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western blot 的原理及操作步骤、应用有哪些?

原理 Western Blot与Southern印迹杂交或Northern印迹杂交方法类似,但Western Blot采用的是聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,被检测物是蛋白质,“探针”是抗体,“显色”用标记的二抗。经过PAGE分离的蛋白质样品,转移到固相载体(例如硝酸纤维素膜NC膜)上,固相载体以非共价键形式吸附蛋白质,且能保持电泳分离的多肽类型及其生物学活性不变。以固相载体上的蛋白质或多肽作为抗原,与对应的抗体起免疫反应,再与酶或同位素标记的第二抗体起反应,经过底物显色或放射自显影以检测电泳分离的特异性目的基因表达的蛋白成分。该技术也广泛应用于检测蛋白水平的表达。分类 Western Blot显色的方法主要有以下几种: i. 放射自显影 ii. 底物化学发光ECL iii. 底物荧光ECF iv. 底物DAB呈色 现常用的有底物化学发光ECL和底物DAB呈色,体同水平和实验条件的是用第一种方法,目前发表文章通常是用底物化学发光ECL。只要买现成的试剂盒就行,操作也比较简单,原理如下(二抗用HRP标记):反应底物为过氧化物+鲁米诺,如遇到HRP,即发光,可使胶片曝光,就可洗出条带。其他 值得一提的是,western blot 这个名称的由来很有意思。最开始做印迹工作的是一个叫做Southern的科学家,但印迹的对象是DNA链,他把这种技术称为Southern blot,后来类似的出现了两个过程相似,但是对象不同的印迹方法,一个针对RNA,一个对蛋白质,人们分别把这两种技术的称为Northern和Western,与这两个技术的发明人没有关系了。


什么是Westernblot法:Westernblot法是一种将电泳与KIJSA结合起来的技术,可分为电泳、转印、酶免疫测定3个阶段。Westernblot法结合了电泳的高分辨率和酶免疫测定的高敏感性和特异性,是一种能用于分析样本组分的免疫学测定方法。 Westernblot法应用:Westernblot法应用分子生物学、生物化学和免疫遗传学中时常会用到的一种实验方法,并且是一种能对蛋白进行定性和半定量的分析方法。是通过特异性抗体对凝胶电泳处理过的细胞或生物组织样品进行着色,并且通过分析着色的位置和着色深度获得特定蛋白质在所分析的细胞或组织中的表达情况的信息。 蛋白质分析中应用的Western杂交法与DNA分析应用的Southern杂交法相似,均是把电流分离的组分从凝胶转移至一种固相支持体,并均以针对特定氨基酸(Westernblot法)或核苷酸(Southern杂交法)序列所制备的特异性样品作为探针检测其相同或相似序列。 对于蛋白质来说,通常使用的探针是抗体,它与附着于固相支持体的靶蛋白所呈现的抗原表位发生特异性反应。Westernblot法的主要优点在于,它能够从生物组织的粗提物或部分纯化的粗提物中检测和识别几种特异的蛋白质。将聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS—PAGE)分离的蛋白质从聚丙烯酰胺凝胶上通过电转移到一张合适的印迹膜上,随后用和灵敏检测系统相偶联的抗体来识别结合在膜上的一种或几种蛋白质。这一技术的灵敏度能达到标准的固相放射免疫分析的水平而又无需俊免疫沉淀法那样必须对靶蛋白进行放射性标记。因此要对非放射性标记蛋白组成的复杂混合物中的某些特定蛋白进行鉴别和定量时,Westernblot法极为有用。此外,由于蛋白质的电泳分离几乎总在变性条件下进行,因此溶解、聚集以及靶蛋白与外来蛋白的共沉淀等诸多问题全都无需加以考虑。 伯乐生命bio-rad Trans-Blot 转印槽是一种多功能仪器,适用于多种Westernblot法应用。多组参数灵活可设,可调节的电压设置(从30V的过夜转印到到 200 V的1 小时快速实验)。电极间距设置为8cm可用于标准转印,设置为4cm用于高强度转印。采用特级冷却芯和水循环冷却装置来调节温度-是天然酶(4°C)或高强度转印的理想选择,随着转印时间增加(多达24小时),不会引起缓冲液耗竭。

western blot原理

Western blot(也称为蛋白质免疫印迹)是一种常用于研究中分离和鉴定蛋白质的技术。它利用 SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳 (SDS-PAGE) 来分离指定样品中包含的各种蛋白质,然后将分离的蛋白质转移到硝酸纤维素或 PVDF 膜上,接下来将膜与对感目标蛋白质的特异抗体一起孵育。在洗膜过程中,未结合的抗体被洗掉,只留下与目标蛋白质结合的抗体,最后通过显影胶片或荧光扫描来检测结合的抗体。相关如下:原理:先制备蛋白质样品,再利用SDS-PAGE原理,分离不同的蛋白质,再将分离的蛋白质进行转膜,以便固定在新膜上进行抗原-抗体结合。用固定在膜上的蛋白质作为抗原与对应的非标记抗体(一抗)结合。由于此过程中,可能有未结合到抗原的抗体遗留,故需要清洗,以便保存特异性结合的抗原-抗体结合物。抗原抗体结合物暴露出一个Fc片段,相应的二抗可以结合到这个片段上,形成抗原-一抗-二抗结合物。再用相应的过氧化物酶或碱性磷酸酯酶标记到二抗上,由于加入的标记物相对质量分子很大,可以用离心作用将其沉淀下来,如果抗原与抗体结合,便可以一起沉淀下来,最后通过显色反应或放射自显影法便可检测凝胶中的蛋白成分了。


蛋白质印迹(免疫印迹试验)即Western Blot物、物化免疫遗传用种实验其基本原理通特异性抗体凝胶电泳处理细胞或物组织品进行着色通析着色位置着色深度获特定蛋白质所析细胞或组织表达情况信息蛋白质印迹由瑞士米歇尔弗雷德希物研究所(Friedrich Miescher Institute)Harry Towbin1979提尼尔·伯奈特(Neal Burnette)于1981所著《析物化》(Analytical Biochemistry)首称Western Blot蛋白免疫印迹(Western Blot)电泳离细胞或组织总蛋白质凝胶转移固相支持物NC膜或PVDF膜用特异性抗体检测某特定抗原种蛋白质检测技术现已广泛应用于基蛋白水平表达研究、抗体性检测疾病早期诊断等面


做western blot需要多少细胞并不是一个固定的值这主要取决于蛋白的表达量,没有一个绝对的量如果做细胞总蛋白的话,至少10的4次方细胞每微升蛋白裂解液。一般可以每泳道取10的5次方细胞每微升蛋白裂解液(即10微升上样)根据这个数量级,结合western blot结果进行调整即可确认做western blot需要多少细胞

western blot时每个孔道到一般加多少样品蛋白溶液和Mark,样品蛋白浓度是多少?

0.2 左右能看到

western blot试验tbst可以回收吗


SDS-PAGE和Western blot 有什么不同


做Western blot 一般需要多少上样量


免疫组化和western blot的区别

免疫组化利用抗体和抗原之间的结合具有高度的特异性。先将组织或细胞中的某种化学物质提取出来,以此作为抗原或半抗原,通过免疫动物后获得特异性的抗体,再以此抗体去探测组织或细胞中的同类的抗原物质。所以免疫组化在组织定位和定性上比较准确,但是在定量上不够准确。western blot也是利用抗体和抗原之间的结合具有高度的特异性。经过聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分离的蛋白质样品,转移到固相载体上,固相载体以非共价键形式吸附蛋白质,且能保持电泳分离的多肽类型及其生物学活性不变。以固相载体上的蛋白质或多肽作为抗原,与对应的抗体起免疫反应,再与酶或同位素标记的第二抗体起反应。western blot因为有内参标定,所以在定量上要更加准确。但是在组织定位上不如免疫组化

做Western blot 一般需要多少上样量


用肝组织怎么做western blot

用植物细胞做western blot 首先液氮保存叶片样品,用的时候研磨粉碎,再用蛋白提取液浸泡离心取上清 上清样品可以先去做定量检测 之后在样品中加上样缓冲液就可以进行western blot检测了

western blot时每个孔道到一般加多少样品蛋白溶液和Mark,样品蛋白浓度是多少?

根据你的样品,要检测的蛋白等来决定 一般蛋白浓度在20ug - 80ug 不等 marker的话2-5ul足够了.

请问做western blot技术跑蛋白EPCR的分子量是多少

  1. western blot每孔上样总量15-50ug大部分蛋白能做出来,跟蛋白质表达量、分子量、抗体效价都密切相关。 2. 组织一般取200mg,匀浆后蛋白常能得到几百ug,跑十块胶足够。

western blot实验都需要哪些仪器


膜蛋白和核蛋白做western blot有什么不同


Western blot 与Western blotting一样吗一个小白的提问

Western blot 与 Western blotting 是一样的 都是指蛋白质印迹法,具体怎么用好像也没有什么强制的要求,可以写成 Western blot 也可以写成Western blotting。简单一点写成 Western 也没有关系,或者缩写成 WB 也可以

western blot 的抗体能用于免疫沉淀吗

理论上Western blot的抗体是可以用来免疫沉淀的但是免疫沉淀是在相对较弱的变形条件下进行抗原和抗体的识别,这时候蛋白质还保留着大部分的三级结构。如果用单抗IP有可能不能识别起有效的抗原决定簇位点而Western blot则是在变性条件下进行的,抗原决定簇都已经暴露,所以比较容易被单抗所识别所以用Western blot的抗体来做免疫沉淀有较大失败的可能性

western blot实验都需要哪些仪器

western blot实验都需要的基础仪器有:电泳仪,制胶板,电泳槽,湿转的转膜槽或者半干转仪,脱色摇床,暗室,X光片,红外灯,成像仪,一些基础耗材和试剂等基本上生化实验室要做western blot还是很容易的



western blot中封闭起什么作用


western blot 的工作原理


western blot操作流程

western blot操作流程如下:1、收集蛋白样品(Protein sample preparation)使用细胞裂解液,对贴壁细胞、悬浮细胞或组织样品进行裂解。然后测定每个蛋白样品的蛋白浓度。2、电泳(Electrophoresis)(1) SDS-PAGE凝胶配制。SDS-PAGE凝胶(分离胶及浓缩胶)可以参考一些文献资料进行配制。(2) 样品处理。在收集的蛋白样品中加入适量浓缩的SDS-PAGE蛋白上样缓冲液。例如2X或5X的SDS-PAGE蛋白上样缓冲液。使用5X的SDS-PAGE蛋白上样缓冲液可以减小上样体积,在相同体积的上样孔内可以上样更多的蛋白样品。3、转膜(Transfer)(1)我们推荐在Western实验中选用PVDF膜。硝酸纤维素膜(NC膜)也可以使用,但硝酸纤维素膜比较脆,在操作过程中特别是用镊子夹取等过程中容易裂开。膜的使用请参考生产商的推荐使用步骤。通常如果使用Bio-Rad的标准湿式转膜装置,可以设定转膜电流为300-400mA。(2)在转膜过程中,特别是高电流快速转膜时,通常会有非常严重的发热现象,最好把转膜槽放置在冰浴中进行转膜。 转膜的效果可以观察所使用的预染蛋白质分子量标准,通常分子量最大的1-2条带较难全部转到膜上。转膜的效果也可以用丽春 。


westernblot原理及过程如下:Western Blot法采用的是聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,被检测物是蛋白质,经过聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分离的蛋白质样品,转移到固相载体上,且能保持电泳分离的多肽类型及其生物学活性不变。以固相载体上的蛋白质或多肽作为抗原,与对应的抗体起免疫反应,再与酶或同位素标记的第二抗体起反应,经过底物显色或放射自显影以检测电泳分离的特异性目的基因表达的蛋白成分。原理:先制备蛋白质样品,再利用SDS-PAGE原理,分离不同的蛋白质,再将分离的蛋白质进行转膜,以便固定在新膜上进行抗原-抗体结合。用固定在膜上的蛋白质作为抗原与对应的非标记抗体结合。由于此过程中,可能有未结合到抗原的抗体遗留,故需要清洗,以便保存特异性结合的抗原-抗体结合物。抗原抗体结合物暴露出一个Fc片段,相应的二抗可以结合到这个片段上,形成抗原-一抗-二抗结合物。再用相应的过氧化物酶或碱性磷酸酯酶标记到二抗上,由于加入的标记物相对质量分子很大,可以用离心作用将其沉淀下来,如果抗原与抗体结合,便可以一起沉淀下来,最后通过显色反应或放射自显影法便可检测凝胶中的蛋白成分了。


01. When You"re Looking Like That 02. If I Let You Go 03. Tonight 04. Flying Without Wings 05. My Love 06. Bop Bop Baby 07. Queen of My Heart 08. To Be With You 09. I Get Around 10. Do You Love Me 11. Twist and Shout 12. Great Balls of Fire 13.Kiss 14. Fool Again 15. Swear it Again 16. Written in the Stars 17. Unbreakable 18. Uptown Girl 19. What Makes a Man 20. World of Our Own

western people怎么读

[u02c8westu0259n] [u02c8pi:pl] 精锐五角场英语组

Evidence is mounting that China’s government is sponsoring the cybertheft of Western 。。

此句的句子成分分析是:Evidence 主语is mounting 谓语that China"s government is sponsoring the cybertheft of Western corporate secrets.宾语从句mounting是现在分词,与is一起构成【现在进行时】the cybertheft 宾语从句中的表语。of Western corporate secrets介词短语作定语,修饰the cybertheft 如果我的回答对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

【08江苏卷】21、22题。21. We went right round to the west coast by ______ sea instead of

1.by sea=by ship乘船,不加定冠词,后面特指横渡的那个州2.(用于接答歉意的表示)没有关系,不要记在心上Never mind, I"ll do it myself. 没关系,我自己来做。 not at all 根本不1.不要客气"Thank you for your help." "Not at all." "感谢您的帮助。" "别客气。"

We went right round to the west coast by ___ sea instead of driving across ____ continent. A...

B 试题分析:考查冠词:第一空不填:by sea="by" ship乘船,不加定冠词,后面填the,特指横渡的那个州。句意:我们没有去那个大陆,而是直接乘船去了西海岸。选B。点评:冠词的考查集中在the表示特指;a/an表示泛指。另外要注意冠词的一些固定搭配中冠词的使用。

Kanye west的magic man 歌词

转自 林氏兄弟 LINS BROS.美国嘻哈网站 Magic Man Lyrics[Chorus]I am the magic mangot the world in his hands, world in his handsHe said I am the magic man, world in his hands, world in his handsis anybody out there [x3][Verse 1]The show goes on in 6 minutes and this is his lovely assistant,shes so beautiful dont you agree?he made her to the star she always wanted to be,buhblaaoowww, are those the stars you wanted to see?The magic man could make the roof disappear and every car in his fleet,was on dubz, he could take a bird flip it to 3release the doves, turn any bar into the fight club,gotta fight every night to prove my love,ya messin with this joker but you need a king,cause he a club anybody tryna jack his queen,ima call a spade a spade from the start,he gave you diamonds, shoulda gave you his heart, ya see?Jealousy strikes again, but she, said im just tryna wave at the man,then he, turned her eyes black and blue with the wave of his hand,the Magic Man..[Chorus][Verse 2] (Malik Yousef)the magic man,Abracadabra, from a dime piece to pieces of a dime bag lady,each package, new baggage,implemented a tragic plan,a volunteer from the audience, for the magic man,I have (????) my hat with natural flowers,she wanted work but wouldnt put any actual hours,her dude had the keys to super natural powers,so she still with this new guy who can supply that white tiger like siegfried and roy,indeed the boy, had that sweet street magic like david blaine and she made it plain,If I had any advice that could save her, I could just save it man, and I cant understand that baby,She said you aint no houdini, ahhhh I know I aint,I am an artist that can help you escape,do y"all feel it, or is it cold just in here,for his next trick, TADA, he made her soul disappear,the Magic Man..(To be continued......)(not done because im so tired, going to sleep, will finish tomorrow)

Westlife的《Try Again》 歌词

歌曲名:Try Again歌手:Westlife专辑:WestlifeHush now don"t you cryThere will be a better dayI promise youWe can work it outBut only if you let me knowWhat"s on your mindBaby, I thought it was foreverThrough any kind of weatherBut some day you will find what your searching forTry againNever stop believingTry AgainDon"t give up on your loveStumble and fallIts the heart of it allWhen you fall down (down)Just try againSo, lie down, let it goHey, you will never be aloneI promise youIf you can"t fight the feeling (Oh yeah)Surrender in your heartRemember love will set you freeBaby, I thought it was foreverYou would always be togetherBut some day you will find what you"re searching forTry againNever stop believingTry AgainDon"t give up on your loveStumble and fallIts the heart of it allWhen you fall down (down)Just try againBaby when a heart is cryingIts sometimes feels like dyingThe tear drops fall like rainBaby, I thought it was foreverYou would always be togetherBut some day you will find what you"re searching forTry againNever stop believingTry AgainDon"t give up on your loveTry againNever stop believingTry AgainDon"t give up on your loveStumble and fallIts the heart of it allWhen you fall downJust try againEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2245953


Hush now don"t you cry There will be a better day I promise you We can work it out But only if you let me know What"s on your mind Baby, I thought it was forever Through any kind of weather But some day you will find what your searching for Try again Never stop believing Try Again Don"t give up on your love Stumble and fall Its the heart of it all When you fall down (down) Just try again So, lie down, let it go Hey, you will never be alone I promise you If you can"t fight the feeling (Oh yeah) Surrender in your heart Remember love will set you free Baby, I thought it was forever You would always be together But some day you will find what you"re searching for Try again Never stop believing Try Again Don"t give up on your love Stumble and fall Its the heart of it all When you fall down (down) Just try again Baby when a heart is crying Its sometimes feels like dying The tear drops fall like rain Baby, I thought it was forever You would always be together But some day you will find what you"re searching for Try again Never stop believing Try Again Don"t give up on your love Try again Never stop believing Try Again Don"t give up on your love Stumble and fall Its the heart of it all When you fall down Just try again


the story begins a long long time ago (well, not quite, but.. y"know...!) in a town named Sligo in the West of Ireland. Three guys named Kian Egan, Mark Feehily and Shane Filan had performed in the school musical Grease together, and after their success on stage, had decided to form a band, called 6 as 1, and later changing their name to I.O.YOU. Mark, Kian and Shane in I.O.YOU (also pictured are Derek, Graham and Michael) The group released a single "Together Girl Forever" in Ireland, and after limited success, Shane"s mother, Mae, contacted the manager of Boyzone, Louis Walsh, to try and persuade him to take a look at the guys and to possibly sign them up. Although Louis was impressed he felt he didn"t have the time to manage yet another band. But...luckily for us... he contacted Ronan Keating of Boyzone, who agreed to co-manage the new band with Louis. And so "Rolo Management" was formed. Westlife with Louis Walsh Westlife with Ronan The lineup of I.O.YOU was changed - 3 members (Derek, Graham and Michael) being asked to leave, and auditions were then held in Dublin to find two new members for the group. Nicky Byrne and Bryan McFadden were eventually chosen...Westlife were born! The First UK Magazine article featuring the lads - from Boyzone Magazine September 1998...when they were still known as I.O.You... The group (who were originally known as Westside - their name having been changed by Ronan who felt that I.O.YOU was too boyband-esque) first supported the Backstreet Boys in Dublin, and then toured the UK and Ireland with Boyzone in November 1998. They stunned audiences on the Smash Hits Tour around the UK, winning "Best New Tour Act" at the Smash Hits Awards in November 1998. However, the group were obliged to change their name from Westside to Westlife early in 1999 when it was discovered that a number of existing bands shared the same name. Undeterred, Westlife went on to release their first single Swear it Again in April 1999 which went straight to the top of the British and Irish charts, becoming the biggest-selling debut single ever in Ireland. As of November 2005, far Westlife have released eighteen singles in the UK, with a massive thirteen number ones! Their double A-side of I Have a Dream and Seasons in the Sun became the UK Christmas number one of 1999. Their eagerly-awaited debut album was released in the UK in November 1999 and has acheived triple platinum status. Winning Record of the Year for Flying Without Wings in 1999 and My Love in the following year, as well as gaining numerous awards left right and centre, it is clear that Westlife have achieved much acclaim and enjoyed a lot of success. Already in their brief career Westlife have broken records as fast as they have set them - their second album, Coast To Coast went triple platinum in Ireland after only one day of release, and their seventh single release, My Love, gave them a place in chart history as they became the only band in UK chart history to have their first seven singles debut at number one. 2002 saw the group release their first Greatest Hits album, and Westlife"s subsequent album, Turnaround, released November 2003, continued Westlife"s success, going straight into the charts at number one. March 2004 saw a new chapter begin for the group as Bryan McFadden announced his departure from the band, citing his desire to spend more time with his young family. Rumours suggested that this might be the beginning of the end for the group, however Westlife have set the critics wrong once again. Westlife - now a four-piece in the tradition of all great pop acts - remain Ireland"s most well-known and biggest selling pop export and undoubtedly one of the world"s biggest pop groups. Their latest album, Face to Face, released November 2005, became their 7th number 1 album in the UK in as many years. With soulful harmonies, angelic voices, drop-dead good looks, and the management of pop svengali Louis Walsh behind them, their much-anticipated tour in 2006 mean that Westlife look set to enjoy chart success for many years to come!


all out of love 吧

Go West的《Eye To Eye》 歌词

歌曲名:Eye To Eye歌手:Go West专辑:The Best Of Go WestEye To EyeAmy Grantby:ku.chn(ggzz)Well, I"d like to figure out where we standBefore darkness fallsAnd I"d like to figure outBefore too lateBefore hope is lostCause the sun that"s shining on my faceIs shining down on youAnd the fruit that gives me strength to liveIs giving you strength tooCan we find a way to find a compromiseTho" we don"t see eye to eyeEye to eyeWell, I"d like to figure out a wayTo leave a troubled past behindTo forget those angry words and wars we foughtAcross the battle linesCause tomorrow we could find a road to peaceFor you and meAnd our children in their innocenceWill follow what they seeOh, we"ve got to find a way to live our livesTho" we don"t see eye to eyeOh...how easy it would beTo close the door and walk awayI can"t walk out when I believeYou are my brotherAnd we owe it to each otherTho" we don"t see eye to eyeWe"ve got to tryEye to eyeOh...how easy it would beTo close the door and walk awayI can"t walk out when I believeYou are my brotherAnd we owe it to each otherWe"ve got to tryTho" we don"t see eye to eyeEye to eyeEye to eyekulsprutaWell, I"d like to find a wayTho" we don"t see eye to eyeEye to eyeWell, I"d like to figure out where we standBefore darkness falls...http://music.baidu.com/song/14957311

《I have a dream 》westlife(西城男孩) 的歌词中文意思

I have a dream,a song to sing 我有一个梦想,一首歌去歌唱它 To help me cope with anything 帮助我处理任何事情 If you see the wonder of a fairy tale 如果你看见一个童话般的奇迹 You can take the future even if you fail 即使失败你也能为未来拼搏 I believe in angels 我信仰天使 Something good in everything I see 我看见的每件事都有好的一面 I believe in angels 我信仰天使 When I know the time is right for me 当我知道时间对我是公平的 I"ll cross the stream I have a dream 我会跨过溪流,我有一个梦想 I have a dream,a fantasy 我有一个梦想,一个幻想 To help me through reality 帮助我直达现实 And my destination makes it worth the while 我的目标让它有了价值 Pushing through the darkness still another mile 把我带出黑暗到达另一个英里 I believe in angels 我信仰天使 Something good in everything I see 我看见的每件事都有好的一面 I believe in angels 我信仰天使 When I know the time is right for me 当我知道时间对我是公平的 I"ll cross the stream I have a dream 我会跨过溪流,我有一个梦想 I have a dream,a song to sing 我有一个梦想,一首歌去歌唱它 To help me cope with anything 帮助我处理任何事情 If you see the wonder of a fairy tale 如果你看见一个童话般的奇迹 You can take the future even if you fail 即使失败你也能为未来拼搏 I believe in angels 我信仰天使 Something good in everything I see 我看见的每件事都有好的一面 I believe in angels 我信仰天使 When I know the time is right for me 当我知道时间对我是公平的 I"ll cross the stream I have a dream 我会跨过溪流,我有一个梦想 I"ll cross the stream I have a dream 我会跨过溪流,我有一个梦想

求写2篇英语作文,不要复制或者用翻译软件翻译的哦,谢谢拉... 1、western festival 2、the stress

Nowadays , western festivals are so hot in China .The festivals mainly incorporate Christmas Day , Valentine"s Day , April Fool"s Day ,etc . When these festivals come along , many young people become quite exuberant .They exchanges gifts with classmates , friends , colleagues , valentines. They chat , sing , and laugh happily .And they go to the pubs and restaurants . When Christmas falls , there are a variety of decorates such as Christmas trees , miscellaneous toys , vermilion hats , little candies , elaborate cards , blessings, ribbons and festoons in various stores , the campuses , offices , houses, etc . And on Valentine"s Day , the streets are stuffed with cerise roses . People send boxes of chocolates, diamond rings , and write love poems to the their beloved . And they sit drinking the grape wine in the bar and kissed each other on the streets . To cut long story short , many young people are really fascinated by the western festivals . While some stress is actually necessary for you to function at your best, too much takes a mental and physical toll. it"s necessary to learn to manage stress levels to prevent anxiety, depression and other conditions.You can turn bad stress into something positive, to energize your life and advance your goals. Just follow these steps:write down everything you have to do when you"re feeling overwhelmed; concentrate on one task at a time; manage your energies wisely, prioritize your workload and put in less effort for low-priority jobs, and avoid expending energy on unimportant tasks; Take small breaks during work; exercise regularly to maintain your health and release stress, or take up a hobby. Don"t push your self too hard, cause healthy is much important than anything.望采纳 呵呵

英语作文:《my faVorite western holidays》40字

My favorite western holiday. My Favorite western holiday is Halloween! It"s on the

曼谷Best Western Plus Grand Howard位置在什么地方


巴厘岛Best Western New Kuta Condotel感觉怎么样




WESTERN LIFE里面四个人都叫什么啊

westlife是来自爱尔兰的合唱团,由shane kian nicky bryan mark五位优秀的年轻人组成。早在1998年,boyzone的经济人louis walsh发现shane、mark、与kian共组的6人体,他决定继bz后再组一个团,在都柏林办微试,找到nick和bryan,重新整合成5人组合。walsh找ronan来为他们上"艺人养成课",原本取名westside并且已经累积相当人气,但是因为美国有一个同名团,为了避免纠纷,也为了将来进军美国,在1999年正式改名为westlife。当时的westlife在1998年底为11月加入偶像杂志的巡回演唱会(smash hits road show),也和师傅boyzone五年前一样,获得该杂志「best new act award最佳演出新人奖」。 Westlife的前身可以说是IOU,由其成员Shane和Mark先后认识了Kian,Nicky和Bryan后组队,Westlife的成名可谓英格兰岛上的又一传奇,他们以清纯的外表和抒情流行的演唱风格,一经出道就夺取了千百万欧陆少年的心,其势头不可阻挡,就连外来的成功组合Back Btreet Boys和N"SYNC等等都难以招架。成为续take that和boyzone以来又一支令人疯狂热爱的男孩组合。

western festivals的作文50字

My faVorite western holidays is Christmas ,let me tell you someting about it.On December 25, people around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Some people celebrate by giving gifts. Children may be thanking Santa Claus for new toys. They may also be going to church with their families. Christmas has so many traditions and symbols associated with it, that it"s hard to determine exactly how it came to be the celebration it is todayAh! Christmas morning! Children like to wake up early while it"s still dark and sneak into the living room to check the presents----find any with their name on it, shake them to guess what"s inside, and then maybe they"ll go back to bed and pretend they are still asleep when their parents come to wake them with a "Merry Christmas!"All in all,I like Christmas best

想知道:香港特别行政区 从香港国际机场到华丽精品酒店(Best Western Hotel Causeway Bay)怎么坐公交?

公交线路:机场快线 → 港岛线,全程约39.1公里1、从香港国际机场步行约1.6公里,到达机场站2、乘坐机场快线,经过3站, 到达香港站3、步行约10米,换乘港岛线4、乘坐港岛线,经过3站, 到达铜锣湾站5、步行约650米,到达华丽精品酒店



急!!!!杭州有这个酒店吗 Best Western Premier Ocean Hotel


Wild West Show 歌词

歌曲名:Wild West Show歌手:Big & Rich专辑:Greatest HitsI"m feeling like TontoRiding a pintoTrying to chase the Lone Ranger downI"m a little unraveledBut I"m still in the saddleCrying your name out to the cloudsHey ya, hey yaWhy don"t you meet meBack at the teepeeWe"ll lay down by the campfireThere in the dark nightWe"ll smoke a peacepipeForget about who"s wrong or rightHey ya, hey yaIt was a big showdownOh yeah, we stood our groundShot out the lightsIt got a little crazyI don"t wanna see us goThe way of the buffaloDon"t wanna have another wild west showHey ya, hey yaOnly forgivenessWill finally end thisThere won"t be a witness, if we both fallThere"s never a heroIn a battle of egoThere"s never a winner of the quickdrawHey ya, hey yaHey ya, hey yaIt"s like a ghost town without you aroundWhy can"t we just forget, and ride off in the sunsetI"m feeling like TontoRiding a pintoTrying to chase the Lone Ranger downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/40663528

谁有westlife 的 my love歌词?


Do you like traditional Western music or pop music?是一般疑问句吗?


sarah west 的《surrender》歌词?

Surrender文本歌词 If that‘s the way you want itWell there you goBaby you can have it allNow that you just let me goYeah Yeah,Yeah YeahI‘ve waited here for so longThinking that you‘d seeBut you just kept on running awayYou made your misery my companyOpen up your eyesDon‘t you know you only get one lifeOh,you drive me crazyOh,you just bring me downLook out your windowMy sunshine‘s all aroundAll you have to do is just surrenderJust surrenderAll the pain in your heartAll the tears in your empty soulAnd when you‘re spinning round and aroundIm the psycho going outta controlOpen up your eyesDon‘t you know you‘re only wasting timeOh,you drive me crazyOh,you just bring me downLook out your windowMy sunshine‘s all aroundAll you have to do is just surrenderJust surrenderYou know it doesn‘t matter what you doDon‘t you know I‘m so over youOpen up your eyesDon‘t you know that it‘s your lifeOh,you drive me crazyOh,you just bring me downLook out your windowMy sunshine‘s all aroundAll you‘ve gotta do...Oh,you drive me crazyOh,you just bring me downLook out your windowMy sunshine‘s all aroundAll you gotta do is just surrenderJust surrenderJust surrenderIf that‘s the way you want itWell there you go

Weston的《Feet》 歌词

歌曲名:Feet歌手:Weston专辑:Weston Doc Hopper The Stepchildren Of RockRodney Atkins - FeetDon"t let the sun set on an argumentIt"s easy to say when you"re not in oneThat"s a factCause when we"re not gettin" alongShe"s got a strong stubborn sideBut I can"t call that kiddo blackCause sometimes our silly fightsMay go well into the nightAnd we hit the sackBack to backToo ticked off to speakWe"d rather hold our grudgesThan be the one that budgesWe"d go to bedButtin" heads and tuggin" sheetsBut we never fall asleepWithout touching feetYeah we"ll take coverOn that queen-size battle fieldHer angry eyes are almost closedWe"ll swallow just enoughOf that foolish prideTo whisper the truth soul to soulToe to toeSometimes our silly fightsGo well into the nightAnd we"ll hit the sackBack to backToo ticked off to speakWe"d rather hold our grudgesThan be the one that budgesWe"d go to bedButtin" heads and tuggin" sheetsBut we never fall asleepWithout touching feetIt"s not giving inIt"s sayin" nobody"s leavingBut you know that I still love youEven when we"re disagreeingCause sometimes our silly fightsGo well into the nightAnd we hit the sackBack to backToo ticked off to speakCause we"d rather hold our grudgesThan be the one that budgesWe"ll go to bedButtin" heads and tuggin" sheetsBut we never fall asleepWithout touching feethttp://music.baidu.com/song/14981866

kanye west的mercy歌词

[Hook x4]Lamborghini MercyYour chick she so thirstyI"m in that two seat LamboWith your girl she tryna jerk me[Big Sean]Drop it to the floorMake that *ss shakeWoah make the ground move, that"s an *ss quakeBuilt a house up on it, that"s an *ss stateRoll my blunt on it, that"s an *ss traySay Ye, say Ye, don"t we do this err" day-day?I work them long nights, long nights to get a pay dayFinally got paid, now I need shade and a vacayAnd n*ggas still hatin", so much hate I need an AKNow we out in Paris, yeah I"m Perrierin"White girls politicin" that"s that Sarah PalinGettin", Californicatin"I give her that D, cause that"s what"s born and raised in[Hook][Pusha T]It"s prime time, my top back, this pimp gameI"m red leather, this , I"m Rick JamesI"m bill droppin", Ms. Pacman is pill poppin"This pill popped, I"m poppin" tooThese blue dolphins need two coffinsAll she want is some heel moneyAll she need is some bill moneyHe take his time, he counts it outI weighs it up, that"s real moneyCheck the neck, check the wristThem heads turnin", that"s exorcistMy Audemar like Mardi GrasThat"s Swiss time and that"s excellenceTwo door preferenceRoof gone George JeffersonThat white frost on that pound cakeSo your Duncan Heinz is irrelevantLambo, Mercy-lago, she go wherever I goWherever we go we do it pronto[Hook][Kanye West]Let the suicide doors upI threw suicides on the tour busI threw suicides on the private jetYou know what that mean, I"m fly to deafI step in Def Jam building like I"m the sh*tTell ‘em “give me fifty million or I"mma quit”Most rappers taste level ain"t at my waist levelTurn up the bass "til it"s up in your face levelDon"t do no press but I do the most press, kidPlush out my-my , make yours look like PreciousTalkin" "bout Mary she gone off that MollyNow the whole party is melted like DhaliNow everybody is movin" they bodyDon"t sell me apartment, I move in the lobbyn*ggas is loiterin" just to feel importantYou gon see lawyers and n*ggas ? gettin Jordans[2 Chainz]Can"t ? to my campaignCoupe the color of mayonniaseI"m drunk and high at the same timeDrinkin" champaign on the airplaneSpit rounds like the gun rangeBeat it up like a rampage100 bands, country girl now your girl need a bandaidGrade A, A1, chain the color of AkonPlatinum diamonds backpack around meCosigned by Louis VouttonHorse power, horse powerAll this Polo on I got horse power? wrist cost 4 thousandI make it rain, she want more showersRain pourin", all my cars is foreignAll my broads is foreign, money tall like Jordan[Hook]From.Lin Bros




1.WESTLIFE同名专辑   中文译名: 西城男孩同名专辑   专辑风格: Pop   发行日期: 1999年9月29日   发行地区: UK (已引进)   英国专辑榜: 亚军   唱片曲目:   01 Swear It Again (4:07)   02 If I Let You Go (3:41)   03 Flying Without Wings (3:35)   04 Fool Again (3:55)   05 No No (3:14)   06 I Don"t Wanna Fight (5:03)   07 Change The World (3:09)   08 Moments (4:16)   09 Seasons In The Sun (3:09)   10 I Need You (3:48)   11 Miss You (3:52)   12 More Than Words (3:54)   13 Open Your Heart (3:39)   14 Try Again (3:35)   15 What I Want Is What I"ve Got (3:32)   16 We Are One (3:44)   17 Can"t Lose What You Never Had (4:21)Coast to Coast    2.Coast To Coast中文译名: 咫尺天涯   专辑风格: Pop   发行日期: 2000年11月6日   发行地区: UK & Ireland(已引进)   英国专辑榜:冠军   唱片曲目:   01 My Love (3:51)   02 What Makes A Man (3:50)   03 I Lay My Love On You (3:28)   04 Against All Odds (Take a Look At Me Now) (3:20)   05 When You"re Looking Like That (3:52)   06 Close (4:04)   07 Somebody Needs You (3:07)   08 Angels Wings (4:02)   09 Soledad (3:57)   10 Puzzle of My Heart (3:39)   11 Dreams Come True (3:06)   12 No Place That Far (3:12)   13 You Make Me Feel (3:38)   14 Loneliness Knows Me By Name (3:02)   15 Fragile Heart (2:59)   16 Every Little Thing You Do (4:07)   17 Uptown Girl (3:06)   在iTunes Store Ireland中还有   18 I Have a Dream   19 My Girl 3.World of Our Own    World Of Our Own中文译名: 我们的世界   专辑风格: Pop   发行日期: 2001年11月12日   发行地区: UK & Ireland(已引进)   英国专辑榜: 冠军   唱片曲目:   01 Queen of My Heart (4:19)   02 Bop Bop Baby (4:21)   03 I Cry (4:11)   04 Uptown Girl (3:06)   05 Why Do I Love You (3:38)   06 I Wanna Grow Old With You (4:07)   07 When You"re Looking Like That (3:52)   08 Evergreen (4:02)   09 World Of Our Own (3:31)   10 To Be Loved (3:19)   11 Drive (For All Time) (3:25)   12 If Your Heart"s Not In It (4:20)   13 When You Come Around (3:40)   14 Don"t Say It"s Too Late (4:11)   15 Don"t Let Me Go (3:28)   16 Walk Away (3:58)   17 Love Crime (3:16)   18 Imaginary Diva (3:37)   19 Angel (4:22)   20 Bad Girls (3:20)。   4.Unbreakable:The Greatest Hits Vol. 1中文译名: 真爱无敌新歌精选   专辑风格: Pop   发行日期: 2002年11月11日   发行地区: UK & Ireland(已引进)   英国专辑榜: 冠军   唱片曲目:   01 Swear It Again (4:07)   02 If I Let You Go (3:41)   03 Flying Without Wings (3:36)   04 I Have a Dream (4:14)   05 Fool Again (3:55)   06 Against All Odds (Take a Look At Me Now) (3:20)   07 My Love (3:20)   08 What Makes a Man (3:51)   09 Uptown Girl (3:07)   10 Queen of My Heart (4:19)   11 World of Our Own (3:31)   12 Bop Bop Baby (4:29)   13 When You"re Looking Like That (3:52)   14 Unbreakable (4:32)   15 Written In the Stars (4:10)   16 How Does It Feel (4:16)   17 Tonight (4:31)   18 Love Takes Two (3:47)   19 Miss You Nights (3:10)   5.Turnaround中文译名:回首真爱   发行日期: 2003年11月24日   发行地区: UK & Ireland(已引进)   英国专辑榜: 冠军   唱片曲目:   01 Mandy (3:19)   02 Hey Whatever (3:29)   03 Heal (3:07)   04 Obvious (3:30)   05 When A Woman Loves A Man (3:37)   06 On My Shoulder (3:57)   07 Turn Around (4:21)   08 I Did it For You (3:31)   09 Thank You (4:02)   10 To Be With You   11 Home (3:20)   12 Lost In You (3:36)   13 What Do They Know? (3:17)   6.Allow Us To Be Frank中文译名: 纯爱年代   发行日期: 2004年11月8日   发行地区: UK & Ireland (未引进)   英国专辑榜: 季军   唱片曲目:   01 Ain"t That A Kick In The Head   02 Fly Me To The Moon   03 Smile   04 Let There Be Love   05 The Way You Look Tonight (feat. Joanne Hindley)   06 Come Fly With Me   07 Mack The Knife   08 I Left My Heart In San Francisco   09 Summer Wind   10 Clementine   11 When I Fall In Love   12 Moon River   13 That"s Life  7.Face To Face中文译名: 真情相对   发行日期: 2005年10月31日   发行地区: UK & Ireland(已引进)   英国专辑榜: 冠军   唱片曲目:   01 You Raise Me Up   02 When You Tell Me That You Love Me (feat.Diana Ross)   03 Amazing   04 That"s Where You Find Love   05 She"s Back   06 Desperado   07 Colour My World   08 In This Life   09 Heart Without A Home   10 Hit You With The Real Thing   11 Change Your Mind   12 Maybe Tomorrow   8.The Love Album中文译名: 钟爱一生- 情歌自选辑/ 爱   发行日期: 2006年11月20日   发行地区: UK & Ireland (已引进)   英国专辑榜: 冠军   唱片曲目:   01 The Rose   02 Total Eclipse Of The Heart   03 All Out Of Love (feat. Delta Goodrem)   04 You Light Up My Life   05 Easy   06 You Are So Beautiful (To Me)   07 Have You Ever Been In Love   08 Love Can Build A Bridge   09 The Dance   10 All Or Nothing   11 You"ve Lost That Loving Feeling   12 Nothing"s Gonna Change My Love For You (Bonus Track)   附加CD中的歌曲   01 Butterfly Kisses   02 Nothing"s Gonna Change My Love For You   03 If   04 Solitaire   05 Still There   06 Total Ecl 9.Back Home中文译名:真情守候/ 回家   发行日期: 2007年11月5日   发行地区: UK & Ireland (已引进)   英国专辑榜: 冠军   唱片曲目:   01 Home   02 Us Against The World   03 Something Right   04 I"m Already There   05 When I"m With You   06 Have You Ever   07 It"s You   08 Catch My Breath   09 The Easy Way   10 I Do   11 Pictures In My Head   12 You Must Have Had A Broken Heartipse Of The Heart (remix) 10.Where We Are</I></B>中文译名:无处不在   发行日期: 2009年11月27日   发行地区:UK & Ireland(已引进)   英国专辑榜:亚军   唱片曲目:   01 What About Now   02 How To Break A Heart   03 Leaving   04 Shadows   05 Talk Me Down   06 Where We Are   07 The Difference   08 As Love Is My Witness   09 Another World   10 No More Heroes   11 Sound Of A Broken Heart   12 Reach Out   13 I"ll See You Again   11.Gravity中文译名:真情牵引    发行日期:2010年11月22日   发行地区:英国/爱尔兰   英国专辑榜:季军   Gravity的首支单曲是Safe。    唱片曲目:   01 Beautiful Tonight   02 Safe   03 Chances   04 I Will Reach You   05 Closer   06 The Reason   07 Tell Me It"s Love   08 I Get Weak   09 Before It"s Too Late   10 No One"s Gonna Sleep Tonight   11 Difference In Me   12 Too Hard to Say Goodbye   (官方已证明Gravity不会发行第二支单曲)

westlife的一首歌,很好听,开头一句是stay with me 。。求歌名!

  Westlife - Written in the Stars  stay with me  don"t fall asleep too soon  the angels can wait for a moment  come real close  forget the world outside  tonight we"re alone  it"s finally you and i  it wasn"t meant to feel like this  not without you  cos when i look at my life  how the pieces fall into place  it just wouldn"t rhyme without you  when i see how my path  seem to end up before your face  the state of my heart  the place where we are  was written in the stars  don"t be afraid  i"ll be right by your side  through the laughter and pain  together we"re bound to fly  i wasn"t meant to love like this  not without you  i made a few mistakes, yeah  like sometimes we do  been through lot of heartache  but i made it back to you  when i look at my life  how the pieces fall into place  it just wouldn"t rhyme without you  when i see how my path  seem to end up before your face  the state of my heart  the place where we are  was written in the stars  the state of my heart  the place where we are  was written in the stars


  1999年4月9日,Westlife的首支单曲 "Swear it Again" 经过简单的宣传便问世了,此曲一经推出便直达英国单曲排行榜的头名(事实上,他们在亚洲的事业是从1999年6月他们在亚洲推出了Swear It Again EP开始的),事隔不久,第二首单曲 "If I Let You Go" 和第三首 "Flying Without Wings" 又相继坐上了排行榜的头把交椅,这样的成绩让刚刚出道的Westlife不仅超过了他们曾经为之暖场的Boyzone,更使他们成为了英国音乐史上第一支连续推出三首单曲均获冠军的乐队,同时 "Flying Without Wings" 经过对1千万英国人的调查也赢得了1999年最佳年度单曲奖。  1999年11月,Westlife发行了首张同名专辑 ,4白金与12白金的销售量让他们征服了英国和爱尔兰,全球700万张的惊人销量更让全世界为之震撼和倾倒。整张专辑曲风柔美抒情,虽然带着点可爱的稚气,但是却史无前例地产生了5首冠军单曲,它们是 "Swear It Again" 、 "If I Let You Go" 、 "Flying Without Wings" 、 "I Have A Dream / Seasons In The Sun"(双主打单曲) 和 "Fool Again" ,其中 "I Have A Dream / Seasons In The Sun" 是一首具有双重意义的歌曲,它在排行榜冠军位置停留4周之久,使其成为英国20世纪最后一首冠军单曲和新世纪的第一个No.1。在大西洋对岸 "Swear It Again" 在美国的Billboard销量排行榜上名列第二,Westlife的小伙子们了不起的音乐天分在流行音乐之乡也得到了证明。  2000年9月,流行天后Mariah Carey邀请Westlife,希望与之合唱Phil Collins在1984年的冠军经典歌曲 "Against the Odds" ,Mariah天籁般的嗓音与Westlife的温柔和声相映成辉,为他们夺下了第6首冠军单曲。  10月份推出的单曲 "My Love" 是Westlife第二张专辑的主打歌曲,这不但为他们再添一首冠军单曲,更让他们打平了The Beatles(六七十年代在全球及具影响力的英国乐队)连续夺冠单曲的记录,成为继Spice Girls(九十年代中期英国最红的流行乐团)之后获得最多连续冠军的流行团体。  11月推出了他们的第二张专辑 ,面对着来自英伦三岛的超级女子组合Spice Girls同期第三张专辑 的巨大挑战,爱尔兰人不屈的灵魂让他们创造了奇迹——英国专辑销售排行榜冠军,在全球更超过上一张专辑销出800万张!Westlife已经完全取代了昔日的Take That和Boyzone,成为欧洲地区乃至全球最炽手可热的偶像组合。  2001年11月5日,他们推出了第三张新专辑中的首支主打单曲 "Queen Of My Heart" ,并以傲人的销量,成功的拿下了11月12日的单曲排行榜冠军。这首歌曲以史诗般的曲风,呈现了Westlife杰出的唱腔和完美的和音,成为了他们第9首冠军单曲和第10首Top 3单曲,从此打平了Spice Girls的冠军单曲纪录,然而这一切还远远没有结束。  2001年11月12日,在全世界歌迷的的翘首祈盼下,Westlife推出了自己的第三张专辑 ,发行仅一周便以300,000多的销量打败了歌坛天后Madonna的精选专辑成为冠军,这也是他们的第二张冠军专辑。新专辑共收录了19首世界当红词曲创作者们的杰作,其中有7首歌曲完全由团员们自己创作。音乐的类型和表现与以前的作品相比,内容更为丰满,除了高超的技巧和成熟的唱功外,又加入了灵魂式的唱腔。浪漫抒情的歌曲依然是Westlife专辑的传统特色,而多首快板歌曲更衬托出了Westlife年轻人的活泼动感。  2002年2月18日发行的新专辑同名单曲 "World of our own" 立刻空降英国单曲冠军位置。目前,Westlife获冠军最多乐队排名中名列第3位。The Beatles以17首列第一;第二位的Cliff Richard有12首;Westlife以10首冠军曲列第三;接着是ABBA有9首第四;Rolling Stones有8首第五。  2002年末,Westlife准备发行他们的首张新歌精选专辑 ,里面收录了他们出道至今发行的所有单曲,其中包括11首英国冠军单曲,以及六首新歌。  新单曲 "Mandy"这首单曲在2003年11月17日发行之后立刻让他们第12次坐上冠军宝座,并为他们的事业带来了事业上的重大转机。经过了近1年的低迷,显然这一次 "Mandy" 取得冠军对于Westlife是至关重要的,团员们和歌迷都受到了巨大的鼓舞。  2003年12月7日 "Mandy" 以136分,在英国全民投票评选中,赢得了2003年度最佳单曲的殊荣,而且是击败了2003年红极一时的本土男子组合Busted。时隔两年( "Flying Without Wings" 与 " My Love " 分别是1999年和2000年的年度最佳单曲)Westlife再次向世人证明了他们仍然是英国人气最高的歌手!  2006这次的上海之行,Westlife带来了他们的新专辑〈Face to face〉,其中单曲不但为他们掠获第13个全英冠军单曲纪录,同时本张专辑也同步登上全英专辑榜冠军;单曲是Westlife首次同歌坛长青天后Diana Ross(黛安·娜罗丝)合作的抒情名曲,男孩们以沧桑熟男角度重新演绎标致这这个男孩组合自从Bryan单飞之后向成熟路线的转变。 成熟后的Westlife少了一分稚气,多了一分深情,少了一分调皮,多了一分忧郁。和其他男孩偶像组合相比,Westlife所拥有的忧郁气质使得他们的情歌更容易打动这个世界:在悠扬中倾诉真情,在委婉中追求永恒。他们是属于整个世界的偶像组合,他们是为人类歌颂爱情的精灵。享受音乐,享受深情,享受与Westlife共对的每一个瞬间。  现在WL的四子都有了自己的感情归宿  SHANE于2003年迎娶了Gillian (Kian的堂妹) 并且已经有了一个可爱的女儿Nicole  Nicky迎娶了Georgina,Geo是爱尔兰总理的千金.他们于2007年有了自己的孩子,一对双胞胎Racco和Jay.  Kian的女友是英国的演员Jodi  Mark勇敢地说出了自己同性恋者的身份,并且与自己的男友Kevin十分幸福.  Bryan已经与Kerry离婚,现在的女友是澳大利亚的女歌手Delta  2007年  到目前为止共有八盘专辑,分别是:  专辑名称: WESTLIFE 中文译名: 西城男孩同名专辑  发行日期: 1999年11月1日 发行地区: 英国及爱尔兰  全球销量: 5,800,000 英国销量: 五白金  英国专辑销量排行榜 (UK Albums Chart) 成绩: No. 2  曲目TRACK LISTING:  01 Swear It Again  02 If I Let You Go  03 Flying Without Wings  04 Fool Again  05 No No  06 I Don"t Wanna Fight  07 Change The World  08 Moments  09 Seasons In The Sun  10 I Need You  11 Miss You  12 More Than Words  13 Open Your Heart  14 Try Again  15 What I Want Is What I"ve Got  16 We Are One  17 Can"t Lose What You Never Had  专辑名称: Coast to Coast 中文译名: 咫尺天涯  发行日期: 2000年11月6日 发行地区: 英国及爱尔兰  全球销量: 7,600,000 英国销量: 六白金  英国专辑销量排行榜 (UK Albums Chart) 成绩: No. 1  曲目TRACK LISTING:  01 My Love  02 What Makes A Man  03 I Lay My Love On You  04 I Have A Dream (Remix)  05 Against All Odds (featuring Mariah Carey)  06 When You"re Looking Like That  07 Close  08 Somebody Needs You  09 Angel"s Wings  10 Soledad  11 Puzzle Of My Heart  12 Dreams Come True  13 No Place That Far  14 Close Your Eyes  15 You Make Me Feel  16 Loneliness Knows Me By Name  17 Fragile Heart  18 Every Little Thing You Do  19 Don"t Get Me Wrong  专辑名称: World of Our Own 中文译名: 我们的世界  发行日期: 2001年11月12日 发行地区: 英国及爱尔兰  全球销量: 5,800,000 英国销量: 四白金  英国专辑销量排行榜 (UK Albums Chart) 成绩: No. 1  曲目TRACK LISTING:  01 Queen Of My Heart  02 Bop Bop Baby  03 I Cry  04 Uptown Girl (Radio Edit)  05 Why Do I Love You  06 I Wanna Grow Old With You  07 When You"re Looking Like That (Single Remix)  08 Evergreen  09 World Of Our Own  10 To Be Loved  11 Drive (For All Time)  12 If Your Heart"s Not In It  13 When You Come Around  14 Don"t Say It"s Too Late  15 Don"t Let Me Go  16 Walk Away  17 Love Crime  18 Imaginary Diva  19 Angel (BONUS Bad Girls)  专辑名称: Unbreakable-The Greatest Hits VOL. 1 中文译名: 真爱无敌新曲精选  发行日期: 2002年11月11日 发行地区: 英国及爱尔兰  全球销量: 6,400,000 英国销量: 四白金  英国专辑销量排行榜 (UK Albums Chart) 成绩: No. 1  曲目TRACK LISTING:  01 Swear It Again  02 If I Let You Go  03 Flying Without Wings  04 I Have A Dream  05 Fool Again  06 Against All Odds (With Mariah Carey)  07 My Love  08 What Makes A Man  09 Uptown Girl  10 Queen of My Heart  11 World of Our Own  12 Bop Bop Baby  13 When You"re Looking Like That  14 Unbreakable  15 Written In The Stars  16 How Does It Feel  17 Tonight  18 Love Takes Two  19 Miss You Nights  专辑名称: Turnaround 中文译名: 回首真爱  发行日期: 2003年11月24日 发行地区: 英国及爱尔兰  全球销量: 4,600,000 英国销量: 三白金  英国专辑销量排行榜 (UK Albums Chart) 成绩: No. 1  曲目TRACK LISTING:  01 Mandy  02 Hey Whatever  03 Heal  04 Obvious  05 When A Woman Loves A Man  06 On My Shoulder  07 Turn Around  08 I Did it For You  09 Thank You  10 To Be With You  11 Home  12 Lost In You  13 What Do They Know?  专辑名称: Allow Us To Be Frank 中文译名: 纯爱年代  发行日期: 2004年11月8日 发行地区: 英国及爱尔兰  全球销量: 3,400,000 英国销量: 双白金  英国专辑销量排行榜 (UK Albums Chart) 成绩: No. 3  曲目TRACK LISTING:  01 Ain"t That A Kick In The Head  02 Fly Me To The Moon  03 Smile  04 Let There Be Love  05 The Way You Look Tonight (feat Joanne Hindley)  06 Come Fly With Me  07 Mack The Knife  08 I Left My Heart In San Francisco  09 Summer Wind  10 Clementine  11 When I Fall In Love  12 Moon River  13 That"s Life  专辑名称: Face To Face 中文译名: 真情相对  发行日期: 2005年10月31日 发行地区: 英国及爱尔兰  全球销量: 6,300,000 英国销量: 五百金  英国专辑销量排行榜 (UK Albums Chart) 成绩: No.1  曲目TRACK LISTING:  01 You Raise Me Up  02 When You Tell Me That You Love Me (F.Diana Ross)  03 Amazing  04 That"s Where You Find Love  05 She"s Back  06 Desperado  07 Colour My World  08 In This Life  09 Heart Without A Home  10 Hit You With The Real Thing  11 Change Your Mind  12 Maybe Tomorrow  专辑名称: The Love Album 中文译名: 钟爱一生 - 情歌自选辑  发行日期: 2006年11月20日 发行地区: 英国及爱尔兰  全球销量: 拭目以待 英国销量: 拭目以待  英国专辑销量排行榜 (UK Albums Chart) 成绩: No.1  曲目TRACK LISTING:  01 The Rose  02 Total Eclipse Of The Heart  03 All Out Of Love (Feat. Delta Goodrem)  04 Light Up My Life  05 Easy  06 You Are So Beautiful (To Me)  07 Have You Ever Been In Love  08 Love Can Build A Bridge  09 The Dance  10 All Or Nothing  11 You"ve Lost That Loving Feeling  专辑名称: Back Home 中文译名:回家  发行日期: 2007年11月5日 发行地区: 英国及爱尔兰  全球销量: 拭目以待 英国销量: 拭目以待  英国专辑销量排行榜 (UK Albums Chart) 成绩: No.1  曲目TRACK LISTING:  01 Home  02 Us Against The World  03 Something Right  04 I"m Already There  05 When I"m With You  06 Have You Ever  07 It"s You  08 Catch My Breath  09 The Easy Way  10 I Do  11 Pictures In My Head  12 You Must Have Had A Broken Heart



westlife歌曲written in the stars的歌词翻译

Written In The Stars 写进星辰 [Shane:] Stay with me 陪在我身边 Don"t fall asleep too soon 不要太快睡着 The angels can wait for a moment 天使也在身旁守候 Come real close 再靠近一些 Forget the world outside 忘记外面喧嚣的世界 Tonight we"re alone 今夜我们单独在一起 It"s finally you and I 终于只剩下我俩 It wasn"t meant to feel like this 从未想过像这样 Not without you 如果没有你 [All:] Cos when I look at my life 因为当我回顾我的生命 How the pieces fall into place 往事如何呈现 It just wouldn"t rhyme without you 没有你生命不会如诗般美丽 When I see how my path 当我意识到我是如何走过 Seem to end up before your face 象是就要死在你的怀里 The state of my heart 我的情意 The place where we are 我们所在的地方 Was written in the stars 已刻在星上 [Bryan:] Don"t be afraid 不要害怕 I"ll be right by your side 我会一直守护你 Through the laughter and pain 不管快乐或者伤痛 Together we"re bound to fly 我们一定要一起飞翔 I wasn"t meant to love like this 我本不打算这样相爱 Not without you 如果没有你 [All:] Cos when I look at my life 因为当我回顾我的生命 How the pieces fall into place 往事如何呈现 It just wouldn"t rhyme without you 没有你生命不会如诗般美丽 When I see how my path 当我意识到我是如何走过 Seem to end up before your face 象是就要死在你的怀里 The state of my heart 我的情意 The place where we are 我们所在的地方 Was written in the stars 已刻在星上 [Mark:] I made a few mistakes, yeah 有时我会犯错 [Shane:] Like sometimes we do 可能我们都会 [Mark:] Been through lot of heartache 在伤痛中结束一切 But I made it back to you 但因为你我会走完这段路


Shane 28Nicky 29Kian 27Mark 26





求westlife新专辑where we are的全部歌词

Where we areStay, stay where you areAnd don"t let me go, don"t let me go(we"ve) made it this farOh baby, stop, stop right thereAnd don"t walk away, don"t walk awayInto thin airWe survived the crash, made it through the breakageStanding here at last, so perfectly we"ve writtenNow where we are, it"s where we"re supposed to beWhere we are, keeps the breath in hereWhere we be the reason from the dayWhere we know what can tear us apartThat"s where we areDon"t, don"t turn aroundwe"ve got to leave, we"ve got let go of the past nowNo fear, me by your sideWe are out of danger, no reason to hideWe survived the storm, made it through the hurricaneStanding here at last, dry this by the rainNow where we are is where we"re supposed to beWhere we are, keeps the breath in hereWhere we be the reason from the dayWhere we know what can tear us apartThat"s where we areThat"s where we areStay, stay where you areWhere we are is where we"re supposed to beWhere we are, keeps the breath in hereWhere we be the reason from the dayWhere we know what can tear us apartThat"s where we areThat"s where we are http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/125612531.html?si=1

Westlife的《everybody knows》的中英歌词

Tell me, baby 告诉我宝贝When we first got together 我们第一次在一起的时候When you first came around 第一次你在身边的时候I don"t remember 我都记不起了We"ve been so long together 我们在一起这么久了So long the talk of the town 我们在小镇里快乐的交谈Everybody knows I love you, baby每个人都知道我爱你,宝贝儿 Everybody knows I really do 每个人都知道我真的是这样做的Everybody knows you"re still my lady 每个人都知道你是我的女人Everybody knows, god, it"s true 每个人都知道。上帝呀··这些都是真的Come on baby 来吧,宝贝Before the love starts fading 在爱终结之前Before the love is all gone 在爱情结束之前Move on closer 我们靠近点吧We got to make it happen 我们让爱擦出火花We got to get it on 我们就一直这样下去Everybody knows I love you, baby 每个人都知道我爱你,宝贝Everybody knows it"s all I do 每个人都知道,我就是这样做的Everybody knows I don"t mean maybe 每个人都知道。我不想说是也许Everybody knows, except you 每个人都知道,除了你以外You don"t even know I still care about you 你不知道我现在还是多么在乎你You don"t even know about a thing I feel 你不知道我对这些事情的感受You don"t even know when I dream about you 你不知道我在梦里见到你You"re almost here for real 你就像真的在我面前一样(Everybody knows) when I call your name 《每个人都知道>当我呼唤你的名字的时候(Everybody knows) no, it ain"t no game 《每个人都知道》这个不是游戏(Everybody knows) when I see your face 《每个人都知道》当我凝视着你的脸庞(Everybody knows) oh, it"s you I can"t replace 《每个人都知道》哦,就是你·我不能拒绝Everybody knows I love you, baby 每个人都知道,我爱你宝贝儿Everybody knows I really do 每个人都知道,我确实这样做Everybody knows you"re still my lady 每个人都知道,你是我的女人Everybody knows, except you 每个人都知道,除了你You don"t even know I still care about you 你不知道我现在还是在乎你 You don"t even know about a thing I feel 你不知道我对这些事情的感受You don"t even know when I dream about you 你不知道我在梦里见到你的感觉You"re almost here for real 你几乎是真的在我面前You"re almost here for real 你几乎是真的在我面前Everybody knows 每个人都知道的






这个就给你推荐冠军单曲吧~13首冠军单曲: 1 《swear it again》 2 《if i let you go》 3 《flying without wings》 4 《I Have A DreamSeasons In The Sun》 5 《Fool Again》 6 《against all odds》 7 《my love》 8 《Uptown Girl》 9 《Queen Of My Heart》 10 《World Of Our Own》 11 《Unbreakable》 12《Mandy》 13 《You Raise Me Up》其中第四个是双主打歌!westlife!!~~~

westlife 有那些歌是翻唱的?翻唱是原番不动的唱吗?还是改编

收录在过往专辑和单曲的翻唱歌曲 1)Against All Odds(Phil Collins) 2)All Or Nothing(O-Town) 3)All Out Of Love(Air Supply) 4)All Out Of Love(Human Nature) 5)Angel(Sarah MacLachlan) 6)Back At One(Brian McKnight) 7)Brandy(Scott English)-Mandy 8)Daytime Friends(Kenny Rogers) 9)Desperado(The Eagles) 10)Easy(The Commodores) 11)Forever(Damage) 12)Greased Lightnin"(John Travolta) 13)Have You Ever Been In Love(Leo Sayer) 14)Have You Ever Been In Love(Peter Cetera) 15)Heart Without A Home(Nick Carter) 16Ich Bin Da Um Dich Zu Lieben(Daliah Lavi&Karel Gott)-When You Tell Me That You Love Me 17I Have A Dream(ABBA) 18)I"ll Be There(Jackson 5) 19)If(Bread) 20)If I Had Words(James Cromwell) 21)If I Had Words(Kealii Reichel) 22)If I Had Words(Scott Fitzgerald & Yvonne Keeley) 23If I Had Words(Singing Mice) 24In This Life(Collin Raye) 25In This Life(Ronan Keating) 26)Le Moribond(Jacques Brel) -- Seasons In The Sun 27)Lost In You(Garth Brooks) 28)Love Can Build A Bridge(Cher Feat Chrissie Hynde & Neneh Cherry) 29)Love Can Build A Bridge(The Judds) 30)More Than Words(Extreme) 31)No More Tears(Donna Summer & Barbra Streisand) 32)Mandy(Barry Manilow) 33)Miss You Nights(Cliff Richard) 34)No Place That Far(Sara Evans & Vince Gill) 35)Nothing"s Gonna Change My Love For You(Glenn Medeiros) 36)Rainbow Zephyr(Relish)-Hey Whatever 37)Seasons In The Sun(Terry Jacks) 38)She"s Back(Human Nature) 39)Solitaire(The Carpenters) 40)Solitaire(Clay Aiken) 41)The Rose(Bette Midler) 42)To Be With You(Mr. Big) 43)Total Eclips Of The Heart(Bonnie Tyler) 44)Uptown Girl(Billy Joel) 45)When You Tell Me That You Love Me(Diana Ross) 46)You Are So Beautiful(Joe Cocker) 47)You Light Up My Life(Debby Boone) 48)You Light Up My Life(LeAnn Rimes) 49)You Raise Me Up (Brian Kennedy) 50)You Raise Me Up (Josh Groban) 51)You"ve Lost That Loving Feeling (Hall Oates) 52)You"ve Lost That Loving Feeling (The Righteous Brothers)

谁知道westlife的uptown girl 的歌词

Uptown girlShe"s been living in her uptown worldI bet she never had a back street guyI bet her mama never told her whyI"m gonna try for an uptown girlShe"s been living in her white bread worldAs long as anyone with hot blood canAnd now she"s looking for a downtown manThat"s what I amAnd when she knows whatShe wants from her timeAnd when she wakes upAnd makes up her mindShe"ll see I"m not so toughJust becauseI"m in love with an uptown girlYou know I"ve seen her in her uptown worldShe"s getting tired of her high class toysAnd all her presents from her uptown boysShe"s got a choiceUptown girlYou know I can"t afford to buy her pearlsBut maybe someday when my ship comes inShe"ll understand what kind of guy I"ve beenAnd then I"ll winAnd when she"s walkingShe"s looking so fineAnd when she"s talkingShe"ll say that she"s mineShe"ll say I"m not so toughJust becauseI"m in loveWith an uptown girlShe"s been living in her white bread worldAs long as anyone with hot blood canAnd now she"s looking for a downtown manThat"s what I amUptown girlShe"s my uptown girlYou know I"m in loveWith an uptown girlMy uptown girlYou know I"m in loveWith an uptown girlMy uptown girlYou know I"m in loveWith an uptown girlMy uptown girl

Kanye West的Clique歌词

Clique歌手:Kanye West / JAY Z / Big Sean发行时间:2012-09-10所属专辑:《Clique》歌词:What of the dollar you murdered forIs that the one fighting for your soulOr your brother"s the one that you"re running fromBut if you got money, fuck it, because I want someB I GFuck with meOh godWooo OKAin"t nobody fuckin" with myClique, clique, clique, clique, cliqueAin"t nobody freshin" than my muthafuckin"Clique, clique, clique, clique, cliqueAs I look around, they don"t do it like myClique, clique, clique, clique, cliqueAnd all these bad bitches, man, they want theThey want the, they want theI tell a bad bitch do whatever I sayMy block behind me like I"m coming out the drivewayIt"s grande, from Friday, to next FridayI been up straight for nine days, I need a spa dayShe tryna get me that poo tangI might let my crew bangMy crew deeper than Wu TangI"m rolling with fuck I"m saying?Girl, you know my crew nameYou know 2 Chainz? Scrrr!I"m pullin" up in that Bruce WanyeBut I"m the fuckin" villian, man, they kneelin when I walkin in the buildingFreaky women I be feelin" from the bank accounts I"m fillin"What a feeling, ah man, they gotta beYoung player from the D that"s killin" everything that he seeAin"t nobody fuckin" with myClique, clique, clique, clique, cliqueAin"t nobody freshin" than my muthafuckin"Clique, clique, clique, clique, cliqueAs I look around, they don"t do it like myClique, clique, clique, clique, cliqueAnd all these bad bitches, man, they want theThey want the, they want theYeah am talking Ye", yeah am talking Rih", yeah I"m talking Bey, nigga I"m talking meYeah I"m talking bossy, I ain"t talking KelisYou"re money too short, you can"t be talking to meYeah I"m talking LeBron, we balling our family treeG.O.O.D Music drug dealing drug cousin, ain"t nothing fuckin" with weTurn that 62 to 125, 125, to a 250, 250 to a half a milli, ain"t nothin" nobody can do with meNow who with me; vamanos. Hov,Call meTranslation, I"m the shit. Least that what my neck say, least that what my check sayLost my homie for a decade, nigga down for like 12 years, ain"t hug his son since the second gradeHe never told, who we gonna tell, we top of the totem poleIt"s the dream team meets the supreme team, and all our eyes green and only means one thingYou ain"t fuckin" with my cliqueClique, clique, clique, clique, cliqueAin"t nobody freshin" than my muthafuckin"Clique, clique, clique, clique, cliqueAs I look around, they don"t do it like myClique, clique, clique, clique, cliqueAnd all these bad bitches, man, they want theThey want the, they want theBreak records of LouieAte breakfast at GucciMy girl a superstar all from a home movieBow on our arrival the unamerican idolsWhen niggas did in Paris got em hanging off the EiffelYeah I"m talking businessWe talking CIAI"m talking George TenetI seen him the other dayHe asked me about my MaybachThink he had the sameExcept mine tinted and his might have been rentedYou know white people get money don"t spend itOr maybe they get money, buy a businessI rather buy 80 gold chains and go ig"nantI know Spike Lee gon kill me but let me finishBlame it on the pigment, we living no limitsThem gold master p ceilings was just a figmentOf our imagination, MTV cribsNow I"m looking at a crib right next to where TC livesThat"s Tom Cruise, whatever she accuseHe wasn"t really drunk he just had a few brewsPass the refreshment a cool cool beverageEverything I do need a news crew presentSteve-O swerve homie, watch out for the wavesI"m way too black to burn from sunraysSo I just meditated the home in PompayAbout how I could build a new Rome in one dayEvery time I"m in Vegas they screaming like he"s ElvisBut I just wanna design hotels and nail itShit is real got me feelin" IsrealianLike Bar Refaeli Gisele, no thats BrazilianWent through deep depression when my momma passedSuicide what kind of talk is thatBut I"ve been talking to God for so longThat I have you look in my life I guess he talking backFuckin" with my cliqueAin"t nobody freshin" than my muthafuckin"cliqueAs I look around, they don"t do it like my cliqueAnd all these bad bitches, man, they want theThey want the, they want theSplendidyang


09新专辑名《where we are》歌名:Leavingwatching the clock on the wallbeen a while since you calledi cant help but waitits late and i cant get no sleepsomethings different this timeit just doesnt feel righthave we broken in two?am i really gonna lose you tonight?you come walking intears in your eyespretending like its alrightbut i know youre leavingi know that smilei can tell youve been cryingyoure gonna say goodbyei wish i could stop youbut youve made up your mindi beg you dont gobut i already know youre leavingwhere does the time go?between goodbye and hellohow did we come to this isthere something we missedalong the waywith your bags at the doori wanna pull you in closeand hold you once more even thoughhere come the sleepless nightshere come the tears im gonna cryhere comes the last goodbye leaving us behindoh this cant be right

leavin westlife 歌词

Watching the clock on the wall静静望着 时间如水般流淌,Been a while since you called直至你温柔的声音 渐渐淡去

Kanye West 新曲炮轰 Nike,事实真如其歌词所述么

1 / 1Kanye West 新曲炮轰 Nike,事实真如其歌词所述么?Joyce 2016年01月04日 15点30分 来源:complex一向不安分的侃爷在新年第一天发布了最新单曲 《FACTS》,其中炮轰 Nike 的言论引起市面热议,乔丹之子甚至还以“太好笑了”以作讽刺回应。目前潮流网站 Complex 便对其歌词内容的背后事实做出了详细解释,究竟 Kanye West 的言论是否正确呢,请浏览以下内容。1) adidas Yeezy line has “jumped over the Jumpman”(adidas 的 Yeezy 系列已超越了 Air Jordan)毫无疑问,Yeezy 系列在 2015 大获成功,成功引发全球的 sneakerhead 参与到抽签排队的阵营之中,而且一经发售便瞬间售罄。另一边,Jordan Brand 也着手于发售复刻鞋款,从发售规模来看,要比 Yeezy 大得多。如此说,Yeezy 与 Air Jordan 相比还有不小的差距。2) “If Nike ain"t had Drizzy man they would have nothing. If Nike ain"t have Don C. they would have nothing.”(如果 Nike 没有 Drake,他们将一无所有;如果 Nike 没有 Don C.,他们将一无所有)侃爷继续说是 Drake 和 Don C. 才拯救了 Air Jordan 的球鞋合作。虽然他们与 Air Jordan 的合作款大受欢迎,但是我们别忘了 Nike 在去年销量最为出色,上个季度收入就达 77 亿美元,并计划 2020 年收入达 500 亿美元。而且 Nike 目前市值 860 亿美元,是 adidas 的五倍之多。在美国的运动品牌市场上,adidas 的市场份额还不如 Sketchers。3) “I ain"t drop an album but the shoes went platinum.”(我没有发行专辑,但是鞋子卖得超级好)侃爷在 2015 卖出了超过 100 多万双鞋,这个成绩非常棒,但是这对 Nike 来说没什么。4) “Tell adidas that we need a million in production. I done told y"all all I needed was the infrastructure.”(告诉 adidas 我们要 100 万的销量,所有我要的只是基础的东西)侃爷认为自己能卖出更多的鞋子,如果是事实的话,炒卖价应该会有所下降。5) “James Harden, Swaggy P running up the budget.” (James Harden 和 Nick Young 的加入表明 adidas 增加球员预算)James Harden 和 Nick Young 加入都会对 adidas 篮球业务产生深远的影响,但就篮球市场来说,Nike 还是占据绝对优势,因为旗下签约了众多一线球星:LeBron James、 Russell Westbrook、Kyrie Irving 和 Kobe Bryant 。除了 Nike 外,Under Armour 也是 adidas 强有力的竞争对手,前者在签约 Stephen Curry 后,销量增加了 7% 以上。虽然 Kanye West 和 adidas 在过去一年成绩不俗,但是新曲的言论明显站不住脚。不过面对 adidas 的高昂势头,Nike 也势必留意这个老对手。期待 2016 年两者在各自的领域都有新的发展和进取。

急要ONLY LOVE(Westlife)歌词

ENDLESS LOVE - as performed by Diana Ross and Lionel Richie (from the motion picture "Endless Love". Number 1 on Billboard chart for 9 weeks: August - October 1981) HIM: My love There"s only you in my life The only thing that"s bright HER: My first love You"re every breath that I take You"re every step I make HIM: And I HER: I-I-I-I-I HIM: I want to share BOTH: All my love with you HIM: No one else will do... HER: And your eyes HIM: Your eyes your eyes BOTH: They tell me how much you care Ooh yes you will always be My endless love BOTH: Two hearts Two hearts that beat as one Our lives have just begun HER: Forever HIM: Ohhhhhh BOTH: I"ll hold you close in my arms I can"t resist your charms HER: And love HIM: Oh love BOTH: I"ll be a fool For you I"m sure HER: You know I don"t mind HIM: Oh you know I don"t mind BOTH: "Cause you You mean the world to me Oh HER: I know HIM: I know BOTH: I"ve found in you My endless love HIM: Oooh-woow BOTH: Boom boom Boom boom boom boom booom Boom boom boom boom boom BOTH: Oooh and love HIM: Oh love BOTH: I"ll be that fool For you I"m sure HER: You know I don"t mind HIM: Oh you know- BOTH: I don"t mind BOTH: And YES You"ll be the only one "Cause NO one can deny This love I have inside And I"ll give it all to you HIM: My love HER: My love my love BOTH: My endless love 参考: hotlyrics/lyrics/search3?searceywordsubmit=Search+for+it!&select=title&keyword=Endless&phrase=partial Only Love Lyrics by Trademark 2 a.m. and the rain is falling Here we are at the crossroads once again You"re telling me you"re so confused You can"t make up your mind Is this meant to be You"re asking me But only love can say - try again or walk away But I believe for you and me The sun will shine one day So I"ll just play my part And pray you"ll have a change of heart But I can"t make you see it through That"s something only love can do In your arms as the dawn is breaking Face to face and a thousand miles apart I"ve tried my best to make you see There"s hope beyond the pain If we give enough if we learn to trust [Chorus] I know if I could find the words To touch you deep inside You"d give our dream just one more chance Don"t let this be our good-bye 参考: lyricsdomain/20/trademark/only_love

求Westlife—only love 歌词翻译

.a.m.and the rain is falling 凌晨2点,雨在下. here we are at the crossroads once again 我们再次来到这分手的十字路口. you"re telling me you"re so comfused 你告诉我你是那么彷徨, you can"t make up you mind 你无法下定决心. is this meant to be 那是不是意味着, you"re asking me 你在回绝我. but only love can say try again or walk away 可是只有爱可以回答,从头开始或远远离开. but i billieve for you and me 然而我坚信,对于你我来说, the sun sill shine one day 阳光会再一次照彻大地. so i"ll just play my part 因此我只是扮演我的角色, and pray you"ll hanve a change of heart 祈祷你的心情会从此改变. but i can"t make you see it through 但我无法让你明白, that"s something only love can do 有些事只有爱可以决定. in you arms as the dawn is breaking 晨熹在你的臂膀间升起, face to face and a thousand miles apart 面对面心却相距千里, i"ve tried my best to make you see 我用尽全力让你明白, there"s hope beyond the pain 痛楚过后还有希望. if we give enough - if we learn to trust 如果我们给予足够,如果我们学着去信任. but only love can say - try again or walk away 可是只有爱可以回答,从头开始或远远离开. but i bilieve for you and me 然而我坚信,对于你我来说, the sun will shine one day 阳光会再一次照彻大地. so i"ll just play my part 因此我只是扮演我的角色, and pray you"ll have a change of heart 祈祷你的心情会从此改变. but i can"t make you see it through 但我无法让你明白, that"s something only love can do 有些事只有爱可以决定. i know if icould find the words 我知道如果能够找些话 to touch you deep inside 从内心深深触动你 you"d give our dream just one more change 你会给我们的梦想再一次机会 don"t let this be our last goodbye 不会让这次成为我们的永别

westlife最新专辑Where We Are歌词

What About NowShadows fill an empty heart As love is fading From all the things that we are But are not saying Can we see beyond the scars And make it to the dawn? Change the colours of the sky And open up to The ways you made me feel alive The ways I loved you For all the things that never died To make it through the night Love will find you What about now? What about today? What if you"re making me all that I was meant to be? What if our love never went away? What if it"s lost behind words we could never find? Baby before it"s too late What about now? The sun is breaking in your eyes To start a new day This broken heart can still survive With a touch of your grace Shadows fade into the light I am by your side Where love will find you What about now? What about today? What if you"re making me all that I was meant to be? What if our love never went away? What if it"s lost behind words we could never find? Baby before it"s too late What about nowNow that we"re here Now that we"ve come this far Just hold on There is nothing to fear For I am right beside you For all my life I am yours What about now? What about today? What if you"re making me all that I was meant to be? What if our love never went away? What if it"s lost behind words we could never find? Baby before it"s too late Baby before it"s too late Baby before it"s too late How To Break A HeartSince you"re not worth my loveI haven"t given upI"m stronger than that(I"m stronger than that)And though my heart will breakI"m takin" back my faithCos right now my world is spinnin" too fast But you won"t be the end of meIf you were the one you wouldn"t hurt me so badYou gave me the world Gave me the world to take it all awayAll you left me was yesterdayAnd this space in my heartNow it"s slowly tearin" me apartI"m takin" all that I learned from youI"ll make it something I"ll never doI can"t be who you areYou taught me how to break a heartYou taught me how to break a heartI"ll make it through this painMy dreams won"t call your nameI"m stronger than that(I"m stronger than that)Cos I still know how to loveKnow that will be enoughAnd this moment will fade into the past You won"t be the end of meIf you were the one you wouldn"t hurt me so badYou gave me the world Gave me the world to take it all awayAll you left me was yesterdayAnd this space in my heartNow it"s slowly tearin" me apartI"m takin" all that I learned from youI"ll make it something I"ll never doI can"t be who you areYou taught me how to break a heartYou taught me how to break a heartI"m takin" all that I learned from youI"ll make it something I"ll never doI can"t be who you areYou taught me how to break a heart You taught me how to break a heartI"m taking back my faithI"m taking back my lifeI don"t care for who you areCos you taught me how to break a heartHow to break a heartHow to break a heartCos you taught me how to break a heart LeavingWatching the clock on the wallBeen a while since you calledI can"t help but waitIt"s late and I can"t get no sleepSomething"s different this timeIt just doesn"t feel rightHave we broken in two?Am I really gonna lose you tonight?You come walking inTears in your eyesPretending like it"s alright But I know you"re leavingI know that smileI can tell you"ve been cryingYou"re gonna say goodbyeI wish I could stop youBut you"ve made up your mind I beg you don"t goBut I already know you"re leaving Where does the time go?Between goodbye and helloHow did we come to this is there something we missedAlong the wayWith your bags at the doorI wanna pull you in close And hold you once more even though But I know you"re leavingI know that smileI can tell you"ve been cryingYou"re gonna say goodbyeI wish I could stop youBut you"ve made up your mind I beg you don"t goBut I already know you"re leaving Here come the sleepless nightsHere come the tears I"m gonna cryHere comes the last goodbye leaving us behindOh this can"t be rightBut I know you"re leavingI know that smileI can tell you"ve been cryingYou"re gonna say goodbyeI wish I could stop youBut you"ve made up your mind I beg you don"t goBut I already know you"re leaving ShadowsMornings afterStill lingersJust waking upI see a shadow of youMaking breakfast for two I go drivingPast our place andI see this girl walk byI smell her perfumeFor a moment I wish it was you I"m not gonna tell yaI"m not gonna say that I"m okay, noI"m tryin" to get overI"m tryin" to get far away from our mistakes But I see shadowsEverywhere that I goIt"s you, reminding meOf how we wereOf how it wasI see shadowsEverywhere they followIt"s you and memoriesOf how we lovedI"ve had enough of your shadows Four months goneI can"t feel youI don"t understand itWhere did you go?I hate that you"re all that I knowI"m not gonna tell yaI"m not gonna say that I"m okay, noI"m tryin to get overI"m tryin" to get far away from our mistakes But I see shadowsEverywhere that I goIt"s you, reminding meOf how we wereOf how it wasI see shadowsEverywhere they followIt"s you and memoriesOf how we lovedI"ve had enough of your shadows You couldn"t love meSo why won"t you leave meShadowsAlone is the only place I want to be I see shadowsEverywhere that I goIt"s you, reminding meOf how to loveI"ve had enough I see shadowsI see shadowsEverywhere they followIt"s you, the memoriesOf how we lovedI"ve had enoughYour shadowsIt"s you, the memoriesOf how we lovedI"ve had enough of your shadowsYour shadows Talk Me DownI"m too tired to go to bedI"m too wired for anything exceptThe crossfire in my headIt"s been a long night "Cos I took all I can take"Til the walls shook and the windows breakI want to phone you but it"s far too lateIt"s been a long night So talk me downTalk me downTalk me downTalk me down "Cos we fought an endless war"Til we forgot what we were fighting forNow we can"t stopBut we can withdrawIn the long night So talk me downTalk me downTalk me downTalk me downThe light flashed and I thought I"d diedMy life passed before my eyesIt went too fast for the love I feelInside So talk me downTalk me downTalk me downTalk me downDown, down, down Lay your head near mineTell me that it"s all fineLove me while there"s still timeIt"s been a long night Where We AreStay, stay where you areDon"t let me go, don"t let me goWe made it this farOh baby stop, stop right thereDon"t walk away, don"t walk awayInto thin air We survived a crashMade it through the wreckageStanding here at lastSo perfectly written Now where we areIs where we"re suppose to beWhere we are Keeps the breath in meWhere we"ve beenWe"ve risen from the deepWhere we"re now no one can tear us apartThat"s where we are Don"t, don"t turn aroundWe gotta let, we got to letGo of the past nowFeel me by your sideWe"re out of dangerNo reason to hide We survived the stormMade it through the hurricaneStanding here at lastDry despite the rain Now where we areIs where we"re suppose to beWhere we are Keeps the breath in meWhere we"ve beenWe"ve risen from the deepWhere we"re now no one can tear us apartThat"s where we are That"s where we areStay, stay where you are Now where we areIs where we"re suppose to beWhere we are Keeps the breath in meWhere we"ve beenWe"ve risen from the deepWhere we"re now no one can tear us apartThat"s where we are That"s where we are The DifferenceI wake my faith shaken insideImages of you race to mindDid I forget I meant to tell you something? Only half "til you have to fallOnly whole when you"re seeing it allOh you saved for something me Between lost and foundYou showed me the differenceBetween safe and sound You showed me the distanceOh I was sliding, safe but I was hiding out Oh I fell I"m not downYou showed me the difference Everything was slipping right through my handsHard to find any place to landClouds don"t cover me where I stand anymore Only half "til you think you lostOnly whole when you"re reaching acrossYou saved something for me Between lost and foundYou showed me the differenceBetween safe and sound You showed me the distanceOh I was sliding, safe but I was hiding out Oh I fell I"m not downYou showed me the difference You resurrected me Eyes wide open to dreamIn scattered pieces when you found me Between lost and foundYou showed me the differenceBetween safe and sound You showed me the distanceOh I was sliding, safe but I was hiding outOh I fell I"m not downYou showed me the difference You showed me the differenceYou showed me the difference

求Bigbang《Wild wild west》的歌词拜托各位了 3Q

make it wild, wild make it, make it wild, make it wild make it make it wild wild west, jim west, desperado, rough rider no you don"t want nada none of this, gun in this, brotha runnin this, buffalo soldier, look it"s like i told ya any damsel that"s in distress be out of that dress when she meet jim west rough neck so go check the law and abide watch your step with flex and get a hole in your side swallow your pride, don"t let your lip react you don"t wanna see my hand where my hip be at with all of this, from the start of this runnin the game, james west tamin the west so remember the name now who ya gonna call? dru hill: not the g.b."s will smith: now who you gonna call? dru hill: *g double e g* if you have a riff with people wanna bust break out before you get bumrushed at the (wild wild west) when i roll into the (wild wild west) when i stroll into the (wild wild west) when i bounce into the (wild wild west) sisqo, sisqo sisqo: we going straight to the wild wild west we going straight to the wild wild west now, now, now, now once upon a time in the west mad man lost his damn mind in the west loveless, givin up a dime, nothin" less now i must put his behind to the test (can you feel me) then through the shadows, in the saddle, ready for battle bring all your boys in, here come the poison behind my back, all the riffin" ya did, front and center, now where your lip at kid? who dat is? a mean brotha, bad for your health lookin damn good though, if i could say it myself told me loveless is a mad man, but i don"t fear that he got mad weapons too, ain"t tryin to hear that tryin to bring down me, this champion when y"all clowns gon" see that it can"t be done understand me son, i"m the slickest they is, i"m the quickest as they is, did i say i"m the slickest they is so if you barking up the wrong tree we comin, don"t be startin nothin me and my partner gonna test your chest, loveless can"t stand the heat then get out the wild wild west we going straight to (when i roll into the) the wild wild west (when i stroll into the) we going straight to (when i bounce into the) the wild wild west we going straight to the wild wild west we going straight to the wild wild west (adlib) to any outlaw tryin to draw, thinkin you"re bad, any draw on west best with a pen and a pad, don"t even think about it, six gun, weighin a ton, 10 paces and turn, just for fun, son, up till sundown, rolling around, see where the bad guys are to be found and make "em lay down, the defenders of the west, crushin on pretenders in the west, don"t mess with us cuz we"re in the (wild wild west) (when i roll into the) the wild wild west(when i stroll into the) we going straight to (when i bounce into the) the wild wild west we going straight (wild wild west) when i roll into the (wild wild west) when i stroll into the when i bounce into the we going straight to the wild wild west (the wild wild west) (wild, wild west) whoo, uh (wild wild west) ha ha ha ha (wild wild west)... (wild wild west) (wild wild west) *the wild wild west* bring in the heat bring in the heat, what? (wild wild west) (wild wild west) uh can"t stop the bumrush *the wild wild* (the wild wild west)


Another summer day 又一个夏天Has come and gone away 来了又走In Paris or Rome... 在巴黎或者罗马But I wanna go home 但是我只想回家...uhmMay be surrounded by 可能被成千上万的人A million people I 所拥戴追逐 但我Still feel all alone 仍感到孤独I just wanna go home 我只想回家I miss you, you know 你知道我在想你And I"ve been keeping all the letters我保存所有That I wrote to you, 给你写的信Each one a line or two 每封只有寥寥数语I"m fine baby, how are you? 我很好 宝贝 你呢?I would send them but I know that 我会把他们寄给你It"s just not enough 但我知道这不够My words were cold and flat 我的话语是如此冷淡And you deserve more than that 你应该得到更多Another aeroplane, another sunny place, 另一辆飞机 另一个充满阳光的地方I"m lucky I know 我知道我是幸运的But I wanna go home 但我只想回家I"ve got to go home 我一定要回家Let me go home 让我回家!I"m just too far from where you are 我离你千山万水I got to come home 我一定要回家Let me go home 让我回家!I"ve had my run 结束了我的奔波Baby I"m done 宝贝 我已经完成I wanna come home 我只想回家And I feel just like I"m living 我觉得我过着Someone else"s life 另外一个人的生活It"s like I just stepped outside 看起来我离开了你When everything was going right 当一切都将好转的时候And I know just why 我也明白You could not come along with me 为什么你不会跟随我来This was not your dream 因为这不是你的梦想But you always believed in me... 但是你总是对我深信不疑Another winter day 另一个冬天Has come and gone away 来了又走In either Paris or Rome 在巴黎或者罗马And I wanna go home 我想回家I miss you, you know 你知道 我想你Let me go home 让我回家!I"ve had my run 结束了我的奔波Baby I"m done 宝贝 我已经完成I wanna go home 我想回家Let me go home 让我回家!It"ll all be alright 所有一切都会好的I"ll be home tonight 我今晚就到家I"m coming back home 我马上就回家THE END我真的很想回家

Westlife的《The Rose》 歌词

歌曲名:The Rose歌手:Westlife专辑:The Love AlbumThe RoseWestlifeSome say love it is a riverThat drowns the tender reedSome say love it is a razorThat leaves your soul to bleedSome say love it is a hungerAn endless aching needI say love it is a flowerAnd you it"s only seedIt"s the heart afraid of breakingThat never learns to danceIt"s the dream afraid of wakingThat never takes the chanceIt"s the one who won"t be takenWho cannot seem to giveAnd the soul afraid of dyingThat never learns to liveAnd the night has been too lonelyAnd the road has been too long.And you think that love is onlyFor the lucky and the strongJust remember in the winterFar beneath the bitter snowLies the seed that with the sun"s loveIn the spring, becomes a rosehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1494876

Kanye West的《Monster》 歌词

歌曲名:Monster歌手:Kanye West专辑:check the resumeKanye West - MonsterMy Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (2010)Lyrics Made by Will Tian 无敌大田@百度韦德吧Roc NationShoot the lights outHide til its bright outWhoa, just another lonely nightAre you willing to sacrifice your life?Bitch I"m a monster no good blood suckerfat muthaf-cker now look who"s in troubleas you run through my jungle all you hear is rumblesKanye West sample, here"s one for exampleGossip gossipn-ggas just stop iteverybody know (I"m a muthaf-cking monster)I"ma need to see your f-cking hands at the concertI"ma need to see your f-cking hands at the concertprofit profit, n-gga I got iteverybody know I"m a muthaf-cking monsterI"ma need to see your f-cking hands at the concertI"ma need to see your f-cking hands at the ....The best living or dead hands down huh?less talk more head right now huh?and my eyes more red than the devil isand I"m bout to take it to another level bitchthere you go again, aint nobody as cold as thisdo the rap and the track triple double no assistbut my only focus is staying on some bogus sh-targue with my older bitch acting like I owe her sh-tI heard the people sayin raps are gettin trap maynebought the chain that always give me back painf-ckin up my money so yeh I had to act saneChi n-gga but these hoes love my accentshe came up to me and said this the number 2if you wanna make it number one your number 2 nowthis that goose an" malibu I call it MalibooyaGod damn Yeezy How I hit em with the new styleknow that muthaf-cker well, what you gon do nowwhatever ever I wanna do, gosh its cool nownah gonna do, uhh its a new nowthink yo muthaf-cker really reall need to cool downcause you will never get on top off thisso mommy best advice is to get on top of thishave you ever had sex with a pharoahI put the p-ssy in a sarcophagusnow she claiming I bruise her esophagushead of the class and she just want a swallowshipI"m living the future so the presence is my pastmy presence is a present kiss my assSasquatch, Godzilla, King KongLochness, Goblin, Ghoul, a zombie with no consciencequestion what do all these things have in commoneverybody knows I"m a muthaf-cking monsterconquer, stomp ya, stop your silly nonsensenone of you n-ggas know where the swamp isnone of you n-ggas have seen the carnage that I"ve seenI still here fiends scream in my dreammurder murder in black convertiblesI kill a block I murder avenuesrape and pillage a village, women and childreneverybody wanna know what my achilles heel isLOVE I dont get enough of itall I get is these vampires and blood suckersall I see is these n-ggas I"ve made millionnairesmilling about, spilling there feelings in the airall I see is these fake f-cks with no fangstryna draw blood with my ice cold veinsI smell a massacreseems to be the only way to back you bastards upPull up in the monsterautomobile gangsterwith a bad b-tch that came from Sri Lankayeah I"m in that Tonka, colour of Willy Wonkayou could be the King but watch the Queen conquerok first things first I"ll eat your brainsthen I"mma start rocking gold teeth and fangscause that"s what a muthaf-cking monster dohairdresser from Milan, thats the monster domonster Giuseppe heel that"s the monster shoeYoung Money is the roster and the monster crewand I"m all up all up all up in the bank with the funny faceand if I"m fake I aint notice cause my money aintlet me get this straight wait I"m the rookiebut my features and my shows ten times your pay?50k for a verse, no album out!yeah my money"s so tall that my barbie"s gotta climb ithotter than a middle eastern climatefind it Tony Matterhorn dutty wine itwhile it, nicki on them titties when I sign ithow these n-ggas so one-track mindedbut really really I don"t give a F-U-C-Kforget barbie f-ck nicki she"s fakeshe"s on a diet but my pockets eating cheese cakeand I"ll say bride of Chucky is Child"s playjust killed another career it"s a mild daybesides "Ye they can"t stand besides meI think me, you and Am should menage fridaypink wig thick ass give em whip lashI think big get cash make em blink fastnow look at what you just saw I think this is what you live foraaaahhh, I"m a muthaf-cking monster!I-I crossed the line-lineand I"ll-I"ll let God decide-cideI-I wouldn"t last these showsso I-I am headed homeLyrics Made by Will Tian 无敌大田@百度韦德吧http://music.baidu.com/song/28312284


甲壳虫 Come together。。。U2不知道Westlife MY LOVE猫王不知道Michael Beat it billie jean earth song heal the world we are the world布兰妮 BABY ONE MORE TIME OOPS!I DID IT AGAIN AUTUMN GOODBYE I"M NOT A GIRL,NOT YET A WOMAN CRAZY
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