. That"s what we"re here for.(这是我们来的目的。)2. I‘m going to Pairs. -What for?(我准备去巴黎。 -去干什么呢?)

why和what for有什么区别

why 后面直接加想问的东西what for 一般是 what....for? 这个结构, what 后面加想问的东西这两个是同意的,可以同义句转换,都是为什么。。。?或者是。。。是为什么?


what for词组,意思是:为什么。相当于why。

for what 和what for是什么意思?

what for 翻译成《为什么?》例子:Jack,give me your scarf.What for?

what for和why的区别是什么?

what for和why的区别为:一、指代不同1、what for:为何。2、why:为什么。二、侧重点不同1、what for:侧重于表目的,表用途。2、why:侧重于表原因。三、引证用法不同1、what for:what用作疑问代词时,其基本意思是“什么,什么东西,什么事情”,用作疑问句,为特殊疑问句的一个标志。2、why:why的意思是“为什么”,可用作疑问副词,也用作关系副词,还用作连接副词,可以引导名词从句。


What for 干嘛仅供参考

WHAT FOR 是什么中文


what for?语法解释,题目里就这两个词,请解释一下

What for的用法接近于Why。为何? what for一定情况下可以与why互换例如 why did you go there? 等同于 what did you go there for? 一般what for要分开,放在句首和句末

what for等于什么


what for 什么意思?





  what for意思是“为什么”,what for和 why都可以翻译为“为什么”,但是内含的意思有以下差别:   1、why指“因为什么原因或理由”,回答时要用because陈述原因或理由;   2、what for指“为了得到什么”或“出于什么目的”,回答时还得用介词for后跟具体的目的或要求。

what one 和which one有什么区别?

当有限定或一定的范围,用which, 不是的话,用what

which one、which 和 what的区别

which是已知中的未知:比如你面前放着苹果,橘子,香蕉,有人问你这三个中你要吃哪一个,这是你应该用whichwhat是完全未知,你面前没有任何东西,有人问你,你想吃什么。which one也是已知中的未知,但是它与which有区别:如果后面是对单数的可数名词的选择,则which和which one都可以。但是如果后面的选择范围不是单数的可数名词,而是复数的可数名词或不可数名词,则不能用which one,只能用which..

should media be state or private owned?(what are the advantage/disadvantage of both systems

The private media belongs to its owners who may use it as they please.The state media belongs to the people. It cannot be used by the government of the day as it pleases.The state media thus has a duty to set standards that the private media may follow if they wish.A healthy relationship should be built between the state media and the private media. This can only happen if there is mutual respect between the two types of media. Mutual respect will grow when, common standards of professional conduct applicable to the media are accepted and upheld. When media personnel realize that they belong to a profession with responsibilities to the people their relationships with their respective masters will become not that of servants but that of partners.During a general election, in particular, the state media, both print and electronic, should in handling public and political issues maintain a fair balance. Media coverage should be fair and topical. The public should be made aware that the Media Ministry acknowledges its responsibility to the people to ensure that the public debate that will go on during the election will representative, well informed and wide ranging.In the allocation of time on the electronic media balance should be maintained between all political parties and other concerned groups.Public debates should draw on sections of society which have hitherto not had the opportunity to express their views on important matters; especially civil society, academics, commercial and business executives, professions and others who could enrich debates on important issues.These debates and discussions should cater not only to the Sinhala public but also to the Tamil and English speaking public.A special effort must be made to bring on air young people especially in the age group of 30 to 40 who by virtue of their education and experience would have much to contribute on any issue.A special effort must be made to bring on air people from the rural areas to speak about their views on matters of public concern. This vast section of our people has hitherto been neglected as the attention of the state media has not been adequately directed to them.The issue that should be addressed continuously during the campaign is the holding of an election free of violence. To this end every effort must be made to bring together all those like-minded persons of whatever political persuasion who share that aspiration. The Presidentu2019s total commitment to an election free of violence should be emphasized.The topics of public debate should be, among others, the economic and social well-being of the people, ethnic and inter-religious harmony, culture, measures to tackle corruption, strengthen transparency and good governance, law and order, the environment and international relations.New voices should be heard and fresh faces seen on the electronic media of the state.In brief, the state media should help to project on the kind of Sri Lanka in which our people would like to live and to facilitate the expression of such views from the widest cross section of our people.

宾语从句 which one 和what 后跟不定式的区别

A.which one 表示一个范围,然后从中选择哪一个。what表示什么,没有范围,什么也不知道的情况下


Which指代这件事,what指代内容,what可以引导名词性从句,在从句中可做主语、宾语、表语。which是关系代词,引导定语从句,在从句中可充当主语、宾语、表语。 which和what的用法区别一、后接名词时的区别 当用作定语修饰其后接名词时,只用which和what,which和what的区别是:前者用于选择范围较小或较明确的场合,后者用于选择范围较大或不明确的场合。如: 二、其后不接名词时的区别 当其后不接名词时,二者均可用,which和what的用法区别依然是:前者用于选择范围较小或较明确的场合,后者用于选择范围较大或不明确的场合。 注:当选择范围比较明确且用作宾语时,who也可以用which或whichone代之。


你好!what can the rod to do杆可以做什么呢

What does he take with him为什么要him?


What color is your dog?同义句

What is the colour of your dog?

What color is your dog?同义句

Please tell me your dog"s color.

what is the difference between science and technology? 用英文回答这个问题,15词左右.

Science is the study of things with branches like biology,chemistry,physics and psychology.The basis of Science is the conducting of experiments.Technology,on the other hand,is more of an applied science.It is where tools and knowledge are used for the study of a particular science.If the goal of science is the pursuit of knowledge for science"s sake,technology aims to create systems to meet the needs of people.Science has a quest of explaining something,while technology is leaning more towards developing a use for something.

What if .. 和 What would you do if .. 区别?? 好像都一样 。。


《Be What You wanna Be》里的女声伴音是谁?找一份资料!

布兰妮  Full Name: Britney Jean Spears  全名:布兰妮·简·斯皮尔斯  Pet name:Bit-Bit,Brit  昵称:小甜甜  Birthday : 2, Dec 1981 ( Wednesday )  生日:1981年12月2日  Zodiac Sign : Sagittarius  星座:射手座  Blood Type : A  血型:A型  Height : 163cm  身高:163公分   Weight : 59kg   体重:59公斤  Measurement : N/A  三围:不明   Hometown: Kentwood, Louisiana   家乡:肯特乌,路易斯安那  Nicknames: Bit-Bit, Brit   小名:Bit-Bit(点点),Brit  Hair: light brown   天然发色:浅棕  Eyes: brown   眼色:棕色  Hobbies: shopping, seeing movies, reading romance novels,swimming, days at the beach  爱好:购物,电影,浪漫小说,游泳,沙滩生活。   People she admires: Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Madonna,Michael Jackson  偶像:玛丽亚·凯丽,惠特尼·休斯敦,麦当娜 ,迈克尔·杰克逊  Stats : Member of Mickey Mouse Club since 1993 [,Appe]ared in the 1991 Off-Broadway production, Ruthless  正式出道前演绎经验:1993年开始加入米老鼠俱乐部,在未上档的舞台剧Ruthless中表演。   Self motto:Pass through every skies well  自己的座右铭:好好地过每一天  Self individuality:Honest , be full of energy , will staunch  自己的个性:诚实,充满精力,意志坚定  Assume office what:Jive company(the same as BSB)  就职于:Jive公司(和BSB,超级男孩一样)  People who wants to see most:Brad Pitt  最想见的人:布莱德·皮特  The most awkward experience:Once went ahead in the stage step on arrive at cake and then have a slip when walking  最尴尬的经历:曾经在舞台上踩到蛋糕然后滑了一跤  Maximal desire:Hope other country"s friend also can be fond of my album  最大的愿望:希望其他国家的朋友也能喜欢我的专辑  Maximal Goal]s: A successful album & a college degree in business or communications  最大的目标:一张成功的专辑和一个商学或者传播学的学位。  Favorite Food : Ice Cream, Pasta, Hot Dogs.   最喜欢的食物:冰淇淋,意大利通心粉,热狗,饼干  Favorite Color : Baby Blue Baby red  最喜欢的颜色:粉蓝 粉红  Favorite Movies : My Best Friend"s Wedding, Steel Magnolias ,Titanic  最喜欢]的电影:《我最好朋友的婚礼》,《决战尤玛镇》,《泰坦尼克号》  Favorite Clothing Designers : Betsey Johnson, Bebe, A/X by Giorgio Armani  最喜欢的时装品牌:Betsey Johnson, Bebe, A/X by Giorgio Armani  Favorite Sports: Basketball, swimming   最喜欢的运动:篮球,游泳。  Favorite Teams : Chicago Bulls, New York Yankees   最喜欢的球队:芝加哥公牛,纽约杨基队  Favorit]e Actors: Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Brad Pitt   最喜欢男演员:汤姆·克鲁斯,梅尔·吉普森,布拉德·皮特  Favorite Drink: Sprite, Sweet Iced Black Tea   最喜欢饮料:雪碧,甜甜的冰红茶  Favorite Car:Lexus toyota  最喜欢的车子:Lexus toyota  Favorite Animals:Dogs(Britney have fostered one only lovable Norway pay)  最喜欢的动物:小狗狗(布兰妮曾经养了一只可爱的挪威纳)  Favorite Collection: Candle,Photo album,Baby  最喜欢的收藏品:蜡烛,相框,娃娃  Favorite Hobby:Shopping,Sleeping,Calling  最喜欢的爱好:逛街购物,睡觉,打电话聊天  ]Parents: Jamie and Lynne Spears   父母:杰米斯·皮尔斯和林恩·斯皮尔斯  Siblings: Bryan, 21 and Jamie Lynn, 8 as of March 1999   姊妹:哥哥,布莱恩·斯皮尔斯(30岁,2008年)。妹妹,杰米林·斯皮尔斯(17岁,2008年)。

what will you do和 what would you do 和真实条件句搭配有区别吗?


What would you do if....... 英语作文

What would you do if you were a millionare? If I were a millionare,I"d buy a lot of things.maybe a big house,car,food...and so on.next I would travel a lot,or I might go abroad.Then I"d meet many different people.

what would you do if you were a volunteer


初三的英语作文 What would you do if you had a million?

if i had a million dollars,i would give it to charity.

what would you do if you saw an accident 什么意思


人教版九年级英语课文"What would you do if...?"的翻译


请问what would you do是什么节目,应该是美国的,每个都那么感人!迷的感动啊


What would you do if you failed?

What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give up. However, the surest way to success is to keep your direction and stick to your goal. 如果失败了你会怎么做?很多人可能会选择放弃。然而,要想成功,最可靠的方法就是坚持你的方向和目标。 On your way to success, you must keep your direction. It is just like a lamp, guiding you in darkness and helping you overcome obstacles on your way. Otherwise, you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead. 在通往成功的路上,你必须坚持你的方向。它就像一盏灯,在黑暗中为你指路,帮助你度过难关。否则,你很容易就会迷失方向或犹豫不前。

what would you do if you _____a lot of money


what would you do today? 这里是问他今天做过什么还是要做什么



直接回答what 引导的问句就行,句子的意思是晚上你会做什么,回答你晚上做的事情就行,比如 I read books at night.

what would you do if 造句 5句,加翻译、

1. What would you do if you had a lot of money? 如果你有很多钱,你会做什么?2. What would you do if you failed your exam? 如果你没通过考试,你该怎么办?3. What would you do if you were the president of the United States? 如果你是美国总统,你会做什么?4. What would you do if you saw him there? 如果你在那里见到他,你该怎么办?5. What would you do if your English is very good? 如果你的英语很好,你会做什么?

what would you do when you

what would you do when you don"t know how to say something in English 什麼意思? 中文意思就是: 当你不懂得说英语时,你会怎麼办?

What would you do与 What do you do 的区别 提问

would 在这里是情态动词当“愿意”讲。你愿意做什么?what do you do? 你做什么?

what would you do的时态为什么是一般将来时吗?would不是过去式吗?


What would you do与 What do you do 的区别 提问

What would you do?相当于 What are you going to do?你将做什么? What do you do 这是一般现在时. 希望对您有所帮助哦!Have a nice weekend!*^__^*

What Would U Do 歌词

歌曲名:What Would U Do歌手:Chamillionaire&Paul Wall专辑:Controversy Sellsfrom the album Blurring The EdgesElectricityEye to eyeHey, dont I know you?I cant speakStripped my sensesOn the spotIve never been defenselessI cant even make sense of thisYou speak and I dont hear a wordWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthLust to lustSpontaneously combustRoom is spinningout of controlYou act like you didnt noticebrushed my handForbidden fruitring on my fingerYoure such a moral, moral manWould you throw it away?-- A questionWill I pretend Im innocent?What would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthlust to lustSpontaneously combust...What would happen if we kissed?Ah...I struggle with myself againQuickly the walls are crumblinDont know if I can turn awayWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed...Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed......oooooooo ahhhhhIf we kissed......oooooooo ohhhhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/54599903

What would you do?与What would you like to do?这两句用法有区别吗?

很高兴为您解答! 两个句子意思不同,what would you do?你将要做什么? what would you like to do?你想做什么?would like to do"想做某事”是固定搭配 希望可以帮到您,

what would you do

Call 120.

what would you do

啥意思?你是不是想问What would you do if an accident destoryed your family ?的话题作文?

What Would You Do? Pt. 2 歌词

歌曲名:What Would You Do? Pt. 2歌手:The Isley Brothers专辑:Body Kissfrom the album Blurring The EdgesElectricityEye to eyeHey, dont I know you?I cant speakStripped my sensesOn the spotIve never been defenselessI cant even make sense of thisYou speak and I dont hear a wordWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthLust to lustSpontaneously combustRoom is spinningout of controlYou act like you didnt noticebrushed my handForbidden fruitring on my fingerYoure such a moral, moral manWould you throw it away?-- A questionWill I pretend Im innocent?What would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthlust to lustSpontaneously combust...What would happen if we kissed?Ah...I struggle with myself againQuickly the walls are crumblinDont know if I can turn awayWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed...Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed......oooooooo ahhhhhIf we kissed......oooooooo ohhhhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8030707

What Would You Do? 歌词

歌曲名:What Would You Do?歌手:christopher lennertz专辑:暮光之城恶搞版:暮光够了没from the album Blurring The EdgesElectricityEye to eyeHey, dont I know you?I cant speakStripped my sensesOn the spotIve never been defenselessI cant even make sense of thisYou speak and I dont hear a wordWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthLust to lustSpontaneously combustRoom is spinningout of controlYou act like you didnt noticebrushed my handForbidden fruitring on my fingerYoure such a moral, moral manWould you throw it away?-- A questionWill I pretend Im innocent?What would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthlust to lustSpontaneously combust...What would happen if we kissed?Ah...I struggle with myself againQuickly the walls are crumblinDont know if I can turn awayWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed...Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed......oooooooo ahhhhhIf we kissed......oooooooo ohhhhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/19161372

What Would You Do 歌词

歌曲名:What Would You Do歌手:Shades专辑:Shadesfrom the album Blurring The EdgesElectricityEye to eyeHey, dont I know you?I cant speakStripped my sensesOn the spotIve never been defenselessI cant even make sense of thisYou speak and I dont hear a wordWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthLust to lustSpontaneously combustRoom is spinningout of controlYou act like you didnt noticebrushed my handForbidden fruitring on my fingerYoure such a moral, moral manWould you throw it away?-- A questionWill I pretend Im innocent?What would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthlust to lustSpontaneously combust...What would happen if we kissed?Ah...I struggle with myself againQuickly the walls are crumblinDont know if I can turn awayWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed...Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed......oooooooo ahhhhhIf we kissed......oooooooo ohhhhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/19425895

What Would You Do? 歌词

歌曲名:What Would You Do?歌手:My Architects专辑:Grand Designsfrom the album Blurring The EdgesElectricityEye to eyeHey, dont I know you?I cant speakStripped my sensesOn the spotIve never been defenselessI cant even make sense of thisYou speak and I dont hear a wordWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthLust to lustSpontaneously combustRoom is spinningout of controlYou act like you didnt noticebrushed my handForbidden fruitring on my fingerYoure such a moral, moral manWould you throw it away?-- A questionWill I pretend Im innocent?What would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthlust to lustSpontaneously combust...What would happen if we kissed?Ah...I struggle with myself againQuickly the walls are crumblinDont know if I can turn awayWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed...Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed......oooooooo ahhhhhIf we kissed......oooooooo ohhhhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/25723297

What Would You Do? 歌词

歌曲名:What Would You Do?歌手:Lila Kedrova专辑:Cabaretfrom the album Blurring The EdgesElectricityEye to eyeHey, dont I know you?I cant speakStripped my sensesOn the spotIve never been defenselessI cant even make sense of thisYou speak and I dont hear a wordWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthLust to lustSpontaneously combustRoom is spinningout of controlYou act like you didnt noticebrushed my handForbidden fruitring on my fingerYoure such a moral, moral manWould you throw it away?-- A questionWill I pretend Im innocent?What would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthlust to lustSpontaneously combust...What would happen if we kissed?Ah...I struggle with myself againQuickly the walls are crumblinDont know if I can turn awayWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed...Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed......oooooooo ahhhhhIf we kissed......oooooooo ohhhhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31082088

What Would You Do 歌词

歌曲名:What Would You Do歌手:Tomas Ledin专辑:Restless Mindfrom the album Blurring The EdgesElectricityEye to eyeHey, dont I know you?I cant speakStripped my sensesOn the spotIve never been defenselessI cant even make sense of thisYou speak and I dont hear a wordWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthLust to lustSpontaneously combustRoom is spinningout of controlYou act like you didnt noticebrushed my handForbidden fruitring on my fingerYoure such a moral, moral manWould you throw it away?-- A questionWill I pretend Im innocent?What would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthlust to lustSpontaneously combust...What would happen if we kissed?Ah...I struggle with myself againQuickly the walls are crumblinDont know if I can turn awayWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed...Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed......oooooooo ahhhhhIf we kissed......oooooooo ohhhhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15893424

What Would You Do 歌词

歌曲名:What Would You Do歌手:Matthau Mikojan专辑:Mania For Lifefrom the album Blurring The EdgesElectricityEye to eyeHey, dont I know you?I cant speakStripped my sensesOn the spotIve never been defenselessI cant even make sense of thisYou speak and I dont hear a wordWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthLust to lustSpontaneously combustRoom is spinningout of controlYou act like you didnt noticebrushed my handForbidden fruitring on my fingerYoure such a moral, moral manWould you throw it away?-- A questionWill I pretend Im innocent?What would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthlust to lustSpontaneously combust...What would happen if we kissed?Ah...I struggle with myself againQuickly the walls are crumblinDont know if I can turn awayWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed...Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed......oooooooo ahhhhhIf we kissed......oooooooo ohhhhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2863821

What Would You Do 歌词

歌曲名:What Would You Do歌手:Yolanda Adams专辑:Becomingfrom the album Blurring The EdgesElectricityEye to eyeHey, dont I know you?I cant speakStripped my sensesOn the spotIve never been defenselessI cant even make sense of thisYou speak and I dont hear a wordWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthLust to lustSpontaneously combustRoom is spinningout of controlYou act like you didnt noticebrushed my handForbidden fruitring on my fingerYoure such a moral, moral manWould you throw it away?-- A questionWill I pretend Im innocent?What would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthlust to lustSpontaneously combust...What would happen if we kissed?Ah...I struggle with myself againQuickly the walls are crumblinDont know if I can turn awayWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed...Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed......oooooooo ahhhhhIf we kissed......oooooooo ohhhhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18249189


what+would+you+do+tonight?意思是你今天晚上要去做什么?回答:Iwouldto go to the cinema.意思是我将去看电影。

What Would You Do 歌词

歌曲名:What Would You Do歌手:Krayzie Bone专辑:Leathaface the Legends Underground Partfrom the album Blurring The EdgesElectricityEye to eyeHey, dont I know you?I cant speakStripped my sensesOn the spotIve never been defenselessI cant even make sense of thisYou speak and I dont hear a wordWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthLust to lustSpontaneously combustRoom is spinningout of controlYou act like you didnt noticebrushed my handForbidden fruitring on my fingerYoure such a moral, moral manWould you throw it away?-- A questionWill I pretend Im innocent?What would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthlust to lustSpontaneously combust...What would happen if we kissed?Ah...I struggle with myself againQuickly the walls are crumblinDont know if I can turn awayWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed...Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed......oooooooo ahhhhhIf we kissed......oooooooo ohhhhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/25922042

What Would You Do 歌词

歌曲名:What Would You Do歌手:Shirley Caesar专辑:I Remember Mamafrom the album Blurring The EdgesElectricityEye to eyeHey, dont I know you?I cant speakStripped my sensesOn the spotIve never been defenselessI cant even make sense of thisYou speak and I dont hear a wordWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthLust to lustSpontaneously combustRoom is spinningout of controlYou act like you didnt noticebrushed my handForbidden fruitring on my fingerYoure such a moral, moral manWould you throw it away?-- A questionWill I pretend Im innocent?What would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthlust to lustSpontaneously combust...What would happen if we kissed?Ah...I struggle with myself againQuickly the walls are crumblinDont know if I can turn awayWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed...Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed......oooooooo ahhhhhIf we kissed......oooooooo ohhhhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/22533003

What Would You Do 歌词

歌曲名:What Would You Do歌手:Inxs专辑:Inxs Box Digital Editionfrom the album Blurring The EdgesElectricityEye to eyeHey, dont I know you?I cant speakStripped my sensesOn the spotIve never been defenselessI cant even make sense of thisYou speak and I dont hear a wordWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthLust to lustSpontaneously combustRoom is spinningout of controlYou act like you didnt noticebrushed my handForbidden fruitring on my fingerYoure such a moral, moral manWould you throw it away?-- A questionWill I pretend Im innocent?What would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthlust to lustSpontaneously combust...What would happen if we kissed?Ah...I struggle with myself againQuickly the walls are crumblinDont know if I can turn awayWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed...Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed......oooooooo ahhhhhIf we kissed......oooooooo ohhhhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7359844

What Would You Do 歌词

歌曲名:What Would You Do歌手:Bad Azz&og daddy v&Lil" 1-2 Dead专辑:The Compton OGfrom the album Blurring The EdgesElectricityEye to eyeHey, dont I know you?I cant speakStripped my sensesOn the spotIve never been defenselessI cant even make sense of thisYou speak and I dont hear a wordWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthLust to lustSpontaneously combustRoom is spinningout of controlYou act like you didnt noticebrushed my handForbidden fruitring on my fingerYoure such a moral, moral manWould you throw it away?-- A questionWill I pretend Im innocent?What would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthlust to lustSpontaneously combust...What would happen if we kissed?Ah...I struggle with myself againQuickly the walls are crumblinDont know if I can turn awayWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed...Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed......oooooooo ahhhhhIf we kissed......oooooooo ohhhhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/54926331

What Would You Do? 歌词

歌曲名:What Would You Do?歌手:Mint专辑:Mintfrom the album Blurring The EdgesElectricityEye to eyeHey, dont I know you?I cant speakStripped my sensesOn the spotIve never been defenselessI cant even make sense of thisYou speak and I dont hear a wordWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthLust to lustSpontaneously combustRoom is spinningout of controlYou act like you didnt noticebrushed my handForbidden fruitring on my fingerYoure such a moral, moral manWould you throw it away?-- A questionWill I pretend Im innocent?What would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthlust to lustSpontaneously combust...What would happen if we kissed?Ah...I struggle with myself againQuickly the walls are crumblinDont know if I can turn awayWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed...Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed......oooooooo ahhhhhIf we kissed......oooooooo ohhhhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/16227270

What Would You Do 歌词

歌曲名:What Would You Do歌手:Kooll专辑:Starchildfrom the album Blurring The EdgesElectricityEye to eyeHey, dont I know you?I cant speakStripped my sensesOn the spotIve never been defenselessI cant even make sense of thisYou speak and I dont hear a wordWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthLust to lustSpontaneously combustRoom is spinningout of controlYou act like you didnt noticebrushed my handForbidden fruitring on my fingerYoure such a moral, moral manWould you throw it away?-- A questionWill I pretend Im innocent?What would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthlust to lustSpontaneously combust...What would happen if we kissed?Ah...I struggle with myself againQuickly the walls are crumblinDont know if I can turn awayWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed...Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed......oooooooo ahhhhhIf we kissed......oooooooo ohhhhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15286230

what would you do和what would you have done有什么不同?

解答:what would you do 是将来你打算做什么what would have done 是将来一定会做成什么谢谢

what would you do 的用法?

what would you like

What would you do的歌词,急需!!!

You call me a cheater well maybe that"s trueBut if you could hold heaven what would you doHe offered me true love that I never knewI saw the door to heaven and just walked throughYou"ll never believe me I tried to be trueBut with heaven at my fingertips what else could I doYou say you"d be different if this happened to youBut with your feet in my shoes I wonder what you"d do[ steel ]If it"s wrong to long for lost love then I"m wrong as I can beYou say it"s wrong and that may be true but it sure seems right to meYou say you"d be different if this happened to youBut with heaven at your fingertips what would you do

求翻译这段文字,翻译通顺 并回答what would you do if you were cindy?附带翻译

I m wondering how old C is? In China C "d better tell the teacher,let the teacher see what to do.

一大堆英语题: 1.What would you do if you are hurt ____ accident? 选择题


--- What would you do if it ______tomorrow? --- We have to carry it on, since we’ve got everyth..

A 试题分析:考查时态,if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时,句意:如果明天下雨你会怎么做?--既然我们一切都准备就绪了,我们只好继续。选A。点评:时间,条件状语从句的时态是考查的重点,也是考生总是出错的地方,要强化训练。

你会怎么办? What would you do?ABC的节目


what would you do if you _____a lot of money 选哪个?为什么?


what would you do 什么sth

这个地方是设么介词,取决于do ,不同的动词有不同的介词搭配。

What would you do?与What would you like to do?这两句用法有区别吗?

what would you do?你将要做什么?what would you like to do?你想做什么?would like to do"想做某事”例如:what would you like something to eat?

What would you do 请讲解一下为什么这里的would不用will谢谢


if 句中,Will 和 would 的区别。for example, what will you do 和 what would you do 怎么区分?

would 表示比较婉转

①What would you do____ you failed?


用what would you do编对话


What Would You Do 歌词

歌曲名:What Would You Do歌手:Walter Jackson专辑:Welcome Home / The Okeh Yearsfrom the album Blurring The EdgesElectricityEye to eyeHey, dont I know you?I cant speakStripped my sensesOn the spotIve never been defenselessI cant even make sense of thisYou speak and I dont hear a wordWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthLust to lustSpontaneously combustRoom is spinningout of controlYou act like you didnt noticebrushed my handForbidden fruitring on my fingerYoure such a moral, moral manWould you throw it away?-- A questionWill I pretend Im innocent?What would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthlust to lustSpontaneously combust...What would happen if we kissed?Ah...I struggle with myself againQuickly the walls are crumblinDont know if I can turn awayWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed...Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed......oooooooo ahhhhhIf we kissed......oooooooo ohhhhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8445945

what would you do if

1.答案:B. 2.翻译:如果你的朋友未经允许就借走了你的书,你会怎么办? 3. 1)borrow/lend是针对句子主语your friend而言,根据句意为“借进”,所以用borrow而非lend,排除AC; 2)该句使用了虚拟语气,前句中的would就是提示. 所以从句也用一般过去时,用borrowed,排除D,选择B.

求初三英语作文一篇作文 what would you do if you had three days to live

three days i only have ! I will try what i have not done before, i just want to live more amazing! the first day ,I will stay with my parents, friends. this is the part of the family! the second, i will stay with my love! this is the love. and the third day ,I will choose to sink into the sea, because it is a chance for me to be back to the free.

一大堆英语题: 1.What would you do if you are hurt ____ accident? 选择题

1.B 2.offered ,refused 3.were,might 4.rather than 后面接动词的原形还是分词形式,要看它前面接的是什么形式,它接平行结构,即其前与其后的形式一致 5.It"s hard,what to do 6.C 7.a few days ago 8.didn"t,of ,until

英语作文:What would you do if you were a millionaire?

If I were a millionaire , I would help poor people,I would give them enough money for survive and for their family.如果我是百万富翁,我会帮助贫困的人们,我会给他们足够的钱为了生存和养他们的家。If I were a millionaire ,I would buy a big house for my family because they work too hard and they really need a rest.如果我是百万富翁,我会买间大房子给我的家人住,因为他们做工太辛苦了所以他们真的需要休息。If I were a millionaire ,I would be a superstar so I will get more money to help more people.如果我是百万富翁,我想成为明星,这样我可以赚更多的钱帮助更多的人。There are a lot of poor people over the world,who really need help.这个世界上有太多贫困的人们,他们真的需要帮助。I want to be the person who can help them and want to see them smile.我想成为这样的人,可以帮助他们和看见他们的微笑。都是自己写的,希望采纳。

what if 与what would you do if 的区别


What Would You Do 歌词

歌曲名:What Would You Do歌手:Edie Brickell专辑:Volcanofrom the album Blurring The EdgesElectricityEye to eyeHey, dont I know you?I cant speakStripped my sensesOn the spotIve never been defenselessI cant even make sense of thisYou speak and I dont hear a wordWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthLust to lustSpontaneously combustRoom is spinningout of controlYou act like you didnt noticebrushed my handForbidden fruitring on my fingerYoure such a moral, moral manWould you throw it away?-- A questionWill I pretend Im innocent?What would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthlust to lustSpontaneously combust...What would happen if we kissed?Ah...I struggle with myself againQuickly the walls are crumblinDont know if I can turn awayWhat would happen if we kissed?Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed...Would your tongue slip past my lips?Would you run away?Would you stay?Or would I melt into you?Mouth to mouthIf we kissed......oooooooo ahhhhhIf we kissed......oooooooo ohhhhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8523811
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