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irregular verbs是什么意思

irregular verbs不规则动词; 例句:1.It turned out he was only interested in her German irregular verbs.

tow-word verbs

1.turn on/turn off 2.put away 3.pick up 4.fill in 5.turn down 6.hang up 7.give back 8.take out 9.put on 10.take back 11.cross out 12.use up 13.write down

irregular verbs是什么意思

irregular verbs不规则动词;

九年级英语书后面附录的lrregular verbs翻译

When making decisions about land use, some say that human needs should come before animal needs in every case. While I agree that human needs should have primary consideration, humans have a special responsibility to protect the land that endangered animals call home. Animals adapt very slowly to sudden changes in their environments. Many endangered animals can only live in one place, or in a specific type of place. Humans, on the other hand, have a special ability to adapt quickly to changing and hostile environments. For instance, if humans need to live in a very dry environment they can use technology to locate and drill for water, or build pipelines to bring in water from outside. Thousands of years ago the residents of Xinjiang province dug underground tunnels hundreds of kilometers long to carry water to oasis towns like Turpan.关于土地利用的决策时,有人说,在每一种情况下,人类的需求都应该在动物需要的时候出现。虽然我同意人类的需求应该有初步的考虑,人类有一种特殊的责任来保护濒危动物的土地。动物很慢地适应环境的突然变化。许多濒危动物只能住在一个地方,或者在一个特定的地方。人类,另一方面,有一个特殊的能力,以适应快速变化和敌对的环境。例如,如果人类需要生活在一个非常干燥的环境中,他们可以使用技术来定位和钻孔的水,或建造管道,使水从外部。上千年前,新疆省的居民在吐鲁番省境内的数百公里长的地下隧道里挖到了地下隧道,这是一个很好的城市。Because humans are thus flexible while many animals are not, humans should make an effort to use up all available space before encroaching upon the habitats of endangered animals. One of the important reasons to protect endangered animals is that the delicate ecological balance of an area might be irreparably harmed by their extinction. For example, if humans chop down forests and use the land to grow corn, they might simultaneously destroy the habitats of a kind of bird that eats locusts. The next year because the locust population can grow unchecked, locusts might destroy the entire nearby corn crop. Not only do the birds lose their homes, but humans are also harmed. The ecological balance of many natural habitats is still not well understood and humans interfere in it at their peril.因为人类是如此灵活的而许多动物都没有,人类应该努力使用所有可用空间在侵占濒危动物的栖息地。一个保护濒危动物的重要原因就是脆弱的生态平衡可能会被灭绝的不可挽回的伤害。例如,如果人类砍伐森林,并使用土地来种植玉米,他们可能同时破坏一种吃蝗虫的鸟的栖息地。第二年,因为蝗虫种群可以不受限制,蝗虫可能破坏整个附近的玉米作物。鸟类不仅失去家园,而且还受到伤害。许多自然生境的生态平衡还没有很好地理解和人类的干扰,在他们的危险。Finally, humans have much to learn from endangered species. One example is in the field of medicine. By observing a particular species of endangered monkeys in South America, scientists have discovered that monkeys eat a certain kind of plant when they get sick. Through research the scientists discovered that this plant also has medicinal value for humans. If the monkey"s habitat had been destroyed to create more farmland, not only would we lose the plants and the monkeys, we would also lose life-saving medicines and the potential for medical research.最后,人类有很多要学习的濒危物种。一个例子是在医学领域。通过对美国南部某一特定物种的观察,科学家发现猴子在生病时吃了某种植物。通过研究,科学家发现该植物对人类也有药用价值。如果猴子的栖息地被破坏,创造更多的耕地,不仅我们失去了植物和猴子,我们也将失去生命的药品和医疗研究的潜力。

irregular verbs不规则动词表

irregular verbs不规则动词表如下:1、基本形式:be、begin、bend、bite、blow、break、bring、build、buy、catch、choose、come、cost、cut、do、draw、dream、drink、drive、eat、fall。2、过去式:was/were、become-became、begin-began、bend-bent、bite-bit、blow-blew、break-broke、bring-brought、build-built、buy-bought、catch-caught、choose-chose、come-came、cost-cost、cut-cut、do-did、draw-drew、dream-dreamed/dreamt、drink-drank、drive-drove、eat-ate、fall-fell。3、过去分词:be-been、become-become、begin-begun、bend-bent、bite-bitten、blow-blown、break-broken、bring-brought、build-built、buy-bought、catch-caught、choose-chosen、come-come、cost-cost、cut-cut、do-done、draw-drawn、dream-dreamed/dreamt、drink-drunk、drive-driven、eat-eaten、fall-fallen。不规则动词的一些用法:1、用于过去的动作或状态,例如:I went to the store yesterday。 (我昨天去了商店。)2、用于完成时态,例如:I have ridden this bike many times。 (我已经骑过这辆自行车很多次。)3、用于被动语态,例如:The movie was watched by millions of people.。(这个电影被数百万人观看过。)4、用于副词或形容词中,例如:He had a broken arm.。(他的胳膊断了。)4、用于短语动词中,例如:She gave up smoking。 (她戒烟了。)不规则动词的概述1、不规则动词是一类在动词变化过程中不符合一般规律的动词,不规则动词的过去式和过去分词形式不符合任何规律,而是由非常固定的形式组成。这些动词的表达方式和规则动词不同,需要特别记忆和学习。2、不规则动词在英语语言中非常常见,而且使用频率较高。例如,"be","go","eat","see" 等动词都是不规则动词。这些动词具有多种含义,在英语中有广泛的应用。3、需要注意的是,掌握不规则动词对于学好英语至关重要。记忆和理解这些动词的意义和用法并能够正确地运用它们,可以帮助你更好地理解英语语言结构,提高你的英语水平,并且让你的英语表达更为地自然和流畅。

初三上册英语irregular verbs的汉语意思

irregular verbs 不规则动词 irregular[英][u026au02c8regju0259lu0259(r)][美][u026au02c8ru025bɡju0259lu025a] adj.不规则的,不对称的; 无规律的; 不合规范的,不合法的; 不规则变化的; n.非正规军军人; 不规则物; 不合规格的产品; 。

non-action verbs是指哪些词?

can must should will would could shall be

plural verbs 和 singular verbs 是什么意思啊??


什么是linking verbs?举几个例子。

系动词(一)系动词包括be动词和半系动词。(二)半系动词的用法:1. 常见的半系动词有:get (变得), turn (变得), grow (变得), become (变得), fall (变得), look (看起来), sound (听起来), feel (摸起来), smell (闻起来), taste (尝起来), keep (保持), stay (保持), remain (保持), seem (似乎)等。2. 半系动词的特点: (1)半系动词在疑问、否定、倒装时,跟实义动词一样,都是借助于助动词。如 Do they look young? (疑问) / I didn"t feel very well yesterday. (否定) / That sounds interesting, doesn"t it? (倒装)(2)半系动词后面可接形容词,这一点是实义动词所不具备的,它更象be动词,所以被称作半系动词。如 The cake tastes delicious. (3)半系动词通常不用被动语态。如 The house looks big.

什么叫finite verbs(限定动词)

限定动词又叫谓语动词,在句中充当谓语,在人称和数上必须和主语保持一致,同时还表现出时态、语态和语气的变化。例如:I play basketball.He plays basketball.They played basketball yesterday.The cars are made in China.英语上根据动词在句法上是否受到主语的限定,英语动词有可以分为限定动词(Finite Forms of Verbs)和非限定动词(Non-Finite Forms of Verbs)。非限定动词,又叫非谓语动词,在句中不能单独充当谓语(但可以和情态动词或助动词一起充当谓语),它们不受主语的限定,没有人称和数的变化,具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,在句中可以充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语等。同时非限定动词也保留了动词的部分特征,有时态和语态的变化,也可以有自己的宾语、表语、状语等,构成非限定动词短语,在逻辑意义上也有其动作的执行者或承受者,叫非限定动词的逻辑主语(Logical Subjects)。英语非限定动词有三种基本形式:不定式(Infinitives)、现在分词(-ing分词)(ing Participles)和过去分词(即-ed分词)(ed Participles)。不定式:I was delighted to meet him.现在分词:He walked down the hill, singing softly to himself. 过去分词:She can"t make herself understood in English.

什么叫finite verbs(限定动词)?

限定动词又叫谓语动词,在句中充当谓语,在人称和数上必须和主语保持一致,同时还表现出时态、语态和语气的变化。例如:I play basketball.He plays basketball.They played basketball yesterday.The cars are made in China.英语上根据动词在句法上是否受到主语的限定,英语动词有可以分为限定动词(Finite Forms of Verbs)和非限定动词(Non-Finite Forms of Verbs)。非限定动词,又叫非谓语动词,在句中不能单独充当谓语(但可以和情态动词或助动词一起充当谓语),它们不受主语的限定,没有人称和数的变化,具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,在句中可以充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语等。同时非限定动词也保留了动词的部分特征,有时态和语态的变化,也可以有自己的宾语、表语、状语等,构成非限定动词短语,在逻辑意义上也有其动作的执行者或承受者,叫非限定动词的逻辑主语(Logical Subjects)。英语非限定动词有三种基本形式:不定式(Infinitives)、现在分词(-ing分词)(ing Participles)和过去分词(即-ed分词)(ed Participles)。不定式:I was delighted to meet him.现在分词:He walked down the hill, singing softly to himself. 过去分词:She can"t make herself understood in English.


irregular verbs不规则动词irregular verbs不规则动词; 例句:1.It turned out he was only interested in her German irregular verbs.2.The frequency rule appears not to be restricted to irregular verbs, however

regular verbs意思

regular verbs:规则动词irregular verbs:不规则动词

stative verbs有哪些?

stative verbs(静态动词)表示状态通常不用于进行时态,以下是一些单词中常见的stative verbs:be(是)seem(似乎)feel(感觉)appear(出现)have(拥有)belong(属于)like(喜欢)dislike(不喜欢)love(爱)hate(讨厌)know(知道)understand(理解)believe(相信)think(想)recognize(认出)remember(记得)forget(忘记)需要注意的是,某些动词可以同时为stative verbs和Dynamic verb(动态动词),具体情况还需根据上下文确定

谁能为我讲解下非行为动词(Non-Action Verbs)

情态动词 can must should will would could shall be动词 be is am are was were 感官动词 如 sound feel taste look smell ... 用于进行时要根据语境和时态而定,表示正在进行的动作就用进行时

irregular verbs是什么意思

irregular verbs:不规则动词

八年级下册牛津英语lrregular verbs的翻译


irregular verbs是什么意思?

irregular verbs的意思是不规则动词,就是指过去式和过去分词不是按照一般规则变化的动词。不规则动词有很多,例如:begin, 过去式和过去分词都是began.see, 过去式是saw, 过去分词是seen.take, 过去式是took, 过去分词是taken.

片语动词 (Phrasal verbs)|take off、hold up、fill out、blow up

很多片语动词(phrasal verbs)通常一字多义,在阅读文章或收看电视节目时,我们时常需要很快地判断出在某个语境之下的片语动词所拥有的涵义,以免要花很长时间阅读或跟不上剧情。 Go Natural English的讲师Gabby Wallace在影片中提出了四个日常生活常见的片语动词:take off、hold up、fill out、blow up,下次见到这些片语动词时,就可以一句后面所接的受词来理解整个句子罗! 1. Take off 脱去(衣物)、(飞机)起飞 e.g. Please take off your shoes before you e in. 进来之前请先脱掉你的鞋子。 e.g. The plane will take off on time. 飞机将准时起飞。 2. Hold up 延误、抬起来、抢劫 e.g. The airplane hold up on departure. 这班飞机延误起飞。 e.g. Please hold up your right hand. 请举起你的右手。 e.g. Those people in the photos held up the bank last night. 照片中的那些人昨晚抢劫银行。 3. Fill out 填写 (申请书等)、发胖 e.g. She fills out a form before the interview. 她在面试之前先填写了表格。 4. Blow up 炸毁;勃然大怒 e.g. The criminal blew up the building. 那位罪犯炸毁了整栋大楼。 e.g. His mom blew up about his words. 他的妈妈因为他的话而大发脾气。 blow up, blow up 中文, blow up 意思, blow up 用法, blow up 翻译, blow up 英文例句, fill out, fill out 中文, fill out 意思, fill out 用法, fill out 翻译, fill out 英文例句, hold up, hold up 中文, hold up 意思, hold up 用法, hold up 翻译, hold up 英文例句, phrasal verb, take off, take off 中文, take off 意思, take off 片语, take off 用法, take off 英文例句, 勃然大怒 英文, 填写 英文, 延误 英文, 抢劫 英文, 炸毁 英文, 发胖 英文, 起飞 英文

英语,什么是nonaction verbs,这些单词有哪些?

就是那些不能表示正在进行的动作的词(也就是不能用现在进行时)non-action verb 通常反映一个事物的状态,常用的有like, seem, appear, taste, sound等等。例句:Mr. Tactful is seeming like a nice guy.(Wrong!)Mr. Tactful seems like a nice guy.(Correct)This salad is tasting delicious.(Wrong!)This salad tastes delicious.(Correct)I am liking banana cream pie.(Wrong!)I like banana cream pie.(Correct)


你好,高兴帮助你。请采纳,谢谢!!!irregular verbs 意思是:不规则动词irregular 是regular的反义词, 意思是:不规则的verbs是verb的复数,意思是:动词

英语,什么是nonaction verbs,这些单词有哪些

你好,他表示不能用进行时的动词。不能用进行时的动词1) 表示状态的动词,如be, seem, appear, become, get等。He is being a used-car dealer.(误)He is a used-car dealer.(正)She is seeming always about to smile.(误)She seems always about to smile.(正)2) 表示表示感觉或感情的词动词,如see(看见), hear(听见),feel(感觉出), taste(尝出),smell(闻到), seem, notice, hate, love, like, want, wish, refuse, prefer, forgive等。如:等。 The medicine is tasting bitter. (误)The medicine tastes bitter. (正)I was seeing a car passing by our house. (误)I saw a car passing by our house. (正)This cake smells wonderful.这蛋糕闻起来很香。(不说This cake is smelling...)He hears much better after an operation. 手术后他的听力强多了。(不说He is hearing...)这些动词之所以不用于进行时态,是因为这些感官的感觉是无意识的。如果这些动词表示有意识的行为,则可以用于进行时态。试比较:She was smelling scent at one counter while I was buying some medicine at another. 她在一个柜台闻着香水,我在另一个柜台买药。(因为此处smell为有意识的行为,所以用进行时态) The clerk sprayed her with some scent and she smelt like a scent shop herself the whole evening.店员给她的身上 喷了些香水,整个晚上她的身上像香水店一样散发着香气。(因为此处smell表示无意识的行为,所以不用进行时态)但是,如果这些动词词义改变,就可以用于进行时态。例如:① hearI shall be hearing some new applications for the choir this afternoon. 今天下午我将对新加入合唱队的人进行审听。(hear在此表示“审听”)② feel如果feel用来表示身体状况和心情,则可以用于进行时态和非进行时态。例如: How are you feeling now?(feel在此表示身体的感觉) How do you feel now? ③ seesee的有些用法不表示“视觉”,所以都可以用进行时态。如:He is seeing a new secretary.他正在会见秘书。He is seeing his mother home. 他送母亲回家。They are seeing to your matter now.他们正在处理你的事情。3)表示存在或所属拥有的词,如:exist, stay, remain, obtain, have, form, contain, own, possess, belong, contain, hold等。 Mr Zhu now has(possesses,owns)a very smart car. 朱先生现在有一部非常时髦的车。 This drawer contains(holds)all the love letters we own. 这抽屉装着我们所有的情书He is owning a luxurious car. (误)He owns a luxurious car. (正)The book is belonging to her. (误)The book belongs to her.(正)4) 表示思想状况、态度、认识,猜想或理解的动词,如believe, think, know, understand, agree, approve, consider, expect, forget, guess, hesitate, hope, imagine, mean, realize, remember, suppose(猜想), trust, want, wish, doubt (怀疑)

“non-action verbs”是什么意思?

non-action verbs非行为动词就这个意思丰富不了了



stative verbs有哪些

stative verbs(静态动词)表示状态通常不用于进行时态,以下是一些单词中常见的stative verbs:be(是)seem(似乎)feel(感觉)appear(出现)have(拥有)belong(属于)like(喜欢)dislike(不喜欢)love(爱)hate(讨厌)know(知道)understand(理解)believe(相信)think(想)recognize(认出)remember(记得)forget(忘记)需要注意的是,某些动词可以同时为stative verbs和Dynamic verb(动态动词),具体情况还需根据上下文确定


bererevrevsverbverbs====== 动词 有 come,go,read,say,do,make,write, listen,dance,sing,,,,,



non-finite verbs是什么意思?英文表达?详细的

Non-finite verb or verbal is a verb that does not have to agree with the subject.Examples: The polar bear has a lot to fear from people.There are three types of non-finite verbs:-Gerunds: Gerunds look like present participles bu they function as nouns.-Participles: Both present and past participles function as adjectives.-Infinitives: To-infinitives can function as nouns,adjectives,or adverbs. In some cases,an infinitive without "to"(bare infinitive) should be used.

什么叫finite verbs(限定动词)

指的是一种句子成分:谓语动词。In English grammar, a finite verb is a form of a verb that (a) shows agreement with a subject and (b) is marked for tense. Nonfinite verbs are not marked for tense and do not show agreement with a subject. If there is just one verb in a sentence, that verb is finite.

9 个「carry」的片语动词(Phrasal verbs)大集合!

「carry」作为及物动词时,意思是「拿;提」,作为不及物动词时,依据后面接上的介系词,会有同的字义。因此,英文老师 Adam 在 Engvid 上介绍了9个「carry」的动词片语,让大家可以清楚分辨这些小单字大差异。 1. carry on 继续;(习俗 / 习惯)传承;(英式)继续讲 e.g Rescue operations were carried on in spite of the storm.尽管现在暴风雨,救灾行动仍持续进行着。 2. carry on with 和…调情;和…发展感情 e.g She"s carrying on with her boss . 她和老板有暧昧关系。 3. carry over (因为尚未结束而)择期再议 That habit carries over from her childhood. 那个习惯她从小保持至今。 4. carry back 忆起 e.g The beautiful scenery carried me back to my home country. 美丽的景色使我想起了自己的祖国。 5. carry around 带有(情感包袱);将…抱来抱去 6. carry off 完成;带走 e.g Carry this pen off , please . 请把这只笔带走。 7. carry out 进行;(英式)食物外带 e.g He doesn"t have the funds to carry out his design. 他没有足够资金实践他的设计。 8. carry forward 将…移至… 9. be carried away 被…影响 e.g The spectators were carried away by the appeal to their patrioti *** . 观众被爱国主义影响着。 be carried away, be carried away 中文, be carried away 意思, be carried away 用法, be carried away 翻译, be carried away 英文例句, carried away, carry, carry around, carry around 中文, carry around 意思, carry around 用法, carry around 翻译, carry around 英文例句, carry away, carry back, carry back 中文, carry back 意思, carry back 用法, carry back 翻译, carry back 英文例句, carry forward, carry forward 中文, carry forward 意思, carry forward 用法, carry forward 翻译, carry forward 英文例句, carry off, carry off 中文, carry off 意思, carry off 用法, carry off 翻译, carry off 英文例句, carry on with, carry on with 中文, carry on with 意思, carry on with 用法, carry on with 翻译, carry on with 英文例句, carry on 中文, carry on 意思, carry on 用法, carry on 翻译, carry on 英文例句, carry out, carry out 中文, carry out 意思, carry out 用法, carry out 翻译, carry out 英文例句, carry over, carry over 中文, carry over 意思, carry over 用法, carry over 翻译, carry over 英文例句, carry 中文, carry 意思, carry 片语, carry 用法, carry 翻译, carry 英文片语, carry-on, 拿 英文, 提 英文

progressive verbs(+ing)是什么意思

进行时态的动词加ing 不是进行时态的动词

英语中的词组(Phrase)和动词短语(Phrasal Verbs),用法上有什么区别?


“the genius wit and spirit of a nation are discovered in its proverbs.” ?

这句箴言出自Francis Bacon 1561-1626 British Philosopher Essayist Statesman弗朗西斯·培根 1561 - 1626 英国 哲学家 散文家 政治家

求关于idioms proverbs and sayings 的区别 用英文

idiom--习语,一般是短语proverb--格言,书面语,有寓意的句子saying--说法,包括idiom, proverb在类,用的最广

proverbs in latin American Talk 译文


proverbs 31:30什么意思


什么是compound verbs

一个主语搭配多个动词就叫compound verbs(复合动词)

求一篇介绍English Proverbs(英语谚语)的英语作文!

这句话不同的翻译,你自己把这句话改下就可以了1、Haste Makes WasteThe proverb "Haste makes waste" means that one may delay the time to complete one thing if he rushes to do it, because he may neglect something important in the process and has to do it again from the beginning. So one should do every step well.Take remembering English words for example, every student wants to enlarge his vocabulary. But this aim cannot be achieved in one or two days. You should stick to remem bering some words a day and revise the words every few days. In this way you can keep the words in your mind firmly. There is mo shortcut. If you want to stuff all the words into your brain and mot to revise them, you will remember nothing. So don"t be hasty. Haste makes waste.欲速则不达“欲速则不达”这句谚语是说一个人如果急于去完成某件事,那么他可能会延误完成的时间,因为在做事的过程中他可能忽略一些重要的事情而不得不重新开始。所以要做好每一步。以记英语单词为例,每一个学生都想扩大单词量。但是这个目标并不是一两天就能够达到的。你应该坚持每天记忆几个单词,每隔几天重温一下这些单词,通过这种方法你就可以牢牢记住这些单问。世上没有捷径。如果你想一下子就将这些单词塞到你的脑子里,不再温习,你会什么也记不住。所以不要匆忙,欲速则不达。2、 "haste makes waste" is an english proverb which has equivalent expressions in many languages. it has become a precept whose value is universally accepted. this proverb can be verified by many other proverbs"there is no royal road in learning", "rome was not built in a day". anyway it means that one should not be overanxious for quick results, otherwise he will fail. if one wants to be a scholar, he should make persistent efforts, burying himself in books. if he wants to take sa shortcut, he will never become a scholar.if one wants to be president of a country, he should first display his remarkable ability in his routine work so that his ability will be recognized and accepted by others. however, if he is impatient for success, he will never realize his goal. if a man courts a woman, he should ry to win her love gradually. he should not expect tto win her heart within a day, otherwise he will never get true love. in conclusion, one should follow in order and advance step by step and should not be impatient for success, otherwise he will suffer a setback.“欲速则不达”是英语谚语表达了相当于在许多语言。它已成为一个概念,其价值是公认的。 这个谚语可以验证其他许多谚语: “没有皇家道学习” , “罗马不是一日建成的” 。反正这意味着,一个不应该overanxious立竿见影的效果,否则他会失败。如果想成为一个学者,他应该作出坚持不懈的努力,埋葬自己的书籍。如果他想采取山捷径,他将永远不会成为一个学者。 如果想成为一个国家的总统,他应该首先显示他非凡的能力在他的日常工作,使他有能力将得到承认和接受他人。不过,如果他急于求成,他将永远不会实现自己的目标。如果一个男人法院一女,他应该里赢得她的爱情逐渐。他不应该期望tto赢得她的心也在一天之内完成,否则他就永远无法获得真正的爱情。 总之,应该遵循的秩序,并一步一步,不应急于求成,否则他将遭受挫折。3、Haste makes waste“Haste makes waste” means that one should do everything step by step. One should make full preparations before beginning any task. Even simple things that we rush to complete them, we may neglect some important stages For example, without a good command of pronunciation in English, we will never hope to speak in a good way. Similarly, if we don"t learn to spell accurately and to acquire a basic grammar, we will never successes in writing good compositions.In a word, it is essential for us to lay a solid foundation on our studies or work; we must do everything carefully and not hurry. At every step, review what has been achieved and assess the problems before towards to the next step. So we must remember: “Rome was not built in a day”

求关于idioms proverbs and sayings 的区别 用英文 用中文也行 最好是英文

idiom--习语,一般是短语 proverb--格言,书面语,有寓意的句子 saying--说法,包括idiom,proverb在类,用的最广

Forming Verbs................

1. horrified (这是vt. 因为你们是被那些情景吓惊 所以是被动式的 而horror是noun) 2. horror (这里一定是用noun - "...fills me with [something]") 3. lost (loss 是 noun lose 是动词 因为你知道了结果 那一定是过去式 所以要转作lost) 4. loss (这里要用的是noun "a great loss" = 很大的损失) 5. pare (这是verb parison是noun 别人去比较你和你的孖生姐妹是一个动作 所以要用动词 而用现在式便可) 参考: 自己 1) horrified 2) horror 3) lost 4) loss 5) paring Explanation: 1) 用既一定系动词 (horrify),因为形容紧,所以唔可以用名词 (horror)。 而系were之后既动词一定要变动,由于we系被吓,而唔系主动去吓人, 所以用既系horrified (被动),而唔系horring (主动)。 2) fills "somebody" with horror 系一个fixed phrase,意思系令某人十分惊惶。 3) 由于China team输左,而「输左」这个是一个动作﹑行为, 所以用动词 (lose) 而唔系名词 (loss)。 亦因为China team已经输左,所以用过去式- lost 而唔系infinitive- lose。 4) a 之后用的都是名词,所以用 loss (名词) 而唔系 lose (动词)。 5) 句子的意思是,我讨厌别人作比较,「作比较」是一种行为 (action), 所以要用动词- pare 而唔系名词- parison。 当有两个于一起的动词的时候,除非系fixed phrase,如果唔系第二个动词应该要变动。 由于这个「比较」是形容别人所作出的比较,而不是自己被比较, 所以用的是paring (主动) 而非 pared (被动)。 参考: 自己~~ 希望你明白我个explanation la~~ ^^


IRREGULAR VERBS((((不规则动词不规则动词不规则动词不规则动词)))) 动词原形 过去式 过去分词 -ing形式 am was been being are were been being arise arose arisen arising awake awoke, awaked awoken, awaked awaking be was, were been being bear bore borne, born bearing beat beat beaten, beat beating become became become becoming begin began begun beginning bend bent bent bending bleed bled bled bleeding blow blew blown blowing break broke broken breaking bring brought brought bringing build built built building burn burnt, burned burnt, burned burning buy bought bought buying can could — — cast cast cast casting catch caught caught catching choose chose chosen choosing come came come coming cost cost cost costing cut cut cut cutting deal dealt dealt dealing dig dug dug digging do, does did done doing draw drew drawn drawing dream dreamed, dreamt dreamed, dreamt dreaming drink drank drunk drinking drive drove driven driving eat ate eaten eating还要再说

a graded adjective 是什么意思?Some adjectives can be graded with adverbs如何理解?

一些形容词是由副词渐渐变化而来的. grade 动词有渐渐转变,发展的 意思。

adverbs of sequence是什么意思

adverbs of sequence 副词的序列 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可.

急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!英文Prepositions or Adverbs

Mr and Mrs Wong were planning to go _to_ the place where they grew _up_. They decided _to go there _on_ Sunday. _On_ the way they looked _at_ the beautiful view _of_ Lantau Island. After they reached the pier they walked _around_ Lantau Island. They saw some people playing _in_ the beach_with_ their beach ball. They kept walking on the footpath. Before they reached their old house they pointed _to_ some special places _for_ their daughter Emily. They showed her a big tree where they used _to_ meet each other after dinner. It was not far away _from_ the pier. Every morning Mrs Wong used _to_ buy food _at_ the street stall. _In_ the afternoon Mrs Wong played _with_ shells_in_ school. Sometimes she made some musical instruments _with_ waste materials. At that time Mr Wong exclaimed and he pointed _to_ a stream and said that he used to camp _by_ that stream. After they walked _up_ the stream they had a rest _under_ a big tree. Mrs Wong wiped her sweat _with_ her handkerchief. “The time went _by_ quickly. It"s about enty years from now. I enjoyed the life _in_ the past. I enjoyed playing football _with_ my friends _in_ the football pitch. I enjoyed walking _in_ the park _with_ your mom. I enjoyed swimming _in_ the beach _with_ your uncle. Now we all moved _to_ urban areas in H.K. We are very busy. Your uncle lives _in_ the housing estate near Shek Kip Mei and I have moved _to_Hung Hom _for_ ten years after marriage. We live _in_ high-rise building.” said Mr Wong. Mr and Mrs Wong were planning to go _to_ the place where they grew _up_. They decided _to_ go there _on_ Sunday. _On_ the way they looked _at_ the beautiful view _on_ Lantau Island. After they reached the pier they walked _around_ Lantau Island. They saw some people playing _on_ the beach_with_ their beach ball. They kept walking on the footpath. Before they reached their old house they pointed _out_ some special places _for_ their daughter Emily. They showed her a big tree where they used _to_ meet each other after dinner. It was not far away _from_ the pier. Every morning Mrs Wong used _to_ buy food _at_ the street stall. _In_ the afternoon Mrs Wong played _with_ shells_at_ school. Sometimes she made some musical instruments _of_ waste materials. At that time Mr Wong exclaimed and he pointed _to_ a stream and said that he used to camp _near_ that stream. After they walked _along_ the stream they had a rest _under_ a big tree. Mrs Wong wiped her sweat _with_ her handkerchief. “The time went _by_ quickly. It"s about enty years from now. I enjoyed the life _in_ the past. I enjoyed playing football _with_ my friends _at_ the football pitch. I enjoyed walking _around_ the park _with_ your mom. I enjoyed swimming _at_ the beach _with_ your uncle. Now we all moved _to_ urban areas in H.K. We are very busy. Your uncle lives _in_ the housing estate near Shek Kip Mei and I have moved _to_Hung Hom _for_ ten years after marriage. We live _in_ high-rise building.” said Mr Wong.

英语 adverbs of frequency

Adverb of frequency = (表示)屡次,多次的副词. always = 总是,(100% 时间);(如果用此字,表示100%的时间都做那件事;) Usually=一般,(可能80%可能去做) Often=经常(50%的时间吧) Sometimes =有时(小于50%,可能20%以下) Never =从不,从没有(0%)(一次都没做) 把表示多次的副词放在主要动词之前,除非应该放在动词后的.(练习哪些副词应放在动词前,哪些一定放在动词后)

adjective and adverbs中文翻译

Obviously , he can " t tell the difference beeen adjectives and adverbs 显然他无法区别形容词和副词。 Therefore , we take a look at the pst of adjectives and adverbs to quapty the movement 形式)主语+动词+形容词+表示趋势的名词+时间状语。 We have revised numerals , prepositions , pronouns , conjunctions , adjectives and adverbs before 前一阶段,我们已经复习了数词、介词、代词、连词、形容词与副词。 These sentences are posed largely of nouns and verbs , have few adjectives and adverbs , and rely on repetition and rhythm for much of their effect 这种句子主要由名词与动词组成,极少带有形容词及副词,并以重复句法及韵律感制造效果。 She discusses parts of speech , basic sentence patterns , verbs , nouns , adjectives and adverbs , prepositions , relative clauses , imperative sentences , and so on 内容包括词类、基本句型、动词、名词、形容词与副词、介词、关系子句、祈使句等等。

put the verbs in brackets


Complete the sentences with the given verbs in

1. happened has been driving 2. to disrespect 3. not to see 4. taking buying 5. hitting 6. doesn"t go will 1. since引导的时间从句通常用一般过去时,主句通常用完成时态,介词of后跟动名词,故本题空格处填happened,has been,driving。 2. 本题的含义为我并不是有意要不尊重你,mean to do表示有益做某事的含义,故本题空格处填to disrespect。 3. pretend not to do sth表示假装不做某事的含义,故本题空格处填not to see。 4. spend+时间+doing表示某人花费多长时间做某事的含义,considering doing sth表示考虑做某事的含义,故本题空格处填taking,buying。 5. avoid doing sth表示避免做某事的含义,故本题空格处填hitting。 6. 本句回答语的含义为如果Emmy不去,我也不去,if后跟将来使用一般现在时,故否定形式用didn"t,表示和另一个一样不做某事可用neither+助动词+人称,本题回答语主句为将来时,结构为will+动词原形,故助动词为will,故本题空格处填doesn"t go,will。