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the saltwater room 这首歌到底在表达什么.?

2023-07-21 18:30:29


这首歌里面有几句翻译成中文是:“把一枚海螺放在耳边 ,你会听见来自水下洞穴的海浪声,仿佛置身于一个充满海水的房间”



saltwater room是什么意思?

2023-07-21 17:34:291


lagoon 咸水湖。地球上湖泊总面积为270万平方公里,占陆地面积的1.8%,面积大于5000平方公里的湖泊有35个。我们根据湖泊面积的大小可以对世界上的湖泊进行下排序:第一名里海,咸水湖,面积37.1万平方公里,储水量89.6万亿立方米。第二名苏必利尔湖,淡水湖,面积8.2万平方公里,最大深度405米。蓄水量1.2万立方公里。第三名维多利亚湖,淡水湖,非洲最大湖泊,湖的面积6.9万平方公里。
2023-07-21 17:34:362

the saltwater room最浪漫的意译是什么?

The Saltwater Room 中文意思应该是泪水伤心地、深海空间 但它通常称为盐水屋. 那用我的角度来分析一下,先从英文单字The开始吧,这个英文单字在这里的意思是指强调某件事情,也可以说这件事情是特殊的、只有一个的(英文学得好就明白我指的是什么了).本人觉得The这个单字最浪漫的意译,应该是特殊. 接下来就是Saltwater ,中文意思是盐水,但是盐水嘛,海水也是盐水啊,所以,我们就把这个英文单字定义为深海. 最后一个,Room,中文意思是房子、空间,照理说应该没有什么特殊的定义.不过我们可以换一个角度出发:现在不是很多人喜欢说那些肉麻话吗?例如住到我的心里来、敞开心扉让你住进来……总结一下,房子也可以比喻为心. 好了,我们把它全部都给串起来,那就会变成:特殊深海心. 让我们把它的意思给用另一些文字表达出来,最好的应该是这个:唯有深海心. 所以,本人愚见,the saltwater room最浪漫的意译应该就是唯有深海心,谢谢!:)
2023-07-21 17:35:241


2023-07-21 17:35:334

The saltwater room中文是什么~~??

The saltwater room - Owl City昨晚我睁开眼,看到你在微弱的光线下 沿着海湾散步,在海岸上,凝望着那些不会再在此出现的飞机。 我感到夜正变得苍老,而你看起来如此的冷漠 像一个内向的人,我套着我的旧衬衫。 衬衫紧裹着我的双臂,我开始剧烈的颤抖 你正巧看到周围环绕我的通道 飞奔进黑漆漆的地道 周围所有的地铁发出了巨大的声响 对我疲惫的身心说再见 当你把耳朵贴近贝壳 你能听到水下洞穴里的波涛汹涌 就好象你真的在海底的洞穴 在一起的时间总觉得不够 当我们独处的时候,我从来没有这种在家的感觉 是什么促成了还是毁灭了这爱的暗语 我们需要时间,只是时间 当我们分开的时候,你究竟在想些什么 如果这就是我所谓的家,为什么我会感到如此的孤单 告诉我,亲爱的,你希望我们坠入情网吗 并且一直,一直相爱下去 难道你认为所有的人都已远去,也不会让我来到你的身边吗 我已经不可自拔,难以放松甚至会失眠。 我感觉好象是在家数着船上的灯的那些夜晚 我想有些事情永远都没有答案 我们将关掉所有的灯,让舞厅燃烧起热情。 能力有限,希望你满意! /db朱旺他爸 回答采纳率:28.8% 2008-04-23 11:17 检举昨晚我睁开眼,看到你在微弱的光线下 沿着海湾散步,在海岸上,凝望着那些不会再在此出现的飞机。 我感到夜正变得苍老,而你看起来如此的冷漠 像一个内向的人,我套着我的旧衬衫。 衬衫紧裹着我的双臂,我开始剧烈的颤抖 你正巧看到周围环绕我的通道 飞奔进黑漆漆的地道 周围所有的地铁发出了巨大的声响 对我疲惫的身心说再见 当你把耳朵贴近贝壳 你能听到水下洞穴里的波涛汹涌 就好象你真的在海底的洞穴 在一起的时间总觉得不够 当我们独处的时候,我从来没有这种在家的感觉 是什么促成了还是毁灭了这爱的暗语 我们需要时间,只是时间 当我们分开的时候,你究竟在想些什么 如果这就是我所谓的家,为什么我会感到如此的孤单 告诉我,亲爱的,你希望我们坠入情网吗 并且一直,一直相爱下去 难道你认为所有的人都已远去,也不会让我来到你的身边吗 我已经不可自拔,难以放松甚至会失眠。 我感觉好象是在家数着船上的灯的那些夜晚 我想有些事情永远都没有答案 我们将关掉所有的灯,让舞厅燃烧起热情。
2023-07-21 17:35:421

《The Saltwater Room》中的女声是谁唱的?

The Saltwater Room中的女声---Breanne Düren 这是她的MYSPACE空间: 这个应该是比较真实的说法了参考资料:
2023-07-21 17:36:141


手头有很多 把你邮箱打上
2023-07-21 17:36:359

owl city最好听的歌?

啊···我也好喜欢他们的歌~推荐一些我认为好听的哈`Rainbow Veins,,Air Traffic,,The Saltwater Room(我的最爱)
2023-07-21 17:36:532

Owl City 不是只有一个成员Adam·Young吗?为什么我在听他的《The Saltwater Room》的时候会听到女声呢?

《The Saltwater Room》后半段出现的女声来自于Breanne Düren,与Adam Young一样来自于明尼苏达州,声音像奶油冰激凌一般,细腻动听。她的声音清新自成一派,目前没有与任何唱片公司签约。在Breanne Düren的Myspace中有两支单曲,均为她演唱。
2023-07-21 17:37:001


Alligator ,crocodile
2023-07-21 17:37:224


2023-07-21 17:38:5615


01 Yesterday Once More 昨日重现02 Scarborough Fair 斯卡波罗集市 电影《毕业生》插曲03 Because I Love You 因为我爱你04 Love Story 爱情故事05 Oh, Pretty Woman 窈窕淑女06 Summer Kisses Winter Tears 爱到世界末日07 Unchained Melody 锁不住的旋律 电影《人鬼情未了》主题曲08 Because You Loved Me 因为你曾爱我09 I Will Always Love You 我将一直爱你 电影《护花倾情》插曲10 Wind Flower 风之花11 You"re My Everything 你是我的一切12 4:55 4点55分13 Jambalaya 什锦菜14 Rose Rose I Love You 玫瑰玫瑰我爱你15 I"d Love You To Want Me 我愿你爱我16 Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡17 The Sound Of Scilence 寂静之声 电影《毕业生》主题曲18 Say You, Say Me 说你,说我 电影《飞越苏联》插曲19 Sealed With A Kiss 以吻封缄20 More Than I Can Say 爱你在心口难开21 Take My Breath Away 带走我的呼吸 《壮志凌云》主题曲22 The One You"ll Love 你将爱的人23 Let It Be 由它去24 Careless Whispers 无心私语25 Memory 回忆26 Without You 没有你27 My Eyes Adored You 永远挚爱28 Puff 神龙帕夫29 Right here waiting 此情可待30 Paloma Blanca 白蓝鸽31 Baby 宝贝32 Lemon Tree 柠檬树33 Latin Girl 拉丁女孩34 The Moonwalk 太空舞步35 Gold Is Girl 上帝是个女孩36 Nothing"s Gonna Change My Love For You 此情永不移37 My Heart Will Go On 我心永恒38 Heal The World 拯救地球39 Auld Lang Syne 友谊天长地久40 That"s Why You Go Away 离开的理由
2023-07-21 17:39:234


2023-07-21 17:39:408


  这些比较嗨点的英文歌你都听过吗?一起来听一下吧。   比较嗨点的英文歌如下:   1.the saltwater room you know   3.touch my body   4.i"m yours   5.solo lucky day   7.unforgivable sinner   8.sitting down here   9.whatever it takes   10.7 days   11.beautiful girls   12.force of nature   13.whatcha think about that   14.lose you   15.mary jane shoes   在比较嗨点的英文歌中最受欢迎的是the saltwater room,一起来欣赏下吧。   双语歌词   I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light   昨夜睁开双眼,你躲在昏黄的夜   Walking down by the bay, on the shore,   沿着海湾漫步沙滩   staring up at the planes that aren"t there anymore   抬头望着早已远去的飞机   I was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold   我想是夜晚太漫长止不住悲伤,你看起来如此冷漠   Like an introvert, I drew my over shirt   单衣薄衫   Around my arms and began to shiver violently before   止不住发颤   You happened to look and see the tunnels all around me   不经然地一瞥,望向那隧道包围着我   Running into the dark underground   一直漫延,向无尽漆黑的地底   All the subways around create a great sound   巨大的声音响彻隧道   To my motion fatigue: farewell   再见吧我疲惫的心灵   With your ear to a seashell   请倾听贝壳的声音   You can hear the waves in underwater caves   你能听到洞穴里海浪的呼唤   As if you actually were inside a saltwater room   就像在那海水做成的房间   Time together is just never quite enough   相聚的时间总是短暂   When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home   当我们彼此分开,就从未有过家一般的感觉   What will it take to make or break this hint of love?   要维系这爱的线索代价是什么?   We need time, only time   我们需要时间,仅仅是时间   When weu2019re apart whatever are you thinking of?   当我不在你身边,无论你在想什么   If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?   如果这就是家,为何我感到那么孤独?   So tell me darling, do you wish weu2019d fall in love?   亲爱的快告诉我,你愿意爱上我吗?   All the time, all the time   就那么爱下去,相守到永远   Can you believe that the crew has gone   你能相信吗,那些人群已远去   and wouldn"t let me sign on?   离开了我的记忆   All my islands have sunk in the deep,   我已沉溺无法自拔   so I can hardly relax or even oversleep   根本无法放松甚至睡去   I feel as if I were home some nights   我仿佛又回到了家   when we count all the ship lights   回到我们数着船舶和星点灯光的夜晚   I guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snow   我猜我永远也不会懂麻雀爱上雪的理由吧   We"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow   让我们关掉所有的灯,让这个舞厅焕发光彩   So tell me darling, do you wish weu2019d fall in love?   那么亲爱的请你告诉我,你愿意和我相爱吗?   Time together is just never quite enough   在一起时间走得那么快   When you and I are alone, Iu2019ve never felt so at home   没有你就没有了家的存在   What will it take to make or break this hint of love?   好想知道维系着爱情的是什么?   We need time, only time   是时间,我们需要的是时间   When weu2019re apart whatever are you thinking of?   当我不在你身边,无论你在想什么   If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?   如果这就是家,为何我感到那么孤独?   So tell me darling, do you wish weu2019d fall in love?   亲爱的快告诉我,你愿意爱上我吗?   All the time, all the time   就那么爱下去,相守到永远   Time together is just never quite enough   没有太多时间给我陪伴你   When weu2019re apart whatever are you thinking of?   不在你身边你会想些什么?   What will it take to make or break this hint of love?   我要如何制造这爱的绳索锁住你我?   So tell me darling, do you wish weu2019d fall in love?   亲爱的请告诉我,你愿意和我相爱在一起吗?   All the time   直到永远
2023-07-21 17:40:081

求The Saltwater Room的英文歌词

i opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light walking down by the bay, on the shore, staring up at the planes that aren"t the re anymore i was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold like an introvert, i drew my over shirt around my arms and began to shiver viole ntly before you happened to look and see the tunnels all around me running into the dark underground all the subways around create a great so und to my motion fatigue: farewell with your ear to a seashell you can hear the waves in underwater cav es as if you actually were inside a saltwat er room time together is just never quite enough when you and i are alone, i"ve never fel t so at home what will it take to make or break this hint of love" we need time, only time when we"re apart whatever are you thinki ng of" if this is what i call home, why does it feel so alone" so tell me darling, do you wish we"d fal l in love" all the time, all the time can you believe that the crew has gone and wouldn"t let me sign on" all my islands have sunk in the deep, so i can hardly relax or even oversleep i feel as if i were home some nights when we count all the ship lights i guess i"ll never know why sparrows lov e the snow we"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow time together is just never quite enough when you and i are alone, i"ve never fel t so at home what will it take to make or break this hint of love" we need time, only time when we"re apart whatever are you thinki ng of" if this is what i call home, why does it feel so alone" so tell me darling, do you wish we"d fal l in love" all the time, all the time time together is just never quite enough when we"re apart whatever are you thinki ng of" what will it take to make or break this hint of love" so tell me darling, do you wish we"d fal l in love" all the time, all the time
2023-07-21 17:40:211

the saltwater room音译

你好,很高兴为你解答the saltwater room网络泪水伤心地; 强烈推荐; 简谱; 中英; 盐水房希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。
2023-07-21 17:40:292

the saltwater room最浪漫的意译是什么?

The Saltwater Room 中文意思应该是泪水伤心地、深海空间 但它通常称为盐水屋. 那用我的角度来分析一下,先从英文单字The开始吧,这个英文单字在这里的意思是指强调某件事情,也可以说这件事情是特殊的、只有一个的(英文学得好就明白我指的是什么了).本人觉得The这个单字最浪漫的意译,应该是特殊. 接下来就是Saltwater ,中文意思是盐水,但是盐水嘛,海水也是盐水啊,所以,我们就把这个英文单字定义为深海. 最后一个,Room,中文意思是房子、空间,照理说应该没有什么特殊的定义.不过我们可以换一个角度出发:现在不是很多人喜欢说那些肉麻话吗?例如住到我的心里来、敞开心扉让你住进来……总结一下,房子也可以比喻为心. 好了,我们把它全部都给串起来,那就会变成:特殊深海心. 让我们把它的意思给用另一些文字表达出来,最好的应该是这个:唯有深海心. 所以,本人愚见,the saltwater room最浪漫的意译应该就是唯有深海心,谢谢!:)
2023-07-21 17:40:501


2023-07-21 17:40:571

owl city的歌有一首歌词是I OPEN MY EYES...那首歌叫什么

the saltwater room
2023-07-21 17:41:052

the saltwater room的歌词的中文意思

2023-07-21 17:41:132


Island In The Sun
2023-07-21 17:41:372


1.Water is a common chemical substance that is essential for the survival of all known forms of life2.water refers only to its liquid form or state, but the substance also has a solid state, ice, and a gaseous state, water vapor3.About 1.460 petatonnes (Pt) of water covers 71% of the Earth"s surface4.Some of the Earth"s water is contained within man-made and natural objects near the Earth"s surface such as water towers, animal and plant bodies, manufactured products, and food stores.5.Saltwater oceans hold 97% of surface water, glaciers and polar ice caps 2.4%, and other land surface water such as rivers, lakes and ponds 0.6%.6.Water moves continually through a cycle of evaporation or transpiration (evapotranspiration), precipitation, and runoff, usually reaching the sea.7.Water can appear in three phases8.Water takes many different forms on Earth: water vapor and clouds in the sky; seawater and rarely icebergs in the ocean; glaciers and rivers in the mountains; and aquifers in the ground9.Water can dissolve many different substances, giving it different tastes and odors10.Water is the chemical substance with chemical formula H2O.好了有10句了,你要100句都有.
2023-07-21 17:41:451

the saltwater room是谁的歌曲?其中文译词是什么?歌手简介?

演唱:Owl City乐队(中文名:猫头鹰之城) 来自美国明尼苏达州奥瓦通纳(Owatonna, Minnesota)的大学二年级生,Adam Young,于2007年组建了Owl City乐队。他就是这支流行电子乐队的唯一成员,负责主音、合成器和编曲等工作。随之独立发行的首张专辑《Of June》,在2007年的夏天,为电音界吹来一股凉爽的清风。   2008年3月18日,Owl City第二张专辑《Maybe I"m Dreaming》问世。梦幻的标题,简洁的封面,如同糖衣包裹的声线和旋律,在这个春暖花开的季节再次捎来令人欣喜的清新气息。曲风是Electronica和Pop的完美融合,似乎又有一点Indie Rock的味道。饶有趣味的歌词有如抒情诗一般的迷人魅力,又颇具美学的魔力。你会惊叹于冰冷的键盘上怎能滑落如此圆润的音符,电子元素的巧妙运用使得整张专辑饱满而不失利落,跃动着生机盎然的温情。Adam Young在他的MySpace上写到,由于失眠的缘故,大部分歌曲都是在凌晨的时候制作出来的。清晨的第一滴露水和青草的芳香,已无形地渗透到Owl City的音乐里,自然灵动的氛围贯穿其中。《The Saltwater Room》和《Air Traffic》后半段出现的女声好像奶油一样,甜甜的与曲子的整体气质都很搭。此外《Rainbow Veins》和《Dear Vienna》也都是重点推荐的曲目。让四月的好心情伴随好音乐蔓延。   他的声音象少女倾诉心事一样温文细气,但对旋律节奏的掌握却十分到位.Of June这张EP就以欢快的电子旋律征服了不少听众,象宝石般闪烁明亮.而首张专辑Maybe I"m Dreaming在演绎方面Owl City显然更加投入,从精致的和声到深情的合唱,Owl City的个人魅力也越加凸现.甜蜜的声线清新的电子音乐,这貌试简单的配搭却被Owl City演绎得绚丽多彩,尽管夏日未到但已仿佛感受到那份清爽的惬意!  
2023-07-21 17:41:521


英文歌盐水屋English song water house
2023-07-21 17:41:592


2023-07-21 17:42:215


艾薇儿 - complicated.
2023-07-21 17:42:388

the city of venice, built on saltwater marshes

1. D 2. B 3. B 4. A1. D解析:第一段提到威尼斯是建立在许多岛屿上的,水路被当成街来用,由此 可知不会看到人在街上走。故正确答案 为D项。2. B解析:根据第二段最后一句可把A 项排除;由第二段倒数第三句中的“ there are still lots of gondolas” 可把 D 项排除; 根据第一段倒数第二句和最后一段第一 句可排除C项。整篇文章没有提到公共 汽车和小汽车。故正确答案为B项。3. B解析:根据第二段第三句中的“But today motor boats make getting around faster.可知摩托艇比传统的船速度 快,故正确答案为B项。4. A解析:由文章最后两句可知,海水涨 潮,运河里的水位升高,船必然也会随着 升高,所以船过桥的时候 人必须要低头 弯腰过去。to fit under bridges意思为 “适合从桥下过”,因此正确答案为 A项。
2023-07-21 17:43:001

The Saltwater Room这个歌的翻译,不要中文翻译,要谐音那种,,,

2023-07-21 17:43:102


owl city - the saltwater room.mp3肯定是这首,酷狗上有哦
2023-07-21 17:43:282

英语作文 水的重要性

2023-07-21 17:43:395


2023-07-21 17:44:035

owl city 比较好听的歌有哪些?

shine your waygood time,the saltwater room
2023-07-21 17:44:185

owl city 乐队的《the saltwater room》的歌词翻译成中文是什么?

昨晚我睁开眼,看到你在微弱的光线下 沿着海湾散步,在海岸上,凝望着那些不会再在此出现的飞机。 我感到夜正变得苍老,而你看起来如此的冷漠 像一个内向的人,我套着我的旧衬衫。 衬衫紧裹着我的双臂,我开始剧烈的颤抖 你正巧看到周围环绕我的通道 飞奔进黑漆漆的地道 周围所有的地铁发出了巨大的声响 对我疲惫的身心说再见 当你把耳朵贴近贝壳 你能听到水下洞穴里的波涛汹涌 就好象你真的在海底的洞穴 在一起的时间总觉得不够 当我们独处的时候,我从来没有这种在家的感觉 是什么促成了还是毁灭了这爱的暗语 我们需要时间,只是时间 当我们分开的时候,你究竟在想些什么 如果这就是我所谓的家,为什么我会感到如此的孤单 告诉我,亲爱的,你希望我们坠入情网吗 并且一直,一直相爱下去 难道你认为所有的人都已远去,也不会让我来到你的身边吗 我已经不可自拔,难以放松甚至会失眠。 我感觉好象是在家数着船上的灯的那些夜晚 我想有些事情永远都没有答案 我们将关掉所有的灯,让舞厅燃烧起热情。
2023-07-21 17:44:501

求《the saltwater room》空间链接
2023-07-21 17:44:572


2023-07-21 17:45:055


歌名:The Saltwater Room〖泪水伤心地〗 专辑:Maybe I"m Dreaming 演唱:Owl City 昨夜我睁开眼,看见你在昏暗的灯光下沿着海湾走下去,凝视不断延伸的海平面 我感觉到夜的老去,而你那么冷淡 就像一个内向者,我提着我的外衣 挥动我的双臂,开始激烈地打碎过去 你注视围绕在我四周的隧道 飞奔入黑暗的地下 四周所有地铁都发出一种美妙的声音 我累了,永别了 把一枚海螺放在耳边 你会听见来自水下洞穴的海浪声 仿佛置身于一个充满海水的房间 在一起的时间总是不够 When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home 你我孤独时,我没有在家的感觉 What will it take to make or break this hint of love 制造然后破译爱的暗示的,将是什么 We need time, only time 我们需要时间,只是时间 When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of? 我们分离时,你在想什么 If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone? 如果我把这称为“家”,它为何如此孤独? So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love? 那么,亲爱的,告诉我,你是不是希望我们相爱 All the time, All the time... 一直,一直。。。Can you believe that the crew has gone and wouldn"t let me sign on? 你相信吗?人群已离去,他们会让我们在此作下标志 All my islands have sunk in the deep, so I can hardly relax or even oversleep 我整个岛都已坠入深渊,所以,我现在不敢放松,难以入睡 I feel as if I were home some nights when we count all the ship lights 我仿佛又回到家里,回到那些我们一起数船上的灯的夜晚 I guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snow 我猜,我永远不会知道麻雀爱雪的理由 We"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow 我们关上所有灯,把这舞厅布置得一片通红
2023-07-21 17:45:371


2023-07-21 17:45:452


2023-07-21 17:45:5415

saltwater room 歌词

【歌词】The Saltwater RoomI opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low lightWalking down by the bay, on the shoreStaring up at the planes that aren"t there anymoreI was feeling the night grow oldAnd you were looking so cold like an introvertI drew my over shirt around my arms and began to shiver violentlyBefore you happened to lookAnd see the tunnels all around meRunning into the dark undergroundAll the subways around create a great soundTo my motion fatigue: farewellWith your ear to a seashellYou can hear the waves in underwater cavesAs if you actually were inside a saltwater roomTime together is just never quite enoughWhen you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at homeWhat will it take to make or break this hint of love?We need time, only timeWhen we"re apart whatever are you thinking ofIf this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?All the time, all the timeCan you believe that the crew has goneAnd wouldn"t let me sign on?All my islands have sunk in the deepSo I can hardly relax or even oversleepI feel as if I were homeSome nights when we count all the ship lightsI guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snowWe"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglowSo tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?All the timeTime together is just never quite enoughWhen you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at homeWhat will it take to make or break this hint of love?We need time, only timeWhen we"re apart whatever are you thinking ofIf this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?All the time, all the timeTime together is just never quite enoughWhen we"re apart whatever are you thinking of?What will it take to make or break this hint of love?So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?All the time...〖永远相爱...〗我也很喜欢这首歌。。
2023-07-21 17:46:171

“the saltwater room”算情歌吗?歌词是怎么表现的

算情歌啊,男女声各自述说了对对方的情感。还是感情比较热烈但是有种诗意的含蓄的情歌呢。中文歌词 我睁开眼睛,昨天晚上看见你在昏暗的灯光下漫步在海湾的海岸盯着不存在了的天上的星星我感觉到夜的老去,而你那么冷淡我像一个性格内向的人,我提着我的衬衫在我的胳膊,开始剧烈的颤抖你注视围绕在我四周的隧道入黑暗的地下运行身边的地铁发出很大的声音我的运动疲劳,告别你的耳朵贝壳你可以听到海浪在水下洞穴如果你真的是一个海水室内在一起的时间不会很足够当你和我是孤独的,我从来没有感觉这么在家制造或打破这爱情线索的代价将是什么?只有时间,只有时间你能相信船员已经离去?他们不会让我上岸我所有的岛屿都深陷我几乎不能放松甚至失眠但我觉得你的手温暖当我们沿着海岸线走我想我们永远不会知道麻雀爱雪我们将打开所有的灯,并设置舞厅发红所以告诉我,亲爱的,你希望我们相爱?是啊,所有的时间,所有的时间在一起的时间不会很足够当你和我是孤独的,我从来没有感觉这么在家制造或打破这爱情线索的代价将是什么?只有时间,只有时间当我们分开的时候你什么都在想什么?如果这是我所谓的家,为什么感觉这么孤单?所以告诉我,亲爱的,你希望我们相爱?所有的时间,所有的时间在一起的时间不会很足够当我们分开的时候你什么都在想什么?制造或打破这爱情线索的代价将是什么?所以告诉我,亲爱的,你希望我们相爱?所有的时间,哦,所有的时间。 大意如下。男:你是不是希望我们在一起相爱相守?女:我一直都希望这样,所有的时间(都希望)。
2023-07-21 17:46:241


Sold Out这首歌吗
2023-07-21 17:46:453


许 嵩 的
2023-07-21 17:46:547

我译经典老歌——The Saltwater Room(深海空间)

歌手:- Owl City歌词译文:真念一思 总有那么一段情,就像一曲余音袅袅的歌,让你久久无法释怀 总有那么一首歌,不经意间,轻扯出你心底最深处那一抹温柔......(来自音乐网评) 歌曲简介: 《The Saltwater Room》是一首由歌手Owl City 演唱的歌曲,出自专辑《Maybe I"m Dreaming》。 这首歌分早期版和增强版两个版本,在歌词、节拍和演唱风格都有较大不同。早期版收录于2008年发布的《Maybe I"m Dreaming》专辑中,增强版则是Owl City在2009年发布的成名专辑《Ocean Eyes》中的重制版本。 歌词区别 早期版的是:"I feel as if I were home some nights when we count all the ship lights", 增强版的是:"But I feel warm with your hand in mine when we walk along the shoreline..."; "Staring up at the stars that planes/stares aren"t there anymore"中,增强版的为"stars",早期版为"planes"。 增强版的是"Time together isn"t ever quite enough." 早期版的是"Time together is just never quite enough ." 风格区别 早期版的节奏较轻柔,进入副歌之前有一段风铃声的演奏,是Owl City刚出道时的青涩小清新风格。 重制版为了配合整张新专辑的曲风,低音和节奏得到加强,并且分别精简了前奏和第一次副歌部分。 歌手简介: OwlCity Owl City,原名Adam Young来自美国明尼苏达州奥瓦通纳( Owatonna, Minnesota )的大学二年级生,于2007年组建了Owl City乐队。他就是这支流行电子乐队的唯一成员,负责主音、合成器和编曲等工作。随之独立发行的首张专辑《Of June》,在2007年的夏天,为电音界吹来一股凉爽的清风。 女声部分 《The Saltwater Room》后半段出现的女声来自于Breanne Düren,与Adam Young一样来自于明尼苏达州,Owl City的《Honey And The Bee》也是Breanne Düren的甜美女声。声音像奶油冰激凌一般,细腻动听。她的声音清新自成一派,还没有与任何唱片公司签约。Breanne Düren 在My space中有两支单曲,均为她演唱。单曲有《Daydream》 更多精彩内容,尽在专题: 我译经典老歌 不断更新中,敬请关注赐教!
2023-07-21 17:47:081


2023-07-21 17:47:164

找类似the saltwater room 的英文歌??

2023-07-21 17:47:393


2023-07-21 17:36:061


2023-07-21 17:36:071


散文鸟巢英译赏析   有时走在马路上,仰首遥望居住的那座楼宇,找到第17层那几扇属于自己和自己亲人的窗户,就觉得那个叫作“家”的地方,其实更像一个“鸟巢”。下面是我分享的散文《鸟巢》英译赏析,欢迎大家阅读!   鸟巢   The Bird"s Nest   肖凤   Xiao Feng   水泥浇铸成的塔楼和板楼,鳞次栉比,远远望去,仿佛是陡峭垂直的群山,构成了大城市的独特风景线。然而它们的造型,僵硬呆板,不像大自然的山峦,鬼斧神工,有着美妙的线条,蕴含着迷人的神韵。   Rows of cement tower buildings and prefabs, looking from afar like groups of steep mountains, are a unique sight in big cities. They are stiff and stereotyped in form, unlike real mountains which a masterwork of nature with beautiful lines and implicit enchanting grace.   要点:   1,“水泥浇铸成的塔楼和板楼,鳞次栉比”译为Rows of cement tower buildings and prefabs,其中用rows 或rows upon row意即“一个挨着一个”,表达鳞次栉比   2,“水泥浇成的”可译为cement 或cement- poured,因为“水泥”和“混凝土”基本相同,也可以用concrete-poured代替   3,“板楼”指“预制板房屋”,译为prefabs,即prefabricated buildings   4,“鬼斧神工,有着美妙的线条”两分句意义相同,取其一翻译即可   不过,生活在北京市的平民百姓,如果能够在这灰色的或者绿色的,或者别的什么颜色的高楼里,拥有一个属于自己的空间,不论是大是小,只要它是独立的,能够无拘无束地生活着,也就满足了。   Nevertheless, the common people of Beijing will be content with housing accommodation, big or small, in a high-rise of gray, green or any other color, where they can enjoy the ease and privacy of their own home.   要点:   1,整个段落的主干为“生活在北京市的百姓(对居住环境)感到满足,不论是…还是…”因此译为the common people of Beijing will be content with housing accommodation…   2,“独立的,能够无拘无束地生活”译者按“不受干扰地,自由自在地生活”译为they can enjoy the ease and privacy of…,其中privacy作“不受干扰”或“独处”解,ease作“自由自在”解   有时走在马路上,仰首遥望居住的那座楼宇,找到第17层那几扇属于自己和自己亲人的窗户,就觉得那个叫作“家”的地方,其实更像一个“鸟巢”。因为它方方正正,像一个匣子,虽然它被夹在第16层与第18层之间,却总是觉得它好像是被高高地吊在半空中,上不着天,下不着地。作为人类的家园,它似乎是太高了一点儿。   Sometimes, while strolling in the street, I raise my head to gaze far ahead at the building where I live. As I identify the windows of my family on the 17th floor, I realize what we call our “home” is in fact more like a “bird"s nest”. It"s cubical like a box. Sandwiched in between the 16th and 18th floor, it"s still like something hanging high up in midair, touching neither the sky nor the earth. Apparently, it"s a bit too high for a human domicile.   要点:   1,“虽然它被夹在第16层与第18层之间”译为Sandwiched in between the 16th and 18th floor,其中sandwhich意即“插入; 把…夹在…之间; 挤在…中间; 把…夹在面包片中”,此处使用可谓是生动形象~   因此常常羡慕鸟儿,它们能够自由自在地飞翔,如果它们把巢筑在第17层上面,也能舒展开自己的双翼,款款地飞回去。而且还能站在自己的巢里,优哉游哉地鸟瞰人群。可是我没有翅膀,如果我要回到自己的“鸟巢”,必须借助楼里的电梯。而电梯又受制于电的有无,或有没有故障(它常有故障),以及开电梯的小姐是否坐在岗位上。不像鸟儿那般自由,一切由它自己做主,想要出门就出门,想要归巢就归巢。   Therefore, I often envy birds their ability to fly freely. If they had a nest built on the 17th floor of our building, they could also fly back to it light-heartedly and then stand enjoying a leisurely view of crowds milling about in the streets. But, unfortunately, I have no wings. So I have to use the elevator in the building to get back to my “nest”. And, mind you, that depends upon the uninterrupted supply of electric power, the trouble-free condition of the elevator (which often has troubles) and the presence of the girl elevator operator on duty. Unlike birds, I can"t always act as I think fit, leaving or coming back to my “nest” freely as I please.   要点:   1,“也能舒展开自己的双翼,款款地飞回去”意即“也能轻松愉快地飞回去”译为hey could also fly back to it light-heartedly   2,“还能站在自己的巢里,优哉游哉地鸟瞰人群”译为and then stand enjoying a leisurely view of crowds milling about in the streets.其中milling about in the streets 意即 “在街上转来转去”是译者增译的部分,更加突出了“优哉游哉”的状态   3,“而电梯又受制于电的有无”译为And, mind you, that depends upon the uninterrupted supply of electric power…,mind you是增益部分,用以增加全文语气   4,“想要出门就出门,想要归巢就归巢”是典型的中式句式,而且还是很口语化的,需要我们进行整合,即“出门和回家都随自己高兴”,译为leaving or coming back to my “nest” freely as I please   坐在窗前的写字台前伏案 工作,忽然听见“咕,咕,咕”的悦耳声音,抬头一望,原来是两只白色的鸽子站在窗外的窗沿上,正在亲昵地对话。我不愿惊扰它们,便静静地坐在那里,欣赏它 们的漂亮形体与温柔姿态。待它们亲热地谈得够了,就会转过小巧的头颅,用它们那双明亮的小眼睛,与我对视。每逢这时,我就很想告诉它们,我是多么地喜欢鸽 子,毕加索笔下的那只名鸽,其实远不如真实的鸽子美丽。我还会产生错觉,不知是这对鸽子还是自己,正住在“鸟巢”里,也不知我与它们是否同类。它们的小脑 袋里想些什么,我一无所知,反正是等到它们留连得够了,就展翅飞翔,飞回到属于它们自己的巢里,那个鸟巢比我的“鸟巢”平方米略少,不过也是悬在半空,悬 在对面那座塔楼的一家住户的阳台上。   Sometimes, sitting at my desk before the window, I will suddenly hear a soft cooing sound and, looking up, I find a pair of white doves billing and cooing on the outer windowsill. Unwilling to alarm them, I will sit quietly admiring their elegant shape and gentle carriage. At the end of their rendezvous, they will turn their heads and exchange stares with me, their tiny eyes glistening. I will, on such occasions, be very eager to let them know how I love doves and that the famous dove painted by Picasso is far less beautiful than real doves. I will feel confused as to who should be the real dweller of the “nest”—the pair of doves or me, and whether we are of the same kind. I don"t know what thoughts they have in their tiny brains. Anyway, after enjoying themselves to their heart"s content, they will fly back to the nest of their own. It is somewhat smaller than mine by several square meters, but it is also hanging in midair, over the balcony of a residence in the opposite tower building.   要点:   1,“正在亲昵地对话”未按字面意思直译,而采用成语billing and cooing(谈情说爱),简洁利落   2,“待它们亲热地谈得够了”依旧没有逐字直译,而是意译为At the end of their rendezvous,使行文简洁~而下面的“等到它们留连得够了”就译为了after enjoying themselves to their heart"s content,   除了鸽子之外,也有麻雀造访我的窗台。或者一只,或者两只,或者更多。它们叽叽喳喳,跳跳蹦蹦,全然不顾有人正从窗户的另一面望着它们,很像一群喜爱游玩的活泼孩子。它们的家不知筑在何处,好像比鸽子的家距离远些。   In addition to doves, sparrows also frequent my windowsill. They will come singly, in pairs or groups, chirping and hopping about like playful kids, totally impervious to any peeper behind the window. The whereabouts of their home is unknown, but apparently it is farther than that of doves.   要点:   1,“或者一只,或者两只,或者更多。”译为They will come singly, in pairs or groups…   2,这两段出现许多描写鸟叫的词如“咕咕”cooing “叽叽喳喳”chirping,后者是描写鸟叫声的常用词,注意积累~   3,“全然不顾有人正从窗户的`另一面望着它们”可译为totally impervious to any peeper behind the window,较totally impervious to any onlooker on the other side of the window,更加简洁。   这些客人光顾我的“鸟巢”,让第17层的高空有了魅力。有时站在窗户里面向外望去,常常看见鸟儿们在窗外飞翔,这种景象使自己几乎忘记了是被围困在水泥筑成的方格子里。   The visit of these guests to my “nest” has lent great charm to the 17th floor. Often, when I see birds flying beyond my window, I will forget I am living in the prison cell of a cement-poured home.   要点:   1,“这种景象使自己几乎忘记了是被围困在水泥筑成的方格子里”译为I will forget I am living in the prison cell of a cement-poured home,其中the prison cell of a cement-poured home,意即“像牢房一般的水泥房子”,   可是,只要俯首下望,大城市的单调景色就会一目了然——马路很像一条灰色的带子,形形色色的汽车和无轨电车像大大小小的甲壳虫,慢慢地向前蠕动,很久才能走到视线之外。近处是深灰色的屋顶,远处是层层叠叠的楼群。   But, if I stoop to look down, I"ll see immediately how insipid the city is. The streets stretch like grey ribbons. It takes quite a while for cars of all descriptions and trolleybuses to move along slowly like beetles of various sizes until they are out of sight. Nearer in sight are dull grey rooftops, and farther on stand row upon row of buildings.   要点:   “近处是深灰色的屋顶,远处是层层叠叠的楼群。”译为Nearer in sight are dull grey rooftops, and farther on stand row upon row of buildings.,采用倒装句,是表方位的常用手法   绿色的树木像珍宝,令人 爱不释“目”,使人更加向往大自然。很想变成一只鸟,从这座“鸟巢”中飞出去,飞到森林中去,飞到大海边去,飞到崇山峻岭中去,飞到一切有花有草有树有 水,唯独没有水泥和汽车尾气的地方去,去享受一下没有污染的清新空气,去享受一下没有噪音的宁静氛围,去享受一下没有撒过漂白的粉的清澈溪水,去寻找一个没有是非,没有烦扰,没有摩擦,没有争权夺利,没有勾心斗角,没有尔虞我诈的干净去处。   Green trees are so lovely that we can scarcely take our eyes off them. I wish I could become a bird so that I could fly off from this “nest” to the forest, the sea, the mountain, or to any place with flowers, grass, trees and water, but without cement and tail exhaust. It would be a place where I could enjoy unpolluted fresh air, quiet atmosphere free from noise-pollution, pure water from a limpid brook. It would be a clean space without discord, disturbance, friction, scramble for power and gain, intrigue and mutual deception.   要点:   1,“爱不释"目"”由“爱不释手”(喜爱得舍不得放手)转化而来,译为we can scarcely take our eyes off them   2,“飞到森林中去,飞到大海边去,飞到崇山峻岭中去,飞到一切有花有草有树有水”句式重复,只译一次“飞到”即可~   3,“没有撒过漂白的粉的清澈溪水”即“未被污染的清澈溪水”,译为pure water from a limpid brook ;
2023-07-21 17:36:081


hair复数形式是hairs。 hair:n.毛发;(尤指)头发;有…毛发(或头发)的;(植物叶茎上的)茸毛 扩展资料   Mary"s red hair always made her conspicuous at school.   玛丽的红头发在学校里总是很惹眼。   Did you see the length of his hair?   你看见他头发有多长吗?   Your hair could do with a cut.   你该理发了。
2023-07-21 17:36:041

徐若瑄 timing 平假名歌词

「タイミング ~Timing~」作词∶森浩美&ブラック·ビスケッツ作曲∶中西圭三&小西贵雄歌∶ビビアン·スー(徐若瑄)急に冷たくなって ソッポ向かれたり/忽然变得冷 被扭向一边なんでなんでなんで?/ 到底为什么为什么为什么呢?どんなにいいことだって 间がワルいとね/即使怎么好事也会有坏话カチンときたりで/是感到生气而发怒それがなぜか 君が喋り出すと/为何你开始喋喋不休说那个イヤな空気 すっかり変えてしまうから…/因为讨厌的空气完全改变了…ズレた间のワルさも それも君の“タイミング”/连背离时的分歧那也是你的“时机”仆のココロ和ます なんてフシギなチカラ/我的心和好实为不可思议的力量妙にセコセコ生きて 楽しくなくて /生活于美妙里但不快乐昨日と同じで/与昨日同样君と出会う前まで キモチ张りつめ /与你相遇之前心情紧张折れそうだったよ/容易折断哟小さなこと いちいちムカついて/为小事一一生气笑い方も なんだか忘れてしまってた/笑也觉得好像忘记了ヒトも街も宇宙も まわれまわる“タイミング”/人类、城市、宇宙也都陷入“时机”ヘンにね合わせ过ぎても たぶん辛いだけさ/非同寻常地能互相在一起过 大概祗是艰辛吧谁もみんな 君のようならいい/谁都是如你那样就可以了争いまで きっとなくなったりするでしょう/相争一定会失去吧ヒトも街も宇宙も まわれまわる“タイミング”/人类、城市、宇宙也都陷入“时机”へんにね合わせ过ぎても たぶん辛いだけさ/非同寻常地能互相在一起过 大概祗是艰辛吧たまの间のワルさも 大事なんだね“タイミング”/连偶而时的分歧 也是重要的时机君と仆のシアワセ 笑いながらいこう/你和我的幸福笑着去找吧【 おわり 】
2023-07-21 17:36:031