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the West是什么意思?



It is in the west.它在西方。主系表结构的简单句


WEST END WATCH Co.瓦斯针(LOWAR,四):低档品牌,ETA机械石英产品。老式的WEST END WATCH主要是看机芯型号(表内有标) 至于值多少钱的话,就要看你的表新旧程度和有没有坏! 正常的能卖2000到5000不等(看新旧程度和夜光亮度) 瓦斯针(威斯特,华时针),west end 瑞士品牌,创办于1886年. 创立于1886年,并在50年代,已在中国有一定知名度,尤其是其军表,俗语有云"有了瓦斯针,不怕胡子深",在中印边境战争时,中国就以这表来嘉奖胜利凯旋的军人.找对象时对方一看解放军有瓦斯针手表,即知道是这个师的干部,未娶女眷的干部成了驻地美貌女子首选的“白马王子”。所以出现了这句名言"有了瓦斯针,不怕胡子深".只要有了它,就是身份的象征,无论长相如何都可以娶的美人归. 也有传"瓦斯针"的夜光可以用来照着看书.虽然是夸张了一点,但"瓦斯针"的确在夜光表现非常出色.


wastes英 ["weɪsts] 美 ["weɪsts] n. 废料;浪费( waste的名词复数 );荒地;白费

west 和western都有形容词词性,用法有什么区别么?


新买的帽子上面印有:The ail ARIZONA .53 WEST,请问高手这是什么意思?


west of中文是什么意思

west of “”等于“”的西部




west西双语对照词典结果:west[英][west][美][wɛst]n.西,西部,西方; adj.在西方的; 西部的; 朝西的; (风)来自西面的; adv.向西,朝西; 自西方; 向西方; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Egypt and the west must avoid such a trap. 埃及和西方国家一定要避免落入这样的陷阱。

Western countries是 什么意思?

西方国家。western 意思是“西方的”,形容词。countries 是 country 的复数形式,意为“国家”。





western countries是什么意思

western countries西方国家;西方;西域;欧美国家The company"s sales are now close to saturation in many western countries. 这家公司的产品销售量在许多西方国家已接近饱和.很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

east and west是什么意思



west和western都有形容词的词性但其中最大的区别就是west 偏地理n,西方,adj,西的,西方的adv,向西方western 偏政治adj,西的,西方的,来自西方的人,有西方特征的










 wes这样读[west],意思是西。例句:1、Which way is west?哪边是西?2、This room faces west.这个房间朝西。3、He lives to the west of the town.他住在这个城镇以西的地方。4、There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West.东西方文化之间存在着明显的差异。5、Water is a precious commodity that is often taken for granted in the West.水很宝贵,但在西方人们往往意识不到这一点。


west [west] n. 西;西方;西部adj. 西方的;朝西的adv. 在西方;向西方;自西方


adj. 西方的,西部的;有西方特征的n. 西方人;西部片,西部小说western countries 西方国家(western 西方;country 的复数形式);西域 western medicine 西医;西药 western culture 西方文化 western europe 西欧 western development 西部大开发 western civilization n. 西方文明;西方文化 western food 西餐;西方菜肴 western style 西方风格的;西方式;欧美风格 western hemisphere 西半球 western australia 西澳大利亚州;西澳洲(澳大利亚联邦的一个洲,位于澳大利亚西部) western blot 蛋白质印迹 western blotting [医]免疫印迹;蛋白免疫印迹;西方墨点法 western movies n. 西部片 university of western ontario 西安大略大学 western sahara 西撒哈拉 best western (美国)最佳西方酒店管理集团 contemporary western philosophy 当代西方哲学 western roman empire 西罗马帝国 western wall 哭墙;圣庙西墙(耶路撒冷的一道高墙,犹太人在此祈祷,等于Wailing Wall) western samoa n. 西萨摩亚(位于大洋洲)


western英 [ˈwestən] 美 [ˈwestərn]adj.西方的; 欧美的n.西部电影,西部小说; 西方人网 络西方的;西部风格;西方;西部的复数: westerns双语例句1. Those statements have never been reported in the Western media.那些言论似乎从来没有被西方媒体报道过。






 wes这样读[west],意思是西。例句:1、Which way is west?哪边是西?2、This room faces west.这个房间朝西。3、He lives to the west of the town.他住在这个城镇以西的地方。4、There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West.东西方文化之间存在着明显的差异。5、Water is a precious commodity that is often taken for granted in the West.水很宝贵,但在西方人们往往意识不到这一点。



north west 是什么意思?





解释:位于西方的美式读音:ˈwestərn英式读音:ˈwestən复数:westerns例句:1、He has starred in many films, especially in westerns.他演过许多电影,尤其是西部片。2、Western culture is completely different from Chinese culture.西方文化跟中国文化完全不同。3、Western scientists have investigated whether sleep affects human health.西方科学家做了一个睡眠是否会影响人类健康的调查。4、I heard in the western countries, almost everyone likes coffee.我听说在西方国家 几乎每个人都喜欢咖啡。





west的意思 west什么意思



west英 [west] 美 [wɛst] n.西,西部,西方adj.西部的;在西方的;朝西的;(风)来自西面的adv.向西,朝西;自西方;向西方


名词n. 1. 西;西方;[the S] Libya lies to the west of Egypt. 利比亚位于埃及以西。 2. (常大写)(一国、一地区之)西部;美国西部[the S] 3. (常大写)西洋;欧美,西方各国[the S] 4. 西风 形容词 a. 1. 西的,西方的;西部的 He has been to most of West Europe. 西欧大部分地方他都去过。 2. 在西方的;向西的;朝西的 3. (风)由西吹来的[B] There was a west wind blowing. 当时正刮着西风。 副词ad. 1. 向西方;在西方;自西方 I drove west along the road.


west意思是: 西;西方;西部adj. 西方的;朝西的adv. 在西方;向西方;自西方读音:英 [west]  美 [west] west和western的区别:west强调方向感,即指地理方向为西方的。western强调来自西方的,可泛指来自欧美的风俗,食物等。扩展资料词根: westadj.western 西方的,西部的;有西方特征的westward 向西的;西方的westerly西的;自西的;向西方的adv.westward 向西westerly 向西,往西n.western 西方人;西部片,西部小说westward 西部;西方westerner 西方人,欧美人;美国西部的人vi.wester 向西;西行vt.westernize 使西洋化,使欧化

the West和west有什么区别?Earth和earth呢?middle school和NO.1Middle School咧??急啊!!

West是姓 west是西的意思Earth是地球 earth是泥土middle school是学 另一个则是第一中学

英语westay和west way分别是什么意思?





westernadj.西的, 西方的, 来自西方的人, 有西方特征的westn.西方, 西部adj.西的, 西方的adv.向西方



west什么意思 west的意思

1、west,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时意为西、西部、西方,作形容词时意为在西方的、西部的、朝西的、(风)来自西面的,作副词时意为向西、朝西、自西方、向西方。 2、west的读音:英[west]美[west]


west英 [west] 美 [wɛst] n. 西,西部,西方;adj. 在西方的; 西部的; 朝西的; (风)来自西面的adv. 向西,朝西; 自西方; 向西方;


西部的 西 ,西方

英超west bromwich albion足球队中文翻译为西布罗姆维奇,那为什么有albion这个单词在队名中?

是较早时期 强调是英格兰的球队的意思


northwestern 表示西北部medical表示医学的

翻译 Western airliner manufacturers seem to .....

西方客机制造商似乎trippingover自己在他们的渴望signcollaborative与亚洲合作伙伴ALOW成本的途径开发新飞机的协议。 Theirpotential亚洲的合作伙伴似乎跳闸overthemselves签署这样的协议,作为一个低costroute来获取新客机的技术。如果他们不小心,双方将结束uptripping过对方:一个靠卖它的诞生,适合短期收益,其他bytrying打入市场是不是足够大,以维持它。技术转让工作在一个不断增长的市场,其中新entrantreceiving该技术的愿望可以通过扩展来满足。该客机的市场是不是这样向aDevice 。客机销售为未来20年,即使是最乐观的预测显示thatairliner制造只能是有利可图的,如果有少数飞机制造商共享theavailable销售。因此,如果新的厂商进入市场,并采取销售, theirsales必须来自替代,而不是扩张。

所有关于方位的英语单词(e.g:north ;west;east; south)

northwest northeast southwest southeast left right back front under on in 大体就这些

ceva west coast是什么意思啊?

CEVA物流是原来的TNT物流公司,是一家全球领先的物流公司,在国家、地区或全球范围内为跨国及本地中大型公司专业设计、实施并经营复杂的供应链解决方案,CEVA物流拥有广泛的全球网络。west coast是西海岸的意思

have you ever been to hangzhou, _____ lies the west lake


west malaysia only

1 . June; August 2 . covering them with sand/filling up the holes with sand 3 . return to the sea 4 . make money/ took the eggs to town to sell/ 5 . stop people from digging and selling eggs / protect the giant turtles.

求Kanye West Lil Wayne Eminem唱的forever歌词

There they go,back in stadiums,it"s shady"s b(i)(t)ches flow,他们来了 包围了运动场 痞子有着高超的饶舌节奏nuts they go,macadamia they go so ballistic woah,人群沸腾了 他们如此激动 大声喊着WOWwe can make them look like boso"s我们让他们看上去都像低能的狗he"s wondering if he should spit this slow,他自己都觉得自己饶舌功力还不够f(u)(c)k no go for borke,his cup just wanna throw over,oh no,哦不 操(你)(妈) 他虽耍出浑劲 但他的实力是明显不够的he ain"t had a buzz like this since the last time the overdosed,自从上次嗑药过量之后他还没有这样出过丑they"ve been waiting patiently for Pinnochio to poke his nose,他们在耐心等待Pinnochio的鼻子变长因为他在吹牛back into the game and they know,rap will never be the same as before,回到游戏中来 他们知道饶舌乐将空前绝后bashing in the brains of these hoes,and establishing a name as he goes,把那些(贱)人的头打爆 然后重新为他封号the passion and the flame is ignited,you can"t put it out once we light it,激情火焰已被点燃 一旦烧起来你便无法熄灭它this s(h)(i)t is exactly what the f-ck that i"m talking about when we write it,我(他)(妈)的说的是 当我们暴乱时写的那些you dealing with a mutual villain,so stay inside of the boots you spillin你面对一群真正的暴徒 你拿起室内的靴子向他们扔去so spit true feelings,til true feelings come flying up out of our mouths说出真实 吐露出真正的感情 直到牙齿一颗颗飞出去no rewind it,payback mo(t)her(f)uc(k)er foe the way you how"s it taste再来一遍 现在该来报复你们这些狗(杂)(种) 让你们尝尝滋味when i slap the taste out your mouth with the bss so loud that it shakes the place,当我给你们嘴巴尝味道的时候 贝斯的声响已经把房间给震碎i"m Hannibal lecters son just in case your thinking of saving face,我就是Hannibal博士 你认为不会对你的脸动手you aint gonna have no face to save by the time Im through with this place,so Drake但等我把这里全部搞定后 你的脸也会被我摧毁 Drake到你了

歌词中有 where we go的英文歌。男歌手唱的。不是west life 的

Jah Kingdom歌手:Burning SpearNo matter where we goWe are the lions in His kingdomNo matter where we goWe are the lions in His kingdomLion in His kingdomLion in His kingdomDreadlock in His kingdomRasta in His kingdomLove in His kingdomNo matter where we goWe are the lions in His kingdomNo matter where we goWe are the lions in His kingdomLion in His kingdomLies in His kingdomEat in His kingdomReason His kingdomJah kingdom, yes, Jah kingdomJah kingdom, yes, Jah kingdomJah kingdom, yes, Jah kingdomJah kingdom, yes, Jah kingdomNo matter where we goWe are the lions in His kingdomNo matter where we goWe are the lions in His kingdomLion in his kingdomFear no one in His kingdomFear no one in His kingdomNyah Binghi in His kingdomTwelve Tribe in His kingdomBobo in his kingdomNo matter where we goWe are the lions in His kingdomNo matter where we goWe are the lions in his kingdomLion in His kingdomLion in His kingdom

kanye west 中文意思

美好的人生Like we always do at this time I go for mine I got to shine Now throw your hands up in the sky Now I, I go for mine I got to shine Now throw your hands up in the sky I"ma get on the tv mama mama I"ma I"ma put shit down I"m good Welcome to the good life where these niggaz sell D Wont even get pulled over in their new V The good life Lets go on a living-spree Shit, they say the best things in life are free The good life It feel like Atlanta It feel like L.A. It feel like Miami It feel like N.Y Summer time Chi Ahhhh. Now throw your hands up in the sky So I rolled the good yall pop the trunk ill pop the hood, Ferrari And she got the goods and she got that ass i got to look, sorry Yo its got to be cause "em season haters givin me salty looks, lawry"s 50 told me go head and switch them style up and if they hate then let them hate and watch the money pile up Now I, I go for mine I got to shine Now throw your hands up in the sky Now I, I go for mine I got to shine Now throw your hands up in the sky I"ma get on the tv mama mama I"ma I"ma put shit down I"m good Welcome to the good life where we like the girls who ain"t on tv cause they got more ass than the models The good life So keep it comin" with them bottles till she feel booze like she bombed out apollo The good life It feel like Houston It feel like Philly It feel like D.C. It feel like V.A. or the bay or yae This is the good life Welcome to the good life Homie tell me whats good why I only got a problem when you in the hood Welcome to the good life Like I"m new in the hood the only thing i wish, i wish a nigga would Welcome to the good life He prolly think he could but.but. i don"t think he should Welcome to the good life 50 told me go head and switch them styles up and if they hate then let them hate and watch the money pile up the good life Now I, I go for mine I got to shine Now throw your hands up in the sky Now I, I go for mine I got to shine Now throw your hands up in the sky I"ma get on the tv mama mama I"ma I"ma put shit down I"m good Have you ever popped champagne on a plane while gettin" some brain Whipped it out she said I never seen Snakes On A Plane Whether you broke or rich you gotta get this havin" moneys not everything Now havin" it is I was splurgin" but when i get my card back activated, I"m back to Vegas cause I always had a passion for flashin" Before i had it , I closed my eyes and imagine Its the good life, Better than the life i live, When i Thought that i was gunna go crazy Now my grandmama aint the only girl callin" me baby If you feelin" me now put your hands up in the sky Lemme hear you say I"m Good!


填gets, arrive不能接to

求Kanye West《Graduation》里《Big Brother》的介绍+歌词

Kanye West - Big BrotherStadium status...Unh...hip-hip界绝对的NO.1,My big brother was B.I.G."s brother我这哥们是Notorius BIG的兄弟Used to be Dame and Bigg"s brother恩,过去也是Dame Dash和Kareem "Biggs" Burke的兄弟(注:Dame Dash和Kareem "Biggs" Burke都是Roc-A-Fella厂牌的创建人)Who was Hip Hop brother, who was No I.D. friend你知道谁是Kyambo "Hip-Hop" Joshua的兄弟,谁是No I.D.的好友吗(注:Kyambo "Hip-Hop" Joshua是Atlantic大西洋唱片公司副总裁,No I.D.芝加哥的一个著名唱片制作人 ) No I.D., my mentor, now let the story beginNo I.D.是我的良师益友,这样,让我慢慢说给听吧It"s the Hard Knock Life Tour, sellout; picture那是在快暴棚的“硬闯天涯”巡演现场,想像一下吧us in the mall, coppin" Iceberg and yell out "Jigga!"当时我们当时在一个购物商场,人潮涌动拥挤不堪,都在嚷叫着“闪开” Yeah, that"s what we"ll yell out, yell out对,那时我们也是这样叫的You know the name do I gotta spell out or tell "bout你现在应该知道我要说的谁了吧J-A-Y, and "Ye so shy恩,不兜圈子了,就是JAY-ZNow he won"t even step to his idol to say hi他当时甚至都不能出去给他的粉丝们打招呼了Standing there like a mime and let the chance pass by只能站在那挥挥手致意,望“JAY粉们”兴叹了Back of my mind, "He could change yo" life其实我知道,如果JAY-Z出来的话对他的众“JAY粉们”意为着什么..With all these beats I did, at least let him hear it但JAY的粉丝们还是执着的唱着我为JAY写的歌,至少JAY是听到了At least you can brag to ya friends back at the Chig""如果碰巧你当时也在场的话,至少你回去还是可以给你的兄弟伙大侃特侃你的JAY-Z“奇遇记”的But he got me out me out my momma crib这里我要承认一点,是兄弟你让我不再跟我老妈挤住一个小屋 Then he help me get my momma a crib再帮我给我老妈买套房子(这不是明摆着在感谢JAY-Z嘛~~)[CHORUS]Big brother was BIG"s brother,我这哥们是Notorius BIG的兄弟Used to Be Dame and BIG"s brother,恩,过去也是Dame Dash和Kareem "Biggs" Burke的兄弟Who was hip hop brother, who was No I.D Friend,你知道谁是Kyambo "Hip-Hop" Joshua的兄弟,谁是No I.D.的好友吗No I.D my mentor, Now Let the story begin (begin).No I.D.是我的良师益友,这样,让我慢慢说给听吧Let the story begin (let the story begin).让我慢慢说给听吧If you feel the way i feel, why don"t you wave your hands?如果你跟我也有同感,为何不挥挥手示意一下呢[VERSE 2]Fresh off the plane, im off the base line.一次我刚下飞机,通过了安检Nothin" handed out, im bout to take mine.还没等前面的行李出来,我就迫不及待想拿自己的了 Round the same time of that Blueprint One,一直等到差不多看到那个熟悉的蓝色东东And these beats in my pocket was that blueprint for im".就是现正在我兜里那个蓝色的东东,那是我为他做的那张专辑 I played my little songs in that old back room,有次当我在录音室放那些歌时He"d bop his head and say, "damn, oh thats you?"他在我旁边又会突然转过头来对你说,‘靠,太正点了"But by the black album, i was blackin" out,但在制作那张黑色专辑时,我有次累昏了Party at S.O.B"s and we had packed the crowd.你记得在纽约S.O.B"s俱乐部的派对时,我们让现场high到极点 Big brother got a show up in Madison Square,当他即将准备在麦迪逊广场的演出时And i"m like, "Yeah yeah, we gon" be there!"我说,‘一定,这场我们一定会成功的"But, not only did i not get a chance to spit it.但最后不只是我没机会分享成功的喜悦Carlene told me i could buy two tickets.Carlene也叫我帮他买两张票I guess big brother was thinkin" a little different,我想兄弟是不是变了And kept little brother at bay at a distance.是不是现在‘牛"了就不甩小弟了But everything that i felt was more bogus,但你知道我完全是瞎掰的Only made me more focused, only wrote more potent.那时唯一能让我专注的就是多写点叫座的歌Only thing i wanna know, is why i get looked over,唯一我想知道的是为什么I guess i understand when i get more older.或许随着时间的流逝有天我终会明白Big brother saw me at the bottom of the totem,兄弟你那时认为我对你来说没什么用了Now im" on the top and everybody on the Scrotum.而现在我成功了,人们又都来“添”我了My Big brother was B.I.G"s brother, 我这哥们也还是Notorius BIG的兄弟Used to Be Dame and B.I.G"s brother, 过去仍是Dame Dash和Kareem "Biggs" Burke的兄弟Who was hip hop brother, who was No I.D Friend, 你知道谁是Kyambo "Hip-Hop" Joshua的兄弟,谁是No I.D.的好友吗No I.D my mentor, now Let the story begin. No I.D.是我的良师益友,这样,让我慢慢说给听吧Let the story begin. 让我慢慢说给听吧If you feel the way i feel, why won"t you wave your hands? 如果你跟我也有同感,为何不挥挥手示意一下呢Have you ever walked in the shadow of a giant? 如果你曾在巨人的阴影里呆过Not only a client, but the presedito. 你会感觉到自己不只是个傻瓜,简直就像个白痴一样Hola" Hovito", the game gettin" foul, so here"s a free throw. 你那歌也是这样唱的,Hola" Hovito",既然你犯规了,那就接受惩罚吧I was always on the other side of the people, 过去我老是喝得‘七荤八素"的Then i dropped Jesus Walks, now i"m on a steeple. 然后跺着我自己‘发明"的Jesus步手舞足蹈,但现在我戒酒了And we know, New Jack City gotta keep my brother, 你我都知道,那时电影New Jack City剧组准备邀你加入But to be number one, imma" beat my brother. 而为了巩固自己在音乐上的地位,我也想在不远的将来打败你On that diamonds remix, i swore i"d spaz, 在给单曲diamonds做混音时,我发誓要使出自己的‘杀手锏"Then my big brother came through and kicked my ass! 但事与愿违,最后还是你笑到最后!Sibling rivalry, only i could see, it was the pride in me, that was drivin" me. 弟兄间竞争虽然残酷,但在我看来,自尊心的驱使会让我走向成功At the grammy"s i said, i inspired me. 格莱美奖颁奖礼上我对自己说,我要激励我自己But my big brother who i always tried to be. 就像我一直模仿的兄弟你那样When i kicked the flow, it was like pick and roll", 当我能独当一面时,反到有点感觉像是在拣人家剩的Coz even if he gave me the ROC, it"s give and go. 因为即便是你把我签到Roc-A-Fella,到最后还是会走人I guess being styled was more of a slam dunk, 有时我觉得耍拽更像是球场上一个暴扣And my shit was more like a finger roll, but i had them singles so, 而我的秀充其量只能算是简单的上篮得分,虽然我帮人也写了些畅销单曲And them hoe"s at the show gonna" mingle yo, ya"ll know! 但那些也不过是些华而不实的东西,你是知道的,对吧!I told Jay i did a song with Coldplay, 有次我跟你提起我与酷玩乐队合作了一首歌Next thing i know, he got a song with Coldplay. 然后马上我就听说你也跟他们合作Back of my mind, i"m like "damn,no way", 当时我心里一震,心想‘靠,不会吧!"Translate Espanyol, No way hose"! 西班牙语说是,‘去他奶奶的"!Then i went and told Jay Brown, 接着我给Jay Brown说了这事Should have known that was gonna come back around, 本想从他那了解整件事的来龙去脉Should have talked to you like a man, should have told you first, 其实也本打算像个男人一样第一次就当面跟你问清楚,But i told someone else and thats what made shit worse. 没想到的是我跟别人讲反倒把事情搞糟了My big brother, was BIG"s brother, 我的好哥们是Notorius BIG的兄弟So here"s a few words from ya kid brother. 这里是小弟的心里话:If you admire somebody, you should go head and tell em", 如果你真敬重谁,就应该直接去告诉他People never get the flowers, while they can still smell em". 毕竟人们绝不会在接过他人的鲜花后,就马上把它放一边的A idol in my eyes, god of the game, heart of the city, Roc-a-fella Chain, 这个我眼中的偶像,比赛之神,城市的心脏,Roc-a-fella的动力枢纽Never be the same, never be another number one Young Hov" or so my big brother. 绝不会再有其他甚或第二个称作什么小Hov的强人(暗指Jay-Z是独一无二的),我的兄弟My Big brother was B.I.G"s brother, 我这哥们是Notorius BIG的兄弟Used to Be Dame and B.I.G"s brother, 恩,过去也是Dame Dash和Kareem "Biggs" Burke的兄弟Who was hip hop brother, who was No I.D Friend, 你知道谁是Kyambo "Hip-Hop" Joshua的兄弟,谁是No I.D.的好友吗No I.D my mentor, and thats where the story ends...No I.D.是我的良师益友,整个经过就是这样 ..

West Lake的作文,不要太长

Located in the west of Hangzhou, West Lake is beautiful for its charming natural sceneries.It has an area of 6.5 square kilometers and is surrounded by mountains on three sides.In addition there are many ancient buildings, stone caves and engraved tablets in surrounding areas, and among them are some of the most cherished national treasures of China.West Lake has attracted many people since ancient China, including famous poets and writers.The charms of West Lake are different in different seasons.Everyone who has been to West Lake would be deeply touched by its stunning beauty.PS 这么短可以不?需要翻译可以追问我

east and or west, home is best的中文翻译是什么?

east and or west, home is best的中文翻译是东好西好,还是家里最好

翻译“Easy come easy go ~East or west home is best . Be on one"s back@”

Easy come esay go. 来得容易,去的也容易。East or west home is best. 金窝银窝,不如家里的草窝。Be on one"s back. 生病卧床

急求,急需,极度急需一篇英语作文 以“East or west,home is the best”为题

(一) What are the major differences between chinese and western culture? I"ll list down a few differences: West: 1. Western culture is based on individualism rather than on mass (collectivism). For instance, in the US, you always talk about individual rights, instead of placing the whole society above your own self. This is clearly different in China where a country, society or family are placed above your own self. 2. Western culture is adventurous and exploration based. Westerners like to discover new things, invention and expand outwards. For instance, bungee jumping is considered adventurous and common in western culture, but you will probably find no-one doing such a thing in China. 3. Western culture is based on science, which attempts to resolve people and nature"s relationship. 4. West uses law to resolve people and people"s relationship. You can never find "law" well-established in China. For 2000 years, China is a land that"s based on human relationship rather than law. 5. West uses "god" and religion to resolve human and spiritualism relationship. In case of problems with your own self, you just pray to god. 6. A culture that expands and develop outwards. Chinese Culture: 1. A culture based on masses (collectivism). People placed country and family above your own self. 2. A culture that is based on humanism and people 3. To resolve the relationship betwen man and nature, the chinese attempts to fuse the human and "heaven" as one. (天人和一) 4. To resolve people and people"s relationship, chinese uses ethics and tolerance (中恕之道) 5. To resolve human and spiritualism, chinese emphasizes internal cultivation (修身养性) 6. A focus on balance and mean. By "mean", it means "middle way". You don"t go into extremism. Peace is always honoured. 7. Pay homage to heaven and earth, as well as bearing a remembrance to the homeland. (敬仰天地,思乡怀土) This was accorded to the fact that chinese had been a farming civilization and therefore will be more prone to remember their land. 8. A culture that expands internally rather than outwards. Some of the disadvantage of old chinese culture: 1. Debase women and chauvanistic 2. An over-emphasis on past history instead of present (lacks pragmatism) Can you list some more differences? Any comments and contributions are appreciated. (二) The difference between west and east I wonder how many things do you know about the difference between west and east? I can tell you some. East and west , they are different in many ways. Today, I want to talk about it in the following three parts. They are food, dressing and living styles. First , food. In China, we prefer noodles, rice , jiaozi as the main course. We like cooking a lot of delicious dishes, then we set up the tables, put the dishes on the tables, sit together, and taste the dishes together, we don"t eat with individual plates, when we eating ,we like chatting and laughing, we think it"s warm and happy to eat this way; But in England or other west countries, people like eating hamburgers, chips, pizza, pasta as their main course, they eat them with vegetable salad, they eat with drinking (water or juice),and they eat with separate plates. In China, we become full up when we finish all the food, then we don"t eat anything, but in west countries, people eat desserts after they finish their meals. Second, dressing. In China, we prefer colorful clothes, we dress them in different places, some time many people don"t mind the places we will go, and dress more formal or less formal, and some people just wearing beautiful clothes, don"t make up; But in west countries, people dress according their visiting places, in daily times, they often wear casual clothes, but if they go to a formal places ,they often wear suits, ladies wearing beautiful dresses, pretty hats. No matter how old the ladies are, they always make up. Third, living styles. Chinese prefer getting up early and go to bed early too. We usually go home early and cook meals, then we eat and watch TV, then we go to bed. We often work during the holidays , children often go to different spare schools to study. We like save money and when we have enough money, we then go and buy what we want, in my opinion, Chinese are so tired and busy; But in most west countries, people live in a easy and happy lives. They get up late and go to work late too, they go to pubs, bars to have a rest after they finish their work, they enjoy their holidays, they seldom go to work during the weekend. if you go to west countries, you can take part in their joyful night life. That"s the differences I found during the days I stayed in England. They are not all of them, but I think they can give my friends some information. Though west countries have more advantages in living, I still believe that “East or west , home is best”, I still think China will always be my deeply loved mother.

i want to go to(west lake).划线部分提

where do you want to go ?



翻译“Easy come easy go East or west home is best .Be on one"s back@”

Easy come esay go.来得容易,去的也容易. East or west home is best.金窝银窝,不如家里的草窝. Be on one"s back.生病卧床

How do you go to_____West Lake中间应该填什么?

填the。the West Lake,西湖。普通的名词构成专有名词前加the。

would you like to go to the west hill for a picnic 什么意思


go straight from the west school gate的意思?


would you like to go to the west hill for a picnic 是什么意思


1.The sun ___rise) in the east and _( go)down in the west.

rises /goesIs /swimminghave movedis readingdoesn`t rainhas gonedid/dohaven`t readwould buyMust /be wateredwill be did/gois knownis heardhas beenwas builthave heardare/ toldhave/been studyingwalkedis going to be putvisitsis runninghas beenwill speakgoWould/likeare drawingmust be sentdoesn`t have

would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic? west hill前为什么不加the


Westerners go to the West Lake!是什么意思?是哪个旅游策划公司提出来的

“Westerners go to the West Lake!”——西方人玩西湖!是德安杰发起的“发起概念 + 传播深化概念 + 产品销售概念 + 延伸细化概念”,就是由老外用自己的文化视角,来发现杭州,用客源地文化视角和语言来推介杭州

用(turn left)(turn right)(go straight)(north)(west)(east)(south)分别造一个句

1. Turn left for the bus stop;2.Turn right and you"ll arrive to the supermarket;3.Go straight for Raven Street;4.London is in the north of England;5.I live in the west of the town;6.Shanghai is in the east of China;7.In the South it"s more hot than in the North

Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic?(改为同义句)

Let"s go to West Hill for a picnic.或者How about going to West Hill for a picnic



would you like to go to the west hill for a picnic 是什么意思



How do they go to west lake?他们怎么去西湖?

你愿意去西山野餐吗? Would you go West Hill picnic?看我

好像是 你要去西山野餐吗

go to the west是什么意思?


求go west或stand up champions theme 的伴奏

在搜狗里搜搜 歌曲名+DJ即可啊

用(turn left)(turn right)(go straight)(north)(west)(east)(south)分别造一个句


yes._ _?...... . ... would you like to go to West

yes._ _?...... . ... would you like to go to Westyes.you"re right ,would you like to go west?是的,你对的,你想去西部?
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