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West Lake的作文,不要太长

2023-05-19 20:46:09
TAG: west 作文

Charming West Lake, Hangzhou, the Four Seasons, "a paradise on earth" with an embedded shining pearl, it is that the West Lake.

West Lake of the Four Seasons is the United States. Spring in the West go to the flourishing of Bai Di, Sir Georg Solti on a lake view, the only sparkling lake, the waves Adventure, like precious stones such as the San Tan Chinese Restaurant embedded in the lake. Liu Si breeze from time to time your cheek, from time to time in gently over his head, shoulders Reinforced with a slight shake to organizations and the sound of distant and pleasant sound, that is how people intoxicated with it!

In the summer, the lake"s West Lake, the lotus leaf, lotus hard squeeze hard squeeze. Most notably that of white jade flowers, demure, Su-jie, is "emerge unstained from filth." Jingying those holding lotus leaves, such as agate-like dew, and guard the arch of flowers and fat Huagu Duo, is a large picture of the artist or the beautiful landscape.

In the fall of the West Lake is one of the mature landscape. Ten shore of the sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance you really make people to and from the lingering; the lake, the lotus leaf as the shy little girl, the lower the head, went into hiding, and waiting for them to remind people to take under Flanagan"s Lotus then . At this time, Hua Zhao light of the boat, humming a ditty of leisurely, gently take the next lotus root. That only a lotus root it, Baibaipanpang, a naked truth of Doll Xiao Pang, people love. If you are from the basket, on a random selection, the bite on a clean wash, Cuisheng sheng, it has been able to taste sweet to your heart.

West Lake in winter is no exception. Although the flowers have to thank, but the lake bottom is clear, the plum blossom in full bloom is very beautiful; snow, snow-wrapped, the edge of the embankment in the cheerful children"s play, laughter, the sound Xuefei, the co - Together, turned into a beautiful symphony.

Ah! West Lake! You"re a bright, bright pearl you!

U.S. West

迷人的西湖四季 杭州这个“人间天堂”里镶嵌着一颗闪亮的明珠,那就是西湖。








West Lake

Have you ever heard of the romantic tale about Xu Xian and White Snake?Dou you know where it happened?It is said that the story happened at West Lake.West Lake is one of the most beautiful lakes in China . It lies in Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province and attracts lots of tourists from home and abroad every year.

Weat Lake is surrounded on three sides by mountains.Many touist attractions there are well worth visting,such as Sudi Causeway ,the Broken Bridge and Leifeng Pagoda.The scenery is so attractive that visetors often lose themselves in it.

West Lake has become famous not only because of its special scenery but also because of some beautiful poems that were written mainly by Bai Juyi and Su Dongpo.Besides, the area that surrounds West Lake is the home of the famous Dragon Well Tea.

Have you ever been to West Lake?If not ,you must find a chance to go there!







Located in the west of Hangzhou, West Lake is beautiful for its charming natural sceneries.It has an area of 6.5 square kilometers and is surrounded by mountains on three sides.In addition there are many ancient buildings, stone caves and engraved tablets in surrounding areas, and among them are some of the most cherished national treasures of China.West Lake has attracted many people since ancient China, including famous poets and writers.The charms of West Lake are different in different seasons.Everyone who has been to West Lake would be deeply touched by its stunning beauty.

PS 这么短可以不?需要翻译可以追问我


go west中文歌词

《go west》演唱:Victor Willis作曲:Victor Willis作词:Victor WillisGO WEST到西部去Pet Shop Boys 宠物店男孩Come on, come on, come on, come on 来吧,来吧,来吧(Together) We will go our way我们要走我们的路了(Together) We will leave someday我们有天将要离开(Together) Your hand in my hands 我们手牵手(Together) We will make our plans我们要计划我们的未来(Together) We will fly so high 我们要远走高飞(Together) Tell all our friends goodbye向我们所有朋友告别(Together) We will start life new 我们将开始我们新的生活(Together) This is what we"ll do 这就是我们将要做的(Go West) Life is peaceful there 去西部,那儿的生活是和平的(Go West) In the open air 去西部,在开放的气氛中(Go West) Where the skies are blue去西部,那里的天空是蓝色的(Go West) This is what we"re gonna do 去西部,这就是我们将做的(Go West, this is what we"re gonna do, Go West)去西部,就是我们将要做的(Together) We will love the beach我们热爱这片海滩(Together) We will learn and teach我们一起学习和生活(Together) Change our pace of life一起改变我们生活的步伐(Together) We will work and strive我们一起工作和奋斗(I love you) I know you love me 我爱你,我知道你爱我(I want you) How could I disagree?我要你,我怎会拒绝?(So that"s why) I make no protest那就是为什么,我没有任何防备(When you say) You will do the rest当你说,剩下的就是你做的(Go West) Life is peaceful there 去西部,那儿的生活是和平的(Go West) In the open air去西部,在开放的气氛中(Go West) Baby you and me 去西部,亲爱的你跟我(Go West) This is our destiny (Aah)去西部,这就是我们的命运(Go West) Sun in wintertime去西部,冬天里的太阳(Go West) We will do just fine去西部,我们会过的很好(Go West) Where the skies are blue去西部,那里的天空是蓝色的(Go West) this is what we"re gonna do去西部,这就是我们将做的There where the air is free 那里充满自由的空气We"ll be (We"ll be) what we want to be (Aah aah aah aah) 我们可以做一切想做的Now if we make a stand (Aah) 现在如果我们做了决定We"ll find (We"ll find) our promised land (Aah)我们就会找到属于我们的乐土(I know that) There are many ways我知道,有许多的方式(To live there) In the sun or shade在那里生活,在阳光或林荫下(Together) We will find a place我们会一起找到那个地方(To settle) Where there"s so much space安定下来,在更广阔的天地(Without rush) And the pace back east不需匆忙,返回东方的脚步(The hustling) Rustling just to feed喧闹中,偷窃只是为了果腹(I know I"m) Ready to leave too 我知道我将)(准备离开(So that"s what) We are gonna do 所以那就是)(我们将要做的(What we"re gonna do is)我们将要做的就是(Go West) Life is peaceful there 去西部,那儿的生活是和平的(Go West) There in the open air 去西部,在开放的气氛中(Go West) Where the skies are blue去西部,那里的天空是蓝色的(Go West) This is what we"re gonna do去西部,这就是我们将做的(Life is peaceful there)那儿的生活是和平的Go West (In the open air)去西部,在开放的气氛中Go West (Baby, you and me)去西部,亲爱的你跟我Go West (This is our destiny)去西部,这就是我们的命运Come on, come on, come on, come on (Go West) Sun in wintertime来吧来吧来吧来吧,去西部,冬天里的太阳(Go West) We will feel just fine去西部,我们会感觉很好(Go West) Where the skies are blue去西部,那里的天空是蓝色的(Go West) This is what we"re gonna do 去西部,这就是我们将做的扩展资料:Go West是迪斯科乐团村民上个世纪70年代的一首单曲。这首歌曲于1993年被宠物店男孩翻唱并大获成功。该歌曲的内涵随着时代而变化,从上世纪70年代宣传同性恋运动,到90年代则是号召东方的青年来到西方资本主义国家,而如今则成为了一首富有激情的世界杯用曲。Go West发行于1979年,但是该歌曲最初并没有像乐队的其它作品如Y.M.C.A.和In the Navy流行。歌曲的名字是源自于霍勒斯·格里利的语录“Go West, young man”(去西部吧,年轻人)之中,是一个美国西部殖民统治的口号。同时,Go West同时也被理解为二十世纪70年代时期,去往旧金山被认为是同性恋解放运动的理想之地。歌曲在7寸唱片和12寸唱片版本都收录在村民乐团之后的各种精选集,包括1993年宠物店男孩版本之后的1997年电台再次混音版本。
2023-01-10 01:41:324


Go West是迪斯科乐团村民上个世纪70年代的一首单曲。这首歌曲于1993年被宠物店男孩翻唱并大获成功。该歌曲的内涵随着时代而变化,从上世纪70年代宣传同性恋运动,到90年代则是号召东方的青年来到西方资本主义国家,而如今则成为了一首富有激情的世界杯用曲。Go West发行于1979年,但是该歌曲最初并没有像乐队的其它作品如Y.M.C.A.和In the Navy流行。歌曲的名字是源自于霍勒斯·格里利的语录“Go West, young man”(去西部吧,年轻人)之中,是一个美国西部殖民统治的口号。同时,Go West同时也被理解为十九世纪70年代时期,去往旧金山被认为是同性恋解放运动的理想之地。[1]1978年,亨利·史密斯的基督教歌曲《献上感恩的心》(Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart)与该歌曲的的曲调有显著性的相似。歌曲在7寸唱片和12寸唱片版本都收录在村民乐团之后的各种精选集,包括1993年宠物店男孩版本之后的1997年电台再次混音版本。历史在1992年,德里克·加曼让宠物店男孩在曼彻斯特为艾滋病慈善晚会演出,乐团的克里斯·洛选择了Go West作为他们的演唱曲目。尽管乐队歌手尼尔·坦南特记不住了当时演唱的歌词,不过之后,二人还是决定把Go West录制成单曲。在1993年,Go West作为单曲发行,并收录在他们的新专辑《Very》之中。在2001年宠物店男孩的音乐剧Closer to Heaven曾使用过该歌曲。改编从音乐上,歌曲使用了原始的D大调卡农作为基调,并贯穿歌曲的起始至高潮。另外歌曲的新版本也加入了政治元素,加入了苏联歌曲的内容。另外坦南特和洛也加入新的歌词如下:There where the air is free we"ll be what we want to be Now if we make a stand we"ll find our promised land[2] 除了歌曲中表现的不存在的乌托邦的理想的确,同时宠物店男孩也表达了另一层意思,就是去激励那些艾滋病感染者不要再感到无助和悲伤。除此之外,歌曲的MV加入更多的苏联形象,如红星,红场,列宁等,展示了一群部队正步走上云霄,在云霄上耸有自由女神的形象,意味着西方就是这个乌托邦的国家。加入众多的共产主义意象,也体现了歌曲的更深一层含义,西方——资本主义才是人们的向往,应该走的道路。[3]该歌曲的MV获得当年格莱美最佳音乐视频短片奖的提名
2023-01-10 01:41:511

谁有《Go West》的歌词?

GO WESTPet Shop Boys(Morali/Belelo/Willis/Tennant/Lowe)-----------Come on, come on, come on, come on(Together) We will go our way(Together) We will leave someday(Together) Your hand in my hands(Together) We will make our plans(Together) We will fly so high(Together) Tell all our friends goodbye(Together) We will start life new(Together) This is what we"ll do(Go West) Life is peaceful there(Go West) In the open air(Go West) Where the skies are blue(Go West) This is what we"re gonna do(Go West, this is what we"re gonna do, Go West)(Together) We will love the beach(Together) We will learn and teach(Together) Change our pace of life(Together) We will work and strive(I love you) I know you love me(I want you) How could I disagree?(So that"s why) I make no protest(When you say) You will do the rest(Go West) Life is peaceful there(Go West) In the open air(Go West) Baby you and me(Go West) This is our destiny (Aah)(Go West) Sun in wintertime(Go West) We will do just fine(Go West) Where the skies are blue(Go West, this is what we"re gonna do)There where the air is freeWe"ll be (We"ll be) what we want to be (Aah aah aah aah)Now if we make a stand (Aah)We"ll find (We"ll find) our promised land (Aah)(I know that) There are many ways(To live there) In the sun or shade(Together) We will find a place(To settle) Where there"s so much space(Without rush) And the pace back east(The hustling) Rustling just to feed(I know I"m) Ready to leave too(So that"s what) We are gonna do(What we"re gonna do isGo West) Life is peaceful there(Go West) There in the open air(Go West) Where the skies are blue(Go West) This is what we"re gonna do(Life is peaceful there)Go West (In the open air)Go West (Baby, you and me)Go West (This is our destiny)Come on, come on, come on, come on(Go West) Sun in wintertime(Go West) We will feel just fine(Go West) Where the skies are blue(Go West) This is what we"re gonna do(Come on, come on, come on)(Go West)(Go West)(Go, ooh, go, yeah)(Go West)(Go, ooh, go, yeah)(Go West)(Go, ooh, go, yeah)(Go West)(Go, ooh, go, yeah)(Gimme a feelin")(Gimme a feelin")(Go West)(Gimme a feelin")(Gimme a feelin")(Go West)(Gimme a feelin")(Gimme a feelin")哇,楼上的好厉害哦
2023-01-10 01:41:562

go west , young men.是什么意思

2023-01-10 01:42:054

谁有《Go West》的歌词?

Together)We will go our way(Together)We will leave some day(Together)Your hand in my hand(Together)We will make our plan(Together)We will fly so high(Together)Tell all our friends goodbye(Together)We will start like new(Together)This is what we"ll do(Go west)Life is peaceful there(Go west)in the open air(Go west)where the skies are blue(Go west)this is what we"re gonna do(Go west)(Together)We will love the beach(Together)We will learn and teach(Together)Change our pace of life(Together)We will work and thrive(I love you)I know you love me,(I want you)how could I disagree?(And that"s why)I make no protest(And you say)you will do the rest(Go west)life is peaceful there(Go west)in the open air(Go west)baby, you and me(Go west)this is our destiny(Go west)sun and winter time(Go west)we will do just fine(Go west)where the skies are blue(Go west)this is what we"re gonna doThere, where the air is freeWe"ll be (we"ll be) what we want to beNow, if we make a standWe"ll find (we"ll find) our promised land!(I know that)there are many ways(To live there)in the sun or shade(Together)we will find the place(To settle)where there"s so much space(Don"t look back)And the place back east(Wrestling)wrestling just to feast(And we"ll go)ready to be two(So that"s what)we are gonna do(Oh, what we"re gonna do is ... )(Go west)life is peaceful there(Go west)there, in the open air(Go west)Where the skies are blue(Go west)This is what we"re gonna do(Life is peaceful there)Go west(In the open air)Go west(Baby, you and me)Go west(This is our destiny)(Go west)Sun and winter time(Go west)we will feel just fine(Go west)where the skies are blue(Go west)this is what we"re gonna do是这个么?
2023-01-10 01:42:222

《Go west》:关于这首被禁后又大红的歌,你了解多少?

不管是Pet shop boys(宠物店男孩)的粉丝,还是热爱足球热爱世界杯的超级球迷。相信对《Go west》的旋律都不会陌生。这首起源于20世纪70年代的经典旋律,经过岁月的洗礼,似乎给不同年龄阶层的人都留下了深刻的印象。而它的背后,又隐藏着什么样的故事呢? 时代变迁&《Go west》 最初版本的《Go west》是由乐队The village people(乡下人)首唱,发行于1979年。关于这首歌曲诞生的背景,有两种说法:一种说法是这首歌曲表达了美国人在越战后的迷惑,渴望得到某种解脱的意思;一种说法提到20世纪70年代的美国同性恋解放运动。歌词旨在号召前往被称为同性恋解放运动理想圣地的旧金山。此外,当时一首名为《Give thanks with a grateful heart》(献上感恩的心)也与其相似度极高。 1992年,pet shop boys 宠物店男孩乐队在为曼彻斯特为艾滋病慈善晚会演出时,翻唱了《Go west》这首歌。1993年,翻唱版的《Go west》作为单曲发行。宠物店男孩乐队在原版歌词的基础上稍作修饰,增添了三句歌词:We"ll be what we want to be,Now if we make a stand,We"ll find our promised land.( 我们可以随心而行,现在如果我们坚持,将会发现自己的乐土).至此,这本是一个知名乐队为关注艾滋病人而翻唱的一首普通歌曲。 然而《Go west》mv的拍摄导演似乎并不这么想。镜头里头戴苏式船帽、手擎红旗的苏联青年排着整齐的队伍走向自有的顶端;一直白头鹰在展翅高飞,飞过莫斯科红场、飞过纽约自由女神像、飞到华盛顿白宫。在它的翅膀下,星条旗悠然飘扬,追求幸福的人们神情镇定,昂首阔步。配合着“Go west,in the open air.”(向西,在那开放的氛围下)此类歌词,在那个比较看重意识形态的年代,不得不让人浮想联翩。尤其是在《Go west》正式发行的1993,前苏联刚刚解体,和平演变之类的字眼尚且还很敏感。因此,《Go west》一度被一些国家所禁。而这首歌也就此打上了深深的政治烙印。 经久不衰的歌曲 直到现在,《Go west》仍然是一首传唱度十分高的歌曲。可能很多人并不知道它的名字和历史。却熟悉其旋律。 从1996年欧洲杯开始,《Go west》开始在足球场上广泛使用。 2004年,《Go west》成为德国同志电影《夏日风暴》的插曲 2006年世界杯,《Go west》被重新填词,改写为《Stand up》,在每场比赛结束后播放。 2015年贾樟柯的电影《山河故人》在国内上映,《Go west》化身为90年代年轻人对美好事物的向往。 细细想来,《Go west》自诞生以来,似乎能在任何一个年代的人心目中引起共鸣。而短暂的政治烙印,并没有丝毫减少它的魅力。经典之所以是经典,不是因为它身上的烙印,而在于经典本身。 一切隐喻都是后来者的诠释 Go west 最早源于19世纪美国新闻工作者Horace Greeley提出的“Go west, young man ,and grow up with the country”(去西部吧年轻人,和这个国家一起成长)”,被作为“天命论”的一句口号,号召年轻人前往西部投身发展建设。也是美式扩张主义的一种表现。即“拓展疆域是美国对这个世界的使命”。这与歌词中Go west,this is our destiny ”十分吻合。 《Go west》吸收了部分美式文化基因在里面,又通过积极明快的旋律将其剥离和升华。不管是支持同志运动、关注艾滋病人、追逐梦想、回忆青春亦或是其他,都能从这首歌里找到希望和答案。不管它产生的初衷什么,也无论后来者如何对它所隐喻的东西做出诠释,它所表达的积极的状态能将人迅速感染。只是每每听到这首歌的时候,不知道不同的人心里会不会翻涌些不同的激情,感受到不同的感召。毕竟,一切隐喻也都只是后来者的诠释。
2023-01-10 01:42:301

go west为什么是禁曲?

因为这首歌是一首带有政治色彩的流行歌曲,所以被禁了。它的音乐旋律很快,适合蹦迪斯科,可MTV里面从头到尾几乎全是正常速度镜头,配上圣歌式的背景序曲,极力地渲染令人神往的西方(美国)生活。镜头里头戴苏式船帽,手擎红旗的苏联青年排着整齐的队伍走向自由的顶端。历史在1992年,德里克·加曼让宠物店男孩在曼彻斯特为艾滋病慈善晚会演出,乐团的克里斯·洛选择了Go West作为他们的演唱曲目。尽管乐队歌手尼尔·坦南特记不住了当时演唱的歌词,不过之后,二人还是决定把Go West录制成单曲。在1993年,Go West作为单曲发行,并收录在他们的新专辑《Very》之中。在2001年宠物店男孩的音乐剧Closer to Heaven曾使用过该歌曲。
2023-01-10 01:42:361

Go West?世界杯比赛结束后的送别曲?

Pet Shop Boys宠物店男孩,来自英国的一个电子乐组合,go west是他们翻唱Village People的一首经典老歌。 字面上看这首歌的意思就是西行,也隐含归天(死亡)的意思。这首歌发行于1979年,实际上是反映了美国人在越战后的迷惑,表达渴望得到某种解脱的意思。而1993年宠物店男孩的翻唱的MV中,反复出现自由女神、列宁、莫斯科红场、镰刀斧头标志等内容,疑似受到冷战思潮的影响所至,为苏联的解体而欢呼。
2023-01-10 01:42:474


有的歌曲,会让人感觉身心愉悦,灰暗的世界瞬时变得明朗;也有的歌曲,会让人感觉沉闷悲壮,美好的世界顿时散布阴霾;还有的歌曲,让人充满憧憬幻想,或者是感到无比惆怅。今天我们所说的这首歌,非常有意思。它的节奏明快,清新自然,委婉之中,缓缓而来,足以让人耳朵“怀孕”。接下来,大家可以试着听一下,或许它的优美旋律,还能够勾起你内心深处最美好的回忆呢。不同的情境下,歌曲所给人的感受也不同,当然意义也不一样。这首歌起源于上世纪70年代末,随着岁月的洗礼,它给不同阶层的人们留下了很多深刻的印象,而它背后的故事却是非常值得人们深思。歌曲最初由美国The village people(乡下人)乐队首唱,这个乐队是由同性恋组成,所以歌曲也披上了特殊取向的外衣,而不为大众所接受。还有一种说法,这首歌创作于美国人越战之后,有让青年人从战后的迷惑中走出来的意思。歌词的大概意思是号召人们,去往被称为同性恋解放运动圣地的旧金山。无论如何,歌曲本身的旋律优美,带给人们非常美好的听觉感受。一首歌并没有随着时间的推移,被人们所遗忘。转眼间到了90年代,这首歌的MV导演,在画面里加入了美国元素,比如白宫、自由女神;此外还有很多东方元素,比如白头鹰、莫斯科红场等等。当时东欧剧变,政治比较敏感,无疑给歌曲披上了一层特殊的外衣,被很多国家所禁,包括中国。不过好听的歌曲,还是有很多渠道打动年轻的朋友。当时年轻人熟悉这个旋律,却不知道这首歌叫什么。只知道将它当作迪斯科歌曲,来作为流行元素,玩的非常嗨。90年代舞厅直到1996年,欧洲世界杯上广泛传唱,歌曲才被世界所认可。2004年,《Go west》被德国同志电影《夏日风暴》作为插曲所用。2006年这首歌又被重新填词,冠之以“Stand up”这个名字,成为了本届世界杯的主题曲,风靡全世界。转眼间到了21世纪,在这个视听比较发达的多媒体时代里,我们不再为欣赏美好音乐而犯难,然而很多经典的歌曲,却很长时间没有出现在我们的耳畔。第六代导演贾樟柯,显然是一位懂得欣赏并且喜欢回味时光的人,他导演了一部经典电影《山河故人》,里面两次出现这首歌曲。影片中,第一次是在90年代,那时候主人公还是一位刚刚高中毕业的毛头小子,与暧昧的女孩子,在迪斯科舞厅里面,伴着这首经典的歌曲,一群热血青年尽情地跳舞。他们对未来充满了理想和希望,渴望探求外面的世界,每一双眼睛都是那么炙热,每一根神经又都是那样奔放。转眼间四十年过去了,女主人公孜然一人,牵着她的爱宠,在空旷的雪地上。音乐再次响起,她眼里闪着泪光,回味着美好的事情,缓缓地舞动,岁月在她的脸上留下了幸福和感伤。同一首歌,赋予了不同的含义。其实当时美国音乐组合在创作这首歌的时候,没有这么多丰富的意思,他们单纯地想要表达一种对自由、对美好、对未来的向往与热爱。回过头来,我们再去听它,是否会有一种不一样的感觉呢?
2023-01-10 01:43:013

GO WEST是06年德国世界杯的主题曲吗

同上同上也在找啊!! tong shang 同找!
2023-01-10 01:43:164


2023-01-10 01:43:301

宠物店男孩的那首Go west翻译成汉语叫什么名字啊

Go West翻译过来是向西行Go West字面上的意思就是西行,也隐含归天(死亡)的意思。这首歌发行于1979年,由Village People的原唱。实际上是反映了美国人在越战后的迷惑,表达渴望得到某种解脱的意思。而1993年由Pet Shop Boys宠物店男孩这个来自英国的一个电子乐组合的翻唱的MV中,反复出现自由女神、列宁、莫斯科红场、镰刀斧头标志等内容,估计受到冷战思潮的影响所至,为苏联的解体而欢呼。Go West的创作大背景是东欧剧变,苏联解体。这首歌是一首带有政治色彩的流行歌曲,在你看了这部MTV后就会觉得并不为过。它的音乐旋律很快,适合蹦迪斯科,可MTV里面从头到尾几乎全是正常速度镜头,配上圣歌式的背景序曲,极力地渲染令人神往的西方(美国)生活。镜头里头戴苏式船帽,手擎红旗的苏联青年排着整齐的队伍走向自由的顶端;一只白头鹰在展翅飞翔,它飞越莫斯科的红场,飞过纽约的自由女神像,飞到华盛顿的白宫,在它的翅膀下,斯大林的雕像轰然倒塌,一面星条旗悠然飘扬,追求幸福的人们神情镇定,昂首阔步。这首歌包含了两层意思,一层是Pet Shop Boys惯用的的黑色幽默讽刺当时的资本主义社会,另一层则是对苏联说的“回归”。十几年前,当英国“宠物店小子”组合(PET SHOP BOYS)高歌“投奔西方(GO WEST)”时,世界上最大的社会主义国家正经历着史无前例的阵痛。“去西方吧,那里的天空湛蓝……”不久后前苏联就解体了。如果说一首歌能唱衰一个国家是不可信的,但如果所有西方传媒都一齐唱同一个调子,就不由你不发慌了。难怪当时这首歌被禁止播放。历史在前进,现在这首歌摇身一变,取代了曾经红极一时《OLE OLE OLE》,成为了目前响彻欧洲冠军杯和各国足球联赛赛场的新一代球迷歌。Stand Up (Champions"Theme)那本来是曼联的队歌,后来被欧洲各队改编。演唱者是意大利歌星帕吉欧。Stand Up改编自这首Go West,歌词自然不同,各位听的时候留意吧。
2023-01-10 01:43:361

C语言问题(假定输入为"Go west, young man!")

你先把 mian()改成main()吧。。。。。然后,这里的意思就是 你输一个字符,按回车后,就开始输入检测输入字符,直到你输入的字符中有小写字母"g"后,你在回车就结束程序了。刚忘说了,输入的字符里面没有‘g",按回车,则打印一遍你输入的字符
2023-01-10 01:44:204

Go West 韩语版翻唱

加点分 让大家有动力
2023-01-10 01:44:341

本赛季,著名歌曲《GO WEST》所对应的世界杯冠军的所属国家的最顶级足球联赛的“领头羊”是谁?在

对应的国家是意大利 意甲领头羊是尤文图斯 积70分 领先第二名那不勒斯3分 希望能帮到你
2023-01-10 01:44:401

为什么世界杯比赛结束后要放 Go west

2023-01-10 01:44:462

类似go west 风格的英文歌曲 有气势的

the mass 加勒比海盗
2023-01-10 01:44:543

To North! To East! Go West! Go South!这首是什么歌啊!救命!!

News Nippon One Two Three Four Five Six Seven It"s big NEWS Fly Away to North Far Away to East 展开翅膀 Go Ahead go West Do Your Best go South 捉住彩虹 高挂在空中 展开双手 做出和平的手势 创造耀眼的NEWS 悲伤的时候 记得要想起 每个人的心中 都有太阳 独自一人的时候 不要悲伤 因为有温暖的阳光照耀著你 你并不孤单 我就在你身边 打起精神 拿出勇气 向前冲 One Two Three Four Five Six Seven It"s big NEWS Fly Away to North Far Away to East 抬头望著星星 Go Ahead go West Do Your Best go South 许下愿望 感觉到生命的强韧 做出和平的手势 创造耀眼的NEWS To North To East Go West Go South Yeah!We make a big NEWS It"s all rught One Two Three Four Five Six Seven It"s big NEWS NEWS 引发奇迹 搭乘梦想 开始启动 NEWS 爱与勇气 向世界传达 We can do it Fly Away to North Far Away to East 展开翅膀 Go Ahead go West Do Your Best go South 捉住彩虹 高挂在空中 展开双手 做出和平的手势 创造耀眼的NEWS 高挂在空中 展开双手 做出和平的手势 创造耀眼的NEWS 不输任何人 胸怀勇气 送给你NEWS 希望~Yell~ Hooray! Hooray! 我有一份礼 Hooray! Hooray! 想要送给你 追求梦想的你 祝你幸福! Fight For Win. Get Break & Thru. It"s Time To Go. Fly To High Wiz NEWS 乘著向南的风 展开耀眼的季节 一同分享 勇气与希望 没错 就是我和你 无论是独自感觉害怕 还是缺乏自信的时候 赶快回想起 那一天的承诺 欢呼声在呼喊著你 向前跑 Hooray! Hooray! 我有一份礼 Hooray! Hooray! 想要送给你 你努力的背影里 We"ll Be Together. Hooray! Hooray! 挥汗的身影 Hooray! Hooray! 多麼有魅力 追求梦想的你 祝你幸福! Bounce Bounce Bounce Wiz Me.(*8) Bounce Bounce Bounce 顺著心跳加快的韵律 敲打一扇新的大门 各自带著自己可以做到的事情 没错 我是 你也是 就算时代改变 曾经流过的泪水 它的价值不会变 是珍贵的宝藏 Fight For Win. Get Break & Thru. It"s Time To Go. Fly To High Wiz NEWS N.E.W.S. North. East. West. South. Do The Best! Get The Glory! V.I.C.T.O.R.Y. Fly To High Wiz NEWS 越过数千繁星的夜晚 希望 Yell 你收得到 我就在这里看著你 别再迷惘 向前跑 Hooray! Hooray! 我有一份礼 Hooray! Hooray! 想要送给你 你努力的背影里 We"ll Be Together. Hooray! Hooray! 挥汗的身影 Hooray! Hooray! 多麼有魅力 追求梦想的你 祝你幸福! 火红燃烧的太阳 火红燃烧的太阳 逐渐溶化消逝 朝向遥远的地平线尽头 让我们向前跑 哪怕被人说是莽莽撞撞 也不会软弱得因此颓丧 因为无论任何时候 都会怀抱梦想在心中 明天到底会发生什麼 没有时间去想那麼多 火红燃烧的太阳 逐渐溶化消逝 将烦恼…如利刃般高举的 那段时光 强风在吹 如果你停下了脚步 直到风停之前 我会一直为你守护 无法忘怀每当我回过头 就可看到的你的眼眸 火红燃烧的太阳 朝它前进 为了以我所拥有的一切力量 来与你一同掌握幸福 朝向遥远的地平线尽头 尽全力向前跑 听不到 停不下来 永不放弃 渴望守护 太阳的红 映照在眼底的我 可不会消失 火红燃烧的太阳 衷心祈祷 希望这世界不要因为谎言与虚伪 而有一天沉没於黑暗当中 但愿能永远不断照耀著我 火红燃烧的太阳 逐渐溶化消逝 朝向遥远的地平线尽头 让我们向前跑 Cherish 每当相互凝视就感觉到恋情 不会迟疑也没有阴影 用你的笑容与我的暗示 一起去寻找属於我们的梦想 既不会假装无事的说些逞强的话 也不会提早地庸人自扰 看到你放松心情努力的样子 总觉得勇气一下就涌现了 也有因为「想这样做」而犹豫不决的时候 那样的时候 请你用可以KISS到的距离靠近… 每当相互凝视就感觉到恋情 用这双让我有感觉的双眼 想要窥视 我会变率直地站在这里的 并不是那麼轻松的 所以想要在你身边 挥别哀伤 感受热情 然后再度向前进 又不善於撒谎 现实又很残酷 偶尔很懦弱 有你站在我这边就会变得坚强 了解彼此的事情很多 但也有不能互相了解的地方 不知道从何开始 终於 不想失去 重要的东西一点一滴地 是我们一起找到的 不是吗 在这里 从今以后也… 每当相互凝视就感觉到恋情 用这双让我有感觉的双眼 想要窥视 我会变率直地在这里等待的 每当相互凝视就感觉到恋情 不会迟疑也没有阴影 用你的笑容与我的暗示 一起去寻找属於我们的梦想 还不知道的明天的HAPPY 故事由我们来创造 每当相互凝视就感觉到恋情 用这双让我有感觉的双眼 想要窥视 我会变率直地站在这里的 找到的时候是恋 现在是很大的爱 让未来的你变成最棒的 创造出属於我们的梦想 珍惜
2023-01-10 01:45:171

there is too much damn happiness in the world today. go west,please!什么意思

2023-01-10 01:45:344

谁有 Go West -《 The King of Wishful Thinking 》无损音乐百度云盘下载

Go West -  The King of Wishful Thinking           链接: 提取码: kpfh
2023-01-10 01:45:481

哪位亲知道和宠物店男孩的“go west”的音乐非常相似的一首DJ,也是很多人唱的,比“go west"有气势!

lift it hi曼联队歌,和go west很像
2023-01-10 01:45:541

为什么go west 和世界杯每场结束后球场上放的stand up旋律是一样的?

2023-01-10 01:46:003

go west 和Stand Up (Champions Theme),谁能详细介绍一下

Stand Up:站起来Champions Theme:他们冠军
2023-01-10 01:46:111

go to west 可以翻译成归西么

2023-01-10 01:46:1713

第三空 为什么填west错了?

of 加名词 western
2023-01-10 01:47:013


美国民法包括的范围很广,除若干州有单独的民法典外,一般包括许多有关契约、侵权、财产、继承和婚姻家庭方面的制定法和判例,统称为私法。多数州援照英国旧法,胎儿即享有民事权利能力,但应为其设财产管理人。多数州规定年满18岁的公民即享有行为能力,未及此年龄者可就生活必需订立契约,成年时可单方加以解除。 1、契约法  主要是判例法。19世纪末才开始制定某些统一的成文法,主要是商业方面。例如,适用于37州的《统一买卖法》(1906),适用于各州的《统一流通票据法》(1896)。20世纪50年代,有关契约的制定法陆续增加,其中最重要的是《统一商法典》(第2篇)和《消费者信贷保护法》(1968)等。美国没有分章罗列各种契约关系的契约法,只有关于契约订立、解除、无效和契约的内容、形式等一般原则的规定;不过,在部分法典内有专门适用于某种契约,如保险、代理、承揽等的特殊规定。美国重视必须以书面形式订立的契约与不必一定以书面形式订立的契约的区分。前者包括超过500美元的买卖契约、不动产契约、履行期限超过一年的契约、承诺在儿女结婚时转移财产的契约,以及遗产管理人承诺以自己财产支付死者债务的契约等;不过,买卖契约可以以部分履行或收受作为成立的依据,不动产契约可以以买受人的进行修缮、迁入或支付部分房价作为成立的依据。不以书面形式订立的契约必须有契约成因,即以交易为内容,因而无偿赠与虽可在事实上履行,却不能作为契约成因,不产生请求权。与英国法不同,美国承认有利于第三者的契约的效力,该第三者有请求履行的权利。 2、侵权法  沿袭自英国法,即民事侵权行为的受害人得提起损害赔偿之诉。美国关于侵权的成文规定主要见诸州法,联邦并无统一立法。故意侵权行为除保留英国法原有的伤害、侵占财产、非法拘禁等外,增加了一些新项目,如干预隐私(窃听、擅自使用他人照片等)以及生产危险商品等。过失侵权必须过失与损害有因果关系才负赔偿责任,过失又必须是有违照管义务,其大小视行为人专业资格而定。例如工程建筑师的义务高于建筑工人。如受害人也有过失,即比较其大小,双方分担责任,相应减少赔偿额。在违反契约造成损害时,受害人可提起违约之诉或侵权之诉,一般多选择后者,因为侵权赔偿包括无形的损害在内。美国目前的侵权诉讼求偿程序复杂,诉讼往往旷日持久,耗费巨大,不利于收入微薄者。有的州为简化诉讼,已开始实行所谓无过失责任,即不必证明行为人有过失,亦能获得损害赔偿。 3、财产法  是美国法中较复杂的法律之一。来源于英国封建时期地产法的一些概念与原则,与现代资本主义的一些财产原则相结合,所有权、抵押权、典质权和留置权等又相交错,形成比较复杂的法律规定。与英国法相比较,其地产购置的登记程序比较复杂,产权的取得往往需要经过许多法律手续,因而,出现了产权保险制度。担保利益包括不动产抵押和动产典质。多数州规定承押人只对抵押物享有担保利益,而抵押人仍享有法定产权;但有少数州规定,法定产权在抵押期间归承押人所有,在全部清偿后产权方归还抵押人。美国还规定有营建和修理留置权,在债务人未清偿以前,营建人或修理人对财产享有担保利益。 4、继承法  是美国法中比较发达的一部分。规定有严格的遗产管理制度:动产在分配给继承人以前,必须交由遗产管理人管理;不动产在理论上可直接移交继承人,但实际上也经过一段管理。管理人的指定、权限和报酬等都有详细规定。不动产的继承依财产所在地法,动产的继承依被继承人最后住所地法,因而遗产处理往往涉及不同州的法律。法定继承的顺序和份额,有些州作了明确的规定。不少州还规定从遗产中给配偶和子女保留住房或一笔最低限度的抚养金,不在清偿遗产债务之列。遗嘱继承的程序较为严格,多数州规定需有三人见证,本人签字,经法院登记才有效。配偶间的财产有单独财产、共同财产和合营财产之别,各州法律规定不尽相同,在继承时往往发生复杂的法律问题。 5、婚姻法  或称家事法,各州有其不同规定。目前多数州规定废除所谓“普通法婚姻”;而且不承认婚约的法律拘束力。各州一般都列举可以要求离婚的理由。原来实行一方过失原则,1970年加利福尼亚州颁布新离婚法以后,许多州陆续仿效,改采感情破裂原则,进一步扩大了离婚的可能。离婚管辖比较复杂。各州对离婚前的住所要件规定不一,财产处理原则也不尽一致,所以在不同州起诉,结果往往相异。而且,离婚诉讼一般为属事管辖,而扶养诉讼则为属人管辖,所以往往不能同案解决,并经常需要在不同的州审决。
2023-01-10 01:47:162


2023-01-10 01:48:091

谁有“go west”伴奏(就是世界杯每场比赛结束后放的那首)

回答:我爱所有人学者6月14日 05:47 不对,是曼联队队歌的节选,是最后一段,不信您下一首听听(我这个答案已被同样的问题采纳过)
2023-01-10 01:48:151


<ONE LOVE>< ALL RISE> <GOD IS A GIRL> <SHE> <AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME> <STAND> <JUST ONE LAST DOWN> <WITHOUT YOU> <I want it that way> <MY LIFE> <Fighter> <Forever Young> < Rhythm Of The Rain> < Right Here Waiting > <Yesterday once more> <baby one more time> <The day you went away> <The girl is mine> howie day - collide celion_dion _the_power_of_love Chumbawamba - Tubthumping Elton John - Tiny Dancer five - until the time is through gareth gates-anyone of us hilary duff - most wanted flylove to be loved by you--Marc Terenzi living to love you//every moment of my life--sarah conner my last serenade--Joey Moe my prayer--Devotion she is the one--罗比 威廉姆斯 Unbelievable--Craig David Dreaming Of You
2023-01-10 01:48:212


die; death; pass away, cease to be;breath one"s last 断气go to one"s eternal rest 安息the long sleep 长眠see Marx 见马克思go west上西天go to heaven上天堂blow out the candles吹灯拔蜡kick the bucket 蹬腿deceasebe gone rest in peace
2023-01-10 01:48:292


2023-01-10 01:48:389

魔兽世界 V大和贼皇帝shurrik的视频歌曲

第1部1:Cloud connected (In flames)2:Trigger (In flames)3:Free fall (In flames)4:Boulevard Of Broken Dreams (Greenday)6:In the end (Linkin park)第2部1:Requiem for a Dream (电影Requiem for a Dream 的插曲)2:For whom the bell tolls (Metallica)3:Only for the weak (In flames)4:Thoughtless (Korn)5:From the inside (Linkin park)6:The only (Static X)7:The outsider (A perfect circle)第3部1、TEARS DONT FALL -(Bullet for my valentine)2、BROKEN -( 12 Stones)3、QUARTER -(Fuel)4、FINE AGAIN -(seether)5、SOULFIRE -(12 stones)6、WAIT AND BLEED -(Slipknot)7、PASSIVE -(A Perfect Circle)8、SPIT YOU OUT -(bullet for my valentine)9、THE LAST CHANCE -(Soil)歌手—歌曲Vurtne 第一部1.Michael Jackson—Beat it2.Flipsyde—Someday3.In Flames—Cloud Connected4.Sum41—Still Waiting5.Village people—YMCA6. Papa Roach—Not Listening7.In Flames—VacuumVurtne 第二部1.Muse—Bliss2.Theme—Pulp Fiction3.POD—Alive4.In Flames—Leeches5.Electric six—Dance Commander6.Avenged Sevenfold—Bat Country7.Foo Fighters—Everlong8.In Flames—Clay Man9.Jefferson Starship—We Built This City10.God Module—Levitation11.Muse—Stockholm12.Megaherz—HerzblutVurtne 第三部1.Pain—Not Afraid To Die2.Fireball Ministry—Daughter of the damned3.atreyu—exs and ohs4.atreyu—untitled finale5.village people—go west6.haddaway—what is love7.village people—macho man8.kovenant—mirrors paradise9.jimmy eat world—pain10.Goldfinger—superman11.Papa roach—take me12.soilwork—stabbing the drama13.atreyu—creature14.Atreyu—the theftVurtne 第四部 in distance—hero2.soilwork—light the torch3.three days grace—riot4.eacape of faith—there"s no sympathy for the dead5.three days grace—on my ownVurtne 4.5-60~66级1.Soilwork—Rejection Role2.Hoobastank—Pieces3.Muse—Map Of The Problematique4.Village People—In the Navy5.Hi Fi LATIN DANCE—Mambo Mucho Manbo6.Celldweller—The Last Firstborn7.III Nino—What You Deserve8.Zebrahead—Falling Apart9.Andrea Bocelli—Domine DeusVurtne5-最新预告片1.Naildown—Hollow syndicate
2023-01-10 01:49:091


小泽正澄的《attraction》你下载看看是不是sorry,我没有玩过实况9,只玩8和2008,我找了一下,实况九的背景音乐全部给你贴出来,因为我不知道你要的是那一段,所以自己看看好吧。还有我特意求证了一下,topten还有进球音乐好像都是小泽的《attraction》。呵呵,自己看看吧。WECG WE9 2.0 final 中文版界面音乐 对应界面 超越梦想(杨竹箐、汪正正) Credits Screen 制作人员介面 FIFA入场音乐 Pitch Entrance 进场音乐1 Anthem Orchestral Pitch Entrance 进场音乐2 DJ Jurgen - Aida 2000 Demo Game / Highlights 1 Demo进球回放音乐1 Rendez-Vous PS Demo Game / Highlights 2 比赛进球回放音乐2 没有荣誉或人性的战争-杀死比尔 Demo Game / Highlights 3 比赛进球回放音乐3 crazy frog-axel f(club_mix) Demo Game / Highlights 2 比赛进球回放音乐4 We Are The Champions(Queen) Cups Ceremony Ending 普通联赛、杯赛领奖音乐 Il Bello Della Vita ML Ceremony Ending 大师联赛领奖音乐 Il Bello Della Vita ML Ceremony Ending 大师联赛领奖音乐 I Need You Vs I Need You(Groove Coverage) Main Menu 主介面1 dragostea din tei(o-zone) Main Menu 主介面2 skater boy(avril lavigne) Main Menu 主介面3 I Just Wanna Live(Good Charlotte) Main Menu 主介面4 livin" la vida loca(ricky martin) Master League 大师联赛介面 Let It Out(A1(优格男孩)) League 普通联赛杯赛介面 come on over baby(christina aguilera) Edit 编辑模式介面 love is color blind(sarah connor) Gallery (Options) 展示厅介面 E Uma Partida De Futebol Situation Training 情景训练介面 The World is Grease(The Team) Beginner"s Training 新手训练介面 Get This Party Started(Pink) Formation 阵型设定介面 福克斯体育频道足球栏目主题曲 WEFA Cup / Cup 2nd Round Formation WEFA冠军联赛与杯赛第二轮阵型设定介面 Attraction-小泽正澄(天下足球top10) replay playback 展示厅进球回放音乐 i lay my love on you(westlife) 联网模式 音乐欣赏模式中可以听到 Stay(Tonya mitchell) 联网模式 音乐欣赏模式中可以听到 动起来(郭富城) 中国之队模式 亚洲区预选赛音乐 Viottoria 中国之队模式 世界杯决赛周音乐 CCTV雅典奥运主题曲《骄傲》 中国之队模式 Formation 阵型设定介面 Viottoria 中国之队模式 音乐 耐克的旋律-2004nike最新广告歌 Training模式 狐狸精(罗志祥) Training模式 原版音乐 Training模式 little_less_conversation Training模式 temas-nike Training模式 murphy brown、captain hollywood-axel_f Training模式 snappie-nana_snappie_hou_op Training模式 The Cup Of Life [Spanglish] Stadium BGM 球场音乐1 hey ya!(outkast) Stadium BGM 球场音乐2 Hand in Hand Stadium BGM 球场音乐3 To be number one(意大利之夏) Stadium BGM 球场音乐4 dragostea din tei(o-zone) Stadium BGM 球场音乐5 欧洲冠军杯官方音乐 Stadium BGM 球场音乐6 Boom(Anastacia) Stadium BGM 球场音乐7 oops!..i did it again(britney spears) Stadium BGM 球场音乐8 燃烧的英雄 足球小将 PetShopBoys-GoWest参考资料:梦幻音乐网
2023-01-10 01:49:146

go west的歌词?

Pet Shop Boys - Go West   Come on, come on, come on, come on   (Together) We will go our way   (Together) We will leave someday   (Together) Your hand in my hands   (Together) We will make our plans   (Together) We will fly so high   (Together) Tell all our friends goodbye   (Together) We will start life new   (Together) This is what we"ll do   (Go West) Life is peaceful there   (Go West) In the open air   (Go West) Where the skies are blue   (Go West) This is what we"re gonna do   (Go West, this is what we"re gonna do, Go West)   (Together) We will love the beach   (Together) We will learn and teach   (Together) Change our pace of life   (Together) We will work and strive   (I love you) I know you love me   (I want you) How could I disagree?   (So that"s why) I make no protest   (When you say) You will do the rest   (Go West) Life is peaceful there   (Go West) In the open air   (Go West) Baby you and me   (Go West) This is our destiny (Aah)   (Go West) Sun in wintertime   (Go West) We will do just fine   (Go West) Where the skies are blue   (Go West, this is what we"re gonna do)   There where the air is free   We"ll be (We"ll be) what we want to be (Aah aah aah aah)   Now if we make a stand (Aah)   We"ll find (We"ll find) our promised land (Aah)   (I know that) There are many ways   (To live there) In the sun or shade   (Together) We will find a place   (To settle) Where there"s so much space   (Without rush) And the pace back east   (The hustling) Rustling just to feed   (I know I"m) Ready to leave too   (So that"s what) We are gonna do   (What we"re gonna do is   Go West) Life is peaceful there   (Go West) There in the open air   (Go West) Where the skies are blue   (Go West) This is what we"re gonna do   (Life is peaceful there)   Go West (In the open air)   Go West (Baby, you and me)   Go West (This is our destiny)   Come on, come on, come on, come on   (Go West) Sun in wintertime   (Go West) We will feel just fine   (Go West) Where the skies are blue   (Go West) This is what we"re gonna do   (Come on, come on, come on)   (Go West)   (Go West)   (Go, ooh, go, yeah)   (Go West)   (Go, ooh, go, yeah)   (Go West)   (Go, ooh, go, yeah)   (Go West)   (Go, ooh, go, yeah)   (Gimme a feelin")   (Gimme a feelin")   (Go West)   (Gimme a feelin")   (Gimme a feelin")   (Go West)   (Gimme a feelin")   (Gimme a feelin")
2023-01-10 01:49:403

go west的歌词

Come on, come on, come on, come on (来吧,来吧,来吧) (Together) We will go our way (我们要走我们的路了) (Together) We will leave someday (我们有天将要离开) (Together) Your hand in my hands (我们手牵手) (Together) We will make our plans (我们要计划我们的未来) (Together) We will fly so high (我们要远走高飞) (Together) Tell all our friends goodbye (向我们所有朋友告别) (Together) We will start life new (我们将开始我们新的生活) (Together) This is what we"ll do (这就是我们将要做的) (Go West) Life is peaceful there (那儿的生活是和平的) (Go West) In the open air (在开放的气氛中) (Go West) Where the skies are blue (那里的天空是蓝色的) (Go West) This is what we"re gonna do (这就是我们将做的) (Go West, this is what we"re gonna do, Go West) (去西部,就是我们将要做的) (Together) We will love the beach (我们热爱这片海滩) (Together) We will learn and teach (我们学习和生活) (Together) Change our pace of life (改变我们生活的步伐) (Together) We will work and strive (我们工作和奋斗) (I love you) I know you love me (我爱你)(我知道你爱我) (I want you) How could I disagree?(我要你) (我怎会拒绝?) (So that"s why) I make no protest (那就是为什么)(我没有任何防备) (When you say) You will do the rest (当你说)(剩下的就是你做的) (Go West) Life is peaceful there (那儿的生活是和平的) (Go West) In the open air (在开放的气氛中)(Go West) Baby you and me (亲爱的你跟我)(Go West) This is our destiny (Aah) (这就是我们的命运)(Go West) Sun in wintertime (冬天里的太阳) (Go West) We will do just fine (我们会过的很好)(Go West) Where the skies are blue (那里的天空是蓝色的)(Go West) this is what we"re gonna do(这就是我们将做的) There where the air is free (那里充满自由的空气)We"ll be (We"ll be) what we want to be (Aah aah aah aah) (我们可以做一切想做的)Now if we make a stand (Aah) (现在如果我们做了决定)We"ll find (We"ll find) our promised land (Aah) (我们就会找到属于我们的乐土)(I know that) There are many ways (我知道)(有许多的方式)(To live there) In the sun or shade (在那里生活)(在阳光或林荫下)(Together) We will find a place (我们会找到那个地方)(To settle) Where there"s so much space (安定下来)(在更广阔的天地)(Without rush) And the pace back east (不需匆忙)(返回东方的脚步)(The hustling) Rustling just to feed (喧闹中)(偷窃只是为了果腹)(I know I"m) Ready to leave too (我知道我将)(准备离开)(So that"s what) We are gonna do (所以那就是)(我们将要做的)(What we"re gonna do is)(我们将要做的就是) (Go West) Life is peaceful there (那儿的生活是和平的)(Go West) There in the open air (在开放的气氛中)(Go West) Where the skies are blue (那里的天空是蓝色的)(Go West) This is what we"re gonna do (这就是我们将做的)(Life is peaceful there) (那儿的生活是和平的)Go West (In the open air) (在开放的气氛中)Go West (Baby, you and me) (亲爱的你跟我)Go West (This is our destiny) (这就是我们的命运)Come on, come on, come on, come on (Go West) Sun in wintertime (冬天里的太阳)(Go West) We will feel just fine (我们会感觉很好)(Go West) Where the skies are blue (那里的天空是蓝色的)(Go West) This is what we"re gonna do (这就是我们将做的) (Come on, come on, come on) (Go West) (Go West) (Go, ooh, go, yeah) (Go West) (Go, ooh, go, yeah) (Go West) (Go, ooh, go, yeah) (Go West) (Go, ooh, go, yeah) (Gimme a feelin") (给我感觉)(Gimme a feelin") (Go West) (Gimme a feelin") (Gimme a feelin") (Go West) (Gimme a feelin") (Gimme a feelin")
2023-01-10 01:49:521

谁有Go west及Time of our lives的歌词?

Il Divo & Toni Braxton - The Time Of Our Lives(Official Song, FIFA World Cup Germany 2006)There was a dreamLong time agoThere was a dreamDestined to growHacerse pasionCon fuego abrazarEl deseo de dar sin finEl deseo de ganarFor a lifetimeOf heartbreaksThat brought us here todayWe will go all the wayAnd, it feels like we"re havingThe time of our livesLet"s light the fire, find the plainLet"s come together as one in the same"Cause it feels like we"re havingThe time of our livesWe"ll find the glory in the gameAll that we are, for all that we areFor the time of our livesHoy es el diaEs la pasion de triunfarPara hacer realidad el destinoque sonabamos conseguirUna vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aquiY llegare hasta el final (Heaven knows...)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el major"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti,Llego el momento de la verdadEl momento llegoY ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar..."Cause it feels like we"re havingThe time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfaraNuestro deseo de ser el mejor"Cause it feels like we"re havingThe time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti,El momento llegoEl momento llego (Oh!...)We"ll find the glory (Find the glory...)In the end (In the end...)For all that we areFor everything that we wanna be and all that we areFor the time of our livesFor the time of our lives...Oh...
2023-01-10 01:49:572

请写出下列歌曲的歌词: (1)《Go West》; (2)《Top of the world》。

Go West-Pet Shop Boys(Together) We will go our way我们将一起走我们的路(Together) We will leave someday某天我们将一起离开(Together) Your hand in my hands我们一起手牵手(Together) We will make our plans我们将一起实现自己的蓝图(Together) We will fly so high我们将一起高飞(Together) Tell all our friends goodbye一起向朋友们告别(Together) We will start life new我们将一起开始新的生活(Together) This is what we"ll do这是我们将一起做的(Go West) Life is peaceful there到西方去 那里生活和平(Go West) In the open air到西方去 露天呼吸(Go West) Where the skies are blue到西方去 那里天空蔚蓝(Go West) This is what we"re gonna do到西方去 这是我们要做的(Together) We will love the beach我们将一起爱上海滩(Together) We will learn and teach我们将一起学习与教育(Together) Change our pace of life一起改变我们生活的步骤(Together) We will work and strive我们将一起工作与奋斗(I love you) I know you love me我爱你 我知道你爱我(I want you) How could I disagree?我需要你 我怎能不同意(So that"s why) I make no protest这就是我没有反对的原因(When you say) You will do the rest当你说你会完成其余的事情
2023-01-10 01:50:221

为什么是go west而不是go to west?

go west [简明英汉词典]v.死, 上西天
2023-01-10 01:50:273

go. west是什么意思?是去死嘛

2023-01-10 01:50:394

假定输入为“Go west, young man”以下程序会产生什么样的输出? 请大大说明一下,谢谢!

2023-01-10 01:50:542


正好我这里有几首Rammstein的(德国战车)。 Eifersucht DuHast Mutter Spring Amerika
2023-01-10 01:51:031

instead of go west

instead of go west而不是去西方
2023-01-10 01:51:182

go to the west是什么意思?

2023-01-10 01:51:272

求go west或stand up champions theme 的伴奏

在搜狗里搜搜 歌曲名+DJ即可啊
2023-01-10 01:51:351

用(turn left)(turn right)(go straight)(north)(west)(east)(south)分别造一个句

2023-01-10 01:51:411

yes._ _?...... . ... would you like to go to West

yes._ _?...... . ... would you like to go to"re right ,would you like to go west?是的,你对的,你想去西部?
2023-01-10 01:51:471

go die 是不是去死的意思,这个对么?我查的有go west to die

go和die都是动词,是不能直接连在一起的。go to die才是正确的
2023-01-10 01:51:531

你愿意去西山野餐吗? Would you go West Hill picnic?看我

好像是 你要去西山野餐吗
2023-01-10 01:51:584


How do they go to west lake?他们怎么去西湖?
2023-01-10 01:52:132

would you like to go to the west hill for a picnic 是什么意思

2023-01-10 01:52:221