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有一句歌词是:we are on fire, getting higher higher~ 这首歌的名字是什么啊?

FUN的We are young可以参考一下哦


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The boy sorrowed over the money that he lost.

男孩很悲伤,因为丢了钱.The boy sorrowed over the money.男孩因为钱而悲伤.which money? ---the money he lost.什么钱?他丢失的钱.


say money hamburgerthe little boy asked his mother a question: why the old woman say she didnt have money to buy hamburger? she answered him because the old woman was lost her walletu3002

Drunk, Youth,Flower,Soso,Wincy,Momo是什么意思?

drunk v.喝酒(drink的过去分词)agj.喝醉了的youth n.青年,青春,年轻,青少年时期flower n.花,精华,开花植物 v. 成熟,发育,使开花soso 李玖哲wincy 始终momo n.卯卯 (人名)莫莫



谁有westlife 的 my love歌词?


so sweet是什么意思哦!

so sweet如此甜;如此甜蜜;so为副词,译为非常、如此、所以sweet为形容词,译为甜、甜蜜,名词有糖果的意思

sports star eats well原文

SPORTS Star Eats Well! David asked the volleyball star,Cindy Smith,about her eating habits.The following content is about their conversation. David:Hello,Cindy,I"m very glad to meet you.I have several questions to ask about.Would you mind if I take some of your precious time? Cindy:Sure.No problem. David:May I ask what you like for breakfast?What do you usually eat? Cindy:Oh,I love fruit very much because I think they are healthy. David:Yes,I think so.What kind of fruit do you like?Do you like bananas? Cindy:Well,I don"t like bananas.Instead,I like oranges and apples because they are more tasty than bananas. Davi:All right.What about lunch?Do you like salad? Cindy:Yes,of course.I really like that. David:Hmm.do you like hamburgers for dinner? Cindy:Oh,no.They are very unhealthy.However,I like chicken for dinner. David:Ok.The last question I want to ask is that do you eat ice-cream after dinner? Cindy:Err.I like ice-cream,but i don"t eat it very often becaus I don"t want to grow fat. 以上是我帮您改写的对话,如果有其他需要可以继续追问,

The Wallflowers的《Closer 2 U》 歌词

歌曲名:Closer 2 U歌手:The Wallflowers专辑:Red Letter DaysAnberlin - CloserDo you expect meTo be or believe youDo you accept meWhen it"s me you can see throughAre you keeping safe distanceAre you arms length awayAre you keeping safe distanceHolding me arms length awayAre you there, can someone answer meCloser, closer, closerCloser, closer, closerDo you expect meTo keep from crawling backDo you accept meWhen we both know my pastAm I keeping safe distancePushing you arms length awayAm I keeping safe distanceOh, it"s you that feels betrayedAre you there, can someone answer meCome where I can seeCloser, closer, closerCloser, closer, closerI know you"re out there somewhereCome where I can seeCloser, closer, closer to meCome closer Come closer Come closerCloser, closer, closerCloser, closer, closerAre you out there somewhereGo where I can seeCloser, closer, closer to mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8267216


Come take my hand now过来牵住我的手Know there is no doubtI"m here for you你就会知道我永远在这里等你 毫无疑问I"ll be the truthSomeone in your life我会是你生命中的那个人。Just look in my eyesYou"ll know that you"re home只需看进我的眼睛 你就会知道我就是你的家 你并不是孤身一人And you"re not aloneAll I know is I can"t breatheWithout you next to me所有我知道的就是没有你在我身旁 我不能呼吸。ChorusDon"t give upDon"t let go不要放弃 不要放手C"mon get closer让我们更加紧密Give all we have insideDon"t look back不要向回看C"mon get closer让我们更加紧密The world is ours tonight今晚世界是我们的Tonight tonight tonight alright今晚今晚今晚 好吗The world is ours tonight今晚世界是我们的I know who you are我知道你在我心中的地位You"re here in my heart你就在这里 在我的心中So don"t say a word所以一个字也不要说I"ve already heard因为我早已知晓I know your secret我知道你的小秘密还有你的每一分每一秒And every momentThis is our worldOur secret world这是我们的世界 我们的秘密世界All you are is what I need你正是我需要的‘Cause you know I still believe因为你知道我仍然坚信ChorusDon"t walk away不要走开We can survive if we try如果我们尝试的话 会成功Don"t leave me here tonight今晚不要把我撇下Please give me just a sign请给我个提示I"ll put my life on the line我会用我的生命来爱你Don"t give upDon"t let go不要放弃 不要放手C"mon get closer让我们更加紧密The world is our stonight今晚世界是我们的ChorusTonight tonight tonight alright今晚 今晚 今晚就好C"mon get closer来吧 靠近点

the more communication we have the closer we feel什么意思


—When did you get home last night?—It was almost midnight ________ we arrived home. A.that

D 选D 考查状语从句。句意:“你们昨晚什么时候到家的?”“我们到家的时候差不多是午夜了。”答语中“It was almost midnight”为主句,空处引导时间状语从句,应用连词when。注意:此题容易误选that,误把答语当作强调句型。如果是强调句型,应是It was at midnight that we arrived home。

I was busy last weekend. 英语作文


泰国King power免税店买了盒白色扁正方形盒子的巧克力,每颗独立银色锡纸包装,倒三角形状,不知道叫啥了




向澳大利亚Commonwealth Bank of Australia汇钱,银行要求提供SWIFT CODE和BSB No,SWIFT CODE是银行国际

BSB Number,是在澳大利亚等地使用的电汇清算网络编码,即Bank State Branch Number。主要在澳元、新西兰元的银行及向澳洲办理清付结算时使用,一般都是6位数字。

我用澳洲commonwealth bank netbank 给国内汇款,结果中国账户写错了,想知道


急问:本人有一张澳洲commonwealth bank的借记卡,能在国内哪家银行将里面的澳元折算成人民币取出来用吗?

你的卡是Debit MasterCard吗? 如果是可以在有Master标志的提款机直接取人民币.

我这边有4000RMB需要外汇到澳大利亚的Commonwealth bank of Australia 请问

1. 如果去银行汇款,需要如下信息:收款人开户银行名称 收款银行BSB CODE 或者SWIFT CODE,最好有收款银行的地址;收款人姓名,帐号(如果在工行汇款,可能还需要收款人的地址)2.西联汇款 或者工行的速汇金业务 应该只需要收款人的名字就可以了,不过前提是收款人是个人,而不是公司。因为西联汇款 或者工行速汇金是无法给公司或者机构汇款的

请问澳洲commonwealth bank 的利息如何转入netbank saver账户?为何没有汇入账户?


我有Commonwealth Bank的银行卡,怎么把钱转到中国的银行帐户上?


关于澳洲银行的问题.commonwealth bank

是冻结的 你的是debie card吧 这个不是信用卡 就无法马上到账 一般要3-5天呢

在中国用不了commonwealth bank的网上银行转钱怎么办?

呵呵 您得去找澳洲的 commonwealth bank

这首歌的名字叫 POWER POP MUSIC 是一首动漫的片尾曲。 哪位大神知道?

是鬼泣么 你试着搜一下

关于澳洲银行的一些问题commomwealth bank 请在澳洲生活的朋友来回答

最好去银行问清楚 !!

swift code 在哪可以查到COMMONWEALTH BANK的swift code

每个银行的swift code只有直接向银行咨询才稳妥。同一银行的不同分支机构的swift code也不一样。

啊澳大利亚commonwealth bank定期存款的利率是多少?

利息将近7%(时刻浮动),月结的,7%是年利率。每月结1次。要存到Net Bank里才有,最后你能拿到的是已经扣完税的.利息是按每天netbank saver账户里的balance算的,每月初结算,想提出来用随时都可以啊说明一点,你拿student ID办了学生账户只能免收一些bank charge,比如借记卡的月费啊什么的,利息税还是要收的,你不报税号,利息税是47%,所以还是赶紧把税号告诉银行吧

大家好!你们应该知道澳洲联邦银行吧!commonwealth bank,我不晓得为什么我银行里的钱会变的越来越少!


Do you like traditional Western music or pop music?是一般疑问句吗?


布里斯班Queen Street的那个Commonwealth bank 的具体地址是多少啊?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

地址:Commonwealth Bank Building, 240 Queen St City: Brisbane State: QLD Postcode: 4000希望采纳

Commonwealth bank


Weal and woe,wane and wax 翻译一下这个

All of the plants now farmed on a large scale wer


谁能告诉我WWE RAW的主题曲《The Night is the night》的歌词?

似乎Listen up, turn it up and rock it outparty on, I wanna hear you scream and shoutthis is real, as real as it getsI came to get down to get some fuckingrespecttaking it back to hardcore levelyou better be ready, put your pedal to themetaltaking it back to hardcore levelyou better be ready, put your pedal to themetal.Go!Whoa I"ll never give inWhoa I"ll never give upWhoa I"ll never give inAnd I just wanna be, wanna be lovedWhoa I"ll never give inWhoa I"ll never give upWhoa I"ll never give inAnd I just wanna be, wanna be lovedI want dominationI want your submissionI see you"re not resistingTo this temptationI"ve got one confessionA love deprivationI"ve got a jet black heartIt"s all fucked up and it"s falling apartWhoa I"ll never give inWhoa I"ll never give upWhoa I"ll never give inAnd I just wanna be, wanna be lovedWhoa I"ll never give inWhoa I"ll never give upWhoa I"ll never give inAnd I just wanna be, wanna be lovedI"ve got another confessionI fell to temptationAnd there is no questionThere was some connectionI"ve got to follow my heartNo matter how farI"ve gotta roll the diceNever look back and never think twiceWhoa I"ll never give inWhoa I"ll never give upWhoa I"ll never give inAnd I just wanna be, wanna be lovedWhoa I"ll never give inWhoa I"ll never give upWhoa I"ll never give inAnd I just wanna be, wanna be lovedTake your past and burn it up and let it goCarry on; I"m stronger than you"ll everknowThat"s the deal; you get no respectYou"re gonna get yoursYou better watch your fucking neckTake your past and burn it up and let it goCarry on; I"m stronger than you"ll everknowThat"s the deal; you get no respectYou"re gonna get yoursYou better watch your fucking neckWhoa I"ll never give inWhoa I"ll never give upWhoa I"ll never give inAnd I just wanna be, wanna be lovedWhoa I"ll never give inWhoa I"ll never give upWhoa I"ll never give inAnd I just wanna be, wanna be loved

This Is Halloween 歌词

歌曲名:This Is Halloween歌手:The Party Cats专辑:Kids Dance Party: Halloween JamsBoys and girls of every ageWouldn"t you like to see something strange?Come with us and you will seeThis, our town of HalloweenThis is Halloween, this is HalloweenPumpkins scream in the dead of nightThis is Halloween, everybody make a sceneTrick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of frightIt"s our town, everybody screamIn this town of HalloweenI am the one hiding under your bedTeeth ground sharp and eyes glowing redI am the one hiding under yours stairsFingers like snakes and spiders in my hairThis is Halloween, this is HalloweenHalloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!In this town we call homeEveryone hail to the pumpkin songIn this town, don"t we love it now?Everybody"s waiting for the next surpriseRound that corner, man hiding in the trash canSomething"s waiting no to pounce, and how you"ll.Scream! This is HalloweenRed "n" black, slimy greenAren"t you scared?Well, that"s just fineSay it once, say it twiceTake a chance and roll the diceRide with the moon in the dead of nightEverybody scream, everybody screamIn our town of Halloween!I am the clown with the tear-away faceHere in a flash and gone without a traceI am the "who" when you call, "Who"s there?"I am the wind blowing through your hairI am the shadow on the moon at nightFilling your dreams to the brim with frightThis is Halloween, this is HalloweenHalloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!Halloween! Halloween!Tender lumplings everywhereLife"s no fun without a good scareThat"s our job, but we"re not meanIn our town of HalloweenIn this townDon"t we love it now?Everybody"s waiting for the next surpriceSkeleton Jack might catch you in the backAnd scream like a bansheeMake you jump out of your skinThis is Halloween, everyone screamWont" ya please make way for a very special guyOur man Jack is King of the Pumpkin patchEveryone hail to the Pumpkin KingThis is Halloween, this is HalloweenHalloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!In this town we call homeEveryone hail to the pumpkin songLa la-la la, Halloween! Halloween!http://music.baidu.com/song/2881093

sarah west 的《surrender》歌词?

Surrender文本歌词 If that‘s the way you want itWell there you goBaby you can have it allNow that you just let me goYeah Yeah,Yeah YeahI‘ve waited here for so longThinking that you‘d seeBut you just kept on running awayYou made your misery my companyOpen up your eyesDon‘t you know you only get one lifeOh,you drive me crazyOh,you just bring me downLook out your windowMy sunshine‘s all aroundAll you have to do is just surrenderJust surrenderAll the pain in your heartAll the tears in your empty soulAnd when you‘re spinning round and aroundIm the psycho going outta controlOpen up your eyesDon‘t you know you‘re only wasting timeOh,you drive me crazyOh,you just bring me downLook out your windowMy sunshine‘s all aroundAll you have to do is just surrenderJust surrenderYou know it doesn‘t matter what you doDon‘t you know I‘m so over youOpen up your eyesDon‘t you know that it‘s your lifeOh,you drive me crazyOh,you just bring me downLook out your windowMy sunshine‘s all aroundAll you‘ve gotta do...Oh,you drive me crazyOh,you just bring me downLook out your windowMy sunshine‘s all aroundAll you gotta do is just surrenderJust surrenderJust surrenderIf that‘s the way you want itWell there you go

《We all fall down》的歌词?

Get up, get out of my lifeJust leave me aloneI wish I could take your moneyAnd burn it down with your homeI"m sorry, I didn"t mean itDid I really say that aloud?I"ll take anything you"ve gotI"m really not that proudWe all fall down when it"s little kid dreamsWith grown up schemes, little kid dreamsWith grown up schemesWe all fall down when it"s little kid dreamsWith grown up schemes, little kid dreamsWith grown up schemesCome on, come out with it nowWe"re really not that closeDotted lines and dollar signsAre the only thing that you knowI"m sorry I didn"t mean itI"m with you "til the endI"ll keep you closer to meThan any of my friendsWe all fall down when it"s little kid dreamsWith grown up schemes, little kid dreamsWith grown up schemesWe all fall down when it"s little kid dreamsWith grown up schemes, little kid dreamsWith grown up schemesBack me up into a cornerAnd it all comes crashing downSplit second, quick r

一首欧美乡村男歌手的歌,歌词中有we just hanging around,很抒情,名字好像是b

是Jason Aldean的Burnin" it down喔Burnin" It Down - Jason AldeanYou slip your fingerthrough the tear in my t-shirtYou stirrin" up dirtyin the back of my mindYou keep on flirtin"Cause you know that it"s workin"You stuck in my head girlwriting the linesCouldn"t sing this songwithout you if I triedLet"s light it uplike it"s our last nightWe"re just hanging aroundBurnin" it downSippin" on some cold Jack Daniel"sJammin" to some old Alabamawith you babyLaying right here naked in my bedI"m just doing my thingYou love it when I singSay it makes you feel like an angelWe about to get a littletangled up right about nowSo girl let"s keep burnin" it downBurnin" it downBurnin" it downGirl when you want itYou know that I"m on itYou know that I love lovin" up on youLet"s hit the switchand let our shadows danceAnd light it up like it"s our last chanceWe"re just hanging aroundBurnin" it downSippin" on some cold Jack Daniel"sJammin" to some old Alabamawith you babyLaying right here dreaming in my bedI"m just doing my thingYou love it when I singSay it makes you feel like an angelWe about to get a littletangled up right about nowSo girl let"s keep burnin" it downBurnin" it downBurnin" it downBurnin" it downBurnin" it downBurnin" it downBurnin" it downI wanna rock it all nightBaby girl will you rock it out with me?I wanna crawl through the darkJust to feel your heartbeat against meI wanna rock it all nightBaby girl will you rock it out with me?I wanna crawl through the darkJust to feel your heartbeat against meWe"re just hanging aroundBurnin" it downSippin" on some cold Jack Daniel"sJammin" to some old Alabamawith you babyLaying right here naked in my bedI"m just doing my thingYou love it when I singSay it makes you feel like an angelWe about to get a littletangled up right about nowSo girl let"s keep burnin" it downBurnin" it downBurnin" it downBurnin" it downBurnin" it downBurnin" it downBurnin" it downI wanna rock it all nightBaby girl will you rock it out with me?I wanna crawl through the darkJust to feel your heartbeat against me

上面是weiain下面是quartz是什么表? 大概多少钱 知道的帮下 谢谢了·· 在线等啊··········

根据你所说的,上面的 rishi 是商标(经查未经过注册),下面quartz是石英的英文。需要补充的是:rishi是中文的拼写,可能是想用“瑞士”的拼音来标示的,以达到效果。这种表要看机芯是哪里产的,还有手表的做工才能确定质量是好是坏,不过有一点可以肯定,这只表肯定不会太贵,因为如果是进口机芯的话都会在手表的表盘面上有注明。估计160元~300元之间,再高了就买贵了!




Web服务器的配置与管理理论基础一、Web服务器的基本概念World Wide Web(也称Web、WWW或万维网)是Internet上集文本、声音、动画、视频等多种媒体信息于一身的信息服务系统,整个系统由Web服务器、浏览器(Browser)及通信协议等3部分组成。WWW采用的通信协议是超文本传输协议(HTTP,Hyper Text Transfer Protocol),它可以传输任意类型的数据对象,是Internet发布多媒体信息的主要协议。WWW中的信息资源主要由一篇篇的网页为基本元素构成,所有网页采用超文本标记语言HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language)来编写,即可以含有指向其他Web页或其本身内部特定位置的超级链接,简称链接。可以将链接理解为指向其它Web页的“指针”。链接使得Web页交织网状。这样,如果Internet上的Web页和链接非常多的话,就构成了一个巨大的信息网。当用户从WWW服务器取到一个文件后,用户需要在自己的屏幕上将它正确无误地显示出来HTML文档本身是文本格式的,用任何一种文本编辑器都有可以对它进行编辑。HTML语言HTML语言的语法,专门提供给专业人员用来创建Web文档,一般用户并不需要掌握它。Internet中的网站成千上万。为了准确查找。人们采用了统一资源定位器URL(Uniform Resource Locator)来在全世界唯一标识某个网络资源。其描述格式为:协议://主机名称/路径名/文件名:端口号例如:客户程序首先看到http(超文本传输协议),知道处理的是HTML连接,接下来的是站点地址(对应一个特定的IP地址),其中www是主机名称,是域名。至于http协议默认使用的TCP协议端口为80,可省略不写。如果另外指定端口号就需要在URL后面添加上端口号,例如::24。补充:其实,直接输入与URL相对应的IP地址也可以找到相应的站点。只是IP地址不直观,不便于记忆。关于URL和IP地址的转换问题,我们将在DNS服务器那节中再给大家进行详细的讲解。实训内容一、实训环境两台主机与交换机相连。WEB服务器为windows 2000 server及更高版本操作系统,客户机为WINDOW系列(如windows 2000 professional)操作系统;本实训两人为一组,一人负责使用服务器,另一人负责在验证机上验证测试WWW站点;两台装有Windows 2000 Server操作系统的电脑。一台作为WWW服务器,另一台作为WWW测试机。一张Windows 2000 Server系统的安装光盘。二、实训要求1、理解WWW服务器的体系结构与工作原理;2、掌握利用Microsoft的IIS实现WWW服务的基本配置;3、掌握虚拟目录的配置;4、能熟练地配置与管理WWW服务器。三、实训步骤(一)IIS的安装1、在Windows 2000中推出了Internet Information Server (简称IIS)提供了方便的安装和管理。因此,在配置与管理WWW服务器之前,我们应先安装IIS。打开“控制面板”中的“添加或删除程序”,选择“添加/删除Windows组件”按钮。2、在出现“组件安装向导”中,选择“Internet信息服务(IIS)”,再选择“详细信息”,在弹出的对话框中,我们必须要保证“World Wide Web 服务器”选项是被选中的。如下图所示:3、点“确定”按钮返回“Windows 组件向导”对话框。再点“下一步”按钮,即进入了WWW服务器安装过程。如下图片所示:4、系统将自动安装WWW,点“完成”按钮后,WWW便安装成功了。此时我们打开“开始”菜单——“程序”——“管理工具”——“Internet服务器管理器”选项后,我们将看到在“Internet信息服务”选项中多了两个选项:“默认Web站点”和“管理Web站点”选项,并已自动启动。


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Weston的《Feet》 歌词

歌曲名:Feet歌手:Weston专辑:Weston Doc Hopper The Stepchildren Of RockRodney Atkins - FeetDon"t let the sun set on an argumentIt"s easy to say when you"re not in oneThat"s a factCause when we"re not gettin" alongShe"s got a strong stubborn sideBut I can"t call that kiddo blackCause sometimes our silly fightsMay go well into the nightAnd we hit the sackBack to backToo ticked off to speakWe"d rather hold our grudgesThan be the one that budgesWe"d go to bedButtin" heads and tuggin" sheetsBut we never fall asleepWithout touching feetYeah we"ll take coverOn that queen-size battle fieldHer angry eyes are almost closedWe"ll swallow just enoughOf that foolish prideTo whisper the truth soul to soulToe to toeSometimes our silly fightsGo well into the nightAnd we"ll hit the sackBack to backToo ticked off to speakWe"d rather hold our grudgesThan be the one that budgesWe"d go to bedButtin" heads and tuggin" sheetsBut we never fall asleepWithout touching feetIt"s not giving inIt"s sayin" nobody"s leavingBut you know that I still love youEven when we"re disagreeingCause sometimes our silly fightsGo well into the nightAnd we hit the sackBack to backToo ticked off to speakCause we"d rather hold our grudgesThan be the one that budgesWe"ll go to bedButtin" heads and tuggin" sheetsBut we never fall asleepWithout touching feethttp://music.baidu.com/song/14981866

求He is We的Our July In The Rain的中文歌词

Our July in the Rain我们雨中的七月Bring me back to holding hands in the rain,假如我能重回那天,与你牵手雨中I swear I"d ease your pain.我一定能抚平你的伤痛Lift you up so you could finally see振作起来,你就能看到The love you are to me.你的爱对我有多重要Why"d I have to go and do you like that?为什么我非得走,难道你不喜欢我?Thought I"d moved on, but you brought me right back.刚以为自己放下了,你却让我重燃爱火To the night you took my kiss away from me.仿佛回到了那个夜里,I took yours too, then I lost you.彼此相互拥吻,后来我却失去了你Would you, Bring me back to holding hands in the rain,可否把我带回那天,与你牵手雨中I swear I"d ease your pain.我一定能抚平你的伤痛Lift you up so you could finally see振作起来,你就能看到The love you are to me.你的爱对我有多重要I"ve had time and I"ve had change时间匆匆,变化无从细数I"ve been broken but still I can"t explain.曾经心碎,我却说不清楚Our July in the Rain我们雨中的七月Every part of me is Broken now.如今的我痛不欲生I tried to scream but nothing came out.想要发泄尖叫,却喊不出声Drop my pride I reveal my insides抛弃自尊,不想再作掩饰And It all came pouring out.就让悲伤倾泻不止Would you, Bring me back to holding hands in the rain,可否把我带回那天,与你牵手雨中I swear I"d ease your pain.我一定能抚平你的伤痛Lift you up so you could finally see振作起来,你就能看到The love you are to me.你的爱对我有多重要I"ve had time and I"ve had change时间匆匆,变化无从细数I"ve been broken but still I can"t explain.曾经心碎,我却说不清楚Our July in the Rain我们雨中的七月This melody. We"ll never speak.旋律还在,只是我们不再理睬All the things that I"ve regret if I could say anything.追悔莫及,我真希望能说些什么My apologies for the way I ended things对不起,我就这么结束了这一切See, I love you, but its killing me.你知道吗?我爱你,现在却等于折磨自己Its killing me.折磨自己Would you please你能否Bring me back to holding hands in the rain,把我带回那天,与你牵手雨中I swear I"d ease your pain.我一定能抚平你的伤痛Lift you up so you could finally see振作起来,你就能看到The love you are to me.你的爱对我有多重要I"ve had time and I"ve had change时间匆匆,变化无从细数I"ve been broken but still I can"t explain.曾经心碎,我却说不清楚Our July我们的七月Would you, Bring me back to holding hands in the rain,可否把我带回那天,与你牵手雨中I swear I"d ease your pain.我一定能抚平你的伤痛Lift you up so you could finally see振作起来,你就能看到The love you are to me.你的爱对我有多重要I"ve had time and I"ve had change时间匆匆,变化无从细数I"ve been broken but still I can"t explain.曾经心碎,我却说不清楚Our July我们的七月非机译!望采纳,谢谢!

the lie we live 英文版

我专门打了个文档可是不知道怎么上传,所以直接粘贴出来了,见谅!The Lie We LiveAt this moment you could be anywhere doing anything. Instead you sit alone beforea screen, so what"s stopping us from what we are doing what we want? Beingwhere we want to be?Each day we wake up in the same room, and follow the same path, to live the same day as yesterday. Yet at one time each day was a new adventure, along the way something changed, before our days were timeless. Now our days are scheduled.Is this what it means to be grown up, to be free? But are we really free?Food, water, land, the very elements we need to survive are owned by thecorporations. There is no food for us on trees, no fresh water in streams, no landto build a home.If you try and take what the Earth provides, you"ll be locked away. So we obey their rules, we discover the world through a textbook. For years we sit andregurgitate what we"re told, tested and graded like subjects in a lab, raised notto make a difference in this world, raised to be no different, smart enough todo our job, but not to question why we do it.So we work and work, left with no time to live the life we work for, until the daycomes we are too old to do our job. It is here (tomb) we left to die. Ourchildren take our places in the game.To us our path is unique, but together we are nothing more than the fuel.The fuel that powers the elite. The elite who hide behind the logos ofcorporations. This is their world, and their most valuable resources are not inthe ground.It is us.We built their cities, we ran their machines, we fight their wars.After all money isn"t what drives them, it"s power. Money is the simply tool they useto control us. Worthless pieces of paper we depend on to feed us, move us, entertain us.They gave us money, and in return we give them the world.Where there were that cleaned our air, are now factories that poison it.Where there was water to drink, is toxic waste that stinks.Where animals ran free, are factory farms where they are born and slaughtered endlessly for our satisfaction.Over a billion people are starving despite us having enough food for everybody. Where does it all go? 70% of the grain we grow is fed to the animals you eat for dinner. Why help the starving? You can"t profit off them,We are like a plague sweeping the earth, tearing apart the very environment that allows us to live. We see everything as something to be sold, as an object tobe owned.But what happens when we have polluted the last river, poisoned the last breath ofair, have no ail for the trucks that bring us our food? When will we realisemoney can"t be eaten, that it has no value?We aren"t destroying the planet; we are destroying all life on it.Every year thousands of species go extinct. And time is running out before we arenext. If you live in America there is 41% chance you"ll get cancer. Heartdisease will kill one of three Americans.We take prescription drugs to deal with these problems. But medical care is thethird leading cause of death behind cancer and heart disease. We are toldeverything can be solved by throwing money at scientists, so they can discovera pill to make our problems go away.But the drug companies and cancer societies rely on our suffering to make a profit.We think we"re running for a cure, but really we are running away from our cause. Our body is a product of what we consume, and the food we eat is designed purelyfor profit. We fill ourselves with toxic chemicals. The bodies of animalsinfested with drugs and disease.But we don"t see this.The small groups of corporations that own the media don"t want us to.Surrounding us with a fantasy we"re told is reality. It"s funny to think human once thought the earth was the center of the universe, but then again now we see ourselves are the center of the planet.We point to the technology and say we are the smartest, but do our computers,cars, and factories really illustrate how intelligent we are? Or do they showhow lazy we"ve become?We put this civilized mask on, but when you strip that away, what are we?How quickly we forget that only within the past 100 years did we allow women tovote, allow blacks to live as equals.We act as if we"re all knowing beings, yet there"s much we fail to see.We walk down the streets ignoring the little things, the eyes who stare, thestories they share. Seeing everything is a background to “me”.Perhaps we fear that we are not alone, that we are a part of a much bigger picture. But we fail to make a connection. We"re okay killing pigs, cows, chickens,strangers from foreign lands. But not our neighbors, not our dogs, our cats,those we have come to love and understand.We call other creatures stupid, yet we point to them to justify our actions. Butdoes killing simply because we can, because we always have make it right? Ordoes it show how little we have learned?That we continue to act out of primal aggression, rather than thought and compassion.One day this sensation we call life will leave us. Our bodies will rot, ourvaluables recollected. Yesterday"s actions all that remain.Death constantly surrounds us, still it seems so distant from our everyday reality.We live in a world on verge of collapse; the war of tomorrow will have no winners.For violence will never be the answer, it will destroy every possible solution.If weall look at our innermost desire, we will see our dreams are not so different. We share a common goal: happiness. We tear the world apart looking for joy, withoutever looking within ourselves.Many of the happiest people are those who own the least. But are we really so happy with our iPhones, our big houses, our fancy cars?We"ve become disconnected; idolizing people we"ve never met.We witness extraordinary on screens, but ordinary everywhere else.We wait for someone to bring change, without ever thinking of changing ourselves.Presidential election might as well be a coin toss. It"s two sides of a same coin. We choose which face we want and the illusion of choice, of changing is created. But the world remains the same.We fall to realise that the politicians don"t serve us. They serve those who foundthem into power. We need leaders, not politicians. But in this world offollowers, we have forgotten to lead ourselves.Stop waitingfor change.And be the change you want to see.We didn"t get this point by sitting on our asses. The human race survived not because weare the fastest or strongest, but because we work together. We"ve mastered the act of killing. Now let"s master the joy of living.This isn"t about saving the planet. The planet is being here whether we are or not. Earth has been around for billions of years, each of us will be lucky to last eighty.We are a flash in time, but our impact is forever.“I often wish I lived in an age before computers, when we didn"t have screens to distract us. But I realize there is one reason why this is the only time I wantto be alive. Because here today we have an opportunity we never had before.”The internet gives us the power to share a message and unite millions around theworld.“While we still can we must use our screens to bring us closer together rather thanfurther apart.”For better or worse our generation will determine the future life on this planet. Wecan either continue to serve this system of destruction until no memory of ourexistence remains. Or we can wake up. Realize we are not evolving upwards butrather falling down. We just have screens in our faces so we don"t see where weare heading.This present moment is what every step, every breath, and every death has led to. We are the faces of all who came before us.And now it"s our turn. You can choose to carve your own path, or follow the road countless others have already taken.Life is not a movie, the script isn"t already written.We are the writers.This is your story, Their story,Our story.

Mr Jones went to the sea f...


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SQLCA.DBMS = "O84 Oracle8/8i (8.x.4+)" //连接驱动名SQLCA.ServerName ="@db" //主机字符串SQLCA.AutoCommit = False //是否自动提交SQLCA.DBParm = ""SQLCA.LOGID="YH00" //用户名SQLCA.LOGPASS ="yh00" //密码CONNECT; //连接

WIN7的扫雷Minesweeper没有,求好心人发一个,谢谢!是WIN7 32位的

怎么可能没有呢?可能是你 没有安装 在 控制面板 程序 程序和功能 里

no matter whatever和however的区别



如果你是指从Windows应用商店下载的Microsoft Minesweeper……那么很遗憾,这玩意只有一个主题。

no matter how 与no matter what与no matter wether一样吗?有什么区别?

首先no matter 引导的全是让步状语,其次其结构上决定了搭配的固定词性。no matter how 是“不管如何”的意思,后面一般接形容词或副词类从句;no matter what 是“不管是什么”的意思,后面一般接名词类的从句;no matter wether 是“不管是否”的意思,后面一般接选择性的从句,一般是在两种情况下任意一种情形。

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どこまでも 真っ青な空 【do ko ma de mo,ma ssa o na so ra】なによりも まっさらなココロで! 【na ni yo ri mo,ma ssa ra na ko ko ro de】その花は 太阳を仰ぎ 【so no ha na wa,ta i yo u wo a o gi】その花は 风と梦を受けて 【so no ha na wa,ka ze to yu me wo u ke te】その花は 无邪気な色で 【so no ha na wa,mu jya ki na i ro de】花びらを ハミングで揺らすの 【ha na bi ra wo,ha min gu de yu ra su no】格好だけならサヨウナラ 「恋」じゃないでしょ? 【ka kko u da ke na ra se yo u na ra "ko i"jya na i de syo?】自分らしさを その一瞬を 咲かせなさい 【ji bu n ra shi sa wo,so no i ssyu n wo sa ka se na sa i】Power of Flower いまは小さくても ぐん!と背伸びをして ミライを见るの 【i ma wa chi i sa ku te mo,gu n!to se no bi wo shi te,mi ra i wo mi ru no】Powerful Flower その蕾もいつか 胸のド真ん中で 【so no tsu bo mi mo i tsu ka,mu ne no do man na ka de】おっきく花开くよ 【o kki ku ha na hi ra ku yo】Power of Flower キミがもし ピンチのときは 【ki mi ga mo shi,pin chi no to ki wa】キミのこと 守ってあげたいの 【ki mi no ko to,ma mo tte a ge ta i no】キミがいま うつむくのなら 【ki mi ga i ma,u tsu mu ku no na ra】にっこりと 足元で咲くから 【ni kko ri to,a shi mo to de sa ku ka ra】格好悪さも格好イイ これは「爱」かな? 【ka kko u wa ru sa mo ka kko u i i ,ko re wa "a i"ka na】永远って言叶 もう一度だけ 信じたいの 【e i e n tte ko to ba,mo u i chi do da ke,shi n ji ta i no】Power of Flower 大きく手を広げ ぎゅっ!と抱きしめるように 求めてみるの 【o o ki ku te wo hi ro ge,gyu!to da ki shi me ru yo u ni,mo to me te mi ru no】Powerful Girl 手のひらには希望 振り向いたその先 【te no hi ra ni wa ki bo u,fu ri mu i ta so no sa ki】キミの笑颜があった 【ki mi no e ga o ga a tta】Power of Flower Power of Flower 负けられない気持ち! 【ma ke ra re na i ki mo chi】ねえ、そこで见ててね! 【ne e,so ko de mi te te ne】Power of Flower Power of Flower いまは小さくても ぐん!と背伸びをして ミライを见るの 【i ma wa chi i sa ku te mo,gu n!to se no bi wo shi te,mi ra i wo mi ru no】Powerful Flower その蕾もいつか 胸のド真ん中で 【so no tsu bo mi mo i tsu ka,mu ne no do man na ka de】 おっきく花开くよ 【o kki ku ha na hi ra ku yo】 Power of Flower

求少时flower power的MP3~~~~~~~~~omiumiuo@qq.com 谢谢~~~~~~~~~~

少时flower power的MP3已经发送了,请尽快采纳,谢谢配合!!!

power factor 是什么意思

意思是电源功率系数。在物理学中,电流在单位时间内做的功叫做电功率。是用来表示消耗电能的快慢的物理量,用P表示,它的单位是瓦特(Watt),简称"瓦",符号是W。作为表示电流做功快慢的物理量,一个用电器功率的大小数值上等于它在1秒内所消耗的电能。如果在"t"(SI单位为s)这么长的时间内消耗的电能“W”(SI单位为J),那么这个用电器的电功率就是P=W/t(定义式)。电功率等于导体两端电压与通过导体电流的乘积。每个用电器都有一个正常工作的电压值叫额定电压,用电器在额定电压下正常工作的功率叫做额定功率,用电器在实际电压下工作的功率叫做实际功率。元音字母组合ow在单字里发合口双元音/au028a/的音,由两个音组合而成,第一个音是前元音/a/,第二个音是后元音/u028a/,发音时,舌端靠近下齿,牙床全开,由第一个音向第二个音滑动,舌位由舌前部抬高,滑向舌后部抬高,口形由大到小,音量由强到弱,由长到短,由清晰到含糊,两个音合而为一个合口双元音。如:cow 母牛towel 毛巾clown 小丑owl 猫头鹰crown 皇冠brown 棕色的flower 花tower 宝塔希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

Heart of Flower 平假名歌词

Heart of Flower好(す)きだな。雨上(あめあ)がりの空(そら) ぽつり ちぎれ云(ぐも)水(みず)たまり 跳(と)び越(こ)える速度(そくど)で 进(すす)めそう梦(ゆめ)だな。やわらかな阳(ひ)差(さ)し ビルの反射(はんしゃ)窓(まど)息(いき)をする キミと同(おな)じ世界(せかい) 生(い)きているさっき流(なが)していた泪はここに置(お)いてゆこうおっきな花(はな)じゃなくてもわたしらしく 辉(かがや)きたい春色(しゅんしょく)に染(そ)まるFlowerキミだけに 见(み)せたくてやさしさとは强(つよ)さだよと 教(おし)えてくれたから爱(あい)なんて まだ知(し)らない本当(ほんとう)は 叫(さけ)びたい“好(す)きだよ”って言(い)う代(か)わりに ここで咲(さ)いてる好(す)きだな。放课后(ほうかご)の孤独(こどく)ふわり 白(しろ)い息(いき)背(せ)の高(たか)い时计(とけい)の针(はり)が 时(とき)、きざむ音(おと)风(かぜ)だな。“ありがと”の后(のち)で见(み)せた その笑(えみ)颜()ときめきは 女(おんな)の子(こ)が鸣(な)らすシグナルね今(いま)を精一杯(せいいっぱい)じゃなくちゃシアワセじゃないよちょっとキツイね 痛(いた)いね负(ま)けず嫌(ぎら)い ごめんなさい春(はる)模様(もよう)饰(かざ)るFlowerキミはいま どこですか?このハ―トの真(ま)ん中(なか)で 満开(まんかい)の想(おも)いよ爱(あい)なんて まだ呼(よ)べない初恋(はつこい)ならば きりがない“嘘だよ”って冗谈(じょうだん)でも 笑(わら)ってあげない后悔(こうかい)なんか したくないからその背中(せなか)を 追(お)い挂(か)けるよ追(お)い越(こ)すくらいにPower of Flower负(ま)けられない気持(きも)ちねえ、そこで见(み)ててねPower of Flower春色(しゅんしょく)に染(そ)まるFlowerキミだけに 见(み)せたくてやさしさとは强(つよ)さだよと 教(おし)えてくれたから爱(あい)なんて まだ知(し)らない本当(ほんとう)は 叫(さけ)びたい“好(す)きだよ”って言(い)う代(か)わりに ここで咲(さ)いてる両手(りょうて)ひろげ 赠(おく)るHeart of Flowerさあ!咲(さ)き夸(ほこ)れ

The Power Of The Flower 歌词

the power of pleasure

求"Power of Flower"罗马音歌词....

どこまでも 真っ青な空 【do ko ma de mo,ma ssa o na so ra】なによりも まっさらなココロで! 【na ni yo ri mo,ma ssa ra na ko ko ro de】その花は 太阳を仰ぎ 【so no ha na wa,ta i yo u wo a o gi】その花は 风と梦を受けて 【so no ha na wa,ka ze to yu me wo u ke te】その花は 无邪気な色で 【so no ha na wa,mu jya ki na i ro de】花びらを ハミングで揺らすの 【ha na bi ra wo,ha min gu de yu ra su no】格好だけならサヨウナラ 「恋」じゃないでしょ? 【ka kko u da ke na ra se yo u na ra "ko i"jya na i de syo?】自分らしさを その一瞬を 咲かせなさい 【ji bu n ra shi sa wo,so no i ssyu n wo sa ka se na sa i】Power of Flower いまは小さくても ぐん!と背伸びをして ミライを见るの 【i ma wa chi i sa ku te mo,gu n!to se no bi wo shi te,mi ra i wo mi ru no】Powerful Flower その蕾もいつか 胸のド真ん中で 【so no tsu bo mi mo i tsu ka,mu ne no do man na ka de】おっきく花开くよ 【o kki ku ha na hi ra ku yo】Power of Flower キミがもし ピンチのときは 【ki mi ga mo shi,pin chi no to ki wa】キミのこと 守ってあげたいの 【ki mi no ko to,ma mo tte a ge ta i no】キミがいま うつむくのなら 【ki mi ga i ma,u tsu mu ku no na ra】にっこりと 足元で咲くから 【ni kko ri to,a shi mo to de sa ku ka ra】格好悪さも格好イイ これは「爱」かな? 【ka kko u wa ru sa mo ka kko u i i ,ko re wa "a i"ka na】永远って言叶 もう一度だけ 信じたいの 【e i e n tte ko to ba,mo u i chi do da ke,shi n ji ta i no】Power of Flower 大きく手を広げ ぎゅっ!と抱きしめるように 求めてみるの 【o o ki ku te wo hi ro ge,gyu!to da ki shi me ru yo u ni,mo to me te mi ru no】Powerful Girl 手のひらには希望 振り向いたその先 【te no hi ra ni wa ki bo u,fu ri mu i ta so no sa ki】キミの笑颜があった 【ki mi no e ga o ga a tta】Power of Flower Power of Flower 负けられない気持ち! 【ma ke ra re na i ki mo chi】ねえ、そこで见ててね! 【ne e,so ko de mi te te ne】Power of Flower Power of Flower いまは小さくても ぐん!と背伸びをして ミライを见るの 【i ma wa chi i sa ku te mo,gu n!to se no bi wo shi te,mi ra i wo mi ru no】Powerful Flower その蕾もいつか 胸のド真ん中で 【so no tsu bo mi mo i tsu ka,mu ne no do man na ka de】 おっきく花开くよ 【o kki ku ha na hi ra ku yo】 Power of Flower

power of flower歌词(要有平假名的)

どこまでも 真(ま)っ青(あお)な空(そら)なによりもまっさらなココロで!その花(はな)は太阳(たいよう)を仰(あお)ぎその花(はな)は风(かぜ)と梦(ゆめ)を受(う)けてその花(はな)は无邪気(むじゃき)な色(いろ)で花(はな)びらをハミングで揺(ゆ)らすの格好(かっこう)だけならサヨウナラ「恋(こい)」じゃないでしょ?自分(じぶん)らしさをその一瞬(いっしゅん)を咲(さ)かせなさいPowerofFlowerいまは小(ちい)さくてもぐん!と背伸(せの)びをしてミライを见(み)るのPowerfulFlowerその蕾(つぼみ)もいつか胸(むね)のド真(ま)ん中(なか)でおっきく花开(はなひら)くよPowerofFlowerキミがもしピンチのときはキミのこと守(まも)ってあげたいのキミがいまうつむくのならにっこりと足元(あしもと)で咲(さ)くから格好悪(かっこうわる)さも格好(かっこう)イイこれは「爱(あい)」かな?永远(えいえん)って言叶(ことば)もう一度(いちど)だけ信(しん)じたいのPowerofFlower大(おお)きく手(て)を広(ひろ)げぎゅっ!と抱(だ)きしめるように求(もと)めてみるのPowerfulGirl手(て)のひらには希望(きぼう)振(ふ)り向(む)いたその先(さき)キミの笑颜(えがお)があったPowerofFlowerPowerofFlower负(ま)けられない気持(きも)ち!ねえ、そこで见(み)ててね!PowerofFlowerPowerofFlowerいまは小(ちい)さくてもぐん!と背伸(せの)びをしてミライを见(み)るのPowerfulFlowerその蕾(つぼみ)もいつか胸(むね)のド真(ま)ん中(なか)でおっきく花开(はなひら)くよPowerofFlower

少女时代成员在MV flower power里的出场顺序


少女时代Flower Power 音译歌词 ,加分配


少女时代 flower power 日语歌词

光と闇の真夜中Weekend  DancingFloorScreamAndshout赤裸でHumanNature  交わす视线を目と目駆け引きのボーダー  游びで咲かせた恋は空花  AhahahI"mnotgonna  AhahahI"mnotgonna  鸣り响くBeatで耳元CheersI"mtellingyou空花  明けて梦あって见れるのねDoyouwannabemylover  突き上げてきらめいたGlassを无数の泡がかけ上がる  弾けては消えていく恋を眩しくライトで照らし出す  谁もがbutterflyぶったSpider(Yeahahh)  甘い香りとFlavour(OhFlavourFlower)  ButterflyぶったSpider(Yeahahh)  心惑わすColor(Ohcolorflower)  Flower梦く恋が  Flower怪しく咲いた  仮面をして自分消して正したHumannature  本当の自分がダンス闇を裂いたLaser  当にならない说明できないDoyouknow空花  あの子にもSmile一饮みをServeDoyouwannabemylover  Doyouwannabemylover  Doyouwannabemylover  突き上げてきらめいたGlassを无数の泡が駆け上がる  无轨道な感性の涡をしくライトで照らいし出す  谁もがbutterflyぶったSpider(Yeahahh)  甘い言叶の罠(OhFlavourFlower)  ButterflyぶったSpider(Yeahahh)  罠にかかったふりも罠(OhcolorFlower)  Flower时めいて今  Flower怪しく咲いた  人に酔って摇られていたい  Don"tstopDJこのままAllnight  忘れたいわ日々の全部  目に见えない羽伸ばしてKiss  谁もがbutterflyぶったSpider(Yeahahh)  甘い香りとFlavour(OhFlavourFlower)  ButterflyぶったSpider(Yeahahh)  心惑わすColor(Ohcolorflower)  Flower梦く恋が  Flower怪しく咲いた  Flower时めいて今  Flower怪しく咲いた希望能采纳~~

少女时代 FLOWER POWER 音译中文歌词

 光与影纠缠交织 这weekend夜幕笼罩   Dancing floor scream and shout   赤裸裸的human nature   四目交合 视线交错   游走於进退边缘   逢场作戏 盛开的爱恋 仅是虚无之花   Ahahah im not gonna   Ahahah im not gonna   回响不绝的beat 耳畔厮磨的cheers 是我在telling you 虚无之花   长梦初醒 你也看见 Do yo wanna be my lover   冲动莽撞闪耀炫目的玻璃表面   无数泡沫如蠢蠢而动向上爬行   那吹弹即破的虚无爱恋亦   炫目的探照灯下无所遁形   你我皆是佯装蝴蝶的蜘蛛   那香气浓郁 味觉甘甜   佯装蝴蝶的蜘蛛   披著蛊惑人心的color   Oh color flower   Flower虚幻无边的爱恋   Flower怪诞无端地绽放   戴上假面 抹去自己 洗练一新的human nature   照亮真实的自我 那探照灯光 撕裂黑暗   难以拒绝 难以言喻 Do you know 虚无之花   他也微笑 一饮而尽 Do you wanna be my lover   Do you wanna be my lover   Do you wanna be my lover   压迫悸动闪耀炫目的玻璃表面   无数泡沫入蠢蠢而动向上爬行   那奔腾脱的情欲漩涡亦   炫目的探照灯下无所遁形   你我皆是佯装蝴蝶的蜘蛛   那陷阱盛满甜言蜜语   佯装蝴蝶的蜘蛛   甚至那失足中计亦是将计就计   Flower因时得势在如今   Flower怪诞无端地绽放   想被他人灌醉 想被他人摇晃   Don"t stop DJ 想就这麼allnight   想要如此遗忘 这一天天的一切   然后伸展隐形的翅膀 kiss   你我皆是佯装蝴蝶的蜘蛛   那香气浓郁 味觉甘甜   佯装蝴蝶的蜘蛛   披著蛊惑人心的color   Oh color flower   Flower虚幻无边的爱恋   Flower怪诞无端地绽放   Flower因时得势在如今   Flower怪诞无端地绽放   Flower

少女时代的《Flower power》的中文谐音和中文翻译。

Tiffany:光明和黑暗的深夜weekendDancing floor scream and shout赤裸的human nature泰妍:交错的视线 四目相接 游走于进退边缘这浪子游戏 盛开的爱恋只是虚幻之花秀英:Ah Ah Ah I"am not gonna Ah Ah Ah I"am not gonnaSunny:回响不绝的beat 不绝于耳的cheersI"am telling you虚幻之花Jesscia:梦清醒 能相见吧Do you wanna be my loverAll:(徐贤)闪耀的玻璃杯 无数的泡沫涌上来(允儿)吹弹即破的恋爱暴露在耀眼的灯光下你我都是伪装成蝴蝶的蜘蛛(Yeah ahh)甘甜的香气和flavour(Oh flavour of flower)伪装成蝴蝶的蜘蛛(Yeah ahh)Color也是蛊惑人心(Oh color of flower)(Flower)虚幻的爱恋(flower)神秘的绽放泰妍:带上假面 抹去自己 崭新的human nature徐贤:真实的自己在跳舞 撕裂黑暗 laserSunny:难以拒绝 难以言喻 Do you know 虚幻之花Jessica:他也微笑 一饮而尽 Do you wanna be my loverDo you wanna be my lover Do you wanna be my loverAll:(Yuri)闪耀的玻璃杯 无数的泡沫涌上来(秀英)越轨的情欲漩涡暴露在耀眼的灯光下All:你我都是伪装成蝴蝶的蜘蛛(Yeah ahh)甜言蜜语的陷阱(Oh flavour of flower)伪装成蝴蝶的蜘蛛(Yeah ahh)装作中计也是将计就计(Oh color of flower)(Flower)受宠得势的现在(flower)神秘的绽放Sunny:想被人灌醉 想摇晃Tiffany:Don"t stop DJ 想就这样 all right孝渊:想要忘记这每天的全部泰妍:张开隐形的翅膀kissAll:你我都是伪装成蝴蝶的蜘蛛(Yeah ahh)甘甜的香气和flavour(Oh flavour of flower)伪装成蝴蝶的蜘蛛(Yeah ahh)Color也是蛊惑人心(Oh color of flower)(Flower)虚幻的爱恋(flower)神秘的绽放(Flower)受宠得势的现在(flower)神秘的绽放Flower

桂雏菊 角色歌曲 Power of Flower的中文歌词

在为是无论什么地方都蔚蓝的空中而也更作为全さs的这里B音! 那朵花向上看太阳,并且那朵花接受?和梦,只样子摇动花瓣在哼用作为无邪恶的心的颜色不是サヨウナラ"恋爱",并且那朵花是しょ? 让那个一刹那用自己的特点开花 Power of Flower 现在小,和摘下ん!伸展,||ミライ||る的? Powerful Flower 那个花苞也在胸的ド中心早晚询问っ||花开く Power of Flower 你||如果||在紧急关头的时候 假如想保持你的事情的你现在垂下头的话 因为在笑嘻嘻和脚下开花所以 样子捣蛋,样子イイ这个也是"?"吗? 永远想再一次相信って言叶 Power of Flower 为了大大地展开手,并且和ぎゅっ!抱想要 Powerful Girl 手掌有了希望转回了的前方你的笑? Power of Flower Power of Flower 负不被拒绝的心情! 喂是那里||てて! Power of Flower Power of Flower 现在小,和摘下ん!伸展,||ミライ||る的? Powerful Flower 那个花苞也在胸的ド中心早晚询问っ||花开く Power of Flower
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