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newera中文名叫纽亦华,是来自美国的知名帽饰品牌,亦是全球领先的头饰设计者、开发商和制造商,创立于1920年,newera品牌总部设立在纽约州的布法罗,并在加拿大、欧洲和日本都设有分部。 纽亦华帽子品牌是美国职业棒球大联盟官方球帽的唯一制造者和经销商,还获得全美篮球协会(NBA)、美国冰球联盟,以及College -- Bowl Games and National Championships and Little League的授权。 newera帽子是比较时尚的一种牌子,很多联名的系列都是深受年轻人的喜爱,像Disney合作款的那款,牛仔和粉丝的搭配真的是让人眼前一亮,十分的喜欢,不仅仅时尚,而且搭配衣服也很容易,喜欢的不得了。


1.NewEra是全世界领跑的发饰设计师、房地产商和生产商,是一间有着86年历史时间的全世界发饰企业,历年生产制造2500千件受权和非受权的高品质时尚潮流装饰物。 2.这是英国岗位棒球大联盟MajorLeagueBaseball官方网球帽的惟一制作者和代理商,还得到美国篮球赛研究会。 3.英国冰球同盟及其College--BowlGamesandNationalChampionshipsandLittleLeague的受权。 4.NewEra都是于2005年发布的EKbyNewEra知名品牌的惟一任何人。 5.NewEra创立于1920年,是一间公司总部纽约市Derby的私营企业企业,并在澳大利亚、欧州和日本国下设各分部。 6.NewEra为英国著名的制帽知名品牌,除开生产制造英国职篮NBA、现代美式岗位足球队NFL的球帽以外,最时兴的就是英国职棒大联盟MLB的遮阳帽系列产品。 7.随着很多hiphop大牌明星、影视制作知名人士配戴NewEra遮阳帽,NewEra遮阳帽踏出健身运动层面,遭受喜爱街头文化及休闲运动人员的热烈欢迎,变成最新消息的时尚潮流穿着指标值。


new era是一个美国的制帽时尚品牌。new era创建于1920年,属于老牌品牌,自创立至今一直利用手工技术雕琢很好的头饰作为设计手法,品牌同时设计服装及配饰系列,根植于运动和街头生活文化,成为全球各地的市场领导者。new era成为NBA、WNBA和NBA发展联盟的官方帽款合作伙伴。newera除了生产美国职篮NBA、美式职业足球NFL的球帽之外,最风行的便是美国职棒大联盟MLB的帽子系列。随著许多嘻哈明星、影视名人佩戴NewEra帽子,NewEra帽子跨出运动范畴,受到喜欢街头文化及运动休闲人士的欢迎,成为最新的时尚穿著指标。new era的档次:new era是高端档次,在HIP-HOP界里面最有人气的帽款就是NEW ERA CAP了。号称世界上质量最好与设计最佳的专业棒球帽品牌。其宣传口号为“It"s not a cap, it"s a flag!”(这不是一顶普通的帽子,这是面旗帜!)。现在此品牌的正版头饰在中国内地还难以买到。设计风格以hiphop为主,涂鸦嘻哈的风格,这个牌子的帽子最有名,尤其是板帽,很有型。另外,new era也有衣服、裤子、鞋子等等的产品。随著许多嘻哈明星、影视名人佩戴NewEra帽子,new era帽子跨出运动范畴,受到喜欢街头文化及运和动休闲人士的欢迎。

newera是什么牌子中文怎么念 newera品牌介绍

1、New Era中文是纽亦华,是全球领先的头饰设计者、开发商和制造商,是一家拥有86年历史的全球头饰公司,每年生产2500万件授权和非授权的优质时尚装饰品。 2、它是美国职业棒球大联盟 (Major League Baseball) 官方球帽的唯一制造者和经销商,还获得全美篮球协会。美国冰球联盟以及College -- Bowl Games and National Championships and Little League 的授权。New Era 也是于2005年推出的EK by New Era品牌的唯一所有人。 3、New Era 成立于1920年,是一家总部位于纽约Derby的私营公司,并在加拿大、欧洲和日本设有分部。New Era为美国知名的制帽品牌,除了生产美国职篮(NBA)、美式职业足球(NFL)的球帽之外,最风行的便是美国职棒大联盟(MLB)的帽子系列。随著许多嘻哈明星、影视名人佩戴New Era帽子,New Era帽子跨出运动范畴,受到喜欢街头文化及运动休闲人士的欢迎,成为最新的时尚穿著指标。


newear是世界著名的做帽子的品牌(美国知名制帽品牌),起源于美国棒球联盟,正品的NY帽子都是NEW ERA的 !设计风格以hiphop为主,涂鸦嘻哈的风格,这个牌子的帽子最有名,尤其是板帽,很有型。另外,NEW EAR 也有衣服、裤子、鞋子等等的产品。New Era 成立于1920年,是一家总部位于纽约Derby的私营公司,并在加拿大、欧洲和日本设有分部。New Era除了生产美国职篮(NBA)、美式职业足球(NFL)的球帽之外,最风行的便是美国职棒大联盟(MLB)的帽子系列。随著许多嘻哈明星、影视名人佩戴New Era帽子,New Era帽子跨出运动范畴,受到喜欢街头文化及运动休闲人士的欢迎,成为最新的时尚穿著指标。new era是中档次的品牌,New Era的棒球帽非常火,尤其是印有NY的那款,大部分人都见过。new era品牌的产地在美国,主要售卖棒球帽。new era品牌的棒球帽主要以嘻哈风格和涂鸦风格为主,看起来比较时尚,适合爱好时尚的年轻人。除了售卖棒球帽外,new era品牌还售卖各类服装和鞋子,产品类型非常齐全,能满足不同消费者的不同需求。


new era的中文是:新时代。重点词汇:era英['u026au0259ru0259]释义:n.时代;年代;纪元n.(Era)人名;(意、芬、印)埃拉短语:Victorian era维多利亚时代;维多利亚时期扩展资料:词语使用变化:newadj.(形容词)1、new用作形容词时,基本意思是“新的”。一方面指以前不存在的事物,“新发明的”“新生的”“新制成的”“新近出现的”“新式的”“新鲜的”“新到的”“新就任的”;另一方面指本来存在的事物,但“初次见到〔听到〕的”“新发现的”“(土地)新开发的”。2、new也可表示“重新开始的,周而复始的”“精神恢复了的,健康恢复了的”。new还可作“不熟悉的”“不习惯的”“陌生的”“没有经验的”解。3、new常与the连用,表示“新生事物或人”。



什么是"weather condition"?

condition 标示解释 释义 同义字/反义字 变化形 KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 情况;(健康等)状态[C][U] What"s the patient"s condition? 病人的情况如何? 2. 环境;形势[P] The miners there worked in dreadful conditions. 那里的矿工们在极其恶劣的环境中工作。 Conditions were favorable for business then. 当时的形势有利于经商。 3. 条件[C][(+for/of)][+(that)] I"ll do it on condition that you pay for everything. 我可以做此事 条件是你得支付一切费用。 Hard work is a condition of success. 勤奋是成功的前提。 4. 疾病 症状[C] Mr. Toffler has a lung condition. 托夫勒先生患肺病。 5. 身分[C] vt. 1. 决定;为...的条件 Ability and effort condition success. 成功取决于才干和努力。 2. 使适应;【心】使形成条件反射[O2] 3. 使健康;使处于良好状态 Exercise conditions your muscles. 运动可以使你肌肉变得结实。 2007-12-09 21:28:40 补充: 下面个位答错问题!!!!!希望明察!!! Weather condition 可以有暴雨 水灾 台风 干燥 行雷 气压 风向 风速。 weather is the condition of the air around us over a short period of time" 译作中文 天气是一种时间很短暂的空气变化环绕我们。 上面个位答错问题!!!!!希望明察!!! 参考: me

weather conditions是什么意思

weather conditions 天气条件

weather conditions是什么意思


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Jinho的《If We》 歌词

歌曲名:If We歌手:Jinho专辑:Love AgeI never thoughtthat I"d bewithout youby meI never thoughtthat I"d bewithout youby meI love it when youre riding next to meon me actually, puff that esctasyreminiscin" how we used to smoke and freakf*ck and fall asleep blockin" for a weeknow we barely even talk and walk the blockkiss and cuddle up girl we losing touchwhat"s a man to do but go crazy babeI know you mad but you dont really hate me babeit"s deeper than thatIf we got together againsugar I would be your very best friendI would love you unconditionallyyou"d never wanna let me go babypromise I would be by your sidebe everything you need to get bymy broken heart would finally menddarlin" if we were together againSometimes I close my eyes and just pretendbut if I had a chance to do it all againsometimes for happiness we hesitatejust like the game I hear that love won"t waitbut if I had another best friendwell if I had someone who would go deep andsomeone who makes me feel like you used totell me baby what would you doIf we got together againsugar I would be your very best friendI would love you unconditionallyyou"d never wanna let me go babypromise I would be by your sidebe everything you need to get bymy broken heart would finally menddarlin" if we were together againWhy would you go through the painof loving another mantruth is nobody can love you like I canIt"s a damn shame we can"t get alongwe used to get it on where"d did it all go wrongI admit the flesh is weak but the game is strongwe go my way your way baby we moving onIt"s true I"m gonna miss youwho woulda thought that I"d be without youI never thoughtthat I"d bewithout youby meI never thoughtthat I"d bewithout youby meIf we got together againsugar I would be your very best friendI would love you unconditionallyyou"d never wanna let me go babypromise I would be by your sidebe everything you need to get bymy broken heart would finally menddarlin" if we were together againIf weeeeeeeeeeeeif weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeif weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2599493





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water power station are built in which there are big water falls.


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Fortran Power Station 4.0 (FPS 4.0),微软公司开发的Fortran编译器。1997年3月转让给DEC公司详情请参看以下网页:http://www.wiki.cn/wiki/FORTRAN

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chashma hydel power station 是:恰希玛水电发电站hydel power station 意思是水电发电站就是一个发电站

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品胜LCD Power station10000mah的移动电源 首次充电

其实跟手机都一样,什么首次要用完,第一次要充久一点,完全没必要,我不是说这样说的没道理,我只是说你做不做这个操作,跟电池的质量没太大关系,质量好就能用的久,这是硬道理,再换个角度说,现在有多少东西真的可以一直用很久,用到不能再用的了? 基本上都是一二年换个新的了吧,呵呵~

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没!都是电厂的意思!一定要说有!那么前面的是电厂 后面的是发电厂!后面的肯定是发电的!前面的可能是变压的电厂也可能是发电的电厂!

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power stationn.发电厂;发电站动力火车;电力站;发电所例句1.People came in flocks to see the new hydraulic power station beside the dam.人们成群结队地来参观水坝旁边新建的水电站。2.At the power station, emergency workers began to lay power lines to the plant.在核电站,工作人员开始为核电站铺设电缆。3.The schematic flow of low temperature geothermal fluids through a power station in Italy is presented in example B .例子B是意大利一个电站利用低温地热流体的流程示意图。4.It was the first time that such a precaution had to be taken at a British nuclear power station.这是有史以来第一次一个英国核电厂采取这样的预防措施。5.Ocean Power said, however, further funding would be needed to complete the wave power station.海洋动力机构说,不过,完成波浪电力站会需要更多的资金。

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ill be there sweetbox 的音译歌词

mo du a la yo.ke dai yao qiu.na hing der go wai dou.so gai ji ju dai. wu sao jiu go.da lo nu lo qiu mio.ne-ri lai giao tai.yi sao jiu.sa lam. Thanks for everything thanks u here.nao mu yao li go.a ji qia gem ge dai ga. na we hai gi dou ha ne ma.naom ku sa la. na gan pu nai mo qi nen.ke dai ka yi jiu.ku mo wunsa lam. ke lai you.na ma mu dai dou mo ga jiu. ni qia ba jiu nai sou nun.ke long dou ma si mer ha la yo. qiu gi dai jiu wo.(han sou moon dai ma)mo mu lo jiu ku dai ga. no sou jiu ha go yi pou sou.her li na ye nu mu qiu qia dou.kam sa du lio yo. Thanks for everything thanks u here.a pu ji yan kai ha.san go ga ea gai. a gai ji ke dai biao ni ai.yin ma jiu mio.nao mu ki yao wu gu dai. we hai ki dou hai.kong ma wun sa la. ku lai you.na ma mu dai dou mo ga jiu. nai qia ba jiu nai sou nun.ke long dou ma wun mu a la yo. qiu gi dai jiu yo.(han sou moon dai ma)mo mu lo jiu ku dai ga. no ma lu dai gu hai bu gai hu li na ye nu mu jiu qia dou.kam sa du lio yo. ha la you.nai ma mu sou gai.nu gi jio. ku lai bu ni lang go. ke dai su hing bu kai jiu na. ke dai hia ye hu su gai yo.wow~ tu lio yao you.ku dai ye dai su ha su gio. yi lo kai ka ga yi.ke dai ho gai gam sa jiu gai yo~ I"ll be there.I"ll be there for u.everyday. nao mai di gai dou sou qiu ga.sa la ga lu jia jiu gu dai we hai. I"ll be there for u.

we are children中文


ill be there sweetbox 的音译歌词

mo du a la yo.ke dai yao qiu.na hing der go wai dou.so gai ji ju dai. wu sao jiu go.da lo nu lo qiu mio.ne-ri lai giao tai.yi sao jiu.sa lam. Thanks for everything thanks u here.nao mu yao li go.a ji qia gem ge dai ga. na we hai gi dou ha ne ma.naom ku sa la. na gan pu nai mo qi nen.ke dai ka yi jiu.ku mo wunsa lam. ke lai you.na ma mu dai dou mo ga jiu. ni qia ba jiu nai sou nun.ke long dou ma si mer ha la yo. qiu gi dai jiu wo.(han sou moon dai ma)mo mu lo jiu ku dai ga. no sou jiu ha go yi pou sou.her li na ye nu mu qiu qia dou.kam sa du lio yo. Thanks for everything thanks u here.a pu ji yan kai ha.san go ga ea gai. a gai ji ke dai biao ni ai.yin ma jiu mio.nao mu ki yao wu gu dai. we hai ki dou hai.kong ma wun sa la. ku lai you.na ma mu dai dou mo ga jiu. nai qia ba jiu nai sou nun.ke long dou ma wun mu a la yo. qiu gi dai jiu yo.(han sou moon dai ma)mo mu lo jiu ku dai ga. no ma lu dai gu hai bu gai hu li na ye nu mu jiu qia dou.kam sa du lio yo. ha la you.nai ma mu sou gai.nu gi jio. ku lai bu ni lang go. ke dai su hing bu kai jiu na. ke dai hia ye hu su gai yo.wow~ tu lio yao you.ku dai ye dai su ha su gio. yi lo kai ka ga yi.ke dai ho gai gam sa jiu gai yo~ I"ll be there.I"ll be there for u.everyday. nao mai di gai dou sou qiu ga.sa la ga lu jia jiu gu dai we hai. I"ll be there for u.

急需美国版shall we dance的英语影评,一两百字~非常感谢

Richard Gere plays John Clark, not an unhappy man, in "Shall We Dance?" He loves his wife and daughter, he enjoys his job as a lawyer, and when his wife gets that funny look in her eye and asks him if everything is OK, he says sure, of course, everything is fine. But there is something missing. One night as he is returning home on the L train, he notices a woman standing alone in the window of Miss Mitzi"s Dance Studio. There is something intriguing about her solitude, her pensive attitude and, let it be said, her figure. A few days later, he gets off the train, walks into the studio and signs up for classes in ballroom dancing.Is he interested in dancing? No. Is he interested in the woman, named Paulina and played by Jennifer Lopez? Yes. Is she interested in him? No: "I prefer not to socialize with students." What does he think of the others, including the giant-sized Vern (Omar Benson Miller), the homophobic Chic (Bobby Cannavale), the would-be bombshell Bobbie (Lisa Ann Walter), the manic dynamo Link (Stanley Tucci), and of course dear Miss Mitzi (Anita Gillette)? Let us say these are not the kinds of people he usually associates with.But Paulina exudes a true fascination, especially when she personally dances the rumba with him. In talking about dance, she allows herself a feedom and sensuality she denies herself in life. Listen to her: "The rumba is the vertical expression of a horizontal wish. You have to hold her, like the skin on her thigh is your reason for living. Let her go, like your heart"s being ripped from your chest. Throw her back, like you"re going to have your way with her right here on the dance floor. And then finish, like she"s ruined you for life."And then ask her if it was as good for her as it was for you. "Shall We Dance?" is a reasonably close remake of "Dansu Wo Shimasho Ka" (aka "Shall We Dansu?"), a 1996 Japanese film that set box-office records at home and won audiences around the world. If you"ve seen it, you know precisely what happens in the Hollywood version, but the movie is a star vehicle; the plot isn"t the point, Gere and Lopez are. When they dance together, it"s a reminder that when dancing became rare in the movies, so did a lot of grace and sexiness.This is not a cutting-edge movie. The characters are broad, what happens is predictable, and of course, everything ends up in a big ballroom dancing competition, and (are you ready for this?) at the crucial moment, we get the obligatory scene where the loved one arrives in the audience, sees what is happening and understands all. I"m averaging two versions of that scene a month, most recently in "Raise Your Voice."Conventional as it may be, "Shall We Dance?" offers genuine delights. The fact that Paulina is uninterested in romance with John comes as sort of a relief, freeing the story to be about something other than the inexorable collision of their genitals. It can be about how John feels about his life, about why it might be useful for a middle-aged lawyer to jump the rails and take up ballroom dance. And about the gallery of supporting characters, who get enough screen time to become engaging.Stanley Tucci, for example, has fun with Link, who is John Clark"s mild-mannered colleague in a Loop law firm. On the dance floor, wearing a flamboyant hairpiece, he becomes a wild man. His dream: "I want to dance before the world in my own name." He fears he would lose his job if he did that, but when John joins the class, he gains courage. He"s one of the reasons John stays at Miss Mitzi"s even after it becomes clear that Paulina is not available. "Ballroom is all or nothing," Link tells him.There"s one area where the American remake is less than convincing. In the Japanese version, we believe that a faithful wife might remain at home evening after evening while her salaryman husband returned long after work. That"s part of the Japanese office culture. That an American wife would put up with it is more problematical. The Clark household, including their teenagers, is not very realistic, but then it exists only as the staging area for the last big scene. I enjoyed the Japanese version so much I invited it to my Overlooked Film Festival a few years ago, but this remake offers pleasures of its own. 李察·基尔扮演约翰克拉克,没有一个不快乐的人,“我们跳舞吗?”他很爱他的妻子和女儿,他喜欢他的工作作为一个律师,当他的妻子得到有趣的看着她的眼睛,问他是否一切都好,他说:当然,当然,一切都好。但缺少什么。一天晚上,他回到家里对我的火车,他注意到一个女人独自站在窗口米兹小姐舞蹈工作室。有一些有趣的关于她的孤独,她沉思的态度,让我们说,她的身影。几天后,他下了火车,走进工作室和报班在舞厅跳舞。他对舞蹈感兴趣?号是他感兴趣的女人,命名和由珍妮弗·洛佩兹?可以。她对他感兴趣?:“我不喜欢社交与学生。”他是怎么想的人,包括巨型韦恩(奥玛尔·本森),同性恋熙(博比·卡纳威),潜在的炸弹博比(丽莎安·),躁狂发电机连接(斯坦利图奇),当然,亲爱的米兹小姐(安妮塔吉列)?让我们说这些都不是类型的人,他通常同伙。但宝琳娜散发出真正的魅力,尤其是当她亲自与他跳伦巴。谈舞蹈,她允许自己自由和感性她否认自己在生活。听她说:“伦巴舞是一个垂直的表达水平。你要抱着她,像她大腿上的皮肤是你生存的理由。让她走,就如同你的心被撕裂你的胸膛。把她带回,你将有你与她就在这舞池。最后,如同她毁了你的生活。”然后问她如果是好,她是你的。”我们跳舞好吗?”是一个相当接近的重拍“石塑禾shimasho卡”(又名“我们石塑?”)日本电影,1996集的票房纪录,在国内赢得了全世界的观众。如果你看到它,你知道什么发生在好莱坞的版本,但电影是星车辆;情节并不重要,基尔和洛佩兹。当他们一起跳舞,这是一种提醒,当舞蹈成了罕见的电影,所以做了大量的优雅和性感。这不是一个尖端的电影。特点是广泛的,发生的事情是可以预见的,当然,一切都结束了在一个大舞厅跳舞比赛,和(你准备好了吗?)在关键时刻,我们得到的爱的人到现场观众,看到发生了什么,明白了一切。我场均2个版本的场景一个月,最近在“提高你的声音。”传统的因为它可能是,“我们跳舞吗?”提供真正的快乐。事实上,宝琳娜是不感兴趣的浪漫与约翰来作为一种解脱,让这个故事是关于其他的东西比他们的生殖器的碰撞。它能够对于如何约翰对他的生活,为什么它可能是有用的一个中年律师跳轨,以国标舞。和画廊的配角,谁获得足够的屏幕时间成为从事。斯坦利图奇,例如,有一个有趣的链接,谁是约翰克拉克的温和的同事在环法律公司。在舞池,穿着华丽的假发,他成了一个野人。他的梦想:“我想跳舞之前,世界在我自己的名字。”他担心他会失去他的工作,如果他那样做,但当约翰加入班级,他获得的勇气。他是原因之一,约翰住在米兹小姐的即使它变得清楚,宝琳娜不可用。”舞厅是一切或什么都不是,”链接,告诉他。有一个地区,美国版是不太令人信服。在日本,我们相信,忠实的妻子留在家里每晚在她丈夫很久以后工作的上班族。这是日本文化办公。一个美国老婆忍受较多。克拉克的家庭,包括他们的孩子,是不现实的,但它只是临时区域的最后一个大场景。我很喜欢日本版这么多我邀请到我忽略了电影节的前几年,但这种改造提供自有乐趣。 I don"t want to write this review because feel very generalBut then I think I spent four hours in the Japanese version and the United States edition watch again do a record dealLike the previous look" feeling of love" and" the departed".I saw all the American remake version of it in a complete mess whenFeel the United States version looks betterIn" Shell we dance".The Japanese version is too slow that I get more than two hours (136m/118m )And the Japanese edition that make me laugh jokeIs the Jennifer Lopez than the grass mowed and much more.The mouth of artistic don"t say with me. I a laity say I refined is to scold meDon"t say I was the Hollywood poisonCan be said that except HongkongOther countries and regions of the film I have seen more than a lot of people


这句话中缺少了连词“,”,所以是语法错误的,正确的应该是"As the saying goes, knowledge is power"。

谁能帮我写一篇三分钟英语演讲稿主题是 knowledge is power 或者wealth and health

I think this article is very suitable for your subject !Pls check it. "Health is wealth!".This is an old saying which the majority applaud.As a rule,the wealthier you are,the weaker is your health,but this cannot be applied to all. To begin with,a person that has health can afford to challenge all hardships.For example,manual workers are usually stout and energetic.With their energy,they earn their living.Although such an occupation brings little reward as pared with the energy they have exerted,they enjoy life whatever things may be. Moreover,business is based on health.Students in good health can absorb knowledge more readily.In good health,scientists can tackle plex technical problems and achieve more success. Frequently we find millionaires cling close to their doctors for they seldom have enough exercises to bring forth better health.Their lack of exercises slackens the readiness of growth of the antibodies to resist the attack of diseases. So,my argue is that health is more important than wealth for if we do not have health,what can we benefit from wealth? . Ever since man appeared on the earth,knowledge will sprout in the human wisdom,from primitive barbari *** of the ancient to highly civilized,every time the progress of the society.All without exception shows knowledge of the tremendous role.The progress of knowledge,promote the historical development,the promotion of human civilization.Knowledge is power.In ancient times,lightning storms,and other natural phenomena are regarded as God"s behavior.During the drought,the people would kill pigs and sheep.To the altar,and ask God,obey monk called Phoenix - rain.In this view,these seem to be too foolish,however it is not knowledge but lead to the inevitable result.Now we have scientific knowledge,the artificial rainfall approach,even when the drought,crops can grow very well." Old days" also cannot card our necks.Man can conquer nature,is because people have the knowledge.At present,the world a popular saying:look at a country,a nation is prosperous,prosperous,see this country,the people and culture knowledge level.I think that this argument is not without reason.Even if a country is not rich enough,but as long as it has the wisdom of the people,have the importance of knowledge tradition,it can be asserted that:this country is promising.But if a country,a nation is very rich,but maintains a group of" who have neither learning nor skill",the inevitable result is sad.It will gradually decline.The history of the Tang Dynasty was formed" prosperity" prosperity.In addition to the emperor"s enlightened,the main reason is that all walks of life to the full development of science and technology.A galaxy of talents in domestic,national strength,Megatron sihai.Thus,the country"s prosperity,prosperity is inseparable from the knowledge.

英语谚语:Knowledge is power 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Knowledge is power 中文意思: 知识就是力量。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Be slow to promise and quick to perform 不轻诺,诺必果。 Be swift to hear slow to speak 多听少说。 Better a bachelor"s life than a slovenly wife 过光棍生活,胜过有一个邋遢老婆。 Better a glorious death than a shameful life 忍辱贪生不如死得光荣。 Better a little fire to warm us than a great one to burn us 适量的火好取暖,熊熊烈火能焚身。 Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow 前程虽远大,现实尤可贵。 Better an empty purse than an empty head 宁可钱袋瘪,不要脑袋空。 Better an open enemy than a false friend 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。 Better are *** all fish than an empty dish 有胜于无。 Better ask twice than lose you way once 宁愿问路两次胜过迷路一次。 英语谚语: Knowledge is power 中文意思: 知识就是力量。

We are having a wonderful life and Mum FEELS naturally part of it,

这个feel part of sth. 是相对固定的搭配,意思是“感觉自己是某物的一部分”这几句话的意思是:我们在享受美好的生活,妈妈自然而然地感觉自己是其中的一部分,因为要不是她给了我项链,我们就没有办法在这儿。我知道她的灵魂在这里,一直看着我们。take part 意思是“参加”不懂请追问,满意请采纳。谢谢!

德文kraftwerk 如何发音??



bookstore,译为书店,是可数名词。一个书店是a bookstore,后面用was。

sea weybill和正本提单有什么区别

SEA WAYBILL是空运单,是空运货物的收据,与正本提单相比,不代表物权,不能转让,不能做抵押品.

We Are The World群星里声音沙哑的是谁

  布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀 姓名:Bruce Springsteen  中文名:布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀  出生日:1949年9月23日  出生地:美国新泽西州  Bruce Springsteen是美国70年代以来大红大紫的摇滚乐巨星之一。到了90年代,他依然光彩照人,余音袅袅。  1949年9月23日,Bruce Springsteen出生于美国新泽西州(New Jersey)的费里霍尔德(Freehold)。1963年开始学弹吉它。1965年他加入了凯斯泰尔乐队,参与了专辑《那是你将要得到了》。凯斯泰尔乐队宣布解散后,Bruce Springsteen在其它几个乐队里又陆续干了3年。  1971年组建了经自己名字命名的乐队。它在1973年发展成为著名的东大街乐队(the E.Street Band),主要成员包括键盘手大卫.山休斯(David Sancious)、电贝斯手加利.泰伦特(Gary Tallent)、风琴手丹尼.费德里奇(Danny Fedrici)、架子鼓手维尼.洛佩兹(Vivi Lopez)、萨克斯风演奏手克莱伦斯.克莱蒙斯(Clarence Clemmons)等人。  1973年1月,Bruce Springsteen的首张专辑《来自阿斯贝里公园的祝福》(Greeting from Asbary Park)面世。但是这些源于民谣的歌曲并未引起乐迷的兴趣,唱片仅销售出5万多张。同年,11月的专辑《野蛮.无知和东大街的混乱》(The Wild,The Inncocent And The E.Steet Shuffle)仍然没有达到预期的结果。  1974年,东大街乐队组成了更理想的阵容,实力大大加强,新加盟的有钢琴家洛易.比坦、鼓手马克斯威伯和键盘手丹尼.费德里西。1975年又增加了吉它手斯坦福.范.扎德特,原有的键盘师和鼓手也都换了人。  1975年9月,Bruce Springsteen在新专辑《为跑而生》(Born to Run)终于冲上了排行榜的第三位,他本人则成为举世公认的摇滚乐明星。10月,Bruce Springsteen的照片同时在《时代》(Time)和《新星期》(Newweek)两家杂志上刊出,名气大振。就在这一年,为扩大影响,Bruce Springsteen和他的乐队不失时机地在美国的各地不断地举行巡回演出。  接着,他们又创造了令人惊奇的成绩:  1978年,《城镇边缘的黑暗》(Darkness on the Edge of Town)进入排行榜的第5位。获金唱片奖和白金唱片奖。该专辑主要是反映以往的问题,是一张充满忧郁的专辑。15年后,该作品仍在乐坛上占有一席之位。  1979年,现场演出专辑《不要原子能》问世。  1980年,《河流》(the River)高踞排行榜首,销售极为火爆。  1982年,《内布拉斯加》(Nebraka)排行榜第三,《饥渴的心》(Hungry Heart)也进入了前十名。  1984年,《诞生在美国》(Born in the U.S.A)在美国排行榜榜首停留了7周,销量超过了1,200万张。而在英国排行榜上停留了两年半之久。  Springsteen是“拯救非洲难民”(USA for Africa)活动的参与者之一,他与迈克.杰克逊等明星一齐演唱了We Are the World。  1986年,从10年来的曲目中,Bruce Springsteen挑选了一些精品,推出了一张精选集(Live 1975-1985)。它又稳居排行榜首达7周之久。Bruce Springsteen的艺术生涯如日中天。  1985年,Bruce Springsteen和女演员朱莉安.菲利浦(Julianne Philips)结婚后,渐渐失去了往日的狂热,他想多享受一些私人生活的快乐。当然,他的艺术生涯仍在继续,并参与了大量的公益演出活动。这期间发行了专辑以1987年的《爱的通道》(Tunnel of Love)最为成功,专辑对其爱情的失败进行了反思。这部柔和优美专辑由于预先的订购一发行就在英美两地进入了排行榜榜首。  1989年,Bruce Springsteen和朱莉安结束了仅5年的婚姻。随后,他和在巡回演出中合作过的女歌手帕蒂.莎尔法(Patti Scialfa)确立了恋爱关系。同年,东大街乐队在其建议下解散了。  1992年,Bruce Springsteen在解散东大街乐队的同时,推出了专辑《幸运之镇》(Lucky Town)和《人类的接触》(Human Touch)。由于乐迷的支持,两专辑虽然没有以往那么火热,但还是如期所料登上排行榜。  1994年,他为电影《费城故事》(Philadelphia)创作了Street of Philadelphia。  1995年,据说他又重新与大东街乐队的队员合作。当他率领人员精简的新乐队作巡回演出时,Bruce Springsteen自己同时操作几种乐器,其令人眼花缭乱的动作在乐迷中引起了轰动。  1995年,其推出了一张对越南战争感想的专辑《汤姆.周的灵魂》(The Ghost of Tom Joad),这张专辑是不再是象以往那样的狂热,充满激情的作品,而是单纯的哲理性的沉思。该专辑可以说是他多年来最成功的作品,但也是商业上最失败的专辑之一。  2008年,创作电影《摔角手(The Wrestler)》同名主题曲,并因此于2009年1月获得第66届金球奖最佳原创歌曲奖。  凭借单曲《Radio Nowhere》获得2008年格莱美最佳摇滚歌曲、最佳摇滚歌手奖。  2009年,献唱于美国最大的体育盛会NFL第二节后中场。  专辑作品:Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J.(1973) ,The Wild, the Innocent & the E Street Shuffle(1973),Asbury Park (Sandy),Born to Run(1975),Darkness on the Edge of Town(1978),The River(1980),Nebraska Columbia(1982),Born in the U.S.A.(1984),Tunnel of Love(1987),Human Touch(1992),Lucky Town Live(1993),In Concert/MTV Plugged [live](1993),The Ghost of Tom Joad(1995),Live in New York City(2001),The Rising(2002),Devils & Dust(2005),Hammersmith Odeon(2006),Magic(2007),Working On a Dream(2009)[编辑本段]专辑介绍:  《Magic》  继两年前的《Devils & Dust》之后,蓝领摇滚教父Bruce Springsteen的全新录音室专辑《Magic》在本周的Billboard 200专辑榜中再次称霸。据Nielsen SoundScan统计显示,《Magic》在全美上市首周的销量达到33万5千张,是Bruce Springsteen在五年前的专辑《The Rising》之后单周专辑销量的最高纪录。2002年,《The Rising》发行首周夺冠时的销量为52万5千张。新作《Magic》是绰号“The Boss”的Bruce Springsteen在美国的第八张冠军专辑,他此前获得冠军的专辑包括:《The River》、《Born in the U.S.A.》、精选集《Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band 1975-1985》、《Tunnel of Love》、精选集《Greatest Hits》和《Devils & Dust》。  在经典之作《Born in the U.S.A.》面世之后的这20多年当中,Bruce Springsteen只在两张专辑中与他曾经的御用伴奏乐团E Street Band合作。在五年前的《The Rising》之后,“The Boss”在这张新作中和E Street Band再度携手。与自己一人完成的《Devils & Dust》以及翻唱Pete Seeger的《We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions》相比,向摇滚曲风回归的《Magic》无疑更有力量,而E Street Band的回归也总能够使Springsteen的作品更加丰满。为本张专辑负责制作和混音工作的是Brendan O"Brien。  专辑开篇单曲《Radiohead Nowhere》绝对是Bruce Springsteen近年来最有力量的单曲之一,在近两张专辑的柔情之后,Springsteen终于又露出了他摇滚硬汉的一面,而这首出色的开场曲也很容易让歌迷对本张专辑好感倍增。《You"ll Be Comin" Down》、《Livin" in the Future》和第九首《Last to Die》都是典型的“Springsteen式”曲目,编配丰富,旋律上口,很粗矿,很男人。《I"ll Work for Your Love》是本张专辑中整体最流畅的曲目之一,上口的旋律也许会让一些老歌迷想到《The River》时期的Springsteen。而同名单曲《Magic》则是本张专辑中旋律最好的慢歌,舒服的民谣式曲风自然也是Springsteen的强项之一。最后作为Bonus曲目的《Terry"s Song》是Bruce Springsteen在本张专辑即将完工的最后时刻加入的一首献给已故的老搭档Terry Magovern的歌,钢琴、口琴、木吉他与Springsteen深情的演绎融为一体。  总的来看,再次回到摇滚曲风的Bruce Springsteen在这张新作中的表现是可圈可点的,这张《Magic》是2007年中诞生的最优秀的主流摇滚唱片之一。  《Devils & Dust》  从来没有像火般炽热地迷过Bruce Sringsteen,从来没有把他当成音乐生活中不可缺少的一部份,从来没有因为他的某一首作品造成人格分裂或是情商突增,但这么多年下来,这位慈祥又朴实的大叔却总是会在人即将陷入困顿时,用一些白描的现实来刺激麻木的神经,那里面没有死磕到底的攻击性,有的只是对现实画面的客观组合,文字和音乐都是浅白甚至是粗俗的,但它们的作用却是不言而喻的。 熟悉Bruce Sringsteen的人应该能猜想到,继上张将目光瞄向“911”的《The Rising》专辑之后,这一次他肯定会将笔触指向近几年最惊天动地的国际大事——伊拉克战争。主打曲《Devils & Dust》正是为此而作的音乐,低沉的嗓音、简约的箱琴,让人不禁想起23年前用四轨机录制的经典专辑《Nebraska》,还是吉它和口琴做为架构,在接近乡村民谣的气质中,将由于战争而导致的心灵创伤和流离失以平静到绝望的方式呈现了出来。  2009《Working on a Dream》  据统计,《Working on a Dream》在美国上市首周共售出22万4千张,是The Boss的第九张冠军专辑。截至目前,Bruce Springsteen的冠军专辑数量已经追平了滚石乐队(The Rolling Stones),只落后于披头士乐队(The Beatles)的19张、猫王阿尔维斯·普莱斯利(Elvis Presley)的10张和Jay-Z的10张。  《Working on a Dream》的首周销量比Bruce Springsteen的上张专辑《Magic》下降了33%,《Magic》上市首周的销量达到了33万5千张,同样在Billboard 200专辑榜中空降冠军。在超级碗大赛中场休息的表演中,Bruce Springsteen和他的E Street乐队登台演出,从4月1日开始,Bruce Springsteen的世界巡回演出即将开锣。(2009年摘自新浪娱乐《蓝领摇滚教父空降公告牌榜首 斯韦福特连胜终结》)



the boss insisted that every minute ()made full use of ()the work well.

be to do第一空是(should ) be 虚拟语气, should 可省第二空是不定式to do...作目的状语的如不明白请追问手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可如果有其他问题请采纳本题后另发点击向我求助,答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。祝学习进步


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we see samuel jackson like whats up mother fuckerrr是什么意思?

前面还好理解,后面有点费解。we see samuel jackson like ...我们看到塞缪尔杰克逊(美国的一个黑人演员,算是名演员吧)像是 ...what"s up mother fucker王八蛋!想干嘛?!



there were story after story 为什么were改成was? 求语法解释


求westlife新专辑where we are的全部歌词

Where we areStay, stay where you areAnd don"t let me go, don"t let me go(we"ve) made it this farOh baby, stop, stop right thereAnd don"t walk away, don"t walk awayInto thin airWe survived the crash, made it through the breakageStanding here at last, so perfectly we"ve writtenNow where we are, it"s where we"re supposed to beWhere we are, keeps the breath in hereWhere we be the reason from the dayWhere we know what can tear us apartThat"s where we areDon"t, don"t turn aroundwe"ve got to leave, we"ve got let go of the past nowNo fear, me by your sideWe are out of danger, no reason to hideWe survived the storm, made it through the hurricaneStanding here at last, dry this by the rainNow where we are is where we"re supposed to beWhere we are, keeps the breath in hereWhere we be the reason from the dayWhere we know what can tear us apartThat"s where we areThat"s where we areStay, stay where you areWhere we are is where we"re supposed to beWhere we are, keeps the breath in hereWhere we be the reason from the dayWhere we know what can tear us apartThat"s where we areThat"s where we are http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/125612531.html?si=1

cajviewer 7.1.2右上角的“中国知网数字出版物超市”图标很大,也很讨厌,见下图,哪位高人知道如何去掉?



打开PowerDesigner软件,选择菜单文件->建立新模型,或者敲击键盘ctrl+N弹出建立新模型窗口,模型类型选择Object-Oriented Model,图选择Class Diagram,输入模型名称,例如ObjectOrientedModel_1,选择对象语言为Java,点击OKPowerDesigner会创建名称为ObjectOrientedModel_1的模型工程,在Palette面板中会列出可以操作组件符号,对于类图来说,主要使用的是Class(类),Interface(接口)及部分关系组件等单击Palette工具栏中的Class图标,在工作区中点击即创建一个类。单击Palette工具栏中的箭头(pointer),双击类图的图形符号,打开类属性(Class Properties)窗口。在类属性窗口中的General和Detail页签中可以设置类的基本属性、类属性、类方法,例如机动车类再单击Palette工具栏中的Class图标,在工作区中点击即创建另一个类,并设置类名、类属性、类方法,例如小汽车类单击Palette工具栏中的Genaralization图标,点击小汽车类,并拖动鼠标到机动车类,实现小汽车类继承机动车类步骤阅读双击小汽车类图标,弹出类属性窗口,选中预览(preview)页签,即可看到类生成的java代码


There comes a time when we hear a certain call 当我们听到了恳切的呼唤 When the world must come together as one 全世界应该团结一致 There are people dying 有些地方的人们正逐渐死亡 Oh, and it"s time to lend a hand to life 是该伸出援手的时候了 The greatest gift of all 对生命而言,这是最好的礼物 We can"t go on pretending day by day 我们不能日复一日的伪装下去了 That someone, somewhere will soon make a change 在某些地方总有人要改变自己 We"re all a part of God"s great big family 我们都是上帝的大家族中的一员 And the truth - you know love is all we need 事实上,我们需要的就是爱 We are the world, we are the children 四海皆一家,我们都是神的子民 We are the ones who make a brighter day 创造美好的未来要靠我们 So let"s start giving 所以,让我们开始奉献自己 There"s a choice we"re making 我们正在做的抉择 We"re saving our own lives 是在拯救自己的生命 It"s true we"ll make a better day 我们真的可以创造更美好的明天 Just you and me 就靠你和我 Well, send"em your heart 将你的心传递给他们 So they know that someone cares 让他们明了有人关心他们 And their lives will be stronger and free 他们的生活才能更坚强、更自由 As God has shown us 如同上帝开释我们的 By turning stone to bread 借着把石头变成面包这件事 And so we all must lend a helping hand 我们都应该伸出援手才对 We are the world, we are the children 四海皆一家,我们都是神的子民 We are the ones who make a brighter day 创造美好的未来要靠我们 So let"s start giving 所以,让我们开始奉献自己 There"s a choice we"re making 我们正在做的抉择 We"re saving our own lives 是在拯救自己的生命 It"s true we"ll make a better day 我们真的可以创造更美好的明天 Just you and me 就靠你和我 When you"re down a nd out 当你意志消沉、不被接纳 There seems no hope at all 一切似乎全无希望But if you just believe 但只要你相信 There"s no way we can fall 我们不可能倒下 Well, well, well, let"s realize 让我好好想清楚 That one change can only come 只能做一个改变 When we stand together as one 当我们像一家人站在一起 We are the world, we are the children 四海皆一家,我们都是神的子民 We are the ones who make a brighter day 创造美好的未来要靠我们 So let"s start giving 所以,让我们开始奉献自己 There"s a choice we"re making 我们正在做的抉择 We"re saving our own lives 是在拯救自己的生命 It"s true we"ll make a better day 我们真的可以创造更美好的明天 Just you and me(*) 就靠你和我

求一首英文歌,高潮部分总是以we are the 什么开头,男女对唱,一人一句,都是同样的we are the 什么的词

we are the word ?? 群星版?由麦克尔·杰克逊和莱昂内尔·里奇合作完成.全歌词如下There comes a time when we heed a certain call When the world must come together as one There are people dying And it"s time to lend a hand to life, The greatest gift of all We can go on pretending day by day That someone, somewhere will soon make a change We are all a part of God"s great big family And the truth you know love is all we need We are the world We are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day So let"s start giving There"s a choice we"re making We"re saving our own lives It"s true we"ll make a better day Just you and me Send them your heart so they"ll know that someone cares And their lives will be stronger and free As God has shown us by turning stones to bread So we all must lend a helping hand We are the world We are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day So let"s start giving There"s a choice we"re making We"re saving our own lives It"s true we"ll make a better day Just you and me Michael - When you"re down and out Michael - There seems no hope at all But if you just believe there"s no way we can fall Let us realize that a change can only come When we stand together as one -We are the world -We are the children -We are the ones who make a brighter day -So let"s start giving -There"s a choice we"re making -We"re saving our own lives -It"s true we"ll make a better day -Just you and me

Kwela Tebza的《Better Day》 歌词

歌曲名:Better Day歌手:Kwela Tebza专辑:Made In South AfricaI see a perfect skyI met a perfect guyGosh, I fell in LoveFor the first time babyNo pleasure without painAnd this love will heal meDon"t waste a single momentThis day is a giftClose your eyes Open your mindNothing can be done while just waitingSo breathe words of loveI want to see your smileI want to live in your eyesI want to hear your voiceBecause Nobody but youSometimes I feel downSometimes I get lostOh Baby hold my hand & guide me to a better dayHope keeps me aliveHappiness you gave to mefill me with joyDon"t turn your back on meSometimes NO! NO! we missed each otherBut we can get through the difficulties in lifeClose your eyes Open your mindNothing can be done while just waitingSo breathe in meI want to share your tearsI want to hear your heartI want to live in your eyesOh! Nobody but youSometimes I lose my mindSometimes I want to dieOH Baby hold my hand & guide me tonightOh! I had a bad day, forget everythingWhere is the moment when needed the mostI"m lying in the sunAnd I"m just I"m just breathing outYou have to know, now every single thingsomeone does & sayswill make you alright?Sometimes I feel downSometimes I get lostOh! Baby hold my handI want to share your tearsI want to hear your heartI want to live in your eyesOh! Nobody but youSometimes I lose my mindSometimes I want to dieBaby hold my hand & guide me a better dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2899416



有一首歌歌词是什么doctor lawer or a singer why not something like your old man请问叫什么?

由瑞典歌手Darin Zanyar唱的《Be What You Wanna Be》下载的话,这里有一个,http://jnfile.focus.cn/upload/files/150010/SToB0mXX.mp3更多地址,百度MP3一搜就有了。http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&rn=&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&word=be+what+you+wanna+be&lm=-1歌词全文如下:Doctor,actor,lawer or a singerWhy not president,be a dreamerYou can be just the one you wanna bePoliceman,fire fighter or a postmanWhy not something like your old manYou can be just the one you wanna beI know that we all got one thingThat we all share togetherWe got that one nice dream we live forYou never know what life could bringCoz nothing last for everJust hold on to the team you play forI know you could reach the topMake sure that you won"t stopBe the one that you wanna beNow sing this with meWe may have different ways to thinkBut t doesn"t really matterWe all caught up in the steam of this lifeFocus on every little thingThat"s what does really matterLuxury cars and blingThat"s not real lifeLast year I used to dream about this dayNow I"m here I"m singing for youI hope I could inspire youCoz I"ve got all the love,coz I"ve got all love for you

英语作文《my weekend》40词

嗯, 很好,这片是这个人家写的的写作所以我感觉是的

have a day off every week,as well as the weekend是啥意思

and 是连接并列的成分,AS WELL AS强调的是他前面的主语,其谓语动词和前面的主语保持一致,当然很多情况下,意思上两者是可以互换的

碧昂斯的《If i were a boy》歌词


邓紫棋if i were a boy歌词

If I were a boy, even just for a dayI"d roll outta bed in the morningAnd throw on what I wanted then goDrink beer with the guysAnd chase after girlsI"d kick it with who I wantedAnd I"d never get confronted for it.‘Cuz they"d stick up for meC H O R U S :If I were a boyI think I could understandHow it feels to love a girlI swear I"d be a better manI"d listen to her, ‘cuz I know how it hurtsWhen you lose the one you wanted‘Cuz he"s taken you for grantedAnd everything you had got destroyed.If I were a boyI would turn off my phoneTell everyone it"s brokenSo they"d think that I was sleepin"aloneI"d put myself first, and make the rules as I go‘Cuz I know that she"d be faithfulWaitin"for me to come home (to come home)C H O R U SIt"s a little too late for you to come backSay it"s just a mistakeThink I"d forgive you like thatIf you thought I would wait for youYou thought wrongBut you"re just a boyYou don"t understandYeah you don"t understand (ooh)How it feels to love a girl somedayYou"ll wish you were a better manYou don"t listen to herYou don"t care how it hurtsUntil you lose the one you wanted‘Cuz you"ve taken her for grantedAnd everything you have got destroyed.But you"re just a boy

if i were a boy歌词中文翻译

《If I Were A Boy》是美国性感女神Beyonce 《IAm...Sasha Fierce》中的一首主打曲,并在2008年10月作为《I Am...》碟中的首支单曲,并与《Sasha Fierce》碟中的《Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It)》并行发行。中英文歌词:If I were a boy假如我是男孩Even just for a day哪怕只有一天I"d roll outta bed in the morning清晨我会从床上翻下来And throw on what I wanted then go随便套上我想穿的衣服Drink beer with the guys和朋友们一块喝酒And chase after girls去追求心仪的女孩I"d kick it with who I wanted我会痛扁我看不惯的人And I"d never get confronted for it.但我永远不用面对这些Cause they"d stick up for me.因为兄弟们都挺我If I were a boy假如我是男孩I think I could understand我想我会懂得How it feels to love a girl怎样去爱一个女人I swear I"d be a better man.我发誓我会成为一个更好的男人I"d listen to her我会听她诉说Cause I know how it hurts因为我了解那有多痛When you lose the one you wanted当你失去你爱的人(的时候)Cause he"s taken you for granted因为他对你的无动于衷And everything you had got destroyed你的世界因此而崩溃If I were a boy假如我是个男孩I would turn off my phone我会关掉我的电话Tell everyone it"s broken告诉别人它(电话)坏了So they"d think that I was sleepin" alone让他们以为我是一个人睡I"d put myself first我会把自己放在首位And make the rules as I go我会做我自己想做的事情Cause I know that she"d be faithful因为我知道她会对我忠诚Waitin" for me to come home (to come home)一直等着我回家 (回家)If I were a boy假如我是男孩I think I could understand我想我会懂得How it feels to love a girl怎样去爱一个女人I swear I"d be a better man.我发誓我会成为一个更好的男人I"d listen to her我会听她诉说Cause I know how it hurts因为我了解那有多痛When you lose the one you wanted当你失去你爱的人(的时候)Cause he"s taken you for granted因为他对你的无动于衷And everything you had got destroyed你的世界因此而崩溃It"s a little too late for you to come back现在你回头已经太晚了Say it"s just a mistake说那只是一个错误Think I"d forgive you like that认为我会像你想的那个样子原谅你If you thought I would wait for you如果你认为我会等着你You thought wrong那你就错了But you"re just a boy但你恰恰是一个男孩You don"t understand (yeah you don"t understand, oh)你不懂(是的 你不懂,oh)How it feels to love a girl爱一个女孩是怎样的感觉Someday you wish you were a better man将来有一天 你会希望你是一个更好的男人You don"t listen to her你不倾听她的话You don"t care how it hurts你不在乎那是怎样的伤害Until you lose the one you wanted直到你失去你心爱的那个人"Cause you"re taking her for granted因为你把她的付出当成理所当然And everything you had got destroyed一切都被你摧毁But you"re just a boy你只是一个男孩

if were a boy 的中英歌词

If I were a boy Even just for a dayI" roll out of bed in the morningAnd throw on what I wanted and go Drink beer with the guys And chase after girls I"d kick it with who I wanted And I"d ever get confronted for it Because they"d stick up for me If I were a boy I think I could understand How it feels to love a girl I swear I"d be a better man It"s a little too late for you to come backSay its just a mistake Think I forgive you like that If you thought I would wait for you You thought wrong But you"re just a boy You don"t understand How it feels to love a girlSomeday you"ll wish you were a better manYou don"t listen to her You don"t care how it hurts Until you lose the one you wantedCause you"ve taken her for grantedAnd everything you had got destroyed But you"re just a boy我好不容易和老大唱的对上号的,绝对正确。上网找的都对不上,我一边听一边删掉一些的

The Arts Cinema is open 7 days a week, showing lots of American and foreign films. Next week,it..

小题1:C小题2:A小题3:C小题4:B小题5:C 试题分析:下周艺术电影院将放映一个澳大利亚电影叫“午夜会议”。它是在20世纪60年代在悉尼拍摄。从周一到周四,一天在晚上6:30和9:10两次放映。该片历时两小时十五分钟。门票4元,学生的电影票2.60元。最近的停车场是在哈姆雷特街。从电影院仅五分钟的步行路程。如果您需要进一步的信息,拨打电话8813962,办公时间上午9时至下午4时半,周一至周五。小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Next week,it will show an Australian film called “Midnight Meeting””理解可知。这部电影是澳大利亚,故选C。小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“You can see that film from Monday to Thursday.”理解可知。从周一到周四都可以看这部电影,故选A。小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“The film lasts two hours and fifteen minutes. ”理解可知。这场电影持续2小时15分,故选C。小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“there is a special student ticket at $2.60 for all the films.”理解可知。学生票是2.6故选B。小题5:细节理解题,根据文中语句“If you need further information, phone 8813962 during office hours-9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.”理解可知。C为正确答案。点评:阅读中注意短文后面的问题.然后带着问题再读短文,找出与答题内容相关语句,反复阅读,反复分析,然后确定答案.阅读中要善于从短文信息中总结推测出所需答案,注意所填答案与短文中相关语句的关系,与相关单词短语的关系.

初二英语作文 (5篇)1.the life in the winter holidays2.how can we kee

1.the life in the winter holidays This holiday season is the happiest I have been a holiday,this holiday season,I often go to the library to study,learn a lot of knowledge.At the same time,my mother in order to allow me to study hard and also acpany me Hangzhou touri *** ,we are playing very happy.I after dinner,we watch TV and see a lot of news,all I did not know,the holidays are too meaningful,and I will never forget this holiday 2.How can we keep Healthy in the winter Holidays It"s important and problem to keep our health.So,frist we must sleep over seven hours every day.Then we can not only eat meat but also some vagetables.It can make us stronger than befer.Doing some sports are also good for our health.But please do it every day.And have a piic is a good way that can keep our health.Finally,Don"t sit to long and eat somgthing which are bad,it"s not good for your health. 3.spring festival Spring Festival,Chinese New Year,is the most important festivalfor all of us.All family members get together on New Year"Eve to have a big meal.At the same time,everyone celebrates to each other.At about 12 o"clock,some parents and children light crackers.The whole sky is lighted brightly.We may watch the fireworks excitedly.How busy it is! On the first early moring of one year,many senior citizen get up early and they stick the reversed Fu or hang some couplets on the front door.Some house"s windows are sticked on red paper cutlings.The Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days.So during the fifteen days,we always visit our relatives from door to door.At that time,children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents,grandparents,uncles,aunts and so on.The last day of the Chinese New Year is another festival.It names the Lantern Festival.So the Chinese New Year es to the end. 4.Protecting the Environment around us Environmental problems are being more and more serious all over the world.For example,cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories.Trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.Furthermore,wherever we go today,we can find rubbish carelessly disposed.Pollution is,in fact,threatening our existence. The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations.Fortunately,more and more people have realized these problems.Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the government.Laws have been passed to stop pollution.I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will bee better and better. 5.Changes in our Hometown In the past ten years,great changes have taken place in our hometown.Take my family for example.My parents contacted others mainly by sending them letters in the past,but now we call long distancd at home.And once my parents listened to radio for news and other information,but now we watch the news and other programs on TV.Another big change is in the housing conditions.When they got married about ten years ago,my parents lived in a samll room crowded with furniture,but now we have moved intwo a big new three-room apartment. In short,changes in our hometown in the past ten years have brought us fort and convenience. 我也是九中的 为了找这5篇作文 搞的头都是大的

A day in the life of...whizz-kid wendy

= = 特地打了...如果以后一直要译文的话 推荐《怎样学好牛津英语》与课本同步的神童温迪的日常生活15岁的温迪-王,一定是本市的优秀学生之一。她已经写了好几个很成功的电脑游戏。现在,她的家人都再她的公司里工作,可她还在上学!上午六点我六点起床,洗漱,穿好校服。我和家人一起吃早饭。我们有一个家族企业。我编写电脑游戏。幸运的是,这些电脑游戏都很受欢迎。我们每年要卖出五十多万个电脑游戏。我爸爸是公司的经理,我妈妈负责销售。我哥哥是公司的会计。每天早晨吃早餐期间,我们都要谈论生意。上午七点三十分我总是坐家里的车去上学。我们有一个司机。他每天开车送我去学校。在路上,我有时会打电话给我们的客户。上午八点我开始上课。我很高兴见到我的同学们,但是学校有些功课挺无聊的,因为对我而言太简单了。所有的学科我通常都能获得优等。我从来没有考试不及格。中午十二点三十分一周约有两次,我家的司机会把我从学校接走。我要和客户共进午餐,然后再回到学校。下午四点十五分放学后,我经常参加俱乐部活动。星期五,我们要召开电脑俱乐部的会议。其他同学常常请我帮助他们。周一和周四我去打篮球。我每周上一次小提琴课。我在晚餐前完成作业。晚上七点我总是和家人共进晚餐。我们讨论生意上的事情。之后,我去自己的办公室继续编写电脑游戏。我很少在晚上十一点半前睡觉。我通常不需要很多睡眠时间。

艾薇儿Wish You Were Here中文谐音


求Avril 的 wish you were here的歌词 中文和英文一起


we takin over歌词

YezzirIt"s me...the rapper eater...feed me feed me feed me! No homo.One time for me, one time for the DJHe be Khaled, I be Lil" WeezyBaby if you ask me if you"re nastyCreative gifted bastardSpit sporadicI"m so diplomatic democraticTouch it, Bring it, Push it systematicDamn right I kissed my daddyI think they pissed at how rich my daddy isAnd I"m his kid I stunt with my daddyCall Mrs. Lee, she"s with my daddySo diss me and dont diss my daddyCause who was there when no one wasn"t? Just my daddyWho was there when I needed money? Just my daddySo who"ll be there when I see the money? Just my daddyLil WayneWho said that I be the one?Just my daddy!Hello Hip Hop I"m home,Its Your DaddyWhen I say D"s, I don"t mean the caddy I mean "deez nuts"Akon"s and Khaleds, Rick Ross, TIP, Stunna and Fat JoeAnd I can"t, can"t, can"t forget Brisco& Yeah I done squashed the bullshit it"s rizoIt"s a bakery here just trying to get doughShout to my Dreads, my Haitians and ChicosYou"re lookin for me hoe?I"m in the 3-0...Five,I"m the best rapper aliveHomeboy got a mind, that a map couldnt findHomeboy got a 9, that a cop couldnt findI could get to it even if I was blindScary movie be screaming when I rhymeI"ma "King" you can ask "Steven" if I"m lyingI"ma Prince too demanding like my momToo bold too cold like wet Sa-lam-Me!Me! It"s all about me!He say, she say, I say me!Will be in the M.I.A. me!With me! And T! And Big Ronnie!And the homie Street probably somewhere on the beachAnd Tez and E probably somewhere in the jeepAnd Marl in the Phantom with Mr. GAnd me! Me! It"s all about me!Play with me and it"s all out beefBeef! Yes! Chest! Feet!,Tag! Bag! Blood! Sheets!Yikes! Yeeks! Great! Scott!Storch! Can I borrow your yacht?Watch me and my click go all outLike the ball in the stands we balls outBoy I don"t know what y"all "boutBut I just spit like a dog mouthPink ice just looking like a hog mouthVRRRMMM ...I had to bring the hog outLight dem trees bring the log outEveryday Christmas I"m egged nogged out& Hip Hop Is My New Bought HouseMy flow just grew legs and walked outBYE

求 weed remix 英文歌词

Take meHigher, higher, babyCan you feel it?? (feel it, feel it, feel it)Do you feel the same weed high that I do??Cuz I"m so high (reefer makes you feel that way)And I feeling so rightRoll mo,roll mo, let"s smoke, I got to get highI been high since the last song (off that la, la, la, la, la, la, la)And i just been smokin" and smokin"Smoke another blunt, roll another upYou know that weed can really ease your mindEverytime I smoke a reefer that indo high makes me flyIf everybody smoked a blunt, relieve the mind, the world could be a better placeIf everybody took a break and we all just got wastedfloat out(out, out out), smoked out(out, out, out), choked out(out, out, out), pull another O (out, out, out)Let"s get P-O-D-ded (P-O-D-ded, P-O-D-ded)[Chorus][Bizzy Bone]The weed can"t get no better (no better baby)[Bizzy Bone]20 dollar hollars, all day, everydayCome around my way, we gone want to stayWeed makes me hungry, happy, and all I can saySure I need some moreDon"t make me wait, stay awake, fake sleep,got the weed between the sheetsCatch meMary jane bless meOpen up the dime, stimulate your mind, slide my thumb up the bluntOpen up to what you find in mara....juanai"ve never been in high times (lovin" them high times)I never been in high times (but could you tell me)Am I high enough (am I high enough)Am I high enough (am I high enough)[Wish Bone]I remeber being a little thugWeed, really didn"t know what it wasThen I took a puff and I realizedI should always, stay highThe weed (the weed), makes me feel alright (alright)If you feel like i feel, I got half on your dimeIf you got weed smoke it, I"m a real weed smokerIf it"s mine then I wouldsince its yours you could, you shouldIf I ain"t there when you blaze a blunt nigga huh, please think of meCuz you know a nigga like to get high (high), high and freeSmokin" all night, feelin" all rightBone Thugs get high, so highHigh, high, all night, high, highSo high[Flesh-N-Bone]Oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my my my myI know you wonder why I do this love the skyAnd I soar up so highThis mornin" I was in my bedBangin" and ringin" inside my headI wanted to make love to you baby, but last night I got P-O-Ded insteadSo baby don"t go away, all I got to sayIs I gotta have you mary jSuch a heavenly feelin" I get when i"m taking fat ass blunts to the brainOh darlin i"m going insane and I wish we really canKick it at home in America, like it was on in amsterdamYou heard that i"m, you heard i"m, nothin" but a,realler thug niggaNothin" less than a killa, I might if i"m makin" a scrillai never knew no one as live as the bone that kick as strong as mebe rippin" the bong like me, can hit it as long as me[Layzie Bone]when I need to free my mindI can find, satisfaction in a bag of weedEverything I need, leave it to the treesIt can make me feel better, and everyday I wake webe rollin" up blunts, and mo blunts, and mo bluntsAnd I, keep a case of swissha sweets in the trunkSo when I"m rollin", smokin", chokin", just floatin"Through the city in the drop topGlock cocked,rollin", just rollin"Me and mary janethat"s my world, that"s my thangThe way she penetrates my brainBuddah, done blessed me with gameGood game, you wanna chop it up, we can kick it, smoke a phatty to the domeNigga lay high, thugged out, smokin", all, night, longChorus till fade 以后就到google.com(英文的),歌名后面加个lyrics搜索就出歌词了。

Westlife的《everybody knows》的中英歌词

Tell me, baby 告诉我宝贝When we first got together 我们第一次在一起的时候When you first came around 第一次你在身边的时候I don"t remember 我都记不起了We"ve been so long together 我们在一起这么久了So long the talk of the town 我们在小镇里快乐的交谈Everybody knows I love you, baby每个人都知道我爱你,宝贝儿 Everybody knows I really do 每个人都知道我真的是这样做的Everybody knows you"re still my lady 每个人都知道你是我的女人Everybody knows, god, it"s true 每个人都知道。上帝呀··这些都是真的Come on baby 来吧,宝贝Before the love starts fading 在爱终结之前Before the love is all gone 在爱情结束之前Move on closer 我们靠近点吧We got to make it happen 我们让爱擦出火花We got to get it on 我们就一直这样下去Everybody knows I love you, baby 每个人都知道我爱你,宝贝Everybody knows it"s all I do 每个人都知道,我就是这样做的Everybody knows I don"t mean maybe 每个人都知道。我不想说是也许Everybody knows, except you 每个人都知道,除了你以外You don"t even know I still care about you 你不知道我现在还是多么在乎你You don"t even know about a thing I feel 你不知道我对这些事情的感受You don"t even know when I dream about you 你不知道我在梦里见到你You"re almost here for real 你就像真的在我面前一样(Everybody knows) when I call your name 《每个人都知道>当我呼唤你的名字的时候(Everybody knows) no, it ain"t no game 《每个人都知道》这个不是游戏(Everybody knows) when I see your face 《每个人都知道》当我凝视着你的脸庞(Everybody knows) oh, it"s you I can"t replace 《每个人都知道》哦,就是你·我不能拒绝Everybody knows I love you, baby 每个人都知道,我爱你宝贝儿Everybody knows I really do 每个人都知道,我确实这样做Everybody knows you"re still my lady 每个人都知道,你是我的女人Everybody knows, except you 每个人都知道,除了你You don"t even know I still care about you 你不知道我现在还是在乎你 You don"t even know about a thing I feel 你不知道我对这些事情的感受You don"t even know when I dream about you 你不知道我在梦里见到你的感觉You"re almost here for real 你几乎是真的在我面前You"re almost here for real 你几乎是真的在我面前Everybody knows 每个人都知道的



英语高手请进,比较难的阅读理解。How do we get more young people ...

acbdb 跟我选的一样

What do we call it before a chicken ---(be) born?

What do we call it before a chicken ---(be) born?鸡出生前我们怎么称呼它?We call it egg.我们叫它鸡蛋




这个就给你推荐冠军单曲吧~13首冠军单曲: 1 《swear it again》 2 《if i let you go》 3 《flying without wings》 4 《I Have A DreamSeasons In The Sun》 5 《Fool Again》 6 《against all odds》 7 《my love》 8 《Uptown Girl》 9 《Queen Of My Heart》 10 《World Of Our Own》 11 《Unbreakable》 12《Mandy》 13 《You Raise Me Up》其中第四个是双主打歌!westlife!!~~~

英语Do we have any____for lunch?

chicken在指代鸡肉是为不可数名词,在指代鸡这种动物时为可数名词Dowehaveany____forlunch?你中午饭吃鸡肉了么?Yes,butonlyone.是的,吃了一只鸡.fish ice为不可数名词



westlife 有那些歌是翻唱的?翻唱是原番不动的唱吗?还是改编

收录在过往专辑和单曲的翻唱歌曲 1)Against All Odds(Phil Collins) 2)All Or Nothing(O-Town) 3)All Out Of Love(Air Supply) 4)All Out Of Love(Human Nature) 5)Angel(Sarah MacLachlan) 6)Back At One(Brian McKnight) 7)Brandy(Scott English)-Mandy 8)Daytime Friends(Kenny Rogers) 9)Desperado(The Eagles) 10)Easy(The Commodores) 11)Forever(Damage) 12)Greased Lightnin"(John Travolta) 13)Have You Ever Been In Love(Leo Sayer) 14)Have You Ever Been In Love(Peter Cetera) 15)Heart Without A Home(Nick Carter) 16Ich Bin Da Um Dich Zu Lieben(Daliah Lavi&Karel Gott)-When You Tell Me That You Love Me 17I Have A Dream(ABBA) 18)I"ll Be There(Jackson 5) 19)If(Bread) 20)If I Had Words(James Cromwell) 21)If I Had Words(Kealii Reichel) 22)If I Had Words(Scott Fitzgerald & Yvonne Keeley) 23If I Had Words(Singing Mice) 24In This Life(Collin Raye) 25In This Life(Ronan Keating) 26)Le Moribond(Jacques Brel) -- Seasons In The Sun 27)Lost In You(Garth Brooks) 28)Love Can Build A Bridge(Cher Feat Chrissie Hynde & Neneh Cherry) 29)Love Can Build A Bridge(The Judds) 30)More Than Words(Extreme) 31)No More Tears(Donna Summer & Barbra Streisand) 32)Mandy(Barry Manilow) 33)Miss You Nights(Cliff Richard) 34)No Place That Far(Sara Evans & Vince Gill) 35)Nothing"s Gonna Change My Love For You(Glenn Medeiros) 36)Rainbow Zephyr(Relish)-Hey Whatever 37)Seasons In The Sun(Terry Jacks) 38)She"s Back(Human Nature) 39)Solitaire(The Carpenters) 40)Solitaire(Clay Aiken) 41)The Rose(Bette Midler) 42)To Be With You(Mr. Big) 43)Total Eclips Of The Heart(Bonnie Tyler) 44)Uptown Girl(Billy Joel) 45)When You Tell Me That You Love Me(Diana Ross) 46)You Are So Beautiful(Joe Cocker) 47)You Light Up My Life(Debby Boone) 48)You Light Up My Life(LeAnn Rimes) 49)You Raise Me Up (Brian Kennedy) 50)You Raise Me Up (Josh Groban) 51)You"ve Lost That Loving Feeling (Hall Oates) 52)You"ve Lost That Loving Feeling (The Righteous Brothers)


Alberto Del Rio(阿尔伯托·德·里奥)性别:男身高:196 cm体重:108 kg绰号:The Essence of Excellence(卓越的本质)本名:Alberto Rodríguez(阿尔伯托·罗德里格斯)出生日期:1977年5月25日首次登台:2000年9月29日现状:反派,目前和世界重量级冠军Sheamus(希莫斯)发展剧情曾用名:Alberto Banderas、Alberto Del Rio、Dorado、Dos、Dos Caras、Dos Caras Jr、El Dorado、El Hijo de Dos Caras出生地:墨西哥圣路易斯波托西市现居地:美国佛罗里达州坦帕市教练:Leonel Kolesni(Greco-Roman Wrestling时期)、Juan Fernández(Greco-Roman Wrestling时期)、Dos Caras(Professional Wrestling时期)、Sicodelico(Professional Wrestling)、FCW Training、Marco Ruas(MMA时期)终结技:Cross Armbreaker(十字手臂破坏技)获得荣誉:1次CMLL世界重量级冠军、2次WWE冠军2006年墨西哥Copa Jr.得主、2010年Best Gimmick得主、2011年WWE RAW Money In The Bank(合约公文包)得主、2011年Royal Rumble(皇家大战)胜者PWI 2011年500位最佳男子单打选手排行第六名Ricardo Rodriguez(里卡多·罗德里格斯)性别:男身高:183 cm体重:102 kg绰号:Ricardo Montalban(里卡多·蒙特尔班)本名:Jesús Rodríguez出生日期:1986年2月17日首次登台:2006年8月现状:反派,Alberto Del Rio(阿尔伯托·德·里奥)私人报幕员曾用名:Chimaera、Jesus Rodriguez、Ricardo Rodriguez出生地:美国加利福尼亚州范奈斯教练:Black Pearl、Gangrel、Latigo Blanco、Nemesis、Phoenix Star、The Stepfather、Zokre终结技:Corkscrew Moonsault(FCW时期)

do we have 肯定回答

可以,但意思略有不同: Yes,we have some.是的,有一点.(意为:不多) Yes,we do.是的,有的.(意为:不但有,而且还蛮多的)

我们没有鸡肉。 we __ __ __chicken .

do not have

At KFC, We do chicken right!

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