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我们曾在一起翻译为英文we were together 对不对?

对的 可以的(精)(锐)


WeCanBeTogethe。根据酷我音乐显示we什么什么together的歌词是歌曲《We Can Be Together》,歌词片段有:Wecan betogetheryou"retheonelookingforoh,Maybeyoucanflymyguy bae等。《We Can Be Together》是由XYPO、M. Fischer合作的一首歌曲,单曲于2017年10月21日通过Hyped发行。


是美国电影《歌舞青春》中的一首插曲《We"re All In This Together》,完整歌词:we"re all in this together。我们欢聚一堂。Together, together, together everyone。来吧、来吧,一起来吧大家。Together, together, come on let"s have some fun。来吧、来吧,让我们找点乐子。Together,were there for each other every time。聚会吧,只要我们愿意,任何时候都可以。Together together come on let"s do this right。聚会吧,做我们喜欢的事。Here and now it"s time for celebration。此时此刻我们欢聚一堂。I finally figured it out (yeah yeah)。我终于可以描画出来。That all our dreams have no limitations。我们那些不受束缚的梦想。That"s what its all about。那是我们的所有。Everyone is special in their own way。每个人都各有所长。We make each other strong (each other strong)。我们自强不息。We"re not the same。我们与众不同。We"re different in a good way。我们走向不同的成功之路。Together"s where we belong。但我们依然属于这里,相聚在这里。We"re all in this together。我们现在欢聚一堂。Once we know。我们找到了归宿。That we are。认识了自己。We"re all stars。我们都是明星。And we see that。这一点不言而喻。We"re all in this together。我们现在欢聚一堂。And it shows。看着吧。When we stand。当我们。Hand in hand。手拉手站在一起。Make our dreams come true。我们会让梦想实现。(Everybody now)。Together, together, together everyone。来吧、来吧,来吧大家。Together, together, come on let"s have some fun。来吧、来吧,让我们找点乐子。Together, where there for each other every time。聚会吧,只要我们愿意,任何时候都可以。Together together come on let"s do this right。聚会吧,做我们喜欢的事。We"re all here。我们在这里庆祝。and speaking out with one voice。发出同样的呼喊。we"re going to rock the house (rock the house)。我们要震撼世界。the party"s on now everybody make some noise。聚会还在进行,大家不要让它冷寂下来。come on we scream and shout。过来一起尖叫呐喊吧。We"ve arrived because we stuck together。我们已经达到目的因为我们都在一起。Champions one and all。我们都是胜利者。We"re all in this together。我们现在欢聚一堂。Once we know。我们找到了归宿。《歌舞青春》电影看点:有别于以往的美国青春偶像片,《歌舞青春》中没有城市摩登大楼、店铺林立的画面,也很少放浪形骸的内容,它展现了美国南部美丽的湖光山色,并把高中生活的丰富多彩呈现在世人面前,试图表现美国高中学生的理想主义和勇敢纯情。《歌舞青春》是一个多元音乐元素的拼盘,把嘻哈、篮球、舞蹈、百老汇歌剧音乐、现代爵士、桑巴、抒情曲风等结合在一起。甚至还将年轻男女热麦歌唱派对移植到电影中。

we play together为什么together在后


求林俊杰—We Together mp3歌曲百度云网盘资源

点击下载:林俊杰专辑合集 全套音乐资源 MP3无损音质打包合集链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1JFnzadWskv5oQLKmQmiE2w提取码:1111链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1CZmMxN3AEmcOhiJAKOi62A提取码:2222链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1BklFNL5RfWaYPtRkGHfWcw提取码:3333林俊杰代表作品:背对背拥抱、她说、学不会、那些你很冒险的梦、修炼爱情、可惜没如果、就是我、江南、美人鱼、一千年以后、曹操、杀手、小酒窝、醉赤壁、浪漫血液、不为谁而作的歌、伟大的渺小、黑夜问白天、交换余生…林俊杰(JJ Lin),1981年3月27日出生于新加坡,祖籍中国福建省厦门市同安区,华语流行乐男歌手、音乐人、潮牌主理人。2003年发行首张创作专辑《乐行者》,并于次年凭借该专辑获得第15届台湾金曲奖最佳新人奖。2004年凭借专辑《第二天堂》中的主打歌《江南》获得广泛关注。2006年首次举办个人巡演“2006就是俊杰世界巡回演唱会”。2007年成立个人音乐制作公司JFJ Productions。2008年创立潮流品牌SMG。2014年凭借专辑《因你而在》获得第25届台湾金曲奖最佳国语男歌手奖。2016年凭借专辑《和自己对话》和歌曲《不为谁而作的歌》分别获得第27届台湾金曲奖最佳国语男歌手奖、最佳作曲人奖, 并推出个人首部音乐纪录片《听·见林俊杰》;同年获得国际汽车联盟(FIA)职业赛车执照。2017年成立“SMG”电竞战队。2019年,历时两年的“圣所”世界巡回演唱会创下动员超160万观众入场的纪录。2020年发行双维度EP专辑《幸存者·如你》。截至2022年,林俊杰已发行14张正式专辑,累计创作数百首歌曲。演艺事业外,林俊杰热心社会活动。2004年、2015年两度受邀演唱新加坡国庆庆典主题曲。2008年担任北京奥运会火炬手;同年为5·12汶川地震创作并演唱歌曲《爱与希望》。2010年担任新加坡青奥会火炬手;同年创作并演唱上海世博会新加坡馆主题曲《感动每一刻》。凭借在音乐创作与慈善公益事业等方面的表现,2009年荣获新加坡杰出青年奖,2014年获得第5届通商中国青年奖。

we together歌词

【we together歌词】。 everybody now , everybody now , everybody now , 时间一到,看着表,生命定格的微笑, 镜头瞄一瞄,带动着主角, 喉咙的引擎,全沉浸的美妙, 永远这心情的,就确定了目标, yeah~ yeah ~oh oh~,喉咙正在倒转, yeah~ yeah ~ yeah ~,谁会的模仿, yeah~ yeah ~指尖用力弹, yeah~ yeah ~yeah~ 和我一起say we hold一秒 , everybody 唱着歌together, 上上下下快乐着together, 每颗心都依偎在一起了,爱的心变power we together, everybody 跳着舞together, 上上下下快乐着together, 每颗心都依偎在一起了,梦的心变power we together


WE ARE ALL WITNESSES我们都是见证人双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 我们都是见证者例句:1.We are all familiar with the procrastination phenomenon. 对拖延现象我们是再熟悉不过了。

林俊杰We together歌词

We Together 林俊杰作词:天天 作曲:林俊杰Everybody now ...时间一到 看着表神秘定格的微笑镜头瞄一瞄 大家都成主角轰隆的引擎 像重音般美妙油门 脚轻轻的就确定了目标YEAH秒针正在倒转YEAH甩尾般魔幻YEAH空间用力弹YEAH扭力极速锁定喔 迎面而来EVERYBODY唱着歌 TOGETHER上上下下快乐着 TOGETHER每颗心都定位在一起了爱的信念POWER WE TOGETHEREVERYBODY跳着舞 TOGETHER上上下下快乐着 TOGETHER每颗心都定位在一起了梦的信念POWER WE TOGETHER地点没变 眯着眼 假装自己在睡觉直觉告诉我 一下子就会到PARTY的味道 也提前在预告油门 正悄悄的 准备着要呼啸YEAH秒针正在倒转YEAH甩尾般魔幻YEAH空间用力弹YEAH扭力极速锁定 喔~迎面而来EVERYBODY唱着歌 TOGETHER上上下下快乐着 TOGETHER每颗心都定位在一起了爱的信念POWER WE TOGETHEREVERYBODY跳着舞 TOGETHER上上下下快乐着 TOGETHER每颗心都定位在一起了梦的信念POWER WE TOGETHER我透过后视镜 酷酷的看风景魔力般的心情 都藏在墨镜里方向盘会飞行 她对我眨眼睛这说不出来的神奇 发动了心中的引擎这世界不等你 Everybody 挤一挤光速般的马力 心的卫星导航器带自己去旅行 地图它没有意义就照着自己的逻辑 梦多远世界多美丽





耐克为詹姆斯做的"We are all witness" 为什么不用复数形式


westlife 的cue

  PERFORMER "Westlife"  TITLE "Turnaround"  FILE "[APE]Westlife《Turnaround》.ape" WAVE  TRACK 01 AUDIO  TITLE "Mandy"  PERFORMER "Westlife"  INDEX 01 00:00:00  TRACK 02 AUDIO  TITLE "Hey Whatever"  PERFORMER "Westlife"  INDEX 00 03:18:57  INDEX 01 03:20:33  TRACK 03 AUDIO  TITLE "Heal"  PERFORMER "Westlife"  INDEX 00 06:48:71  INDEX 01 06:50:47  TRACK 04 AUDIO  TITLE "Obvious"  PERFORMER "Westlife"  INDEX 00 09:57:12  INDEX 01 09:58:63  TRACK 05 AUDIO  TITLE "When A Woman Loves A Man"  PERFORMER "Westlife"  INDEX 00 13:28:36  INDEX 01 13:30:12  TRACK 06 AUDIO  TITLE "On My Shoulder"  PERFORMER "Westlife"  INDEX 00 17:07:48  INDEX 01 17:09:24  TRACK 07 AUDIO  TITLE "Turn Around"  PERFORMER "Westlife"  INDEX 00 21:05:62  INDEX 01 21:07:38  TRACK 08 AUDIO  TITLE "I Did It For You"  PERFORMER "Westlife"  INDEX 00 25:28:55  INDEX 01 25:30:31  TRACK 09 AUDIO  TITLE "Thank You"  PERFORMER "Westlife"  INDEX 00 29:00:29  INDEX 01 29:02:05  TRACK 10 AUDIO  TITLE "To Be With You"  PERFORMER "Westlife"  INDEX 00 33:04:17  INDEX 01 33:05:67  TRACK 11 AUDIO  TITLE "Home"  PERFORMER "Westlife"  INDEX 00 36:25:62  INDEX 01 36:27:38  TRACK 12 AUDIO  TITLE "What Do They Know?"  PERFORMER "Westlife"  INDEX 00 40:32:03  INDEX 01 40:33:54

WWE kellykelly 出场音乐叫什么?

Holla Holla

Westlife Turnaround的完整歌词

我是从酷狗上自己对的westlife- turnaroundSome people are lucky babyI guess I am tooLove found meAnd I found youAnd everytime I think it can"t get betterYou do something newAnd I"m renewedAnd when it gets colderI think its overLook what you going doEverytime I turnaroundGive me a reasonFor feeling the way that I doEverytime I turnaroundGive me a reasonTo put my faith in youEven when you let me downI forgive youCause I know that you feelin" it tooAnytime I turn aroundMake me believingIn things that I already knewYou wrap me up in kisses babyHead to toeLet the whole world stareI don"t careYou make me breakfast in bedJust to show meNo one wants me moreI"m so sureAnd when it gets colderAnd I think its overLook what you going doEverytime I turnaroundGive me a reasonFor feeling the way that I doEverytime I turnaroundGive me a reasonTo put my faith in youEven when you let me downI forgive youCause I know that you feelin" it tooAnytime I turn aroundMake me believingIn things that I already knewTurnaround" Turnaround" Turnaround...Turnaround" Turnaround" Turnaround...You knowI knowIt"s hardLet goMy loveWho knowHow long to work itI should knowYes I knowIt"s hardTo let goSo my loveWho knowEverytime I turnaroundGive me a reasonFor feeling the way that I doEverytime I turnaroundGive me a reasonTo put my faith in youEven when you let me downI forgive youCause I know that you feelin" it tooAnytime I turnaroundMake me believingIn things that I already knew(Everytime I turnaround)And when it gets colderAnd I think its overLook what you going do(Everytime I turnaround)And when it gets colderAnd I think its overLook what you going do(Even when you let me down)And when it gets colderAnd I think its overLook what you going do(Anytime I turnaround)And when it gets colderAnd I think its overLook what you going do(Everytime I turnaround)And when it gets colderAnd I think its overLook what you going do

Leaving WestLife 是什么意识

leaving 是Westlife 在专辑Where We Are中的一首歌,听起来很催泪。我是西米啊

were leaving是什么时态

leave. vt. 离开;留下;遗忘;委托。 vi. 离开,出发;留下。 n. 许可,同意;休假。 复数 leaves. 第三人称单数 leaves. 现在分词 leaving. 过去式 left. 过去分词 left. 扩展资料   leave的用法:   leave的用法1:leave在表示“离开”时,强调的是“从原来的地方离开”,既可作不及物动词,也可作及物动词。用作不及物动词时,常与介词for连用,表示“出发去(某地)”,只表示方向,而不涉及到达与否。用作及物动词时,其后常接“地名”“国家”“组织”“工作”之类的名词作宾语,宾语后也常接介词for引起的短语,表示“去某地”。   leave的`用法2:leave表示“舍弃”时,有较强的感情色彩,或无情抛弃,或忍痛割爱。此时用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。   leave的用法3:leave表示“听任”时,指干预者不在场而听任,或极不愿意干预而放任。此时常接以带to的动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,即“听任某人做某事”,可用于被动结构。   leave的用法4:leave表示“剩下”“留下”时,用作及物动词,接简单宾语或双宾语。其间接宾语可转换为介词to〔for〕的宾语,宾语后面常接地点状语,有时也与副词behind连用。   leave的用法5:leave还可作“使…处于…状态”解,其后可接以名词、形容词、动词不定式、现在分词、过去分词或动词原形充当补足语的复合宾语。   leave的用法6:leave作“假期,假”解时主要指成年人的休假,尤指公务员或军人的休假,用于单数形式时指一次假期;用于复数形式则指两次或两次以上的假期。   leave的用法7:leave作“准许,批准”或“辞别”解是不可数名词,其前不可加不定冠词a。

Westlife的《Leaving》 歌词

歌曲名:Leaving歌手:Westlife专辑:Where We AreLeavingWestlifeWatching the clock on the wallBeen a while since you calledI can"t help but waitIt"s late and I can"t get no sleepSomething"s different this timeIt just doesn"t feel rightHave we broken in two?Am I really gonna lose you tonight?You come walking inTears in your eyesPretending like it"s alrightBut I know you"re leavingI know that smileI can tell you"ve been cryingYou"re gonna say goodbyeI wish I could stop youBut you"ve made up your mindI beg you don"t goBut I already knowYou"re leavingWhere does the time go?Between goodbye and helloHow did we come to thisIs there something we missed along the wayWith your bags at the doorI wanna pull you in closeAnd hold you once more even thoughI know you"re leavingI know that smileI can tell you"ve been cryingYou"re gonna say goodbyeI wish I could stop youBut you"ve made up your mindI beg you don"t goBut I already knowI know you"re leavingHere come the sleepless nightsHere come the tears I"m gonna cryHere comes the last goodbye leaving us behindOh this can"t be rightI know you"re leavingI know that smileI can tell you"ve been cryingYou"re gonna say goodbyeI wish I could stop youBut you"ve made up your mindI beg you don"t goBut I already knowI know you"re leavinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/540782


Westlife - Leaving   Watching the clock on the wall 透过黑暗,我看着墙上走动的时钟   Been a while since you called 自从搁下电话,沉默一直延续   I can"t help but wait 我不得不继续等待,等待你的回应   It"s late and I can"t get no sleep 直到深夜,我依然无法入眠   Something"s different this time 这一回,我们之间变得微妙   It just doesn"t feel right 我只是感觉,爱已经破裂   Have we broken in two? 这一次,我们真的要隔岸天涯吗?   Am I really gonna lose you tonight? 这一夜,我真的就要这样失去你吗?   You come walking in 你一步步靠近了我   Tears in your eyes 你的眼中,充满了泪水   Pretending like it"s alright 却还在努力掩饰,好像一切都不曾发生过一样   But I know you"re leaving 但我知道,你选择了离开   I know that smile 我理解了你努力一笑的心情   I can tell you"ve been crying 我可以读懂,那掩藏不住的泪水   You"re gonna say goodbye 因为我们,将要说“再见”   I wish I could stop you 我只是希望,我能停下你离开的脚步   But you"ve made up your mind 但你决心已定   I beg you don"t go 我只想求你不要离开   But I already know 可我早已明白   You"re leaving 你已经离开   Where does the time go? 记忆里相处的日子,被我们埋藏在哪里?   Between goodbye and hello 为什么我只记得,相遇与再见的瞬间   How did we come to this 我们怎么会走到今天这步?   Is there something we missed along the way   是不是因为,在爱的路上,我们迷失了彼此?   With your bags at the door 你的行李依旧在门边   I wanna pull you in close 可这个时候,我只想靠近你   And hold you once more even though 然后,再次抱紧你,即使你会转身   I know you"re leaving 不过,我知道,你即将离开   I know that smile 我读懂了你浅浅一笑的心情   I can tell you"ve been crying 我会明白,你曾流下的泪水   You"re gonna say goodbye 因为,你将要面对我离开   I wish I could stop you 我祈求上天给我一个机会   But you"ve made up your mind 但你的决心是那么坚定   I beg you don"t go 我想请求你,不要就这样离去   But I already know 但我早已深深明白   I know you"re leaving 你的心已经不再回来   Here come the sleepless nights 你走后的每个夜里,失眠每每光顾   Here come the tears I"m gonna cry 你走后的每个日子,泪水每每袭来   Here comes the last goodbye leaving us behind   你走后,只剩再见,成我们最后的句点   Oh this can"t be right 求你,我们不能就这样   I know you"re leaving 我却知道,你的心早已不再   I know that smile 我也能体会,你最后一笑时的心情   I can tell you"ve been crying 你心碎的泪水,在努力诠释   You"re gonna say goodbye 我们之间,只能说句“再见”   I wish I could stop you 我依旧想拉住你的手   But you"ve made up your mind 但,你其实早就下了决心   I beg you don"t go 我还在梦想着你再次的停留   But I already know 但我,真的已经明白一切   I know you"re leaving 我知道,你已经转身离开


- 什么是 UI : UI的本意是用户界面,是英文User和interface的缩写。 - 什么是用户界面设计: 在人和机器的互动过程(Human Machine Interaction)中,有一个层面,即我们所说的界面(interface)。从心理学意义来分,界面可分为感觉(视觉、触觉、听觉等)和情感两个层次。用户界面设计是屏幕产品的重要组成部分。界面设计是一个复杂的有不同学科参与的工程,认知心理学、设计学、语言学等在此都扮演着重要的角色。用户界面设计的三大原则是:置界面于用户的控制之下;减少用户的记忆负担;保持界面的一致性。 - 什么是J2EE1: J2EE 是 Java 2 Enterprise Edition 的缩写,意思是 Java 2 企业版本 2:Java2 —— Java语言自1.2版本后,由于和前面的版本改进比较大,所以官方直接称为Java2.0 目前最高版本是Java1.5,官方也称为Java 5.0 J2EE —— Java 共分三个版本,分别是 J2SE , J2EE , J2ME 。J2SE是Java2标准版,用于普通的应用开发。J2EE是Java2企业版,用于构建部署大型的工程项目。而J2ME是Java2微版,用语嵌入式设备的程序开发,如手机里的Java游戏等。 J2EE 只是 Java2 的一个版本。 3: J2EE开发环境,首先肯定要有JDK,JDK是Java开发的必备环境。其次要有JRE,JRE是Java程序的运行环境。另外还需要一款JavaServer服务器,目前比较流行的有:Tomcat、JRun、WebLogic等还有很多。 原则上有了这些就可以用普通文本编辑器开发Java了,不过目前比较习惯可视化编程,所以一般都要装个Java的IDE开发工具,就和VBVC类似的工具,目前比较流行的开发工具有:JBuilder、Eclipse、NetBeans、Java Studio Creator/Enterprise(官方的) 等。-什么是SOASOA:面向服务的体系结构(service-oriented architecture)是一个组件模型,它将应用程序的不同功能单元(称为服务)通过这些服务之间定义良好的接口和契约联系起来。接口是采用中立的方式进行定义的,它应该独立于实现服务的硬件平台、操作系统和编程语言。这使得构建在各种这样的系统中的服务可以以一种统一和通用的方式进行交互。 这种具有中立的接口定义(没有强制绑定到特定的实现上)的特征称为服务之间的松耦合。松耦合系统的好处有两点,一点是它的灵活性,另一点是,当组成整个应用程序的每个服务的内部结构和实现逐渐地发生改变时,它能够继续存在。而另一方面,紧耦合意味着应用程序的不同组件之间的接口与其功能和结构是紧密相连的,因而当需要对部分或整个应用程序进行某种形式的更改时,它们就显得非常脆弱。 对松耦合的系统的需要来源于业务应用程序需要根据业务的需要变得更加灵活,以适应不断变化的环境,比如经常改变的政策、业务级别、业务重点、合作伙伴关系、行业地位以及其他与业务有关的因素,这些因素甚至会影响业务的性质。我们称能够灵活地适应环境变化的业务为按需(On demand)业务,在按需业务中,一旦需要,就可以对完成或执行任务的方式进行必要的更改。 虽然面向服务的体系结构不是一个新鲜事物,但它却是更传统的面向对象的模型的替代模型,面向对象的模型是紧耦合的,已经存在二十多年了。虽然基于 SOA 的系统并不排除使用面向对象的设计来构建单个服务,但是其整体设计却是面向服务的。由于它考虑到了系统内的对象,所以虽然 SOA 是基于对象的,但是作为一个整体,它却不是面向对象的。不同之处在于接口本身。SOA 系统原型的一个典型例子是通用对象请求代理体系结构(Common Object Request Broker Architecture,CORBA),它已经出现很长时间了,其定义的概念与 SOA 相似。 然而,现在的 SOA 已经有所不同了,因为它依赖于一些更新的进展,这些进展是以可扩展标记语言(eXtensible Markup Language,XML)为基础的。通过使用基于 XML 的语言(称为 Web 服务描述语言(Web Services Definition Language,WSDL))来描述接口,服务已经转到更动态且更灵活的接口系统中,非以前 CORBA 中的接口描述语言(Interface Definition Language,IDL)可比了。 Web 服务并不是实现 SOA 的惟一方式。前面刚讲的 CORBA 是另一种方式,这样就有了面向消息的中间件(Message-Oriented Middleware)系统,比如 IBM 的 MQseries。但是为了建立体系结构模型,您所需要的并不只是服务描述。您需要定义整个应用程序如何在服务之间执行其工作流。您尤其需要找到业务的操作和业务中所使用的软件的操作之间的转换点。因此,SOA 应该能够将业务的商业流程与它们的技术流程联系起来,并且映射这两者之间的关系。例如,给供应商付款的操作是商业流程,而更新您的零件数据库,以包括进新供应的货物却是技术流程。因而,工作流还可以在 SOA 的设计中扮演重要的角色。 此外,动态业务的工作流不仅可以包括部门之间的操作,甚至还可以包括与不为您控制的外部合作伙伴进行的操作。因此,为了提高效率,您需要定义应该如何得知服务之间的关系的策略,这种策略常常采用服务级协定和操作策略的形式。 最后,所有这些都必须处于一个信任和可靠的环境之中,以同预期的一样根据约定的条款来执行流程。因此,安全、信任和可靠的消息传递应该在任何 SOA 中都起着重要的作用。 我可以用面向服务的体系结构做什么? 对 SOA 的需要来源于需要使业务 IT 系统变得更加灵活,以适应业务中的改变。通过允许强定义的关系和依然灵活的特定实现,IT 系统既可以利用现有系统的功能,又可以准备在以后做一些改变来满足它们之间交互的需要。 改变和 SOA 系统适应改变的能力是最重要的部分。对于开发人员来说,这样的改变无论是在他们工作的范围之内还是在他们工作的范围之外都有可能发生,这取决于是否有改变需要知道接口是如何定义的以及它们相互之间如何进行交互。与开发人员不同的是,架构师的作用就是引起对 SOA 模型大的改变。这种分工,就是让开发人员集中精力于创建作为服务定义的功能单元,而让架构师和建模人员集中精力于如何将这些单元适当地组织在一起,它已经有十多年的历史了,通常用统一建模语言(Universal Modeling Language,UML),并且描述成模型驱动的体系结构(Model-Driven Architecture,MDA)。子条,设计中的战斗机http://hi.baidu.com/ui88


- 什么是 UI : UI的本意是用户界面,是英文User和interface的缩写。 - 什么是用户界面设计: 在人和机器的互动过程(Human Machine Interaction)中,有一个层面,即我们所说的界面(interface)。从心理学意义来分,界面可分为感觉(视觉、触觉、听觉等)和情感两个层次。用户界面设计是屏幕产品的重要组成部分。界面设计是一个复杂的有不同学科参与的工程,认知心理学、设计学、语言学等在此都扮演着重要的角色。用户界面设计的三大原则是:置界面于用户的控制之下;减少用户的记忆负担;保持界面的一致性。 - 什么是J2EE 1: J2EE 是 Java 2 Enterprise Edition 的缩写,意思是 Java 2 企业版本 2:Java2 —— Java语言自1.2版本后,由于和前面的版本改进比较大,所以官方直接称为Java2.0 目前最高版本是Java1.5,官方也称为Java 5.0 J2EE —— Java 共分三个版本,分别是 J2SE , J2EE , J2ME 。J2SE是Java2标准版,用于普通的应用开发。J2EE是Java2企业版,用于构建部署大型的工程项目。而J2ME是Java2微版,用语嵌入式设备的程序开发,如手机里的Java游戏等。 J2EE 只是 Java2 的一个版本。 3: J2EE开发环境,首先肯定要有JDK,JDK是Java开发的必备环境。其次要有JRE,JRE是Java程序的运行环境。另外还需要一款JavaServer服务器,目前比较流行的有:Tomcat、JRun、WebLogic等还有很多。 原则上有了这些就可以用普通文本编辑器开发Java了,不过目前比较习惯可视化编程,所以一般都要装个Java的IDE开发工具,就和VBVC类似的工具,目前比较流行的开发工具有:JBuilder、Eclipse、NetBeans、Java Studio Creator/Enterprise(官方的) 等。 -什么是SOA SOA:面向服务的体系结构(service-oriented architecture)是一个组件模型,它将应用程序的不同功能单元(称为服务)通过这些服务之间定义良好的接口和契约联系起来。接口是采用中立的方式进行定义的,它应该独立于实现服务的硬件平台、操作系统和编程语言。这使得构建在各种这样的系统中的服务可以以一种统一和通用的方式进行交互。 这种具有中立的接口定义(没有强制绑定到特定的实现上)的特征称为服务之间的松耦合。松耦合系统的好处有两点,一点是它的灵活性,另一点是,当组成整个应用程序的每个服务的内部结构和实现逐渐地发生改变时,它能够继续存在。而另一方面,紧耦合意味着应用程序的不同组件之间的接口与其功能和结构是紧密相连的,因而当需要对部分或整个应用程序进行某种形式的更改时,它们就显得非常脆弱。 对松耦合的系统的需要来源于业务应用程序需要根据业务的需要变得更加灵活,以适应不断变化的环境,比如经常改变的政策、业务级别、业务重点、合作伙伴关系、行业地位以及其他与业务有关的因素,这些因素甚至会影响业务的性质。我们称能够灵活地适应环境变化的业务为按需(On demand)业务,在按需业务中,一旦需要,就可以对完成或执行任务的方式进行必要的更改。 虽然面向服务的体系结构不是一个新鲜事物,但它却是更传统的面向对象的模型的替代模型,面向对象的模型是紧耦合的,已经存在二十多年了。虽然基于 SOA 的系统并不排除使用面向对象的设计来构建单个服务,但是其整体设计却是面向服务的。由于它考虑到了系统内的对象,所以虽然 SOA 是基于对象的,但是作为一个整体,它却不是面向对象的。不同之处在于接口本身。SOA 系统原型的一个典型例子是通用对象请求代理体系结构(Common Object Request Broker Architecture,CORBA),它已经出现很长时间了,其定义的概念与 SOA 相似。 然而,现在的 SOA 已经有所不同了,因为它依赖于一些更新的进展,这些进展是以可扩展标记语言(eXtensible Markup Language,XML)为基础的。通过使用基于 XML 的语言(称为 Web 服务描述语言(W 查看原帖>>满意请采纳


The hamburger is delicious and the ice cream is sweet. 意思是汉堡很美味,冰淇淋很甜

A two decades lower than B,这里的decade怎么解释

您好,领学网为您解答:这里的decade就是十年的意思。a glass colloid was up to two decades lower than the friction at the CNF/gla 玻璃胶比CNF/GLA的摩擦低二十年。望采纳!

the decades that followed 考点?

定语从句that followed做decades的定语,that在从句中做主语不能省略。

when the traffic light is yellow we must

we must( go )when the traffic light is yellow.

were you subject to the two-year home country re

你是否受回国两年的限制(212e)?一、首先,并非所有的J-1签证都受到回国两年的限制,如下三种情况受到回国两年的限制:1.赴美进修的外国医学院毕业生,2.交换访问者赴美参加交流计划的经费由美国或外国政府所提供,3.赴美参加交流计划的访问者,其学习或进修的学科被美国新闻总署列入系该国所缺乏的专业。原文如下:J-1 Exchange Visitors are subject to the two-year home residence requirement based on direct or indirect U.S., home government or international organization funding and/or the Exchange Visitor Skills List or if they have come to the US to pursue graduate medical education or training.二、即使如果你是受回国两年限制的情况,也不是说一定不能申请签证。如果你回来不足一年然后去签证,对F-1来说不在范围内。但申H-1,L-1,green card就不行。条文如下。J-1 "visitors" (that is, J-1 students and scholars) who are what the INS calls "subject" to this requirement 212(e) must to return to their country of last legal residence for two years or obtain a waiver of this requirement before they are eligible for H-1B status (temporary employment), L-1 status (intracompany transfer), or Permanent Residence (a green card).如果你是再次申请新的F-1,J-1,J-2,B-1,B-2,VO均受理。只是签证时一定不在美国内。如果在美国签新的visa,被视为申请转签证类型。May apply to an American Embassy overseas for a visa to return to the US in another non-immigrant status, e.g. F-1 (student visa), another J-1 Exchange Visitor Visa, J-2 dependent status, B-1 (visitor for business) or B-2 (Visitor for pleasure). Visa Issuing Officer at Embassy must determine visa eligibility. NOTE: An application for a new nonimmigrant visa must be made outside the US; if it is made within the US it is considered a change of status request and will be denied unless a waiver of the residency requirement has been granted.三、如何判断自己是否是属于受限制范围:1.如果是的话,最简单的一条:学校告诉你。因为这是要求之一。原文如下:J regulations require that program sponsors apprise their exchange visitors of the two-year home residency requirement.2.如果属于以上三种,自己应该很明白3.注意:护照上写有SUBJECT TO SECTION 212E TWO YEAR RULE并不代表你就是属于限制范围。如果属于受回国2年限制的交换访问者,在申请签证时,其护照、签证或IAP-66表会被领事注明受回国2年限制。不过,决定持证人是否受到该限制的是美国移民局,而不是领事。有的领事在签证时,对J-1申请者一律注明须回国2年。

wwe 辛卡拉的大招叫什么


were left是什么时态

were left是过去完成时。 were:是; be 的过去时复数和第二人称单数形式; 有时代替 was,用于条件从句、动词 wish 之后等。 left:n. 左边; 左边的第一(或第二等)条路; 左转弯。 扩展资料   The older people were left to carry on as best they could.   年纪大一点的人被留下来,奋力坚持。   I picked first all the people who usually were left till last.   我先挑出了所有通常留到最后的`人。   In the main rooms red-hot radiators were left exposed.   在主室里,炽热的散热器暴露在外。   Sometimes security was so tight that people who might have had something important to offer were left out of the picture.   有时安全措施过于严密,使本来可能会提供重要情况的人成了局外人。   Two-thirds of inheritors promptly sold the houses they were left.   三分之二的继承人会把他们继承得到的房产迅速变卖。

welcom to my life 歌词谁能告诉我?

Simple Plan - Welcome To My Life专辑:Still Not Getting AnySimple Plan - Welcome To My LifeAlbum: Still Not Getting AnyEditor: FlowerSpider (QQ 1878886 ICQ 151476238)Do you ever feel like breaking down?Do you ever feel out of place?Like somehow you just don"t belongAnd no one understands youDo you ever wanna run away?Do you lock yourself in your room?With the radio on turned up so loudThat no one hears you screamingNo you don"t know what it"s likeWhen nothing feels alrightYou don"t know what it"s like to be like meTo be hurtTo feel lostTo be left out in the darkTo be kickedWhen you"re downTo feel like you"ve been pushed aroundTo be on the edge of breaking downAnd no one"s there to save youWelcome to my lifeDo you wanna be somebody else?Are you sick of feeling so left out?Are you desperate to find something moreBefore your life is over?Are you stuck inside a world you hate?Are you sick of everyone around?With the big fake smiles and stupid liesWhile deep inside you"re bleedingNo one ever lies straight to your faceAnd no one ever stabbed you in the backYou might think I"m happy But I"m not gonna be ok!Everybody always gave you what you wantedYou never had to work it was always thereYou don"t know what it"s likeWhat it"s like!No you don"t know what it"s like (what it"s like)<END>

flowers are reluctant to flower是什么意思

lowers are reluctant to flower花不愿意花如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

Beyonce Featuring Kanye West的《Ego》 歌词

歌曲名:Ego歌手:Beyonce Featuring Kanye West专辑:I Am...Sasha Fierce - Platinum EditionBeyoncé - EgoHey baby how you doing?You know Im gonna cut right to the chaseSome women were madeBut me, myselfI like to think I was createdFor a special purposeYou know, whats more special than you, you feel me?Its on, baby lets get lostYou dont need to call into work, cuz youre the bossFor real want you to show me how you feelI consider myself lucky thats a big dealWhy, well, you got the key to my heartBut you aint gonna need itId rather you open up my bodyAnd show me secretsYou didnt know was inside,No need for me to lieIts too bigIts too wideIts too strongIt wont fitIts too muchIts too toughHe talks like thisCuz he can back it upHe got a big egoSuch a huge egoI love his big egoIts too muchHe walks like thisCuz he can back it upUsually Im humbleRight now I dont chooseYou can leave with meOr you could have the bluesSome call it arrogantI call it confidantYou decide when you findOn what Im working withDamn I know, Im killing you with them legsBetter yet them thighsMatter a fact its my smileOr maybe my eyesBoy you a site to seeKind of something like meIts too bigIts too wideIts too strongIt wont fitIts too muchIts too toughI talk like thisCuz I can back it upI got a big egoSuch a huge egoBut he love my big egoIts too muchI walk like thisCuz I can back it upI, I walk like thisCuz I can back it upI, I talk like thisCuz I can back it upI, I can back it upI can back it upI walk like thisCuz I can back it upIts too bigIts too wideIts too strongIt wont fitIts too muchIts too toughHe talks like thisCuz he can back it upHe got a big egoSuch a huge egoI love his big egoIts too muchHe walks like thisCuz he can back it upEgo so bigYou must admitI got every reason to feel like Im that bitchEgo so strong, if you aint knowI dont need no beat, I can sing it with pianohttp://music.baidu.com/song/8853241

Joho was reluctant to go out in the storm , but he went anyway 是什么意思?


However bad the situation is, the majority is unwilling to risk change.

【答案】:B句意为:无论情况有多糟糕,大多数人还是不愿意冒险去改变。句中unwillin9意为 “不愿意的”。eager意为“热切的”;reluctant意为“勉强的”;pleased意为“高兴的”;an-gry意为“生气的”。只有reluctant意思上和unwilling最接近。

sweaty plam

对我而言,教书是个令人"熬红眼睛"、"手心冒汗"、"胃部虚脱"的行业. 熬红眼睛,是因为不管我熬夜备课到多晚,我都觉得准备得不够充分. 手心冒汗,是因为我每次进教室之前都会很紧张,就好像我一定会被人觉得很愚蠢一样. 胃部虚脱,是因为我离开教室一个小时后,发现我(所教的内容)比以前更加无趣了.

difference between dwindle,diminish, decline,decrease

decline -- 倾斜,下跌。趋势的走向下跌decrease -- 减少。数值增减的减少diminish -- 缩减。 向中心收缩。dwindle -- 渐渐减少,变小。 健康衰退般的。between -- 两者之间

一首英文歌开头是baby we go..

~Maybe Tonite~演唱:根谷美智子Baby RecallEverytime you let me downI realise how much I careBaby recallAll the time you leave my heartI feel lonely night and dayWant to belongTo your little paradiseAnd be your lucky angel,darlingUp in a sky a morning starI can"t express my best desire!Maybe tonite...You will open your heaven"s doorAnd you"ll realise againHow much I love you,manMaybe tonite...You will believe in me more and moreAnd you"ll be glad to getI will be close to you[01:11.15]Happiness surrounds my lifeEverytime I see your eyesNever againI can"t live without your love"Cause I need you till the endWant to belongTo your little paradiseAnd be your lucky angel,darlingUp in a sky a morning starI can"t express my best desire!Maybe tonite...You will open your heaven"s doorAnd you"ll realise againHow much I love you,manMaybe tonite...You will believe in me more and moreAnd you"ll be glad to getInto my honey life

How long were/do/have怎样区别和它的用法


We Wanna Party 歌词

歌曲名:We Wanna Party歌手:大嘴巴专辑:玩咖大嘴巴 - We Wanna Party作词:MC 40 作曲:阿弟仔、廖伟杰 编曲:梯依恩节奏要拍拍到位 大声的轰炸音乐我律动主宰世界 全部焦点请就位Woofer震地板太炫 尽情翻转地平线灯光蕴开hiphop流线 放情神迷目眩风格独舞 你来作主每个细胞都欢呼太阳眼镜要准备ok 场上看我发光你就会醉你想要盖过我? no way jos"e你面对最硬团队WE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTY TONITE!DJ dancer都会飞 MC总裁这一切神经冲撞着音乐 我们要跳翻世界Woofer震地板太炫 尽情翻转地平线灯光蕴开hiphop流线 放情神迷目眩风格独舞 你来作主每个细胞都欢呼lemme lemme hear u say combo几万段aint no我的罪b-boys b-girls common rock the place你疯狂特写我? ok jos"e你面对最硬团队WE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTY TONITE!Where my groovy party at? Here we are baby!*4Say where? Here!Where? Here!Where? Here!Where? Here!Say where my groovy party at? Here we are baby!Where my groovy p-p-party at?WE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTY TONITE!WE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTYWE WANNA PARTY TONITE!http://music.baidu.com/song/7316627

at the top we stopped to look at the view 翻译

at the top 地点状语 we主语 stoped谓语 宾语省略 to look at the view做宾语补足语



How to learn English well?


如何学好英语How to learn English Well?

Withthe development of the society, China has stepped on the road ofinternationalizaion. And as all sides of reasons, English has bee theinternational language. Thus, there are more and more Chinese learn English asto catch up with the world. Chinese government also realize this, so theyrequire Chinese, especialy students, learn English. Then there is still aquestion that how to learn English well.,随着社会的发展,中国已经踏上了国际化的道路。由于方方面面的原因,英语也成为了国际语言。因此,越来越多的中国人为了与世界接轨而学习英语。而中国 *** 也意识到这一点,所以他们要求中国人学习英语,尤其是学生。问题是如何学好英语呢?,Firstof all, learning English well needs perseverance. Because learning English wellis a long-term process. If we insist on leraning Eglish everyday, we will masterit one day. If we just study it for a short time and then give up, we will gainnothing in the end. Therefore, we should stick to learn English erveryday inorder to learn it well.,首先,学好英语需要毅力。因为把英语学好是一个长期的过程。如果我们坚持每天学习英语,总有一天我们能够掌握它。如果我们只是学了一小段时间就放弃了,到最后我们会是什么都没有学到。因此,为了学好英语,我们应该每天学习它。,Secondly,learning English well needs us open our mouth. The aim to learn a language isto speak it. No one will admit you learn a langeuage well without speaking itout. Many Chinese students have learned is“dumb English”. That is a big , in order to learn English well, we should often talk with our friends,clas *** ates and teachers in English.,第二,把英语学好我们应该开口说。学习一门语言的目的就是讲那门语言。如果你不会说,没有人会承认你把那门语言学好了。很多中国的学生所学的就是“哑巴英语”。这是一个很大的问题。因此,为了学好英语,我们应该经常和我们的朋友,同学和老师用英语交流。,Thirdly,the best way to master a language is tobe personally on thescene. So I advice those people who have condition go abroad for a while. When theye back home, their oral English must have improved.,第三,掌握一门语言的最好的方法就是身临其境。所以我建议有条件的人可以去国外待一段时间。当他们回国的时候,他们的口语肯定有所提高。,Tosum up, learning English well is not easy. But we can take masures to make itdone through perseverance, talking and going abroad.,.总之,学好英语并非易事。但是我们可以采取措施通过坚持,讲,去国外来学好它。

一篇英语作文“How do you learn English well”

you shuold practise your listening and speaking,which is so useful when you communicate with foreigners.

以How to learn English well写一篇英语作文


how to learn english well英语作文 中文

English is one of the most important subjects in middle school.Almost everyone knows that we should learn English well, but few of us know how to learn it well. Karl Marx has set a good example for us. He once said, "When one is learning a foreign language, he must use the foreign language." In this way, he could use several languages. A saying goes, "Practice makes perfect." When we learn English, we should read more, speak more, listen to English from time to time and practise writing every day. Don"t be afraid of making mistakes. Only in this way can we learn it well. English is one of the most important subjects in middle school.Almost everyone knows that we should learn English well, but few of us know how to learn it well. Karl Marx has set a good example for us. He once said, "When one is learning a foreign language, he must use the foreign language." In this way, he could use several languages. A saying goes, "Practice makes perfect." When we learn English, we should read more, speak more, listen to English from time to time and practise writing every day. Don"t be afraid of making mistakes. Only in this way can we learn it well. English is one of the most important subjects in middle school.Almost everyone knows that we should learn English well, but few of us know how to learn it well. Karl Marx has set a good example for us. He once said, "When one is learning a foreign language, he must use the foreign language." In this way, he could use several languages. A saying goes, "Practice makes perfect." When we learn English, we should read more, speak more, listen to English from time to time and practise writing every day. Don"t be afraid of making mistakes. Only in this way can we learn it well.

怎样学好英语 How to Learn English Well

Two years ago I startedto learn English. At first I think it is difficult but my teacher taught me somegood ways. First remember new words as much as possible. When you seesomething you can use English words to name it. Using the pronunciation to remembernew words is a good way. Second read the words or sentence loudly. It will strengthenyour memory so that you can remember words or sentence quickly. Third listento the tape. Listening is the basic of English learning so it"s important. Theseare some good ways to learn English. I hope they can be useful to you. 两年前我就开始学习英语了。刚开始,我觉得很难,但是后来我的老师教了我一些好方法。首先,要尽可能多地记单词。当你看到一样东西的时候可以用英语给他命名。通过发音记单词是个很好的方法。 其次,大声朗读单词或句子。这样会加强你的记忆,你就能够快速记住单词或句子了。再次,要听录音。听力是学习英语的基本,所以很重要。这些是学习英语的一些好方法。我希望它们会对大家有用。

How to learn English well ?

Generally speaking,work hard.

以How to learn English well写一篇英语作文

How to learn English wellEnglish is an important language in the world. It is widely used in international communication, trade, and education. Therefore, learning English well is essential for everyone who wants to succeed in today"s globalized world. Here are some tips on how to learn English well:Firstly, practice speaking as much as possible. English is a spoken language, so the more you speak it, the better you will become. Find a language partner or join an English-speaking club to practice speaking with others.Secondly, watch English-language movies and TV shows. This can help you improve your listening skills and get used to the natural rhythm and intonation of the language.Thirdly, read English books and articles. This can help you expand your vocabulary and improve your grammar. Start with simple materials and gradually move on to more difficult ones.Lastly, don"t be afraid to make mistakes. Learning a new language is not easy, and making mistakes is a normal part of the process. Learn from your mistakes and keep practicing.In conclusion, learning English well takes time and effort, but it is definitely worth it. With these tips and consistent practice, anyone can improve their English skills and achieve success in their personal and professional lives.如何学好英语英语是世界上重要的语言之一。它广泛用于国际交流、贸易和教育。因此,学好英语对于每个想要在今天全球化世界中取得成功的人来说都是必不可少的。以下是一些学好英语的技巧:首先,尽可能多地练口语。英语是一种口语语言,所以你说得越多,你就会变得越好。找一个语言伙伴或加入一个英语俱乐部,与他人练口语。其次,观看英语电影和电视节目。这可以帮助你提高听力技巧,并逐渐惯语言的自然节奏和语调。第三,阅读英语书籍和文章。这可以帮助你扩大词汇量并改善语法。从简单的材料开始,逐渐转向更难的材料。最后,不要害怕犯错误。学习一门新语言并不容易,犯错误是这个过程中正常的一部分。从你的错误中学习并保持练习。总之,学好英语需要时间和努力,但它绝对是值得的。通过这些技巧和持续的练习,任何人都可以提高他们的英语技能,并在个人和职业生涯中取得成功。



英语作文《How to learn English well?》

1.With the development of the society, English has become more and more important in our daily life. So many students spend more and more time in learning English. But they may have met some difficulties, for example, they find listening is too difficult to improve. Now, I will give you some suggestions: First, you should practice listening as much as possible. It is said that practice makes perfect. You can listen to the radio, such as BBC, VOA and so on. Each time, you needn"t practice for a long time. Second, you should choose some fancinating materials which you are interested in, so you wouldn"t feel bored when you are practising. Third, you"d better choose the tapes which are not too difficult, you can add the difficulties day by day. In one word, if you can stick to practise listening everyday, I think your listening ability will improve quickly.2.If you want to learn English well,you must know why we have to learn English.Let me tell you,that is because English is an international language.It is the most widely spoken language in the world.Most business letters,three quarters of the world"s books and newspapers are written in English.More than three quarters of the information on the Internet is English too!So it is quiet necessary and very important for us to learn English well.But how to learn English well?First of all,we should remember the important world confidence.That is,no matter what we do,we should believe in ourselves,and once we have made up our minds to do something.we should try our best to do it well.What"s more,No matter what we may come across,we should never give up.Instead we should keep on trying until we succed.Second,we"ll have to find out an effective way.We know what"s the language for.In short,it"s for the exchange of ideas,for communication,so the purpose of our learning a language is to understand and to be understood.That is by developing listening, speaking,reading and writing simultaneously.We"d better do more listening,speaking,reading and writing both in class and out of class.Remember:practice makes perfect.The third,we must keep on learning,as possible as every minute count.Diligence is the mother of success.As long as we set our minds to learn English well.We can succeed.

How to learn English well”的英语作文

How to learn English well(参考一下吧!这篇如果不可以,下面还有一篇~)     Some people seem to think it"s for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words——the longer the words are, the better. That"s wrong. Language is for the exchange of ideas, for communication.   The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible.   A great man once said it is necessary to drill as much as possible, and the more you apply it in real situations, the more natural it will become.   Learning any language takes a lot of effort. but don"t give up.  Relax! Be patient and enjoy yourself. Learning foreign languages should be fun.  Rome wasn"t built in a day. Work harder and practice more. Your hard work will be rewarded by God one day. God is equal to everyone!   Use a dictionary and grammar guide constantly. Keep a small English dictionary with you all the time. When you see a new word, look it up. Think about the word——use it, in your mind, in a sentence.  Try to think in English whenever possible. When you see something, think of the English word of it; then think about the word in a sentence.   Practice tenses as much as possible. When you learn a new verb, learn its various forms.   I would also like to learn more about the culture behind the language. When you understand the cultural background, you can use the language better.  Finally, I wanna give you a sentence that is one of my favorite proverbs. We must accept finite disappointment but we must never lose infinite hope. (请看,这是第二篇!)How to learn English wellas we are chinese, english is a second language for us. in addition, the language of english dont have any contact with mandarin. therefore, grammar is the most difficult part to learn english. english has lots of grammar rule, and its totally different with chinese. when students learn grammar, they usually confused. i dont think we have any shortcut to solve the prblem. the only way is to remember them, used to use those rules. here are 2 following questions i would like to ask you about english.question 1: what is the most difficult grammar of english to remember.question 2: what is the most difficlut part for you when you learn english (grammar, listening, speaking, reading, writing)

We walked deep into the forest and lost our way. 用deep而不是deeply为什么


It was in 1916 _________ the Olympic Games were stopped because of World War


What were the consequences of World War I in Britain

第一次世界大战给英国带来的后果/结果是什么?Britainwasnot"TheEmpireonwhichthesunneversets"anymore.AlmostallBritish colonieshadbeenindependent.USAhadbeen grownup.ManyEuropeancountries begantheirindustrialrevolutionsincetheendofWWI.

overall, how satisfied were you with your experi



但WPF将会顺风顺水的成功,重新掀起一场GUI领域的大洗牌,我看结果未必。 WPF不乏创新,大有气吞河山、一统WEB以及桌面软件的雄心壮志,但个人认为正如微软的.NET战略一样,规模过于庞大,同时要在两个战场开战,很难在短期内完成既定目标。而技术领域的创新是日新月异的,如果一项技术在短期内不能迅速得到认同,那么就很快有了竞争者,沦为过渡的技术。 目前,微软籍其在桌面软件上的绝对优势,理论上应该可以比较迅速的推广其WPF,但要想挑战其他技术在Web上的统治地位应该难度较大。一方面来看,现有的技术所具有的简单性和标准化已经深入人心;另一方面,WPF作为微软独有的技术,截至目前尚不能看到完整的规格说明。同时,.NET下尚不能拿出能与 PHP,PYTHON, RUBY竞争的动态语言,极具竞争性的VB也沦为了C#的Backup,总不能让众多ASP.NET的Fans拿C#等来和PHPer们拼灵活性吧,何况就.NET现有的类库规模,仍不能和Java社区的力量相比较。在轻便性,功能全面性上.NET占不了优势,那所能依赖的就只剩下平台了,而众所周知 Windows并不是WEB服务器运行的最好平台,Linux才是。 从个人的体验来看,学习微软的技术会有种先易后难的感觉,为什么呢?对于一些初级,共通性的问题,微软通过层层包装,给出了简单的实现方法,使你能获得最好的体验,而对于一些较有深度的问题,则需要你揭开包装,重新理解原理后找到解决方法。过程固然不错,但容易导致大量的不求甚解并使许多人永远停留在初级的阶段,这对于新技术的广泛应用并不是好事。ASP.NET作为WEB开发的一项技术,把HTML包装的非常好,基本需要的都有了,但在我们需要工具箱之外的控件时,我们发现除了需要学习C#,我们还要学习更多的东西,因为没有任何统一的方法来解决所有复杂的问题。ASP.NET如此,WPF也必将如此。



wearing clothing overall 的区别

wearing一般指穿衣、鞋袜、手套及各式装饰物等;clothing是各种衣物的总称。如:winter clothing冬天穿的衣服;overall是指罩衫,工作服,工装裤之类的。

如何在WPF应用程序中通过HttpClient调用Web API

  Asynchronous Calls  异步调用    HttpClient is designed to be non-blocking. Potentially long-running operations are implemented as asynchonrous methods, such as GetAsync and PostAsync. These methods return without waiting for the operation to complete. The previous tutorial (Calling a Web API From a Console Application) showed only blocking calls:  HttpClient被设计成是非阻塞的。潜在地,长时间运行的操作是作为异步方法实现的,例如,GetAsync和PostAsync。这些方法不会等待操作完成便会返回。上一教程(通过控制台应用程序调用Web API)只展示了阻塞调用:    HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync("api/products").Result; // Blocking call(阻塞)!  This code blocks the calling thread by taking the Result property. That"s OK for a console application, but you should not do it from a UI thread, because it blocks the UI from responding to user input.  这段代码通过采用Result属性,会阻塞调用线程。对于一个控制台应用程序,这没问题,但你不应该在一个UI线程中采用这一做法,因为这会阻止UI去响应用户输入。    The asynchronous methods of HttpClient return Task objects that represent the asynchronous operation.  HttpClient的异步方法会返回表示异步操作的Task对象。    Create the WPF Project  创建WPF项目    Start Visual Studio. From the Start menu, select New Project. In the Templates pane, select Installed Templates and expand the Visual C# node. In the list of project templates, select WPF Application. Name the project and click OK.  启动Visual Studio。从“开始”菜单选择“新项目”。在“模板”面板中,选择“已安装模板”,并展开“Viusal C#”节点。在项目模板列表中,选择“WPF应用程序”。命名此项目并点击“OK”。    Open MainWindow.xaml and add the following XAML markup inside the Grid control:  打开MainWindow.xaml,并在Grid控件中添加以下XAML标记:    <StackPanel Width="250" >  <Button Name="btnGetProducts" Click="GetProducts">Get Products</Button>  <ListBox Name="ProductsList">  <ListBox.ItemTemplate>  <DataTemplate>  <StackPanel Margin="2">  <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}" />  <TextBlock >Price: $<Run Text="{Binding Path=Price}" />  (<Run Text="{Binding Path=Category}" />)</TextBlock>  </StackPanel>  </DataTemplate>  </ListBox.ItemTemplate>  </ListBox>  </StackPanel>  This markup defines a ListBox that will be data-bound to the list of products. The DataTemplate defines how each product will be displayed.  这段标记定义了一个将被数据绑定到产品列表的ListBox(列表框)。DataTemplate(数据模板)定义了如何显示每个产品。(其效果如图3-4所示)。    图3-4. WPF界面效果    Add the Model Class  添加模型类    Add the following class to the application:  将以下类添加到应用程序:    class Product  {  public string Name { get; set; }  public double Price { get; set; }  public string Category { get; set; }  }  This class defines a data object that HttpClient will write into the HTTP request body and read from the HTTP response body.  这个类定义了一个数据对象,HttpClient将把它写入HTTP请求体,也从HTTP响应体中读取它。    We"ll also add an observable class for data binding:  我们也要添加一个用于数据绑定的可见对象类(observable class):    class ProductsCollection : ObservableCollection<Product>  {  public void CopyFrom(IEnumerable<Product> products)  {  this.Items.Clear();  foreach (var p in products)  {  this.Items.Add(p);  }  this.OnCollectionChanged(  new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset));  }  }  Install NuGet Package Manager  安装NuGet包管理器    NuGet Package Manager is the easiest way to add the Web API Client library to a project. If you do not have NuGet Package Manager already installed, install it as follows.  将Web API客户端库添加到项目最容易的办法是安装“NuGet包管理器(NuGet Package Manager)”。如果尚未安装NuGet包管理器,按如下步骤安装。  1.Start Visual Studio.  启动Visual Studio.  2.From the Tools menu, select Extensions and Updates.  从“工具”菜单选择“扩展与更新”  3.In the Extensions and Updates dialog, select Online.  在“扩展与更新”对话框中,选择“在线”  4.If you don"t see "NuGet Package Manager", type "nuget package manager" in the search box.  如果未看到“NuGet包管理器”,在搜索框中输入“nuget package manager”。  5.Select the NuGet Package Manager and click Download.  选择“NuGet包管理器”,并点击“下载”。  6.After the download completes, you will be prompted to install.  下载完成后,会提示你安装。  7.After the installation completes, you might be prompted to restart Visual Studio.  安装完成后,可能会提示重启Visual Studio。    上述安装过程如图3-5所示。    图3-5. 安装NuGet包管理器    Install the Web API Client Libraries  安装Web API客户端库    After NuGet Package Manager is installed, add the Web API Client Libraries package to your project.  安装NuGet包管理器后,把Web API客户端库包添加到你的项目。步骤如下:  1.From the Tools menu, select Library Package Manager. Note: If do you not see this menu item, make sure that NuGet Package Manager installed correctly.  从“工具”菜单选择“库包管理器”。注:如果看不到这个菜单项,请确保已正确安装了NuGet包管理器。  2.Select Manage NuGet Packages for Solution...  选择“管理解决方案的NuGet包…”  3.In the Manage NuGet Packages dialog, select Online.  在“管理NuGet包”对话框中,选择“在线”。  4.In the search box, type "Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client".  在搜索框中输入“Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client”。  5.Select the ASP.NET Web API Self Host package and click Install.  选择“ASP.NET Web API自托管包”,并点击“安装”。  6.After the package installs, click Close to close the dialog.  这个包安装后,点击“关闭”,关闭此对话框。    上述安装步骤如图3-6所示。    图3-6. 安装Web API客户端库    Initialize HttpClient  初始化HttpClient    From Solution Explorer, open the file MainWindow.xaml.cs. Add the following code.  在“解决方案资源管理器”中,打开MainWindow.xaml.cs文件。添加以下代码:    namespace WpfProductClient  {  using System;  using System.Collections.Generic;  using System.Net.Http;  using System.Net.Http.Headers;  using System.Windows;  public partial class MainWindow : Window  {  HttpClient client = new HttpClient();  ProductsCollection _products = new ProductsCollection();  public MainWindow()  {  InitializeComponent();  client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:9000");  client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(  new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));  this.ProductsList.ItemsSource = _products;  }  }  }  This code creates a new instance of HttpClient. It also sets the base URI to "http://localhost:9000/", and sets the Accept header to "application/json", which tells the server to send data in JSON format.  这段代码创建了一个新的HttpClient实例。也把基URI设置为“http://localhost:9000/”,并且把Accept报头设置为“application/json”,这是告诉服务器,以JSON格式发送数据。    Notice that we also created a new ProductsCollection class and set it as the binding for the ListBox.  注意,我们也创建了一个新的ProductsCollection类,并把它设置为对ListBox的绑定。    Getting a Resource (HTTP GET)  获取资源(HTTP GET)    If you are targeting .NET Framework 4.5, the async and await keywords make it much easier to write asynchronous code.  如果你的目标是.NET Framework 4.5(意即,你所开发的应用程序将在.NET 4.5平台上运行 — 译者注),async和await关键字会让你很容易编写异步代码。    If you are targeting .NET Framework 4.0 with Visual Studio 2012, you can install the Async Targeting Pack to get async/await support.  如果你的目标是使用Visual Studio 2012的.NET Framework 4.0,可以安装Async Targeting Pack来获得async/await支持。    The following code queries the API for a list of products. Add this code to the MainWindow class:  以下代码查询产品列表API。将此代码添加到MainWindow类:    private async void GetProducts(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)  {  try  {  btnGetProducts.IsEnabled = false;  var response = await client.GetAsync("api/products");  response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); // Throw on error code(有错误码时报出异常).  var products = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<IEnumerable<Product>>();  _products.CopyFrom(products);  }  catch (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonException jEx)  {  // This exception indicates a problem deserializing the request body.  // 这个异常指明了一个解序列化请求体的问题。  MessageBox.Show(jEx.Message);  }  catch (HttpRequestException ex)  {  MessageBox.Show(ex.Message);  }  finally  {  btnGetProducts.IsEnabled = true;  }  }  The GetAsync method sends an HTTP GET request. If the HTTP response indicates success, the response body contains a list of products in JSON format. To parse the list, call ReadAsAsync. This method reads the response body and tries to deserialize it to a specified CLR type.  GetAsync方法发送一个HTTP GET请求。如果HTTP响应指示成功,响应体会含有一个JSON格式的产品列表。要解析这个列表,调用ReadAsAsync。这个方法会读取响应体,并试图把它解序列化成一个具体的CLR类型。    As their names imply, GetAsync and ReadAsAsync are asynchronous methods, meaning they return immediately, without waiting for the operation to complete. The await keyword suspends execution until the operation completes. For example:  正如其名称所暗示的,GetAsync和ReadAsAsync是异步方法,意即,它们立即返回,不会等待操作完成。await关键字会挂起执行,直到操作完成。例如:    var response = await client.GetAsync("api/products");  The code that appears after this statement does not execute until the HTTP request is completed. But that does not mean the event handler blocks, waiting for GetAsync to complete. Just the opposite — control returns to the caller. When the HTTP request is completed, execution continues from the point where it was suspended.  出现在这条语句之后的代码直到HTTP请求完成时才会执行。但这并不意味着事件处理器(event handler,也可以叫做事件处理程序 — 译者注)会阻塞,以等待GetAsync完成。恰恰相反 — 控制会返回给调用者。当HTTP请求完成时,执行会从挂起点继续。    If a method uses await, it must have the async modifier:  如果一个方法使用await,它必须有async修饰符:    private async void GetProducts(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)  Without the await keyword, you would need to call ContinueWith on the Task object:  没有这个await关键字,你就需要调用Task对象上的ContinueWith:    private void GetProducts(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)  {  btnGetProducts.IsEnabled = false;  client.GetAsync("api/products/2").ContinueWith((t) =>  {  if (t.IsFaulted)  {  MessageBox.Show(t.Exception.Message);  btnGetProducts.IsEnabled = true;  }  else  {  var response = t.Result;  if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)  {  response.Content.ReadAsAsync<IEnumerable<Product>>().  ContinueWith(t2 =>  {  if (t2.IsFaulted)  {  MessageBox.Show(t2.Exception.Message);  btnGetProducts.IsEnabled = true;  }  else  {  var products = t2.Result;  _products.CopyFrom(products);  btnGetProducts.IsEnabled = true;  }  }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());  }  }  }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());  }  This type of code is difficult to get right, so it"s recommended to target .NET 4.5, or if that"s not possible, install the Async Targeting Pack.  这种型式的代码难以正确,因此建议把目标定为.NET 4.5,或者,如果这不可能,需安装Async Targeting Pack(Async目标包)。

是不是所有介词后面都不可以作主语吖 为什么All we have to do is to wait All we have to do 可以作主语


we well rook you是什么歌曲

we will

找一首欧美女声慢歌,歌词we feel the pain of love 、and you know what I mean 、follow your

The pain of love.

We have ( ) school Day at our school. ( )中应填a还是an还是不填

天 a school并不是原音开头。 反正天a

java Swing和java Web是什么意思?

swing是java的中用来制作图形界面 web 是网页的

web swing是什么意思

网络图形编程 不知道是不是



i am a big flower pig 啥意思

I am a big flower pig不知道呀

一首英文女声前面说we can什么的英文歌曲

Honeymoon - Lana Del ReyWe both know that it"s not fashionable to love meBut you don"t go cause truly there"s nobody for you but meWe could cruise to the bluesWilshire Boulevard if we chooseOr whatever you want to doWe make the rulesOur honeymoonOur honeymoonOur honeymoonSay you want me tooSay you want me tooDark blueDark blueWe both know the history of violence that surrounds youBut I"m not scared, there"s nothing to lose now that I"ve found youWe could cruise to the newsPico Boulevard in you used little bullet car if we chooseMr. Born to loseOur honeymoonOur honeymoonOur honeymoonSay you want me tooSay you want me tooDark blueDark blueThere are violets in your eyesThere are guns that blaze around youThere are roses in between my thighs and fire that surrounds youIt"s no wonder every man in town had neither fought nor found youEverything you do is elusive to even your honey dewOur honeymoonOur honeymoonOur honeymoonDreaming away your lifeDreaming away your lifeDreaming away your lifeDreaming away your lifeDreaming away your lifeDreaming away your life

webpack vue文件中template为什么不能使用使用錳d

本文实例为大家解析了vue中el、template、replace的元素,供大家参考,具体内容如下 api: cn/api/#el el 类型: String HTMLElement Function 限制: 在组件定义中只能是函数。 详细: 为实例提供挂载元素。值可以是 CSS 选择符,或实际 HTML 元素,或返回 HTML 元素的函数。注意元素只用作挂载点。如果提供了模板则元素被替换,除非 replace 为 false。元素可以用 vm.$el 访问。 用在 Vue.extend 中必须是函数值,这样所有实例不会共享元素。 如果在初始化时指定了这个选项,实例将立即进入编译过程。否则,需要调用 vm.$mount(),手动开始编译。 template 类型: String 详细: 实例模板。模板默认替换挂载元素。如果 replace 选项为 false,模板将插入挂载元素内。两种情况下,挂载元素的内容都将被忽略,除非模板有内容分发 slot。 如果值以 # 开始,则它用作选项符,将使用匹配元素的 innerHTML 作为模板。常用的技巧是用 <script type="x-template"> 包含模板。 注意在一些情况下,例如如模板包含多个顶级元素,或只包含普通文本,实例将变成一个片断实例,管理多个节点而不是一个节点。片断实例的挂载元素上的非流程控制指令被忽略。 replace 类型: Boolean 默认值: true 限制: 只能与 template 选项一起用 详细: 决定是否用模板替换挂载元素。如果设为 true(这是默认值),模板将覆盖挂载元素,并合并挂载元素和模板根节点的 attributes。如果设为 false 模板将覆盖挂载元素的内容,不会替换挂载元素自身。 示例: <div id="replace" class="foo"></div> new Vue({ el: "#replace", template: "<p class="bar">replaced</p>" }) 结果: <p class="foo bar" id="replace">replaced</p> replace 设为 false: <div id="insert" class="foo"></div> new Vue({ el: "#insert", replace: false, template: "<p class="bar">inserted</p>" }) 结果: <div id="insert" class="foo"> <p class="bar">inserted</p> </div> 以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持脚本之家。

get along well with等于

get along well with等于get on with sb.一、get along well with基本释义与......相处融洽:指与他人建立良好的关系,相互理解和支持。二、get along well with同义词其中well是程度副词,修饰动词短语get along,介词with接具体对象。have a good/close relationship with...和……关系很好、亲近。be close to each other.相互关系亲近。三、get along well with的用法get along well with +sb.双语例句:1、I get along well with my colleagues at work.我和同事们相处得很好。2、My sister and her husband get along well with each other.我姐姐和她的丈夫彼此相处得很好。3、I don"t really get along well with my neighbor.我和邻居相处得不太好。4、No matter where you are on the corporate ladder, it"s to your advantage to get along well with your supervisor.不论你处在公司的哪个级别上,和上司相处融洽对你来说都是一项优势。

We get along well句子结构是什么啊?

get along 英 [ɡet ??l??] 美 [ɡ?t ??l??] 释义:相处;进展;前进;离去例句:This fellow is hard to get along with. 这个人不好处。词汇解析:一、get 英 [get] 美 [ɡ?t] 1、vt. 使得;获得;受到;变成 2、n. 生殖;幼兽 3、vi. 成为;变得;到达二、along 英 [?"l??] 美 [?"l??] 1、adv. 一起;向前;来到 2、prep. 沿着;顺着 扩展资料 词语用法: 1、get是英语中使用最广泛的动词之一,可表示“得到某物”“到达某地”“处于某状态”,还可表示“记住”“抓住”“打击”“击中”“杀死”“使受伤”“感染上(疾病)”“难住”“吃”“准备(饭)”“注意到”等多种意思。可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,还可用作系动词。 2、get在表示“请求”“命令”“吩咐”“说服”某人做某事或使某人进入某种状态时,可接以带to的动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语; 3、get也常后接带形容词、副词或常用作形容词的过去分词或介词短语的复合宾语。 4、get还可用作系动词,在表示“使…变得…”时,可接名词、形容词或常用作形容词的过去分词作表语。在表示“被、受”的含义时,尤其是口语中,常与过去分词连用。 5、在美国口语中, get加现在分词则可表示某种状态的变化或一个新动作的开始。


慧字的粤语拼音是:慧 wai3 慧 wai6

做flash前端和做 flash webgame 客户端区别

这个还是要等都做过的人来回答,老实说,个人觉得您这个问题不清不楚flash webgame肯定是flash前段的组成部分之一flash前端可能有企业应用方面的,Ria应用,这个就是Flex的,所以,这个这不好说,不过倒是有as project和Flex project的区分,前者纯代码,后者Flex SDK4.8框架。


海参崴的正确读音是hǎi shēn wǎi。崴是一个多音字,读wǎi、wēi。一、wǎi:1、山、水弯曲处(多用于地名)。2、脚扭伤:下山时崴了脚。3、山路不平。二、wēi:〔崴嵬〕山高的样子。相关组词1、崴泥 [ wǎi ní ]表示事情糟糕,但糟糕的程度不严重的意思。2、崴磈 [ wǎi wěi ]高峻貌。3、崴嵬 [ wēi wéi ]山势高峻的样子;高而不平的样子。4、崴蕤 [ wēi ruí ]形容草木茂盛、枝叶下垂的样子。在中医中是一种药材。5、挣崴 [ zhèng wēi ]是天津俗语,就是“挣扎”的意思。

Dave Weckl的《Hard-Wired》 歌词

歌曲名:Hard-Wired歌手:Dave Weckl专辑:Hard-WiredhardwireGiving for chances toLeave the basement lifeAnd not the landlord"s wife.Furnished roomCelebrate the first flight windowBird"s eye view.You hardwireI"ll try to play the guitar.Stay smoke is gonePass by the morningThough we both see it comingWe don"t run.Let the silence settle in our bones.You are everything you areNothing at all.You are everything you areNothing at all.You are every night you fadeTo light you fadeTo light the room.Daylight writes a new light on you.Giving for chances toTake it all in strideWhy"d we walk a broken lineOf minus signs.You hardwireI"ll try to play the guitar.Stay smoke is gonePass by the morningThough we both see it comingWe don"t run.You are everything you areNothing at all.You are everything you areNothing at all.You are every night you fadeTo light you fadeTo light the room.Daylight writes a new light on you.You leave your eyes there for me to memorize.I can see you happy in the shadows I despise.hardwireMetricGrow Up & Blow Awayby:mylaYou hardwireI"ll try to play the guitar.You hardwireI"ll try to play the guitar.You hardwireI"ll try to play the guitar.You hardwireI"ll try to play the guitar.end.http://music.baidu.com/song/8535561



海参崴hǎishēnwǎi 。符拉迪沃斯托克(原名海参崴,俄语:Владивосток,英语:Vladivostok),位于亚欧大陆东北部,阿穆尔半岛最南端。清朝时为中国领土,隶属于吉林将军。1860年11月14日《中俄北京条约》将包括海参崴在内的乌苏里江以东地域割让给俄罗斯帝国,俄罗斯帝国将其命名为符拉迪沃斯托克,俄语意为“统治东方”。符拉迪沃斯托克是俄罗斯太平洋沿岸最大港口城市、俄远东科学中心、俄太平洋舰队的基地,也是俄远东地区最大的城市和经济、文化中心。还是远东区主要文教科研中心之一。有俄罗斯科学院西伯利亚分院远东分部、太平洋渔业与海洋学研究所及远东联邦大学等多所高等学校。俄罗斯政府已决定把符拉迪沃斯托克及其周围地区建成自由经济区,以加强俄国与中国、韩国、日本等东北亚国家之间的经济合作。

阿姆We Made You的中文歌词翻译

嘿嘿, :)Eminem - We Made YouGuess Who…猜是谁You Miss me?...想我吗 Jessica Simpson sing the chorus 杰西卡猩普森 给我唱When you walked through the door, it was clear to me (clear to me) 当你大摇大摆走进门,我突然瞭了You"re the one they adore, who they came to see. (who they came to see) 你是大家的神,抢着把你一眼You"re a... rockstar (baby) 你是 摇滚巨星Everybody wants you (everybody wants you)谁能够不爱你Player… Who can really play you (who can really play you) 玩很大 谁能玩得过你We"re the ones who made you 我们造孽捧你Back by popular demand 应观众要求 回来了Now pop a little zantack for andacity if you can 你得吞颗药 避免反胃You"re ready to tackle any task that is at hand 说好要开讲 你得准备How does it feel, is it fantastic, is it grand? 如何 有没有一种好讨厌的感觉Well look at all the massive masses in the stands 看看你前后左右同学Shady man… no don"t massacre the fans 痞子大丈夫 不拿粉丝开刀Damn, I think Kim Kardashians a man 去 话说那金卡黛珊是个人妖She stumped just cause he asked to put his hands 人家摸她一把她无言On her massive glutious maximus again 举世无双肥臀妹Squeeze it, then Squish it, then pass it to her friend 捏一下 挤二下 换你继续Can he come back as nasty as he can 阿姆回来了 嘴一样贱吗Yes he can,can, don"t ask me this again 一样贱贱 莫再问He does not mean to lesbian offend 他无心伤害蕾丝边But Lindsay please come back to seeing men 麻烦珊赛萝寒回到男人身边Samantha"s a 2, Youre practically a 10 莎曼珊不配 你是高校天后I know you want me girl, 我知道你是爱我的In fact I see it when I come in girl 事实上我早有感应When you walked through the door, it was clear to me (clear to me) 当你大摇大摆走进门,我突然瞭了You"re the one they adore, who they came to see. (who they came to see) 你是大家的神,抢着把你一眼You"re a... rockstar (baby) 你是 摇滚巨星Everybody wants you (everybody wants you)谁能够不爱你Player… Who can really play you (who can really play you) 玩很大 谁能玩得过你We"re the ones who made you 我们造孽捧你The enforcer, looking for more women to torture 爱情杀手 找更多女人下手Walk up to the cutest girl and Charlie Horse her 锁定正妹 然后搞定离手Sorry Portia, but whats Ellen Degeneres 抱歉波希哑 为什么是亚抡呢?Have that I don"t, are you telling me tenderness? 我有的她没有 她有的我也有Well I can be as gentle and as smooth as a gentleman 我也可以温柔 也会很体贴Give me my ventolin inhaler and 2 zenedrin 给我气喘药 再2粒诺美婷And I"ll invite Sarah Palin out to dinner then 然后晚餐就可以邀请莎拉裴零Nail her,"Baby say hello to my little friend 把她啊 跟我小弟弟说声嗨 Brit forget K Fed lets cut off the middle man 肥妮忘掉凯文 我们之间不需要别人Forget him or your gona end up in hospital again 忘了他吧 不然又要医院见And this time it wont be for the riddle and binge 跟我一起 不在迷惘跟买醉Forget them other men, girl pay them little attention 忘了这些坏男人 小姐别老爱错人A little bit did I mention, that Jennifer"s in love with me John Mayer 约翰每耳忘了通知你 珍泥佛爱的是我So sit on the bench 闪边凉快去Man I swear them other guys you give em an inch 这些男的 给他们一点甜头They take a mile, they got style bigger than Slim 以为有搞头 有抢不走我锋头When you walked through the door, it was clear to me (clear to me) 当你大摇大摆走进门,我突然瞭了You"re the one they adore, who they came to see. (who they came to see) 你是大家的神,抢着把你一眼You"re a... rockstar (baby) 你是 摇滚巨星Everybody wants you (everybody wants you)谁能够不爱你Player… Who can really play you (who can really play you) 玩很大 谁能玩得过你We"re the ones who made you 我们造孽捧你And that"s why… my love 了解吗 我的爱You"ll never live without , 少了我 你很空虚I know you want me girl cause I can see you checking me out 我知道你哈我 我发现你在瞄我And baby, you know, you know you want me too 宝贝 你瞭 你真的很爱我Don"t try to deny it baby, I"m the only one for you 无需否认 认了吧我是你唯一Damn girl Im beginning to sprout an Alphalpha 拜托小姐 我才开始斗嘴鼓Why should I wash my filthy mouth out 为什么我嘴巴得放干净You think that"s bad you should hear the rest of my album 这样就受不了 听完专辑恐怕要昏倒Never has there been so finesse and nostalgia 从来没这样客气跟念旧情Man Cash,I don"t mean to mess up your gal but 凯许先生 我也不想玩你妻Jessica Alba put a breast in my mouth but 洁西卡艾叭 我口水流满地Wowzers, I just made a mess of my trousers 哇赛 性感的让人挫屎And they wonder why I keep dressing like Elvis 他们好奇 我老是装猫王Lord help us hes back in his pink Alf shirt 老天有眼 猫王只爱粉红TLooking like someone shrinked his outfit 而且衣服早已缩水 Jessica rest assure, Supermans here to rescue ya 洁西卡别担心 超人我要来救你Can you blame me? 我错了吗You"re my Amy, im your Blake 你是爱霉怀丝 我是药头老公Matter fact make me a birthday cake 不管怎样先送我生日蛋糕With a saw blade in it to make my jail break 里面藏把小刀 让我逃出监狱Baby, I think you just met your soul mate 宝贝我是你心灵伴侣(Now break it down girl)When you walked through the door, it was clear to me (clear to me) 当你大摇大摆走进门,我突然瞭了You"re the one they adore, who they came to see. (who they came to see) 你是大家的神,抢着把你一眼You"re a... rockstar (baby) 你是 摇滚巨星Everybody wants you (everybody wants you)谁能够不爱你Player… Who can really play you (who can really play you) 玩很大 谁能玩得过你We"re the ones who made you 我们造孽捧你So baby, baby 宝贝 宝贝Get down, down, down 摇下去Baby, get down, down down 宝贝 摇下去Baby, get down, down down 宝贝 摇下去Baby, get down, get down 宝贝 摇下去 摇下去Baby, get down, down down 宝贝 摇下去Baby, get down, down down 宝贝 摇下去Baby, get down, get down 宝贝 摇下去 摇下去Oh Amy, Rehab never looked so good, 喔 爱霉 勒戒不成跟着上瘾I can wait, Im going back!! HAHA Whooo! 我等你 勒戒所见 哈哈

请教,symantec SMS web界面默认的账号密码是什么呢?

TaskMan.exe taskmgr.exe DTProAgent.exe NMIndexStoreSvr.exe MDM.EXE alg.exe spoolsv.exe ashDisp.exe 360tray.exe safeboxTray.exe explorer.exe ashServ.exe aswUpdSv.exe msnmsgr.exe rundll32.exe svchost.exe(用户名:LOCAL SERVICE) ashMaiSv.exe svchost.exe(用户名:SYSTEM) NMBgMonitor.exe svchost.exe(NETWORK SERVICE) boinctray.exe svchost.exe(SYSTEM) wmiprvse.exe lsass.exe services.exe winlogon.exe csrss.exe smss.exe QTTask.exe SeaPort.exe nvsvc32.exe ctfmon.exe System System idle process(CPU占最多) 还有不知道病毒进程会不会隐藏起来使我发现不了


hǎi shēn wǎi。海参崴(俄罗斯远东地区城市)一般指符拉迪沃斯托克,位于亚欧大陆东北部,阿穆尔半岛最南端。清朝时为中国领土,隶属于吉林将军。1860年11月14日《中俄北京条约》将包括海参崴在内的乌苏里江以东地域割让给俄罗斯帝国,俄罗斯帝国将其命名为符拉迪沃斯托克,俄语意为“统治东方”。气候特征:符拉迪沃斯托克按照周淑贞气候分类法属于典型的温带大陆性湿润气候,或叫寒温带大陆性季风气候。夏季凉爽舒适;秋季是符拉迪沃斯托克最好的季节,天气晴朗,阳光充足,持续时间较长,时有台风。冬季这里受来自高纬极地偏北风和海洋东南风的共同影响,寒冷湿润,降雪较多。


days of my week 我一周的日子。 week 英 [wi:k] 美 [wik] n. 一星期,周; 工作周(一个星期中的工作时间)
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