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什么是web2.0 什么是SNS



百度百科、Wiki百科、豆瓣、音悦台、开心网、人人网、点点网、Wallop 、yahoo360 、dajie、openbc 、 cyworld 、43things 、 flickr、 cragslist 、glob 、客齐集、 friendster 、 linkedIn 、UU通 、 优友 、 天际网 、爱米网 、linkist 、新浪点点通、skype、亿友、新浪名博、土豆网、优酷网、qq空间、猪八戒威客网、即问即答网等。

开头是 its going now we have的英文歌 女声

Sure Be Cool If You Did-Blake SheltonI was gonna keep it real like chill like only我不想喝得太醉 只想have a drink or two小酌一两杯But it turned into a party when I started talking但就像开了派对一样 当开始搭讪的时候to you我和你Now you"re standing in the neon looking like a现在你站在霓虹灯下 好似派对高潮high I wanna be on好似派对高潮Baby it"s your call, no pressure at all宝贝一切都听你的 不要有压力You don"t have to throw back your lemonade你不需要一口干掉 shooter and lean a little closer然后靠近我的肩膀You don"t have to keep on smiling that smile你不用展露那迷人的微笑that"s driving me wild and when the night is那让我痴狂的微笑 在夜晚almost over即将结束时Meet me in the middle of a moonlit Chevy bench让我们在雪佛兰汽车的后座 月色正浓seat and do a little bit of country song, hanging唱着乡村歌谣 一边紧紧on相拥You don"t have to keep me fallin" like this你不用让我为你如此痴迷But it"d sure be cool if you did但若真是如此 那肯定很酷You can"t shoot me down cause you already你不用把我灌倒 因为我knocked me dead已经被你迷倒Got me falling apart with my heart talking out of你把我弄得神魂颠倒 my head语无伦次Let your mind take a little back road放飞你的心灵 走段乡村小路Just as far as you wanna go无论你想去哪里我都奉陪Baby I"ll do whatever you wanna do宝贝我会让你为所欲为 为所欲为You don"t have to throw back your lemonade你不需要一口干掉 shooter and lean a little closer然后靠近我的肩膀You don"t have to keep on smiling that smile你不用展露那迷人的微笑that"s driving me wild and when the night is那让我痴狂的微笑 在夜晚almost over即将结束时Meet me in the middle of a moonlit Chevy bench让我们在雪佛兰汽车的后座 月色正浓seat and do a little bit of country song, hanging唱着乡村歌谣 一边紧紧on相拥You don"t have to keep me fallin" like this你不用让我为你如此痴迷But it"d sure be cool if you did但若真是如此 那肯定很酷Have a night that you"ll never forget编织一个夜晚 让你无法忘怀And now you"re standing in the neon现在你站在霓虹灯下Looking like a high I wanna be on好似派对高潮You don"t have to throw back your lemonade你不需要一口干掉 shooter and lean a little closer然后靠近我的肩膀You don"t have to keep on smiling that smile你不用展露那迷人的微笑that"s driving me wild and when the night is那让我痴狂的微笑 在夜晚almost over即将结束时Meet me in the middle of a moonlit Chevy bench让我们在雪佛兰汽车的后座 月色正浓seat and do a little bit of country song, hanging唱着乡村歌谣 一边紧紧on相拥You don"t have to keep me fallin" like this你不用让我为你如此痴迷But it"d sure be cool if you did但若真是如此 那肯定很酷Yeah, it"d sure be cool if you did是的 若真是如此 那肯定很酷




Powerpoint,是微软公司设计的演示文稿软件。 用户不仅可以在投影仪或者计算机上进行演示,也可以将演示文稿打印出来,制作成胶片,以便应用到更广泛的领域中。 利用Powerpoint不仅可以创建演示文稿,还可以在互联网上召开面对面会议、远程会议或在网上给观众展示演示文稿。 Powerpoint做出来的东西叫演示文稿,它是一个文件,其格式后缀名为:ppt;或者也可以保存为:pdf、图片格式等。2010及以上版本中可保存为视频格式。 演示文稿中的每一页就叫幻灯片,每张幻灯片都是演示文稿中既相互独立又相互联系的内容。

powerpoint是什么意思 powerpoint的含义

1、PPT是由微软公司推出的一款图形演示文稿软件,全称为“PowerPoint”,,大家都喜欢说成英文PPT,也可以算做是缩写。中文名称叫“幻灯片”或“演示文稿”。 2、一般与“投影仪”配合使用,通常在培训、会议场合使用。也可将PPT打印成一页一页的幻灯片,可以将PPT保存到光盘中以进行分发,并可在幻灯片放映过程中播放音频流或视频流的。


power point (Microsoft Office PowerPoint)就是幻灯片Powerpoint简称PPT。用户不仅在投影仪或者计算机上进行演示,也可以将演示文稿打印出来,制作成胶片,以便应用到更广泛的领域中。利用Powerpoint不仅可以创建演示文稿,还可以在互联网上召开面对面会议,远程会议或在网上给观众展示演示文稿。 Powerpoint的功能利用Powerpoint做出来的东西叫演示文稿,它是一个文件,其格式也叫.ppt格式。演示文稿中的每一页就叫幻灯片,每张幻灯片都是演示文稿中既相互独立又相互联系的内容。参考:百度文库:http://baike.baidu.com/view/49671.htm

英语sweltering with heat of injustice怎么翻译?

sweltering with heat of injustice冒着不公正的热量闷闷不乐


powerpoint属于办公软件。办公软件是指可以进行文字处理、表格制作、幻灯片制作、图形图像处理、简单数据库的处理等方面工作的软件。目前办公软件朝着操作简单化,功能细化等方向发展。办公软件的应用范围很广,大到社会统计,小到会议记录,数字化的办公,离不开办公软件的鼎力协助。另外,政府用的电子政务,税务用的税务系统,企业用的协同办公软件,这些都属于办公软件。利用Microsoft Office PowerPoint不仅可以创建演示文稿,还可以在互联网上召开面对面会议、远程会议或在网上给观众展示演示文稿。Microsoft Office PowerPoint做出来的东西叫演示文稿,其格式后缀名为:ppt、pptx;或者也可以保存为:pdf、图片格式等。2010及以上版本中可保存为视频格式。演示文稿中的每一页就叫幻灯片。扩展资料软件特点:PowerPoint备有许多模板,给我们设计幻灯片带来很多方便。但是,但是有的模板并不合适,那些背景较浅的模板请勿使用。背景使用渐变。把深色放在幻灯片底部;浅色放在左上角。因为读者往往从左上方开始阅读,不要让背景过于强烈以与前景色的文字争风。页面请设置为35mm幻灯片,并且四周保持0.5英寸的空白边缘,以防内容被幻灯片框所覆盖。参考资料来源:百度百科-办公软件





英语强人快来救救我吧Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minute?

I wouldn"t buy the pirated disks which I quite enjoy. If I enjoy the disks,I hope for keeping for my souvenirs.However,pirated disks haven"t qualifications for my request,whether their technique or quality. In especial,the most important,pirated disks are pirated,unlawful and hurt to their real owners. To buy pirated disks,money is given out but also they are not up to my expectation. I could search for other ways to get the disks,for example,borrowing from friends,buying secondhand ones.Also I would go to normal,lawful internet website to gain.that"s necessary to own every set of disks which I enjoy.,1,you should write it yourself. but if i were you, i woudn"t buy it. it"s illegal.anyway,you shouldn"t trust a stall with the vendor"s goods laid on the ground for sale.they may lie to you.all they want is money,right?so wish you luck for the writing!,2,Several days ago, I found a set my favorite CDs in a video store, but to my surprise, the price of these CDs are unacceptably high, so I can"t afford them. This morning, however, I noticed the sam...,1,英语强人快来救救我吧 Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a position.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: Is It to Buy Pirated Disks? 1.你在音像商店看到一套自己喜欢的光盘,因为价格太高而没有买; 2.你在贩卖光盘的小摊上看到了这套光盘,价格低得多.小贩告诉你这是盗版光盘,但不影响使用; 3.你会买下这套光盘吗?说说你的理由.

they are well --------our firm.

1.选择B项。2.原因:首先从句子和选项看,它要表达的大意是:他们对我们公司非常了解。从选项中可以看出,这里涉及到两个词,一个是familiar,一个是acquaint。我们从填空前面的部分“They are well”看出,已含有一个“are”,可以想到,如果是选择familiar的话,应该是be familiar with,而不会是be familiarized with,所以A排除。至于D项,familiarity是名词,而且也的确有familiarity with这个短语。但如果填在空处,应该被well修饰,这显然不对。于是排除D项。然后考虑acquaint一词。acquaint是动词,因为前面的be动词,C项的原型应该可以排除,只剩下B项。至于B项,此词用于被动语态中, 过去分词acquainted已经失去动作意义, 相当于一个形容词。例如: “我是去年认识他的。”不能译作: I acquainted him last year. 或 I was acquainted with him last year. 第一句是语态错误, 第二句混淆了“状态”和“动作”, 只能译成: I got [became] acquainted with him last year. 或 I made his acquaintance last year.3.这句话的意思是:他们对我们公司非常了解。

this is how we do it

歌手:jordan montell 专辑:this is how we do it This is how we do itLa ra ra ra ra ra...This is how we do it. It"s Friday night, and I feel all rightThe party is here on the West sideSo I reach for my 40 and I turn it upDesignated driver take the keys to my truckHit the shore "cause I"m fadedHoneys in the street say, "Monty, yo we made it!"It feels so good in my hood tonightThe summertime skirts and the guys in KaniAll the gang bangers forgot about the drive-byYou gotta get your groove on, before you go get paidSo tip up your cup and throw your hands upAnd let me hear the party say1- I"m kinda buzzed and it"s all becauseJordan Montell(This is how we do it)South Central does it like nobody does(This is how we do it)To all my neighbors you got much flavor(This is how we do it)Let"s flip the track, bring the old school back(This is how we do it)This is how we do it, all hands are in the airAnd wave them from here to thereIf you"re an O.G. mack or a wanna-be playerYou see the hood"s been good to meEver since I was a lower-case GBut now I"m a big G. The girls see I got the moneyA hundred-dollar bills y"allIf you were from where I"m from then you would knowThat I gotta get mine in a big black truckYou can get yours in a "64Whatever it is, the party"s underwayAnd let me hear the party say(repeat 1...)I"m kinda buzzed and it"s all because(This is how we do it)South Central does it like nobody does(This is how we do it)YNV, SCC, all my homies(This is how we do it)I"ll never come wack on an old school trackRap:Check it out!Once upon a time in "94Montell made no money and life sure was slowAll they said was 6"8" he stoodAnd people thought the music that he made was goodThere lived a D.J. and Paul was his nameHe came up to Monty, this is what he saidYou and OG are gonna make some cashSell a million records and we"ll make in a dash(repeat 1, ad lib to fade...)

Tom will show us his stamps at the weekend 中的show要不要加s?为什么?

from the very first, when you began to feel foolish about that man,

如果你想学好中文(if you want to learn Chinese well)正确吗?应该怎样表达?


welcome to是什么意思?


I’m Ann. I’m English. I’m twelve. I was born on May 17th , 1991. I learn Chinese at Beijing No.

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:B小题4:B小题5:B 试题分析:本文介绍了安和她的好朋友露西。安和露西都是12岁,他们在同一年级,但是不在同一个班。露西的父母在中国都是英语教师。他们有同一个语文教师张颖,他们都喜欢她。小题1:细节理解题。根据I have a good friend.和We are in the same (同样的) grade. But we are not in the same class.可知我们在同一年级,但是不在同一个班,我们是好朋友。故选C。小题2:细节理解题。根据I was born on May 17th , 1991.可知Ann出生于1991年5月17日。具体日期前用介词on。故选B。小题3:细节理解题。根据We have the same Chinese teacher(教师). Her name is Zhang Ying可知我们的语文老师是张颖。故选B。小题4:细节理解题。根据Lucy"s parents are both English teachers in China.可知露西的父母在中国。故选B。小题5:细节理解题。根据Her name is Lily. She is only five years old.可知莉莉只有5岁。故选B。

Tony finds _____ very difficult to learn Chinese well.


how to learn chinese well 英语作文

You"d better find a chinese friend and talk with him.


Will you learn Chinese next week?

How can i learn Chinese well

go out to find a language partner, watch TV programs conmmunicate with other chinese people~! that can be useful~!




这是QQmail也就是QQ邮箱的一个Plugin(插件),是可以删除的。 双击鼠标左键,选择C盘中的Users文件夹。 可以看到有个AppData的隐藏文件夹,双击打开它。 在本地文件夹中找到一个叫做“temp”的文件夹,里边的文件都可以删除,删除完可以查看一下C盘的空间变大了。

welco to learn chinese...作文60字

As we know,Chinese is one of the most beautiful languages all over the world,the words of which are also more beautiful than any other languages".The difference between Chinese words and other languages is that Chinese words are square.Chinese culture is rich,such as poems,handwriting,songs and so on.What you should do is that you ought to read as much as possible if you feel like learning Chinese well,then you can write down a read report,which is good for your Chinese ability.And the more history you read ,the better your Chinese ability is.What"more,attending a lecture is also a good way to improve your Chinese

How to learn Chinese well 作文

it is necessary and important to learn Chinese well. but how can we learn Chinese? i think,first,it is necessary to remember vocabularies well ,so that you can listen to the reports and read Chinese newspapers.second,you can make sentences in Chinese to improve your Chinese skills.and i also think that you can improve your English skills by listening to Chinese music,reading Chinese novels.last but not least,you can try to go to Chinese corner and communicate with others in Chinese,in this way,i think you can not only learn Chinese grammar,but also make friends with others from all over the world.if you can do like this,i think that your Chinese will be very well.

题目是how to learn chinese well作文及翻译

怎样学好中文 在网上搜就是了

How to learn Chinese well 作文

it is necessary and important to learn Chinese well.but how can we learn Chinese?i think,first,it is necessary to remember vocabularies well ,so that you can listen to the reports and read Chinese newspapers.second,you can make sentences in Chinese to improve your Chinese skills.and i also think that you can improve your English skills by listening to Chinese music,reading Chinese novels.last but not least,you can try to go to Chinese corner and communicate with others in Chinese,in this way,i think you can not only learn Chinese grammar,but also make friends with others from all over the world.if you can do like this,i think that your Chinese will be very well.

How to learn Chinese well 作文

it is necessary and important to learn Chinese well. but how can we learn Chinese? i think,first,it is necessary to remember vocabularies well ,so that you can listen to the reports and read Chinese newspapers.second,you can make sentences in Chinese to improve your Chinese skills.and i also think that you can improve your English skills by listening to Chinese music,reading Chinese novels.last but not least,you can try to go to Chinese corner and communicate with others in Chinese,in this way,i think you can not only learn Chinese grammar,but also make friends with others from all over the world.if you can do like this,i think that your Chinese will be very well.

Java web 服务端消息推送用什么比较好

像天气类,新闻类 app,服务端是怎么把信息发送给每一个客户端的?在我的认识里,打开网页或app去查询或者刷新时,客户端向服务器发出请求然后返回数据。 而服务端主动推送到客户端是怎么一个过程呢?(特别不明白应用服务器如何确定每一个应用所在的设备,服务端把消息推到哪?客户端又不像服务器有一个固定的地址)据我的了解,使用最多的应该是 DWR 和 Cometd了,其中Cometd功能强大使用又简单!

EXO成员KAI,是如何当选为韩国首位男性Gucci Eyewear全球品牌代言人?



(含:布依族宗教、德昂族宗教、侗族宗教、独龙族宗教、高山族宗教、仡佬族宗教、哈尼族宗教、基诺族宗教、景颇族宗教、拉祜族宗教、黎族宗教、傈僳族宗教、珞巴族宗教、毛南族宗教、苗族宗教、仫佬族宗教、纳西族宗教、怒族宗教、普米族宗教、羌族宗教、畲族宗教、水族宗教、土家族宗教、佤族宗教、瑶族宗教、彝族宗教、壮族宗教、白莲教、八卦教、大乘教、弘阳教、黄天教、龙天教、无为教)中国旧石器和新石器时期的宗教信仰及其在阶级社会中的残余形态。根据目前考古发掘的材料和古籍记载,主要有关于鬼魂崇拜的丧葬仪礼以及自然崇拜的种种表现。由于宗教考古尚待发展,古籍中有关宗教的专门记载也不多;中国原始宗教和古代宗教的分野和脉络,还是一个有待深入研究的课题。丧葬仪礼与鬼魂崇拜 从考古发掘探明,旧石器时期中国的山顶洞人的遗骸周围,撒有含赤铁矿的红色粉末,并有钻孔的兽齿、石珠、骨坠等装饰品作为随葬物。从这些遗迹可推知,在2~3万年以前的原始社会中,已产生灵魂不死的观念和对鬼魂的崇拜。丧葬仪礼的繁简差别,反映了对鬼魂崇拜的不同程度。史前遗迹 新石器早期,人们的鬼魂观念比较简单,墓葬也相应比较简陋。据考古发现,上海青浦县崧泽下层遗址墓葬,没有墓坑,在平地堆土掩埋,直身仰卧葬,随葬品很少;山东大汶口早期墓葬是竖穴小坑墓,随葬品亦少,以生产工具作随葬品的更是少见。特别是未见随葬品中有不通用于人间的物品,对尸体也没有采取特殊的处置。新石器中、晚期以后,鬼魂观念渐趋复杂,葬法相应多样化。西安半坡村遗址中的小儿墓葬,均用瓮棺埋在居住区内,成人墓葬则都在沟外的共同墓地;有仰卧伸展葬、伏卧葬、屈肢葬,还有五例集团改葬的二次葬。甘肃临洮县城南寺史前墓葬中,有火葬后将骨灰盛在陶缸中埋葬的,还有一些合葬墓。河南新郑县裴李岗墓葬中,有些大墓里包括5~7个小墓坑,埋人最多者达42人。这一时期,一般都有固定的公共墓地,同一墓地的死者面部都朝同一方向。从上述事例推知,当时已有较复杂的鬼魂观念。面部的同一朝向,可能是为表明灵魂的去向。使用固定的公共墓地和大墓套小墓的葬法,可能是原始人觉得鬼魂在冥间仍维持着大小家族的关系。儿童和成人墓地分开,反映人们相信冥间也有年龄层次的分别。火葬是想使灵魂尽早摆脱尸体的羁绊。实行捡骨二次葬,可能是认为尸体腐烂以后,灵魂才能获得自由或转生。这个时期的随葬品明显增多,以劳动工具随葬者,屡见不鲜。裴李岗100座墓葬中,有随葬品者91座,大部分随葬品都是劳动工具;男性墓多为石刀、石斧,女性墓常有纺轮和石磨盘等。当时人们不仅认为人死后在冥间仍须劳动,而且也有男女分工的不同。在新石器时期的后期,如甘肃齐家文化墓葬中,有一男一女或一男二女同时合葬的,在齐家坪墓群中,甚至有8~13人的合葬墓;表明当时的鬼魂观念中,已存在男权的统治地位和主人对奴隶的奴役和压迫关系,因此出现了妻妾为夫殉葬、奴隶为主人殉葬的丧葬制度。古籍记载 先秦及西汉的古籍中,有不少关于汉民族对鬼魂的认识和丧葬仪礼的记载。《礼记·祭法》称:“大凡生于万物、生于天地之间者皆曰命。万物死皆折。人死曰鬼。”认为鬼具有超人的能力和有善恶之分,并能祸福于人。《左传·昭公七年》载:“匹夫匹妇强死,其魂魄犹能凭依于人,以为淫厉。”《礼记·檀弓上》则称鬼魂是“生有益于人,死不害于人”。基于这些观念而产生了种种仪礼,其中最被重视的是葬礼。特别重视墓地的方位和尸体的朝向。《礼记·檀弓下》记载:“葬于北方,北首,三代之达礼也。”这些内容,同考古发现基本相符,可认为是汉族祖先的葬礼习俗。《墨子·节葬》专门有关于非汉族的丧葬仪礼的记载:“昔者越之东有輆沐之国者,其长子生则解而食之,谓之宜弟。楚之南有啖人国者,其亲戚死,刳其肉而弃之,然后埋其骨乃成孝子。秦之西有仪渠之国者,其亲死,聚薪焚之,谓之登遐,然后成孝子。”上述处理尸体的方式,反映了当时的鬼魂观念和丧葬仪礼的多元性和复杂性。随着社会生活和关系的变化和人类技能和活动能力的提高,一方面,人们观念中出现了作祟能力大、报复性强的恶鬼和厉鬼;另一方面,有些死者在世时的创造能力和英雄事迹被神化,结果被奉为祖神或神明,成为畏惧和崇拜的对象。因之,丧葬仪礼、祭鬼、赶鬼、避邪等活动日趋复杂并受到人们的重视。所以从商周以后就逐渐形成以招魂、报丧、哭灵、殓尸、殡尸、奠祭、出葬、丧期守孝等为主要内容的固定丧葬仪礼的程序以及“傩”、“大傩”、“追傩”等驱逐、镇压厉鬼的法术和携带、悬挂灵物或使用符咒避邪的巫术。祖先崇拜  源于鬼魂观念的祖先崇拜,开始只是将氏族始祖或历史上对本族有功勋的鬼魂作为崇拜对象。所谓“法施于民则祀之,以死勤事则祀之,以劳定国则祀之,能御大菑则祀之,能捍大患则祀之”(《礼记·祭法》)。同时由于重视血缘关系,人们观念中的一部分鬼魂成为氏族的祖神或保护神,作为长期固定的祭祀对象。通常一个家庭只祭祀其最亲近的祖先,如父祖,同时还参加几个家庭联合的祭祀祖先活动。随着氏族群体的瓦解,商周奴隶主贵族集团继承和垄断了氏族祖先的祭祀权,并利用它作为统治的精神工具。在统治范围扩大或改朝换代时,统治者都要想方设法证明他们与前代统治者或被他们征服的民族是同根同祖,崇拜同一祖先。据《礼记·祭法》称:“有虞氏噘黄帝而郊喾,祖颛顼而宗尧;夏后氏亦噘黄帝而郊鲧,祖颛顼而宗禹;殷人噘喾而郊冥,祖契而宗汤;周人噘喾而郊稷,祖文王而宗武王。”自然崇拜 原始和远古时代,人们对与自己生活关系密切而又不可理解和不能驾驭的自然物和自然力,产生依赖与畏惧而对其进行崇拜。当时一般尚未形成明确的超自然体观念,但已开始有将自然物和自然力超自然化的倾向,将其作为具有生命和意志的神灵加以崇拜。随着人们抽象能力的增强,又逐渐形成独立于具体自然物和自然力的神灵观念。崇拜的对象愈来愈多,山岳河川、风雨雷电、动物、植物以至日月星辰诸天体。风雨  中国农牧业发展较早,雨水对农牧业的影响极大,雨神素为人们所重视。殷墟卜辞中,有关求雨和卜雨的卜辞所占比重最大。殷人求雨,有把人或牲礼架在柴上焚烧献祭的,也有向雨神献舞求雨的。《左传》等古籍还有“焚巫”、“暴□”或主祭者自焚以求雨的记载。对雨的崇拜,后来转变为崇拜众多被认为具有施雨能力的雨师、神龙等,其中求神龙施雨最为普遍。民间求雨的祭祀,多以神龙为对象。远古人们对风的形成和它对自然界的影响,感到既神秘又恐怖,从而产生有关风神本体和神力的种种幻想。如认为东西南北四方来风,分别有四个风神主宰;殷墟甲骨文里对四方风神各有专名,《山海经》里也有类似记载。关于兴风的神力来源也有种种神话传说,有的把这种神力归于某种鸟类,如□、爰居,有的认为某山谷为能刮风的神灵,如《山海经》中所说的“令丘之山”的“中谷”和“旄山之尾”的“育遗”之谷,以及《淮南子·览冥训》中所说的凤凰暮宿的风穴等。西汉以前,民间有杀犬祭风神的习俗。《尔雅·释天》有“祭风曰磔”之说。郭璞注:“今俗当道中磔狗,云以止风。”秦代雍地有风神庙,王者要祭祀风神报其功。雷电 古人对雷声抱有恐惧感,但不把它当做恶神,而认为它是主持人间正义,对恶人行刑的善神。《山海经·海内东经》说:“雷泽有雷神,龙身而人头,鼓其腹,在吴西。”《淮南子·地形训》说:“雷泽有神,龙身人首,鼓腹而熙。”这种较原始的雷神形象富有浓烈的直观幻想性,可能是看到雷鸣时的闪电似龙,雷雨交加的现象又与龙能作雨的观念相联系,所以幻想出龙身的雷神;幻想雷神居水泽之中,名其居处为雷泽。后雷神更为拟人化,被称为雷公。《论衡·雷虚篇》谓西汉时“图画之工,图雷之状,累累如连鼓之形;又图一人,若力士之容,谓之雷公,使之左手引连鼓,右手推椎,若击之状。其意以为雷声隆隆者,连鼓相扣击之〔音〕也”。这里的雷公,已不是人首龙身,而是一个大力士;也不是雷神鼓腹而生雷声,而是扣击连鼓而“隆隆者”。春秋战国时另有一说:雷鸣时要衣冠正、行止合礼,不然要激起天怒遭殃。《礼记·月令》说:“先于电三日,奋不铎以令兆民曰:‘雷将发声,如有不戒容止者,生子不备,必有凶灾"。”社祀与土地神 中国土地神崇拜的发展可分为三阶段:①原始的土地崇拜,人们直接向土地献祭;②土地神拟人化,逐渐由自然神向社会神过渡;③各地域的“土地公”,被认作地主和管理者,主要具有社会属性而非自然属性的神性。古籍中记载的“社祀”,是原始土地自然崇拜的一种形式。《史记·封禅书》称:“自禹兴而修社祀,……郊社所从来尚矣。”修社祀或许在夏代初期,当时把土地作为直接礼拜的对象。至殷商、西周初期,祭土地神时仍采用将牲礼埋入地内,或将酒、牲血、人血灌入地里的原始祭法。西周后期,土地神逐渐由自然神向社会神转化。禹、后土、句龙、犁等传说中的人物被当做土地神崇拜。但这个时期的土地神,人们认为主要还是自然神,对之崇拜,希望能在农业生产中得到收益。春秋战国后,土地神的社会属性逐渐增强,并且因祭主的地位不同而分了等级;后又进一步分化为各有管辖范围的众多土地公。礼拜的对象是被称为社主的一土堆。“社者,土地之主,土地广博,不可遍敬,故封土以为社而祀之”(《孝经》)。到西周后期,才把对农业有贡献的传说人物奉为社主来崇拜。其后随着土地神人神化的发展,社神变为管理各地区的社会神,最后发展为许许多多的各地土地公──福德正神,被认为生前有德者死后方可充任。社祭成为民间最重要的祭祀。山岳河川  古时有许多关于大山、名山神秘化的传说。这些山被认为能赋予人以生命力或某种灵性而被崇拜。除昆仑外,泰山、衡山、华山、恒山、嵩山最被崇敬,称之为五岳之神,古代帝王要去巡祭或派员去祭祀。据《史记·封禅书》记载,除五岳外,全国还有数十座大山被神化,帝王亲自前往祭祀,或由官方修建山神庙。殷墟卜辞和《山海经》中提到的祭山神的方式,还有“□”和“瘗”等,因山高,祭品要燔燎才能达于山神,因取财于山岳地下,所以还要将祭品埋入地下作为还报。河川因与人类生活、生产关系密切而受到崇拜。原始社会各部族崇拜其居住地附近的河川。国家形成以后,逐渐转变为由帝王或诸侯祭祀天下的名川大河,而民间主要仍循旧俗祭祀其居住区的河神。商部族早期所祭祀的主要是其居住区域的黄河、洹水(安阳河)、商水(漳水)、洧水等大小河流。祭礼相当隆重,用牛羊为牲礼,有时也用人祭。祭河神主要用“沉”或“浮”,即将祭品沉于河底或放在水上漂流。周朝以后,统治疆域扩大,形成天子祭天下名山大川,诸侯祭其疆内山川之习。后来各条河流都有特定人物为河神,如冯夷被奉为黄河河伯,上帝之子湘君被奉为湘江江神等。植物崇拜 主要表现在两个方面:①将农作植物神秘化而作为自然神进行崇拜,后来随着自然神的拟人化而成为农业祭祀上的神主;②崇拜某些植物的特性,相信这些特性具有某种神秘力量,而用于巫术活动方面。最初,稷是和稻、黍、麦、菽一起受崇拜的谷类植物之一,但因稷的种植最为广泛,历史最长,被推居“五谷之长”。进而成为五谷神的代表,变成谷类综合神,最后加以人神化,上升为农业之神。传说中的人物,如后稷、农、柱、周弃等,被奉祀为稷神神主。稷神是古代祭祀的重要对象之一,与土地神并称为“社稷”。为了农业丰收,每年都要举行祭礼。据《左传·襄公七年》记载:“夫郊祀后稷,以祈农事也。是故启蛰而郊,郊而后耕。”这种农业祭祀和始耕仪式,源于原始宗教播种祭。根据《礼记·月令》记载,除郊祭外,每当麦、黍、谷、麻、稻等各种农作物收获时,还要进行“尝”祭,作为答谢。古人相信某些植物如桃木、苕、棘等具有驱赶魔鬼和避除凶邪的灵性,如《礼记·檀弓下》称“以巫祝桃□执戈,(鬼)恶之也”,《左传·昭公四年》也有“桃弧棘矢,以除其灾”等语。此外,《山海经》记载韭、迷谷,薰草等“佩之不迷”、“服之媚于人”,则多少带有巫术的性质。同时与这些植物本身的形状、气味等特性有关,如菖蒲似剑,桃木坚韧,棘有尖刺,姜、韭有强烈的特殊气味等。动物崇拜 有三个特点:①被神化崇拜的动物种类,主要是狩猎和豢养的马、牛、羊、猪、犬,以及人们惧怕的虎豹等猛兽。《山海经》描述的古神形状多和这些动物有联系;②崇拜龙、凤、麟、龟为“四灵”。龙、凤、麟是人们想像中的吉祥动物,被认为是各类动物之王,所谓“鱼鲔从龙”、“百鸟从凤”、“兽从麟”,具有统御各类动物的神秘力量,龟被认为能“知天道”,预知人的利害祸福。“四灵”还被推崇为仁政和道德的化身,被视为“仁兽”、“瑞兽”、“德兽”;③动物图腾崇拜表现不明显。殷周以后,古籍中就看不到典型的有关动物图腾崇拜的记载。这可能是由于中国远古未发生图腾崇拜或图腾崇拜消亡较早。但有些学者根据古籍记载的神话人物的“感生说”(如契母简狄,感吞燕卵而生契)、“降生说”(如天命玄鸟,降而生商),以及以动物为姓氏或作官制(如黄帝号有熊氏,少□以鸟名官)等为例证,认为古代曾盛行过图腾崇拜;根据有些学者的实地调查,在中国西南地区的少数民族中,近世尚有动物图腾崇拜的遗迹。这个问题尚有待进一步研究。天体崇拜 将日月星辰诸天体直接作为崇拜对象或将其视为神灵或神灵之居所而加以崇拜。殷商时有拜日的风习。殷契中有“王宾日”、“出日”、“入日”等甲骨文,这些刻辞被认为是殷王朝夕迎送日神的记录。《书·尧典》有“寅宾出日”、“寅饯纳日”的记载,可见迎送太阳的礼拜仪式由来久远,非始于殷商。西周以后,统治者在统祭天上诸神时,太阳神占有主神的地位,所谓“郊之祭也,迎长日之至也,大报天而主日也”(《礼记·郊特牲》)。原始时代崇拜日神,主要是感谢太阳赐给人间光明,并给人定方位的便利,所谓“祭日于坛,祭月于坎,以别幽明,以利上下,祭日于东,祭月于西,以别内外,以端其位”(《礼记·祭义》),反映了日崇拜的自然崇拜性质。农业成了主要的社会生产行业后,太阳被认为是决定农产品丰歉的主宰。殷商时期,对日食怀着恐惧心理,并被认为不祥之兆;若发生日食就要进行占卜,祭告祖先保□。古籍中多有猜测月中情形的记载,但对月的神性和月神的神力的渲染却很少,也不以月食为灾异。虽因其在黑夜发光和有规律的盈亏现象而受到崇拜,但由于其对人类生活影响不大,其神格不高,祭礼也不隆重。在对天体诸神进行统祭时,被放在配角的地位。至于祭星的记载更为简单。星辰崇拜在原始宗教中不占重要地位。但在古代出现天上最高神──上帝出现以后,巫祝们将许多社会现象和星体的光度色泽、运行轨道、各星之间的位置等联系在一起,进行神秘的解释,而形成众多星神和神话,使星辰超出其自然特性而变成了具有某种社会职能和支配某种自然现象的神。如“箕星主八风,毕星主戈猎”等。《史记·天官书》中的许多星辰,都被附加了这类神性。另一方面,世间的社会结构被搬到天上,群星成了上帝的臣属,一些星体变成有能力满足人间某种欲望的神而受到奉祀。《史记·天官书》记载的群星,其神格和神性都已被纳入上帝神统而不具有自然崇拜的性质。星体运行和光泽变化等自然现象也被用于征兆占卜,形成了占星术,成为古代占卜中一个重要种类。


matpower只是针对输电网的工具包,所以没有三相潮流计算的函数。实在是不得已、下下策的方法就是自己把相参数转换为解耦的序分量,把每个分量分别用matpower计算,但是精度不一定满足,你可以查一下那些考虑不对称性如何解耦序分量后进行精确计算的方法有哪些可以借用。以下是一些采用解耦补偿法的文献,可以看看有没有参考价值,可以自己下载。[1] Zhang X P,Chen H.Asymmetrical three-phase load-flow study based on symmetrical component theory[J].IEE Proceedings-Generation,Transmission and Distribution,1994,141(3):248-252.[2] Zhang X P,Chu W J,Chen H.Decoupled asymmetrical three-phase load flow study by parallel processing[J].IEE Proceedings-Generation,Transmission and Distribution,1996,143(1):61-65.[3] 张小平,陈珩.不对称三相潮流的对称分量分析法[J].中国电机工程学报,1993,13(6):1-12.配网三相潮流可以看看OpenDSS、GridLAB-D,支持代码和Matlab接口,可以满足含可再生能源发电的三相潮流计算。输电网三相潮流只能搭建界面型的仿真图来计算,还没有公开的代码。


你要去Zimbabwe留学? 恭喜恭喜!

He return out to be the man whom we were looking for?对吗


He return out to be the man whom we were looking for?对吗


when the man went out of the shop ,he found his car____(lose)理由?

lostfind sth. + adj

well received什么意思

well received的意思是“完好收到”

RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE 这是什么钱。我有一张面值50亿的,不知道能不能换人民币!!!!




三丽鸥角色my sweet piano是什么意思?

小羊名字叫做“my sweet piano”,是三丽鸥的一个角色,是melody(美乐蒂)的闺蜜。官方介绍是“是一只温柔甜美 爱撒娇的小绵羊,一身粉色的小卷毛是她最明显的特征。在三丽鸥主题乐园里,piano是人气明星。“my sweet piano”的昵称是piano酱,三丽鸥首推,2020年人气选举排名20,在动画片里不会说话,只会咿咿呀呀。三丽鸥相关介绍:三丽鸥英文的翻译是Sanrio,旗下有我们熟悉的文化品牌HelloKitty,MYMELODY,LITTLE TWIN STARS等。本着礼物传递真情的经营理念,三丽鸥致力于丰富人际交流的伟大事业,赋予礼品全新的意义——礼物不仅是用来表达对他人的尊重,信任,友爱,也可以成为与自己内心世界沟通的桥梁。在帮助人们追求幸福,互求相互理解,彼此建立良好友谊的同时,三丽鸥也为人们提供精神上的休闲与满足。


zim 确定


津巴布韦共和国。原称罗得西亚(1980年前),是非洲东南部内陆国,1980年4月18日独立。津巴布韦曾经经历了严重的恶性通货膨胀,但从2009年用美元和南非兰特替代本国货币后,通货膨胀开始逐渐趋于稳定。津巴布韦是非洲工业较发达的国家,制造业、农业、矿业为经济三大支柱。 津巴布韦共和国,原称罗得西亚(1980年前),是非洲东南部内陆国,1980年4月18日独立。津巴布韦曾经经历了严重的恶性通货膨胀,但从2009年用美元和南非兰特替代本国货币后,通货膨胀开始逐渐趋于稳定。津巴布韦是非洲工业较发达的国家,制造业、农业、矿业为经济三大支柱,津巴布韦以出产优质鳄鱼皮而闻名,有“鳄鱼之乡”的誉称。该国自然资源丰富,工农业基础较好。


one night at the disco i wanted to dance slow 那一晚在舞厅我想要缓缓舞蹈i saw a sweet baby, such a fine lady 我看见了可爱的宝贝,那么时髦的女子i walked up to ask her, 我走过去问她but some dude just grabbed her 但是一个花花公子抢先了i told him to back off,我让他退后 cut me some slack off 抛去那些松散 i see you come here, 我看见你过来drinkin" that cheap beer 喝下了那瓶价廉的啤酒act like you own it, 感觉就像你拥有它i can"t condone it 我无法原谅you show me now respect, 此时的你对我表现出尊敬you got to get off it 你应该离开它you got to get with it. 你应该赶上时髦time for a swift kick 迅速的一踢you see, i own this town. 你看,我拥有这个城镇you best not come around. 你最好不要绕道而行if you wanna get by, 如果你想通过then cool it down. 请冷静下来if you wanna start something, 如果你想惹麻烦know one thing: i"m king. 请记住;我是这里的主宰if you wanna mess around like that, 如果你想胡闹that"s just how it is. 就是如此的情况if you wanna get by, 如果你想通过then mind your biz. 请记住那些至关重要的if you wanna start something, 如果你想惹麻烦know one thing: i"m king. 请记住;我是这里的主宰you wanted attention and did i mention: 你要留心我提及的话:nobody likes you, except for the losers 除了失败者,没有人像你you made a whole army, an army of babies 你制造个真个军队,由那些家伙组成的军队some of them stupid, some of them crazy 一些家伙愚蠢,一些家伙疯狂pick up your action, act like a grown man 收起你的那些行为,像一个成熟的男人那样行动look at the winners, you can be like them 看那些胜利者,你可以成为他们life is so easy, pleasant, and dreamy 生活是多么的简单,愉快与美好if you get off me, if you get with me 如果你记住我并与我相处you see i own this town. 你会发现我拥有这座城镇you best not come around. 你最好不要绕道而行if you wanna get by, 如果你想通过then cool it down. 请冷静下来if you wanna start something, 如果你想惹麻烦know one thing: i"m king. 请记住,我是王if you wanna mess around like that, 如果你想那般的胡闹that"s just how it is. 就是如此情况if you wanna get by, 如果你想通过then mind your biz. 请记住那些至关重要的if you wanna start something, 如果你想惹麻烦know one thing: i"m king. 请记住;我是这里的主宰you can"t break me 你不能违背我never take me 永远不能带走我that"s just how it is就是这样 you can"t break me你不能违背我never shake me永远不能带走我clear out of my biz 把关于我的一切清除you see i own this town. 你看,我拥有这座城镇you best not come around. 你最好不要绕道而行if you wanna get by, 如果你想通过then cool it down. 请冷静下来if you wanna start something, 如果你想惹麻烦know one thing: i"m king. 请记住,我是王if you wanna mess around like that, 如果你想那般的胡闹that"s just how it is. 就是这样if you wanna get by, 如果你想通过then mind your biz. 请记住那些至关重要的if you wanna start something, 如果你想惹麻烦know one thing: i"m king. 记住,我是王者I"m king ,I"m king ,I"m king ...... 我是王者,我是王者…….I"m king ,I"m king ,I"m king ......

求weezer乐队 no one else歌词

No One Else 歌词 Track 2 - No One Else (3:04)My girl"s got a big mouthWith which she blabbers a lot.She laughs at most everythin"Whether it"s funny or not.And if you see herTell her it"s over now.[chorus]I want a girl who will laugh for no one else.When I"m away she puts her makeup on the shelf.When I"m away she never leaves the house.I want a girl who laughs for no one else.My girl"s got eyeballsIn the back of her head.She looks around and around.You know it makes me sad to see her like that.Please don"t believe her.She says that for anyone.And if you see her tell her it"s a lie.[chorus]And if you see her tell her it"s over now.And if you see her tell her it"s over now.And if you watch her go... and if you watch her go... Watch her, watch her, watch her, watch her![chorus]No one else. Yeah.

Weezer的《December》 歌词

歌曲名:December歌手:Weezer专辑:MaladroitDecemberChaseCoyJust tel lme you"re doing okayI can"t help but think of you everydayAnd I know that it"s hard when I"m miles awayBut I know we"ll be together somedayFallis goneWinter is hereI spent all December just wanting you nearSo I"m singing these words in the hope that you"ll hearYou"re the best thing that happened this yearI"ve fallen in love honestlySo I"m wearing my heart on my sleeveIn the hope that these notes and the words that I sing make you seeYou mean more than the world does to meLet me be honest with youWhen I said I loved you it was more than the truthYou see with each lonely night and day that I must go throughWell they just bring me closer to youI"ve fallen in love honestlySo I"m wearing my heart on my sleeveIn the hope that these notes and the words that I sing make you seeYou mean more than the world does to meI"ve fallen in love honestlySo I"m wearing my heart on my sleeveIn the hope that these notes and the words that I sing make you seeYou mean more than the world does to mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2246050

Weezer的《Holiday》 歌词

歌曲名:Holiday歌手:Weezer专辑:WeezerVampire Weekend - HolidayHoliday, oh, a holidayAnd the best one of the yearUnderneath my sheetsWhile I cover both my earsBut if I wait for a holidayCould it stop my fears?To go away on a summer"s dayNever seemed so clearHoliday, still so far awayA republic on the beachI can"t forget just how bad it getsWhen I"m counting on my teethA vegetarian since the invasionShe"d never seen the word "bombs"She"d never seen the word bombs blown up to 96 point FuturaShe"d never seen an A-K in a yellowy day-glo displayA teacher so lovely, it turned all the history books redI got wheels, I got Cutter sprayAnd a healthy sense of worthHalf of me is the gasolineBut the other half"s the surfTo away on a summer"s dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/496196

Weezer的《Unspoken》 歌词

歌曲名:Unspoken歌手:Weezer专辑:HurleyWeezer - UnspokenEvery morning, every day,I am hopin" for a chance to get awayIn the evening, every night,I am dreamin" of a chance to make it rightEvery chance that I getI am placin" a bet on the sun in the skyAnd if you take this away from meI"ll never forgive you can"t you seeOur life will be brokenOur hate will be unspokenI can feel those metal chainsAnd they"re holding back the hope that keeps me saneI can fight back, yes I can"Cos I"m strong enough to show you I"m a manAnd I hate what you do,when your poison seeps through and you"re laughin" at meI am placin" a beton the sun in the skyas it sets out of sightAnd I hate what you dowhen your poison seeps throughand you"re laughing at mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7446118

Weezer的《Smile》 歌词

歌曲名:Smile歌手:Weezer专辑:WeezerSmileWeezerThe Green AlbumSmileWeezerThe Green AlbumOpen the door and let your love come downOver the wall, you"re spinning "round and "roundCause you wanted some loveI"ll make it happenCause I don"t wanna breakYour fine face. I can"t takeThe way you wanna wrap me upInside your smileOpen your heart and let the good stuff outWater me girl and let me ease the droughtCause you wanted some loveI"ll make it happenCause I don"t wanna breakYour fine face. I can"t takeThe way you wanna wrap me upInside your smileI can"t be goneDarlingFor very longNoNever know what you"re gonna doStanding there deep in front of youTake a look in between my eyesBecause I"m backYeahCause I don"t wanna breakYour fine face. I can"t takeThe way you wanna wrap me upInside your smileI can"t be goneDarlingFor very longNever knowWhat you"re gonna doStanding there deep in front of youTake a look in between my eyesBecause I"m backYeahGive me a chance if you can force yourselfLook at me girl and get up off your shelfCause you wanted some loveI"ll make it happenhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8517179

Weezer的《Run Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Run Away歌手:Weezer专辑:Hurley (Deluxe Version)Weezer - Run AwayI thought you would always be my friendNow everything must endAnd so the world moves onAnd everything must changeWhen I"m looking at the night sky, I can see my soulI see the little lights flashing at each other up aboveIs it us making love in the Milky WayLong before we threw it all away?Hey, youWe"re running out of timeAnd you know it"s trueI just want to run away from here with youTonightSometimes I wish I was a house at the end of the blockYou could smash all my windows with the throw of a rockAnd make the hurt go away, come again some other dayThere"s so much I want to say aboutYouAnd you know its trueBut everything must end"Cause everything must changeAnd now you"re all aloneYou"re sitting by the telephoneYou wonder whyEveryone will cryTonight...http://music.baidu.com/song/589615

Weezer的《Ruling Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Ruling Me歌手:Weezer专辑:HurleyWeezer - Ruling MeRing ring goes your telephoneYou act like you ain"t at homeYou shut me out, but it turns me onRed lipstick, black dressesA look that I should not mess withIt makes us boys go crazy for youSo fascinatedI"m anticipating the touchThat may never comeIn the rainIn the sunEverybody needs someoneThey can dream of all night longAll the painAnd the waysThat you"re driving me insaneIt"s no mystery why you"re ruling meWe first met in the lunch roomI never observed such a beautiful faceSweet lady, don"t play meIf I am a knob, don"t fade meYou can"t win the game if you pass theI"m so frustratedThis love"s belated, methinksLet"s get it to goIn the rainIn the sunEverybody needs someoneThey can dream of all night longAll the painAnd the waysThat you"re driving me insaneIt"s no mystery why you"re ruling meI"m not kidding anymoreThis love hurts, that"s for sureI feel you, I see you,I need youIn the rainIn the sunEverybody needs someoneThey can dream of all night longAll the painAnd the waysThat you"re driving me insaneIt"s no mystery why you"re ruling meIt"s no mystery why you"re ruling mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7446114

Weezer的《Ruling Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Ruling Me歌手:Weezer专辑:Hurley (Deluxe Version)Weezer - Ruling MeRing ring goes your telephoneYou act like you ain"t at homeYou shut me out, but it turns me onRed lipstick, black dressesA look that I should not mess withIt makes us boys go crazy for youSo fascinatedI"m anticipating the touchThat may never comeIn the rainIn the sunEverybody needs someoneThey can dream of all night longAll the painAnd the waysThat you"re driving me insaneIt"s no mystery why you"re ruling meWe first met in the lunch roomI never observed such a beautiful faceSweet lady, don"t play meIf I am a knob, don"t fade meYou can"t win the game if you pass theI"m so frustratedThis love"s belated, methinksLet"s get it to goIn the rainIn the sunEverybody needs someoneThey can dream of all night longAll the painAnd the waysThat you"re driving me insaneIt"s no mystery why you"re ruling meI"m not kidding anymoreThis love hurts, that"s for sureI feel you, I see you,I need youIn the rainIn the sunEverybody needs someoneThey can dream of all night longAll the painAnd the waysThat you"re driving me insaneIt"s no mystery why you"re ruling meIt"s no mystery why you"re ruling mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/589520

Undone-The Sweater Song 歌词

歌曲名:Undone-The Sweater Song歌手:Weezer专辑:Weezer - Deluxe EditionUndone-The Sweater SongWEEZERMatt: Hey bra, how we doin" man?Karl: All right.Matt: It"s been a while man, life"s so rad!This band"s my favorite man, don"t ya love "em?Karl: Yeah.Matt: Aw man, you want a beer?Karl: All right.Matt: Aw man, this is the best. I"m so glad we"re all back together and stuff.This is great, man.Karl: Yeah.Matt: Hey, did you know about the party after the show?Karl: Yeah.Matt: Aw man, it"s gonna be the best, I"m so stoked! Take it easy bra".I"m meMe beI amI canSing andHear meKnow meIf you want to destroy my sweaterHold this thread as I walk awayMykel: Hey, what"s up?Karl: Not much.Mykel: Did you hear about the party?Karl: Yeah.Mykel: Um, I think I"m gonna go but, um, my friends don"t really wanna go. Could I get a ride?Oh noIt goIt goneWho II thinkI sinkAnd I dieIf you want to destroy my sweaterHold this thread as I walk awayWatch me unravel, I"ll soon be nakedLying on the floor (lying on the floor)I"ve come undoneIf you want to destroy my sweaterHold this thread as I walk away (as I walk away)Watch me unravel, I"ll soon be nakedLying on the floor (lying on the floor)I"ve come undoneI don"t want to destroy your tank-topLet"s be friends and just walk awayIt"s good to see you lying there in your Superman skivviesLying on the floor (lying on the floor)I"ve come undonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1478090

We Are All On Drugs 歌词

歌曲名:We Are All On Drugs歌手:Weezer专辑:We Are All On DrugsWe Are All On DrugsWeezerWhen your out with your friendsIn your new Mercedes Benz and you"reOn drugsAnd you show up late for school cuzYou think your really cool when you"reOn drugsAnd you put on your headphonesAnd you step into the zone when you"reOn drugsBut the world don"t careIf your not there cuz you"reOn drugsGive it to meWe are all on drugs yeahNever getting enough (Never get enough)We are all on drugs yeahGive me some of that stuff (Wooooh)And you twitch in your seat cuzYou wanna hit the street when you"reOn drugsAnd you cause such a fuss cuzThere"s no one you can trust when you"reOn drugsAnd the best of your daysWill all vanish into haze when you"reOn drugsAnd you wish you could quit cuzYou"re really sick of it but you"reOn drugsI want to confiscate your drugsI don"t think I can get enough (Uh)Give it to meWe are all on drugs yeahNever getting enoughWe are all on drugs yeahGive me some of that stuff (Wooooh)We are all on drugs (We are all on drugs)(Wooooh)http://music.baidu.com/song/1231633

weezer 的歌词翻译?

Gordon Lightfoot sang a songAbout a boat that sank in the lakeAt the break of the morningA Cat named Stevens found a faithHe could believe in and Joan BaezI never listened to too much jazzBut hippie songs could be heard in our padEddie Rabbitt sang about how much戈登.莱特福唱了首歌这首歌描绘了一艘沉于湖中的船在晨曦的微光中一只名叫斯蒂文斯的猫找到了它的信仰琼.碧兹,我不曾听过太多的爵士不过在我们的歌本中却可以找很多嬉皮歌儿He loved a rainy nightAbba, Devo, BenatarWere there day John Lennon diedMr. Springsteen said he had a hungry heartGrover Washington was happy on the dayHe topped the chartsThese are the songs艾迪.瑞比特在唱一首有关他多么热爱雨夜的歌阿巴,迪佛,博纳塔,约翰列侬的忌日他们都在斯宾斯汀先生说他有颗饥渴的心格佛.华盛顿那天却很愉悦他完成了他的乐章These are my heart songsThey never feel wrongAnd when I wake for goodness sake这就是我心中的歌谣当我为真谛觉醒时它们不会使我迷惑These are the songs I keep singin"Quiet Riot got me startedWith the bangin" on my headIron Maiden, Judas Priest and SlayerTaught me how to shredI gotta admit though sometimesI would listen to the radioDebbie Gibson Tell me that you thinkWe"re all alone我在不断唱着这些歌儿启迪我的是Quiet Riot我的脑海中开始有了乐队的念头艾隆.梅登、朱达斯.斯普里特和斯勒尔教会我如何扫弦有时我也会有些惊人的主意我想听听收音机戴比.吉布森将会告诉我你的想法我们都是如此孤单Michael Jackson"s in the mirrorI"ve gotta have faithIf I wanna see clearNever gonna give you upWish me love or wishing well镜中的麦克尔.杰克逊如果我想看得更清楚,我就得有个信仰决不放弃你祝福我的爱,祝愿一切都好It takes two to make a thing go rightIf the Fresh Prince starts a fightDon"t you worry for too long"Cause you know these are the songsThese are my heart songsThey never feel wrongAnd when I wake for goodness sake花了两倍的精力让事情走向正轨如果Fresh Prince开始斗殴请别担心太多因为你知道这些都是发自我内心的歌儿当我为真谛觉醒时它们不会使我迷惑These are the songs I keep singin"Back in 1991 I wasn"t havin" any fun"Till my roommate said"Come on and put a brand new record on"Had a baby on itHe was naked on itThen I heard the chordsThat broke the chainsI had upon meGot together with my brosIn some rehearsal studiosThen we played our first rock showAnd watched the fan base start to growSigned the deal that gaveThe dough to make a record of our ownThe song come on the radioNow people goThis is the song这就是我不断在唱的歌1991年时,我不曾得到任何快乐直到我的室友说来吧,做张出色的新专辑将赤裸的婴儿放置其上我听到和弦打破了枷锁我超越了自我与我的兄弟们一块儿在一些演出现场奏响了第一场摇滚演出看着听众群逐渐变大签了合约有了资金制作我们自己的专辑歌曲开始在电台播出现在人们都走了就是这首歌These are my heart songsThey never feel wrongAnd when I wakeFor goodness sakeThese are the songs I keep singingThese are the songs I keep singingThese are the songs I keep singingThese are the songs I keep singingThese are the songs I keep singing这些都是我心中的歌曲 他们从不觉得是错误的 当我醒来,为善而 这些都是我不断的歌曲演唱 这些都是我不断的歌曲演唱 这些都是我不断的歌曲演唱 这些都是我不断的歌曲演唱 这些都是我不断的歌曲演唱祝工作顺利,生活愉快!如果我的解答对你有帮助,一定要选为最佳答案鼓励我一下哦。

Weezer的《Butterfly》 歌词

歌曲名:Butterfly歌手:Weezer专辑:Beverly Hills, Pt.1 EpButterfly-weezeryesterday i went outsidewith my mamas mason jarcaught a lovely butterflywhen i woke up todaylooked in on my fairy petshe had withered all awayno more sighing in her breastim sorry for what i didi did what my body told me toi didnt mean to do you harmeverytime i pin down what i think i want it slips awayyour ghost slips awaysmell you on my hands for daysi cant wash away your scentif im a dog then youre a bitchi guess youre as real as memaybe i can live with thatmaybe i need fantasylife of chasing butterflyim sorry for what i didi did what my body told me toi didnt mean to do you harmeverytime i pin down what i think i want it slips awayher ghost slips awayi told you i would returnwhen the robin makes his nestbut i aint ever comin backim sorry im sorry im sorry nopopo2000第一次整理歌词~!http://music.baidu.com/song/320401

weezer的一首歌《heart songs》的中文歌词解析 谢谢!

come my little friends as we all sing a happy little working song 来吧 我的小朋友 让我们唱一小段工作歌merry little voices clear and strong 快乐的声音清晰而坚定come and roll your sleeves up - so to speak - and pitch in 来吧 把你的袖子卷起 这样我们就能投入工作cleaning crud up in the kitchen as we sing along 在我们歌唱的时候 把厨房的脏东西清扫干净trill a cheery tune in the tub as we scrub a stubborn mildew stain 当我们擦洗顽固的霉渍 你会在浴缸里鸣唱快乐的旋律pluck a hairball from the shower drain to that gay refrain of a happy working song 当我们哼唱快乐工作歌的副歌的时候 从浴缸排水道中拉出了发球we"ll keep singing without fail - otherwise we"d spoil it 我们要继续工作不停息 否则我们会破坏了它hosing down the garbage pail and scrubbing up the toilet - ooh! 用水管冲洗垃圾箱 刷洗马桶 哦!how we enjoy letting loose with a little ladadumdumdum! 我们是如此享受我们放松时轻哼 啦- 嗒- 当- 当- 当!while we"re emptying the vacuum up it"s such fun to hum a happy working song - ooh! - 在我们清空吸尘器时 仍然如此开心地轻哼a happy working song 一首快乐工作歌oh how strange a place to be 哦 这里是个多么奇怪的地方till edward comes for me, my heart is sighing 直至爱德华来救我 我心在叹息still, as long as I am here I guess a new experience could be worth trying 可是 只要我在这里 我认为是一种全新的体验hey! keep trying! 嘿 接着擦干!you can do a lot when you"ve got such a happy working tune to hum 当你哼着一首快乐的旋律 你能做许多事情while you"re sponging up the soapy scum 可以用海绵擦洗肥皂泡we adore each filthy chore that we determine 我们确定我们喜欢每项肮脏的家务活 so friends, even though you"re vermin, we"re all happy working (duh) 因此朋友们 即使你们是害虫 我们仍然很高兴地工作singing as we fetch the detergent box for the smelly shirts and the stinky socks歌唱吧 当我们去拿洗洁剂或去拿脏衬衫和臭袜子的时候sing along 歌唱吧if you can not sing then hum along 如果你不能歌唱那就哼唱吧as we"re finishing our happy working song!我们就要完成我们的快乐工作歌啦!

求weezer的The Angel And The One中文歌词大意

人手翻译,希望你满意 :-)歌手:Weezer歌曲:The Angel and the One歌词及翻译:It"s not my destiny to be the one that you will lay with 我没有那种可以和你厮守一生的机会So many reasons why I have to go but want to stay here 虽然我想留下但又必须离开,其实有着许多苦衷Sometimes I want a taste but then I don"t know what I"m saying 有时我想尝试,但我不知道自己该说什么You are the angel and I am the one who is praying 你就是一位天使,而我只是个祈祷者There is another love that I would rather be obeying 有另一种爱让我心甘情愿I see the ecstasy and already I"m anticipating 我欢喜若狂,我早已期待已久I feel a deeper peace and that deeper peace is penetrating 我感到更深的宁静,而这深沉的静在蔓延I"ve got the magic in me我的身体得到了法力I am complete is what I"m saying 我说的就是,我很完美I"m flying up so high我高高地飞起来My purple majesty displaying 我的华丽和高尚展示人间I"ve reached a higher place我攀到了更高的地方that no one else can make a claim in 那里不会被其他人拥有I"ll take you there my friend 我会带着你到那儿,我的朋友I"m reaching out my hand, so take it 我已经伸出手,请你紧握着We are the angels我们是天使and we are the ones that are praying 也是在祈祷的人Peace, shalom, peace, shalom 和平,你好,和平,你好Peace, peace 和平,和平Peace, shalom, peace, shalom 和平,你好,和平,你好Peace, peace 和平,和平

Weezer的"阳光下的小岛" 中英歌词

Yesterday I went outside With my momma"s mason jar Caught a lovely Butterfly When I woke up today And looked in on my fairy pet She had withered all away No more sighing in her breast I"m sorry for what I did I did what my body told me to I didn"t mean to do you harm But everytime I pin down what I think I want it slips away - the ghost slips away I smell you on my hand for days I can"t wash away your scent if I"m a dog then you"re a bitch I guess you"re as real as me maybe I can live with that maybe I need fantasy a life of chasing Butterfly I told you I would return When the robin makes his nest but I ain"t never comin" back I"m sorry, I"m sorry, I"m sorry 昨天,我带着妈妈的玻璃瓶,出去捉了一只可爱的蝴蝶。今天,当我醒后去探望我那仙女般的宠物时,她已完全凋谢了,她的胸中不再有叹息。我为我做的这一切感到抱歉。我所做的并不是我所想的,我并不想伤害你。但是,每当我要阻止我的行为时,我的脑中的想法就会溜走,像鬼一样地溜走。好几天,我在手上都能闻到你的气味,但我却怎么也冲不去你的气味。如果我是一只公狗你是一个母狗,我想你真的和我一样。也许我能那样活着,也许我需要幻想追蝴蝶的生活。我告诉过你,当知更鸟筑巢的时候,我就会回来。但是,我却再也回不去了,对不起,对不起,对不起。

Weezer的《Hang On》 歌词

歌曲名:Hang On歌手:Weezer专辑:Hurley (Deluxe Version)Weezer - Hang OnSomeday I"ll be coming for youYou"ll know, what I"m wanting to doI"ll know the words to sayTo draw you in so close to meOver and overWe swore it was overBut just like wild cloverLove grows at light speedHang on "til I see you againI"m going to be more than a friendYou know that this isn"t the endSo hang on (hang on, hang on, hang on)This was just a very first startThere"s more that I hold in my heartI"m waiting for a chanceTo show you how I long to beBut just like I"m solarYou warm up to meHang on "til the break of the dayWe"ll cast all our troubles awaySweet thingAs long as I"m breathingAnd my heart is still beatingI"m gonna be coming for youHang on, hang on, hang onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/589627

weezer hold me中文翻译



这里的蝴蝶应该是象征某些美好的事物,这里要表达的大概是人们看到自己喜爱的美好的东西下意识的想占为己有,在费尽心思占为己有后,才发现一直追求的东西已被自己扼杀,所以 maybe I need fantasy a life of chasing Butterfly 有时候放开比占有重要的多,最后一行句大概是想表达伤害已经造成尽管十分后悔,但过去的时光已经一去不复返…(个人见解)

求weezer的The Angel And The One中文歌词大意


如何评价 weezer 乐队?

  Weezer是一个美国摇滚乐团。于1992年在洛杉矶成立,1997年解散,一段时间后,于2000年又重组。他们目前共发行过7张完整的专辑,五张EP和一张DVD。  他们在批评家和拥护者的眼里是支标准的流行朋克乐队,Weezer没有帅气的外型,也没有新生代乐队的酷劲,更没有什么偏激的言行举止激烈的吉他演奏很具诱惑力。他们的作品在幽默中掺入了晦暗、诡异的元素。对爱情主题的不雅表述也常叫人啼笑皆非,像成1994和1995年时髦金曲的“Buddy Holly”、“"Say It Ain""""t So”。 Weezer也不是一支高产的乐队,成立十三年只发表了五张专辑,而这五张唱片里总共只有55首歌,但Weezer却创作出了一首又一首动听的大热金曲被人们广为传唱。与此同时,Weezer对美国新一代乐队的影响力又是毋庸置疑的,大批界于Punk-Pop和EMO之间的年轻乐队,都或多或少的在向Weezer偷师,而他们永远无法复制的却是Weezer永久动听的旋律和无比睿智的歌词。乐队作品主要的创作者Rivers Cuomo是个传统摇滚的支持者,Rivers从小就极具音乐天赋,这个在马塞诸塞州长大的孩子,从中学时代就开始自己玩乐队,当时他还比较偏好一些重金属乐队。后来当Rivers来到洛杉基上大学之后,他的音乐喜好有了转变,他开始接触一些后朋和新浪潮音乐,他从70年代的Kiss乐队那里学到了很多东西,他早先在洛杉矶上高中的时候是个金属迷,还曾经组建了一支乐队。上了大学后才开始对后朋克感兴趣。1992年的2月14日,Weezer在情人节这天在洛杉基成立。当时的成员为:主唱兼吉他手Rivers Cuomo,吉他手Jason Cropper,贝司手Matt Sharp,以及鼓手Pat Wilson。在经过了将近一年半的排练和演出之后,Rivers决定着手录制Demo。在与当地几家唱片公司接洽之后,他们最终与刚刚捧红Nirvana的主流大厂Geffen下属的DGC公司签下一纸合约。  1993年年底  Weezer来到纽约录制乐队的首张专辑,这张唱片的制作人则是美国80年代新浪潮乐队的代表the Cars的主脑Ric Ocasek。在录制专辑期间,吉他手Jason 由于家庭原因离开了乐队,随后Brian Bell顶替了他的我位置。1994年5月,乐队首张同名专辑正式发表,后来为了把这张专辑与2001年的另一张同名专辑区别开来,两张唱片被大家习惯性的称为《Blue Album》和《Green Album》。乐队的第一张唱片轻易地便使他们拥有了几首热门金曲,但被批评家认定,是大量古怪创意的音乐电视帮了他们的忙。Cuomo默认了这个事实。于是,Cuomo决定去哈佛大学继续深造,他的两个队友则借新浪潮的东风组建了自己的乐队the Rentals。  1996年春天  乐队四人又重新集结,灌录第二张专辑。这次Rivers决定不起用任何制作人,而由乐队自行制作。当年9月,这张名为《Pinkerton》上市了。与清晰明朗的第一张专辑相比,Weezer的第二张专辑无论是音乐上还是歌词上都显得相当阴暗晦涩。尽管这张专辑在销量上惨遭滑铁卢,甚至不及《Blue Album》的一半。评论界更是对这张唱片大加诋毁,权威音乐杂志《滚石》甚至将1996年度最差唱片的“殊荣”颁给了Weezer。当Weezer的第二张专辑以惨败告终时,几乎所有人都对乐队失去了信心,这其中甚至包括乐队成员自己。  1998年  Matt Sharp由于忍受不了Rivers的一意孤行,最终离开了Weezer,全身心的投入到他的乐队The Rentals中去了。不久,贝司手的位置立刻由曾为民谣女歌手Juliana Hatfield做伴奏乐手的Mickey Welsh接替。不久,大多数人猜测Weezer已经解散了,因为乐队成员都在专注着自己的乐队,甚至连Rivers都在1998年组建了一支以自己名字命名的乐队。  2000年春天  久违的Weezer出现在当年Vans Warped Tour的名单中,Weezer的铁杆乐迷们无不欢欣鼓舞。几乎在大众视野中消失了近三年的 Weezer又回来了。在经过巡演的洗练之后,乐队迅速调整好了自己的状态,并在2000年年秋天,开始进棚录制乐队的第三张专辑。而此时的Rivers不再固执,他找来了乐队首张专辑的制作人Ric Ocasek来操刀制作新专辑。  2000年年底  乐队率先推出了一张应景之作,这张名为《Christmas CD》的圣诞EP用意非常明显,Weezer要向世人宣布乐队的全面回归。而事实也证明,次年Weezer的再次震撼乐坛,也算是一个不大不小的奇迹。  2001年5月  乐队的第三张专辑《Green Album》上市之后,全世界又迅速刮起了一股Weezer旋风,绝不亚于当年他们发表处男大碟时初生牛犊的气势。其实《Green Album》与《Blue Album》确实有着太多的相似之处,无论是相同的唱片名称,还是同一位制作人,抑或是异曲同工的封套设计,都让人不自觉的回想起当年那四个让人眼前一亮的毛头小子。当然,在音乐上Weezer则又成熟了许多。


智慧树知到《Web设计与应用(昆明理工大学)》章节测试答案 第一章测试 1、HTTP是指超文本传输协议。 正确答案:u221a 2、Web即互联网。 正确答案:X 3、Web的工作模式是客户机/服务器模式。 正确答案:X 4、浏览器中负责向用户显示数据的是HTML。 正确答案:u221a 5、W3C 最重要的工作是发展Web 规范,也就是描述 Web 通信协议(比如 HTML 和 XML)和其他构建模块的“推荐标准”。 正确答案:u221a 6、Web 标准的制定者是______。 A、微软(Microsoft) B、腾讯(Tencent) C、万维网联盟(W3C) D、网景公司(Netscape) 正确答案:C 7、大量服务器集合的全球万维网,简称为______。 A、Wed B、Wbe C、Web D、www 正确答案:C 8、万维网的网址以http为前导,表示遵从______ 协议。 A、超文本传输 B、纯文本 C、PPP D、TCP/IP 正确答案:A 9、在WWW中的超文本文件是用______语言编写的。 A、VB B、VBA C、HTML D、VC++ 正确答案:C 10、HTML 的中文名是______。 A、WWW 编程语言 B、Internet 编程语言 C、超文本标记语言 D、主页制作语言 正确答案:C 第二章测试 1、所有的HTML标记符都包括开始标记符和结束标记符。 正确答案:X 2、B标记符表示用粗体显示所包括的文字。 正确答案:u221a 3、HTML是HyperText Markup Language(超文本标记语言)的缩写。超文本使网页之间具有跳转的能力,是一种信息组织的方式,使浏览者可以选择阅读的路径,从而可以不需要顺序阅读。 正确答案:u221a 4、超链接是一种标记,单击网页中的这个标记则能够加载另一个网页,这个标记可以作用在文本上也可以作用在图像上。 正确答案:u221a 5、HTML的段落标记中,标注文本以原样显示的是标记 P 正确答案:X 6、< hr color=red >表示______。 A、页面的颜色是红色 B、页面顶部是红色 C、水平线的颜色是红色 D、框架颜色是红色 正确答案:C 7、表示跳转到页面的”bn”锚点的代码是______ 。 A、<a link="#bn"> ... </a> B、<a href="bn"> ... </a> C、<a herf="bn"> ... </a> D、<a href="#bn"> ... </a> 正确答案:D 8、下列说法正确的是______ 。 A、<p>和<br>的区别是<p>插入了一个空行 B、<p>和<br>的区别是<p>不是换行符,而<br>是

we back into love 的歌词

是不是 K歌之王 的那首 way back into love?我活在阴影之下 乌云伴我共枕 一直孤单好久 困在过去,似乎就是无法往前走 我把所有的希望和梦想藏起来 只为了有一天可能又需要他们 我总留些时间 净化心里的小角落 我只要重新找到爱的感觉 若没有爱的感觉我办不到 我留心观察然而繁星不愿发亮 我一直搜寻但看不到任何征兆 我知道它不在那里 但一定有个为我灵魂而生的东西在某处 我一直寻找着让我发光的人 而非只是个陪我过夜的家伙 我能使用一些指示 而且我可能是你的暗示 我只要找到重新爱的感觉 若没有爱的感觉我办不到 若我再次敞开心房 我想我希望最后你会在那里等我 有时候我不确定它是不是真的 或许有人和我心有戚焉 我需要妙计 而非又一个妥协 我只要重新找到爱的感觉 若没有爱的感觉我办不到 若我为你打开心房 希望你会告诉我该怎么做 若你帮我重新开始 你知道最后我会在那里等你 Way Back Into Love Way Back Into Love - Hugh Grant & Haley Bennett I have been living with a shadow overhead I have been sleeping with a cloud above my bed I have been lonely for so long Trapped in the past, I just can not seem to move on I have been hiding all my hopes and dreams away Just in case I ever need them again someday I have been setting aside time To clear a little space in the corners of my mind All I want to do is find a way back into love I can not make it through without a way back into love Oh oh oh I have been watching but the stars refuse to shine I have been searching but I just do not see the signs I know that it is out there There is got to be something for my soul somewhere I have been looking for someone to shed some light Not just somebody just to get me throught the night I could use some direction And I am open to your suggestions All I want to do is find a way back into love I can not make it through without a way back into love And if I open my heart again I guess I am hoping you will be there for me in the end There are moments when I do not know if it is real Or if anybody feels the way I feel I need inspiration Not just another negotiation All I want to do is find a way back into love I can not make it through without a way back into love And if I open my heart to you I am hoping you will show me what to do And if you help me to start again You know that I will be there for you in the end

Dreamweaver中on mouse out(over)是什么意思啊?






We will play just____fun.

forfor fun:为了好玩

It is something we like to do in our free time just for the fun of it.请分析一下这个句子

定语从句,主语是we ,改:we like to do sth in our free for the fun



Level 6 - Unit 2 - Part 2 Dialogue - A Fight between Lovers(恋人间的争吵)

F1: What"s wrong? You look awful. 怎么了?你看起来糟透了。 F2: My boyfriend and I have just had another fight. I think I"m going to break up with him. 我男朋友和我又吵了一架,我想和他分手。 F1: Hey, you"ve said that before. Calm down. Is that really what you want to do? 嘿,你以前就说过。冷静点,你真想这么做吗? F2: Yeah, I think so. I don"t see any future in our relationship. 是的,我是这么想,我看不到我们的未来。 F1: Is there anyone else you"re interested in? 有其他你感兴趣的人吗? F2: No, but there are some guys on the internet who have sent me messages. 没有,但是网上有人给我发信息。 F1: What, you"ve been online? 什么,你上网了? F2: Sure, just for fun. It"s nice to know that I can meet people if I want to. 当然,只是为了好玩。知道我可以见一些我想见的人挺好的。 F1: Does your boyfriend know about it? 你男朋友知道吗? F2: No, if he knew it, he"ll be furious. He can be very jealous, and he has a violent temper. 不知道,如果他知道了,他会发火的。他非常嫉妒,而且脾气暴躁。 F1: Anyway, what was your fight about? 不管怎样,你吵架是为了什么? F2: Oh, it"s just the way he talks to me. He never shows any interest in what I"m doing or in what I"m feeling. If I have a bad headache or anything he says nothing. 哦,就是他跟我说话的方式。他对我做的事和我的感受从不关心,如果我头痛得厉害,他也是什么都不说。 F1: So who started the fight? 那是么谁先吵架的? F2: He came over and wanted to kiss me, and I turned away. I told him I didn"t feel anything for him right then. So then he got angry, and we both blew up. Now we"re not talking to each other. 他过来想吻我,我转身走了。我告诉他我对他没有感觉,所以他生气了,我们俩都发火了。现在我们不说话了。 F1: Oh, is that all? That kind of thing is normal. Maybe you"re overreacting. 就这些?这种事很正常,也许你反应过度了。 F2: No, it"s just that I"m beginning to realize that I don"t feel anything for him anymore. Our relationship is getting cold. I don"t feel appreciated. 不是这样,只是我开始意识到我对他没有感觉了。我们的关系越来越冷淡,我感觉到被欣赏。 F1: Well then, maybe you should break up for a while and start seeing other man. But be careful. If I were you, I wouldn"t start seeing anybody else until I break up first. 你也许可以分开一段时间,见见其他男人,但是要小心。如果我是你,我在分手之前不会见其他人。 F2: Why do you think so? 你为什么这么想? F1: If he sees that you"re serious about breaking up, he may change. 如果他看你真的要分手,也许他会改变。 F2: Maybe, but I doubt it. 也许,不过我有点怀疑。 F1: It could be that he feels the same way about you. Maybe he has lost interest. So it"s best to find out. You need to have a serious conversation with him. 可能他对你感觉也一样,也许他失去了兴趣。所以最好查一下,你需要和他认真谈谈。 F2: Hemm, you"re right. Maybe it"s time to really find out. 嗯,你说得对。也许是应该找出问题了。


unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, OleCtrls, SHDocVw; type TForm1 = class(TForm) WebBrowser1: TWebBrowser; Button1: TButton; Edit1: TEdit; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure WebBrowser1DownloadBegin(Sender: TObject); procedure WebBrowser1DownloadComplete(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin form1.WebBrowser1.Navigate("www.ivytc.com"); end; procedure TForm1.WebBrowser1DownloadBegin(Sender: TObject); begin edit1.Text :="开始"; end; procedure TForm1.WebBrowser1DownloadComplete(Sender: TObject); begin edit1.Text :="完成打开"; end; end.回答不容易,希望能帮到您,满意请帮忙采纳一下,谢谢 !




这些词就aux 和 return对吧,你这个是模拟调音台,parameter是设置参数,exsend,是啥,可以拍照片,aux是母线发送端口,可以外接音箱,录音什么的,return是回路,用来

任务管理器中webbrowser 是什么

WebBrowser 是一个 .NET 控件类,WebBrowser 类使用户可以在窗体中导航网页,是一个正常的系统进程,不建议删除还有问题请追问




WebBrowser的默认内核是IE6,本文介绍如何设置WebBrowser控件的默认内核有IE8或其他版本。原标题:如何设置IE8的WebBrowser控件(MSHTML) 的渲染模式IE8 在渲染引擎做了很大的改动,新增加一个标准模式 (Standard Mode)。 不少软件都内嵌了IE的WebBrowser控件(也就是MSHTML.dll)来显示网页, 当用户机器升级到IE8, WebBrowser控件也会随之升级到IE8的渲染引擎。 为了保证这些使用WebBrowser控件的应用软件能够工作起来和原来一样,IE8的WebBrowser控件在默认情况下使用了IE7 的渲染模式(也就是IE8中的Compatible View (兼容视图)模式)。 加入你想让WebBrowser控件的渲染模式编程IE8的标准模式, 你可以通过设置注册表FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION 来实现。 示例:[(HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)SoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainFeatureControlFEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION] "MyApplication.exe" = dword 8000 (Hex: 0x1F40)这里MyApplicaiton.exe 是你的应用程序的EXE文件名。 8000 表示8.0的渲染模式,请对照下表:IE8 Standards Mode 8000 (0x1F40) -- IE8 标准模式 (Standard Mode), IE8默认的模式IE7 Standards Mode 7000 (0x1B58) -- IE7 兼容视图模式 (Compatible View), IE8的WebBrowser控件默认模式IE8 Standards Mode (Forced) 8888 (0x22B8) -- IE8 强制标准模式,在渲染失败的情况下不尝试用兼容视图模式


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