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air light water land pollution

更新1: 搞错 not ! Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals particulate matter or biological materials that cause harm or disfort to hum or other living ani *** s or cause damage to the natural environment or built environment into the atmosphere.Light pollution also known as photopollution or luminous pollution is excessive or obtrusive artificial light.The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) defines light pollution as: Any adverse effect of artificial light including sky glow glare light trespass light clutter decreased visibility at night and energy waste. Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g. lakes rivers oce and groundwater). Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful pounds.Water pollution affects plants and ani *** s living in these bodies of water. In almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to individual species and populations but also to the natural biological munities. Land pollution is the degradation of Earth"s land surfaces often caused by human activities and their misuse of land resources. It occurs when waste is not disposed properly. Health hazard disposal of urban and industrial wastes exploitation of minerals and improper use of soil by inadequate agricultural practices are a few factors. 参考: *** In Hong Kong there are several types of environmental pollution. The most obvious one is air pollution which is serious because of power plants factories in the mainland and road traffic. Land pollution is also serious due to the large amount of solid waste produced by Hong Kong people every day. Besides a large amount of domestic and industrial sewage cause water pollution. Furthermore urban lighting affects people"s living and causing light pollution.

how to solve water pollution??!

There is no easy way to solve water pollution; if there were it wouldn"t be so much of a problem. Broadly speaking there are three different things that can help to tackle the problem—education laws and economics—and they work together as a team. Education Making people aware of the problem is the first step to solving it. In the early 1990s when surfers in Britain grew tired of catching illnesses from water polluted with sewage they formed a group called Surfers Against Sewage to force ernments and water panies to clean up their act. People who"ve grown tired of walking the world"s polluted beaches often band together to anize munity beach-cleaning sessions. Anglers who no longer catch so many fish have campaigned for tougher penalties against factories that pour pollution into our rivers. Greater public awareness can make a positive difference. Laws One of the biggest problems with water pollution is its trboundary nature. Many rivers cross countries while seas span whole continents. Pollution discharged by factories in one country with poor environmental standards can cause problems in neighbouring nations even when they have tougher laws and higher standards. Environmental laws can make it tougher for people to pollute but to be really effective they have to operate across national and international borders. This is why we have international laws erning the oce such as the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (signed by over 120 nations) the 1972 London Dumping Convention the 1978 MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships and the 1998 OSPAR Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North East Atlantic. The European Union has water-protection laws (known as directives) that apply to all of its member states. They include the 1976 Bathing Water Directive which seeks to ensure the quality of the waters that people use for recreation. Most countries also have their own water pollution laws. In the United States for example there is the 1972 Water Pollution Control Act and the 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act. Economics Most environmental experts agree that the best way to tackle pollution is through something called the polluter pays principle. This me that whoever causes pollution should have to pay to clean it up one way or another. Polluter pays can operate in all kinds of ways. It could mean that tanker owners should have to take out insurance that covers the cost of oil spill cleanups for example. It could also mean that shoppers should have to pay for their plastic grocery bags as is now mon in Ireland to encourage recycling and minimize waste. Or it could mean that factories that use rivers must have their water inlet pipes downstream of their effluent outflow pipes so if they cause pollution they themselves are the first people to suffer. Ultimately the polluter pays principle is designed to deter people from polluting by making it less expensive for them to behave in an environmentally responsible way. Our clean future Life is ultimately about choices—and so is pollution. We can live with sewage-strewn beaches dead rivers and fish that are too poisonous to eat. Or we can work together to keep the environment clean so the plants animals and people who depend on it remain healthy. We can take individual action to help reduce water pollution for example by using environmentally friendly detergents not pouring oil down drains reducing pesticides and so on. We can take munity action too by helping out on beach cle or litter picks to keep our rivers and seas that little bit cleaner. And we can take action as countries and continents to pass laws that will make pollution harder and the world less polluted. Working together we can make pollution less of a problem—and the world a better place. 参考: ukrivers/waterpollution The water pollution control project is divided into five main ects: technologies that are used to solve water pollution in lakes and restore their ecological environment technologies used to improve water quality in cities technologies to guarantee the safety of drinking water and new technologies on biological treatment of water and on forming waste water handling equipment into a plete set.

《Water Pollution》英语小作文

in Hong Kong,we have a water pollution as well .There"s have a long of rubbish in the rives and sea.It makes the water dirty .If we don"t stop pollution the water,we won"t have clean water to drink .We will have dirty seafood.

Air and Water Pollution

Air pollution: A great deal of research on pollution is being conducted at laboratories and universities. The goals of the research are to find solutions and to educate the public about the problem. Two places where this type of work is being done are LBNL and the University of California Berkeley. Let"s take a closer look at the various types of air pollution the effects that they have on people and what is being (or not being) done to correct the problem. What is Air Pollution? Air is the ocean we breathe. Air supplies us with oxygen which is essential for our bodies to live. Air is 99.9% nitrogen oxygen water vapor and inert gases. Human activities can release substances into the air some of which can cause problems for hum plants and animals. One type of air pollution is the release of particles into the air from burning fuel for energy. Diesel *** oke is a good example of this particulate matter . The particles are very *** all pieces of matter measuring about 2.5 microns or about .0001 inches. This type of pollution is sometimes referred to as "black carbon" pollution. Some authorities believe that even the burning of wood in fireplaces and barbeques can release significant quanitites of soot into the air. Water pollution: INTRODUCTION Comprising over 70% of the Earth?s surface water is undoubtedly the most precious natural resource that exists on our pla. Without the seemingly invaluable pound prised of hydrogen and oxygen life on Earth would be non-existent: it is essential for everything on our pla to grow and prosper. CAUSES OF POLLUTION Many causes of pollution including sewage and fertilizers contain nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates. In excess levels nutrients over stimulate the growth of aquatic plants and algae. Excessive growth of these types of ani *** s consequently clogs our waterways use up dissolved oxygen as they depose and block light to deeper waters. 参考: Inter

英语作文80词关于water pollution的建议怎么写

翻译如下:water pollutionIn this era of industrialization, water pollution has become a concern. How to solve the problem of water pollution? I have 3 suggestions. First, people must save water. Second, industrial wastewater must be treated to discharge. Third, we must have the awareness of environmental protection.Only in this way can we solve the problem of water pollution.

英语作文:Water Pollution

Water Pollution around Us It goes without saying that our environment is getting worse and worse.We"re surrounded by all sorts of pollution,such as air pollution,water pollution,noise pollution,light pollution and water pollution.These pollutions have brought about great harm to our surroundings,causing a large amount of damages and even taking hundreds of lives.Of the all, water pollution is the most serious. It"s well know that water is the source of life and we need water every day.We use it for drinking,bathing,watering crops and so on.Man can"t live without water.However,to our big disappointement,water resources have been badly polluted,It"s reported that it"s now hard to find some pure clean water on Earth.What a problem! What has resulted in the problem? First is industrial pollution.With the development of industry,thousands of the factories have been set up,which realease poisonous gases,water and other waste every day.Second,agricultural pollution.China is a country with a big population.It needs mountains of food for its people every day.So,agriculture is developing rapidly,leading to agricultural pollution. In order to make the crops grow well,farmers use chemicals and fertilizers in great amount.They both do harm to the soil and the underground waters.Third is domestic sewage.As is mentioned above,China has a great population,creating millions of tons of life waste every day.This life waste consists of some harmful materials that pullute the water. For man"s bright future,it"s now time that water pollution were stopped.Let"s be waiting.

water pollution的原因英语作文80个单词

How to protect water As everybody knows that water is one of the most important things for us all to live in the earth.We can not live without water.So it"s important to protect water. Time gose by,With the rapid development of science and technology,we are faced with serious environmental problems.Water pollution is very serious.Drinking water has been reduced.So we must take measures to protect water resources.But how should we protect and re-use water resources? On one hand,we can re-use water.In order to make full use of water,We can plant flowers using the water were be used to wash dishes,and so on.On the other hand,we should not waste water in our daily lives.Remember to turn off the tap when you don"t use it. We can do so much to reduse water problems.

water pollution?

Hope the below helps you: Water pollution Water pollution is created by dumping waste materials into steams rivers and the sea. The pollutants include solid waste liquid effluents and energy in the form of waste heat . Sources of water pollution    1)Domestic waste :   Waste water from household including waste from flushed lavatories is often discharged into the sea without any treatment . 2)Industrial waste: Factories discharge poisonous chemical waste products directly into rivers and streams.    3)Oil spillage: This happens when ships deliberately or accidentally release oil at sea. The ecological consequences of a large oil spill can be extremely serious. Effects of water pollution 1) Waste materials which go into rivers and the sea may promote the growth of alage. Alage may use all the oxygen . The excess growth of alage is also the cause of red tides. 2)Because fish and other marine life cannot live in Hong Kong"s dirty water fishing boats have to travel further to find fish. As a result we have to pay more for our seafood. 3) If marine plants die the fish which feed on them die. If the fish die the birds which feed on them will also die. The birds which feed on them will also die. The whole food chain is broken and we will have less food to eat. 4) Poisonous chemical waste which goes into the sea can affect fish. Human may be poisoned by eating these fish. 5) People who drink polluted water may catch cholera or typhoid. 6) People swimming in dirty water may develop ear or skin infections or other diseases. 7) Crude oil leaked into the sea from tankers can destroy beaches marine life and birds. The solutions - What Can You Do? If you want to help keep our waters clean there are many things you can do to help. You can prevent water pollution of nearby rivers and lakes as well as groundwater and drinking water by following some simple guidelines in your everyday lives. - Conserve water by turning off the tap when running water is not necessary. This helps prevent water shortages and reduces the amount of contaminated water that needs treatment. - Be careful about what you throw down your sink or toilet. Don"t throw paints oils or other forms of litter down the drain. - Use environmentally household products such as washing powder household cleaning agents and toiletries. - Make sure that you take great care not to overuse pesticides and fertilisers. This will prevent runoffs of the material into nearby water sources. By having more plants in your garden you are preventing fertiliser pesticides and contaminated water from running off into nearby water sources. Don"t throw litter into rivers lakes or oce. Help clean up any litter you see on beaches or in rivers and lakes make sure it is safe to collect the litter and put it in a nearby dustbin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -overfishing The world"s population keeps growing and more food in needed. More fish are caught.(the cause the water pollution) There are fewer fish in the sea so fishery production decreases. (the effect the water pollution) Rapid population growth causes a high demand in land.(the cause the water pollution) Filling materials may be toxic.(the effect the water pollution) -sea trport Fast economic development demands more sea trport and offshore oil drilling activities(the cause the water pollution) Oil slicks strick on the bodies of animals making them too heavy to float. (the effect the water pollution) -dumping sewage and waste A lot of industrial sewage domestic sewage and agricalture waste have been dumped into the oce and seas causing serious water pollution.(the cause the water pollution) People cannot swim because of lower quality of beaches.(the effect the water pollution) the solutions the water pollution: -Pass laws and legislation -Collect and treat sewage in sewage treatment works -Introduce sewage charge -Set up water control zone Set up marine parks and marine reserves restrict reclamation 1) Cause of water pollution --People throw rubbish into the rivers and seas. --Polluted water flow out from farms factories. --Oil flow out from the ships when accidents happened. --industries - eg paper making ind. they need lots of water for making the paper to look more plain & clean when water is released to river ~ pollution results. --people throw rubbish into sea for convienience or low education level. 2) Effect of us: --We will get ill and even die if we drink polluted water. --Rivers and seas will polluted.Living things in the water will die.If we eat these marine produucts we will get poison. --Aquatic ani *** s living in contaminated water would take in the toxic pollutants the health of the human beings will be adversely affected if they eat the toxicant seafood. --Many beaches are polluted with solid wastes which me a loss of recreational resource. 3) Solution -- impose heavy penalty to the illegal ind. eg imprisonment & $$$$ --more education need to be provided to citizens via 透过 mass media such as tv newspaper radio programmes homevigator/~taich/water_pollution skwcampus/~skw-eric/e/water qc.edu/it-school/homepage/s12253/WaterPollution 2007-01-01 21:10:10 补充: 3) solution and preventionu2027Domestic Water Treatment --> Multi-step process that removes: --solids (anics) --> by settling skimming and filtering --dissolved constituents --> by oxidation chemical treatments --disinfection - chlorine 2007-01-01 21:11:32 补充: continue above ideas...u2027what to do with the sludge? --burn sludge at sea: At high enough temperatures can break down most toxins. --use as fertilizer (if free of toxins) --waste water reclamation/recycling 2007-01-01 21:12:07 补充: continue above ideas...u2027Preventing Oil Slicks accidentsu2027Preventing Oil Spills ust/~webpepa/pepa/lecture_notes/Pollutions/water

为什么there is air polluttion,water pollution and land pollution.用的是is,


What is the water pollution

What is the water pollution?水污染是什么?

water pollution的原因英语作文80个单词

您好:How to protect water As everybody knows that water is one of the most important things for us all to live in the earth.We can not live without water.So it"s important to protect water. Time gose by,With the rapid development of science and technology,we are faced with serious environmental problems.Water pollution is very serious.Drinking water has been reduced.So we must take measures to protect water resources.But how should we protect and re-use water resources? On one hand,we can re-use water.In order to make full use of water,We can plant flowers using the water were be used to wash dishes,and so on.On the other hand,we should not waste water in our daily lives.Remember to turn off the tap when you don"t use it. We can do so much to reduse water problems.希望对您的学习有帮助满意请采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O谢谢

一篇关于water pollution的短文,八年级的水平,1分钟左右,公开课用,速求。。。

Everybody knows that there is serious problem of water pollution on the earth. Yes, water pollution is increasing. Look! The water in the river is getting dirtier and dirtier. Most of fish in the water have died, and we can"t swim in the water. My grandfather says, when he was very little, the water in the river was very clean. He often swam in the river with his friends. That was before, but now we can"t see such clean rivers. Let"s protect the water from pollution, because we can"t live without water. The water is really important to us all.每个人都知道有严重的问题,水污染。是的,水的污染是越来越多。看看!在河水越来越脏。大多数的鱼都死了,我们不能在水中游泳。我祖父说,当他很小的时候,河里的水很干净。他经常和他的朋友们在河里游泳。那是以前,但是现在我们不可能看到这样清澈的河流。让我们保护水不受污染,因为没有水我们就不能生存。水对我们大家真的很重要。

急!求一篇关于water pollution的英语对话


初二上学期第一课课文water talk

水谈 戴西在浴室。她和她的牙齿刷牙于自来水。水倒进水槽和消失降低了。 "关闭的水龙头关闭",一个声音说loudly.daisy冻结。她环顾四周,却看不到一个。之交跳球"。你"再浪费水"的声音听起来不耐烦。 雏菊服从。 "谁...你是谁?"菊花的声音是微弱的。 "我的水。失怙的不容易我来到这里。你知道我的?" "表格水龙头?"戴西说。 “是的,但在此之前?"的声音说。 "24天前,我在一个舒适wasfloating云南云,享受看法。当时,我投进由云流,加速分解成东江山。你知道,就是我希望的菊花点点头。 "好,我曾到一个水库。余放松有几天。然后是时间去清理" "清理?"菊花听起来困惑。 "是的,我是肮脏的,使我的旅程后,他们把我带到一水处理工程。我得到了非常彻底的清洗和一些化学物质被添加到我。然后,我来到该管下的街道。我等待着,直到我被你打电话,我在这里。 我将注入河流,从而在戴回说:"所以这是你的旅程结束。 "no.when你跟我finishied,我去到一个污水处理厂。然后到大海了。 "了吗? "是的。这正是我在第一的地方。记住我不浪费或污染了我。余"米珍贵,如液体黄金",但没有收到任何答复。水已经过去了。 菊花走出浴室。她的弟弟说,"我在那里听到的声音。谁是你说话?" "我是说的水。"菊花说。 她的哥哥摇了摇头。 "sometimees你奇怪,菊花,"他说,"relly怪异。自己找把

freeze主动还是用被动?The water is frozen 还是用 the water freezes?

freeze有冻结,上冻的意思;frozen有冻伤的意思,The water is frozen,这水被结冰了(被冻伤了)。The water is freezing,这水冷极了。

介绍solar water heater的好处写一篇英文作文

Solar water heaters -- also called solar domestic hot water systems -- can be a cost-effective way to generate hot water for your home. They can be used in any climate, and the fuel they use -- sunshine -- is free. Solar water heating systems include storage tanks and solar collectors. There are two types of solar water heating systems: active, which have circulating pumps and controls, and passive, which don"t. ACTIVE SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEMSThere are two types of active solar water heating systems:Direct circulation systemsPumps circulate household water through the collectors and into the home. They work well in climates where it rarely freezes.Indirect circulation systemsPumps circulate a non-freezing, heat-transfer fluid through the collectors and a heat exchanger. This heats the water that then flows into the home. They are popular in climates prone to freezing temperatures.PASSIVE SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEMSPassive solar water heating systems are typically less expensive than active systems, but they"re usually not as efficient. However, passive systems can be more reliable and may last longer. There are two basic types of passive systems:Integral collector-storage passive systemsThese work best in areas where temperatures rarely fall below freezing. They also work well in households with significant daytime and evening hot-water needs.Thermosyphon systemsWater flows through the system when warm water rises as cooler water sinks. The collector must be installed below the storage tank so that warm water will rise into the tank. These systems are reliable, but contractors must pay careful attention to the roof design because of the heavy storage tank. They are usually more expensive than integral collector-storage passive systems. iMPROVING ENERGY EFFICIENCYAfter your water heater is properly installed and maintained, try some additional energy-saving strategies to help lower your water heating bills, especially if you require a back-up system. Some energy-saving devices and systems are more cost-effective to install with the water heater.

我承诺你帮你浇花 i promise you to water your flower 有没有pr



。。。。。。。。。。。。Waterloo本来就是一个Suburb啊,居然没有这个选项 = =比较接近的就是Sydney吧,包含了主城区大范围,但是Waterloo确实本来就是一个Suburb。。。

price waterhouse coopers为什么翻译成“普华永道”?

不知道,也许是谐音。有些是约定俗成或长期使用形成的惯例,没有什么为什么的,非要说的话,也许和粤语的英文发音有关系,你去那儿找找一般都有点蛛丝马迹。粤语的p发“普”的音,wa的发音谐“华”的音,“永道”就真不清楚了。比如香港的佐敦道,英文叫Jordan Road,就因为jor的发音谐“佐”,dan的发音谐“敦”嘛,其实你要是发音准确的话是发不出“佐敦”来的。


mineral water英[u02c8minu0259ru0259l u02c8wu0254:tu0259]美[u02c8mu026anu0259ru0259l u02c8wu0254tu025a]na.矿泉水,矿质水

we boil some water and make some steam___a big machine

make + sth/sb + do 使/让..干...应该用drive

sun water boat fun造句子

sun water boat fun造句子It"s fun to row a boat on the water in the sun.在阳光下在水面上划船很有趣。满意请及时采纳哦,谢谢

Look, the ice cube______(melt) in the warm water.

你好,很高兴回答你的问题,正确答案为:is melting**************************************************************************^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!**************************************************************************

ice 同 water的 specific heat cap

更新1: 请问solid的intermolecular force系咪最大?咁点solid唔系应该相对地要比多d energy先分开到d molecules咩?咁点解ice要少d heat就能够上升温度? 更新2: 真系唔好意思.... ice的intermolecular force大d,如果升左1度,佢ge molecular separation系细d,咁pe就会细d,咁系咪就需要小d energy就能分开d molecules? specific heat capacity 愈大,系代表个substance ge pe愈大,所以要用多d energy去分开佢地,而唔系因为佢地d paricles pack得实唔实? 唔该你呀!! 更新3: 我明明地,系咪啫系water ge molecules之开分开得远d,所以heating时会expand多d,而对佢ge temp.上升无影响。 但系当佢 ge pe系大过ice时,佢ge specific heat capacity亦会大d,因为specific heat capacity系depend on pe。pe愈高,specific heat capacity就愈高? Q: ice 的 specific heat capacity 系2050,water系4200,系咪啫系代表冰融做水ge速度,系快过水变gas? A: No. Specific heat capacity ony measures the amount of heat absorbed by ice or water when its temperature rises by one degree Celsius. It dosn"t indicate the rate of heat absorbed by ice or water. If the same amount of heat is separately given to the same mass of ice and water the temperature rise in ice will be higher than that in water. Q: 佢地ge specific heat capacity唔同,同果d kiic energy potential energy particles,有无关系?如果无关,咁点解个会唔同? A: Specific heat capacity of a substance depends among other things on the intermolecular force beeen molecules of that substance which in turn depends on the molecular sturcture. Molecular kiic and potential energies are the result of action of intermolecular force. 2012-02-07 14:43:22 补充: Your supple question: Becuase molecules in ice are strongly bounded by intermolecular force whereas those in water are loosely bounded the increase in molecular separation in ice is much *** aller than that in water for a degree rise in temperature. 2012-02-07 14:47:10 补充: (cont"d)... This is evident from the increase in volume of ice and water. In fact thermal expion of ice is about 5x10^-5 per degree C but it is 2x10^-4 per degres C for water. That is for one degree rise in temperature water expands about 4 times larger than ice does. 2012-02-07 14:51:03 补充: (cont"d)... Therefore the gain in potential energy of ice molecules is lower than that for water molecules as potential energy gain increases with increase of molecular separation. 2012-02-07 14:51:19 补充: (cont"d)... This causes the specific heat capacity (which depends on the gain in potential energy of molecules) of ice *** aller than that for water.

Fire Water Burn 歌词

歌曲名:Fire Water Burn歌手:Bloodhound Gang专辑:One Fierce Beer CoasterFire Water BurnThe Bloodhound GangThe roof, the roof, the roof is on fireThe roof, the roof, the roof is on fireThe roof, the roof, the roof is on fireWe don"t need no water let the motherfucker burnBurn motherfucker burnHello my name is jimmy pop and i"m a dumb white guyI"m not old or new but middle school fifth grade like junior highI don"t know mofo if y"all peeps be buggin" give props to my ho cause she all flyBut i can take the heat cause i"m the other white meat known as "kid funky fried"Yeah i"m hung like planet pluto hard to see with the naked eyeBut if i crashed into uranus i would stick it where the sun don"t shineCause i"m kind of like han solo always stroking my own wookieI"m the root of all that"s evil yeah but you can call me cookieThe roof, the roof, the roof is on fireThe roof, the roof, the roof is on fireThe roof, the roof, the roof is on fireWe don"t need no water let the motherfucker burnBurn motherfucker burnYo yo this hard-core ghetto gangster image takes a lot of practiceI"m not black like barry white no i am white like frank black isSo if man is five and the devil is six than that must make me sevenThis honkey"s gone to heavenBut if i go to hell then i hope i burn wellI"ll spend my days with j.f.k., marvin gaye, martha raye, and lawrence welkAnd kurt cobain, kojak, mark twain and jimi hendrix"s poltergeistAnd webster yeah emmanuel lewis cause he"s the anti-christThe roof, the roof, the roof is on fireThe roof, the roof, the roof is on fireThe roof, the roof, the roof is on fireWe don"t need no water let the motherfucker burnBurn motherfucker burnEverybody here we goOhh ohhC"mon party peopleOhh ohhThrow your hands in the airOhh ohhC"mon party peopleOhh ohhWave "em like you don"t careOhh ohhC"mon party peopleOhh ohhEverbody say hoOhh ohhC"mon party peopleOhh ohhEverybody here we goOhh ohhC"mon party peopleOhh ohhThrow your hands in the airOhh ohhC"mon party peopleOhh ohhWave "em like you don"t careOhh ohhC"mon party peopleOhh ohhEverbody say hoOhh ohhC"mon party peopleOhh ohhEverybody here we goOhh ohhC"mon party peopleOhh ohhThrow your hands in the airOhh ohhC"mon party peopleOhh ohhWave "em like you don"t careOhh ohhC"mon party peopleOhh ohhEverbody say hoOhh ohhC"mon party peopleOhh ohhEverybody here we goOhh ohhC"mon party peopleOhh ohhThrow your hands in the airOhh ohhC"mon party peopleOhh ohhWave "em like you don"t careOhh ohhC"mon party peopleOhh ohhEverbody say hohttp://music.baidu.com/song/8263638

a body of water是什么意思

body of water[英][u02c8bu0254di u0254v u02c8wu0254:tu0259][美][u02c8bɑdi u028cv u02c8wu0254tu025a]贮水池; 水域; 例句:1.Moving onto land may have been a survival strategy resulting from the need toabandon one shrinking body of water for another. 上岸可能是一种生存策略,从一个萎缩的水面到另一个水多的地方。2.As the world"s saltiest large body of water, averaging a salt content six times higherthan that of the ocean, it supports no life. 作为世界上最咸的大水域,其平均含盐量是其它海洋的6倍以上的,任何生命都无法在此生存。

Drink Of Water 歌词

歌曲名:Drink Of Water歌手:Ambrosia专辑:Live(puerta - pack - north - drummond)Someone talks about a roadAt the end find life"s goldI went out to get a drink of waterBut i saw an ocean far awayI thought of how much beyond awaits meAmbrosiaFoolishly i turned my head the other wayDo you like where you"re livin" at?I"m not happy insideYou could build a golden houseYeah but still i"m sad insideI set out on a long and lonely journeyAnd travelled through some strange and distant landsAnd many times i thought i"d found life"s meaningBut it slipped away like water in the sandDo you like where you"re livin" at?I"m not happy insideYou could build a golden houseAnd still i"m sad insideOne summer storm, i"m waitin" for the sunOne summer storm, i"ve waited so longWaited so long yeahhhhhhhh!In our lives, we"ve all drank of the waterHeard the ocean callin" out our namesSome will seek and find their life"s meaningAnd some will turn their heads the other way...http://music.baidu.com/song/22263632

Fish Out Of Water 歌词

歌曲名:Fish Out Of Water歌手:Nicola Roberts专辑:Cinderella"S EyesFish Out Of WaterNicola RobertsI"m a day, a day without the nightI"m a day, a day without the nightYou"re my childhood sweetheartEveryday I dream of youNow we"re living apartYou took a part of me with youAnd since I"m not doing youThey"re finding things for me to doBut you"re my childhood sweetheartYou took a part of me with youSo what happens now?You"re turning down the volumeAm I supposed to start a new?So what happens now?You"re turning down the volumeI"m tired of jumping through your hoopsI"m a day without the nightA fish out of waterNow you"ve left me and it"s likeA la-la-la lullabyI"m a day without the nightA fish out of waterNow you"ve left me and it"s likeA la-la-la lullabyYou"re my childhood sweetheartThe one I chased for so many yearsFeels like you"ve got your hands lockedOver my lips and earsAll those lovely words sangturned into frustrated tearsBut you"re my childhood sweetheartI will chase youYeah I"ll chase you, I will chase youSo what happens now?You"re turning down the volumeAm I supposed to start a new?So what happens now?You"re turning down the volumeI"m tired of jumping through your hoopsThe clock struck 12 and you,you just slipped awayAnd all I ever knew, told me I couldn"t playSo what am I to do find another game?You made me all that I became,I really want you back againI"m a day without the nightA fish out of waterMusic you are my lifeI can"t handle a goodbyeI"m a day without the nightA fish out of waterNow you"ve left me and it"s likeA la-la-la lullabyI"m a day without the nightA fish out of waterNow you"ve left me and it"s likeA la-la-la lullabyEven, if I have to go aloneI"d rather that then let you goSo I"ll face the road unknownEven, if I have to go aloneI"d rather that then let you goSo I"ll face the road unknownEven, if I have to go aloneI"d rather that then let you goSo I"ll face the road unknownEven, if I have to go aloneI"d rather that then let you goSo I"ll face the road unknownhttp://music.baidu.com/song/12270956

浪琴手表 圆盘,两针,数字的位置是钻石,sapphire swiss made,背后Swiss movt water resistant G2001M

据外觀描述推測可能是浪琴嘉嵐 石英表 sapphire 表示藍寶石鏡面 一般不標出 即使標出也應該在背面 swiss mont 瑞士机芯 表示此表机芯是瑞士生產 可能是香港組裝石英表 組裝石英表一般分日本机芯和瑞士机芯 而現在生產的机械表正面六點鐘方向上方一般標有automatic表示自動上弦 (据此我推測你的應該是石英表)water resistant 表示防水 專柜品后面應該標有防水深度 有用國際單位米 也有用bar作單位的 g2001m b 可能是出厂序列號(如果是仿品就是杜撰的 )补充: 浪琴表型號以L開頭 后面是五組數字 格式為Lx.xxx.x.xx.x 在表背標出 浪琴石英表一般不標防水深度 而且藍寶石鏡面的說明一般沒有 正面背面都會標有swiss made 或者swiss 所以据你提供的這些數据推測 應該是香港組裝瑞士机芯的仿品浪琴嘉嵐 型號可能是 L4.709.4.58.6 真是瑞士机芯的話在 一到兩千 日本机芯兩三百就行了 你去官网查這個型號 同系列我買過這個表的羅馬數字款 香港專柜七千含稅 大陸一万塊

volkswagen 在手表的背面是什么意思 还有SWISS MADE STAINLESS STEEL 5 ATM WATERRESISTANT 是什么意思 谢

volkswagen 是 大众的意思 在手表上 可能那支表式 汽车限量版的 SWISS MADE STAINLESS STEEL 5 ATM WATERRESISTANT 的大意是 瑞士第五不锈钢厂制造放水表

我买了一块卡地亚手表,背面写的是:WATER RESISTANT SWISS MADE 2301 CC708177 这些代表的是什么???

瑞士造耐水性2301 CC708177是这块表的货号……


swiss made water-reslstant瑞士制造的防水。。。。。。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

找类似the saltwater room 的英文歌??


“the saltwater room”算情歌吗?歌词是怎么表现的

算情歌啊,男女声各自述说了对对方的情感。还是感情比较热烈但是有种诗意的含蓄的情歌呢。中文歌词 我睁开眼睛,昨天晚上看见你在昏暗的灯光下漫步在海湾的海岸盯着不存在了的天上的星星我感觉到夜的老去,而你那么冷淡我像一个性格内向的人,我提着我的衬衫在我的胳膊,开始剧烈的颤抖你注视围绕在我四周的隧道入黑暗的地下运行身边的地铁发出很大的声音我的运动疲劳,告别你的耳朵贝壳你可以听到海浪在水下洞穴如果你真的是一个海水室内在一起的时间不会很足够当你和我是孤独的,我从来没有感觉这么在家制造或打破这爱情线索的代价将是什么?只有时间,只有时间你能相信船员已经离去?他们不会让我上岸我所有的岛屿都深陷我几乎不能放松甚至失眠但我觉得你的手温暖当我们沿着海岸线走我想我们永远不会知道麻雀爱雪我们将打开所有的灯,并设置舞厅发红所以告诉我,亲爱的,你希望我们相爱?是啊,所有的时间,所有的时间在一起的时间不会很足够当你和我是孤独的,我从来没有感觉这么在家制造或打破这爱情线索的代价将是什么?只有时间,只有时间当我们分开的时候你什么都在想什么?如果这是我所谓的家,为什么感觉这么孤单?所以告诉我,亲爱的,你希望我们相爱?所有的时间,所有的时间在一起的时间不会很足够当我们分开的时候你什么都在想什么?制造或打破这爱情线索的代价将是什么?所以告诉我,亲爱的,你希望我们相爱?所有的时间,哦,所有的时间。 大意如下。男:你是不是希望我们在一起相爱相守?女:我一直都希望这样,所有的时间(都希望)。

saltwater room 歌词

【歌词】The Saltwater RoomI opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low lightWalking down by the bay, on the shoreStaring up at the planes that aren"t there anymoreI was feeling the night grow oldAnd you were looking so cold like an introvertI drew my over shirt around my arms and began to shiver violentlyBefore you happened to lookAnd see the tunnels all around meRunning into the dark undergroundAll the subways around create a great soundTo my motion fatigue: farewellWith your ear to a seashellYou can hear the waves in underwater cavesAs if you actually were inside a saltwater roomTime together is just never quite enoughWhen you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at homeWhat will it take to make or break this hint of love?We need time, only timeWhen we"re apart whatever are you thinking ofIf this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?All the time, all the timeCan you believe that the crew has goneAnd wouldn"t let me sign on?All my islands have sunk in the deepSo I can hardly relax or even oversleepI feel as if I were homeSome nights when we count all the ship lightsI guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snowWe"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglowSo tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?All the timeTime together is just never quite enoughWhen you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at homeWhat will it take to make or break this hint of love?We need time, only timeWhen we"re apart whatever are you thinking ofIf this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?All the time, all the timeTime together is just never quite enoughWhen we"re apart whatever are you thinking of?What will it take to make or break this hint of love?So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?All the time...〖永远相爱...〗我也很喜欢这首歌。。


歌名:The Saltwater Room〖泪水伤心地〗 专辑:Maybe I"m Dreaming 演唱:Owl City 昨夜我睁开眼,看见你在昏暗的灯光下沿着海湾走下去,凝视不断延伸的海平面 我感觉到夜的老去,而你那么冷淡 就像一个内向者,我提着我的外衣 挥动我的双臂,开始激烈地打碎过去 你注视围绕在我四周的隧道 飞奔入黑暗的地下 四周所有地铁都发出一种美妙的声音 我累了,永别了 把一枚海螺放在耳边 你会听见来自水下洞穴的海浪声 仿佛置身于一个充满海水的房间 在一起的时间总是不够 When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home 你我孤独时,我没有在家的感觉 What will it take to make or break this hint of love 制造然后破译爱的暗示的,将是什么 We need time, only time 我们需要时间,只是时间 When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of? 我们分离时,你在想什么 If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone? 如果我把这称为“家”,它为何如此孤独? So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love? 那么,亲爱的,告诉我,你是不是希望我们相爱 All the time, All the time... 一直,一直。。。Can you believe that the crew has gone and wouldn"t let me sign on? 你相信吗?人群已离去,他们会让我们在此作下标志 All my islands have sunk in the deep, so I can hardly relax or even oversleep 我整个岛都已坠入深渊,所以,我现在不敢放松,难以入睡 I feel as if I were home some nights when we count all the ship lights 我仿佛又回到家里,回到那些我们一起数船上的灯的夜晚 I guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snow 我猜,我永远不会知道麻雀爱雪的理由 We"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow 我们关上所有灯,把这舞厅布置得一片通红

owl city 乐队的《the saltwater room》的歌词翻译成中文是什么?

昨晚我睁开眼,看到你在微弱的光线下 沿着海湾散步,在海岸上,凝望着那些不会再在此出现的飞机。 我感到夜正变得苍老,而你看起来如此的冷漠 像一个内向的人,我套着我的旧衬衫。 衬衫紧裹着我的双臂,我开始剧烈的颤抖 你正巧看到周围环绕我的通道 飞奔进黑漆漆的地道 周围所有的地铁发出了巨大的声响 对我疲惫的身心说再见 当你把耳朵贴近贝壳 你能听到水下洞穴里的波涛汹涌 就好象你真的在海底的洞穴 在一起的时间总觉得不够 当我们独处的时候,我从来没有这种在家的感觉 是什么促成了还是毁灭了这爱的暗语 我们需要时间,只是时间 当我们分开的时候,你究竟在想些什么 如果这就是我所谓的家,为什么我会感到如此的孤单 告诉我,亲爱的,你希望我们坠入情网吗 并且一直,一直相爱下去 难道你认为所有的人都已远去,也不会让我来到你的身边吗 我已经不可自拔,难以放松甚至会失眠。 我感觉好象是在家数着船上的灯的那些夜晚 我想有些事情永远都没有答案 我们将关掉所有的灯,让舞厅燃烧起热情。

The Saltwater Room这个歌的翻译,不要中文翻译,要谐音那种,,,


the city of venice, built on saltwater marshes

1. D 2. B 3. B 4. A1. D解析:第一段提到威尼斯是建立在许多岛屿上的,水路被当成街来用,由此 可知不会看到人在街上走。故正确答案 为D项。2. B解析:根据第二段最后一句可把A 项排除;由第二段倒数第三句中的“ there are still lots of gondolas” 可把 D 项排除; 根据第一段倒数第二句和最后一段第一 句可排除C项。整篇文章没有提到公共 汽车和小汽车。故正确答案为B项。3. B解析:根据第二段第三句中的“But today motor boats make getting around faster.可知摩托艇比传统的船速度 快,故正确答案为B项。4. A解析:由文章最后两句可知,海水涨 潮,运河里的水位升高,船必然也会随着 升高,所以船过桥的时候 人必须要低头 弯腰过去。to fit under bridges意思为 “适合从桥下过”,因此正确答案为 A项。

the saltwater room是谁的歌曲?其中文译词是什么?歌手简介?

演唱:Owl City乐队(中文名:猫头鹰之城) 来自美国明尼苏达州奥瓦通纳(Owatonna, Minnesota)的大学二年级生,Adam Young,于2007年组建了Owl City乐队。他就是这支流行电子乐队的唯一成员,负责主音、合成器和编曲等工作。随之独立发行的首张专辑《Of June》,在2007年的夏天,为电音界吹来一股凉爽的清风。   2008年3月18日,Owl City第二张专辑《Maybe I"m Dreaming》问世。梦幻的标题,简洁的封面,如同糖衣包裹的声线和旋律,在这个春暖花开的季节再次捎来令人欣喜的清新气息。曲风是Electronica和Pop的完美融合,似乎又有一点Indie Rock的味道。饶有趣味的歌词有如抒情诗一般的迷人魅力,又颇具美学的魔力。你会惊叹于冰冷的键盘上怎能滑落如此圆润的音符,电子元素的巧妙运用使得整张专辑饱满而不失利落,跃动着生机盎然的温情。Adam Young在他的MySpace上写到,由于失眠的缘故,大部分歌曲都是在凌晨的时候制作出来的。清晨的第一滴露水和青草的芳香,已无形地渗透到Owl City的音乐里,自然灵动的氛围贯穿其中。《The Saltwater Room》和《Air Traffic》后半段出现的女声好像奶油一样,甜甜的与曲子的整体气质都很搭。此外《Rainbow Veins》和《Dear Vienna》也都是重点推荐的曲目。让四月的好心情伴随好音乐蔓延。   他的声音象少女倾诉心事一样温文细气,但对旋律节奏的掌握却十分到位.Of June这张EP就以欢快的电子旋律征服了不少听众,象宝石般闪烁明亮.而首张专辑Maybe I"m Dreaming在演绎方面Owl City显然更加投入,从精致的和声到深情的合唱,Owl City的个人魅力也越加凸现.甜蜜的声线清新的电子音乐,这貌试简单的配搭却被Owl City演绎得绚丽多彩,尽管夏日未到但已仿佛感受到那份清爽的惬意!  

the saltwater room的歌词的中文意思




the saltwater room最浪漫的意译是什么?

The Saltwater Room 中文意思应该是泪水伤心地、深海空间 但它通常称为盐水屋. 那用我的角度来分析一下,先从英文单字The开始吧,这个英文单字在这里的意思是指强调某件事情,也可以说这件事情是特殊的、只有一个的(英文学得好就明白我指的是什么了).本人觉得The这个单字最浪漫的意译,应该是特殊. 接下来就是Saltwater ,中文意思是盐水,但是盐水嘛,海水也是盐水啊,所以,我们就把这个英文单字定义为深海. 最后一个,Room,中文意思是房子、空间,照理说应该没有什么特殊的定义.不过我们可以换一个角度出发:现在不是很多人喜欢说那些肉麻话吗?例如住到我的心里来、敞开心扉让你住进来……总结一下,房子也可以比喻为心. 好了,我们把它全部都给串起来,那就会变成:特殊深海心. 让我们把它的意思给用另一些文字表达出来,最好的应该是这个:唯有深海心. 所以,本人愚见,the saltwater room最浪漫的意译应该就是唯有深海心,谢谢!:)

the saltwater room音译

你好,很高兴为你解答the saltwater room网络泪水伤心地; 强烈推荐; 简谱; 中英; 盐水房希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。

求The Saltwater Room的英文歌词

i opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light walking down by the bay, on the shore, staring up at the planes that aren"t the re anymore i was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold like an introvert, i drew my over shirt around my arms and began to shiver viole ntly before you happened to look and see the tunnels all around me running into the dark underground all the subways around create a great so und to my motion fatigue: farewell with your ear to a seashell you can hear the waves in underwater cav es as if you actually were inside a saltwat er room time together is just never quite enough when you and i are alone, i"ve never fel t so at home what will it take to make or break this hint of love" we need time, only time when we"re apart whatever are you thinki ng of" if this is what i call home, why does it feel so alone" so tell me darling, do you wish we"d fal l in love" all the time, all the time can you believe that the crew has gone and wouldn"t let me sign on" all my islands have sunk in the deep, so i can hardly relax or even oversleep i feel as if i were home some nights when we count all the ship lights i guess i"ll never know why sparrows lov e the snow we"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow time together is just never quite enough when you and i are alone, i"ve never fel t so at home what will it take to make or break this hint of love" we need time, only time when we"re apart whatever are you thinki ng of" if this is what i call home, why does it feel so alone" so tell me darling, do you wish we"d fal l in love" all the time, all the time time together is just never quite enough when we"re apart whatever are you thinki ng of" what will it take to make or break this hint of love" so tell me darling, do you wish we"d fal l in love" all the time, all the time

《The Saltwater Room》中的女声是谁唱的?

The Saltwater Room中的女声---Breanne Düren 这是她的MYSPACE空间: http://www.myspace.com/breanneduren 这个应该是比较真实的说法了参考资料: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=462368179

the saltwater room 这首歌到底在表达什么.?

一个充满海水的房间 这首歌里面有几句翻译成中文是:“把一枚海螺放在耳边 ,你会听见来自水下洞穴的海浪声,仿佛置身于一个充满海水的房间” 就是这个意思吧

The saltwater room中文是什么~~??

The saltwater room - Owl City昨晚我睁开眼,看到你在微弱的光线下 沿着海湾散步,在海岸上,凝望着那些不会再在此出现的飞机。 我感到夜正变得苍老,而你看起来如此的冷漠 像一个内向的人,我套着我的旧衬衫。 衬衫紧裹着我的双臂,我开始剧烈的颤抖 你正巧看到周围环绕我的通道 飞奔进黑漆漆的地道 周围所有的地铁发出了巨大的声响 对我疲惫的身心说再见 当你把耳朵贴近贝壳 你能听到水下洞穴里的波涛汹涌 就好象你真的在海底的洞穴 在一起的时间总觉得不够 当我们独处的时候,我从来没有这种在家的感觉 是什么促成了还是毁灭了这爱的暗语 我们需要时间,只是时间 当我们分开的时候,你究竟在想些什么 如果这就是我所谓的家,为什么我会感到如此的孤单 告诉我,亲爱的,你希望我们坠入情网吗 并且一直,一直相爱下去 难道你认为所有的人都已远去,也不会让我来到你的身边吗 我已经不可自拔,难以放松甚至会失眠。 我感觉好象是在家数着船上的灯的那些夜晚 我想有些事情永远都没有答案 我们将关掉所有的灯,让舞厅燃烧起热情。 能力有限,希望你满意! /db朱旺他爸 回答采纳率:28.8% 2008-04-23 11:17 检举昨晚我睁开眼,看到你在微弱的光线下 沿着海湾散步,在海岸上,凝望着那些不会再在此出现的飞机。 我感到夜正变得苍老,而你看起来如此的冷漠 像一个内向的人,我套着我的旧衬衫。 衬衫紧裹着我的双臂,我开始剧烈的颤抖 你正巧看到周围环绕我的通道 飞奔进黑漆漆的地道 周围所有的地铁发出了巨大的声响 对我疲惫的身心说再见 当你把耳朵贴近贝壳 你能听到水下洞穴里的波涛汹涌 就好象你真的在海底的洞穴 在一起的时间总觉得不够 当我们独处的时候,我从来没有这种在家的感觉 是什么促成了还是毁灭了这爱的暗语 我们需要时间,只是时间 当我们分开的时候,你究竟在想些什么 如果这就是我所谓的家,为什么我会感到如此的孤单 告诉我,亲爱的,你希望我们坠入情网吗 并且一直,一直相爱下去 难道你认为所有的人都已远去,也不会让我来到你的身边吗 我已经不可自拔,难以放松甚至会失眠。 我感觉好象是在家数着船上的灯的那些夜晚 我想有些事情永远都没有答案 我们将关掉所有的灯,让舞厅燃烧起热情。



saltwater room是什么意思?



hall的发音是[hu0254u02d0l]。  water的发音也有u0254

water treatment是什么意思


water treatment是什么意思


The Saltwater Room歌曲链接


有没有【The saltwater room】中文版歌词啊

I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light〖昨夜睁开双眼 看见你在那昏暗的灯光下〗 Walking down by the bay, on the shore〖沿着海湾 漫步沙滩〗 Staring up at the planes that aren"t there anymore〖凝望着天空中早已远逝的星光〗 I was feeling the night grow old〖漫漫长夜 若是有情也已经衰老〗 And you were looking so cold〖你看起来如此的冷漠〗 Like an introvert〖犹如一个内敛的人〗 I drew my over shirt around my arms and began to shiver violently〖披上我残旧的衬衣 开始猛烈的颤抖〗 Before you happened to look〖你无意的一瞥〗 And see the tunnels all around me〖看见了环绕在我身边的隧道〗 Running into the dark underground〖向着地底那无尽的黑暗延伸〗 All the subways around create a great sound〖地道里的声音响彻云霄〗 To my motion fatigue: farewell〖跟我疲惫的身心说再见〗 With your ear to a seashell〖你的耳朵贴紧海贝壳〗 You can hear the waves in underwater caves〖就能听见深海洞穴里海浪的声音〗 As if you actually were inside a saltwater room〖仿佛你真的置身于深海空间一般〗   间奏  Time together is ever quite enough〖相聚的时间总是觉得不够〗   When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home〖当你和我都独自一人时 从来没有家的感觉〗   What will it take to make or break this hint of love?〖制造或打破这爱情线索的代价是什么〗   Only time, only time〖仅仅需要时间 仅仅需要时间〗   Can you believe that the crew has gone〖你能相信那些人群已经远去〗   And wouldn"t let me sign on?〖且不在我记忆中留下任何痕迹吗?〗   All my islands have sunk in the deep〖我已经泥足深陷 无法自拔了〗   In I can hardly relax or even oversleep〖所以我根本无法放松入睡 更不用说睡过头了〗   When I feel more with your hand in mine, when we walk on the shore line 〖当我牵着你的手漫步于海滩时〗   I guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snow〖我猜我永远也不会知晓麻雀喜爱雪的理由〗   We"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow〖我们将要关上所有的灯 让这舞厅一片火红〗   So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?〖告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗〗   All the time〖一直相爱〗   Time together is ever quite enough〖相聚的时间总是觉得不够〗   When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home〖当你和我都独自一人时 从来没有家的感觉〗   What will it take to make or break this hint of love?〖制造或打破这爱情线索的代价是什么〗   Only time, only time〖我们需要时间 仅仅需要时间〗   When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of〖当我们分开的时候 不管对方想什么都无所谓〗   If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?〖如果这就是所谓的家 为何感觉如此孤独〗   So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?〖告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗〗   All the time, all the time〖一直相爱...永远相守...〗   Time together is never quite enough〖相聚的时间总是觉得不够〗   When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of?〖当我们分开的时候 无论你在想什么〗   What will it take to make or break this hint of love?〖制造或打破这爱情线索的代价是什么〗   So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?〖告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗〗   All the time...〖永远相爱...〗

the saltwater room的歌词的中文意思

The Saltwater RoomOwl CityI opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light昨夜睁开双眼,你躲在昏黄的夜Walking down by the bay, on the shore,沿着海湾漫步沙滩staring up at the planes that aren"t there anymore抬头望着早已远去的飞机I was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold我想是夜晚太漫长止不住悲伤,你看起来如此冷漠Like an introvert, I drew my over shirt单衣薄衫Around my arms and began to shiver violently before止不住发颤You happened to look and see the tunnels all around me不经然地一瞥,望向那隧道包围着我Running into the dark underground一直漫延,向无尽漆黑的地底All the subways around create a great sound巨大的声音响彻隧道To my motion fatigue: farewell再见吧我疲惫的心灵With your ear to a seashell请倾听贝壳的声音You can hear the waves in underwater caves你能听到洞穴里海浪的呼唤As if you actually were inside a saltwater room就像在那海水做成的房间Time together is just never quite enough相聚的时间总是短暂When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home当我们彼此分开,就从未有过家一般的感觉What will it take to make or break this hint of love?要维系这爱的线索代价是什么?We need time, only time我们需要时间,仅仅是时间Can you believe that the crew has gone你能相信吗,那些人群已远去and wouldn"t let me sign on?离开了我的记忆All my islands have sunk in the deep,我已沉溺无法自拔so I can hardly relax or even oversleep根本无法放松甚至睡去I feel as if I were home some nights我仿佛又回到了家when we count all the ship lights回到我们数着船舶和星点灯光的夜晚I guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snow我猜我永远也不会懂麻雀爱上雪的理由吧We"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow让我们关掉所有的灯,让这个舞厅焕发光彩So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?那么亲爱的请你告诉我,你愿意和我相爱吗?Time together is just never quite enough在一起时间走得那么快When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home没有你就没有了家的存在What will it take to make or break this hint of love?好想知道维系着爱情的是什么?We need time, only time是时间,我们需要的是时间When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of?当我不在你身边,无论你在想什么If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?如果这就是家,为何我感到那么孤独?So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?亲爱的快告诉我,你愿意爱上我吗?All the time, all the time就那么爱下去,相守到永远Time together is just never quite enough没有太多时间给我陪伴你When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of?不在你身边你会想些什么?What will it take to make or break this hint of love?我要如何制造这爱的绳索锁住你我?So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?亲爱的请告诉我,你愿意和我相爱在一起吗?All the time直到永远http://baike.baidu.com/view/2573607.htm?fr=aladdin出自百科

The Saltwater Room的歌词

I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light Walking down by the bay" on the shore" staring up at the planes that aren"t there anymore I was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold Like an introvert" I drew my over shirt Around my arms and began to shiver violently before You happened to look and see the tunnels all around me Running into the dark underground All the subways around create a great sound To my motion fatigue: farewell With your ear to a seashell You can hear the waves in underwater caves As if you actually were inside a saltwater room Time together is just never quite enough When you and I are alone" I"ve never felt so at home What will it take to make or break this hint of love? We need time" only time When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of? If this is what I call home" why does it feel so alone? So tell me darling" do you wish we"d fall in love? All the time" all the time Can you believe that the crew has gone and wouldn"t let me sign on? All my islands have sunk in the deep" so I can hardly relax or even oversleep I feel as if I were home some nights when we count all the ship lights I guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snow We"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow ~~So tell me darling" do you wish weu2019d fall in love?~~ Time together is just never quite enough When you and I are alone" Iu2019ve never felt so at home What will it take to make or break this hint of love? We need time" only time When weu2019re apart whatever are you thinking of? If this is what I call home" why does it feel so alone? So tell me darling" do you wish weu2019d fall in love? All the time" all the time Time together is just never quite enough When weu2019re apart whatever are you thinking of? What will it take to make or break this hint of love? So tell me darling" do you wish weu2019d fall in love? All the time

the saltwater room歌词

Owl City、Breanne Düren - The Saltwater RoomWritten by:Adam YoungOwl City:I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light昨夜睁开双眼 依稀看见你在那暖暖的灯光下Walking down by the bay on the shore沿着海湾 漫步沙滩Staring up at the planes that aren"t there anymore抬头望着早已远去的飞机I was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold愈发觉得长夜漫漫 你我之间也愈行愈远Like an introvert I drew my over shirt单衣薄衫 落寞不已Around my arms and began to shiver violently before抱住自己 颤抖不止 前所未有的孤寂You happened to look and see the tunnels all around me不经然地一瞥 发现周围茫茫一片Running into the dark underground一直漫延 延至无尽的黑暗底渊All the subways around create a great sound车水马龙 熙熙攘攘To my motion fatigue farewell with your ear to a seashell再见吧我疲惫的心灵 侧耳于一枚海螺You can hear the waves in underwater caves你会听见海底世界的咕哝软语As if you actually were inside a saltwater room让你身临其境Breanne Düren:Time together isn"t ever quite enough相爱相守 举案齐眉也不足够Owl City:When you and I are alone I"ve never felt so at home当我们天各一方 我便从未有过粲然笑脸Breanne Düren:What will it take to make or break this hint of love呵护这段感情 亦或弃之 要付出什么呢Owl City:Only time只是流年罢了Both:Only time只是流年罢了Breanne Düren:When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of当我们无法相伴彼此 你的所思所想我亦无从知晓Owl City:If this is what I call home why does it feel so alone如果这就是家 为何我依旧孤寂落寞Breanne Düren:So tell me darling do you wish we"d fall in love吾爱 你可愿与我执子之手与子偕老Owl City:All the time朝朝暮暮Both:All the time暮暮朝朝Owl City:Can you believe that the crew has gone你可否相信 人山人海已不在And they wouldn"t let me sign on我已不受世俗的纷纷扰扰All my islands have sunk in the deep我已为你倾倒 无法自拔And I can hardly relax or even oversleep甚至难以放松 亦或入梦I feel as if I were home some nights我仿佛又驶回了港湾When we count all the ship lights回到我们数着船舶和点点繁星的夜晚I guess we"ll never know why sparrows love the snow我猜我们永远也不会懂麻雀爱上雪的理由吧We"ll turn out all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow让我们关掉所有的灯 让这个舞厅焕发光彩Breanne Düren:So tell me darling do you wish we"d fall in love吾爱 你可愿与我执子之手与子偕老All the time生生世世Time together isn"t ever quite enough相爱相守 举案齐眉也不足够Owl City:When you and I are alone I"ve never felt so at home当我们天各一方 我便从未有过粲然笑脸Breanne Düren:What will it take to make or break this hint of love呵护这段感情 亦或弃之 要付出什么呢Owl City:Only time只是流年罢了Both:Only time只是流年罢了Breanne Düren:When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of当我们无法相伴彼此 你的所思所想我亦无从知晓Owl City:If this is what I call home why does it feel so alone如果这就是家 为何我依旧孤寂落寞Breanne Düren:So tell me darling do you wish we"d fall in love吾爱 你可愿与我执子之手与子偕老Owl City:All the time朝朝暮暮Both:All the time暮暮朝朝Breanne Düren:Time together isn"t ever quite enough相爱相守 举案齐眉也不足够When we"re apart what ever are you thinking of当我们无法相伴彼此 你的所思所想我亦无从知晓What will it take to make or break this hint of love呵护这段感情 亦或弃之 要付出什么呢So tell me darling do you wish we"d fall in love吾爱 你可愿与我执子之手与子偕老All the time朝朝暮暮 暮暮又朝朝

owl city 的The saltwater room里的女声是谁?


求 the saltwater room - owl city 歌词 , !! 求正解!

这个歌好像有两个版本 我上学的时候是第一个 也就是 你说的planes的那个 然后最近听的就是 stars的那个版本 你在百度百科搜歌词 然后在百度上搜MP3 都是stars的那个版本 我那天用kugo搜的 还是planes的那个版本


the salt water room盐水室中文读法:ze saote wuter rumu则 扫特 吴特儿 入目希望采纳,你的支持是我们的动力!

The saltwater room歌曲的歌词发音谁知道啊????急求!!

则 扫特哇哦特 入目The saltwater room〖泪水伤心地〗爱 偶喷的 麦爱子 拉斯特 奈特 暗的 萨哦 又 因 则 烙 莱特I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light〖昨夜睁开双眼 看见你在那昏暗的灯光下〗哇哦可令 荡 掰 则 呗 昂 则 少 Walking down by the bay, on the shore〖沿着海湾 漫步沙滩〗太麻烦了,有时间再帮你弄吧.作业还没写完哦......

求英文歌曲《The Saltwater Room》的歌词翻译!

其实原文已经译得不错了,觉得这歌不错。根据自己的理解再译一下,不求被采纳,最起码表示一下对提问者的尊重。<The Saltwater Room> I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light  昨夜我睁开眼,看见你在昏暗的灯光下  walking down by the bay, on the shore, staring up at the stars that aren"t there anymore  径直走到海湾,在岸边,盯着星稀的天空  I was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold  夜是如此漫长,而你看起来如此冷漠  So like an introvert, I drew my overshirt around my arms and began to shiver violently before  象极了一个内向者,我把衬衫披在肩上,感到从未有过的冷  you happened to look and see the tunnels all around me  你无意间抬头发现隧道将我围绕  running into the dark underground  飞奔入黑暗的地下  All the subways around create a great sound  四周的地道汇聚出震耳欲聋的声音  to my motion fatigue: farewell  好象对我疲惫的身心说:永别了  With your ear to a seashell  把一枚海螺放在耳边  You can hear the waves in underwater caves  你会听见来自水下洞穴的海浪声  As if you actually were inside a saltwater room  仿佛你真的置身于深海空间  Time together isn"t ever quite enough  愉快的时光总是过得太快  When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home  那是我们单身时,从未有过的家的感觉  What will it take to make or break this hint of love  爱的感觉总是突如其来,而又难以割舍  only time,only time  只是时间,只是时间  Can you believe that the crew has gone and they wouldn"t let me sign on?  真不敢相信那些船员竟丢下我扬长而去   All my islands have sunk in the deep  我所有的岛屿都已成泡影  And I can hardly relax or even oversleep  我根本无法休息更别说睡过头了  I can feel the warm with your hand in mine, when we walk on the shoreline  当我们手牵手漫步在海岸时,我能感受到你手心的温暖  I guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snow  我想永远也猜不出麻雀喜欢雪的原因  We"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow  我们将关上所有灯,把这舞厅布置得红光闪烁  So tell me,darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?  那时请告诉我,亲爱的,你希望和我相爱么?  All the time, All the time...  永远,永远...  Time together isn"t ever quite enough  快乐的时光总是一闪而过  When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home  那是我们单身时,从未有过的感觉  What will it take to make or break this hint of love?  爱的感觉总是突如其来,而又难以割舍  Only time, only time  只有时间,时间  When we"re apart what ever are you thinking of?  当我们分离时,无论你在想什么  If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?  如果这就是我所谓的“家”,它为何又感觉这么孤独?  So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?  所以,告诉我,亲爱的,你希望和我相爱么?  All the time, all the time  永远,永远......  Time together isn"t ever quite enough  快乐的时光总是一闪而过  When we"re apart what ever are you thinking of?  我们分离时,无论你在想什么  What will it take to make or break this hint of love?  爱的感觉总是突如其来,而又难以割舍  So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?  所以,告诉我,亲爱的,你愿意和我相爱么?  All the time ,all the time  永远,永远....

The Saltwater Room的歌词

注意一下这一句:Walking down by the bay,on the shore staring up at the stores that aren"t there anymore.不是planes!

olw city的The Saltwater Room 表达了什么意思?


the saltwater room翻译成中文是什么意思?


America是什么意思.加油的英语是什么.a bottle of water意思是什么.fireman是什么意思.civil是什么意思

America: 美洲;美国;美州;美国之通称a bottle of water 一瓶水fireman 消防队员;救火队员;锅炉工civil公民的;民间的

Situation 1  Tenant : You should emphasize the damage of PC is caused by the broken water pipe upst


water varnish是指什么

water based varnish水性漆varnishn.清漆,罩光漆;光泽面;假漆;虚饰,外表vt.在(某物)上涂清漆;使…有光泽;装饰,粉饰



谁能帮我翻译一下你 no doubt 的 bathwater 的歌词??英文如下。感觉云里雾里的。


No Doubt的《Bathwater》 歌词

歌曲名:Bathwater歌手:No Doubt专辑:The Singles 1992 - 2003Bathwaterno doubtYou and your museum of loversThe precious collection you"ve housed in your coversMy simpleness threatened by my own admissionAnd the bags are much too heavyIn my insecure conditionMy pregnant mind is fat full with envy againBut I still love to wash in your old bathwaterLove to think that you couldn"t love anotherI can"t help it...you"re my kind of man~~~~~~Wanted and adored by attractive womenBountiful selection at your discretionI know I"m diving into my own destructionSo why do we choose the boys that are naughty?I don"t fit in so why do you want me?And I know I can"t tame you...but I just keep trying"Cause I love to wash in your old bathwaterLove to think that you couldn"t love anotherI"m on your list with all your other womenBut I still love to wash in your old bathwaterYou make me feel like I couldn"t love anotherI can"t help it...you"re my kind of man~~~~~~(Why do the good girls always want the bad boys?)So I pacify problems with kisses and cuddlesDiligently doubtful through all kinds of troubleThen I find myself choking on all my contradictions"Cause I still love to wash in your old bathwaterLove to think that you couldn"t love anotherShare a toothbrush...you"re my kind of manI still love to wash in your old bathwaterMake me feel like I couldn"t love anotherI can"t help it...you"re my kind of man~~~~~~No I can"t help myselfI can"t help myselfI still love to wash in your old bathwater...http://music.baidu.com/song/1832666

No Doubt的《Bathwater》 歌词

歌曲名:Bathwater歌手:No Doubt专辑:It"S My LifeBathwaterno doubtYou and your museum of loversThe precious collection you"ve housed in your coversMy simpleness threatened by my own admissionAnd the bags are much too heavyIn my insecure conditionMy pregnant mind is fat full with envy againBut I still love to wash in your old bathwaterLove to think that you couldn"t love anotherI can"t help it...you"re my kind of man~~~~~~Wanted and adored by attractive womenBountiful selection at your discretionI know I"m diving into my own destructionSo why do we choose the boys that are naughty?I don"t fit in so why do you want me?And I know I can"t tame you...but I just keep trying"Cause I love to wash in your old bathwaterLove to think that you couldn"t love anotherI"m on your list with all your other womenBut I still love to wash in your old bathwaterYou make me feel like I couldn"t love anotherI can"t help it...you"re my kind of man~~~~~~(Why do the good girls always want the bad boys?)So I pacify problems with kisses and cuddlesDiligently doubtful through all kinds of troubleThen I find myself choking on all my contradictions"Cause I still love to wash in your old bathwaterLove to think that you couldn"t love anotherShare a toothbrush...you"re my kind of manI still love to wash in your old bathwaterMake me feel like I couldn"t love anotherI can"t help it...you"re my kind of man~~~~~~No I can"t help myselfI can"t help myselfI still love to wash in your old bathwater...http://music.baidu.com/song/8513936

watery essence什么意思

watery essence水分多的本质watery[英][u02c8wu0254:tu0259ri][美][u02c8wɑ:tu0259ri]adj.含水的,水分多的; 水一般的; 无味的; 有雨意的; 例句:1.One tradition suggests he was imprisoned in genoa"s palazzo san giorgio, shown here in watery reflection. 还有一种说法是他被监禁在热那亚的san giorgio宫殿里,就是图片水里倒影的这个地方。

Water bank essence-ex什么意思


Water Night 水之夜的中文歌词?

纯手打~我没听过这首歌哈,歌词好写意……这个第二人称具体指什么我没看明白,感觉是指水……听了歌可能会更好理解吧Night with the eyes of a horse that trembles in the night,这夜里有一匹在夜色中颤抖的马的眼睛night with eyes of water in the field asleep is in your eyes, 这夜里有沉睡的田野里的水的眼波——这夜晚就在你的眼里a horse that trembles,一匹正在颤抖的马is in your eyes of secret water.就在你的神秘之水的眼睛里Eyes of shadow-water,eyes of well-water,eyes of dream-water.水上倒影的眼睛,井水的眼睛,梦之水的眼睛Silence and solitude,寂静而孤独的two little animals moon-led,两个小动物被月亮指引着drink in your eyes,在你的眼睛里啜饮drink in those waters.在水中啜饮If you open your eyes,你若睁开眼睛night opens, 那么整个夜晚拉开帷幕doors of musk,麝香气味的木门the secret kingdom of the water opens神秘的水的王国的大门就此打开flowing from the center of night.从夜色之中缓缓流出And if you close your eyes,而你若闭上眼睛a river fills you from within,河水在你内部汩汩流出,盈满了flows forward, darkens you:night brings its wetness to beaches in your soul.继续向前流去,你于是暗了下来,夜晚把它的湿气带到你灵魂的沙滩上。

请问cool water,cold water,ice water的区别,谢谢啦

cool water 凉水,室温或稍低於室温的水cold water 冷水,经冷藏的水ice water 冰水,含冰块的水

water utilities是什么意思


求一篇介绍white water rafting的英语文章

Rafting or whitewater rafting is a challenging recreational activity utilizing a raft to navigate a river or other bodies of water. This is usually done on whitewater or different degrees of rough water, in order to thrill and excite the raft passengers. The development of this activity as a leisure sport has become popular since the mid 1970s. Rafting is one of the earliest means of transportation, used as a means for shipping people, hunting, and transferring food. In 1842, Lieutenant John Fremont of the U.S. Army first journalized his rafting expedition on the Platte River. Horace H. Day designed the equipment he used in rafting. Day"s rafts were constructed from four independent rubber cloth tubes and wrap-around floor. [1] In 1960s, rafting was then recognized and paths like Grand Canyon were routed and whitewater rafting companies were established. In 1970s, rafting marked its major development as a leisure sport when it was then included in the Munich Olympic Games. In 1980s, as rafting continued to gain its popularity, many rivers were opened for rafting activities including rivers in South America and Africa. In 1990s, rafting was included in major game events like the Barcelona Games in 1992, Atlanta Games in 1996, and the whitewater events of the Summer Olympic Games hosted by Ocoee River in Tennessee Valley. In addition, the International Federation of Rafting was instituted in 1997 and in 1999 the first Official International Championship was held. Rafts were originally the simplest form of man"s transportation in water and were then made of several logs, planks or reeds which were fastened together. Nowadays, inflatable boat were used as rafts which were later adopted by the military for beach assaults. It consists of very durable, multi-layered rubberized or vinyl fabrics with several independent air chambers. Its length varies between 3.5 m (11 ft) and 6 m (20 ft), the width between 1.8 m (6 ft) and 2.5 m (8 ft). The exception to this size rule is usually the packraft, which is designed as a portable single-person raft and may be as small as 1.5m long and weigh as little as 4 lbs. Rafts come in a few different forms. In Europe the most common is the symmetrical raft steered with a paddle at the stern. Other types are the asymmetrical, rudder-controlled raft and the symmetrical raft with central helm (oars). Rafts are usually propelled with ordinary paddles and typically hold 4 to 12 persons. In Russia rafts are often hand made and are often a catamaran style with two inflatable tubes attached to a frame. Pairs of paddlers navigate these rafts. Catamaran style rafts have become popular in the western United States as well, but are typically rowed instead of paddled. Class 1: Very small rough areas, requires no maneuvering. (Skill Level: None) Class 2: Some rough water, maybe some rocks, might require maneuvering.(Skill Level: Basic Paddling Skill) Class 3: Whitewater, small waves, maybe a small drop, but no considerable danger. May require significant maneuvering.(Skill Level: Experienced paddling skills) Class 4: Whitewater, medium waves, maybe rocks, maybe a considerable drop, sharp maneuvers may be needed. (Skill Level: Whitewater Experience) Class 5: Whitewater, large waves, possibility of large rocks and hazards, possibility of a large drop, requires precise maneuvering (Skill Level: Advanced Whitewater Experience) Class 6: Class 6 rapids are considered to be so dangerous as to be effectively unnavigable on a reliably safe basis. Rafters can expect to encounter substantial whitewater, huge waves, huge rocks and hazards, and/or substantial drops that will impart severe impacts beyond the structural capacities and impact ratings of almost all rafting equipment. Traversing a Class 6 rapid has a dramatically increased likelihood of ending in serious injury or death compared to lesser classes. (Skill Level: Successful completion of a Class 6 rapid without serious injury or death is widely considered to be a matter of great luck or extreme skill) Whitewater rafting can be a dangerous sport, especially if basic safety precautions are not observed. Both commercial and private trips have seen their share of injuries and fatalities, though private travel has typically been associated with greater risk. Depending on the area, legislated safety measures may exist for rafting operators. These range from certification of outfitters, rafts, and raft leaders, to more stringent regulations about equipment and procedures. It is generally advisable to discuss safety measures with a rafting operator before signing on for a trip. The equipment used and the qualifications of the company and raft guides are essential information to be considered. Like most outdoor sports, rafting in general has become safer over the years. Expertise in the sport has increased, and equipment has become more specialized and increased in quality. As a result the difficulty rating of most river runs has changed. A classic example would be the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon or Jalcomulco River in Mexico, which has swallowed whole expeditions in the past, leaving only fragments of boats but is now run safely by commercial outfitters hundreds of times each year, with relatively untrained passengers. [2] Risks in whitewater rafting stem from both environmental dangers and from improper behavior. Certain features on rivers are inherently unsafe and have remained consistently so despite the passage of time. These would include "keeper hydraulics", "strainers" (e.g. fallen trees), dams (especially low-head dams, which tend to produce river-wide keeper hydraulics), undercut rocks, and of course dangerously high waterfalls. Rafting with experienced guides is the safest way to avoid such features. Even in safe areas, however, moving water can always present risks -- such as when a swimmer attempts to stand up on a rocky riverbed in strong current, risking foot entrapment. Irresponsible behavior related to rafting while intoxicated has also contributed to many accidents. To combat the illusion that rafting is akin to an amusement park ride, and to underscore the personal responsibility each rafter faces on a trip, rafting outfitters generally require customers to sign waiver forms indicating understanding and acceptance of potential serious risks. Rafting trips often begin with safety presentations to educate customers about problems that may arise. Due to this the overall risk level on a rafting trip with experienced guides using proper precautions is low.[citation needed] Thousands of people safely enjoy raft trips every year.

我的手表上面有个WEST END WATCH CO 下面是FOWAN,后盖上有WATERRESISTANT,还有个W,最下边有一排数字03 502

WEST END WATCH CO 是西尾手表有限公司WATER RESISTANT防水 后面的数字应该是生产日期
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